Paul Watson...?
(too old to reply)
2005-12-15 07:48:14 UTC
iz dis da same dooz screwing wit Native Whaling tribes?

"A founder of Greenpeace, "Captain" Watson has tried a variety of
confrontational tactics to stop those he opposes. Some of those tactics
are the straightforward methods employed by all activists. Others seem
to be a bit more in line with Wounded Knee in 1973 (where he, by the
way, was involved as a medic for the Native Americans) - ramming ships
and firing shotguns at fishermen. But, he packs quite a punch from his
home in Ketchican, Alaska"


he'z on da Eco-Terroritz Watch List...
2005-12-15 07:52:15 UTC
probly good friendz wit "Country Girl"...
2005-12-15 19:43:57 UTC
Same racist piece of shit, Flint. Oh, and he was not a co-founder of
Greenpeace. He joined up after they were formed and they didn't trust
him too much cause he was always talking trash about violence and
stuff. Kinda the way some Fed infiltrators of AIM used to do...

He's been PO"ed at the Sierra Club since they decided to take no stand
on the Makah whaling issue.

And as for his claiming to be a medic and hero at WKII, uh, gee, how
come no one who was THERE remember him??
2005-12-15 20:04:19 UTC
Post by r***@bigmailbox.net
And as for his claiming to be a medic and hero at WKII, uh, gee, how
come no one who was THERE remember him??
Don't forget: As far as Flint's concerned, Dick Wilson
could do no wrong.
2005-12-16 00:43:04 UTC
actually what i said B waz DW waz a FUCKUP!

did you not read dat rite?

I further said he dropped da ball...

N da Ballz i'z talkin bout iz Law & Order, Safety & Security in our
Native communities...

course...since you bin spoon fed by E-Liez...it figurez dat trash come
outta U...

2005-12-16 00:47:56 UTC
go back to yer bookz Ivory Towerz Boi...check back in a few yearz and
buy yer way in...it'll cost ya...
2005-12-16 00:51:03 UTC
monica put hiz name in my brain and when i saw it again, it
clicked...didn't know much bout him otherwize...

now i doez...
2005-12-16 00:54:05 UTC
thankz redbear...
2005-12-16 01:01:26 UTC
daz what i tot...yepper...

he got da profile allright...
2005-12-18 21:47:05 UTC
Watson has always smelled like a fed to me. In one of his books he
wrote of his trip to Russia to harrass Native Whalers there. The Coast
Guard allowed him to dock at their bases all the way up the coast. They
also provided him with fuel. If he's telling the truth it sounds like
they consider him one of theirs. He also escapes arrests while everyone
around him is charged. During Makah Whaling protests he sent in women
on jet skis to harrass the Makah. He also sent his wife ashore in Neah
Bay, sparking a confrontation. She claims to have been thrown into the
water by the Makah. Oops! There was a photo of her going butt-first
into the water. She was on the pier by herself. No Makah, nor anyone
else nearby. During this fiasco, Captain Blowhard was safe on his ship
shouting inanities through his bull horn. He's the Doug Durham of the
environmentalists. He has caused a permanent rift between Indians and
antiwhalers. He claims to have been at Wounded Knee for 72 days. He
claims to have been at the meeting where we got our dual citizenship
cards. Yet he also claims to have walked in the day after. No on second
thought he claims to have crawled on his belly all the way in. He says
he tied sagebrush on himself for camoflage. I guess the FBI and
Marshalls didn't get suspicious of a moving bush. He promotes violence
and racism. He has done more damage to the environmental movement than
Post by F***@hotmail.com
iz dis da same dooz screwing wit Native Whaling tribes?
"A founder of Greenpeace, "Captain" Watson has tried a variety of
confrontational tactics to stop those he opposes. Some of those tactics
are the straightforward methods employed by all activists. Others seem
to be a bit more in line with Wounded Knee in 1973 (where he, by the
way, was involved as a medic for the Native Americans) - ramming ships
and firing shotguns at fishermen. But, he packs quite a punch from his
home in Ketchican, Alaska"
he'z on da Eco-Terroritz Watch List...
2005-12-19 02:38:24 UTC
probly Flushed da "Country Girl"...

(ie, da eco-terrorists who deyz bin grabbing lately...)
2005-12-20 21:07:09 UTC

More on Country Girl and her Compadres, the antiwhalers who fought the
Makah. A few months ago when they started after Jake Conroy, he told us
on my list that we had better get involved and support him. He said we
were next. Poor boy didn't research Cappy's tales of heroics at Wounded
Knee. We got taken out 30 years ago. Of course that was before he was
born. Their white privilege and trust funds may not help him. But then
again money can buy most everything. Including justice and injustice.
Post by F***@hotmail.com
probly Flushed da "Country Girl"...
(ie, da eco-terrorists who deyz bin grabbing lately...)
2005-12-20 21:12:54 UTC
Grand Jury Protest Chants
Call and answer:

When innocent activists are under attack, what do we do?... act up,
fight back!

When civil liberties are under attack, what do we do?... act up, fight

The real terrorists in the world today are... the FBI and the CIA

Secret hearings, FBI lies... this is how our freedom dies

Secret hearings, FBI lies... we will never compromise

Grand Jury... witch hunt
please contact us if you know other anti-Grand Jury/ Government
Harassment/ pro-Free Speech chants!

Forgot this part. Maybe we could all learn these and go support Jake
and Jonathon. They're from Ocean Defense International. Jake was
convicted of throwing lit flares at the Makah Canoe. Excuse me, I
forgot he corrected me. Jake was convicted of driving the vehicle while
his partner Josh Conroy threw the lit flares.

I am having so much fun with this. rotflmao!
2005-12-20 21:38:11 UTC
From my friend Peter on the Yabis, Makah whaling discussion list.
I'm extremely opposed to both PETA and the whole FBI "domestic
terrorism" witch hunt. A plague on both their houses. PETA asked for
it, though.


FBI Papers Show Terror Inquiries Into PETA; Other Groups Tracked

By Spencer S. Hsu

Washington Post Staff Writer

Tuesday, December 20, 2005; A11

FBI counterterrorism investigators are monitoring domestic U.S.
advocacy groups engaged in antiwar, environmental, civil rights and
other causes, the American Civil Liberties Union charged yesterday as
it released new FBI records that it said detail the extent of the

The documents, disclosed as part of a lawsuit that challenges FBI
treatment of groups that planned demonstrations at last year's
political conventions, show the bureau has opened a preliminary
terrorism investigation into People for the Ethical Treatment of
Animals, the well-known animal rights group based in Norfolk.

The papers offer no proof of PETA's involvement in illegal activity.
But more than 100 pages of heavily censored FBI files show the agency
used secret informants and tracked the group's events for years,
including an animal rights conference in Washington in July 2000, a
community meeting at an Indiana college in spring 2003 and a planned
August 2004 protest of a celebrity fur endorser.

The documents show the FBI cultivated sources such as a "well
insulated" PETA insider, who attended the 2000 meeting to gain
credibility "within the animal rights/Ruckus movements." The FBI also
kept information on Greenpeace and the American-Arab
Anti-Discrimination Committee, the papers show.

The disclosure comes amid recent revelations about the extent of
domestic spying by the government after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist
attacks. Those disclosures include the expansion within the United
States of military intelligence and databases covering, among others,
peace activists; increased use of "national security letters" by the
FBI to examine personal records of tens of thousands of citizens; and,
most recently, warrantless eavesdropping of overseas telephone calls
and e-mails by U.S. citizens suspected of ties to terrorists.

ACLU leaders contend that the memos show that FBI and government Joint
Terrorism Task Forces across the country have expanded the definition
of domestic terrorism to people who engage in mainstream political
activity, including nonviolent protest and civil disobedience.

"The FBI should use its resources to investigate credible threats to
national security instead of spending time tracking innocent Americans
who criticize government policy, or monitoring groups that have not
broken the law," ACLU Associate Legal Director Ann Beeson said.
Previously released papers showed that the FBI kept files that
mentioned the organizations, she said, "But we didn't know that they
actually launched counterterrorism investigations into these groups."

FBI officials said that the agency is not using the threat of terrorism
to suppress domestic dissent and that is has no alternative but to
investigate if a group or its members have ties to others that are
guilty or suspected of violence or illegal conduct.

"As a matter of policy, the FBI does not target individuals or
organizations for investigation because of any political belief.
Somewhere, there has to be a crime attached," FBI spokesman John Miller
said. "At the same time, the fact that you have ties to an organization
or political beliefs does not make you immune from ending up in FBI
files when you go and commit a crime."

The status of the PETA inquiry is unclear. Justice Department spokesman
Brian Roehrkasse said: "The Justice Department does not comment on or
confirm the existence of criminal investigations. All matters referred
to the department by the intelligence agencies for purposes of further
investigation are taken seriously and thoroughly reviewed."

PETA general counsel Jeff Kerr called the FBI's conduct an abuse of
power that punishes activists for speaking out.

"These documents show a disturbing erosion of freedom of association
and freedom of speech that we've taken for granted and that set us
apart from oppressive countries like the former Iraq," Kerr said,
adding that the documents show no illegal activity by PETA. "You
shouldn't have to wonder when you go to a speech at a college campus,
or when you go to a meeting, whether you're being surveilled by the
FBI. It goes back to the dark days of Nixon and the enemies list."

John Lewis, the FBI's deputy assistant director for counterterrorism,
told a Senate panel in May that environmental and animal rights
militants posed the biggest terrorist threats in the United States,
citing more than 150 pending investigations.

The ACLU said it received 2,357 pages of files on PETA, Greenpeace, the
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee and the ACLU itself. One
file referring to the committee included a contact list for students
and peace activists who attended a 2002 conference at Stanford
University aimed at ending sanctions then in place in Iraq.

The FBI has said that when it interviewed members of groups planning
demonstrations at last year's conventions, it did not yield information
into criminal activity. But the agency said the interviews were
prompted by specific threats. The latest data lay out a similar,
broader pattern regarding 150 groups whose FBI files the ACLU has asked
to see.

For example, a June 19, 2002, e-mail cites a source offering
information on Greenpeace regarding "activists who show a clear
predisposition to violate the law." Other documents contain suspicions
that PETA funds, supports or otherwise acts as a front for
"eco-terrorist" groups that use arson, bombs or vandalism, such as the
Animal Liberation Front or Earth Liberation Front.

Researcher Julie Tate contributed to this report.

© 2005 The Washington Post Company
2005-12-20 21:46:08 UTC
See what I mean. Cappy and Seashepherd are missing from the list of
environmental groups under surveillance. Shades of Doug Durham.
King Amdo
2005-12-21 01:11:10 UTC
....yes there would definitly be meshing etc between the sea sheppard
and the fbi in this field of native american tribal whale hunts (but
not the sea shepard's other work)
