Religion and Atheism
(too old to reply)
Cloud Hobbit
2018-04-03 21:13:10 UTC
http://home.mweb.co.za/it/iti04330/atheist1a.htm ON MORALITY

It's insane to take moral instructions from a god guilty of such horrendous crimes.
A do as I say not as I do god.

A perverted morality
Not only do followers believe their god to be perfectly good, but that the whole concept of morality is their god's idea. Followers believe their twisted god created morality.
They believe their god is the source of all morality, that morality is exclusively their gods' idea, that there can be no morality without this god.
This god determines all of morality.
This god is morally perfect, it is incapable of immoral behavior, even incapable of immoral thoughts, so murdering every human on this planet and sending people to infinite torture, merely for not worshipping it, is good and moral behavior.
They even go so far as to claim that morality is exclusive to the followers of this evil god. They claim a monopoly on morality and even go as far as trying to force this so called morality on the rest of humanity.
A morality that is more about worshipping their god than about not harming others.
The first four commandments of the Ten Commandments are not about not doing harm to others, but about worshipping the god.

1. You shall have no other gods before me.
This is a tactic admission that there are other gods. It doesn't deny the existence of other gods, it just commands you to make sure that old Yahweh is first on your worship list. Basically, the first commandment is about this gods' childish jealousy.
2. You shall not make for yourself a carved image.
more petty jealousy
3. You shall not take the name of the lord your god in vain.
I don't know what this means.
4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
How exactly are you supposed to keep a day 'holy'? Sprinkel it with holy water? Mainstream Christians don't take this commandment very seriously, even though it is number four on the list before thou shall not murder, yet Sunday shopping is prevalent throughout America.
None of the above have anything to do with real morality.
5. Honor your father and your mother.
6. You shall not commit adultery.
7. You shall not murder.
Only number seven on the list.
8. You shall not steal.
9. You shall not bear false witness.
10. You shall not covet.
Covet? Seldom used today, not many actually know what it means.

Christian Morality
Christians don't seem to be capable of telling right from wrong for themselves. They need to be told by their churches what is right and what is wrong.
Atheists have the intelligence to work it out themselves.

'Good people go to heaven and bad people go to hell.'
It seems that Christians have to be threatened with infinite punishment to get them to behave morally.
To behave morally out of fear of extreme punishment or for an eternal reward is fake morality.
Christian morality is based on fear and bribes.
Christian morality is a false morality.

'If people are good only because they fear punishment and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.' [Albert Einstein]

Atheist morality is real morality.
Real morality is when one acts morally without the promise of reward or the threat of punishment, out of common decency, simply because it is the rational, right thing to do. The 'golden rule' is rational, it's logical. Society runs smoother. Hypocrisy is irrational.


Worshipping violent gods leads to violent behavior
Its no wonder that the worshipers of this twisted god are capable of crusades, jihad's, inquisitions, fatwas, slavery, genocide, annihilating entire indigenous populations and taking over their countries and continents, dropping napalm bombs on villages, spaying millions of acres of forest with agent orange, blowing up the World Trade Center, etc.
It stands to reason that the worshipers of the most violent god in mythology would commit the biggest crimes in reality.
The bible was/is used to justify the Holocaust, the Crusades, the Inquisition, Spanish conquistadors, colonialism, slavery, racism, female oppression, gay bashing, the murdering of pro-choice doctors etc.

�Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.� (Blaise Pascal)

The World Trade Center Suicide Bombing
A prime example of how irrational beliefs can result in irrational behavior.
The totally irrational belief in immortality, in an afterlife in paradise being serviced by 72 virgins with continually regrowing hymens, in a god that wants people to kill and die for it, led to the irrational acts of flying passenger jets into the World Trade Center.

The greatest madness of all
The go forth and multiply doctrine of the Catholics.
Uncontrolled breeding in the middle of a population explosion is so totally irrational, it's actually insane.
Without a doubt, overpopulation is by far the most pressing problem facing this planet. The human carrying capacity of planet earth has been exceeded. We are in the middle of a population explosion crisis! It is the root cause of all the major problems facing us today. Mass poverty, mass starvation, deforestation, pollution, soil erosion, over farming, overfishing, species extinction, (in fact, overall general environmental destruction on an unprecedented scale), wars, genocide, diseases, slums, illiteracy, crime and even stress to name a few. If the current birthrate continues there will be a catastrophic environmental collapse in less than fifty years time. Our only hope is to drastically reduce the current birthrate and this can only be done through family planning and birth-control. To be anti-birth-control under the present circumstances is not just unbelievably stupid, its immoral.
A self-fulfilling prophecy
Catholics doctrine predicts a so-called �Armageddon� and their go forth and multiply doctrine is certainly helping that prophecy come true.

More madness
Opposition to safe sex campaigns in the middle of an aids epidemic. The result of the Catholic churches' opposition to safe sex campaigns is, of course, a higher aids rate and a higher birthrate. Aids then become a kind of Catholic population control! Starvation, disease, and war are direct results of overpopulation. Is this how the Catholics want to control overpopulation.
Cloud Hobbit
2018-04-03 21:13:56 UTC
Post by Cloud Hobbit
http://home.mweb.co.za/it/iti04330/atheist1a.htm ON MORALITY
It's insane to take moral instructions from a god guilty of such horrendous crimes.
A do as I say not as I do god.
A perverted morality
Not only do followers believe their god to be perfectly good, but that the whole concept of morality is their god's idea. Followers believe their twisted god created morality.
They believe their god is the source of all morality, that morality is exclusively their gods' idea, that there can be no morality without this god.
This god determines all of morality.
This god is morally perfect, it is incapable of immoral behavior, even incapable of immoral thoughts, so murdering every human on this planet and sending people to infinite torture, merely for not worshipping it, is good and moral behavior.
They even go so far as to claim that morality is exclusive to the followers of this evil god. They claim a monopoly on morality and even go as far as trying to force this so called morality on the rest of humanity.
A morality that is more about worshipping their god than about not harming others.
The first four commandments of the Ten Commandments are not about not doing harm to others, but about worshipping the god.
1. You shall have no other gods before me.
This is a tactic admission that there are other gods. It doesn't deny the existence of other gods, it just commands you to make sure that old Yahweh is first on your worship list. Basically, the first commandment is about this gods' childish jealousy.
2. You shall not make for yourself a carved image.
more petty jealousy
3. You shall not take the name of the lord your god in vain.
I don't know what this means.
4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
How exactly are you supposed to keep a day 'holy'? Sprinkel it with holy water? Mainstream Christians don't take this commandment very seriously, even though it is number four on the list before thou shall not murder, yet Sunday shopping is prevalent throughout America.
None of the above have anything to do with real morality.
5. Honor your father and your mother.
6. You shall not commit adultery.
7. You shall not murder.
Only number seven on the list.
8. You shall not steal.
9. You shall not bear false witness.
10. You shall not covet.
Covet? Seldom used today, not many actually know what it means.
Christian Morality
Christians don't seem to be capable of telling right from wrong for themselves. They need to be told by their churches what is right and what is wrong.
Atheists have the intelligence to work it out themselves.
'Good people go to heaven and bad people go to hell.'
It seems that Christians have to be threatened with infinite punishment to get them to behave morally.
To behave morally out of fear of extreme punishment or for an eternal reward is fake morality.
Christian morality is based on fear and bribes.
Christian morality is a false morality.
'If people are good only because they fear punishment and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.' [Albert Einstein]
Atheist morality is real morality.
Real morality is when one acts morally without the promise of reward or the threat of punishment, out of common decency, simply because it is the rational, right thing to do. The 'golden rule' is rational, it's logical. Society runs smoother. Hypocrisy is irrational.
Worshipping violent gods leads to violent behavior
Its no wonder that the worshipers of this twisted god are capable of crusades, jihad's, inquisitions, fatwas, slavery, genocide, annihilating entire indigenous populations and taking over their countries and continents, dropping napalm bombs on villages, spaying millions of acres of forest with agent orange, blowing up the World Trade Center, etc.
It stands to reason that the worshipers of the most violent god in mythology would commit the biggest crimes in reality.
The bible was/is used to justify the Holocaust, the Crusades, the Inquisition, Spanish conquistadors, colonialism, slavery, racism, female oppression, gay bashing, the murdering of pro-choice doctors etc.
�Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.� (Blaise Pascal)
The World Trade Center Suicide Bombing
A prime example of how irrational beliefs can result in irrational behavior.
The totally irrational belief in immortality, in an afterlife in paradise being serviced by 72 virgins with continually regrowing hymens, in a god that wants people to kill and die for it, led to the irrational acts of flying passenger jets into the World Trade Center.
The greatest madness of all
The go forth and multiply doctrine of the Catholics.
Uncontrolled breeding in the middle of a population explosion is so totally irrational, it's actually insane.
Without a doubt, overpopulation is by far the most pressing problem facing this planet. The human carrying capacity of planet earth has been exceeded. We are in the middle of a population explosion crisis! It is the root cause of all the major problems facing us today. Mass poverty, mass starvation, deforestation, pollution, soil erosion, over farming, overfishing, species extinction, (in fact, overall general environmental destruction on an unprecedented scale), wars, genocide, diseases, slums, illiteracy, crime and even stress to name a few. If the current birthrate continues there will be a catastrophic environmental collapse in less than fifty years time. Our only hope is to drastically reduce the current birthrate and this can only be done through family planning and birth-control. To be anti-birth-control under the present circumstances is not just unbelievably stupid, its immoral.
A self-fulfilling prophecy
Catholics doctrine predicts a so-called �Armageddon� and their go forth and multiply doctrine is certainly helping that prophecy come true.
More madness
Opposition to safe sex campaigns in the middle of an aids epidemic. The result of the Catholic churches' opposition to safe sex campaigns is, of course, a higher aids rate and a higher birthrate. Aids then become a kind of Catholic population control! Starvation, disease, and war are direct results of overpopulation. Is this how the Catholics want to control overpopulation.

Goes something like this; everything that exists has had a cause so therefore this universe (the big bang) must of had a cause and that cause is God. But then by the same reasoning if a god exists it would require a cause so you end up with an endless succession of gods. Theists escape the infinite regression of this reasoning by simply decreeing that this cause is supernatural and defining the supernatural as not requiring a cause. So the first cause argument starts by concluding that everything has a cause and that is why a god is needed (as a cause for this universe), and then this reasoning is turned on its head by claiming that this god does not require a cause, that this god is the 'first cause'. So causality is used to reason that there must be a god and then it is simply discarded when the obvious conclusion is reached that that god would require a cause.

A self-refuting argument
If nothing caused God, then it is possible for something to exist without a cause, refuting the premise that "everything has a cause", which was the reason for the god in the first place.

Keep it natural
We can either have an endless succession of causes, or an uncaused cause; a first cause. If you are going to have an uncaused cause surely it is far more rational that it be the universe, whose existence is not in question, rather than the added complication of a hypothesized, unprovable, supernatural entity. (Occam's razor)
Rather than solving the causal problem, a god just adds a further complication.

Space, time and energy make for a for more rational uncaused cause than a supernatural, personal, conscious, omnipotent, omniscient, immaterial, invisible god.

Religious proponents often state that the universe is too structured, ordered and complex to have spontaneously come into existence, and it therefore must be the result of intelligent design by a thinking creator. This argument does not hold water because it would take an extremely complex and therefore structured and ordered being to conceive, plan and manufacture this universe, which would then of course require an even more complex being to design and construct it, and it too, would require a thinking creator and so on ad infinitum.
So if you use the reasoning that this universe is so complex, ordered and structured that an intelligent designer is required, then so would that designer require a designer.
In other words if you require a god to make the universe then using the same reasoning you would require a god to construct that god, and a god to construct that god and.....("it�s turtles all the way down")
Theists use a god or gods to explain the existence of complexity. A god is necessarily complex so they are using complexity to explain complexity, which is no explanation at all. Logically you need to start at simplicity.
An explanation where the cause of complexity is more complex than the complexity it seeks to explain is not an explanation at all.

Pathetic Desperation
The God of the flagella (A tail like appendage used by various bacteria and other single cell organisms to propel themselves in a fluid.)
So called scientists like M. Behe and the whole Discovery Institute are on a desperate mission to find some scientific evidence, any scientific evidence at all, of a god, preferable their god.
And after searching the entire scientific universe the best that they can come up with is the flagella. So they have finally found irrefutable proof of a intellegent designer and its the flagella. Yes, Behe has searched this entire universe far and wide and all he can come up with as proof for his omnipotent god is the flagella.

A confused designer
So a god designed and created man, then he created diseases to attack man, and then he designed an immune system to help protect man from the diseases he created. This immune system keeps malfunctioning causing allergies and other autoimmune diseases.
And this designer is supposed to be intelligent.

Bad Design, Stupid Design
Every time I malfunction.
Every time I spill something, drop something, stumble, fall, forget, miscalculate, make a wrong decision, get back ache, get sick, every time my brain, nervous system or body malfunctions, is proof that I was not designed by an intelligence.
Back problems, tooth decay, allergies, asthma, arthritis, epileptic fits, migraines, diabetes etc are all indications of bad design.
Someone who designs and manufactures a machine that constantly breaks down and malfunctions is certainly not super intelligent and omnipotence is out of the question.

The arrogance of intelligent design
Some people think that they are so super duper fantastic, so wonderful that they must have been designed by an infinitely intelligent, infinitely powerful god.
Well I know I certainly wasn't.
Every time I took a shit I would seriously doubt that.

A bigger picture
"99% of all species that ever existed have gone extinct. What kind of 'exquisite design' plan is that?! Where everything you make is a screw-up? If any human design engineer had a failure rate like that, you'd have one unemployable design engineer. Yet the supposed Lord of Creation, Master of Perfection, Creator of planets, stars and galaxies, got almost everything wrong."
J. Haynes

An Evil Designer
Only an extremely malevolent designer would design diseases, or a system where diseases are possible.
The healing abilities of the human body are pathetic, for instance in brain and spinal injuries most of the end damage is a result of the bodies own response to the initial injury. This is more than bad design, its malicious design.
The fact that the spinal cord does not heal indicates a malevolent designer who wants paraplegics and quadriplegics.

An omnipotent god could have easily designed a spinal column and a brain that could heal itself after injury. The fact that they do not heal, means that the god specifically designed them that way. God wants paralyzed and brain damaged people. So to all those paraplegics, quadriplegics and brain damaged people out there, you have God to thank for your situation.

Cystic fibrosis, insanity, epileptic fits, Parkinson�s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer's Disease, senility, paraplegia, quadriplegia, cancer, childhood cancer, autism, psoriasis, eczema, tooth decay, are all indications of an extremely malicious designer.
The existence of suffering indicates a malevolent designer.

Science is trying desperately to go against God's plan and find a cure for these awful diseases and injuries.

If this world full of suffering was designed by an Intelligent Designer that designer is also an Evil Designer.

Rather no god than a malicious god.
I much prefer the idea of coincidence, of indifferent physical forces and the impersonal selection mechanisms of evolution being responsible for life, than a malicious designer.

Accountability (The buck stops here)
If you postulate an intelligent designer because you think that life is way to complex to be the result of coincidence, then this creator must be responsible for absolutely all life, so it must have created the leprosy bacteria, Hiv, ebola, the cuckoo, the tape worm, etc.

What God wants, God gets.
The creator is responsible for his creation.
An omnipotent creator is responsible for absolutely everything in his creation, if there is anything in the creation that the creator is not totally responsible for, anything that happens that the creator did not plan, then that creator is not omnipotent.
Has this universe turned out exactly like God wanted or not? if not, then God is not omnipotent. If it has, then God is an evil sadist.
2018-04-03 21:16:50 UTC
Post by Cloud Hobbit
http://home.mweb.co.za/it/iti04330/atheist1a.htm ON MORALITY
It's insane to take moral instructions from a god guilty of such horrendous crimes.
A do as I say not as I do god.
A perverted morality
Not only do followers believe their god to be perfectly good, but that the whole concept of morality is their god's idea. Followers believe their twisted god created morality.
They believe their god is the source of all morality, that morality is exclusively their gods' idea, that there can be no morality without this god.
This god determines all of morality.
This god is morally perfect, it is incapable of immoral behavior, even incapable of immoral thoughts, so murdering every human on this planet and sending people to infinite torture, merely for not worshipping it, is good and moral behavior.
They even go so far as to claim that morality is exclusive to the followers of this evil god. They claim a monopoly on morality and even go as far as trying to force this so called morality on the rest of humanity.
A morality that is more about worshipping their god than about not harming others.
The first four commandments of the Ten Commandments are not about not doing harm to others, but about worshipping the god.
1. You shall have no other gods before me.
This is a tactic admission that there are other gods. It doesn't deny the existence of other gods, it just commands you to make sure that old Yahweh is first on your worship list. Basically, the first commandment is about this gods' childish jealousy.
2. You shall not make for yourself a carved image.
more petty jealousy
3. You shall not take the name of the lord your god in vain.
I don't know what this means.
4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
How exactly are you supposed to keep a day 'holy'? Sprinkel it with holy water? Mainstream Christians don't take this commandment very seriously, even though it is number four on the list before thou shall not murder, yet Sunday shopping is prevalent throughout America.
None of the above have anything to do with real morality.
5. Honor your father and your mother.
6. You shall not commit adultery.
7. You shall not murder.
Only number seven on the list.
8. You shall not steal.
9. You shall not bear false witness.
10. You shall not covet.
Covet? Seldom used today, not many actually know what it means.
Christian Morality
Christians don't seem to be capable of telling right from wrong for themselves. They need to be told by their churches what is right and what is wrong.
Atheists have the intelligence to work it out themselves.
'Good people go to heaven and bad people go to hell.'
It seems that Christians have to be threatened with infinite punishment to get them to behave morally.
To behave morally out of fear of extreme punishment or for an eternal reward is fake morality.
Christian morality is based on fear and bribes.
Christian morality is a false morality.
'If people are good only because they fear punishment and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.' [Albert Einstein]
Atheist morality is real morality.
Real morality is when one acts morally without the promise of reward or the threat of punishment, out of common decency, simply because it is the rational, right thing to do. The 'golden rule' is rational, it's logical. Society runs smoother. Hypocrisy is irrational.
Worshipping violent gods leads to violent behavior
Its no wonder that the worshipers of this twisted god are capable of crusades, jihad's, inquisitions, fatwas, slavery, genocide, annihilating entire indigenous populations and taking over their countries and continents, dropping napalm bombs on villages, spaying millions of acres of forest with agent orange, blowing up the World Trade Center, etc.
It stands to reason that the worshipers of the most violent god in mythology would commit the biggest crimes in reality.
The bible was/is used to justify the Holocaust, the Crusades, the Inquisition, Spanish conquistadors, colonialism, slavery, racism, female oppression, gay bashing, the murdering of pro-choice doctors etc.
�Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.� (Blaise Pascal)
The World Trade Center Suicide Bombing
A prime example of how irrational beliefs can result in irrational behavior.
The totally irrational belief in immortality, in an afterlife in paradise being serviced by 72 virgins with continually regrowing hymens, in a god that wants people to kill and die for it, led to the irrational acts of flying passenger jets into the World Trade Center.
The greatest madness of all
The go forth and multiply doctrine of the Catholics.
Uncontrolled breeding in the middle of a population explosion is so totally irrational, it's actually insane.
Without a doubt, overpopulation is by far the most pressing problem facing this planet. The human carrying capacity of planet earth has been exceeded. We are in the middle of a population explosion crisis! It is the root cause of all the major problems facing us today. Mass poverty, mass starvation, deforestation, pollution, soil erosion, over farming, overfishing, species extinction, (in fact, overall general environmental destruction on an unprecedented scale), wars, genocide, diseases, slums, illiteracy, crime and even stress to name a few. If the current birthrate continues there will be a catastrophic environmental collapse in less than fifty years time. Our only hope is to drastically reduce the current birthrate and this can only be done through family planning and birth-control. To be anti-birth-control under the present circumstances is not just unbelievably stupid, its immoral.
A self-fulfilling prophecy
Catholics doctrine predicts a so-called �Armageddon� and their go forth and multiply doctrine is certainly helping that prophecy come true.
More madness
Opposition to safe sex campaigns in the middle of an aids epidemic. The result of the Catholic churches' opposition to safe sex campaigns is, of course, a higher aids rate and a higher birthrate. Aids then become a kind of Catholic population control! Starvation, disease, and war are direct results of overpopulation. Is this how the Catholics want to control overpopulation.
Mind your own fucking business, you overbearing asshole.
2018-04-03 21:48:16 UTC
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by Cloud Hobbit
http://home.mweb.co.za/it/iti04330/atheist1a.htm ON MORALITY
It's insane to take moral instructions from a god guilty of such horrendous crimes.
A do as I say not as I do god.
A perverted morality Not only do followers believe their god to be
perfectly good, but that the whole concept of morality is their god's
idea. Followers believe their twisted god created morality.
They believe their god is the source of all morality, that morality is
exclusively their gods' idea, that there can be no morality without
this god.
This god determines all of morality.
This god is morally perfect, it is incapable of immoral behavior, even
incapable of immoral thoughts, so murdering every human on this planet
and sending people to infinite torture, merely for not worshipping it,
is good and moral behavior.
They even go so far as to claim that morality is exclusive to the
followers of this evil god. They claim a monopoly on morality and even
go as far as trying to force this so called morality on the rest of
A morality that is more about worshipping their god than about not harming others.
The first four commandments of the Ten Commandments are not about not
doing harm to others, but about worshipping the god.
THE TEN COMMANDMENTS 1. You shall have no other gods before me.
This is a tactic admission that there are other gods. It doesn't deny
the existence of other gods, it just commands you to make sure that old
Yahweh is first on your worship list. Basically, the first commandment
is about this gods' childish jealousy.
2. You shall not make for yourself a carved image.
more petty jealousy 3. You shall not take the name of the lord your god
in vain.
I don't know what this means.
4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
How exactly are you supposed to keep a day 'holy'? Sprinkel it with
holy water? Mainstream Christians don't take this commandment very
seriously, even though it is number four on the list before thou shall
not murder, yet Sunday shopping is prevalent throughout America.
None of the above have anything to do with real morality.
5. Honor your father and your mother.
6. You shall not commit adultery.
7. You shall not murder.
Only number seven on the list.
8. You shall not steal.
9. You shall not bear false witness.
10. You shall not covet.
Covet? Seldom used today, not many actually know what it means.
Christian Morality Christians don't seem to be capable of telling right
from wrong for themselves. They need to be told by their churches what
is right and what is wrong.
Atheists have the intelligence to work it out themselves.
'Good people go to heaven and bad people go to hell.'
It seems that Christians have to be threatened with infinite punishment
to get them to behave morally.
To behave morally out of fear of extreme punishment or for an eternal
reward is fake morality.
Christian morality is based on fear and bribes.
Christian morality is a false morality.
'If people are good only because they fear punishment and hope for
reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.' [Albert Einstein]
Atheist morality is real morality.
Real morality is when one acts morally without the promise of reward or
the threat of punishment, out of common decency, simply because it is
the rational, right thing to do. The 'golden rule' is rational, it's
logical. Society runs smoother. Hypocrisy is irrational.
Worshipping violent gods leads to violent behavior Its no wonder that
the worshipers of this twisted god are capable of crusades, jihad's,
inquisitions, fatwas, slavery, genocide, annihilating entire indigenous
populations and taking over their countries and continents, dropping
napalm bombs on villages, spaying millions of acres of forest with
agent orange, blowing up the World Trade Center, etc.
It stands to reason that the worshipers of the most violent god in
mythology would commit the biggest crimes in reality.
The bible was/is used to justify the Holocaust, the Crusades, the
Inquisition, Spanish conquistadors, colonialism, slavery, racism,
female oppression, gay bashing, the murdering of pro-choice doctors
�Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from
religious conviction.� (Blaise Pascal)
The World Trade Center Suicide Bombing A prime example of how
irrational beliefs can result in irrational behavior.
The totally irrational belief in immortality, in an afterlife in
paradise being serviced by 72 virgins with continually regrowing
hymens, in a god that wants people to kill and die for it, led to the
irrational acts of flying passenger jets into the World Trade Center.
MORE IRRATIONAL BEHAVIOUR The greatest madness of all The go forth and
multiply doctrine of the Catholics.
Uncontrolled breeding in the middle of a population explosion is so
totally irrational, it's actually insane.
Without a doubt, overpopulation is by far the most pressing problem
facing this planet. The human carrying capacity of planet earth has
been exceeded. We are in the middle of a population explosion crisis!
It is the root cause of all the major problems facing us today. Mass
poverty, mass starvation, deforestation, pollution, soil erosion, over
farming, overfishing, species extinction, (in fact, overall general
environmental destruction on an unprecedented scale), wars, genocide,
diseases, slums, illiteracy, crime and even stress to name a few. If
the current birthrate continues there will be a catastrophic
environmental collapse in less than fifty years time. Our only hope is
to drastically reduce the current birthrate and this can only be done
through family planning and birth-control. To be anti-birth-control
under the present circumstances is not just unbelievably stupid, its
A self-fulfilling prophecy Catholics doctrine predicts a so-called
�Armageddon� and their go forth and multiply doctrine is certainly
helping that prophecy come true.
More madness Opposition to safe sex campaigns in the middle of an aids
epidemic. The result of the Catholic churches' opposition to safe sex
campaigns is, of course, a higher aids rate and a higher birthrate.
Aids then become a kind of Catholic population control! Starvation,
disease, and war are direct results of overpopulation. Is this how the
Catholics want to control overpopulation.
Mind your own fucking business, you overbearing asshole.
Thanks for the admission that you cannot answer that.
Smiler, The godless one. a.a.# 2279
All gods are tailored to order. They're made
to exactly fit the prejudices of their believers.

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2018-04-04 00:01:23 UTC
Post by Smiler
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by Cloud Hobbit
http://home.mweb.co.za/it/iti04330/atheist1a.htm ON MORALITY
It's insane to take moral instructions from a god guilty of such horrendous crimes.
A do as I say not as I do god.
A perverted morality Not only do followers believe their god to be
perfectly good, but that the whole concept of morality is their god's
idea. Followers believe their twisted god created morality.
They believe their god is the source of all morality, that morality is
exclusively their gods' idea, that there can be no morality without
this god.
This god determines all of morality.
This god is morally perfect, it is incapable of immoral behavior, even
incapable of immoral thoughts, so murdering every human on this planet
and sending people to infinite torture, merely for not worshipping it,
is good and moral behavior.
They even go so far as to claim that morality is exclusive to the
followers of this evil god. They claim a monopoly on morality and even
go as far as trying to force this so called morality on the rest of
A morality that is more about worshipping their god than about not harming others.
The first four commandments of the Ten Commandments are not about not
doing harm to others, but about worshipping the god.
THE TEN COMMANDMENTS 1. You shall have no other gods before me.
This is a tactic admission that there are other gods. It doesn't deny
the existence of other gods, it just commands you to make sure that old
Yahweh is first on your worship list. Basically, the first commandment
is about this gods' childish jealousy.
2. You shall not make for yourself a carved image.
more petty jealousy 3. You shall not take the name of the lord your god
in vain.
I don't know what this means.
4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
How exactly are you supposed to keep a day 'holy'? Sprinkel it with
holy water? Mainstream Christians don't take this commandment very
seriously, even though it is number four on the list before thou shall
not murder, yet Sunday shopping is prevalent throughout America.
None of the above have anything to do with real morality.
5. Honor your father and your mother.
6. You shall not commit adultery.
7. You shall not murder.
Only number seven on the list.
8. You shall not steal.
9. You shall not bear false witness.
10. You shall not covet.
Covet? Seldom used today, not many actually know what it means.
Christian Morality Christians don't seem to be capable of telling right
from wrong for themselves. They need to be told by their churches what
is right and what is wrong.
Atheists have the intelligence to work it out themselves.
'Good people go to heaven and bad people go to hell.'
It seems that Christians have to be threatened with infinite punishment
to get them to behave morally.
To behave morally out of fear of extreme punishment or for an eternal
reward is fake morality.
Christian morality is based on fear and bribes.
Christian morality is a false morality.
'If people are good only because they fear punishment and hope for
reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.' [Albert Einstein]
Atheist morality is real morality.
Real morality is when one acts morally without the promise of reward or
the threat of punishment, out of common decency, simply because it is
the rational, right thing to do. The 'golden rule' is rational, it's
logical. Society runs smoother. Hypocrisy is irrational.
Worshipping violent gods leads to violent behavior Its no wonder that
the worshipers of this twisted god are capable of crusades, jihad's,
inquisitions, fatwas, slavery, genocide, annihilating entire indigenous
populations and taking over their countries and continents, dropping
napalm bombs on villages, spaying millions of acres of forest with
agent orange, blowing up the World Trade Center, etc.
It stands to reason that the worshipers of the most violent god in
mythology would commit the biggest crimes in reality.
The bible was/is used to justify the Holocaust, the Crusades, the
Inquisition, Spanish conquistadors, colonialism, slavery, racism,
female oppression, gay bashing, the murdering of pro-choice doctors
�Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from
religious conviction.� (Blaise Pascal)
The World Trade Center Suicide Bombing A prime example of how
irrational beliefs can result in irrational behavior.
The totally irrational belief in immortality, in an afterlife in
paradise being serviced by 72 virgins with continually regrowing
hymens, in a god that wants people to kill and die for it, led to the
irrational acts of flying passenger jets into the World Trade Center.
MORE IRRATIONAL BEHAVIOUR The greatest madness of all The go forth and
multiply doctrine of the Catholics.
Uncontrolled breeding in the middle of a population explosion is so
totally irrational, it's actually insane.
Without a doubt, overpopulation is by far the most pressing problem
facing this planet. The human carrying capacity of planet earth has
been exceeded. We are in the middle of a population explosion crisis!
It is the root cause of all the major problems facing us today. Mass
poverty, mass starvation, deforestation, pollution, soil erosion, over
farming, overfishing, species extinction, (in fact, overall general
environmental destruction on an unprecedented scale), wars, genocide,
diseases, slums, illiteracy, crime and even stress to name a few. If
the current birthrate continues there will be a catastrophic
environmental collapse in less than fifty years time. Our only hope is
to drastically reduce the current birthrate and this can only be done
through family planning and birth-control. To be anti-birth-control
under the present circumstances is not just unbelievably stupid, its
A self-fulfilling prophecy Catholics doctrine predicts a so-called
�Armageddon� and their go forth and multiply doctrine is certainly
helping that prophecy come true.
More madness Opposition to safe sex campaigns in the middle of an aids
epidemic. The result of the Catholic churches' opposition to safe sex
campaigns is, of course, a higher aids rate and a higher birthrate.
Aids then become a kind of Catholic population control! Starvation,
disease, and war are direct results of overpopulation. Is this how the
Catholics want to control overpopulation.
Mind your own fucking business, you overbearing asshole.
Thanks for the admission that you cannot answer that.
I don't respond to barking dogs. They don't understand English..
Cloud Hobbit
2018-04-03 21:52:02 UTC
Madjoe said:
Mind your own fucking business, you overbearing asshole.

You first troll.

Meanwhile, have more of your favorite pizza.
2018-04-04 00:01:59 UTC
Post by v***@gmail.com
Mind your own fucking business, you overbearing asshole.
You first troll.
Meanwhile, have more of your favorite pizza.
Go fuck your mother in the ass you goddamn fruitcake.
Gospel TT
2018-04-04 01:19:36 UTC
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by v***@gmail.com
Mind your own fucking business, you overbearing asshole.
You first troll.
Meanwhile, have more of your favorite pizza.
Go fuck your mother in the ass you goddamn fruitcake.
Your pizza is disgusting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
2018-04-04 05:21:19 UTC
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by v***@gmail.com
Mind your own fucking business, you overbearing asshole.
You first troll.
Meanwhile, have more of your favorite pizza.
Go fuck your mother in the ass you goddamn fruitcake.
A perfect example of why ArtieJoe is universally hated/pitied in alt.atheism.
2018-04-04 06:10:36 UTC
Post by hypatiab7
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by v***@gmail.com
Mind your own fucking business, you overbearing asshole.
You first troll.
Meanwhile, have more of your favorite pizza.
Go fuck your mother in the ass you goddamn fruitcake.
A perfect example of why ArtieJoe is universally hated/pitied in alt.atheism.
You cannot prove that, idiot.
2018-04-04 06:15:59 UTC
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by hypatiab7
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by v***@gmail.com
Mind your own fucking business, you overbearing asshole.
You first troll.
Meanwhile, have more of your favorite pizza.
Go fuck your mother in the ass you goddamn fruitcake.
A perfect example of why ArtieJoe is universally hated/pitied in alt.atheism.
You cannot prove that, idiot.
Your messages do that nearly everyday.
2018-04-04 07:02:41 UTC
Post by hypatiab7
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by hypatiab7
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by v***@gmail.com
Mind your own fucking business, you overbearing asshole.
You first troll.
Meanwhile, have more of your favorite pizza.
Go fuck your mother in the ass you goddamn fruitcake.
A perfect example of why ArtieJoe is universally hated/pitied in alt.atheism.
You cannot prove that, idiot.
Your messages do that nearly everyday.
HUH? What can my messages possibly prove about the feelings of others?
You're a babbling idiot.
!! Atheist ------------------------------
2018-04-05 17:03:06 UTC
Post by hypatiab7
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by v***@gmail.com
Mind your own fucking business, you overbearing asshole.
You first troll.
Meanwhile, have more of your favorite pizza.
Go fuck your mother in the ass you goddamn fruitcake.
A perfect example of why ArtieJoe is universally hated/pitied in alt.atheism.
Yet you read his posts then, worse, you respond, dickhead.
There is no verifiable evidence of any god(s). None whatsoever.
Extortion (Believe or Burn) is *THE* foundation of Christianity.
Sycophant: a compulsive ass-kisser of un-evidenced dictator god.
2018-04-04 17:02:53 UTC
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by v***@gmail.com
Mind your own fucking business, you overbearing asshole.
You first troll.
Meanwhile, have more of your favorite pizza.
Go fuck your mother in the ass you goddamn fruitcake.

Shut your fucking mouth about my family, you filthy British pig.


Tandy, in this post:


Deleted by the hypocrite from the Google Groups archive.

Kevin R
Yap Honghor
2018-04-03 23:59:49 UTC
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by Cloud Hobbit
http://home.mweb.co.za/it/iti04330/atheist1a.htm ON MORALITY
It's insane to take moral instructions from a god guilty of such horrendous crimes.
A do as I say not as I do god.
A perverted morality
Not only do followers believe their god to be perfectly good, but that the whole concept of morality is their god's idea. Followers believe their twisted god created morality.
They believe their god is the source of all morality, that morality is exclusively their gods' idea, that there can be no morality without this god.
This god determines all of morality.
This god is morally perfect, it is incapable of immoral behavior, even incapable of immoral thoughts, so murdering every human on this planet and sending people to infinite torture, merely for not worshipping it, is good and moral behavior.
They even go so far as to claim that morality is exclusive to the followers of this evil god. They claim a monopoly on morality and even go as far as trying to force this so called morality on the rest of humanity.
A morality that is more about worshipping their god than about not harming others.
The first four commandments of the Ten Commandments are not about not doing harm to others, but about worshipping the god.
1. You shall have no other gods before me.
This is a tactic admission that there are other gods. It doesn't deny the existence of other gods, it just commands you to make sure that old Yahweh is first on your worship list. Basically, the first commandment is about this gods' childish jealousy.
2. You shall not make for yourself a carved image.
more petty jealousy
3. You shall not take the name of the lord your god in vain.
I don't know what this means.
4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
How exactly are you supposed to keep a day 'holy'? Sprinkel it with holy water? Mainstream Christians don't take this commandment very seriously, even though it is number four on the list before thou shall not murder, yet Sunday shopping is prevalent throughout America.
None of the above have anything to do with real morality.
5. Honor your father and your mother.
6. You shall not commit adultery.
7. You shall not murder.
Only number seven on the list.
8. You shall not steal.
9. You shall not bear false witness.
10. You shall not covet.
Covet? Seldom used today, not many actually know what it means.
Christian Morality
Christians don't seem to be capable of telling right from wrong for themselves. They need to be told by their churches what is right and what is wrong.
Atheists have the intelligence to work it out themselves.
'Good people go to heaven and bad people go to hell.'
It seems that Christians have to be threatened with infinite punishment to get them to behave morally.
To behave morally out of fear of extreme punishment or for an eternal reward is fake morality.
Christian morality is based on fear and bribes.
Christian morality is a false morality.
'If people are good only because they fear punishment and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.' [Albert Einstein]
Atheist morality is real morality.
Real morality is when one acts morally without the promise of reward or the threat of punishment, out of common decency, simply because it is the rational, right thing to do. The 'golden rule' is rational, it's logical. Society runs smoother. Hypocrisy is irrational.
Worshipping violent gods leads to violent behavior
Its no wonder that the worshipers of this twisted god are capable of crusades, jihad's, inquisitions, fatwas, slavery, genocide, annihilating entire indigenous populations and taking over their countries and continents, dropping napalm bombs on villages, spaying millions of acres of forest with agent orange, blowing up the World Trade Center, etc.
It stands to reason that the worshipers of the most violent god in mythology would commit the biggest crimes in reality.
The bible was/is used to justify the Holocaust, the Crusades, the Inquisition, Spanish conquistadors, colonialism, slavery, racism, female oppression, gay bashing, the murdering of pro-choice doctors etc.
�Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.� (Blaise Pascal)
The World Trade Center Suicide Bombing
A prime example of how irrational beliefs can result in irrational behavior.
The totally irrational belief in immortality, in an afterlife in paradise being serviced by 72 virgins with continually regrowing hymens, in a god that wants people to kill and die for it, led to the irrational acts of flying passenger jets into the World Trade Center.
The greatest madness of all
The go forth and multiply doctrine of the Catholics.
Uncontrolled breeding in the middle of a population explosion is so totally irrational, it's actually insane.
Without a doubt, overpopulation is by far the most pressing problem facing this planet. The human carrying capacity of planet earth has been exceeded. We are in the middle of a population explosion crisis! It is the root cause of all the major problems facing us today. Mass poverty, mass starvation, deforestation, pollution, soil erosion, over farming, overfishing, species extinction, (in fact, overall general environmental destruction on an unprecedented scale), wars, genocide, diseases, slums, illiteracy, crime and even stress to name a few. If the current birthrate continues there will be a catastrophic environmental collapse in less than fifty years time. Our only hope is to drastically reduce the current birthrate and this can only be done through family planning and birth-control. To be anti-birth-control under the present circumstances is not just unbelievably stupid, its immoral.
A self-fulfilling prophecy
Catholics doctrine predicts a so-called �Armageddon� and their go forth and multiply doctrine is certainly helping that prophecy come true.
More madness
Opposition to safe sex campaigns in the middle of an aids epidemic. The result of the Catholic churches' opposition to safe sex campaigns is, of course, a higher aids rate and a higher birthrate. Aids then become a kind of Catholic population control! Starvation, disease, and war are direct results of overpopulation. Is this how the Catholics want to control overpopulation.
Mind your own fucking business, you overbearing asshole.
You demand he minds his own business while you are exempted????????
2018-04-04 01:31:32 UTC
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by Cloud Hobbit
http://home.mweb.co.za/it/iti04330/atheist1a.htm ON MORALITY
It's insane to take moral instructions from a god guilty of such horrendous crimes.
A do as I say not as I do god.
A perverted morality
Not only do followers believe their god to be perfectly good, but that the whole concept of morality is their god's idea. Followers believe their twisted god created morality.
They believe their god is the source of all morality, that morality is exclusively their gods' idea, that there can be no morality without this god.
This god determines all of morality.
This god is morally perfect, it is incapable of immoral behavior, even incapable of immoral thoughts, so murdering every human on this planet and sending people to infinite torture, merely for not worshipping it, is good and moral behavior.
They even go so far as to claim that morality is exclusive to the followers of this evil god. They claim a monopoly on morality and even go as far as trying to force this so called morality on the rest of humanity.
A morality that is more about worshipping their god than about not harming others.
The first four commandments of the Ten Commandments are not about not doing harm to others, but about worshipping the god.
1. You shall have no other gods before me.
This is a tactic admission that there are other gods. It doesn't deny the existence of other gods, it just commands you to make sure that old Yahweh is first on your worship list. Basically, the first commandment is about this gods' childish jealousy.
2. You shall not make for yourself a carved image.
more petty jealousy
3. You shall not take the name of the lord your god in vain.
I don't know what this means.
4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
How exactly are you supposed to keep a day 'holy'? Sprinkel it with holy water? Mainstream Christians don't take this commandment very seriously, even though it is number four on the list before thou shall not murder, yet Sunday shopping is prevalent throughout America.
None of the above have anything to do with real morality.
5. Honor your father and your mother.
6. You shall not commit adultery.
7. You shall not murder.
Only number seven on the list.
8. You shall not steal.
9. You shall not bear false witness.
10. You shall not covet.
Covet? Seldom used today, not many actually know what it means.
Christian Morality
Christians don't seem to be capable of telling right from wrong for themselves. They need to be told by their churches what is right and what is wrong.
Atheists have the intelligence to work it out themselves.
'Good people go to heaven and bad people go to hell.'
It seems that Christians have to be threatened with infinite punishment to get them to behave morally.
To behave morally out of fear of extreme punishment or for an eternal reward is fake morality.
Christian morality is based on fear and bribes.
Christian morality is a false morality.
'If people are good only because they fear punishment and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.' [Albert Einstein]
Atheist morality is real morality.
Real morality is when one acts morally without the promise of reward or the threat of punishment, out of common decency, simply because it is the rational, right thing to do. The 'golden rule' is rational, it's logical. Society runs smoother. Hypocrisy is irrational.
Worshipping violent gods leads to violent behavior
Its no wonder that the worshipers of this twisted god are capable of crusades, jihad's, inquisitions, fatwas, slavery, genocide, annihilating entire indigenous populations and taking over their countries and continents, dropping napalm bombs on villages, spaying millions of acres of forest with agent orange, blowing up the World Trade Center, etc.
It stands to reason that the worshipers of the most violent god in mythology would commit the biggest crimes in reality.
The bible was/is used to justify the Holocaust, the Crusades, the Inquisition, Spanish conquistadors, colonialism, slavery, racism, female oppression, gay bashing, the murdering of pro-choice doctors etc.
�Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.� (Blaise Pascal)
The World Trade Center Suicide Bombing
A prime example of how irrational beliefs can result in irrational behavior.
The totally irrational belief in immortality, in an afterlife in paradise being serviced by 72 virgins with continually regrowing hymens, in a god that wants people to kill and die for it, led to the irrational acts of flying passenger jets into the World Trade Center.
The greatest madness of all
The go forth and multiply doctrine of the Catholics.
Uncontrolled breeding in the middle of a population explosion is so totally irrational, it's actually insane.
Without a doubt, overpopulation is by far the most pressing problem facing this planet. The human carrying capacity of planet earth has been exceeded. We are in the middle of a population explosion crisis! It is the root cause of all the major problems facing us today. Mass poverty, mass starvation, deforestation, pollution, soil erosion, over farming, overfishing, species extinction, (in fact, overall general environmental destruction on an unprecedented scale), wars, genocide, diseases, slums, illiteracy, crime and even stress to name a few. If the current birthrate continues there will be a catastrophic environmental collapse in less than fifty years time. Our only hope is to drastically reduce the current birthrate and this can only be done through family planning and birth-control. To be anti-birth-control under the present circumstances is not just unbelievably stupid, its immoral.
A self-fulfilling prophecy
Catholics doctrine predicts a so-called �Armageddon� and their go forth and multiply doctrine is certainly helping that prophecy come true.
More madness
Opposition to safe sex campaigns in the middle of an aids epidemic. The result of the Catholic churches' opposition to safe sex campaigns is, of course, a higher aids rate and a higher birthrate. Aids then become a kind of Catholic population control! Starvation, disease, and war are direct results of overpopulation. Is this how the Catholics want to control overpopulation.
Mind your own fucking business, you overbearing asshole.

Who the fuck are you, you prick!

This an atheist forum. If you don't like to read atheist-related posts, then get the fuck away from here. Your overly sensitive feeling won't be hurt that way.

You're a fucking nut-job who has no business posting here, ass-face.

When are you ever going to fucking realize that?
2018-04-04 01:39:48 UTC
Post by Greywolf
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by Cloud Hobbit
http://home.mweb.co.za/it/iti04330/atheist1a.htm ON MORALITY
It's insane to take moral instructions from a god guilty of such horrendous crimes.
A do as I say not as I do god.
A perverted morality
Not only do followers believe their god to be perfectly good, but that the whole concept of morality is their god's idea. Followers believe their twisted god created morality.
They believe their god is the source of all morality, that morality is exclusively their gods' idea, that there can be no morality without this god.
This god determines all of morality.
This god is morally perfect, it is incapable of immoral behavior, even incapable of immoral thoughts, so murdering every human on this planet and sending people to infinite torture, merely for not worshipping it, is good and moral behavior.
They even go so far as to claim that morality is exclusive to the followers of this evil god. They claim a monopoly on morality and even go as far as trying to force this so called morality on the rest of humanity.
A morality that is more about worshipping their god than about not harming others.
The first four commandments of the Ten Commandments are not about not doing harm to others, but about worshipping the god.
1. You shall have no other gods before me.
This is a tactic admission that there are other gods. It doesn't deny the existence of other gods, it just commands you to make sure that old Yahweh is first on your worship list. Basically, the first commandment is about this gods' childish jealousy.
2. You shall not make for yourself a carved image.
more petty jealousy
3. You shall not take the name of the lord your god in vain.
I don't know what this means.
4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
How exactly are you supposed to keep a day 'holy'? Sprinkel it with holy water? Mainstream Christians don't take this commandment very seriously, even though it is number four on the list before thou shall not murder, yet Sunday shopping is prevalent throughout America.
None of the above have anything to do with real morality.
5. Honor your father and your mother.
6. You shall not commit adultery.
7. You shall not murder.
Only number seven on the list.
8. You shall not steal.
9. You shall not bear false witness.
10. You shall not covet.
Covet? Seldom used today, not many actually know what it means.
Christian Morality
Christians don't seem to be capable of telling right from wrong for themselves. They need to be told by their churches what is right and what is wrong.
Atheists have the intelligence to work it out themselves.
'Good people go to heaven and bad people go to hell.'
It seems that Christians have to be threatened with infinite punishment to get them to behave morally.
To behave morally out of fear of extreme punishment or for an eternal reward is fake morality.
Christian morality is based on fear and bribes.
Christian morality is a false morality.
'If people are good only because they fear punishment and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.' [Albert Einstein]
Atheist morality is real morality.
Real morality is when one acts morally without the promise of reward or the threat of punishment, out of common decency, simply because it is the rational, right thing to do. The 'golden rule' is rational, it's logical. Society runs smoother. Hypocrisy is irrational.
Worshipping violent gods leads to violent behavior
Its no wonder that the worshipers of this twisted god are capable of crusades, jihad's, inquisitions, fatwas, slavery, genocide, annihilating entire indigenous populations and taking over their countries and continents, dropping napalm bombs on villages, spaying millions of acres of forest with agent orange, blowing up the World Trade Center, etc.
It stands to reason that the worshipers of the most violent god in mythology would commit the biggest crimes in reality.
The bible was/is used to justify the Holocaust, the Crusades, the Inquisition, Spanish conquistadors, colonialism, slavery, racism, female oppression, gay bashing, the murdering of pro-choice doctors etc.
�Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.� (Blaise Pascal)
The World Trade Center Suicide Bombing
A prime example of how irrational beliefs can result in irrational behavior.
The totally irrational belief in immortality, in an afterlife in paradise being serviced by 72 virgins with continually regrowing hymens, in a god that wants people to kill and die for it, led to the irrational acts of flying passenger jets into the World Trade Center.
The greatest madness of all
The go forth and multiply doctrine of the Catholics.
Uncontrolled breeding in the middle of a population explosion is so totally irrational, it's actually insane.
Without a doubt, overpopulation is by far the most pressing problem facing this planet. The human carrying capacity of planet earth has been exceeded. We are in the middle of a population explosion crisis! It is the root cause of all the major problems facing us today. Mass poverty, mass starvation, deforestation, pollution, soil erosion, over farming, overfishing, species extinction, (in fact, overall general environmental destruction on an unprecedented scale), wars, genocide, diseases, slums, illiteracy, crime and even stress to name a few. If the current birthrate continues there will be a catastrophic environmental collapse in less than fifty years time. Our only hope is to drastically reduce the current birthrate and this can only be done through family planning and birth-control. To be anti-birth-control under the present circumstances is not just unbelievably stupid, its immoral.
A self-fulfilling prophecy
Catholics doctrine predicts a so-called �Armageddon� and their go forth and multiply doctrine is certainly helping that prophecy come true.
More madness
Opposition to safe sex campaigns in the middle of an aids epidemic. The result of the Catholic churches' opposition to safe sex campaigns is, of course, a higher aids rate and a higher birthrate. Aids then become a kind of Catholic population control! Starvation, disease, and war are direct results of overpopulation. Is this how the Catholics want to control overpopulation.
Mind your own fucking business, you overbearing asshole.
Who the fuck are you, you prick!
This an atheist forum. If you don't like to read atheist-related posts, then get the fuck away from here. Your overly sensitive feeling won't be hurt that way.
You're a fucking nut-job who has no business posting here, ass-face.
When are you ever going to fucking realize that?
I'll give you a chance to force me out. Do you want it?
Cloud Hobbit
2018-04-04 03:43:26 UTC
I'll give you a chance to force me out. Do you want it?

You were never IN, fruitcake.
2018-04-04 05:07:50 UTC
Post by v***@gmail.com
I'll give you a chance to force me out. Do you want it?
You were never IN, fruitcake.
In your dreams.
2018-04-04 05:19:16 UTC
Post by v***@gmail.com
I'll give you a chance to force me out. Do you want it?
You were never IN, fruitcake.
Oh? Then why do all you atheists keep telling me to leave?
Cloud Hobbit
2018-04-04 05:56:15 UTC
Oh? Then why do all you atheists keep telling me to leave?

That's easy, cuz even though you're outside, you're noisy, vulgar, and kinda stupid.
2018-04-04 06:14:46 UTC
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by v***@gmail.com
I'll give you a chance to force me out. Do you want it?
You were never IN, fruitcake.
Oh? Then why do all you atheists keep telling me to leave?
Because you're a theist troll and don't belong here. Because you ignore our current newsgroup FAQ. Because you lie about everyone. Because you don't know
the difference between a disagreement and a lie. Because you are a compulsive
narcissist. Because even when people try to be polite to you, you are never polite in return. Because you have admitted that you hate atheists and are only here to destroy our reputations (whatever that means). Because you pulled a gun
on a female client in your office and had all your guns taken away for a year.
Because you are bonkers and even lie about your psychologist. You need a
psychiatrist. And a keeper.

We can't order you to leave since this is not a moderated newsgroup. You know
this since you've been told many, many times over the years. You are lying
when you say differently. But, lying is quite normal for you.

Give me some time and I'll remember other reasons why no one wants you here.
Oh, yes. You freak out when anyone says that they like a country you don't like or prefer different music to what you like and refused to accept the truth of the horrible way the Russians treated the Jews even though you are supposedly Jewish yourself.

That should answer your question.
Amazing Answers
2018-04-04 06:21:40 UTC
Post by hypatiab7
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by v***@gmail.com
I'll give you a chance to force me out. Do you want it?
You were never IN, fruitcake.
Oh? Then why do all you atheists keep telling me to leave?
Because you're a theist troll and don't belong here.
Yes, he does, because this is alt.atheism, not alt.atheist. This is a forum for discussing these things.

Because you ignore our current newsgroup FAQ. Because you lie about everyone. Because you don't know
Post by hypatiab7
the difference between a disagreement and a lie. Because you are a compulsive
narcissist. Because even when people try to be polite to you, you are never polite in return. Because you have admitted that you hate atheists and are only here to destroy our reputations (whatever that means). Because you pulled a gun
on a female client in your office and had all your guns taken away for a year.
Because you are bonkers and even lie about your psychologist. You need a
psychiatrist. And a keeper.
We can't order you to leave since this is not a moderated newsgroup. You know
this since you've been told many, many times over the years. You are lying
when you say differently. But, lying is quite normal for you.
Give me some time and I'll remember other reasons why no one wants you here.
Oh, yes. You freak out when anyone says that they like a country you don't like or prefer different music to what you like and refused to accept the truth of the horrible way the Russians treated the Jews even though you are supposedly Jewish yourself.
That should answer your question.
2018-04-04 18:45:42 UTC
Post by Amazing Answers
Post by hypatiab7
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by v***@gmail.com
I'll give you a chance to force me out. Do you want it?
You were never IN, fruitcake.
Oh? Then why do all you atheists keep telling me to leave?
Because you're a theist troll and don't belong here.
Yes, he does, because this is alt.atheism, not alt.atheist. This is a forum for discussing these things.
If you read the alt.atheism FAQ and the accompanying regulations, you will quickly realize that the atheists here have distorted it beyond recognition. They are no more honest about that than they are about anything else. Remember what I have said numerous times:They are propagandists, not scholars. Their purpose here is advancing a certain point of view and they really don't care about the truth.
Mitchell Holman
2018-04-04 18:49:28 UTC
Post by Amazing Answers
Post by Amazing Answers
Post by hypatiab7
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by v***@gmail.com
I'll give you a chance to force me out. Do you want it?
You were never IN, fruitcake.
Oh? Then why do all you atheists keep telling me to leave?
Because you're a theist troll and don't belong here.
Yes, he does, because this is alt.atheism, not alt.atheist. This is a
um for discussing these things.
If you read the alt.atheism FAQ and the accompanying regulations, you
will quickly realize that the atheists here have distorted it beyond
recognition. They are no more honest about that than they are about
anything else. Remember what I have said numerous times:They are
propagandists, not scholars. Their purpose here is advancing a certain
point of view and they really don't care about the truth.
If you hate the atheists in this
group so much why do you hang around
Don Martin
2018-04-04 22:08:47 UTC
On Wed, 04 Apr 2018 13:49:28 -0500, Mitchell Holman
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Amazing Answers
Post by Amazing Answers
Post by hypatiab7
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by v***@gmail.com
I'll give you a chance to force me out. Do you want it?
You were never IN, fruitcake.
Oh? Then why do all you atheists keep telling me to leave?
Because you're a theist troll and don't belong here.
Yes, he does, because this is alt.atheism, not alt.atheist. This is a
um for discussing these things.
If you read the alt.atheism FAQ and the accompanying regulations, you
will quickly realize that the atheists here have distorted it beyond
recognition. They are no more honest about that than they are about
anything else. Remember what I have said numerous times:They are
propagandists, not scholars. Their purpose here is advancing a certain
point of view and they really don't care about the truth.
If you hate the atheists in this
group so much why do you hang around
We are the only people in the whole wide world who reply to the little
shit. He gets very lonely without us.
aa #2278 Never mind "proof." Where is your evidence?
BAAWA Chief Assistant to the Assistant Chief Heckler
Fidei defensor (Hon. Antipodean)
Je pense, donc je suis Charlie.
2018-04-05 00:10:45 UTC
Post by Don Martin
On Wed, 04 Apr 2018 13:49:28 -0500, Mitchell Holman
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Amazing Answers
Post by Amazing Answers
Post by hypatiab7
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by v***@gmail.com
I'll give you a chance to force me out. Do you want it?
You were never IN, fruitcake.
Oh? Then why do all you atheists keep telling me to leave?
Because you're a theist troll and don't belong here.
Yes, he does, because this is alt.atheism, not alt.atheist. This is a
um for discussing these things.
If you read the alt.atheism FAQ and the accompanying regulations, you
will quickly realize that the atheists here have distorted it beyond
recognition. They are no more honest about that than they are about
anything else. Remember what I have said numerous times:They are
propagandists, not scholars. Their purpose here is advancing a certain
point of view and they really don't care about the truth.
If you hate the atheists in this
group so much why do you hang around
We are the only people in the whole wide world who reply to the little
shit. He gets very lonely without us.
ROTFL! Go to Stormfront and look for posts by "Chief Justice."
He gets lots of replies, most of them hostile.
Go to soc. culture, jewish. I post there with the same name I use here.
I get replies.
Go to US Message Board and see how many replies "viktor" gets.

You never stop lying, do you?
2018-04-05 00:50:37 UTC
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by Don Martin
On Wed, 04 Apr 2018 13:49:28 -0500, Mitchell Holman
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Amazing Answers
Post by Amazing Answers
Post by hypatiab7
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by v***@gmail.com
I'll give you a chance to force me out. Do you want it?
You were never IN, fruitcake.
Oh? Then why do all you atheists keep telling me to leave?
Because you're a theist troll and don't belong here.
Yes, he does, because this is alt.atheism, not alt.atheist. This is a
um for discussing these things.
If you read the alt.atheism FAQ and the accompanying regulations, you
will quickly realize that the atheists here have distorted it beyond
recognition. They are no more honest about that than they are about
anything else. Remember what I have said numerous times:They are
propagandists, not scholars. Their purpose here is advancing a certain
point of view and they really don't care about the truth.
If you hate the atheists in this
group so much why do you hang around
We are the only people in the whole wide world who reply to the little
shit. He gets very lonely without us.
ROTFL! Go to Stormfront and look for posts by "Chief Justice."
He gets lots of replies, most of them hostile.
Go to soc. culture, jewish. I post there with the same name I use here.
I get replies.
Go to US Message Board and see how many replies "viktor" gets.
You never stop lying, do you?
You mean you finally came up with a nym that fooled the Nazis at Stormfront.
Last I heard, they tossed you out every time they figured out it was you. As for the others, you're just proving that you don't need to be here and that you are nothing but a compulsive narcissist.
2018-04-08 07:40:26 UTC
Post by hypatiab7
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by Don Martin
On Wed, 04 Apr 2018 13:49:28 -0500, Mitchell Holman
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Amazing Answers
Post by Amazing Answers
Post by hypatiab7
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by v***@gmail.com
I'll give you a chance to force me out. Do you want it?
You were never IN, fruitcake.
Oh? Then why do all you atheists keep telling me to leave?
Because you're a theist troll and don't belong here.
Yes, he does, because this is alt.atheism, not alt.atheist. This is a
um for discussing these things.
If you read the alt.atheism FAQ and the accompanying regulations, you
will quickly realize that the atheists here have distorted it beyond
recognition. They are no more honest about that than they are about
anything else. Remember what I have said numerous times:They are
propagandists, not scholars. Their purpose here is advancing a certain
point of view and they really don't care about the truth.
If you hate the atheists in this
group so much why do you hang around
We are the only people in the whole wide world who reply to the little
shit. He gets very lonely without us.
ROTFL! Go to Stormfront and look for posts by "Chief Justice."
He gets lots of replies, most of them hostile.
Go to soc. culture, jewish. I post there with the same name I use here.
I get replies.
Go to US Message Board and see how many replies "viktor" gets.
You never stop lying, do you?
You mean you finally came up with a nym that fooled the Nazis at Stormfront.
Last I heard, they tossed you out every time they figured out it was you. As for the others, you're just proving that you don't need to be here and that you are nothing but a compulsive narcissist.
LOL! Stormfront is moderated. They don't toss anybody out. If they don't like the posts you submit, they simply don't publish them. You don't even know what you are talking about, idiot.
2019-01-06 23:10:10 UTC
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by hypatiab7
You mean you finally came up with a nym that fooled the Nazis at Stormfront.
Last I heard, they tossed you out every time they figured out it was you. As for the others, you're just proving that you don't need to be here and that you are nothing but a compulsive narcissist.
LOL! Stormfront is moderated. They don't toss anybody out. If they don't like the posts you submit, they simply don't publish them. You don't even know what you are talking about, idiot.
There's some semantic difference between banning a poster and blocking
his individual posts, if those posts consistently fail moderation? I
wouldn't want to post anything there that _passed_ their moderation

Kevin R
a.a #2310
2019-01-06 23:32:04 UTC
Post by Kevrob
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by hypatiab7
You mean you finally came up with a nym that fooled the Nazis at Stormfront.
Last I heard, they tossed you out every time they figured out it was
you. As for the others, you're just proving that you don't need to be
here and that you are nothing but a compulsive narcissist.
LOL! Stormfront is moderated. They don't toss anybody out. If they don't
like the posts you submit, they simply don't publish them. You don't
even know what you are talking about, idiot.
There's some semantic difference between banning a poster and blocking
his individual posts, if those posts consistently fail moderation? I
wouldn't want to post anything there that _passed_ their moderation
Kevin R
a.a #2310
LOL. True.
2019-01-07 07:29:56 UTC
Post by Kevrob
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by hypatiab7
You mean you finally came up with a nym that fooled the Nazis at Stormfront.
Last I heard, they tossed you out every time they figured out it was you. As for the others, you're just proving that you don't need to be here and that you are nothing but a compulsive narcissist.
LOL! Stormfront is moderated. They don't toss anybody out. If they don't like the posts you submit, they simply don't publish them. You don't even know what you are talking about, idiot.
There's some semantic difference between banning a poster and blocking
his individual posts, if those posts consistently fail moderation? I
wouldn't want to post anything there that _passed_ their moderation
Kevin R
a.a #2310
Some of my submissions were posted. Not everything they discuss has to do with racism.
2019-01-07 07:43:09 UTC
Post by Kevrob
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by hypatiab7
You mean you finally came up with a nym that fooled the Nazis at Stormfront.
Last I heard, they tossed you out every time they figured out it was you. As for the others, you're just proving that you don't need to be here and that you are nothing but a compulsive narcissist.
LOL! Stormfront is moderated. They don't toss anybody out. If they don't like the posts you submit, they simply don't publish them. You don't even know what you are talking about, idiot.
There's some semantic difference between banning a poster and blocking
his individual posts, if those posts consistently fail moderation? I
wouldn't want to post anything there that _passed_ their moderation
Kevin R
a.a #2310
I post there as part of my fight against racism and antisemitism, not to agree with them.
2019-01-07 12:01:35 UTC
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by Kevrob
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by hypatiab7
You mean you finally came up with a nym that fooled the Nazis at Stormfront.
Last I heard, they tossed you out every time they figured out it was you. As for the others, you're just proving that you don't need to be here and that you are nothing but a compulsive narcissist.
LOL! Stormfront is moderated. They don't toss anybody out. If they don't like the posts you submit, they simply don't publish them. You don't even know what you are talking about, idiot.
There's some semantic difference between banning a poster and blocking
his individual posts, if those posts consistently fail moderation? I
wouldn't want to post anything there that _passed_ their moderation
Kevin R
a.a #2310
I post there as part of my fight against racism and antisemitism, not to agree with them.
You're a leading cause of antisemitism. You should learn to shut your bagel hole and keep your big nose out of other people's business, you ignorant cunt.
2019-01-08 02:07:02 UTC
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by Kevrob
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by hypatiab7
You mean you finally came up with a nym that fooled the Nazis at Stormfront.
Last I heard, they tossed you out every time they figured out it was you. As for the others, you're just proving that you don't need to be here and that you are nothing but a compulsive narcissist.
LOL! Stormfront is moderated. They don't toss anybody out. If they don't like the posts you submit, they simply don't publish them. You don't even know what you are talking about, idiot.
There's some semantic difference between banning a poster and blocking
his individual posts, if those posts consistently fail moderation? I
wouldn't want to post anything there that _passed_ their moderation
I post there as part of my fight against racism and antisemitism, not to agree with them.
Sounds like climbing into the sewer to fight alligators,
if the `gators could disqualify you anytime they felt
like it.

Kevin R
a.a #2310
2019-01-08 23:42:14 UTC
Post by Kevrob
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by Kevrob
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by hypatiab7
You mean you finally came up with a nym that fooled the Nazis at Stormfront.
Last I heard, they tossed you out every time they figured out it was you. As for the others, you're just proving that you don't need to be here and that you are nothing but a compulsive narcissist.
LOL! Stormfront is moderated. They don't toss anybody out. If they don't like the posts you submit, they simply don't publish them. You don't even know what you are talking about, idiot.
There's some semantic difference between banning a poster and blocking
his individual posts, if those posts consistently fail moderation? I
wouldn't want to post anything there that _passed_ their moderation
I post there as part of my fight against racism and antisemitism, not to
agree with them.
Sounds like climbing into the sewer to fight alligators,
if the `gators could disqualify you anytime they felt
like it.
Kevin R
a.a #2310
It's something I want to do.
2019-01-09 00:24:18 UTC
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by Kevrob
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by Kevrob
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by hypatiab7
You mean you finally came up with a nym that fooled the Nazis at Stormfront.
Last I heard, they tossed you out every time they figured out it was you. As for the others, you're just proving that you don't need to be here and that you are nothing but a compulsive narcissist.
LOL! Stormfront is moderated. They don't toss anybody out. If they don't like the posts you submit, they simply don't publish them. You don't even know what you are talking about, idiot.
There's some semantic difference between banning a poster and blocking
his individual posts, if those posts consistently fail moderation? I
wouldn't want to post anything there that _passed_ their moderation
I post there as part of my fight against racism and antisemitism, not to
agree with them.
Sounds like climbing into the sewer to fight alligators,
if the `gators could disqualify you anytime they felt
like it.
Kevin R
a.a #2310
It's something I want to do.
Want all you like, but you're nothing short of ineffectual.

Gospel TT
2018-04-05 01:44:39 UTC
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by Don Martin
On Wed, 04 Apr 2018 13:49:28 -0500, Mitchell Holman
Post by Mitchell Holman
On Tuesday, April 3, 2018 at 11:21:42 PM UTC-7, Amazing
Post by Amazing Answers
On Wednesday, April 4, 2018 at 1:19:19 AM UTC-4,
On Tuesday, April 3, 2018 at 8:43:29 PM UTC-7, Cloud
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by Don Martin
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Amazing Answers
Post by v***@gmail.com
I'll give you a chance to force me out. Do you want it?
You were never IN, fruitcake.
Oh? Then why do all you atheists keep telling me to leave?
Because you're a theist troll and don't belong here.
Yes, he does, because this is alt.atheism, not alt.atheist. This is a
um for discussing these things.
If you read the alt.atheism FAQ and the accompanying
regulations, you
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by Don Martin
Post by Mitchell Holman
will quickly realize that the atheists here have distorted it beyond
recognition. They are no more honest about that than they are about
anything else. Remember what I have said numerous times:They are
propagandists, not scholars. Their purpose here is advancing a certain
point of view and they really don't care about the truth.
If you hate the atheists in this
group so much why do you hang around
We are the only people in the whole wide world who reply to the little
shit. He gets very lonely without us.
ROTFL! Go to Stormfront and look for posts by "Chief Justice."
He gets lots of replies, most of them hostile.
Go to soc. culture, jewish. I post there with the same name I use here.
I get replies.
Go to US Message Board and see how many replies "viktor" gets.
You never stop lying, do you?
Lol he call's you little shit lol.
Cloud Hobbit
2018-04-05 03:02:36 UTC
Lol he call's you little shit lol.

For Madjoe a "little shit" would be called hors d'oeuvres.
2018-04-05 08:10:29 UTC
Post by Gospel TT
Lol he call's you little shit lol.
For Madjoe a "little shit" would be called hors d'oeuvres.
LOL! Very true!
Gospel TT
2018-04-05 11:24:20 UTC
On Wed, 4 Apr 2018 20:02:36 -0700 (PDT), Cloud Hobbit
Post by Gospel TT
Lol he call's you little shit lol.
For Madjoe a "little shit" would be called hors d'oeuvres.
!! Atheist ------------------------------
2018-04-05 16:25:36 UTC
Post by Don Martin
On Wed, 04 Apr 2018 13:49:28 -0500, Mitchell Holman
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Amazing Answers
Post by Amazing Answers
Post by hypatiab7
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by v***@gmail.com
I'll give you a chance to force me out. Do you want it?
You were never IN, fruitcake.
Oh? Then why do all you atheists keep telling me to leave?
Because you're a theist troll and don't belong here.
Yes, he does, because this is alt.atheism, not alt.atheist. This is a
um for discussing these things.
If you read the alt.atheism FAQ and the accompanying regulations, you
will quickly realize that the atheists here have distorted it beyond
recognition. They are no more honest about that than they are about
anything else. Remember what I have said numerous times:They are
propagandists, not scholars. Their purpose here is advancing a certain
point of view and they really don't care about the truth.
If you hate the atheists in this
group so much why do you hang around
We are the only people in the whole wide world who reply to the little
shit. He gets very lonely without us.
Birds of a feather, dickhead.
There is no verifiable evidence of any god(s). None whatsoever.
Extortion (Believe or Burn) is *THE* foundation of Christianity.
Sycophant: a compulsive ass-kisser of un-evidenced dictator god.
2018-04-05 00:06:01 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Amazing Answers
Post by Amazing Answers
Post by hypatiab7
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by v***@gmail.com
I'll give you a chance to force me out. Do you want it?
You were never IN, fruitcake.
Oh? Then why do all you atheists keep telling me to leave?
Because you're a theist troll and don't belong here.
Yes, he does, because this is alt.atheism, not alt.atheist. This is a
um for discussing these things.
If you read the alt.atheism FAQ and the accompanying regulations, you
will quickly realize that the atheists here have distorted it beyond
recognition. They are no more honest about that than they are about
anything else. Remember what I have said numerous times:They are
propagandists, not scholars. Their purpose here is advancing a certain
point of view and they really don't care about the truth.
If you hate the atheists in this
group so much why do you hang around
You're a slow learner.
Mitchell Holman
2018-04-05 01:44:23 UTC
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Amazing Answers
Post by Amazing Answers
Post by hypatiab7
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by v***@gmail.com
I'll give you a chance to force me out. Do you want it?
You were never IN, fruitcake.
Oh? Then why do all you atheists keep telling me to leave?
Because you're a theist troll and don't belong here.
Yes, he does, because this is alt.atheism, not alt.atheist. This is a
um for discussing these things.
If you read the alt.atheism FAQ and the accompanying regulations, you
will quickly realize that the atheists here have distorted it beyond
recognition. They are no more honest about that than they are about
anything else. Remember what I have said numerous times:They are
propagandists, not scholars. Their purpose here is advancing a certain
point of view and they really don't care about the truth.
If you hate the atheists in this
group so much why do you hang around
You're a slow learner.
Just answer the question.
2018-04-05 02:12:02 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Amazing Answers
Post by Amazing Answers
Post by hypatiab7
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by v***@gmail.com
I'll give you a chance to force me out. Do you want it?
You were never IN, fruitcake.
Oh? Then why do all you atheists keep telling me to leave?
Because you're a theist troll and don't belong here.
Yes, he does, because this is alt.atheism, not alt.atheist. This is a
um for discussing these things.
If you read the alt.atheism FAQ and the accompanying regulations, you
will quickly realize that the atheists here have distorted it beyond
recognition. They are no more honest about that than they are about
anything else. Remember what I have said numerous times:They are
propagandists, not scholars. Their purpose here is advancing a certain
point of view and they really don't care about the truth.
If you hate the atheists in this
group so much why do you hang around
You're a slow learner.
Just answer the question.
I did.I have answered the same question for you at least 12 times.
You still don't get it and you haven't realized by now that asking me again
will neither get you a different answer, nor will it pressure me to leave.

2018-04-05 00:32:45 UTC
Post by Amazing Answers
Post by hypatiab7
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by v***@gmail.com
I'll give you a chance to force me out. Do you want it?
You were never IN, fruitcake.
Oh? Then why do all you atheists keep telling me to leave?
Because you're a theist troll and don't belong here.
Yes, he does, because this is alt.atheism, not alt.atheist. This is a forum for discussing these things.

Not when the poster refuses "to take negative claims seriously" like *you* have.

When that's the case, what is the point of your kind parking their stinky butts in this forum for? Why don't you just come out and admit it's solely to annoy and antagonize atheists if you're not here for serious discussion?

If you're truly interested in discussing why an atheist is an atheist, I suggest the following: Read my little "take" on the Adam & Eve story below. Report why you disagree with the basic premise of it. And do it without claiming I've somehow "misunderstood" the Garden of Eden story or something akin to that.

Instead, give *your* interpretation of what actually happened back then.

You know what? I don't think you can do it. I don't think you have it in you. I think all you can do is tell atheists that they don't "know God" as though that were proof of one, and that's *it*.

In other words, proving you're here only to annoy and antagonize atheists.

If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. But *prove* me wrong.
Post by Amazing Answers
1. The God Jesus creates everything in existence--including evil--and creates a tree that unleashes evil into the world by the first person who partakes of the fruit of a tree that embodies very evil itself.
2. God, presumably God the Father, plants that tree practically in the lap of Adam & Eve and then tells them not to partake any of its fruit or they will die. (Note, He doesn't even tell them what evil is, just that they're not to partake of the fruit.) Oh, God already knows that Eve will partake of the fruit due to His omniscience. But does He give a flyin' Hoot? Why Hell, NO!!
3. The God Jesus creates an evil serpent with the evil ability to lie, deceive, and beguile the unsuspecting pair. God then sees to it that the evil serpent is *also* placed in close proximity to the unsuspecting couple, gleefully wringing his hands after having done so.
4. Now, Eve hasn't the faintest clue as to what "disobeying" really means. That's because she has no concept of what it truly means to "disobey." And that's because she has no clue whatsoever as to what evil is at this point.
Remember: At this point Eve does not possess free-will because she has no clue whatever as to what evil is. Evil is not part of her consciousness as of yet.

In any event . . .
Post by Amazing Answers
5. God's evil serpent approaches Eve and tells her that God said it's perfectly fine for her to go ahead and partake of the fruit now--that God told him to tell her it's no longer "forbidden." Trust me," he tells her.
6. Trusting Eve--who has no idea whatsoever what a "lie" or deceit is--takes the evil serpent at his word and partakes of the fruit. Meanwhile, God the Father, the Holy Spirit God, and the God Jesus are standing by, snickering to themselves like there's no tomorrow, as to what is about to unfold.
7. Eve partakes of the fruit and only *now* realizes she has disobeyed God, but was "tricked" into doing so. But it's too late. Evil has now been unleashed upon planet earth. And the three Gods weren't *about* to do a damn thing about it.
8. SIDEBAR - God had already unleashed evil in Heaven prior to this time. He wanted Lucifer to turn evil and did so by inventing "Free-Will"; a ploy He used as a tool to infect Lucifer and an "army" of angels with evil and into rebelling--knowing full well what the consequences of His monstrous action would entail.
9. God now pretends He's upset that Adam & Eve disobeyed Him. Instead of saying," Oh, you two, I was just having a little fun. Go now. Go play with the lions. I forgive you! After all, you were tricked."
10. Instead, "God" malevolently then proceeds to insure death and suffering afflicts ALL of humanity--even generations of humans who had absolutely NOTHING to do with what Adam & Eve did. And not only that, God decides the animal world should be made to experience death and suffering as well. And the kicker is that He and His evil-creating Son are sitting on their thrones in Heaven laughing their asses off watching brainwashed idiots worshiping and adoring them for what they've so fiendishly accomplished.

So let's see that rebuttal now. Let's see some biblical scholarship at work. Let's see just how serious you are about having meaningful dialogue. Let's see what you're *really* made of.
2018-04-05 01:18:00 UTC
Post by Cloud Hobbit
Post by Amazing Answers
Post by hypatiab7
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by v***@gmail.com
I'll give you a chance to force me out. Do you want it?
You were never IN, fruitcake.
Oh? Then why do all you atheists keep telling me to leave?
Because you're a theist troll and don't belong here.
Yes, he does, because this is alt.atheism, not alt.atheist. This is a forum for discussing these things.
No, he doesn't. As per our newsgroup FAQ, Alt.atheism is a newsgroup for atheists to discuss whatever they want with other atheists. Friends who
are not atheists are welcome to join the discussion. Trolls like Arthur
Joseph Tandy are not. He is a theist troll. Theist trolls have no say
in the matter. They don't get a vote here. Trolls do try to vote here.
They are ignored.
Post by Cloud Hobbit
Not when the poster refuses "to take negative claims seriously" like *you* have.
When that's the case, what is the point of your kind parking their stinky butts in this forum for? Why don't you just come out and admit it's solely to annoy and antagonize atheists if you're not here for serious discussion?
If you're truly interested in discussing why an atheist is an atheist, I suggest the following: Read my little "take" on the Adam & Eve story below. Report why you disagree with the basic premise of it. And do it without claiming I've somehow "misunderstood" the Garden of Eden story or something akin to that.
Instead, give *your* interpretation of what actually happened back then.
You know what? I don't think you can do it. I don't think you have it in you. I think all you can do is tell atheists that they don't "know God" as though that were proof of one, and that's *it*.
In other words, proving you're here only to annoy and antagonize atheists.
If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. But *prove* me wrong.
Post by Amazing Answers
1. The God Jesus creates everything in existence--including evil--and creates a tree that unleashes evil into the world by the first person who partakes of the fruit of a tree that embodies very evil itself.
2. God, presumably God the Father, plants that tree practically in the lap of Adam & Eve and then tells them not to partake any of its fruit or they will die. (Note, He doesn't even tell them what evil is, just that they're not to partake of the fruit.) Oh, God already knows that Eve will partake of the fruit due to His omniscience. But does He give a flyin' Hoot? Why Hell, NO!!
3. The God Jesus creates an evil serpent with the evil ability to lie, deceive, and beguile the unsuspecting pair. God then sees to it that the evil serpent is *also* placed in close proximity to the unsuspecting couple, gleefully wringing his hands after having done so.
4. Now, Eve hasn't the faintest clue as to what "disobeying" really means. That's because she has no concept of what it truly means to "disobey." And that's because she has no clue whatsoever as to what evil is at this point.
Remember: At this point Eve does not possess free-will because she has no clue whatever as to what evil is. Evil is not part of her consciousness as of yet.
In any event . . .
Post by Amazing Answers
5. God's evil serpent approaches Eve and tells her that God said it's perfectly fine for her to go ahead and partake of the fruit now--that God told him to tell her it's no longer "forbidden." Trust me," he tells her.
6. Trusting Eve--who has no idea whatsoever what a "lie" or deceit is--takes the evil serpent at his word and partakes of the fruit. Meanwhile, God the Father, the Holy Spirit God, and the God Jesus are standing by, snickering to themselves like there's no tomorrow, as to what is about to unfold.
7. Eve partakes of the fruit and only *now* realizes she has disobeyed God, but was "tricked" into doing so. But it's too late. Evil has now been unleashed upon planet earth. And the three Gods weren't *about* to do a damn thing about it.
8. SIDEBAR - God had already unleashed evil in Heaven prior to this time. He wanted Lucifer to turn evil and did so by inventing "Free-Will"; a ploy He used as a tool to infect Lucifer and an "army" of angels with evil and into rebelling--knowing full well what the consequences of His monstrous action would entail.
9. God now pretends He's upset that Adam & Eve disobeyed Him. Instead of saying," Oh, you two, I was just having a little fun. Go now. Go play with the lions. I forgive you! After all, you were tricked."
10. Instead, "God" malevolently then proceeds to insure death and suffering afflicts ALL of humanity--even generations of humans who had absolutely NOTHING to do with what Adam & Eve did. And not only that, God decides the animal world should be made to experience death and suffering as well. And the kicker is that He and His evil-creating Son are sitting on their thrones in Heaven laughing their asses off watching brainwashed idiots worshiping and adoring them for what they've so fiendishly accomplished.
So let's see that rebuttal now. Let's see some biblical scholarship at work. Let's see just how serious you are about having meaningful dialogue. Let's see what you're *really* made of.
2018-04-08 14:49:29 UTC
Post by Greywolf
Post by Amazing Answers
Yes, he does, because this is alt.atheism, not alt.atheist. This is a forum for discussing these things.
Not when the poster refuses "to take negative claims seriously" like *you* have.
When that's the case, what is the point of your kind parking their stinky butts in this forum for? Why don't you just come out and admit it's solely to annoy and antagonize atheists if you're not here for serious discussion?
To bring the real truth to you, rather than your make-believe mistakes I've seen
so far.
Post by Greywolf
If you're truly interested in discussing why an atheist is an atheist, I suggest the following: Read my little "take" on the Adam & Eve story below. Report why you disagree with the basic premise of it. And do it without claiming I've somehow "misunderstood" the Garden of Eden story or something akin to that.
Instead, give *your* interpretation of what actually happened back then.
You know what? I don't think you can do it. I don't think you have it in you. I think all you can do is tell atheists that they don't "know God" as though that were proof of one, and that's *it*.
We already know. YOU don't.
Post by Greywolf
In other words, proving you're here only to annoy and antagonize atheists.
If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. But *prove* me wrong.
We're doing this every day.

the dukester, American-American

The Purpose of the NT Word of God is not to inform as it did in
the OT,but instead to form us in the very image of Jesus Christ.
2018-04-04 06:59:53 UTC
Post by hypatiab7
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by v***@gmail.com
I'll give you a chance to force me out. Do you want it?
You were never IN, fruitcake.
Oh? Then why do all you atheists keep telling me to leave?
Because you're a theist troll and don't belong here. Because you ignore our current newsgroup FAQ. Because you lie about everyone. Because you don't know
the difference between a disagreement and a lie. Because you are a compulsive
narcissist. Because even when people try to be polite to you, you are never polite in return. Because you have admitted that you hate atheists and are only here to destroy our reputations (whatever that means). Because you pulled a gun
on a female client in your office and had all your guns taken away for a year.
Because you are bonkers and even lie about your psychologist. You need a
psychiatrist. And a keeper.
We can't order you to leave since this is not a moderated newsgroup. You know
this since you've been told many, many times over the years. You are lying
when you say differently. But, lying is quite normal for you.
Give me some time and I'll remember other reasons why no one wants you here.
Oh, yes. You freak out when anyone says that they like a country you don't like or prefer different music to what you like and refused to accept the truth of the horrible way the Russians treated the Jews even though you are supposedly Jewish yourself.
That should answer your question.
It doesn't because I no longer waste my time with your stupid bullshit.I won't bother to read it.
Cloud Hobbit
2018-04-04 07:23:12 UTC
It doesn't because I no longer waste my time with your stupid bullshit.I won't bother to read it.

You obviously bothered to read the one you responded to, moron.
2018-04-04 08:10:14 UTC
Post by v***@gmail.com
It doesn't because I no longer waste my time with your stupid bullshit.I won't bother to read it.
You obviously bothered to read the one you responded to, moron.
I did not read past the first line.
Cloud Hobbit
2018-04-04 09:00:15 UTC
I did not read past the first line.

But you still read it and it was still hers.

Fucking hell, you really are that stupid.
2018-04-04 09:30:42 UTC
Post by v***@gmail.com
I did not read past the first line.
But you still read it and it was still hers.
Fucking hell, you really are that stupid.
pot kettle black
2018-04-04 03:59:16 UTC
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by Greywolf
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by Cloud Hobbit
http://home.mweb.co.za/it/iti04330/atheist1a.htm ON MORALITY
It's insane to take moral instructions from a god guilty of such horrendous crimes.
A do as I say not as I do god.
A perverted morality
Not only do followers believe their god to be perfectly good, but that the whole concept of morality is their god's idea. Followers believe their twisted god created morality.
They believe their god is the source of all morality, that morality is exclusively their gods' idea, that there can be no morality without this god.
This god determines all of morality.
This god is morally perfect, it is incapable of immoral behavior, even incapable of immoral thoughts, so murdering every human on this planet and sending people to infinite torture, merely for not worshipping it, is good and moral behavior.
They even go so far as to claim that morality is exclusive to the followers of this evil god. They claim a monopoly on morality and even go as far as trying to force this so called morality on the rest of humanity.
A morality that is more about worshipping their god than about not harming others.
The first four commandments of the Ten Commandments are not about not doing harm to others, but about worshipping the god.
1. You shall have no other gods before me.
This is a tactic admission that there are other gods. It doesn't deny the existence of other gods, it just commands you to make sure that old Yahweh is first on your worship list. Basically, the first commandment is about this gods' childish jealousy.
2. You shall not make for yourself a carved image.
more petty jealousy
3. You shall not take the name of the lord your god in vain.
I don't know what this means.
4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
How exactly are you supposed to keep a day 'holy'? Sprinkel it with holy water? Mainstream Christians don't take this commandment very seriously, even though it is number four on the list before thou shall not murder, yet Sunday shopping is prevalent throughout America.
None of the above have anything to do with real morality.
5. Honor your father and your mother.
6. You shall not commit adultery.
7. You shall not murder.
Only number seven on the list.
8. You shall not steal.
9. You shall not bear false witness.
10. You shall not covet.
Covet? Seldom used today, not many actually know what it means.
Christian Morality
Christians don't seem to be capable of telling right from wrong for themselves. They need to be told by their churches what is right and what is wrong.
Atheists have the intelligence to work it out themselves.
'Good people go to heaven and bad people go to hell.'
It seems that Christians have to be threatened with infinite punishment to get them to behave morally.
To behave morally out of fear of extreme punishment or for an eternal reward is fake morality.
Christian morality is based on fear and bribes.
Christian morality is a false morality.
'If people are good only because they fear punishment and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.' [Albert Einstein]
Atheist morality is real morality.
Real morality is when one acts morally without the promise of reward or the threat of punishment, out of common decency, simply because it is the rational, right thing to do. The 'golden rule' is rational, it's logical. Society runs smoother. Hypocrisy is irrational.
Worshipping violent gods leads to violent behavior
Its no wonder that the worshipers of this twisted god are capable of crusades, jihad's, inquisitions, fatwas, slavery, genocide, annihilating entire indigenous populations and taking over their countries and continents, dropping napalm bombs on villages, spaying millions of acres of forest with agent orange, blowing up the World Trade Center, etc.
It stands to reason that the worshipers of the most violent god in mythology would commit the biggest crimes in reality.
The bible was/is used to justify the Holocaust, the Crusades, the Inquisition, Spanish conquistadors, colonialism, slavery, racism, female oppression, gay bashing, the murdering of pro-choice doctors etc.
�Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.� (Blaise Pascal)
The World Trade Center Suicide Bombing
A prime example of how irrational beliefs can result in irrational behavior.
The totally irrational belief in immortality, in an afterlife in paradise being serviced by 72 virgins with continually regrowing hymens, in a god that wants people to kill and die for it, led to the irrational acts of flying passenger jets into the World Trade Center.
The greatest madness of all
The go forth and multiply doctrine of the Catholics.
Uncontrolled breeding in the middle of a population explosion is so totally irrational, it's actually insane.
Without a doubt, overpopulation is by far the most pressing problem facing this planet. The human carrying capacity of planet earth has been exceeded. We are in the middle of a population explosion crisis! It is the root cause of all the major problems facing us today. Mass poverty, mass starvation, deforestation, pollution, soil erosion, over farming, overfishing, species extinction, (in fact, overall general environmental destruction on an unprecedented scale), wars, genocide, diseases, slums, illiteracy, crime and even stress to name a few. If the current birthrate continues there will be a catastrophic environmental collapse in less than fifty years time. Our only hope is to drastically reduce the current birthrate and this can only be done through family planning and birth-control. To be anti-birth-control under the present circumstances is not just unbelievably stupid, its immoral.
A self-fulfilling prophecy
Catholics doctrine predicts a so-called �Armageddon� and their go forth and multiply doctrine is certainly helping that prophecy come true.
More madness
Opposition to safe sex campaigns in the middle of an aids epidemic. The result of the Catholic churches' opposition to safe sex campaigns is, of course, a higher aids rate and a higher birthrate. Aids then become a kind of Catholic population control! Starvation, disease, and war are direct results of overpopulation. Is this how the Catholics want to control overpopulation.
Mind your own fucking business, you overbearing asshole.
Who the fuck are you, you prick!
This an atheist forum. If you don't like to read atheist-related posts, then get the fuck away from here. Your overly sensitive feeling won't be hurt that way.
You're a fucking nut-job who has no business posting here, ass-face.
When are you ever going to fucking realize that?
I'll give you a chance to force me out. Do you want it?

Sure do But seeing the way you operate, you'll renege on any agreement you make.

But I'm intrigued. What do you have in mind?

I absolutely *detest* your kind.
2018-04-04 05:09:17 UTC
Post by Greywolf
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by Greywolf
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by Cloud Hobbit
http://home.mweb.co.za/it/iti04330/atheist1a.htm ON MORALITY
It's insane to take moral instructions from a god guilty of such horrendous crimes.
A do as I say not as I do god.
A perverted morality
Not only do followers believe their god to be perfectly good, but that the whole concept of morality is their god's idea. Followers believe their twisted god created morality.
They believe their god is the source of all morality, that morality is exclusively their gods' idea, that there can be no morality without this god.
This god determines all of morality.
This god is morally perfect, it is incapable of immoral behavior, even incapable of immoral thoughts, so murdering every human on this planet and sending people to infinite torture, merely for not worshipping it, is good and moral behavior.
They even go so far as to claim that morality is exclusive to the followers of this evil god. They claim a monopoly on morality and even go as far as trying to force this so called morality on the rest of humanity.
A morality that is more about worshipping their god than about not harming others.
The first four commandments of the Ten Commandments are not about not doing harm to others, but about worshipping the god.
1. You shall have no other gods before me.
This is a tactic admission that there are other gods. It doesn't deny the existence of other gods, it just commands you to make sure that old Yahweh is first on your worship list. Basically, the first commandment is about this gods' childish jealousy.
2. You shall not make for yourself a carved image.
more petty jealousy
3. You shall not take the name of the lord your god in vain.
I don't know what this means.
4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
How exactly are you supposed to keep a day 'holy'? Sprinkel it with holy water? Mainstream Christians don't take this commandment very seriously, even though it is number four on the list before thou shall not murder, yet Sunday shopping is prevalent throughout America.
None of the above have anything to do with real morality.
5. Honor your father and your mother.
6. You shall not commit adultery.
7. You shall not murder.
Only number seven on the list.
8. You shall not steal.
9. You shall not bear false witness.
10. You shall not covet.
Covet? Seldom used today, not many actually know what it means.
Christian Morality
Christians don't seem to be capable of telling right from wrong for themselves. They need to be told by their churches what is right and what is wrong.
Atheists have the intelligence to work it out themselves.
'Good people go to heaven and bad people go to hell.'
It seems that Christians have to be threatened with infinite punishment to get them to behave morally.
To behave morally out of fear of extreme punishment or for an eternal reward is fake morality.
Christian morality is based on fear and bribes.
Christian morality is a false morality.
'If people are good only because they fear punishment and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.' [Albert Einstein]
Atheist morality is real morality.
Real morality is when one acts morally without the promise of reward or the threat of punishment, out of common decency, simply because it is the rational, right thing to do. The 'golden rule' is rational, it's logical. Society runs smoother. Hypocrisy is irrational.
Worshipping violent gods leads to violent behavior
Its no wonder that the worshipers of this twisted god are capable of crusades, jihad's, inquisitions, fatwas, slavery, genocide, annihilating entire indigenous populations and taking over their countries and continents, dropping napalm bombs on villages, spaying millions of acres of forest with agent orange, blowing up the World Trade Center, etc.
It stands to reason that the worshipers of the most violent god in mythology would commit the biggest crimes in reality.
The bible was/is used to justify the Holocaust, the Crusades, the Inquisition, Spanish conquistadors, colonialism, slavery, racism, female oppression, gay bashing, the murdering of pro-choice doctors etc.
�Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.� (Blaise Pascal)
The World Trade Center Suicide Bombing
A prime example of how irrational beliefs can result in irrational behavior.
The totally irrational belief in immortality, in an afterlife in paradise being serviced by 72 virgins with continually regrowing hymens, in a god that wants people to kill and die for it, led to the irrational acts of flying passenger jets into the World Trade Center.
The greatest madness of all
The go forth and multiply doctrine of the Catholics.
Uncontrolled breeding in the middle of a population explosion is so totally irrational, it's actually insane.
Without a doubt, overpopulation is by far the most pressing problem facing this planet. The human carrying capacity of planet earth has been exceeded. We are in the middle of a population explosion crisis! It is the root cause of all the major problems facing us today. Mass poverty, mass starvation, deforestation, pollution, soil erosion, over farming, overfishing, species extinction, (in fact, overall general environmental destruction on an unprecedented scale), wars, genocide, diseases, slums, illiteracy, crime and even stress to name a few. If the current birthrate continues there will be a catastrophic environmental collapse in less than fifty years time. Our only hope is to drastically reduce the current birthrate and this can only be done through family planning and birth-control. To be anti-birth-control under the present circumstances is not just unbelievably stupid, its immoral.
A self-fulfilling prophecy
Catholics doctrine predicts a so-called �Armageddon� and their go forth and multiply doctrine is certainly helping that prophecy come true.
More madness
Opposition to safe sex campaigns in the middle of an aids epidemic. The result of the Catholic churches' opposition to safe sex campaigns is, of course, a higher aids rate and a higher birthrate. Aids then become a kind of Catholic population control! Starvation, disease, and war are direct results of overpopulation. Is this how the Catholics want to control overpopulation.
Mind your own fucking business, you overbearing asshole.
Who the fuck are you, you prick!
This an atheist forum. If you don't like to read atheist-related posts, then get the fuck away from here. Your overly sensitive feeling won't be hurt that way.
You're a fucking nut-job who has no business posting here, ass-face.
When are you ever going to fucking realize that?
I'll give you a chance to force me out. Do you want it?
Sure do But seeing the way you operate, you'll renege on any agreement you make.
But I'm intrigued. What do you have in mind?
I absolutely *detest* your kind.
I'm not going to get myself in legal trouble by making threats over the internet. Use your imagination.
2018-04-04 12:51:44 UTC
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by Greywolf
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by Greywolf
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by Cloud Hobbit
http://home.mweb.co.za/it/iti04330/atheist1a.htm ON MORALITY
It's insane to take moral instructions from a god guilty of such horrendous crimes.
A do as I say not as I do god.
A perverted morality
Not only do followers believe their god to be perfectly good, but that the whole concept of morality is their god's idea. Followers believe their twisted god created morality.
They believe their god is the source of all morality, that morality is exclusively their gods' idea, that there can be no morality without this god.
This god determines all of morality.
This god is morally perfect, it is incapable of immoral behavior, even incapable of immoral thoughts, so murdering every human on this planet and sending people to infinite torture, merely for not worshipping it, is good and moral behavior.
They even go so far as to claim that morality is exclusive to the followers of this evil god. They claim a monopoly on morality and even go as far as trying to force this so called morality on the rest of humanity.
A morality that is more about worshipping their god than about not harming others.
The first four commandments of the Ten Commandments are not about not doing harm to others, but about worshipping the god.
1. You shall have no other gods before me.
This is a tactic admission that there are other gods. It doesn't deny the existence of other gods, it just commands you to make sure that old Yahweh is first on your worship list. Basically, the first commandment is about this gods' childish jealousy.
2. You shall not make for yourself a carved image.
more petty jealousy
3. You shall not take the name of the lord your god in vain.
I don't know what this means.
4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
How exactly are you supposed to keep a day 'holy'? Sprinkel it with holy water? Mainstream Christians don't take this commandment very seriously, even though it is number four on the list before thou shall not murder, yet Sunday shopping is prevalent throughout America.
None of the above have anything to do with real morality.
5. Honor your father and your mother.
6. You shall not commit adultery.
7. You shall not murder.
Only number seven on the list.
8. You shall not steal.
9. You shall not bear false witness.
10. You shall not covet.
Covet? Seldom used today, not many actually know what it means.
Christian Morality
Christians don't seem to be capable of telling right from wrong for themselves. They need to be told by their churches what is right and what is wrong.
Atheists have the intelligence to work it out themselves.
'Good people go to heaven and bad people go to hell.'
It seems that Christians have to be threatened with infinite punishment to get them to behave morally.
To behave morally out of fear of extreme punishment or for an eternal reward is fake morality.
Christian morality is based on fear and bribes.
Christian morality is a false morality.
'If people are good only because they fear punishment and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.' [Albert Einstein]
Atheist morality is real morality.
Real morality is when one acts morally without the promise of reward or the threat of punishment, out of common decency, simply because it is the rational, right thing to do. The 'golden rule' is rational, it's logical. Society runs smoother. Hypocrisy is irrational.
Worshipping violent gods leads to violent behavior
Its no wonder that the worshipers of this twisted god are capable of crusades, jihad's, inquisitions, fatwas, slavery, genocide, annihilating entire indigenous populations and taking over their countries and continents, dropping napalm bombs on villages, spaying millions of acres of forest with agent orange, blowing up the World Trade Center, etc.
It stands to reason that the worshipers of the most violent god in mythology would commit the biggest crimes in reality.
The bible was/is used to justify the Holocaust, the Crusades, the Inquisition, Spanish conquistadors, colonialism, slavery, racism, female oppression, gay bashing, the murdering of pro-choice doctors etc.
?Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.? (Blaise Pascal)
The World Trade Center Suicide Bombing
A prime example of how irrational beliefs can result in irrational behavior.
The totally irrational belief in immortality, in an afterlife in paradise being serviced by 72 virgins with continually regrowing hymens, in a god that wants people to kill and die for it, led to the irrational acts of flying passenger jets into the World Trade Center.
The greatest madness of all
The go forth and multiply doctrine of the Catholics.
Uncontrolled breeding in the middle of a population explosion is so totally irrational, it's actually insane.
Without a doubt, overpopulation is by far the most pressing problem facing this planet. The human carrying capacity of planet earth has been exceeded. We are in the middle of a population explosion crisis! It is the root cause of all the major problems facing us today. Mass poverty, mass starvation, deforestation, pollution, soil erosion, over farming, overfishing, species extinction, (in fact, overall general environmental destruction on an unprecedented scale), wars, genocide, diseases, slums, illiteracy, crime and even stress to name a few. If the current birthrate continues there will be a catastrophic environmental collapse in less than fifty years time. Our only hope is to drastically reduce the current birthrate and this can only be done through family planning and birth-control. To be anti-birth-control under the present circumstances is not just unbelievably stupid, its immoral.
A self-fulfilling prophecy
Catholics doctrine predicts a so-called ?Armageddon? and their go forth and multiply doctrine is certainly helping that prophecy come true.
More madness
Opposition to safe sex campaigns in the middle of an aids epidemic. The result of the Catholic churches' opposition to safe sex campaigns is, of course, a higher aids rate and a higher birthrate. Aids then become a kind of Catholic population control! Starvation, disease, and war are direct results of overpopulation. Is this how the Catholics want to control overpopulation.
Mind your own fucking business, you overbearing asshole.
Who the fuck are you, you prick!
This an atheist forum. If you don't like to read atheist-related posts, then get the fuck away from here. Your overly sensitive feeling won't be hurt that way.
You're a fucking nut-job who has no business posting here, ass-face.
When are you ever going to fucking realize that?
I'll give you a chance to force me out. Do you want it?
Sure do But seeing the way you operate, you'll renege on any agreement you make.
But I'm intrigued. What do you have in mind?
I absolutely *detest* your kind.
I'm not going to get myself in legal trouble by making threats over the internet. Use your imagination.
Just laugh at grey.

the dukester, American-American

The Purpose of the NT Word of God is not to inform as it did in
the OT,but instead to form us in the very image of Jesus Christ.
2018-04-04 14:02:31 UTC
Post by duke
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by Greywolf
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by Greywolf
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by Cloud Hobbit
http://home.mweb.co.za/it/iti04330/atheist1a.htm ON MORALITY
It's insane to take moral instructions from a god guilty of such horrendous crimes.
A do as I say not as I do god.
A perverted morality
Not only do followers believe their god to be perfectly good, but that the whole concept of morality is their god's idea. Followers believe their twisted god created morality.
They believe their god is the source of all morality, that morality is exclusively their gods' idea, that there can be no morality without this god.
This god determines all of morality.
This god is morally perfect, it is incapable of immoral behavior, even incapable of immoral thoughts, so murdering every human on this planet and sending people to infinite torture, merely for not worshipping it, is good and moral behavior.
They even go so far as to claim that morality is exclusive to the followers of this evil god. They claim a monopoly on morality and even go as far as trying to force this so called morality on the rest of humanity.
A morality that is more about worshipping their god than about not harming others.
The first four commandments of the Ten Commandments are not about not doing harm to others, but about worshipping the god.
1. You shall have no other gods before me.
This is a tactic admission that there are other gods. It doesn't deny the existence of other gods, it just commands you to make sure that old Yahweh is first on your worship list. Basically, the first commandment is about this gods' childish jealousy.
2. You shall not make for yourself a carved image.
more petty jealousy
3. You shall not take the name of the lord your god in vain.
I don't know what this means.
4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
How exactly are you supposed to keep a day 'holy'? Sprinkel it with holy water? Mainstream Christians don't take this commandment very seriously, even though it is number four on the list before thou shall not murder, yet Sunday shopping is prevalent throughout America.
None of the above have anything to do with real morality.
5. Honor your father and your mother.
6. You shall not commit adultery.
7. You shall not murder.
Only number seven on the list.
8. You shall not steal.
9. You shall not bear false witness.
10. You shall not covet.
Covet? Seldom used today, not many actually know what it means.
Christian Morality
Christians don't seem to be capable of telling right from wrong for themselves. They need to be told by their churches what is right and what is wrong.
Atheists have the intelligence to work it out themselves.
'Good people go to heaven and bad people go to hell.'
It seems that Christians have to be threatened with infinite punishment to get them to behave morally.
To behave morally out of fear of extreme punishment or for an eternal reward is fake morality.
Christian morality is based on fear and bribes.
Christian morality is a false morality.
'If people are good only because they fear punishment and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.' [Albert Einstein]
Atheist morality is real morality.
Real morality is when one acts morally without the promise of reward or the threat of punishment, out of common decency, simply because it is the rational, right thing to do. The 'golden rule' is rational, it's logical. Society runs smoother. Hypocrisy is irrational.
Worshipping violent gods leads to violent behavior
Its no wonder that the worshipers of this twisted god are capable of crusades, jihad's, inquisitions, fatwas, slavery, genocide, annihilating entire indigenous populations and taking over their countries and continents, dropping napalm bombs on villages, spaying millions of acres of forest with agent orange, blowing up the World Trade Center, etc.
It stands to reason that the worshipers of the most violent god in mythology would commit the biggest crimes in reality.
The bible was/is used to justify the Holocaust, the Crusades, the Inquisition, Spanish conquistadors, colonialism, slavery, racism, female oppression, gay bashing, the murdering of pro-choice doctors etc.
?Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.? (Blaise Pascal)
The World Trade Center Suicide Bombing
A prime example of how irrational beliefs can result in irrational behavior.
The totally irrational belief in immortality, in an afterlife in paradise being serviced by 72 virgins with continually regrowing hymens, in a god that wants people to kill and die for it, led to the irrational acts of flying passenger jets into the World Trade Center.
The greatest madness of all
The go forth and multiply doctrine of the Catholics.
Uncontrolled breeding in the middle of a population explosion is so totally irrational, it's actually insane.
Without a doubt, overpopulation is by far the most pressing problem facing this planet. The human carrying capacity of planet earth has been exceeded. We are in the middle of a population explosion crisis! It is the root cause of all the major problems facing us today. Mass poverty, mass starvation, deforestation, pollution, soil erosion, over farming, overfishing, species extinction, (in fact, overall general environmental destruction on an unprecedented scale), wars, genocide, diseases, slums, illiteracy, crime and even stress to name a few. If the current birthrate continues there will be a catastrophic environmental collapse in less than fifty years time. Our only hope is to drastically reduce the current birthrate and this can only be done through family planning and birth-control. To be anti-birth-control under the present circumstances is not just unbelievably stupid, its immoral.
A self-fulfilling prophecy
Catholics doctrine predicts a so-called ?Armageddon? and their go forth and multiply doctrine is certainly helping that prophecy come true.
More madness
Opposition to safe sex campaigns in the middle of an aids epidemic. The result of the Catholic churches' opposition to safe sex campaigns is, of course, a higher aids rate and a higher birthrate. Aids then become a kind of Catholic population control! Starvation, disease, and war are direct results of overpopulation. Is this how the Catholics want to control overpopulation.
Mind your own fucking business, you overbearing asshole.
Who the fuck are you, you prick!
This an atheist forum. If you don't like to read atheist-related posts, then get the fuck away from here. Your overly sensitive feeling won't be hurt that way.
You're a fucking nut-job who has no business posting here, ass-face.
When are you ever going to fucking realize that?
I'll give you a chance to force me out. Do you want it?
Sure do But seeing the way you operate, you'll renege on any agreement you make.
But I'm intrigued. What do you have in mind?
I absolutely *detest* your kind.
I'm not going to get myself in legal trouble by making threats over the internet. Use your imagination.
Just laugh at grey.
I suspect his middle initial is "B". That stands for "belligerent."
2018-04-11 20:09:27 UTC
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by Cloud Hobbit
http://home.mweb.co.za/it/iti04330/atheist1a.htm ON MORALITY
It's insane to take moral instructions from a god guilty of such horrendous crimes.
A do as I say not as I do god.
A perverted morality
Not only do followers believe their god to be perfectly good, but that the whole concept of morality is their god's idea. Followers believe their twisted god created morality.
They believe their god is the source of all morality, that morality is exclusively their gods' idea, that there can be no morality without this god.
This god determines all of morality.
This god is morally perfect, it is incapable of immoral behavior, even incapable of immoral thoughts, so murdering every human on this planet and sending people to infinite torture, merely for not worshipping it, is good and moral behavior.
They even go so far as to claim that morality is exclusive to the followers of this evil god. They claim a monopoly on morality and even go as far as trying to force this so called morality on the rest of humanity.
A morality that is more about worshipping their god than about not harming others.
The first four commandments of the Ten Commandments are not about not doing harm to others, but about worshipping the god.
1. You shall have no other gods before me.
This is a tactic admission that there are other gods. It doesn't deny the existence of other gods, it just commands you to make sure that old Yahweh is first on your worship list. Basically, the first commandment is about this gods' childish jealousy.
2. You shall not make for yourself a carved image.
more petty jealousy
3. You shall not take the name of the lord your god in vain.
I don't know what this means.
4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
How exactly are you supposed to keep a day 'holy'? Sprinkel it with holy water? Mainstream Christians don't take this commandment very seriously, even though it is number four on the list before thou shall not murder, yet Sunday shopping is prevalent throughout America.
None of the above have anything to do with real morality.
5. Honor your father and your mother.
6. You shall not commit adultery.
7. You shall not murder.
Only number seven on the list.
8. You shall not steal.
9. You shall not bear false witness.
10. You shall not covet.
Covet? Seldom used today, not many actually know what it means.
Christian Morality
Christians don't seem to be capable of telling right from wrong for themselves. They need to be told by their churches what is right and what is wrong.
Atheists have the intelligence to work it out themselves.
'Good people go to heaven and bad people go to hell.'
It seems that Christians have to be threatened with infinite punishment to get them to behave morally.
To behave morally out of fear of extreme punishment or for an eternal reward is fake morality.
Christian morality is based on fear and bribes.
Christian morality is a false morality.
'If people are good only because they fear punishment and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.' [Albert Einstein]
Atheist morality is real morality.
Real morality is when one acts morally without the promise of reward or the threat of punishment, out of common decency, simply because it is the rational, right thing to do. The 'golden rule' is rational, it's logical. Society runs smoother. Hypocrisy is irrational.
Worshipping violent gods leads to violent behavior
Its no wonder that the worshipers of this twisted god are capable of crusades, jihad's, inquisitions, fatwas, slavery, genocide, annihilating entire indigenous populations and taking over their countries and continents, dropping napalm bombs on villages, spaying millions of acres of forest with agent orange, blowing up the World Trade Center, etc.
It stands to reason that the worshipers of the most violent god in mythology would commit the biggest crimes in reality.
The bible was/is used to justify the Holocaust, the Crusades, the Inquisition, Spanish conquistadors, colonialism, slavery, racism, female oppression, gay bashing, the murdering of pro-choice doctors etc.
�Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.� (Blaise Pascal)
The World Trade Center Suicide Bombing
A prime example of how irrational beliefs can result in irrational behavior.
The totally irrational belief in immortality, in an afterlife in paradise being serviced by 72 virgins with continually regrowing hymens, in a god that wants people to kill and die for it, led to the irrational acts of flying passenger jets into the World Trade Center.
The greatest madness of all
The go forth and multiply doctrine of the Catholics.
Uncontrolled breeding in the middle of a population explosion is so totally irrational, it's actually insane.
Without a doubt, overpopulation is by far the most pressing problem facing this planet. The human carrying capacity of planet earth has been exceeded. We are in the middle of a population explosion crisis! It is the root cause of all the major problems facing us today. Mass poverty, mass starvation, deforestation, pollution, soil erosion, over farming, overfishing, species extinction, (in fact, overall general environmental destruction on an unprecedented scale), wars, genocide, diseases, slums, illiteracy, crime and even stress to name a few. If the current birthrate continues there will be a catastrophic environmental collapse in less than fifty years time. Our only hope is to drastically reduce the current birthrate and this can only be done through family planning and birth-control. To be anti-birth-control under the present circumstances is not just unbelievably stupid, its immoral.
A self-fulfilling prophecy
Catholics doctrine predicts a so-called �Armageddon� and their go forth and multiply doctrine is certainly helping that prophecy come true.
More madness
Opposition to safe sex campaigns in the middle of an aids epidemic. The result of the Catholic churches' opposition to safe sex campaigns is, of course, a higher aids rate and a higher birthrate. Aids then become a kind of Catholic population control! Starvation, disease, and war are direct results of overpopulation. Is this how the Catholics want to control overpopulation.
Mind your own fucking business, you overbearing asshole.
Who's business was he minding?
Yosemite Sam
2018-04-11 20:14:54 UTC
Post by Cloud Hobbit
http://home.mweb.co.za/it/iti04330/atheist1a.htm ON MORALITY
It's insane to take moral instructions from a god guilty of such horrendous crimes.
A do as I say not as I do god.
A perverted morality
Not only do followers believe their god to be perfectly good, but that the whole concept of morality is their god's idea. Followers believe their twisted god created morality.
They believe their god is the source of all morality, that morality is exclusively their gods' idea, that there can be no morality without this god.
This god determines all of morality.
This god is morally perfect, it is incapable of immoral behavior, even incapable of immoral thoughts, so murdering every human on this planet and sending people to infinite torture, merely for not worshipping it, is good and moral behavior.
They even go so far as to claim that morality is exclusive to the followers of this evil god. They claim a monopoly on morality and even go as far as trying to force this so called morality on the rest of humanity.
A morality that is more about worshipping their god than about not harming others.
The first four commandments of the Ten Commandments are not about not doing harm to others, but about worshipping the god.
1. You shall have no other gods before me.
This is a tactic admission that there are other gods. It doesn't deny the existence of other gods, it just commands you to make sure that old Yahweh is first on your worship list. Basically, the first commandment is about this gods' childish jealousy.
2. You shall not make for yourself a carved image.
more petty jealousy
3. You shall not take the name of the lord your god in vain.
I don't know what this means.
4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
How exactly are you supposed to keep a day 'holy'? Sprinkel it with holy water? Mainstream Christians don't take this commandment very seriously, even though it is number four on the list before thou shall not murder, yet Sunday shopping is prevalent throughout America.
None of the above have anything to do with real morality.
5. Honor your father and your mother.
6. You shall not commit adultery.
7. You shall not murder.
Only number seven on the list.
8. You shall not steal.
9. You shall not bear false witness.
10. You shall not covet.
Covet? Seldom used today, not many actually know what it means.
10 can be rephrased: "These are my tablets, not yours. Give them back, Moses."