A History of AGMSFS
(too old to reply)
Gerry Binder
2015-07-05 00:46:04 UTC
"War !!! Hooah !!! What is it good for ??? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING !!!



A little AGMSFS historical opinion piece:

Prior to September 11, 2001 this newsgroup was frequented by a good
mix of people, many from Europe, posting on-topic 99%of the tme.

In the mad months after 9/11, and through to 2004, there were many
off-topic political arguments here. Eventually many European posters
and the more moderate American posters disappeared, leaving a group
dominated by American right-wing "patriot" types and their supporters.

The "patriots" vociferous and often ad hominem "defense" of America's
hamfisted response to 9/11had driven off the more moderate

During the period 2003-2009, a hard core of half-a-dozen-or-so
American "right wing death beasts" consolidated their hold on this
newsgroup. These were the cyber bullies Dallas called "the group's
immune system", and they would pile on with personal attacks and
personal abuse, anyone who "misbehaved". According to their
perception of things, all was well in what they now thought of as
"their" newsgroup.

Then, in late 2009, after six months of reading their "patriotic"
political crap (which was interspersed with misgynisitc and racist
"jokes"), I started to challenge some of the war-glorifying and war
mongering type of comments here, ... and all hell broke loose.

It became obvious that being critical of US foreign policy, past
and/or present, was a "crime" warranting nothing less than the
vilification and ostracisation of such an "offender" by Dallas's
"immune system". And thus a five-year campaign of cyber bullying
was waged against me, in their futile attempt to drive me out. And
all the while they ranted that I was a "troll".

Somehow they imagined that I would quickly wilt in the face of of
their vilificatious lies and abuse. Not only did the cyber bullies
lose their war, but their war destroyed this newsgroup. And, being
the bright sparks hey so obviously were (in their own luchtime) they
blamed it all on me.

If only, early on, they had been civil in how the dealt with those who
had doubts about the US response to 9/11, and later, heeded the
well-conceived wisdom of "not feeding the troll", this newsgroup
would most likely still be a very viable one.

But sadly, they still blame everyone except themselves. Sadly, it's
the only way in which they can protect their idea that America is the
rightful, ordained, leader of the "free" world.

In here it doesn't really matter. All they destroyed was a usenet
newsgroup, but out there, in the real world, where the same attitudes
shape American foreign policy, be afraid. Be VERY afraid...

"War !!! Hooah !!! What is it good for ??? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING !!!

2015-07-05 01:53:32 UTC
Post by Gerry Binder
Somehow they imagined that I would quickly wilt
More like retract into a fetal position... :|

Loading Image...
Nurse Ratched
2015-07-05 08:49:46 UTC
Yeah, well your post proves my point perfectly.



As always, there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING preventing
people posting flightsim and/or aviation related material
here except, maybe, their psychological inability to stop
reading threads they don't like reading and their intolerance
of the opinions of others.

Therefore, please do not complain about any lack of
flightsim and/or aviation related material here if _you_ have
not posted any recently.

In the meantime, please enjoy the deep and meaningful "off-
topic" material posted to keep the place ticking over. Who
knows, it may even improve your mind. It certainly cannot
hurt you... ;-)

Mr. Man-wai Chang
2015-07-05 13:49:23 UTC
Post by Gerry Binder
"War !!! Hooah !!! What is it good for ??? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING !!!
Users have switched to platforms other than Usenet for opinions sharing.
@~@ Remain silent. Nothing from soldiers and magicians is real!
/ v \ Simplicity is Beauty! May the Force and farces be with you!
/( _ )\ (Fedora release 22) Linux 4.0.6-300.fc22.i686+PAE
^ ^ 21:45:01 up 4 days 12:31 0 users load average: 0.00 0.05 0.05
不借貸! 不詐騙! 不援交! 不打交! 不打劫! 不自殺! 請考慮綜援 (CSSA):
Nurse Ratched
2015-07-05 14:05:43 UTC
On Sun, 5 Jul 2015 21:49:23 +0800, "Mr. Man-wai Chang"
Post by Mr. Man-wai Chang
Users have switched to platforms other than Usenet for opinions sharing.
Are you sharing an opinion?



As always, there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING preventing
people posting flightsim and/or aviation related material
here except, maybe, their psychological inability to stop
reading threads they don't like reading and their intolerance
of the opinions of others.

Therefore, please do not complain about any lack of
flightsim and/or aviation related material here if _you_ have
not posted any recently.

In the meantime, please enjoy the deep and meaningful "off-
topic" material posted to keep the place ticking over. Who
knows, it may even improve your mind. It certainly cannot
hurt you... ;-)

Mr. Man-wai Chang
2015-07-05 14:08:59 UTC
Post by Nurse Ratched
On Sun, 5 Jul 2015 21:49:23 +0800, "Mr. Man-wai Chang"
Post by Mr. Man-wai Chang
Users have switched to platforms other than Usenet for opinions sharing.
Are you sharing an opinion?
I am an old person. That's why I still visit this Usenet, via
Eternal-September rather than an ISP newsgroup servers. All ISPs in Hong
Kong had switched off their Usenet servers years ago. :)
@~@ Remain silent. Nothing from soldiers and magicians is real!
/ v \ Simplicity is Beauty! May the Force and farces be with you!
/( _ )\ (Fedora release 22) Linux 4.0.6-300.fc22.i686+PAE
^ ^ 22:03:01 up 4 days 12:49 0 users load average: 0.00 0.01 0.05
不借貸! 不詐騙! 不援交! 不打交! 不打劫! 不自殺! 請考慮綜援 (CSSA):
2015-07-06 23:07:52 UTC
Post by Nurse Ratched
On Sun, 5 Jul 2015 21:49:23 +0800, "Mr. Man-wai Chang"
Post by Mr. Man-wai Chang
Users have switched to platforms other than Usenet for opinions sharing.
Are you sharing an opinion?
I am an old person. That's why I still visit this Usenet ...
Oh... I thought it was because you enjoy reading my opinions. ;-)

Sigmund Froyd


There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING preventing people posting
flightsim and/or aviation related material here except,
maybe, their psychological inability to stop reading threads
they don't like reading and their intolerance of the opinions
of others.

Therefore, please do not complain about any lack of flightsim
and/or aviation related material here if _you_ have not posted
any recently.

In the meantime, please enjoy the deep and meaningful "off-
topic" discussions. Who knows, they may even improve your
mind. They certainly cannot hurt you... ;-)

2015-07-07 06:15:37 UTC
My sister-in-law used to entertain herself by setting up two "Furbies" so they faced each other. She said they had the strangest conversations...
Post by Sigmund_F
I am an old person. That's why I still visit this Usenet ...
Oh... I thought it was because you enjoy reading my opinions. ;-)
Sigmund Froyd
Nurse Ratched
2015-07-07 09:18:55 UTC
Post by b***@msn.com
Post by Sigmund_F
I am an old person. That's why I still visit this Usenet ...
Oh... I thought it was because you enjoy reading my opinions. ;-)
My sister-in-law used to entertain herself by setting up two "Furbies"
so they faced each other. She said they had the strangest conversations...
So what is it you're trying to tell us, Brian? That you're talking
to two Furbies talking to each other?



As always, there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING preventing
people posting flightsim and/or aviation related material
here except, maybe, their psychological inability to stop
reading threads they don't like reading and their intolerance
of the opinions of others.

Therefore, please do not complain about any lack of
flightsim and/or aviation related material here if _you_ have
not posted any recently.

In the meantime, please enjoy the deep and meaningful "off-
topic" material posted to keep the place ticking over. Who
knows, it may even improve your mind. It certainly cannot
hurt you... ;-)

2015-07-07 21:04:08 UTC
Post by b***@msn.com
My sister-in-law used to entertain herself by setting up two "Furbies" so they faced each other. She said they had the strangest conversations...
Did she name them Sigmund and Nurse Mildred?

Offense is always free in usenet
*Psychopath: A Journey Through the Madness*

Gerhart Binder
Gerry Binder - Terrorist Sympathizer and Poser:

Post by b***@msn.com
As I read the Wikipedia entry, it looks like (1) the acts of terror
were not
Post by b***@msn.com
of the same magnitude as 9/11
No one was about to deprive you (America) of your liberty. You were
merely given a good hard slap in the face, that's all. One you had
coming for quite a while the way I see it. And you still haven't
learned from it.

* * *
Offence freely given to those who wish to take it


On Nov 7, 7:25am, Walt_M wrote:

I'll just say this though: 9/11 was payback for decades of attrocious
US foreign policy in the middle east. It was come-uppance. And a
whole mountain of propaganda has been piled on to top of that truth in
order to conceal it. they call it "perception management".

* * *
Offence freely given to those who wish to take it


On Sat, 13 Aug 2011 02:40:03 -0500 Walt_M wrote:

Want me to put into sharp relief for you, Bob? If the US respected
the viewpoints of the Muslim world, 9/11 woud never have happened.

* * *
Offence freely given to those who wish to take it.

On 1/8/2015 2:38 PM, Diogenes (Gerry Binder) wrote:
I think the Judaism, Christinity and Islam are all piles of crap.
But I refuse to vilify all adherents of a religion just because
a very very small minority are so traumatised by war that they
have become psychopathic killers.


Subject: Re: OT Whoop Tee Doo
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2013 07:47:00 +1000
From: Walt_M <***@iinet.net.au>

Which country is it that's constantly interfering in the affairs
of other countries? It's the USA !!!

Like the mass-murdering Israelis, you keep telling lies about why
terrorism is being directed at you. Not only are you a mass
murderering nation, you're liars and hypocrites as well, so just
fuck right off with disingenuous lecturing, OK?

Stick to stuff you know a LITTLE bit about, such as flight simming.



POSER - Exaggerator

Exaggerators actually served, but inflate or in some cases just
make up important details. These are the kinds of people who,
for example, might have been a mechanic (an important job!) but
want everyone to think that he was some kind of elite ninja
SpecOps killer. They generally have enough knowledge about the
military to fake it with their civilian friends, but usually get
outed quickly enough when in the company of other veterans,
especially those with the kind of experience that the poser is
claiming to have.


There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING preventing people posting
flightsim and/or aviation related material here except
walnut and the NoT's intolerance of the rights
of others and their psychological inability to stop
posting confrontational, hypocritical, broken logic,
totally unrelated to simming, topically inflammatory
as possible, guaranteed to start another bun war messages
which are constructed solely within the bigoted, deranged,
propaganda-twisted minds of the above mentioned two individuals.

Therefore, please do not complain about any lack of
flightsim and/or aviation related material here if _you_
have not complained directly to walnut and/or to the NoT.
In the meantime, please enjoy the thought provoking
"off-topic" discussions brought to you by the destroyers
of AGMFS, Gerry the walnut, and the NoT.
Who knows, they may even fry your mind.

The facts speak for themselves:

Fact [1]: A small group of two control freaks who
thought they owned this newsgroup attacked the rest
of the group and tried to ostracized them because they
occasionally voiced OT Posts.

Fact [2]: Gerry "trolled" insanely.
Gerry then blamed the group for the war by claiming
instead of heeding the conventional cyberspacial
wisdom about ignoring posts deemed to be troll posts,
they thought it was a good idea to wage flame wars
against him. Everyone who engaged in the noise thus
generated was responsible for their part in the outcome.
It was then a scam to exclusively blame Gerry for
"the noise".

Fact [3]: Had "the silent majority" spoken up
against the obvious ...... {snip}
gotta snip it here.. there was no silent majority.


Gerry Binder
2015-07-24 02:58:07 UTC
On Tue, 07 Jul 2015 16:04:08 -0500, Copter_Six
a.k.a. Bob Smith, a mentally disturbed, hate-filled American
"patriot" cyberstalker http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyberstalking,
has, sadly, yet again, surrendered to his obsessive-compulsive
need for mounting defamatory personal attacks upon me.

Bob Smith has been cyberstalking me since early 2010 and so,
in early May 2015, I finally said "Enough !!!" and I gave Bob the
ultimatum that if he did not stop the cyberstalking I would publish
his address here.

His reply was "I don't give a damn if you post my address here."
And as the readers can see, he has pig-headedly continued to
Post by Copter_Six
Gerhart Binder
Gerry Binder
28 Derain Crescent,
Hazelbrook NSW 2779 Australia,
(02) 4758 7482
And now, in some sort of mind-altered state, he blurts out the
Post by Copter_Six
Gerry Binder has once again violated the Guidelines by posting someone's
private information on public web forums.
He forgets that the information I posted about him is already publicly
available on the internet and therefore no "guidelines" were violated.

He forgets he gave me permission, virtually challenging me to do so.

What a silly boy... And so the game goes on... Until he stops...

This Iraq-war-crazed helicopter pilot's contact details are:

Address: 2406 Cactus Drive, Killeen, Texas, USA
Postal Address: P.O. Box 457, Kempner, Texas 76539, USA
Phone: (254) 518 7060
Linked-In: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/bob-smith/69/996/437

The following are some of the pseudonyms Bob has used in his
crazy cyberstalking campaign against me:

AGMSFS Guidelines Violation

And why does Bob experience the irrepressible craving to
obsessively and compulsively cyberstalk me? Because I say
things which Bob doesn't agree with, and Bob _just_has_to_
try to punish, silence or destroy those who dare to say things
which he doesn't agree with. Obviously he is a control freak.

Sadly, Bob is a classic product of America's war mongering
and war glorifying propaganda machine, and as a result "the
(war) machine" has turned him into a brainwashed psychopathic

For five years now, Bob-the-patriot-bot has been waging an
insane, politically motivated cyberstalking campaign of
persecution, personal abuse, lies, and vilification against me,
apparently in the name of "saving this newsgroup from the evil

And why am I so evil? Well, apparently it's because I am an
Australian Vietnam war veteran who, unlike Bob, eventually
managed to break free from the lobotomising effect of American
anti-communist propaganda and saw the light, and became a
peace activist and an advocate for non-violent conflict resolution
strategies as an alternative to war, i.e. state sanctioned mass
murder. Apparently anti-war mongering is "anti-American".
Go figure...

In the process of waging his insane personal war against me, Bob
(along with another malicious cyberstalker who called himself
BasilBrush) became _ THE _ major cause of the disintegration of
this once fine newsgroup.


Bob proudly calls himself a "patriot", seemingly unaware that the
oft-quoted aphorism "Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel"
applies to him perfectly.

However, we should be understanding rather than judgemental.
Blind Freddy can see that Bob suffers from PTSD, war's silent
bullet, but, sadly, he's way too macho to seek treatment. So what
are we poor little platypusses to do? Well, as Jesus is reported
to have once said, "Forgive him, for he knows not what he does!"

In the meantime, if we can get Bob to repeat the following mantra
200 times a day, he might begin to see the light:

"War !! Hooah !! What is it good for ?!? Absolutely nothing !!!"

Should you wish to know more, feel free to contact me via
the following email addresses:

You can read my (currently dormant) blog here:

2015-07-24 16:54:57 UTC
Post by Copter_Six
Gerhart Binder
Gerry Binder
28 Derain Crescent,
Hazelbrook NSW 2779 Australia,
(02) 4758 7482
More fanatical bullshit from

Gerhart Binder
Gerry Binder
Also known as;

Diogenes - Mildred - Debbie -
Walt_M - Nurse Ratched - Sigmund_F -
Walnut - self-professed war hero -
PX Warrior - Newsgroup Destroyer -
Lying Blowhard - Troll Supreme -
Bigot #1 - Welfare Fraudster -
Social Reject - Allergic to work -
PPP - Pathetic Pious Prick -

POSER - Exaggerator

Exaggerators actually served in the Military, but inflate or in some
cases just make up important details. These are the kinds of people
who, for example, might have been a cook in a catering unit but
want everyone to think that he was some kind of elite ninja
SpecOps killer. They generally have enough knowledge about the
military to fake it with their civilian friends, but usually get
outed quickly enough when in the company of other veterans,
especially those with the kind of experience that the poser is
claiming to have.

Medical Employment Classification 5—
Medically Unfit for Further Service

Who drank paddy water in order to get dysentery
to get out of Vietnam after only 146 days,
Vietnam Vet my ass........

Anti-Capitalist (Communist perhaps?)
and Terrorist Sympathizer -
a.k.a. Psycho Gerry Binder,

living somewhere near

Derain Crescent,
Hazelbrook NSW 2779 Australia,

Psycho Gerry has a blog. For the URL contact him at:

mailto:***@iinet.net.au mailto:***@iinet.net.au
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Guilty of sowing discord on by starting arguments
or upsetting people by posting inflammatory extraneous
or off-topic messages in an online newsgroup with
the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an
emotional response or otherwise disrupting normal
on-topic discussions.

Guilty of being a prick on the internet because he can.
Typically unleashing one or more cynical or sarcastic
remarks on innocent readers or posting confrontational
political rants, because it's the internet and, hey, he can.


2015-10-12 04:10:58 UTC
I'm having a sombre moment of remembrance today.
To those still lurking this old patch of great memories 'hi there guys!'
Feel free to leave a message

Butts (back to 1998.)

handle real name YOB age city state country code
v1.9 August 7, 2011 ave age: 59.9
1 Aakermit 1949 65 Van Nuys California
2 Ace Ian G 1968 46 Coral Springs Florida USA
3 Adam Webb 1983 31 Hornchurch Essex
4 Alan White Argyll Scotland UK
5 Alex Alexander Avtanski 1973 41 San Jose California
6 Allan Goldthorpe 1947 67 North Bay Ontario Canada
7 Allan Grayson 1955 59 Bruno Saskatchewan Canada
8 Andreas Tschoeke 1956 58 Bochum North Rhine-Westphalia
Germany EDLE
9 Andrew B 1954 60 Cheshire Cheshire UK EGCC
10 Andy Andy Robinson 1978 36 Pakenham Upper Victoria
11 Andy Berkshire UK
12 Andy Hawkins 1968 46 Swindon Wiltshire UK EGDL
13 Andy L Andy Lutz 1961 53 Alta Loma California USA
14 Andy M Andy Muir 1958 56 Lockleys South Australia
Australia YPAD
15 Andy Robinson 1978 36 Pakenham Upper Victoria
16 ASB Arthur Burnand 1949 65 Plainfield Illinois
17 Bandersnatch Mike Loney 1946 68 Perth Australia
18 Barrie 1946 68 Toronto Canada CYTZ
19 Beech45Whiskey Peter 1965 49 Fayetteville New York
20 BeeFlow 1954 60 Kent Washington USA KSEA
21 BernieFlyer 1949 65 Hobart Tasmania Australia
22 Bill 1949 65 Miami Florida USA
23 Bill Leaming 1949 65 Hammond Indiana USA KGYY
24 Bill Phoelich 1943 71 Les Sables d'Olonne France
25 bingo Guido Rizzo 1937 77 Pordenone Italy
26 Blackbird-EBOS Christiaan Hutsebaut 1956 58 Brugge
27 Bob 1930 84 Lakeland Florida
28 boB Bob S 1952 62 Kempner Texas USA KGRK
29 Bob D Bob Devereaux 1933 81 Asheville North Carolina
30 Bob McKellar 1948 66 Savannah
Georgia USA
31 Bravo Tango 1928 86 Texas USA
32 Brian 1969 45 Houston Texas USA
33 Broegger Thomas Aarhus Denmark EKAH
34 BROJMP Jack Maupins 1939 75 Skiatook Oklahoma USA
35 Bryan 1962 52 Wagga Wagga NSW
Australia YSWG
36 Bryan Shayle 1964 50 Cross Hands South Wales UK
37 CanadaKen 1946 68 White Rock British Columbia
Canada CYVR
38 Canuck 1956 58 Abbotsford British
Columbia Canada
39 Capt 1956 58 Thermopolis Wyoming USA KTHP
40 Capt P 1944 70 Orlando Florida USA
41 Captain Ken Barrie Martindale 1945 69 Toronto Ontairo
Canada CYTZ
42 Cat in the Hat Tom 1950 64 Tucson Arizona USA
43 Catalano Bodo Hesse 1947 67 Caldes de Montbui Catalonia
Spain KBOS
44 Cesar G 1947 67 Miami Florida USA
45 Charlie 1943 71 Lansing Michigan
46 Ches 1933 81 Hayes Middlesex UK
47 Chris 1987 27
Victoria Australia
48 Chris Curtis 1951 63 Milton Keynes
49 Chris G Salem Oregon USA KSLE
50 Chris Henderson Kendal England
51 Chris Thomas Los Angeles
California USA KSMO
52 Chuck P 1939 75 New Jersey USA
53 claviermichel Michael Clavier 1960 54 Jakarta
Indonesia WIII
54 Clive Clive Sinclair 1956 58 Glasgow UK EGPF
55 Colin 1960 54 Moray North Scotland
56 Crash Lander Chris Rosman 1974 40 Geelong Victoria
Australia YMAV
57 Dakota650r Roy F. Schoppert IV 1976 38 Charleston West
Virginia USA KCRW
58 Dallas Norm 1954 60 Dallas Texas USA KHQZ
59 Damian Brooklyn New York USA
60 Dan 1967 47 Wellingborough UK EGBK
61 Daniel Hofstetter Dan 1945 69 Wettingen Switzerland
62 Danny Danny McKee 1946 68 Anderson South Carolina
63 Dave B 1972 42 Manchester UK EGCC
64 Dave Potter 1955 59 Stevenage UK
65 Dave Ward David 1953 61 Pensacola Florida USA
66 David Cooke David Sydney Australia
67 David Morgan 1970 44 Birminghan UK
68 David Varidel 1964 50 Seaford Melbourne
Australia YMMB
69 David White 1958 56 Sanat Clarita California USA
70 David Wilson-Okamura 1971 43 Greenville
North Carolina USA KPGV
71 Denis Massy France LFPO
72 Dietrich Stockl 1941 73 Vienna Austria LOWW
73 Don Burnette 1959 55 Nashville Tennessee USA
74 Don Butts Don Buttimore 1942 72 Tauranga North Island
New Zealand
75 DonK
76 Drus Søren 1955 59 Birkerod Copenhagen Denmark
77 Dude Chris Holub Phoenix Arizona USA
78 Dudley Henriques 1937 77 Pennsylvania USA
79 Dunc Holmes 1938 76 Vancouver British Columbia
80 Dutch 1954 60 Greensboro North Carolina USA KGSO
81 Earl Needham Clovis New Mexico
82 Ed Weatherup Cambridge
83 Emil Jensen 1976 38 Copenhagen Denmark
84 Enigma Roger 1970 44 Seattle Washington USA KSEA
85 Eric Hartup 1935 79 Chatham Kent
England UK EGTO
86 Eric Selde 1977 37 Korsor Denmark
87 EvenSky Steven Skyrie 1959 55 Powder Springs Georgia
88 Eyes Kevin Isabeth 1956 58 New Zealand NZNR
89 FaxCap 1948 66 Delta British
Columbia Canada
90 feLix Fedor Majory 1980 34 Osijek Croatia
91 FlyingAxx Axel 1949 65 Berlin Germany
92 Fred Ost 1936 78 Loughborough UK
93 fxohall Frank O'Halloran 1935 79 Brockton Massachusetts
94 G Graham Hall 1967 47 Isle of Wight UK EGHI
95 ***@g.l Gerard 1932 82 Laval Quebec Canada
96 Gary 1968 46 Auckland New Zealand NZWP
97 Gary Kuhlen 1963 51 Dayton Ohio USA
98 GeoffC Manchester Sale
99 George O'Hara Templepatrick County
Antrim UK
100 Gerard Gerard Leger 1934 80 Laval Quebec Canada
101 Gerard Verhoef 1958 56 Almere
102 GoneBush Euan 1952 62 Christchurch South Island New
Zealand NZCH
103 Gordon Tough 1956 58 Letchworth Hertfordshire UK
104 Gravy Dave David Shelton 1966 48 Keokuk Iowa USA
105 Greasy Rider 1936 78 Raleigh North Carolina USA
106 Gregg Gregg Fitzwater 1953 61 Port Macquarie
107 Gregory 1958 56 Potomac Falls
Virginia USA KIAD
108 gresiek Gregory 1974 40 Poland EDDF
109 Guido Rizzo Guy 1937 77 Venice Italy
110 Gunter Mangold 1936 78 Landsberg
Bavaria Germany ETSA
111 Guy Guy Rindge 1947 67 Tampa Florida USA
112 Gypsy Baron Paul Strogen 1941 73 Daly City California
113 Harbin Osteen 1959 55 Palmdale California USA
114 Henk Henk Barkhof 1950 64 Best Netherlands
115 Herman Nelson Mike 1946 68 Kalamazoo Michigan USA
116 Hood 2 Dave 1948 66 Stockholm Sweden ESSB
117 Hughes Jerry 1935 79 Tyler Texas USA
118 Iain Smith 1944 70 Rugby
Warwickshire UK EGBE
119 Ian 1942 72 Seaford East Sussex
120 Ian 1970 44 Liverpool UK
121 Ian D 1944 70 Kitchener Ontario Canada CYKF
122 Ian Patterson 1960 54 Bangor Northern Ireland UK
123 IanD Warwick UK
124 Ibby Chris Ibbotson 1971 43 Ballymena Northern Ireland
125 James J.C. Boyek 1956 58 Manchester UK
126 Jamie VanDyke 1974 40 Fort Walton Beach Florida
127 Jan Arkesteijn 1943 71 Woerden Netherlands
128 Jan Berg 1968 46 Cologne N. Rhine-Westphalia
Germany EDDK
129 Jan Bijsterbosch 1953 61 Amsterdam Noord Holland
Netherlands EHAM
130 Jay Beckman Jay 1961 53 Chandler Arizona
131 Jay Gardner 1949 65 West Palm Beach Florida USA
132 Jay Honeck 1961 53 Iowa City Iowa USA
133 Jay Williams 1961 53 Pensacola Florida USA
134 Jean d'Oran 1954 60 Le Puy en Velay France
135 Jes Søndergaard
Denmark EKYT
136 Jesterocity 1975 39 Berkshre UK
137 Jim Jim Bosworth 1950 64 Midland Michigan
138 Johan Bredenkamp 1975 39 Pretoria South Africa
139 JohnG 1932 82 Southhampton UK EGHI
140 John Greenhalgh 1943 71 Howick Kwazulu-Natal South
Africa FAPM
141 John Ward Brisbane
Australia YBAF
142 JohnK John Kappheim 1948 66 Hamilton Ontario Canada
143 JohnSP John Petrie 1933 81 Warnervale New South
Wales Australia YWVA
144 Jon Jon Annett 1973 41 Leeds West Yorkshire UK
145 Jose Jose Altuve 1973 41 Miami Florida
146 jt Tom 1941 73 Cape Cod Massachusetts USA KHYA
147 Juni Zhao 1966 48 Boston Massachusetts USA
148 Justin 1974 40 Grimbor
Bracknell UK EGLK
149 k12bubba Jerome 1951 63 Grand Island Nebraska
150 Katy Pluta 1966 48 Salt Lake City
Utah USA
151 Keith Keith Morgan 1949 65 Gibraltar UK LXGB
152 Keith Archer 1963 51 Hemel Hempstead Herts UK
153 Keith Butcher Enfield
154 Ken K 1958 56 Westfield Massachusetts USA KBAF
155 Klaas Smink 1934 80 Uithoorn Noord-Holland
Netherlands EHAM
156 Klaus C Nielsen 1953 61 Lystrup Denmark EKAH
157 Konrad Konrad Geiger 1930 84 Lugano Switzerland
158 L.D. James Larry D. James 1950 64 Buffalo New York
159 Lawn Dart Melissa Copalis Beach Washington
160 Lee & Luke Luke (aka Airgard) 1970 44 Bisbane
Australia YBBN
161 Leif Ostlund 1937 77 Perth Australia YPPH
162 Len Hickman 1952 62 Isle of Wight UK
163 Loek Loek Mulder 1951 63 Winsum
Netherlands EHLW
164 lolMax 1985 29 Serbia
165 Luther Cary 1945 69 Washington
District of Columbia USA KDCA
166 Lyn 1937 77 Brahma Lodge Australia YPPF
167 M 1972 42 Dundee Scotland
168 Mad Mike Mike 1948 66 Champaign Illinois
169 mandjinafrica Mike W 62 South Africa
170 ManhattanMan Don Parker 1942 72 Harrison Arkansas
171 Marcel Kuijper 1970 44 Amsterdam
Netherlands EHAM
172 Mark Newby 1961 53 Joplin
Missouri USA KJLN
173 Martin Benson 1983 31 Heckmondwike West Yorkshire
174 Martin C Martin Cowley 1949 65 Hope Valley Adelaide
Australia YPAD
175 Martin Filippi 1985 29 Montevideo Uruguay
176 Martin S Martin 1957 57 Fleet Hampshire UK
177 Marty Marty Bruines 1945 69 Brantford Ontario
Canada CYFD
178 Matteo 1985 29 Mantova Italy
179 Maurizio Fabiani 1954 60 L'Aquila
Italy LIAP
180 meh Mike Hogberg 1954 60 Tempe Arizona USA
181 Mellow Crow John Bentley Sydney NSW
182 Michael 1942 72 Glen Waverley
Melbourne Australia YMMB
183 MikeW Mike 1945 69 Shrewsbury Shropshire UK
184 Mongo 1963 51 St. Louis
Missouri USA
185 Mortimer Schnerd Jay, R.N. 1955 59 Charlotte North
Carolina USA KUZA
186 Mr. Steve 1955 59 Peoria
Arizona USA KGEU
187 Nick O'Tyme 1946 68 Bibra lake WA Australia
188 NickPike 1951 63 St. Cleer Cornwall UK
189 Not4wood Mark G. 1956 58 New York New York
190 Old Bloke Doug 1949 65 Brisbane Queensland
Australia YBBN
191 Oskar Oskar Wagner 1948 66 Winkel-Ruti Zurich
Switzerland LSZH
192 P Corbeil 1961 53 Mirabel Quebec Canada CYMX
193 PapaGeorge George D. Raynes 1943 71 Commerce Texas
194 Paul Holmes 1969 45 Norwich Norfolk UK
195 Paul R Christchurch
New Zealand
196 Paulk Paul Casman 1946 68 Antwerp Belgium EBAW
197 pb Pieter Borra 1948 66 Ermelo Netherlands
198 Pete Peter Middleton 1953 61 Stafford
Staffordshire UK
199 Pete S Pete Spooner 1949 65 Bury
Manchester UK ECGB
200 Peter Peter James 1946 68 Charlottetown Prince Edward
Island Canada CYYG
201 Peter Cokley Gold Coast Queensland Australia
202 Peter G. Zademack 1937 77 Richardson Texas USA
203 Peter Middleton 1954 60 Stafford
Staffordshire UK
204 Pierre Pierre Neel 1941 73 Ste Foy la Grande
France LFDF
205 Propwash Paul S 1940 74 Medical Lake Washington
206 PT Paul 1942 72 Bellingham Washington USA KBLI
207 Quai 1963 51 Milan Italy LIMC
208 Quilljar Christopher 1934 80 Winchester
Hampshire UK EGLS
209 Ramcan Robert 1937 77 Surrey British
Columbia Canada
210 RandyL Randy Link 1954 60 Boise Idaho
211 Ray Ray Rogers 1950 64 Chatham Ontario
Canada CNZ3
212 Ribitt Jim Watson 1932 82 Mississauga Ontairio
Canada CYYZ
213 Richard Richard W 1947 67 London England
214 Richard Carpenter 1968 46 Fishers Indiana USA
215 Richard Dunning 1939 75 Swansboro North Carolina
216 Richard Hardiman Southend
Essex UK
217 Rob Pollard 1970 44 Plymouth UK EGHD
218 Robert 1979 35 Huston Texas USA KIAH
219 Roger Roger Halstead 1941 73 Midland Michigan
220 Roger Anderson 1949 65 Inverness
221 Roger Burton West London
222 Ron Allard 1950 64 Stuart Florida USA KSUA
223 Rondo Ron Petoskey 1941 73 Pelston Michigan USA
224 rookie Enes Handzar 1975 39 Zagreb
Croatia LDZA
225 Rowan findal Bryan Shayle 1967 47 Cross Hands South
Wales UK
226 Ruth McTighe 1955 59 London UK EGLL
227 Scet 1967 47 Adelaide
228 Scott S 1957 57 Waipi' o, Oahu Hawaii USA PHNL
229 Scott Stevenson 1956 58 Visalia California
230 Sheldon England 1966 48 Vancouver Canada
231 Sherman Kaplan 1943 71 Highland Park Illinois
232 Shockwa James Sciacqua 1982 32 San Ramon California
233 shywon 1959 55 Shrevesport
Louisiana USA KSHV
234 Simon 1973 41 Durban
South Africa FACT
235 Simon Robbins Oxford
236 Sinbad 1942 72 London UK
237 Slade Bill S 1945 69 Spokane Washington USA KSKA
238 SnakeEyes Arthur 1943 71 Toronto Ontario Canada
239 SORSRR 1946 68 Toronto Canada
240 sspog_man Steve Penny 1957 57 Wisbech (Fenland)
Cambridgeshire UK
241 Steph North Saanich British
Columbia Canada
242 SteveH 1958 56 London UK
243 stevej Steve James 1969 45 Lancashire
244 Stevem Steve 1947 67 Crawley
245 SuperBuzz Tom56 1959 55 Toronto Canada
246 syousef Sammy Yousef 1978 36 Sydney Australia
247 T C Tom Bedford Massachusetts USA KBED
248 TacAN Graham 1953 61 Roma Queensland Australia
249 Talon Paul 1968 46 Lakeville Massachusetts USA
250 TeeRee 1946 68 Jackson Michigan USA
251 Theo Wischhoff 1945 69 Almere Netherlands
252 Thomas Suchan Hannover Germany EDDV
253 Tilly Carl Tillotson 1964 50 Preston UK
254 Tim Gloucester
255 TOCA Tommy Calstrup 1965 49 Copenhagen Denmark
256 Tom 1947 67 Mettmann
Dusseldorf Germany EDDL
257 Tom Tom Thompson 1946 68 Camarillo California USA
258 Tom Duhamel 1978 36 Longueuil Quebec Canada
259 Tom Garret 1949 65 Tucson Arizona USA KDMA
260 Tom Orle 1944 70 Atlanta
Georgia USA
261 Tom56 1957 57
Toronto Canada
262 Tony Benham 1951 63 Penrith
New South Wales Australia YHOX
263 Toosmoky Doug Cox 1963 51 Townsville Queensland
264 Troppo 1961 53 Eindhoven Netherlands EHEN
265 Vernon Balbert 1962 52 Los Angeles California USA
266 Vic Baron 1938 76 Burbank California USA KBUR
267 Walt Weaver 1951 63 Bozeman Montana USA
268 WaltM 1946 68 Blue mountains NSW Australia YKAT
269 Warren Warren Tucker 1944 70 Cardiff Wales
270 WayPoint Bruce 1951 63 Roma Queensland Australia
271 Willem Van der Voort 1945 69 Antwert Belgium
272 William P Neil Purdon 1957 57 Durban
South Africa
273 William R Bill 1949 65 Miami Florida USA
274 Wim Dijkgraaf 1933 81 Oosterhout NB
275 Wlengel Bill Engelke 1940 74 El Toro California USA
Nurse Ratched
2015-10-12 04:17:20 UTC
On Mon, 12 Oct 2015 17:10:58 +1300, "donbutts"
Post by donbutts
I'm having a sombre moment of remembrance today.
To those still lurking this old patch of great memories 'hi there guys!'
Feel free to leave a message
Butts (back to 1998.)
9/11 changed everything. Even in here. Prior to 9/11 this newsgroup
was frequented by a good mix of people, many from Europe, posting
on-topic 99% of the time. It was truly an _international_ newsgroup
of flightsimmers happily and politely talking flightsim stuff. Then,
in the emotion-charged months after 9/11 and through to 2004, there
were many off-topic and often acrimonious political arguments here.

By the end of 2004 many of the European posters, as well as many
more moderate American posters had disappeared, driven out by an
atmosphere in which America's ham-fisted response to 9/11 was
"defended" by personal attacks upon anyone who dared to question it
rather than by anything resembling rational argument. Thus did a hard
core of half-a-dozen-or-so American "patriot" cyber-bullies
unobtrusively establish their hold on this newsgroup.

These were the cyber thugs whom Dallas would later proudly call this
newsgroup's "immune system", and they would pile on with personal
attacks and personal abuse, upon anyone who "misbehaved".
According to _their_ perception of things, all was well in what they
now thought of as _their_ newsgroup.

2004 - 2009 "All quiet on the Western Front, Sir !!!" (Except more
and more people were inexplicably disappearing from the newsgroup.)

Gerry arrived here in early 2009. For the first six months or so he
was "well behaved", but by late 2009 he was getting heartily sick of
regularly seeing Off Topic "patriotic" political crap interspersed
with misgynisitc and racist "jokes", and so he started to challenge
some of that stuff, particularly the war-glorifying and war-mongering
type of comments here ... and all hell broke loose!

It quickly became obvious that being critical of US foreign policy,
past and/or present, was a "crime" warranting nothing less than the
vilification and ostracisation such an "offender" by Dallas's "immune

And thus a five-year campaign of cyber-bullying was waged against
Gerry in their futile attempt to drive him out. Their catch cry was
"Gerry Binder is a troll". By now their cyber-bullying had morphed
into cyberstalking. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyberstalking

Somehow they imagined that Gerry would quickly wilt in the face of
their vilificatious lies and abuse. The fatal flaw in their
"reasoning" was that they failed to understand that Gerry was made of
much sterner stuff.

Not only did these cyberstalkers lose the war of their own making, but
their war destroyed this newsgroup. And, being the bright sparks they
so obviously were (in their own lunch-times), they conveniently blamed
it all on Gerry.

If only, much earlier on, they had been civil in how they dealt with
those who had doubts about the US response to 9/11, and later,
heeded the well-conceived wisdom of "not feeding the troll", this
newsgroup would most likely still be a very viable one indeed.

But sadly, they still blame everyone except themselves. Sadly, it's
the only way in which they can protect their investment in the
deluded, megalomanic idea that America is the rightful,
ordained-by-God, master of the "free" world.

In here it doesn't really matter. All they destroyed was a Usenet
newsgroup that was probably already doomed by "progress", but out
there, in the real world, where those same attitudes shape American
foreign (global !!!) policy, if I were you, I'd be afraid, VERY

(*) Now renamed "The Merkin Paranoid Patriots Patrol".


==== UPDATE by Gerry Binder, Hazelbrook, NSW, Australia ====

In his malicious attempt to try to ensure that this
newsgroup remains a smouldering ruin,
Bob Smith of Killeen, Texas,
Linked-In: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/bob-smith/69/996/437
a US "patriot" TROLL, keeps posting personal
attacks here in the form of vilificatious lies
and disinformation about people (i.e. cyberstalking).

Bob uses the following pseudonyms:

AGMSFS Guidelines Violation

(And this list keeps growing in direct proportion
to the severity of Bob's mental illness.)

========= Time for another Copter_Six pack ==========

Copter_Six hates my "offensive" sigs, classic examples
Post by donbutts
Post by Copter_Six
Offence freely given to those who wish to take it.
Post by donbutts
Post by Copter_Six
US war cry: "Keep on killin' 'em till
they submit to our superior culture!
But he conveniently forgets that, unlike American
"patriots", I am _not_ being offensive by:

[1] Supporting or turning a blind eye to the
engineering and waging of state sanctioned mass
murder all over this planet and calling that
"fighting for freedom and democracy".

2] Supporting or turning a blind eye to the
engineering of assassination plots in other
countries because their leader is not "U.S.friendly"
(code for "letting us vacuum huge profits out of
their countries whilst paying them peanuts and
avoiding their taxes.")

[3] Supporting or turning a blind eye to the
training and funding of people to overthow regimes
which are not "U.S. friendly" (code for "letting us
vacuum huge profits out of their countries whilst
paying them peanuts and avoiding their taxes.")

I happily offend nutjobs who, like me, were once
suckered into that shitfight, but who, _unlike_ me,
refuse to see what's wrong with [1], [2] and [3] above.

These days my offensiveness is no longer accomplished
by taking part in the killing of millions in order to
"liberate" them, nor by strewing millions of cluster
bomblets all over their countryside which will
continue to kill and maim innocent civilians for
decades to come. Nor by polluting their landscape
with "agent orange" or radioactive depleted uranium
munitions, thereby making millions of innocent
civilians sick and causing millions of birth defects
for generations to come.

No, my "offensiveness" is generally _only_ experienced
by, and limited to, those who are apologists for mass
murder and the glorification of war, and it is
delivered only in the form of tiny little harmless
characters appearing on their monitors, tablets or
cell phones.

It's the least I can do in my cyber-crusade for
world peace.

Wish me luck, darlings !!!

Nick O'Tyme
2015-10-12 04:25:13 UTC
Post by donbutts
I'm having a sombre moment of remembrance today.
To those still lurking this old patch of great memories 'hi there guys!'
Feel free to leave a message
Butts (back to 1998.)
Yep Don, it's sad that the vast majority didn't end up on Delphi or Facebook
either. What does that say?

You only have to look at what your raving, loony mate Bobby boy is doing to
understand why they don't appear anywhere.

Get you and your mates to tell him to shut the fuck up and they may gain
some credibility but currently your credibility is in the minus range.
2015-10-12 04:55:40 UTC
Post by Nick O'Tyme
Get you and your mates to tell him to shut the fuck up and they may gain
some credibility but currently your credibility is in the minus range.
Why don't YOU tell me to shut the fuck up Cyril? Come on sissy boy.
tell me. Show me how powerful you are.

Offense is always free in usenet
*Psychopath: A Journey Through the Madness*

Cyril Mellor also known in the past as;

Niche of Twats - Back Room Wanker - Bigot Number Two
Nick O'Twat - Drongo #2 - Drunk-ass pervert
The Cowboy from Brokeback mountain - Glory Hole Popper
Holly Golightly - Debbie - Potty Mouth
Russ Tubin - Reef Ridgerator - Richard Frogbiter
N.O'Tyme - No Tyme - Òoÿ - Poop Chuter
Bilbo Baggins - Fred Kroft - Blue Heeler
Rod Speed - To name just a few

Cyril has a bad habit of posting under other peoples names, a severe
violation of internet newsgroup etiquette.
He has been caught red-handed in the past posting under the following
pseudonyms posing as another member of the group.

BasilBrush - imposter
ManhattanMan - imposter
MikeW - imposter
Dolby - imposter
Greasy - imposter

