[RUMOUR] iPhone 16 (or 17) won'ty have physical buttons
(too old to reply)
Sten deJoode
2024-04-23 22:56:21 UTC
QED: You are Troll. A brain dead Troll not willing to contribute a
constructive opinion.
By replying to it, you oxygenate it.
"it"? My, you sure are feeling superior today, aren't you?
Touched a nerve? You trolls are thin-skinned losers.
The responses prove iCulists are ignorant childish bullies.

Like a child, Alan Browne has no argument but to call people 'it'.
Like a child, Jolly Roger calls all statements about Apple trolls.

These iCultists are ignorant low IQ uneducated herd animals.
They will use all their chilcish bullying, to force posters to only say
that which is "approved" by the iCult herd animals that they are.

Like pigs, they will butt you out of the herd for speaking the truth.
Just watch.
Sten deJoode
2024-04-24 06:14:42 UTC
Do you have something material to contribute, Troll?
Just ignore it. Deprive it of oxygen.
Alan Browne isn't as stupid as Jolly Roger is, as Jolly Roger couldn't even
earn his GED (which he told us many years ago he tried 3 times & failed).

Alan Browne has an abnormally low IQ to be sure - but probably double what
Jolly Roger's IQ is, which puts Alan Browne at about 80 on the IQ scale.

Alan Browne's low intelligence is obvious in how he responds to the facts.

One way to tell that Alan Browne owns no intelligence is the absolute
_best_ he can do to counter facts when he's confronted with a fact about
Apple that he hates, is to call the bearer of that fact, an "it".

Somehow, in Alan Browne's rather strange 3rd-grade mind, it makes _him_
feel better about himself to call adults an "it" to make the fact go away.

Alan Browne has too low of an IQ to ever realize what it says about him,
especially given that's his _only_ response to facts about Apple product.