Mexico president would sell gas to Venezuela if asked - StarTribune.com
(demasiado antiguo para responder)
2020-06-15 21:43:12 UTC
MEXICO CITY — Mexico President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said Monday
he would be willing to sell gasoline to Venezuela for humanitarian
reasons despite United States sanctions against the South American nation.

"Venezuela has not made a request of us, but if it were a humanitarian
necessity, we would do it," López Obrador said during a visit to the
Gulf coast state of Veracruz. "We are free, Mexico is an independent
country, sovereign, we make our own decisions and we don't get involved
in the policies of other countries.

"It is self-determination of the people and help in humanitarian ways.
No one has the right to oppress others, no hegemony can squash another
country," he added.

Knowledge will set you free
El conocimiento te hará libre
2020-06-16 03:46:14 UTC
Free countries have every right to deal with any other free country,
directly without the approval of other country or government just
because they are free otherwise they wouldn't be *Is that clear?*

Internal problems or issues of a free country are supposed to be solved
by its citizens only otherwise it would be considered a meddling by the
one who intrudes in that country's affairs *Is that clear?*

So, the US government has no right to imposes sanctions to any country
(As far as I know US is not a universal cop or something like that) When
US government imposes sanctions to a government of a country it is not
hurting the government itself. Actually, it is hurting its people -
Sanctions don't affect the government not even the rich people,
politicians or high ranked military. *It does affect the ordinary
people* And, the US government knows that. It is only taking advantage
of this situation. That's why it meddles in other countries' affairs.

Mexico's president is right when he says "It is self-determination of
the people and help in humanitarian ways. No one has the right to
oppress others, no hegemony can squash another country"

Knowledge will set you free
El conocimiento te hará libre
Cheers to Mexico for having the balls to do what is obviously, undeniably right.