thong service 1,14,18
(too old to reply)
2018-01-14 19:02:45 UTC
Opening song Glory to His Name... girls coordinated outfits black pants and jackets over red...
2018-01-14 19:08:47 UTC
Post by rpbc
Opening song Glory to His Name... girls coordinated outfits black pants and jackets over red...
rpbc: Second song is If God be for us who can be Against Us.

Rally the troops song.. maybe she's feeling victory in court against FUMS.
2018-01-14 19:41:30 UTC
Post by rpbc
Post by rpbc
Opening song Glory to His Name... girls coordinated outfits black pants and jackets over red...
rpbc: Second song is If God be for us who can be Against Us.
Rally the troops song.. maybe she's feeling victory in court against FUMS.
rpbc: talking about peoples lack of responsibility to this church.. Doc's way of dealing with it was to just leave, walk out.. if people wanted him back they would call in their commitments and for him it worked. Her, because of her background... unnamed... if people don't want to do it she has no desire to force them (forgot the original Mao uniform and if you don't like it there's the door.. she doesn't use the walk out because it simply doesn't work for her). Referring to a female evangelist talking about first fruits that was so mangled it wasn't recognizable.. if you're going to teach first fruits, teach first fruits, not just to do it. PMS calls in and says she claims she has a full house... she'll deal with this... there are some that heard but did not hear.. the great multitudes, they didn't there at first, they came later, mostly for the free food.. the success of a ministry in not the number that attend, many are chosen but very few respond.... you can't do these things in the flesh without the Spirit, only made possible after the Spirit has been poured out.. not asking you to do works, if this is God's work, it requires laborers...if you're here you are laboring... talking about attendance.. your final destination without Christ, not keeping attendance... (she is laying it on thick, I'm not doing it justice).. she is basically, at this point, asking for congregants to evangelize her to increase attendance... I don't expect you to fill the church, bring a guest every Sunday... a measure of Faith, of His Spirit.. you may go about your life and not meet anyone for weeks, then you come across someone that you might be able to reach.. quality people who will value the teaching.. it is in eternity, what God will see.. the things said within these walls.. what was said, by me and Dr. Scott... you will be held to account (speaking of attendance).. she's shared few of her burdens, the devil has tried many attempt to get rid of her (me), including my health. I'm looking a church.. a church that is slowly.. not just in my time, but before.. watched the camera pan the church... couldn't fill the building.. COD to here, problem still exists... people always think its someone elses problem, including the Pastor.. perhaps the flotsam has left... the problem continues to exist.. attendance..(basically, her church is dwindling away, few that attend... and I might add, few that give).. on and on she goes... complaining that no one attendands and, sure enough, blaming it on everyone else, including those that are in attendance. Hey PMS... the problem, as it was with the other Scott... is with you. She's saying she doesn't need the building, she can do it on the Internet and do traveling to different locations, as others do.. I'm not saying I'm leaving but.. it's not as easy to stand before an audience and teach with precision about God... (I gotta stop, she's repeating using different words against a constantly shifting background.. like building a sand castle of dry sand when the wind is blowing).. it's a running guilt trip for not doing when God has provided the opportunity for.
2018-01-14 19:45:13 UTC
Post by rpbc
Post by rpbc
Opening song Glory to His Name... girls coordinated outfits black pants and jackets over red...
rpbc: Second song is If God be for us who can be Against Us.
Rally the troops song.. maybe she's feeling victory in court against FUMS.
rpbc: Oh my.. she just claimed the I could go anywhere threat... she was offered a University position but she turned it down.. how absolutely funny. It was true of Scott but her.. she won't even name the 'University' that issued her Phd. sheet.. she could at least provide the P. O. number... I know, bad joke.
2018-01-14 20:29:53 UTC
Post by rpbc
Post by rpbc
Post by rpbc
Opening song Glory to His Name... girls coordinated outfits black pants and jackets over red...
rpbc: Second song is If God be for us who can be Against Us.
Rally the troops song.. maybe she's feeling victory in court against FUMS.
rpbc: Oh my.. she just claimed the I could go anywhere threat... she was offered a University position but she turned it down.. how absolutely funny. It was true of Scott but her.. she won't even name the 'University' that issued her Phd. sheet.. she could at least provide the P. O. number... I know, bad joke.
thanx melissa for speaking forthrightly and rendering yourself vulnerable in transpearancy however confused for the first time i think they heard the real you...
2018-01-14 22:36:34 UTC
Post by s***@gmail.com
thanx melissa for speaking forthrightly and rendering yourself
vulnerable in transpearancy however confused for the
first time i think they heard the real you...
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The Kevy Kro Suck_Ass is Back
The Real You..always confused
always an ASS
2018-01-14 22:39:13 UTC
2018-01-14 21:38:31 UTC
Post by rpbc
Post by rpbc
Post by rpbc
Opening song Glory to His Name... girls coordinated outfits black pants and jackets over red...
rpbc: Second song is If God be for us who can be Against Us.
Rally the troops song.. maybe she's feeling victory in court against FUMS.
rpbc: Oh my.. she just claimed the I could go anywhere threat... she was offered a University position but she turned it down.. how absolutely funny. It was true of Scott but her.. she won't even name the 'University' that issued her Phd. sheet.. she could at least provide the P. O. number... I know, bad joke.
What a stale crock of BS ...beyond stale ...and beyond belief that there are yet scotties there swallowing it for over 12 years. When are they just going to say, Okay, go anywhere, just go....send checks to P.O. Box86.
2018-01-14 21:44:05 UTC
These idiots in here say the same shit
2018-01-14 23:32:54 UTC
Post by rpbc
rpbc: Oh my.. she just claimed the I could go anywhere threat... she was offered a University position but she turned it down.. how absolutely funny. It was true of Scott but her.. she won't even name the 'University' that issued her Phd. sheet.. she could at least provide the P. O. number... I know, bad joke.
That would be funny if some gullible scotties didn't actually believe it. But it still carries the cultic threat that they might lose something not available through any other source if she decides to leave. Today would be a great time for many of them to open their eyes and walk away from that "church."
2018-01-15 01:44:39 UTC
Cunts getting sucked never leave.
White Bird
2018-01-14 20:51:44 UTC
I tuned in very late but what rpbc reported just kept going on and on.....and on. Melissa was full of piss and vinegar, very full of herself this morning. So, she's mad about attendance and commitments and faithfulness, blah, blah, blah and she claims she wants you to know God, not just know about God. And she also said you can't know God in your own language. My translation: you must go through me, the Pastor with the language gift, to know God. Therefore, if you are hearing her, then God sent you. If God sent you, you were called to this ministry. And if you're called to this ministry, your life in God can only be lived out in and through the ministry. Like I said last week, you check in, but you can't ever check out. You're stuck! Your eternal destiny is tied up in this cult whether you like it or not. Now go sing Joy in the Morning!
2018-01-14 22:13:32 UTC
Post by White Bird
I tuned in very late but what rpbc reported just kept going on and on.....and on. Melissa was full of piss and vinegar, very full of herself this morning. So, she's mad about attendance and commitments and faithfulness, blah, blah, blah and she claims she wants you to know God, not just know about God. And she also said you can't know God in your own language. My translation: you must go through me, the Pastor with the language gift, to know God. Therefore, if you are hearing her, then God sent you. If God sent you, you were called to this ministry. And if you're called to this ministry, your life in God can only be lived out in and through the ministry. Like I said last week, you check in, but you can't ever check out. You're stuck! Your eternal destiny is tied up in this cult whether you like it or not. Now go sing Joy in the Morning!
rpbc: All I had to do was read your post WB.... didn't need to waste the time I did spent watching. I like what Blu said.. how long before the checks to be sent to XX86... you're out of here.
2018-01-14 22:18:33 UTC
Rappers arent story tellers they are goyam hating jew tools.
2018-01-14 23:25:01 UTC
Post by White Bird
I tuned in very late but what rpbc reported just kept going on and on.....and on. Melissa was full of piss and vinegar, very full of herself this morning. So, she's mad about attendance and commitments and faithfulness, blah, blah, blah and she claims she wants you to know God, not just know about God. And she also said you can't know God in your own language. My translation: you must go through me, the Pastor with the language gift, to know God. Therefore, if you are hearing her, then God sent you. If God sent you, you were called to this ministry. And if you're called to this ministry, your life in God can only be lived out in and through the ministry. Like I said last week, you check in, but you can't ever check out. You're stuck! Your eternal destiny is tied up in this cult whether you like it or not. Now go sing Joy in the Morning!
If there is one reason ex-scotties continue to post here, it's to at least try to get the message across to any current scotties who may read here that they don't need Melissa at all in order to know God. If only they understood that. What was that Bible display all about? The great price that some brave people paid in order to bring the Word of God to the common person in their own language so they weren't dependent upon some priest or Pope to interpret it for them. I remember the look on Gene Scott's face one day as he explained that, the long pause as he suddenly realized what he just said, basically telling the congregation that they didn't need him either.
2018-01-15 03:24:55 UTC
Post by Matt2442
Post by White Bird
I tuned in very late but what rpbc reported just kept going on and on.....and on. Melissa was full of piss and vinegar, very full of herself this morning. So, she's mad about attendance and commitments and faithfulness, blah, blah, blah and she claims she wants you to know God, not just know about God. And she also said you can't know God in your own language. My translation: you must go through me, the Pastor with the language gift, to know God. Therefore, if you are hearing her, then God sent you. If God sent you, you were called to this ministry. And if you're called to this ministry, your life in God can only be lived out in and through the ministry. Like I said last week, you check in, but you can't ever check out. You're stuck! Your eternal destiny is tied up in this cult whether you like it or not. Now go sing Joy in the Morning!
If there is one reason ex-scotties continue to post here, it's to at least try to get the message across to any current scotties who may read here that they don't need Melissa at all in order to know God. If only they understood that. What was that Bible display all about? The great price that some brave people paid in order to bring the Word of God to the common person in their own language so they weren't dependent upon some priest or Pope to interpret it for them. I remember the look on Gene Scott's face one day as he explained that, the long pause as he suddenly realized what he just said, basically telling the congregation that they didn't need him either.
rpbc: Really Matt.. I don't remember that moment on Scott's face.. I've seen that 'moment of expression' on him a few other times about something or another but didn't see, or notice it that time. How poignant.. thinking back and having the perspective one has now that would actually have been kind of funny.
2018-01-15 04:06:36 UTC
Post by rpbc
Post by Matt2442
If there is one reason ex-scotties continue to post here, it's to at least try to get the message across to any current scotties who may read here that they don't need Melissa at all in order to know God. If only they understood that. What was that Bible display all about? The great price that some brave people paid in order to bring the Word of God to the common person in their own language so they weren't dependent upon some priest or Pope to interpret it for them. I remember the look on Gene Scott's face one day as he explained that, the long pause as he suddenly realized what he just said, basically telling the congregation that they didn't need him either.
rpbc: Really Matt.. I don't remember that moment on Scott's face.. I've seen that 'moment of expression' on him a few other times about something or another but didn't see, or notice it that time. How poignant.. thinking back and having the perspective one has now that would actually have been kind of funny.
It was one thing I wish I could find on a video recording, just like the girls rollerblading in Scott's back yard that I still have. I don't recall exactly when I saw it, but I know I was no longer attending. Every once in a while I would tune in though and see what was up. I think it may have been one of the messages from the long Romans series. I do remember him talking about the Bible collection as he often did, still trying to play the role of the reformer setting people free from religious bondage, while in truth he held people in greater bondage. I remember the words he spoke though, just before it hit him. Something to the effect of not needing the priests, "you just read it for yourself!" Then the long pause...really long as it dawned on him what he just said, and the implications if people took it to it's logical conclusion. I'm not sure what the people in the congregation were thinking, but looking in from the outside it was a classic moment, pretty obvious what was going through his mind. And quite revealing. He didn't really want to set people free. He wanted them to be dependent on him to interpret the Bible for them.
White Bird
2018-01-15 05:24:34 UTC
Matt2442 wrote: "He didn't really want to set people free. He wanted them to be dependent on him to interpret the Bible for them."

Well said. To quote Gene Scott--"the same business on the other side of the street." The Catholic side of the street had/has its priests. The Protestant side of the street has its controlling, manipulative types like Gene and Melissa Scott. They bring embarrassment to all true pastors and shame to the name of our Lord Jesus.
Celestia S
2018-01-15 06:05:18 UTC
Post by Matt2442
Post by rpbc
Post by Matt2442
If there is one reason ex-scotties continue to post here, it's to at least try to get the message across to any current scotties who may read here that they don't need Melissa at all in order to know God. If only they understood that. What was that Bible display all about? The great price that some brave people paid in order to bring the Word of God to the common person in their own language so they weren't dependent upon some priest or Pope to interpret it for them. I remember the look on Gene Scott's face one day as he explained that, the long pause as he suddenly realized what he just said, basically telling the congregation that they didn't need him either.
rpbc: Really Matt.. I don't remember that moment on Scott's face.. I've seen that 'moment of expression' on him a few other times about something or another but didn't see, or notice it that time. How poignant.. thinking back and having the perspective one has now that would actually have been kind of funny.
It was one thing I wish I could find on a video recording, just like the girls rollerblading in Scott's back yard that I still have. I don't recall exactly when I saw it, but I know I was no longer attending. Every once in a while I would tune in though and see what was up. I think it may have been one of the messages from the long Romans series. I do remember him talking about the Bible collection as he often did, still trying to play the role of the reformer setting people free from religious bondage, while in truth he held people in greater bondage. I remember the words he spoke though, just before it hit him. Something to the effect of not needing the priests, "you just read it for yourself!" Then the long pause...really long as it dawned on him what he just said, and the implications if people took it to it's logical conclusion. I'm not sure what the people in the congregation were thinking, but looking in from the outside it was a classic moment, pretty obvious what was going through his mind. And quite revealing. He didn't really want to set people free. He wanted them to be dependent on him to interpret the Bible for them.
Matt2442 said "It was one thing I wish I could find on a video recording, just like the girls rollerblading in Scott's back yard that I still have. I don't recall exactly when I saw it, but I know I was no longer attending."

Cel - I must ask, if you were no longer attending, why did you record it?
2018-01-15 08:22:02 UTC
Well said.  To quote Gene Scott--"the same business on the other side of the street."  The Catholic side of the street had/has its priests.  The Protestant side of the street has its controlling, manipulative types like Gene and Melissa Scott.  They bring embarrassment to all true pastors and shame to the name of our Lord Jesus.

When I said eat the chicken and spit the bones, you and studio had a fit.

But it's a fact with Doc, Luther, Trump, anybody on the soap box. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely.

No accident that Doc did his dissertation on Niebuhr who penned the Serenity Prayer.

Some things you can change. Other things you can't. Pray for wisdom to know the difference and a reasonably happy life.

I assert that any ex-Scottie got their money's worth. Those supporting his widow would be better off reading what Doc read.
2018-01-15 08:26:14 UTC
Well said.  To quote Gene Scott--"the same business on the other side of the street."  The Catholic side of the street had/has its priests.  The Protestant side of the street has its controlling, manipulative types like Gene and Melissa Scott.  They bring embarrassment to all true pastors and shame to the name of our Lord Jesus.

Eat the chicken and spit the bones.

It's a fact with Doc, Luther, Trump, anybody on the soap box.  Absolute power corrupts, absolutely.

No accident that Doc did his dissertation on Niebuhr who penned the Serenity Prayer.

Some things you can change.  Other things you can't.  Pray for wisdom to know the difference and a reasonably happy life.

I assert that any ex-Scottie got their money's worth. Those supporting his widow would be better off reading  what Doc read.
2018-01-15 09:00:43 UTC
Post by Joseph
Well said.  To quote Gene Scott--"the same business on the other side of the street."  The Catholic side of the street had/has its priests.  The Protestant side of the street has its controlling, manipulative types like Gene and Melissa Scott.  They bring embarrassment to all true pastors and shame to the name of our Lord Jesus.
Eat the chicken and spit the bones.
It's a fact with Doc, Luther, Trump, anybody on the soap box.  Absolute power corrupts, absolutely.
No accident that Doc did his dissertation on Niebuhr who penned the Serenity Prayer.
Some things you can change.  Other things you can't.  Pray for wisdom to know the difference and a reasonably happy life.
I assert that any ex-Scottie got their money's worth. Those supporting his widow would be better off reading  what Doc read.
My Donald is not on any soap box of corruption. He's fighting corruption for us to make America great again. I thought you knew that. The scotties supporting Mel would be better off reading their bibles.
Celestia S
2018-01-15 18:17:13 UTC
Post by bluettes
Post by Joseph
Well said.  To quote Gene Scott--"the same business on the other side of the street."  The Catholic side of the street had/has its priests.  The Protestant side of the street has its controlling, manipulative types like Gene and Melissa Scott.  They bring embarrassment to all true pastors and shame to the name of our Lord Jesus.
Eat the chicken and spit the bones.
It's a fact with Doc, Luther, Trump, anybody on the soap box.  Absolute power corrupts, absolutely.
No accident that Doc did his dissertation on Niebuhr who penned the Serenity Prayer.
Some things you can change.  Other things you can't.  Pray for wisdom to know the difference and a reasonably happy life.
I assert that any ex-Scottie got their money's worth. Those supporting his widow would be better off reading  what Doc read.
My Donald is not on any soap box of corruption. He's fighting corruption for us to make America great again. I thought you knew that. The scotties supporting Mel would be better off reading their bibles.
I've been wondering if Trump still uses his own security to protect his family, instead of trusting the SS. I think I would if I were him, doing what he's doing. I really think that's how the Deep State buys politicians, by threatening their family, and I think the SS is part of it.
2018-01-15 18:31:03 UTC
Post by Celestia S
Post by bluettes
Post by Joseph
Well said.  To quote Gene Scott--"the same business on the other side of the street."  The Catholic side of the street had/has its priests.  The Protestant side of the street has its controlling, manipulative types like Gene and Melissa Scott.  They bring embarrassment to all true pastors and shame to the name of our Lord Jesus.
Eat the chicken and spit the bones.
It's a fact with Doc, Luther, Trump, anybody on the soap box.  Absolute power corrupts, absolutely.
No accident that Doc did his dissertation on Niebuhr who penned the Serenity Prayer.
Some things you can change.  Other things you can't.  Pray for wisdom to know the difference and a reasonably happy life.
I assert that any ex-Scottie got their money's worth. Those supporting his widow would be better off reading  what Doc read.
My Donald is not on any soap box of corruption. He's fighting corruption for us to make America great again. I thought you knew that. The scotties supporting Mel would be better off reading their bibles.
I've been wondering if Trump still uses his own security to protect his family, instead of trusting the SS. I think I would if I were him, doing what he's doing. I really think that's how the Deep State buys politicians, by threatening their family, and I think the SS is part of it.
Yes, rumor is that SS has deep state anti-Trump loyalists still imbedded. He has Marines protecting him and his family.
White Bird
2018-01-15 09:24:56 UTC
Post by Joseph
Well said.  To quote Gene Scott--"the same business on the other side of the street."  The Catholic side of the street had/has its priests.  The Protestant side of the street has its controlling, manipulative types like Gene and Melissa Scott.  They bring embarrassment to all true pastors and shame to the name of our Lord Jesus.
Eat the chicken and spit the bones.
It's a fact with Doc, Luther, Trump, anybody on the soap box.  Absolute power corrupts, absolutely.
No accident that Doc did his dissertation on Niebuhr who penned the Serenity Prayer.
Some things you can change.  Other things you can't.  Pray for wisdom to know the difference and a reasonably happy life.
I assert that any ex-Scottie got their money's worth. Those supporting his widow would be better off reading  what Doc read.
You say this very casually and glibly. Your attitude reminds me of how Gene Scott sounded when he said "Cheer up Saints, it's gonna get worse!"

Realizing that there are things you can't change doesn't preclude being pained by what Gene and now Melissa Scott did and are doing in God's name. Speaking out about it is not only cathartic but hopefully helpful for others.

You say, "I assert that any ex-Scottie got their money's worth." I do not see the pastor/teacher-congregant relationship as a financial transaction. Of course, Gene Scott did.
Celestia S
2018-01-15 18:14:10 UTC
Post by White Bird
Post by Joseph
Well said.  To quote Gene Scott--"the same business on the other side of the street."  The Catholic side of the street had/has its priests.  The Protestant side of the street has its controlling, manipulative types like Gene and Melissa Scott.  They bring embarrassment to all true pastors and shame to the name of our Lord Jesus.
Eat the chicken and spit the bones.
It's a fact with Doc, Luther, Trump, anybody on the soap box.  Absolute power corrupts, absolutely.
No accident that Doc did his dissertation on Niebuhr who penned the Serenity Prayer.
Some things you can change.  Other things you can't.  Pray for wisdom to know the difference and a reasonably happy life.
I assert that any ex-Scottie got their money's worth. Those supporting his widow would be better off reading  what Doc read.
You say this very casually and glibly. Your attitude reminds me of how Gene Scott sounded when he said "Cheer up Saints, it's gonna get worse!"
Realizing that there are things you can't change doesn't preclude being pained by what Gene and now Melissa Scott did and are doing in God's name. Speaking out about it is not only cathartic but hopefully helpful for others.
You say, "I assert that any ex-Scottie got their money's worth." I do not see the pastor/teacher-congregant relationship as a financial transaction. Of course, Gene Scott did.
I don't know if what geen or missy did/does in God's name is any worse than the other Televangelists.
2018-01-15 19:13:49 UTC
Post by Celestia S
I don't know if what geen or missy did/does in God's name is any worse than the other Televangelists.
I think he was probably among the worst of them. Gene Scott used to disassociate himself from the TV evangelist crowd, claiming that he wasn't one of those "assholes." Most often he was spot on about what was wrong with them, but how many of the televangelists you know of have put their staff members up against the wall as Gene and Melissa did in that incident, among other things?
2018-01-15 21:16:09 UTC
Now that jerkoffski has stopped leadership on world trade china has stepped in to be the leader but they have no sway with EU so world trade is dead and America suffers.
Thats your maga nigger, dead and gone
2018-01-15 23:57:56 UTC
Post by geraldkrug
Now that jerkoffski has stopped leadership on world trade china has stepped in to be the leader but they have no sway with EU so world trade is dead and America suffers.
Thats your maga nigger, dead and gone
Nigga please. Post your Very Fake News trash to my #POTUSVSG thread and keep my views higher than on any of yours. hahaha
White Bird
2018-01-15 21:25:55 UTC
Post by Matt2442
Post by Celestia S
I don't know if what geen or missy did/does in God's name is any worse than the other Televangelists.
I think he was probably among the worst of them. Gene Scott used to disassociate himself from the TV evangelist crowd, claiming that he wasn't one of those "assholes." Most often he was spot on about what was wrong with them, but how many of the televangelists you know of have put their staff members up against the wall as Gene and Melissa did in that incident, among other things?
Whether they were/are any worse than others or not (and Matt2442's excellent comment could be expanded upon no end!), I would rather compare or test them (the Scotts) against Scripture.
2018-01-15 22:09:10 UTC
Black nigger bird shithole, shut up idiot cunt!
2018-01-16 00:03:49 UTC
Post by Matt2442
Post by Celestia S
I don't know if what geen or missy did/does in God's name is any worse than the other Televangelists.
I think he was probably among the worst of them. Gene Scott used to disassociate himself from the TV evangelist crowd, claiming that he wasn't one of those "assholes." Most often he was spot on about what was wrong with them, but how many of the televangelists you know of have put their staff members up against the wall as Gene and Melissa did in that incident, among other things?
I think John MacArthur follows a similar protocol ...maybe not as blatantly ugly and coarse but every bit as harmful in his way....what both euGene and Johnny Mac have in common is an admiration for L.Ron Hubbard.
2018-01-16 02:00:25 UTC
Kids across the nation being told not to cuss like that bad jerkoffski.
2018-01-16 03:18:35 UTC
You say this very casually and glibly.  Your attitude reminds me of how Gene Scott sounded when he said "Cheer up Saints, it's gonna get worse!"  

Where your mind or spirit is, your body will follow.

As bright as you are like everyone else here, I'm surprised/saddened that you are still lost in the details.
Celestia S
2018-01-16 04:03:17 UTC
Post by Joseph
You say this very casually and glibly.  Your attitude reminds me of how Gene Scott sounded when he said "Cheer up Saints, it's gonna get worse!"  
Where your mind or spirit is, your body will follow.
As bright as you are like everyone else here, I'm surprised/saddened that you are still lost in the details.
Does anyone notice various similarities between Joseph and Box?
2018-01-16 04:51:02 UTC
Post by Celestia S
Post by Joseph
You say this very casually and glibly.  Your attitude reminds me of how Gene Scott sounded when he said "Cheer up Saints, it's gonna get worse!"  
Where your mind or spirit is, your body will follow.
As bright as you are like everyone else here, I'm surprised/saddened that you are still lost in the details.
Does anyone notice various similarities between Joseph and Box?
Oh NO...Joseph, say it ain't so!!
White Bird
2018-01-16 04:45:53 UTC
Post by Joseph
You say this very casually and glibly.  Your attitude reminds me of how Gene Scott sounded when he said "Cheer up Saints, it's gonna get worse!"  
Where your mind or spirit is, your body will follow.
As bright as you are like everyone else here, I'm surprised/saddened that you are still lost in the details.
"Where your mind or spirit is, your body will follow." There's a cryptic comment with no context. Care to elaborate?

And, "...I'm surprised/saddened that you are still lost in the details." What details am I lost in?
2018-01-16 05:36:33 UTC
Post by White Bird
Post by Joseph
You say this very casually and glibly.  Your attitude reminds me of how Gene Scott sounded when he said "Cheer up Saints, it's gonna get worse!"  
Where your mind or spirit is, your body will follow.
As bright as you are like everyone else here, I'm surprised/saddened that you are still lost in the details.
WB: "Where your mind or spirit is, your body will follow." There's a cryptic comment with no context. Care to elaborate?
Post by White Bird
And, "...I'm surprised/saddened that you are still lost in the details." What details am I lost in?
rpbc: Yes, very cryptic. Is Joe saying because we want to be informed of goings on of the devil that our body will follow... like we are going to involve ourselves in those activities... that is what produced my original impulse to say... well... you know, what I mentioned before. Details about the cryptic please. And yes, what details am I/we lost in? And it's true... Jesus warned/talked about the devil, his ways, and hell often. So... not to be continuous Joe... but why would you want to throw a blanket over exposing the devil for what he is and does and inspires in his operatives?
2018-01-16 06:10:36 UTC
Where your mind or spirit is, your body will follow."  There's a cryptic comment with no context.  Care to elaborate?

Nothing cryptic about it. Nobody can teach it to you but when you finally learn you think you invented it:

As a man thinks so he is.

The details you are lost in is still seeing the glass as half empty. Doc had his flaws and he took most of you for a ride.
You probably got a little callous on your soul from some tough faith action. You helped wash the world with the word of God and are probably the better for it.
But the spectre of toilets seats and a gold digging exporn star haunt your spirits. Now introduce satanic ritual activity.
God says been there done that.

Doc said God could cure 1000 drunks before one self-righteous person
White Bird
2018-01-16 07:26:18 UTC
Post by Joseph
Where your mind or spirit is, your body will follow."  There's a cryptic comment with no context.  Care to elaborate?
As a man thinks so he is.
The details you are lost in is still seeing the glass as half empty. Doc had his flaws and he took most of you for a ride.
You probably got a little callous on your soul from some tough faith action. You helped wash the world with the word of God and are probably the better for it.
But the spectre of toilets seats and a gold digging exporn star haunt your spirits. Now introduce satanic ritual activity.
God says been there done that.
Doc said God could cure 1000 drunks before one self-righteous person
I think two threads are getting mixed up here but no matter.

You seem to be just throwing comments out there willy-nilly. "As a man thinks so he is." This is the Napoleon Hill thing again. Are you aware of the occultic roots of Napoleon Hill's ideas? There is nothing new under the sun. Whatever you want to call it--new age thought, theosophy, possibility thinking, mind over matter, creating your own reality, whatever--it's been around a long time and it isn't from God. My opinion is that Gene Scott ended up redefining faith so that he had faith in faith. His ABC's of faith--action based upon belief supported by confidence--was a works-based concept and dangerously close to being in the same category as the philosophies mentioned above and the "name-it-and-claim-it" beliefs of those he criticized.

The rest of your comments I translate like you are trying to say the following: you got some good with some bad, be glad for the good, get over it, quit whining, stop pointing out things you see Melissa Scott doing.

BTW, no one even implied that the subject of ritual satanic activity was directly related to the Scott experience. As bluettes said (I think it was bluettes), the Scott tactics were devilish, but the ritual satanic stuff was not in this context and it was mentioned in a different thread.

I'm here discussing and dissecting all things Scott partly to understand my own experiences and partly to be a witness. Sometimes I just feel compelled to comment on something Melissa says or does because she does it in God's name and it's shameful. Don't you ever feel that way? If you're trying to say "get over it and move on," I think most if not all of us here have done that in the sense that we're not obsessed with it (something you seem to imply) but rather fascinated like watching a train wreck and also concerned about those still there.

My spirit is not haunted. I have to say that your post has a tone of superiority and not an ounce of empathy.

"Doc said God could cure 1000 drunks before one self-righteous person." Are we self-righteous here because we discuss what we have seen and heard and use our God-given and God-commanded discernment to call out false teaching and abuse? What are you trying to say with this comment about self-righteousness?
2018-01-16 07:53:24 UTC
You interpret what I say instead of understanding what I say.
You read what you want to read and argue for the sake of arguing. What you need to learn can't be taught. You need to realize it.

Hill interviewed 500 men at the behest of Carnegie without a stipend. There are no hidden agendas.
White Bird
2018-01-16 08:19:53 UTC
Post by Joseph
You interpret what I say instead of understanding what I say.
You read what you want to read and argue for the sake of arguing. What you need to learn can't be taught. You need to realize it.
Hill interviewed 500 men at the behest of Carnegie without a stipend. There are no hidden agendas.
You're making no sense at all. Seriously.

In the other thread about satanic activity, you said, "Because this group would rather talk about satanic ritual than a relationship with Christ." If you are a Christian, you are united with Christ, have faith in Him, depend on Him. There is no place in Christianity for the beliefs you are espousing here--"as a man thinks so he is." That path puts the focus on yourself and your own power. Without the new birth and indwelling Holy Spirit, even if you can think your way to happiness, you will be dead spiritually. There is no power greater than God's power. You claim to have learned from Gene Scott. Even Gene Scott would agree with me here.

How do you know what I need to learn?
2018-01-16 09:05:39 UTC
You are still twice removed from the focus and I refuse to explain it to you.

How did Scott abuse YOU anyway? Or do you just feel empathy for those that were abused.

From your posts about it, you seem to be gullible.

After all, when Scott said give me 80 hrs a week, why didn't you just say you're crazy old man like I did.
2018-01-16 09:07:01 UTC
And I don't care what Melissa Scott does or doesn't do.
2018-01-16 09:50:16 UTC
Post by Joseph
And I don't care what Melissa Scott does or doesn't do.
LOL! Dude, what are you drinking ...vodka?
2018-01-16 09:53:42 UTC
Post by bluettes
Post by Joseph
And I don't care what Melissa Scott does or doesn't do.
LOL! Dude, what are you drinking ...vodka?
You can come back later after you sober up and kiss my paddle :)
2018-01-16 10:30:23 UTC
When did Scott die, in 05? Why haven't you buried him.

Why should MS concern me.

If you want to investigate satanic ritual and bring that into your consciousness, God help you.
2018-01-16 10:49:28 UTC
Post by Joseph
When did Scott die, in 05? Why haven't you buried him.
Why should MS concern me.
If you want to investigate satanic ritual and bring that into your consciousness, God help you.
If you don't want to talk about Doc why are you here? This has been the alt.fan.gene-scott since the mid to late 1990s and many of us have been posting here since before his death. Why should it bother you except you want to have a sense of controlling others? Why aren't you posting somewhere else or at least starting a thread of your own topic?

And who are you to say that God hasn't drawn the investigation of satanic ritual into our consciousness? Do you think that closing your eyes to evil and saying lalalalala will make it go away ... or that looking at it will make it even more ubiquitous? Be gentle as doves and be wise to what's really going on.
2018-01-16 13:02:53 UTC
Post by bluettes
If you don't want to talk about Doc why are you here? This has been the alt.fan.gene-scott since the mid to late 1990s and many of us have been posting here since before his death. Why should it bother you except you want to have a sense of controlling others? Why aren't you posting somewhere else or at least starting a thread of your own topic?
It seems to me that Joseph has a lingering respect for Gene Scott, or at least for the teaching he received, and would if he could, sanitize the image of Scott for the sake of getting whatever good there was in all that out there.
2018-01-16 20:34:06 UTC
Post by Matt2442
Post by bluettes
If you don't want to talk about Doc why are you here? This has been the alt.fan.gene-scott since the mid to late 1990s and many of us have been posting here since before his death. Why should it bother you except you want to have a sense of controlling others? Why aren't you posting somewhere else or at least starting a thread of your own topic?
It seems to me that Joseph has a lingering respect for Gene Scott, or at least for the teaching he received, and would if he could, sanitize the image of Scott for the sake of getting whatever good there was in all that out there.
rbpc: It's something besides or more than a lingering respect for Gene Scott.. It's conceit for afgs and those posting here... which goes far beyond any effort to simple sanitize Scott for the sake of preserving what ever good was there. What's the word here.. Selah.
2018-01-16 22:33:41 UTC
Post by Matt2442
Post by bluettes
If you don't want to talk about Doc why are you here? This has been the alt.fan.gene-scott since the mid to late 1990s and many of us have been posting here since before his death. Why should it bother you except you want to have a sense of controlling others? Why aren't you posting somewhere else or at least starting a thread of your own topic?
It seems to me that Joseph has a lingering respect for Gene Scott, or at least for the teaching he received, and would if he could, sanitize the image of Scott for the sake of getting whatever good there was in all that out there.
I can understand that ..having retained my own respect for him, just not as the the greatest teacher I have ever encountered. In retrospect, he didn't have much positive effect on my spiritual growth as other teachers did. But for the sake of those who feel Doc is responsible for helping them understand God I think they should have access to the teechins, warts and all and w/o being subject to the abuses he meted out in life.
2018-01-16 09:47:13 UTC
Post by Joseph
You are still twice removed from the focus and I refuse to explain it to you.
How did Scott abuse YOU anyway? Or do you just feel empathy for those that were abused.
From your posts about it, you seem to be gullible.
After all, when Scott said give me 80 hrs a week, why didn't you just say you're crazy old man like I did.
WTF Joe you really are showing us your asshole today ...has a demon of self righteous super-spirituality has taken you? Please don't be a jerk, we have enough of that with Gerald, kro and Box.
David B
2018-01-16 13:33:59 UTC
Post by Joseph
You are still twice removed from the focus and I refuse to explain it to you.
How did Scott abuse YOU anyway? Or do you just feel empathy for those that were abused.
From your posts about it, you seem to be gullible.
After all, when Scott said give me 80 hrs a week, why didn't you just say you're crazy old man like I did.
Each person has their right to their own take on their experiences, including you. I will say though, my personal experience with FC and Doc was nothing but contentious, and that by his own doing. My personal intuition with that, is that anyone who actually had His Spirit in them, met the same type of contention, in many forms.
2018-01-16 17:05:24 UTC
And Doc said a deamon was on his shirt and didnt pray about it, haha
2018-01-16 18:39:28 UTC
If you don't want to talk about Doc why are you here? This has been the alt.fan.gene-scott since the mid to late 1990s and many of us have been posting here since before his death. Why should it bother you except you want to have a sense of controlling others? Why aren't you posting somewhere else or at least starting a thread of your own topic?

And who are you to say that God hasn't drawn the investigation of satanic ritual into our consciousness? Do you think that closing your eyes to evil and saying lalalalala will make it go away ... or that looking at it will make it even more ubiquitous? Be gentle as doves and be wise to what's really going on.

When a person dies you don't keep bringing up all the crap about him.

Smells like rotten corpse in here.

And after the satanic ritual pursuit chews you up and spits you out, remember what killed the cat.

And I don't care to control folks who say they were abused by someone but won't let him die
2018-01-16 19:16:48 UTC
White backlash!, deserve your life again today!
2018-01-16 19:34:13 UTC
Still, Nielsen’s hardest questions were about Trump’s comments, which some think have set back such talks.

The sharpest criticism came from New Jersey Democratic Sen. Cory Booker, who said: “I’m seething with anger. You are under oath … and you and others cannot remember.”

Gerald - so far away from belief in yourselves, haha
2018-01-16 20:04:58 UTC
Some legal experts said the subpoena of Bannon is a sign that the investigation was intensifying.

Gerald - because the drop dead low approval rating is here and now not back when jerkoffski was "cool"
2018-01-16 20:49:25 UTC
Post by bluettes
If you don't want to talk about Doc why are you here? This has been the alt.fan.gene-scott since the mid to late 1990s and many of us have been posting here since before his death. Why should it bother you except you want to have a sense of controlling others? Why aren't you posting somewhere else or at least starting a thread of your own topic?
And who are you to say that God hasn't drawn the investigation of satanic ritual into our consciousness? Do you think that closing your eyes to evil and saying lalalalala will make it go away ... or that looking at it will make it even more ubiquitous? Be gentle as doves and be wise to what's really going on.
When a person dies you don't keep bringing up all the crap about him.
Smells like rotten corpse in here.
And after the satanic ritual pursuit chews you up and spits you out, remember what killed the cat.
And I don't care to control folks who say they were abused by someone but won't let him die
rpbc: Given all that you just wrote... the question already asked remains.. the most poignant of all regarding you.. why are you here? Why are you here?
White Bird
2018-01-16 21:32:04 UTC
Post by bluettes
If you don't want to talk about Doc why are you here? This has been the alt.fan.gene-scott since the mid to late 1990s and many of us have been posting here since before his death. Why should it bother you except you want to have a sense of controlling others? Why aren't you posting somewhere else or at least starting a thread of your own topic?
And who are you to say that God hasn't drawn the investigation of satanic ritual into our consciousness? Do you think that closing your eyes to evil and saying lalalalala will make it go away ... or that looking at it will make it even more ubiquitous? Be gentle as doves and be wise to what's really going on.
When a person dies you don't keep bringing up all the crap about him.
Smells like rotten corpse in here.
And after the satanic ritual pursuit chews you up and spits you out, remember what killed the cat.
And I don't care to control folks who say they were abused by someone but won't let him die
Gene Scott was a public figure who claimed to represent and put forth the truth of Christianity and the true stream of God's Word. His abuse of Scripture and appalling treatment of his congregation is being carried on by his widow Melissa. This is part of the history of the modern church world and should not be forgotten. It is a huge object lesson and needs to be discussed.
2018-01-16 23:37:34 UTC
Post by bluettes
If you don't want to talk about Doc why are you here? This has been the alt.fan.gene-scott since the mid to late 1990s and many of us have been posting here since before his death. Why should it bother you except you want to have a sense of controlling others? Why aren't you posting somewhere else or at least starting a thread of your own topic?
And who are you to say that God hasn't drawn the investigation of satanic ritual into our consciousness? Do you think that closing your eyes to evil and saying lalalalala will make it go away ... or that looking at it will make it even more ubiquitous? Be gentle as doves and be wise to what's really going on.
When a person dies you don't keep bringing up all the crap about him.
Smells like rotten corpse in here.
And after the satanic ritual pursuit chews you up and spits you out, remember what killed the cat.
And I don't care to control folks who say they were abused by someone but won't let him die
Joseph ...my impression is that you seem angry and confused ...like you're experiencing inner conflict ...saying you don't care yet about xyz in the same paragraph that you show that you do care because you are bothered by our discussions. You would censor this board if only you could. Am I right?
2018-01-17 00:35:28 UTC
Post by bluettes
If you don't want to talk about Doc why are you here? This has been the alt.fan.gene-scott since the mid to late 1990s and many of us have been posting here since before his death. Why should it bother you except you want to have a sense of controlling others? Why aren't you posting somewhere else or at least starting a thread of your own topic?
And who are you to say that God hasn't drawn the investigation of satanic ritual into our consciousness? Do you think that closing your eyes to evil and saying lalalalala will make it go away ... or that looking at it will make it even more ubiquitous? Be gentle as doves and be wise to what's really going on.
When a person dies you don't keep bringing up all the crap about him.
Says you, the self appointed authority. Must really bug you that Hitler, Haman, Stalin et al are still dissected to this day.
Post by bluettes
Smells like rotten corpse in here.
Yeah since you farted.
Post by bluettes
And after the satanic ritual pursuit chews you up and spits you out, remember what killed the cat.
Looks like you're the one getting chewed up here...your choice.
People perish for lack of knowledge. You're sounding more like one who not only lacks but would enforce others' lack of knowledge.
Post by bluettes
And I don't care to control folks who say they were abused by someone but won't let him die
Hahaha!! so go away and control the folks who let him die ....what a tell.
2018-01-17 00:46:22 UTC
This group is truly a lost cause, most likely deserving of the abuse it received, it continues to abuse others and itself by looking for reasons to abuse
White Bird
2018-01-17 00:54:37 UTC
Post by Joseph
This group is truly a lost cause, most likely deserving of the abuse it received, it continues to abuse others and itself by looking for reasons to abuse
I usually don't engage this way with other posters, but I just have to say it--you're really an idiot. You come here with esoteric, vague statements, imply all kinds of things and when asked about it completely ignore the person addressing you or go off in another direction. Then you say this group is a lost cause. I guess we just aren't savvy enough to fathom the wisdom you have tried to impart to us.
Celestia S
2018-01-17 01:05:35 UTC
Post by White Bird
Post by Joseph
This group is truly a lost cause, most likely deserving of the abuse it received, it continues to abuse others and itself by looking for reasons to abuse
I usually don't engage this way with other posters, but I just have to say it--you're really an idiot. You come here with esoteric, vague statements, imply all kinds of things and when asked about it completely ignore the person addressing you or go off in another direction. Then you say this group is a lost cause. I guess we just aren't savvy enough to fathom the wisdom you have tried to impart to us.
And that is yet another Box characteristic.
2018-01-17 01:24:48 UTC
Post by Celestia S
Post by White Bird
Post by Joseph
This group is truly a lost cause, most likely deserving of the abuse it received, it continues to abuse others and itself by looking for reasons to abuse
I usually don't engage this way with other posters, but I just have to say it--you're really an idiot. You come here with esoteric, vague statements, imply all kinds of things and when asked about it completely ignore the person addressing you or go off in another direction. Then you say this group is a lost cause. I guess we just aren't savvy enough to fathom the wisdom you have tried to impart to us.
And that is yet another Box characteristic.
I don't think Box condemns this group as a lost cause ...do ya Boxie?
Celestia S
2018-01-17 01:37:39 UTC
Post by bluettes
Post by Celestia S
Post by White Bird
Post by Joseph
This group is truly a lost cause, most likely deserving of the abuse it received, it continues to abuse others and itself by looking for reasons to abuse
I usually don't engage this way with other posters, but I just have to say it--you're really an idiot. You come here with esoteric, vague statements, imply all kinds of things and when asked about it completely ignore the person addressing you or go off in another direction. Then you say this group is a lost cause. I guess we just aren't savvy enough to fathom the wisdom you have tried to impart to us.
And that is yet another Box characteristic.
I don't think Box condemns this group as a lost cause ...do ya Boxie?
That's hard to say, considering the fact that we are all so far beneath him.
2018-01-17 02:19:20 UTC
Shut up nigger

2018-01-17 01:04:08 UTC
Post by Joseph
This group is truly a lost cause, most likely deserving of the abuse it received, it continues to abuse others and itself by looking for reasons to abuse
Now you sound like kevin. Fly away little monkey.
2018-01-16 20:18:21 UTC
Post by Joseph
You are still twice removed from the focus and I refuse to explain it to you.
How did Scott abuse YOU anyway? Or do you just feel empathy for those that were abused.
From your posts about it, you seem to be gullible.
After all, when Scott said give me 80 hrs a week, why didn't you just say you're crazy old man like I did.
David: Each person has their right to their own take on their experiences, including you. I will say though, my personal experience with FC and Doc was nothing but contentious, and that by his own doing. My personal intuition with that, is that anyone who actually had His Spirit in them, met the same type of contention, in many forms.

rpbc: He certainly was... or at the very least, became nothing but contentious. I'm not really disagreeing with your intuition... that anybody with His Spirit met with (the same type of) contention.. but, at least to me, that is basically saying he had none of the His Spirit in him. Even though I have those thoughts they aren't ones I want to entertain.. as in fully embrace... it seems to me, ultimately, not a judgement I am willing to make, but it certainly finds place in the world of illusions in which we live.
2018-01-16 20:28:56 UTC
David: Each person has their right to their own take on their experiences, including you. I will say though, my personal experience with FC and Doc was nothing but contentious, and that by his own doing. My personal intuition with that, is that anyone who actually had His Spirit in them, met the same type of contention, in many forms.

rpbc: He certainly was... or at the very least, became nothing but contentious. I'm not really disagreeing with your intuition... that anybody with His Spirit met with (the same type of) contention.. but, at least to me, that is basically saying he had none of the His Spirit in him.  Even though I have those thoughts they aren't ones I want to entertain.. as in fully embrace... it seems to me, ultimately, not a judgement I am willing to make, but it certainly finds place in the world of illusions in which we live.

The Doc Experience is an allegory of your unteachability.
2018-01-16 20:31:52 UTC
Morons get star struck with the worst examples because then they can explain the moronics of laziness.
Celestia S
2018-01-16 21:02:16 UTC
Post by rpbc
David: Each person has their right to their own take on their experiences, including you. I will say though, my personal experience with FC and Doc was nothing but contentious, and that by his own doing. My personal intuition with that, is that anyone who actually had His Spirit in them, met the same type of contention, in many forms.
rpbc: He certainly was... or at the very least, became nothing but contentious. I'm not really disagreeing with your intuition... that anybody with His Spirit met with (the same type of) contention.. but, at least to me, that is basically saying he had none of the His Spirit in him.  Even though I have those thoughts they aren't ones I want to entertain.. as in fully embrace... it seems to me, ultimately, not a judgement I am willing to make, but it certainly finds place in the world of illusions in which we live.
The Doc Experience is an allegory of your unteachability.
See that? Right there. If that isn't the spirit of Box revealing itself....I'll leave the country! :)
2018-01-17 00:56:54 UTC
Post by Celestia S
Post by rpbc
David: Each person has their right to their own take on their experiences, including you. I will say though, my personal experience with FC and Doc was nothing but contentious, and that by his own doing. My personal intuition with that, is that anyone who actually had His Spirit in them, met the same type of contention, in many forms.
rpbc: He certainly was... or at the very least, became nothing but contentious. I'm not really disagreeing with your intuition... that anybody with His Spirit met with (the same type of) contention.. but, at least to me, that is basically saying he had none of the His Spirit in him.  Even though I have those thoughts they aren't ones I want to entertain.. as in fully embrace... it seems to me, ultimately, not a judgement I am willing to make, but it certainly finds place in the world of illusions in which we live.
The Doc Experience is an allegory of your unteachability.
See that? Right there. If that isn't the spirit of Box revealing itself....I'll leave the country! :)
Hahah! what can I say 'cept dang gurrl ..you called it.
White Bird
2018-01-16 21:42:50 UTC
Post by rpbc
David: Each person has their right to their own take on their experiences, including you. I will say though, my personal experience with FC and Doc was nothing but contentious, and that by his own doing. My personal intuition with that, is that anyone who actually had His Spirit in them, met the same type of contention, in many forms.
rpbc: He certainly was... or at the very least, became nothing but contentious. I'm not really disagreeing with your intuition... that anybody with His Spirit met with (the same type of) contention.. but, at least to me, that is basically saying he had none of the His Spirit in him.  Even though I have those thoughts they aren't ones I want to entertain.. as in fully embrace... it seems to me, ultimately, not a judgement I am willing to make, but it certainly finds place in the world of illusions in which we live.
The Doc Experience is an allegory of your unteachability.
You sound like Melissa Scott, who has said that if you're not learning anything from her, then you're not listening. What would you teach us if we were teachable? A weird mixture of "new thought" ideas and man's control over his own destiny, with some Jesus thrown in, I suppose.
2018-01-16 23:07:42 UTC
Post by Joseph
The Doc Experience is an allegory of your unteachability.
2018-01-17 00:40:47 UTC
Post by rpbc
David: Each person has their right to their own take on their experiences, including you. I will say though, my personal experience with FC and Doc was nothing but contentious, and that by his own doing. My personal intuition with that, is that anyone who actually had His Spirit in them, met the same type of contention, in many forms.
rpbc: He certainly was... or at the very least, became nothing but contentious. I'm not really disagreeing with your intuition... that anybody with His Spirit met with (the same type of) contention.. but, at least to me, that is basically saying he had none of the His Spirit in him.  Even though I have those thoughts they aren't ones I want to entertain.. as in fully embrace... it seems to me, ultimately, not a judgement I am willing to make, but it certainly finds place in the world of illusions in which we live.
The Doc Experience is an allegory of your unteachability.
You win the award for Most Arrogantly Stupid Remark of the day. lol
David B
2018-01-16 22:49:03 UTC
Post by rpbc
Post by Joseph
You are still twice removed from the focus and I refuse to explain it to you.
How did Scott abuse YOU anyway? Or do you just feel empathy for those that were abused.
From your posts about it, you seem to be gullible.
After all, when Scott said give me 80 hrs a week, why didn't you just say you're crazy old man like I did.
David: Each person has their right to their own take on their experiences, including you. I will say though, my personal experience with FC and Doc was nothing but contentious, and that by his own doing. My personal intuition with that, is that anyone who actually had His Spirit in them, met the same type of contention, in many forms.
rpbc: He certainly was... or at the very least, became nothing but contentious. I'm not really disagreeing with your intuition... that anybody with His Spirit met with (the same type of) contention.. but, at least to me, that is basically saying he had none of the His Spirit in him. Even though I have those thoughts they aren't ones I want to entertain.. as in fully embrace... it seems to me, ultimately, not a judgement I am willing to make, but it certainly finds place in the world of illusions in which we live.
RP, when you say, "but, at least to me, that is basically saying he had none of the His Spirit in him." I'm not sure I agree with that per se, but once detected, it certainly created a situation where, at least in what I experienced and saw, it created a mindset that made Doc feel threatened, (or at least that's the best way I have to explain it) and in that state, Doc would lash out.
2018-01-16 22:35:15 UTC
Post by David B
Post by Joseph
You are still twice removed from the focus and I refuse to explain it to you.
How did Scott abuse YOU anyway? Or do you just feel empathy for those that were abused.
From your posts about it, you seem to be gullible.
After all, when Scott said give me 80 hrs a week, why didn't you just say you're crazy old man like I did.
Each person has their right to their own take on their experiences, including you. I will say though, my personal experience with FC and Doc was nothing but contentious, and that by his own doing. My personal intuition with that, is that anyone who actually had His Spirit in them, met the same type of contention, in many forms.
David I completely agree.
2018-01-16 23:13:22 UTC
Post by David B
Each person has their right to their own take on their experiences, including you. I will say though, my personal experience with FC and Doc was nothing but contentious, and that by his own doing. My personal intuition with that, is that anyone who actually had His Spirit in them, met the same type of contention, in many forms.
It may even have been a check in one's spirit that went unacknowledged until much later, when hind sight is 20/20.
2018-01-16 20:46:42 UTC
Post by Joseph
You are still twice removed from the focus and I refuse to explain it to you.
How did Scott abuse YOU anyway? Or do you just feel empathy for those that were abused.
From your posts about it, you seem to be gullible.
After all, when Scott said give me 80 hrs a week, why didn't you just say you're crazy old man like I did.
rpbc: No.. you don't refuse to explain it... you simply don't have any substance to support an explanation. And you just called Scott a crazy old man. You seem like controlled chaos attempting to repackage himself for a group of deplorable gullibles who have faith in a mythical character Who thought He was God incarnate... just saying.
2018-01-16 20:55:05 UTC
If Scott couldn't learn yous I won't try.
Flattery will get you nowhere
And if you're so good at picking out the corn in my shitposts
Why can't you do the same for Doc
2018-01-16 20:59:40 UTC
Post by Joseph
If Scott couldn't learn yous I won't try.
Flattery will get you nowhere
And if you're so good at picking out the corn in my shitposts
Why can't you do the same for Doc
rpbc: Perfect disclosure... just perfect.

Studio, I owe you an apology...
2018-01-16 23:18:18 UTC
Post by rpbc
Post by Joseph
If Scott couldn't learn yous I won't try.
Flattery will get you nowhere
And if you're so good at picking out the corn in my shitposts
Why can't you do the same for Doc
rpbc: Perfect disclosure... just perfect.
Studio, I owe you an apology...
I think Joseph is now officially a flying monkey.
Celestia S
2018-01-16 21:03:26 UTC
Post by Joseph
If Scott couldn't learn yous I won't try.
Flattery will get you nowhere
And if you're so good at picking out the corn in my shitposts
Why can't you do the same for Doc
Where the HELL do YOU get the idea ANYONE is trying to flatter YOU, Boxette???
2018-01-16 21:13:30 UTC
Post by Joseph
If Scott couldn't learn yous I won't try.
Flattery will get you nowhere
And if you're so good at picking out the corn in my shitposts
Why can't you do the same for Doc
Cel: Where the HELL do YOU get the idea ANYONE is trying to flatter YOU, Boxette???

rpbc: I'm going to leave David out of this but the flattery part... where does 'Joseph' get the idea that anyone is trying to flatter him... answer.. he's getting attention and to him that's flattery.
2018-01-16 21:18:09 UTC
I am conscious not self conscious
2018-01-17 00:58:45 UTC
Post by Joseph
I am conscious not self conscious
What kind of drugs are you on?
White Bird
2018-01-16 23:23:36 UTC
Post by Joseph
If Scott couldn't learn yous I won't try.
Flattery will get you nowhere
And if you're so good at picking out the corn in my shitposts
Why can't you do the same for Doc
What is it that you seem to be implying that you learned from Gene Scott that we haven't learned?
2018-01-17 00:54:42 UTC
Post by Joseph
If Scott couldn't learn yous I won't try.
Flattery will get you nowhere
And if you're so good at picking out the corn in my shitposts
Why can't you do the same for Doc
Oh but he did larn ussin's ...yup. He larned us good. There's no picking out corn from your shitposts ...not enough to bother with all your shit. You've revealed yourself as a very confused scottie...
White Bird
2018-01-16 21:21:42 UTC
Post by Joseph
You are still twice removed from the focus and I refuse to explain it to you.
How did Scott abuse YOU anyway? Or do you just feel empathy for those that were abused.
From your posts about it, you seem to be gullible.
After all, when Scott said give me 80 hrs a week, why didn't you just say you're crazy old man like I did.
Don't bother explaining it to me. I'm probably not "bright" enough to understand it.

I was never "up close and personal" as many here were; never lived in LA during my Scott years. (Thank God for that). So, I didn't suffer any personal abuse directly from Gene Scott. I have great empathy for those who did and for those still caught up in the whole thing under Melissa. However, the great harm that results from a brilliant man in a position of leadership, influence and trust who twists scripture, manipulates his congregation, lies and deceives for his own perverse desires, is a form of abuse that I and many others went through. Gene Scott, while claiming to be caring for our souls, hindered my (and others') relationship with the Lord because he put the focus on himself and his ministry. It is only by the grace of God that my faith survived and in fact is stronger after I left that place. It's easy for you or anyone to say, why didn't you just leave or turn him off? I guess you haven't read much here about spiritual abuse and cults and the psychological hold someone can have over others who trust them, especially when they believe they are doing God's will and work.

You sound so very arrogant and sure of yourself.
2018-01-16 09:36:59 UTC
Post by Joseph
You interpret what I say instead of understanding what I say.
You read what you want to read and argue for the sake of arguing. What you need to learn can't be taught. You need to realize it.
Hill interviewed 500 men at the behest of Carnegie without a stipend. There are no hidden agendas.
Joseph ...are you drunk??? or stoned?
2018-01-16 09:35:41 UTC
Post by Joseph
Where your mind or spirit is, your body will follow."  There's a cryptic comment with no context.  Care to elaborate?
As a man thinks so he is.
The details you are lost in is still seeing the glass as half empty. Doc had his flaws and he took most of you for a ride.
You probably got a little callous on your soul from some tough faith action. You helped wash the world with the word of God and are probably the better for it.
But the spectre of toilets seats and a gold digging exporn star haunt your spirits. Now introduce satanic ritual activity.
God says been there done that.
Doc said God could cure 1000 drunks before one self-righteous person
Okay ...just hold on there little buckaroo ...you're taking quite the tone of self righteous indignation while chiding us for being that ...and Jesus had somewhat to say on that topic. There's nothing callous about my or others' souls from our experience with euGene. Our own experiences were just that ...our own. Who are you to judge and determine what is or is not worthy of discussion? This was an active forum for years before you stumbled in to engage and contribute your thoughts. White Bird is right; you do come off rather glib in your opinion of how we should be processing those experiences ...can you tell me where in scripture God says 'been there, done that so don't talk about it'? Sorry but that's just a stupid, callow comment. The fact is, satanic ritual activity is blatantly increasing and there is much scripture about this happening in the days before Jesus' return. Why does it bother you to see it being discussed? What is it you don't want to recognise in terms of current events tying in with prophecy?
David B
2018-01-16 13:15:33 UTC
Post by Matt2442
Post by Celestia S
I don't know if what geen or missy did/does in God's name is any worse than the other Televangelists.
I think he was probably among the worst of them. Gene Scott used to disassociate himself from the TV evangelist crowd, claiming that he wasn't one of those "assholes." Most often he was spot on about what was wrong with them, but how many of the televangelists you know of have put their staff members up against the wall as Gene and Melissa did in that incident, among other things?
The real thing for me, is the using of the scripture in a manner which is eisegesis. The twisting of the original context to fit some agenda. In some areas, Doc remained true to the context, and other times, was so far off base and twisted it to fit his own ego, narrative and personal agenda.
2018-01-16 20:28:37 UTC
Post by Matt2442
Post by Celestia S
I don't know if what geen or missy did/does in God's name is any worse than the other Televangelists.
I think he was probably among the worst of them. Gene Scott used to disassociate himself from the TV evangelist crowd, claiming that he wasn't one of those "assholes." Most often he was spot on about what was wrong with them, but how many of the televangelists you know of have put their staff members up against the wall as Gene and Melissa did in that incident, among other things?
David: The real thing for me, is the using of the scripture in a manner which is eisegesis. The twisting of the original context to fit some agenda. In some areas, Doc remained true to the context, and other times, was so far off base and twisted it to fit his own ego, narrative and personal agenda.

rpbc: Well.. that's it. And to further compound it, the times he twisted it to fit his own narrative and personal agenda he clearly did it with full knowledge.... purposeful... and I know 'twisting' and 'full knowledge' is redundant, but I want to be clear. For Scott the ends justified the means.
2018-01-16 23:11:02 UTC
Post by David B
The real thing for me, is the using of the scripture in a manner which is eisegesis. The twisting of the original context to fit some agenda. In some areas, Doc remained true to the context, and other times, was so far off base and twisted it to fit his own ego, narrative and personal agenda.
Like "this ye ought to have done..."
2018-01-15 15:39:58 UTC
Post by Celestia S
Matt2442 said "It was one thing I wish I could find on a video recording, just like the girls rollerblading in Scott's back yard that I still have. I don't recall exactly when I saw it, but I know I was no longer attending."
Cel - I must ask, if you were no longer attending, why did you record it?
I didn't record it. I wish I had though. I wasn't interested in recording his teaching for the teaching at that point, but if i did record anything it would have been to capture moments of Doc's insanity for future reference.
2018-01-15 15:56:54 UTC
Post by Matt2442
Post by Celestia S
Matt2442 said "It was one thing I wish I could find on a video recording, just like the girls rollerblading in Scott's back yard that I still have. I don't recall exactly when I saw it, but I know I was no longer attending."
Cel - I must ask, if you were no longer attending, why did you record it?
I didn't record it. I wish I had though. I wasn't interested in recording his teaching for the teaching at that point, but if i did record anything it would have been to capture moments of Doc's insanity for future reference.
If you were referring specifically to the rollerblading thing, it should be obvious why I'd record that. That whole phase of the pony girls one one long period of Scott's craziness. By that time it should have been obvious to anyone that Scott had flipped out and shouldn't be anyone's pastor. Melissa was one of those girls, though no one would have guessed while she was wearing a thong and rollerblading in Scott's back yard that she would one day take over the church.
White Bird
2018-01-15 05:05:17 UTC
Post by Matt2442
Post by White Bird
I tuned in very late but what rpbc reported just kept going on and on.....and on. Melissa was full of piss and vinegar, very full of herself this morning. So, she's mad about attendance and commitments and faithfulness, blah, blah, blah and she claims she wants you to know God, not just know about God. And she also said you can't know God in your own language. My translation: you must go through me, the Pastor with the language gift, to know God. Therefore, if you are hearing her, then God sent you. If God sent you, you were called to this ministry. And if you're called to this ministry, your life in God can only be lived out in and through the ministry. Like I said last week, you check in, but you can't ever check out. You're stuck! Your eternal destiny is tied up in this cult whether you like it or not. Now go sing Joy in the Morning!
If there is one reason ex-scotties continue to post here, it's to at least try to get the message across to any current scotties who may read here that they don't need Melissa at all in order to know God. If only they understood that. What was that Bible display all about? The great price that some brave people paid in order to bring the Word of God to the common person in their own language so they weren't dependent upon some priest or Pope to interpret it for them. I remember the look on Gene Scott's face one day as he explained that, the long pause as he suddenly realized what he just said, basically telling the congregation that they didn't need him either.
Wow, yes, if only they understood that they don't need Melissa (or anyone else) in order to know God. Very interesting what you're describing about Gene Scott's realization of what he just said. Oops, the cat's out of the bag! Erase! Erase!
2018-01-14 21:26:36 UTC
Post by rpbc
Opening song Glory to His Name... girls coordinated outfits black pants and jackets over red...
Illuminati colors ...do you think the girls called each other that morning or were told by their Illumined One what to wear?