[bakefile-devel] fileList does not seem to expand variables
Sebastian Schuberth
2008-08-06 14:47:28 UTC

I'm new to Bakefile (and to Python) and want to start off by porting a small CMake project. I'm having some problems with the following file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>


<set var="PROJECT_NAME">gale</set>

<set var="BUILD_ROOT">..</set>
<set var="HEADER_ROOT">$(BUILD_ROOT)/include</set>
<set var="SOURCE_ROOT">$(BUILD_ROOT)/source</set>
<set var="GLEX_ROOT">$(BUILD_ROOT)/glex</set>

<lib id="$(PROJECT_NAME)">
<include>$(HEADER_ROOT) $(GLEX_ROOT)</include>


It seems fileList() does not expand $(HEADER_ROOT):

[dbg] condition 'BUILDDIR=='.'' for variable '_builddir' is always met
fileList('$(HEADER_ROOT)/gale/math/*.h'): matches for ...

If I replace $(HEADER_ROOT) with the actual directory, it works. What am I doing wrong?

Sebastian Schuberth
Vaclav Slavik
2008-08-06 15:03:38 UTC
Post by Sebastian Schuberth
Because you're trying to double-expand it. $(expr) substitutes the value
of expr, which is a Python expression (or a variable reference, which is
just a special case of Python expression). You wouldn't try to reference
a variable as $($(FOO)) either. Furthermore, the $(HEADER_ROOT) uses are
inside quotes, so it's a string _literal_.

What you want to do is this:


Sebastian Schuberth
2008-08-06 15:28:52 UTC
Post by Vaclav Slavik
Post by Sebastian Schuberth
Because you're trying to double-expand it. $(expr) substitutes the value
of expr, which is a Python expression (or a variable reference, which is
just a special case of Python expression). You wouldn't try to reference
a variable as $($(FOO)) either. Furthermore, the $(HEADER_ROOT) uses are
inside quotes, so it's a string _literal_.
Thanks a lot, that works.

For my better understanding, the doc page at http://www.bakefile.org/doc/ch08.html reads as if only the Python functions listed there can be called by Bakefile ... I guess this actually is not true, but in fact any core function of the Python language can be called, the listed functions only being additional convenience functions, correct?
Sebastian Schuberth
Vaclav Slavik
2008-08-10 00:04:24 UTC
Post by Sebastian Schuberth
For my better understanding, the doc page at
http://www.bakefile.org/doc/ch08.html reads as if only the Python
functions listed there can be called by Bakefile ...
Should be fixed now, thanks.

