(too old to reply)
2005-07-11 14:03:28 UTC
A simple refutation of the existence of Gods.

There are thousands of God beliefs and each person, or groups of persons,
believes their God is the real God and all the others are fakes. Because
none of these gods clearly announces directly from his heaven that he is the
real God, and all the others are fakes, this is logical evidence that no
real God exists.

The claims and opinions in various religious documents such as those below
are not logical objective evidence of the real God.

Baha'i Sacrid writings

Life of Buddha - Dhammapada - Pali cannon

The Bible - Christian religious documents - 18 English versions alone.

No originals of the old or new testaments exist. They are all copies of

copies etc. created and embellished by mortal selfish men.

The Book of Mormon - Church of Latter Day Saints

The Analects - Confuscianism

The Eddas and Sagas - Icelandic beliefs

Wicca - Neo paganism of Greece and Rome over the centuries

Bhagavgita and Rig Veda - Hinduism

Qur'an - Islam

The Tanakh - Jewism

Tao-Te-Ching - Taoism

Nag Hammadi - Gnostics

Zhuan Falun - Falun Gong

And other minor religious documents and claims.

The claims of other mortals are not objective evidence of who is the real
God. They are merely the unproven opinions of other mortals.

If a real God wanted people to follow and adore him, he certainly would make
it clear and irrefutable that he is the real God and all the others are

The objective evidence is that god did not create man but quite the
opposite; that man created Gods.
Matt Silberstein
2005-07-11 14:16:56 UTC
On Mon, 11 Jul 2005 10:03:28 -0400, in alt.atheism , "Bill"
Post by Bill
A simple refutation of the existence of Gods.
There are thousands of God beliefs and each person, or groups of persons,
believes their God is the real God and all the others are fakes. Because
none of these gods clearly announces directly from his heaven that he is the
real God, and all the others are fakes, this is logical evidence that no
real God exists.
The claims and opinions in various religious documents such as those below
are not logical objective evidence of the real God.
Baha'i Sacrid writings
Life of Buddha - Dhammapada - Pali cannon
The Bible - Christian religious documents - 18 English versions alone.
No originals of the old or new testaments exist. They are all copies of
copies etc. created and embellished by mortal selfish men.
The Book of Mormon - Church of Latter Day Saints
The Analects - Confuscianism
The Eddas and Sagas - Icelandic beliefs
Wicca - Neo paganism of Greece and Rome over the centuries
Bhagavgita and Rig Veda - Hinduism
Qur'an - Islam
The Tanakh - Jewism
Tao-Te-Ching - Taoism
Nag Hammadi - Gnostics
Zhuan Falun - Falun Gong
And other minor religious documents and claims.
The claims of other mortals are not objective evidence of who is the real
God. They are merely the unproven opinions of other mortals.
If a real God wanted people to follow and adore him, he certainly would make
it clear and irrefutable that he is the real God and all the others are
Your ability to determine what a non-existent entity would want is
Post by Bill
The objective evidence is that god did not create man but quite the
opposite; that man created Gods.
Matt Silberstein

I needed a drink, I needed a lot of life insurance, I needed a vacation, I needed a home in the country. What I had was a coat, a hat and a gun.

Raymond Chandler
Conspiracy of Doves
2005-07-11 15:09:07 UTC
Technically, Bill isn't saying what a god would want, he is saying what
a god would do IF it wanted to be worshipped.
Matt Silberstein
2005-07-11 16:15:30 UTC
On 11 Jul 2005 08:09:07 -0700, in alt.atheism , "Conspiracy of Doves"
Post by Conspiracy of Doves
Technically, Bill isn't saying what a god would want, he is saying what
a god would do IF it wanted to be worshipped.
I don't see the distinction as important. First, there is my overt
point, that it is kind of silly to imply properties of non-existent
entities. For example, there is no meaning to discussing the weight of
Invisible Pink Unicorns. Second, it is kind of silly to try to argue
from what God would want, even if we accept that God exists. None of
us seem to have omniscience or even know much of God's intension.
Matt Silberstein

I needed a drink, I needed a lot of life insurance, I needed a vacation, I needed a home in the country. What I had was a coat, a hat and a gun.

Raymond Chandler
Bad Wolf
2005-07-17 09:44:05 UTC
In the great debate about "Re: DOES A REAL GOD EXIST?" in
alt.christian.religion, Matt Silberstein
Post by Matt Silberstein
For example, there is no meaning to discussing the weight of
Invisible Pink Unicorns.
Humour, surrealism and irony.

David Silverman F.L.A.H.N. aa #2208
2005-07-11 14:47:34 UTC
Post by Bill
A simple refutation of the existence of Gods.
There are thousands of God beliefs and each person, or groups of persons,
believes their God is the real God and all the others are fakes. Because
none of these gods clearly announces directly from his heaven that he is
the real God, and all the others are fakes, this is logical evidence that
no real God exists.
The claims and opinions in various religious documents such as those below
are not logical objective evidence of the real God.
Baha'i Sacrid writings
Life of Buddha - Dhammapada - Pali cannon
The Bible - Christian religious documents - 18 English versions alone.
No originals of the old or new testaments exist. They are all copies of
copies etc. created and embellished by mortal selfish men.
The Book of Mormon - Church of Latter Day Saints
That's "the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints". Just being picky.

<snip to end>
Niels van der Linden
2005-07-11 15:23:41 UTC
Post by Bill
There are thousands of God beliefs and each person, or groups of persons,
believes their God is the real God and all the others are fakes.
Every believer has a different image of 'God'; that's the result of having
to believe in something without evidence. And there isn't even a way of
knowing if a fellow theist has the same image.

The irony is that all groups of theists that are in some way offensive to
other groups could just as easily be offensive to their 'fellow' theists.

Atheist #2237

"The thing that saved me was Upanishads; Hinduism. Where you have
practically the same mythology [as Roman Catholicism], but it has been
intellectually interpreted. Say, already in the 9th century BC the Hindus
realized that all the deities are projections of psychological powers and
they are within you not out there [points away]."
-Joseph Campbell in The Hero's Journey
2005-07-11 16:40:34 UTC
Bill wrote:
<The objective evidence is that god did not create man but quite the
opposite; that man created Gods.>

This statement is true, considering that organized religions have
created an image for god (example christians god is an old guy in the
clouds casting down judgements) so yes man created god if thats your
definition of god. But really , god doesn't have an image. God is
simply the divine intelligence the pervades all. It is Love Light Life.
So its obvious that "god" came first. I think the problem here is that
organized religion has completely altered and degraded the term god.
Its no longer light, love,and life. They have changed god into an
authority figure casting judgements and punishing those who have
"wronged", basicly just playing a little game of fear.
Steve Knight
2005-07-12 00:10:11 UTC
On 11 Jul 2005 09:40:34 -0700, "exobiologist"
Post by exobiologist
<The objective evidence is that god did not create man but quite the
opposite; that man created Gods.>
This statement is true, considering that organized religions have
created an image for god (example christians god is an old guy in the
clouds casting down judgements) so yes man created god if thats your
definition of god. But really , god doesn't have an image. God is
simply the divine intelligence the pervades all. It is Love Light Life.
So its obvious that "god" came first. I think the problem here is that
organized religion has completely altered and degraded the term god.
Its no longer light, love,and life. They have changed god into an
authority figure casting judgements and punishing those who have
"wronged", basicly just playing a little game of fear.
That really doesn't wash. You make the assumption there is a god
and then define it as 'Love Light Life' and decry everyone else's

Lets play pretend. There is a god. The evidence says he/she/it is
'Apathetic, Incompetent and Completely Dangerous'. That reflects

Warlord Steve
2005-07-12 03:05:39 UTC
Post by exobiologist
<The objective evidence is that god did not create man but quite the
opposite; that man created Gods.>
This statement is true, considering that organized religions have
created an image for god (example christians god is an old guy in the
clouds casting down judgements) so yes man created god if thats your
definition of god.
But really , god doesn't have an image.
Non things don't have an image - so God not having an image is
compatible with it's non existence.
Post by exobiologist
God is
simply the divine intelligence the pervades all.
"pervades all"?
Then why is it so hard to find on earth?
Post by exobiologist
It is Love Light Life.
Its your god - it can be anything you wish.
It sounds like you want it to be a nice one - and thats certainly
better than believing in one that lusts after the blood of virgins.
I have dispensed with the desire to have a God at all.
Post by exobiologist
So its obvious that "god" came first. I think the problem here is that
organized religion has completely altered and degraded the term god.
Its no longer light, love,and life. They have changed god into an
authority figure casting judgements and punishing those who have
"wronged", basicly just playing a little game of fear.
Or perhaps it doesnt exist.
That's really not such a bad thing.

2005-07-11 23:29:22 UTC
Post by Bill
A simple refutation of the existence of Gods.
The real God is Mr Keith P Exford, a man allowed to execute people without
trial, in the United Kingdom, a territory that claims it has abolished the
death penalty.

Hail his mendacity Keith Exford.
Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zürich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
2005-07-12 00:17:40 UTC
Post by Bill
A simple refutation of the existence of Gods.
There are thousands of God beliefs and each person, or groups of persons,
believes their God is the real God and all the others are fakes. Because
none of these gods clearly announces directly from his heaven that he is
the real God, and all the others are fakes, this is logical evidence that
no real God exists.
perhaps it's the same God but is known by different names by
different people? It truly could be that simple.

Christopher A. Lee
2005-07-12 00:57:17 UTC
Post by bckwrds
Post by Bill
A simple refutation of the existence of Gods.
There are thousands of God beliefs and each person, or groups of persons,
believes their God is the real God and all the others are fakes. Because
none of these gods clearly announces directly from his heaven that he is
the real God, and all the others are fakes, this is logical evidence that
no real God exists.
perhaps it's the same God but is known by different names by
different people? It truly could be that simple.
I know some people who believe that - or they say they do. It was
their response to my saying I viewed their deity called "God" in
pretty much the same way they saw Zeus, Mithras, Odin Krishna etc.

I think they were fibbing, trying to "prove" that I really believed
in it. But they couldn't answer what eg Hindus (who are polytheists)
said when they told them that.
2005-07-12 02:50:18 UTC
Post by Bill
A simple refutation of the existence of Gods.
What is the point of refuting Gods?

If one ever presents itself that is the time to deal with it.
Post by Bill
There are thousands of God beliefs and each person, or groups of persons,
believes their God is the real God and all the others are fakes.
That isnt true of all believers - just the so -called monotheists like
Jews etc
There are some - for example the Hindus and the ancient pagans - who
are happy for anyone to believe in as many gods as they wish.
Post by Bill
none of these gods clearly announces directly from his heaven that he is the
real God, and all the others are fakes, this is logical evidence that no
real God exists.
No this is lack of evidence that a God exists.
Not that it matters.
Post by Bill
The claims and opinions in various religious documents such as those below
are not logical objective evidence of the real God.
Not that it matters.

Post by Bill
The claims of other mortals are not objective evidence of who is the real
God. They are merely the unproven opinions of other mortals.
Not that it matters.
Post by Bill
If a real God wanted people to follow and adore him, he certainly would make
it clear and irrefutable that he is the real God and all the others are
How do you know that?
It sounds reasonable - but how do you know this God thingy must be
Perhaps its insane?

Perhaps it is as insane as its believers claim and desperately wants
our adoration and praise AND doesnt want to reveal itself.

There may be even more possibilities.

I will worry about it if and when there is a method of telling between
these possibilities - until then why concern yourself with
Post by Bill
The objective evidence is that god did not create man but quite the
opposite; that man created Gods.
There is ample evidence of humans creating gods - correct.
It is *possible* that all gods are false.
That there is no apparent objective difference between them leads to
the reasonable conclusion that they are indeed all false.
It doesnt *prove* it of course - it just makes it a reasonable belief.

Dr. Newto Joseph
2005-07-13 02:10:20 UTC
Post by Richo
Post by Bill
A simple refutation of the existence of Gods.
What is the point of refuting Gods?

By New10.

Of all the Gods once believed in by our ancestors, none exists today. There
are no more temples dedicated to the god Zeus, no more temples dedicated to
the god Mithra no more temples built to honor Asclepius, the god of health
and healing no more temples to honor Apollo the sun god or the thousands of
other gods once believed by the masses. All have been killed off by science,
old age or competition.

It seems, however, there are two gods that will not stay dead.
They are Jesus and Jehovah--new temples are being built every day dedicated
to these two gods.

If all the old gods are known to be mythical, what are the
chances that Jesus and Jehovah are not?

2005-07-13 05:26:56 UTC
Post by Dr. Newto Joseph
Post by Richo
Post by Bill
A simple refutation of the existence of Gods.
What is the point of refuting Gods?
I dont know - depends on what "THIS" refers too surely.
Post by Dr. Newto Joseph
By New10.
Of all the Gods once believed in by our ancestors, none exists today.
My ancestors believed in Jesus - people still do today.
Post by Dr. Newto Joseph
are no more temples dedicated to the god Zeus, no more temples dedicated to
the god Mithra no more temples built to honor Asclepius, the god of health
and healing no more temples to honor Apollo the sun god or the thousands of
other gods once believed by the masses. All have been killed off by science,
old age or competition.
Mostly by the competition.
Post by Dr. Newto Joseph
It seems, however, there are two gods that will not stay dead.
They are Jesus and Jehovah--new temples are being built every day dedicated
to these two gods.
And Shiva and Rama and Vishnu.
You just convieniently forget Hindu India and its 1 Billion people.
Post by Dr. Newto Joseph
If all the old gods are known to be mythical, what are the
chances that Jesus and Jehovah are not?
Pretty slim.
In what way was your post a pesponse to mine?

2005-07-14 20:38:26 UTC
What about Allah? Or is he the same as Jehovah.
2005-07-14 21:00:34 UTC
Post by C***@oracle.com
What about Allah? Or is he the same as Jehovah.
Yep. Allah, Jehovah, Sephiroth, Zaphod Beeblebrox, Luke Skywalker...
they're all the same: Fictional characters in a fictional story.
* DanielSan -- alt.atheism #2226 *
* "No one ever demonstrated, so far as I am aware, *
* the non-existence of Zeus or Thor - but they *
* have few followers now." Arthur C. Clarke *
2005-07-14 21:10:42 UTC
Post by C***@oracle.com
What about Allah? Or is he the same as Jehovah.
It's the first recorded case of identity theft.
2005-07-13 14:08:49 UTC
Post by Dr. Newto Joseph
Post by Richo
Post by Bill
A simple refutation of the existence of Gods.
What is the point of refuting Gods?
By New10.
Of all the Gods once believed in by our ancestors, none exists today.
There are no more temples dedicated to the god Zeus, no more temples
dedicated to the god Mithra no more temples built to honor Asclepius, the
god of health and healing no more temples to honor Apollo the sun god or
the thousands of other gods once believed by the masses. All have been
killed off by science, old age or competition.
It seems, however, there are two gods that will not stay dead.
They are Jesus and Jehovah--new temples are being built every day
dedicated to these two gods.
If all the old gods are known to be mythical, what are the
chances that Jesus and Jehovah are not?
Post by Richo
Along the same lines: I've often told Christians that if that person and I
could go back into time, say to 480 BCE we would be hotly debating the
existence of Zeus, Hera, etc., or whether or not the Oracles of Delphi
were nothing more than the incoherent mumbling of a drugged-out priestess.
Unfortunately, Jesus and Jehovah are going to be around for quite some
time. . Religion, it's the bane of mankind.
Pastor Frank
2005-07-12 09:04:31 UTC
Post by Richo
Post by Bill
A simple refutation of the existence of Gods.
What is the point of refuting Gods?
If one ever presents itself that is the time to deal with it.
Post by Bill
There are thousands of God beliefs and each person, or groups of persons,
believes their God is the real God and all the others are fakes.
That isnt true of all believers - just the so -called monotheists like
Jews etc
There are some - for example the Hindus and the ancient pagans - who
are happy for anyone to believe in as many gods as they wish.
Post by Bill
none of these gods clearly announces directly from his heaven that he is the
real God, and all the others are fakes, this is logical evidence that no
real God exists.
No this is lack of evidence that a God exists.
Not that it matters.
Post by Bill
The claims and opinions in various religious documents such as those below
are not logical objective evidence of the real God.
Not that it matters.
Post by Bill
The claims of other mortals are not objective evidence of who is the real
God. They are merely the unproven opinions of other mortals.
Not that it matters.
Post by Bill
If a real God wanted people to follow and adore him, he certainly would make
it clear and irrefutable that he is the real God and all the others are
How do you know that?
It sounds reasonable - but how do you know this God thingy must be
Perhaps its insane?
Perhaps it is as insane as its believers claim and desperately wants
our adoration and praise AND doesnt want to reveal itself.
There may be even more possibilities.
I will worry about it if and when there is a method of telling between
these possibilities - until then why concern yourself with
Post by Bill
The objective evidence is that god did not create man but quite the
opposite; that man created Gods.
There is ample evidence of humans creating gods - correct.
It is *possible* that all gods are false.
That there is no apparent objective difference between them leads to
the reasonable conclusion that they are indeed all false.
It doesnt *prove* it of course - it just makes it a reasonable belief.
Totally redundant, for the god(s) you appear to be talking about are
akin to Zeus or Odin etc. and they have been out of business for a very long
time indeed.
Our Christian God is abstract, a quality, i.e. "God is love" (1 John
4:8,16) become fully manifested in Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary. We
know our God exists and we also know, that YOUR god doesn't.

Pastor Frank

Jesus in Jn:4:24: "GOD IS A SPIRIT, and they that worship him must
worship him in spirit and in truth."
Jesus in John 14:6-10: Jesus saith unto him: "I am the way, the truth,
and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. If ye had known me,
ye should have known my Father also, and from henceforth YE KNOW HIM AND
Philip saith unto him: "Lord, show us the Father, and it sufficeth us."
Jesus saith unto him: "Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast
thou not known me, Philip? HE THAT HAS SEEN ME HATH SEEN THE FATHER;
and how sayest thou then: Show us the Father? Believest thou not that I am
in the Father, and the Father in me? The words that I speak unto you I speak
not of myself, but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works."
Jesus in John 12:44-46`Then Jesus cried out and said, "He who believes
in me, believes not in me but in Him who sent me. And he who sees me sees
Him who sent Me. I have come as a light into the world, that whoever
believes in me should not abide in darkness."
Jesus in Lk 17:20-21: And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when
the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said: "The kingdom of
God cometh not with observation. Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo
there! For, behold, the kingdom of GOD IS WITHIN YOU."
1Jn:4:8: He that loveth not, knoweth not God; for GOD IS LOVE.
1Jn:4:16: And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us.
GOD IS LOVE; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.
Acts:17:28: For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain
also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring.
Steve Knight
2005-07-14 02:07:06 UTC
On Tue, 12 Jul 2005 05:04:31 -0400, "Pastor Frank"
<***@christfirst.org> wrote:

Post by Pastor Frank
Totally redundant, for the god(s) you appear to be talking about are
akin to Zeus or Odin etc. and they have been out of business for a very long
time indeed.
Our Christian God is abstract, a quality, i.e. "God is love" (1 John
4:8,16) become fully manifested in Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary. We
know our God exists and we also know, that YOUR god doesn't.
Why did Pixie Boy say have no other gods before me? Huh? Why would
he say it if there weren't other ones? Logic proves he should have
said 'I am the only god' all the 'others' don't exist. But he didn't.
He acknowledged the existence of other gods plain and simple.

On a personal note, why are you in a.a., Frank? We kicked your ass
pretty good, Mr. 'FORMER ATHEIST' with all the answers. Pathetic
little shit. You should watch your crossposts least you get your lying
ass kicked just for the fun of it.

Warlord Steve
bob young
2005-07-12 06:07:02 UTC
Not one Bill, not a single one.

Post by Bill
A simple refutation of the existence of Gods.
There are thousands of God beliefs and each person, or groups of persons,
believes their God is the real God and all the others are fakes. Because
none of these gods clearly announces directly from his heaven that he is the
real God, and all the others are fakes, this is logical evidence that no
real God exists.
The claims and opinions in various religious documents such as those below
are not logical objective evidence of the real God.
Baha'i Sacrid writings
Life of Buddha - Dhammapada - Pali cannon
The Bible - Christian religious documents - 18 English versions alone.
No originals of the old or new testaments exist. They are all copies of
copies etc. created and embellished by mortal selfish men.
The Book of Mormon - Church of Latter Day Saints
The Analects - Confuscianism
The Eddas and Sagas - Icelandic beliefs
Wicca - Neo paganism of Greece and Rome over the centuries
Bhagavgita and Rig Veda - Hinduism
Qur'an - Islam
The Tanakh - Jewism
Tao-Te-Ching - Taoism
Nag Hammadi - Gnostics
Zhuan Falun - Falun Gong
And other minor religious documents and claims.
The claims of other mortals are not objective evidence of who is the real
God. They are merely the unproven opinions of other mortals.
If a real God wanted people to follow and adore him, he certainly would make
it clear and irrefutable that he is the real God and all the others are
The objective evidence is that god did not create man but quite the
opposite; that man created Gods.
2005-07-12 16:49:20 UTC
Post by Bill
A simple refutation of the existence of Gods.
Not likely, but go ahead.
Post by Bill
There are thousands of God beliefs and each person, or groups of persons,
believes their God is the real God and all the others are fakes. Because
none of these gods clearly announces directly from his heaven that he is the
real God, and all the others are fakes, this is logical evidence that no
real God exists.
One did. Jesus Christ. He rose from the dead.
Post by Bill
The claims and opinions in various religious documents such as those below
are not logical objective evidence of the real God.
The Bible - Christian religious documents - 18 English versions alone.
Sorry, they are not "versions". The only difference is some minor translation
differences, but all say the same thing.
Post by Bill
No originals of the old or new testaments exist. They are all copies of
copies etc. created and embellished by mortal selfish men.
God dictated the words, man wrote.
Post by Bill
If a real God wanted people to follow and adore him, he certainly would make
it clear and irrefutable that he is the real God and all the others are
He did.
Post by Bill
The objective evidence is that god did not create man but quite the
opposite; that man created Gods.
All logic and reason demands the existence of almighty God.

"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
Dubh Ghall
2005-07-12 23:43:51 UTC
Post by duke
Post by Bill
A simple refutation of the existence of Gods.
Not likely, but go ahead.
Post by Bill
There are thousands of God beliefs and each person, or groups of persons,
believes their God is the real God and all the others are fakes. Because
none of these gods clearly announces directly from his heaven that he is the
real God, and all the others are fakes, this is logical evidence that no
real God exists.
One did. Jesus Christ. He rose from the dead.
So you keep saying, but you also totally fail to offer evidence.

Puck Greenman
The spelling, Like any opinion stated here,
is purely my own
#162 BAAWA Knight.

Plonked by Rob Duncan

Na bister 500,000
bob young
2005-07-13 06:07:04 UTC
Post by Dubh Ghall
Post by duke
Post by Bill
A simple refutation of the existence of Gods.
Not likely, but go ahead.
Post by Bill
There are thousands of God beliefs and each person, or groups of persons,
believes their God is the real God and all the others are fakes. Because
none of these gods clearly announces directly from his heaven that he is the
real God, and all the others are fakes, this is logical evidence that no
real God exists.
One did. Jesus Christ. He rose from the dead.
So you keep saying, but you also totally fail to offer evidence.
No evidence needed, "Grandpa said so"
Post by Dubh Ghall
Puck Greenman
The spelling, Like any opinion stated here,
is purely my own
#162 BAAWA Knight.
Plonked by Rob Duncan
Na bister 500,000
bob young
2005-07-13 05:54:09 UTC
Post by duke
Post by Bill
A simple refutation of the existence of Gods.
Not likely, but go ahead.
Post by Bill
There are thousands of God beliefs and each person, or groups of persons,
believes their God is the real God and all the others are fakes. Because
none of these gods clearly announces directly from his heaven that he is the
real God, and all the others are fakes, this is logical evidence that no
real God exists.
One did. Jesus Christ. He rose from the dead.
Bloody fool, just what one would exprect primitives to swallow.

Post by duke
Post by Bill
The claims and opinions in various religious documents such as those below
are not logical objective evidence of the real God.
The Bible - Christian religious documents - 18 English versions alone.
Sorry, they are not "versions". The only difference is some minor translation
differences, but all say the same thing.
Yes trhey do "Inaccuracy"
Post by duke
Post by Bill
No originals of the old or new testaments exist. They are all copies of
copies etc. created and embellished by mortal selfish men.
God dictated the words, man wrote.
what cronic bullshit. man made it all up, do you think a god's words would
result in an old book full of controversial statements.

GROW <<<<UP>>>>
Post by duke
Post by Bill
If a real God wanted people to follow and adore him, he certainly would make
it clear and irrefutable that he is the real God and all the others are
He did.
You blind, stupid or just palin ignorant?
Post by duke
Post by Bill
The objective evidence is that god did not create man but quite the
opposite; that man created Gods.
All logic and reason demands the existence of almighty God.
Wrong =- the opposite applies, as you well know, if you are HONEST!!!!
Post by duke
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
2005-07-12 21:09:50 UTC
Absolutely, Mark. Anyone that claims of proof of the non-existence and
possible non-existence of anything defies logic.

You can "believe" there is no God. You can "believe" you are God (depending
on how it is defined). Hell, we can't even prove or disprove our own

For instance "I think, therefore I Am." is not logical and is not proof of
my existence. The "I" is the presupposition of the "think". Attaching a
quality to an object, does not prove the existence of the object, but
presupposes the object.

So any attempts to prove of disprove God's existence is just as feeble. God
does not exist because these so called attributes of God, or religious
believes of God attributes are illogical. If you accept the attributes, or
actions of any being attaching any attributes to it, then you have accepted
the existence of that being.

If you can "prove" your own existence, first, then we can talk about any
other beings existence.
Christopher A. Lee
2005-07-12 21:19:47 UTC
On Tue, 12 Jul 2005 14:09:50 -0700, "gary.nowels"
Post by gary.nowels
Absolutely, Mark. Anyone that claims of proof of the non-existence and
possible non-existence of anything defies logic.
However there is no reason even to consider it.
Post by gary.nowels
You can "believe" there is no God. You can "believe" you are God (depending
on how it is defined). Hell, we can't even prove or disprove our own
A dishonest bait'n'switch.

Nobody is asking for the kind of proof that would convince a solipsist
- that is a copout that fools nobody. All they have to do is
demonstrate it to the same level anything else can be demonstrated.

And only because they beg the question every time they disrespectfully
talk ant an audience which doesn't share their belief.
Post by gary.nowels
For instance "I think, therefore I Am." is not logical and is not proof of
my existence. The "I" is the presupposition of the "think". Attaching a
quality to an object, does not prove the existence of the object, but
presupposes the object.
Nobody is asking for that kind of proof although believers hide behind
the pretence that they are.

All we are asking for is for believers to either put up or shut up.
And their evasions only fool themselves.
Post by gary.nowels
So any attempts to prove of disprove God's existence is just as feeble. God
does not exist because these so called attributes of God, or religious
believes of God attributes are illogical. If you accept the attributes, or
actions of any being attaching any attributes to it, then you have accepted
the existence of that being.
And mention of it to people outside your religion, begs the question.
It's all about "put up or shut up". Unfortunately theists do neither.

It is both rude and stupid to presume that it is universally granted
when talking to people outside your religion.
Post by gary.nowels
If you can "prove" your own existence, first, then we can talk about any
other beings existence.
Dishonest bait'n'switch. Do you really expect this copout to satisfy
an audience that merely wants you to put up or shut up? Preferably the
latter when you realise you can't put up.
2005-07-12 21:54:47 UTC
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Tue, 12 Jul 2005 14:09:50 -0700, "gary.nowels"
Post by gary.nowels
Absolutely, Mark. Anyone that claims of proof of the non-existence and
possible non-existence of anything defies logic.
Howe ver there is no reason even to consider it.
Post by gary.nowels
You can "believe" there is no God. You can "believe" you are God (depending
on how it is defined). Hell, we can't even prove or disprove our own
A dishonest bait'n'switch.
Nob ody is asking for the kind of proof that would convince a solipsist
What a dope. He's not a solipsist.

solipsism (sòl˝îp-sîz´em, so˝lîp-) noun
1. The theory that the self is the only thing that can be known and
2. The theory or view that the self is the only reality.

The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language

He has said that you can't even know you exist.
Post by Christopher A. Lee
- that is a copout that fools nobody.
It fooled you.

All they have to do is
Post by Christopher A. Lee
demonstrate it to the same level anything else can be demonstrated.
And only because they beg the question every time they disrespectfully
talk ant an audience which doesn't share their belief.
Post by gary.nowels
For instance "I think, therefore I Am." is not logical and is not proof of
my existence. The "I" is the presupposition of the "think". Attaching a
quality to an o bject, does not prove the existence of the object, but
presupposes the object.
Nobody is asking for that kind of proof although believers hide behind
the pretence that they are.
All we are asking for is for believers to either put up or sh ut up.
And their evasions only fool themselves.
Post by gary.nowels
So any attempts to prove of disprove God's existence is just as feeble. God
does not exist because these so called attributes of God, or religious
believes of God attributes are illogical. If you accept the attributes, or
actions of any being attaching any attributes to it, then you have accepted
the existence of that being.
And mention of it to people outside your religion, begs the question.
It's all about "put up or shut up". Unfortunately theists do neither.
It is both rude and stupid to presume that it is universally granted
when talking to people outside your religion.
Post by gary.nowels
If you can "prove" your own existence, first, then we can talk about any
other beings existence.
Dishonest bait'n'switch.
But you would think it would have tipped you off
he wasn't a solipsist.
2005-07-12 21:48:43 UTC
Post by gary.nowels
Absolutely, Mark. Anyone that claims of proof of the non-existence and
possible non-existence of anything defies logic.
I can prove there is no pink elephant in my bathroom.
If you doubt this come on over and I'll show you.
Post by gary.nowels
You can "believe" there is no God. You can "believe" you are God (depending
on how it is defined). Hell, we can't even prove or disprove our own
Oh great. A universal skeptic.
2005-07-13 05:33:55 UTC
Post by gary.nowels
Absolutely, Mark. Anyone that claims of proof of the non-existence and
possible non-existence of anything defies logic.
Well that's a pretty broad claim.
Post by gary.nowels
You can "believe" there is no God. You can "believe" you are God (depending
on how it is defined). Hell, we can't even prove or disprove our own
Universal skepticism is insane.
Post by gary.nowels
So any attempts to prove of disprove God's existence is just as feeble.
It isn't necessary to prove or disprove God.

If it existed it could let me know.
It hasnt - so either it doesn't exist or it doesn't want me to know.
That's reality and I am not going to struggle against it.

2005-07-12 21:36:05 UTC
Post by Bill
A simple refutation of the existence of Gods.
Did you know that crossposting flame bait like this to the
groups you did is considered troll behavior?
Post by Bill
There are thousands of God beliefs and each person, or groups of persons,
believes their God is the real God and all the others are fakes. Because
none of these gods clearly an nounces directly from his heaven that he is the
real God, and all the others are fakes, this is logical evidence that no
real God exists.
The claims and opinions in various religious documents such as those below
are not logical object ive evidence of the real God.
Baha'i Sacrid writings
Life of Buddha - Dhammapada - Pali cannon
The Bible - Christian religious documents - 18 English versions alone.
No originals of the old or new testaments exist. They are all copies of
copies etc. created and embellished by mortal selfish men.
The Book of Mormon - Church of Latter Day Saints
The Analects - Confuscianism
The Eddas and Sagas - Icelandic beliefs
Wicca - Neo paganism of Greece and Rome over the centuries
Bhagavgita and Rig Veda - Hinduism
Qur'an - Islam
The Tanakh - Jewism
Tao-Te-Ching - Taoism
Nag Hammadi - Gnostics
Zhuan Falun - Falun Gong
And other minor religious documents and claims.
T he claims of other mortals are not objective evidence of who is the real
God. They are merely the unproven opinions of other mortals.
If a real God wanted people to follow and adore him, he certainly would make
it clear and irrefutable that he is the real God and all the others are
The objective evidence is that god did not create man but quite the
opposite; that man created Gods.
Is this supposed to be front page news in alt.atheism and
that is why you posted it there? Or did you just want to start
some shit between news groups?
2005-07-13 00:41:56 UTC
Post by Del
Post by Bill
A simple refutation of the existence of Gods.
Did you know that crossposting flame bait like this to the
groups you did is considered troll behavior?
Did you know this was facts not flame bait and that you are not the judge
of toll behavior. If you can't deal with the post be honest.
Post by Del
Post by Bill
There are thousands of God beliefs and each person, or groups of persons,
believes their God is the real God and all the others are fakes. Because
none of these gods clearly an nounces directly from his heaven that he is the
real God, and all the others are fakes, this is logical evidence that no
real God exists.
The claims and opinions in various religious documents such as those below
are not logical object ive evidence of the real God.
Baha'i Sacrid writings
Life of Buddha - Dhammapada - Pali cannon
The Bible - Christian religious documents - 18 English versions alone.
No originals of the old or new testaments exist. They are all copies of
copies etc. created and embellished by mortal selfish men.
The Book of Mormon - Church of Latter Day Saints
The Analects - Confuscianism
The Eddas and Sagas - Icelandic beliefs
Wicca - Neo paganism of Greece and Rome over the centuries
Bhagavgita and Rig Veda - Hinduism
Qur'an - Islam
The Tanakh - Jewism
Tao-Te-Ching - Taoism
Nag Hammadi - Gnostics
Zhuan Falun - Falun Gong
And other minor religious documents and claims.
T he claims of other mortals are not objective evidence of who is the real
God. They are merely the unproven opinions of other mortals.
If a real God wanted people to follow and adore him, he certainly would make
it clear and irrefutable that he is the real God and all the others are
The objective evidence is that god did not create man but quite the
opposite; that man created Gods.
Is this supposed to be front page news in alt.atheism and
that is why you posted it there? Or did you just want to start
some shit between news groups?
2005-07-13 07:34:02 UTC
Post by Bill
Post by Del
Post by Bill
A simple refutation of the existence of Gods.
Did you know that crossposting flame bait like this to the
groups you did is considered troll behavior?
Did you know this was facts not flame bait and that you are not the judge
of toll behavior.
Fundies get flamed for cross posting their religious
bullshit to a.a. all the time and rightly so. Now you,
an alleged atheist, do the same thing--crosspost your
anti-religious diatribe where it isn't wanted. Get a
flame war going. So now when we jump on fundies
for their troll behavior they can just point to you and
say "You see, atheists do it too." and they will be right.
Post by Bill
If you can't deal with the post be honest.
This isn't about me. Sorry.

Post by Bill
Post by Del
Post by Bill
The objective evidence is that god did not create man but quite the
opposite; that man created Gods.
Is this supposed to be front page news in alt.atheism and
that is why you posted it there? Or did you just want to start
some shit between news groups?
2005-07-13 19:50:54 UTC
Get a life. Debating issues has intellectual value. Hiding your head in your
sand box just makes you poorly informed.
Post by Del
Post by Bill
Post by Del
Post by Bill
A simple refutation of the existence of Gods.
Did you know that crossposting flame bait like this to the
groups you did is considered troll behavior?
Did you know this was facts not flame bait and that you are not the judge
of toll behavior.
Fundies get flamed for cross posting their religious
bullshit to a.a. all the time and rightly so. Now you,
an alleged atheist, do the same thing--crosspost your
anti-religious diatribe where it isn't wanted. Get a
flame war going. So now when we jump on fundies
for their troll behavior they can just point to you and
say "You see, atheists do it too." and they will be right.
Post by Bill
If you can't deal with the post be honest.
This isn't about me. Sorry.
Post by Bill
Post by Del
Post by Bill
The objective evidence is that god did not create man but quite the
opposite; that man created Gods.
Is this supposed to be front page news in alt.atheism and
that is why you posted it there? Or did you just want to start
some shit between news groups?
2005-07-14 12:04:04 UTC
Post by Bill
Get a life. Debating issues has intellectual value.
The newbee gets to make up his own rules
because he can't possibly be wrong.
Post by Bill
Hiding your head in your
sand box just makes you poorly informed.
Insinuating things you can't argue for makes
you an intellectual dilettante.
Post by Bill
Post by Bill
Post by Bill
A simple refutation of the existence of Gods.
Did you know th at crossposting flame bait like this to the
groups you did is considered troll behavior?
Did you know this was facts not flame bait and that you are not the judge
of toll behavior.
Fundies get flamed for cross posting their r eligious
bullshit to a.a. all the time and rightly so. Now you,
an alleged atheist, do the same thing--crosspost your
anti-religious diatribe where it isn't wanted. Get a
flame war going. So now when we jump on fundies
for their troll behavior they can just point to you and
say "You see, atheists do it too." and they will be right.
Post by Bill
If you can't deal with the post be honest.
This isn't about me. Sorry.
Post by Bill
Post by Bill
The objective evidence is that g od did not create man but quite the
opposite; that man created Gods.
Is this supposed to be front page news in alt.atheism and
that is why you posted it there? Or did you just want to start
some shit between news groups?
2005-07-13 00:52:01 UTC
Post by Bill
A simple refutation of the existence of Gods.
TOO simple...
Post by Bill
There are thousands of God beliefs and each person, or groups of persons,
believes their God is the real God and all the others are fakes. Because
none of these gods clearly announces directly from his heaven that he is the
real God, and all the others are fakes, this is logical evidence that no
real God exists.
Well, the christion god did anounce who he was. Wellover two thounsand
years ago. It's written in the Bible. SO by using logic, it would be
safe to say that if one were to think that god does exist, your clame
at logic would be false.
Post by Bill
The claims and opinions in various religious documents such as those below
are not logical objective evidence of the real God.
Baha'i Sacrid writings
Life of Buddha - Dhammapada - Pali cannon
The Bible - Christian religious documents - 18 English versions alone.
No originals of the old or new testaments exist. They are all copies of
copies etc. created and embellished by mortal selfish men.
The Book of Mormon - Church of Latter Day Saints
The Analects - Confuscianism
The Eddas and Sagas - Icelandic beliefs
Wicca - Neo paganism of Greece and Rome over the centuries
Bhagavgita and Rig Veda - Hinduism
Qur'an - Islam
The Tanakh - Jewism
Tao-Te-Ching - Taoism
Nag Hammadi - Gnostics
Zhuan Falun - Falun Gong
And other minor religious documents and claims.
They could be.
Post by Bill
The claims of other mortals are not objective evidence of who is the real
God. They are merely the unproven opinions of other mortals.
If a real God wanted people to follow and adore him, he certainly would make
it clear and irrefutable that he is the real God and all the others are
You already said this. And got a counter point.
Post by Bill
The objective evidence is that god did not create man but quite the
opposite; that man created Gods.
Used very losely...objective that is.
2005-07-13 19:57:51 UTC
Post by w***@netins.net
Post by Bill
A simple refutation of the existence of Gods.
TOO simple...
Post by Bill
There are thousands of God beliefs and each person, or groups of persons,
believes their God is the real God and all the others are fakes. Because
none of these gods clearly announces directly from his heaven that he is the
real God, and all the others are fakes, this is logical evidence that no
real God exists.
Well, the christion god did anounce who he was. Wellover two thounsand
years ago. It's written in the Bible. SO by using logic, it would be
safe to say that if one were to think that god does exist, your clame
at logic would be false.
Says what??? What is your objective evidence that the inconsistent and
illogical nonesne in the Bibles
is fact? The Bibles are an inconsistent and nonsensical mixture of poor
history, myths, fables and folklore.

This only evidence of total unreliability.

"Thinking" God exists when their is no objective varifiable evidence is pure
unsupprted imagination.
Your living ina dream world!
Post by w***@netins.net
Post by Bill
The claims and opinions in various religious documents such as those below
are not logical objective evidence of the real God.
Baha'i Sacrid writings
Life of Buddha - Dhammapada - Pali cannon
The Bible - Christian religious documents - 18 English versions alone.
No originals of the old or new testaments exist. They are all copies of
copies etc. created and embellished by mortal selfish men.
The Book of Mormon - Church of Latter Day Saints
The Analects - Confuscianism
The Eddas and Sagas - Icelandic beliefs
Wicca - Neo paganism of Greece and Rome over the centuries
Bhagavgita and Rig Veda - Hinduism
Qur'an - Islam
The Tanakh - Jewism
Tao-Te-Ching - Taoism
Nag Hammadi - Gnostics
Zhuan Falun - Falun Gong
And other minor religious documents and claims.
They could be.
Post by Bill
The claims of other mortals are not objective evidence of who is the real
God. They are merely the unproven opinions of other mortals.
If a real God wanted people to follow and adore him, he certainly would make
it clear and irrefutable that he is the real God and all the others are
You already said this. And got a counter point.
Post by Bill
The objective evidence is that god did not create man but quite the
opposite; that man created Gods.
Used very losely...objective that is.
2005-07-14 12:28:55 UTC
Post by Bill
Post by w***@netins.net
Post by Bill
A simple refutation of the existence of Gods.
TOO simple...
Post by Bill
There are thousands o f God beliefs and each person, or groups of persons,
believes their God is the real God and all the others are fakes. Because
none of these gods clearly announces directly from his heaven that he is the
real God, and all the others ar e fakes, this is logical evidence that no
real God exists.
Well, the christion god did anounce who he was. Wellover two thounsand
years ago. It's written in the Bible. SO by using logic, it would be
safe to say that if one were to thi nk that god does exist, your clame
at logic would be false.
Says what??? What is your objective evidence that the inconsistent and
illogical nonesne in the Bibles
is fact?
Where is your "objective evidence" for _anything_
you say? Just like a fundy, you think that what
you say requires no backup while everything the
other guy says does. Try to abide by the same
standards you expect others to uphold.
Post by Bill
The Bibles are an inconsistent and nonsensical mixture of poor
history, myths, fables and folklore.
Well, you'd be the guy to give an objective evaluation
of the Bible, now wouldn't you?
Post by Bill
This only evidence of total unreliability.
"_Total_ unreliability"! Bill is insecure
about his argument and so feels he needs
to embelish his claims with adjectives like
"total." It isn't enough to be unreliable,
it must have "_total_ unreliability." But
instead of strengthing his claim it renders
it false since "total unreliability" is an oximoron.
Something that was totally unreliable
would be consistent--consistently unreliable
(reliably inconsistent) and thus not totally
Post by Bill
"Thinking" God exists when their is no objective varifiable evidence is pure
unsupprted imagination.
I bet you believe things without objective
evidence of them.
Post by Bill
Your living ina dream world!
You too then.
2005-07-14 20:23:12 UTC
Post by Del
Post by Bill
Post by w***@netins.net
Post by Bill
A simple refutation of the existence of Gods.
TOO simple...
Post by Bill
There are thousands o f God beliefs and each person, or groups of persons,
believes their God is the real God and all the others are fakes. Because
none of these gods clearly announces directly from his heaven that he
real God, and all the others ar e fakes, this is logical evidence that no
real God exists.
Well, the christion god did anounce who he was. Wellover two thounsand
years ago. It's written in the Bible. SO by using logic, it would be
safe to say that if one were to thi nk that god does exist, your clame
at logic would be false.
Says what??? What is your objective evidence that the inconsistent and
illogical nonesne in the Bibles
is fact?
Where is your "objective evidence" for _anything_
you say? Just like a fundy, you think that what
you say requires no backup while everything the
other guy says does. Try to abide by the same
standards you expect others to uphold.
You just can't deal in logic. You can't prove a negative. My statements are
that because there is NO
objective varifiable evidence for the existence of your god it is logical to
assume he does not exist.

There is literature that claims the existence of the "Wizard of Oz but it
does not supply any objective varifiable evidence for this so we know it is
fiction just like your Bible.

Where is your objective variafiable evidence that your god exists? Don't
give me the Bible nonsense. This is just the
unsupported, inconsistent and unreliable "opinions" of ancient men of
unknown veracity.
Post by Del
Post by Bill
The Bibles are an inconsistent and nonsensical mixture of poor
history, myths, fables and folklore.
Well, you'd be the guy to give an objective evaluation
of the Bible, now wouldn't you?
I did.
Post by Del
Post by Bill
This only evidence of total unreliability.
"_Total_ unreliability"! Bill is insecure
about his argument and so feels he needs
to embelish his claims with adjectives like
"total." It isn't enough to be unreliable,
it must have "_total_ unreliability." But
instead of strengthing his claim it renders
it false since "total unreliability" is an oximoron.
Something that was totally unreliable
would be consistent--consistently unreliable
(reliably inconsistent) and thus not totally
And this is your aguement for the relibility of the Bible. This is pure
Post by Del
Post by Bill
"Thinking" God exists when their is no objective varifiable evidence is pure
unsupprted imagination.
I bet you believe things without objective
evidence of them.
No - I don't believe in tooth fairies the Bibles and other nonsense not
supported by
objective varifiable evidence.
Post by Del
Post by Bill
Your living in a dream world!
You too then.
No - I am living in a world of facts - not myths.
bob young
2005-07-16 01:42:02 UTC
Post by Del
Post by Bill
Post by w***@netins.net
Post by Bill
A simple refutation of the existence of Gods.
TOO simple...
Post by Bill
There are thousands o f God beliefs and each person, or groups of persons,
believes their God is the real God and all the others are fakes. Because
none of these gods clearly announces directly from his heaven that he is the
real God, and all the others ar e fakes, this is logical evidence that no
real God exists.
Well, the christion god did anounce who he was. Wellover two thounsand
years ago. It's written in the Bible. SO by using logic, it would be
safe to say that if one were to thi nk that god does exist, your clame
at logic would be false.
Says what??? What is your objective evidence that the inconsistent and
illogical nonesne in the Bibles
is fact?
Where is your "objective evidence" for _anything_
you say? Just like a fundy, you think that what
you say requires no backup while everything the
other guy says does. Try to abide by the same
standards you expect others to uphold.
The decent thing to do wold be to admit the bible is full of absurdities, errors
and contradictions. There is evidence galore of this fact,

For starters just type in 'bible errors' on your search engine, it will keep you
busy all day.
Post by Del
Post by Bill
The Bibles are an inconsistent and nonsensical mixture of poor
history, myths, fables and folklore.
Well, you'd be the guy to give an objective evaluation
of the Bible, now wouldn't you?
Post by Bill
This only evidence of total unreliability.
"_Total_ unreliability"! Bill is insecure
about his argument and so feels he needs
to embelish his claims with adjectives like
"total." It isn't enough to be unreliable,
it must have "_total_ unreliability." But
instead of strengthing his claim it renders
it false since "total unreliability" is an oximoron.
Something that was totally unreliable
would be consistent--consistently unreliable
(reliably inconsistent) and thus not totally
Post by Bill
"Thinking" God exists when their is no objective varifiable evidence is pure
unsupprted imagination.
I bet you believe things without objective
evidence of them.
Post by Bill
Your living ina dream world!
You too then.
2005-07-16 06:22:36 UTC
Post by bob young
Post by Del
Post by w***@netins.net
Post by Bill
A simple refutation of the existence of Gods.
TOO simple...
Post by Bill
There are thousands o f God beliefs and each person, or groups of persons,
believes their God is the real God and all the others are fakes. Because
none of these gods clearly ann ounces directly from his heaven that he is
real God, and all the others ar e fakes, this is logical evidence that no
real God exists.
Well, the christion god did anounce who he was. Wellover two thounsand
years ago. It's written in the Bible. SO by using logic, it would be
safe to say that if one were to thi nk that god does exist, your clame
at logic would be false.
Says what??? What is your objective evidence that the inc onsistent and
illogical nonesne in the Bibles
is fact?
Where is your "objective evidence" for _anything_
you say? Just like a fundy, you think that what
you say requires no backup while everything the
other guy says does. T ry to abide by the same
standards you expect others to uphold.
The decent thing to do wold be to admit the bible is full of absurdities, errors
and contradictions. There is evidence galore of this fact,
Ok, the Bible is full of absuridities errors and contradictions.
Now the decent thing for _you_ to do would be to admit that
"Bill" didn't offer any "objective evidence" for anything he
said and only brought up that demand when someone disagreed
with him.
2005-07-16 16:44:25 UTC
Post by Del
Post by Del
Post by w***@netins.net
Post by Bill
A simple refutation of the existence of Gods.
TOO simple...
Post by Bill
There are thousands o f God beliefs and each person, or groups of persons,
believes their God is the real God and all the others are fakes. Because
none of these gods clearly ann ounces directly from his heaven that he is
real God, and all the others ar e fakes, this is logical evidence that no
real God exists.
Well, the christion god did anounce who he was. Wellover two thounsand
years ago. It's written in the Bible. SO by using logic, it would be
safe to say that if one were to thi nk that god does exist, your clame
at logic would be false.
Says what??? What is your objective evidence that the inc onsistent and
illogical nonesne in the Bibles
is fact?
Where is your "objective evidence" for _anything_
you say? Just like a fundy, you think that what
you say requires no backup while everything the
other guy says does. T ry to abide by the same
standards you expect others to uphold.
The decent thing to do would be to admit the bible is full of
absurdities, errors
and contradictions. There is evidence galore of this fact,
Ok, the Bible is full of absuridities errors and contradictions.
Now the decent thing for _you_ to do would be to admit that
"Bill" didn't offer any "objective evidence" for anything he
said and only brought up that demand when someone disagreed
with him.
You quite obviously can't read very perceptively! Here is the original post;

A simple refutation of the existence of Gods.

There are thousands of God beliefs and each person, or groups of persons,
believes their God is the real God and all the others are fakes. Because
none of these gods clearly announces directly from his heaven that he is the
real God, and all the others are fakes, this is logical evidence that no
real God exists.

The claims and opinions in various religious documents such as those below
are not logical objective evidence of the real God.

Baha'i Sacrid writings
Life of Buddha - Dhammapada - Pali cannon
The Bible - Christian religious documents - 18 English versions alone.
No originals of the old or new testaments exist. They are all copies of
copies etc. created and embellished by mortal selfish men.
The Book of Mormon - Church of Latter Day Saints
The Analects - Confuscianism
The Eddas and Sagas - Icelandic beliefs
Wicca - Neo paganism of Greece and Rome over the centuries
Bhagavgita and Rig Veda - Hinduism
Qur'an - Islam
The Tanakh - Jewism
Tao-Te-Ching - Taoism
Nag Hammadi - Gnostics
Zhuan Falun - Falun Gong
And other minor religious documents and claims.

The claims of other mortals are not objective evidence of who is the real
God. They are merely the unproven opinions of other mortals.

If a real God wanted people to follow and adore him, he certainly would make
it clear and irrefutable that he is the real God and all the others are

The objective evidence is that god did not create man but quite the
opposite; that man created Gods.
bob young
2005-07-17 01:15:02 UTC
Post by Bill
Post by Del
Post by Del
Post by w***@netins.net
Post by Bill
A simple refutation of the existence of Gods.
TOO simple...
Post by Bill
There are thousands o f God beliefs and each person, or groups of
believes their God is the real God and all the others are fakes.
none of these gods clearly ann ounces directly from his heaven
that he is
real God, and all the others ar e fakes, this is logical evidence
that no
real God exists.
Well, the christion god did anounce who he was. Wellover two thounsand
years ago. It's written in the Bible. SO by using logic, it would be
safe to say that if one were to thi nk that god does exist, your clame
at logic would be false.
Says what??? What is your objective evidence that the inc onsistent and
illogical nonesne in the Bibles
is fact?
Where is your "objective evidence" for _anything_
you say? Just like a fundy, you think that what
you say requires no backup while everything the
other guy says does. T ry to abide by the same
standards you expect others to uphold.
The decent thing to do would be to admit the bible is full of
absurdities, errors
and contradictions. There is evidence galore of this fact,
Ok, the Bible is full of absuridities errors and contradictions.
Now the decent thing for _you_ to do would be to admit that
"Bill" didn't offer any "objective evidence" for anything he
said and only brought up that demand when someone disagreed
with him.
You quite obviously can't read very perceptively! Here is the original post;
A simple refutation of the existence of Gods.
There are thousands of God beliefs and each person, or groups of persons,
believes their God is the real God and all the others are fakes. Because
none of these gods clearly announces directly from his heaven that he is the
real God, and all the others are fakes, this is logical evidence that no
real God exists.
The claims and opinions in various religious documents such as those below
are not logical objective evidence of the real God.
Baha'i Sacrid writings
Life of Buddha - Dhammapada - Pali cannon
The Bible - Christian religious documents - 18 English versions alone.
No originals of the old or new testaments exist. They are all copies of
copies etc. created and embellished by mortal selfish men.
The Book of Mormon - Church of Latter Day Saints
The Analects - Confuscianism
The Eddas and Sagas - Icelandic beliefs
Wicca - Neo paganism of Greece and Rome over the centuries
Bhagavgita and Rig Veda - Hinduism
Qur'an - Islam
The Tanakh - Jewism
Tao-Te-Ching - Taoism
Nag Hammadi - Gnostics
Zhuan Falun - Falun Gong
And other minor religious documents and claims.
The claims of other mortals are not objective evidence of who is the real
God. They are merely the unproven opinions of other mortals.
If a real God wanted people to follow and adore him, he certainly would make
it clear and irrefutable that he is the real God and all the others are
The objective evidence is that god did not create man but quite the
opposite; that man created Gods.
......and the fact that some highly intelligent people cannot see this
is a sad indictment of humanity
2005-07-18 01:19:11 UTC
Post by Bill
Post by Del
Post by Del
Post by w***@netins.net
Post by Bill
A simple refutation of the existence of Gods.
TOO simple...
Post by Bill
There are thousand s o f God beliefs and each person, or groups of
believes their God is the real God and all the others are fakes.
none of these gods clearly ann ounces directly from his heaven
that he is
real God, and all the others ar e fakes, this is logical evidence
that no
real God exists.
Well, the christion god did anounce who he was. Wellover two
thou nsand
years ago. It's written in the Bible. SO by using logic, it would be
safe to say that if one were to thi nk that god does exist, your clame
at logic would be false.
Says what??? What is your objective evidence that the inc onsistent and
illogical nonesne in the Bibles
is fact?
Where is your "objective evidence" for _anything_
you say? Just like a fundy, you think that what
you say requires no backup while everything the
other guy says does. T ry to abide by the same
standards you expect others to uphold.
The decent thing to do would be to admit the bible is full of
absurdities, errors
a nd contradictions. There is evidence galore of this fact,
Ok, the Bible is full of absuridities errors and contradictions.
Now the decent thing for _you_ to do would be to admit that
"Bill" didn't offer any "objective evidence" for an ything he
said and only brought up that demand when someone disagreed
with him.
You quite obviously can't read very perceptively! Here is the original post;
A simple refutation of the existence of Gods.
There are thousands of God be liefs and each person, or groups of persons,
believes their God is the real God and all the others are fakes. Because
none of these gods clearly announces directly from his heaven that he is the
real God, and all the others are fakes, this is logical evidence that no
real God exists.
The claims and opinions in various religious documents such as those below
are not logical objective evidence of the real God.
No kidding. Who is it that can't read? You didn't offer any
objective evidence of the non-existence of a god. That's what
I said. You offered a subjective conclusion based upon the
subjective opinion that a real god would do as you require.
Post by Bill
Baha'i Sacrid writings
Life of Buddha - Dhammapada - Pali cannon
The Bible - Christian religious documents - 18 English versions alone.
No originals of the old or new testaments exist. They are all copies of
copies etc. created and embellished by mortal selfish men.
The Book of Mormon - Church of Latter Day Saints
The Analects - Confuscianism
The Eddas and Sagas - Icelandic beliefs
Wicca - Neo paganism of Greece and Rome over the centuries
Bhagavgita and Rig Veda - Hinduism
Qur'an - Islam
The Tanakh - Jewism
Tao-Te-Ching - Taoism
Nag Hammadi - Gnostics
Zhuan Falun - Falun Gong
And other minor religious documents and claims.
The claims of other mortals are not objective evidence of who is the real
God. They are merely the unproven opinions of other mortals.
There, you see? You even admit it. Trouble is, you think this
doesn't apply to you.
Post by Bill
If a real God wanted people to follow and adore him, he certainly would make
it clear and irrefutable that he is the real God and all the others are
All you have to do is prove this true. Objectively. So far all you
have done is assert this is true. So demonstrate that it is true,
objectively. Don't just say that it is.
Post by Bill
The objective evidence is that god did not create man but quite the
opposite; that man created Gods..
bob young
2005-07-18 05:10:06 UTC
Post by Del
Post by Bill
Post by Del
Post by Del
Post by w***@netins.net
Post by Bill
A simple refutation of the existence of Gods.
TOO simple...
Post by Bill
There are thousand s o f God beliefs and each person, or groups of
believes their God is the real God and all the others are fakes.
none of these gods clearly ann ounces directly from his heaven
that he is
real God, and all the others ar e fakes, this is logical evidence
that no
real God exists.
Well, the christion god did anounce who he was. Wellover two
thou nsand
years ago. It's written in the Bible. SO by using logic, it would be
safe to say that if one were to thi nk that god does exist, your
at logic would be false.
Says what??? What is your objective evidence that the inc onsistent and
illogical nonesne in the Bibles
is fact?
Where is your "objective evidence" for _anything_
you say? Just like a fundy, you think that what
you say requires no backup while everything the
other guy says does. T ry to abide by the same
standards you expect others to uphold.
The decent thing to do would be to admit the bible is full of
absurdities, errors
a nd contradictions. There is evidence galore of this fact,
Ok, the Bible is full of absuridities errors and contradictions.
Now the decent thing for _you_ to do would be to admit that
"Bill" didn't offer any "objective evidence" for an ything he
said and only brought up that demand when someone disagreed
with him.
You quite obviously can't read very perceptively! Here is the original post;
A simple refutation of the existence of Gods.
There are thousands of God be liefs and each person, or groups of persons,
believes their God is the real God and all the others are fakes. Because
none of these gods clearly announces directly from his heaven that he is the
real God, and all the others are fakes, this is logical evidence that no
real God exists.
The claims and opinions in various religious documents such as those below
are not logical objective evidence of the real God.
No kidding. Who is it that can't read? You didn't offer any
objective evidence of the non-existence of a god. That's what
I said. You offered a subjective conclusion based upon the
subjective opinion that a real god would do as you require.
there is no evidence that gods and pixies exist.
there os no evidence that they do not exist.

so the logical rartional normal thing for intelligent person to do is use his or
her common sense. Do that and EVERYTHING points to the fact that, since there
are so many thousands of gods recordeed, they must ALL be imaginary.

We humans made 'em ALL
Post by Del
Post by Bill
Baha'i Sacrid writings
Life of Buddha - Dhammapada - Pali cannon
The Bible - Christian religious documents - 18 English versions alone.
No originals of the old or new testaments exist. They are all copies of
copies etc. created and embellished by mortal selfish men.
The Book of Mormon - Church of Latter Day Saints
The Analects - Confuscianism
The Eddas and Sagas - Icelandic beliefs
Wicca - Neo paganism of Greece and Rome over the centuries
Bhagavgita and Rig Veda - Hinduism
Qur'an - Islam
The Tanakh - Jewism
Tao-Te-Ching - Taoism
Nag Hammadi - Gnostics
Zhuan Falun - Falun Gong
And other minor religious documents and claims.
The claims of other mortals are not objective evidence of who is the real
God. They are merely the unproven opinions of other mortals.
There, you see? You even admit it. Trouble is, you think this
doesn't apply to you.
Post by Bill
If a real God wanted people to follow and adore him, he certainly would make
it clear and irrefutable that he is the real God and all the others are
All you have to do is prove this true. Objectively. So far all you
have done is assert this is true. So demonstrate that it is true,
objectively. Don't just say that it is.
Post by Bill
The objective evidence is that god did not create man but quite the
opposite; that man created Gods..
Kim Redman
2005-07-18 13:45:38 UTC
Post by Bill
There are thousands of God beliefs and each person, or groups of persons,
believes their God is the real God and all the others are fakes. Because
none of these gods clearly announces directly from his heaven that he is
the real God, and all the others are fakes, this is logical evidence that
no real God exists.
Bill I'm glad you're not a judge in a criminal court because your
conclusions are ridiculous. The fact that different people have reached
different conclusions regarding God has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with
proving or disproving the existence of God. All it proves is that different
people have reach different conclusions. You really do need to start
thinking about these matters before making erroneous statements. Try
drinking a little less bourbon and smoking a little less pot.
2005-07-19 00:02:20 UTC
Post by Kim Redman
Post by Bill
There are thousands of God beliefs and each person, or groups of persons,
believes their God is the real God and all the others are fakes. Because
none of these gods clearly announces directly from his heaven that he is
the real God, and all the others are fakes, this is logical evidence that
no real God exists.
Bill I'm glad you're not a judge in a criminal court because your
conclusions are ridiculous. The fact that different people have reached
different conclusions regarding God has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with
proving or disproving the existence of God.
He didnt claim that it was proof - which it isnt - he claimed it was
evidence *against* the existence of mythical creatures - which it is.
Post by Kim Redman
All it proves is that different
people have reach different conclusions.
No it doesnt "prove" anything.

It is a fact that humans invent gods,deamons and monsters.
Full stop.
It is logically impossible that they can all be real.
Full stop.
It is logically possible that they are all false.
Full stop.
Therefore it is Reasonable to believe that they are all false UNTIL
been given a reason to believe otherwise.

bob young
2005-07-19 02:54:02 UTC
Post by Richo
Post by Kim Redman
Post by Bill
There are thousands of God beliefs and each person, or groups of persons,
believes their God is the real God and all the others are fakes. Because
none of these gods clearly announces directly from his heaven that he is
the real God, and all the others are fakes, this is logical evidence that
no real God exists.
Bill I'm glad you're not a judge in a criminal court because your
conclusions are ridiculous. The fact that different people have reached
different conclusions regarding God has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with
proving or disproving the existence of God.
He didnt claim that it was proof - which it isnt - he claimed it was
evidence *against* the existence of mythical creatures - which it is.
Post by Kim Redman
All it proves is that different
people have reach different conclusions.
No it doesnt "prove" anything.
It is a fact that humans invent gods,deamons and monsters.
Full stop.
It is logically impossible that they can all be real.
Full stop.
It is logically possible that they are all false.
Full stop.
Therefore it is Reasonable to believe that they are all false UNTIL
been given a reason to believe otherwise.
I really think it is high time a god put in an appearance like he used to do two
thousand or more years ago, to put a stop to all these doubters.

Humanist Brit.
Hong kong

If [the skeptic] has not proved positively that religion is not true, then he
has certainly proved that it is not necessary. Men may live decently without it
and they may die courageously without it. But not, of course, all men. The
capacity for that proud imperturbability is rare in the race - maybe as rare as
the capacity for honor. For the rest there must be faith, as there must be
morals. It is their fate to live absurdly, flogged by categorical imperatives
of their own shallow imagining, and to die insanely, grasping for hands that
were not there....
[H. L. Mencken, _Treatise on the Gods_ (1930)]
Kim Redman
2005-07-19 03:46:03 UTC
Post by Richo
Post by Kim Redman
Post by Bill
There are thousands of God beliefs and each person, or groups of persons,
believes their God is the real God and all the others are fakes. Because
none of these gods clearly announces directly from his heaven that he is
the real God, and all the others are fakes, this is logical evidence that
no real God exists.
Bill I'm glad you're not a judge in a criminal court because your
conclusions are ridiculous. The fact that different people have reached
different conclusions regarding God has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with
proving or disproving the existence of God.
He didnt claim that it was proof - which it isnt - he claimed it was
evidence *against* the existence of mythical creatures - which it is.
Please provide your proof that God is a myth. If all you can provide is
scanty evidence that the concept of God may be mythical, then you have to
accept the possibility that God may also be real.
Post by Richo
It is a fact that humans invent gods,deamons and monsters.
Full stop.
I'm sure you're quite right, however that is not proof in itself that all
concepts of God have been invented.
Post by Richo
It is logically impossible that they can all be real.
Full stop.
It is logicaly possible that at least one of them may be right.
Post by Richo
It is logically possible that they are all false.
Full stop.
Agreed. But it is also logically possible that some may not be false.
Post by Richo
Therefore it is Reasonable to believe that they are all false UNTIL
been given a reason to believe otherwise.
It is reasonable to believe that they MAY be false UNTIL been given a reason
to believe otherwise.
Post by Richo
2005-07-19 03:47:47 UTC
Post by Kim Redman
Post by Richo
Post by Kim Redman
Post by Bill
There are thousands of God beliefs and each person, or groups of persons,
believes their God is the real God and all the others are fakes. Because
none of these gods clearly announces directly from his heaven that he is
the real God, and all the others are fakes, this is logical evidence that
no real God exists.
Bill I'm glad you're not a judge in a criminal court because your
conclusions are ridiculous. The fact that different people have reached
different conclusions regarding God has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with
proving or disproving the existence of God.
He didnt claim that it was proof - which it isnt - he claimed it was
evidence *against* the existence of mythical creatures - which it is.
Please provide your proof that God is a myth.
Please provide your proof that he exists.

See also my signature:
* DanielSan -- alt.atheism #2226 *
* "No one ever demonstrated, so far as I am aware, *
* the non-existence of Zeus or Thor - but they *
* have few followers now." Arthur C. Clarke *
bob young
2005-07-19 04:30:02 UTC
Post by DanielSan
Post by Kim Redman
Post by Richo
Post by Kim Redman
Post by Bill
There are thousands of God beliefs and each person, or groups of persons,
believes their God is the real God and all the others are fakes. Because
none of these gods clearly announces directly from his heaven that he is
the real God, and all the others are fakes, this is logical evidence that
no real God exists.
Bill I'm glad you're not a judge in a criminal court because your
conclusions are ridiculous. The fact that different people have reached
different conclusions regarding God has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with
proving or disproving the existence of God.
He didnt claim that it was proof - which it isnt - he claimed it was
evidence *against* the existence of mythical creatures - which it is.
Please provide your proof that God is a myth.
Please provide your proof that he exists.
* DanielSan -- alt.atheism #2226 *
* "No one ever demonstrated, so far as I am aware, *
* the non-existence of Zeus or Thor - but they *
* have few followers now." Arthur C. Clarke *
....possibly because they were not smart enough to invent a Jesus type myth
and in later times produce a book of fables.

amazing what simple illogical things can become a magnet to religionists when
they 'need' something
Kim Redman
2005-07-19 06:19:05 UTC
Post by DanielSan
Post by Kim Redman
Please provide your proof that God is a myth.
Please provide your proof that he exists.
The last thing in the world I expect anyone to do is believe in something
for which they have no evidence. I fully respect the atheist stand. However,
to believe in God or not to believe is very similar to a jury deciding on a
criminal case. If there was absolute proof, then there would be no need for
a jury, but juries are needed. They make their decisions based on the most
likely scenario from both quantitative and qualitative evidence. Clearly
there is a lot of disagreement within juries, but in the end a decision,
right or wrong, has to be made. Likewise, we are all members of the global
jury in the case of whether God exists or not. Atheists have decided that
the evidence to support God's existence is insufficient, believers have
decided otherwise. We can't prove you wrong. You can't prove us wrong. Let's
move on.
Post by DanielSan
* DanielSan -- alt.atheism #2226 *
* "No one ever demonstrated, so far as I am aware, *
* the non-existence of Zeus or Thor - but they *
* have few followers now." Arthur C. Clarke *
Christopher A. Lee
2005-07-19 06:31:15 UTC
On Tue, 19 Jul 2005 14:19:05 +0800, "Kim Redman"
Post by Kim Redman
Post by DanielSan
Post by Kim Redman
Please provide your proof that God is a myth.
Please provide your proof that he exists.
The last thing in the world I expect anyone to do is believe in something
for which they have no evidence. I fully respect the atheist stand. However,
to believe in God or not to believe is very similar to a jury deciding on a
criminal case. If there was absolute proof, then there would be no need for
a jury, but juries are needed. They make their decisions based on the most
likely scenario from both quantitative and qualitative evidence. Clearly
there is a lot of disagreement within juries, but in the end a decision,
right or wrong, has to be made. Likewise, we are all members of the global
jury in the case of whether God exists or not. Atheists have decided that
the evidence to support God's existence is insufficient, believers have
decided otherwise. We can't prove you wrong. You can't prove us wrong. Let's
move on.
You're making a standard theist mistake - imagining that theist
presumptions even apply to anybody outside their particular theism.
Any attempt to describe us as though they did, will always get it
Post by Kim Redman
Post by DanielSan
* DanielSan -- alt.atheism #2226 *
* "No one ever demonstrated, so far as I am aware, *
* the non-existence of Zeus or Thor - but they *
* have few followers now." Arthur C. Clarke *
bob young
2005-07-19 09:57:02 UTC
Post by Kim Redman
Post by DanielSan
Post by Kim Redman
Please provide your proof that God is a myth.
Please provide your proof that he exists.
The last thing in the world I expect anyone to do is believe in something
for which they have no evidence. I fully respect the atheist stand. However,
to believe in God or not to believe is very similar to a jury deciding on a
criminal case. If there was absolute proof, then there would be no need for
a jury, but juries are needed. They make their decisions based on the most
likely scenario from both quantitative and qualitative evidence. Clearly
there is a lot of disagreement within juries, but in the end a decision,
right or wrong, has to be made. Likewise, we are all members of the global
jury in the case of whether God exists or not. Atheists have decided that
the evidence to support God's existence is insufficient, believers have
decided otherwise. We can't prove you wrong. You can't prove us wrong. Let's
move on.
No sane jury would decide in favour of a god
after weighing the information available

i like your approach though
Gods can not be proven one way ot the other
at the end of the day one must rely on
logic and common sense
Which is what I would hope a jury would do.

Post by Kim Redman
Post by DanielSan
* DanielSan -- alt.atheism #2226 *
* "No one ever demonstrated, so far as I am aware, *
* the non-existence of Zeus or Thor - but they *
* have few followers now." Arthur C. Clarke *
2005-07-19 10:21:28 UTC
Post by Kim Redman
Post by DanielSan
Post by Kim Redman
Please provide your proof that God is a myth.
Please provide your proof that he exists.
The last thing in the world I expect anyone to do is believe in something
for which they have no evidence. I fully respect the atheist stand. However,
to believe in God or not to believe is very similar to a jury deciding on a
criminal case.
No, it's not. A criminal case involves more than one person; always a
plaintiff and a defendant. Person A wrongs Person B in some way.
Person B then takes Person A to court.

In the case for God (or lack thereof), there is only one person. You
cannot put "God" on the witness stand.
Post by Kim Redman
If there was absolute proof, then there would be no need for
a jury, but juries are needed.
No, there aren't.
Post by Kim Redman
They make their decisions based on the most
likely scenario from both quantitative and qualitative evidence.
And since there is zero evidence...?
Post by Kim Redman
there is a lot of disagreement within juries, but in the end a decision,
right or wrong, has to be made.
Post by Kim Redman
Likewise, we are all members of the global
jury in the case of whether God exists or not. Atheists have decided that
the evidence to support God's existence is insufficient,
Zero is pretty "insufficient" to me. :-)
Post by Kim Redman
believers have
decided otherwise. We can't prove you wrong. You can't prove us wrong. Let's
move on.
I've "moved on" long ago. It's "believers" that cannot.
* DanielSan -- alt.atheism #2226 *
* "No one ever demonstrated, so far as I am aware, *
* the non-existence of Zeus or Thor - but they *
* have few followers now." Arthur C. Clarke *
2005-07-19 14:12:39 UTC
Post by Kim Redman
Post by DanielSan
Post by Kim Redman
Please provide your proof that God is a myth.
Please provide your proof that he exists.
The last thing in the world I expect anyone to do is believe in something
for which they have no evidence. I fully respect the atheist stand. However,
to believe in God or not to believe is very similar to a jury deciding on a
criminal case. If there was absolute proof, then there would be no need for
a jury, but juries are needed. They make their decisions based on the most
likely scenario from both quantitative and qualitative evidence. Clearly
there is a lot of disagreement within juries, but in the end a decision,
right or wrong, has to be made. Likewise, we are all members of the global
jury in the case of whether God exists or not. Atheists have decided that
the evidence to support God's existence is insufficient, believers have
decided otherwise. We can't prove you wrong. You can't prove us wrong. Let's
move on.
No problem. Now, why are you here?
Resident Witchypoo
Science doesn't burn people at the stake for disagreeing - Vic Sagerquist
bob young
2005-07-19 04:24:03 UTC
Post by Kim Redman
Post by Richo
Post by Kim Redman
Post by Bill
There are thousands of God beliefs and each person, or groups of persons,
believes their God is the real God and all the others are fakes. Because
none of these gods clearly announces directly from his heaven that he is
the real God, and all the others are fakes, this is logical evidence that
no real God exists.
Bill I'm glad you're not a judge in a criminal court because your
conclusions are ridiculous. The fact that different people have reached
different conclusions regarding God has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with
proving or disproving the existence of God.
He didnt claim that it was proof - which it isnt - he claimed it was
evidence *against* the existence of mythical creatures - which it is.
Please provide your proof that God is a myth. If all you can provide is
scanty evidence that the concept of God may be mythical, then you have to
accept the possibility that God may also be real.
Why because people thousands of years back said so?

They said the same about these gods. Use your Common Sense:

Ahura Mazda, Allah, Aphrodite, Ares, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Babaluaye,
Baldur, Bast, Bellona, Brahma, Brigid, Ceres, Cupid, Cerridwen,
Demeter, Diana, Dione, Dionysus, Eris, Eos, Eleggua, , El Shaddai, Elohim
Eshu, Ereshkigal,
Frigga, Frey, Freya, Gaea, Lord Genesa, Hades, Hebe, Hera, Helios, Hel,
Hermes, Hestia, Horus, Ibeji, Ifa, Inanna, Indra, Ishana, Ishtar,
Isis, Janus, Juno, Jehovah, Jove, Jupiter, Kali. Krishna Kronos, Korravai,
Loki, Lugh, Lord Indra, Manitou, Mars, Mercury, Minerva, Mercurius, Morrigan,
Nahuiquiahuitl, Nanahuatzin, Nephthys, Neptune, Obatala, Odin, Ogun,
Oshosi, Oshun, Osiris, Oya, Orunmila, Olokun, Olodumare, Pluto,
Persephone, Poseidon, Proserpina, Quetzalcoatl, Ra, Lord Rama, Rhea, Saturn,
Selene, Shango, Lord Siva, Tammuz, Thor, Tir, Tiw, Uranus, Venus, Vesta,
Vesta, Vulcan, Wotan, Yahweh, Yemaya, Zeus, XodA.

African gods:

[Note under 'African Gods' the number devoted to 'Supremacy']

Abassi [Sky]
Abonsam [Evil]
Abora [Supreme]
Abzu [Water]
Acoran [Supreme]
Adaheli [Sun]
Adro [Sky]
Adroa [Sky]
Agassou [Panther]
Agbe-Naete [Water]
Age [Animals]
Aigamuxa [Monster]
Ajalamo[Unborn Children]
Aje [Wealth]
Ajok [Supreme]
Akonadi [Oracle]
Akongo [Supreme]
Akuj [Supreme]
Ala [Earth/Fertility]
Alatangana [Creator]
Amma [Creator]
Anansi [Trickster]
Anyiewo [Snake]
Aondo [Creator]
Apa [Creator]
Apedemak [War]
Arawa [Moon]
Arebati [Sky]
Arom [Contracts]
Arsan Duolai [Underworld]
Asase Ya [Earth]
Ashiakle [Wealth]
Asis [Sun]
Astar [Sky]
Ataa Naa
Ataokoloinona [Supreme]
Atete [Fertility]
Avrikiti [Fishermen]
[Ayaba] [Hearth]

Bacax [Cave]
Bagba [Wind]
Balubaal [Earth+]
Bandara [Superior Gods]
Banga [Clear water]
Behanzin [Fish]
Beher [Sea]
Bera Pennu [Vegetation]
Bo [Warriors]
Buadza [WInd]
Buku [Sky]
Bumba [Creator]

Cagn [Creator]
Cghene [Creator]
(Chuku) [Creator]
Chiata [Supreme]
Chwezi [Hero]
Col [Rain]
Chikara [Sky]

(Dan Ayido Hwedo) [Snake]
Deng [Sky]
Deohako [Beans+]
Dii Mauri [Moorish Gods]
Dongo [Outer Space]
Dugbo [Earth]
Dxui [Creator]

Emeli-hi [Supreme]
Eranoranhan [Protector]
Eshu (Elegba) [Trickster]

Fa [Destiny]
Famien [Fertility]
Faro [Sky/Water]
Fidi Mukullu [Creator]

Garang and Abuk [First Humans]
Gbeni [Chief]
Gei (Gou) [Moon]
Gu [War/Smiths]
Gua [Sky]
Gulu [Supreme]
Gunab [Evil]
Guruhi [Evil]
Gurzil [Bull]
Gwalu [Rain]
Hammon [Setting Sun]
Harun and Haruna [Water Spirits]
Heitsi-Eibib [Sorcerer]
Hevioss [Thunder]
Huntin [Tree]
Huvean [Creator]

Ifa [Oracul]
Ikenga [Supreme]
Imana [Creator]
Iruwa [Sun]
Juok [Creator]
Kalumba [Creator]
Kalunga Supreme]
Katavi [Demonic]
Ka Tyeleo [Supreme]
Khebieso [Lightening]
Kho-dumo-dumo [Demon]
Kholomodumo [Monster]
Khuzwane [Creator]
Kibuka [War]
Kokola [Guardian]
Kwammang-a [Supreme]
Kwoth [Spirit]
Kyala [Creator]

Legba [Trickster]
Leza [Chief]
Libanza [Supreme]
Lisa [Chameleon]
Macardit [Demon]
Mantis [Creator]
Massim-Biambe [Creator]
Mawu [Sky]
Mawu-Lisa [Supreme Couple]
Mbotumbo [Supreme]
Medr [Earth]
Moomb [Creator]
Mon [?]
Mugu [Sky]
Mujaji [Rain]
Mukasa [Supreme]
Mula Djadi [Creator]
Muluku [Supreme]
Mungu [Creator]
Mungo (Mungu) [?]
Musa (Teaching]
Musisi [Supreme]
Mwari [Supreme]

Nampa [Personal]
Nana-Bouclou [First Gods]
Nana Buluk [Creator]
Ndjambi [Sky]
Ndriananahary [Supreme]
Nduru [Jungle]
Nenaunir [Storm]
Nesshoue [River]
Ngai ('Ngai) [Creator]
Ngewo-wa [Creator]
Ngworekara [Demon]
Niamye [Supreme]
Nkosi Yama'kosi [Supreme]
Nommo [Elemental]
Nommo [Spirit]
Nyama [Animal]
Nyambe [Supreme]
Nyambi (Nyambe) [Supreme]
Nyami-Nyami [Guardian]
Nyankopon (Ashanti:Nyame) [Supreme]
Nyamia Ama [Supreme]
Nyasaye [Supeme]
Nzambi (Nzambi)
Mpunguo) [Supreme]
Nzame [Supreme]

Obassi Osaw [Supreme]
Obatala [Sky]
Oduduwa (Odudua) [Earth]
Ogun (Ogoun) War]
Olokula [Sea]
Olorun [Supreme]
Omumbo-Rombonga [Tree of Life]
Orahan [Supreme]
Orisa Nla [Creator]
Orishako [Agriculture]
Orunjan [Midday Sun]
Orunmila [Compassion]
Oshalla [?]
Osun [Beauty and Love]
Oya [Passion and Power]

Pemba (Bemba) Mother]
Qandisa [Demon]
Qamata[Quamta] Supreme]

Rock-Sene [Supreme]
Ruwa [Supreme]
Sagbata [Smallpox]
Sakarabru [Medicine]
Sakpata [Smallpox]
Sango [Thunder]
Shango [Thunder]
So [Lightening]

Tano [River]
Tore [Forest]
Tsui'goab [Rain]
Twe [Lake]

Umvelinqangi [Creator]
Unkulunkulu [Supreme]
Unumbotte [Creator]

Waka [Rain]
Wele [Supreme]
Wulbari [Supreme]
Wuni [Supreme]

Xewioso [Thunder]
Yemaja [Creation]
Yo [Impersonal]

Zin [Water]

Table of Asian Gods:


Abhijnaraja [Physician]
Abhimukhi [One of the Bhumis]
Acala [?]
Adhimukticarya [One of the Bhumis]
Adhimuktivasita [One of the Bhumis]
Adibuddha [First]
Adidharma [Primeval]
Aizen Myo-o [Protective]
Ajaya [?]
Akasagarbha(Tibetan Nam-mkhai
Aksayajnana-Karmanda [Literature]
Aksobhya (Japanese Ashuku, Chinese A-Chu'u) [One of the Dhyani]
Amida [Savior]
Amitabha [A Dhyani]
Amitayus [Longevity]
Amoghapasa [see Avalokitesvara]
Amoghasiddhi [A Dhyani]
Anantamukhi [Literature]
Arapacana [Book and Sword]
Arcismati [Bhumis]
Arhat [A Saint]
Arthapratisamvit [Logical Analysis]
Arya-Tara [Sakti]
Asokakanta [avatar Marici]
Asokottamasri [Physician]
Astabhuja-Kurukulla [avatar Kurukulla]
Asura [Group of Demons]
Avalokitesvara(Avalokita, Lokesvara) [Dhyani Present Age]
Ayurvasita[One vasitas]

Balaparamita [Philosophy]
Bhaisajyaguru(Sman-bla, Otaci,Yao-shih-fo, Yakushi)[Physician]
Bhrkuti-Tara [Mother]
Bhumi [Spiritual Spheres]
Bhutadarma [Demon Controller]
Bi-har [Protector]
Bodhidharma [Monk]
Bodhisattva (Chinese Pu-sa) [Born to be Englightened]
Buddhabodhiprabhavasita [Vasitas]
Buddhalocana [Female Buddha]
Budha [Mercury]
Butcho [?]

Chandarosana [Mahayana]
Charcika (Carcika) [Mahayana]
Chakravartin [World Ruler]
Chattrosnisa [An Usnisa]
Chaturmaharajas (Caturmaharajas) [Four Great Kings]
Chittavista [Vashitas]
Citipati [Graveyard Demons]
Cunda [Literature]
Da-shi-zhi [Bodhisattva]
Dadimunda [Temples]
Dainichi' [Purity/Wisdom]
Dakini [Demons]
Dala Kadavara [Demon]
Devaputra [Gods of Lower Rank]
Dhanada [avatar Amoghasiddhi]
Dharani [Mystical Texts]
Dharmadhatuvagisvara [Dharma]
Dharmakirtisagaraghosa [Physician]
Dharmamegha [Bhumis]
Dharmapala ,Chinese Fu Ha [Protective Dieties]
Dharmapratisamvit [Nature Analysis]
Dharmavasita [Vasitas]
Dhritarashtra (Pali Dhatarattha) [One of the 4 World Guardians]
Dhupa [Mother]
Dhupatara [Mahayana]
Dhvajagrakeyura [avatar Aksobhya]
Dhyanaparamita [Philosophy]
Dhyani-Bodhisattvas [Five Bodhisattvas]
Dhyani-Buddhas [Five Meditators]
Di-zang [Bodhisattvas of Hell]
Dvarapala [?]

Ekajata [Terrible]
Emma-o [Judges the Dead]

Fudo [WIsdom]

Guan Yin [bodhisattva]

Hariti [Ate Children]
Hayagriva [Protection]
Heruka [Protection]
Hevajra [Protection]

Ida-Ten [Law/Monestaries]

Jambhala [avatar Vausravana]
Janguli [Snakebite cure]
Jian Lao [Earth/Permanence]
Jizo [Compassion]
Juichimen [Mercy]

Kali devia [avatar Lha-mo]

Kannon [Japanese bodhisattva]
Khasarpana(Khasarpana-Lokesvara) [Indian bodhisattva]
Ki Fudo [avatar Fudo-Myo-o]
Krodhadevatas [Inspire Terror]
Ksitigarbha [One of 8 bodhisattva]
Kuan-yin (Kwannon) [Mercy]
Kujaku Myoo [Esoteric]
Kurukulla [?]

Locana [?]

Mahasthamaprata [Chinese bodhisattva]
Maitreya [Future]
Manjughosa [Nepalese bodhisattva]
Manjusri [bodhisattva]
Mara [Evil]
Marici [Sun]
Mi-lo Fo (Pu-Sa) [Chinese bodhisattva
Miroku [Japanese bodhisattva
Mo-Li [Protects Temples]

Padmanartesvara [avatar Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara]
Pancaraksa[5 Goddesses]
Pandara [?]
Paramasva [?]
Parnasavari [?]
Prajna [Femaleness]
Prajnaparamita [Buddhist Text]
Ran-deng [Beggar and Future Buddha]
Ratnapani [Dhyani-Bodhisattva]
Ratnasambhava [Dhyani-Buddha]
Remanta [King of the Horse gods]

Sakyamuni [Japanese]
Samantabhadra [Bodhisattvas]
Saptaksara [avatar Heruka]
Shakra [King of the Gods]
Ssu Ta T'ien Wang [Kings of Heaven]
Sumbharaja [Buddhist Krodhadevata]

Tennin (Tennyo) [angels]

Usnisavijaya [?]

Vairocana [Dhyani-Buddhas]
Vaisravana (Pali Vessavana, Chinese Do Wen) [Guards World]
Vajrabhairava [?]
Vajrapani [Bodhisattvas]
Vajrasattva [Nepal Dhyani-Buddha]
Vajravarahi [?]
Vajrayogini [Initiation]
Vajrayogini [Riches]
Vidyadharas [?]
Vidyujjvalakarali [?]
Vighnantaka [?]
Virudhaka (Pali Virulha, Chinese Zheng Zhang) [Guards World]
Virupaksa (Pali Virupakkha, Chinese Guand Mu) [Guards Western Heaven]
Visvapani [Dhyani-Bodhisattva]

We-to [Divine General]

Yakushi Nyorai [Healing]
Yama [?]
Yamantaka [Krodhadevatas]

Zhu Dian (Zhu Tian) [Chinese Buddhist gods]


Ao [Sea]
Awun [Destruction]

Ba [Drought]
Ba Gua [Basis of Divination]
Bo Hsian [Taoist]

Cai-Shen [Riches]
Can Cong [Silkworms]
Cao Guo-jiu [Actors]
Chang Fei [War]
Chang Hs'ien [Children]
Chang Kuo-lao [?]
Ch'ang E (Ch'ang-o Huang E) [Moon]
Chang Tao Ling [Afterlife]
Cheng-huang (Ch'eng Huang) [Guardians]
Chen Jen [Spiritual Beings]
Cheng San-Kung [Fishermen]
Cheng Yuan Ho (Ch'ang-o Huang E) [Buskers]
Chih Nu [Weavers]
Chih Sung-Tzu (Chi Sung Tzu) [Rain]
Chih-Yu [Inventor]
Ch'in-Shu-Pao [Guardian]
Chou Wang [Sodomy]
Chu-Chuan Shen [Pigsties]
Chu Jung [Fire]
Chu Lung [Day/Night]
Chung K'uei [Afterlife]
Chung-li Ch'uan [Immortal]
Confucius [Philosopher]

Di Zhang Xia [?]
Dong-yo Da-di [Helps Sky God]

Erh-Lang [Guardian]

Fan-K'uei [Butchers]
Fei Lien (Fei Lian) [Wind]
Feng-Huang (Hoang-female Phuong-male) [Many Meanings]
Feng Po (Feng-Po) [Human form of the wind]
Feng P'o-p'o (Feng-Po-Po) [Female wind]
Fo [Buddha]
Fu His [Taught Humanity]
Fu Hsing [Happiness]
Fu Shen [Happiness]
Fu-Shou-Lu [Collection of Gods]
Fu-xi [Hero]

Gao Yao (Ting-jian) [Judgement]
Gong Gong [Common Workers]
Gou Mang and Ru Shou [Messengers]
Guan Di (Kuan Ti) [War/Fortune Telling]
Gui Xian [Demon]

Han Hsiang [Immortal]
Han Xiang-zi [Immortal]
He Bo (Bing-yi) [Rivers]
Heng E (Change-e) [Moon]
He Xian-gu [Immortal]
Heng-Ha-Erh-Chiang [Temples]
Heng-o [Moon]
Ho Hsien-ku [Immortal]
Ho Po [River]
Hou Chi [Harvest]
Hou I [Archer]
Hou T'u [Earth]
Hsien [Taoists]
Hsi Ho [Sun's Creator]
Hsi Wang Mu [Guardian]
Hsuan-T'ien-Shang-Ti [Dark Heaven]
Hua Hsien [Flower]
Huang-di (Huang Ti) (Shun) [Hero]
Huang Fei-hu (Fei) [Mountain]
Hu-Shen [Hail]

I [Bowmen]
Infoniwoo [Generation]
I-Ti [Wine]

K'ai Lu Shen [Purges Evil]
Kuan Yu [War]
K'uei Hsing [Examinations]

Lan Cai-he [Immortal]
Lao T'ien Yeh [Supreme]
Lao-Tzu (Lao-zi) [Philosopher]
Lei Kung [Storm]
Lei-zi [Thunder]
Li [Fire]
Li Tie-guai [Immortal]
Liu [Crops]
Lu Dong-bin (Lu Yan) [Immortal]
Lu-Hsing [Salaries/Employees]
Lung Wang [Dragon King]
Lupan [Carpenters]

Ma-Mien [Bureaucrat]
Meng (Meng P'o) [Underworld]
Meng-T'ien [Writing Brush]
Men Shen [Doors, includes sometimes Wei Cheng]
Mu Gong [Immortals]

Niu-Y'oun [Police]
Nu Gua (Nu Kua, Nu Wa) [Creator and Marriage]

O-Mi-T'o Fo [Amitabha]

Pa [Drought]
Pa-Cha [Anti-locusts]
Pa-Hsien [Eight Immortals]
P'an-Chin-Lien [Prostitues]
'P'an Ku (Panku, Pangu) [Cosmos]
Pi-Hsia-Yuan-Chun [Childbirth]
Puhsien [Sun]

Ran-deng [Future Buddha]

San Ch'inga [Three Taos]
Shang Di (Shang Ti) [Supreme]
She Chi (Thu) [Earth]
Shen [Spirit]
Sheng Jen [Holy]
Shen-nong(Shen Nung) [Hero]
Shen-T'u [Guardian]
Shen Yi [Sun]
Shiang Ku [Magician]
Shih-Tien Yen-Wang [Committe of Ten]
Shou-Hsing [Longevity]
Shou Lao (Shou Xing Lao Tou-zi) [Long Life]
Shou-Ts'ang [Servant]
Shui-Fu [Water]
Shui-Kuan [Defender]
Ssu Ming [Life and Death]
Sung-Chiang [Theives]
Sun Hou-Tzu [Monkey]
Sun Hou-zi [Apes]
Sun-Pin [Cobblers]

T'ai I [High]
Tai-sui-xing [Time]
Tai-yi [Sky]
T'ai Yueh Ta Ti (Tung-Yueh-Ta-Ti, T'ai-Yo, Ta-Ti) [Peak]
Thu [Earth]
Tian [Sky]
Tian-zhu [Catholic]
Tien (T'ien) [Sky]
Tien-Hou (T'ien Fei) [Heaven]
T'ien-Kuan [Happiness]
T'ien Lung [Dragon]
Tien Mu [Lightening]
Tien-Wang (Mo-Li) [Kings]
Ti-Kuan [Foregiveness]
Ti Nu (Ti-ya) [Earth]
Ti-Tsang-Wang-Pu-Sa [Mercy]
Ti Yu [Afterlife]
Tou Nu [North Star]
Ts'ai-Lun [Stationers]
Ts'ai Shen [Wealth]
Tsan [Demons]
Ts'ang Chien [Hearth]
Tsao Shen [?]
Tsao-Wang [Hearth]
Tu [Earth]
Tung Wang Kung [Ruled Male Immortals]
T'u-ti (Ti-Ti) [Locality]

Wang [Palace Door]
Wang-Mu-Niang-Niang [Guardian]
Wen Ch'ang (Wen-Chang-Ta-Ti) [Literature]
Wen-Shu Yen-K'ung [Manjushri]
Wen Pu [Epidemics]
Wu Ti [Myth]

Xian [Spirits]
Xi-Wang-mu [Immortality]

Yama [Seventh hell]
Yan-lo (Yan Wang) [Underworld Prince]
Yao [Wind Conqueror]
Yao-shi-fo [Physician]
Yao Wang [Medicine]
Yeng-Wang-Yeh [Death]
Yen Wang (Yen Lo) [Underworld Judge]
Yin and Yang [Male and Female]
Yo Fei [War]
Yu-Chiang [Ocean Winds]
Yu-di (Yu Huang) [Supreme]
Yueh Fei [War]
Yu Huang (Yu-Huang-Shang-Ti) [High]
Yun T'ung [Clouds]
Yu-qiang [Sea]
Yu Shih [Rain]
Yu-tzu [Rain]

Zao Jun [Kitchen]
Zhang Guo-lao [Immortal]
Zhong-Kui [Literature and Examinations]
Zhong-li Quan [Immortal]

[Sources: Brief History of Ancient Chinese Mythology]

Finnish Gods:

Ahto [Water]
Akka [Harvest]

Egres [Vegetation/Fertility]

Hiisi [Forest/Evil]

Ilma [Air]
Ilmarinen [Sky]
Inmar [Sky]

Juma [Sky]
Jumala (Mader-Atcha, Ukk) [Thunder+]

Kalevanpojat [Demons]
Kalma [Death]
Kekri [Fertility Feast]
Kipu-Tytto [Illness]
Kondos [Sowing Crops]
Kuu [Moon]

Lemminkainen [Hero]
Louhi [Sorcery/Evil]
Loviatar [Disease]
Luonnotar [Creator]

Madderakka [Dwarves]
Maahiset [Dwarves]

Naaki [Water]
Nyrckes [?]

Olmai (Olmay) [Divine properties]

Pajainen [?]
Pajonn [Thunder]
Para [Goblin Like]
Pellonpekko [Barley]

Raudna [?]
Rutu [Devil]

Sampsa [Vegetation]
Seides [Stones]

Rauni [?]

Tapio [Forest]
Tiermes [Thunder]
Tuoni [Underworld
Tursas [Monster]

Ukko (Isainen) [Thunder]

Vainamoinen [Hero]
Veralden-radien [World Pillars]

Waralden Olmai [World]


Aji-Suki-Taka-Hi-Kone (Aji-Shiki-Taka-Hiko-Ne) [Thunder]
Ama-No-Minakanushi-No-Kumi [Pole Star]
Ame-No-Oshido-Mimi [Refusal]
Ama-No-Uzume [Fertility]
Ama-Tsu-Kami [Heavenly Gods]
Amatsu Mikaboshi [Evil]
Ame-No-Hohi [Disappeared]
Ame-No-Wakahiko [Ruled Earth]

Bimbo-Gami [Poverty]
Bishamon [War]

Chimata-No-Kami [Rain/Sea]

Daikoku [Wealth]

Ebisu [Labor]

Fuchi [Fire]
Fukurokuju (Fukuro kuju) [Wisdom]
Futsunushi [Lightening]

Gozu-Tenno [Plague]

Haya-Ji (Haya-Tsu-Muji-No-Kami) [Whirlwind]
Hikohohodemi [Hero]
Hinokagutsuchi [Fire]
Hiruko [Morning Sun]
Hoderi [?]
Hisa-Me [Devils]
Ho-Masubi (Kagu Zuchi) [Fire]
Hosuseri [?]
Hotei [Laughter]

Inari [Prosperity]
Izanagi [Creator]
Izanami [Mother]

Jikoku [Guardians]
Jimmu Tenno [Founder]
Jurojin (Jorojin) [Longevity]

Kagu-tsuchi [Fire]
Kamado-gami [Hearth]
Kami [Divinities]
Kami-Musubi (Kami-mi-masubi) [?]
Kami-Nari [Thunder]
Kamui [Sky]
Kappa [Water]
Kawa-No-Kami [Rivers]
Kishijoten [Luck]
Kishimojin [Demon]
Komoku [South]
Kompira [Wealth]
Kono-Hana-Sakuya-Hime (Kono-no-hana-saku-ya-hime) [?]
Kono-Hana-Sakuya-Hime Kuni-Toko-tachi [First]
Kuni-Tsu-Kami [Earth]
Kura-Okami [Rain/Snow]

Nai-No-Kami [Earthquakes]
Naka-Yama-Tsu-Mi [Mountain Slopes]
Ningyo [Mermaid]
Ninigi [Ruler Earth]

O-Kuni-Nushi (Okuninushi) [Medicine/Sorcery]
Onamuji [Earth]
Omiwa [Protective]
Oni [Demons]
O-Wata-Tsumi [Sea]
O-Yama-Tsu-Mi (O-yama-tsuni) [Mountain]

Raiden [Thunder]
Ryo-Wo [Sea]
Ryujin (Ryugin) [Thunder/Rain]

Sae-No-Kami [Roads]

Sengen-Sama [Guarded Holy Moutain]
Sennin [Immortals]
Shichi-Fukujin [Luck]
Shiko-Me [Devils]
Shine-Tsu-Hiko [Wind]
Shitatera-Hime [?]
Shi-tenno [Cardinal Direction Guardians]
Shojo [Satyrs]
Soko-No-Kuni [Underworld]
Suitengu [Sea]
Sukuna-bikone (Suku-na-biko) [Hot Springs]
Shoki [Enemy of Devils]
Susanowo (Susanoo, Susa-no-wo) [Storms]
Takamimusubi (Taka-mi-masubi) [Royal Family]
Takemikadzuchi [Thunder]
Take-Mi-Musubi [Sun]
Taki-Tsu-Hiko [Rain]
Tatsuta-hime [Autumn]
Ten-gu (Tengu) [Mountain/Forest]
Tenjin (Temmangu) [Learning/Calligraphy]
Tsuki-Yomi (Tsukiyomi) [Moon]

Uji-gami [Ancestors]
Uke-Mochi-No-Kami (Ukemochi, Waka-Uke-Nomi, Toyo-Uke-Bime) [Fertility and Food]

Uzume [Mirth]

Wakahiru-me [Rising Sun]\
Wata-tsu-mi [Sea]

Yabune [House]

Zocho [South]

Shinto Amaterasu [Sun]

Ama-Tsu-Mara [Smiths]

Ame-No-Kagase-Wo [Astral]
Ame-No-Mi-Kumari-No-Kami [Water]
Amenominakanushi (Ame-No-Minaka-Nushi-No-Kami) [Supreme]
Am-No-Tanabata-Hime-No-Mikoto [Weavers]
Ame-No-Toko-Tachi-No-Kami [Elemental]
Ame-no-uzume [Dancers]

Benten (Benten-San, Benzaiten, Benzaiten) [Eloquence+]

Fujin [Wind]

Hachiman [War]
Ho-musubi [Fire]

Kami [Idols]


Cao Dai(Chinese: Gao-Tai) [Supreme]

Debata [?]

Empung Luminuut [?]

Hainuwele [?]

Hananim [Sky]

Hmin [Ague]

Karei [Supreme]
Kinharingan [Creator]
Kud [Evil]

Laseo [Sun]
Lature Dano [Supreme]
Lowalangi(Lowalani) [World Above]

Mahatala (Mahataral) [Supreme?]
Ma-zu [?]

Nanmata (Namite) [Primeval]
Narbrooi [Woodlands]
Nemu [Primodial]

Palk [Sun]
Puang Matowa [Sky]
Pulug [Thunder]

Reahu [Dark Demon]
Rigenmucha [Supreme]

Silewe Nazarata [?]
Sirao [First]

Ta Pedn [?]
Tnong [Sun]
Tumbrenjak [Original Man]

Upulevo [Sun]

Wunekau [Sun]


Abyrga [Snake]
Afi [Rain/Thunderstorms]
Aitvaras [Evil]
Alardi [Spirit]
Aralo [Agriculutre]
Armaz [Supreme]
Auseklis (Ausrine) [Stellar]

Baba [Spirit]
Baba Yaga (Jezi-Baba) [Ogress]
Bagvarti [?]
Bangputys [Sea]
Bannik [Baths]
Bagisht [Flood/Prosperity]
Barastir (Barastaer) [Underworld]
Bardha [Elves]
Beg-tse (Cam-srin) [War]
Beng [Satan]
Biegg-Olmai [Wind]
Bogatyri [Heroes]
Boldogasszony (Kisboldogasszony) [Protector Women/Children]
Bolla (Bullar) [Demon]
Buga [Supreme]
Bukura e dheut
[Good Spirit]
Bukuri e qiellit [Jehovah]
Byelobog (Bielbog) [?]
Byelun [?]

Chernobo(Czarnobog, Czerneboch, Cernobog) [?]
Chors [Sun]

Dabog [Sun]
Deive [Stone Spirits]
Dieva deli [?]
Dievini [Less Known Gods]
Dievs [Sky]
Djall [Devil]
Domovoi (Domovoy) [Household]
Donbittir [Water/Fish]
Drag-gshed [Eight Terrible Gods]
Dud [Heavenly Spirit]
Dvorovoi [Courtyard]
Dyavo [Demons]

En [?]
Erlik [King of the Dead]
Es [Sky]

Fatit [Destiny]
Fene [Demon]

Gabija (Gabieta, Gabeta) [Fire]
Gabjauja [Corn]
Giltine [Death]
Guta [Demon]

Hadur [War]
Himavat [Himalayas]
Horagalles [War]

Isdustaya and Papaya [Fate]
Isten [Supreme]

Jagaubis [Fire]
Jarovit (Gerovitus) [War]
Jessis [avatar Jupiter]
Jumis [Fertility]
Juras Mate [Water]

Kaka-Guia [Funerary]
Kalvis [Smith]
Karta [Fate]
Kaukas [?]
Khors [Health/Hunting]
Khyung-gai mGo-can [?]
Kikimora [Household]
K'op'ala [Protective]
Kukuth (Kukudhi) [Sickness]
Kulshedra (Kucedre) [Demon]
Kun-tu-bzan-po [Chief Bon]
Kupala [Water/Magic/Herbs]
Kurdalaegon [Blacksmiths]

Laima [Fate]
Lamaria [Hearth]
Laskowice (Leshcia) [Forest]
Lauka Mate [Fields/Fertility]
Laume [Fairy]
Leshy [Forest]
Lha [Bon Gods]
Lhamo [?]
Ljeschi (Lychie) [Fauns and Satyrs]
Ljubi [Demon]

Manzasiri [Primeval]
Mate [Mother]
Mati Syra Zemlya [Earth]
Medeine (Mejdejn) [Woods]
Meness [Moon]
Menulis [Moon]
Meza Mate [Nature]
Mirsa [Light]
Mokos [Fertility]
Mu (rMu) [Heavenly]
Muma Padura [Wood]
Myesyats (Czarnobog, Czerneboch, Cernobog) [Moon]

Nang Lha [Household]
Nari [Demon]
Nari [Sky]
Num [Sky]

Odqan [Fire]
Ora [Protective]
Ordog [Dark]

Pekar (Pehar) [Demon]
Peko [Barley]
Perendi [Jehovah]
Perit [Mountain Spirits]
Perkons [Thunder]
Perkunas [Thunder]
Perun (Peroun) [Thunder]
Polevik [Field]
Poludnitsa [Field]
Pon [Sky]
Porenutius (Porevit) [?]
Preas Eyn [?]
Preas Eyssaur [Destructive]
Preas Prohm [Primeval]

Prende (Prenne) [Love]
Psezpolnica (Polish Poludnica) [Midday]
Pugu [Sun]

Qormusta (Chormusta) [High]

Rugievit [War]
Rusalki (Rusalka) [Water/Woodlands]

Safa [Weapens]
Sanda [?]
Sarkany [Weather]
Saule [Sun]
Saules meitas [?]
Selardi [Moon]
Shen-Lha-od-dkar [Bon]
Shen-rab [Founder Bon]
Sipe Gyalmo [Bon]
Shiwini [Sun]
Shosshu [Smiths]
Siwini [Sun]
Srat [Demon]
Sri [Demon]
Sridevi [?]
Stribog [Winds]
Svantevit (Svantoveit, Svantovitus) [War/Agriculture]
Svarog [Sky]
Syen [Guardian]
Stihi [Demon]

Teljavelik [Heavenly Smith]
Telyaveli [Smiths]
Tengri [Heavenly Beings]
Tesheba [Weather]
Thab-lha [Hearth]
Triglav (Trigelawus) [War]

Uacilla [Thunder/Rain]
Ulgen [Creator]
Urme [Fate]
Usins [?]

Vadatajs [Evil]
Vampire [Soul of Dead]
Veela [Kindess]
Veja mate [Winds]
Veles (Volos) [Underworld]
Velnias [Devil]
Velu mate [Dead]
Verbti [Fire/North Wind]
Vila [Water]
Vilkacis (Lithuanian Vilkatas) [Werewolf]
Vlkodlaks (Vookodlaks) [Werewolf]
Vodnik [Demon]
Vodyanoi [Water]
Volos (Volusu) [Cattle]

We [Supreme]

Xhindi [Spirits]

Yarilo [Love]

Zaltys [Grass Snake]
Zemepatis (Zemempatis) [Supreme]
Zemes mate [Mother]
Zemyna (Zemyneles) [Earth]
Zorya [Guardian]
Zvezda Dennitsa and Zvezda Vechernyaya [Morning and Evening Star]


Ai Tojon [Light]
Ajysyt [Mother]
Anky-Kele [Sea]
Ayi [Creator]

Hittavainen, Hittauanin [Hare-Hunters]
Hinkon [Death Demon]

K'daai [Fire Demon]
Kaltes [The Goddess]
Ke'lets [Death Demon]
Kurkil [Creator]
Kutkinnaku [Good Spirit]

Mayin [Supreme]

Picvu'cin [Hunting/Wild Animals]

Shurdi [Thunderstorms]

Tomam [Bird]
Tomor(Tomorr) [Father Creator]

Xucau [Supreme]

Ye'loje (Pugu) [Sun]
Post by Kim Redman
Post by Richo
It is a fact that humans invent gods,deamons and monsters.
Full stop.
I'm sure you're quite right, however that is not proof in itself that all
concepts of God have been invented.
Post by Richo
It is logically impossible that they can all be real.
Full stop.
It is logicaly possible that at least one of them may be right.
Post by Richo
It is logically possible that they are all false.
Full stop.
Agreed. But it is also logically possible that some may not be false.
Post by Richo
Therefore it is Reasonable to believe that they are all false UNTIL
been given a reason to believe otherwise.
It is reasonable to believe that they MAY be false UNTIL been given a reason
to believe otherwise.
Post by Richo
bob young
2005-07-19 04:27:01 UTC
Post by Kim Redman
Post by Richo
Post by Kim Redman
Post by Bill
There are thousands of God beliefs and each person, or groups of persons,
believes their God is the real God and all the others are fakes. Because
none of these gods clearly announces directly from his heaven that he is
the real God, and all the others are fakes, this is logical evidence that
no real God exists.
Bill I'm glad you're not a judge in a criminal court because your
conclusions are ridiculous. The fact that different people have reached
different conclusions regarding God has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with
proving or disproving the existence of God.
He didnt claim that it was proof - which it isnt - he claimed it was
evidence *against* the existence of mythical creatures - which it is.
Please provide your proof that God is a myth. If all you can provide is
scanty evidence that the concept of God may be mythical, then you have to
accept the possibility that God may also be real.
Post by Richo
It is a fact that humans invent gods,deamons and monsters.
Full stop.
I'm sure you're quite right, however that is not proof in itself that all
concepts of God have been invented.
Ever heard of 'logic' and 'grasping at straws'?
Post by Kim Redman
Post by Richo
It is logically impossible that they can all be real.
Full stop.
It is logicaly possible that at least one of them may be right.

boy you really have been brain washed
Post by Kim Redman
Post by Richo
It is logically possible that they are all false.
Full stop.
Agreed. But it is also logically possible that some may not be false.
Why is that then?
Post by Kim Redman
Post by Richo
Therefore it is Reasonable to believe that they are all false UNTIL
been given a reason to believe otherwise.
It is reasonable to believe that they MAY be false UNTIL been given a reason
to believe otherwise.
If you were doing your first parachute jump from an aircraft is that what you
would say about the packing of your parachute?

If not, then why say it about a god that people devote an entire life to, in

Again - try using common sense, it is wonderful stuff!
Post by Kim Redman
Post by Richo
2005-07-19 05:46:55 UTC
Post by Kim Redman
Post by Richo
Post by Kim Redman
Post by Bill
There are thousands of God beliefs and each person, or groups of persons,
believes their God is the real God and all the others are fakes. Because
none of these gods clearly announces directly from his heaven that he is
the real God, and all the others are fakes, this is logical evidence that
no real God exists.
Bill I'm glad you're not a judge in a criminal court because your
conclusions are ridiculous. The fact that different people have reached
different conclusions regarding God has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with
proving or disproving the existence of God.
He didnt claim that it was proof - which it isnt - he claimed it was
evidence *against* the existence of mythical creatures - which it is.
Please provide your proof that God is a myth.
You obviously don't understand what the word "myth" means.
A myth is a story of cultural/spiritual/emotional importance - stories
that define attitudes morals and worldviews of a people.

myth Pronunciation Key (mth)

1. A traditional, typically ancient story dealing with
supernatural beings, ancestors, or heroes that serves as a fundamental
type in the worldview of a people, as by explaining aspects of the
natural world or delineating the psychology, customs, or ideals of
society: the myth of Eros and Psyche; a creation myth.
2. Such stories considered as a group: the realm of myth.
2. A popular belief or story that has become associated with a
person, institution, or occurrence, especially one considered to
illustrate a cultural ideal: a star whose fame turned her into a myth;
the pioneer myth of suburbia.

No one is required to prove that mythical characters are mythical
They are characters that appear in myth.
Therefore they are mythical characters.
They are mythical characters by the meaning of words.

Or are you claiming that people don't learn about God and Moses and
Abraham and Jesus through the stories written about them?
Or are you claiming that the Bible stories (for example the gospels)
have no cultural or spiritual significance to people?

Pick one.

2005-07-19 06:08:46 UTC
Post by Kim Redman
Post by Richo
It is a fact that humans invent gods,deamons and monsters.
Full stop.
I'm sure you're quite right, however that is not proof in itself that all
concepts of God have been invented.
Not proof no - I specifically said that it was not "proof" so why do
you keep harping on that word?

Think about what you are proposing.
Every culture in every part of the earth, througout history has
invented myths to explain and teach and entertain - creation myths,
morallity tales , heroic deeds to emulate, boogey men to scare the
North America, Africa, Europe, Middle East, China...
Try and think of a society that doesnt have myth - it simply doesnt
Humans are imaginative story tellers - its an obvious part of being

In these Myths there are Gods, spirits good and evil , magicians and
monsters, heros and quests.
Yet you are proposing that in all of these thousands of different
stories with all these thousands of imaginary gods believed in by all
these diverse cultures - that one people - a particular tribe in the
middle east DID NOT make up their story.
This one tribe in all the earth in all of history didn't invent their
God - their God is a real one - the stories about their God is a true

Doesn't that sound incredible?
The Greeks and The Romans - inteligent civilized people - wise in the
sciences and arts and medicine - they had gods galore.
They made up their gods - right?

What prevented the Jews from making *one* up?
Is it believable that there something so different and strange about
the Jews that prevented them from behaving in a way that is completely
universal to all the other people of the earth in all of its history
and pre-history?

Or are they the same as everybody else?

Which is more likely.
Which is more reasonable.

bob young
2005-07-19 10:03:03 UTC
Post by Richo
Post by Kim Redman
Post by Richo
It is a fact that humans invent gods,deamons and monsters.
Full stop.
I'm sure you're quite right, however that is not proof in itself that all
concepts of God have been invented.
Not proof no - I specifically said that it was not "proof" so why do
you keep harping on that word?
Think about what you are proposing.
Every culture in every part of the earth, througout history has
invented myths to explain and teach and entertain - creation myths,
morallity tales , heroic deeds to emulate, boogey men to scare the
North America, Africa, Europe, Middle East, China...
Try and think of a society that doesnt have myth - it simply doesnt
Humans are imaginative story tellers - its an obvious part of being
In these Myths there are Gods, spirits good and evil , magicians and
monsters, heros and quests.
Yet you are proposing that in all of these thousands of different
stories with all these thousands of imaginary gods believed in by all
these diverse cultures - that one people - a particular tribe in the
middle east DID NOT make up their story.
This one tribe in all the earth in all of history didn't invent their
God - their God is a real one - the stories about their God is a true
Doesn't that sound incredible?
The Greeks and The Romans - inteligent civilized people - wise in the
sciences and arts and medicine - they had gods galore.
They made up their gods - right?
What prevented the Jews from making *one* up?
Is it believable that there something so different and strange about
the Jews that prevented them from behaving in a way that is completely
universal to all the other people of the earth in all of its history
and pre-history?
Or are they the same as everybody else?
Which is more likely.
Which is more reasonable.
Mark I will cut and paste into my file - a great post and nicely put.
I may use it, whole or in part, later, when the occasion arises [as I'm sure
it will] , if that's OK with you.


One has been endowed with just enough intelligence to be able to see clearly
how utterly inadequate that intelligence is when confronted with what exists.
If such humility could be conveyed to everybody, the world of human activities
would be more appealing.
[Albert Einsten in Mark Winokur Einstein, A Portrait, (1984)]
2005-07-19 14:11:54 UTC
Post by Kim Redman
Post by Richo
Post by Kim Redman
Post by Bill
There are thousands of God beliefs and each person, or groups of persons,
believes their God is the real God and all the others are fakes. Because
none of these gods clearly announces directly from his heaven that he is
the real God, and all the others are fakes, this is logical evidence that
no real God exists.
Bill I'm glad you're not a judge in a criminal court because your
conclusions are ridiculous. The fact that different people have reached
different conclusions regarding God has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with
proving or disproving the existence of God.
He didnt claim that it was proof - which it isnt - he claimed it was
evidence *against* the existence of mythical creatures - which it is.
Please provide your proof that God is a myth. If all you can provide is
scanty evidence that the concept of God may be mythical, then you have to
accept the possibility that God may also be real.
I accept the possibility that god(s) may be real. However, I can't believe
that they are real due to the fact there is no evidence that proves
his/her/its existence.
Resident Witchypoo
Science doesn't burn people at the stake for disagreeing - Vic Sagerquist
bob young
2005-07-19 02:50:02 UTC
Post by Kim Redman
Post by Bill
There are thousands of God beliefs and each person, or groups of persons,
believes their God is the real God and all the others are fakes. Because
none of these gods clearly announces directly from his heaven that he is
the real God, and all the others are fakes, this is logical evidence that
no real God exists.
Bill I'm glad you're not a judge in a criminal court because your
conclusions are ridiculous. The fact that different people have reached
different conclusions regarding God has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with
proving or disproving the existence of God. All it proves is that different
people have reach different conclusions. You really do need to start
thinking about these matters before making erroneous statements. Try
drinking a little less bourbon and smoking a little less pot.
How about you try taking off your blinkers for a few moments.

Which of thse gods then, are real?

Ahura Mazda, Allah, Aphrodite, Ares, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Babaluaye,
Baldur, Bast, Bellona, Brahma, Brigid, Ceres, Cupid, Cerridwen,
Demeter, Diana, Dione, Dionysus, Eris, Eos, Eleggua, , El Shaddai, Elohim
Eshu, Ereshkigal,
Frigga, Frey, Freya, Gaea, Lord Genesa, Hades, Hebe, Hera, Helios, Hel,
Hermes, Hestia, Horus, Ibeji, Ifa, Inanna, Indra, Ishana, Ishtar,
Isis, Janus, Juno, Jehovah, Jove, Jupiter, Kali. Krishna Kronos, Korravai,
Loki, Lugh, Lord Indra, Manitou, Mars, Mercury, Minerva, Mercurius, Morrigan,
Nahuiquiahuitl, Nanahuatzin, Nephthys, Neptune, Obatala, Odin, Ogun,
Oshosi, Oshun, Osiris, Oya, Orunmila, Olokun, Olodumare, Pluto,
Persephone, Poseidon, Proserpina, Quetzalcoatl, Ra, Lord Rama, Rhea, Saturn,
Selene, Shango, Lord Siva, Tammuz, Thor, Tir, Tiw, Uranus, Venus, Vesta,
Vesta, Vulcan, Wotan, Yahweh, Yemaya, Zeus, XodA.

African gods:

[Note under 'African Gods' the number devoted to 'Supremacy']

Abassi [Sky]
Abonsam [Evil]
Abora [Supreme]
Abzu [Water]
Acoran [Supreme]
Adaheli [Sun]
Adro [Sky]
Adroa [Sky]
Agassou [Panther]
Agbe-Naete [Water]
Age [Animals]
Aigamuxa [Monster]
Ajalamo[Unborn Children]
Aje [Wealth]
Ajok [Supreme]
Akonadi [Oracle]
Akongo [Supreme]
Akuj [Supreme]
Ala [Earth/Fertility]
Alatangana [Creator]
Amma [Creator]
Anansi [Trickster]
Anyiewo [Snake]
Aondo [Creator]
Apa [Creator]
Apedemak [War]
Arawa [Moon]
Arebati [Sky]
Arom [Contracts]
Arsan Duolai [Underworld]
Asase Ya [Earth]
Ashiakle [Wealth]
Asis [Sun]
Astar [Sky]
Ataa Naa
Ataokoloinona [Supreme]
Atete [Fertility]
Avrikiti [Fishermen]
[Ayaba] [Hearth]

Bacax [Cave]
Bagba [Wind]
Balubaal [Earth+]
Bandara [Superior Gods]
Banga [Clear water]
Behanzin [Fish]
Beher [Sea]
Bera Pennu [Vegetation]
Bo [Warriors]
Buadza [WInd]
Buku [Sky]
Bumba [Creator]

Cagn [Creator]
Cghene [Creator]
(Chuku) [Creator]
Chiata [Supreme]
Chwezi [Hero]
Col [Rain]
Chikara [Sky]

(Dan Ayido Hwedo) [Snake]
Deng [Sky]
Deohako [Beans+]
Dii Mauri [Moorish Gods]
Dongo [Outer Space]
Dugbo [Earth]
Dxui [Creator]

Emeli-hi [Supreme]
Eranoranhan [Protector]
Eshu (Elegba) [Trickster]

Fa [Destiny]
Famien [Fertility]
Faro [Sky/Water]
Fidi Mukullu [Creator]

Garang and Abuk [First Humans]
Gbeni [Chief]
Gei (Gou) [Moon]
Gu [War/Smiths]
Gua [Sky]
Gulu [Supreme]
Gunab [Evil]
Guruhi [Evil]
Gurzil [Bull]
Gwalu [Rain]
Hammon [Setting Sun]
Harun and Haruna [Water Spirits]
Heitsi-Eibib [Sorcerer]
Hevioss [Thunder]
Huntin [Tree]
Huvean [Creator]

Ifa [Oracul]
Ikenga [Supreme]
Imana [Creator]
Iruwa [Sun]
Juok [Creator]
Kalumba [Creator]
Kalunga Supreme]
Katavi [Demonic]
Ka Tyeleo [Supreme]
Khebieso [Lightening]
Kho-dumo-dumo [Demon]
Kholomodumo [Monster]
Khuzwane [Creator]
Kibuka [War]
Kokola [Guardian]
Kwammang-a [Supreme]
Kwoth [Spirit]
Kyala [Creator]

Legba [Trickster]
Leza [Chief]
Libanza [Supreme]
Lisa [Chameleon]
Macardit [Demon]
Mantis [Creator]
Massim-Biambe [Creator]
Mawu [Sky]
Mawu-Lisa [Supreme Couple]
Mbotumbo [Supreme]
Medr [Earth]
Moomb [Creator]
Mon [?]
Mugu [Sky]
Mujaji [Rain]
Mukasa [Supreme]
Mula Djadi [Creator]
Muluku [Supreme]
Mungu [Creator]
Mungo (Mungu) [?]
Musa (Teaching]
Musisi [Supreme]
Mwari [Supreme]

Nampa [Personal]
Nana-Bouclou [First Gods]
Nana Buluk [Creator]
Ndjambi [Sky]
Ndriananahary [Supreme]
Nduru [Jungle]
Nenaunir [Storm]
Nesshoue [River]
Ngai ('Ngai) [Creator]
Ngewo-wa [Creator]
Ngworekara [Demon]
Niamye [Supreme]
Nkosi Yama'kosi [Supreme]
Nommo [Elemental]
Nommo [Spirit]
Nyama [Animal]
Nyambe [Supreme]
Nyambi (Nyambe) [Supreme]
Nyami-Nyami [Guardian]
Nyankopon (Ashanti:Nyame) [Supreme]
Nyamia Ama [Supreme]
Nyasaye [Supeme]
Nzambi (Nzambi)
Mpunguo) [Supreme]
Nzame [Supreme]

Obassi Osaw [Supreme]
Obatala [Sky]
Oduduwa (Odudua) [Earth]
Ogun (Ogoun) War]
Olokula [Sea]
Olorun [Supreme]
Omumbo-Rombonga [Tree of Life]
Orahan [Supreme]
Orisa Nla [Creator]
Orishako [Agriculture]
Orunjan [Midday Sun]
Orunmila [Compassion]
Oshalla [?]
Osun [Beauty and Love]
Oya [Passion and Power]

Pemba (Bemba) Mother]
Qandisa [Demon]
Qamata[Quamta] Supreme]

Rock-Sene [Supreme]
Ruwa [Supreme]
Sagbata [Smallpox]
Sakarabru [Medicine]
Sakpata [Smallpox]
Sango [Thunder]
Shango [Thunder]
So [Lightening]

Tano [River]
Tore [Forest]
Tsui'goab [Rain]
Twe [Lake]

Umvelinqangi [Creator]
Unkulunkulu [Supreme]
Unumbotte [Creator]

Waka [Rain]
Wele [Supreme]
Wulbari [Supreme]
Wuni [Supreme]

Xewioso [Thunder]
Yemaja [Creation]
Yo [Impersonal]

Zin [Water]

Table of Asian Gods:


Abhijnaraja [Physician]
Abhimukhi [One of the Bhumis]
Acala [?]
Adhimukticarya [One of the Bhumis]
Adhimuktivasita [One of the Bhumis]
Adibuddha [First]
Adidharma [Primeval]
Aizen Myo-o [Protective]
Ajaya [?]
Akasagarbha(Tibetan Nam-mkhai
Aksayajnana-Karmanda [Literature]
Aksobhya (Japanese Ashuku, Chinese A-Chu'u) [One of the Dhyani]
Amida [Savior]
Amitabha [A Dhyani]
Amitayus [Longevity]
Amoghapasa [see Avalokitesvara]
Amoghasiddhi [A Dhyani]
Anantamukhi [Literature]
Arapacana [Book and Sword]
Arcismati [Bhumis]
Arhat [A Saint]
Arthapratisamvit [Logical Analysis]
Arya-Tara [Sakti]
Asokakanta [avatar Marici]
Asokottamasri [Physician]
Astabhuja-Kurukulla [avatar Kurukulla]
Asura [Group of Demons]
Avalokitesvara(Avalokita, Lokesvara) [Dhyani Present Age]
Ayurvasita[One vasitas]

Balaparamita [Philosophy]
Bhaisajyaguru(Sman-bla, Otaci,Yao-shih-fo, Yakushi)[Physician]
Bhrkuti-Tara [Mother]
Bhumi [Spiritual Spheres]
Bhutadarma [Demon Controller]
Bi-har [Protector]
Bodhidharma [Monk]
Bodhisattva (Chinese Pu-sa) [Born to be Englightened]
Buddhabodhiprabhavasita [Vasitas]
Buddhalocana [Female Buddha]
Budha [Mercury]
Butcho [?]

Chandarosana [Mahayana]
Charcika (Carcika) [Mahayana]
Chakravartin [World Ruler]
Chattrosnisa [An Usnisa]
Chaturmaharajas (Caturmaharajas) [Four Great Kings]
Chittavista [Vashitas]
Citipati [Graveyard Demons]
Cunda [Literature]
Da-shi-zhi [Bodhisattva]
Dadimunda [Temples]
Dainichi' [Purity/Wisdom]
Dakini [Demons]
Dala Kadavara [Demon]
Devaputra [Gods of Lower Rank]
Dhanada [avatar Amoghasiddhi]
Dharani [Mystical Texts]
Dharmadhatuvagisvara [Dharma]
Dharmakirtisagaraghosa [Physician]
Dharmamegha [Bhumis]
Dharmapala ,Chinese Fu Ha [Protective Dieties]
Dharmapratisamvit [Nature Analysis]
Dharmavasita [Vasitas]
Dhritarashtra (Pali Dhatarattha) [One of the 4 World Guardians]
Dhupa [Mother]
Dhupatara [Mahayana]
Dhvajagrakeyura [avatar Aksobhya]
Dhyanaparamita [Philosophy]
Dhyani-Bodhisattvas [Five Bodhisattvas]
Dhyani-Buddhas [Five Meditators]
Di-zang [Bodhisattvas of Hell]
Dvarapala [?]

Ekajata [Terrible]
Emma-o [Judges the Dead]

Fudo [WIsdom]

Guan Yin [bodhisattva]

Hariti [Ate Children]
Hayagriva [Protection]
Heruka [Protection]
Hevajra [Protection]

Ida-Ten [Law/Monestaries]

Jambhala [avatar Vausravana]
Janguli [Snakebite cure]
Jian Lao [Earth/Permanence]
Jizo [Compassion]
Juichimen [Mercy]

Kali devia [avatar Lha-mo]

Kannon [Japanese bodhisattva]
Khasarpana(Khasarpana-Lokesvara) [Indian bodhisattva]
Ki Fudo [avatar Fudo-Myo-o]
Krodhadevatas [Inspire Terror]
Ksitigarbha [One of 8 bodhisattva]
Kuan-yin (Kwannon) [Mercy]
Kujaku Myoo [Esoteric]
Kurukulla [?]

Locana [?]

Mahasthamaprata [Chinese bodhisattva]
Maitreya [Future]
Manjughosa [Nepalese bodhisattva]
Manjusri [bodhisattva]
Mara [Evil]
Marici [Sun]
Mi-lo Fo (Pu-Sa) [Chinese bodhisattva
Miroku [Japanese bodhisattva
Mo-Li [Protects Temples]

Padmanartesvara [avatar Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara]
Pancaraksa[5 Goddesses]
Pandara [?]
Paramasva [?]
Parnasavari [?]
Prajna [Femaleness]
Prajnaparamita [Buddhist Text]
Ran-deng [Beggar and Future Buddha]
Ratnapani [Dhyani-Bodhisattva]
Ratnasambhava [Dhyani-Buddha]
Remanta [King of the Horse gods]

Sakyamuni [Japanese]
Samantabhadra [Bodhisattvas]
Saptaksara [avatar Heruka]
Shakra [King of the Gods]
Ssu Ta T'ien Wang [Kings of Heaven]
Sumbharaja [Buddhist Krodhadevata]

Tennin (Tennyo) [angels]

Usnisavijaya [?]

Vairocana [Dhyani-Buddhas]
Vaisravana (Pali Vessavana, Chinese Do Wen) [Guards World]
Vajrabhairava [?]
Vajrapani [Bodhisattvas]
Vajrasattva [Nepal Dhyani-Buddha]
Vajravarahi [?]
Vajrayogini [Initiation]
Vajrayogini [Riches]
Vidyadharas [?]
Vidyujjvalakarali [?]
Vighnantaka [?]
Virudhaka (Pali Virulha, Chinese Zheng Zhang) [Guards World]
Virupaksa (Pali Virupakkha, Chinese Guand Mu) [Guards Western Heaven]
Visvapani [Dhyani-Bodhisattva]

We-to [Divine General]

Yakushi Nyorai [Healing]
Yama [?]
Yamantaka [Krodhadevatas]

Zhu Dian (Zhu Tian) [Chinese Buddhist gods]


Ao [Sea]
Awun [Destruction]

Ba [Drought]
Ba Gua [Basis of Divination]
Bo Hsian [Taoist]

Cai-Shen [Riches]
Can Cong [Silkworms]
Cao Guo-jiu [Actors]
Chang Fei [War]
Chang Hs'ien [Children]
Chang Kuo-lao [?]
Ch'ang E (Ch'ang-o Huang E) [Moon]
Chang Tao Ling [Afterlife]
Cheng-huang (Ch'eng Huang) [Guardians]
Chen Jen [Spiritual Beings]
Cheng San-Kung [Fishermen]
Cheng Yuan Ho (Ch'ang-o Huang E) [Buskers]
Chih Nu [Weavers]
Chih Sung-Tzu (Chi Sung Tzu) [Rain]
Chih-Yu [Inventor]
Ch'in-Shu-Pao [Guardian]
Chou Wang [Sodomy]
Chu-Chuan Shen [Pigsties]
Chu Jung [Fire]
Chu Lung [Day/Night]
Chung K'uei [Afterlife]
Chung-li Ch'uan [Immortal]
Confucius [Philosopher]

Di Zhang Xia [?]
Dong-yo Da-di [Helps Sky God]

Erh-Lang [Guardian]

Fan-K'uei [Butchers]
Fei Lien (Fei Lian) [Wind]
Feng-Huang (Hoang-female Phuong-male) [Many Meanings]
Feng Po (Feng-Po) [Human form of the wind]
Feng P'o-p'o (Feng-Po-Po) [Female wind]
Fo [Buddha]
Fu His [Taught Humanity]
Fu Hsing [Happiness]
Fu Shen [Happiness]
Fu-Shou-Lu [Collection of Gods]
Fu-xi [Hero]

Gao Yao (Ting-jian) [Judgement]
Gong Gong [Common Workers]
Gou Mang and Ru Shou [Messengers]
Guan Di (Kuan Ti) [War/Fortune Telling]
Gui Xian [Demon]

Han Hsiang [Immortal]
Han Xiang-zi [Immortal]
He Bo (Bing-yi) [Rivers]
Heng E (Change-e) [Moon]
He Xian-gu [Immortal]
Heng-Ha-Erh-Chiang [Temples]
Heng-o [Moon]
Ho Hsien-ku [Immortal]
Ho Po [River]
Hou Chi [Harvest]
Hou I [Archer]
Hou T'u [Earth]
Hsien [Taoists]
Hsi Ho [Sun's Creator]
Hsi Wang Mu [Guardian]
Hsuan-T'ien-Shang-Ti [Dark Heaven]
Hua Hsien [Flower]
Huang-di (Huang Ti) (Shun) [Hero]
Huang Fei-hu (Fei) [Mountain]
Hu-Shen [Hail]

I [Bowmen]
Infoniwoo [Generation]
I-Ti [Wine]

K'ai Lu Shen [Purges Evil]
Kuan Yu [War]
K'uei Hsing [Examinations]

Lan Cai-he [Immortal]
Lao T'ien Yeh [Supreme]
Lao-Tzu (Lao-zi) [Philosopher]
Lei Kung [Storm]
Lei-zi [Thunder]
Li [Fire]
Li Tie-guai [Immortal]
Liu [Crops]
Lu Dong-bin (Lu Yan) [Immortal]
Lu-Hsing [Salaries/Employees]
Lung Wang [Dragon King]
Lupan [Carpenters]

Ma-Mien [Bureaucrat]
Meng (Meng P'o) [Underworld]
Meng-T'ien [Writing Brush]
Men Shen [Doors, includes sometimes Wei Cheng]
Mu Gong [Immortals]

Niu-Y'oun [Police]
Nu Gua (Nu Kua, Nu Wa) [Creator and Marriage]

O-Mi-T'o Fo [Amitabha]

Pa [Drought]
Pa-Cha [Anti-locusts]
Pa-Hsien [Eight Immortals]
P'an-Chin-Lien [Prostitues]
'P'an Ku (Panku, Pangu) [Cosmos]
Pi-Hsia-Yuan-Chun [Childbirth]
Puhsien [Sun]

Ran-deng [Future Buddha]

San Ch'inga [Three Taos]
Shang Di (Shang Ti) [Supreme]
She Chi (Thu) [Earth]
Shen [Spirit]
Sheng Jen [Holy]
Shen-nong(Shen Nung) [Hero]
Shen-T'u [Guardian]
Shen Yi [Sun]
Shiang Ku [Magician]
Shih-Tien Yen-Wang [Committe of Ten]
Shou-Hsing [Longevity]
Shou Lao (Shou Xing Lao Tou-zi) [Long Life]
Shou-Ts'ang [Servant]
Shui-Fu [Water]
Shui-Kuan [Defender]
Ssu Ming [Life and Death]
Sung-Chiang [Theives]
Sun Hou-Tzu [Monkey]
Sun Hou-zi [Apes]
Sun-Pin [Cobblers]

T'ai I [High]
Tai-sui-xing [Time]
Tai-yi [Sky]
T'ai Yueh Ta Ti (Tung-Yueh-Ta-Ti, T'ai-Yo, Ta-Ti) [Peak]
Thu [Earth]
Tian [Sky]
Tian-zhu [Catholic]
Tien (T'ien) [Sky]
Tien-Hou (T'ien Fei) [Heaven]
T'ien-Kuan [Happiness]
T'ien Lung [Dragon]
Tien Mu [Lightening]
Tien-Wang (Mo-Li) [Kings]
Ti-Kuan [Foregiveness]
Ti Nu (Ti-ya) [Earth]
Ti-Tsang-Wang-Pu-Sa [Mercy]
Ti Yu [Afterlife]
Tou Nu [North Star]
Ts'ai-Lun [Stationers]
Ts'ai Shen [Wealth]
Tsan [Demons]
Ts'ang Chien [Hearth]
Tsao Shen [?]
Tsao-Wang [Hearth]
Tu [Earth]
Tung Wang Kung [Ruled Male Immortals]
T'u-ti (Ti-Ti) [Locality]

Wang [Palace Door]
Wang-Mu-Niang-Niang [Guardian]
Wen Ch'ang (Wen-Chang-Ta-Ti) [Literature]
Wen-Shu Yen-K'ung [Manjushri]
Wen Pu [Epidemics]
Wu Ti [Myth]

Xian [Spirits]
Xi-Wang-mu [Immortality]

Yama [Seventh hell]
Yan-lo (Yan Wang) [Underworld Prince]
Yao [Wind Conqueror]
Yao-shi-fo [Physician]
Yao Wang [Medicine]
Yeng-Wang-Yeh [Death]
Yen Wang (Yen Lo) [Underworld Judge]
Yin and Yang [Male and Female]
Yo Fei [War]
Yu-Chiang [Ocean Winds]
Yu-di (Yu Huang) [Supreme]
Yueh Fei [War]
Yu Huang (Yu-Huang-Shang-Ti) [High]
Yun T'ung [Clouds]
Yu-qiang [Sea]
Yu Shih [Rain]
Yu-tzu [Rain]

Zao Jun [Kitchen]
Zhang Guo-lao [Immortal]
Zhong-Kui [Literature and Examinations]
Zhong-li Quan [Immortal]

[Sources: Brief History of Ancient Chinese Mythology]

Finnish Gods:

Ahto [Water]
Akka [Harvest]

Egres [Vegetation/Fertility]

Hiisi [Forest/Evil]

Ilma [Air]
Ilmarinen [Sky]
Inmar [Sky]

Juma [Sky]
Jumala (Mader-Atcha, Ukk) [Thunder+]

Kalevanpojat [Demons]
Kalma [Death]
Kekri [Fertility Feast]
Kipu-Tytto [Illness]
Kondos [Sowing Crops]
Kuu [Moon]

Lemminkainen [Hero]
Louhi [Sorcery/Evil]
Loviatar [Disease]
Luonnotar [Creator]

Madderakka [Dwarves]
Maahiset [Dwarves]

Naaki [Water]
Nyrckes [?]

Olmai (Olmay) [Divine properties]

Pajainen [?]
Pajonn [Thunder]
Para [Goblin Like]
Pellonpekko [Barley]

Raudna [?]
Rutu [Devil]

Sampsa [Vegetation]
Seides [Stones]

Rauni [?]

Tapio [Forest]
Tiermes [Thunder]
Tuoni [Underworld
Tursas [Monster]

Ukko (Isainen) [Thunder]

Vainamoinen [Hero]
Veralden-radien [World Pillars]

Waralden Olmai [World]


Aji-Suki-Taka-Hi-Kone (Aji-Shiki-Taka-Hiko-Ne) [Thunder]
Ama-No-Minakanushi-No-Kumi [Pole Star]
Ame-No-Oshido-Mimi [Refusal]
Ama-No-Uzume [Fertility]
Ama-Tsu-Kami [Heavenly Gods]
Amatsu Mikaboshi [Evil]
Ame-No-Hohi [Disappeared]
Ame-No-Wakahiko [Ruled Earth]

Bimbo-Gami [Poverty]
Bishamon [War]

Chimata-No-Kami [Rain/Sea]

Daikoku [Wealth]

Ebisu [Labor]

Fuchi [Fire]
Fukurokuju (Fukuro kuju) [Wisdom]
Futsunushi [Lightening]

Gozu-Tenno [Plague]

Haya-Ji (Haya-Tsu-Muji-No-Kami) [Whirlwind]
Hikohohodemi [Hero]
Hinokagutsuchi [Fire]
Hiruko [Morning Sun]
Hoderi [?]
Hisa-Me [Devils]
Ho-Masubi (Kagu Zuchi) [Fire]
Hosuseri [?]
Hotei [Laughter]

Inari [Prosperity]
Izanagi [Creator]
Izanami [Mother]

Jikoku [Guardians]
Jimmu Tenno [Founder]
Jurojin (Jorojin) [Longevity]

Kagu-tsuchi [Fire]
Kamado-gami [Hearth]
Kami [Divinities]
Kami-Musubi (Kami-mi-masubi) [?]
Kami-Nari [Thunder]
Kamui [Sky]
Kappa [Water]
Kawa-No-Kami [Rivers]
Kishijoten [Luck]
Kishimojin [Demon]
Komoku [South]
Kompira [Wealth]
Kono-Hana-Sakuya-Hime (Kono-no-hana-saku-ya-hime) [?]
Kono-Hana-Sakuya-Hime Kuni-Toko-tachi [First]
Kuni-Tsu-Kami [Earth]
Kura-Okami [Rain/Snow]

Nai-No-Kami [Earthquakes]
Naka-Yama-Tsu-Mi [Mountain Slopes]
Ningyo [Mermaid]
Ninigi [Ruler Earth]

O-Kuni-Nushi (Okuninushi) [Medicine/Sorcery]
Onamuji [Earth]
Omiwa [Protective]
Oni [Demons]
O-Wata-Tsumi [Sea]
O-Yama-Tsu-Mi (O-yama-tsuni) [Mountain]

Raiden [Thunder]
Ryo-Wo [Sea]
Ryujin (Ryugin) [Thunder/Rain]

Sae-No-Kami [Roads]

Sengen-Sama [Guarded Holy Moutain]
Sennin [Immortals]
Shichi-Fukujin [Luck]
Shiko-Me [Devils]
Shine-Tsu-Hiko [Wind]
Shitatera-Hime [?]
Shi-tenno [Cardinal Direction Guardians]
Shojo [Satyrs]
Soko-No-Kuni [Underworld]
Suitengu [Sea]
Sukuna-bikone (Suku-na-biko) [Hot Springs]
Shoki [Enemy of Devils]
Susanowo (Susanoo, Susa-no-wo) [Storms]
Takamimusubi (Taka-mi-masubi) [Royal Family]
Takemikadzuchi [Thunder]
Take-Mi-Musubi [Sun]
Taki-Tsu-Hiko [Rain]
Tatsuta-hime [Autumn]
Ten-gu (Tengu) [Mountain/Forest]
Tenjin (Temmangu) [Learning/Calligraphy]
Tsuki-Yomi (Tsukiyomi) [Moon]

Uji-gami [Ancestors]
Uke-Mochi-No-Kami (Ukemochi, Waka-Uke-Nomi, Toyo-Uke-Bime) [Fertility and Food]

Uzume [Mirth]

Wakahiru-me [Rising Sun]\
Wata-tsu-mi [Sea]

Yabune [House]

Zocho [South]

Shinto Amaterasu [Sun]

Ama-Tsu-Mara [Smiths]

Ame-No-Kagase-Wo [Astral]
Ame-No-Mi-Kumari-No-Kami [Water]
Amenominakanushi (Ame-No-Minaka-Nushi-No-Kami) [Supreme]
Am-No-Tanabata-Hime-No-Mikoto [Weavers]
Ame-No-Toko-Tachi-No-Kami [Elemental]
Ame-no-uzume [Dancers]

Benten (Benten-San, Benzaiten, Benzaiten) [Eloquence+]

Fujin [Wind]

Hachiman [War]
Ho-musubi [Fire]

Kami [Idols]


Cao Dai(Chinese: Gao-Tai) [Supreme]

Debata [?]

Empung Luminuut [?]

Hainuwele [?]

Hananim [Sky]

Hmin [Ague]

Karei [Supreme]
Kinharingan [Creator]
Kud [Evil]

Laseo [Sun]
Lature Dano [Supreme]
Lowalangi(Lowalani) [World Above]

Mahatala (Mahataral) [Supreme?]
Ma-zu [?]

Nanmata (Namite) [Primeval]
Narbrooi [Woodlands]
Nemu [Primodial]

Palk [Sun]
Puang Matowa [Sky]
Pulug [Thunder]

Reahu [Dark Demon]
Rigenmucha [Supreme]

Silewe Nazarata [?]
Sirao [First]

Ta Pedn [?]
Tnong [Sun]
Tumbrenjak [Original Man]

Upulevo [Sun]

Wunekau [Sun]


Abyrga [Snake]
Afi [Rain/Thunderstorms]
Aitvaras [Evil]
Alardi [Spirit]
Aralo [Agriculutre]
Armaz [Supreme]
Auseklis (Ausrine) [Stellar]

Baba [Spirit]
Baba Yaga (Jezi-Baba) [Ogress]
Bagvarti [?]
Bangputys [Sea]
Bannik [Baths]
Bagisht [Flood/Prosperity]
Barastir (Barastaer) [Underworld]
Bardha [Elves]
Beg-tse (Cam-srin) [War]
Beng [Satan]
Biegg-Olmai [Wind]
Bogatyri [Heroes]
Boldogasszony (Kisboldogasszony) [Protector Women/Children]
Bolla (Bullar) [Demon]
Buga [Supreme]
Bukura e dheut
[Good Spirit]
Bukuri e qiellit [Jehovah]
Byelobog (Bielbog) [?]
Byelun [?]

Chernobo(Czarnobog, Czerneboch, Cernobog) [?]
Chors [Sun]

Dabog [Sun]
Deive [Stone Spirits]
Dieva deli [?]
Dievini [Less Known Gods]
Dievs [Sky]
Djall [Devil]
Domovoi (Domovoy) [Household]
Donbittir [Water/Fish]
Drag-gshed [Eight Terrible Gods]
Dud [Heavenly Spirit]
Dvorovoi [Courtyard]
Dyavo [Demons]

En [?]
Erlik [King of the Dead]
Es [Sky]

Fatit [Destiny]
Fene [Demon]

Gabija (Gabieta, Gabeta) [Fire]
Gabjauja [Corn]
Giltine [Death]
Guta [Demon]

Hadur [War]
Himavat [Himalayas]
Horagalles [War]

Isdustaya and Papaya [Fate]
Isten [Supreme]

Jagaubis [Fire]
Jarovit (Gerovitus) [War]
Jessis [avatar Jupiter]
Jumis [Fertility]
Juras Mate [Water]

Kaka-Guia [Funerary]
Kalvis [Smith]
Karta [Fate]
Kaukas [?]
Khors [Health/Hunting]
Khyung-gai mGo-can [?]
Kikimora [Household]
K'op'ala [Protective]
Kukuth (Kukudhi) [Sickness]
Kulshedra (Kucedre) [Demon]
Kun-tu-bzan-po [Chief Bon]
Kupala [Water/Magic/Herbs]
Kurdalaegon [Blacksmiths]

Laima [Fate]
Lamaria [Hearth]
Laskowice (Leshcia) [Forest]
Lauka Mate [Fields/Fertility]
Laume [Fairy]
Leshy [Forest]
Lha [Bon Gods]
Lhamo [?]
Ljeschi (Lychie) [Fauns and Satyrs]
Ljubi [Demon]

Manzasiri [Primeval]
Mate [Mother]
Mati Syra Zemlya [Earth]
Medeine (Mejdejn) [Woods]
Meness [Moon]
Menulis [Moon]
Meza Mate [Nature]
Mirsa [Light]
Mokos [Fertility]
Mu (rMu) [Heavenly]
Muma Padura [Wood]
Myesyats (Czarnobog, Czerneboch, Cernobog) [Moon]

Nang Lha [Household]
Nari [Demon]
Nari [Sky]
Num [Sky]

Odqan [Fire]
Ora [Protective]
Ordog [Dark]

Pekar (Pehar) [Demon]
Peko [Barley]
Perendi [Jehovah]
Perit [Mountain Spirits]
Perkons [Thunder]
Perkunas [Thunder]
Perun (Peroun) [Thunder]
Polevik [Field]
Poludnitsa [Field]
Pon [Sky]
Porenutius (Porevit) [?]
Preas Eyn [?]
Preas Eyssaur [Destructive]
Preas Prohm [Primeval]

Prende (Prenne) [Love]
Psezpolnica (Polish Poludnica) [Midday]
Pugu [Sun]

Qormusta (Chormusta) [High]

Rugievit [War]
Rusalki (Rusalka) [Water/Woodlands]

Safa [Weapens]
Sanda [?]
Sarkany [Weather]
Saule [Sun]
Saules meitas [?]
Selardi [Moon]
Shen-Lha-od-dkar [Bon]
Shen-rab [Founder Bon]
Sipe Gyalmo [Bon]
Shiwini [Sun]
Shosshu [Smiths]
Siwini [Sun]
Srat [Demon]
Sri [Demon]
Sridevi [?]
Stribog [Winds]
Svantevit (Svantoveit, Svantovitus) [War/Agriculture]
Svarog [Sky]
Syen [Guardian]
Stihi [Demon]

Teljavelik [Heavenly Smith]
Telyaveli [Smiths]
Tengri [Heavenly Beings]
Tesheba [Weather]
Thab-lha [Hearth]
Triglav (Trigelawus) [War]

Uacilla [Thunder/Rain]
Ulgen [Creator]
Urme [Fate]
Usins [?]

Vadatajs [Evil]
Vampire [Soul of Dead]
Veela [Kindess]
Veja mate [Winds]
Veles (Volos) [Underworld]
Velnias [Devil]
Velu mate [Dead]
Verbti [Fire/North Wind]
Vila [Water]
Vilkacis (Lithuanian Vilkatas) [Werewolf]
Vlkodlaks (Vookodlaks) [Werewolf]
Vodnik [Demon]
Vodyanoi [Water]
Volos (Volusu) [Cattle]

We [Supreme]

Xhindi [Spirits]

Yarilo [Love]

Zaltys [Grass Snake]
Zemepatis (Zemempatis) [Supreme]
Zemes mate [Mother]
Zemyna (Zemyneles) [Earth]
Zorya [Guardian]
Zvezda Dennitsa and Zvezda Vechernyaya [Morning and Evening Star]


Ai Tojon [Light]
Ajysyt [Mother]
Anky-Kele [Sea]
Ayi [Creator]

Hittavainen, Hittauanin [Hare-Hunters]
Hinkon [Death Demon]

K'daai [Fire Demon]
Kaltes [The Goddess]
Ke'lets [Death Demon]
Kurkil [Creator]
Kutkinnaku [Good Spirit]

Mayin [Supreme]

Picvu'cin [Hunting/Wild Animals]

Shurdi [Thunderstorms]

Tomam [Bird]
Tomor(Tomorr) [Father Creator]

Xucau [Supreme]

Ye'loje (Pugu) [Sun]
Kim Redman
2005-07-19 03:31:56 UTC
Post by bob young
Post by Kim Redman
Post by Bill
There are thousands of God beliefs and each person, or groups of persons,
believes their God is the real God and all the others are fakes. Because
none of these gods clearly announces directly from his heaven that he is
the real God, and all the others are fakes, this is logical evidence that
no real God exists.
Bill I'm glad you're not a judge in a criminal court because your
conclusions are ridiculous. The fact that different people have reached
different conclusions regarding God has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with
proving or disproving the existence of God. All it proves is that different
people have reach different conclusions. You really do need to start
thinking about these matters before making erroneous statements. Try
drinking a little less bourbon and smoking a little less pot.
How about you try taking off your blinkers for a few moments.
Which of thse gods then, are real?
Which of the gods listed can you prove isn't real? Can you prove that all
the gods listed arn't real? Can you prove that not one of these gods is

If you people keep demanding proof from others, how about providing some
proof for your thoughs.
Post by bob young
Ahura Mazda, Allah, Aphrodite, Ares, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Babaluaye,
Baldur, Bast, Bellona, Brahma, Brigid, Ceres, Cupid, Cerridwen,
Demeter, Diana, Dione, Dionysus, Eris, Eos, Eleggua, , El Shaddai, Elohim
Eshu, Ereshkigal,
Frigga, Frey, Freya, Gaea, Lord Genesa, Hades, Hebe, Hera, Helios, Hel,
Hermes, Hestia, Horus, Ibeji, Ifa, Inanna, Indra, Ishana, Ishtar,
Isis, Janus, Juno, Jehovah, Jove, Jupiter, Kali. Krishna Kronos, Korravai,
Loki, Lugh, Lord Indra, Manitou, Mars, Mercury, Minerva, Mercurius, Morrigan,
Nahuiquiahuitl, Nanahuatzin, Nephthys, Neptune, Obatala, Odin, Ogun,
Oshosi, Oshun, Osiris, Oya, Orunmila, Olokun, Olodumare, Pluto,
Persephone, Poseidon, Proserpina, Quetzalcoatl, Ra, Lord Rama, Rhea, Saturn,
Selene, Shango, Lord Siva, Tammuz, Thor, Tir, Tiw, Uranus, Venus, Vesta,
Vesta, Vulcan, Wotan, Yahweh, Yemaya, Zeus, XodA.
[Note under 'African Gods' the number devoted to 'Supremacy']
Abassi [Sky]
Abonsam [Evil]
Abora [Supreme]
Abzu [Water]
Acoran [Supreme]
Adaheli [Sun]
Adro [Sky]
Adroa [Sky]
Agassou [Panther]
Agbe-Naete [Water]
Age [Animals]
Aigamuxa [Monster]
Ajalamo[Unborn Children]
Aje [Wealth]
Ajok [Supreme]
Akonadi [Oracle]
Akongo [Supreme]
Akuj [Supreme]
Ala [Earth/Fertility]
Alatangana [Creator]
Amma [Creator]
Anansi [Trickster]
Anyiewo [Snake]
Aondo [Creator]
Apa [Creator]
Apedemak [War]
Arawa [Moon]
Arebati [Sky]
Arom [Contracts]
Arsan Duolai [Underworld]
Asase Ya [Earth]
Ashiakle [Wealth]
Asis [Sun]
Astar [Sky]
Ataa Naa
Ataokoloinona [Supreme]
Atete [Fertility]
Avrikiti [Fishermen]
[Ayaba] [Hearth]
Bacax [Cave]
Bagba [Wind]
Balubaal [Earth+]
Bandara [Superior Gods]
Banga [Clear water]
Behanzin [Fish]
Beher [Sea]
Bera Pennu [Vegetation]
Bo [Warriors]
Buadza [WInd]
Buku [Sky]
Bumba [Creator]
Cagn [Creator]
Cghene [Creator]
(Chuku) [Creator]
Chiata [Supreme]
Chwezi [Hero]
Col [Rain]
Chikara [Sky]
(Dan Ayido Hwedo) [Snake]
Deng [Sky]
Deohako [Beans+]
Dii Mauri [Moorish Gods]
Dongo [Outer Space]
Dugbo [Earth]
Dxui [Creator]
Emeli-hi [Supreme]
Eranoranhan [Protector]
Eshu (Elegba) [Trickster]
Fa [Destiny]
Famien [Fertility]
Faro [Sky/Water]
Fidi Mukullu [Creator]
Garang and Abuk [First Humans]
Gbeni [Chief]
Gei (Gou) [Moon]
Gu [War/Smiths]
Gua [Sky]
Gulu [Supreme]
Gunab [Evil]
Guruhi [Evil]
Gurzil [Bull]
Gwalu [Rain]
Hammon [Setting Sun]
Harun and Haruna [Water Spirits]
Heitsi-Eibib [Sorcerer]
Hevioss [Thunder]
Huntin [Tree]
Huvean [Creator]
Ifa [Oracul]
Ikenga [Supreme]
Imana [Creator]
Iruwa [Sun]
Juok [Creator]
Kalumba [Creator]
Kalunga Supreme]
Katavi [Demonic]
Ka Tyeleo [Supreme]
Khebieso [Lightening]
Kho-dumo-dumo [Demon]
Kholomodumo [Monster]
Khuzwane [Creator]
Kibuka [War]
Kokola [Guardian]
Kwammang-a [Supreme]
Kwoth [Spirit]
Kyala [Creator]
Legba [Trickster]
Leza [Chief]
Libanza [Supreme]
Lisa [Chameleon]
Macardit [Demon]
Mantis [Creator]
Massim-Biambe [Creator]
Mawu [Sky]
Mawu-Lisa [Supreme Couple]
Mbotumbo [Supreme]
Medr [Earth]
Moomb [Creator]
Mon [?]
Mugu [Sky]
Mujaji [Rain]
Mukasa [Supreme]
Mula Djadi [Creator]
Muluku [Supreme]
Mungu [Creator]
Mungo (Mungu) [?]
Musa (Teaching]
Musisi [Supreme]
Mwari [Supreme]
Nampa [Personal]
Nana-Bouclou [First Gods]
Nana Buluk [Creator]
Ndjambi [Sky]
Ndriananahary [Supreme]
Nduru [Jungle]
Nenaunir [Storm]
Nesshoue [River]
Ngai ('Ngai) [Creator]
Ngewo-wa [Creator]
Ngworekara [Demon]
Niamye [Supreme]
Nkosi Yama'kosi [Supreme]
Nommo [Elemental]
Nommo [Spirit]
Nyama [Animal]
Nyambe [Supreme]
Nyambi (Nyambe) [Supreme]
Nyami-Nyami [Guardian]
Nyankopon (Ashanti:Nyame) [Supreme]
Nyamia Ama [Supreme]
Nyasaye [Supeme]
Nzambi (Nzambi)
Mpunguo) [Supreme]
Nzame [Supreme]
Obassi Osaw [Supreme]
Obatala [Sky]
Oduduwa (Odudua) [Earth]
Ogun (Ogoun) War]
Olokula [Sea]
Olorun [Supreme]
Omumbo-Rombonga [Tree of Life]
Orahan [Supreme]
Orisa Nla [Creator]
Orishako [Agriculture]
Orunjan [Midday Sun]
Orunmila [Compassion]
Oshalla [?]
Osun [Beauty and Love]
Oya [Passion and Power]
Pemba (Bemba) Mother]
Qandisa [Demon]
Qamata[Quamta] Supreme]
Rock-Sene [Supreme]
Ruwa [Supreme]
Sagbata [Smallpox]
Sakarabru [Medicine]
Sakpata [Smallpox]
Sango [Thunder]
Shango [Thunder]
So [Lightening]
Tano [River]
Tore [Forest]
Tsui'goab [Rain]
Twe [Lake]
Umvelinqangi [Creator]
Unkulunkulu [Supreme]
Unumbotte [Creator]
Waka [Rain]
Wele [Supreme]
Wulbari [Supreme]
Wuni [Supreme]
Xewioso [Thunder]
Yemaja [Creation]
Yo [Impersonal]
Zin [Water]
Abhijnaraja [Physician]
Abhimukhi [One of the Bhumis]
Acala [?]
Adhimukticarya [One of the Bhumis]
Adhimuktivasita [One of the Bhumis]
Adibuddha [First]
Adidharma [Primeval]
Aizen Myo-o [Protective]
Ajaya [?]
Akasagarbha(Tibetan Nam-mkhai
Aksayajnana-Karmanda [Literature]
Aksobhya (Japanese Ashuku, Chinese A-Chu'u) [One of the Dhyani]
Amida [Savior]
Amitabha [A Dhyani]
Amitayus [Longevity]
Amoghapasa [see Avalokitesvara]
Amoghasiddhi [A Dhyani]
Anantamukhi [Literature]
Arapacana [Book and Sword]
Arcismati [Bhumis]
Arhat [A Saint]
Arthapratisamvit [Logical Analysis]
Arya-Tara [Sakti]
Asokakanta [avatar Marici]
Asokottamasri [Physician]
Astabhuja-Kurukulla [avatar Kurukulla]
Asura [Group of Demons]
Avalokitesvara(Avalokita, Lokesvara) [Dhyani Present Age]
Ayurvasita[One vasitas]
Balaparamita [Philosophy]
Bhaisajyaguru(Sman-bla, Otaci,Yao-shih-fo, Yakushi)[Physician]
Bhrkuti-Tara [Mother]
Bhumi [Spiritual Spheres]
Bhutadarma [Demon Controller]
Bi-har [Protector]
Bodhidharma [Monk]
Bodhisattva (Chinese Pu-sa) [Born to be Englightened]
Buddhabodhiprabhavasita [Vasitas]
Buddhalocana [Female Buddha]
Budha [Mercury]
Butcho [?]
Chandarosana [Mahayana]
Charcika (Carcika) [Mahayana]
Chakravartin [World Ruler]
Chattrosnisa [An Usnisa]
Chaturmaharajas (Caturmaharajas) [Four Great Kings]
Chittavista [Vashitas]
Citipati [Graveyard Demons]
Cunda [Literature]
Da-shi-zhi [Bodhisattva]
Dadimunda [Temples]
Dainichi' [Purity/Wisdom]
Dakini [Demons]
Dala Kadavara [Demon]
Devaputra [Gods of Lower Rank]
Dhanada [avatar Amoghasiddhi]
Dharani [Mystical Texts]
Dharmadhatuvagisvara [Dharma]
Dharmakirtisagaraghosa [Physician]
Dharmamegha [Bhumis]
Dharmapala ,Chinese Fu Ha [Protective Dieties]
Dharmapratisamvit [Nature Analysis]
Dharmavasita [Vasitas]
Dhritarashtra (Pali Dhatarattha) [One of the 4 World Guardians]
Dhupa [Mother]
Dhupatara [Mahayana]
Dhvajagrakeyura [avatar Aksobhya]
Dhyanaparamita [Philosophy]
Dhyani-Bodhisattvas [Five Bodhisattvas]
Dhyani-Buddhas [Five Meditators]
Di-zang [Bodhisattvas of Hell]
Dvarapala [?]
Ekajata [Terrible]
Emma-o [Judges the Dead]
Fudo [WIsdom]
Guan Yin [bodhisattva]
Hariti [Ate Children]
Hayagriva [Protection]
Heruka [Protection]
Hevajra [Protection]
Ida-Ten [Law/Monestaries]
Jambhala [avatar Vausravana]
Janguli [Snakebite cure]
Jian Lao [Earth/Permanence]
Jizo [Compassion]
Juichimen [Mercy]
Kali devia [avatar Lha-mo]
Kannon [Japanese bodhisattva]
Khasarpana(Khasarpana-Lokesvara) [Indian bodhisattva]
Ki Fudo [avatar Fudo-Myo-o]
Krodhadevatas [Inspire Terror]
Ksitigarbha [One of 8 bodhisattva]
Kuan-yin (Kwannon) [Mercy]
Kujaku Myoo [Esoteric]
Kurukulla [?]
Locana [?]
Mahasthamaprata [Chinese bodhisattva]
Maitreya [Future]
Manjughosa [Nepalese bodhisattva]
Manjusri [bodhisattva]
Mara [Evil]
Marici [Sun]
Mi-lo Fo (Pu-Sa) [Chinese bodhisattva
Miroku [Japanese bodhisattva
Mo-Li [Protects Temples]
Padmanartesvara [avatar Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara]
Pancaraksa[5 Goddesses]
Pandara [?]
Paramasva [?]
Parnasavari [?]
Prajna [Femaleness]
Prajnaparamita [Buddhist Text]
Ran-deng [Beggar and Future Buddha]
Ratnapani [Dhyani-Bodhisattva]
Ratnasambhava [Dhyani-Buddha]
Remanta [King of the Horse gods]
Sakyamuni [Japanese]
Samantabhadra [Bodhisattvas]
Saptaksara [avatar Heruka]
Shakra [King of the Gods]
Ssu Ta T'ien Wang [Kings of Heaven]
Sumbharaja [Buddhist Krodhadevata]
Tennin (Tennyo) [angels]
Usnisavijaya [?]
Vairocana [Dhyani-Buddhas]
Vaisravana (Pali Vessavana, Chinese Do Wen) [Guards World]
Vajrabhairava [?]
Vajrapani [Bodhisattvas]
Vajrasattva [Nepal Dhyani-Buddha]
Vajravarahi [?]
Vajrayogini [Initiation]
Vajrayogini [Riches]
Vidyadharas [?]
Vidyujjvalakarali [?]
Vighnantaka [?]
Virudhaka (Pali Virulha, Chinese Zheng Zhang) [Guards World]
Virupaksa (Pali Virupakkha, Chinese Guand Mu) [Guards Western Heaven]
Visvapani [Dhyani-Bodhisattva]
We-to [Divine General]
Yakushi Nyorai [Healing]
Yama [?]
Yamantaka [Krodhadevatas]
Zhu Dian (Zhu Tian) [Chinese Buddhist gods]
Ao [Sea]
Awun [Destruction]
Ba [Drought]
Ba Gua [Basis of Divination]
Bo Hsian [Taoist]
Cai-Shen [Riches]
Can Cong [Silkworms]
Cao Guo-jiu [Actors]
Chang Fei [War]
Chang Hs'ien [Children]
Chang Kuo-lao [?]
Ch'ang E (Ch'ang-o Huang E) [Moon]
Chang Tao Ling [Afterlife]
Cheng-huang (Ch'eng Huang) [Guardians]
Chen Jen [Spiritual Beings]
Cheng San-Kung [Fishermen]
Cheng Yuan Ho (Ch'ang-o Huang E) [Buskers]
Chih Nu [Weavers]
Chih Sung-Tzu (Chi Sung Tzu) [Rain]
Chih-Yu [Inventor]
Ch'in-Shu-Pao [Guardian]
Chou Wang [Sodomy]
Chu-Chuan Shen [Pigsties]
Chu Jung [Fire]
Chu Lung [Day/Night]
Chung K'uei [Afterlife]
Chung-li Ch'uan [Immortal]
Confucius [Philosopher]
Di Zhang Xia [?]
Dong-yo Da-di [Helps Sky God]
Erh-Lang [Guardian]
Fan-K'uei [Butchers]
Fei Lien (Fei Lian) [Wind]
Feng-Huang (Hoang-female Phuong-male) [Many Meanings]
Feng Po (Feng-Po) [Human form of the wind]
Feng P'o-p'o (Feng-Po-Po) [Female wind]
Fo [Buddha]
Fu His [Taught Humanity]
Fu Hsing [Happiness]
Fu Shen [Happiness]
Fu-Shou-Lu [Collection of Gods]
Fu-xi [Hero]
Gao Yao (Ting-jian) [Judgement]
Gong Gong [Common Workers]
Gou Mang and Ru Shou [Messengers]
Guan Di (Kuan Ti) [War/Fortune Telling]
Gui Xian [Demon]
Han Hsiang [Immortal]
Han Xiang-zi [Immortal]
He Bo (Bing-yi) [Rivers]
Heng E (Change-e) [Moon]
He Xian-gu [Immortal]
Heng-Ha-Erh-Chiang [Temples]
Heng-o [Moon]
Ho Hsien-ku [Immortal]
Ho Po [River]
Hou Chi [Harvest]
Hou I [Archer]
Hou T'u [Earth]
Hsien [Taoists]
Hsi Ho [Sun's Creator]
Hsi Wang Mu [Guardian]
Hsuan-T'ien-Shang-Ti [Dark Heaven]
Hua Hsien [Flower]
Huang-di (Huang Ti) (Shun) [Hero]
Huang Fei-hu (Fei) [Mountain]
Hu-Shen [Hail]
I [Bowmen]
Infoniwoo [Generation]
I-Ti [Wine]
K'ai Lu Shen [Purges Evil]
Kuan Yu [War]
K'uei Hsing [Examinations]
Lan Cai-he [Immortal]
Lao T'ien Yeh [Supreme]
Lao-Tzu (Lao-zi) [Philosopher]
Lei Kung [Storm]
Lei-zi [Thunder]
Li [Fire]
Li Tie-guai [Immortal]
Liu [Crops]
Lu Dong-bin (Lu Yan) [Immortal]
Lu-Hsing [Salaries/Employees]
Lung Wang [Dragon King]
Lupan [Carpenters]
Ma-Mien [Bureaucrat]
Meng (Meng P'o) [Underworld]
Meng-T'ien [Writing Brush]
Men Shen [Doors, includes sometimes Wei Cheng]
Mu Gong [Immortals]
Niu-Y'oun [Police]
Nu Gua (Nu Kua, Nu Wa) [Creator and Marriage]
O-Mi-T'o Fo [Amitabha]
Pa [Drought]
Pa-Cha [Anti-locusts]
Pa-Hsien [Eight Immortals]
P'an-Chin-Lien [Prostitues]
'P'an Ku (Panku, Pangu) [Cosmos]
Pi-Hsia-Yuan-Chun [Childbirth]
Puhsien [Sun]
Ran-deng [Future Buddha]
San Ch'inga [Three Taos]
Shang Di (Shang Ti) [Supreme]
She Chi (Thu) [Earth]
Shen [Spirit]
Sheng Jen [Holy]
Shen-nong(Shen Nung) [Hero]
Shen-T'u [Guardian]
Shen Yi [Sun]
Shiang Ku [Magician]
Shih-Tien Yen-Wang [Committe of Ten]
Shou-Hsing [Longevity]
Shou Lao (Shou Xing Lao Tou-zi) [Long Life]
Shou-Ts'ang [Servant]
Shui-Fu [Water]
Shui-Kuan [Defender]
Ssu Ming [Life and Death]
Sung-Chiang [Theives]
Sun Hou-Tzu [Monkey]
Sun Hou-zi [Apes]
Sun-Pin [Cobblers]
T'ai I [High]
Tai-sui-xing [Time]
Tai-yi [Sky]
T'ai Yueh Ta Ti (Tung-Yueh-Ta-Ti, T'ai-Yo, Ta-Ti) [Peak]
Thu [Earth]
Tian [Sky]
Tian-zhu [Catholic]
Tien (T'ien) [Sky]
Tien-Hou (T'ien Fei) [Heaven]
T'ien-Kuan [Happiness]
T'ien Lung [Dragon]
Tien Mu [Lightening]
Tien-Wang (Mo-Li) [Kings]
Ti-Kuan [Foregiveness]
Ti Nu (Ti-ya) [Earth]
Ti-Tsang-Wang-Pu-Sa [Mercy]
Ti Yu [Afterlife]
Tou Nu [North Star]
Ts'ai-Lun [Stationers]
Ts'ai Shen [Wealth]
Tsan [Demons]
Ts'ang Chien [Hearth]
Tsao Shen [?]
Tsao-Wang [Hearth]
Tu [Earth]
Tung Wang Kung [Ruled Male Immortals]
T'u-ti (Ti-Ti) [Locality]
Wang [Palace Door]
Wang-Mu-Niang-Niang [Guardian]
Wen Ch'ang (Wen-Chang-Ta-Ti) [Literature]
Wen-Shu Yen-K'ung [Manjushri]
Wen Pu [Epidemics]
Wu Ti [Myth]
Xian [Spirits]
Xi-Wang-mu [Immortality]
Yama [Seventh hell]
Yan-lo (Yan Wang) [Underworld Prince]
Yao [Wind Conqueror]
Yao-shi-fo [Physician]
Yao Wang [Medicine]
Yeng-Wang-Yeh [Death]
Yen Wang (Yen Lo) [Underworld Judge]
Yin and Yang [Male and Female]
Yo Fei [War]
Yu-Chiang [Ocean Winds]
Yu-di (Yu Huang) [Supreme]
Yueh Fei [War]
Yu Huang (Yu-Huang-Shang-Ti) [High]
Yun T'ung [Clouds]
Yu-qiang [Sea]
Yu Shih [Rain]
Yu-tzu [Rain]
Zao Jun [Kitchen]
Zhang Guo-lao [Immortal]
Zhong-Kui [Literature and Examinations]
Zhong-li Quan [Immortal]
[Sources: Brief History of Ancient Chinese Mythology]
Ahto [Water]
Akka [Harvest]
Egres [Vegetation/Fertility]
Hiisi [Forest/Evil]
Ilma [Air]
Ilmarinen [Sky]
Inmar [Sky]
Juma [Sky]
Jumala (Mader-Atcha, Ukk) [Thunder+]
Kalevanpojat [Demons]
Kalma [Death]
Kekri [Fertility Feast]
Kipu-Tytto [Illness]
Kondos [Sowing Crops]
Kuu [Moon]
Lemminkainen [Hero]
Louhi [Sorcery/Evil]
Loviatar [Disease]
Luonnotar [Creator]
Madderakka [Dwarves]
Maahiset [Dwarves]
Naaki [Water]
Nyrckes [?]
Olmai (Olmay) [Divine properties]
Pajainen [?]
Pajonn [Thunder]
Para [Goblin Like]
Pellonpekko [Barley]
Raudna [?]
Rutu [Devil]
Sampsa [Vegetation]
Seides [Stones]
Rauni [?]
Tapio [Forest]
Tiermes [Thunder]
Tuoni [Underworld
Tursas [Monster]
Ukko (Isainen) [Thunder]
Vainamoinen [Hero]
Veralden-radien [World Pillars]
Waralden Olmai [World]
Aji-Suki-Taka-Hi-Kone (Aji-Shiki-Taka-Hiko-Ne) [Thunder]
Ama-No-Minakanushi-No-Kumi [Pole Star]
Ame-No-Oshido-Mimi [Refusal]
Ama-No-Uzume [Fertility]
Ama-Tsu-Kami [Heavenly Gods]
Amatsu Mikaboshi [Evil]
Ame-No-Hohi [Disappeared]
Ame-No-Wakahiko [Ruled Earth]
Bimbo-Gami [Poverty]
Bishamon [War]
Chimata-No-Kami [Rain/Sea]
Daikoku [Wealth]
Ebisu [Labor]
Fuchi [Fire]
Fukurokuju (Fukuro kuju) [Wisdom]
Futsunushi [Lightening]
Gozu-Tenno [Plague]
Haya-Ji (Haya-Tsu-Muji-No-Kami) [Whirlwind]
Hikohohodemi [Hero]
Hinokagutsuchi [Fire]
Hiruko [Morning Sun]
Hoderi [?]
Hisa-Me [Devils]
Ho-Masubi (Kagu Zuchi) [Fire]
Hosuseri [?]
Hotei [Laughter]
Inari [Prosperity]
Izanagi [Creator]
Izanami [Mother]
Jikoku [Guardians]
Jimmu Tenno [Founder]
Jurojin (Jorojin) [Longevity]
Kagu-tsuchi [Fire]
Kamado-gami [Hearth]
Kami [Divinities]
Kami-Musubi (Kami-mi-masubi) [?]
Kami-Nari [Thunder]
Kamui [Sky]
Kappa [Water]
Kawa-No-Kami [Rivers]
Kishijoten [Luck]
Kishimojin [Demon]
Komoku [South]
Kompira [Wealth]
Kono-Hana-Sakuya-Hime (Kono-no-hana-saku-ya-hime) [?]
Kono-Hana-Sakuya-Hime Kuni-Toko-tachi [First]
Kuni-Tsu-Kami [Earth]
Kura-Okami [Rain/Snow]
Nai-No-Kami [Earthquakes]
Naka-Yama-Tsu-Mi [Mountain Slopes]
Ningyo [Mermaid]
Ninigi [Ruler Earth]
O-Kuni-Nushi (Okuninushi) [Medicine/Sorcery]
Onamuji [Earth]
Omiwa [Protective]
Oni [Demons]
O-Wata-Tsumi [Sea]
O-Yama-Tsu-Mi (O-yama-tsuni) [Mountain]
Raiden [Thunder]
Ryo-Wo [Sea]
Ryujin (Ryugin) [Thunder/Rain]
Sae-No-Kami [Roads]
Sengen-Sama [Guarded Holy Moutain]
Sennin [Immortals]
Shichi-Fukujin [Luck]
Shiko-Me [Devils]
Shine-Tsu-Hiko [Wind]
Shitatera-Hime [?]
Shi-tenno [Cardinal Direction Guardians]
Shojo [Satyrs]
Soko-No-Kuni [Underworld]
Suitengu [Sea]
Sukuna-bikone (Suku-na-biko) [Hot Springs]
Shoki [Enemy of Devils]
Susanowo (Susanoo, Susa-no-wo) [Storms]
Takamimusubi (Taka-mi-masubi) [Royal Family]
Takemikadzuchi [Thunder]
Take-Mi-Musubi [Sun]
Taki-Tsu-Hiko [Rain]
Tatsuta-hime [Autumn]
Ten-gu (Tengu) [Mountain/Forest]
Tenjin (Temmangu) [Learning/Calligraphy]
Tsuki-Yomi (Tsukiyomi) [Moon]
Uji-gami [Ancestors]
Uke-Mochi-No-Kami (Ukemochi, Waka-Uke-Nomi, Toyo-Uke-Bime) [Fertility and Food]
Uzume [Mirth]
Wakahiru-me [Rising Sun]\
Wata-tsu-mi [Sea]
Yabune [House]
Zocho [South]
Shinto Amaterasu [Sun]
Ama-Tsu-Mara [Smiths]
Ame-No-Kagase-Wo [Astral]
Ame-No-Mi-Kumari-No-Kami [Water]
Amenominakanushi (Ame-No-Minaka-Nushi-No-Kami) [Supreme]
Am-No-Tanabata-Hime-No-Mikoto [Weavers]
Ame-No-Toko-Tachi-No-Kami [Elemental]
Ame-no-uzume [Dancers]
Benten (Benten-San, Benzaiten, Benzaiten) [Eloquence+]
Fujin [Wind]
Hachiman [War]
Ho-musubi [Fire]
Kami [Idols]
Cao Dai(Chinese: Gao-Tai) [Supreme]
Debata [?]
Empung Luminuut [?]
Hainuwele [?]
Hananim [Sky]
Hmin [Ague]
Karei [Supreme]
Kinharingan [Creator]
Kud [Evil]
Laseo [Sun]
Lature Dano [Supreme]
Lowalangi(Lowalani) [World Above]
Mahatala (Mahataral) [Supreme?]
Ma-zu [?]
Nanmata (Namite) [Primeval]
Narbrooi [Woodlands]
Nemu [Primodial]
Palk [Sun]
Puang Matowa [Sky]
Pulug [Thunder]
Reahu [Dark Demon]
Rigenmucha [Supreme]
Silewe Nazarata [?]
Sirao [First]
Ta Pedn [?]
Tnong [Sun]
Tumbrenjak [Original Man]
Upulevo [Sun]
Wunekau [Sun]
Abyrga [Snake]
Afi [Rain/Thunderstorms]
Aitvaras [Evil]
Alardi [Spirit]
Aralo [Agriculutre]
Armaz [Supreme]
Auseklis (Ausrine) [Stellar]
Baba [Spirit]
Baba Yaga (Jezi-Baba) [Ogress]
Bagvarti [?]
Bangputys [Sea]
Bannik [Baths]
Bagisht [Flood/Prosperity]
Barastir (Barastaer) [Underworld]
Bardha [Elves]
Beg-tse (Cam-srin) [War]
Beng [Satan]
Biegg-Olmai [Wind]
Bogatyri [Heroes]
Boldogasszony (Kisboldogasszony) [Protector Women/Children]
Bolla (Bullar) [Demon]
Buga [Supreme]
Bukura e dheut
[Good Spirit]
Bukuri e qiellit [Jehovah]
Byelobog (Bielbog) [?]
Byelun [?]
Chernobo(Czarnobog, Czerneboch, Cernobog) [?]
Chors [Sun]
Dabog [Sun]
Deive [Stone Spirits]
Dieva deli [?]
Dievini [Less Known Gods]
Dievs [Sky]
Djall [Devil]
Domovoi (Domovoy) [Household]
Donbittir [Water/Fish]
Drag-gshed [Eight Terrible Gods]
Dud [Heavenly Spirit]
Dvorovoi [Courtyard]
Dyavo [Demons]
En [?]
Erlik [King of the Dead]
Es [Sky]
Fatit [Destiny]
Fene [Demon]
Gabija (Gabieta, Gabeta) [Fire]
Gabjauja [Corn]
Giltine [Death]
Guta [Demon]
Hadur [War]
Himavat [Himalayas]
Horagalles [War]
Isdustaya and Papaya [Fate]
Isten [Supreme]
Jagaubis [Fire]
Jarovit (Gerovitus) [War]
Jessis [avatar Jupiter]
Jumis [Fertility]
Juras Mate [Water]
Kaka-Guia [Funerary]
Kalvis [Smith]
Karta [Fate]
Kaukas [?]
Khors [Health/Hunting]
Khyung-gai mGo-can [?]
Kikimora [Household]
K'op'ala [Protective]
Kukuth (Kukudhi) [Sickness]
Kulshedra (Kucedre) [Demon]
Kun-tu-bzan-po [Chief Bon]
Kupala [Water/Magic/Herbs]
Kurdalaegon [Blacksmiths]
Laima [Fate]
Lamaria [Hearth]
Laskowice (Leshcia) [Forest]
Lauka Mate [Fields/Fertility]
Laume [Fairy]
Leshy [Forest]
Lha [Bon Gods]
Lhamo [?]
Ljeschi (Lychie) [Fauns and Satyrs]
Ljubi [Demon]
Manzasiri [Primeval]
Mate [Mother]
Mati Syra Zemlya [Earth]
Medeine (Mejdejn) [Woods]
Meness [Moon]
Menulis [Moon]
Meza Mate [Nature]
Mirsa [Light]
Mokos [Fertility]
Mu (rMu) [Heavenly]
Muma Padura [Wood]
Myesyats (Czarnobog, Czerneboch, Cernobog) [Moon]
Nang Lha [Household]
Nari [Demon]
Nari [Sky]
Num [Sky]
Odqan [Fire]
Ora [Protective]
Ordog [Dark]
Pekar (Pehar) [Demon]
Peko [Barley]
Perendi [Jehovah]
Perit [Mountain Spirits]
Perkons [Thunder]
Perkunas [Thunder]
Perun (Peroun) [Thunder]
Polevik [Field]
Poludnitsa [Field]
Pon [Sky]
Porenutius (Porevit) [?]
Preas Eyn [?]
Preas Eyssaur [Destructive]
Preas Prohm [Primeval]
Prende (Prenne) [Love]
Psezpolnica (Polish Poludnica) [Midday]
Pugu [Sun]
Qormusta (Chormusta) [High]
Rugievit [War]
Rusalki (Rusalka) [Water/Woodlands]
Safa [Weapens]
Sanda [?]
Sarkany [Weather]
Saule [Sun]
Saules meitas [?]
Selardi [Moon]
Shen-Lha-od-dkar [Bon]
Shen-rab [Founder Bon]
Sipe Gyalmo [Bon]
Shiwini [Sun]
Shosshu [Smiths]
Siwini [Sun]
Srat [Demon]
Sri [Demon]
Sridevi [?]
Stribog [Winds]
Svantevit (Svantoveit, Svantovitus) [War/Agriculture]
Svarog [Sky]
Syen [Guardian]
Stihi [Demon]
Teljavelik [Heavenly Smith]
Telyaveli [Smiths]
Tengri [Heavenly Beings]
Tesheba [Weather]
Thab-lha [Hearth]
Triglav (Trigelawus) [War]
Uacilla [Thunder/Rain]
Ulgen [Creator]
Urme [Fate]
Usins [?]
Vadatajs [Evil]
Vampire [Soul of Dead]
Veela [Kindess]
Veja mate [Winds]
Veles (Volos) [Underworld]
Velnias [Devil]
Velu mate [Dead]
Verbti [Fire/North Wind]
Vila [Water]
Vilkacis (Lithuanian Vilkatas) [Werewolf]
Vlkodlaks (Vookodlaks) [Werewolf]
Vodnik [Demon]
Vodyanoi [Water]
Volos (Volusu) [Cattle]
We [Supreme]
Xhindi [Spirits]
Yarilo [Love]
Zaltys [Grass Snake]
Zemepatis (Zemempatis) [Supreme]
Zemes mate [Mother]
Zemyna (Zemyneles) [Earth]
Zorya [Guardian]
Zvezda Dennitsa and Zvezda Vechernyaya [Morning and Evening Star]
Ai Tojon [Light]
Ajysyt [Mother]
Anky-Kele [Sea]
Ayi [Creator]
Hittavainen, Hittauanin [Hare-Hunters]
Hinkon [Death Demon]
K'daai [Fire Demon]
Kaltes [The Goddess]
Ke'lets [Death Demon]
Kurkil [Creator]
Kutkinnaku [Good Spirit]
Mayin [Supreme]
Picvu'cin [Hunting/Wild Animals]
Shurdi [Thunderstorms]
Tomam [Bird]
Tomor(Tomorr) [Father Creator]
Xucau [Supreme]
Ye'loje (Pugu) [Sun]
2005-07-19 03:43:15 UTC
Post by Kim Redman
Post by bob young
Post by Kim Redman
Post by Bill
There are thousands of God beliefs and each person, or groups of persons,
believes their God is the real God and all the others are fakes. Because
none of these gods clearly announces directly from his heaven that he is
the real God, and all the others are fakes, this is logical evidence that
no real God exists.
Bill I'm glad you're not a judge in a criminal court because your
conclusions are ridiculous. The fact that different people have reached
different conclusions regarding God has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with
proving or disproving the existence of God. All it proves is that different
people have reach different conclusions. You really do need to start
thinking about these matters before making erroneous statements. Try
drinking a little less bourbon and smoking a little less pot.
How about you try taking off your blinkers for a few moments.
Which of thse gods then, are real?
Which of the gods listed can you prove isn't real? Can you prove that all
the gods listed arn't real? Can you prove that not one of these gods is
Can you prove that leprechauns aren't real?
* DanielSan -- alt.atheism #2226 *
* "No one ever demonstrated, so far as I am aware, *
* the non-existence of Zeus or Thor - but they *
* have few followers now." Arthur C. Clarke *
bob young
2005-07-19 04:37:02 UTC
Post by Kim Redman
Post by bob young
Post by Kim Redman
Post by Bill
There are thousands of God beliefs and each person, or groups of persons,
believes their God is the real God and all the others are fakes. Because
none of these gods clearly announces directly from his heaven that he is
the real God, and all the others are fakes, this is logical evidence that
no real God exists.
Bill I'm glad you're not a judge in a criminal court because your
conclusions are ridiculous. The fact that different people have reached
different conclusions regarding God has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with
proving or disproving the existence of God. All it proves is that different
people have reach different conclusions. You really do need to start
thinking about these matters before making erroneous statements. Try
drinking a little less bourbon and smoking a little less pot.
How about you try taking off your blinkers for a few moments.
Which of thse gods then, are real?
Which of the gods listed can you prove isn't real? Can you prove that all
the gods listed arn't real? Can you prove that not one of these gods is
If you people keep demanding proof from others, how about providing some
proof for your thoughs.
What I can prove is that you are completely illogical and that your particular
religion has effected your ability to think straight.

Do you believe for ONE MOMENT that a god that is supposed to have created this
entire planet and everything in it, a god that spoke to people like Moses
thousands of years ago, chooses, now of all times when we are about to
obliterate ourselves with nuclear weapons, not to show, like he was supposed to
have 'showed' to people in the bible.

Do you ever think? Like i said., 'Please take off your blinkers, they don't
suit you'.

humanist brit.
hong kong

"We are all capable of believing things which we know to be untrue, and then,
when we are finally proved wrong, impudently twisting the facts so as to show
that we were right. Intellectually, it is possible to carry on this process for
an indefinite time: the only check on it is that sooner or later a false belief
bumps up against solid reality, usually on a battlefield."
[George Orwell, 1946, "Under Your Nose"]
Post by Kim Redman
Post by bob young
Ahura Mazda, Allah, Aphrodite, Ares, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Babaluaye,
Baldur, Bast, Bellona, Brahma, Brigid, Ceres, Cupid, Cerridwen,
Demeter, Diana, Dione, Dionysus, Eris, Eos, Eleggua, , El Shaddai, Elohim
Eshu, Ereshkigal,
Frigga, Frey, Freya, Gaea, Lord Genesa, Hades, Hebe, Hera, Helios, Hel,
Hermes, Hestia, Horus, Ibeji, Ifa, Inanna, Indra, Ishana, Ishtar,
Isis, Janus, Juno, Jehovah, Jove, Jupiter, Kali. Krishna Kronos, Korravai,
Loki, Lugh, Lord Indra, Manitou, Mars, Mercury, Minerva, Mercurius, Morrigan,
Nahuiquiahuitl, Nanahuatzin, Nephthys, Neptune, Obatala, Odin, Ogun,
Oshosi, Oshun, Osiris, Oya, Orunmila, Olokun, Olodumare, Pluto,
Persephone, Poseidon, Proserpina, Quetzalcoatl, Ra, Lord Rama, Rhea, Saturn,
Selene, Shango, Lord Siva, Tammuz, Thor, Tir, Tiw, Uranus, Venus, Vesta,
Vesta, Vulcan, Wotan, Yahweh, Yemaya, Zeus, XodA.
[Note under 'African Gods' the number devoted to 'Supremacy']
Abassi [Sky]
Abonsam [Evil]
Abora [Supreme]
Abzu [Water]
Acoran [Supreme]
Adaheli [Sun]
Adro [Sky]
Adroa [Sky]
Agassou [Panther]
Agbe-Naete [Water]
Age [Animals]
Aigamuxa [Monster]
Ajalamo[Unborn Children]
Aje [Wealth]
Ajok [Supreme]
Akonadi [Oracle]
Akongo [Supreme]
Akuj [Supreme]
Ala [Earth/Fertility]
Alatangana [Creator]
Amma [Creator]
Anansi [Trickster]
Anyiewo [Snake]
Aondo [Creator]
Apa [Creator]
Apedemak [War]
Arawa [Moon]
Arebati [Sky]
Arom [Contracts]
Arsan Duolai [Underworld]
Asase Ya [Earth]
Ashiakle [Wealth]
Asis [Sun]
Astar [Sky]
Ataa Naa
Ataokoloinona [Supreme]
Atete [Fertility]
Avrikiti [Fishermen]
[Ayaba] [Hearth]
Bacax [Cave]
Bagba [Wind]
Balubaal [Earth+]
Bandara [Superior Gods]
Banga [Clear water]
Behanzin [Fish]
Beher [Sea]
Bera Pennu [Vegetation]
Bo [Warriors]
Buadza [WInd]
Buku [Sky]
Bumba [Creator]
Cagn [Creator]
Cghene [Creator]
(Chuku) [Creator]
Chiata [Supreme]
Chwezi [Hero]
Col [Rain]
Chikara [Sky]
(Dan Ayido Hwedo) [Snake]
Deng [Sky]
Deohako [Beans+]
Dii Mauri [Moorish Gods]
Dongo [Outer Space]
Dugbo [Earth]
Dxui [Creator]
Emeli-hi [Supreme]
Eranoranhan [Protector]
Eshu (Elegba) [Trickster]
Fa [Destiny]
Famien [Fertility]
Faro [Sky/Water]
Fidi Mukullu [Creator]
Garang and Abuk [First Humans]
Gbeni [Chief]
Gei (Gou) [Moon]
Gu [War/Smiths]
Gua [Sky]
Gulu [Supreme]
Gunab [Evil]
Guruhi [Evil]
Gurzil [Bull]
Gwalu [Rain]
Hammon [Setting Sun]
Harun and Haruna [Water Spirits]
Heitsi-Eibib [Sorcerer]
Hevioss [Thunder]
Huntin [Tree]
Huvean [Creator]
Ifa [Oracul]
Ikenga [Supreme]
Imana [Creator]
Iruwa [Sun]
Juok [Creator]
Kalumba [Creator]
Kalunga Supreme]
Katavi [Demonic]
Ka Tyeleo [Supreme]
Khebieso [Lightening]
Kho-dumo-dumo [Demon]
Kholomodumo [Monster]
Khuzwane [Creator]
Kibuka [War]
Kokola [Guardian]
Kwammang-a [Supreme]
Kwoth [Spirit]
Kyala [Creator]
Legba [Trickster]
Leza [Chief]
Libanza [Supreme]
Lisa [Chameleon]
Macardit [Demon]
Mantis [Creator]
Massim-Biambe [Creator]
Mawu [Sky]
Mawu-Lisa [Supreme Couple]
Mbotumbo [Supreme]
Medr [Earth]
Moomb [Creator]
Mon [?]
Mugu [Sky]
Mujaji [Rain]
Mukasa [Supreme]
Mula Djadi [Creator]
Muluku [Supreme]
Mungu [Creator]
Mungo (Mungu) [?]
Musa (Teaching]
Musisi [Supreme]
Mwari [Supreme]
Nampa [Personal]
Nana-Bouclou [First Gods]
Nana Buluk [Creator]
Ndjambi [Sky]
Ndriananahary [Supreme]
Nduru [Jungle]
Nenaunir [Storm]
Nesshoue [River]
Ngai ('Ngai) [Creator]
Ngewo-wa [Creator]
Ngworekara [Demon]
Niamye [Supreme]
Nkosi Yama'kosi [Supreme]
Nommo [Elemental]
Nommo [Spirit]
Nyama [Animal]
Nyambe [Supreme]
Nyambi (Nyambe) [Supreme]
Nyami-Nyami [Guardian]
Nyankopon (Ashanti:Nyame) [Supreme]
Nyamia Ama [Supreme]
Nyasaye [Supeme]
Nzambi (Nzambi)
Mpunguo) [Supreme]
Nzame [Supreme]
Obassi Osaw [Supreme]
Obatala [Sky]
Oduduwa (Odudua) [Earth]
Ogun (Ogoun) War]
Olokula [Sea]
Olorun [Supreme]
Omumbo-Rombonga [Tree of Life]
Orahan [Supreme]
Orisa Nla [Creator]
Orishako [Agriculture]
Orunjan [Midday Sun]
Orunmila [Compassion]
Oshalla [?]
Osun [Beauty and Love]
Oya [Passion and Power]
Pemba (Bemba) Mother]
Qandisa [Demon]
Qamata[Quamta] Supreme]
Rock-Sene [Supreme]
Ruwa [Supreme]
Sagbata [Smallpox]
Sakarabru [Medicine]
Sakpata [Smallpox]
Sango [Thunder]
Shango [Thunder]
So [Lightening]
Tano [River]
Tore [Forest]
Tsui'goab [Rain]
Twe [Lake]
Umvelinqangi [Creator]
Unkulunkulu [Supreme]
Unumbotte [Creator]
Waka [Rain]
Wele [Supreme]
Wulbari [Supreme]
Wuni [Supreme]
Xewioso [Thunder]
Yemaja [Creation]
Yo [Impersonal]
Zin [Water]
Abhijnaraja [Physician]
Abhimukhi [One of the Bhumis]
Acala [?]
Adhimukticarya [One of the Bhumis]
Adhimuktivasita [One of the Bhumis]
Adibuddha [First]
Adidharma [Primeval]
Aizen Myo-o [Protective]
Ajaya [?]
Akasagarbha(Tibetan Nam-mkhai
Aksayajnana-Karmanda [Literature]
Aksobhya (Japanese Ashuku, Chinese A-Chu'u) [One of the Dhyani]
Amida [Savior]
Amitabha [A Dhyani]
Amitayus [Longevity]
Amoghapasa [see Avalokitesvara]
Amoghasiddhi [A Dhyani]
Anantamukhi [Literature]
Arapacana [Book and Sword]
Arcismati [Bhumis]
Arhat [A Saint]
Arthapratisamvit [Logical Analysis]
Arya-Tara [Sakti]
Asokakanta [avatar Marici]
Asokottamasri [Physician]
Astabhuja-Kurukulla [avatar Kurukulla]
Asura [Group of Demons]
Avalokitesvara(Avalokita, Lokesvara) [Dhyani Present Age]
Ayurvasita[One vasitas]
Balaparamita [Philosophy]
Bhaisajyaguru(Sman-bla, Otaci,Yao-shih-fo, Yakushi)[Physician]
Bhrkuti-Tara [Mother]
Bhumi [Spiritual Spheres]
Bhutadarma [Demon Controller]
Bi-har [Protector]
Bodhidharma [Monk]
Bodhisattva (Chinese Pu-sa) [Born to be Englightened]
Buddhabodhiprabhavasita [Vasitas]
Buddhalocana [Female Buddha]
Budha [Mercury]
Butcho [?]
Chandarosana [Mahayana]
Charcika (Carcika) [Mahayana]
Chakravartin [World Ruler]
Chattrosnisa [An Usnisa]
Chaturmaharajas (Caturmaharajas) [Four Great Kings]
Chittavista [Vashitas]
Citipati [Graveyard Demons]
Cunda [Literature]
Da-shi-zhi [Bodhisattva]
Dadimunda [Temples]
Dainichi' [Purity/Wisdom]
Dakini [Demons]
Dala Kadavara [Demon]
Devaputra [Gods of Lower Rank]
Dhanada [avatar Amoghasiddhi]
Dharani [Mystical Texts]
Dharmadhatuvagisvara [Dharma]
Dharmakirtisagaraghosa [Physician]
Dharmamegha [Bhumis]
Dharmapala ,Chinese Fu Ha [Protective Dieties]
Dharmapratisamvit [Nature Analysis]
Dharmavasita [Vasitas]
Dhritarashtra (Pali Dhatarattha) [One of the 4 World Guardians]
Dhupa [Mother]
Dhupatara [Mahayana]
Dhvajagrakeyura [avatar Aksobhya]
Dhyanaparamita [Philosophy]
Dhyani-Bodhisattvas [Five Bodhisattvas]
Dhyani-Buddhas [Five Meditators]
Di-zang [Bodhisattvas of Hell]
Dvarapala [?]
Ekajata [Terrible]
Emma-o [Judges the Dead]
Fudo [WIsdom]
Guan Yin [bodhisattva]
Hariti [Ate Children]
Hayagriva [Protection]
Heruka [Protection]
Hevajra [Protection]
Ida-Ten [Law/Monestaries]
Jambhala [avatar Vausravana]
Janguli [Snakebite cure]
Jian Lao [Earth/Permanence]
Jizo [Compassion]
Juichimen [Mercy]
Kali devia [avatar Lha-mo]
Kannon [Japanese bodhisattva]
Khasarpana(Khasarpana-Lokesvara) [Indian bodhisattva]
Ki Fudo [avatar Fudo-Myo-o]
Krodhadevatas [Inspire Terror]
Ksitigarbha [One of 8 bodhisattva]
Kuan-yin (Kwannon) [Mercy]
Kujaku Myoo [Esoteric]
Kurukulla [?]
Locana [?]
Mahasthamaprata [Chinese bodhisattva]
Maitreya [Future]
Manjughosa [Nepalese bodhisattva]
Manjusri [bodhisattva]
Mara [Evil]
Marici [Sun]
Mi-lo Fo (Pu-Sa) [Chinese bodhisattva
Miroku [Japanese bodhisattva
Mo-Li [Protects Temples]
Padmanartesvara [avatar Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara]
Pancaraksa[5 Goddesses]
Pandara [?]
Paramasva [?]
Parnasavari [?]
Prajna [Femaleness]
Prajnaparamita [Buddhist Text]
Ran-deng [Beggar and Future Buddha]
Ratnapani [Dhyani-Bodhisattva]
Ratnasambhava [Dhyani-Buddha]
Remanta [King of the Horse gods]
Sakyamuni [Japanese]
Samantabhadra [Bodhisattvas]
Saptaksara [avatar Heruka]
Shakra [King of the Gods]
Ssu Ta T'ien Wang [Kings of Heaven]
Sumbharaja [Buddhist Krodhadevata]
Tennin (Tennyo) [angels]
Usnisavijaya [?]
Vairocana [Dhyani-Buddhas]
Vaisravana (Pali Vessavana, Chinese Do Wen) [Guards World]
Vajrabhairava [?]
Vajrapani [Bodhisattvas]
Vajrasattva [Nepal Dhyani-Buddha]
Vajravarahi [?]
Vajrayogini [Initiation]
Vajrayogini [Riches]
Vidyadharas [?]
Vidyujjvalakarali [?]
Vighnantaka [?]
Virudhaka (Pali Virulha, Chinese Zheng Zhang) [Guards World]
Virupaksa (Pali Virupakkha, Chinese Guand Mu) [Guards Western Heaven]
Visvapani [Dhyani-Bodhisattva]
We-to [Divine General]
Yakushi Nyorai [Healing]
Yama [?]
Yamantaka [Krodhadevatas]
Zhu Dian (Zhu Tian) [Chinese Buddhist gods]
Ao [Sea]
Awun [Destruction]
Ba [Drought]
Ba Gua [Basis of Divination]
Bo Hsian [Taoist]
Cai-Shen [Riches]
Can Cong [Silkworms]
Cao Guo-jiu [Actors]
Chang Fei [War]
Chang Hs'ien [Children]
Chang Kuo-lao [?]
Ch'ang E (Ch'ang-o Huang E) [Moon]
Chang Tao Ling [Afterlife]
Cheng-huang (Ch'eng Huang) [Guardians]
Chen Jen [Spiritual Beings]
Cheng San-Kung [Fishermen]
Cheng Yuan Ho (Ch'ang-o Huang E) [Buskers]
Chih Nu [Weavers]
Chih Sung-Tzu (Chi Sung Tzu) [Rain]
Chih-Yu [Inventor]
Ch'in-Shu-Pao [Guardian]
Chou Wang [Sodomy]
Chu-Chuan Shen [Pigsties]
Chu Jung [Fire]
Chu Lung [Day/Night]
Chung K'uei [Afterlife]
Chung-li Ch'uan [Immortal]
Confucius [Philosopher]
Di Zhang Xia [?]
Dong-yo Da-di [Helps Sky God]
Erh-Lang [Guardian]
Fan-K'uei [Butchers]
Fei Lien (Fei Lian) [Wind]
Feng-Huang (Hoang-female Phuong-male) [Many Meanings]
Feng Po (Feng-Po) [Human form of the wind]
Feng P'o-p'o (Feng-Po-Po) [Female wind]
Fo [Buddha]
Fu His [Taught Humanity]
Fu Hsing [Happiness]
Fu Shen [Happiness]
Fu-Shou-Lu [Collection of Gods]
Fu-xi [Hero]
Gao Yao (Ting-jian) [Judgement]
Gong Gong [Common Workers]
Gou Mang and Ru Shou [Messengers]
Guan Di (Kuan Ti) [War/Fortune Telling]
Gui Xian [Demon]
Han Hsiang [Immortal]
Han Xiang-zi [Immortal]
He Bo (Bing-yi) [Rivers]
Heng E (Change-e) [Moon]
He Xian-gu [Immortal]
Heng-Ha-Erh-Chiang [Temples]
Heng-o [Moon]
Ho Hsien-ku [Immortal]
Ho Po [River]
Hou Chi [Harvest]
Hou I [Archer]
Hou T'u [Earth]
Hsien [Taoists]
Hsi Ho [Sun's Creator]
Hsi Wang Mu [Guardian]
Hsuan-T'ien-Shang-Ti [Dark Heaven]
Hua Hsien [Flower]
Huang-di (Huang Ti) (Shun) [Hero]
Huang Fei-hu (Fei) [Mountain]
Hu-Shen [Hail]
I [Bowmen]
Infoniwoo [Generation]
I-Ti [Wine]
K'ai Lu Shen [Purges Evil]
Kuan Yu [War]
K'uei Hsing [Examinations]
Lan Cai-he [Immortal]
Lao T'ien Yeh [Supreme]
Lao-Tzu (Lao-zi) [Philosopher]
Lei Kung [Storm]
Lei-zi [Thunder]
Li [Fire]
Li Tie-guai [Immortal]
Liu [Crops]
Lu Dong-bin (Lu Yan) [Immortal]
Lu-Hsing [Salaries/Employees]
Lung Wang [Dragon King]
Lupan [Carpenters]
Ma-Mien [Bureaucrat]
Meng (Meng P'o) [Underworld]
Meng-T'ien [Writing Brush]
Men Shen [Doors, includes sometimes Wei Cheng]
Mu Gong [Immortals]
Niu-Y'oun [Police]
Nu Gua (Nu Kua, Nu Wa) [Creator and Marriage]
O-Mi-T'o Fo [Amitabha]
Pa [Drought]
Pa-Cha [Anti-locusts]
Pa-Hsien [Eight Immortals]
P'an-Chin-Lien [Prostitues]
'P'an Ku (Panku, Pangu) [Cosmos]
Pi-Hsia-Yuan-Chun [Childbirth]
Puhsien [Sun]
Ran-deng [Future Buddha]
San Ch'inga [Three Taos]
Shang Di (Shang Ti) [Supreme]
She Chi (Thu) [Earth]
Shen [Spirit]
Sheng Jen [Holy]
Shen-nong(Shen Nung) [Hero]
Shen-T'u [Guardian]
Shen Yi [Sun]
Shiang Ku [Magician]
Shih-Tien Yen-Wang [Committe of Ten]
Shou-Hsing [Longevity]
Shou Lao (Shou Xing Lao Tou-zi) [Long Life]
Shou-Ts'ang [Servant]
Shui-Fu [Water]
Shui-Kuan [Defender]
Ssu Ming [Life and Death]
Sung-Chiang [Theives]
Sun Hou-Tzu [Monkey]
Sun Hou-zi [Apes]
Sun-Pin [Cobblers]
T'ai I [High]
Tai-sui-xing [Time]
Tai-yi [Sky]
T'ai Yueh Ta Ti (Tung-Yueh-Ta-Ti, T'ai-Yo, Ta-Ti) [Peak]
Thu [Earth]
Tian [Sky]
Tian-zhu [Catholic]
Tien (T'ien) [Sky]
Tien-Hou (T'ien Fei) [Heaven]
T'ien-Kuan [Happiness]
T'ien Lung [Dragon]
Tien Mu [Lightening]
Tien-Wang (Mo-Li) [Kings]
Ti-Kuan [Foregiveness]
Ti Nu (Ti-ya) [Earth]
Ti-Tsang-Wang-Pu-Sa [Mercy]
Ti Yu [Afterlife]
Tou Nu [North Star]
Ts'ai-Lun [Stationers]
Ts'ai Shen [Wealth]
Tsan [Demons]
Ts'ang Chien [Hearth]
Tsao Shen [?]
Tsao-Wang [Hearth]
Tu [Earth]
Tung Wang Kung [Ruled Male Immortals]
T'u-ti (Ti-Ti) [Locality]
Wang [Palace Door]
Wang-Mu-Niang-Niang [Guardian]
Wen Ch'ang (Wen-Chang-Ta-Ti) [Literature]
Wen-Shu Yen-K'ung [Manjushri]
Wen Pu [Epidemics]
Wu Ti [Myth]
Xian [Spirits]
Xi-Wang-mu [Immortality]
Yama [Seventh hell]
Yan-lo (Yan Wang) [Underworld Prince]
Yao [Wind Conqueror]
Yao-shi-fo [Physician]
Yao Wang [Medicine]
Yeng-Wang-Yeh [Death]
Yen Wang (Yen Lo) [Underworld Judge]
Yin and Yang [Male and Female]
Yo Fei [War]
Yu-Chiang [Ocean Winds]
Yu-di (Yu Huang) [Supreme]
Yueh Fei [War]
Yu Huang (Yu-Huang-Shang-Ti) [High]
Yun T'ung [Clouds]
Yu-qiang [Sea]
Yu Shih [Rain]
Yu-tzu [Rain]
Zao Jun [Kitchen]
Zhang Guo-lao [Immortal]
Zhong-Kui [Literature and Examinations]
Zhong-li Quan [Immortal]
[Sources: Brief History of Ancient Chinese Mythology]
Ahto [Water]
Akka [Harvest]
Egres [Vegetation/Fertility]
Hiisi [Forest/Evil]
Ilma [Air]
Ilmarinen [Sky]
Inmar [Sky]
Juma [Sky]
Jumala (Mader-Atcha, Ukk) [Thunder+]
Kalevanpojat [Demons]
Kalma [Death]
Kekri [Fertility Feast]
Kipu-Tytto [Illness]
Kondos [Sowing Crops]
Kuu [Moon]
Lemminkainen [Hero]
Louhi [Sorcery/Evil]
Loviatar [Disease]
Luonnotar [Creator]
Madderakka [Dwarves]
Maahiset [Dwarves]
Naaki [Water]
Nyrckes [?]
Olmai (Olmay) [Divine properties]
Pajainen [?]
Pajonn [Thunder]
Para [Goblin Like]
Pellonpekko [Barley]
Raudna [?]
Rutu [Devil]
Sampsa [Vegetation]
Seides [Stones]
Rauni [?]
Tapio [Forest]
Tiermes [Thunder]
Tuoni [Underworld
Tursas [Monster]
Ukko (Isainen) [Thunder]
Vainamoinen [Hero]
Veralden-radien [World Pillars]
Waralden Olmai [World]
Aji-Suki-Taka-Hi-Kone (Aji-Shiki-Taka-Hiko-Ne) [Thunder]
Ama-No-Minakanushi-No-Kumi [Pole Star]
Ame-No-Oshido-Mimi [Refusal]
Ama-No-Uzume [Fertility]
Ama-Tsu-Kami [Heavenly Gods]
Amatsu Mikaboshi [Evil]
Ame-No-Hohi [Disappeared]
Ame-No-Wakahiko [Ruled Earth]
Bimbo-Gami [Poverty]
Bishamon [War]
Chimata-No-Kami [Rain/Sea]
Daikoku [Wealth]
Ebisu [Labor]
Fuchi [Fire]
Fukurokuju (Fukuro kuju) [Wisdom]
Futsunushi [Lightening]
Gozu-Tenno [Plague]
Haya-Ji (Haya-Tsu-Muji-No-Kami) [Whirlwind]
Hikohohodemi [Hero]
Hinokagutsuchi [Fire]
Hiruko [Morning Sun]
Hoderi [?]
Hisa-Me [Devils]
Ho-Masubi (Kagu Zuchi) [Fire]
Hosuseri [?]
Hotei [Laughter]
Inari [Prosperity]
Izanagi [Creator]
Izanami [Mother]
Jikoku [Guardians]
Jimmu Tenno [Founder]
Jurojin (Jorojin) [Longevity]
Kagu-tsuchi [Fire]
Kamado-gami [Hearth]
Kami [Divinities]
Kami-Musubi (Kami-mi-masubi) [?]
Kami-Nari [Thunder]
Kamui [Sky]
Kappa [Water]
Kawa-No-Kami [Rivers]
Kishijoten [Luck]
Kishimojin [Demon]
Komoku [South]
Kompira [Wealth]
Kono-Hana-Sakuya-Hime (Kono-no-hana-saku-ya-hime) [?]
Kono-Hana-Sakuya-Hime Kuni-Toko-tachi [First]
Kuni-Tsu-Kami [Earth]
Kura-Okami [Rain/Snow]
Nai-No-Kami [Earthquakes]
Naka-Yama-Tsu-Mi [Mountain Slopes]
Ningyo [Mermaid]
Ninigi [Ruler Earth]
O-Kuni-Nushi (Okuninushi) [Medicine/Sorcery]
Onamuji [Earth]
Omiwa [Protective]
Oni [Demons]
O-Wata-Tsumi [Sea]
O-Yama-Tsu-Mi (O-yama-tsuni) [Mountain]
Raiden [Thunder]
Ryo-Wo [Sea]
Ryujin (Ryugin) [Thunder/Rain]
Sae-No-Kami [Roads]
Sengen-Sama [Guarded Holy Moutain]
Sennin [Immortals]
Shichi-Fukujin [Luck]
Shiko-Me [Devils]
Shine-Tsu-Hiko [Wind]
Shitatera-Hime [?]
Shi-tenno [Cardinal Direction Guardians]
Shojo [Satyrs]
Soko-No-Kuni [Underworld]
Suitengu [Sea]
Sukuna-bikone (Suku-na-biko) [Hot Springs]
Shoki [Enemy of Devils]
Susanowo (Susanoo, Susa-no-wo) [Storms]
Takamimusubi (Taka-mi-masubi) [Royal Family]
Takemikadzuchi [Thunder]
Take-Mi-Musubi [Sun]
Taki-Tsu-Hiko [Rain]
Tatsuta-hime [Autumn]
Ten-gu (Tengu) [Mountain/Forest]
Tenjin (Temmangu) [Learning/Calligraphy]
Tsuki-Yomi (Tsukiyomi) [Moon]
Uji-gami [Ancestors]
Uke-Mochi-No-Kami (Ukemochi, Waka-Uke-Nomi, Toyo-Uke-Bime) [Fertility and Food]
Uzume [Mirth]
Wakahiru-me [Rising Sun]\
Wata-tsu-mi [Sea]
Yabune [House]
Zocho [South]
Shinto Amaterasu [Sun]
Ama-Tsu-Mara [Smiths]
Ame-No-Kagase-Wo [Astral]
Ame-No-Mi-Kumari-No-Kami [Water]
Amenominakanushi (Ame-No-Minaka-Nushi-No-Kami) [Supreme]
Am-No-Tanabata-Hime-No-Mikoto [Weavers]
Ame-No-Toko-Tachi-No-Kami [Elemental]
Ame-no-uzume [Dancers]
Benten (Benten-San, Benzaiten, Benzaiten) [Eloquence+]
Fujin [Wind]
Hachiman [War]
Ho-musubi [Fire]
Kami [Idols]
Cao Dai(Chinese: Gao-Tai) [Supreme]
Debata [?]
Empung Luminuut [?]
Hainuwele [?]
Hananim [Sky]
Hmin [Ague]
Karei [Supreme]
Kinharingan [Creator]
Kud [Evil]
Laseo [Sun]
Lature Dano [Supreme]
Lowalangi(Lowalani) [World Above]
Mahatala (Mahataral) [Supreme?]
Ma-zu [?]
Nanmata (Namite) [Primeval]
Narbrooi [Woodlands]
Nemu [Primodial]
Palk [Sun]
Puang Matowa [Sky]
Pulug [Thunder]
Reahu [Dark Demon]
Rigenmucha [Supreme]
Silewe Nazarata [?]
Sirao [First]
Ta Pedn [?]
Tnong [Sun]
Tumbrenjak [Original Man]
Upulevo [Sun]
Wunekau [Sun]
Abyrga [Snake]
Afi [Rain/Thunderstorms]
Aitvaras [Evil]
Alardi [Spirit]
Aralo [Agriculutre]
Armaz [Supreme]
Auseklis (Ausrine) [Stellar]
Baba [Spirit]
Baba Yaga (Jezi-Baba) [Ogress]
Bagvarti [?]
Bangputys [Sea]
Bannik [Baths]
Bagisht [Flood/Prosperity]
Barastir (Barastaer) [Underworld]
Bardha [Elves]
Beg-tse (Cam-srin) [War]
Beng [Satan]
Biegg-Olmai [Wind]
Bogatyri [Heroes]
Boldogasszony (Kisboldogasszony) [Protector Women/Children]
Bolla (Bullar) [Demon]
Buga [Supreme]
Bukura e dheut
[Good Spirit]
Bukuri e qiellit [Jehovah]
Byelobog (Bielbog) [?]
Byelun [?]
Chernobo(Czarnobog, Czerneboch, Cernobog) [?]
Chors [Sun]
Dabog [Sun]
Deive [Stone Spirits]
Dieva deli [?]
Dievini [Less Known Gods]
Dievs [Sky]
Djall [Devil]
Domovoi (Domovoy) [Household]
Donbittir [Water/Fish]
Drag-gshed [Eight Terrible Gods]
Dud [Heavenly Spirit]
Dvorovoi [Courtyard]
Dyavo [Demons]
En [?]
Erlik [King of the Dead]
Es [Sky]
Fatit [Destiny]
Fene [Demon]
Gabija (Gabieta, Gabeta) [Fire]
Gabjauja [Corn]
Giltine [Death]
Guta [Demon]
Hadur [War]
Himavat [Himalayas]
Horagalles [War]
Isdustaya and Papaya [Fate]
Isten [Supreme]
Jagaubis [Fire]
Jarovit (Gerovitus) [War]
Jessis [avatar Jupiter]
Jumis [Fertility]
Juras Mate [Water]
Kaka-Guia [Funerary]
Kalvis [Smith]
Karta [Fate]
Kaukas [?]
Khors [Health/Hunting]
Khyung-gai mGo-can [?]
Kikimora [Household]
K'op'ala [Protective]
Kukuth (Kukudhi) [Sickness]
Kulshedra (Kucedre) [Demon]
Kun-tu-bzan-po [Chief Bon]
Kupala [Water/Magic/Herbs]
Kurdalaegon [Blacksmiths]
Laima [Fate]
Lamaria [Hearth]
Laskowice (Leshcia) [Forest]
Lauka Mate [Fields/Fertility]
Laume [Fairy]
Leshy [Forest]
Lha [Bon Gods]
Lhamo [?]
Ljeschi (Lychie) [Fauns and Satyrs]
Ljubi [Demon]
Manzasiri [Primeval]
Mate [Mother]
Mati Syra Zemlya [Earth]
Medeine (Mejdejn) [Woods]
Meness [Moon]
Menulis [Moon]
Meza Mate [Nature]
Mirsa [Light]
Mokos [Fertility]
Mu (rMu) [Heavenly]
Muma Padura [Wood]
Myesyats (Czarnobog, Czerneboch, Cernobog) [Moon]
Nang Lha [Household]
Nari [Demon]
Nari [Sky]
Num [Sky]
Odqan [Fire]
Ora [Protective]
Ordog [Dark]
Pekar (Pehar) [Demon]
Peko [Barley]
Perendi [Jehovah]
Perit [Mountain Spirits]
Perkons [Thunder]
Perkunas [Thunder]
Perun (Peroun) [Thunder]
Polevik [Field]
Poludnitsa [Field]
Pon [Sky]
Porenutius (Porevit) [?]
Preas Eyn [?]
Preas Eyssaur [Destructive]
Preas Prohm [Primeval]
Prende (Prenne) [Love]
Psezpolnica (Polish Poludnica) [Midday]
Pugu [Sun]
Qormusta (Chormusta) [High]
Rugievit [War]
Rusalki (Rusalka) [Water/Woodlands]
Safa [Weapens]
Sanda [?]
Sarkany [Weather]
Saule [Sun]
Saules meitas [?]
Selardi [Moon]
Shen-Lha-od-dkar [Bon]
Shen-rab [Founder Bon]
Sipe Gyalmo [Bon]
Shiwini [Sun]
Shosshu [Smiths]
Siwini [Sun]
Srat [Demon]
Sri [Demon]
Sridevi [?]
Stribog [Winds]
Svantevit (Svantoveit, Svantovitus) [War/Agriculture]
Svarog [Sky]
Syen [Guardian]
Stihi [Demon]
Teljavelik [Heavenly Smith]
Telyaveli [Smiths]
Tengri [Heavenly Beings]
Tesheba [Weather]
Thab-lha [Hearth]
Triglav (Trigelawus) [War]
Uacilla [Thunder/Rain]
Ulgen [Creator]
Urme [Fate]
Usins [?]
Vadatajs [Evil]
Vampire [Soul of Dead]
Veela [Kindess]
Veja mate [Winds]
Veles (Volos) [Underworld]
Velnias [Devil]
Velu mate [Dead]
Verbti [Fire/North Wind]
Vila [Water]
Vilkacis (Lithuanian Vilkatas) [Werewolf]
Vlkodlaks (Vookodlaks) [Werewolf]
Vodnik [Demon]
Vodyanoi [Water]
Volos (Volusu) [Cattle]
We [Supreme]
Xhindi [Spirits]
Yarilo [Love]
Zaltys [Grass Snake]
Zemepatis (Zemempatis) [Supreme]
Zemes mate [Mother]
Zemyna (Zemyneles) [Earth]
Zorya [Guardian]
Zvezda Dennitsa and Zvezda Vechernyaya [Morning and Evening Star]
Ai Tojon [Light]
Ajysyt [Mother]
Anky-Kele [Sea]
Ayi [Creator]
Hittavainen, Hittauanin [Hare-Hunters]
Hinkon [Death Demon]
K'daai [Fire Demon]
Kaltes [The Goddess]
Ke'lets [Death Demon]
Kurkil [Creator]
Kutkinnaku [Good Spirit]
Mayin [Supreme]
Picvu'cin [Hunting/Wild Animals]
Shurdi [Thunderstorms]
Tomam [Bird]
Tomor(Tomorr) [Father Creator]
Xucau [Supreme]
Ye'loje (Pugu) [Sun]
Kim Redman
2005-07-19 06:28:14 UTC
Post by bob young
Post by Kim Redman
Post by bob young
Post by Kim Redman
Post by Bill
There are thousands of God beliefs and each person, or groups of persons,
believes their God is the real God and all the others are fakes. Because
none of these gods clearly announces directly from his heaven that
the real God, and all the others are fakes, this is logical evidence that
no real God exists.
Bill I'm glad you're not a judge in a criminal court because your
conclusions are ridiculous. The fact that different people have reached
different conclusions regarding God has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with
proving or disproving the existence of God. All it proves is that different
people have reach different conclusions. You really do need to start
thinking about these matters before making erroneous statements. Try
drinking a little less bourbon and smoking a little less pot.
How about you try taking off your blinkers for a few moments.
Which of thse gods then, are real?
Which of the gods listed can you prove isn't real? Can you prove that all
the gods listed arn't real? Can you prove that not one of these gods is
If you people keep demanding proof from others, how about providing some
proof for your thoughs.
What I can prove is that you are completely illogical and that your particular
religion has effected your ability to think straight.
Do you believe for ONE MOMENT that a god that is supposed to have created this
entire planet and everything in it, a god that spoke to people like Moses
thousands of years ago, chooses, now of all times when we are about to
obliterate ourselves with nuclear weapons, not to show, like he was supposed to
have 'showed' to people in the bible.
Do you ever think? Like i said., 'Please take off your blinkers, they don't
suit you'.
I have said that I believe in God. I haven't made claim to believing an of
the other assumptions you have made about me. You are clearly a person who
thinks anyone who disagrees with you has blinkers on. Isn't it strange that
all dogmatic people don't actually agree with each other on every point.
Wow, maybe that that means that they aren't as brilliant as they choose to
think. Maybe they even get it wrong sometimes. Not you of course, cause you
haven't got your blinkers on. Ye right!!
Post by bob young
humanist brit.
hong kong
"We are all capable of believing things which we know to be untrue, and then,
when we are finally proved wrong, impudently twisting the facts so as to show
that we were right. Intellectually, it is possible to carry on this process for
an indefinite time: the only check on it is that sooner or later a false belief
bumps up against solid reality, usually on a battlefield."
[George Orwell, 1946, "Under Your Nose"]
Post by Kim Redman
Post by bob young
Ahura Mazda, Allah, Aphrodite, Ares, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Babaluaye,
Baldur, Bast, Bellona, Brahma, Brigid, Ceres, Cupid, Cerridwen,
Demeter, Diana, Dione, Dionysus, Eris, Eos, Eleggua, , El Shaddai, Elohim
Eshu, Ereshkigal,
Frigga, Frey, Freya, Gaea, Lord Genesa, Hades, Hebe, Hera, Helios, Hel,
Hermes, Hestia, Horus, Ibeji, Ifa, Inanna, Indra, Ishana, Ishtar,
Isis, Janus, Juno, Jehovah, Jove, Jupiter, Kali. Krishna Kronos, Korravai,
Loki, Lugh, Lord Indra, Manitou, Mars, Mercury, Minerva, Mercurius, Morrigan,
Nahuiquiahuitl, Nanahuatzin, Nephthys, Neptune, Obatala, Odin, Ogun,
Oshosi, Oshun, Osiris, Oya, Orunmila, Olokun, Olodumare, Pluto,
Persephone, Poseidon, Proserpina, Quetzalcoatl, Ra, Lord Rama, Rhea, Saturn,
Selene, Shango, Lord Siva, Tammuz, Thor, Tir, Tiw, Uranus, Venus, Vesta,
Vesta, Vulcan, Wotan, Yahweh, Yemaya, Zeus, XodA.
[Note under 'African Gods' the number devoted to 'Supremacy']
Abassi [Sky]
Abonsam [Evil]
Abora [Supreme]
Abzu [Water]
Acoran [Supreme]
Adaheli [Sun]
Adro [Sky]
Adroa [Sky]
Agassou [Panther]
Agbe-Naete [Water]
Age [Animals]
Aigamuxa [Monster]
Ajalamo[Unborn Children]
Aje [Wealth]
Ajok [Supreme]
Akonadi [Oracle]
Akongo [Supreme]
Akuj [Supreme]
Ala [Earth/Fertility]
Alatangana [Creator]
Amma [Creator]
Anansi [Trickster]
Anyiewo [Snake]
Aondo [Creator]
Apa [Creator]
Apedemak [War]
Arawa [Moon]
Arebati [Sky]
Arom [Contracts]
Arsan Duolai [Underworld]
Asase Ya [Earth]
Ashiakle [Wealth]
Asis [Sun]
Astar [Sky]
Ataa Naa
Ataokoloinona [Supreme]
Atete [Fertility]
Avrikiti [Fishermen]
[Ayaba] [Hearth]
Bacax [Cave]
Bagba [Wind]
Balubaal [Earth+]
Bandara [Superior Gods]
Banga [Clear water]
Behanzin [Fish]
Beher [Sea]
Bera Pennu [Vegetation]
Bo [Warriors]
Buadza [WInd]
Buku [Sky]
Bumba [Creator]
Cagn [Creator]
Cghene [Creator]
(Chuku) [Creator]
Chiata [Supreme]
Chwezi [Hero]
Col [Rain]
Chikara [Sky]
(Dan Ayido Hwedo) [Snake]
Deng [Sky]
Deohako [Beans+]
Dii Mauri [Moorish Gods]
Dongo [Outer Space]
Dugbo [Earth]
Dxui [Creator]
Emeli-hi [Supreme]
Eranoranhan [Protector]
Eshu (Elegba) [Trickster]
Fa [Destiny]
Famien [Fertility]
Faro [Sky/Water]
Fidi Mukullu [Creator]
Garang and Abuk [First Humans]
Gbeni [Chief]
Gei (Gou) [Moon]
Gu [War/Smiths]
Gua [Sky]
Gulu [Supreme]
Gunab [Evil]
Guruhi [Evil]
Gurzil [Bull]
Gwalu [Rain]
Hammon [Setting Sun]
Harun and Haruna [Water Spirits]
Heitsi-Eibib [Sorcerer]
Hevioss [Thunder]
Huntin [Tree]
Huvean [Creator]
Ifa [Oracul]
Ikenga [Supreme]
Imana [Creator]
Iruwa [Sun]
Juok [Creator]
Kalumba [Creator]
Kalunga Supreme]
Katavi [Demonic]
Ka Tyeleo [Supreme]
Khebieso [Lightening]
Kho-dumo-dumo [Demon]
Kholomodumo [Monster]
Khuzwane [Creator]
Kibuka [War]
Kokola [Guardian]
Kwammang-a [Supreme]
Kwoth [Spirit]
Kyala [Creator]
Legba [Trickster]
Leza [Chief]
Libanza [Supreme]
Lisa [Chameleon]
Macardit [Demon]
Mantis [Creator]
Massim-Biambe [Creator]
Mawu [Sky]
Mawu-Lisa [Supreme Couple]
Mbotumbo [Supreme]
Medr [Earth]
Moomb [Creator]
Mon [?]
Mugu [Sky]
Mujaji [Rain]
Mukasa [Supreme]
Mula Djadi [Creator]
Muluku [Supreme]
Mungu [Creator]
Mungo (Mungu) [?]
Musa (Teaching]
Musisi [Supreme]
Mwari [Supreme]
Nampa [Personal]
Nana-Bouclou [First Gods]
Nana Buluk [Creator]
Ndjambi [Sky]
Ndriananahary [Supreme]
Nduru [Jungle]
Nenaunir [Storm]
Nesshoue [River]
Ngai ('Ngai) [Creator]
Ngewo-wa [Creator]
Ngworekara [Demon]
Niamye [Supreme]
Nkosi Yama'kosi [Supreme]
Nommo [Elemental]
Nommo [Spirit]
Nyama [Animal]
Nyambe [Supreme]
Nyambi (Nyambe) [Supreme]
Nyami-Nyami [Guardian]
Nyankopon (Ashanti:Nyame) [Supreme]
Nyamia Ama [Supreme]
Nyasaye [Supeme]
Nzambi (Nzambi)
Mpunguo) [Supreme]
Nzame [Supreme]
Obassi Osaw [Supreme]
Obatala [Sky]
Oduduwa (Odudua) [Earth]
Ogun (Ogoun) War]
Olokula [Sea]
Olorun [Supreme]
Omumbo-Rombonga [Tree of Life]
Orahan [Supreme]
Orisa Nla [Creator]
Orishako [Agriculture]
Orunjan [Midday Sun]
Orunmila [Compassion]
Oshalla [?]
Osun [Beauty and Love]
Oya [Passion and Power]
Pemba (Bemba) Mother]
Qandisa [Demon]
Qamata[Quamta] Supreme]
Rock-Sene [Supreme]
Ruwa [Supreme]
Sagbata [Smallpox]
Sakarabru [Medicine]
Sakpata [Smallpox]
Sango [Thunder]
Shango [Thunder]
So [Lightening]
Tano [River]
Tore [Forest]
Tsui'goab [Rain]
Twe [Lake]
Umvelinqangi [Creator]
Unkulunkulu [Supreme]
Unumbotte [Creator]
Waka [Rain]
Wele [Supreme]
Wulbari [Supreme]
Wuni [Supreme]
Xewioso [Thunder]
Yemaja [Creation]
Yo [Impersonal]
Zin [Water]
Abhijnaraja [Physician]
Abhimukhi [One of the Bhumis]
Acala [?]
Adhimukticarya [One of the Bhumis]
Adhimuktivasita [One of the Bhumis]
Adibuddha [First]
Adidharma [Primeval]
Aizen Myo-o [Protective]
Ajaya [?]
Akasagarbha(Tibetan Nam-mkhai
Aksayajnana-Karmanda [Literature]
Aksobhya (Japanese Ashuku, Chinese A-Chu'u) [One of the Dhyani]
Amida [Savior]
Amitabha [A Dhyani]
Amitayus [Longevity]
Amoghapasa [see Avalokitesvara]
Amoghasiddhi [A Dhyani]
Anantamukhi [Literature]
Arapacana [Book and Sword]
Arcismati [Bhumis]
Arhat [A Saint]
Arthapratisamvit [Logical Analysis]
Arya-Tara [Sakti]
Asokakanta [avatar Marici]
Asokottamasri [Physician]
Astabhuja-Kurukulla [avatar Kurukulla]
Asura [Group of Demons]
Avalokitesvara(Avalokita, Lokesvara) [Dhyani Present Age]
Ayurvasita[One vasitas]
Balaparamita [Philosophy]
Bhaisajyaguru(Sman-bla, Otaci,Yao-shih-fo, Yakushi)[Physician]
Bhrkuti-Tara [Mother]
Bhumi [Spiritual Spheres]
Bhutadarma [Demon Controller]
Bi-har [Protector]
Bodhidharma [Monk]
Bodhisattva (Chinese Pu-sa) [Born to be Englightened]
Buddhabodhiprabhavasita [Vasitas]
Buddhalocana [Female Buddha]
Budha [Mercury]
Butcho [?]
Chandarosana [Mahayana]
Charcika (Carcika) [Mahayana]
Chakravartin [World Ruler]
Chattrosnisa [An Usnisa]
Chaturmaharajas (Caturmaharajas) [Four Great Kings]
Chittavista [Vashitas]
Citipati [Graveyard Demons]
Cunda [Literature]
Da-shi-zhi [Bodhisattva]
Dadimunda [Temples]
Dainichi' [Purity/Wisdom]
Dakini [Demons]
Dala Kadavara [Demon]
Devaputra [Gods of Lower Rank]
Dhanada [avatar Amoghasiddhi]
Dharani [Mystical Texts]
Dharmadhatuvagisvara [Dharma]
Dharmakirtisagaraghosa [Physician]
Dharmamegha [Bhumis]
Dharmapala ,Chinese Fu Ha [Protective Dieties]
Dharmapratisamvit [Nature Analysis]
Dharmavasita [Vasitas]
Dhritarashtra (Pali Dhatarattha) [One of the 4 World Guardians]
Dhupa [Mother]
Dhupatara [Mahayana]
Dhvajagrakeyura [avatar Aksobhya]
Dhyanaparamita [Philosophy]
Dhyani-Bodhisattvas [Five Bodhisattvas]
Dhyani-Buddhas [Five Meditators]
Di-zang [Bodhisattvas of Hell]
Dvarapala [?]
Ekajata [Terrible]
Emma-o [Judges the Dead]
Fudo [WIsdom]
Guan Yin [bodhisattva]
Hariti [Ate Children]
Hayagriva [Protection]
Heruka [Protection]
Hevajra [Protection]
Ida-Ten [Law/Monestaries]
Jambhala [avatar Vausravana]
Janguli [Snakebite cure]
Jian Lao [Earth/Permanence]
Jizo [Compassion]
Juichimen [Mercy]
Kali devia [avatar Lha-mo]
Kannon [Japanese bodhisattva]
Khasarpana(Khasarpana-Lokesvara) [Indian bodhisattva]
Ki Fudo [avatar Fudo-Myo-o]
Krodhadevatas [Inspire Terror]
Ksitigarbha [One of 8 bodhisattva]
Kuan-yin (Kwannon) [Mercy]
Kujaku Myoo [Esoteric]
Kurukulla [?]
Locana [?]
Mahasthamaprata [Chinese bodhisattva]
Maitreya [Future]
Manjughosa [Nepalese bodhisattva]
Manjusri [bodhisattva]
Mara [Evil]
Marici [Sun]
Mi-lo Fo (Pu-Sa) [Chinese bodhisattva
Miroku [Japanese bodhisattva
Mo-Li [Protects Temples]
Padmanartesvara [avatar Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara]
Pancaraksa[5 Goddesses]
Pandara [?]
Paramasva [?]
Parnasavari [?]
Prajna [Femaleness]
Prajnaparamita [Buddhist Text]
Ran-deng [Beggar and Future Buddha]
Ratnapani [Dhyani-Bodhisattva]
Ratnasambhava [Dhyani-Buddha]
Remanta [King of the Horse gods]
Sakyamuni [Japanese]
Samantabhadra [Bodhisattvas]
Saptaksara [avatar Heruka]
Shakra [King of the Gods]
Ssu Ta T'ien Wang [Kings of Heaven]
Sumbharaja [Buddhist Krodhadevata]
Tennin (Tennyo) [angels]
Usnisavijaya [?]
Vairocana [Dhyani-Buddhas]
Vaisravana (Pali Vessavana, Chinese Do Wen) [Guards World]
Vajrabhairava [?]
Vajrapani [Bodhisattvas]
Vajrasattva [Nepal Dhyani-Buddha]
Vajravarahi [?]
Vajrayogini [Initiation]
Vajrayogini [Riches]
Vidyadharas [?]
Vidyujjvalakarali [?]
Vighnantaka [?]
Virudhaka (Pali Virulha, Chinese Zheng Zhang) [Guards World]
Virupaksa (Pali Virupakkha, Chinese Guand Mu) [Guards Western Heaven]
Visvapani [Dhyani-Bodhisattva]
We-to [Divine General]
Yakushi Nyorai [Healing]
Yama [?]
Yamantaka [Krodhadevatas]
Zhu Dian (Zhu Tian) [Chinese Buddhist gods]
Ao [Sea]
Awun [Destruction]
Ba [Drought]
Ba Gua [Basis of Divination]
Bo Hsian [Taoist]
Cai-Shen [Riches]
Can Cong [Silkworms]
Cao Guo-jiu [Actors]
Chang Fei [War]
Chang Hs'ien [Children]
Chang Kuo-lao [?]
Ch'ang E (Ch'ang-o Huang E) [Moon]
Chang Tao Ling [Afterlife]
Cheng-huang (Ch'eng Huang) [Guardians]
Chen Jen [Spiritual Beings]
Cheng San-Kung [Fishermen]
Cheng Yuan Ho (Ch'ang-o Huang E) [Buskers]
Chih Nu [Weavers]
Chih Sung-Tzu (Chi Sung Tzu) [Rain]
Chih-Yu [Inventor]
Ch'in-Shu-Pao [Guardian]
Chou Wang [Sodomy]
Chu-Chuan Shen [Pigsties]
Chu Jung [Fire]
Chu Lung [Day/Night]
Chung K'uei [Afterlife]
Chung-li Ch'uan [Immortal]
Confucius [Philosopher]
Di Zhang Xia [?]
Dong-yo Da-di [Helps Sky God]
Erh-Lang [Guardian]
Fan-K'uei [Butchers]
Fei Lien (Fei Lian) [Wind]
Feng-Huang (Hoang-female Phuong-male) [Many Meanings]
Feng Po (Feng-Po) [Human form of the wind]
Feng P'o-p'o (Feng-Po-Po) [Female wind]
Fo [Buddha]
Fu His [Taught Humanity]
Fu Hsing [Happiness]
Fu Shen [Happiness]
Fu-Shou-Lu [Collection of Gods]
Fu-xi [Hero]
Gao Yao (Ting-jian) [Judgement]
Gong Gong [Common Workers]
Gou Mang and Ru Shou [Messengers]
Guan Di (Kuan Ti) [War/Fortune Telling]
Gui Xian [Demon]
Han Hsiang [Immortal]
Han Xiang-zi [Immortal]
He Bo (Bing-yi) [Rivers]
Heng E (Change-e) [Moon]
He Xian-gu [Immortal]
Heng-Ha-Erh-Chiang [Temples]
Heng-o [Moon]
Ho Hsien-ku [Immortal]
Ho Po [River]
Hou Chi [Harvest]
Hou I [Archer]
Hou T'u [Earth]
Hsien [Taoists]
Hsi Ho [Sun's Creator]
Hsi Wang Mu [Guardian]
Hsuan-T'ien-Shang-Ti [Dark Heaven]
Hua Hsien [Flower]
Huang-di (Huang Ti) (Shun) [Hero]
Huang Fei-hu (Fei) [Mountain]
Hu-Shen [Hail]
I [Bowmen]
Infoniwoo [Generation]
I-Ti [Wine]
K'ai Lu Shen [Purges Evil]
Kuan Yu [War]
K'uei Hsing [Examinations]
Lan Cai-he [Immortal]
Lao T'ien Yeh [Supreme]
Lao-Tzu (Lao-zi) [Philosopher]
Lei Kung [Storm]
Lei-zi [Thunder]
Li [Fire]
Li Tie-guai [Immortal]
Liu [Crops]
Lu Dong-bin (Lu Yan) [Immortal]
Lu-Hsing [Salaries/Employees]
Lung Wang [Dragon King]
Lupan [Carpenters]
Ma-Mien [Bureaucrat]
Meng (Meng P'o) [Underworld]
Meng-T'ien [Writing Brush]
Men Shen [Doors, includes sometimes Wei Cheng]
Mu Gong [Immortals]
Niu-Y'oun [Police]
Nu Gua (Nu Kua, Nu Wa) [Creator and Marriage]
O-Mi-T'o Fo [Amitabha]
Pa [Drought]
Pa-Cha [Anti-locusts]
Pa-Hsien [Eight Immortals]
P'an-Chin-Lien [Prostitues]
'P'an Ku (Panku, Pangu) [Cosmos]
Pi-Hsia-Yuan-Chun [Childbirth]
Puhsien [Sun]
Ran-deng [Future Buddha]
San Ch'inga [Three Taos]
Shang Di (Shang Ti) [Supreme]
She Chi (Thu) [Earth]
Shen [Spirit]
Sheng Jen [Holy]
Shen-nong(Shen Nung) [Hero]
Shen-T'u [Guardian]
Shen Yi [Sun]
Shiang Ku [Magician]
Shih-Tien Yen-Wang [Committe of Ten]
Shou-Hsing [Longevity]
Shou Lao (Shou Xing Lao Tou-zi) [Long Life]
Shou-Ts'ang [Servant]
Shui-Fu [Water]
Shui-Kuan [Defender]
Ssu Ming [Life and Death]
Sung-Chiang [Theives]
Sun Hou-Tzu [Monkey]
Sun Hou-zi [Apes]
Sun-Pin [Cobblers]
T'ai I [High]
Tai-sui-xing [Time]
Tai-yi [Sky]
T'ai Yueh Ta Ti (Tung-Yueh-Ta-Ti, T'ai-Yo, Ta-Ti) [Peak]
Thu [Earth]
Tian [Sky]
Tian-zhu [Catholic]
Tien (T'ien) [Sky]
Tien-Hou (T'ien Fei) [Heaven]
T'ien-Kuan [Happiness]
T'ien Lung [Dragon]
Tien Mu [Lightening]
Tien-Wang (Mo-Li) [Kings]
Ti-Kuan [Foregiveness]
Ti Nu (Ti-ya) [Earth]
Ti-Tsang-Wang-Pu-Sa [Mercy]
Ti Yu [Afterlife]
Tou Nu [North Star]
Ts'ai-Lun [Stationers]
Ts'ai Shen [Wealth]
Tsan [Demons]
Ts'ang Chien [Hearth]
Tsao Shen [?]
Tsao-Wang [Hearth]
Tu [Earth]
Tung Wang Kung [Ruled Male Immortals]
T'u-ti (Ti-Ti) [Locality]
Wang [Palace Door]
Wang-Mu-Niang-Niang [Guardian]
Wen Ch'ang (Wen-Chang-Ta-Ti) [Literature]
Wen-Shu Yen-K'ung [Manjushri]
Wen Pu [Epidemics]
Wu Ti [Myth]
Xian [Spirits]
Xi-Wang-mu [Immortality]
Yama [Seventh hell]
Yan-lo (Yan Wang) [Underworld Prince]
Yao [Wind Conqueror]
Yao-shi-fo [Physician]
Yao Wang [Medicine]
Yeng-Wang-Yeh [Death]
Yen Wang (Yen Lo) [Underworld Judge]
Yin and Yang [Male and Female]
Yo Fei [War]
Yu-Chiang [Ocean Winds]
Yu-di (Yu Huang) [Supreme]
Yueh Fei [War]
Yu Huang (Yu-Huang-Shang-Ti) [High]
Yun T'ung [Clouds]
Yu-qiang [Sea]
Yu Shih [Rain]
Yu-tzu [Rain]
Zao Jun [Kitchen]
Zhang Guo-lao [Immortal]
Zhong-Kui [Literature and Examinations]
Zhong-li Quan [Immortal]
[Sources: Brief History of Ancient Chinese Mythology]
Ahto [Water]
Akka [Harvest]
Egres [Vegetation/Fertility]
Hiisi [Forest/Evil]
Ilma [Air]
Ilmarinen [Sky]
Inmar [Sky]
Juma [Sky]
Jumala (Mader-Atcha, Ukk) [Thunder+]
Kalevanpojat [Demons]
Kalma [Death]
Kekri [Fertility Feast]
Kipu-Tytto [Illness]
Kondos [Sowing Crops]
Kuu [Moon]
Lemminkainen [Hero]
Louhi [Sorcery/Evil]
Loviatar [Disease]
Luonnotar [Creator]
Madderakka [Dwarves]
Maahiset [Dwarves]
Naaki [Water]
Nyrckes [?]
Olmai (Olmay) [Divine properties]
Pajainen [?]
Pajonn [Thunder]
Para [Goblin Like]
Pellonpekko [Barley]
Raudna [?]
Rutu [Devil]
Sampsa [Vegetation]
Seides [Stones]
Rauni [?]
Tapio [Forest]
Tiermes [Thunder]
Tuoni [Underworld
Tursas [Monster]
Ukko (Isainen) [Thunder]
Vainamoinen [Hero]
Veralden-radien [World Pillars]
Waralden Olmai [World]
Aji-Suki-Taka-Hi-Kone (Aji-Shiki-Taka-Hiko-Ne) [Thunder]
Ama-No-Minakanushi-No-Kumi [Pole Star]
Ame-No-Oshido-Mimi [Refusal]
Ama-No-Uzume [Fertility]
Ama-Tsu-Kami [Heavenly Gods]
Amatsu Mikaboshi [Evil]
Ame-No-Hohi [Disappeared]
Ame-No-Wakahiko [Ruled Earth]
Bimbo-Gami [Poverty]
Bishamon [War]
Chimata-No-Kami [Rain/Sea]
Daikoku [Wealth]
Ebisu [Labor]
Fuchi [Fire]
Fukurokuju (Fukuro kuju) [Wisdom]
Futsunushi [Lightening]
Gozu-Tenno [Plague]
Haya-Ji (Haya-Tsu-Muji-No-Kami) [Whirlwind]
Hikohohodemi [Hero]
Hinokagutsuchi [Fire]
Hiruko [Morning Sun]
Hoderi [?]
Hisa-Me [Devils]
Ho-Masubi (Kagu Zuchi) [Fire]
Hosuseri [?]
Hotei [Laughter]
Inari [Prosperity]
Izanagi [Creator]
Izanami [Mother]
Jikoku [Guardians]
Jimmu Tenno [Founder]
Jurojin (Jorojin) [Longevity]
Kagu-tsuchi [Fire]
Kamado-gami [Hearth]
Kami [Divinities]
Kami-Musubi (Kami-mi-masubi) [?]
Kami-Nari [Thunder]
Kamui [Sky]
Kappa [Water]
Kawa-No-Kami [Rivers]
Kishijoten [Luck]
Kishimojin [Demon]
Komoku [South]
Kompira [Wealth]
Kono-Hana-Sakuya-Hime (Kono-no-hana-saku-ya-hime) [?]
Kono-Hana-Sakuya-Hime Kuni-Toko-tachi [First]
Kuni-Tsu-Kami [Earth]
Kura-Okami [Rain/Snow]
Nai-No-Kami [Earthquakes]
Naka-Yama-Tsu-Mi [Mountain Slopes]
Ningyo [Mermaid]
Ninigi [Ruler Earth]
O-Kuni-Nushi (Okuninushi) [Medicine/Sorcery]
Onamuji [Earth]
Omiwa [Protective]
Oni [Demons]
O-Wata-Tsumi [Sea]
O-Yama-Tsu-Mi (O-yama-tsuni) [Mountain]
Raiden [Thunder]
Ryo-Wo [Sea]
Ryujin (Ryugin) [Thunder/Rain]
Sae-No-Kami [Roads]
Sengen-Sama [Guarded Holy Moutain]
Sennin [Immortals]
Shichi-Fukujin [Luck]
Shiko-Me [Devils]
Shine-Tsu-Hiko [Wind]
Shitatera-Hime [?]
Shi-tenno [Cardinal Direction Guardians]
Shojo [Satyrs]
Soko-No-Kuni [Underworld]
Suitengu [Sea]
Sukuna-bikone (Suku-na-biko) [Hot Springs]
Shoki [Enemy of Devils]
Susanowo (Susanoo, Susa-no-wo) [Storms]
Takamimusubi (Taka-mi-masubi) [Royal Family]
Takemikadzuchi [Thunder]
Take-Mi-Musubi [Sun]
Taki-Tsu-Hiko [Rain]
Tatsuta-hime [Autumn]
Ten-gu (Tengu) [Mountain/Forest]
Tenjin (Temmangu) [Learning/Calligraphy]
Tsuki-Yomi (Tsukiyomi) [Moon]
Uji-gami [Ancestors]
Uke-Mochi-No-Kami (Ukemochi, Waka-Uke-Nomi, Toyo-Uke-Bime) [Fertility
Uzume [Mirth]
Wakahiru-me [Rising Sun]\
Wata-tsu-mi [Sea]
Yabune [House]
Zocho [South]
Shinto Amaterasu [Sun]
Ama-Tsu-Mara [Smiths]
Ame-No-Kagase-Wo [Astral]
Ame-No-Mi-Kumari-No-Kami [Water]
Amenominakanushi (Ame-No-Minaka-Nushi-No-Kami) [Supreme]
Am-No-Tanabata-Hime-No-Mikoto [Weavers]
Ame-No-Toko-Tachi-No-Kami [Elemental]
Ame-no-uzume [Dancers]
Benten (Benten-San, Benzaiten, Benzaiten) [Eloquence+]
Fujin [Wind]
Hachiman [War]
Ho-musubi [Fire]
Kami [Idols]
Cao Dai(Chinese: Gao-Tai) [Supreme]
Debata [?]
Empung Luminuut [?]
Hainuwele [?]
Hananim [Sky]
Hmin [Ague]
Karei [Supreme]
Kinharingan [Creator]
Kud [Evil]
Laseo [Sun]
Lature Dano [Supreme]
Lowalangi(Lowalani) [World Above]
Mahatala (Mahataral) [Supreme?]
Ma-zu [?]
Nanmata (Namite) [Primeval]
Narbrooi [Woodlands]
Nemu [Primodial]
Palk [Sun]
Puang Matowa [Sky]
Pulug [Thunder]
Reahu [Dark Demon]
Rigenmucha [Supreme]
Silewe Nazarata [?]
Sirao [First]
Ta Pedn [?]
Tnong [Sun]
Tumbrenjak [Original Man]
Upulevo [Sun]
Wunekau [Sun]
Abyrga [Snake]
Afi [Rain/Thunderstorms]
Aitvaras [Evil]
Alardi [Spirit]
Aralo [Agriculutre]
Armaz [Supreme]
Auseklis (Ausrine) [Stellar]
Baba [Spirit]
Baba Yaga (Jezi-Baba) [Ogress]
Bagvarti [?]
Bangputys [Sea]
Bannik [Baths]
Bagisht [Flood/Prosperity]
Barastir (Barastaer) [Underworld]
Bardha [Elves]
Beg-tse (Cam-srin) [War]
Beng [Satan]
Biegg-Olmai [Wind]
Bogatyri [Heroes]
Boldogasszony (Kisboldogasszony) [Protector Women/Children]
Bolla (Bullar) [Demon]
Buga [Supreme]
Bukura e dheut
[Good Spirit]
Bukuri e qiellit [Jehovah]
Byelobog (Bielbog) [?]
Byelun [?]
Chernobo(Czarnobog, Czerneboch, Cernobog) [?]
Chors [Sun]
Dabog [Sun]
Deive [Stone Spirits]
Dieva deli [?]
Dievini [Less Known Gods]
Dievs [Sky]
Djall [Devil]
Domovoi (Domovoy) [Household]
Donbittir [Water/Fish]
Drag-gshed [Eight Terrible Gods]
Dud [Heavenly Spirit]
Dvorovoi [Courtyard]
Dyavo [Demons]
En [?]
Erlik [King of the Dead]
Es [Sky]
Fatit [Destiny]
Fene [Demon]
Gabija (Gabieta, Gabeta) [Fire]
Gabjauja [Corn]
Giltine [Death]
Guta [Demon]
Hadur [War]
Himavat [Himalayas]
Horagalles [War]
Isdustaya and Papaya [Fate]
Isten [Supreme]
Jagaubis [Fire]
Jarovit (Gerovitus) [War]
Jessis [avatar Jupiter]
Jumis [Fertility]
Juras Mate [Water]
Kaka-Guia [Funerary]
Kalvis [Smith]
Karta [Fate]
Kaukas [?]
Khors [Health/Hunting]
Khyung-gai mGo-can [?]
Kikimora [Household]
K'op'ala [Protective]
Kukuth (Kukudhi) [Sickness]
Kulshedra (Kucedre) [Demon]
Kun-tu-bzan-po [Chief Bon]
Kupala [Water/Magic/Herbs]
Kurdalaegon [Blacksmiths]
Laima [Fate]
Lamaria [Hearth]
Laskowice (Leshcia) [Forest]
Lauka Mate [Fields/Fertility]
Laume [Fairy]
Leshy [Forest]
Lha [Bon Gods]
Lhamo [?]
Ljeschi (Lychie) [Fauns and Satyrs]
Ljubi [Demon]
Manzasiri [Primeval]
Mate [Mother]
Mati Syra Zemlya [Earth]
Medeine (Mejdejn) [Woods]
Meness [Moon]
Menulis [Moon]
Meza Mate [Nature]
Mirsa [Light]
Mokos [Fertility]
Mu (rMu) [Heavenly]
Muma Padura [Wood]
Myesyats (Czarnobog, Czerneboch, Cernobog) [Moon]
Nang Lha [Household]
Nari [Demon]
Nari [Sky]
Num [Sky]
Odqan [Fire]
Ora [Protective]
Ordog [Dark]
Pekar (Pehar) [Demon]
Peko [Barley]
Perendi [Jehovah]
Perit [Mountain Spirits]
Perkons [Thunder]
Perkunas [Thunder]
Perun (Peroun) [Thunder]
Polevik [Field]
Poludnitsa [Field]
Pon [Sky]
Porenutius (Porevit) [?]
Preas Eyn [?]
Preas Eyssaur [Destructive]
Preas Prohm [Primeval]
Prende (Prenne) [Love]
Psezpolnica (Polish Poludnica) [Midday]
Pugu [Sun]
Qormusta (Chormusta) [High]
Rugievit [War]
Rusalki (Rusalka) [Water/Woodlands]
Safa [Weapens]
Sanda [?]
Sarkany [Weather]
Saule [Sun]
Saules meitas [?]
Selardi [Moon]
Shen-Lha-od-dkar [Bon]
Shen-rab [Founder Bon]
Sipe Gyalmo [Bon]
Shiwini [Sun]
Shosshu [Smiths]
Siwini [Sun]
Srat [Demon]
Sri [Demon]
Sridevi [?]
Stribog [Winds]
Svantevit (Svantoveit, Svantovitus) [War/Agriculture]
Svarog [Sky]
Syen [Guardian]
Stihi [Demon]
Teljavelik [Heavenly Smith]
Telyaveli [Smiths]
Tengri [Heavenly Beings]
Tesheba [Weather]
Thab-lha [Hearth]
Triglav (Trigelawus) [War]
Uacilla [Thunder/Rain]
Ulgen [Creator]
Urme [Fate]
Usins [?]
Vadatajs [Evil]
Vampire [Soul of Dead]
Veela [Kindess]
Veja mate [Winds]
Veles (Volos) [Underworld]
Velnias [Devil]
Velu mate [Dead]
Verbti [Fire/North Wind]
Vila [Water]
Vilkacis (Lithuanian Vilkatas) [Werewolf]
Vlkodlaks (Vookodlaks) [Werewolf]
Vodnik [Demon]
Vodyanoi [Water]
Volos (Volusu) [Cattle]
We [Supreme]
Xhindi [Spirits]
Yarilo [Love]
Zaltys [Grass Snake]
Zemepatis (Zemempatis) [Supreme]
Zemes mate [Mother]
Zemyna (Zemyneles) [Earth]
Zorya [Guardian]
Zvezda Dennitsa and Zvezda Vechernyaya [Morning and Evening Star]
Ai Tojon [Light]
Ajysyt [Mother]
Anky-Kele [Sea]
Ayi [Creator]
Hittavainen, Hittauanin [Hare-Hunters]
Hinkon [Death Demon]
K'daai [Fire Demon]
Kaltes [The Goddess]
Ke'lets [Death Demon]
Kurkil [Creator]
Kutkinnaku [Good Spirit]
Mayin [Supreme]
Picvu'cin [Hunting/Wild Animals]
Shurdi [Thunderstorms]
Tomam [Bird]
Tomor(Tomorr) [Father Creator]
Xucau [Supreme]
Ye'loje (Pugu) [Sun]
bob young
2005-07-19 10:05:02 UTC
Post by Kim Redman
Post by bob young
Post by Kim Redman
Post by bob young
Post by Kim Redman
Post by Bill
There are thousands of God beliefs and each person, or groups of persons,
believes their God is the real God and all the others are fakes. Because
none of these gods clearly announces directly from his heaven that
the real God, and all the others are fakes, this is logical evidence that
no real God exists.
Bill I'm glad you're not a judge in a criminal court because your
conclusions are ridiculous. The fact that different people have reached
different conclusions regarding God has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with
proving or disproving the existence of God. All it proves is that different
people have reach different conclusions. You really do need to start
thinking about these matters before making erroneous statements. Try
drinking a little less bourbon and smoking a little less pot.
How about you try taking off your blinkers for a few moments.
Which of thse gods then, are real?
Which of the gods listed can you prove isn't real? Can you prove that all
the gods listed arn't real? Can you prove that not one of these gods is
If you people keep demanding proof from others, how about providing some
proof for your thoughs.
What I can prove is that you are completely illogical and that your particular
religion has effected your ability to think straight.
Do you believe for ONE MOMENT that a god that is supposed to have created this
entire planet and everything in it, a god that spoke to people like Moses
thousands of years ago, chooses, now of all times when we are about to
obliterate ourselves with nuclear weapons, not to show, like he was supposed to
have 'showed' to people in the bible.
Do you ever think? Like i said., 'Please take off your blinkers, they don't
suit you'.
I have said that I believe in God. I haven't made claim to believing an of
the other assumptions you have made about me. You are clearly a person who
thinks anyone who disagrees with you has blinkers on. Isn't it strange that
all dogmatic people don't actually agree with each other on every point.
Wow, maybe that that means that they aren't as brilliant as they choose to
think. Maybe they even get it wrong sometimes. Not you of course, cause you
haven't got your blinkers on. Ye right!!
"Ooooh what a clever cookie I am".

Instead of trying to be smart, try debating. Of course snide remarks alweays
appear when a point cannot be contered.

too bad.

'failed' [headmaster]
Post by Kim Redman
Post by bob young
humanist brit.
hong kong
"We are all capable of believing things which we know to be untrue, and then,
when we are finally proved wrong, impudently twisting the facts so as to show
that we were right. Intellectually, it is possible to carry on this process for
an indefinite time: the only check on it is that sooner or later a false belief
bumps up against solid reality, usually on a battlefield."
[George Orwell, 1946, "Under Your Nose"]
Post by Kim Redman
Post by bob young
Ahura Mazda, Allah, Aphrodite, Ares, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Babaluaye,
Baldur, Bast, Bellona, Brahma, Brigid, Ceres, Cupid, Cerridwen,
Demeter, Diana, Dione, Dionysus, Eris, Eos, Eleggua, , El Shaddai, Elohim
Eshu, Ereshkigal,
Frigga, Frey, Freya, Gaea, Lord Genesa, Hades, Hebe, Hera, Helios, Hel,
Hermes, Hestia, Horus, Ibeji, Ifa, Inanna, Indra, Ishana, Ishtar,
Isis, Janus, Juno, Jehovah, Jove, Jupiter, Kali. Krishna Kronos, Korravai,
Loki, Lugh, Lord Indra, Manitou, Mars, Mercury, Minerva, Mercurius, Morrigan,
Nahuiquiahuitl, Nanahuatzin, Nephthys, Neptune, Obatala, Odin, Ogun,
Oshosi, Oshun, Osiris, Oya, Orunmila, Olokun, Olodumare, Pluto,
Persephone, Poseidon, Proserpina, Quetzalcoatl, Ra, Lord Rama, Rhea, Saturn,
Selene, Shango, Lord Siva, Tammuz, Thor, Tir, Tiw, Uranus, Venus, Vesta,
Vesta, Vulcan, Wotan, Yahweh, Yemaya, Zeus, XodA.
[Note under 'African Gods' the number devoted to 'Supremacy']
Abassi [Sky]
Abonsam [Evil]
Abora [Supreme]
Abzu [Water]
Acoran [Supreme]
Adaheli [Sun]
Adro [Sky]
Adroa [Sky]
Agassou [Panther]
Agbe-Naete [Water]
Age [Animals]
Aigamuxa [Monster]
Ajalamo[Unborn Children]
Aje [Wealth]
Ajok [Supreme]
Akonadi [Oracle]
Akongo [Supreme]
Akuj [Supreme]
Ala [Earth/Fertility]
Alatangana [Creator]
Amma [Creator]
Anansi [Trickster]
Anyiewo [Snake]
Aondo [Creator]
Apa [Creator]
Apedemak [War]
Arawa [Moon]
Arebati [Sky]
Arom [Contracts]
Arsan Duolai [Underworld]
Asase Ya [Earth]
Ashiakle [Wealth]
Asis [Sun]
Astar [Sky]
Ataa Naa
Ataokoloinona [Supreme]
Atete [Fertility]
Avrikiti [Fishermen]
[Ayaba] [Hearth]
Bacax [Cave]
Bagba [Wind]
Balubaal [Earth+]
Bandara [Superior Gods]
Banga [Clear water]
Behanzin [Fish]
Beher [Sea]
Bera Pennu [Vegetation]
Bo [Warriors]
Buadza [WInd]
Buku [Sky]
Bumba [Creator]
Cagn [Creator]
Cghene [Creator]
(Chuku) [Creator]
Chiata [Supreme]
Chwezi [Hero]
Col [Rain]
Chikara [Sky]
(Dan Ayido Hwedo) [Snake]
Deng [Sky]
Deohako [Beans+]
Dii Mauri [Moorish Gods]
Dongo [Outer Space]
Dugbo [Earth]
Dxui [Creator]
Emeli-hi [Supreme]
Eranoranhan [Protector]
Eshu (Elegba) [Trickster]
Fa [Destiny]
Famien [Fertility]
Faro [Sky/Water]
Fidi Mukullu [Creator]
Garang and Abuk [First Humans]
Gbeni [Chief]
Gei (Gou) [Moon]
Gu [War/Smiths]
Gua [Sky]
Gulu [Supreme]
Gunab [Evil]
Guruhi [Evil]
Gurzil [Bull]
Gwalu [Rain]
Hammon [Setting Sun]
Harun and Haruna [Water Spirits]
Heitsi-Eibib [Sorcerer]
Hevioss [Thunder]
Huntin [Tree]
Huvean [Creator]
Ifa [Oracul]
Ikenga [Supreme]
Imana [Creator]
Iruwa [Sun]
Juok [Creator]
Kalumba [Creator]
Kalunga Supreme]
Katavi [Demonic]
Ka Tyeleo [Supreme]
Khebieso [Lightening]
Kho-dumo-dumo [Demon]
Kholomodumo [Monster]
Khuzwane [Creator]
Kibuka [War]
Kokola [Guardian]
Kwammang-a [Supreme]
Kwoth [Spirit]
Kyala [Creator]
Legba [Trickster]
Leza [Chief]
Libanza [Supreme]
Lisa [Chameleon]
Macardit [Demon]
Mantis [Creator]
Massim-Biambe [Creator]
Mawu [Sky]
Mawu-Lisa [Supreme Couple]
Mbotumbo [Supreme]
Medr [Earth]
Moomb [Creator]
Mon [?]
Mugu [Sky]
Mujaji [Rain]
Mukasa [Supreme]
Mula Djadi [Creator]
Muluku [Supreme]
Mungu [Creator]
Mungo (Mungu) [?]
Musa (Teaching]
Musisi [Supreme]
Mwari [Supreme]
Nampa [Personal]
Nana-Bouclou [First Gods]
Nana Buluk [Creator]
Ndjambi [Sky]
Ndriananahary [Supreme]
Nduru [Jungle]
Nenaunir [Storm]
Nesshoue [River]
Ngai ('Ngai) [Creator]
Ngewo-wa [Creator]
Ngworekara [Demon]
Niamye [Supreme]
Nkosi Yama'kosi [Supreme]
Nommo [Elemental]
Nommo [Spirit]
Nyama [Animal]
Nyambe [Supreme]
Nyambi (Nyambe) [Supreme]
Nyami-Nyami [Guardian]
Nyankopon (Ashanti:Nyame) [Supreme]
Nyamia Ama [Supreme]
Nyasaye [Supeme]
Nzambi (Nzambi)
Mpunguo) [Supreme]
Nzame [Supreme]
Obassi Osaw [Supreme]
Obatala [Sky]
Oduduwa (Odudua) [Earth]
Ogun (Ogoun) War]
Olokula [Sea]
Olorun [Supreme]
Omumbo-Rombonga [Tree of Life]
Orahan [Supreme]
Orisa Nla [Creator]
Orishako [Agriculture]
Orunjan [Midday Sun]
Orunmila [Compassion]
Oshalla [?]
Osun [Beauty and Love]
Oya [Passion and Power]
Pemba (Bemba) Mother]
Qandisa [Demon]
Qamata[Quamta] Supreme]
Rock-Sene [Supreme]
Ruwa [Supreme]
Sagbata [Smallpox]
Sakarabru [Medicine]
Sakpata [Smallpox]
Sango [Thunder]
Shango [Thunder]
So [Lightening]
Tano [River]
Tore [Forest]
Tsui'goab [Rain]
Twe [Lake]
Umvelinqangi [Creator]
Unkulunkulu [Supreme]
Unumbotte [Creator]
Waka [Rain]
Wele [Supreme]
Wulbari [Supreme]
Wuni [Supreme]
Xewioso [Thunder]
Yemaja [Creation]
Yo [Impersonal]
Zin [Water]
Abhijnaraja [Physician]
Abhimukhi [One of the Bhumis]
Acala [?]
Adhimukticarya [One of the Bhumis]
Adhimuktivasita [One of the Bhumis]
Adibuddha [First]
Adidharma [Primeval]
Aizen Myo-o [Protective]
Ajaya [?]
Akasagarbha(Tibetan Nam-mkhai
Aksayajnana-Karmanda [Literature]
Aksobhya (Japanese Ashuku, Chinese A-Chu'u) [One of the Dhyani]
Amida [Savior]
Amitabha [A Dhyani]
Amitayus [Longevity]
Amoghapasa [see Avalokitesvara]
Amoghasiddhi [A Dhyani]
Anantamukhi [Literature]
Arapacana [Book and Sword]
Arcismati [Bhumis]
Arhat [A Saint]
Arthapratisamvit [Logical Analysis]
Arya-Tara [Sakti]
Asokakanta [avatar Marici]
Asokottamasri [Physician]
Astabhuja-Kurukulla [avatar Kurukulla]
Asura [Group of Demons]
Avalokitesvara(Avalokita, Lokesvara) [Dhyani Present Age]
Ayurvasita[One vasitas]
Balaparamita [Philosophy]
Bhaisajyaguru(Sman-bla, Otaci,Yao-shih-fo, Yakushi)[Physician]
Bhrkuti-Tara [Mother]
Bhumi [Spiritual Spheres]
Bhutadarma [Demon Controller]
Bi-har [Protector]
Bodhidharma [Monk]
Bodhisattva (Chinese Pu-sa) [Born to be Englightened]
Buddhabodhiprabhavasita [Vasitas]
Buddhalocana [Female Buddha]
Budha [Mercury]
Butcho [?]
Chandarosana [Mahayana]
Charcika (Carcika) [Mahayana]
Chakravartin [World Ruler]
Chattrosnisa [An Usnisa]
Chaturmaharajas (Caturmaharajas) [Four Great Kings]
Chittavista [Vashitas]
Citipati [Graveyard Demons]
Cunda [Literature]
Da-shi-zhi [Bodhisattva]
Dadimunda [Temples]
Dainichi' [Purity/Wisdom]
Dakini [Demons]
Dala Kadavara [Demon]
Devaputra [Gods of Lower Rank]
Dhanada [avatar Amoghasiddhi]
Dharani [Mystical Texts]
Dharmadhatuvagisvara [Dharma]
Dharmakirtisagaraghosa [Physician]
Dharmamegha [Bhumis]
Dharmapala ,Chinese Fu Ha [Protective Dieties]
Dharmapratisamvit [Nature Analysis]
Dharmavasita [Vasitas]
Dhritarashtra (Pali Dhatarattha) [One of the 4 World Guardians]
Dhupa [Mother]
Dhupatara [Mahayana]
Dhvajagrakeyura [avatar Aksobhya]
Dhyanaparamita [Philosophy]
Dhyani-Bodhisattvas [Five Bodhisattvas]
Dhyani-Buddhas [Five Meditators]
Di-zang [Bodhisattvas of Hell]
Dvarapala [?]
Ekajata [Terrible]
Emma-o [Judges the Dead]
Fudo [WIsdom]
Guan Yin [bodhisattva]
Hariti [Ate Children]
Hayagriva [Protection]
Heruka [Protection]
Hevajra [Protection]
Ida-Ten [Law/Monestaries]
Jambhala [avatar Vausravana]
Janguli [Snakebite cure]
Jian Lao [Earth/Permanence]
Jizo [Compassion]
Juichimen [Mercy]
Kali devia [avatar Lha-mo]
Kannon [Japanese bodhisattva]
Khasarpana(Khasarpana-Lokesvara) [Indian bodhisattva]
Ki Fudo [avatar Fudo-Myo-o]
Krodhadevatas [Inspire Terror]
Ksitigarbha [One of 8 bodhisattva]
Kuan-yin (Kwannon) [Mercy]
Kujaku Myoo [Esoteric]
Kurukulla [?]
Locana [?]
Mahasthamaprata [Chinese bodhisattva]
Maitreya [Future]
Manjughosa [Nepalese bodhisattva]
Manjusri [bodhisattva]
Mara [Evil]
Marici [Sun]
Mi-lo Fo (Pu-Sa) [Chinese bodhisattva
Miroku [Japanese bodhisattva
Mo-Li [Protects Temples]
Padmanartesvara [avatar Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara]
Pancaraksa[5 Goddesses]
Pandara [?]
Paramasva [?]
Parnasavari [?]
Prajna [Femaleness]
Prajnaparamita [Buddhist Text]
Ran-deng [Beggar and Future Buddha]
Ratnapani [Dhyani-Bodhisattva]
Ratnasambhava [Dhyani-Buddha]
Remanta [King of the Horse gods]
Sakyamuni [Japanese]
Samantabhadra [Bodhisattvas]
Saptaksara [avatar Heruka]
Shakra [King of the Gods]
Ssu Ta T'ien Wang [Kings of Heaven]
Sumbharaja [Buddhist Krodhadevata]
Tennin (Tennyo) [angels]
Usnisavijaya [?]
Vairocana [Dhyani-Buddhas]
Vaisravana (Pali Vessavana, Chinese Do Wen) [Guards World]
Vajrabhairava [?]
Vajrapani [Bodhisattvas]
Vajrasattva [Nepal Dhyani-Buddha]
Vajravarahi [?]
Vajrayogini [Initiation]
Vajrayogini [Riches]
Vidyadharas [?]
Vidyujjvalakarali [?]
Vighnantaka [?]
Virudhaka (Pali Virulha, Chinese Zheng Zhang) [Guards World]
Virupaksa (Pali Virupakkha, Chinese Guand Mu) [Guards Western Heaven]
Visvapani [Dhyani-Bodhisattva]
We-to [Divine General]
Yakushi Nyorai [Healing]
Yama [?]
Yamantaka [Krodhadevatas]
Zhu Dian (Zhu Tian) [Chinese Buddhist gods]
Ao [Sea]
Awun [Destruction]
Ba [Drought]
Ba Gua [Basis of Divination]
Bo Hsian [Taoist]
Cai-Shen [Riches]
Can Cong [Silkworms]
Cao Guo-jiu [Actors]
Chang Fei [War]
Chang Hs'ien [Children]
Chang Kuo-lao [?]
Ch'ang E (Ch'ang-o Huang E) [Moon]
Chang Tao Ling [Afterlife]
Cheng-huang (Ch'eng Huang) [Guardians]
Chen Jen [Spiritual Beings]
Cheng San-Kung [Fishermen]
Cheng Yuan Ho (Ch'ang-o Huang E) [Buskers]
Chih Nu [Weavers]
Chih Sung-Tzu (Chi Sung Tzu) [Rain]
Chih-Yu [Inventor]
Ch'in-Shu-Pao [Guardian]
Chou Wang [Sodomy]
Chu-Chuan Shen [Pigsties]
Chu Jung [Fire]
Chu Lung [Day/Night]
Chung K'uei [Afterlife]
Chung-li Ch'uan [Immortal]
Confucius [Philosopher]
Di Zhang Xia [?]
Dong-yo Da-di [Helps Sky God]
Erh-Lang [Guardian]
Fan-K'uei [Butchers]
Fei Lien (Fei Lian) [Wind]
Feng-Huang (Hoang-female Phuong-male) [Many Meanings]
Feng Po (Feng-Po) [Human form of the wind]
Feng P'o-p'o (Feng-Po-Po) [Female wind]
Fo [Buddha]
Fu His [Taught Humanity]
Fu Hsing [Happiness]
Fu Shen [Happiness]
Fu-Shou-Lu [Collection of Gods]
Fu-xi [Hero]
Gao Yao (Ting-jian) [Judgement]
Gong Gong [Common Workers]
Gou Mang and Ru Shou [Messengers]
Guan Di (Kuan Ti) [War/Fortune Telling]
Gui Xian [Demon]
Han Hsiang [Immortal]
Han Xiang-zi [Immortal]
He Bo (Bing-yi) [Rivers]
Heng E (Change-e) [Moon]
He Xian-gu [Immortal]
Heng-Ha-Erh-Chiang [Temples]
Heng-o [Moon]
Ho Hsien-ku [Immortal]
Ho Po [River]
Hou Chi [Harvest]
Hou I [Archer]
Hou T'u [Earth]
Hsien [Taoists]
Hsi Ho [Sun's Creator]
Hsi Wang Mu [Guardian]
Hsuan-T'ien-Shang-Ti [Dark Heaven]
Hua Hsien [Flower]
Huang-di (Huang Ti) (Shun) [Hero]
Huang Fei-hu (Fei) [Mountain]
Hu-Shen [Hail]
I [Bowmen]
Infoniwoo [Generation]
I-Ti [Wine]
K'ai Lu Shen [Purges Evil]
Kuan Yu [War]
K'uei Hsing [Examinations]
Lan Cai-he [Immortal]
Lao T'ien Yeh [Supreme]
Lao-Tzu (Lao-zi) [Philosopher]
Lei Kung [Storm]
Lei-zi [Thunder]
Li [Fire]
Li Tie-guai [Immortal]
Liu [Crops]
Lu Dong-bin (Lu Yan) [Immortal]
Lu-Hsing [Salaries/Employees]
Lung Wang [Dragon King]
Lupan [Carpenters]
Ma-Mien [Bureaucrat]
Meng (Meng P'o) [Underworld]
Meng-T'ien [Writing Brush]
Men Shen [Doors, includes sometimes Wei Cheng]
Mu Gong [Immortals]
Niu-Y'oun [Police]
Nu Gua (Nu Kua, Nu Wa) [Creator and Marriage]
O-Mi-T'o Fo [Amitabha]
Pa [Drought]
Pa-Cha [Anti-locusts]
Pa-Hsien [Eight Immortals]
P'an-Chin-Lien [Prostitues]
'P'an Ku (Panku, Pangu) [Cosmos]
Pi-Hsia-Yuan-Chun [Childbirth]
Puhsien [Sun]
Ran-deng [Future Buddha]
San Ch'inga [Three Taos]
Shang Di (Shang Ti) [Supreme]
She Chi (Thu) [Earth]
Shen [Spirit]
Sheng Jen [Holy]
Shen-nong(Shen Nung) [Hero]
Shen-T'u [Guardian]
Shen Yi [Sun]
Shiang Ku [Magician]
Shih-Tien Yen-Wang [Committe of Ten]
Shou-Hsing [Longevity]
Shou Lao (Shou Xing Lao Tou-zi) [Long Life]
Shou-Ts'ang [Servant]
Shui-Fu [Water]
Shui-Kuan [Defender]
Ssu Ming [Life and Death]
Sung-Chiang [Theives]
Sun Hou-Tzu [Monkey]
Sun Hou-zi [Apes]
Sun-Pin [Cobblers]
T'ai I [High]
Tai-sui-xing [Time]
Tai-yi [Sky]
T'ai Yueh Ta Ti (Tung-Yueh-Ta-Ti, T'ai-Yo, Ta-Ti) [Peak]
Thu [Earth]
Tian [Sky]
Tian-zhu [Catholic]
Tien (T'ien) [Sky]
Tien-Hou (T'ien Fei) [Heaven]
T'ien-Kuan [Happiness]
T'ien Lung [Dragon]
Tien Mu [Lightening]
Tien-Wang (Mo-Li) [Kings]
Ti-Kuan [Foregiveness]
Ti Nu (Ti-ya) [Earth]
Ti-Tsang-Wang-Pu-Sa [Mercy]
Ti Yu [Afterlife]
Tou Nu [North Star]
Ts'ai-Lun [Stationers]
Ts'ai Shen [Wealth]
Tsan [Demons]
Ts'ang Chien [Hearth]
Tsao Shen [?]
Tsao-Wang [Hearth]
Tu [Earth]
Tung Wang Kung [Ruled Male Immortals]
T'u-ti (Ti-Ti) [Locality]
Wang [Palace Door]
Wang-Mu-Niang-Niang [Guardian]
Wen Ch'ang (Wen-Chang-Ta-Ti) [Literature]
Wen-Shu Yen-K'ung [Manjushri]
Wen Pu [Epidemics]
Wu Ti [Myth]
Xian [Spirits]
Xi-Wang-mu [Immortality]
Yama [Seventh hell]
Yan-lo (Yan Wang) [Underworld Prince]
Yao [Wind Conqueror]
Yao-shi-fo [Physician]
Yao Wang [Medicine]
Yeng-Wang-Yeh [Death]
Yen Wang (Yen Lo) [Underworld Judge]
Yin and Yang [Male and Female]
Yo Fei [War]
Yu-Chiang [Ocean Winds]
Yu-di (Yu Huang) [Supreme]
Yueh Fei [War]
Yu Huang (Yu-Huang-Shang-Ti) [High]
Yun T'ung [Clouds]
Yu-qiang [Sea]
Yu Shih [Rain]
Yu-tzu [Rain]
Zao Jun [Kitchen]
Zhang Guo-lao [Immortal]
Zhong-Kui [Literature and Examinations]
Zhong-li Quan [Immortal]
[Sources: Brief History of Ancient Chinese Mythology]
Ahto [Water]
Akka [Harvest]
Egres [Vegetation/Fertility]
Hiisi [Forest/Evil]
Ilma [Air]
Ilmarinen [Sky]
Inmar [Sky]
Juma [Sky]
Jumala (Mader-Atcha, Ukk) [Thunder+]
Kalevanpojat [Demons]
Kalma [Death]
Kekri [Fertility Feast]
Kipu-Tytto [Illness]
Kondos [Sowing Crops]
Kuu [Moon]
Lemminkainen [Hero]
Louhi [Sorcery/Evil]
Loviatar [Disease]
Luonnotar [Creator]
Madderakka [Dwarves]
Maahiset [Dwarves]
Naaki [Water]
Nyrckes [?]
Olmai (Olmay) [Divine properties]
Pajainen [?]
Pajonn [Thunder]
Para [Goblin Like]
Pellonpekko [Barley]
Raudna [?]
Rutu [Devil]
Sampsa [Vegetation]
Seides [Stones]
Rauni [?]
Tapio [Forest]
Tiermes [Thunder]
Tuoni [Underworld
Tursas [Monster]
Ukko (Isainen) [Thunder]
Vainamoinen [Hero]
Veralden-radien [World Pillars]
Waralden Olmai [World]
Aji-Suki-Taka-Hi-Kone (Aji-Shiki-Taka-Hiko-Ne) [Thunder]
Ama-No-Minakanushi-No-Kumi [Pole Star]
Ame-No-Oshido-Mimi [Refusal]
Ama-No-Uzume [Fertility]
Ama-Tsu-Kami [Heavenly Gods]
Amatsu Mikaboshi [Evil]
Ame-No-Hohi [Disappeared]
Ame-No-Wakahiko [Ruled Earth]
Bimbo-Gami [Poverty]
Bishamon [War]
Chimata-No-Kami [Rain/Sea]
Daikoku [Wealth]
Ebisu [Labor]
Fuchi [Fire]
Fukurokuju (Fukuro kuju) [Wisdom]
Futsunushi [Lightening]
Gozu-Tenno [Plague]
Haya-Ji (Haya-Tsu-Muji-No-Kami) [Whirlwind]
Hikohohodemi [Hero]
Hinokagutsuchi [Fire]
Hiruko [Morning Sun]
Hoderi [?]
Hisa-Me [Devils]
Ho-Masubi (Kagu Zuchi) [Fire]
Hosuseri [?]
Hotei [Laughter]
Inari [Prosperity]
Izanagi [Creator]
Izanami [Mother]
Jikoku [Guardians]
Jimmu Tenno [Founder]
Jurojin (Jorojin) [Longevity]
Kagu-tsuchi [Fire]
Kamado-gami [Hearth]
Kami [Divinities]
Kami-Musubi (Kami-mi-masubi) [?]
Kami-Nari [Thunder]
Kamui [Sky]
Kappa [Water]
Kawa-No-Kami [Rivers]
Kishijoten [Luck]
Kishimojin [Demon]
Komoku [South]
Kompira [Wealth]
Kono-Hana-Sakuya-Hime (Kono-no-hana-saku-ya-hime) [?]
Kono-Hana-Sakuya-Hime Kuni-Toko-tachi [First]
Kuni-Tsu-Kami [Earth]
Kura-Okami [Rain/Snow]
Nai-No-Kami [Earthquakes]
Naka-Yama-Tsu-Mi [Mountain Slopes]
Ningyo [Mermaid]
Ninigi [Ruler Earth]
O-Kuni-Nushi (Okuninushi) [Medicine/Sorcery]
Onamuji [Earth]
Omiwa [Protective]
Oni [Demons]
O-Wata-Tsumi [Sea]
O-Yama-Tsu-Mi (O-yama-tsuni) [Mountain]
Raiden [Thunder]
Ryo-Wo [Sea]
Ryujin (Ryugin) [Thunder/Rain]
Sae-No-Kami [Roads]
Sengen-Sama [Guarded Holy Moutain]
Sennin [Immortals]
Shichi-Fukujin [Luck]
Shiko-Me [Devils]
Shine-Tsu-Hiko [Wind]
Shitatera-Hime [?]
Shi-tenno [Cardinal Direction Guardians]
Shojo [Satyrs]
Soko-No-Kuni [Underworld]
Suitengu [Sea]
Sukuna-bikone (Suku-na-biko) [Hot Springs]
Shoki [Enemy of Devils]
Susanowo (Susanoo, Susa-no-wo) [Storms]
Takamimusubi (Taka-mi-masubi) [Royal Family]
Takemikadzuchi [Thunder]
Take-Mi-Musubi [Sun]
Taki-Tsu-Hiko [Rain]
Tatsuta-hime [Autumn]
Ten-gu (Tengu) [Mountain/Forest]
Tenjin (Temmangu) [Learning/Calligraphy]
Tsuki-Yomi (Tsukiyomi) [Moon]
Uji-gami [Ancestors]
Uke-Mochi-No-Kami (Ukemochi, Waka-Uke-Nomi, Toyo-Uke-Bime) [Fertility
Uzume [Mirth]
Wakahiru-me [Rising Sun]\
Wata-tsu-mi [Sea]
Yabune [House]
Zocho [South]
Shinto Amaterasu [Sun]
Ama-Tsu-Mara [Smiths]
Ame-No-Kagase-Wo [Astral]
Ame-No-Mi-Kumari-No-Kami [Water]
Amenominakanushi (Ame-No-Minaka-Nushi-No-Kami) [Supreme]
Am-No-Tanabata-Hime-No-Mikoto [Weavers]
Ame-No-Toko-Tachi-No-Kami [Elemental]
Ame-no-uzume [Dancers]
Benten (Benten-San, Benzaiten, Benzaiten) [Eloquence+]
Fujin [Wind]
Hachiman [War]
Ho-musubi [Fire]
Kami [Idols]
Cao Dai(Chinese: Gao-Tai) [Supreme]
Debata [?]
Empung Luminuut [?]
Hainuwele [?]
Hananim [Sky]
Hmin [Ague]
Karei [Supreme]
Kinharingan [Creator]
Kud [Evil]
Laseo [Sun]
Lature Dano [Supreme]
Lowalangi(Lowalani) [World Above]
Mahatala (Mahataral) [Supreme?]
Ma-zu [?]
Nanmata (Namite) [Primeval]
Narbrooi [Woodlands]
Nemu [Primodial]
Palk [Sun]
Puang Matowa [Sky]
Pulug [Thunder]
Reahu [Dark Demon]
Rigenmucha [Supreme]
Silewe Nazarata [?]
Sirao [First]
Ta Pedn [?]
Tnong [Sun]
Tumbrenjak [Original Man]
Upulevo [Sun]
Wunekau [Sun]
Abyrga [Snake]
Afi [Rain/Thunderstorms]
Aitvaras [Evil]
Alardi [Spirit]
Aralo [Agriculutre]
Armaz [Supreme]
Auseklis (Ausrine) [Stellar]
Baba [Spirit]
Baba Yaga (Jezi-Baba) [Ogress]
Bagvarti [?]
Bangputys [Sea]
Bannik [Baths]
Bagisht [Flood/Prosperity]
Barastir (Barastaer) [Underworld]
Bardha [Elves]
Beg-tse (Cam-srin) [War]
Beng [Satan]
Biegg-Olmai [Wind]
Bogatyri [Heroes]
Boldogasszony (Kisboldogasszony) [Protector Women/Children]
Bolla (Bullar) [Demon]
Buga [Supreme]
Bukura e dheut
[Good Spirit]
Bukuri e qiellit [Jehovah]
Byelobog (Bielbog) [?]
Byelun [?]
Chernobo(Czarnobog, Czerneboch, Cernobog) [?]
Chors [Sun]
Dabog [Sun]
Deive [Stone Spirits]
Dieva deli [?]
Dievini [Less Known Gods]
Dievs [Sky]
Djall [Devil]
Domovoi (Domovoy) [Household]
Donbittir [Water/Fish]
Drag-gshed [Eight Terrible Gods]
Dud [Heavenly Spirit]
Dvorovoi [Courtyard]
Dyavo [Demons]
En [?]
Erlik [King of the Dead]
Es [Sky]
Fatit [Destiny]
Fene [Demon]
Gabija (Gabieta, Gabeta) [Fire]
Gabjauja [Corn]
Giltine [Death]
Guta [Demon]
Hadur [War]
Himavat [Himalayas]
Horagalles [War]
Isdustaya and Papaya [Fate]
Isten [Supreme]
Jagaubis [Fire]
Jarovit (Gerovitus) [War]
Jessis [avatar Jupiter]
Jumis [Fertility]
Juras Mate [Water]
Kaka-Guia [Funerary]
Kalvis [Smith]
Karta [Fate]
Kaukas [?]
Khors [Health/Hunting]
Khyung-gai mGo-can [?]
Kikimora [Household]
K'op'ala [Protective]
Kukuth (Kukudhi) [Sickness]
Kulshedra (Kucedre) [Demon]
Kun-tu-bzan-po [Chief Bon]
Kupala [Water/Magic/Herbs]
Kurdalaegon [Blacksmiths]
Laima [Fate]
Lamaria [Hearth]
Laskowice (Leshcia) [Forest]
Lauka Mate [Fields/Fertility]
Laume [Fairy]
Leshy [Forest]
Lha [Bon Gods]
Lhamo [?]
Ljeschi (Lychie) [Fauns and Satyrs]
Ljubi [Demon]
Manzasiri [Primeval]
Mate [Mother]
Mati Syra Zemlya [Earth]
Medeine (Mejdejn) [Woods]
Meness [Moon]
Menulis [Moon]
Meza Mate [Nature]
Mirsa [Light]
Mokos [Fertility]
Mu (rMu) [Heavenly]
Muma Padura [Wood]
Myesyats (Czarnobog, Czerneboch, Cernobog) [Moon]
Nang Lha [Household]
Nari [Demon]
Nari [Sky]
Num [Sky]
Odqan [Fire]
Ora [Protective]
Ordog [Dark]
Pekar (Pehar) [Demon]
Peko [Barley]
Perendi [Jehovah]
Perit [Mountain Spirits]
Perkons [Thunder]
Perkunas [Thunder]
Perun (Peroun) [Thunder]
Polevik [Field]
Poludnitsa [Field]
Pon [Sky]
Porenutius (Porevit) [?]
Preas Eyn [?]
Preas Eyssaur [Destructive]
Preas Prohm [Primeval]
Prende (Prenne) [Love]
Psezpolnica (Polish Poludnica) [Midday]
Pugu [Sun]
Qormusta (Chormusta) [High]
Rugievit [War]
Rusalki (Rusalka) [Water/Woodlands]
Safa [Weapens]
Sanda [?]
Sarkany [Weather]
Saule [Sun]
Saules meitas [?]
Selardi [Moon]
Shen-Lha-od-dkar [Bon]
Shen-rab [Founder Bon]
Sipe Gyalmo [Bon]
Shiwini [Sun]
Shosshu [Smiths]
Siwini [Sun]
Srat [Demon]
Sri [Demon]
Sridevi [?]
Stribog [Winds]
Svantevit (Svantoveit, Svantovitus) [War/Agriculture]
Svarog [Sky]
Syen [Guardian]
Stihi [Demon]
Teljavelik [Heavenly Smith]
Telyaveli [Smiths]
Tengri [Heavenly Beings]
Tesheba [Weather]
Thab-lha [Hearth]
Triglav (Trigelawus) [War]
Uacilla [Thunder/Rain]
Ulgen [Creator]
Urme [Fate]
Usins [?]
Vadatajs [Evil]
Vampire [Soul of Dead]
Veela [Kindess]
Veja mate [Winds]
Veles (Volos) [Underworld]
Velnias [Devil]
Velu mate [Dead]
Verbti [Fire/North Wind]
Vila [Water]
Vilkacis (Lithuanian Vilkatas) [Werewolf]
Vlkodlaks (Vookodlaks) [Werewolf]
Vodnik [Demon]
Vodyanoi [Water]
Volos (Volusu) [Cattle]
We [Supreme]
Xhindi [Spirits]
Yarilo [Love]
Zaltys [Grass Snake]
Zemepatis (Zemempatis) [Supreme]
Zemes mate [Mother]
Zemyna (Zemyneles) [Earth]
Zorya [Guardian]
Zvezda Dennitsa and Zvezda Vechernyaya [Morning and Evening Star]
Ai Tojon [Light]
Ajysyt [Mother]
Anky-Kele [Sea]
Ayi [Creator]
Hittavainen, Hittauanin [Hare-Hunters]
Hinkon [Death Demon]
K'daai [Fire Demon]
Kaltes [The Goddess]
Ke'lets [Death Demon]
Kurkil [Creator]
Kutkinnaku [Good Spirit]
Mayin [Supreme]
Picvu'cin [Hunting/Wild Animals]
Shurdi [Thunderstorms]
Tomam [Bird]
Tomor(Tomorr) [Father Creator]
Xucau [Supreme]
Ye'loje (Pugu) [Sun]
2006-01-06 05:29:28 UTC
This is how I have come to believe in the Existence of God:

God = Cosmic Energy + Infinite but Finite Void or Space = ((E=Mc2) or
(Energy = Mass going at the rate of the speed of Light squared)) = The
Universe, The Combined Totality of All that which Exists of which we are a
part of It All.

(Unitaian Universalist Pantheist)
Uncle Vic
2006-01-06 03:34:46 UTC
Once upon a time in alt.atheism, dear sweet Alexander
Post by Alexander
God = Cosmic Energy + Infinite but Finite Void or Space = ((E=Mc2) or
(Energy = Mass going at the rate of the speed of Light squared)) = The
Universe, The Combined Totality of All that which Exists of which we
are a part of It All.
Funny, that's the same way I came to the conclusion there is no god.
Uncle Vic
Supervisor, EAC Department of little adhesive-backed "L" shaped
chrome-plastic doo-dads to add feet to Jesus fish department
Official alt.wisdom HELLBOY
2006-01-06 03:38:31 UTC
Post by Alexander
God = Cosmic Energy + Infinite but Finite Void or Space = ((E=Mc2) or
(Energy = Mass going at the rate of the speed of Light squared)) = The
Universe, The Combined Totality of All that which Exists of which we are a
part of It All.
(Unitaian Universalist Pantheist)
Are you joking!? Or just a troll that is really THAT STOOPID!
You obviously don't know ANYTHING about physics, astronomy
or even differential equations. Good grief!
Denis Loubet
2006-01-06 07:30:21 UTC
Post by Alexander
God = Cosmic Energy + Infinite but Finite Void or Space = ((E=Mc2) or
(Energy = Mass going at the rate of the speed of Light squared)) = The
Universe, The Combined Totality of All that which Exists of which we are a
part of It All.
You seem to be calling the universe itself god. Why? Why saddle the phrase
"the universe" with all the idiotic and corrupt baggage contained in the
word "god".

Don't do it.
Denis Loubet
2006-01-06 17:28:38 UTC
Post by Alexander
God = Cosmic Energy + Infinite but Finite Void or Space = ((E=Mc2) or
(Energy = Mass going at the rate of the speed of Light squared)) = The
Universe, The Combined Totality of All that which Exists of which we are a
part of It All.
(Unitaian Universalist Pantheist)
2006-01-06 23:04:11 UTC
Hello, Alexander!

Rubbish my friend..

god = cosmic energy (whats this?) + infinite but finite void or space (what
??) going at the rate or speed of light ?

You have not got a clue have you ?

What is a infinite but finite void ? A void suggests a lack of 'energy and
mass' - so why include this in your calculation ?

What is cosmic energy ? An early 90's saying used by Rodney Trotter ?

energy = mass times the speed of light squared..

At least have the moral decency to accept a known (yes known and proven -
unlike your god) calculation...

You wrote on Thu, 5 Jan 2006 21:29:28 -0800:

A> God = Cosmic Energy + Infinite but Finite Void or Space = ((E=Mc2) or
A> (Energy = Mass going at the rate of the speed of Light squared)) = The
A> Universe, The Combined Totality of All that which Exists of which we are
A> a part of It All.

With best regards, andy. E-mail: ***@btinternet.com
2006-01-08 05:59:04 UTC
Criticism should be constructive if one makes a criticism. Everyone has
his or her point of view. Please explain to me what or who has made you an
authority whose point of view is correct and whose point of view is not
correct? Theories are just those: theories unless otherwise proven to be
tangible facts without a doubt. There are more things in the heavens and the
Earth spoken of in your philosophy. ---- Shakespeare

(Unitarian Universalist Pantheist)
