(trop ancien pour répondre)
Pentcho Valev
2008-10-17 09:00:30 UTC
From time to time Einsteinians question the divinity of Divine Albert
but offer the following argument: The cleverest anti-relativist is Tom
Van Flandern he is very silly therefore anti-relativists are at least
very silly therefore Divine Albert is not a fake therefore Divine
Albert is a genius therefore Steve Carlip is a genius as well:

Was Einstein a fake?
by John Farrell

I suggest John Farrell and all other journalists-sycophants should
stop analysing Tom Van Flandern's deep thoughts. Whether or not Divine
Albert was a fake has already been revealed by Divine Albert himself
and important apostles of his:

Jean Eisenstaedt: "Il n'y a alors aucune raison théorique à ce que la
vitesse de la lumière ne dépende pas de la vitesse de sa source ainsi
que de celle de l'observateur terrestre ; plus clairement encore, il
n'y a pas de raison, dans le cadre de la logique des Principia de
Newton, pour que la lumière se comporte autrement - quant à sa
trajectoire - qu'une particule matérielle. Il n'y a pas non plus de
raison pour que la lumière ne soit pas sensible à la gravitation.
Bref, pourquoi ne pas appliquer à la lumière toute la théorie
newtonienne ? C'est en fait ce que font plusieurs astronomes,
opticiens, philosophes de la nature à la fin du XVIIIème siècle. Les
résultats sont étonnants... et aujourd'hui nouveaux.....Pourtant, au
plan des structures physiques, l'optique relativiste des corps en
mouvement de cette fin du XVIIIème est infiniment plus intéressante -
et plus utile pédagogiquement - que le long cheminement qu'a imposé

The Development of Our Views on the Composition and Essence of
Radiation by Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein 1909: "A large body of facts shows undeniably that
light has certain fundamental properties that are better explained by
Newton's emission theory of light than by the oscillation theory. For
this reason, I believe that the next phase in the development of
theoretical physics will bring us a theory of light that can be
considered a fusion of the oscillation and emission theories. The
purpose of the following remarks is to justify this belief and to show
that a profound change in our views on the composition and essence of
light is imperative.....Then the electromagnetic fields that make up
light no longer appear as a state of a hypothetical medium, but rather
as independent entities that the light source gives off, just as in
Newton's emission theory of light......Relativity theory has changed
our views on light. Light is conceived not as a manifestation of the
state of some hypothetical medium, but rather as an independent entity
like matter. Moreover, this theory shares with the corpuscular theory
of light the unusual property that light carries inertial mass from
the emitting to the absorbing object."

"Relativity and Its Roots" By Banesh Hoffmann
p.92: "There are various remarks to be made about this second
principle. For instance, if it is so obvious, how could it turn out to
be part of a revolution - especially when the first principle is also
a natural one? Moreover, if light consists of particles, as Einstein
had suggested in his paper submitted just thirteen weeks before this
one, the second principle seems absurd: A stone thrown from a speeding
train can do far more damage than one thrown from a train at rest; the
speed of the particle is not independent of the motion of the object
emitting it. And if we take light to consist of particles and assume
that these particles obey Newton's laws, they will conform to
Newtonian relativity and thus automatically account for the null
result of the Michelson-Morley experiment without recourse to
contracting lengths, local time, or Lorentz transformations. Yet, as
we have seen, Einstein resisted the temptation to account for the null
result in terms of particles of light and simple, familiar Newtonian
ideas, and introduced as his second postulate something that was more
or less obvious when thought of in terms of waves in an ether."

John Stachel: "Einstein discussed the other side of the particle-field
dualism - get rid of fields and just have particles."
Albert Einstein: "I consider it entirely possible that physics cannot
be based upon the field concept, that is on continuous structures.
Then nothing will remain of my whole castle in the air, including the
theory of gravitation, but also nothing of the rest of contemporary
John Stachel's comment: "If I go down, everything goes down, ha ha,
hm, ha ha ha."

Joao Magueijo, PLUS VITE QUE LA LUMIERE, Dunod, 2003, pp. 298-299:
"La racine du mal etait clairement la relativite restreinte. Tous ces
paradoxes resultaient d'effets bien connus comme la contraction des
longueurs, la dilatation du temps, ou E=mc^2, tous des predictions
directes de la relativite restreinte. (...) La consequence en etait
inevitable: pour edifier une theorie coherente de la gravite
quantique, quelle qu'elle soit, nous [Joao Magueijo et Lee Smolin]
devions commencer par abandonner la relativite restreinte. (...) Mais,
comme nous l'avons vu, celle-ci repose sur deux principes
independants. Le premier est la relativite du mouvement, le second la
constance de la vitesse de la lumiere. Une des solutions possibles a
notre probleme pouvait etre d'abandonner la relativite du mouvement.
(...) C'est une possibilite bien sur, mais nous avons choisi
l'alternative evidente: preserver la relativite du mouvement, mais
admettre qu'a de tres hautes energies, la vitesse de la lumiere ne
soit plus constante."

"Smolin admits that "we have made no real headway". "We have failed,"
he says. "It has produced a crisis in physics."..... EINSTEIN MAY HAVE

Lee Smolin: "Quantum theory was not the only theory that bothered
Einstein. Few people have appreciated how dissatisfied he was with his
own theories of relativity. Special relativity grew out of Einstein's
insight that the laws of electromagnetism cannot depend on relative
motion and that the speed of light therefore must be always the same,
no matter how the source or the observer moves. Among the consequences
of that theory are that energy and mass are equivalent (the now-
legendary relationship E = mc2) and that time and distance are

Pentcho Valev
Dirk Van de moortel
2008-10-17 09:41:44 UTC
Post by Pentcho Valev
From time to time Einsteinians question the divinity of Divine Albert
but offer the following argument: The cleverest anti-relativist is Tom
Van Flandern he is very silly therefore anti-relativists are at least
very silly therefore Divine Albert is not a fake therefore Divine
Bottom line:
| "But there is a pattern," he says. "They're always male - never female.
| Normally professionals of some kind, doctors, pilots, engineers. And
| they're always retired and have years to spend on their pet theory.


Dirk Vdm
2008-10-17 10:38:46 UTC
Post by Dirk Van de moortel
Ik ga het zeggen, Walter...

Zo'n gokkast die ge in de Belgische cafés vind ?

Uwe Hayek.
2008-10-17 11:03:57 UTC
On Oct 17, 5:41 am, "Dirk Van de moortel"
Post by Pentcho Valev
From time to time Einsteinians question the divinity of Divine Albert
but offer the following argument: The cleverest anti-relativist is Tom
Van Flandern he is very silly therefore anti-relativists are at least
very silly therefore Divine Albert is not a fake therefore Divine
   | "But there is a pattern," he says. "They're always male - never female.
   | Normally professionals of some kind, doctors, pilots, engineers. And
   | they're always retired and have years to spend on their pet theory.
Well, most real engineers don't question Special Relavity, since
already proven it's outright nonsense. So it's just a matter of
polishing the robots.
GR can't be proven right or wrong, it's a theory of Black Holes,
not light or graivty or forces.
Dirk Vdm
2008-10-17 11:40:59 UTC
On Oct 17, 5:41 am, "Dirk Van de moortel"
Post by Dirk Van de moortel
Post by Pentcho Valev
From time to time Einsteinians question the divinity of Divine Albert
but offer the following argument: The cleverest anti-relativist is Tom
Van Flandern he is very silly therefore anti-relativists are at least
very silly therefore Divine Albert is not a fake therefore Divine
| "But there is a pattern," he says. "They're always male - never female.
| Normally professionals of some kind, doctors, pilots, engineers. And
| they're always retired and have years to spend on their pet theory.
Well, most real engineers don't question Special Relavity, since
already proven it's outright nonsense.
You must live in a very small world which has a population of two

2008-10-17 11:42:32 UTC
Post by jmfbahciv
On Oct 17, 5:41 am, "Dirk Van de moortel"
Post by Pentcho Valev
From time to time Einsteinians question the divinity of Divine Albert
but offer the following argument: The cleverest anti-relativist is Tom
Van Flandern he is very silly therefore anti-relativists are at least
very silly therefore Divine Albert is not a fake therefore Divine
   | "But there is a pattern," he says. "They're always male - never female.
   | Normally professionals of some kind, doctors, pilots, engineers. And
   | they're always retired and have years to spend on their pet theory.
     Well, most real engineers don't question Special Relavity, since
     already proven it's outright nonsense.
You must live in a very small world which has a population of two
That's all you need with real engineers, since the rest are just
IBM employees for Quantum Crapola Incorporated.
Post by jmfbahciv
/BAH- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
2008-10-17 11:53:22 UTC
Post by z***@netscape.net
Post by jmfbahciv
On Oct 17, 5:41 am, "Dirk Van de moortel"
Post by Dirk Van de moortel
Post by Pentcho Valev
From time to time Einsteinians question the divinity of Divine Albert
but offer the following argument: The cleverest anti-relativist is Tom
Van Flandern he is very silly therefore anti-relativists are at least
very silly therefore Divine Albert is not a fake therefore Divine
| "But there is a pattern," he says. "They're always male - never female.
| Normally professionals of some kind, doctors, pilots, engineers. And
| they're always retired and have years to spend on their pet theory.
Well, most real engineers don't question Special Relavity, since
already proven it's outright nonsense.
You must live in a very small world which has a population of two
That's all you need with real engineers, since the rest are just
IBM employees for Quantum Crapola Incorporated.
Nope. You need three engineers for any project.

Don Stockbauer
2008-10-17 11:53:24 UTC
Post by jmfbahciv
On Oct 17, 5:41 am, "Dirk Van de moortel"
Post by Pentcho Valev
From time to time Einsteinians question the divinity of Divine Albert
but offer the following argument: The cleverest anti-relativist is Tom
Van Flandern he is very silly therefore anti-relativists are at least
very silly therefore Divine Albert is not a fake therefore Divine
   | "But there is a pattern," he says. "They're always male - never female.
   | Normally professionals of some kind, doctors, pilots, engineers. And
   | they're always retired and have years to spend on their pet theory.
     Well, most real engineers don't question Special Relavity, since
     already proven it's outright nonsense.
You must live in a very small world which has a population of two
  That's all you need with real engineers, since the rest are just
  IBM employees for Quantum Crapola Incorporated.
Nope.  You need three engineers for any project.
Einstein did ok given the limitations of his time.
2008-10-17 12:01:10 UTC
Post by Don Stockbauer
Post by jmfbahciv
Post by z***@netscape.net
Post by jmfbahciv
On Oct 17, 5:41 am, "Dirk Van de moortel"
Post by Dirk Van de moortel
Post by Pentcho Valev
From time to time Einsteinians question the divinity of Divine Albert
but offer the following argument: The cleverest anti-relativist is Tom
Van Flandern he is very silly therefore anti-relativists are at least
very silly therefore Divine Albert is not a fake therefore Divine
| "But there is a pattern," he says. "They're always male - never female.
| Normally professionals of some kind, doctors, pilots, engineers. And
| they're always retired and have years to spend on their pet theory.
Well, most real engineers don't question Special Relavity, since
already proven it's outright nonsense.
You must live in a very small world which has a population of two
That's all you need with real engineers, since the rest are just
IBM employees for Quantum Crapola Incorporated.
Nope. You need three engineers for any project.
Einstein did ok given the limitations of his time.
Einstein was not an engineer and he didn't do production work.

2008-10-17 12:10:59 UTC
Post by jmfbahciv
Post by Don Stockbauer
Post by jmfbahciv
On Oct 17, 5:41 am, "Dirk Van de moortel"
Post by Pentcho Valev
From time to time Einsteinians question the divinity of Divine Albert
but offer the following argument: The cleverest anti-relativist is Tom
Van Flandern he is very silly therefore anti-relativists are at least
very silly therefore Divine Albert is not a fake therefore Divine
   | "But there is a pattern," he says. "They're always male - never female.
   | Normally professionals of some kind, doctors, pilots, engineers. And
   | they're always retired and have years to spend on their pet theory.
     Well, most real engineers don't question Special Relavity, since
     already proven it's outright nonsense.
You must live in a very small world which has a population of two
  That's all you need with real engineers, since the rest are just
  IBM employees for Quantum Crapola Incorporated.
Nope.  You need three engineers for any project.
Einstein did ok given the limitations of his time.
Einstein was not an engineer and he didn't do production work.
Or course he wasn't and of couse he didn't. Since the only thing he
knew about light
was Maxwell, the only he knew about logic was Euclid, and the only
thing he knew
about Bazookas was Germans.
Post by jmfbahciv
/BAH- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Erwin Moller
2008-10-17 16:13:44 UTC
Post by jmfbahciv
Post by z***@netscape.net
Post by jmfbahciv
On Oct 17, 5:41 am, "Dirk Van de moortel"
Post by Dirk Van de moortel
Post by Pentcho Valev
From time to time Einsteinians question the divinity of Divine Albert
but offer the following argument: The cleverest anti-relativist is Tom
Van Flandern he is very silly therefore anti-relativists are at least
very silly therefore Divine Albert is not a fake therefore Divine
| "But there is a pattern," he says. "They're always male - never female.
| Normally professionals of some kind, doctors, pilots,
engineers. And
| they're always retired and have years to spend on their pet theory.
Well, most real engineers don't question Special Relavity, since
already proven it's outright nonsense.
You must live in a very small world which has a population of two
That's all you need with real engineers, since the rest are just
IBM employees for Quantum Crapola Incorporated.
Nope. You need three engineers for any project.
Why is that?
(I have this feeling we are missing a good joke.)

Erwin Moller
Post by jmfbahciv
2008-10-17 16:33:54 UTC
On Oct 17, 12:13 pm, Erwin Moller
Post by Erwin Moller
Nope.  You need three engineers for any project.
Why is that?
(I have this feeling we are missing a good joke.)
1) One to hold the light bulb and two to turn the ladder.
2) One to do the project and two to take credit for it.
3) One to flow chart the project, one to do the project, and one to
post crank emails about it.
4) ...
5) ...
2008-10-18 12:27:38 UTC
Post by Erwin Moller
Post by jmfbahciv
Post by z***@netscape.net
Post by jmfbahciv
On Oct 17, 5:41 am, "Dirk Van de moortel"
Post by Dirk Van de moortel
Post by Pentcho Valev
From time to time Einsteinians question the divinity of Divine Albert
but offer the following argument: The cleverest anti-relativist is Tom
Van Flandern he is very silly therefore anti-relativists are at least
very silly therefore Divine Albert is not a fake therefore Divine
| "But there is a pattern," he says. "They're always male - never female.
| Normally professionals of some kind, doctors, pilots, engineers. And
| they're always retired and have years to spend on their pet theory.
Well, most real engineers don't question Special Relavity, since
already proven it's outright nonsense.
You must live in a very small world which has a population of two
That's all you need with real engineers, since the rest are just
IBM employees for Quantum Crapola Incorporated.
Nope. You need three engineers for any project.
Why is that?
(I have this feeling we are missing a good joke.)
The third fills the sanity check role.

2008-10-17 12:01:13 UTC
Post by Pentcho Valev
"Relativity and Its Roots" By Banesh Hoffmann
p.92: "There are various remarks to be made about this second
principle. For instance, if it is so obvious, how could it turn out to
be part of a revolution - especially when the first principle is also
a natural one? Moreover, if light consists of particles, as Einstein
had suggested in his paper submitted just thirteen weeks before this
one, the second principle seems absurd: A stone thrown from a speeding
train can do far more damage than one thrown from a train at rest; the
speed of the particle is not independent of the motion of the object
emitting it.
Let me concentrate on the last one first.

You can compare it to sound. Soundwaves propagate through the air, and
their speed is fixed wrt to the medium air.

If you generate a soundwave, on board of a train, it travels at mach 1,
but its frequency is higher, because of the doppler effect.

This is the same for light, the "medium" being the mass distribution,
the gravitational field the light wave is propagating in. I prefer to
call this field an inertial field, but it is actually the same as the
gravitational field, one field with two aspects or properties.

But now imagine that the speed through air your train is traveling
through slows your clock, an flattens your train in the length
direction. Imagine its the flow of air molecules passing next to train
that is doing this , and your on board of a rubber train, which shrinks
because of this. Now you measure the speed of the sound escaping from
your train, but it look much faster, as your trains clock runs slower
and the train is shorter...you measure and you find mach 1 !!!

But then some confusion starts : did we measure the speed of the wave on
board of the train by a one way experiment or a two way experiment ?

One way experiments are inaccurate, and two way experiments cancel out
effects of the train motion through the medium. And what happens to our
measurement, since our measurement apparatus, as clocks and rods, are
influenced by our motion through the medium. Clocks slow down, and rods

Then it gets even worse : the way our clocks and rods are influenced is
by a factor related to our speed through the medium that is the same for
an absolute than for a relative medium, this is for no medium at all.
Plus that the doppler and relativistic effects tend to produce the same
result for the non moving observer and the moving observer, so that they
see each other's length shortening....

Now the confusion is complete, and literally nobody understands
relativity any more, which is given the worst possible name for absolute
motion in a medium.

In "About Time" a completely symmetric explanation of relativity of the
twins is given by Paul Davies, but, imnsho, a completely erroneous
explanation. The situation is, again imnsho, exactly the same as his
example of the twins where one hovers next to a black hole, the clock of
the close one slowing down.

This lead me to conclude that a clock measures the inertial component
of the gravitational field, component that also strengthens if you
travel through it and becomes infinite if you move at c.

Then all the paradoxes disappear, and if you imagine inertia go to zero,
you find uncertainty, and GR and QM are united, while still separated,
and all the paradoxes of QM disappear as well.

Einstein was a true genius, who made but one really big mistake, he
ignored the inertial component of the gravitational field, in favor of
some mythical notion of time. This error made him miss the connection
with uncertainty and QM. He was close, as he realized the importance of
inertia, Einstein gained this insight of inertia because of the work of
Ernst Mach, and it was Einstein who named the origin of inertia :
"Mach's Principle".

Uwe Hayek.
2008-10-17 17:12:42 UTC
Post by Hayek
Post by Pentcho Valev
"Relativity and Its Roots" By Banesh Hoffmann
p.92: "There are various remarks to be made about this second
principle. For instance, if it is so obvious, how could it turn out to
be part of a revolution - especially when the first principle is also
a natural one? Moreover, if light consists of particles, as Einstein
had suggested in his paper submitted just thirteen weeks before this
one, the second principle seems absurd: A stone thrown from a speeding
train can do far more damage than one thrown from a train at rest; the
speed of the particle is not independent of the motion of the object
emitting it.
Let me concentrate on the last one first.
You can compare it to sound.
Let me concentrate on the first one first.
NO YOU CANNOT! Light, sound and thrown stones do not compare
in any way whatosover.
Dirk Van de moortel
2008-10-17 18:48:38 UTC
Post by Androcles
Post by Hayek
Post by Pentcho Valev
"Relativity and Its Roots" By Banesh Hoffmann
p.92: "There are various remarks to be made about this second
principle. For instance, if it is so obvious, how could it turn out to
be part of a revolution - especially when the first principle is also
a natural one? Moreover, if light consists of particles, as Einstein
had suggested in his paper submitted just thirteen weeks before this
one, the second principle seems absurd: A stone thrown from a speeding
train can do far more damage than one thrown from a train at rest; the
speed of the particle is not independent of the motion of the object
emitting it.
Let me concentrate on the last one first.
You can compare it to sound.
Let me concentrate on the first one first.
NO YOU CANNOT! Light, sound and thrown stones do not compare
in any way whatosover.
Go get him, farto, KILL!

Dirk Vdm
Helmut Wabnig
2008-10-17 20:19:03 UTC
On Fri, 17 Oct 2008 18:12:42 +0100, "Androcles"
Post by Androcles
Post by Hayek
Post by Pentcho Valev
"Relativity and Its Roots" By Banesh Hoffmann
p.92: "There are various remarks to be made about this second
principle. For instance, if it is so obvious, how could it turn out to
be part of a revolution - especially when the first principle is also
a natural one? Moreover, if light consists of particles, as Einstein
had suggested in his paper submitted just thirteen weeks before this
one, the second principle seems absurd: A stone thrown from a speeding
train can do far more damage than one thrown from a train at rest; the
speed of the particle is not independent of the motion of the object
emitting it.
Let me concentrate on the last one first.
You can compare it to sound.
Let me concentrate on the first one first.
NO YOU CANNOT! Light, sound and thrown stones do not compare
in any way whatosover.
No more ballistic light, Andro?
2008-10-17 21:01:59 UTC
Post by Helmut Wabnig
On Fri, 17 Oct 2008 18:12:42 +0100, "Androcles"
Post by Androcles
Post by Hayek
Post by Pentcho Valev
"Relativity and Its Roots" By Banesh Hoffmann
p.92: "There are various remarks to be made about this second
principle. For instance, if it is so obvious, how could it turn out to
be part of a revolution - especially when the first principle is also
a natural one? Moreover, if light consists of particles, as Einstein
had suggested in his paper submitted just thirteen weeks before this
one, the second principle seems absurd: A stone thrown from a speeding
train can do far more damage than one thrown from a train at rest; the
speed of the particle is not independent of the motion of the object
emitting it.
Let me concentrate on the last one first.
You can compare it to sound.
Let me concentrate on the first one first.
NO YOU CANNOT! Light, sound and thrown stones do not compare
in any way whatosover.
No more ballistic light, Andro?
Wabbie, I have never changed my mind; glad to see you have
paid attention. You can NOT compare light to sound. Nor can
you compare it to mass. But then, you can't compare thrown stones
to sound either.
So what are you asking?
Dirk Van de moortel
2008-10-17 21:10:43 UTC
Post by Androcles
Post by Helmut Wabnig
On Fri, 17 Oct 2008 18:12:42 +0100, "Androcles"
Post by Androcles
Post by Hayek
Post by Pentcho Valev
"Relativity and Its Roots" By Banesh Hoffmann
p.92: "There are various remarks to be made about this second
principle. For instance, if it is so obvious, how could it turn out to
be part of a revolution - especially when the first principle is also
a natural one? Moreover, if light consists of particles, as Einstein
had suggested in his paper submitted just thirteen weeks before this
one, the second principle seems absurd: A stone thrown from a speeding
train can do far more damage than one thrown from a train at rest; the
speed of the particle is not independent of the motion of the object
emitting it.
Let me concentrate on the last one first.
You can compare it to sound.
Let me concentrate on the first one first.
NO YOU CANNOT! Light, sound and thrown stones do not compare
in any way whatosover.
No more ballistic light, Andro?
Wabbie, I have never changed my mind; glad to see you have
paid attention. You can NOT compare light to sound. Nor can
you compare it to mass. But then, you can't compare thrown stones
to sound either.
So what are you asking?
You are too stupid to understand, so *why* are you asking?

Dirk Vdm
Koobee Wublee
2008-10-17 21:54:46 UTC
Post by Dirk Van de moortel
Post by Androcles
Wabbie, I have never changed my mind; glad to see you have
paid attention. You can NOT compare light to sound. Nor can
you compare it to mass. But then, you can't compare thrown stones
to sound either.
So what are you asking?
You are too stupid to understand, so *why* are you asking?
Arguments among the village idiots. Cat fight between the Aether
deniers where each denies the Aether for different but very stupid
reason. <shrug>
Dirk Van de moortel
2008-10-17 22:03:00 UTC
Post by Koobee Wublee
Post by Dirk Van de moortel
Post by Androcles
Wabbie, I have never changed my mind; glad to see you have
paid attention. You can NOT compare light to sound. Nor can
you compare it to mass. But then, you can't compare thrown stones
to sound either.
So what are you asking?
You are too stupid to understand, so *why* are you asking?
Arguments among the village idiots. Cat fight between the Aether
deniers where each denies the Aether for different but very stupid
reason. <shrug>
Here, Fido:
Loading Image...

Dirk Vdm
2008-10-18 05:06:02 UTC
Post by Koobee Wublee
Post by Dirk Van de moortel
Post by Androcles
Wabbie, I have never changed my mind; glad to see you have
paid attention. You can NOT compare light to sound. Nor can
you compare it to mass. But then, you can't compare thrown stones
to sound either.
So what are you asking?
You are too stupid to understand, so *why* are you asking?
Arguments among the village idiots. Cat fight between the Aether
deniers where each denies the Aether for different but very stupid
reason. <shrug>
No cat fight with Dork, I ignore the cretin. Same with you, you fucking
Dirk Van de moortel
2008-10-18 10:24:48 UTC
Post by Androcles
Post by Koobee Wublee
Post by Dirk Van de moortel
Post by Androcles
Wabbie, I have never changed my mind; glad to see you have
paid attention. You can NOT compare light to sound. Nor can
you compare it to mass. But then, you can't compare thrown stones
to sound either.
So what are you asking?
You are too stupid to understand, so *why* are you asking?
Arguments among the village idiots. Cat fight between the Aether
deniers where each denies the Aether for different but very stupid
reason. <shrug>
No cat fight with Dork, I ignore the cretin. Same with you, you fucking
Directly *and* indirectly replying to two people you ignore...
Androfart at its best :-)

Dirk Vdm
2008-10-18 11:35:02 UTC
Post by Androcles
Post by Helmut Wabnig
On Fri, 17 Oct 2008 18:12:42 +0100, "Androcles"
Post by Androcles
Post by Hayek
Post by Pentcho Valev
"Relativity and Its Roots" By Banesh Hoffmann
p.92: "There are various remarks to be made about this second
principle. For instance, if it is so obvious, how could it turn out to
be part of a revolution - especially when the first principle is also
a natural one? Moreover, if light consists of particles, as Einstein
had suggested in his paper submitted just thirteen weeks before this
one, the second principle seems absurd: A stone thrown from a speeding
train can do far more damage than one thrown from a train at rest; the
speed of the particle is not independent of the motion of the object
emitting it.
Let me concentrate on the last one first.
You can compare it to sound.
Let me concentrate on the first one first.
NO YOU CANNOT! Light, sound and thrown stones do not compare
in any way whatosover.
No more ballistic light, Andro?
Wabbie, I have never changed my mind; glad to see you have
paid attention. You can NOT compare light to sound.
For the sake of argument, you can even compare a wave to a crowd of
football supporters.

But you do not do arguments.

We already knew that.

Uwe Hayek.
Als ik nu op dit moment geld transfereer [in België] naar een
andere rekening staat dat een uur later daar gecrediteerd.
-- Boutros Gali, realiteitsdeskundige.
2008-10-18 11:43:01 UTC
Post by Hayek
Post by Androcles
Post by Helmut Wabnig
On Fri, 17 Oct 2008 18:12:42 +0100, "Androcles"
Post by Androcles
Post by Hayek
Post by Pentcho Valev
"Relativity and Its Roots" By Banesh Hoffmann
p.92: "There are various remarks to be made about this second
principle. For instance, if it is so obvious, how could it turn out to
be part of a revolution - especially when the first principle is also
a natural one? Moreover, if light consists of particles, as Einstein
had suggested in his paper submitted just thirteen weeks before this
one, the second principle seems absurd: A stone thrown from a speeding
train can do far more damage than one thrown from a train at rest; the
speed of the particle is not independent of the motion of the object
emitting it.
Let me concentrate on the last one first.
You can compare it to sound.
Let me concentrate on the first one first.
NO YOU CANNOT! Light, sound and thrown stones do not compare
in any way whatosover.
No more ballistic light, Andro?
Wabbie, I have never changed my mind; glad to see you have
paid attention. You can NOT compare light to sound.
For the sake of argument, you can even compare a wave to a crowd of
football supporters.
But you do not do arguments.
We already knew that.
Uwe Hayek.
For the sake of argument, you can compare all the waves you like,
light travels in beams as streams of photons and sound does not.
But you are crackpot that likes to argue against observation.
We already knew that.
2008-10-18 16:49:56 UTC
Post by Androcles
Post by Hayek
Post by Androcles
Post by Helmut Wabnig
On Fri, 17 Oct 2008 18:12:42 +0100, "Androcles"
Post by Androcles
Post by Hayek
Post by Pentcho Valev
"Relativity and Its Roots" By Banesh Hoffmann
p.92: "There are various remarks to be made about this second
principle. For instance, if it is so obvious, how could it turn out to
be part of a revolution - especially when the first principle is also
a natural one? Moreover, if light consists of particles, as Einstein
had suggested in his paper submitted just thirteen weeks before this
one, the second principle seems absurd: A stone thrown from a speeding
train can do far more damage than one thrown from a train at rest; the
speed of the particle is not independent of the motion of the object
emitting it.
Let me concentrate on the last one first.
You can compare it to sound.
Let me concentrate on the first one first.
NO YOU CANNOT! Light, sound and thrown stones do not compare
in any way whatosover.
No more ballistic light, Andro?
Wabbie, I have never changed my mind; glad to see you have
paid attention. You can NOT compare light to sound.
For the sake of argument, you can even compare a wave to a crowd of
football supporters.
But you do not do arguments.
We already knew that.
Uwe Hayek.
For the sake of argument, you can compare all the waves you like,
light travels in beams as streams of photons and sound does not.
That's correct. But as to their speed, you can compare them sound. As
sound always travels at mach1, in our atmospheric conditions, and light
always travels at c.

There the comparison ends.
Look, an argument, quickly disregard it.
Post by Androcles
But you are crackpot that likes to argue against observation.
Which observation ? That you are a nutcase ?

Uwe Hayek.
2008-10-18 16:57:59 UTC
Post by Hayek
Post by Androcles
Post by Hayek
Post by Androcles
Post by Helmut Wabnig
On Fri, 17 Oct 2008 18:12:42 +0100, "Androcles"
Post by Androcles
Post by Hayek
Post by Pentcho Valev
"Relativity and Its Roots" By Banesh Hoffmann
p.92: "There are various remarks to be made about this second
principle. For instance, if it is so obvious, how could it turn out to
be part of a revolution - especially when the first principle is also
a natural one? Moreover, if light consists of particles, as Einstein
had suggested in his paper submitted just thirteen weeks before this
one, the second principle seems absurd: A stone thrown from a speeding
train can do far more damage than one thrown from a train at rest; the
speed of the particle is not independent of the motion of the object
emitting it.
Let me concentrate on the last one first.
You can compare it to sound.
Let me concentrate on the first one first.
NO YOU CANNOT! Light, sound and thrown stones do not compare
in any way whatosover.
No more ballistic light, Andro?
Wabbie, I have never changed my mind; glad to see you have
paid attention. You can NOT compare light to sound.
For the sake of argument, you can even compare a wave to a crowd of
football supporters.
But you do not do arguments.
We already knew that.
Uwe Hayek.
For the sake of argument, you can compare all the waves you like,
light travels in beams as streams of photons and sound does not.
That's correct. But as to their speed, you can compare them sound. As
sound always travels at mach1
Loading Image...
Loading Image...
You are crackpot that likes to argue against observation. We already knew
Uncle Al
2008-10-17 16:48:35 UTC
Post by Pentcho Valev
From time to time Einsteinians question the divinity of Divine Albert
[snip 120 lines of crap]

Special Relativity for yard apes

Experimental constraints on Special Relativity

Experimental constraints on General Relativity

empirical idiot
Uncle Al
(Toxic URL! Unsafe for children and most mammals)
2008-10-18 00:11:00 UTC
Post by Pentcho Valev
From time to time Einsteinians question the divinity of Divine Albert
but offer the following argument: The cleverest anti-relativist is Tom
Van Flandern he is very silly therefore anti-relativists are at least
very silly therefore Divine Albert is not a fake therefore Divine
Was Einstein a fake?
I'm pondering the question of whether or not EVERYTHING is being

This world is clearly not running the way it is presented as being run
in history books, textbooks, on television, and in other media.

At this point, everything may be up for grabs.

There may be little to any truth to anything you think you know.

James Harris
2008-10-18 03:08:35 UTC
"JSH" <***@gmail.com> wrote
Pentcho Valev <***@yahoo.com> wrote:
The cleverest anti-relativist is Tom Van Flandern
::: [and the dude is cool by me... very cool!... ahaha]
Was Einstein a fake? :::: [yes and no. It depends]
James Harris
I'm pondering the question of whether or not EVERYTHING
is being faked.
This world is clearly not running the way it is presented as
being run in history books, textbooks, on television, and
in other media.
At this point, everything may be up for grabs.
There may be little to any truth to anything you think you know.
hanson wrote:
ahahahahaha.... James, that is why the sharpies
invented religion, politics, ideologies, theories, etc...
All tools used by the few to fuck the many and to
keep you in line and alleviate your fears of traveling
alone... == Travel alone, & lights will come on...==
Thanks for the laughs... ahahaha...ahahanson
2008-10-18 12:53:39 UTC
Post by hanson
The cleverest anti-relativist is Tom Van Flandern
::: [and the dude is cool by me... very cool!... ahaha]
Was Einstein a fake?  ::::   [yes and no. It depends]
James Harris
I'm pondering the question of whether or not EVERYTHING
is being faked.
This world is clearly not running the way it is presented as
being run in history books, textbooks, on television, and
in other media.
At this point, everything may be up for grabs.
There may be little to any truth to anything you think you know.
ahahahahaha.... James, that is why the sharpies
invented religion, politics, ideologies, theories, etc...
All tools used by the few to fuck the many and to
keep you in line and alleviate your fears of traveling
alone...  == Travel alone, & lights will come on...==
Thanks for the laughs... ahahaha...ahahanson
ohh, look at you conspiracy theorist!

"religion, politics, ideologies, theories, etc..."

You hieratic, socialist, wishfully thinking, conspiracy theorist

Show me pear review of this!

You cant, because it's not true!

If it was true it would be on the front page of all the news papers
and everyone would be talking about it.

And it's not, so it's not true!

2008-10-18 15:51:04 UTC
Post by hanson
Post by JSH
Post by hanson
The cleverest anti-relativist is Tom Van Flandern
::: [and the dude is cool by me... very cool!... ahaha]
Post by JSH
Post by hanson
Was Einstein a fake? :::: [yes and no. It depends]
James Harris
Post by JSH
I'm pondering the question of whether or not EVERYTHING
is being faked.
This world is clearly not running the way it is presented as
being run in history books, textbooks, on television, and
in other media.
At this point, everything may be up for grabs.
There may be little to any truth to anything you think you know.
ahahahahaha.... James, that is why the sharpies
invented religion, politics, ideologies, theories, etc...
which are all tools used by the few to fuck the many and
to keep you in line and alleviate your fears of traveling
alone... == Travel alone, & lights will come on...==
Thanks for the laughs... ahahaha...ahahanson
Flabby Gaby wrote:
ohh, look at you conspiracy theorist!
"religion, politics, ideologies, theories, etc..."
You hieratic, socialist, wishfully thinking, conspiracy theorist
Show me pear review of this!
You cant, because it's not true!
If it was true it would be on the front page of all the news
papers and everyone would be talking about it.
And it's not, so it's not true!
hanson wrote:
ahahaha.. Flabby Gaby, your lights never came on.
... And no, I cannot show you a pear review of this.
But would you accept an apple- or banana review, or
a personalized dildo and battery review for yourself?
Post by hanson
Me, "socialist"?...Listen, Flabby Gaby, long before you,
Lion Kunts aka "Awe Shit" investigated and dug up
paydirt in my archive and "Awe Shit", not so brilliantly,
revealed that:
"hanson is the Chauffeur of Organized Corporate Crime Lords"
Needless to say, check the record,... sadly, "Awe Shit" is
no longer around. .... ahahaha... AHAHAHAHA...
AHAHAHHA.... ahaha... ahahahanson
2008-10-18 16:44:05 UTC
Post by gabydewilde
Post by hanson
Post by JSH
Post by hanson
The cleverest anti-relativist is Tom Van Flandern
::: [and the dude is cool by me... very cool!... ahaha]
Post by JSH
Post by hanson
Was Einstein a fake? :::: [yes and no. It depends]
James Harris
Post by JSH
I'm pondering the question of whether or not EVERYTHING
is being faked.
This world is clearly not running the way it is presented as
being run in history books, textbooks, on television, and
in other media.
At this point, everything may be up for grabs.
There may be little to any truth to anything you think you know.
ahahahahaha.... James, that is why the sharpies
invented religion, politics, ideologies, theories, etc...
which are all tools used by the few to fuck the many and
to keep you in line and alleviate your fears of traveling
alone... == Travel alone, & lights will come on...==
Thanks for the laughs... ahahaha...ahahanson
ohh, look at you conspiracy theorist!
"religion, politics, ideologies, theories, etc..."
You hieratic, socialist, wishfully thinking, conspiracy theorist
Show me pear review of this!
You cant, because it's not true!
If it was true it would be on the front page of all the news
papers and everyone would be talking about it.
And it's not, so it's not true!
ahahaha.. Flabby Gaby, your lights never came on.
... And no, I cannot show you a pear review of this.
But would you accept an apple- or banana review, or
a personalized dildo and battery review for yourself?
Only if they are freshly charged.
Uwe Hayek.
Post by gabydewilde
Post by hanson
Me, "socialist"?...Listen, Flabby Gaby, long before you,
Lion Kunts aka "Awe Shit" investigated and dug up
paydirt in my archive and "Awe Shit", not so brilliantly,
"hanson is the Chauffeur of Organized Corporate Crime Lords"
Needless to say, check the record,... sadly, "Awe Shit" is
no longer around. .... ahahaha... AHAHAHAHA...
AHAHAHHA.... ahaha... ahahahanson
2008-10-18 18:31:53 UTC
hanson the conspiracy terrorist wrote:
ahahahahaha.... James, that is why the sharpies
invented religion, politics, ideologies, theories, etc...
which are all tools used by the few to fuck the many and
to keep you in line and alleviate your fears of traveling
alone... == Travel alone, & lights will come on...==
Thanks for the laughs... ahahaha...ahahanson

Flabby Gaby wrote:

ohh, look at you conspiracy theorist!
"religion, politics, ideologies, theories, etc..."
You hieratic, socialist, wishfully thinking, conspiracy theorist
Show me pear review of this!
You cant, because it's not true!
If it was true it would be on the front page of all the news
papers and everyone would be talking about it.
And it's not, so it's not true!

hanson the socialist wrote:

ahahaha.. Flabby Gaby, your lights never came on.

gaby wrote:


hanson the academic wrote:

... And no, I cannot show you a pear review of this.

gaby wrote:

that is because it's not true! HAHAHAHHAA

hanson the politician wrote:

Me, "socialist"?

gaby wrote:


hanson the businessman writes:

"hanson is the Chauffeur of Organized Corporate Crime Lords"

gaby wrote:

Ohhhh, so you are the only person in this usenet thing who doesn't
lie? Amazing! And you also seem to value things? It's only money of
course but still .... very uniqe.

I'm the most creative person on this planet.

You want money? That should be easy enough.

You first make an engine that runs on water, seal it and computerise
it, make the IP hard to steal.

Then you apply the prepaid/contract system we use for mobile phones.

Force the auto makers to implement it into all new cars.

Then you own all the money.

Complete control over all markets and peoples etc etc

Any doubts, questions?
2008-10-19 01:07:06 UTC
"gabydewilde" <***@gmail.com> wrote
Any questions?
hanson wrote:
Yeah. Why did you crank yourself, flabby gaby?
thanks for the laughs... ahahahahanson
2008-10-18 16:43:07 UTC
Post by gabydewilde
Post by hanson
The cleverest anti-relativist is Tom Van Flandern
::: [and the dude is cool by me... very cool!... ahaha]
Was Einstein a fake? :::: [yes and no. It depends]
James Harris
I'm pondering the question of whether or not EVERYTHING
is being faked.
This world is clearly not running the way it is presented as
being run in history books, textbooks, on television, and
in other media.
At this point, everything may be up for grabs.
There may be little to any truth to anything you think you know.
ahahahahaha.... James, that is why the sharpies
invented religion, politics, ideologies, theories, etc...
All tools used by the few to fuck the many and to
keep you in line and alleviate your fears of traveling
alone... == Travel alone, & lights will come on...==
Thanks for the laughs... ahahaha...ahahanson
ohh, look at you conspiracy theorist!
"religion, politics, ideologies, theories, etc..."
You hieratic, socialist, wishfully thinking, conspiracy theorist
Show me pear review of this!
You cant, because it's not true!
If it was true it would be on the front page of all the news papers
and everyone would be talking about it.
And it's not, so it's not true!
Post by gabydewilde
So, the bilderberg group does not exist ?

What a relief...

Uwe Hayek.
Koobee Wublee
2008-10-19 07:19:44 UTC
Post by gabydewilde
Post by hanson
ahahahahaha.... James, that is why the sharpies
invented religion, politics, ideologies, theories, etc...
All tools used by the few to fuck the many and to
keep you in line and alleviate your fears of traveling
alone... == Travel alone, & lights will come on...==
Thanks for the laughs... ahahaha...ahahanson
ohh, look at you conspiracy theorist!
So, you just hand-waive anything you are not able to comprehend as
conspiracy theories. <shrug>
Post by gabydewilde
"religion, politics, ideologies, theories, etc..."
What do you know about any of these subjects?
Post by gabydewilde
You hieratic, socialist, wishfully thinking, conspiracy theorist
You need s straightjacket. <shrug>
Post by gabydewilde
Show me pear review of this!
Post by gabydewilde
You cant, because it's not true!
Have you not encountered a pear before? If not, let me warn you. It
will attack you and start to devour your toes first. Having
nightmares about pears is a very normal phenomenon. A pear is
absolutely the most evil thing anyone is possibly to encounter. A
pear review is like negotiating with the Devil himself. Good luck.
Post by gabydewilde
If it was true it would be on the front page of all the news papers
and everyone would be talking about it.
When everyone around you is claiming the emperor wearing beautiful
garment, it is very difficult to convince them otherwise that the
emperor in actuality has no clothes on.
Post by gabydewilde
And it's not, so it's not true!
With so much Orwellian education going on as pointed out below, it is
impossible to decide what is truth and what is not. <shrug>

Post by gabydewilde
Please seek help before you hurt anyone else.
2008-10-20 07:45:03 UTC
Post by Koobee Wublee
Post by gabydewilde
Post by hanson
ahahahahaha.... James, that is why the sharpies
invented religion, politics, ideologies, theories, etc...
All tools used by the few to fuck the many and to
keep you in line and alleviate your fears of traveling
alone...  == Travel alone, & lights will come on...==
Thanks for the laughs... ahahaha...ahahanson
ohh, look at you conspiracy theorist!
So, you just hand-waive anything you are not able to comprehend as
conspiracy theories.  <shrug>
Ah, you must be a communist.
Post by Koobee Wublee
Post by gabydewilde
"religion, politics, ideologies, theories, etc..."
What do you know about any of these subjects?
Post by gabydewilde
You hieratic, socialist, wishfully thinking, conspiracy theorist
You need s straightjacket.  <shrug>
Jesus can still save you you know?
Post by Koobee Wublee
Post by gabydewilde
Show me pear review of this!
Post by gabydewilde
You cant, because it's not true!
Have you not encountered a pear before?  If not, let me warn you.  It
will attack you and start to devour your toes first.  Having
nightmares about pears is a very normal phenomenon.  A pear is
absolutely the most evil thing anyone is possibly to encounter.  A
pear review is like negotiating with the Devil himself.  Good luck.
Post by gabydewilde
If it was true it would be on the front page of all the news papers
and everyone would be talking about it.
When everyone around you is claiming the emperor wearing beautiful
garment, it is very difficult to convince them otherwise that the
emperor in actuality has no clothes on.
Ah, then you must be with the terrorists.
Post by Koobee Wublee
Post by gabydewilde
And it's not, so it's not true!
With so much Orwellian education going on as pointed out below, it is
impossible to decide what is truth and what is not.  <shrug>
Nah, don't be ridiculous. "Follow the money" remember?

People with the most money are always right.
Post by Koobee Wublee
Knowledge is weakness.
Post by Koobee Wublee
It sure appears that way. yes...
Post by Koobee Wublee
But Einstein was right and so was Darwin.
Post by Koobee Wublee
'Living' in theory.
Post by Koobee Wublee
Sometimes a lie is good. (I made that one up myself)
Post by Koobee Wublee
I prefer preconceived disbelieves.
Post by Koobee Wublee
Most of the time you don't have to look into things to know they are
Post by Koobee Wublee
Post by gabydewilde
Please seek help before you hurt anyone else.
You mean go to church?

Or join the communist party?
Koobee Wublee
2008-10-21 05:54:06 UTC
Post by gabydewilde
Post by Koobee Wublee
So, you just hand-waive anything you are not able to comprehend as
conspiracy theories. <shrug>
Ah, you must be a communist.
Hmmm... Somehow, you are able to construe that I am a communist from
the above statement. Very few would immediately point out a genius in
your part, but the vast majority would just conclude that you are
indeed nuts. <shrug>

There are 2 circumstances that I find communism working like a charm.

** A benign, ideal world

** Very low intelligent society members such as insects like bees,
ants, etc.

On the other hand, pure capitalism also only works in the following 2

** A benign, ideal world

** Very low intelligent society members such as praying mantis,
spiders, etc.

Throwing another bone to chew on, do you know that the American
political system is not democratic but a republic form of government?
2008-10-18 16:41:43 UTC
Post by hanson
The cleverest anti-relativist is Tom Van Flandern
::: [and the dude is cool by me... very cool!... ahaha]
Was Einstein a fake? :::: [yes and no. It depends]
James Harris
I'm pondering the question of whether or not EVERYTHING
is being faked.
This world is clearly not running the way it is presented as
being run in history books, textbooks, on television, and
in other media.
At this point, everything may be up for grabs.
There may be little to any truth to anything you think you know.
ahahahahaha.... James, that is why the sharpies
invented religion, politics, ideologies, theories, etc...
You forgot tax.
Post by hanson
All tools used by the few to fuck the many and to
keep you in line and alleviate your fears of traveling
== Travel alone, & lights will come on...==
Do your lights come on ?
Post by hanson
Thanks for the laughs... ahahaha...ahahanson
Uwe Hayek.
2008-10-18 18:15:22 UTC
Post by Hayek
Post by hanson
The cleverest anti-relativist is Tom Van Flandern
::: [and the dude is cool by me... very cool!... ahaha]
Was Einstein a fake? :::: [yes and no. It depends]
James Harris
I'm pondering the question of whether or not EVERYTHING
is being faked.
This world is clearly not running the way it is presented as
being run in history books, textbooks, on television, and
in other media.
At this point, everything may be up for grabs.
There may be little to any truth to anything you think you know.
ahahahahaha.... James, that is why the sharpies
invented religion, politics, ideologies, theories, etc...
You forgot tax.
Post by hanson
All tools used by the few to fuck the many and to
keep you in line and alleviate your fears of traveling
alone... == Travel alone, & lights will come on...==
Do your lights come on ?
hanson wrote:
Uwe, how come you are making such propaganda
with that link of yours, in several posts?..
Do you have AIDS, you poor sod... ... ... omite?
.. or do you have English problems like that Flabby
Gabby with her " **pear** review"? ...ahahaha..
Thanks for the laughs, you Troedels... ..ahahanson
2008-10-19 14:07:45 UTC
Post by hanson
Post by Hayek
Post by hanson
The cleverest anti-relativist is Tom Van Flandern
::: [and the dude is cool by me... very cool!... ahaha]
Was Einstein a fake? :::: [yes and no. It depends]
James Harris
I'm pondering the question of whether or not EVERYTHING
is being faked.
This world is clearly not running the way it is presented as
being run in history books, textbooks, on television, and
in other media.
At this point, everything may be up for grabs.
There may be little to any truth to anything you think you know.
ahahahahaha.... James, that is why the sharpies
invented religion, politics, ideologies, theories, etc...
You forgot tax.
Post by hanson
All tools used by the few to fuck the many and to
keep you in line and alleviate your fears of traveling
alone... == Travel alone, & lights will come on...==
Do your lights come on ?
Uwe, how come you are making such propaganda
with that link of yours, in several posts?..
Do you have AIDS, you poor sod... ... ... omite?
.. or do you have English problems like that Flabby
Gabby with her " **pear** review"? ...ahahaha..
Thanks for the laughs, you Troedels... ..ahahanson
A simple "NO" would have been sufficient.

Uwe Hayek.
2008-10-18 16:48:51 UTC
Un peu comme si, quand on a trouvé que l'atome était composé
d'électrons et d'un noyau, tu te serais écrié "je savais que le
théorie atomiste était fausse".
Non, elle ne l'est pas : elle est une bonne approximation de la
réalité ... jusqu'à un certain niveau. Tout comme la théorie du noyau
dur n'est pas suffisante non plus : les noyaux peuvent se déformer.
Rutherford n'est pas un menteur pour autant.

Du côté de la relativité, c'est la même chose. Cela est une très bonne
approximation de la réalité, mais la théorie est plombée par un
certain nombres de faits[1] qui nous poussent à aller plus loin.

Mais sois certain qu'aucune de ces théories qui remettent Lorentz ou
la constance de la vitesse de la lumière en cause ne vont dans le sens
d'un retour en arrière vers Gallilée. D'ailleurs Newton et Gallilée
sont expérimentalement faux, et c'est la relativité générale qui est
correcte (au niveau de la précision des expériences de 2008), tu l'a
dit toi même ici :

[1] Non-renormalisation de la gravitation quantque, existence de
singularité, entre autres.
Continuer la lecture sur narkive: