[RUMOUR] iPhone 16 (or 17) won'ty have physical buttons
(too old to reply)
Your Name
2024-04-22 22:57:09 UTC
There are lots of rumors that the iPhone 16 (or maybe 17) will lose
some or all of its physical buttons, to be replaced with capacitive
touch buttons instead. Assuming the rumours turn out to be true (and
likely on the high end model first), you'll probably see Samsung make
fun of how silly the idea is ... only to of course then copy it six
months later on their own new phone models.

Personally I hate touch buttons. Physical buttons are far far better.
Even car makers who had used touch buttons on their infotainment
devices and steering wheels controls have realised they're crap and are
moving back to physical ones instead.
2024-04-22 23:34:16 UTC
Post by Your Name
There are lots of rumors that the iPhone 16 (or maybe 17) will lose
some or all of its physical buttons, to be replaced with capacitive
touch buttons instead. Assuming the rumours turn out to be true (and
likely on the high end model first), you'll probably see Samsung make
fun of how silly the idea is ... only to of course then copy it six
months later on their own new phone models.
Personally I hate touch buttons. Physical buttons are far far better.
Even car makers who had used touch buttons on their infotainment
devices and steering wheels controls have realised they're crap and are
moving back to physical ones instead.
If Apple does it then it will be the best thing since sliced bread and will
be defended to the death in this group.
Jörg Lorenz
2024-04-23 05:41:48 UTC
Post by badgolferman
Post by Your Name
There are lots of rumors that the iPhone 16 (or maybe 17) will lose
some or all of its physical buttons, to be replaced with capacitive
touch buttons instead. Assuming the rumours turn out to be true (and
likely on the high end model first), you'll probably see Samsung make
fun of how silly the idea is ... only to of course then copy it six
months later on their own new phone models.
Personally I hate touch buttons. Physical buttons are far far better.
Even car makers who had used touch buttons on their infotainment
devices and steering wheels controls have realised they're crap and are
moving back to physical ones instead.
If Apple does it then it will be the best thing since sliced bread and will
be defended to the death in this group.
Do you have something material to contribute, Troll?
"Gutta cavat lapidem." (Ovid)
Hank Rogers
2024-04-23 06:40:04 UTC
Post by Jörg Lorenz
Post by badgolferman
Post by Your Name
There are lots of rumors that the iPhone 16 (or maybe 17) will lose
some or all of its physical buttons, to be replaced with capacitive
touch buttons instead. Assuming the rumours turn out to be true (and
likely on the high end model first), you'll probably see Samsung make
fun of how silly the idea is ... only to of course then copy it six
months later on their own new phone models.
Personally I hate touch buttons. Physical buttons are far far better.
Even car makers who had used touch buttons on their infotainment
devices and steering wheels controls have realised they're crap and are
moving back to physical ones instead.
If Apple does it then it will be the best thing since sliced bread and will
be defended to the death in this group.
Do you have something material to contribute, Troll?
Aha, you’ve found Arlen again!

Good job, jughead.
2024-04-23 09:37:45 UTC
Post by Jörg Lorenz
Post by badgolferman
Post by Your Name
There are lots of rumors that the iPhone 16 (or maybe 17) will lose
some or all of its physical buttons, to be replaced with capacitive
touch buttons instead. Assuming the rumours turn out to be true (and
likely on the high end model first), you'll probably see Samsung make
fun of how silly the idea is ... only to of course then copy it six
months later on their own new phone models.
Personally I hate touch buttons. Physical buttons are far far better.
Even car makers who had used touch buttons on their infotainment
devices and steering wheels controls have realised they're crap and are
moving back to physical ones instead.
If Apple does it then it will be the best thing since sliced bread and will
be defended to the death in this group.
Do you have something material to contribute, Troll?
I personally prefer physical buttons for some purposes. The iPhone 14
and earlier mute switch is something I can actuate in which way I wish
even in the dark or in a pocket and can also, by touch, know which
position it is in. Very useful. Does this make me an "Arlen"?
2024-04-23 10:28:27 UTC
Post by Wilf
Post by Jörg Lorenz
Post by badgolferman
Post by Your Name
There are lots of rumors that the iPhone 16 (or maybe 17) will
lose some or all of its physical buttons, to be replaced with
capacitive touch buttons instead. Assuming the rumours turn out
to be true (and likely on the high end model first), you'll
probably see Samsung make fun of how silly the idea is ... only
to of course then copy it six months later on their own new
phone models.
Personally I hate touch buttons. Physical buttons are far far
better. Even car makers who had used touch buttons on their
infotainment devices and steering wheels controls have realised
they're crap and are moving back to physical ones instead.
If Apple does it then it will be the best thing since sliced
bread and will be defended to the death in this group.
Do you have something material to contribute, Troll?
I personally prefer physical buttons for some purposes. The iPhone
14 and earlier mute switch is something I can actuate in which way I
wish even in the dark or in a pocket and can also, by touch, know
which position it is in. Very useful. Does this make me an "Arlen"?
Any opinion outside of the "approved" Apple one makes you a troll.
2024-04-23 11:36:51 UTC
Post by badgolferman
Post by Wilf
Post by Jörg Lorenz
Post by badgolferman
Post by Your Name
There are lots of rumors that the iPhone 16 (or maybe 17) will
lose some or all of its physical buttons, to be replaced with
capacitive touch buttons instead. Assuming the rumours turn out
to be true (and likely on the high end model first), you'll
probably see Samsung make fun of how silly the idea is ... only
to of course then copy it six months later on their own new
phone models.
Personally I hate touch buttons. Physical buttons are far far
better. Even car makers who had used touch buttons on their
infotainment devices and steering wheels controls have realised
they're crap and are moving back to physical ones instead.
If Apple does it then it will be the best thing since sliced
bread and will be defended to the death in this group.
Do you have something material to contribute, Troll?
I personally prefer physical buttons for some purposes. The iPhone
14 and earlier mute switch is something I can actuate in which way I
wish even in the dark or in a pocket and can also, by touch, know
which position it is in. Very useful. Does this make me an "Arlen"?
Any opinion outside of the "approved" Apple one makes you a troll.
Well, I really hope not.
Jolly Roger
2024-04-23 16:10:27 UTC
Post by Wilf
Post by badgolferman
Post by Wilf
Post by Jörg Lorenz
Post by badgolferman
Post by Your Name
There are lots of rumors that the iPhone 16 (or maybe 17) will
lose some or all of its physical buttons, to be replaced with
capacitive touch buttons instead. Assuming the rumours turn out
to be true (and likely on the high end model first), you'll
probably see Samsung make fun of how silly the idea is ... only
to of course then copy it six months later on their own new
phone models.
Personally I hate touch buttons. Physical buttons are far far
better. Even car makers who had used touch buttons on their
infotainment devices and steering wheels controls have realised
they're crap and are moving back to physical ones instead.
If Apple does it then it will be the best thing since sliced
bread and will be defended to the death in this group.
Do you have something material to contribute, Troll?
I personally prefer physical buttons for some purposes. The iPhone
14 and earlier mute switch is something I can actuate in which way I
wish even in the dark or in a pocket and can also, by touch, know
which position it is in. Very useful. Does this make me an "Arlen"?
Any opinion outside of the "approved" Apple one makes you a troll.
Well, I really hope not.
badgolferman trolls here regularly, so if you are taking his word for
anything regarding trolling, you're pretty gullible.
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

2024-04-23 17:15:44 UTC
Post by Jolly Roger
Post by Wilf
Post by badgolferman
Any opinion outside of the "approved" Apple one makes you a
Well, I really hope not.
badgolferman trolls here regularly, so if you are taking his word for
anything regarding trolling, you're pretty gullible.
I think Wilf is old enough to decide for himself who tells the truth,
notwithstanding your indirect insult of him.
"The Bible tells us to love our neighbors and also to love our enemies;
probably because generally they are the same people." ~ G. K. Chesterton
2024-04-23 23:24:05 UTC
Post by badgolferman
Post by Jolly Roger
Post by Wilf
Post by badgolferman
Any opinion outside of the "approved" Apple one makes you a
Well, I really hope not.
badgolferman trolls here regularly, so if you are taking his word for
anything regarding trolling, you're pretty gullible.
I think Wilf is old enough to decide for himself who tells the truth,
notwithstanding your indirect insult of him.
I reckon so.
Jolly Roger
2024-04-24 01:07:54 UTC
Post by Wilf
Post by badgolferman
Post by Jolly Roger
Post by Wilf
Post by badgolferman
Any opinion outside of the "approved" Apple one makes you a troll.
Well, I really hope not.
badgolferman trolls here regularly, so if you are taking his word
for anything regarding trolling, you're pretty gullible.
I think Wilf is old enough to decide for himself who tells the truth,
notwithstanding your indirect insult of him.
I reckon so.
I guess we'll see then.
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

Jolly Roger
2024-04-24 01:07:24 UTC
Post by badgolferman
Post by Jolly Roger
Post by Wilf
Post by badgolferman
Any opinion outside of the "approved" Apple one makes you a
Well, I really hope not.
badgolferman trolls here regularly, so if you are taking his word for
anything regarding trolling, you're pretty gullible.
I think Wilf is old enough to decide for himself
I never claimed differently. And it's easy enough for anyone interested
to read your trollish posts.
Post by badgolferman
notwithstanding your indirect insult of him.
Not an insult (especially if he doesn't just take your word for it) -
just the truth.
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

Jörg Lorenz
2024-04-23 13:36:38 UTC
Post by badgolferman
Post by Wilf
Post by Jörg Lorenz
Post by badgolferman
If Apple does it then it will be the best thing since sliced
bread and will be defended to the death in this group.
Do you have something material to contribute, Troll?
I personally prefer physical buttons for some purposes. The iPhone
14 and earlier mute switch is something I can actuate in which way I
wish even in the dark or in a pocket and can also, by touch, know
which position it is in. Very useful. Does this make me an "Arlen"?
Any opinion outside of the "approved" Apple one makes you a troll.
QED: You are Troll. A brain dead Troll not willing to contribute a
constructive opinion.
"Ave Caesar! Morituri te salutant!"
Alan Browne
2024-04-23 14:20:01 UTC
Post by Jörg Lorenz
QED: You are Troll. A brain dead Troll not willing to contribute a
constructive opinion.
By replying to it, you oxygenate it.
“Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first;
nationalism, when hate for people other than your own comes first.”
- Charles de Gaulle.
2024-04-23 16:00:37 UTC
Post by Alan Browne
Post by Jörg Lorenz
QED: You are Troll. A brain dead Troll not willing to contribute a
constructive opinion.
By replying to it, you oxygenate it.
"it"? My, you sure are feeling superior today, aren't you?
"A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely
rearranging their prejudices." ~ William James
Jolly Roger
2024-04-23 16:11:17 UTC
Post by badgolferman
Post by Alan Browne
Post by Jörg Lorenz
QED: You are Troll. A brain dead Troll not willing to contribute a
constructive opinion.
By replying to it, you oxygenate it.
"it"? My, you sure are feeling superior today, aren't you?
Touched a nerve? You trolls are thin-skinned losers.
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

Sten deJoode
2024-04-23 22:55:24 UTC
Post by Jolly Roger
Post by badgolferman
Post by Alan Browne
Post by Jörg Lorenz
QED: You are Troll. A brain dead Troll not willing to contribute a
constructive opinion.
By replying to it, you oxygenate it.
"it"? My, you sure are feeling superior today, aren't you?
Touched a nerve? You trolls are thin-skinned losers.
The responses prove iCulists are ignorant childish bullies.

Like a child, Alan Browne has no argument but to call people 'it'.
Like a child, Jolly Roger calls all statements about Apple trolls.

These iCultists are ignorant low IQ uneducated herd animals.
They will use all their chilcish bullying, to force posters to only say
that which is "approved" by the iCult herd animals that they are.

Like pigs, they will butt you out of the herd for speaking the truth.
Just watch.
Jolly Roger
2024-04-24 01:08:31 UTC
Post by Sten deJoode
Post by Jolly Roger
Post by badgolferman
Post by Alan Browne
Post by Jörg Lorenz
QED: You are Troll. A brain dead Troll not willing to contribute a
constructive opinion.
By replying to it, you oxygenate it.
"it"? My, you sure are feeling superior today, aren't you?
Touched a nerve? You trolls are thin-skinned losers.
The responses prove iCulists are ignorant childish bullies.
"No, YOU!!!" is the best Arlen has. Weak.
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

Sten deJoode
2024-04-23 22:56:21 UTC
Post by Jolly Roger
Post by badgolferman
Post by Alan Browne
Post by Jörg Lorenz
QED: You are Troll. A brain dead Troll not willing to contribute a
constructive opinion.
By replying to it, you oxygenate it.
"it"? My, you sure are feeling superior today, aren't you?
Touched a nerve? You trolls are thin-skinned losers.
The responses prove iCulists are ignorant childish bullies.

Like a child, Alan Browne has no argument but to call people 'it'.
Like a child, Jolly Roger calls all statements about Apple trolls.

These iCultists are ignorant low IQ uneducated herd animals.
They will use all their chilcish bullying, to force posters to only say
that which is "approved" by the iCult herd animals that they are.

Like pigs, they will butt you out of the herd for speaking the truth.
Just watch.
2024-04-24 10:10:10 UTC
Post by Jolly Roger
Post by badgolferman
Post by Alan Browne
Post by Jörg Lorenz
QED: You are Troll. A brain dead Troll not willing to contribute a
constructive opinion.
By replying to it, you oxygenate it.
"it"? My, you sure are feeling superior today, aren't you?
Touched a nerve? You trolls are thin-skinned losers.
In these days of pronouns, I prefer to be referred to as “he” or “him”. If
he doesn’t comply to my preferred pronouns I will report him to Tim Cook,
who will then surely have his army of social warriors remove all emojis
from Alan Browne’s keyboards.
Jolly Roger
2024-04-24 14:35:28 UTC
Post by badgolferman
Post by Jolly Roger
Post by badgolferman
Post by Alan Browne
Post by Jörg Lorenz
QED: You are Troll. A brain dead Troll not willing to contribute a
constructive opinion.
By replying to it, you oxygenate it.
"it"? My, you sure are feeling superior today, aren't you?
Touched a nerve? You trolls are thin-skinned losers.
In these days of pronouns, I prefer to be referred to as “he” or “him”. If
he doesn’t comply to my preferred pronouns I will report him to Tim Cook,
who will then surely have his army of social warriors remove all emojis
from Alan Browne’s keyboards.
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

Your Name
2024-04-23 22:07:07 UTC
Post by badgolferman
Post by Wilf
Post by Jörg Lorenz
Post by badgolferman
Post by Your Name
There are lots of rumors that the iPhone 16 (or maybe 17) will
lose some or all of its physical buttons, to be replaced with
capacitive touch buttons instead. Assuming the rumours turn out
to be true (and likely on the high end model first), you'll
probably see Samsung make fun of how silly the idea is ... only
to of course then copy it six months later on their own new
phone models.
Personally I hate touch buttons. Physical buttons are far far
better. Even car makers who had used touch buttons on their
infotainment devices and steering wheels controls have realised
they're crap and are moving back to physical ones instead.
If Apple does it then it will be the best thing since sliced
bread and will be defended to the death in this group.
Do you have something material to contribute, Troll?
I personally prefer physical buttons for some purposes. The iPhone
14 and earlier mute switch is something I can actuate in which way I
wish even in the dark or in a pocket and can also, by touch, know
which position it is in. Very useful. Does this make me an "Arlen"?
Any opinion outside of the "approved" Apple one makes you a troll.
Opinions are fine. It's posting* misleading or utter nonsense by the
anti-Apple know-nothing brigade that makes it a troll.

* Usually cross-posted to the Android newsgroup so they can impress all
their "friends" there with how clever they are ... when in reality
nobody in that newsgroup wants them either.
Jolly Roger
2024-04-23 16:09:23 UTC
Post by Wilf
Post by Jörg Lorenz
Post by badgolferman
Post by Your Name
There are lots of rumors that the iPhone 16 (or maybe 17) will lose
some or all of its physical buttons, to be replaced with capacitive
touch buttons instead. Assuming the rumours turn out to be true
(and likely on the high end model first), you'll probably see
Samsung make fun of how silly the idea is ... only to of course
then copy it six months later on their own new phone models.
Personally I hate touch buttons. Physical buttons are far far
better. Even car makers who had used touch buttons on their
infotainment devices and steering wheels controls have realised
they're crap and are moving back to physical ones instead.
If Apple does it then it will be the best thing since sliced bread
and will be defended to the death in this group.
Do you have something material to contribute, Troll?
I personally prefer physical buttons for some purposes. The iPhone 14
and earlier mute switch is something I can actuate in which way I wish
even in the dark or in a pocket and can also, by touch, know which
position it is in. Very useful.
Conceptually, I agree, but I can't tell you the last time I actually
toggled the mute switch in my pocket - or toggled it all. It's generally
something I set once and then forget about since I like my phones to be
Post by Wilf
Does this make me an "Arlen"?
Nope, you just have a different opinion. Differing opinions aren't a
problem here. Trolling is. Can you distinguish between offering a
genuine opinion and trolling? It seems maybe you can't.
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

2024-04-23 23:27:15 UTC
Post by Jolly Roger
Post by Wilf
Post by Jörg Lorenz
Post by badgolferman
Post by Your Name
There are lots of rumors that the iPhone 16 (or maybe 17) will lose
some or all of its physical buttons, to be replaced with capacitive
touch buttons instead. Assuming the rumours turn out to be true
(and likely on the high end model first), you'll probably see
Samsung make fun of how silly the idea is ... only to of course
then copy it six months later on their own new phone models.
Personally I hate touch buttons. Physical buttons are far far
better. Even car makers who had used touch buttons on their
infotainment devices and steering wheels controls have realised
they're crap and are moving back to physical ones instead.
If Apple does it then it will be the best thing since sliced bread
and will be defended to the death in this group.
Do you have something material to contribute, Troll?
I personally prefer physical buttons for some purposes. The iPhone 14
and earlier mute switch is something I can actuate in which way I wish
even in the dark or in a pocket and can also, by touch, know which
position it is in. Very useful.
Conceptually, I agree, but I can't tell you the last time I actually
toggled the mute switch in my pocket - or toggled it all. It's generally
something I set once and then forget about since I like my phones to be
Post by Wilf
Does this make me an "Arlen"?
Nope, you just have a different opinion. Differing opinions aren't a
problem here. Trolling is. Can you distinguish between offering a
genuine opinion and trolling? It seems maybe you can't.
Ooh, maybe I can't. Surely you can do better than put a genuine poster
off ever bothering to make a comment here?
Hank Rogers
2024-04-23 23:46:58 UTC
Post by Jolly Roger
Post by Jörg Lorenz
Post by badgolferman
Post by Your Name
There are lots of rumors that the iPhone 16 (or maybe 17) will lose
some or all of its physical buttons, to be replaced with capacitive
touch buttons instead. Assuming the rumours turn out to be true
(and likely on the high end model first), you'll probably see
Samsung make fun of how silly the idea is ... only to of course
then copy it six months later on their own new phone models.
Personally I hate touch buttons. Physical buttons are far far
better.  Even car makers who had used touch buttons on their
infotainment devices and steering wheels controls have realised
they're crap and are moving back to physical ones instead.
If Apple does it then it will be the best thing since sliced bread
and will be defended to the death in this group.
Do you have something material to contribute, Troll?
I personally prefer physical buttons for some purposes.  The iPhone 14
and earlier mute switch is something I can actuate in which way I wish
even in the dark or in a pocket and can also, by touch, know which
position it is in.  Very useful.
Conceptually, I agree, but I can't tell you the last time I actually
toggled the mute switch in my pocket - or toggled it all. It's generally
something I set once and then forget about since I like my phones to be
Does this make me an "Arlen"?
Nope, you just have a different opinion. Differing opinions aren't a
problem here. Trolling is. Can you distinguish between offering a
genuine opinion and trolling? It seems maybe you can't.
Ooh, maybe I can't.  Surely you can do better than put a genuine poster off
ever bothering to make a comment here?
Join the iCult, and you'll have no problems here.

But beware of the anti-apple trolls. They are legion.
Sten deJoode
2024-04-23 23:52:49 UTC
Post by Hank Rogers
Join the iCult, and you'll have no problems here.
None of the herd animals will disparage anyone who toes the party line.

Yet the instant someone states a fact they don't like about Apple - they
turn into a herd of instant ignorant swine - snorting like Jolly Roger pigs
and charging like Alan Browne childish ignorant bullies always do.
Post by Hank Rogers
But beware of the anti-apple trolls. They are legion.
You do realize they're not anti Apple... they just state the facts.
Hank Rogers
2024-04-24 00:23:53 UTC
Post by Sten deJoode
Post by Hank Rogers
Join the iCult, and you'll have no problems here.
None of the herd animals will disparage anyone who toes the party line.
Yet the instant someone states a fact they don't like about Apple - they
turn into a herd of instant ignorant swine - snorting like Jolly Roger pigs
and charging like Alan Browne childish ignorant bullies always do.
Post by Hank Rogers
But beware of the anti-apple trolls. They are legion.
You do realize they're not anti Apple... they just state the facts.
You are being unfair. You simply haven't heard the apple gospel yet.

I'm praying for you.
Jolly Roger
2024-04-24 01:10:06 UTC
Post by Wilf
Post by Jolly Roger
Post by Wilf
Post by Jörg Lorenz
Post by badgolferman
Post by Your Name
There are lots of rumors that the iPhone 16 (or maybe 17) will lose
some or all of its physical buttons, to be replaced with capacitive
touch buttons instead. Assuming the rumours turn out to be true
(and likely on the high end model first), you'll probably see
Samsung make fun of how silly the idea is ... only to of course
then copy it six months later on their own new phone models.
Personally I hate touch buttons. Physical buttons are far far
better. Even car makers who had used touch buttons on their
infotainment devices and steering wheels controls have realised
they're crap and are moving back to physical ones instead.
If Apple does it then it will be the best thing since sliced bread
and will be defended to the death in this group.
Do you have something material to contribute, Troll?
I personally prefer physical buttons for some purposes. The iPhone 14
and earlier mute switch is something I can actuate in which way I wish
even in the dark or in a pocket and can also, by touch, know which
position it is in. Very useful.
Conceptually, I agree, but I can't tell you the last time I actually
toggled the mute switch in my pocket - or toggled it all. It's generally
something I set once and then forget about since I like my phones to be
Post by Wilf
Does this make me an "Arlen"?
Nope, you just have a different opinion. Differing opinions aren't a
problem here. Trolling is. Can you distinguish between offering a
genuine opinion and trolling? It seems maybe you can't.
Ooh, maybe I can't. Surely you can do better than put a genuine poster
off ever bothering to make a comment here?
I'm afraid if it's not the trolling that puts you off, but people who
object to it, that's not a problem anyone but you can solve.
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

2024-04-24 01:36:42 UTC
Post by Jolly Roger
Post by Wilf
Post by Jolly Roger
Post by Wilf
Post by Jörg Lorenz
Post by badgolferman
Post by Your Name
There are lots of rumors that the iPhone 16 (or maybe 17) will lose
some or all of its physical buttons, to be replaced with capacitive
touch buttons instead. Assuming the rumours turn out to be true
(and likely on the high end model first), you'll probably see
Samsung make fun of how silly the idea is ... only to of course
then copy it six months later on their own new phone models.
Personally I hate touch buttons. Physical buttons are far far
better. Even car makers who had used touch buttons on their
infotainment devices and steering wheels controls have realised
they're crap and are moving back to physical ones instead.
If Apple does it then it will be the best thing since sliced bread
and will be defended to the death in this group.
Do you have something material to contribute, Troll?
I personally prefer physical buttons for some purposes. The iPhone 14
and earlier mute switch is something I can actuate in which way I wish
even in the dark or in a pocket and can also, by touch, know which
position it is in. Very useful.
Conceptually, I agree, but I can't tell you the last time I actually
toggled the mute switch in my pocket - or toggled it all. It's generally
something I set once and then forget about since I like my phones to be
Post by Wilf
Does this make me an "Arlen"?
Nope, you just have a different opinion. Differing opinions aren't a
problem here. Trolling is. Can you distinguish between offering a
genuine opinion and trolling? It seems maybe you can't.
Ooh, maybe I can't. Surely you can do better than put a genuine poster
off ever bothering to make a comment here?
I'm afraid if it's not the trolling that puts you off, but people who
object to it, that's not a problem anyone but you can solve.
That’s it Wilf! You are about to be classified as a troll now! Jolly Roger
gets to decide all this and you are now in thin ice.
Sten deJoode
2024-04-24 06:07:45 UTC
Post by Jolly Roger
Post by Wilf
Ooh, maybe I can't. Surely you can do better than put a genuine poster
off ever bothering to make a comment here?
I'm afraid if it's not the trolling that puts you off, but people who
object to it, that's not a problem anyone but you can solve.
That's it Wilf! You are about to be classified as a troll now! Jolly Roger
gets to decide all this and you are now in thin ice.
I've studied Jolly Roger and, in his defense, I'd clarify that the best
Jolly Roger can do, when he hates a fact about Apple, is call it a troll.

Jolly Roger doesn't own the intelligence to come up with anything better.

You have to realize that during his entire life, people have told Jolly
Roger that he was stupid - but here - in Apple lala land, Jolly Roger can
bully even the most intelligent of people. He _loves_ bullying people.

Bullying is the only thing that makes Jolly Roger feel good about himself.
Alan Browne
2024-04-23 14:19:14 UTC
Post by Jörg Lorenz
Do you have something material to contribute, Troll?
Just ignore it. Deprive it of oxygen.
“Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first;
nationalism, when hate for people other than your own comes first.”
- Charles de Gaulle.
Sten deJoode
2024-04-24 06:14:42 UTC
Post by Alan Browne
Post by Jörg Lorenz
Do you have something material to contribute, Troll?
Just ignore it. Deprive it of oxygen.
Alan Browne isn't as stupid as Jolly Roger is, as Jolly Roger couldn't even
earn his GED (which he told us many years ago he tried 3 times & failed).

Alan Browne has an abnormally low IQ to be sure - but probably double what
Jolly Roger's IQ is, which puts Alan Browne at about 80 on the IQ scale.

Alan Browne's low intelligence is obvious in how he responds to the facts.

One way to tell that Alan Browne owns no intelligence is the absolute
_best_ he can do to counter facts when he's confronted with a fact about
Apple that he hates, is to call the bearer of that fact, an "it".

Somehow, in Alan Browne's rather strange 3rd-grade mind, it makes _him_
feel better about himself to call adults an "it" to make the fact go away.

Alan Browne has too low of an IQ to ever realize what it says about him,
especially given that's his _only_ response to facts about Apple product.
Alan Browne
2024-04-23 14:18:39 UTC
There are lots of rumors that the iPhone 16 (or maybe 17) will lose some
or all of its physical buttons, to be replaced with capacitive touch
buttons instead. Assuming the rumours turn out to be true (and likely on
the high end model first), you'll probably see Samsung make fun of how
silly the idea is ... only to of course then copy it six months later on
their own new phone models.
Personally I hate touch buttons. Physical buttons are far far better.
Even car makers who had used touch buttons on their infotainment devices
and steering wheels controls have realised they're crap and are moving
back to physical ones instead.
Depends on the function. For cars, many things should be a physical
button, dial or lever for speed of access and safety.

If you have to take your eyes off the road to adjust the ventilation fan
level or (esp.) select defrost (defog), then it is a safety issue IMO.

As to phones, not much on the safety issue argument so ... we'll see.
“Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first;
nationalism, when hate for people other than your own comes first.”
- Charles de Gaulle.