Bad news
(too old to reply)
2016-12-21 03:52:56 UTC
I just found out an old friend of mine committed suicide last May. He was disfellowshipped. You can fill in the blanks.
Annointed Remnant
2016-12-22 16:40:17 UTC
Post by k***@netzero.com
I just found out an old friend of mine committed suicide last May.
He was disfellowshipped. You can fill in the blanks.
This happens all too often, but it won't stop as long as those bastards in NY
keep pushing their made-up agendas.
2016-12-23 01:39:31 UTC
Post by Annointed Remnant
Post by k***@netzero.com
I just found out an old friend of mine committed suicide last May.
He was disfellowshipped. You can fill in the blanks.
This happens all too often, but it won't stop as long as those bastards in NY
keep pushing their made-up agendas.
Can we be friends?
2016-12-24 01:33:41 UTC
Post by k***@netzero.com
Post by Annointed Remnant
Post by k***@netzero.com
I just found out an old friend of mine committed suicide last May.
He was disfellowshipped. You can fill in the blanks.
This happens all too often, but it won't stop as long as those bastards in NY
keep pushing their made-up agendas.
Can we be friends?
Sure, if you're not a JW. In that case, you are not allowed to be my friend. I
have no animosity toward the JW. It's the organizational leaders who are at
2016-12-24 03:30:01 UTC
Post by dino
Post by k***@netzero.com
Post by Annointed Remnant
Post by k***@netzero.com
I just found out an old friend of mine committed suicide last May.
He was disfellowshipped. You can fill in the blanks.
This happens all too often, but it won't stop as long as those bastards in NY
keep pushing their made-up agendas.
Can we be friends?
Sure, if you're not a JW. In that case, you are not allowed to be my friend. I
have no animosity toward the JW. It's the organizational leaders who are at
Yes, the Governing Body are evil men.
2016-12-23 22:07:22 UTC
Post by k***@netzero.com
I just found out an old friend of mine committed suicide last May. He was disfellowshipped. You can fill in the blanks.
You ignore most of the Jewish bible where thousands of innocent were "punished" but a friend LIKE YOU survives Armageddon to resurrect him. I assure you the Bible proves that Jehovah has never resurrected anyone other than Jesus without the voice of someone calling forth who to credit it for. That means the credit that BUILDS now is not for you or your friend, but the ones who truly represent the global British 1914 license, and truly represents the name JEHOVAH has put on the org in 1931. King Saul and high-priest Eli ruled that org, but they will not be there after Armageddon going to graves to raise anyone in the name of the org or Jah or Jesus or the church-bride who is the IBSA license. OTHERS who were wicked like Assyrians or Babylonians yet more righteous than Saul or Eli will rise first and will say oh here is Saul, let us forgive him and raise him, here is Eli let us forgive him and raise him. Those who appear to rule, are not the ones who rise first, but rather those whose examples ruled us all so that we arrived at the point to awaken dead ones. So i say be there, and you will raise him knowing others who had appointments and anointings never got there. This fact is proven when Jesus says that the queen of Sheba shall rise first before those who rejected jesus and she won have a good opinion of these damn Jews. It is like (former) Hindus or (former) Buddhists rising before the Popes rise up, and then as the (former) Catholics gather around, they raise the Popes who have never been to heaven. The crowds, the catholics, the Baptists will then say, so how come you dint get to heaven being so holy all you Popes. Truly i tell you that it will not just be who rises first, as if God is showing favor. NO! because that is how it is now, people think hey i was born before you, i am older than you. But in that day, they will rise up by the faith of friends who trust God and do get their friends & family raised up. This mizz anointed who rules here is not one who would know. All the shes and he's who express such bitter hatred and vengence. The WT has an equal guilt to Popes and religious empires. How is it that people get so selective, fomrer Mormons wish to kill the Mormon Church, former Catholics kill the Catholic Church, former JWs want to kill the WT. Your answer is not found wth them. BUT with Bible fact that king Saul was selected by jehovah and killed by Jehovah. Eli was selected by jehovah and killed by jehovah. As Jehovah said to Samuel, they have rejected me Jehovah as their king by wanting a man to represent me wrong. Bless your effort, Armageddon begins. Chruch will go down. ALL of them. But when Judas was killed and Jesus was killed and 40 years of Jesus 30-70AD killed the other Pharisees and Saducees etc, only one of them rose, and so the same, true selected partakers are selected for heaven to make what is about to happen. The great crowd does more than hold the skirt of the king-priests being saved, Mordecai specifically says that if (Esther) the bride-queen of the king-savior wants to be a bitch and say her life is too precious to save the war, she is wrong, she will die and God save his children with another queen church as bride to Jesus. The 7000 partakers do not have to be replaced. With 137,000 in heaven and 7000 on earth, the nature of 7 ruling leader will not prevent the gathering of those 7000 to the state of New York to fulfill the completed bride exiting this world the same way jesus did. The reward is 40 days of being flesh to save those baptized and those who follow those baptized in the trek out of Sodom's fire, and the trek out of Egypt's parted sea.
Justin Kase
2017-01-25 07:09:20 UTC
Post by k***@netzero.com
I just found out an old friend of mine committed suicide last May. He was
disfellowshipped. You can fill in the blanks.
No surprise. Several commit suicide after the promised Armageddon didn't
happen in 1975. They sold or gave everything to the Watchtower. They had
nothing left.
