[ot] Pedophilia: The Talmud's Dirty Secret, by Rev Ted Pike
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2010-09-28 22:59:51 UTC


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A National Prayer Network Special Report


By Rev. Ted Pike
28 Sep 10 (Update)

Editor's Note:

This year, top Israeli Rabbi Moti Elon was [10]indicted by police
for sex crimes against minors. "Far from being the rabbi of an
obscure Hasidic sect, the charismatic Elon is a high-profile
leader, educator and media personality, representing the more
mainstream religious Zionists and former head of the renowned
HaKotel (Western Wall) Yeshiva. [11]He comes from a family of high
achievers in law, politics and academia that has drawn comparisons
with the Kennedy clan."

In 2006, Elon was restricted by an organization of rabbis in his
contact with students, after confessing to sexual relationships
with male students. Yet he continued to act as the president of a
Talmudic academy in Jerusalem and did not fully honor the
agreement. One Ha'aretz commentary says Elon "managed to turn
himself [12]into almost a kind of saint" -a fate certainly to be
envied by American religious figures turned pedophiles.

Dr. Aviad Hacohen, dean of the Sha'arei Mishpat College, in 2007
reported that "95% of sexual offences in Jerusalem [13]were
performed by the religious and haredi." "Several years ago, I began
looking into the issue on a data-based level," said Hacohen. "It
turned out that the law enforcement authorities, both the police
and the prosecutor's office, were aware of the data but refused to
expose it based on sectorial affiliation in order to avoid branding
a certain group in the population..."

Since the following article was written in 2006, cases of Jewish
leadership figures in Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox Judaism being
involved in homosexuality or pedophilia scandals continue to mount
not only in Israel, but in New York, where Ultra-Orthodox are
strongest. The reason is simple: some of the very greatest rabbis
who wrote the Talmud were pedophiles.

Read this shocking and timely article for complete documentation.


By Rev. Ted Pike
11 Oct 06

For nearly a century, the Jewish-dominated Hollywood film industry
and big media have conspicuously influenced Christian America away
from Biblical morals and values. (See, "[14]Jews Confirm Big Media
Is Jewish")

Yet, with the hippie rebellion of the early sixties, the Jewish
media found exponential opportunities to hasten America's moral
decline. Encouraging drugs and pornography it persuaded America
that "free love" and living together outside of marriage were
socially acceptable. With astonishing rapidity the movie, TV, and
print media helped produce a generation of sexual libertines. By
the end of the sixties, it hastened the sexual revolution to its
next stage, homosexuality.

Now, more than 40 years later, even homosexuality has lost its
attraction to many children and grandchildren of the hippie
generation. Pedophilia (sex with little boys and girls along with
child pornography) is the latest underground obsession sweeping
America and the world.

Last fall, I alerted the nation to the power of the pedophile lobby
in Congress; Sen. Edward Kennedy, long backed by homosexuals in
support of the federal anti-hate bill, betrayed them to favor the
evidently more powerful and rewarding pedophiles. (See "[15]How
Kennedy and His Pedophiles Weakened the Child Safety Bill")

Rotten Roots

What kind of moral foundations do Jews of the media rest upon, that
they could consciously ignite and fan the flames of a sexual
inferno that continues to ravage our once Christian society?

Virtually all the media moguls who founded Hollywood and the big
three TV networks were immigrants, or their children, from
predominantly orthodox Jewish communities in Eastern Europe.

In the late 19th century, most European Jews were a people of the
book. But their book wasn't the Bible. It was the Babylonian
Talmud. To this day, the Talmud remains Judaism's highest moral,
ethical and legal authority.

Does the Talmud share Christianity's foundation of wholesome moral
values? Hardly. Instead, the Talmud is the sleazy substrata of a
religious system gone terribly astray; it is that code of Pharisaic
unbelief Christ described as "full of all uncleanness" (Matt.
23:27). Shockingly, Judaism's most revered authority actually
endorses such sins as lying, oath-breaking, and indirect murder.
And it even sanctions one of the greatest sins of all: child

Three Year Old Brides

When Christ accused the Pharisees of His day of being Satan's
spiritual children, He fully realized what they were capable of.
Second century Rabbi Simeon ben Yohai, one of Judaism's very
greatest rabbis and a creator of Kabbalah, sanctioned
pedophilia--permitting molestation of baby girls even younger than
three! He proclaimed, "A proselyte who is under the age of three
years and a day is permitted to marry a priest."^ 1 Subsequent
rabbis refer to ben Yohai's endorsement of pedophilia as "halakah,"
or binding Jewish law. ^2 Has ben Yohai, child rape advocate, been
disowned by modern Jews? Hardly. Today, in ben Yohai's hometown of
Meron, Israel, tens of thousands of orthodox and ultra-orthodox
Jews gather annually for days and nights of singing and dancing in
his memory.

References to pedophilia abound in the Talmud. They occupy
considerable sections of Treatises Kethuboth and Yebamoth and are
enthusiastically endorsed by the Talmud's definitive legal work,
Treatise Sanhedrin.

The Pharisees Endorsed Child Sex

The rabbis of the Talmud are notorious for their legal
hairsplitting, and quibbling debates. But they share rare agreement
about their right to molest three year old girls. In contrast to
many hotly debated issues, hardly a hint of dissent rises against
the prevailing opinion (expressed in many clear passages) that
pedophilia is not only normal but scriptural as well! It's as if
the rabbis have found an exalted truth whose majesty silences

Because the Talmudic authorities who sanction pedophilia are so
renowned, and because pedophilia as "halakah" is so explicitly
emphasized, not even the translators of the Soncino edition of the
Talmud (1936) dared insert a footnote suggesting the slightest
criticism. They only comment: "Marriage, of course, was then at a
far earlier age than now." ^3

In fact, footnote 5 to Sanhedrin 60b rejects the right of a
Talmudic rabbi to disagree with ben Yohai's endorsement of
pedophilia: "How could they [the rabbis], contrary to the opinion
of R. Simeon ben Yohai, which has scriptural support, forbid the
marriage of the young proselyte?" ^4

Out of Babylon

It was in Babylon after the exile under Nebuchadnezzar in 597 BC
that Judaism's leading sages probably began to indulge in
pedophilia. Babylon was the staggeringly immoral capitol of the
ancient world. For 1600 years, the world's largest population of
Jews flourished within it.

As an example of their evil, Babylonian priests said a man's
religious duty included regular sex with temple prostitutes.
Bestiality was widely tolerated. So Babylonians hardly cared
whether a rabbi married a three year old girl.

But with expulsion of the Jews in the 11th century AD, mostly to
western Christian lands, Gentile tolerance of Jewish pedophilia
abruptly ended.

Still, a shocking contradiction lingers: If Jews want to revere the
transcendent wisdom and moral guidance of the Pharisees and their
Talmud, they must accept the right of their greatest ancient sages
to violate children. To this hour, no synod of Judaism has
repudiated their vile practice.

Sex with a "Minor" Permitted

What exactly did these sages say?

The Pharisees justified child rape by explaining that a boy of nine
years was not a "man" (See, "[16]Judaism and Homosexuality: A
Marriage Made in Hell") Thus they exempted him from God's Mosaic
Law: "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it
is an abomination" (Lev. 18:22) One passage in the Talmud gives
permission for a woman who molested her young son to marry a high
priest. It concludes, "All agree that the connection of a boy aged
nine years and a day is a real connection; whilst that of one less
than eight years is not." ^5 Because a boy under 9 is sexually
immature, he can't "throw guilt" on the active offender, morally or
legally. ^6

A woman could molest a young boy without questions of morality even
being raised: "...the intercourse of a small boy is not regarded as
a sexual act." ^7 The Talmud also says, "A male aged nine years and
a day who cohabits with his deceased brother's wife acquires her
(as wife)." ^8 Clearly, the Talmud teaches that a woman is
permitted to marry and have sex with a nine year old boy.

Sex at Three Years and One Day

In contrast to Simeon ben Yohai's dictum that sex with a little
girl is permitted under the age of three years, the general
teaching of the Talmud is that the rabbi must wait until a day
after her third birthday. She could be taken in marriage simply by
the act of rape.

R. Joseph said: Come and hear! A maiden aged three years and a day
may be acquired in marriage by coition and if her deceased
husband's brother cohabits with her, she becomes his. (Sanh. 55b)

A girl who is three years of age and one day may be betrothed by
cohabitation. . . .(Yeb. 57b)

A maiden aged three years and a day may be acquired in marriage by
coition, and if her deceased husband's brother cohabited with her
she becomes his. (Sanh. 69a, 69b, also discussed in Yeb. 60b)

It was taught: R. Simeon b. Yohai stated: A proselyte who is under
the age of three years and one day is permitted to marry a priest,
for it is said, But all the women children that have not known man
by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves, and Phineas (who was
priest, the footnote says) surely was with them. (Yeb. 60b)

[The Talmud says such three year and a day old girls are] . . . fit
for cohabitation. . . But all women children, that have not known
man by lying with him, it must be concluded that Scripture speaks
of one who is fit for cohabitation. (Footnote to Yeb. 60b)

The example of Phineas, a priest, himself marrying an underage
virgin of three years is considered by the Talmud as proof that
such infants are "fit for cohabitation."

The Talmud teaches that an adult woman's molestation of a nine year
old boy is "not a sexual act" and cannot "throw guilt" upon her
because the little boy is not truly a "man." ^9 But they use
opposite logic to sanction rape of little girls aged three years
and one day: Such infants they count as "women," sexually mature
and fully responsible to comply with the requirements of marriage.

The Talmud footnotes 3 and 4 to Sanhedrin 55a clearly tell us when
the rabbis considered a boy and girl sexually mature and thus ready
for marriage. "At nine years a male attains sexual matureness...
The sexual matureness of woman is reached at the age of three."

No Rights for Child Victims

The Pharisees were hardly ignorant of the trauma felt by molested
children. To complicate redress, the Talmud says a rape victim must
wait until she was of age before there would be any possibility of
restitution. She must prove that she lived and would live as a
devoted Jewess, and she must protest the loss of her virginity on
the very hour she comes of age. "As soon as she was of age one hour
and did not protest she cannot protest any more." ^10

The Talmud defends these strict measures as necessary to forestall
the possibility of a Gentile child bride rebelling against Judaism
and spending the damages awarded to her as a heathen - an
unthinkable blasphemy! But the rights of the little girl were
really of no great consequence, for, "When a grown-up man has
intercourse with a little girl it is nothing, for when the girl is
less than this (three years and a day) it is as if one put the
finger into the eye." The footnote says that as "tears come to the
eye again and again, so does virginity come back to the little girl
under three years." ^11

In most cases, the Talmud affirms the innocence of male and female
victims of pedophilia. Defenders of the Talmud claim this proves
the Talmud's amazing moral advancement and benevolence toward
children; they say it contrasts favorably with "primitive"
societies where the child would have been stoned along with the
adult perpetrator.

Actually, the rabbis, from self-protection, were intent on proving
the innocence of both parties involved in pedophilia: the child,
but more importantly, the pedophile. They stripped a little boy of
his right to "throw guilt" on his assailant and demanded complicity
in sex from a little girl. By thus providing no significant moral
or legal recourse for the child, the Talmud clearly reveals whose
side it is on: the raping rabbi.

Pedophilia Widespread

Child rape was practiced in the highest circles of Judaism. This is
illustrated from Yeb. 60b:

There was a certain town in the land of Israel the legitimacy of
whose inhabitants was disputed, and Rabbi sent R. Romanos who
conducted an inquiry and found in it the daughter of a proselyte
who was under the age of three years and one day, and Rabbi
declared her eligible to live with a priest.

The footnote says that she was "married to a priest" and the rabbi
simply permitted her to live with her husband, thus upholding
"halakah" as well as the dictum of Simeon ben Yohai, "A proselyte
who is under the age of three years and one day is permitted to
marry a priest." ^12

These child brides were expected to submit willingly to sex. Yeb.
12b confirms that under eleven years and one day a little girl is
not permitted to use a contraceptive but "must carry on her marital
intercourse in the usual manner."

In Sanhedrin 76b a blessing is given to the man who marries off his
children before they reach the age of puberty, with a contrasting
curse on anyone who waits longer. In fact, failure to have married
off one's daughter by the time she is 12-1/2, the Talmud says, is
as bad as one who "returns a lost article to a Cuthean" (Gentile) -
a deed for which "the Lord will not spare him." ^13 This passage
says: "... it is meritorious to marry off one's children whilst

The mind reels at the damage to the untold numbers of girls who
were sexually abused within Judaism during the heyday of
pedophilia. Such child abuse, definitely practiced in the second
century, continued, at least in Babylon, for another 900 years.

A Fascination with Sex

Perusing the Talmud, one is overwhelmed with the recurrent
preoccupation with sex, especially by the most eminent rabbis.
Dozens of illustrations could be presented to illustrate the
delight of the Pharisees to discuss sex and quibble over its
minutest details.

The rabbis endorsing child sex undoubtedly practiced what they
preached. Yet to this hour, their words are revered. Simeon ben
Yohai is honored by Orthodox Jews as one of the very greatest sages
and spiritual lights the world has ever known. A member of the
earliest "Tannaim," rabbis most influential in creating the Talmud,
he carries more authority to observant Jews than Moses.

Today, the Talmud's outspoken pedophiles and child-rape advocates
would doubtlessly spend hard time in prison for child molestation.
Yet here is what the eminent Jewish scholar, Dagobert Runes (who is
fully aware of all these passages), says about such "dirty old men"
and their perverted teachings:

There is no truth whatever in Christian and other strictures
against the Pharisees, who represented the finest traditions of
their people and of human morals. ^14

Aren't Christ's words more appropriate?

Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like
unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but
are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness. Even
so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are
full of hypocrisy and iniquity. (Matthew 23:27, 28.)

(Adapted from Ted Pike's book, Israel: Our Duty, Our Dilemma)


^1 Yebamoth 60b, p. 402.
^2 Yebamoth 60b, p. 403.
^3 Sanhedrin 76a.
^4 In Yebamoth 60b, p. 404, Rabbi Zera disagrees that sex with
girls under three years and one day should be endorsed as halakah.
^5 Sanhedrin 69b.
^6 Sanhedrin 55a.
^7 Footnote 1 to Kethuboth 11b.
^8 Sanhedrin 55b.
^9 Sanhedrin 55a.
^10 Kethuboth 11a.
^11 Kethuboth 11b.
^12 Yebamoth 60b.
^13 Sanhedrin 76b.
^14 Dagobert Runes, A Concise Dictionary of Judaism, New York,










Rev. Ted Pike is director of the National Prayer Network, a
Christian/conservative watchdog organization.

Learn much more about the threat of liberal Jewish activism at
[17]www.video.google.com. Google's video site shows Rev. Pike's
videos, The Other Israel, Hate Laws: Making Criminals of
Christians, and Why the Mid-East Bleeds, in their entirety, free of
charge. Just search for "Ted Pike".

TALK SHOW HOSTS: For interview with Rev. Pike on this subject, call

Please visit [18]www.truthtellers.org

National Prayer Network, P.O. Box 828, Clackamas, OR 97015


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10. http://www.haaretz.com/print-edition/news/police-indict-rabbi-moti-elon-for-sexual-abuse-1.306824
11. http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/juliankossoff/100026836/sexual-abuse-the-orthodox-jewish-communitys-devastating-secret/
12. http://www.haaretz.com/print-edition/features/is-the-fuss-over-rabbi-mordechai-elon-down-to-his-homosexuality-1.263741
13. http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3924099,00.html
14. http://www.truthtellers.org/alerts/jewsconfirmbigmedia.html
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19. http://www.truthtellers.org/alerts/pedophiliasecret.html#Title
Dennis M Reed "Califa"
2010-09-29 02:44:15 UTC
pedophilia is forbidden by law in most civilized countries regardless of any
ancient rules to the contrary.

interesting that Pike chooses this particular religious text and a Jew who
was a pedophile while he did not mention the many "Christians" who have been
discovered to be pedophiles.

he also mentions that some Jews follow the Talmud and not the Bible...except
for Jews for Jesus and their ilk, Jews do not follow the Bible (it includes
the New Testament), they do follow the Old Testament.

BTW please quote the Bible especially the New Testament where it says
pedophilia is not allowed!

Pike and other Jew haters frequently use ancient laws to try to show how the
Jews are morally inferior. of course, they do not stress that Jesus and the
writers of the Bible were all Jews!
Post by Ø
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A National Prayer Network Special Report
By Rev. Ted Pike
28 Sep 10 (Update)
This year, top Israeli Rabbi Moti Elon was [10]indicted by police
for sex crimes against minors. "Far from being the rabbi of an
obscure Hasidic sect, the charismatic Elon is a high-profile
leader, educator and media personality, representing the more
mainstream religious Zionists and former head of the renowned
HaKotel (Western Wall) Yeshiva. [11]He comes from a family of high
achievers in law, politics and academia that has drawn comparisons
with the Kennedy clan."
In 2006, Elon was restricted by an organization of rabbis in his
contact with students, after confessing to sexual relationships
with male students. Yet he continued to act as the president of a
Talmudic academy in Jerusalem and did not fully honor the
agreement. One Ha'aretz commentary says Elon "managed to turn
himself [12]into almost a kind of saint" -a fate certainly to be
envied by American religious figures turned pedophiles.
Dr. Aviad Hacohen, dean of the Sha'arei Mishpat College, in 2007
reported that "95% of sexual offences in Jerusalem [13]were
performed by the religious and haredi." "Several years ago, I began
looking into the issue on a data-based level," said Hacohen. "It
turned out that the law enforcement authorities, both the police
and the prosecutor's office, were aware of the data but refused to
expose it based on sectorial affiliation in order to avoid branding
a certain group in the population..."
Since the following article was written in 2006, cases of Jewish
leadership figures in Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox Judaism being
involved in homosexuality or pedophilia scandals continue to mount
not only in Israel, but in New York, where Ultra-Orthodox are
strongest. The reason is simple: some of the very greatest rabbis
who wrote the Talmud were pedophiles.
Read this shocking and timely article for complete documentation.
By Rev. Ted Pike
11 Oct 06
For nearly a century, the Jewish-dominated Hollywood film industry
and big media have conspicuously influenced Christian America away
from Biblical morals and values. (See, "[14]Jews Confirm Big Media
Is Jewish")
Yet, with the hippie rebellion of the early sixties, the Jewish
media found exponential opportunities to hasten America's moral
decline. Encouraging drugs and pornography it persuaded America
that "free love" and living together outside of marriage were
socially acceptable. With astonishing rapidity the movie, TV, and
print media helped produce a generation of sexual libertines. By
the end of the sixties, it hastened the sexual revolution to its
next stage, homosexuality.
Now, more than 40 years later, even homosexuality has lost its
attraction to many children and grandchildren of the hippie
generation. Pedophilia (sex with little boys and girls along with
child pornography) is the latest underground obsession sweeping
America and the world.
Last fall, I alerted the nation to the power of the pedophile lobby
in Congress; Sen. Edward Kennedy, long backed by homosexuals in
support of the federal anti-hate bill, betrayed them to favor the
evidently more powerful and rewarding pedophiles. (See "[15]How
Kennedy and His Pedophiles Weakened the Child Safety Bill")
Rotten Roots
What kind of moral foundations do Jews of the media rest upon, that
they could consciously ignite and fan the flames of a sexual
inferno that continues to ravage our once Christian society?
Virtually all the media moguls who founded Hollywood and the big
three TV networks were immigrants, or their children, from
predominantly orthodox Jewish communities in Eastern Europe.
In the late 19th century, most European Jews were a people of the
book. But their book wasn't the Bible. It was the Babylonian
Talmud. To this day, the Talmud remains Judaism's highest moral,
ethical and legal authority.
Does the Talmud share Christianity's foundation of wholesome moral
values? Hardly. Instead, the Talmud is the sleazy substrata of a
religious system gone terribly astray; it is that code of Pharisaic
unbelief Christ described as "full of all uncleanness" (Matt.
23:27). Shockingly, Judaism's most revered authority actually
endorses such sins as lying, oath-breaking, and indirect murder.
And it even sanctions one of the greatest sins of all: child
Three Year Old Brides
When Christ accused the Pharisees of His day of being Satan's
spiritual children, He fully realized what they were capable of.
Second century Rabbi Simeon ben Yohai, one of Judaism's very
greatest rabbis and a creator of Kabbalah, sanctioned
pedophilia--permitting molestation of baby girls even younger than
three! He proclaimed, "A proselyte who is under the age of three
years and a day is permitted to marry a priest."^ 1 Subsequent
rabbis refer to ben Yohai's endorsement of pedophilia as "halakah,"
or binding Jewish law. ^2 Has ben Yohai, child rape advocate, been
disowned by modern Jews? Hardly. Today, in ben Yohai's hometown of
Meron, Israel, tens of thousands of orthodox and ultra-orthodox
Jews gather annually for days and nights of singing and dancing in
his memory.
References to pedophilia abound in the Talmud. They occupy
considerable sections of Treatises Kethuboth and Yebamoth and are
enthusiastically endorsed by the Talmud's definitive legal work,
Treatise Sanhedrin.
The Pharisees Endorsed Child Sex
The rabbis of the Talmud are notorious for their legal
hairsplitting, and quibbling debates. But they share rare agreement
about their right to molest three year old girls. In contrast to
many hotly debated issues, hardly a hint of dissent rises against
the prevailing opinion (expressed in many clear passages) that
pedophilia is not only normal but scriptural as well! It's as if
the rabbis have found an exalted truth whose majesty silences
Because the Talmudic authorities who sanction pedophilia are so
renowned, and because pedophilia as "halakah" is so explicitly
emphasized, not even the translators of the Soncino edition of the
Talmud (1936) dared insert a footnote suggesting the slightest
criticism. They only comment: "Marriage, of course, was then at a
far earlier age than now." ^3
In fact, footnote 5 to Sanhedrin 60b rejects the right of a
Talmudic rabbi to disagree with ben Yohai's endorsement of
pedophilia: "How could they [the rabbis], contrary to the opinion
of R. Simeon ben Yohai, which has scriptural support, forbid the
marriage of the young proselyte?" ^4
Out of Babylon
It was in Babylon after the exile under Nebuchadnezzar in 597 BC
that Judaism's leading sages probably began to indulge in
pedophilia. Babylon was the staggeringly immoral capitol of the
ancient world. For 1600 years, the world's largest population of
Jews flourished within it.
As an example of their evil, Babylonian priests said a man's
religious duty included regular sex with temple prostitutes.
Bestiality was widely tolerated. So Babylonians hardly cared
whether a rabbi married a three year old girl.
But with expulsion of the Jews in the 11th century AD, mostly to
western Christian lands, Gentile tolerance of Jewish pedophilia
abruptly ended.
Still, a shocking contradiction lingers: If Jews want to revere the
transcendent wisdom and moral guidance of the Pharisees and their
Talmud, they must accept the right of their greatest ancient sages
to violate children. To this hour, no synod of Judaism has
repudiated their vile practice.
Sex with a "Minor" Permitted
What exactly did these sages say?
The Pharisees justified child rape by explaining that a boy of nine
years was not a "man" (See, "[16]Judaism and Homosexuality: A
Marriage Made in Hell") Thus they exempted him from God's Mosaic
Law: "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it
is an abomination" (Lev. 18:22) One passage in the Talmud gives
permission for a woman who molested her young son to marry a high
priest. It concludes, "All agree that the connection of a boy aged
nine years and a day is a real connection; whilst that of one less
than eight years is not." ^5 Because a boy under 9 is sexually
immature, he can't "throw guilt" on the active offender, morally or
legally. ^6
A woman could molest a young boy without questions of morality even
being raised: "...the intercourse of a small boy is not regarded as
a sexual act." ^7 The Talmud also says, "A male aged nine years and
a day who cohabits with his deceased brother's wife acquires her
(as wife)." ^8 Clearly, the Talmud teaches that a woman is
permitted to marry and have sex with a nine year old boy.
Sex at Three Years and One Day
In contrast to Simeon ben Yohai's dictum that sex with a little
girl is permitted under the age of three years, the general
teaching of the Talmud is that the rabbi must wait until a day
after her third birthday. She could be taken in marriage simply by
the act of rape.
R. Joseph said: Come and hear! A maiden aged three years and a day
may be acquired in marriage by coition and if her deceased
husband's brother cohabits with her, she becomes his. (Sanh. 55b)
A girl who is three years of age and one day may be betrothed by
cohabitation. . . .(Yeb. 57b)
A maiden aged three years and a day may be acquired in marriage by
coition, and if her deceased husband's brother cohabited with her
she becomes his. (Sanh. 69a, 69b, also discussed in Yeb. 60b)
It was taught: R. Simeon b. Yohai stated: A proselyte who is under
the age of three years and one day is permitted to marry a priest,
for it is said, But all the women children that have not known man
by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves, and Phineas (who was
priest, the footnote says) surely was with them. (Yeb. 60b)
[The Talmud says such three year and a day old girls are] . . . fit
for cohabitation. . . But all women children, that have not known
man by lying with him, it must be concluded that Scripture speaks
of one who is fit for cohabitation. (Footnote to Yeb. 60b)
The example of Phineas, a priest, himself marrying an underage
virgin of three years is considered by the Talmud as proof that
such infants are "fit for cohabitation."
The Talmud teaches that an adult woman's molestation of a nine year
old boy is "not a sexual act" and cannot "throw guilt" upon her
because the little boy is not truly a "man." ^9 But they use
opposite logic to sanction rape of little girls aged three years
and one day: Such infants they count as "women," sexually mature
and fully responsible to comply with the requirements of marriage.
The Talmud footnotes 3 and 4 to Sanhedrin 55a clearly tell us when
the rabbis considered a boy and girl sexually mature and thus ready
for marriage. "At nine years a male attains sexual matureness...
The sexual matureness of woman is reached at the age of three."
No Rights for Child Victims
The Pharisees were hardly ignorant of the trauma felt by molested
children. To complicate redress, the Talmud says a rape victim must
wait until she was of age before there would be any possibility of
restitution. She must prove that she lived and would live as a
devoted Jewess, and she must protest the loss of her virginity on
the very hour she comes of age. "As soon as she was of age one hour
and did not protest she cannot protest any more." ^10
The Talmud defends these strict measures as necessary to forestall
the possibility of a Gentile child bride rebelling against Judaism
and spending the damages awarded to her as a heathen - an
unthinkable blasphemy! But the rights of the little girl were
really of no great consequence, for, "When a grown-up man has
intercourse with a little girl it is nothing, for when the girl is
less than this (three years and a day) it is as if one put the
finger into the eye." The footnote says that as "tears come to the
eye again and again, so does virginity come back to the little girl
under three years." ^11
In most cases, the Talmud affirms the innocence of male and female
victims of pedophilia. Defenders of the Talmud claim this proves
the Talmud's amazing moral advancement and benevolence toward
children; they say it contrasts favorably with "primitive"
societies where the child would have been stoned along with the
adult perpetrator.
Actually, the rabbis, from self-protection, were intent on proving
the innocence of both parties involved in pedophilia: the child,
but more importantly, the pedophile. They stripped a little boy of
his right to "throw guilt" on his assailant and demanded complicity
in sex from a little girl. By thus providing no significant moral
or legal recourse for the child, the Talmud clearly reveals whose
side it is on: the raping rabbi.
Pedophilia Widespread
Child rape was practiced in the highest circles of Judaism. This is
There was a certain town in the land of Israel the legitimacy of
whose inhabitants was disputed, and Rabbi sent R. Romanos who
conducted an inquiry and found in it the daughter of a proselyte
who was under the age of three years and one day, and Rabbi
declared her eligible to live with a priest.
The footnote says that she was "married to a priest" and the rabbi
simply permitted her to live with her husband, thus upholding
"halakah" as well as the dictum of Simeon ben Yohai, "A proselyte
who is under the age of three years and one day is permitted to
marry a priest." ^12
These child brides were expected to submit willingly to sex. Yeb.
12b confirms that under eleven years and one day a little girl is
not permitted to use a contraceptive but "must carry on her marital
intercourse in the usual manner."
In Sanhedrin 76b a blessing is given to the man who marries off his
children before they reach the age of puberty, with a contrasting
curse on anyone who waits longer. In fact, failure to have married
off one's daughter by the time she is 12-1/2, the Talmud says, is
as bad as one who "returns a lost article to a Cuthean" (Gentile) -
a deed for which "the Lord will not spare him." ^13 This passage
says: "... it is meritorious to marry off one's children whilst
The mind reels at the damage to the untold numbers of girls who
were sexually abused within Judaism during the heyday of
pedophilia. Such child abuse, definitely practiced in the second
century, continued, at least in Babylon, for another 900 years.
A Fascination with Sex
Perusing the Talmud, one is overwhelmed with the recurrent
preoccupation with sex, especially by the most eminent rabbis.
Dozens of illustrations could be presented to illustrate the
delight of the Pharisees to discuss sex and quibble over its
minutest details.
The rabbis endorsing child sex undoubtedly practiced what they
preached. Yet to this hour, their words are revered. Simeon ben
Yohai is honored by Orthodox Jews as one of the very greatest sages
and spiritual lights the world has ever known. A member of the
earliest "Tannaim," rabbis most influential in creating the Talmud,
he carries more authority to observant Jews than Moses.
Today, the Talmud's outspoken pedophiles and child-rape advocates
would doubtlessly spend hard time in prison for child molestation.
Yet here is what the eminent Jewish scholar, Dagobert Runes (who is
fully aware of all these passages), says about such "dirty old men"
There is no truth whatever in Christian and other strictures
against the Pharisees, who represented the finest traditions of
their people and of human morals. ^14
Aren't Christ's words more appropriate?
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like
unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but
are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness. Even
so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are
full of hypocrisy and iniquity. (Matthew 23:27, 28.)
(Adapted from Ted Pike's book, Israel: Our Duty, Our Dilemma)
^1 Yebamoth 60b, p. 402.
^2 Yebamoth 60b, p. 403.
^3 Sanhedrin 76a.
^4 In Yebamoth 60b, p. 404, Rabbi Zera disagrees that sex with
girls under three years and one day should be endorsed as halakah.
^5 Sanhedrin 69b.
^6 Sanhedrin 55a.
^7 Footnote 1 to Kethuboth 11b.
^8 Sanhedrin 55b.
^9 Sanhedrin 55a.
^10 Kethuboth 11a.
^11 Kethuboth 11b.
^12 Yebamoth 60b.
^13 Sanhedrin 76b.
^14 Dagobert Runes, A Concise Dictionary of Judaism, New York,
Rev. Ted Pike is director of the National Prayer Network, a
Christian/conservative watchdog organization.
Learn much more about the threat of liberal Jewish activism at
[17]www.video.google.com. Google's video site shows Rev. Pike's
videos, The Other Israel, Hate Laws: Making Criminals of
Christians, and Why the Mid-East Bleeds, in their entirety, free of
charge. Just search for "Ted Pike".
TALK SHOW HOSTS: For interview with Rev. Pike on this subject, call
Please visit [18]www.truthtellers.org
National Prayer Network, P.O. Box 828, Clackamas, OR 97015
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Dennis M Reed "Califa"
2010-09-29 03:06:47 UTC
BTW I seem to recall that you posted something like this before if not this

are you running out of new/original crap to post and resorting to repeats?
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
pedophilia is forbidden by law in most civilized countries regardless of
any ancient rules to the contrary.
interesting that Pike chooses this particular religious text and a Jew who
was a pedophile while he did not mention the many "Christians" who have
been discovered to be pedophiles.
he also mentions that some Jews follow the Talmud and not the
Bible...except for Jews for Jesus and their ilk, Jews do not follow the
Bible (it includes the New Testament), they do follow the Old Testament.
BTW please quote the Bible especially the New Testament where it says
pedophilia is not allowed!
Pike and other Jew haters frequently use ancient laws to try to show how
the Jews are morally inferior. of course, they do not stress that Jesus
and the writers of the Bible were all Jews!
Post by Ø
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A National Prayer Network Special Report
By Rev. Ted Pike
28 Sep 10 (Update)
This year, top Israeli Rabbi Moti Elon was [10]indicted by police
for sex crimes against minors. "Far from being the rabbi of an
obscure Hasidic sect, the charismatic Elon is a high-profile
leader, educator and media personality, representing the more
mainstream religious Zionists and former head of the renowned
HaKotel (Western Wall) Yeshiva. [11]He comes from a family of high
achievers in law, politics and academia that has drawn comparisons
with the Kennedy clan."
In 2006, Elon was restricted by an organization of rabbis in his
contact with students, after confessing to sexual relationships
with male students. Yet he continued to act as the president of a
Talmudic academy in Jerusalem and did not fully honor the
agreement. One Ha'aretz commentary says Elon "managed to turn
himself [12]into almost a kind of saint" -a fate certainly to be
envied by American religious figures turned pedophiles.
Dr. Aviad Hacohen, dean of the Sha'arei Mishpat College, in 2007
reported that "95% of sexual offences in Jerusalem [13]were
performed by the religious and haredi." "Several years ago, I began
looking into the issue on a data-based level," said Hacohen. "It
turned out that the law enforcement authorities, both the police
and the prosecutor's office, were aware of the data but refused to
expose it based on sectorial affiliation in order to avoid branding
a certain group in the population..."
Since the following article was written in 2006, cases of Jewish
leadership figures in Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox Judaism being
involved in homosexuality or pedophilia scandals continue to mount
not only in Israel, but in New York, where Ultra-Orthodox are
strongest. The reason is simple: some of the very greatest rabbis
who wrote the Talmud were pedophiles.
Read this shocking and timely article for complete documentation.
By Rev. Ted Pike
11 Oct 06
For nearly a century, the Jewish-dominated Hollywood film industry
and big media have conspicuously influenced Christian America away
from Biblical morals and values. (See, "[14]Jews Confirm Big Media
Is Jewish")
Yet, with the hippie rebellion of the early sixties, the Jewish
media found exponential opportunities to hasten America's moral
decline. Encouraging drugs and pornography it persuaded America
that "free love" and living together outside of marriage were
socially acceptable. With astonishing rapidity the movie, TV, and
print media helped produce a generation of sexual libertines. By
the end of the sixties, it hastened the sexual revolution to its
next stage, homosexuality.
Now, more than 40 years later, even homosexuality has lost its
attraction to many children and grandchildren of the hippie
generation. Pedophilia (sex with little boys and girls along with
child pornography) is the latest underground obsession sweeping
America and the world.
Last fall, I alerted the nation to the power of the pedophile lobby
in Congress; Sen. Edward Kennedy, long backed by homosexuals in
support of the federal anti-hate bill, betrayed them to favor the
evidently more powerful and rewarding pedophiles. (See "[15]How
Kennedy and His Pedophiles Weakened the Child Safety Bill")
Rotten Roots
What kind of moral foundations do Jews of the media rest upon, that
they could consciously ignite and fan the flames of a sexual
inferno that continues to ravage our once Christian society?
Virtually all the media moguls who founded Hollywood and the big
three TV networks were immigrants, or their children, from
predominantly orthodox Jewish communities in Eastern Europe.
In the late 19th century, most European Jews were a people of the
book. But their book wasn't the Bible. It was the Babylonian
Talmud. To this day, the Talmud remains Judaism's highest moral,
ethical and legal authority.
Does the Talmud share Christianity's foundation of wholesome moral
values? Hardly. Instead, the Talmud is the sleazy substrata of a
religious system gone terribly astray; it is that code of Pharisaic
unbelief Christ described as "full of all uncleanness" (Matt.
23:27). Shockingly, Judaism's most revered authority actually
endorses such sins as lying, oath-breaking, and indirect murder.
And it even sanctions one of the greatest sins of all: child
Three Year Old Brides
When Christ accused the Pharisees of His day of being Satan's
spiritual children, He fully realized what they were capable of.
Second century Rabbi Simeon ben Yohai, one of Judaism's very
greatest rabbis and a creator of Kabbalah, sanctioned
pedophilia--permitting molestation of baby girls even younger than
three! He proclaimed, "A proselyte who is under the age of three
years and a day is permitted to marry a priest."^ 1 Subsequent
rabbis refer to ben Yohai's endorsement of pedophilia as "halakah,"
or binding Jewish law. ^2 Has ben Yohai, child rape advocate, been
disowned by modern Jews? Hardly. Today, in ben Yohai's hometown of
Meron, Israel, tens of thousands of orthodox and ultra-orthodox
Jews gather annually for days and nights of singing and dancing in
his memory.
References to pedophilia abound in the Talmud. They occupy
considerable sections of Treatises Kethuboth and Yebamoth and are
enthusiastically endorsed by the Talmud's definitive legal work,
Treatise Sanhedrin.
The Pharisees Endorsed Child Sex
The rabbis of the Talmud are notorious for their legal
hairsplitting, and quibbling debates. But they share rare agreement
about their right to molest three year old girls. In contrast to
many hotly debated issues, hardly a hint of dissent rises against
the prevailing opinion (expressed in many clear passages) that
pedophilia is not only normal but scriptural as well! It's as if
the rabbis have found an exalted truth whose majesty silences
Because the Talmudic authorities who sanction pedophilia are so
renowned, and because pedophilia as "halakah" is so explicitly
emphasized, not even the translators of the Soncino edition of the
Talmud (1936) dared insert a footnote suggesting the slightest
criticism. They only comment: "Marriage, of course, was then at a
far earlier age than now." ^3
In fact, footnote 5 to Sanhedrin 60b rejects the right of a
Talmudic rabbi to disagree with ben Yohai's endorsement of
pedophilia: "How could they [the rabbis], contrary to the opinion
of R. Simeon ben Yohai, which has scriptural support, forbid the
marriage of the young proselyte?" ^4
Out of Babylon
It was in Babylon after the exile under Nebuchadnezzar in 597 BC
that Judaism's leading sages probably began to indulge in
pedophilia. Babylon was the staggeringly immoral capitol of the
ancient world. For 1600 years, the world's largest population of
Jews flourished within it.
As an example of their evil, Babylonian priests said a man's
religious duty included regular sex with temple prostitutes.
Bestiality was widely tolerated. So Babylonians hardly cared
whether a rabbi married a three year old girl.
But with expulsion of the Jews in the 11th century AD, mostly to
western Christian lands, Gentile tolerance of Jewish pedophilia
abruptly ended.
Still, a shocking contradiction lingers: If Jews want to revere the
transcendent wisdom and moral guidance of the Pharisees and their
Talmud, they must accept the right of their greatest ancient sages
to violate children. To this hour, no synod of Judaism has
repudiated their vile practice.
Sex with a "Minor" Permitted
What exactly did these sages say?
The Pharisees justified child rape by explaining that a boy of nine
years was not a "man" (See, "[16]Judaism and Homosexuality: A
Marriage Made in Hell") Thus they exempted him from God's Mosaic
Law: "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it
is an abomination" (Lev. 18:22) One passage in the Talmud gives
permission for a woman who molested her young son to marry a high
priest. It concludes, "All agree that the connection of a boy aged
nine years and a day is a real connection; whilst that of one less
than eight years is not." ^5 Because a boy under 9 is sexually
immature, he can't "throw guilt" on the active offender, morally or
legally. ^6
A woman could molest a young boy without questions of morality even
being raised: "...the intercourse of a small boy is not regarded as
a sexual act." ^7 The Talmud also says, "A male aged nine years and
a day who cohabits with his deceased brother's wife acquires her
(as wife)." ^8 Clearly, the Talmud teaches that a woman is
permitted to marry and have sex with a nine year old boy.
Sex at Three Years and One Day
In contrast to Simeon ben Yohai's dictum that sex with a little
girl is permitted under the age of three years, the general
teaching of the Talmud is that the rabbi must wait until a day
after her third birthday. She could be taken in marriage simply by
the act of rape.
R. Joseph said: Come and hear! A maiden aged three years and a day
may be acquired in marriage by coition and if her deceased
husband's brother cohabits with her, she becomes his. (Sanh. 55b)
A girl who is three years of age and one day may be betrothed by
cohabitation. . . .(Yeb. 57b)
A maiden aged three years and a day may be acquired in marriage by
coition, and if her deceased husband's brother cohabited with her
she becomes his. (Sanh. 69a, 69b, also discussed in Yeb. 60b)
It was taught: R. Simeon b. Yohai stated: A proselyte who is under
the age of three years and one day is permitted to marry a priest,
for it is said, But all the women children that have not known man
by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves, and Phineas (who was
priest, the footnote says) surely was with them. (Yeb. 60b)
[The Talmud says such three year and a day old girls are] . . . fit
for cohabitation. . . But all women children, that have not known
man by lying with him, it must be concluded that Scripture speaks
of one who is fit for cohabitation. (Footnote to Yeb. 60b)
The example of Phineas, a priest, himself marrying an underage
virgin of three years is considered by the Talmud as proof that
such infants are "fit for cohabitation."
The Talmud teaches that an adult woman's molestation of a nine year
old boy is "not a sexual act" and cannot "throw guilt" upon her
because the little boy is not truly a "man." ^9 But they use
opposite logic to sanction rape of little girls aged three years
and one day: Such infants they count as "women," sexually mature
and fully responsible to comply with the requirements of marriage.
The Talmud footnotes 3 and 4 to Sanhedrin 55a clearly tell us when
the rabbis considered a boy and girl sexually mature and thus ready
for marriage. "At nine years a male attains sexual matureness...
The sexual matureness of woman is reached at the age of three."
No Rights for Child Victims
The Pharisees were hardly ignorant of the trauma felt by molested
children. To complicate redress, the Talmud says a rape victim must
wait until she was of age before there would be any possibility of
restitution. She must prove that she lived and would live as a
devoted Jewess, and she must protest the loss of her virginity on
the very hour she comes of age. "As soon as she was of age one hour
and did not protest she cannot protest any more." ^10
The Talmud defends these strict measures as necessary to forestall
the possibility of a Gentile child bride rebelling against Judaism
and spending the damages awarded to her as a heathen - an
unthinkable blasphemy! But the rights of the little girl were
really of no great consequence, for, "When a grown-up man has
intercourse with a little girl it is nothing, for when the girl is
less than this (three years and a day) it is as if one put the
finger into the eye." The footnote says that as "tears come to the
eye again and again, so does virginity come back to the little girl
under three years." ^11
In most cases, the Talmud affirms the innocence of male and female
victims of pedophilia. Defenders of the Talmud claim this proves
the Talmud's amazing moral advancement and benevolence toward
children; they say it contrasts favorably with "primitive"
societies where the child would have been stoned along with the
adult perpetrator.
Actually, the rabbis, from self-protection, were intent on proving
the innocence of both parties involved in pedophilia: the child,
but more importantly, the pedophile. They stripped a little boy of
his right to "throw guilt" on his assailant and demanded complicity
in sex from a little girl. By thus providing no significant moral
or legal recourse for the child, the Talmud clearly reveals whose
side it is on: the raping rabbi.
Pedophilia Widespread
Child rape was practiced in the highest circles of Judaism. This is
There was a certain town in the land of Israel the legitimacy of
whose inhabitants was disputed, and Rabbi sent R. Romanos who
conducted an inquiry and found in it the daughter of a proselyte
who was under the age of three years and one day, and Rabbi
declared her eligible to live with a priest.
The footnote says that she was "married to a priest" and the rabbi
simply permitted her to live with her husband, thus upholding
"halakah" as well as the dictum of Simeon ben Yohai, "A proselyte
who is under the age of three years and one day is permitted to
marry a priest." ^12
These child brides were expected to submit willingly to sex. Yeb.
12b confirms that under eleven years and one day a little girl is
not permitted to use a contraceptive but "must carry on her marital
intercourse in the usual manner."
In Sanhedrin 76b a blessing is given to the man who marries off his
children before they reach the age of puberty, with a contrasting
curse on anyone who waits longer. In fact, failure to have married
off one's daughter by the time she is 12-1/2, the Talmud says, is
as bad as one who "returns a lost article to a Cuthean" (Gentile) -
a deed for which "the Lord will not spare him." ^13 This passage
says: "... it is meritorious to marry off one's children whilst
The mind reels at the damage to the untold numbers of girls who
were sexually abused within Judaism during the heyday of
pedophilia. Such child abuse, definitely practiced in the second
century, continued, at least in Babylon, for another 900 years.
A Fascination with Sex
Perusing the Talmud, one is overwhelmed with the recurrent
preoccupation with sex, especially by the most eminent rabbis.
Dozens of illustrations could be presented to illustrate the
delight of the Pharisees to discuss sex and quibble over its
minutest details.
The rabbis endorsing child sex undoubtedly practiced what they
preached. Yet to this hour, their words are revered. Simeon ben
Yohai is honored by Orthodox Jews as one of the very greatest sages
and spiritual lights the world has ever known. A member of the
earliest "Tannaim," rabbis most influential in creating the Talmud,
he carries more authority to observant Jews than Moses.
Today, the Talmud's outspoken pedophiles and child-rape advocates
would doubtlessly spend hard time in prison for child molestation.
Yet here is what the eminent Jewish scholar, Dagobert Runes (who is
fully aware of all these passages), says about such "dirty old men"
There is no truth whatever in Christian and other strictures
against the Pharisees, who represented the finest traditions of
their people and of human morals. ^14
Aren't Christ's words more appropriate?
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like
unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but
are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness. Even
so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are
full of hypocrisy and iniquity. (Matthew 23:27, 28.)
(Adapted from Ted Pike's book, Israel: Our Duty, Our Dilemma)
^1 Yebamoth 60b, p. 402.
^2 Yebamoth 60b, p. 403.
^3 Sanhedrin 76a.
^4 In Yebamoth 60b, p. 404, Rabbi Zera disagrees that sex with
girls under three years and one day should be endorsed as halakah.
^5 Sanhedrin 69b.
^6 Sanhedrin 55a.
^7 Footnote 1 to Kethuboth 11b.
^8 Sanhedrin 55b.
^9 Sanhedrin 55a.
^10 Kethuboth 11a.
^11 Kethuboth 11b.
^12 Yebamoth 60b.
^13 Sanhedrin 76b.
^14 Dagobert Runes, A Concise Dictionary of Judaism, New York,
Rev. Ted Pike is director of the National Prayer Network, a
Christian/conservative watchdog organization.
Learn much more about the threat of liberal Jewish activism at
[17]www.video.google.com. Google's video site shows Rev. Pike's
videos, The Other Israel, Hate Laws: Making Criminals of
Christians, and Why the Mid-East Bleeds, in their entirety, free of
charge. Just search for "Ted Pike".
TALK SHOW HOSTS: For interview with Rev. Pike on this subject, call
Please visit [18]www.truthtellers.org
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2010-09-29 14:13:59 UTC
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
pedophilia is forbidden by law in most civilized countries regardless of
any ancient rules to the contrary.
interesting that Pike chooses this particular religious text and a Jew
who was a pedophile while he did not mention the many "Christians" who
have been discovered to be pedophiles.
he also mentions that some Jews follow the Talmud and not the
Bible...except for Jews for Jesus and their ilk, Jews do not follow the
Bible (it includes the New Testament), they do follow the Old Testament.
BTW please quote the Bible especially the New Testament where it says
pedophilia is not allowed!
Pike and other Jew haters frequently use ancient laws to try to show how
the Jews are morally inferior. of course, they do not stress that Jesus
and the writers of the Bible were all Jews!
Jesus was NOT a Talmudic Pharisee. He denounced them.
Jesus was NOT diplomatic when it came to the Pharisees.
The Talmudic Pharisaic "Jews" of today, the vast majority of them who are
apparently converts to Judaism, have no historical relation to the land of

To shout the simplistic slogan that "Jesus was a Jew!" is very misleading.
This suggests that Jesus was Talmud observant. Many Christians are being
Judaized (Talmudized?) into thinking that by studying the Talmud, they are
following a more Christ-like path. NOTHING could be farther from the
truth! The Talmud states that Jesus the Messiah is in hell and in boiling

To see why I make these claims, cf my refs below.
Thank you for your understanding.

I invite you to browse the come and hear site and see for yourself.
"The Jewish religion as it is today traces its descent, without a break,
through all the centuries, from the Pharisees."
— Universal Jewish Encyclopedia

The Thirteenth Tribe

From Scripture:
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto
whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within
full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.

Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are
full of hypocrisy and iniquity.

Never ever forget: The suffering of the Palestinian people!

The Nakba: The Nakba's not a narrative. The Nakba is real!
Please help stop the suffering of the Palestinian people.
Dennis M Reed "Califa"
2010-09-29 14:38:53 UTC
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
pedophilia is forbidden by law in most civilized countries regardless of
any ancient rules to the contrary.
interesting that Pike chooses this particular religious text and a Jew
who was a pedophile while he did not mention the many "Christians" who
have been discovered to be pedophiles.
he also mentions that some Jews follow the Talmud and not the
Bible...except for Jews for Jesus and their ilk, Jews do not follow the
Bible (it includes the New Testament), they do follow the Old Testament.
BTW please quote the Bible especially the New Testament where it says
pedophilia is not allowed!
you have not responded to this request???
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Pike and other Jew haters frequently use ancient laws to try to show how
the Jews are morally inferior. of course, they do not stress that Jesus
and the writers of the Bible were all Jews!
Jesus was NOT a Talmudic Pharisee. He denounced them.
Jesus was NOT diplomatic when it came to the Pharisees.
The Talmudic Pharisaic "Jews" of today, the vast majority of them who are
apparently converts to Judaism, have no historical relation to the land of
To shout the simplistic slogan that "Jesus was a Jew!" is very misleading.
This suggests that Jesus was Talmud observant. Many Christians are being
Judaized (Talmudized?) into thinking that by studying the Talmud, they are
following a more Christ-like path. NOTHING could be farther from the
truth! The Talmud states that Jesus the Messiah is in hell and in boiling
so? if Jews chose to believe that, so what? Buddhists do not believe Jesus
was The Messiah or The Savior, so what? Similarly for your beloved
Palestinians who are Muslim, so what?
Post by Ø
To see why I make these claims, cf my refs below.
Thank you for your understanding.
I invite you to browse the come and hear site and see for yourself.
they are hypocrites at least regarding copyrights! they claim copyright
protection for their page(s) and use the Superman image without indicating
that they have permission from the copyright holder!
Post by Ø
"The Jewish religion as it is today traces its descent, without a break,
through all the centuries, from the Pharisees."
- Universal Jewish Encyclopedia
and? so?
Post by Ø
The Thirteenth Tribe
have you ever asked who it was (including race/religion/ancestory) that
converted the Khazars to Judaism? whoever it was, did they interbreed with
the Khazars who might have migrated to Poland?

is it possible that those who converted the Khazars to Judaism were actually
JEWS and that although of mixed blood, they are descended from the ancient

I guess both questions are rhetorical because you would not have even an
inkling of a desire to investigate the veracity of your resources!
Post by Ø
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto
whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within
full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.
I already responded to this.
Post by Ø
Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are
full of hypocrisy and iniquity.
you and your ilk do not even appear righteous!
Israel exists! When will Ø protest the killing of Israeli women and children
by his beloved Palestinians when such killing is forbidden by the Koran?

Probably never because I suspect Ø is really not at all pro-Palestinian but
that he is just a stupid, brown-eyed (as in full of sh__), brown-shirted (as
in Hitler's youth), tea-bagging (in the original sense of the term),
Nazi-loving, and now Lenin-loving Communist, Zionist double agent.
2010-09-29 18:27:00 UTC
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
pedophilia is forbidden by law in most civilized countries regardless
of any ancient rules to the contrary.
interesting that Pike chooses this particular religious text and a Jew
who was a pedophile while he did not mention the many "Christians" who
have been discovered to be pedophiles.
he also mentions that some Jews follow the Talmud and not the
Bible...except for Jews for Jesus and their ilk, Jews do not follow
the Bible (it includes the New Testament), they do follow the Old
BTW please quote the Bible especially the New Testament where it says
pedophilia is not allowed!
you have not responded to this request???
Is it allowed in the Old Testament?
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Pike and other Jew haters frequently use ancient laws to try to show
how the Jews are morally inferior. of course, they do not stress that
Jesus and the writers of the Bible were all Jews!
Jesus was not a Pharisee. Jesus condemned the followers of the Talmud.
Pike agrees with Jesus. That's why Pike is a Christian.
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Jesus was NOT a Talmudic Pharisee. He denounced them.
Jesus was NOT diplomatic when it came to the Pharisees.
The Talmudic Pharisaic "Jews" of today, the vast majority of them who
are apparently converts to Judaism, have no historical relation to the
land of Palestine.
To shout the simplistic slogan that "Jesus was a Jew!" is very
misleading. This suggests that Jesus was Talmud observant. Many
Christians are being Judaized (Talmudized?) into thinking that by
studying the Talmud, they are following a more Christ-like path.
NOTHING could be farther from the truth! The Talmud states that Jesus
the Messiah is in hell and in boiling excrement.
so? if Jews chose to believe that, so what?
You MISS my point yet again! It's not what Jews choose to believe.
It's that CHRISTIANS are being deceived into thinking that by "studying"
the Talmud (really very selective parts of the Talmud) they're going back
to "Christian roots"! That's my POINT.
They're NOT told about what it says in the Talmud about Christ. Most don't
even understand or know about these passages I've taken from scripture.
They are being MISLED. By way of deception again.
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Buddhists do not believe
Jesus was The Messiah or The Savior, so what?
They don't say he's in HELL in BOILING EXCREMENT, do they????????
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Similarly for your beloved
Palestinians who are Muslim, so what?
They don't say he's in HELL in BOILING EXCREMENT, do they????????
Muslims believe Jesus born of a virgin was a prophet like Mohammed.
When they mention Jesus they say "Peace be upon him" like they do when
they mention Mohammed. Same for Mary. They give blessings whenever they
mention her.

What does the Talmud say about Mary??
She was a WHORE!!!

Now tell me that studying Talmud will somehow bring Christianity "back to

That's why I say "Judeo-Christianity" is an oxymoron. It's a contradiction
in terms. THAT'S why I agree with Texe Marrs on this!

Jews can believe what they want to believe. That's their business.
Just don't confuse my point for something else.
My point is about Christians studying Talmud, NOT about what Jews,
Buddhists, or Muslims choose to believe.
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
To see why I make these claims, cf my refs below.
Thank you for your understanding.
I invite you to browse the come and hear site and see for yourself.
they are hypocrites at least regarding copyrights! they claim copyright
protection for their page(s) and use the Superman image without
indicating that they have permission from the copyright holder!
Post by Ø
"The Jewish religion as it is today traces its descent, without a
break, through all the centuries, from the Pharisees."
- Universal Jewish Encyclopedia
and? so?
Post by Ø
The Thirteenth Tribe
have you ever asked who it was (including race/religion/ancestory) that
converted the Khazars to Judaism? whoever it was, did they interbreed
with the Khazars who might have migrated to Poland?
That's a possibility, but the Khazar population was quite large.
I also think that they were considered "Jews" by those who converted them
but not "Israelites". They were 2nd-class, so I don't think there was a
lot of interbreeding.
Now the Ashkenazim discriminate against other Jews in Israel.
They discriminate against the Palestinians who in all likelihood have more
of that "Israelite" stock in them in one fingernail than do all the
Khazars in Tel Aviv combined.
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
is it possible that those who converted the Khazars to Judaism were
actually JEWS and that although of mixed blood, they are descended from
the ancient Israelites?
Firstly I have very strong doubts about this "ancient Israelite" story.
For the sake of this argument let's put my reservations aside and go along
with the legend.
Yes, it's possible that these people who converted the Khazars to
at least in part from some people some today might associate with the
"ancient Israelites".
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
I guess both questions are rhetorical because you would not have even an
inkling of a desire to investigate the veracity of your resources!
NOW you tell me! Next time tell me before I respond!
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto
whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are
within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.
I already responded to this.
Post by Ø
Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are
full of hypocrisy and iniquity.
you and your ilk do not even appear righteous!
Your beloved ADL fits that exactly.
Your beloved Wiesenthal fits that exactly.
Your beloved Israel fits that EXACTLY.

Woe unto you dmreed, for you have sided with the Pharisees!

Never forget the suffering of the Palestinian people.

The Nakba: The Nakba's not a narrative. The Nakba is real!
Please help stop the suffering of the Palestinian people.
2010-09-29 18:46:43 UTC
<snip />
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Similarly for your beloved
Palestinians who are Muslim, so what?
I have to add: I think ~20% of the Palestinians were Christian and it's
down to about %3 now because dmreed's beloved Jews have driven them out.
Post by Ø
They don't say he's in HELL in BOILING EXCREMENT, do they????????
Muslims believe Jesus born of a virgin was a prophet like Mohammed.
When they mention Jesus they say "Peace be upon him" like they do when
they mention Mohammed. Same for Mary. They give blessings whenever they
mention her.
What does the Talmud say about Mary??
She was a WHORE!!!
Now tell me that studying Talmud will somehow bring Christianity "back to
That's why I say "Judeo-Christianity" is an oxymoron. It's a
Post by Ø
in terms. THAT'S why I agree with Texe Marrs on this!
<snip />

Woe unto you dmreed, for you have sided with the Pharisees!

Never forget the suffering of the Palestinian people.

The Nakba: The Nakba's not a narrative. The Nakba is real!
Please help stop the suffering of the Palestinian people.
Dennis M Reed "Califa"
2010-09-29 23:56:56 UTC
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
pedophilia is forbidden by law in most civilized countries regardless
of any ancient rules to the contrary.
interesting that Pike chooses this particular religious text and a Jew
who was a pedophile while he did not mention the many "Christians" who
have been discovered to be pedophiles.
he also mentions that some Jews follow the Talmud and not the
Bible...except for Jews for Jesus and their ilk, Jews do not follow
the Bible (it includes the New Testament), they do follow the Old
BTW please quote the Bible especially the New Testament where it says
pedophilia is not allowed!
you have not responded to this request???
Is it allowed in the Old Testament?
I asked first and you do not answer but I will answer anyway...I do not
recall anything regarding pedophilia in the OT.
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Pike and other Jew haters frequently use ancient laws to try to show
how the Jews are morally inferior. of course, they do not stress that
Jesus and the writers of the Bible were all Jews!
Jesus was not a Pharisee. Jesus condemned the followers of the Talmud.
Pike agrees with Jesus. That's why Pike is a Christian.
where does Jesus condemn the Talmud? he condemned the Pharisees (all of
them?) but I do not recall him discussing any of the sacred writings. please
point out where he does so.
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Jesus was NOT a Talmudic Pharisee. He denounced them.
Jesus was NOT diplomatic when it came to the Pharisees.
The Talmudic Pharisaic "Jews" of today, the vast majority of them who
are apparently converts to Judaism, have no historical relation to the
land of Palestine.
To shout the simplistic slogan that "Jesus was a Jew!" is very
misleading. This suggests that Jesus was Talmud observant. Many
Christians are being Judaized (Talmudized?) into thinking that by
studying the Talmud, they are following a more Christ-like path.
NOTHING could be farther from the truth! The Talmud states that Jesus
the Messiah is in hell and in boiling excrement.
so? if Jews chose to believe that, so what?
You MISS my point yet again! It's not what Jews choose to believe.
It's that CHRISTIANS are being deceived into thinking that by "studying"
the Talmud (really very selective parts of the Talmud) they're going back
to "Christian roots"! That's my POINT.
They're NOT told about what it says in the Talmud about Christ. Most don't
even understand or know about these passages I've taken from scripture.
They are being MISLED. By way of deception again.
most Christians do not really even study the Bible! they do not even know
the history of the book they consider the Word of God, i.e., the current
King James Bible which was/is derived with omissions from the original King
James Bible which has more books which was derived with omissions from the
Roman Catholic Latin Bible which was derived with omissions from many
books/texts which were believed in and followed by early Christians...all
were written by men (maybe some women?) and then
modified/excerpted/eliminated/etc. by other men. most Christians believe the
so-called Books of Moses were written by Moses! general ignorance prevails
with most religions!

why do you care about that they believe regarding the Talmud?
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Buddhists do not believe
Jesus was The Messiah or The Savior, so what?
They don't say he's in HELL in BOILING EXCREMENT, do they????????
maybe some do, there are many varieties of Buddhism some with many different
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Similarly for your beloved
Palestinians who are Muslim, so what?
They don't say he's in HELL in BOILING EXCREMENT, do they????????
Muslims believe Jesus born of a virgin was a prophet like Mohammed.
When they mention Jesus they say "Peace be upon him" like they do when
they mention Mohammed. Same for Mary. They give blessings whenever they
mention her.
What does the Talmud say about Mary??
She was a WHORE!!!
so? according to the Catholic Church, all protestants are not real
Christians...however, historically there may be some validity to that
Post by Ø
Now tell me that studying Talmud will somehow bring Christianity "back to
protestants and other Christians are nowhere near the "roots" anyway so what
will be worse?
Post by Ø
That's why I say "Judeo-Christianity" is an oxymoron. It's a contradiction
in terms. THAT'S why I agree with Texe Marrs on this!
right, Jesus and his Apostles were all born to Christian parents and raised
in Christian traditions and studied the New Testament....you and your
beloved Texe are both stupid!
Post by Ø
Jews can believe what they want to believe. That's their business.
Just don't confuse my point for something else.
My point is about Christians studying Talmud, NOT about what Jews,
Buddhists, or Muslims choose to believe.
OK your point is about Christians studying Talmud, why do you care?
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
To see why I make these claims, cf my refs below.
Thank you for your understanding.
I invite you to browse the come and hear site and see for yourself.
they are hypocrites at least regarding copyrights! they claim copyright
protection for their page(s) and use the Superman image without
indicating that they have permission from the copyright holder!
Post by Ø
"The Jewish religion as it is today traces its descent, without a
break, through all the centuries, from the Pharisees."
- Universal Jewish Encyclopedia
and? so?
Post by Ø
The Thirteenth Tribe
have you ever asked who it was (including race/religion/ancestory) that
converted the Khazars to Judaism? whoever it was, did they interbreed
with the Khazars who might have migrated to Poland?
That's a possibility, but the Khazar population was quite large.
I also think that they were considered "Jews" by those who converted them
but not "Israelites". They were 2nd-class, so I don't think there was a
lot of interbreeding.
makes sense if the converters were Israelites!
Post by Ø
Now the Ashkenazim discriminate against other Jews in Israel.
that is their problem, not mine...why is it your problem, why do you even
care? are you thinking of moving to Iarael and converting to Judaism?
Post by Ø
They discriminate against the Palestinians who in all likelihood have more
of that "Israelite" stock in them in one fingernail than do all the
Khazars in Tel Aviv combined.
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
is it possible that those who converted the Khazars to Judaism were
actually JEWS and that although of mixed blood, they are descended from
the ancient Israelites?
Firstly I have very strong doubts about this "ancient Israelite" story.
For the sake of this argument let's put my reservations aside and go along
with the legend.
I know....you have denied archeological proof regarding ancient Israel....so
where did the Israelites who converted the Khazars come from?
Post by Ø
Yes, it's possible that these people who converted the Khazars to
at least in part from some people some today might associate with the
"ancient Israelites".
again, show where Jesus spoke out against any Jewish sacred text!
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
I guess both questions are rhetorical because you would not have even an
inkling of a desire to investigate the veracity of your resources!
NOW you tell me! Next time tell me before I respond!
you seldom actually respond and then it is usually with your beliefs not
with facts!
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto
whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are
within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.
I already responded to this.
Post by Ø
Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are
full of hypocrisy and iniquity.
you and your ilk do not even appear righteous!
Your beloved ADL fits that exactly.
when have I ever defended the ADL?
Post by Ø
Your beloved Wiesenthal fits that exactly.
when have I ever mentioned Wiesenthal?
Post by Ø
Your beloved Israel fits that EXACTLY.
Woe unto you dmreed, for you have sided with the Pharisees!
woe unto me....you have that power? another false belief!

you confuse my disagreement with your beliefs with siding with anything
other than facts!

of course, you cannot see the difference because that would require a
modicum of intelligence.
Israel exists! When will Ø protest the killing of Israeli women and children
by his beloved Palestinians when such killing is forbidden by the Koran?

Probably never because I suspect Ø is really not at all pro-Palestinian but
that he is just a stupid, brown-eyed (as in full of sh__), brown-shirted (as
in Hitler's youth), tea-bagging (in the original sense of the term),
Nazi-loving, and now Lenin-loving Communist, Zionist double agent.
2010-09-30 13:52:00 UTC
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
pedophilia is forbidden by law in most civilized countries
regardless of any ancient rules to the contrary.
interesting that Pike chooses this particular religious text and a
Jew who was a pedophile while he did not mention the many
"Christians" who have been discovered to be pedophiles.
he also mentions that some Jews follow the Talmud and not the
Bible...except for Jews for Jesus and their ilk, Jews do not follow
the Bible (it includes the New Testament), they do follow the Old
BTW please quote the Bible especially the New Testament where it
says pedophilia is not allowed!
you have not responded to this request???
Is it allowed in the Old Testament?
I asked first and you do not answer but I will answer anyway...I do not
recall anything regarding pedophilia in the OT.
And it was not given the ok in the NT.
The Talmud explicitly says it's ok under the conditions stated in the
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Pike and other Jew haters frequently use ancient laws to try to show
how the Jews are morally inferior. of course, they do not stress
that Jesus and the writers of the Bible were all Jews!
Jesus was not a Pharisee. Jesus condemned the followers of the Talmud.
Pike agrees with Jesus. That's why Pike is a Christian.
where does Jesus condemn the Talmud?
He spoke against the oral law that formed the basis of the Talmud.
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
he condemned the Pharisees (all of
them?) but I do not recall him discussing any of the sacred writings.
please point out where he does so.
See above.
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Jesus was NOT a Talmudic Pharisee. He denounced them.
Jesus was NOT diplomatic when it came to the Pharisees.
The Talmudic Pharisaic "Jews" of today, the vast majority of them who
are apparently converts to Judaism, have no historical relation to
the land of Palestine.
To shout the simplistic slogan that "Jesus was a Jew!" is very
misleading. This suggests that Jesus was Talmud observant. Many
Christians are being Judaized (Talmudized?) into thinking that by
studying the Talmud, they are following a more Christ-like path.
NOTHING could be farther from the truth! The Talmud states that Jesus
the Messiah is in hell and in boiling excrement.
so? if Jews chose to believe that, so what?
You MISS my point yet again! It's not what Jews choose to believe.
It's that CHRISTIANS are being deceived into thinking that by
"studying" the Talmud (really very selective parts of the Talmud)
they're going back to "Christian roots"! That's my POINT.
They're NOT told about what it says in the Talmud about Christ. Most
don't even understand or know about these passages I've taken from
scripture. They are being MISLED. By way of deception again.
most Christians do not really even study the Bible! they do not even
know the history of the book they consider the Word of God, i.e., the
current King James Bible which was/is derived with omissions from the
original King James Bible which has more books which was derived with
omissions from the Roman Catholic Latin Bible which was derived with
omissions from many books/texts which were believed in and followed by
early Christians...all were written by men (maybe some women?) and then
modified/excerpted/eliminated/etc. by other men. most Christians believe
the so-called Books of Moses were written by Moses! general ignorance
prevails with most religions!
why do you care about that they believe regarding the Talmud?
Because the more Judaization and Talmudization of Christians the more wars
in the ME.
Because the more Judaization and Talmudization sets the stage where NON-
Judeo-Christians are persecuted.
Christians have to understand the Talmud and what it says about them.
They are idolators and subject to physical punishment and death if they
observe their own holidays.
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Buddhists do not believe
Jesus was The Messiah or The Savior, so what?
They don't say he's in HELL in BOILING EXCREMENT, do they????????
maybe some do, there are many varieties of Buddhism some with many
different hells!
Quite the Zionist trickster you are.
Get me some sacred Buddhists texts where Jesus is in hell in boiling
You'll say anything in your 'defense' of your beloved Pharisees.
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Similarly for your beloved
Palestinians who are Muslim, so what?
They don't say he's in HELL in BOILING EXCREMENT, do they????????
Muslims believe Jesus born of a virgin was a prophet like Mohammed.
When they mention Jesus they say "Peace be upon him" like they do when
they mention Mohammed. Same for Mary. They give blessings whenever they
mention her.
What does the Talmud say about Mary??
She was a WHORE!!!
so? according to the Catholic Church, all protestants are not real
Christians...however, historically there may be some validity to that
Interesting perhaps, but irrelevant.
This is about Christians going back to "Christian roots" by 'studying' the
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Now tell me that studying Talmud will somehow bring Christianity "back
protestants and other Christians are nowhere near the "roots" anyway so
what will be worse?
I personally think it'll be worse to adopt the Talmudo-Pharisaic way that
says Christ is in boiling excrement in hell.
I think the Protestant way is closer to the roots of true Christianity.
I don't know what other Christians you're thinking of, but I think their
way will also be less "worse" than adopting the ways of your beloved
Pharisees that say Mary was a whore.
I know you personally find the views of the Pharisees appealing and make
your case for them, but I don't think I care for the Talmudo-Pharisaic
views on Christ and Mary.
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
That's why I say "Judeo-Christianity" is an oxymoron. It's a
contradiction in terms. THAT'S why I agree with Texe Marrs on this!
right, Jesus and his Apostles
rejected the ways of the Pharisees or those who today present themselves
as Jews.
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
were all born to Christian parents and raised in Christian traditions
They were raised in traditions that would persecute and make martyrs out
of many of them. Just because of their beliefs.
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
and studied the New Testament....
Their works are the basis of the NT which forms part of Christian
scripture. Your beloved Pharisees burn your hated NT every so often in
your beloved Israel.

I still think "Judeo-Christianity" is an oxymoron and a contradiction in
Thanks for trying to convince me otherwise, though.
I appreciate looking at things from many angles, and you never fail to
bring the Pharisaic pov to my attention.
I'm with Marrs and Pike on this one.
Maybe next time. :-)
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
you and
your beloved Texe are both stupid!
Jesus and his apostles rejected your beloved Pharisees and your beloved
Get over it. They REJECTED IT!!!!
No amount of blah blah blah on your part will EVER change it!
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Jews can believe what they want to believe. That's their business.
Just don't confuse my point for something else.
My point is about Christians studying Talmud, NOT about what Jews,
Buddhists, or Muslims choose to believe.
OK your point is about Christians studying Talmud, why do you care?
Less Judaization of Christians -> less wars in the ME.
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
To see why I make these claims, cf my refs below.
Thank you for your understanding.
I invite you to browse the come and hear site and see for yourself.
they are hypocrites at least regarding copyrights! they claim
copyright protection for their page(s) and use the Superman image
without indicating that they have permission from the copyright
Post by Ø
"The Jewish religion as it is today traces its descent, without a
break, through all the centuries, from the Pharisees."
- Universal Jewish Encyclopedia
and? so?
Post by Ø
The Thirteenth Tribe
have you ever asked who it was (including race/religion/ancestory)
that converted the Khazars to Judaism? whoever it was, did they
interbreed with the Khazars who might have migrated to Poland?
That's a possibility, but the Khazar population was quite large.
I also think that they were considered "Jews" by those who converted
them but not "Israelites". They were 2nd-class, so I don't think there
was a lot of interbreeding.
makes sense if the converters were Israelites!
Also makes sense if they THOUGHT they were, or were PRETENDING to be
Israelites and putting on 'airs'.
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Now the Ashkenazim discriminate against other Jews in Israel.
that is their problem, not mine...why is it your problem, why do you
even care? are you thinking of moving to Iarael and converting to
Just showing that when they cry "anti-Semite!" it's a lie on MANY
different levels. They discriminate against Semitic Arabs and they
discriminate against other Jews. Such wonderful tolerance.
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
They discriminate against the Palestinians who in all likelihood have
more of that "Israelite" stock in them in one fingernail than do all
the Khazars in Tel Aviv combined.
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
is it possible that those who converted the Khazars to Judaism were
actually JEWS and that although of mixed blood, they are descended
from the ancient Israelites?
Firstly I have very strong doubts about this "ancient Israelite" story.
For the sake of this argument let's put my reservations aside and go
along with the legend.
I know....you have denied archeological proof
one stele with a cryptic inscription don't make no proof.
There's TONS of evidence for the other civilizations/kingdoms.
I've said all I'm going to say on this for a good while.
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
regarding ancient
Israel....so where did the Israelites who converted the Khazars come
Presumably, from their mothers.
I don't know which lands these people who (supposedly) claimed to be
Israelites came from. They may themselves have converted to Talmudism.

It's possible some came from the lands that in the future would be stolen
from the Palestinians.

Who knows? "Jewish" 'history' is shrouded in narrative unlike any other
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Yes, it's possible that these people who converted the Khazars to
descended at least in part from some people some today might associate
with the "ancient Israelites".
again, show where Jesus spoke out against any Jewish sacred text!
Show me any sacred Buddhist texts that say Jesus is in hell in boiling
excrement. Show that, or make an admission that you were just acting the

Jesus spoke against the 'traditions of the elders' and those who sit in
the seat of Moses.
See Matthew23 and Mark7.

"The Talmud is, then, the written form of that which in the time of Jesus,
was called the Traditions of the Elders."
— Rabbi Michael L. Rodkinson
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
I guess both questions are rhetorical because you would not have even
an inkling of a desire to investigate the veracity of your resources!
NOW you tell me! Next time tell me before I respond!
you seldom actually respond and then it is usually with your beliefs not
with facts!
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto
whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are
within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.
I already responded to this.
Post by Ø
Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye
are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.
"The Jewish religion as it is today traces its descent, without a break,
through all the centuries, from the Pharisees."
— Universal Jewish Encyclopedia

Woe unto you dmreed, hypocrite! for you have sided with the Pharisees.

The Nakba: The Nakba's not a narrative. The Nakba is real!
Please help stop the suffering of the Palestinian people.
Dennis M Reed "Califa"
2010-09-30 20:31:14 UTC
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
pedophilia is forbidden by law in most civilized countries
regardless of any ancient rules to the contrary.
interesting that Pike chooses this particular religious text and a
Jew who was a pedophile while he did not mention the many
"Christians" who have been discovered to be pedophiles.
he also mentions that some Jews follow the Talmud and not the
Bible...except for Jews for Jesus and their ilk, Jews do not follow
the Bible (it includes the New Testament), they do follow the Old
BTW please quote the Bible especially the New Testament where it
says pedophilia is not allowed!
you have not responded to this request???
Is it allowed in the Old Testament?
I asked first and you do not answer but I will answer anyway...I do not
recall anything regarding pedophilia in the OT.
And it was not given the ok in the NT.
The Talmud explicitly says it's ok under the conditions stated in the
hey brown-eyes, I did not ask if the NT said it was OK...I asked if it was
described as "not allowed".

how could I have made the question more clear?
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Pike and other Jew haters frequently use ancient laws to try to show
how the Jews are morally inferior. of course, they do not stress
that Jesus and the writers of the Bible were all Jews!
Jesus was not a Pharisee. Jesus condemned the followers of the Talmud.
Pike agrees with Jesus. That's why Pike is a Christian.
where does Jesus condemn the Talmud?
He spoke against the oral law that formed the basis of the Talmud.
please provide the appropriate reference where he mentioned the oral law or
the Talmud.
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
he condemned the Pharisees (all of
them?) but I do not recall him discussing any of the sacred writings.
please point out where he does so.
See above.
see what?
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Jesus was NOT a Talmudic Pharisee. He denounced them.
Jesus was NOT diplomatic when it came to the Pharisees.
The Talmudic Pharisaic "Jews" of today, the vast majority of them who
are apparently converts to Judaism, have no historical relation to
the land of Palestine.
To shout the simplistic slogan that "Jesus was a Jew!" is very
misleading. This suggests that Jesus was Talmud observant. Many
Christians are being Judaized (Talmudized?) into thinking that by
studying the Talmud, they are following a more Christ-like path.
NOTHING could be farther from the truth! The Talmud states that Jesus
the Messiah is in hell and in boiling excrement.
so? if Jews chose to believe that, so what?
You MISS my point yet again! It's not what Jews choose to believe.
It's that CHRISTIANS are being deceived into thinking that by
"studying" the Talmud (really very selective parts of the Talmud)
they're going back to "Christian roots"! That's my POINT.
They're NOT told about what it says in the Talmud about Christ. Most
don't even understand or know about these passages I've taken from
scripture. They are being MISLED. By way of deception again.
most Christians do not really even study the Bible! they do not even
know the history of the book they consider the Word of God, i.e., the
current King James Bible which was/is derived with omissions from the
original King James Bible which has more books which was derived with
omissions from the Roman Catholic Latin Bible which was derived with
omissions from many books/texts which were believed in and followed by
early Christians...all were written by men (maybe some women?) and then
modified/excerpted/eliminated/etc. by other men. most Christians believe
the so-called Books of Moses were written by Moses! general ignorance
prevails with most religions!
why do you care about that they believe regarding the Talmud?
Because the more Judaization and Talmudization of Christians the more wars
in the ME.
interesting hypothesis, do you have some evidence or proof?
Post by Ø
Because the more Judaization and Talmudization sets the stage where NON-
Judeo-Christians are persecuted.
interesting hypothesis, do you have some evidence or proof?
Post by Ø
Christians have to understand the Talmud and what it says about them.
They are idolators and subject to physical punishment and death if they
observe their own holidays.
who are idolaters? what physical punishments? are you talking about what
extremist Muslims do to non-Muslims?
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Buddhists do not believe
Jesus was The Messiah or The Savior, so what?
They don't say he's in HELL in BOILING EXCREMENT, do they????????
maybe some do, there are many varieties of Buddhism some with many
different hells!
Quite the Zionist trickster you are.
Get me some sacred Buddhists texts where Jesus is in hell in boiling
nice try Butthead, most of the Buddhist sacred texts were written before
Jesus was supposedly born! you constantly demonstrate you total lack of
Post by Ø
You'll say anything in your 'defense' of your beloved Pharisees.
the laugh is on your stupidity and ignorance
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Similarly for your beloved
Palestinians who are Muslim, so what?
They don't say he's in HELL in BOILING EXCREMENT, do they????????
Muslims believe Jesus born of a virgin was a prophet like Mohammed.
When they mention Jesus they say "Peace be upon him" like they do when
they mention Mohammed. Same for Mary. They give blessings whenever they
mention her.
What does the Talmud say about Mary??
She was a WHORE!!!
so? according to the Catholic Church, all protestants are not real
Christians...however, historically there may be some validity to that
Interesting perhaps, but irrelevant.
This is about Christians going back to "Christian roots" by 'studying' the
did the Talmud exist before Jesus was born?

if so, then Jesus (if as educated as the NT suggests) would have known about
it...and it would have been part of his education...therefore, to understand
the roots of Christianity, one should study the same text as Jesus studied,
as well as, the history of the OT and NT texts as determined by the Catholic
Church and the English scholars who created the King James Bible and then
how the original KJ was reduced by several books at an even later date.

why is it you seem to know nothing about the history of the Bible and of
Christianity...oh, I forgot again, that you have never been interested in
facts and in actual history!
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Now tell me that studying Talmud will somehow bring Christianity "back
protestants and other Christians are nowhere near the "roots" anyway so
what will be worse?
I personally think it'll be worse to adopt the Talmudo-Pharisaic way that
says Christ is in boiling excrement in hell.
how about a direct reference to your claim that the Talmud says that about
Post by Ø
I think the Protestant way is closer to the roots of true Christianity.
that statement definitely shows your virtually complete ignorance of the
history and development of Christianity!
Post by Ø
I don't know what other Christians you're thinking of, but I think their
way will also be less "worse" than adopting the ways of your beloved
Pharisees that say Mary was a whore.
you mean like the Christians who declared war on Iraq?

again, how about an actual Talmudic reference.
Post by Ø
I know you personally find the views of the Pharisees appealing and make
your case for them, but I don't think I care for the Talmudo-Pharisaic
views on Christ and Mary.
you cannot possibly "know" how I find the views of the Pharisees.

when/where have I ever made a case for them?

I would have to see what the Talmud says before I could make a comment on
those views.
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
That's why I say "Judeo-Christianity" is an oxymoron. It's a
contradiction in terms. THAT'S why I agree with Texe Marrs on this!
right, Jesus and his Apostles
rejected the ways of the Pharisees or those who today present themselves
as Jews.
hummmmmmm....based upon history, Jesus did not say anything about the Jews
of today!
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
were all born to Christian parents and raised in Christian traditions
They were raised in traditions that would persecute and make martyrs out
of many of them. Just because of their beliefs.
happens all throughout history sometimes based upon religion but probably
really more frequently because of the struggle for power and control.
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
and studied the New Testament....
Their works are the basis of the NT which forms part of Christian
scripture. Your beloved Pharisees burn your hated NT every so often in
your beloved Israel.
you are definitely full of shit, Jesus and his apostles did not write any of
the NT.

and your Christians every so often burn the Koran....so?
Post by Ø
I still think "Judeo-Christianity" is an oxymoron and a contradiction in
OK, that is what you think but no one I know even cares what you think.

forget the "oxy", you are just a moron.
Post by Ø
Thanks for trying to convince me otherwise, though.
I appreciate looking at things from many angles, and you never fail to
bring the Pharisaic pov to my attention.
I'm with Marrs and Pike on this one.
Maybe next time. :-)
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
you and
your beloved Texe are both stupid!
Jesus and his apostles rejected your beloved Pharisees and your beloved
Get over it. They REJECTED IT!!!!
No amount of blah blah blah on your part will EVER change it!
your blah blah does not indicate where Jesus rejected the Talmud.
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Jews can believe what they want to believe. That's their business.
Just don't confuse my point for something else.
My point is about Christians studying Talmud, NOT about what Jews,
Buddhists, or Muslims choose to believe.
OK your point is about Christians studying Talmud, why do you care?
Less Judaization of Christians -> less wars in the ME.
no Buddhist invaded Iraq...it was self-proclaimed "Christians".
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
To see why I make these claims, cf my refs below.
Thank you for your understanding.
I invite you to browse the come and hear site and see for yourself.
they are hypocrites at least regarding copyrights! they claim
copyright protection for their page(s) and use the Superman image
without indicating that they have permission from the copyright
Post by Ø
"The Jewish religion as it is today traces its descent, without a
break, through all the centuries, from the Pharisees."
- Universal Jewish Encyclopedia
and? so?
Post by Ø
The Thirteenth Tribe
have you ever asked who it was (including race/religion/ancestory)
that converted the Khazars to Judaism? whoever it was, did they
interbreed with the Khazars who might have migrated to Poland?
That's a possibility, but the Khazar population was quite large.
I also think that they were considered "Jews" by those who converted
them but not "Israelites". They were 2nd-class, so I don't think there
was a lot of interbreeding.
makes sense if the converters were Israelites!
Also makes sense if they THOUGHT they were, or were PRETENDING to be
Israelites and putting on 'airs'.
OK, but then who converted the converters?
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Now the Ashkenazim discriminate against other Jews in Israel.
that is their problem, not mine...why is it your problem, why do you
even care? are you thinking of moving to Iarael and converting to
Just showing that when they cry "anti-Semite!" it's a lie on MANY
different levels. They discriminate against Semitic Arabs and they
discriminate against other Jews. Such wonderful tolerance.
I thought most Jews were Semites? what did I miss?
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
They discriminate against the Palestinians who in all likelihood have
more of that "Israelite" stock in them in one fingernail than do all
the Khazars in Tel Aviv combined.
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
is it possible that those who converted the Khazars to Judaism were
actually JEWS and that although of mixed blood, they are descended
from the ancient Israelites?
Firstly I have very strong doubts about this "ancient Israelite" story.
For the sake of this argument let's put my reservations aside and go
along with the legend.
I know....you have denied archeological proof
one stele with a cryptic inscription don't make no proof.
There's TONS of evidence for the other civilizations/kingdoms.
I've said all I'm going to say on this for a good while.
multiple steles!
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
regarding ancient
Israel....so where did the Israelites who converted the Khazars come
Presumably, from their mothers.
nice try, you stupid ass...do you ever answer a question directly?
Post by Ø
I don't know which lands these people who (supposedly) claimed to be
Israelites came from. They may themselves have converted to Talmudism.
by whom? and did they have Jewish blood in their veins?
Post by Ø
It's possible some came from the lands that in the future would be stolen
from the Palestinians.
you mean ancient Israel! OK!
Post by Ø
Who knows? "Jewish" 'history' is shrouded in narrative unlike any other
as is all history...sometimes only archeology can determine the truths of
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Yes, it's possible that these people who converted the Khazars to
descended at least in part from some people some today might associate
with the "ancient Israelites".
again, show where Jesus spoke out against any Jewish sacred text!
Show me any sacred Buddhist texts that say Jesus is in hell in boiling
excrement. Show that, or make an admission that you were just acting the
as I already said, Jesus was not yet born when most of the Buddhist sacred
texts were written.
Post by Ø
Jesus spoke against the 'traditions of the elders' and those who sit in
the seat of Moses.
See Matthew23 and Mark7.
all the traditions? or just some of the traditions? did Jesus honor the
traditional holidays such as Passover?
Post by Ø
"The Talmud is, then, the written form of that which in the time of Jesus,
was called the Traditions of the Elders."
- Rabbi Michael L. Rodkinson
probably BS, oral traditions change over time.
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
I guess both questions are rhetorical because you would not have even
an inkling of a desire to investigate the veracity of your resources!
NOW you tell me! Next time tell me before I respond!
you seldom actually respond and then it is usually with your beliefs not
with facts!
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto
whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are
within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.
I already responded to this.
Post by Ø
Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye
are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.
"The Jewish religion as it is today traces its descent, without a break,
through all the centuries, from the Pharisees."
- Universal Jewish Encyclopedia
OK, but has Judaism changed over time?
Post by Ø
Woe unto you dmreed, hypocrite! for you have sided with the Pharisees.
you do not have to authority to "woe on me"!

Israel exists! When will Ø protest the killing of Israeli women and children
by his beloved Palestinians when such killing is forbidden by the Koran?

Probably never because I suspect Ø is really not at all pro-Palestinian but
that he is just a stupid, brown-eyed (as in full of sh__), brown-shirted (as
in Hitler's youth), tea-bagging (in the original sense of the term),
Nazi-loving, and now Lenin-loving Communist, Zionist double agent.
2010-10-04 16:21:46 UTC
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
pedophilia is forbidden by law in most civilized countries
regardless of any ancient rules to the contrary.
interesting that Pike chooses this particular religious text and a
Jew who was a pedophile while he did not mention the many
"Christians" who have been discovered to be pedophiles.
he also mentions that some Jews follow the Talmud and not the
Bible...except for Jews for Jesus and their ilk, Jews do not
follow the Bible (it includes the New Testament), they do follow
the Old Testament.
BTW please quote the Bible especially the New Testament where it
says pedophilia is not allowed!
you have not responded to this request???
Is it allowed in the Old Testament?
I asked first and you do not answer but I will answer anyway...I do
not recall anything regarding pedophilia in the OT.
And it was not given the ok in the NT.
The Talmud explicitly says it's ok under the conditions stated in the
hey brown-eyes, I did not ask if the NT said it was OK...I asked if it
was described as "not allowed".
how could I have made the question more clear?
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Pike and other Jew haters frequently use ancient laws to try to
show how the Jews are morally inferior. of course, they do not
stress that Jesus and the writers of the Bible were all Jews!
Jesus was not a Pharisee. Jesus condemned the followers of the
Talmud. Pike agrees with Jesus. That's why Pike is a Christian.
where does Jesus condemn the Talmud?
He spoke against the oral law that formed the basis of the Talmud.
please provide the appropriate reference where he mentioned the oral law
or the Talmud.
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
he condemned the Pharisees (all of
them?) but I do not recall him discussing any of the sacred writings.
please point out where he does so.
See above.
see what?
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Jesus was NOT a Talmudic Pharisee. He denounced them.
Jesus was NOT diplomatic when it came to the Pharisees.
The Talmudic Pharisaic "Jews" of today, the vast majority of them
who are apparently converts to Judaism, have no historical relation
to the land of Palestine.
To shout the simplistic slogan that "Jesus was a Jew!" is very
misleading. This suggests that Jesus was Talmud observant. Many
Christians are being Judaized (Talmudized?) into thinking that by
studying the Talmud, they are following a more Christ-like path.
NOTHING could be farther from the truth! The Talmud states that
Jesus the Messiah is in hell and in boiling excrement.
so? if Jews chose to believe that, so what?
You MISS my point yet again! It's not what Jews choose to believe.
It's that CHRISTIANS are being deceived into thinking that by
"studying" the Talmud (really very selective parts of the Talmud)
they're going back to "Christian roots"! That's my POINT.
They're NOT told about what it says in the Talmud about Christ. Most
don't even understand or know about these passages I've taken from
scripture. They are being MISLED. By way of deception again.
most Christians do not really even study the Bible! they do not even
know the history of the book they consider the Word of God, i.e., the
current King James Bible which was/is derived with omissions from the
original King James Bible which has more books which was derived with
omissions from the Roman Catholic Latin Bible which was derived with
omissions from many books/texts which were believed in and followed by
early Christians...all were written by men (maybe some women?) and
then modified/excerpted/eliminated/etc. by other men. most Christians
believe the so-called Books of Moses were written by Moses! general
ignorance prevails with most religions!
why do you care about that they believe regarding the Talmud?
Because the more Judaization and Talmudization of Christians the more
wars in the ME.
interesting hypothesis, do you have some evidence or proof?
Look, & see.
More OldT, more justification for war. More Talmud, exponential growth in
the justification for war. Even against babies.
Have you seen the t-shirt "One shot, two kills" showing a pregnant woman
in Islamic-type attire? This is Talmudism. It's insanity on steroids.
If that's not proof enough for you, or if I didn't put it in acceptable
sillygism form, too bad. I don't have 3 weeks to elaborate on in.
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Because the more Judaization and Talmudization sets the stage where
NON- Judeo-Christians are persecuted.
interesting hypothesis, do you have some evidence or proof?
Take it or throw it out. Your choice. I'm not going to spend 3 months with
you in sillygizmlandia!
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Christians have to understand the Talmud and what it says about them.
They are idolators and subject to physical punishment and death if they
observe their own holidays.
who are idolaters? what physical punishments? are you talking about what
extremist Muslims do to non-Muslims?
Noahide Law.
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Buddhists do not believe
Jesus was The Messiah or The Savior, so what?
They don't say he's in HELL in BOILING EXCREMENT, do they????????
maybe some do, there are many varieties of Buddhism some with many
different hells!
Quite the Zionist trickster you are.
Get me some sacred Buddhists texts where Jesus is in hell in boiling
nice try Butthead, most of the Buddhist sacred texts were written before
Jesus was supposedly born! you constantly demonstrate you total lack of
So why'd you bring it up, idiot?
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
You'll say anything in your 'defense' of your beloved Pharisees.
the laugh is on your stupidity and ignorance
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Similarly for your beloved
Palestinians who are Muslim, so what?
They don't say he's in HELL in BOILING EXCREMENT, do they????????
Muslims believe Jesus born of a virgin was a prophet like Mohammed.
When they mention Jesus they say "Peace be upon him" like they do
when they mention Mohammed. Same for Mary. They give blessings
whenever they mention her.
What does the Talmud say about Mary??
She was a WHORE!!!
so? according to the Catholic Church, all protestants are not real
Christians...however, historically there may be some validity to that
Interesting perhaps, but irrelevant.
This is about Christians going back to "Christian roots" by 'studying'
the Talmud.
did the Talmud exist before Jesus was born?
the so-called oral law apparently did.
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
if so, then Jesus (if as educated as the NT suggests) would have known
about it...
He denounced the 'tradition of the elders'.
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
and it would have been part of his education...therefore, to
understand the roots of Christianity, one should study the same text as
Jesus studied, as well as, the history of the OT and NT texts as
determined by the Catholic Church and the English scholars who created
the King James Bible and then how the original KJ was reduced by several
books at an even later date.
why is it you seem to know nothing about the history of the Bible and of
Christianity...oh, I forgot again, that you have never been interested
in facts and in actual history!
i'm not interested in phony narratives and propaganda dressed up as
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Now tell me that studying Talmud will somehow bring Christianity
"back to its roots"! ABSURD and ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS!!!
protestants and other Christians are nowhere near the "roots" anyway
so what will be worse?
I personally think it'll be worse to adopt the Talmudo-Pharisaic way
that says Christ is in boiling excrement in hell.
how about a direct reference to your claim that the Talmud says that
about Jesus?
Post by Ø
I think the Protestant way is closer to the roots of true Christianity.
that statement definitely shows your virtually complete ignorance of the
history and development of Christianity!
Shut the hell up already. I think Protestantism is closer to the roots of
true Christianity than Talmudism.
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
I don't know what other Christians you're thinking of, but I think
their way will also be less "worse" than adopting the ways of your
beloved Pharisees that say Mary was a whore.
you mean like the Christians who declared war on Iraq?
Tricked by ZioJews! 9/11 was Lavon Affair reloaded.
This is not to let ZioChristians off the hook.
Israel's the only country on the PLANET to be better off since then.
Now, target Iran. The next HEEEEETLER! Terreeeeble Holocaust deeenier in
EEEEran! Hates poooor purse-cuted Jews!
Then who? Syria?
When will your beloved Jews ever tire of screaming they're about to be
exterminated while calling for the destructi (whoops! I mean LIBERATION)
of other countries?
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
again, how about an actual Talmudic reference.

This is not without some controvery, as you can imagine.
I've actually downloaded a copy of the Soncino Talmud. I haven't looked at
it yet. I'm afraid if I do I might want to put on some sandals, grow a
beard and kill Palestinians.
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
I know you personally find the views of the Pharisees appealing and
make your case for them, but I don't think I care for the
Talmudo-Pharisaic views on Christ and Mary.
you cannot possibly "know" how I find the views of the Pharisees.
You know I have ESP. You demand that I tell you what Texe Marrs REALLY
believes over and over again.
OF COURSE I know your views!
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
when/where have I ever made a case for them?
Every chance you get.
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
I would have to see what the Talmud says before I could make a comment
on those views.
go to the above web site.
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
That's why I say "Judeo-Christianity" is an oxymoron. It's a
contradiction in terms. THAT'S why I agree with Texe Marrs on this!
right, Jesus and his Apostles
rejected the ways of the Pharisees or those who today present
themselves as Jews.
hummmmmmm....based upon history, Jesus did not say anything about the
Jews of today!
Oh oh! he's doing some deep thinking! Means he's going to confuse himself.
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
were all born to Christian parents and raised in Christian traditions
They were raised in traditions that would persecute and make martyrs
out of many of them. Just because of their beliefs.
happens all throughout history sometimes based upon religion but
probably really more frequently because of the struggle for power and
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
and studied the New Testament....
Their works are the basis of the NT which forms part of Christian
scripture. Your beloved Pharisees burn your hated NT every so often in
your beloved Israel.
you are definitely full of shit, Jesus and his apostles did not write
any of the NT.
Their works, lives are the inspiration...
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
and your Christians every so often burn the Koran....so?
I didn't know that had something to do with Christians studying the
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
I still think "Judeo-Christianity" is an oxymoron and a contradiction
in terms.
OK, that is what you think but no one I know even cares what you think.
So why do you spend so much time arguing and asking me so many questions?
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
forget the "oxy", you are just a moron.
Post by Ø
Thanks for trying to convince me otherwise, though.
I appreciate looking at things from many angles, and you never fail to
bring the Pharisaic pov to my attention.
I'm with Marrs and Pike on this one.
Maybe next time. :-)
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
you and
your beloved Texe are both stupid!
Jesus and his apostles rejected your beloved Pharisees and your beloved
Get over it. They REJECTED IT!!!!
No amount of blah blah blah on your part will EVER change it!
your blah blah does not indicate where Jesus rejected the Talmud.
He rejected the oral law which was written in the Talmud.
He denounced the Pharisees.
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Jews can believe what they want to believe. That's their business.
Just don't confuse my point for something else.
My point is about Christians studying Talmud, NOT about what Jews,
Buddhists, or Muslims choose to believe.
OK your point is about Christians studying Talmud, why do you care?
Less Judaization of Christians -> less wars in the ME.
no Buddhist invaded Iraq...it was self-proclaimed "Christians".
Lavon affair reloaded.
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
To see why I make these claims, cf my refs below.
Thank you for your understanding.
I invite you to browse the come and hear site and see for yourself.
they are hypocrites at least regarding copyrights! they claim
copyright protection for their page(s) and use the Superman image
without indicating that they have permission from the copyright
Post by Ø
"The Jewish religion as it is today traces its descent, without a
break, through all the centuries, from the Pharisees."
- Universal Jewish Encyclopedia
and? so?
Post by Ø
The Thirteenth Tribe
have you ever asked who it was (including race/religion/ancestory)
that converted the Khazars to Judaism? whoever it was, did they
interbreed with the Khazars who might have migrated to Poland?
That's a possibility, but the Khazar population was quite large.
I also think that they were considered "Jews" by those who converted
them but not "Israelites". They were 2nd-class, so I don't think
there was a lot of interbreeding.
makes sense if the converters were Israelites!
Also makes sense if they THOUGHT they were, or were PRETENDING to be
Israelites and putting on 'airs'.
OK, but then who converted the converters?
Con men probably.
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Now the Ashkenazim discriminate against other Jews in Israel.
that is their problem, not mine...why is it your problem, why do you
even care? are you thinking of moving to Iarael and converting to
Just showing that when they cry "anti-Semite!" it's a lie on MANY
different levels. They discriminate against Semitic Arabs and they
discriminate against other Jews. Such wonderful tolerance.
I thought most Jews were Semites? what did I miss?
Not all Jews are Semites? Which aren't in your opinion?
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
They discriminate against the Palestinians who in all likelihood have
more of that "Israelite" stock in them in one fingernail than do all
the Khazars in Tel Aviv combined.
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
is it possible that those who converted the Khazars to Judaism were
actually JEWS and that although of mixed blood, they are descended
from the ancient Israelites?
Firstly I have very strong doubts about this "ancient Israelite"
story. For the sake of this argument let's put my reservations aside
and go along with the legend.
I know....you have denied archeological proof
one stele with a cryptic inscription don't make no proof.
There's TONS of evidence for the other civilizations/kingdoms.
I've said all I'm going to say on this for a good while.
multiple steles!
I'm underwhelmed.
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
regarding ancient
Israel....so where did the Israelites who converted the Khazars come
Presumably, from their mothers.
nice try, you stupid ass...do you ever answer a question directly?
Post by Ø
I don't know which lands these people who (supposedly) claimed to be
Israelites came from. They may themselves have converted to Talmudism.
by whom? and did they have Jewish blood in their veins?
I would think they probably had some "Jewish" blood.
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
It's possible some came from the lands that in the future would be
stolen from the Palestinians.
you mean ancient Israel! OK!
You should not put words in my mouth!
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Who knows? "Jewish" 'history' is shrouded in narrative unlike any other
as is all history...sometimes only archeology can determine the truths
of "history".
The "Jewish" narrative does not really invite much investigation into
It's their way, and THAT'S THAT!
You're a really, really bad person if you question the narrative(s).
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Yes, it's possible that these people who converted the Khazars to
descended at least in part from some people some today might
associate with the "ancient Israelites".
again, show where Jesus spoke out against any Jewish sacred text!
Show me any sacred Buddhist texts that say Jesus is in hell in boiling
excrement. Show that, or make an admission that you were just acting
the fool.
as I already said, Jesus was not yet born when most of the Buddhist
sacred texts were written.
So why'd you bring it up then? Were you cracking a joke?
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Jesus spoke against the 'traditions of the elders' and those who sit in
the seat of Moses.
See Matthew23 and Mark7.
all the traditions?
all of the oral law. the 'traditions of the elders'.
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
or just some of the traditions? did Jesus honor the
traditional holidays such as Passover?
He did not keep the Sabbath.
he spoke against the oral law of the pharisees.
I don't think he was anti-Jewish, but anti-Talmudic.
This is why I claimed "Jesus was a Jew" is very misleading. In today's
world that usually means Talmudic.
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
"The Talmud is, then, the written form of that which in the time of
Jesus, was called the Traditions of the Elders."
- Rabbi Michael L. Rodkinson
probably BS, oral traditions change over time.
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
I guess both questions are rhetorical because you would not have
even an inkling of a desire to investigate the veracity of your
NOW you tell me! Next time tell me before I respond!
you seldom actually respond and then it is usually with your beliefs
not with facts!
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like
unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but
are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.
I already responded to this.
Post by Ø
Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye
are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.
"The Jewish religion as it is today traces its descent, without a
break, through all the centuries, from the Pharisees."
- Universal Jewish Encyclopedia
OK, but has Judaism changed over time?
Talmudism still adheres to what Jesus called the commandments of men.
The tradition is essentially the same at its core.

The Nakba: The Nakba's not a narrative. The Nakba is real!
Please help stop the suffering of the Palestinian people.
Dennis M Reed "Califa"
2010-10-05 07:16:49 UTC
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
pedophilia is forbidden by law in most civilized countries
regardless of any ancient rules to the contrary.
interesting that Pike chooses this particular religious text and a
Jew who was a pedophile while he did not mention the many
"Christians" who have been discovered to be pedophiles.
he also mentions that some Jews follow the Talmud and not the
Bible...except for Jews for Jesus and their ilk, Jews do not
follow the Bible (it includes the New Testament), they do follow
the Old Testament.
BTW please quote the Bible especially the New Testament where it
says pedophilia is not allowed!
you have not responded to this request???
Is it allowed in the Old Testament?
I asked first and you do not answer but I will answer anyway...I do
not recall anything regarding pedophilia in the OT.
And it was not given the ok in the NT.
The Talmud explicitly says it's ok under the conditions stated in the
hey brown-eyes, I did not ask if the NT said it was OK...I asked if it
was described as "not allowed".
how could I have made the question more clear?
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Pike and other Jew haters frequently use ancient laws to try to
show how the Jews are morally inferior. of course, they do not
stress that Jesus and the writers of the Bible were all Jews!
Jesus was not a Pharisee. Jesus condemned the followers of the
Talmud. Pike agrees with Jesus. That's why Pike is a Christian.
where does Jesus condemn the Talmud?
He spoke against the oral law that formed the basis of the Talmud.
please provide the appropriate reference where he mentioned the oral law
or the Talmud.
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
he condemned the Pharisees (all of
them?) but I do not recall him discussing any of the sacred writings.
please point out where he does so.
See above.
see what?
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Jesus was NOT a Talmudic Pharisee. He denounced them.
Jesus was NOT diplomatic when it came to the Pharisees.
The Talmudic Pharisaic "Jews" of today, the vast majority of them
who are apparently converts to Judaism, have no historical relation
to the land of Palestine.
To shout the simplistic slogan that "Jesus was a Jew!" is very
misleading. This suggests that Jesus was Talmud observant. Many
Christians are being Judaized (Talmudized?) into thinking that by
studying the Talmud, they are following a more Christ-like path.
NOTHING could be farther from the truth! The Talmud states that
Jesus the Messiah is in hell and in boiling excrement.
so? if Jews chose to believe that, so what?
You MISS my point yet again! It's not what Jews choose to believe.
It's that CHRISTIANS are being deceived into thinking that by
"studying" the Talmud (really very selective parts of the Talmud)
they're going back to "Christian roots"! That's my POINT.
They're NOT told about what it says in the Talmud about Christ. Most
don't even understand or know about these passages I've taken from
scripture. They are being MISLED. By way of deception again.
most Christians do not really even study the Bible! they do not even
know the history of the book they consider the Word of God, i.e., the
current King James Bible which was/is derived with omissions from the
original King James Bible which has more books which was derived with
omissions from the Roman Catholic Latin Bible which was derived with
omissions from many books/texts which were believed in and followed by
early Christians...all were written by men (maybe some women?) and
then modified/excerpted/eliminated/etc. by other men. most Christians
believe the so-called Books of Moses were written by Moses! general
ignorance prevails with most religions!
why do you care about that they believe regarding the Talmud?
Because the more Judaization and Talmudization of Christians the more
wars in the ME.
interesting hypothesis, do you have some evidence or proof?
Look, & see.
look and see what?
Post by Ø
More OldT, more justification for war. More Talmud, exponential growth in
the justification for war. Even against babies.
hummmmm....the Talmud seems to have very little to do with Shites and Sunis
killing each other!
Post by Ø
Have you seen the t-shirt "One shot, two kills" showing a pregnant woman
in Islamic-type attire? This is Talmudism. It's insanity on steroids.
maybe the Israelis should get t-shirts with "One suicide bomber, many kills
including pregnant women"!
Post by Ø
If that's not proof enough for you, or if I didn't put it in acceptable
sillygism form, too bad. I don't have 3 weeks to elaborate on in.
you have provide absolutely not proof for your claim as usual...are you
really so stupid as to not be able to provide actual proofs for your
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Because the more Judaization and Talmudization sets the stage where
NON- Judeo-Christians are persecuted.
interesting hypothesis, do you have some evidence or proof?
Take it or throw it out. Your choice. I'm not going to spend 3 months with
you in sillygizmlandia!
take or throw what out, you have not even attempted to provide proof for
your claim!
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Christians have to understand the Talmud and what it says about them.
They are idolators and subject to physical punishment and death if they
observe their own holidays.
who are idolaters? what physical punishments? are you talking about what
extremist Muslims do to non-Muslims?
Noahide Law.
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Buddhists do not believe
Jesus was The Messiah or The Savior, so what?
They don't say he's in HELL in BOILING EXCREMENT, do they????????
maybe some do, there are many varieties of Buddhism some with many
different hells!
Quite the Zionist trickster you are.
Get me some sacred Buddhists texts where Jesus is in hell in boiling
nice try Butthead, most of the Buddhist sacred texts were written before
Jesus was supposedly born! you constantly demonstrate you total lack of
So why'd you bring it up, idiot?
to show how limited your understanding of religions actually is!
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
You'll say anything in your 'defense' of your beloved Pharisees.
laughing at your own pitiful attempt to claim that I have defended the
Pharisees of Jesus' time...where have I ever defended those Pharisees?
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
the laugh is on your stupidity and ignorance
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Similarly for your beloved
Palestinians who are Muslim, so what?
They don't say he's in HELL in BOILING EXCREMENT, do they????????
Muslims believe Jesus born of a virgin was a prophet like Mohammed.
When they mention Jesus they say "Peace be upon him" like they do
when they mention Mohammed. Same for Mary. They give blessings
whenever they mention her.
What does the Talmud say about Mary??
She was a WHORE!!!
so? according to the Catholic Church, all protestants are not real
Christians...however, historically there may be some validity to that
Interesting perhaps, but irrelevant.
This is about Christians going back to "Christian roots" by 'studying'
the Talmud.
did the Talmud exist before Jesus was born?
the so-called oral law apparently did.
so it is probably that Jesus studied it...so it makes sense that Christians
might benefit from understanding what Jesus studied and knew.
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
if so, then Jesus (if as educated as the NT suggests) would have known
about it...
He denounced the 'tradition of the elders'.
again, the same claim with absolutely not proof that the Traditions can be
equated with the traditions.
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
and it would have been part of his education...therefore, to
understand the roots of Christianity, one should study the same text as
Jesus studied, as well as, the history of the OT and NT texts as
determined by the Catholic Church and the English scholars who created
the King James Bible and then how the original KJ was reduced by several
books at an even later date.
why is it you seem to know nothing about the history of the Bible and of
Christianity...oh, I forgot again, that you have never been interested
in facts and in actual history!
i'm not interested in phony narratives and propaganda dressed up as
you are not interested in actual history nor in physical evidence if they do
not support your world view!
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Now tell me that studying Talmud will somehow bring Christianity
"back to its roots"! ABSURD and ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS!!!
protestants and other Christians are nowhere near the "roots" anyway
so what will be worse?
I personally think it'll be worse to adopt the Talmudo-Pharisaic way
that says Christ is in boiling excrement in hell.
how about a direct reference to your claim that the Talmud says that
about Jesus?
Post by Ø
I think the Protestant way is closer to the roots of true Christianity.
that statement definitely shows your virtually complete ignorance of the
history and development of Christianity!
Shut the hell up already. I think Protestantism is closer to the roots of
true Christianity than Talmudism.
I would agree but then that does not say Protestant Christianity is closer
to the Christianity taught by Jesus than Roman Catholic Christianity!
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
I don't know what other Christians you're thinking of, but I think
their way will also be less "worse" than adopting the ways of your
beloved Pharisees that say Mary was a whore.
you mean like the Christians who declared war on Iraq?
Tricked by ZioJews! 9/11 was Lavon Affair reloaded.
whipping a dead horse again...proof/evidence?
Post by Ø
This is not to let ZioChristians off the hook.
Israel's the only country on the PLANET to be better off since then.
Now, target Iran. The next HEEEEETLER! Terreeeeble Holocaust deeenier in
EEEEran! Hates poooor purse-cuted Jews!
Then who? Syria?
When will your beloved Jews ever tire of screaming they're about to be
exterminated while calling for the destructi (whoops! I mean LIBERATION)
of other countries?
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
again, how about an actual Talmudic reference.
since when has Puke become an author of the Talmud...the request was for a
Talmudic reference!
Post by Ø
This is not without some controvery, as you can imagine.
I've actually downloaded a copy of the Soncino Talmud. I haven't looked at
it yet. I'm afraid if I do I might want to put on some sandals, grow a
beard and kill Palestinians.
why, you do not seem to understand anything for yourself...you just seem to
quote others!
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
I know you personally find the views of the Pharisees appealing and
make your case for them, but I don't think I care for the
Talmudo-Pharisaic views on Christ and Mary.
you cannot possibly "know" how I find the views of the Pharisees.
You know I have ESP. You demand that I tell you what Texe Marrs REALLY
believes over and over again.
OF COURSE I know your views!
yes, you have ESP (Especially Stupid Politics)!

and it took a long time until you admitted that you did not know what your
beloved Texe believes and that you did not really care what he actually
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
when/where have I ever made a case for them?
Every chance you get.
pleasee provide one instance where I have agreed with the Pharisees of
Jesus' time.
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
I would have to see what the Talmud says before I could make a comment
on those views.
go to the above web site.
that is definitely not the Talmud....of course, you do not know the
difference between a literary work and commentaries on the literary work!
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
That's why I say "Judeo-Christianity" is an oxymoron. It's a
contradiction in terms. THAT'S why I agree with Texe Marrs on this!
right, Jesus and his Apostles
rejected the ways of the Pharisees or those who today present
themselves as Jews.
hummmmmmm....based upon history, Jesus did not say anything about the
Jews of today!
Oh oh! he's doing some deep thinking! Means he's going to confuse himself.
at least, I try...too bad you never try to think!
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
were all born to Christian parents and raised in Christian traditions
They were raised in traditions that would persecute and make martyrs
out of many of them. Just because of their beliefs.
this is not an uncommon action of religions in response to heretical

I do not condone this kind of action but it is historically factual.

The Catholic Church persecuted and made martyrs out of Protestants,
Protestants did the same thing to Wiccans (or even to supposed Wiccans), the
Shiites and the Sunnis do it to each other, etc.
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
happens all throughout history sometimes based upon religion but
probably really more frequently because of the struggle for power and
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
and studied the New Testament....
Their works are the basis of the NT which forms part of Christian
scripture. Your beloved Pharisees burn your hated NT every so often in
your beloved Israel.
you are definitely full of shit, Jesus and his apostles did not write
any of the NT.
Their works, lives are the inspiration...
of course, even with distortions and borrowing from other religions to make
the new religion more acceptable to possible converts! but Jesus and his
apostles did not write any of the NT.
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
and your Christians every so often burn the Koran....so?
I didn't know that had something to do with Christians studying the
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
I still think "Judeo-Christianity" is an oxymoron and a contradiction
in terms.
OK, that is what you think but no one I know even cares what you think.
So why do you spend so much time arguing and asking me so many questions?
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
forget the "oxy", you are just a moron.
Post by Ø
Thanks for trying to convince me otherwise, though.
I appreciate looking at things from many angles, and you never fail to
bring the Pharisaic pov to my attention.
I'm with Marrs and Pike on this one.
Maybe next time. :-)
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
you and
your beloved Texe are both stupid!
Jesus and his apostles rejected your beloved Pharisees and your beloved
Get over it. They REJECTED IT!!!!
No amount of blah blah blah on your part will EVER change it!
your blah blah does not indicate where Jesus rejected the Talmud.
He rejected the oral law which was written in the Talmud.
He denounced the Pharisees.
are you still trying to put this one over without proof?
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Jews can believe what they want to believe. That's their business.
Just don't confuse my point for something else.
My point is about Christians studying Talmud, NOT about what Jews,
Buddhists, or Muslims choose to believe.
OK your point is about Christians studying Talmud, why do you care?
Less Judaization of Christians -> less wars in the ME.
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
no Buddhist invaded Iraq...it was self-proclaimed "Christians".
Lavon affair reloaded.
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
To see why I make these claims, cf my refs below.
Thank you for your understanding.
I invite you to browse the come and hear site and see for yourself.
they are hypocrites at least regarding copyrights! they claim
copyright protection for their page(s) and use the Superman image
without indicating that they have permission from the copyright
Post by Ø
"The Jewish religion as it is today traces its descent, without a
break, through all the centuries, from the Pharisees."
- Universal Jewish Encyclopedia
and? so?
Post by Ø
The Thirteenth Tribe
have you ever asked who it was (including race/religion/ancestory)
that converted the Khazars to Judaism? whoever it was, did they
interbreed with the Khazars who might have migrated to Poland?
That's a possibility, but the Khazar population was quite large.
I also think that they were considered "Jews" by those who converted
them but not "Israelites". They were 2nd-class, so I don't think
there was a lot of interbreeding.
makes sense if the converters were Israelites!
Also makes sense if they THOUGHT they were, or were PRETENDING to be
Israelites and putting on 'airs'.
OK, but then who converted the converters?
Con men probably.
wonderful response! you are so lacking in education and insight that you
cannot even answer or attempt to answer the most basic questions.
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Now the Ashkenazim discriminate against other Jews in Israel.
that is their problem, not mine...why is it your problem, why do you
even care? are you thinking of moving to Iarael and converting to
Just showing that when they cry "anti-Semite!" it's a lie on MANY
different levels. They discriminate against Semitic Arabs and they
discriminate against other Jews. Such wonderful tolerance.
I thought most Jews were Semites? what did I miss?
Not all Jews are Semites? Which aren't in your opinion?
funny that you omitted that Semitic Arabs discriminate against other Semitic

you continue to be completely one-sided in your arguments :>(
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
They discriminate against the Palestinians who in all likelihood have
more of that "Israelite" stock in them in one fingernail than do all
the Khazars in Tel Aviv combined.
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
is it possible that those who converted the Khazars to Judaism were
actually JEWS and that although of mixed blood, they are descended
from the ancient Israelites?
Firstly I have very strong doubts about this "ancient Israelite"
story. For the sake of this argument let's put my reservations aside
and go along with the legend.
I know....you have denied archeological proof
one stele with a cryptic inscription don't make no proof.
There's TONS of evidence for the other civilizations/kingdoms.
I've said all I'm going to say on this for a good while.
multiple steles!
I'm underwhelmed.
you are definitely under-educated and under-mentally-equipped!
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
regarding ancient
Israel....so where did the Israelites who converted the Khazars come
Presumably, from their mothers.
nice try, you stupid ass...do you ever answer a question directly?
Post by Ø
I don't know which lands these people who (supposedly) claimed to be
Israelites came from. They may themselves have converted to Talmudism.
by whom? and did they have Jewish blood in their veins?
I would think they probably had some "Jewish" blood.
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
It's possible some came from the lands that in the future would be
stolen from the Palestinians.
you mean ancient Israel! OK!
You should not put words in my mouth!
why, you constantly put the words of others out as if they were your words!
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Who knows? "Jewish" 'history' is shrouded in narrative unlike any other
as is all history...sometimes only archeology can determine the truths
of "history".
The "Jewish" narrative does not really invite much investigation into
It's their way, and THAT'S THAT!
not at all, it is just your way of saying that you have no desire to
investigate and understand history.
Post by Ø
You're a really, really bad person if you question the narrative(s).
nice try, again you lack the basic understanding of archeological evidence.
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Yes, it's possible that these people who converted the Khazars to
descended at least in part from some people some today might
associate with the "ancient Israelites".
again, show where Jesus spoke out against any Jewish sacred text!
Show me any sacred Buddhist texts that say Jesus is in hell in boiling
excrement. Show that, or make an admission that you were just acting
the fool.
as I already said, Jesus was not yet born when most of the Buddhist
sacred texts were written.
So why'd you bring it up then? Were you cracking a joke?
no, I just wanted to display your lack of understanding.
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Jesus spoke against the 'traditions of the elders' and those who sit in
the seat of Moses.
See Matthew23 and Mark7.
all the traditions?
all of the oral law. the 'traditions of the elders'.
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
or just some of the traditions? did Jesus honor the
traditional holidays such as Passover?
He did not keep the Sabbath.
excuse me, where in the NT does it say that?
Post by Ø
he spoke against the oral law of the pharisees.
I don't think he was anti-Jewish, but anti-Talmudic.
This is why I claimed "Jesus was a Jew" is very misleading. In today's
world that usually means Talmudic.
another assumption on your part with absolutely no proof.
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
"The Talmud is, then, the written form of that which in the time of
Jesus, was called the Traditions of the Elders."
- Rabbi Michael L. Rodkinson
probably BS, oral traditions change over time.
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
I guess both questions are rhetorical because you would not have
even an inkling of a desire to investigate the veracity of your
NOW you tell me! Next time tell me before I respond!
you seldom actually respond and then it is usually with your beliefs
not with facts!
Post by Ø
Post by Dennis M Reed "Califa"
Post by Ø
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like
unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but
are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.
I already responded to this.
Post by Ø
Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye
are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.
"The Jewish religion as it is today traces its descent, without a
break, through all the centuries, from the Pharisees."
- Universal Jewish Encyclopedia
OK, but has Judaism changed over time?
Talmudism still adheres to what Jesus called the commandments of men.
The tradition is essentially the same at its core.
NT references?
Israel exists! When will Ø protest the killing of Israeli women and children
by his beloved Palestinians when such killing is forbidden by the Koran?

Probably never because I suspect Ø is not really all that pro-Palestinian
that he is just

- stupid (seldom is able to answer the most straightforward
questions...virtually always tries to change the subject...totally unable to
understand even the most simple logical arguments)

- brown-eyed (as in full of fecal matter)

- brown-shirted (as in the racist Hitler's youth)

- tea-bagging (in the original sense of the term, i.e., hanging testicles
blinding his vision)

- inconsistent (he rails against Masonry and then uses the Mason Manly
Palmer Hall to support his tirades)

- incapable of recognizing and accepting facts and not interested in finding
out the truth (he constantly disregards multiple archeological discoveries
which prove the existence of ancient Israel and, when asked about his
beloved Texe Marrs, he admits that Texe might be a fraud but Ø does not care
to investigate and instead just quotes his Texe because it supports his
distorted, racist, hate-mongering world view)

- Nazi-loving (claims Hitler was the victim and not the instigator of WW II
and constantly denies the factual evidence regarding the Nazi Holocaust of
the Jews and other groups)

- Lenin-loving Communist (quotes Lenin to support his racist
hate -mongering)

- Zionist double agent (his apparent racist anti-Jewish tirades might well
be a ploy to gain sympathy for Israel...stranger techniques have probably
been used before!).
