Atheists will burn in HELL!
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Jacques De Molay
2009-02-26 03:56:17 UTC
If you don't believe in GOD, you will burn in HELL, that's for sure.

Only GOD can give you entrance to Paradise, but if you
don't believe in HIM, you will go to HELL after you die.

Do you really want to BURN for a long time?
2009-02-26 11:07:01 UTC
Post by Jacques De Molay
If you don't believe in GOD, you will burn in HELL, that's for sure.
Only GOD can give you entrance to Paradise, but if you
don't believe in HIM, you will go to HELL after you die.
Do you really want to BURN for a long time?
Calm down, relax Jesus and the Holy Ghost are going to take turns shafting
you in the ass for all eternity with his huge holy messiah penis while the
father watches on caught-up in an infinite orgy of self gratification with
his mighty god fist pumping new universes into the void from his throbbing
Nuns Fart
2009-02-27 08:10:02 UTC
Post by Jacques De Molay
If you don't believe in GOD, you will burn in HELL, that's for sure.
Only GOD can give you entrance to Paradise, but if you
don't believe in HIM, you will go to HELL after you die.
Do you really want to BURN for a long time?
Really now - its much nicer in warmer climates. Can't stand the cold
Good old God (which one?) - he lets people burn to death, does absolutely
nothing to prevent such catastrophes, lets people drown, get killed in the
most awful of ways. A strange fellow - he supposedly creates and controls
everything, not only here on earth, but in the unimaginably huge universe
and beyond (WOW, he is BIG) - and yet he cannot prevent terrible natural
disasters from happening that cause untold misery to millions of people year
in and year out.
He's a creul mixed up sod I say. And don'r come with this shit about the
devil causing all the nonsense. Grow up. All this clap-trap about gods,
devils,demos, holy ghosts, spirits, men dressed up in womans clothing
carrying strange article aloft in churches - YUCK, they're all weird man!
By the way - Paradise is a state of mind as is hell etc. etc. etc........
A. Hermaphrodite
2009-03-01 11:34:05 UTC
Where is there evidence of heaven or hell?

When oxygen leaves the brain, human life ceases to exist and there is no
proof otherwise.

The ancient Egyptians invented hell
The Hell of Ancient Egypt
Address:http://www.touregypt.net/featurestories/hell.htm Changed:3:25 AM
on Sunday, March 1, 2009
Bill M
2009-03-27 16:13:27 UTC
Post by Jacques De Molay
If you don't believe in GOD, you will burn in HELL, that's for sure.
Only GOD can give you entrance to Paradise, but if you
don't believe in HIM, you will go to HELL after you die.
Do you really want to BURN for a long time?
I challenge any religionist to provide objective verifiable evidence that
contradicts the following information.

The God myths and fables.

There are hundreds of dramatically different God beliefs but no God
announces or demonstrates that it is the real God and the many others are

No God ever speaks to, communicates with or appears to any of the seven
BILLION sane members of society.

There is no objective verifiable evidence that any dead relative or friend
has ever directly communicated with the living. That is because they no


None of the hundreds of thousands of religious leaders has ever been able to
demonstrate that his God actually exists. Nor have any of them ever been
able to confirm that their Heaven, Hell, God, Devil or Angels actually
exist. Nor have any of them ever proven they have communicated with their
claimed God.

Would any real loving and caring intelligent God, create Plagues, Tsunamis,
Tornadoes, Volcanic Eruptions, Floods, Wars, Earth Quakes, Cancers and
hundreds of debilitating diseases and serious body malfunctions? There are
12,000 known diseases that affect and punish mankind indiscriminately. Why
does he permit millions of both young and old to starve to death or die of
miserable diseases? Why punish millions of INNOCENT CHILDREN in this
horrible way?

Why would any all powerful and caring god permit totally "innocent children"
to die at birth? Or worse, be born lacking eyesight, a fully developed
brain, deaf and dumb, missing limbs etc.? Why are some born idiots and
others with super intelligence? Why are some born into wealth and others
pauper poor? Why would it permit over 2,000,000 innocent children to die of
starvation every year? Why are his human creations designed to deteriorate
into a miserable and devastating old age regardless of their religious

People feel compelled to believe in Gods, Heavens, Hells, Angels and after
life because they cannot mentally accept the finality of death and the loss
of their

Their is no objective verifiable evidence that any Gods are more real than
Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy, All Gods are based on nothing more than
hopes, myths and fables.
Nuns Fart
2009-04-13 12:03:25 UTC
Post by Bill M
Why would any all powerful and caring god permit totally "innocent children"
to die at birth? Or worse, be born lacking eyesight, a fully developed
Christian answer: "sins of the fathers", I ask you with tears in my bloody
Barry OGrady
2009-07-19 01:26:32 UTC
On Wed, 25 Feb 2009 19:56:17 -0800 (PST), Jacques De Molay
Post by Jacques De Molay
If you don't believe in GOD, you will burn in HELL, that's for sure.
I wouldn't want a God that would treat it's creations that way.
Post by Jacques De Molay
Only GOD can give you entrance to Paradise, but if you
don't believe in HIM, you will go to HELL after you die.
Being trapped with God for eternity would be hell.
Post by Jacques De Molay
Do you really want to BURN for a long time?
Satan would probably have more respect for us than God.
Kelsey Bjarnason
2021-02-03 06:45:07 UTC
In article <4995036c-48ab-4613-a9db-6d9940937a70
Post by Jacques De Molay
If you don't believe in GOD, you will burn in HELL,
that's for sure.

Threatening an atheist with hell is about like threatening
to punch us in our auras. It may seem meaningful to you,
but we're not going to lose any sleep over the notion.
Ivan Farlenkov
2024-06-01 14:30:18 UTC
Post by Jacques De Molay
If you don't believe in GOD
Which one?
