Pauline Hanson defends Xitter (Elon Musk) over bishop stabbing videos
(too old to reply)
Computer Nerd Kev
2024-04-27 01:55:16 UTC
ADDED "aus.aus.computers,aus.legal"
To access Government banned Social Media, one will have to
"voluntarily" use MyCovid ID.
So long as they don't discover Usenet that wouldn't worry me much
since I don't access it anyway.
Started because Twitter was asked to block video of Sydney's stabbing
of a bishop in a church.
Twitter geo-blocked Australian IP's from seeing it.
Already more than the government ought to be able to demand of
them in my opinion. That they want it banished from the internet
is insanity worthy of the world's most repressive governments. Next
they'll end up like the Chinese government, banning all the tech
companies that don't cower to them and blocking their websites.
Good on Musk for having some backbone, though the social media
service he runs never made much sense to me in the first place.
__ __
#_ < |\| |< _#
2024-04-27 06:31:55 UTC
Post by Computer Nerd Kev
ADDED "aus.aus.computers,aus.legal"
To access Government banned Social Media, one will have to
"voluntarily" use MyCovid ID.
So long as they don't discover Usenet that wouldn't worry me much
since I don't access it anyway.
Started because Twitter was asked to block video of Sydney's stabbing
of a bishop in a church.
Twitter geo-blocked Australian IP's from seeing it.
Already more than the government ought to be able to demand of
them in my opinion. That they want it banished from the internet
is insanity worthy of the world's most repressive governments. Next
they'll end up like the Chinese government, banning all the tech
companies that don't cower to them and blocking their websites.
Good on Musk for having some backbone, though the social media
service he runs never made much sense to me in the first place.
Totally agree.
The "MyCovid ID" I found a nag scare alert
2 weeks later you would be given a scare alert like.
Woolworth's had a person with Covid identified.
Only needed it to enter store to buy groceries or stand in a Queue.
After a short time trying to enter store needed to renew password.
Being near blind just walked in, no problems as everyone else found.
Wonder if it's possible to remove MyCovid ID from MyGov?
A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot
survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable,
for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves
amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling
through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself
For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar
to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he
appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He
rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night
to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so
that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.

- Marcus Tullius Cicero
2024-04-27 06:35:45 UTC
Post by Computer Nerd Kev
Well it involves computer devices needing a Government ID!
Good lawyers know the law
Great lawyers know the judge

justice is open to all; like the Ritz hotel
High Court reveals every current judge is a
member of Qantas’ ‘most exclusive club in Australia’
The High Court has exposed secret members of Qantas’
exclusive Chairman’s Lounge amid a landmark case over
the sacking of 1700 workers.
2024-04-27 22:39:20 UTC
Petz, reports back from his GoonCon3+ inebriated phantasms
Post by Petzl
Post by Computer Nerd Kev
No such newsgroup. :-P
Post by Petzl
Well it involves computer devices needing a Government ID!
YAWN! I still don't need an ID to use any of my computers. I am sorry to
hear that being the case in your alternate reality.

Your idiotic extremist and/or Xtian fundy hate propaganda and high
octane Goon-bag fumes induced fantasy sig (that quite often contains
uncredited, therefore clearly plagiarised material pinched from
countless alt-right sources) was flushed down the gurgler, as always,
without reading!
The on duty Newsgroup Devil
2024-04-27 22:33:13 UTC
ADDED "aus.aus.computers( ???, :-P) aus.legal"

What a totally pathetic way to gather support from assorted freaks
coming out of the rooting woodwork of cyberspace! LOL!
Snip Ördög censorship rambling rubbish.
Censorship??? What censorship?
Oh, I get it. BINGO! You cross-post to other newsgroups omitting the
original context of the previous discussion???? LOL
But no worries, I restore it right away to show the world your shame:

~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~
BTW right wingers only advocate "free speech absolutisms" when it is
securing their abilities of freely spewing hate and bile against their
political opponents and targeted minorities. But should they be on the
receiving end of similar they become the biggest cry babies of all times
calling for immediate state sponsored interventions to silence
permanently anything that hurts their fragile feelings.
It is really totally irrelevant what she (Pauline Hanson) is chasing ...
her idiotic stochastic terrorist verbal output is clearly mobilising
many shady and violence advocating nutjobs obviously belonging to the
extreme political right.
She (Pauline Hanson) hates Asians, Blacks, Arabs and everyone else who
does not live up to her personal expectations of being Anglo-Celtic white.
Apart from that she is xenophobic, Islamophobic, Homophobic, despises
the political centre and the Left, etc...etc...etc...
In other words, she is very much like you, except she has had more
success with it. And that is precisely why you hate her out of pure envy!
She has never spoken publicly against your Xtian sky fairy, so that is
in your fantasy only... stop suckling that Goon-Bag juice!
You don't need to profess anything Petz dear! Your extremist views are
very easily identifiable, and are clearly originate from the far right.
You apparently share their ideologically extreme views on the Jews, on
Arabs, on all asylum seekers, on the political Left (specially on
socialism and communism), on all the socially downtrodden, on the
welfare dependants, on environmentalists, on basically all
intellectuals, on sexual diversity, etc...etc...etc.
You use every opportunity to circulate every single conspiracy theory
that has been demonstrably kooked up by assorted nutjobs of the
political far-right. You support far-right terrorism in all of its most
brutal and ugly forms.
That is your calling card in Usenet and who knows where else, Petz dear.
There is really no need to spell it out formally which fraction of the
political spectrum you represent.
Having said that, I have to conclude that you have absolutely no idea
about politics as your fucked up brain can't process facts and reality
any more which that word salad paragraph of yours above so obviously
demonstrates. Most likely most of the time you don't even know if you
are coming or going under the influence of GoonCon3+ inebriation.
So I prompt you again: address properly the content of my previous posts
in this very tread, or just fuck off back to your GoonBags binge!
Try to defend the assertion made earlier that there is no such thing as
rightwing, and also that Pauling Hanson ain't a right-winger.
Alternatively you could just admit that you were wrong, as even your
co-wanker, Alzheimer Rod recognised that as insanity in your replies.
Your typical idiot links, and copy paste garbage won't impress anyone in
this ng. So just don't.
~~~~ ~~~
Ördög continually snips edits my post so they are out of context and
Aren't you the one here destroying original context. All your input is
still visible here in aus.politics, all in its unedited idiot glory for
all to see, just as all your horrifying freak-show inputs are still
available across world wide Usenet servers going back many-many years
depending on their stated retention times.
No doubt Ördög supports Australia leftie censorship!t's now law,
You clearly have no idea what I support or don't, specially because you
can't read for comprehension and anyhow immediately snip everything I
argue w/o reading.

But since this is a cross-post to readers who ain't familiar with my
stance on politics, this is what I support on this issue:

Australia does NOT have a "First Amendment" right to say everything.
I think to a degree it should...however free speech does not mean free
of any responsibility. Stochastic terrorism is a real things with real
life victims some of whom won't even survive the ultimate consequences
of such speech. Calling for public hangings (i.e. lynching) of political
opponents and religious minorities) is for instance such a speech that
must not be protected by any sort of society that claims to be
civilised. BTW I brought up this example specially because or Petz has
in the past been regularly labelling leftist as traitors worthy of
public hangings...
Some of his other brilliant free speech exercising suggestions also
include shooting asylum seeking boat people as they come ashore right on
our beaches.
To access Government banned Social Media, one will have to
"voluntarily" use MyCovid ID.
That is one of his favourite manufactured alt-right conspiracy-kook
propaganda theories. This is his idea of "free speech"!
Enjoy it, if this is your kind of expectation for such freedoms!
Started because Twitter was asked to block video of Sydney's stabbing
of a bishop in a church.
Twitter geo-blocked Australian IP's from seeing it.
This though was not enough for Labor and wanted a world blockn because
they believe it would make normalpeople "Islamophobic" or more
correctly Islamodisgusted?
Even hard-right politicians like our law-and order absolutist, Dutton is
willing to consider dealing with Xed-Twitter on this issue in a very
firm way. Since Space Karen Elon took over that social media outlet it
has become home sweet home for all sort of far-right extremists
including neo-Nazis and white supremacists while anyone disagreeing with
Elon on anything and/or criticising the far right have been banned
and/or shadow banned almost immediately...so much for free speech, eh?

Your idiotic extremist and/or Xtian fundy hate propaganda and high
octane Goon-bag fumes induced fantasy sig (that quite often contains
uncredited, therefore clearly plagiarised material pinched from
countless alt-right sources) was flushed down the gurgler, as always,
without reading!
The on duty Newsgroup Devil
Mighty Mouse
2024-04-29 14:15:36 UTC
Post by Computer Nerd Kev
ADDED "aus.aus.computers,aus.legal"
To access Government banned Social Media, one will have to
"voluntarily" use MyCovid ID.
So long as they don't discover Usenet that wouldn't worry me much
since I don't access it anyway.
Started because Twitter was asked to block video of Sydney's stabbing
of a bishop in a church.
Twitter geo-blocked Australian IP's from seeing it.
Already more than the government ought to be able to demand of
them in my opinion. That they want it banished from the internet
is insanity worthy of the world's most repressive governments. Next
they'll end up like the Chinese government, banning all the tech
companies that don't cower to them and blocking their websites.
Good on Musk for having some backbone, though the social media
service he runs never made much sense to me in the first place.
I've seen that video. it's no big deal. heck, there's videos of
Islamists burning ppl alive and beheadings on youtube!
Have a nice day!..
2024-04-29 21:57:45 UTC
On Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:15:36 +1000, Mighty Mouse
Post by Mighty Mouse
Post by Computer Nerd Kev
ADDED "aus.aus.computers,aus.legal"
To access Government banned Social Media, one will have to
"voluntarily" use MyCovid ID.
So long as they don't discover Usenet that wouldn't worry me much
since I don't access it anyway.
Started because Twitter was asked to block video of Sydney's stabbing
of a bishop in a church.
Twitter geo-blocked Australian IP's from seeing it.
Already more than the government ought to be able to demand of
them in my opinion. That they want it banished from the internet
is insanity worthy of the world's most repressive governments. Next
they'll end up like the Chinese government, banning all the tech
companies that don't cower to them and blocking their websites.
Good on Musk for having some backbone, though the social media
service he runs never made much sense to me in the first place.
I've seen that video. it's no big deal. heck, there's videos of
Islamists burning ppl alive and beheadings on youtube!
As for this banning videos Moslem attacks of "infidels" in Australia.
is just a rubbish cover up of the hateful cult Islam.

There was no ban of 12 people being stabbed many to death in Bondi
Good lawyers know the law
Great lawyers know the judge

justice is open to all; like the Ritz hotel
High Court reveals every current judge is a
member of Qantas’ ‘most exclusive club in Australia’
The High Court has exposed secret members of Qantas’
exclusive Chairman’s Lounge amid a landmark case over
the sacking of 1700 workers.
Computer Nerd Kev
2024-04-29 22:36:26 UTC
Post by Mighty Mouse
Post by Computer Nerd Kev
Started because Twitter was asked to block video of Sydney's stabbing
of a bishop in a church.
Twitter geo-blocked Australian IP's from seeing it.
Already more than the government ought to be able to demand of
them in my opinion. That they want it banished from the internet
is insanity worthy of the world's most repressive governments. Next
they'll end up like the Chinese government, banning all the tech
companies that don't cower to them and blocking their websites.
Good on Musk for having some backbone, though the social media
service he runs never made much sense to me in the first place.
I've seen that video. it's no big deal. heck, there's videos of
Islamists burning ppl alive and beheadings on youtube!
Yes and whether they're on YouTube or elsewhere, anything short of
the government going full PRC and setting up The Great Firewall of
Australia then locking up anyone they detect using a VPN will
still make it trivial to find such videos.

In this case all they're doing is taking away the videos that media
stories have been based on, forcing people to go searching for
other copies where people may have edited or manipulated the
footage to push a different adjenda. It's actually perfect fuel for
spreading the misinformation that the government has been claiming
it needs these laws to crack down on. They've got the whole thing
completely backwards.
__ __
#_ < |\| |< _#
2024-04-30 01:25:27 UTC
Post by Computer Nerd Kev
Post by Mighty Mouse
Post by Computer Nerd Kev
Started because Twitter was asked to block video of Sydney's stabbing
of a bishop in a church.
Twitter geo-blocked Australian IP's from seeing it.
Already more than the government ought to be able to demand of
them in my opinion. That they want it banished from the internet
is insanity worthy of the world's most repressive governments. Next
they'll end up like the Chinese government, banning all the tech
companies that don't cower to them and blocking their websites.
Good on Musk for having some backbone, though the social media
service he runs never made much sense to me in the first place.
I've seen that video. it's no big deal. heck, there's videos of
Islamists burning ppl alive and beheadings on youtube!
Yes and whether they're on YouTube or elsewhere, anything short of
the government going full PRC and setting up The Great Firewall of
Australia then locking up anyone they detect using a VPN will
still make it trivial to find such videos.
In this case all they're doing is taking away the videos that media
stories have been based on, forcing people to go searching for
other copies where people may have edited or manipulated the
footage to push a different adjenda. It's actually perfect fuel for
spreading the misinformation that the government has been claiming
it needs these laws to crack down on. They've got the whole thing
completely backwards.
Another banned video
very FUNNY, IMO.
Get the whole video.
Banned in Australia

Team America: World Police
Good lawyers know the law
Great lawyers know the judge

justice is open to all; like the Ritz hotel
High Court reveals every current judge is a
member of Qantas’ ‘most exclusive club in Australia’
The High Court has exposed secret members of Qantas’
exclusive Chairman’s Lounge amid a landmark case over
the sacking of 1700 workers.
Mighty Mouse
2024-04-30 01:32:16 UTC
Post by Petzl
Post by Computer Nerd Kev
Post by Mighty Mouse
Post by Computer Nerd Kev
Started because Twitter was asked to block video of Sydney's stabbing
of a bishop in a church.
Twitter geo-blocked Australian IP's from seeing it.
Already more than the government ought to be able to demand of
them in my opinion. That they want it banished from the internet
is insanity worthy of the world's most repressive governments. Next
they'll end up like the Chinese government, banning all the tech
companies that don't cower to them and blocking their websites.
Good on Musk for having some backbone, though the social media
service he runs never made much sense to me in the first place.
I've seen that video. it's no big deal. heck, there's videos of
Islamists burning ppl alive and beheadings on youtube!
Yes and whether they're on YouTube or elsewhere, anything short of
the government going full PRC and setting up The Great Firewall of
Australia then locking up anyone they detect using a VPN will
still make it trivial to find such videos.
In this case all they're doing is taking away the videos that media
stories have been based on, forcing people to go searching for
other copies where people may have edited or manipulated the
footage to push a different adjenda. It's actually perfect fuel for
spreading the misinformation that the government has been claiming
it needs these laws to crack down on. They've got the whole thing
completely backwards.
Another banned video
very FUNNY, IMO.
Get the whole video.
Banned in Australia
Team America: World Police
"Video unavailable
This program is blocked in your area. Viewing restrictions are set by
our content partners. Try watching another program"
Have a nice day!..
2024-04-30 01:48:37 UTC
On Tue, 30 Apr 2024 11:32:16 +1000, Mighty Mouse
Post by Mighty Mouse
Post by Petzl
Post by Computer Nerd Kev
Post by Mighty Mouse
Post by Computer Nerd Kev
Started because Twitter was asked to block video of Sydney's stabbing
of a bishop in a church.
Twitter geo-blocked Australian IP's from seeing it.
Already more than the government ought to be able to demand of
them in my opinion. That they want it banished from the internet
is insanity worthy of the world's most repressive governments. Next
they'll end up like the Chinese government, banning all the tech
companies that don't cower to them and blocking their websites.
Good on Musk for having some backbone, though the social media
service he runs never made much sense to me in the first place.
I've seen that video. it's no big deal. heck, there's videos of
Islamists burning ppl alive and beheadings on youtube!
Yes and whether they're on YouTube or elsewhere, anything short of
the government going full PRC and setting up The Great Firewall of
Australia then locking up anyone they detect using a VPN will
still make it trivial to find such videos.
In this case all they're doing is taking away the videos that media
stories have been based on, forcing people to go searching for
other copies where people may have edited or manipulated the
footage to push a different adjenda. It's actually perfect fuel for
spreading the misinformation that the government has been claiming
it needs these laws to crack down on. They've got the whole thing
completely backwards.
Another banned video
very FUNNY, IMO.
Get the whole video.
Banned in Australia
Team America: World Police
"Video unavailable
This program is blocked in your area. Viewing restrictions are set by
our content partners. Try watching another program"
Wait till you have to access Government banned Social Media, one will
have to "voluntarily" use "MyCovid ID".
Started because Twitter was asked to block video of Sydney's stabbing
of a bishop in a church.
Twitter geo-blocked Australian IP's from seeing it.

This though was not enough for Labor and demanded a world block
because they believe it would make people "Islamophobic"?
The Greens have never done anything worthwhile to this country.
All they are known for is being an arm of the ALP and handing them and
vice versa, preferences at election time.

Labor the best party that Chinese money can buy!
Mighty Mouse
2024-04-30 02:04:45 UTC
Post by Petzl
On Tue, 30 Apr 2024 11:32:16 +1000, Mighty Mouse
Post by Mighty Mouse
Post by Petzl
Post by Computer Nerd Kev
Post by Mighty Mouse
Post by Computer Nerd Kev
Started because Twitter was asked to block video of Sydney's stabbing
of a bishop in a church.
Twitter geo-blocked Australian IP's from seeing it.
Already more than the government ought to be able to demand of
them in my opinion. That they want it banished from the internet
is insanity worthy of the world's most repressive governments. Next
they'll end up like the Chinese government, banning all the tech
companies that don't cower to them and blocking their websites.
Good on Musk for having some backbone, though the social media
service he runs never made much sense to me in the first place.
I've seen that video. it's no big deal. heck, there's videos of
Islamists burning ppl alive and beheadings on youtube!
Yes and whether they're on YouTube or elsewhere, anything short of
the government going full PRC and setting up The Great Firewall of
Australia then locking up anyone they detect using a VPN will
still make it trivial to find such videos.
In this case all they're doing is taking away the videos that media
stories have been based on, forcing people to go searching for
other copies where people may have edited or manipulated the
footage to push a different adjenda. It's actually perfect fuel for
spreading the misinformation that the government has been claiming
it needs these laws to crack down on. They've got the whole thing
completely backwards.
Another banned video
very FUNNY, IMO.
Get the whole video.
Banned in Australia
Team America: World Police
"Video unavailable
This program is blocked in your area. Viewing restrictions are set by
our content partners. Try watching another program"
Wait till you have to access Government banned Social Media, one will
have to "voluntarily" use "MyCovid ID".
Started because Twitter was asked to block video of Sydney's stabbing
of a bishop in a church.
Twitter geo-blocked Australian IP's from seeing it.
This though was not enough for Labor and demanded a world block
because they believe it would make people "Islamophobic"?
people have good reason to be Islamophobic!

Have a nice day!..
2024-04-30 04:42:33 UTC
On Tue, 30 Apr 2024 12:04:45 +1000, Mighty Mouse
Post by Mighty Mouse
Post by Petzl
On Tue, 30 Apr 2024 11:32:16 +1000, Mighty Mouse
Post by Mighty Mouse
Post by Petzl
Post by Computer Nerd Kev
Post by Mighty Mouse
Post by Computer Nerd Kev
Started because Twitter was asked to block video of Sydney's stabbing
of a bishop in a church.
Twitter geo-blocked Australian IP's from seeing it.
Already more than the government ought to be able to demand of
them in my opinion. That they want it banished from the internet
is insanity worthy of the world's most repressive governments. Next
they'll end up like the Chinese government, banning all the tech
companies that don't cower to them and blocking their websites.
Good on Musk for having some backbone, though the social media
service he runs never made much sense to me in the first place.
I've seen that video. it's no big deal. heck, there's videos of
Islamists burning ppl alive and beheadings on youtube!
Yes and whether they're on YouTube or elsewhere, anything short of
the government going full PRC and setting up The Great Firewall of
Australia then locking up anyone they detect using a VPN will
still make it trivial to find such videos.
In this case all they're doing is taking away the videos that media
stories have been based on, forcing people to go searching for
other copies where people may have edited or manipulated the
footage to push a different adjenda. It's actually perfect fuel for
spreading the misinformation that the government has been claiming
it needs these laws to crack down on. They've got the whole thing
completely backwards.
Another banned video
very FUNNY, IMO.
Get the whole video.
Banned in Australia
Team America: World Police
"Video unavailable
This program is blocked in your area. Viewing restrictions are set by
our content partners. Try watching another program"
Wait till you have to access Government banned Social Media, one will
have to "voluntarily" use "MyCovid ID".
Started because Twitter was asked to block video of Sydney's stabbing
of a bishop in a church.
Twitter geo-blocked Australian IP's from seeing it.
This though was not enough for Labor and demanded a world block
because they believe it would make people "Islamophobic"?
people have good reason to be Islamophobic!
It's more disgust Islamodisgust
Post by Mighty Mouse

Islam is of course synonymous with terrorism
There are more Australian Muslims fighting with al Qaeda linked
groups than there are in the Australian Defence Force fighting against them!
Major majority of the worlds refugees are created by Islam since the
days of Mohammad. Mainly because Islam is actually a violent political
process, not a religion at all.
Islamic conquests have always been by infiltration (Trojan Horse:
Al-Hijra, The Islamic Doctrine of Immigration). This is how Islam
grows, a violent political process using , terrorist attack from
within, eventually followed by surprise attack, followed by killing
for killings sake.
Once Moslems have foothold maintaining rule is held by continued
carnage and ruthlessness.
Until it's recognized Islam is the problem nothing will change!
How Islam began and still violently grows
