high arts time
(too old to reply)
Oleg Smirnov
2016-07-07 12:00:11 UTC

This high art undermines certain fetishes in your unconscious.
Oleg Smirnov
2016-10-14 23:12:57 UTC

Oleg Smirnov
2016-12-25 11:13:01 UTC
Russian pseudo-quasi-folk music

It's affected by the Gypsy and Jewish cultural elements.

This is especially popular among the advanced urban youth.

When I visit some 'hipster' places in Moscow, it's playing there.

This one is a true folk music.

That's a Cossack folk - the southern Russia Cossacks culture is
close to other North Caucasus people, especially Circassians and
2016-12-26 00:03:40 UTC
"Oleg Smirnov" wrote in message news:o3o9h2$p5v$***@os.motzarella.org...

What kind of music is this, Oleg? http://tinyurl.com/hk4zvjq
Oleg Smirnov
2017-01-22 20:32:26 UTC



If someone in the UK believes those east-European immigrants ('the Slavs')
must be certainly doing those 'Slav Squats' in the streets, public transport
etc than it's a miscomprehension of what it really is.

This counter-cultural 'squat' fashion was originated in Russia, but it has
nothing specific to do with the Slavs, one should take it in the context of
the post-Soviet urban Gopnik culture <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gopnik>

The term 'gopnik' took place in the USSR, but still nobody knows for sure
where exactly it came from. It was in 'gray' language zone, it came to wide
and common use in the mid-1980s to designate hooligan-like [young low-life]
urban people that behave in an uncivilized way and make troubles to others.
However, at the time there still was no any (counter-)culture about that.

The latter formed in the 2000s due to the Internet, where the stereotypical
image / caricature of the Gopnik was developed, with a few 'canonical'
attributes, including the squat. It would be an intricate culturological
story to tell where exactly all Gopnik attributes came from (the explanations
cited in the Wikipaedia are poor), but such a canonical character was always
much less a real thing rather than a meme, which has spread recently in the
social networks. Squatting people can be seen in the Russian cities quite
rarely, but some of the [young] Russians find it funny and cool to present
themselves in the social networks etc in the 'true Gopnik' style. The Gopnik
photos one can find in the internet today are such posed jokes or 'jokes' or
photoshopped creatures of various levels of good and bad taste. This fashion
has spread into the countries neighboring to Russia including East Europe
where it took on the 'Slav' narrative.

Now it goes further to 'the West' under association with Russia.


"What is this 'Russians squat' and why is it suddenly cool?"

<http://tinyurl.com/jtcml3b> bento.de

Another German outlet notices "instagram is full of creative imitators", asks
a question "why are everyone squatting now?" and provides a scientific (likely
leftist) explanation.


Some started to make money on it.

Since demand creates supply (and v.v.) there are enthusiastic persons willing
to promote the Gopnik(-like) style and culture among the 'western' public, eg.
<https://www.youtube.com/user/NocturnoPlays/videos> <http://slavsquat.com/>


The original song that introduced the term 'gopnik' into common circulation.


An intelligible talk about the Gopnik fashion (in French).
Oleg Smirnov
2017-02-16 13:06:42 UTC

Messer Chups new music videos.

0:41 foot fetish bonus
Oleg Smirnov
2017-07-22 08:34:46 UTC
High Gopnik fashion.

Gopnik-style love and hatred.

Read more on the Gopniks here <https://goo.gl/5ASJf8>
Oleg Smirnov
2017-09-10 21:38:22 UTC
Celebrations in Donbas.

* interview
Oleg Smirnov
2018-01-27 20:10:11 UTC
<http://tinyurl.com/yalravos> inquirer.net

In a world that constantly promotes youthfulness .. this modelling agency
dares to swim against the flow of what's popular. Instead of looking out for
the young, the hip, and the sexy; it opted to put the spotlight on people, 45
years old and up, who are beautiful despite their ages. It became the first
modelling agency for the older generation in Russia. ..

.. check out <http://oldushka.tilda.ws/> and Instagram <http://u.to/S7b3EA>
Oleg Smirnov
2018-04-29 20:54:23 UTC
Masha and The Bear series is very much popular in YouTube. It's a
very generic production for children, although it represents quite
many specifically Russian elements. Adults and eldery love to watch
these animations too, and one of the videos has recently exceeded the
mark of 3,000,000,000 views

What is notable, most of these highly popular videos collect likes
and dislikes in proportion about 2:1, whereas the watchers' comments
are overwhelmingly approval and positive.

So, why so many dislikes? People who put dislikes prefer not to speak
out much in the comments. A realistic explanation to me is, that's the
part of 'western' public indoctrinated by the anti-Russia propaganda,
who feels painfully jealos while watching such a Russian 'cultural
expansion' through the fact that the videos appear to be very popular.
Post by Oleg Smirnov
.. this modelling agency dares to swim against the flow ..
Dhu on Gate
2018-04-30 03:00:11 UTC
Post by Oleg Smirnov
Masha and The Bear series is very much popular in YouTube. It's a
very generic production for children, although it represents quite
many specifically Russian elements. Adults and eldery love to watch
these animations too, and one of the videos has recently exceeded the
mark of 3,000,000,000 views http://youtu.be/KYniUCGPGLs
What is notable, most of these highly popular videos collect likes
and dislikes in proportion about 2:1, whereas the watchers' comments
are overwhelmingly approval and positive.
So, why so many dislikes? People who put dislikes prefer not to speak
out much in the comments. A realistic explanation to me is, that's the
part of 'western' public indoctrinated by the anti-Russia propaganda,
who feels painfully jealos while watching such a Russian 'cultural
expansion' through the fact that the videos appear to be very popular.
No Smrnov. Its because some collective with an axe to grind is paying
for bots to do a thumbs down. Polls on the 'net are *+entirely+* bogus
manipulations of the "public opinion" for private interest. You "Old
Believers" need to wake up and smell the pigshit.

Post by Oleg Smirnov
Post by Oleg Smirnov
.. this modelling agency dares to swim against the flow ..
Je suis Canadien. Ce n'est pas Francais ou Anglaise.
C'est une esp`ece de sauvage: ne obliviscaris, vix ea nostra voco;-)

Oleg Smirnov
2018-11-17 16:47:14 UTC
Post by Oleg Smirnov
Masha and The Bear series is very much popular in YouTube. It's a
very generic production for children, although it represents quite
many specifically Russian elements. Adults and eldery love to watch
these animations too, and one of the videos has recently exceeded the
mark of 3,000,000,000 views http://youtu.be/KYniUCGPGLs
What is notable, most of these highly popular videos collect likes
and dislikes in proportion about 2:1, whereas the watchers' comments
are overwhelmingly approval and positive.
<http://tinyurl.com/y99xz24h> dailymail.co.uk
.. Russian Bear from YouTube show a Putin stooge .. Critics claim cartoon
with 4.18m subscribers is made by Kremlin to subvert children ..


The English stinkers can't find what else they could make up against Russia.

There indeed are some unobvious hidden matryoshkas or 'easter eggs' in Masha
and the Bear series. It all is somewhat vaguely ironically snapped to the
antient Slavic/Finnic myths/epics, that have nothing to do with Putin etc.
For example, long before the Masha and the Bear cartoon had been started in
production, there was - completely independently of the present day cartoon
makers - some (not so) popular Russian music group with similar 'archetypal'
and image-making featires.

I think I was right while suspecting a suppressing campaign against this
cartoon, now it turns into more open form. And, expectable, the one who leads
the calls for lynching is the shoddy island's shaman. The racist English
filth seeks to either pervert or make 'toxic' everything that may be somehow
linked to Russia and the Russians.
Post by Oleg Smirnov
Post by Oleg Smirnov
.. this modelling agency dares to swim against the flow ..
Oleg Smirnov
2018-11-22 17:52:30 UTC
Post by Oleg Smirnov
For example, long before the Masha and the Bear cartoon had been started in
production, there was - completely independently of the present day cartoon
makers - some (not so) popular Russian music group with similar 'archetypal'
name http://youtu.be/swB-2g6sWHI and image-making featires.
The band's Masha has a penchant for punk-lite style and controversial jokes,
which she compensates with profound occult knowledge. Here one can watch more
'scenic' performance of the band
here is her the greatest hit
- the idea behind
the song is that the women are not as weak, innocent and victimized as the
shoddy stinky 'left' seeks to speculate. The song had been issued in the 1990s
and still remains a kind of meme.

More to the Cossack theme, this remark <http://clck.ru/EfyW7> of Ms. Netrebko
about the notorious #MeToo histeria was also indicative. She's even more typal
Cossack character than Masha, while the world public knows her as the leading
opera soprano. The people of the kind do not tend to appreciate the fact that
the 'leftist' crap is seeking to overflow its banks too much.

bonus track
