Bug#934738: gettext 0.20.1 available
(too old to reply)
Sebastien Bacher
2019-08-14 08:00:02 UTC
Package: gettext

There is a new 0.20 version available, it would be nice to get it
uploaded to Debian

(in fact a .1 on https://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/gettext/gettext-0.20.1.tar.xz)

Boyuan Yang
2019-10-09 20:50:01 UTC
Control: affect -1 + gnulib
X-Debbugs-CC: ***@debian.org

Dear gettext maintainer,

The new snapshot of gnulib (https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/gnulib ) includes
some modules that need gettext 0.20+ to work properly. Please do consider
packaging the new version. It would be very useful even if the new version is
only pushed onto Experimental for now.

Boyuan Yang
Post by Sebastien Bacher
Package: gettext
There is a new 0.20 version available, it would be nice to get it
uploaded to Debian
(in fact a .1 on https://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/gettext/gettext-0.20.1.tar.xz)
Boyuan Yang
2019-11-14 19:50:01 UTC
Hi Santiago,

Is there any progress on packaging v0.20.1 for gettext? It would really be
great if we could have it in Debian sooner. Please let me know if there's any
blockers and I would be glad to help.
Boyuan Yang
Post by Boyuan Yang
Control: affect -1 + gnulib
Dear gettext maintainer,
The new snapshot of gnulib (https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/gnulib ) includes
some modules that need gettext 0.20+ to work properly. Please do consider
packaging the new version. It would be very useful even if the new version is
only pushed onto Experimental for now.
Boyuan Yang
Post by Sebastien Bacher
Package: gettext
There is a new 0.20 version available, it would be nice to get it
uploaded to Debian
(in fact a .1 on https://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/gettext/gettext-0.20.1.tar.xz
Post by Boyuan Yang
Post by Sebastien Bacher
Santiago Vila
2019-11-18 19:40:01 UTC
Post by Boyuan Yang
Is there any progress on packaging v0.20.1 for gettext? It would really be
great if we could have it in Debian sooner. Please let me know if there's any
blockers and I would be glad to help.
Sorry for the late reply. Working on this now. I have a preliminary
package almost ready and I'm now working on the more "bureaucratic"
issues, like ensuring that upstream signing keys are not expired and
stuff like that (I'm postponing any packaging changes for now).

If you are willing to help, I'd like to have a list of open bugs
reported to Debian which are fixed by this release. Other than this
one, I think there is really none, because almost every time I
cherry-picked from upstream git and closed the bug.

Santiago Vila
2019-11-20 19:40:01 UTC

I've just uploaded gettext 0.20.1-1 for unstable. It may take manual
processing frpm ftpmasters because there are two new binary packages.

Boyuan Yang
2019-11-20 19:50:01 UTC
Hi Vila,

在 2019-11-20三的 20:37 +0100,Santiago Vila写道:
Post by Santiago Vila
I've just uploaded gettext 0.20.1-1 for unstable. It may take manual
processing frpm ftpmasters because there are two new binary packages.
Thanks so much for your work! I will be testing the new version soon and let
you know if I find any issues.
Boyuan Yang
Boyuan Yang
2020-01-07 17:40:02 UTC

在 2019-11-20三的 14:40 -0500,Boyuan Yang写道:
Post by Boyuan Yang
Hi Vila,
在 2019-11-20三的 20:37 +0100,Santiago Vila写道:
Post by Santiago Vila
I've just uploaded gettext 0.20.1-1 for unstable. It may take manual
processing frpm ftpmasters because there are two new binary packages.
Thanks so much for your work! I will be testing the new version soon and let
you know if I find any issues.
I saw that gettext 0.20.1 disappeared from the NEW queue (
https://ftp-master.debian.org/new.html) and that it did not appear in Sid. Is
there any issue raised by the FTP Master for rejection? What can be done to
fix that issue?

Boyuan Yang
Boyuan Yang
2020-05-19 14:10:01 UTC
Hi Santiago,

圚 2020-01-07星期二的 12:33 -0500Boyuan Yang写道
圚 2019-11-20侉的 14:40 -0500Boyuan Yang写道
Post by Boyuan Yang
Hi Vila,
圚 2019-11-20侉的 20:37 +0100Santiago Vila写道
Post by Santiago Vila
I've just uploaded gettext 0.20.1-1 for unstable. It may take manual
processing frpm ftpmasters because there are two new binary packages.
Thanks so much for your work! I will be testing the new version soon and let
you know if I find any issues.
I saw that gettext 0.20.1 disappeared from the NEW queue (
https://ftp-master.debian.org/new.html) and that it did not appear in Sid. Is
there any issue raised by the FTP Master for rejection? What can be done to
fix that issue?
It's been another 4 months and seems and seems that the package still saw no
activity. Is there anything I could do to help with the packaging for new
Boyuan Yang
Santiago Vila
2020-05-19 17:40:01 UTC
Post by Boyuan Yang
It's been another 4 months and seems and seems that the package still saw no
activity. Is there anything I could do to help with the packaging for new
Sorry for the late reply. I was asked to write a more detailed
copyright notice because the current one is considered not to be
"good enough" by one of the FTP masters.

I could try to switch to DEP5-style copyright file, but that would be a
huge waste of time in my opinion. So for now, it would help if
somebody could do a copyright and license review that could help to
improve the current copyright file, but without going full DEP-5.

Emmanuel Bouthenot
2020-08-16 06:20:01 UTC

I'm not able to package new releases of mpop and msmtp . They are built
against a recent snapshot of gnulib which depends on gettext 0.20+

On Tue, May 19, 2020 at 07:14:49PM +0200, Santiago Vila wrote:
Post by Santiago Vila
I could try to switch to DEP5-style copyright file, but that would be a
huge waste of time in my opinion. So for now, it would help if
somebody could do a copyright and license review that could help to
improve the current copyright file, but without going full DEP-5.
I'd like to take a look. Could you please add your code in a VCS (salsa
for example) so that it will be easier to contribute and create merge

Have a nice day.

Emmanuel Bouthenot
mail: kolter@{openics,debian}.org gpg: 4096R/0x929D42C3
xmpp: ***@im.openics.org irc: kolter@{freenode,oftc}
Mechtilde Stehmann
2020-03-08 20:10:02 UTC

is there a timeline when the new version will available?

The next release of GnuCash should be at the end of this month.

Kind regards
Mechtilde Stehmann
## Debian Developer
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Zack Weinberg
2020-09-29 16:20:01 UTC
Work I'm doing on Autoconf is now also blocked by the out-of-date
gettext in Debian, for reasons too tedious to get into, so I've
prepared experimental packages of gettext 0.21. Get them from
https://research.owlfolio.org/scratchpad/debian -- this URL should
work as an apt source line, but beware that experimental packages of
the recent upstream beta of autoconf are also present.

I addressed a number of outstanding bugs and lintian complaints while
I was at it (the full changelog is at the bottom of this message, for
your interest); most importantly, I removed the dependency on libcroco
(bug #967028). I did *not* change the set of binary packages at all,
because it wasn't clear to me what changes should be made. Nor did I
revise the copyright file beyond updating the copyright years. (I did
run scan-copyrights, the result of which is in
debian/copyright.dep5.raw, but it would clearly need a great deal of
manual revision and I don't have time for that any more than Santiago
does. I've already spent two full days on this.)

I hope this is useful to at least some of you. I don't plan to do any
further work on gettext myself, but please feel free to take what I
have done and build on it.


gettext (0.21-0.1) experimental; urgency=medium

* Non-maintainer upload to experimental.
* New upstream version 0.21 released July 2020.
- xgettext can detect ‘(eval_)gettext -e’ in shell scripts. Closes: #507091.
- <gettext.h> compiles cleanly as C++. Closes: #547798.
- The unpacked usr/share/gettext/intl is no longer installed.
If you were using these files, find them in
/usr/share/gettext/archive.dir.tar.xz, which is part of the
autopoint package.
- New upstream signing key added to signing-key.asc:
"Bruno Haible (Open Source Development) <***@clisp.org>"
9001 B85A F9E1 B83D F1BD A942 F5BE 8B26 7C6A 406D

* Patches that are no longer necessary:
- 01-do-not-use-java-in-urlget.patch: Replaced with logic in debian/rules.
- 02-msgfmt-remove-pot-creation-date.patch: Merged upstream.
- 03-avoid-extraneous-nul-bytes.patch: Merged upstream.
- 04-fix-msgunfmt-heap-corruption.patch: Merged upstream.
- 05-fix-crash-xgettext-with-its.patch: Merged upstream.
- 06-java9-support.patch: Merged upstream.
- 07-java11-support.patch: Merged upstream.
- 08-java-future-support.patch: Merged upstream.
- 09-fix-crash-with-po-file-input.patch: Merged upstream.

* New patches:
- NF-use-system-help2man.patch: Use system help2man instead of
embedded help2man. Closes: #949338.
- NF-library-dependencies.patch: Link all libraries and
executables against all of their dependencies, correctly.
(Latent upstream bug, exposed by hardening.)
- NF-disable-libtextstyle.patch: Do not build libtextstyle.
We never packaged it, and it depends on libcroco, which is
unmaintained and has known security bugs. Use the Gnulib
libtextstyle-dummy module (already included in the upstream
sources) to satisfy various programs’ use of libtextstyle.
Note that this means those programs’ --color options
silently do nothing. Closes: #967028.

* Debhelper compat level 13 (current recommended).
- Switch to dh sequencing.
- Switch to Build-Depends: debhelper-compat.
- Switch to declarative package contents, using dh_install etc.
dh-exec is needed for build profile filtering in a few places.
(The old scripting is preserved in debian/rules.old.)
- Manual ldconfig triggers are no longer necessary.
- The HTML documentation and examples are now installed in
/usr/share/doc/gettext instead of .../gettext-doc.

* gettext-el is now created using dh_elpa, eliminating the need for
custom package scripts.

* Standards-Version: 4.5.0.
- All lintian E-level diagnostics have been addressed, and
many but not all of the W- and I-level diagnostics.
- I don’t *think* any specific changes were required besides the
above, but I could have missed something.
Santiago Vila
2020-09-29 17:00:02 UTC
Thanks a lot for this work!

I think the best course of action is that I upload it almost "as is" for unstable.
(I see how you avoided the new binary packages).

