Mistrial in Kelly Arizona Ranch Shooting
(too old to reply)
2024-04-23 02:19:59 UTC

Mistrial declared in case of Arizona rancher, 73, accused
of murdering unarmed Mexican migrant on his property - as
he insists 'they won't wear me down'

Kelly, 75, was accused of killing Gabriel Cuen-Butimea on
January 30, 2023, at his home in Nogales, near the Mexican

The decision came after jurors failed to reach a unanimous
decision after more than two full days of deliberation

. . .

I'd have rather seen full acquittal - but this
ought to do.
2024-04-23 03:47:16 UTC
Post by 68hx.1806
Mistrial declared in case of Arizona rancher, 73, accused
of murdering unarmed Mexican migrant on his property - as
he insists 'they won't wear me down'
Kelly, 75, was accused of killing Gabriel Cuen-Butimea on
January 30, 2023, at his home in Nogales, near the Mexican
The decision came after jurors failed to reach a unanimous
decision after more than two full days of deliberation
. . .
  I'd have rather seen full acquittal - but this
  ought to do.
This rancher is an American hero. He should get a medal.

I'd like to see Mayorkas, Biden and Harris on trial for allowing an
invasion larger than Barbarossa to occur on American soil.
2024-04-23 04:28:29 UTC
Post by 68hx.1806
Mistrial declared in case of Arizona rancher, 73, accused
of murdering unarmed Mexican migrant on his property - as
he insists 'they won't wear me down'
Kelly, 75, was accused of killing Gabriel Cuen-Butimea on
January 30, 2023, at his home in Nogales, near the Mexican
The decision came after jurors failed to reach a unanimous
decision after more than two full days of deliberation
. . .
   I'd have rather seen full acquittal - but this
   ought to do.
This rancher is an American hero.  He should get a medal.
He sort of just GOT it. They simply couldn't scare up
enough Woke to stack the jury. My concern is that the
Woke WILL attempt a second trial alas, they REALLY
want to fuck-over the old guy.
I'd like to see Mayorkas, Biden and Harris on trial
for allowing an invasion larger than Barbarossa to occur
on American soil.
They couldn't even impeach Mayorkas ... so it's not
gonna happen now or ever. Certain b-crats are just
"invulnerable" no matter HOW bad.

Also, well ... the "invasion" is kinda intentional, but
for DEMOGRAPHIC more than POLITICAL reasons. Native
Americans barely make babies anymore - yet there are
LOTS of hands-on JOBS that MUST be done (and TAXED).
If natives aren't producing that workforce then .....

And no, "AI"/robots won't be good for most of that
stuff for decades.

I do see a strong trend with Gen-Z to skip the
college debt debacle and go into hands-on
professions (some paying as well or better than
college-boy jobs). Electricians and plumbers and
construction workers can make very decent $$$.

With LUCK, between that and the campus riots/Woke,
colleges may finally have to become cheap again.
That'll burst a lot of bubbles.
Ron B.
2024-04-23 08:27:37 UTC
Post by 68hx.1806
Post by 68hx.1806
Mistrial declared in case of Arizona rancher, 73, accused
of murdering unarmed Mexican migrant on his property - as
he insists 'they won't wear me down'
Kelly, 75, was accused of killing Gabriel Cuen-Butimea on
January 30, 2023, at his home in Nogales, near the Mexican
The decision came after jurors failed to reach a unanimous
decision after more than two full days of deliberation
. . .
   I'd have rather seen full acquittal - but this
   ought to do.
This rancher is an American hero.  He should get a medal.
He sort of just GOT it. They simply couldn't scare up
enough Woke to stack the jury. My concern is that the
Woke WILL attempt a second trial alas, they REALLY
want to fuck-over the old guy.
They sure do. They want to make an example of him.
Post by 68hx.1806
I'd like to see Mayorkas, Biden and Harris on trial
for allowing an invasion larger than Barbarossa to occur
on American soil.
They couldn't even impeach Mayorkas ... so it's not
gonna happen now or ever. Certain b-crats are just
"invulnerable" no matter HOW bad.
Everybody knew that wasn't going to happen, but it might turn into some
extra votes for the opposing party.
Post by 68hx.1806
Also, well ... the "invasion" is kinda intentional, but
for DEMOGRAPHIC more than POLITICAL reasons. Native
Americans barely make babies anymore - yet there are
LOTS of hands-on JOBS that MUST be done (and TAXED).
If natives aren't producing that workforce then .....
They can't afford to make babies. They don't make enough money working
and they don't get the same kind of support governments and dogooders give
"immigrants". Plus, some of them are so drugged up and irresponsible that
they couldn't care for a baby.
Post by 68hx.1806
And no, "AI"/robots won't be good for most of that
stuff for decades.
AI has been around for a while, at least since the mid 80's when DEC and
IBM were both doing AI stuff for banks, it just got more attention
Post by 68hx.1806
I do see a strong trend with Gen-Z to skip the
college debt debacle and go into hands-on
professions (some paying as well or better than
college-boy jobs). Electricians and plumbers and
construction workers can make very decent $$$.
Residential electricians make about $25 an hour, commercial $50-$75 and
higher. Transmission electricians, or linemen can make $100+ and work two
weeks of every month. That's good money, but the cost of a work vehicle
will make a helluva dent in it these days. Trucks ain't cheap now.
Post by 68hx.1806
With LUCK, between that and the campus riots/Woke,
colleges may finally have to become cheap again.
That'll burst a lot of bubbles.
Nothing gets woke college attention faster than losing benefactors and
donors. They need to clean house on the leftist nutjobs they hired. Look
at what kind of people products they've been turning out. Shameful.
2024-04-23 22:59:50 UTC
Post by Ron B.
Post by 68hx.1806
Post by 68hx.1806
Mistrial declared in case of Arizona rancher, 73, accused
of murdering unarmed Mexican migrant on his property - as
he insists 'they won't wear me down'
Kelly, 75, was accused of killing Gabriel Cuen-Butimea on
January 30, 2023, at his home in Nogales, near the Mexican
The decision came after jurors failed to reach a unanimous
decision after more than two full days of deliberation
. . .
   I'd have rather seen full acquittal - but this
   ought to do.
This rancher is an American hero.  He should get a medal.
He sort of just GOT it. They simply couldn't scare up
enough Woke to stack the jury. My concern is that the
Woke WILL attempt a second trial alas, they REALLY
want to fuck-over the old guy.
They sure do. They want to make an example of him.
Post by 68hx.1806
I'd like to see Mayorkas, Biden and Harris on trial
for allowing an invasion larger than Barbarossa to occur
on American soil.
They couldn't even impeach Mayorkas ... so it's not
gonna happen now or ever. Certain b-crats are just
"invulnerable" no matter HOW bad.
Everybody knew that wasn't going to happen, but it might turn into some
extra votes for the opposing party.
Some ... but IMHO not worth the debacle. They
probably should have looked into who he's been
fucking and leaked it to a tattle-tale web site.
Some "unconfirmed rumors of ..." also go far
in DC circles.
Post by Ron B.
Post by 68hx.1806
Also, well ... the "invasion" is kinda intentional, but
for DEMOGRAPHIC more than POLITICAL reasons. Native
Americans barely make babies anymore - yet there are
LOTS of hands-on JOBS that MUST be done (and TAXED).
If natives aren't producing that workforce then .....
They can't afford to make babies. They don't make enough money working
and they don't get the same kind of support governments and dogooders give
"immigrants". Plus, some of them are so drugged up and irresponsible that
they couldn't care for a baby.
The why's don't count. If the native-born don't make
babies then we have to IMPORT lots of babies to keep
industry and economy going. Openly doing so is bad
politics, but if they SNEAK in on their own ....

S.Korea and Japan are in the same boat, but even lower
in the water, and admit to importing 3rd-world droves
because there aren't nearly enough native babies. In
maybe a gen and a half, "Japan" and "SK" won't really
exist as cultures anymore, the working majority will be
the 3rd world 'help'. Even China is beginning to suffer
a "baby deficit". Would NOT be surprised if it winds up
banning contraceptives soon or even setting a 'baby
quota' or something - evil commies CAN do stuff like that.
Post by Ron B.
Post by 68hx.1806
And no, "AI"/robots won't be good for most of that
stuff for decades.
AI has been around for a while, at least since the mid 80's when DEC and
IBM were both doing AI stuff for banks, it just got more attention
The capability level is now in the exponential growth
zone - fueled by MASSIVE investments, anticipating
MASSIVE profits. Musk has projected human-quality IQ
by sometime in 2025, and he's probably correct.

But "useful" outside the office - even on a factory
floor much less running plumbing or electric or
picking peaches ... that requires fast/cheap AI
with a very mobile BODY of some kind. Boston Dynamics
is making bodies, but so far they're mostly hardwired
to a mainframe. Real 'mobile' apps, androids and
R2D2s and such, that's not gonna work, even with a
6G+ wireless link. The IQ really needs to fit INTO
the droid.
Post by Ron B.
Post by 68hx.1806
I do see a strong trend with Gen-Z to skip the
college debt debacle and go into hands-on
professions (some paying as well or better than
college-boy jobs). Electricians and plumbers and
construction workers can make very decent $$$.
Residential electricians make about $25 an hour, commercial $50-$75 and
higher. Transmission electricians, or linemen can make $100+ and work two
weeks of every month. That's good money, but the cost of a work vehicle
will make a helluva dent in it these days. Trucks ain't cheap now.
But 95+ percent of those college degrees won't earn
you any more ... the world needs maybe ONE expert in
Sumerian basket-weaving techniques, and the salary
will likely suck :-)

Oh, and those office/managerial positions will
be the first to fall to AI. No point in an HR
or Biz Admin degree when the corp barely employs
any humans. Everything those 50-floor office
towers do now will soon fit in a stall at the mall.

And what do we DO with all the obsolete humans eh ? :-)
Post by Ron B.
Post by 68hx.1806
With LUCK, between that and the campus riots/Woke,
colleges may finally have to become cheap again.
That'll burst a lot of bubbles.
Nothing gets woke college attention faster than losing benefactors and
donors. They need to clean house on the leftist nutjobs they hired. Look
at what kind of people products they've been turning out. Shameful.
Lots of leftist momentum going back into the 1950s. It
will be difficult to halt that. If a few of the bigger
colleges go down though it'll speed things along.
Governor Swill
2024-04-24 08:39:31 UTC
Post by 68hx.1806
Post by Ron B.
They can't afford to make babies. They don't make enough money working
and they don't get the same kind of support governments and dogooders give
"immigrants". Plus, some of them are so drugged up and irresponsible that
they couldn't care for a baby.
We can also thank Trump's tax "cut" which eliminated the per child deduction.
Post by 68hx.1806
The why's don't count. If the native-born don't make
babies then we have to IMPORT lots of babies to keep
industry and economy going. Openly doing so is bad
politics, but if they SNEAK in on their own ....
Thus the Congress, led by the GOP, has repeatedly failed to act to secure the border.

Conservative thinking only predicts the past. - R Kym Horsell


https://www.forwardparty.com/ . .

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
max headroom
2024-04-25 01:37:45 UTC
Post by Governor Swill
Post by 68hx.1806
The why's don't count. If the native-born don't make
babies then we have to IMPORT lots of babies to keep
industry and economy going. Openly doing so is bad
politics, but if they SNEAK in on their own ....
Thus the Congress, led by the GOP, has repeatedly failed to act to secure the border.
It's the Executive branch, led by SloJoe, that has repeatedly failed to act to
secure the border.
Siri Cruise
2024-04-25 03:00:54 UTC
Post by max headroom
Post by Governor Swill
Post by 68hx.1806
The why's don't count. If the native-born don't make
babies then we have to IMPORT lots of babies to keep
industry and economy going. Openly doing so is bad
politics, but if they SNEAK in on their own ....
Thus the Congress, led by the GOP, has repeatedly failed to act to secure the border.
It's the Executive branch, led by SloJoe, that has repeatedly failed to act to
secure the border.
I blame the Arizona state government.

Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
The Church of the Holey Apple .signature 3.2 / \
of Discordian Mysteries. This post insults Islam. Mohamed
max headroom
2024-04-25 19:36:45 UTC
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by max headroom
On Tue, 23 Apr 2024 18:59:50 -0400, "68hx.1806"
Post by 68hx.1806
The why's don't count. If the native-born don't make
babies then we have to IMPORT lots of babies to keep
industry and economy going. Openly doing so is bad
politics, but if they SNEAK in on their own ....
Thus the Congress, led by the GOP, has repeatedly failed to act to secure the border.
It's the Executive branch, led by SloJoe, that has repeatedly failed
to act to secure the border.
I blame the Arizona state government.
I blame California.

Governor Swill
2024-04-26 05:09:47 UTC
Post by max headroom
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by max headroom
On Tue, 23 Apr 2024 18:59:50 -0400, "68hx.1806"
Post by 68hx.1806
The why's don't count. If the native-born don't make
babies then we have to IMPORT lots of babies to keep
industry and economy going. Openly doing so is bad
politics, but if they SNEAK in on their own ....
Thus the Congress, led by the GOP, has repeatedly failed to act to secure the border.
It's the Executive branch, led by SloJoe, that has repeatedly failed
to act to secure the border.
I blame the Arizona state government.
I blame California.
I blame the Republicans.


Conservative thinking only predicts the past. - R Kym Horsell


https://www.forwardparty.com/ . .

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
Governor Swill
2024-04-25 06:01:31 UTC
Post by max headroom
Post by Governor Swill
Post by 68hx.1806
The why's don't count. If the native-born don't make
babies then we have to IMPORT lots of babies to keep
industry and economy going. Openly doing so is bad
politics, but if they SNEAK in on their own ....
Thus the Congress, led by the GOP, has repeatedly failed to act to secure the border.
It's the Executive branch, led by SloJoe, that has repeatedly failed to act to
secure the border.
The Congress makes the laws *and* holds the purse strings. The Executive cannot enforce
without dollars and cannot enforce laws that don't make sense.

GOP led Houses have voted *against* border security bills four times since Biden was sworn

FOUR TIMES in less than three and a half years.

Conservative thinking only predicts the past. - R Kym Horsell


https://www.forwardparty.com/ . .

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
max headroom
2024-04-25 15:04:31 UTC
On Wed, 24 Apr 2024 18:37:45 -0700, "max headroom"
Post by max headroom
On Tue, 23 Apr 2024 18:59:50 -0400, "68hx.1806"
Post by 68hx.1806
The why's don't count. If the native-born don't make
babies then we have to IMPORT lots of babies to keep
industry and economy going. Openly doing so is bad
politics, but if they SNEAK in on their own ....
Thus the Congress, led by the GOP, has repeatedly failed to act to secure the border.
It's the Executive branch, led by SloJoe, that has repeatedly failed
to act to secure the border.
The Congress makes the laws *and* holds the purse strings. The
Executive cannot enforce without dollars ...
Are you claiming that funds for ICE were exhausted the day Biden took office?
...and cannot enforce laws that don't make sense.
GOP led Houses have voted *against* border security bills four times
since Biden was sworn in.
Those "border security" bills were ridiculous.
P. Coonan
2024-04-25 20:07:59 UTC
Post by max headroom
On Wed, 24 Apr 2024 18:37:45 -0700, "max headroom"
Post by max headroom
On Tue, 23 Apr 2024 18:59:50 -0400, "68hx.1806"
Post by 68hx.1806
The why's don't count. If the native-born don't make
babies then we have to IMPORT lots of babies to keep
industry and economy going. Openly doing so is bad
politics, but if they SNEAK in on their own ....
Thus the Congress, led by the GOP, has repeatedly failed to act to secure the border.
It's the Executive branch, led by SloJoe, that has repeatedly failed
to act to secure the border.
The Congress makes the laws *and* holds the purse strings. The
Executive cannot enforce without dollars ...
Are you claiming that funds for ICE were exhausted the day Biden took office?
...and cannot enforce laws that don't make sense.
GOP led Houses have voted *against* border security bills four times
since Biden was sworn in.
Those "border security" bills were ridiculous.
There was nothing secured in any of those bills except more debt heaped on
the American taxpayer.
Governor Swill
2024-04-26 05:18:29 UTC
Post by P. Coonan
Post by max headroom
On Wed, 24 Apr 2024 18:37:45 -0700, "max headroom"
Post by max headroom
On Tue, 23 Apr 2024 18:59:50 -0400, "68hx.1806"
Post by 68hx.1806
The why's don't count. If the native-born don't make
babies then we have to IMPORT lots of babies to keep
industry and economy going. Openly doing so is bad
politics, but if they SNEAK in on their own ....
Thus the Congress, led by the GOP, has repeatedly failed to act to
secure the border.
It's the Executive branch, led by SloJoe, that has repeatedly failed
to act to secure the border.
The Congress makes the laws *and* holds the purse strings. The
Executive cannot enforce without dollars ...
Are you claiming that funds for ICE were exhausted the day Biden took office?
...and cannot enforce laws that don't make sense.
GOP led Houses have voted *against* border security bills four times
since Biden was sworn in.
Those "border security" bills were ridiculous.
There was nothing secured in any of those bills except more debt heaped on
the American taxpayer.
*laughs and points*

Since when did *any* Republican care about debt?

Reagan tripled the national debt.
Bush I doubled it.
Bush II doubled it again.
Trump (the debt king) added $8 TRILLION in just four years!
Dick Cheney: "Debt doesn't matter."


Conservative thinking only predicts the past. - R Kym Horsell


https://www.forwardparty.com/ . .

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
Governor Swill
2024-04-26 05:13:55 UTC
Post by max headroom
Post by Governor Swill
Post by max headroom
It's the Executive branch, led by SloJoe, that has repeatedly failed
to act to secure the border.
The Congress makes the laws *and* holds the purse strings. The
Executive cannot enforce without dollars ...
Are you claiming that funds for ICE were exhausted the day Biden took office?
More funds were needed than were available. Republicans voted against that extra funding
just like they voted against funding Trump's wall when he was in office.
Post by max headroom
Post by Governor Swill
...and cannot enforce laws that don't make sense.
Because Congress is too slow to react to changing conditions.
Post by max headroom
Post by Governor Swill
GOP led Houses have voted *against* border security bills four times
since Biden was sworn in.
Those "border security" bills were ridiculous.
Really? More money for deportations? NO!
More money for border security? NO!
Negotiate a broader bipartisan bill? NO!
Try again to negotiate a broad bill? NO!

You think the public doesn't know about these things? It's no wonder Biden is climbing in
the polls.

Conservative thinking only predicts the past. - R Kym Horsell


https://www.forwardparty.com/ . .

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
John Doe
2024-04-26 16:28:36 UTC
Post by Governor Swill
Post by max headroom
Post by Governor Swill
Post by max headroom
It's the Executive branch, led by SloJoe, that has repeatedly failed
to act to secure the border.
The Congress makes the laws *and* holds the purse strings. The
Executive cannot enforce without dollars ...
Are you claiming that funds for ICE were exhausted the day Biden took office?
More funds were needed than were available. Republicans voted against that extra funding
just like they voted against funding Trump's wall when he was in office.
Post by max headroom
Post by Governor Swill
...and cannot enforce laws that don't make sense.
Because Congress is too slow to react to changing conditions.
Post by max headroom
Post by Governor Swill
GOP led Houses have voted *against* border security bills four times
since Biden was sworn in.
Those "border security" bills were ridiculous.
Really? More money for deportations? NO!
More money for border security? NO!
Negotiate a broader bipartisan bill? NO!
Try again to negotiate a broad bill? NO!
You think the public doesn't know about these things? It's no wonder Biden is climbing in
the polls.
Sadly, the Fix uninformed just don't hear these things so they don't
understand. Fox's business model is based on the knowledge that they can
manipulate people to be angry rather than informed, and angry people
engage better with commercials.

It's also in Fox's financial interest to conceal the fact that the
border funding bill would also have put more money into the asylum
evaluation legal fund, so that people failing that test could be sent
home in a few weeks rather than in nine to eighteen months.
Post by Governor Swill
Mitchell Holman
2024-04-26 17:44:30 UTC
Post by John Doe
On Thu, 25 Apr 2024 08:04:31 -0700, "max headroom"
Post by max headroom
Post by Governor Swill
Post by max headroom
It's the Executive branch, led by SloJoe, that has repeatedly
failed to act to secure the border.
The Congress makes the laws *and* holds the purse strings. The
Executive cannot enforce without dollars ...
Are you claiming that funds for ICE were exhausted the day Biden took office?
More funds were needed than were available. Republicans voted
against that extra funding just like they voted against funding
Trump's wall when he was in office.
Post by max headroom
Post by Governor Swill
...and cannot enforce laws that don't make sense.
Because Congress is too slow to react to changing conditions.
Post by max headroom
Post by Governor Swill
GOP led Houses have voted *against* border security bills four
times since Biden was sworn in.
Those "border security" bills were ridiculous.
Really? More money for deportations? NO!
More money for border security? NO!
Negotiate a broader bipartisan bill? NO!
Try again to negotiate a broad bill? NO!
You think the public doesn't know about these things? It's no wonder
Biden is climbing in the polls.
Sadly, the Fix uninformed just don't hear these things so they don't
understand. Fox's business model is based on the knowledge that they
can manipulate people to be angry rather than informed, and angry
people engage better with commercials.
From my perspective Fox peddles more
fear than anger. Fear of immigrants, fear
of gays, fear of trans people, fear of
the media, fear of asians, fear of non-
Post by John Doe
It's also in Fox's financial interest to conceal the fact that the
border funding bill would also have put more money into the asylum
evaluation legal fund, so that people failing that test could be sent
home in a few weeks rather than in nine to eighteen months.
Fox caters to business which likes
cheap labor that can be exploited and
then deported. Immigration is just a
campaign issue. Witness the total GOP
inaction about the border when they
controlled the whole government 2017-2019.
Mike Colangelo
2024-04-26 18:07:41 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by John Doe
On Thu, 25 Apr 2024 08:04:31 -0700, "max headroom"
Post by max headroom
Post by Governor Swill
Post by max headroom
It's the Executive branch, led by SloJoe, that has repeatedly
failed to act to secure the border.
The Congress makes the laws *and* holds the purse strings. The
Executive cannot enforce without dollars ...
Are you claiming that funds for ICE were exhausted the day Biden took office?
More funds were needed than were available. Republicans voted
against that extra funding just like they voted against funding
Trump's wall when he was in office.
Post by max headroom
Post by Governor Swill
...and cannot enforce laws that don't make sense.
Because Congress is too slow to react to changing conditions.
Post by max headroom
Post by Governor Swill
GOP led Houses have voted *against* border security bills four
times since Biden was sworn in.
Those "border security" bills were ridiculous.
Really? More money for deportations? NO!
More money for border security? NO!
Negotiate a broader bipartisan bill? NO!
Try again to negotiate a broad bill? NO!
You think the public doesn't know about these things? It's no wonder
Biden is climbing in the polls.
Sadly, the Fix uninformed just don't hear these things so they don't
understand. Fox's business model is based on the knowledge that they
can manipulate people to be angry rather than informed, and angry
people engage better with commercials.
From my perspective Fox peddles more
fear than anger. Fear of immigrants, fear
of gays, fear of trans people, fear of
the media, fear of asians, fear of non-
It's both fear and anger. Fox stokes the deplorables' fears, and then because
the deplorables think the "elites" don't take their fears seriously and won't do
anything to allay them, they become angry.

The deplorables are all little people like "pothole" and "68hx.1806" and "Lucas
McCain/Hisler/DFENS/Jade Helm/Duke Mantee/Jim Crow/Steve from Colorado" and
"Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell": they all feel completely powerless,
and they believe bullshit crackpot conspiracy theories about why they're
powerless. They're powerless because they are lifelong losers and do-nothings.
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by John Doe
It's also in Fox's financial interest to conceal the fact that the
border funding bill would also have put more money into the asylum
evaluation legal fund, so that people failing that test could be sent
home in a few weeks rather than in nine to eighteen months.
Fox caters to business which likes
cheap labor that can be exploited and
then deported.
I don't think any serious and competent and accomplished business people get
their news from Fox.
Post by Mitchell Holman
Immigration is just a
campaign issue. Witness the total GOP
inaction about the border when they
controlled the whole government 2017-2019.
max headroom
2024-04-27 02:40:19 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Fox caters to business which likes
cheap labor that can be exploited and
then deported....
Provide some examples, please.
Post by Mitchell Holman
... Immigration is just a campaign issue....
It's a national concern, one that exposes SloJoe's weakness.

max headroom
2024-04-26 21:10:10 UTC
On Thu, 25 Apr 2024 08:04:31 -0700, "max headroom"
Post by max headroom
Post by Governor Swill
Post by max headroom
It's the Executive branch, led by SloJoe, that has repeatedly
failed to act to secure the border.
The Congress makes the laws *and* holds the purse strings. The
Executive cannot enforce without dollars ...
Are you claiming that funds for ICE were exhausted the day Biden took office?
More funds were needed than were available. Republicans voted
against that extra funding just like they voted against funding
Trump's wall when he was in office.
And yet he had fewer illegals entering the country
Post by max headroom
Post by Governor Swill
...and cannot enforce laws that don't make sense.
Because Congress is too slow to react to changing conditions.
Post by max headroom
Post by Governor Swill
GOP led Houses have voted *against* border security bills four times
since Biden was sworn in.
Those "border security" bills were ridiculous.
Really? More money for deportations? NO!
More money for border security? NO!
Negotiate a broader bipartisan bill? NO!
Try again to negotiate a broad bill? NO!
You think the public doesn't know about these things? It's no wonder
Biden is climbing in the polls.


2024-04-26 22:36:35 UTC
Post by max headroom
On Thu, 25 Apr 2024 08:04:31 -0700, "max headroom"
Post by max headroom
Post by Governor Swill
Post by max headroom
It's the Executive branch, led by SloJoe, that has repeatedly
failed to act to secure the border.
The Congress makes the laws *and* holds the purse strings. The
Executive cannot enforce without dollars ...
Are you claiming that funds for ICE were exhausted the day Biden took office?
More funds were needed than were available. Republicans voted
against that extra funding just like they voted against funding
Trump's wall when he was in office.
And yet he had fewer illegals entering the country
Post by max headroom
Post by Governor Swill
...and cannot enforce laws that don't make sense.
Because Congress is too slow to react to changing conditions.
Post by max headroom
Post by Governor Swill
GOP led Houses have voted *against* border security bills four times
since Biden was sworn in.
Those "border security" bills were ridiculous.
Really? More money for deportations? NO!
More money for border security? NO!
Negotiate a broader bipartisan bill? NO!
Try again to negotiate a broad bill? NO!
You think the public doesn't know about these things? It's no wonder
Biden is climbing in the polls.
I've never been a fan of polling however I really decided to ignore them after Hillary had a 95%
chance of winning a couple of days before the election in 2016.
I wonder how many bookies in Vegas lost their shirts on that one.
Joe Biden is the absolute WORST President Of the U.S. ever.
Nobody else is even close. Including Jimmy Carter.
Vote for ANYBODY but Joe Biden in 2024.
Siri Cruise
2024-04-27 00:32:03 UTC
Post by max headroom
And yet he had fewer illegals entering the country
Did he? Do we have reliable counts on how many came in.

What he did was temporarily deny asylum because US Code allowed
that in the days of plague. When COVID stopped being an acute
public emergency, the law could no longer be used.

The Senate has since passed a bill that would allow the president
to temporarily deny asylum if the too many were asking. House
Magoos have refused to do anything with it.
Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
The Church of the Holey Apple .signature 3.2 / \
of Discordian Mysteries. This post insults Islam. Mohamed
Mr. B1ack
2024-04-27 03:15:18 UTC
On every date, oozing scarlet red maxipad, whose mouth waters at the thought of
Post by max headroom
On Thu, 25 Apr 2024 08:04:31 -0700, "max headroom"
Post by max headroom
Post by Governor Swill
Post by max headroom
It's the Executive branch, led by SloJoe, that has repeatedly
failed to act to secure the border.
The Congress makes the laws *and* holds the purse strings. The
Executive cannot enforce without dollars ...
Are you claiming that funds for ICE were exhausted the day Biden took office?
More funds were needed than were available. Republicans voted
against that extra funding just like they voted against funding
Trump's wall when he was in office.
And yet he had fewer illegals entering the country
No, o oozing red maxipad, he didn't.
2024-04-23 11:31:58 UTC
Post by 68hx.1806
Post by 68hx.1806
Mistrial declared in case of Arizona rancher, 73, accused
of murdering unarmed Mexican migrant on his property - as
he insists 'they won't wear me down'
Kelly, 75, was accused of killing Gabriel Cuen-Butimea on
January 30, 2023, at his home in Nogales, near the Mexican
The decision came after jurors failed to reach a unanimous
decision after more than two full days of deliberation
. . .
   I'd have rather seen full acquittal - but this
   ought to do.
This rancher is an American hero.  He should get a medal.
He sort of just GOT it. They simply couldn't scare up
enough Woke to stack the jury. My concern is that the
Woke WILL attempt a second trial alas, they REALLY
want to fuck-over the old guy.
I'd like to see Mayorkas, Biden and Harris on trial
for allowing an invasion larger than Barbarossa to occur
on American soil.
They couldn't even impeach Mayorkas ... so it's not
gonna happen now or ever. Certain b-crats are just
"invulnerable" no matter HOW bad.
Mayorkas was impeached. The Dems violated rules to stop a trial for
Siri Cruise
2024-04-23 20:03:22 UTC
Post by NoBody
Mayorkas was impeached. The Dems violated rules to stop a trial for
What was his high crime or misdemeanor?

It's rich you whining about what Sleepy Don Farto is charged with
when you demand democrats tried without any crime.
Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
The Church of the Holey Apple .signature 3.2 / \
of Discordian Mysteries. This post insults Islam. Mohamed
2024-04-23 20:11:15 UTC
On Tue, 23 Apr 2024 13:03:22 -0700
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by NoBody
Mayorkas was impeached. The Dems violated rules to stop a trial for
What was his high crime or misdemeanor?
House Republicans indicated their intention to
move forward with two articles of impeachment against Alejandro
Mayorkas, the United States Secretary of Homeland Security, alleging
"willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law" in regards to
federal immigration laws and breach of the public trust.
Governor Swill
2024-04-24 08:40:33 UTC
Post by Johnny
On Tue, 23 Apr 2024 13:03:22 -0700
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by NoBody
Mayorkas was impeached. The Dems violated rules to stop a trial for
What was his high crime or misdemeanor?
House Republicans indicated their intention to
move forward with two articles of impeachment against Alejandro
Mayorkas, the United States Secretary of Homeland Security, alleging
"willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law" in regards to
federal immigration laws and breach of the public trust.
In short, he didn't do his job to their satisfaction. Pity that's not an impeachable

Conservative thinking only predicts the past. - R Kym Horsell


https://www.forwardparty.com/ . .

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
2024-04-24 11:26:01 UTC
Post by Johnny
On Tue, 23 Apr 2024 13:03:22 -0700
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by NoBody
Mayorkas was impeached. The Dems violated rules to stop a trial for
What was his high crime or misdemeanor?
House Republicans indicated their intention to
move forward with two articles of impeachment against Alejandro
Mayorkas, the United States Secretary of Homeland Security, alleging
"willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law" in regards to
federal immigration laws and breach of the public trust.
Now you're asking Siri to think.
2024-04-24 14:08:53 UTC
Post by Johnny
On Tue, 23 Apr 2024 13:03:22 -0700
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by NoBody
Mayorkas was impeached. The Dems violated rules to stop a trial for
What was his high crime or misdemeanor?
House Republicans indicated their intention to
move forward with two articles of impeachment against Alejandro
Mayorkas, the United States Secretary of Homeland Security, alleging
"willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law" in regards to
federal immigration laws and breach of the public trust.
Well, we can start with his violation of his oath of office.. and work from

John Doe
2024-04-24 18:30:40 UTC
Post by Scout
Post by Johnny
On Tue, 23 Apr 2024 13:03:22 -0700
Post by Siri Cruise
Mayorkas was impeached.  The Dems violated rules to stop a trial for
What was his high crime or misdemeanor?
House Republicans indicated their intention to
move forward with two articles of impeachment against Alejandro
Mayorkas, the United States Secretary of Homeland Security, alleging
"willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law" in regards to
federal immigration laws and breach of the public trust.
Well, we can start with his violation of his oath of office.. and work
from there.
Even if that was the case, that's not a misdemeanor or a high crime.

What the GOP really should be doing is funding border assistance AND
supporting border reform. But they won't. Aren't you even the slightest
bit curious about why that is so?
max headroom
2024-04-25 01:34:45 UTC
Post by John Doe
Post by Scout
Post by Johnny
On Tue, 23 Apr 2024 13:03:22 -0700
Post by Siri Cruise
Mayorkas was impeached. The Dems violated rules to stop a trial
for removal.
What was his high crime or misdemeanor?
House Republicans indicated their intention to
move forward with two articles of impeachment against Alejandro
Mayorkas, the United States Secretary of Homeland Security, alleging
"willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law" in regards to
federal immigration laws and breach of the public trust.
Well, we can start with his violation of his oath of office.. and
work from there.
Even if that was the case, that's not a misdemeanor or a high crime.
What the GOP really should be doing is funding border assistance AND
supporting border reform. But they won't. Aren't you even the
slightest bit curious about why that is so?
I think we're all curious as to what laws expired when Biden took office that
prevent him from controlling the number of inflowing aliens.
Mitchell Holman
2024-04-25 02:05:17 UTC
Post by max headroom
Post by John Doe
Post by Scout
Post by Johnny
On Tue, 23 Apr 2024 13:03:22 -0700
Post by Siri Cruise
Mayorkas was impeached. The Dems violated rules to stop a trial
for removal.
What was his high crime or misdemeanor?
House Republicans indicated their intention to
move forward with two articles of impeachment against Alejandro
Mayorkas, the United States Secretary of Homeland Security,
alleging "willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law" in
regards to federal immigration laws and breach of the public trust.
Well, we can start with his violation of his oath of office.. and
work from there.
Even if that was the case, that's not a misdemeanor or a high crime.
What the GOP really should be doing is funding border assistance AND
supporting border reform. But they won't. Aren't you even the
slightest bit curious about why that is so?
I think we're all curious as to what laws expired when Biden took
office that prevent him from controlling the number of inflowing
We are all curious what we got for
the billions Trump spent on the wall
that was supposed to protect us.

Trump Diverts $3.8 Billion In
Pentagon Funding To Border Wall
February 13, 2020


Gusty winds blew over a portion of
President Trump's border wall
Jan 30 2020

Floods blow gates off Trump’s border wall
23 August 2021

People are climbing over Trump's border
wall with $5 ladders, report says
Apr 22 2020
2024-04-25 10:29:28 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by max headroom
Post by John Doe
Post by Scout
Post by Johnny
On Tue, 23 Apr 2024 13:03:22 -0700
Post by Siri Cruise
Mayorkas was impeached. The Dems violated rules to stop a trial
for removal.
What was his high crime or misdemeanor?
House Republicans indicated their intention to
move forward with two articles of impeachment against Alejandro
Mayorkas, the United States Secretary of Homeland Security,
alleging "willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law" in
regards to federal immigration laws and breach of the public trust.
Well, we can start with his violation of his oath of office.. and
work from there.
Even if that was the case, that's not a misdemeanor or a high crime.
What the GOP really should be doing is funding border assistance AND
supporting border reform. But they won't. Aren't you even the
slightest bit curious about why that is so?
I think we're all curious as to what laws expired when Biden took
office that prevent him from controlling the number of inflowing
We are all curious what we got for
the billions Trump spent on the wall
that was supposed to protect us.
A drastic reduction in illegal immigration in those areas, and easier
enforcement of the law as it gives BP more time to response to any incident.

Meanwhile... How is waving them across or worse bussing them into the
country.,, suppose to protect us?

I mean how can starting with a criminal act reduce crime?
Siri Cruise
2024-04-25 12:42:06 UTC
Post by Scout
A drastic reduction in illegal immigration in those areas, and
easier enforcement of the law as it gives BP more time to response
to any incident.
Any evidence?
Post by Scout
Meanwhile... How is waving them across or worse bussing them into
the country.,, suppose to protect us?
Prompt asylum hearings are what protect us. Republicans refuse to
fund them.
Post by Scout
I mean how can starting with a criminal act reduce crime?
Why do you insist we violate our laws?
Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
The Church of the Holey Apple .signature 3.2 / \
of Discordian Mysteries. This post insults Islam. Mohamed
Siri Cruise
2024-04-25 02:58:05 UTC
Post by max headroom
I think we're all curious as to what laws expired when Biden took office that
prevent him from controlling the number of inflowing aliens.
87 FR 19941.

Which was authorised by 42 USC 265. The statute didn't expire. The
regulation that implemented it did.
Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
The Church of the Holey Apple .signature 3.2 / \
of Discordian Mysteries. This post insults Islam. Mohamed
Governor Swill
2024-04-25 06:02:48 UTC
Post by max headroom
Post by John Doe
Post by Scout
Post by Johnny
On Tue, 23 Apr 2024 13:03:22 -0700
Post by Siri Cruise
Mayorkas was impeached. The Dems violated rules to stop a trial
for removal.
What was his high crime or misdemeanor?
House Republicans indicated their intention to
move forward with two articles of impeachment against Alejandro
Mayorkas, the United States Secretary of Homeland Security, alleging
"willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law" in regards to
federal immigration laws and breach of the public trust.
Well, we can start with his violation of his oath of office.. and
work from there.
Even if that was the case, that's not a misdemeanor or a high crime.
What the GOP really should be doing is funding border assistance AND
supporting border reform. But they won't. Aren't you even the
slightest bit curious about why that is so?
I think we're all curious as to what laws expired when Biden took office that
prevent him from controlling the number of inflowing aliens.
Or one might educate oneself as to what is driving so many to go north.

Conservative thinking only predicts the past. - R Kym Horsell


https://www.forwardparty.com/ . .

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
2024-04-25 11:14:34 UTC
On Thu, 25 Apr 2024 02:02:48 -0400, Governor Swill
Post by Governor Swill
Post by max headroom
Post by John Doe
Post by Scout
Post by Johnny
On Tue, 23 Apr 2024 13:03:22 -0700
Post by Siri Cruise
Mayorkas was impeached. The Dems violated rules to stop a trial
for removal.
What was his high crime or misdemeanor?
House Republicans indicated their intention to
move forward with two articles of impeachment against Alejandro
Mayorkas, the United States Secretary of Homeland Security, alleging
"willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law" in regards to
federal immigration laws and breach of the public trust.
Well, we can start with his violation of his oath of office.. and
work from there.
Even if that was the case, that's not a misdemeanor or a high crime.
What the GOP really should be doing is funding border assistance AND
supporting border reform. But they won't. Aren't you even the
slightest bit curious about why that is so?
I think we're all curious as to what laws expired when Biden took office that
prevent him from controlling the number of inflowing aliens.
Or one might educate oneself as to what is driving so many to go north.
Countries emptying their prisons and sending them north?

Damn, Swilly.
Max Boot
2024-04-25 15:08:08 UTC
Post by NoBody
On Thu, 25 Apr 2024 02:02:48 -0400, Governor Swill
Post by Governor Swill
Post by max headroom
Post by John Doe
Post by Scout
Post by Johnny
On Tue, 23 Apr 2024 13:03:22 -0700
Post by Siri Cruise
Mayorkas was impeached. The Dems violated rules to stop a trial
for removal.
What was his high crime or misdemeanor?
House Republicans indicated their intention to
move forward with two articles of impeachment against Alejandro
Mayorkas, the United States Secretary of Homeland Security, alleging
"willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law" in regards to
federal immigration laws and breach of the public trust.
Well, we can start with his violation of his oath of office.. and
work from there.
Even if that was the case, that's not a misdemeanor or a high crime.
What the GOP really should be doing is funding border assistance AND
supporting border reform. But they won't. Aren't you even the
slightest bit curious about why that is so?
I think we're all curious as to what laws expired when Biden took office that
prevent him from controlling the number of inflowing aliens.
Or one might educate oneself as to what is driving so many to go north.
Countries emptying their prisons and sending them north?
No evidence of that
2024-04-25 18:30:24 UTC
Post by Max Boot
Post by NoBody
On Thu, 25 Apr 2024 02:02:48 -0400, Governor Swill
On Wed, 24 Apr 2024 18:34:45 -0700, "max headroom"
Post by max headroom
Post by John Doe
Post by Scout
Post by Johnny
On Tue, 23 Apr 2024 13:03:22 -0700
Post by Siri Cruise
Mayorkas was impeached. The Dems violated rules to stop a
trial for removal.
What was his high crime or misdemeanor?
House Republicans indicated their intention to
move forward with two articles of impeachment against Alejandro
Mayorkas, the United States Secretary of Homeland Security,
alleging "willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law"
in regards to federal immigration laws and breach of the public
Well, we can start with his violation of his oath of office.. and
work from there.
Even if that was the case, that's not a misdemeanor or a high crime.
What the GOP really should be doing is funding border assistance
AND supporting border reform. But they won't. Aren't you even the
slightest bit curious about why that is so?
I think we're all curious as to what laws expired when Biden took
office that prevent him from controlling the number of inflowing
Or one might educate oneself as to what is driving so many to go north.
Countries emptying their prisons and sending them north?
No evidence of that
These "migrants" are only repeat criminal offenders in the USA and perfect
citizens at home? They should stay home then!
Governor Swill
2024-04-26 05:21:10 UTC
Post by joe
Post by Max Boot
Post by NoBody
On Thu, 25 Apr 2024 02:02:48 -0400, Governor Swill
On Wed, 24 Apr 2024 18:34:45 -0700, "max headroom"
Post by max headroom
Post by John Doe
Post by Scout
Post by Johnny
On Tue, 23 Apr 2024 13:03:22 -0700
Post by Siri Cruise
Mayorkas was impeached. The Dems violated rules to stop a
trial for removal.
What was his high crime or misdemeanor?
House Republicans indicated their intention to
move forward with two articles of impeachment against Alejandro
Mayorkas, the United States Secretary of Homeland Security,
alleging "willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law"
in regards to federal immigration laws and breach of the public
Well, we can start with his violation of his oath of office.. and
work from there.
Even if that was the case, that's not a misdemeanor or a high crime.
What the GOP really should be doing is funding border assistance
AND supporting border reform. But they won't. Aren't you even the
slightest bit curious about why that is so?
I think we're all curious as to what laws expired when Biden took
office that prevent him from controlling the number of inflowing
Or one might educate oneself as to what is driving so many to go north.
Countries emptying their prisons and sending them north?
No evidence of that
These "migrants" are only repeat criminal offenders in the USA and perfect
citizens at home? They should stay home then!
You were asked for evidence. Where is it?

Conservative thinking only predicts the past. - R Kym Horsell


https://www.forwardparty.com/ . .

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
max headroom
2024-04-25 14:32:31 UTC
On Wed, 24 Apr 2024 18:34:45 -0700, "max headroom"
Post by max headroom
Post by John Doe
Post by Scout
Post by Johnny
On Tue, 23 Apr 2024 13:03:22 -0700
Post by Siri Cruise
Mayorkas was impeached. The Dems violated rules to stop a trial
for removal.
What was his high crime or misdemeanor?
House Republicans indicated their intention to
move forward with two articles of impeachment against Alejandro
Mayorkas, the United States Secretary of Homeland Security,
alleging "willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law" in
regards to federal immigration laws and breach of the public
Well, we can start with his violation of his oath of office.. and
work from there.
Even if that was the case, that's not a misdemeanor or a high crime.
What the GOP really should be doing is funding border assistance AND
supporting border reform. But they won't. Aren't you even the
slightest bit curious about why that is so?
I think we're all curious as to what laws expired when Biden took
office that prevent him from controlling the number of inflowing
Or one might educate oneself as to what is driving so many to go north.
Isn't that why SloJoe sent Cackles to Central America? How's that working out?
John Doe
2024-04-25 14:02:17 UTC
Post by max headroom
Post by John Doe
Post by Scout
Post by Johnny
On Tue, 23 Apr 2024 13:03:22 -0700
Post by Siri Cruise
Mayorkas was impeached. The Dems violated rules to stop a trial
for removal.
What was his high crime or misdemeanor?
House Republicans indicated their intention to
move forward with two articles of impeachment against Alejandro
Mayorkas, the United States Secretary of Homeland Security, alleging
"willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law" in regards to
federal immigration laws and breach of the public trust.
Well, we can start with his violation of his oath of office.. and
work from there.
Even if that was the case, that's not a misdemeanor or a high crime.
What the GOP really should be doing is funding border assistance AND
supporting border reform. But they won't. Aren't you even the
slightest bit curious about why that is so?
I think we're all curious as to what laws expired when Biden took office that
prevent him from controlling the number of inflowing aliens.
The laws didn't change. The world did. The more political unrest forces
people from their homelands and the more climate change destroys other
homelands, the more people who will want to escape and come here.
max headroom
2024-04-25 14:36:51 UTC
Post by John Doe
Post by max headroom
Post by John Doe
Post by Scout
Post by Johnny
On Tue, 23 Apr 2024 13:03:22 -0700
Post by Siri Cruise
Mayorkas was impeached. The Dems violated rules to stop a trial
for removal.
What was his high crime or misdemeanor?
House Republicans indicated their intention to
move forward with two articles of impeachment against Alejandro
Mayorkas, the United States Secretary of Homeland Security,
alleging "willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law" in
regards to federal immigration laws and breach of the public
Well, we can start with his violation of his oath of office.. and
work from there.
Even if that was the case, that's not a misdemeanor or a high crime.
What the GOP really should be doing is funding border assistance AND
supporting border reform. But they won't. Aren't you even the
slightest bit curious about why that is so?
I think we're all curious as to what laws expired when Biden took
office that prevent him from controlling the number of inflowing
The laws didn't change. The world did. The more political unrest
forces people from their homelands and the more climate change
destroys other homelands, the more people who will want to escape and
come here.
Why here? Why not Argentina or Chile or Australia or China?
Governor Swill
2024-04-26 05:38:01 UTC
Post by max headroom
Post by John Doe
The laws didn't change. The world did. The more political unrest
forces people from their homelands and the more climate change
destroys other homelands, the more people who will want to escape and
come here.
Why here? Why not Argentina or Chile or Australia or China?
Your ignorance is showing.

China is three times as densely populated as the US already.

Would YOU rather live in Chile or Argentina than the US?

Australia actually welcomes migration. But they're flooding into Australia in record
numbers from island nations in the southern and western Pacific as oceans rise.

Australia to Cut Record High Migration as Housing Crisis Bites

Australia’s enthusiasm for immigration is being tested
The country is trying to slash net migration

Australia plans to halve migrant intake, tighten student visa rules

The US has the strongest, most stable economy on the planet. Why would they want to
migrate anywhere else?

The right has been warned about social effects of climate change for decades and it's only
going to get worse.

Conservative thinking only predicts the past. - R Kym Horsell


https://www.forwardparty.com/ . .

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
max headroom
2024-04-26 18:58:03 UTC
On Thu, 25 Apr 2024 07:36:51 -0700, "max headroom"
Post by max headroom
Post by John Doe
The laws didn't change. The world did. The more political unrest
forces people from their homelands and the more climate change
destroys other homelands, the more people who will want to escape
and come here.
Why here? Why not Argentina or Chile or Australia or China?
Your ignorance is showing.
Show us yours.
China is three times as densely populated as the US already.
Would YOU rather live in Chile or Argentina than the US?
Were my mother tongue Spanish, why not? Assimilation into a Hispanic culture
would be much easier.
Australia actually welcomes migration....
Excellent! Let's notify Africans considering relocating to America to head for
Oz instead.
The US has the strongest, most stable economy on the planet. Why
would they want to migrate anywhere else?
Hispanics would assimilate into Latin America easier and faster; Africans and
west Asians will find Australia homely; east Asians will be welcome in boomtown

I'm all for legal immigration into America, but showing up at a Port of Entry
and demanding asylum is wrong.
Klaus Schadenfreude
2024-04-26 22:10:39 UTC
Post by Governor Swill
Australia actually welcomes migration. But they're flooding into Australia in record
numbers from island nations in the southern and western Pacific as oceans rise.
Australia to Cut Record High Migration as Housing Crisis Bites
So you lied when you said they welcome migration.

Good to know.
2024-04-25 10:26:31 UTC
Post by John Doe
Post by Scout
Post by Johnny
On Tue, 23 Apr 2024 13:03:22 -0700
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by NoBody
Mayorkas was impeached. The Dems violated rules to stop a trial for
What was his high crime or misdemeanor?
House Republicans indicated their intention to
move forward with two articles of impeachment against Alejandro
Mayorkas, the United States Secretary of Homeland Security, alleging
"willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law" in regards to
federal immigration laws and breach of the public trust.
Well, we can start with his violation of his oath of office.. and work
from there.
Even if that was the case, that's not a misdemeanor or a high crime.
Sure it is. It's a violation of the law which IS a misdemeanor or high

You keep saying that as if repeating your lie will somehow make it true.
2024-04-23 21:23:05 UTC
On Tue, 23 Apr 2024 13:03:22 -0700
Post by Siri Cruise
demand democrats tried without any crime.
A capitol ideation!
John Doe
2024-04-23 21:27:06 UTC
Post by Siri Cruise
Mayorkas was impeached.  The Dems violated rules to stop a trial for
What was his high crime or misdemeanor?
It's rich you whining about what Sleepy Don Farto is charged with when
you demand democrats tried without any crime.
Exactly. That's what seems to result from watching only the news the
right wing wants to employ to generate hate.
2024-04-24 11:25:33 UTC
On Tue, 23 Apr 2024 13:03:22 -0700, Siri Cruise
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by NoBody
Mayorkas was impeached. The Dems violated rules to stop a trial for
What was his high crime or misdemeanor?
You DO know that's why you have the trial right?

John Doe
2024-04-24 13:51:28 UTC
Post by NoBody
On Tue, 23 Apr 2024 13:03:22 -0700, Siri Cruise
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by NoBody
Mayorkas was impeached. The Dems violated rules to stop a trial for
What was his high crime or misdemeanor?
You DO know that's why you have the trial right?
Here in the USA, we generally try to tell anyone charged with a crime
exactly what said crime is. If we can't point to a law on the books, and
we're still convinced a crime happened, then we pass a new law.

What we don't normally do is charge someone with a generality and plan
to come up with an actual charge at some future date.
Governor Swill
2024-04-25 06:08:48 UTC
Post by John Doe
Post by NoBody
On Tue, 23 Apr 2024 13:03:22 -0700, Siri Cruise
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by NoBody
Mayorkas was impeached. The Dems violated rules to stop a trial for
What was his high crime or misdemeanor?
You DO know that's why you have the trial right?
Wrong. *First* the crime is charged, *then* there is a trial. Trials are not held in
order to look for a crime to charge.
Post by John Doe
Post by NoBody
Here in the USA, we generally try to tell anyone charged with a crime
exactly what said crime is. If we can't point to a law on the books, and
we're still convinced a crime happened, then we pass a new law.
What we don't normally do is charge someone with a generality and plan
to come up with an actual charge at some future date.
Conservative thinking only predicts the past. - R Kym Horsell


https://www.forwardparty.com/ . .

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
2024-04-25 11:12:55 UTC
On Thu, 25 Apr 2024 02:08:48 -0400, Governor Swill
Post by Governor Swill
Post by NoBody
On Tue, 23 Apr 2024 13:03:22 -0700, Siri Cruise
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by NoBody
Mayorkas was impeached. The Dems violated rules to stop a trial for
What was his high crime or misdemeanor?
You DO know that's why you have the trial right?
Wrong. *First* the crime is charged, *then* there is a trial. Trials are not held in
order to look for a crime to charge.
Swilly, as usual, is confused. Mayorkas was impeached (that's the
charge). Chucky Schumer refused to hold the required trial.
Max Boot
2024-04-25 15:11:32 UTC
Post by NoBody
On Thu, 25 Apr 2024 02:08:48 -0400, Governor Swill
Post by Governor Swill
Post by NoBody
On Tue, 23 Apr 2024 13:03:22 -0700, Siri Cruise
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by NoBody
Mayorkas was impeached. The Dems violated rules to stop a trial for
What was his high crime or misdemeanor?
You DO know that's why you have the trial right?
Wrong. *First* the crime is charged, *then* there is a trial. Trials are not held in
order to look for a crime to charge.
Swilly, as usual, is confused.
Not in the least.
Post by NoBody
Mayorkas was impeached (that's the charge).
No, that's not the charge. That's the equivalent of an indictment, and an
indictment has to identify a *specific* crime. This impeachment didn't identify
*any* high crime or misdemeanor. This indictment basically came down to
"Mayorkas is a Democrat, and we don't like Democrats, so let's remove him."
That's all it was.
2024-04-25 11:11:02 UTC
Post by John Doe
Post by NoBody
On Tue, 23 Apr 2024 13:03:22 -0700, Siri Cruise
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by NoBody
Mayorkas was impeached. The Dems violated rules to stop a trial for
What was his high crime or misdemeanor?
You DO know that's why you have the trial right?
Here in the USA, we generally try to tell anyone charged with a crime
exactly what said crime is. If we can't point to a law on the books, and
we're still convinced a crime happened, then we pass a new law.
What we don't normally do is charge someone with a generality and plan
to come up with an actual charge at some future date.
Agree 100%. It's a shame the libtards don't care that this is true.
John Doe
2024-04-25 14:05:02 UTC
Post by NoBody
Post by John Doe
Post by NoBody
On Tue, 23 Apr 2024 13:03:22 -0700, Siri Cruise
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by NoBody
Mayorkas was impeached. The Dems violated rules to stop a trial for
What was his high crime or misdemeanor?
You DO know that's why you have the trial right?
Here in the USA, we generally try to tell anyone charged with a crime
exactly what said crime is. If we can't point to a law on the books, and
we're still convinced a crime happened, then we pass a new law.
What we don't normally do is charge someone with a generality and plan
to come up with an actual charge at some future date.
Agree 100%. It's a shame the libtards don't care that this is true.
The indictments against Trump are actually detailed and specific. You
really should research this so you could look smarter.
Max Boot
2024-04-25 15:12:38 UTC
Post by NoBody
Post by John Doe
Post by NoBody
On Tue, 23 Apr 2024 13:03:22 -0700, Siri Cruise
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by NoBody
Mayorkas was impeached. The Dems violated rules to stop a trial for
What was his high crime or misdemeanor?
You DO know that's why you have the trial right?
Here in the USA, we generally try to tell anyone charged with a crime
exactly what said crime is. If we can't point to a law on the books, and
we're still convinced a crime happened, then we pass a new law.
What we don't normally do is charge someone with a generality and plan
to come up with an actual charge at some future date.
Agree 100%.
You agree *zero* percent, because what he described is the exact opposite of
what was done in the sham Mayorkas impeachment.
Max Boot
2024-04-25 15:09:37 UTC
Post by NoBody
On Tue, 23 Apr 2024 13:03:22 -0700, Siri Cruise
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by NoBody
Mayorkas was impeached. The Dems violated rules to stop a trial for
What was his high crime or misdemeanor?
You DO know that's why you have the trial right?
Wrong. You don't hold a trial to try to determine if there was an basis to the
impeachment/indictment. The trial is conducted *only* to determine if the
accused is guilty. If no real crime is charged, then there should be no trial.
John Doe
2024-04-25 22:29:04 UTC
Post by Max Boot
Post by NoBody
On Tue, 23 Apr 2024 13:03:22 -0700, Siri Cruise
Post by Siri Cruise
Mayorkas was impeached.  The Dems violated rules to stop a trial for
What was his high crime or misdemeanor?
You DO know that's why you have the trial right?
Wrong. You don't hold a trial to try to determine if there was an basis
to the impeachment/indictment. The trial is conducted *only* to
determine if the accused is guilty. If no real crime is charged, then
there should be no trial.
Precisely. It's almost as if the people arguing otherwise are listening
to the kind of new service that gets fined hundreds of millions of
dollars because they routinely and repeatedly lie to their viewers.
Governor Swill
2024-04-26 05:41:46 UTC
Post by John Doe
Post by Max Boot
Post by NoBody
On Tue, 23 Apr 2024 13:03:22 -0700, Siri Cruise
Post by Siri Cruise
Mayorkas was impeached.  The Dems violated rules to stop a trial for
What was his high crime or misdemeanor?
You DO know that's why you have the trial right?
Wrong. You don't hold a trial to try to determine if there was an basis
to the impeachment/indictment. The trial is conducted *only* to
determine if the accused is guilty. If no real crime is charged, then
there should be no trial.
Precisely. It's almost as if the people arguing otherwise are listening
to the kind of new service that gets fined hundreds of millions of
dollars because they routinely and repeatedly lie to their viewers.

Conservative thinking only predicts the past. - R Kym Horsell


https://www.forwardparty.com/ . .

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
2024-04-23 11:30:34 UTC
Post by 68hx.1806
Mistrial declared in case of Arizona rancher, 73, accused
of murdering unarmed Mexican migrant on his property - as
he insists 'they won't wear me down'
Kelly, 75, was accused of killing Gabriel Cuen-Butimea on
January 30, 2023, at his home in Nogales, near the Mexican
The decision came after jurors failed to reach a unanimous
decision after more than two full days of deliberation
. . .
I'd have rather seen full acquittal - but this
ought to do.
There will be many more incidents like this since the government will
not enforce the border.
Mitchell Holman
2024-04-23 13:10:57 UTC
Post by 68hx.1806
Mistrial declared in case of Arizona rancher, 73, accused
of murdering unarmed Mexican migrant on his property - as
he insists 'they won't wear me down'
Kelly, 75, was accused of killing Gabriel Cuen-Butimea on
January 30, 2023, at his home in Nogales, near the Mexican
The decision came after jurors failed to reach a unanimous
decision after more than two full days of deliberation
. . .
I'd have rather seen full acquittal - but this
ought to do.
Shooting unarmed kids because their
ball went into your yard, shooting unarmed
girls because they pulled into your driveway,
shooting unarmed kids because they rang your
doorbell, shooting unarmed people on your
land because you think they are illegals,
shooting unarmed neighbors because their
leaf blower is too loud.

For every problem, conservatives
want to shoot someone for it.

Suburban Man Using Leaf Blower on
His Own Property Shot and Killed
By Neighbor
April 28, 2023

John Doe
2024-04-23 13:37:35 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by 68hx.1806
Mistrial declared in case of Arizona rancher, 73, accused
of murdering unarmed Mexican migrant on his property - as
he insists 'they won't wear me down'
Kelly, 75, was accused of killing Gabriel Cuen-Butimea on
January 30, 2023, at his home in Nogales, near the Mexican
The decision came after jurors failed to reach a unanimous
decision after more than two full days of deliberation
. . .
I'd have rather seen full acquittal - but this
ought to do.
Shooting unarmed kids because their
ball went into your yard, shooting unarmed
girls because they pulled into your driveway,
shooting unarmed kids because they rang your
doorbell, shooting unarmed people on your
land because you think they are illegals,
shooting unarmed neighbors because their
leaf blower is too loud.
For every problem, conservatives
want to shoot someone for it.
Post by Mitchell Holman
Suburban Man Using Leaf Blower on
His Own Property Shot and Killed
By Neighbor
April 28, 2023
2024-04-23 17:22:17 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by 68hx.1806
Mistrial declared in case of Arizona rancher, 73, accused
of murdering unarmed Mexican migrant on his property - as
he insists 'they won't wear me down'
Kelly, 75, was accused of killing Gabriel Cuen-Butimea on
January 30, 2023, at his home in Nogales, near the Mexican
The decision came after jurors failed to reach a unanimous
decision after more than two full days of deliberation
. . .
I'd have rather seen full acquittal - but this
ought to do.
Shooting unarmed kids because their
ball went into your yard, shooting unarmed
girls because they pulled into your driveway,
shooting unarmed kids because they rang your
doorbell, shooting unarmed people on your
land because you think they are illegals,
shooting unarmed neighbors because their
leaf blower is too loud.
For every problem, conservatives
want to shoot someone for it.
Meanwhile Liberals generalize to such an extent that so much of what they
claim are lies.

BTW.. just because someone is unarmed doesn't mean they are harmless, the
details matter.. not the sound bites you present above.
John Doe
2024-04-23 19:25:29 UTC
Post by Scout
Post by 68hx.1806
Mistrial declared in case of Arizona rancher, 73, accused
of murdering unarmed Mexican migrant on his property - as
he insists 'they won't wear me down'
Kelly, 75, was accused of killing Gabriel Cuen-Butimea on
January 30, 2023, at his home in Nogales, near the Mexican
The decision came after jurors failed to reach a unanimous
decision after more than two full days of deliberation
. . .
   I'd have rather seen full acquittal - but this
   ought to do.
    Shooting unarmed kids because their
ball went into your yard, shooting unarmed
girls because they pulled into your driveway,
shooting unarmed kids because they rang your
doorbell, shooting unarmed people on your
land because you think they are illegals,
shooting unarmed neighbors because their
leaf blower is too loud.
    For every problem, conservatives
want to shoot someone for it.
Meanwhile Liberals generalize to such an extent that so much of what
they claim are lies.
Irony alert.
Post by Scout
BTW.. just because someone is unarmed doesn't mean they are harmless,
the details matter.. not the sound bites you present above.
Yup. Delivering a pizza is a monumental threat to life and liberty.
2024-04-24 03:10:05 UTC
Post by Scout
Meanwhile Liberals generalize to such an extent that so much of what they
claim are lies.
Once upon a time we had our gun laws and you had yours. Let each state have the
laws it wanted.
There were far fewer, and mostly less restrictive gun laws at the state
and federal levels back in "once upon a time", you unrepentant faggot.
2024-04-25 04:06:41 UTC
Post by Anonymous
Post by Scout
Meanwhile Liberals generalize to such an extent that so much of what
they claim are lies.
Once upon a time we had our gun laws and you had yours. Let each state
have the laws it wanted.
There were far fewer, and mostly less restrictive gun laws at the state
and federal levels back in "once upon a time", you unrepentant faggot.
Heh ... look it up ... there was once a little
revolver called the "Velo Dog Revolver". It's
main advertised purpose was for bicyclists, to
SHOOT DOGS that ran up to accost them. Perfectly
legal and approved in that era :-)

So yea, gun laws WERE a lot more lax back in the
days when Americans still had balls and a sense
of personal liberty.
Governor Swill
2024-04-25 06:21:46 UTC
Post by 68hx.1806
Post by Anonymous
Post by Scout
Meanwhile Liberals generalize to such an extent that so much of what
they claim are lies.
Once upon a time we had our gun laws and you had yours. Let each state
have the laws it wanted.
There were far fewer, and mostly less restrictive gun laws at the state
and federal levels back in "once upon a time", you unrepentant faggot.
Heh ... look it up ... there was once a little
revolver called the "Velo Dog Revolver". It's
main advertised purpose was for bicyclists, to
SHOOT DOGS that ran up to accost them. Perfectly
legal and approved in that era :-)
So yea, gun laws WERE a lot more lax back in the
days when Americans still had balls and a sense
of personal liberty.
Actually, that's not true. Gun laws were much stronger in the 19th century than they are

From the Fordham Law Review:
"The more robust level of regulation associated with the second
wave of bans on concealed weapons, including prohibitions on the sale
of particular classes of weapons, produced another division among
state courts. In a somewhat rambling discussion that took note of
these divisions, the Georgia Supreme Court found that time, place,
and manner restrictions were constitutional, but general prohibitions
were not.203 The Supreme Court of Tennessee rejected this view and
upheld a broad ban on certain classes of weapons. 2z° The Tennessee
court went on to note that "[t]he Legislature thought the evil great,
and, to effectually remove it, made the remedy strong. 20z The more
robust Tennessee model of regulation proved to be the more
influential one.206"

Conservative thinking only predicts the past. - R Kym Horsell


https://www.forwardparty.com/ . .

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
Mitchell Holman
2024-04-25 13:04:57 UTC
Post by 68hx.1806
Post by Anonymous
Post by Scout
Meanwhile Liberals generalize to such an extent that so much of what
they claim are lies.
Once upon a time we had our gun laws and you had yours. Let each state
have the laws it wanted.
There were far fewer, and mostly less restrictive gun laws at the state
and federal levels back in "once upon a time", you unrepentant faggot.
Heh ... look it up ... there was once a little
revolver called the "Velo Dog Revolver". It's
main advertised purpose was for bicyclists, to
SHOOT DOGS that ran up to accost them. Perfectly
legal and approved in that era :-)
So yea, gun laws WERE a lot more lax back in the
days when Americans still had balls and a sense
of personal liberty.
So if we reduced gun control shootings
would go down, right?

Random Gun Violence Up in Cities
After Texas Drops Permits
October 27, 2022

Texas Mass Shootings Up 62.5
Percent Since Permitless Carry Bill

Surge in violent crime in Texas,
relaxed gun laws
Feb 21 2022
2024-04-25 18:40:04 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by 68hx.1806
Post by Anonymous
Post by Scout
Meanwhile Liberals generalize to such an extent that so much of what
they claim are lies.
Once upon a time we had our gun laws and you had yours. Let each
Post by 68hx.1806
Post by Anonymous
have the laws it wanted.
There were far fewer, and mostly less restrictive gun laws at the
Post by 68hx.1806
Post by Anonymous
and federal levels back in "once upon a time", you unrepentant faggot.
Heh ... look it up ... there was once a little
revolver called the "Velo Dog Revolver". It's
main advertised purpose was for bicyclists, to
SHOOT DOGS that ran up to accost them. Perfectly
legal and approved in that era :-)
So yea, gun laws WERE a lot more lax back in the
days when Americans still had balls and a sense
of personal liberty.
So if we reduced gun control shootings
would go down, right?
Well, having them certainly doesn't do it..
2024-04-25 18:50:44 UTC
Post by Scout
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by 68hx.1806
Post by Anonymous
Post by Scout
Meanwhile Liberals generalize to such an extent that so much of
what they claim are lies.
Once upon a time we had our gun laws and you had yours. Let each
Post by 68hx.1806
Post by Anonymous
have the laws it wanted.
There were far fewer, and mostly less restrictive gun laws at the
Post by 68hx.1806
Post by Anonymous
and federal levels back in "once upon a time", you unrepentant faggot.
Heh ... look it up ... there was once a little
revolver called the "Velo Dog Revolver". It's
main advertised purpose was for bicyclists, to
SHOOT DOGS that ran up to accost them. Perfectly
legal and approved in that era :-)
So yea, gun laws WERE a lot more lax back in the
days when Americans still had balls and a sense
of personal liberty.
So if we reduced gun control shootings
would go down, right?
Well, having them certainly doesn't do it..
The first step to settle a personal dispute wasn't to pick up a gun and
shoot somebody either.
2024-04-26 04:07:21 UTC
Post by joe
Post by Scout
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by 68hx.1806
Post by Anonymous
Post by Scout
Meanwhile Liberals generalize to such an extent that so much of
what they claim are lies.
Once upon a time we had our gun laws and you had yours. Let each
Post by 68hx.1806
Post by Anonymous
have the laws it wanted.
There were far fewer, and mostly less restrictive gun laws at the
Post by 68hx.1806
Post by Anonymous
and federal levels back in "once upon a time", you unrepentant faggot.
Heh ... look it up ... there was once a little
revolver called the "Velo Dog Revolver". It's
main advertised purpose was for bicyclists, to
SHOOT DOGS that ran up to accost them. Perfectly
legal and approved in that era :-)
So yea, gun laws WERE a lot more lax back in the
days when Americans still had balls and a sense
of personal liberty.
So if we reduced gun control shootings
would go down, right?
Well, having them certainly doesn't do it..
The first step to settle a personal dispute wasn't to pick up a gun and
shoot somebody either.
True ... outside of certain "rough establishments".
Physical fights were seen as "more honorable".
2024-04-25 19:44:42 UTC
Post by joe
Post by Scout
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by 68hx.1806
Post by Anonymous
Post by Scout
Meanwhile Liberals generalize to such an extent that so much of
what they claim are lies.
Once upon a time we had our gun laws and you had yours. Let each
Post by 68hx.1806
Post by Anonymous
have the laws it wanted.
There were far fewer, and mostly less restrictive gun laws at the
Post by 68hx.1806
Post by Anonymous
and federal levels back in "once upon a time", you unrepentant faggot.
Heh ... look it up ... there was once a little
revolver called the "Velo Dog Revolver". It's
main advertised purpose was for bicyclists, to
SHOOT DOGS that ran up to accost them. Perfectly
legal and approved in that era :-)
So yea, gun laws WERE a lot more lax back in the
days when Americans still had balls and a sense
of personal liberty.
So if we reduced gun control shootings
would go down, right?
Well, having them certainly doesn't do it..
The first step to settle a personal dispute wasn't to pick up a gun and
shoot somebody either.
Sort of depends on the nature of the personal dispute, doesn't it?

Meanwhile, I acknowledge your inability to counter the point I brought up.
Mitchell Holman
2024-04-26 01:35:19 UTC
Post by Scout
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by 68hx.1806
Post by Anonymous
Post by Scout
Meanwhile Liberals generalize to such an extent that so much of what
they claim are lies.
Once upon a time we had our gun laws and you had yours. Let each
Post by 68hx.1806
Post by Anonymous
have the laws it wanted.
There were far fewer, and mostly less restrictive gun laws at the
Post by 68hx.1806
Post by Anonymous
and federal levels back in "once upon a time", you unrepentant faggot.
Heh ... look it up ... there was once a little
revolver called the "Velo Dog Revolver". It's
main advertised purpose was for bicyclists, to
SHOOT DOGS that ran up to accost them. Perfectly
legal and approved in that era :-)
So yea, gun laws WERE a lot more lax back in the
days when Americans still had balls and a sense
of personal liberty.
So if we reduced gun control shootings
would go down, right?
Well, having them certainly doesn't do it..
Fewer guns, fewer murders.

Massachusetts had the lowest gun death
rate in the nation, followed by Hawaii,
New Jersey, New York, and Rhode Island.

Mississippi had the highest gun death
rate in 2021, followed by Louisiana,
New Mexico, Wyoming, and Alabama.

On average, Hawaii has a 10.4% gun
ownership rate, compared to Mississippi,
which has over 50%.
2024-04-26 13:23:21 UTC
Post by Anonymous
Post by Scout
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by 68hx.1806
Post by Anonymous
Post by Scout
Meanwhile Liberals generalize to such an extent that so much of
Post by Scout
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by 68hx.1806
Post by Anonymous
Post by Scout
they claim are lies.
Once upon a time we had our gun laws and you had yours. Let each
Post by 68hx.1806
Post by Anonymous
have the laws it wanted.
There were far fewer, and mostly less restrictive gun laws at the
Post by 68hx.1806
Post by Anonymous
and federal levels back in "once upon a time", you unrepentant
Post by Scout
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by 68hx.1806
Heh ... look it up ... there was once a little
revolver called the "Velo Dog Revolver". It's
main advertised purpose was for bicyclists, to
SHOOT DOGS that ran up to accost them. Perfectly
legal and approved in that era :-)
So yea, gun laws WERE a lot more lax back in the
days when Americans still had balls and a sense
of personal liberty.
So if we reduced gun control shootings
would go down, right?
Well, having them certainly doesn't do it..
Fewer guns, fewer murders.
No evidence that reducing guns would reduce murders.. at most.. you might
change the means but not the outcome.

If fewer guns were the solution.. then Chicago should be one of the most
peaceful cities in the country.. instead they have murders just about ever
weekend... and more through the week.
Richard Clayton Wieber
2024-04-26 14:20:41 UTC
On 4/26/2024 6:23 AM, scooter, the drunken Virginia camper and gutless
Post by Scout
Post by Anonymous
Post by Scout
Post by Anonymous
Post by Scout
Meanwhile Liberals generalize to such an extent that so much of
Post by Scout
Post by Anonymous
Post by Scout
they claim are lies.
Once upon a time we had our gun laws and you had yours. Let each
Post by Anonymous
have the laws it wanted.
There were far fewer, and mostly less restrictive gun laws at the
Post by Anonymous
and federal levels back in "once upon a time", you unrepentant
Post by Scout
   Heh ... look it up ... there was once a little
   revolver called the "Velo Dog Revolver". It's
   main advertised purpose was for bicyclists, to
   SHOOT DOGS that ran up to accost them. Perfectly
   legal and approved in that era  :-)
   So yea, gun laws WERE a lot more lax back in the
   days when Americans still had balls and a sense
   of personal liberty.
 So if we reduced gun control shootings
would go down, right?
Well, having them certainly doesn't do it..
    Fewer guns, fewer murders.
No evidence that reducing guns would reduce murders.
Boatloads of evidence, scooter. States that have fewer guns per capita than
other states have fewer murders per capita and fewer accidental shootings and
fewer suicides. Countries that have fewer guns per capita than other similarly
developed countries also have fewer murders, accidental shootings and suicides.
Post by Scout
If fewer guns were the solution.. then Chicago should be one of the most
peaceful cities in the country.
No, scooter, because guns flow into Chicago freely from red state shithole
Indiana next door.
more guns = more crime
Klaus Schadenfreude
2024-04-26 14:53:22 UTC
Post by Richard Clayton Wieber
Post by Scout
No evidence that reducing guns would reduce murders.
Boatloads of evidence, scooter.
Zero evidence, Cunt Flaps.
X, formerly known as "!Jones"
2024-04-27 01:19:09 UTC
On Fri, 26 Apr 2024 07:20:41 -0700, in talk.politics.guns Richard
Post by Richard Clayton Wieber
Boatloads of evidence, scooter. States that have fewer guns per capita than
other states have fewer murders per capita and fewer accidental shootings and
fewer suicides. Countries that have fewer guns per capita than other similarly
developed countries also have fewer murders, accidental shootings and suicides.
Exactly. The data are obvious. There is no reason to rely on someone
else's study... anyone can do a quick tally:

Start with the UN Human Development Index (HDI), not because the HDI
is such a great metric, but it's available and gives a good general
picture. We need a way to stratify countries for comparison and the
HDI will work. Take countries at or above a score of 0.9

Get those data here:

That'll give you about 25 to 30 societies with the US about the middle
of the pack. Now, look up each country's gun death rate... there
might be some error here because you can't be sure each country is
counting the same metric. Be sure all of them are in the same terms,
i.e.: gun deaths per 100K is common.

Now, it will be important to remove the US from the next calculation:
calculate the mean and standard deviation for all *except* the US.
The last time I ran them, I got 3.6 gun deaths/100K, S.D. = 1.2.

OK, at this point compare the US to the group. A standard deviation
is a measure of how closely the data group about the mean. We should
see that virtually all of the points fall within +- 3 SD of the mean;
however, the US is a full *7* SD above the mean... this is why we had
to remove the US from the calculation; we're so far out in left field,
we'd skew the whole population into meaningless numbers.

You might argue that the P-factor is 0.049 which is a weak case, but
the numbers aren't even *close*.

Of course, we must remember Sinclair's Law: "It is difficult to get a
man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not
understanding it."
George Bass
2024-04-27 01:30:42 UTC
Post by X, formerly known as "!Jones"
On Fri, 26 Apr 2024 07:20:41 -0700, in talk.politics.guns Richard
Post by Richard Clayton Wieber
Boatloads of evidence, scooter. States that have fewer guns per capita
than other states have fewer murders per capita and fewer accidental
shootings and fewer suicides. Countries that have fewer guns per
capita than other similarly developed countries also have fewer
murders, accidental shootings and suicides.
Exactly. The data are obvious. There is no reason to rely on someone
Start with the UN Human Development Index (HDI), not because the HDI
is such a great metric, but it's available and gives a good general
picture. We need a way to stratify countries for comparison and the
HDI will work. Take countries at or above a score of 0.9
That'll give you about 25 to 30 societies with the US about the middle
of the pack. Now, look up each country's gun death rate... there
might be some error here because you can't be sure each country is
counting the same metric. Be sure all of them are in the same terms,
i.e.: gun deaths per 100K is common.
calculate the mean and standard deviation for all *except* the US.
The last time I ran them, I got 3.6 gun deaths/100K, S.D. = 1.2.
OK, at this point compare the US to the group. A standard deviation
is a measure of how closely the data group about the mean. We should
see that virtually all of the points fall within +- 3 SD of the mean;
however, the US is a full *7* SD above the mean... this is why we had
to remove the US from the calculation; we're so far out in left field,
we'd skew the whole population into meaningless numbers.
You might argue that the P-factor is 0.049 which is a weak case, but
the numbers aren't even *close*.
Of course, we must remember Sinclair's Law: "It is difficult to get a
man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not
understanding it."
So you're basically saying the same thing all liberals do, niggers are
stupid and turn to crime.
Mitchell Holman
2024-04-26 17:36:01 UTC
Post by Scout
Post by Anonymous
Post by Scout
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by 68hx.1806
Post by Anonymous
Post by Scout
Meanwhile Liberals generalize to such an extent that so much of
Post by Scout
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by 68hx.1806
Post by Anonymous
Post by Scout
they claim are lies.
Once upon a time we had our gun laws and you had yours. Let each
Post by 68hx.1806
Post by Anonymous
have the laws it wanted.
There were far fewer, and mostly less restrictive gun laws at the
Post by 68hx.1806
Post by Anonymous
and federal levels back in "once upon a time", you unrepentant
Post by Scout
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by 68hx.1806
Heh ... look it up ... there was once a little
revolver called the "Velo Dog Revolver". It's
main advertised purpose was for bicyclists, to
SHOOT DOGS that ran up to accost them. Perfectly
legal and approved in that era :-)
So yea, gun laws WERE a lot more lax back in the
days when Americans still had balls and a sense
of personal liberty.
So if we reduced gun control shootings
would go down, right?
Well, having them certainly doesn't do it..
Fewer guns, fewer murders.
No evidence that reducing guns would reduce murders.. at most.. you
might change the means but not the outcome.
Here is the part you deleted:

Massachusetts had the lowest gun death
rate in the nation, followed by Hawaii,
New Jersey, New York, and Rhode Island.

Mississippi had the highest gun death
rate in 2021, followed by Louisiana,
New Mexico, Wyoming, and Alabama.

On average, Hawaii has a 10.4% gun
ownership rate, compared to Mississippi,
which has over 50%.
Post by Scout
If fewer guns were the solution.. then Chicago should be one of the
most peaceful cities in the country.. instead they have murders just
about ever weekend... and more through the week.
Actually St Louis and Birmingham
and Baton Rouge and Memphis and Tulsa
have higher murder rates than Chicago.

Lou Bricano
2024-04-26 17:56:25 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Scout
Post by Anonymous
Post by Scout
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by 68hx.1806
Post by Anonymous
Post by Scout
Meanwhile Liberals generalize to such an extent that so much of
Post by Scout
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by 68hx.1806
Post by Anonymous
Post by Scout
they claim are lies.
Once upon a time we had our gun laws and you had yours. Let each
Post by 68hx.1806
Post by Anonymous
have the laws it wanted.
There were far fewer, and mostly less restrictive gun laws at the
Post by 68hx.1806
Post by Anonymous
and federal levels back in "once upon a time", you unrepentant
Post by Scout
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by 68hx.1806
Heh ... look it up ... there was once a little
revolver called the "Velo Dog Revolver". It's
main advertised purpose was for bicyclists, to
SHOOT DOGS that ran up to accost them. Perfectly
legal and approved in that era :-)
So yea, gun laws WERE a lot more lax back in the
days when Americans still had balls and a sense
of personal liberty.
So if we reduced gun control shootings
would go down, right?
Well, having them certainly doesn't do it..
Fewer guns, fewer murders.
No evidence that reducing guns would reduce murders.. at most.. you
might change the means but not the outcome.
Massachusetts had the lowest gun death
rate in the nation, followed by Hawaii,
New Jersey, New York, and Rhode Island.
Mississippi had the highest gun death
rate in 2021, followed by Louisiana,
New Mexico, Wyoming, and Alabama.
On average, Hawaii has a 10.4% gun
ownership rate, compared to Mississippi,
which has over 50%.
Post by Scout
If fewer guns were the solution.. then Chicago should be one of the
most peaceful cities in the country.. instead they have murders just
about ever weekend... and more through the week.
Actually St Louis and Birmingham
and Baton Rouge and Memphis and Tulsa
have higher murder rates than Chicago.
Virtually all big cities are run by Democrats. Big cities in shithole red states
have higher gun crime rates than big cities in blue states. Within red shithole
states, shithole red rural areas have gun violence rates every bit as high as in
their Democratic-controlled big cities.

It's the states. Policies set at the state level lead to higher gun crime rates
*throughout* the states.
Randall Floyd
2024-04-23 17:44:12 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by 68hx.1806
s e-Arizona-rancher-73-accused-murdering-Mexican-migrant.html
Mistrial declared in case of Arizona rancher, 73, accused
of murdering unarmed Mexican migrant on his property - as
he insists 'they won't wear me down'
Kelly, 75, was accused of killing Gabriel Cuen-Butimea on
January 30, 2023, at his home in Nogales, near the Mexican
The decision came after jurors failed to reach a unanimous
decision after more than two full days of deliberation
. . .
I'd have rather seen full acquittal - but this
ought to do.
Shooting unarmed kids because their
ball went into your yard, shooting unarmed
girls because they pulled into your driveway,
shooting unarmed kids because they rang your
doorbell, shooting unarmed people on your
land because you think they are illegals,
Trespassing on your property in violation of local law. Organized
invasion in violation of federal law. If they come over the from Mexico
and land on your property, they are trespassing.
Post by Mitchell Holman
shooting unarmed neighbors because their
leaf blower is too loud.
For every problem, conservatives
want to shoot someone for it.
Just like Democrats want to put opposing political candidates in jail on
false charges.

Anybody objecting to the "charges" against Trump has to run the risk of
being called a racist because the majority of those DA's were black.
Democrats intentionally set them up so that if they fail, they can blame
them because they were black and would fail anyway. "But look at the
damage we did."
Mitchell Holman
2024-04-23 18:05:06 UTC
Post by Randall Floyd
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by 68hx.1806
Post by Randall Floyd
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by 68hx.1806
s e-Arizona-rancher-73-accused-murdering-Mexican-migrant.html
Mistrial declared in case of Arizona rancher, 73, accused
of murdering unarmed Mexican migrant on his property - as
he insists 'they won't wear me down'
Kelly, 75, was accused of killing Gabriel Cuen-Butimea on
January 30, 2023, at his home in Nogales, near the Mexican
The decision came after jurors failed to reach a unanimous
decision after more than two full days of deliberation
. . .
I'd have rather seen full acquittal - but this
ought to do.
Shooting unarmed kids because their
ball went into your yard, shooting unarmed
girls because they pulled into your driveway,
shooting unarmed kids because they rang your
doorbell, shooting unarmed people on your
land because you think they are illegals,
Trespassing on your property in violation of local law.
And if a negro boy rings your doorbell
just shoot him for tespassing.

Post by Randall Floyd
invasion in violation of federal law. If they come over the from Mexico
and land on your property, they are trespassing.
And if the person on your land is
a game warden, well, too bad, just shoot
them for trespassing.

"Ohio wildlife officers have the legal
authority to go onto private property,
even when they don't have good cause
to believe that the law is being violated."
2024-04-23 18:27:24 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
And if a negro boy rings your doorbell
just shoot him for tespassing.
It's what Jesus would do.
IRS Are You Paying Attention?
2024-04-23 21:48:13 UTC
Siri Cruise
2024-04-23 22:21:40 UTC
Post by Mick
Post by Mitchell Holman
And if a negro boy rings your doorbell
just shoot him for tespassing.
It's what Jesus would do.
Republican Jesus carries his minigun and knows how to use it.
Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
The Church of the Holey Apple .signature 3.2 / \
of Discordian Mysteries. This post insults Islam. Mohamed
2024-04-24 01:05:18 UTC
Post by Mick
Post by Mitchell Holman
And if a negro boy rings your doorbell
just shoot him for tespassing.
It's what Jesus would do.
There is legit "defense", and then there
are "assassinations". There DOES need to
be an inquiry here as it smells like the
John Doe
2024-04-23 19:23:58 UTC
Post by Randall Floyd
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by 68hx.1806
s e-Arizona-rancher-73-accused-murdering-Mexican-migrant.html
Mistrial declared in case of Arizona rancher, 73, accused
of murdering unarmed Mexican migrant on his property - as
he insists 'they won't wear me down'
Kelly, 75, was accused of killing Gabriel Cuen-Butimea on
January 30, 2023, at his home in Nogales, near the Mexican
The decision came after jurors failed to reach a unanimous
decision after more than two full days of deliberation
. . .
I'd have rather seen full acquittal - but this
ought to do.
Shooting unarmed kids because their
ball went into your yard, shooting unarmed
girls because they pulled into your driveway,
shooting unarmed kids because they rang your
doorbell, shooting unarmed people on your
land because you think they are illegals,
Trespassing on your property in violation of local law. Organized
invasion in violation of federal law. If they come over the from Mexico
and land on your property, they are trespassing.
Post by Mitchell Holman
shooting unarmed neighbors because their
leaf blower is too loud.
For every problem, conservatives
want to shoot someone for it.
Just like Democrats want to put opposing political candidates in jail on
false charges.
Anybody objecting to the "charges" against Trump has to run the risk of
being called a racist because the majority of those DA's were black.
Democrats intentionally set them up so that if they fail, they can blame
them because they were black and would fail anyway. "But look at the
damage we did."
Right. I'm sure it's just a giant coincidence that Trump was party to
4000+ lawsuits BEFORE he even ran for President. But sure, this is all
because he was president. /s

If you want to look at actual election tampering, listen to David
Pecker's testimony during the trial. He was paid to kill stories
unflattering to Trump and to make up bad ones about Hillary.
Governor Swill
2024-04-24 08:44:54 UTC
Post by Randall Floyd
Just like Democrats want to put opposing political candidates in jail on
false charges.
Let us know if they ever pull that off.

Conservative thinking only predicts the past. - R Kym Horsell


https://www.forwardparty.com/ . .

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
max headroom
2024-04-23 14:05:01 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by 68hx.1806
Mistrial declared in case of Arizona rancher, 73, accused
of murdering unarmed Mexican migrant on his property - as
he insists 'they won't wear me down'
Kelly, 75, was accused of killing Gabriel Cuen-Butimea on
January 30, 2023, at his home in Nogales, near the Mexican
The decision came after jurors failed to reach a unanimous
decision after more than two full days of deliberation
I'd have rather seen full acquittal - but this
ought to do.
Shooting unarmed kids because their
ball went into your yard, shooting unarmed
girls because they pulled into your driveway,
shooting unarmed kids because they rang your
doorbell, shooting unarmed people on your
land because you think they are illegals,
shooting unarmed neighbors because their
leaf blower is too loud.
For every problem, conservatives
want to shoot someone for it.
There must be a LOT of conservatives on the streets of Chicago and Baltimore,
Mitchell Holman
2024-04-24 12:45:23 UTC
Post by max headroom
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by 68hx.1806
as e-Arizona-rancher-73-accused-murdering-Mexican-migrant.html
Mistrial declared in case of Arizona rancher, 73, accused
of murdering unarmed Mexican migrant on his property - as
he insists 'they won't wear me down'
Kelly, 75, was accused of killing Gabriel Cuen-Butimea on
January 30, 2023, at his home in Nogales, near the Mexican
The decision came after jurors failed to reach a unanimous
decision after more than two full days of deliberation
I'd have rather seen full acquittal - but this
ought to do.
Shooting unarmed kids because their
ball went into your yard, shooting unarmed
girls because they pulled into your driveway,
shooting unarmed kids because they rang your
doorbell, shooting unarmed people on your
land because you think they are illegals,
shooting unarmed neighbors because their
leaf blower is too loud.
For every problem, conservatives
want to shoot someone for it.
There must be a LOT of conservatives on the streets of Chicago and
Baltimore, eh?
More guns less crime?

Crime Rate by State 2022

Here are the 10 states with the highest homicide rates:

Louisiana (12.4 per 100,000 people)

Missouri (9.8 per 100,000 people)

Nevada (9.1 per 100,000 people)

Maryland (9 per 100,000 people)

Arkansas (8.6 per 100,000 people)

Alaska (8.4 per 100,000 people)

Alabama (8.3 per 100,000 people)

Mississippi (8.2 per 100,000 people)

Illinois (7.8 per 100,000 people)

South Carolina (7.8 per 100,000 people)

max headroom
2024-04-25 01:40:40 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by max headroom
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by 68hx.1806
Mistrial declared in case of Arizona rancher, 73, accused
of murdering unarmed Mexican migrant on his property - as
he insists 'they won't wear me down'
Kelly, 75, was accused of killing Gabriel Cuen-Butimea on
January 30, 2023, at his home in Nogales, near the Mexican
The decision came after jurors failed to reach a unanimous
decision after more than two full days of deliberation
I'd have rather seen full acquittal - but this
ought to do.
Shooting unarmed kids because their
ball went into your yard, shooting unarmed
girls because they pulled into your driveway,
shooting unarmed kids because they rang your
doorbell, shooting unarmed people on your
land because you think they are illegals,
shooting unarmed neighbors because their
leaf blower is too loud.
For every problem, conservatives
want to shoot someone for it.
There must be a LOT of conservatives on the streets of Chicago and
Baltimore, eh?
More guns less crime?
Evasion noted.
Mitchell Holman
2024-04-25 02:07:14 UTC
Post by max headroom
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by max headroom
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by 68hx.1806
Mistrial declared in case of Arizona rancher, 73, accused
of murdering unarmed Mexican migrant on his property - as
he insists 'they won't wear me down'
Kelly, 75, was accused of killing Gabriel Cuen-Butimea on
January 30, 2023, at his home in Nogales, near the Mexican
The decision came after jurors failed to reach a unanimous
decision after more than two full days of deliberation
I'd have rather seen full acquittal - but this
ought to do.
Shooting unarmed kids because their
ball went into your yard, shooting unarmed
girls because they pulled into your driveway,
shooting unarmed kids because they rang your
doorbell, shooting unarmed people on your
land because you think they are illegals,
shooting unarmed neighbors because their
leaf blower is too loud.
For every problem, conservatives
want to shoot someone for it.
There must be a LOT of conservatives on the streets of Chicago and
Baltimore, eh?
More guns less crime?
Evasion noted.
Deletion of data noted.

If more guns mean less crime why
are the most gun-laden places the most

Texas has more fatal road rage
shootings than any other state by
significant margin
August 23, 2022
2024-04-25 10:32:17 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by max headroom
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by max headroom
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by 68hx.1806
Mistrial declared in case of Arizona rancher, 73, accused
of murdering unarmed Mexican migrant on his property - as
he insists 'they won't wear me down'
Kelly, 75, was accused of killing Gabriel Cuen-Butimea on
January 30, 2023, at his home in Nogales, near the Mexican
The decision came after jurors failed to reach a unanimous
decision after more than two full days of deliberation
I'd have rather seen full acquittal - but this
ought to do.
Shooting unarmed kids because their
ball went into your yard, shooting unarmed
girls because they pulled into your driveway,
shooting unarmed kids because they rang your
doorbell, shooting unarmed people on your
land because you think they are illegals,
shooting unarmed neighbors because their
leaf blower is too loud.
For every problem, conservatives
want to shoot someone for it.
There must be a LOT of conservatives on the streets of Chicago and
Baltimore, eh?
More guns less crime?
Evasion noted.
Deletion of data noted.
If more guns mean less crime why
are the most gun-laden places the most
So you're telling us that gun control doesn't work?

I mean the most dangerous places are often those with the most gun control.
Mitchell Holman
2024-04-25 13:00:50 UTC
Post by Scout
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by max headroom
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by max headroom
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by 68hx.1806
Mistrial declared in case of Arizona rancher, 73, accused
of murdering unarmed Mexican migrant on his property - as
he insists 'they won't wear me down'
Kelly, 75, was accused of killing Gabriel Cuen-Butimea on
January 30, 2023, at his home in Nogales, near the Mexican
The decision came after jurors failed to reach a unanimous
decision after more than two full days of deliberation
I'd have rather seen full acquittal - but this
ought to do.
Shooting unarmed kids because their
ball went into your yard, shooting unarmed
girls because they pulled into your driveway,
shooting unarmed kids because they rang your
doorbell, shooting unarmed people on your
land because you think they are illegals,
shooting unarmed neighbors because their
leaf blower is too loud.
For every problem, conservatives
want to shoot someone for it.
There must be a LOT of conservatives on the streets of Chicago and
Baltimore, eh?
More guns less crime?
Evasion noted.
Deletion of data noted.
If more guns mean less crime why
are the most gun-laden places the most
So you're telling us that gun control doesn't work?
What gun control?

Deaths from firearms keep climbing
in Texas, decades after lawmakers
began weakening gun regulations
MAY 10, 2023

Random Gun Violence Up in Cities
After Texas Drops Permits
October 27, 2022

Texas Mass Shootings Up 62.5 Percent
Since Permitless Carry Bill

Surge in violent crime in Texas,
relaxed gun laws
Feb 21 2022
2024-04-25 18:38:32 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Scout
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by max headroom
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by max headroom
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by 68hx.1806
Mistrial declared in case of Arizona rancher, 73, accused
of murdering unarmed Mexican migrant on his property - as
he insists 'they won't wear me down'
Kelly, 75, was accused of killing Gabriel Cuen-Butimea on
January 30, 2023, at his home in Nogales, near the Mexican
The decision came after jurors failed to reach a unanimous
decision after more than two full days of deliberation
I'd have rather seen full acquittal - but this
ought to do.
Shooting unarmed kids because their
ball went into your yard, shooting unarmed
girls because they pulled into your driveway,
shooting unarmed kids because they rang your
doorbell, shooting unarmed people on your
land because you think they are illegals,
shooting unarmed neighbors because their
leaf blower is too loud.
For every problem, conservatives
want to shoot someone for it.
There must be a LOT of conservatives on the streets of Chicago and
Baltimore, eh?
More guns less crime?
Evasion noted.
Deletion of data noted.
If more guns mean less crime why
are the most gun-laden places the most
So you're telling us that gun control doesn't work?
What gun control?
So we don't need gun control?
Governor Swill
2024-04-25 06:11:49 UTC
Post by max headroom
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by max headroom
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by 68hx.1806
Mistrial declared in case of Arizona rancher, 73, accused
of murdering unarmed Mexican migrant on his property - as
he insists 'they won't wear me down'
Kelly, 75, was accused of killing Gabriel Cuen-Butimea on
January 30, 2023, at his home in Nogales, near the Mexican
The decision came after jurors failed to reach a unanimous
decision after more than two full days of deliberation
I'd have rather seen full acquittal - but this
ought to do.
Shooting unarmed kids because their
ball went into your yard, shooting unarmed
girls because they pulled into your driveway,
shooting unarmed kids because they rang your
doorbell, shooting unarmed people on your
land because you think they are illegals,
shooting unarmed neighbors because their
leaf blower is too loud.
For every problem, conservatives
want to shoot someone for it.
There must be a LOT of conservatives on the streets of Chicago and
Baltimore, eh?
More guns less crime?
Evasion noted.
You snipped his answer. Yes, he did answer.
Post by max headroom
Post by Mitchell Holman
Louisiana (12.4 per 100,000 people)
Missouri (9.8 per 100,000 people)
Nevada (9.1 per 100,000 people)
Maryland (9 per 100,000 people)
Arkansas (8.6 per 100,000 people)
Alaska (8.4 per 100,000 people)
Alabama (8.3 per 100,000 people)
Mississippi (8.2 per 100,000 people)
Chicago is in Illinois.
Post by max headroom
Post by Mitchell Holman
Illinois (7.8 per 100,000 people)
South Carolina (7.8 per 100,000 people)
Conservative thinking only predicts the past. - R Kym Horsell


https://www.forwardparty.com/ . .

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
Governor Swill
2024-04-24 07:20:35 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by 68hx.1806
Mistrial declared in case of Arizona rancher, 73, accused
of murdering unarmed Mexican migrant on his property - as
he insists 'they won't wear me down'
Kelly, 75, was accused of killing Gabriel Cuen-Butimea on
January 30, 2023, at his home in Nogales, near the Mexican
The decision came after jurors failed to reach a unanimous
decision after more than two full days of deliberation
. . .
I'd have rather seen full acquittal - but this
ought to do.
Shooting unarmed kids because their
ball went into your yard, shooting unarmed
girls because they pulled into your driveway,
shooting unarmed kids because they rang your
doorbell, shooting unarmed people on your
land because you think they are illegals,
shooting unarmed neighbors because their
leaf blower is too loud.
For every problem, conservatives
want to shoot someone for it.
Suburban Man Using Leaf Blower on
His Own Property Shot and Killed
By Neighbor
April 28, 2023
If leaf blower guy had been armed with a gun instead of that useless leaf blower, he might
be alive today.



Conservative thinking only predicts the past. - R Kym Horsell


https://www.forwardparty.com/ . .

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
Mitchell Holman
2024-04-24 12:46:43 UTC
On Tue, 23 Apr 2024 13:10:57 +0000, Mitchell Holman
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by 68hx.1806
as e-Arizona-rancher-73-accused-murdering-Mexican-migrant.html
Mistrial declared in case of Arizona rancher, 73, accused
of murdering unarmed Mexican migrant on his property - as
he insists 'they won't wear me down'
Kelly, 75, was accused of killing Gabriel Cuen-Butimea on
January 30, 2023, at his home in Nogales, near the Mexican
The decision came after jurors failed to reach a unanimous
decision after more than two full days of deliberation
. . .
I'd have rather seen full acquittal - but this
ought to do.
Shooting unarmed kids because their
ball went into your yard, shooting unarmed
girls because they pulled into your driveway,
shooting unarmed kids because they rang your
doorbell, shooting unarmed people on your
land because you think they are illegals,
shooting unarmed neighbors because their
leaf blower is too loud.
For every problem, conservatives
want to shoot someone for it.
Suburban Man Using Leaf Blower on
His Own Property Shot and Killed
By Neighbor
April 28, 2023
his- own-property-shot-and-killed-by-neighbor-during-dispute-
If leaf blower guy had been armed with a gun instead of that useless
leaf blower, he might be alive today.
"You will only get my leafblower when you
pry from my cold dead hands"
Biden Bribe Buddies
2024-04-26 03:29:38 UTC