Needless use of %defattr (in 4464 packages)
Jason L Tibbitts III
2016-01-25 22:34:55 UTC
The %defattr statement in the %files section of a spec is used to
specify the default mode and user/group for the files and directories
which follow. However, for a very, very long time, RPM has provided a
default value, and no version of RPM in use in any Fedora or EPEL
version requires a defattr statement. It is completely pointless to
provide one which just sets the defaults to the existing defaults. It
might be that EL4 required it; I can't remember that far back.

There are of course valid reasons to use %defattr to set a non-default
value, or even to reset to the default after using different values, but
I don't expect a new packager, looking at existing spec files, to
understand which uses are valid and which aren't. The needless uses
should all be removed.

I grepped for all instances of %defattr immediately after a %files line
which which simply repeat the default values. This probably has some
false negatives, but should also filter out all legitimate uses. It
catches more than enough packages as it is. I found 27 different
variations of %defattr simply setting the default value. Some of these
differ only in trailing whitespace:

%defattr (0644,root,root,0755)$ %defattr(-, root, root,-) $
%defattr(0644, root, root, 0755)$ %defattr(-, root,root, -)$
%defattr(0644,root,root,0755)$ %defattr(-, root,root,-)$
%defattr(0644,root,root,755)$ %defattr(-,root, root,-)$
%defattr(644, root, root, 755)$ %defattr(-,root,root, -)$
%defattr(644,root,root,755)$ %defattr(-,root,root,-)$
%defattr (-, root, root, -)$ %defattr(-,root,root,-) $
%defattr (-, root, root, -) $ %defattr(-,root,root,-) \$
%defattr (-, root, root,-)$ %defattr(-,root,root,)$
%defattr (-,root,root, -)$ %defattr (-, root, root, 0755)$
%defattr (-,root,root,-)$ %defattr(-, root, root, 0755)$
%defattr(-, root, root, -)$ %defattr(-,root,root,0755)$
%defattr(-, root, root, -) $ %defattr(-,root,root,755)$
%defattr(-, root, root,-)$

The lack of consistency is also troubling. I really do feel bad for a
new packager trying to understand this.

A huge list of packages and owners follows. Please consider cleaning up
your packages if you can. (Yes, I have some on the list, which
I've fixed already.) Packagers with no owners listed might have been
orphaned or retired but are still showing up in the spec tarball.

- J<

0xFFFF (dwmw2)
389-admin (rmeggins, nhosoi, nkinder, mreynolds)
389-admin-console (rmeggins, nkinder, nhosoi, mreynolds)
389-adminutil (rmeggins, nkinder, nhosoi, mreynolds)
389-console (rmeggins, nkinder, nhosoi, mreynolds)
389-ds (rmeggins, nhosoi, nkinder, mreynolds)
389-ds-base (rmeggins, nkinder, nhosoi, mreynolds)
389-ds-console (rmeggins, nhosoi, nkinder, mreynolds)
389-dsgw (rmeggins, nkinder, nhosoi, mreynolds)
3Depict (mycae)
3proxy (hubbitus)
915resolution (has been retired?)
a2ps (twaugh)
abcm2ps (gemi)
abgraph (mmahut)
abook (rathann, itamarjp)
abrt (abrt-team, vda, jfilak, mhabrnal)
accrete (mmahut)
acpitool (tuxbrewr)
activemq-cpp (stevetraylen)
adf-accanthis-fonts (nim, frixxon)
adns (thozza, rvokal)
afuse (spot)
agedu (jussilehtola)
agg (limb, alexl, caillon, hadess, johnp, mbarnes, rstrode, ssp, tomh)
AGReader (limb)
ahcpd (limb)
aide (mildew)
ailurus (liangsuilong)
aircrack-ng (till)
airinv (denisarnaud)
airrac (denisarnaud)
airtsp (denisarnaud)
aldo (dp67)
alevt (lucilanga)
alexandria (mtasaka)
allegro5 (bamccaig)
AllegroOGG (jwrdegoede)
alpine (joshuadf, jima, rdieter, pwouters, cheese)
altermime (timj, steve)
alure (guidograzioli, julian)
amanith (spot)
amavisd-new (jorti, steve, kanarip)
anchorman (tdfischer)
angrydd (limb)
ann (sharkcz)
ant (jcapik, akurtakov, kdaniel, mizdebsk, msrb, msimacek)
AntTweakBar (dmlb2000)
anyremote (anyremote)
apachetop (maxamillion, robert)
apbs (timfenn, rathann)
apcupsd (mhlavink)
ape (jussilehtola)
appframework (omajid)
apr (jorton, bojan, jkaluza)
apr-api-docs (bojan)
apricots (limb)
apr-util (jorton, bojan, jkaluza)
apt-mirror ()
apvlv (till)
arandr (mzatko, humaton)
archivemail (limb)
archivemount (devos)
archmage (lbazan)
argyllcms (rhughes)
arj (robert, lyosnorezel)
armadillo (jamatos, conrads, rcurtin)
arm-boot-config (blc)
arm-none-eabi-binutils-cs (mhlavink)
arm-none-eabi-gcc-cs (mhlavink)
arm-none-eabi-gdb (mzatko)
arm-none-eabi-newlib (mhlavink)
arpage (verdurin)
arp-scan (itamarjp)
arptools (jhrozek)
artha (roshansingh)
arts (than, rdieter, kkofler)
ascii (s4504kr)
asc-music (jwrdegoede)
asl (brouhaha)
aspell-af (kasal, jchaloup, nforro)
aspell-bg (jchaloup, nforro)
aspell-br (jchaloup, nforro)
aspell-ca (jchaloup, nforro)
aspell-cs (jchaloup, nforro)
aspell-cy (jchaloup, nforro)
aspell-da (jchaloup, nforro)
aspell-el (jchaloup, nforro)
aspell-es (jchaloup, nforro)
aspell-fo (jchaloup, nforro)
aspell-fr (jchaloup, nforro)
aspell-ga (jchaloup, nforro)
aspell-gd (jchaloup, nforro)
aspell-hr (jchaloup, nforro)
aspell-id (jchaloup, nforro)
aspell-is (jchaloup, nforro)
aspell-it (jchaloup, nforro)
aspell-nl (jchaloup, nforro)
aspell-no (jchaloup, nforro)
aspell-pl (jchaloup, nforro)
aspell-pt_BR (jchaloup, nforro)
aspell-pt_PT (jchaloup, nforro)
aspell-sk (ondrejj)
aspell-sl (jchaloup, nforro)
aspell-sv (jchaloup, nforro)
asterisk (itamarjp, russellb, jsmith)
asterisk-sounds-core (itamarjp, jsmith)
astromenace (limb)
astronomy-backgrounds (mmahut)
astronomy-bookmarks (mmahut)
atanks (limb)
athcool (drago01)
atmel-firmware (kwizart, linville)
atool (eldermarco)
audio-entropyd (spot)
audit (sgrubb, mitr)
augeas (lutter, apevec, mdbooth, domcleal)
aunit (landgraf)
authconfig (tmraz, jlieskov)
authd (aledvink)
autoconf213 (praiskup, kasal)
autodownloader (jwrdegoede)
autofs (iankent, jmoyer)
autojump (tnorth, ttomecek, codeblock)
automoc (rdieter, tuxbrewr, jreznik)
autotest-framework (mkrizek, cleber, dzickus)
avarice (lucilanga)
avoision (spot)
avr-binutils (tnorth, trondd, mhlavink)
avr-gcc (tnorth, trondd, ndim, mhlavink)
avr-gdb (tnorth, trondd)
avr-libc (tnorth, trondd, mhlavink)
awstats (plautrba)
b43-fwcutter (linville)
b43-openfwwf (peter)
babel (jcollie, nphilipp, fschwarz)
babl (deji, nphilipp)
backup-light (fab)
backup-manager (llaumgui)
backupninja (dfateyev)
BackupPC (bjohnson)
bacula (slaanesh, ixs, limb, phracek)
bacula2 (limb)
baekmuk-bdf-fonts (ueno)
baekmuk-ttf-fonts (ueno)
bakefile (filiperosset)
bakery (hguemar)
balance (itamarjp, lbazan)
bandwidthd (ondrejj)
bangarang (jreznik)
banner (cheeselee, oliver)
banshee-community-extensions (chkr, npmccallum, elsupergomez)
banshee-mirage ()
barrage (limb)
basesystem (ovasik)
bashdb (roma)
bastet (limb)
batti (cwickert, tomspur)
bc (fkluknav, kasal, ovasik)
bcm43xx-fwcutter (dwmw2)
bcrypt (limb)
beacon (satyak)
beakerlib (afri, sopos)
beansbinding (omajid)
beanstalkd (jjh, gnat)
BEDTools (verdurin)
beecrypt (robert)
beefy-miracle-kde-theme (jreznik, than, rdieter, ltinkl, mbriza)
beep (ndim)
belier (louizatakk)
beteckna-fonts (ankursinha)
bfa-firmware (spot, kyle)
bfast (verdurin)
bharati-m17n (sandeeps)
bib2html (terjeros)
BibTool (mjg, jgu)
bicon (fujiwara)
bilbo (has been retired?)
biloba (limb, cheese)
bind (thozza, atkac, pspacek, pavlix)
bind-dyndb-ldap (pspacek, atkac, thozza)
bindfs (till)
bind-to-tinydns (itamarjp, timj)
bing (jfsaucier)
biniax (limb)
binutils (nickc, aoliva, jakub, jankratochvil, law)
biosdevname (praveenp, mebrown, msekleta, vpavlin, lnykryn)
bip (bcl, mmahut)
bird (ersin, jgorig, msekleta)
BitchX (kme, rdieter)
bitfrost (dsd, cjb, pbrobinson)
bitlbee (robert)
bitstream-vera-fonts (nim, alexl, caillon, caolanm, hadess, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, ssp, group::gnome-sig)
bitten (timn)
bltk (jskarvad)
blueproximity (jsteffan)
bmake (lbazan, jmmv)
bmpanel2 (mmoeller)
bochs (clalance, limb, aquini)
bodr (belegdol)
bogofilter (adrian)
bombardier (limb)
bonnie++ (rmyers, steve, jokajak)
boost (pmachata, denisarnaud, jwakely)
bowtie (verdurin)
boxes (jhrozek)
bristol (limb)
btanks (bruno)
bti (salimma)
btrfs-progs (josef, mmahut, sandeen)
bubblemon (awjb)
burp (kaptk2, cicku)
bwa (verdurin)
bwbar (adrian)
byobu (hpejakle)
bzflag (nphilipp, jmakey)
bzr (hno, pstodulk, vvitek)
bzr-explorer ()
bzrtools (hno)
cabextract (rdieter, jorti)
ca-certificates (kengert, tmraz, pwouters, jorton)
cagibi (jreznik, rdieter, than, ltinkl)
cairo-dock (mtasaka)
calamaris (robert)
calc (mattdm)
calcurse (limb)
calendar (dcantrel)
callgit (dp67)
cambozola (cquad)
c-ares (spot, jhrozek)
cas (astokes)
cashe (james)
catdoc (drago01, robert)
catfish (mtasaka)
CBFlib (timfenn)
cbios (jwrdegoede)
cbrpager (mtasaka)
ccache (scop)
ccd2iso (msk61)
cciss_vol_status (roysjosh, jokajak)
ccrtp (ixs)
ccze (hubbitus)
cdlabelgen (rathann, itamarjp)
cdpr (stahnma)
celt051 (alexl)
celt071 (chkr)
ceph (kkeithle, jdieter, steve, stingray, ke4qqq, dmick, branto, ktdreyer, dachary)
certmaster (ssalevan, wakko666, alikins)
certmonger (nalin, mharmsen, jcholast)
cfdg (limb)
cfdg-fe (limb)
cfengine (cicku, ravenoak)
cfv (wolfy)
CGAL (rineau)
cgdb (gilboa)
cgit (tmz, kevin, praiskup)
chameleon (jortel)
CharLS (mrceresa)
chatzilla (hicham)
check_postgres (devrim)
cherokee (pali)
chipmunk (limb)
chkrootkit (limb)
chm2pdf (hubbitus)
chntpw (konradm)
chordii (sciurius)
cifs-utils (sprabhu, simo)
ckermit (brouhaha)
cksfv (rathann)
clac (wolfy)
clamav (nb, pwouters)
clamav-unofficial-sigs (topdog)
clamz (radford)
clapham (brouhaha)
clawsker (cwickert, mschwendt)
clc (elanthis)
cleanfeed (rathann)
clearsilver (limb)
clement (jmrcpn)
clipit (comzeradd)
clipsmm (timn)
clpbar (dcantrel)
clthreads (bsjones, nando)
clucene (deji, jreznik, rdieter)
clucene09 (rdieter)
clustershell (sthiell)
clutter-gst (pbrobinson)
cmake-fedora (dchen)
cmconvert (pcfe)
cmigemo (mtasaka)
cminpack (rmattes)
cmospwd (till)
cmpi-bindings (vcrhonek, jsafrane)
coccinella ()
coco-coq (limb)
cocot (ueno)
code-editor (ilyes)
coffee-script (patches, jamielinux, group::nodejs-sig)
Coin2 (corsepiu)
coldet (jwrdegoede)
collada-dom (timn, thofmann)
color-filesystem (kwizart, rhughes)
colorgcc (mcermak)
colorize (hubbitus)
colossus (bruno)
colrdx (dp67)
comix (mtasaka)
commoncpp2 (ixs)
compat-guichan05 (limb)
compat-libffi (ausil, dbhole)
compat-readline5 (mlichvar)
comps-extras (notting)
concordance (swt2c)
condor-ec2-enhanced (rrati)
condor-ec2-enhanced-hooks (rrati)
condor-low-latency (rrati)
congruity (adamwill, swt2c)
conman (tuxbrewr, dsommers, vda)
conmux (bpeck)
connect-proxy (izhar)
conserver (jkastner)
constantine-backgrounds (mso)
constantine-kde-theme (jreznik, rdieter, ltinkl, than, mbriza)
cook (gemi)
coolkey (rrelyea, jmagne)
coot (timfenn)
coreutils (ovasik, twaugh, kdudka, jwilson, pbrady, kzak, ooprala)
coriander (timn, dajt)
corkscrew (rishi)
corosync (sdake, agk, honzaf)
cowpatty (sagarun)
cp2k (rathann, tomspur, deji)
cpdup (salimma)
cpipe (terjeros)
cppad (bradbell)
cpptest (raphgro)
cppunit (tuxbrewr)
CQRlib (tmatsuu, krege)
crash (crash)
crcimg (pbrobinson)
crda (linville)
createrepo (packaging-team, lmacken, james, vmukhame)
crlibm (timn)
crontabs (mmaslano, tmraz)
crossfire (limb)
crossfire-client (limb)
crossfire-maps (limb)
crudminer (icon)
cryptkeeper (hicham)
crypto-policies (nmav)
crystal-clear ()
crystal-stacker-themes (jwrdegoede)
cscope (nhorman)
csmash ()
csmith (nonamedotc)
csslint (llaumgui)
csstidy (hubbitus)
cstream (ndim)
csync2 (simonp)
ctags (than)
ctapi-common ()
CTL (kwizart)
ctorrent (jcapik, itamarjp)
ctpl (dmaphy)
cuneiform (krege)
cups-bjnp (llagendijk)
cups-pk-helper (mkasik)
curblaster (limb)
curlpp (vpaan, ankursinha)
cutecom (rmattes)
cutecw (hardaker)
CVector (tmatsuu, krege)
cvs2cl (kkofler)
cvs2svn ()
cvsgraph (mmahut, bojan)
cvsplot (mmahut)
cvsweb (mmahut)
cycle (limb)
cylindrix (limb)
daemonize (slankes)
dahdi-tools (jcollie, bruno, itamarjp)
dansguardian (heffer, steve, cicku)
dar (lbazan)
darkclient (kushal)
dasher (yaneti, alexl, caillon, caolanm, hadess, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, ssp, group::gnome-sig)
datalog (ramsdell)
davfs2 (wwoods)
dbench (johnp, mstevens)
dbmail (bjohnson)
dbus-qt3 (kkofler)
dc3dd (maxamillion, rebus)
dcfldd (rebus)
dclib ()
dd2 (jwrdegoede)
ddd (limb, grover)
ddrescue (rebus, jussilehtola, ndim)
dd_rescue (rebus, ndim, jussilehtola, steve)
debmirror (puiterwijk)
debootstrap (jvcelak, oron)
dejavu-fonts (nim, pgordon, frixxon)
deltarpm (jdieter)
demorse (jskarvad, dp67)
denemo (rrankin)
deutex (limb)
dev86 (jnovy, lkundrak)
device-mapper-multipath (lvm-team, cfeist, kzak, mbroz, mornfall, pjones, agk, bmarzins, mauelsha, msnitzer, prajnoha)
devilspie (hannes)
devtodo (puiterwijk)
dfish (jkaluza)
dfu-util (tuju, jreznik, brouhaha)
dgae (limb)
dgc (chitlesh, jcapik)
dhcp-forwarder (pwouters)
dhcp_probe (dbruno)
dh-make (kanarip, oron, sergiomb)
dia-CMOS (chitlesh, jcapik)
dia-Digital (chitlesh, jcapik)
dia-electric2 (chitlesh, jcapik)
dia-electronic (chitlesh, jcapik)
dia-optics (tnorth)
diaser (dbrasher)
diction (limb)
dieharder (jhladky)
dietlibc (limb)
diffpdf (till)
diffstat (twaugh)
digikamimageplugins ()
digikamimageplugins-doc (mgarski)
din (verdurin)
ding-libs (sgallagh, pbrezina, jzeleny, jhrozek, rharwood)
dinotrace (cicku)
dirvish (robmv)
disktype (richardfearn, kwizart)
dislocker (robert)
distcc (limb, grover)
dist-git (asamalik)
DivFix++ (hubbitus)
djmount (jfsaucier)
djvulibre (fcami, mkasik)
dl (gbailey, herrold)
dlm (teigland, agk)
dmlite (rocha, aalvarez, adev, lfield, andreamanzi)
dmlite-shell (adev)
dmz-cursor-themes (company)
dnscap (thozza)
dnsmap (lystor, rebus, fab)
dnsmasq (thozza, itamarjp, veillard, pbrady, laine, pavlix)
dnsperf (pwouters, thozza)
dnssec-check (hardaker)
dnssec-system-tray (hardaker)
dnssec-tools (hardaker)
docbook2X (slankes)
docbook5-schemas (ovasik)
docbook5-style-xsl (ovasik)
docbook-dtds (ovasik, kasal, kdudka)
docbook-simple (ovasik)
docbook-slides (ovasik)
docbook-style-dsssl (ovasik)
docbook-style-xsl (ovasik, kdudka)
docbook-utils (ovasik)
dogtag-pki (mharmsen, edewata, vakwetu, kwright)
dogtag-pki-theme (mharmsen, edewata, vakwetu, kwright)
dojo (topdog)
dokuwiki (topdog, atkac, kaptk2)
dolphin-connector (poetinha)
doodle (karlik)
dos2unix (twaugh, waterlan)
dosfstools (jskarvad)
dot2tex (radford)
dpsearch (codeblock, kevin, jam3s)
dracut (dracut-maint, harald, kay, zbyszek)
dracut-modules-olpc (dsd, pbrobinson, cjb, yaderv)
drascula (lucilanga)
drascula-international (jwrdegoede)
drascula-music (jwrdegoede)
drbd (mhayden)
drbdlinks (robert)
dreampie (cicku)
drgeo-doc (brouhaha)
driftnet (pwouters)
drobo-utils (imntreal, grover)
dropwatch (nhorman)
drraw (xavierb)
drupal6 (limb, pfrields, slankes, asrob, siwinski)
drupal6-addthis (siwinski, asrob)
drupal6-admin_menu (pfrields, asrob, siwinski)
drupal6-advanced-help (slankes, limb)
drupal6-authfas (pfrields, asrob, siwinski)
drupal6-auto_nodetitle (asrob, pfrields, slankes, siwinski)
drupal6-backup_migrate (pfrields, siwinski, asrob)
drupal6-better_formats (siwinski, asrob)
drupal6-block_class (siwinski, asrob)
drupal6-calendar (limb)
drupal6-cck (limb)
drupal6-comment_bonus_api (siwinski, asrob)
drupal6-context (siwinski, asrob)
drupal6-context_menu_block (siwinski, asrob)
drupal6-ctools (asrob, slankes, siwinski)
drupal6-custom_breadcrumbs (siwinski, asrob)
drupal6-date (limb)
drupal6-devel (siwinski, asrob)
drupal6-diff (pfrields, asrob, siwinski)
drupal6-eazylaunch (siwinski, asrob)
drupal6-emfield (siwinski, asrob)
drupal6-faq (siwinski, asrob)
drupal6-features (asrob, pfrields, siwinski)
drupal6-features_extra (asrob, pfrields, siwinski)
drupal6-feeds (asrob, slankes, pfrields, siwinski)
drupal6-filefield (pfrields, asrob, siwinski)
drupal6-fivestar (siwinski, asrob)
drupal6-flag (siwinski, asrob)
drupal6-flexifilter (slankes, limb)
drupal6-footnotes (slankes, limb)
drupal6-geshifilter (siwinski, asrob)
drupal6-image (pfrields, asrob, siwinski)
drupal6-imageapi (siwinski, asrob)
drupal6-imagecache (siwinski, asrob)
drupal6-imagecache_profiles (siwinski, asrob)
drupal6-imagefield (siwinski, asrob)
drupal6-image_resize_filter (siwinski, asrob)
drupal6-insert (siwinski, asrob)
drupal6-job_scheduler (asrob, slankes, siwinski)
drupal6-link (siwinski, asrob)
drupal6-login_destination (pfrields, asrob, siwinski)
drupal6-markdown (siwinski, asrob)
drupal6-media_vimeo (siwinski, asrob)
drupal6-media_youku (siwinski, asrob)
drupal6-menu_block (siwinski, asrob)
drupal6-messaging (siwinski, asrob)
drupal6-mobile_tools (asrob, pfrields, siwinski)
drupal6-node_import (siwinski, asrob)
drupal6-notifications (siwinski, asrob)
drupal6-og (siwinski, asrob)
drupal6-pathauto (asrob, slankes, siwinski)
drupal6-path_redirect (siwinski, asrob)
drupal6-prepopulate (siwinski, asrob)
drupal6-rules (asrob, slankes, siwinski)
drupal6-service_links (limb)
drupal6-stringoverrides (siwinski, asrob)
drupal6-strongarm (asrob, pfrields, siwinski)
drupal6-theme-ninesixty (pfrields, asrob, siwinski)
drupal6-token (asrob, pfrields, slankes, siwinski)
drupal6-user_badges (siwinski, asrob)
drupal6-userpoints (siwinski, asrob)
drupal6-userpoints_votingapi (siwinski, asrob)
drupal6-vertical_tabs (siwinski, asrob)
drupal6-views (limb, pfrields)
drupal6-views_bonus (siwinski, asrob)
drupal6-views_bulk_operations (asrob, slankes, siwinski)
drupal6-views_customfield (siwinski, asrob)
drupal6-views_datasource (siwinski, asrob)
drupal6-vote_up_down (siwinski, asrob)
drupal6-votingapi (jknife, siwinski, asrob)
drupal6-wikitools (siwinski, asrob)
drupal6-workspace (limb)
drupal6-yubikey (kad)
drupal7 (limb, pfrields, asrob, siwinski, jsmith)
drupal7-active_tags (sdodson, siwinski, asrob)
drupal7-admin_language (siwinski, asrob)
drupal7-advanced_help (asrob, jsmith, pfrields, siwinski)
drupal7-auto_nodetitle (asrob, jsmith, pfrields, siwinski)
drupal7-backup_migrate (sdodson, pfrields, asrob, siwinski)
drupal7-boxes (siwinski, asrob)
drupal7-calendar (asrob, jsmith, pfrields, siwinski)
drupal7-cck (sdodson, asrob, siwinski)
drupal7-chosen (sdodson, asrob, siwinski)
drupal7-context (sdodson, asrob, siwinski)
drupal7-crumbs (siwinski, asrob)
drupal7-cs_adaptive_image (siwinski, asrob)
drupal7-ctools (jsmith, asrob, siwinski)
drupal7-date (jsmith, asrob, siwinski)
drupal7-date_ical (asrob, jsmith, siwinski)
drupal7-diff (pfrields, asrob, sdodson, siwinski)
drupal7-domain (siwinski, asrob)
drupal7-domain_locale (siwinski, asrob)
drupal7-domain_views (siwinski, asrob)
drupal7-drush_language (siwinski, asrob)
drupal7-ds (siwinski, asrob)
drupal7-entity (sdodson, asrob, siwinski)
drupal7-entity_translation (siwinski, asrob)
drupal7-eva (sdodson, asrob, siwinski)
drupal7-features (asrob, jsmith, pfrields, siwinski)
drupal7-features_extra (siwinski, asrob)
drupal7-feeds (asrob, jsmith, pfrields, siwinski)
drupal7-fences (siwinski, asrob)
drupal7-field_permissions (sdodson, asrob, siwinski)
drupal7-file_entity (siwinski, asrob)
drupal7-file_entity_inline (siwinski, asrob)
drupal7-fivestar (sdodson, asrob, siwinski)
drupal7-flexifilter (asrob, jsmith, pfrields, siwinski)
drupal7-footnotes (asrob, jsmith, pfrields, siwinski)
drupal7-i18n (sdodson, pfrields, asrob, siwinski)
drupal7-i18n_boxes (siwinski, asrob)
drupal7-i18nviews (siwinski, asrob)
drupal7-job_scheduler (asrob, jsmith, pfrields, siwinski)
drupal7-jquery_update (sdodson, asrob, siwinski)
drupal7-l10n_client (siwinski, asrob)
drupal7-l10n_pconfig (siwinski, asrob)
drupal7-l10n_server (siwinski, asrob)
drupal7-l10n_update (siwinski, asrob)
drupal7-lang_dropdown (siwinski, asrob)
drupal7-language_cookie (siwinski, asrob)
drupal7-languageicons (siwinski, asrob)
drupal7-language_switcher (siwinski, asrob)
drupal7-libraries (sdodson, asrob, siwinski)
drupal7-link (siwinski, asrob)
drupal7-locale_auto_import (siwinski, asrob)
drupal7-locale_cookie (sdodson, asrob, siwinski)
drupal7-login_destination (pfrields, asrob, sdodson, siwinski)
drupal7-markdown (sdodson, asrob, siwinski)
drupal7-mediawiki_api (asrob, siwinski)
drupal7-menu_token (sdodson, asrob, siwinski)
drupal7-metatag (siwinski, asrob)
drupal7-migrate (sdodson, asrob, siwinski)
drupal7-pathauto (asrob, jsmith, pfrields, siwinski)
drupal7-path_breadcrumbs (siwinski, asrob)
drupal7-potx (siwinski, asrob)
drupal7-profiler (siwinski, asrob)
drupal7-rules (asrob, sdodson, siwinski)
drupal7-stringoverrides (siwinski, asrob)
drupal7-strongarm (asrob, jsmith, pfrields, siwinski)
drupal7-taxonomy_access_fix (siwinski, asrob)
drupal7-theme-adaptivetheme (asrob, pfrields, siwinski)
drupal7-theme-ninesixty (pfrields, asrob, sdodson, siwinski)
drupal7-theme-zen (siwinski, asrob)
drupal7-title (siwinski, asrob)
drupal7-tmgmt (siwinski, asrob)
drupal7-token (asrob, jsmith, pfrields, siwinski)
drupal7-translation_helpers (siwinski, asrob)
drupal7-translation_overview (siwinski, asrob)
drupal7-translation_table (siwinski, asrob)
drupal7-transliteration (siwinski, asrob)
drupal7-variable (sdodson, asrob, siwinski)
drupal7-views (jsmith, asrob, siwinski)
drupal7-views_bulk_operations (asrob, jsmith, pfrields, siwinski)
drupal7-views_rss (siwinski, asrob)
drupal7-votingapi (sdodson, asrob, siwinski)
drupal7-workbench (asrob, sdodson, siwinski)
drupal7-workbench_moderation (asrob, sdodson, siwinski)
dsi (dbrasher)
dsmidiwifi (till)
dsniff (robert)
dspam (gnat)
dssi (bsjones)
dssi-vst (bsjones)
dtach (lon)
dtrx (sebelk)
dualscreen-mouse-utils (chkr)
dumpasn1 (fkooman)
dumpet (pjones, jforbes)
duplicity (grover, limb, zaitcev)
dvgrab (dajt, jwilson)
dwarves (acme, jstanley)
dwatch (bjohnson)
dwdiff (jhrozek)
dwscan (fab)
dx (rathann, itamarjp)
dxpc (ajax)
dynamite (awjb)
dzen2 (till, dcantrel)
e16-docs (terjeros)
e16-epplets (terjeros)
e16-themes (terjeros)
e2tools (ixs, ndim)
e3 (mmckinst)
easy-rsa (limb)
eblook (ueno)
ebook-tools (john5342, tuxbrewr, rdieter)
ebtables (spot, twoerner)
ebview (mtasaka)
echo-artist (mso)
echo-icon-theme (luya, alexl, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, ssp, mso, group::gnome-sig)
echolinux (lucilanga)
eclipse-texlipse ()
eclipse-vrapper (jkeating)
ecolier-court-fonts (nim, frixxon)
ecryptfs-utils (mhlavink, sandeen)
ed2k_hash (rathann, itamarjp)
edb (eponyme)
edg-gridftp-client (stevetraylen)
editarea (coec)
EekBoek (sciurius)
efax (than)
efibootmgr (pjones)
efont-unicode-bdf (mtasaka)
efte ()
eg (lbazan, codehotter)
eggdrop (robert)
eject (mluscon, kzak)
electronics-menu (chitlesh, mtasaka)
elftoaout (ausil, spot, pjones, jima)
elk (marcindulak)
elph (c4chris)
emacs-auto-complete (salimma)
emacs-color-theme (sagarun)
emacs-common-ebib (jgu)
emacs-common-riece (ueno)
emacs-goodies (sagarun)
emacs-haskell-mode (sagarun, chitlesh)
emacs-htmlize (rishi)
emacs-ibus ()
emacs-irsim-mode (sagarun, chitlesh)
emacs-lookup (ueno)
emacs-mmm (amdunn)
emacs-rinari (sagarun)
emacs-slime (salimma, bkreuter)
emacs-spice-mode (sagarun, chitlesh)
emacs-verilog-mode (chitlesh, sophiekovalevsky)
emacs-vm (goeran)
enblend (bpostle)
enemies-of-carlotta (ertzing)
engine_pkcs11 (tmraz, nmav, kalev, mbroz)
enscript (twaugh)
entertainer (has been retired?)
enum (ovasik, kdudka)
epel-release ()
epstool (jussilehtola)
epydoc (thias, athmane)
epylog (icon)
ergo (jussilehtola)
erlang-amf (peter)
erlang-gen_leader (peter)
erlang-gettext (peter)
erlang-log4erl (peter)
erlang-luke (peter)
erlang-misultin (peter)
erlang-mustache (peter, filabrazilska)
erlang-pgsql (robert)
erlang-riak_err (peter)
erlang-xmlrpc (peter)
esc (jmagne)
escape (hubbitus)
esmtp (tuxbrewr, itamarjp)
espeak (jskarvad)
etckeeper (thm)
eterm (terjeros)
etherape (limb)
etherbat (limb)
ETL (limb, luya)
etoys (gavin, tuxbrewr, dsd)
ettercap (limb)
eucalyptus (gholms, coolsvap)
eurephia (dsommers)
evolution (mbarnes, alexl, caillon, caolanm, hadess, rhughes, rstrode, ssp, mcrha, tpopela)
evolution-data-server (mbarnes, alexl, caillon, caolanm, hadess, johnp, rhughes, rstrode, ssp, mcrha)
evolution-ews (mbarnes, mcrha)
evolution-mapi (mbarnes, mcrha, asn)
evolution-rspam (lucilanga, mcrha)
evolution-rss (lucilanga, mcrha)
evtest (whot)
exim (dwmw2, jskarvad)
exo (kevin, nonamedotc)
expect (vcrhonek)
extundelete (hicham, patches)
ez-ipupdate (itamarjp, abo)
ez-pine-gpg (dcantrel)
f2c (carllibpst)
fakeroot (athimm, rathann, corsepiu, moceap)
Falcon (salimma)
fantasdic (mtasaka)
fapg (roma)
fastback (gavin)
fastlz (remi)
fastx_toolkit (verdurin)
fawkes (timn, rmattes)
fbdesk (awjb)
fbida (adrian)
fbpanel (cwickert, dcantrel)
fbreader (salimma)
fbterm (lbazan, dchen)
fcitx-chewing (liangsuilong, cheeselee)
fcitx-cloudpinyin (liangsuilong, cheeselee)
fcitx-configtool (liangsuilong, cheeselee)
fcitx-fbterm (liangsuilong, cheeselee)
fcitx-hangul (liangsuilong, cheeselee)
fcitx-m17n (liangsuilong, cheeselee)
fcitx-sunpinyin (liangsuilong, cheeselee)
fcitx-table-extra (liangsuilong, cheeselee)
fcitx-table-other (liangsuilong, cheeselee)
fcitx-ui-light (liangsuilong, cheeselee)
fcitx-unikey (liangsuilong, cheeselee)
fedora-bookmarks (rrix, mattdm, pfrields)
fedora-business-cards (ianweller)
fedora-easy-karma (till, lmacken)
fedora-package-config-apt (athimm, moceap)
fedora-packager (ausil)
fedora-release (ausil, pbrobinson)
fedora-remix-logos (spot)
fedora-repos (kevin, ausil, pbrobinson)
fedorawaves-kdm-theme (than, rdieter, ltinkl)
fedpkg (ausil, skottler, pbabinca)
fence-agents (marx)
fence-virt (lon, rmccabe)
ferm (hubbitus, slankes)
fetch-crl (stevetraylen)
fex (mmckinst)
ffgtk (llagendijk, mcrha)
ffsb (sandeen)
fftw (konradm, jussilehtola, jchaloup)
fftw2 (jamatos)
findthatword (limb)
fio (sandeen)
fipscheck (tmraz)
firebird (makowski, cicku)
firecontrol (dajt, jwilson)
firefox (gecko-maint, alexl, caolanm, hadess, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, ssp, stransky, xhorak)
firefox-32 (has been retired?)
firewalk (huzaifas)
firmware-addon-dell (mebrown, praveenp)
firmware-tools (mebrown, praveenp)
fishpoll (averi, marionline)
flac123 (cra)
flam3 (ianweller)
flann (rmattes)
flasm ()
flawfinder (jhrozek)
FlightGear-Atlas (bellet)
flight-of-the-amazon-queen (lucilanga)
flight-of-the-amazon-queen-cd (jwrdegoede)
flobopuyo (musuruan)
florist (landgraf)
flowcanvas (verdurin)
fltk (rdieter, phracek, jchaloup, hobbes1069)
fluidsynth-dssi (bsjones)
flumotion (thomasvs, sergiomb)
flute (caolanm)
fluxbox (awjb)
fmt-ptrn (mikep)
focuswriter (jfsaucier, ryanlerch)
foghorn (rohara)
fontik (ueno)
font-manager (jfsaucier)
foobillard (limb)
fortune-firefly (bruno)
fortune-mod (sheltren)
fossil (puiterwijk)
fotowall (eponyme)
fpaste (ankursinha, athmane, robyduck)
fpdns (mmckinst)
fped (chitlesh, sophiekovalevsky)
fping (cra)
fprintd (hadess)
freealut (awjb, jwrdegoede)
freecolor (dfateyev)
freedink (beuc)
freedink-data (beuc)
freedink-dfarc (beuc)
freedroid (limb)
freedroidrpg (limb)
freeglut (tsmetana)
freeipa (rcritten, pviktori, simo, mkosek, abbra, pvoborni, jhrozek)
freenx-server (athimm, fcami, moceap)
freetds (buc)
freeze (robert)
frei0r-plugins (kwizart)
frepple (jdetaeye)
fritzing (logic)
fsarchiver (drago01)
fslint (pbrady, moezroy)
fs_mark (sandeen)
fsniper (jhrozek)
fts (simonm, aalvarez)
func (ssalevan, wakko666, alikins)
funionfs (limb)
FUR (awjb)
fuse-convmvfs (hellwolf)
fuse-encfs (jokajak, salimma)
fuseiso ()
fuse-python (peter)
fuse-s3fs (nhorman)
fwbackups (firewing)
fwfstab (firewing)
fwknop (pvrabec, herczy, jjelen)
fwupdate (pjones)
fxload (cra)
gajim (michich)
galculator (tmraz)
galera (rohara, hhorak, fabbione)
gallery2 (limb)
gallery3 (limb)
gamazons (salimma)
gambit-c (salimma)
ganymed-ssh2 (mbooth, akurtakov)
ganyremote (anyremote)
garcon (cwickert, kevin, nonamedotc)
garden (limb)
garmindev (sharkcz)
garmin-sync (tbreeds)
gauche (gemi, salimma)
gauche-gl (gemi)
gauche-gtk (gemi)
gaupol (lucilanga)
gavl (kwizart)
gawk (jchaloup, vvitek, dkaspar)
gbdfed (spot)
gcc-python-plugin (dmalcolm, jakub)
gcolor2 (cwickert)
gconfmm26 (hguemar)
gcx (mmahut)
gdb-heap (dmalcolm, siddhesh)
gdpc (cicku)
gds2pov (chitlesh, sophiekovalevsky)
geany (josef, ohaessler, fcami, pingou, dmaphy)
geany-plugins (dmaphy, ohaessler, pingou)
gearbox (rmattes)
gearmand (ktdreyer, blakegardner)
gears-backgrounds (mso)
geda-gaf (chitlesh, sophiekovalevsky)
gedit-cossa (nacho)
gegl (deji, nphilipp)
gemdropx (jwrdegoede)
genchemlab (limb)
genders (dmlb2000)
generic-logos (notting)
generic-release (spot, bruno)
genromfs (kdudka)
geoclue (pbrobinson)
geos (devrim)
gerbv (chitlesh, sophiekovalevsky)
geronimo-specs (jjohnstn)
gftp (itamarjp, alexl, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, ssp, group::gnome-sig)
ggz-gtk-client (bruno)
ghasher (sundaram)
ghdl (sailer)
ghemical (cicku)
ghmm (mycae)
ghost-diagrams (ivazquez)
ghostscript-chinese (pwu)
ghostscript-fonts (twaugh)
gif2png (sundaram)
giggle (limb, mcrha)
gigolo (kevin)
gimmix (awjb)
gimp (nphilipp, phracek)
gimp-data-extras (nphilipp)
gimp-help (nphilipp)
gimp-lqr-plugin (slankes, ignatenkobrain)
gimp-resynthesizer (ewan)
git2cl (stevetraylen)
git-bugzilla (mcepl)
gitolite (limb, till)
gitosis (ivaxer)
git-review (zaitcev)
gitso (cquad)
gkrellm-freq ()
gkrellm-moon ()
gkrellm-wifi (jwrdegoede)
gl-117 (steve, delete)
glade2 (nphilipp, alexl, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, ssp, group::gnome-sig)
glances (madko)
GLC_lib (kwizart)
GLC_Player (kwizart)
GLee (hicham)
glglobe (dtimms)
glimmer (c4chris)
glob2 (bruno, cheese)
glog (ivaxer)
gloobus-preview (dignan)
glyph-keeper (jwrdegoede)
gmp (fkluknav)
gmpc (adrian)
gmpy (mjg)
gmrun (gilboa)
gnet2 (limb)
gnokii (limb, hadess, snirkel)
gnome-activity-journal (maxx, deji)
gnomebaker (tsmetana)
gnome-commander (mtasaka)
gnome-desktop (rstrode, alexl, caillon, caolanm, hadess, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, ssp, fmuellner, group::gnome-sig)
gnome-gmail (llaumgui, scop)
gnome-hearts (caillon)
gnome-libs (pghmcfc)
gnome-mime-data (rstrode, alexl, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, ssp, group::gnome-sig)
gnome-mud (elanthis)
gnome-nds-thumbnailer (jbowes)
gnome-password-generator (rishi)
gnome-phone-manager (limb, hadess, snirkel, mcrha)
gnome-python2 (walters, alexl, caillon, caolanm, hadess, johnp, rhughes, rstrode, ssp, group::gnome-sig)
gnome-python2-desktop (walters, alexl, caillon, caolanm, hadess, johnp, rhughes, rstrode, ssp, group::gnome-sig)
gnome-python2-extras (walters, alexl, caillon, caolanm, hadess, johnp, rhughes, rstrode, ssp, group::gnome-sig)
gnome-shell-extension-remove-bluetooth-icon (fab)
gnome-shell-extension-remove-volume-icon (fab)
gnome-themes (alexl, caillon, caolanm, hadess, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, ssp, group::gnome-sig, pbrobinson)
gnome-translate (buc)
gnome-valgrind-session (rishi)
gnome-vfs2 (limb, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, ssp, alexl, group::gnome-sig)
gnome-video-effects (jwrdegoede)
gnome-web-photo (hadess)
gnonlin (jcollie, company)
gnubg (limb)
gnubik (bruno)
gnucap (cicku)
gnu-efi (pjones)
gnujump (limb)
gnupg2 (tmraz, bcl, isimluk, jamielinux, rdieter)
gnuradio (mmahut, jskarvad)
gnurobots (limb)
gnusim8085 (puiterwijk, chitlesh)
gnustep-base (s4504kr)
gnustep-gui (s4504kr)
gnustep-make (s4504kr, salimma)
gnutls (tmraz, nmav)
gobby (lmacken)
gocr (tsmetana)
goddard-backgrounds (mso)
goddard-kde-theme (jreznik, mbriza, than, rdieter, ltinkl)
gofer (jortel)
goffice08 (notting)
golang-googlecode-tools (vbatts, jchaloup)
gold (zaniyah)
golly (brouhaha)
gonvert (limb)
goobook (helloworld1, halfie, slankes)
goocanvas (bjohnson, hguemar)
goocanvasmm (hguemar)
googlecl (chkr)
googsystray (leon)
gphotoframe (mtasaka)
gpicview (cwickert)
gpodder (limb, jspaleta, vpv)
gprbuild (landgraf, rombobeorn)
gpredict (mmahut)
gprof2dot (mtasaka)
gprolog (s4504kr, bagnara)
gpscorrelate (till)
gpsim (rrankin)
gpsman (lucilanga, dp67)
gpxviewer (not in pkgdb?)
gqradio (roma)
gramps (limb, jjames, jkastner)
graphem (dmaphy)
graphviz (jskarvad, alexlan, tremble)
greadelf (pnemade)
gresistor (chitlesh, hobbes1069)
gresolver (s4504kr)
gretl (hannes)
greyhounds (bruno)
greylistd (athimm, moceap)
grfcodec (heffer)
grhino (salimma)
grig (lucilanga)
grin (terjeros)
grinder (jmatthews, pkilambi)
groonga (ueno, kenhys, myokoym)
grsync (cwickert)
grub2 (pjones, ausil, bcl)
grubby (pjones, bcl)
gscan2pdf (bjohnson, rakesh, slankes)
gshutdown (laxathom)
gsm (rathann, itamarjp, jskarvad)
gspiceui (laxathom, chitlesh)
gssproxy (abbra, gd, simo, rharwood)
gst-entrans (antiaircraft)
gstream (jwrdegoede)
gstreamer (company, alexl, caillon, caolanm, hadess, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, ssp, wtaymans, group::gnome-sig)
gstreamer1-vaapi (frafra, moezroy, farnz, kwizart)
gstreamermm (hguemar)
gstreamer-plugins-base (company, alexl, caillon, caolanm, hadess, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, ssp, wtaymans, group::gnome-sig)
gstreamer-plugins-flumpegdemux (has been retired?)
gstreamer-rtsp (hadess, fabiand, wtaymans)
gt (jwrdegoede)
gt5 (szpak)
gtg (ankursinha, tomspur)
gtick (nphilipp, bsjones, renich)
gtk+ (pghmcfc, rdieter)
gtk2-engines (mclasen, alexl, caillon, caolanm, hadess, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, ssp, group::gnome-sig)
gtk-aurora-engine (skytux)
gtk-chtheme (skytux)
gtkdatabox (ework)
gtk-equinox-engine (skytux, affix)
gtk+extra (rrankin)
gtkglarea2 (rjones, rathann)
gtkglextmm (churchyard)
gtk-gnutella (buc)
gtkhash (cwickert)
gtkhtml3 (mbarnes, rstrode, alexl, caillon, caolanm, hadess, johnp, rhughes, ssp, mcrha, group::gnome-sig)
gtkimageview (nphilipp)
gtk-murrine-engine (mso)
gtk-nodoka-engine (mso)
gtkparasite (ivazquez)
gtkpod (limb, chkr)
gtk-sharp2 (laxathom, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, ssp, group::gnome-sig)
gtk-sharp-beans (npmccallum, chkr)
gtksourceview2 (mclasen, rstrode, group::gnome-sig)
gtksourceviewmm (hguemar, dodji, krnowak)
gtkspell (mbarnes, caolanm, alexl, caillon, hadess, johnp, rhughes, rstrode, ssp, group::gnome-sig)
gtkwhiteboard (roma)
gtk-xfce-engine (kevin, nonamedotc)
gtrayicon (cwickert)
gts (corsepiu)
guichan (limb, bruno)
guile-cairo (laxathom)
guilt (sandeen)
gweled (limb)
gwget (cwickert)
gwsmhg (kiilerix)
gxemul (spot)
gxmessage (cwickert)
gxneur (hubbitus)
gyachi (sundaram)
gyp (tagoh)
hackedbox (thias, jcapik)
halibut (jskarvad)
haproxy (rohara)
hatools (oliver)
haveged (jhladky)
hawknl (jwrdegoede)
hct (chitlesh, jcapik)
hdapsd (ttorcz)
hdf (orion)
hdhomerun (pwouters, jcollie)
healpix (limb)
heisenbug-kde-theme (mbriza, jreznik)
Hermes (jwrdegoede)
hesiod (nalin)
hexter-dssi (bsjones)
hiera (stevetraylen, stahnma, skottler, gchamoul)
highlight (s4504kr, laxathom)
hmaccalc (nalin)
hmmer (c4chris)
hnb (rathann, itamarjp)
holland (jeffreyness, bharper, carlgeorge)
hping3 (pwouters)
htdig (thozza)
html2text ()
htmldoc (rdieter)
htmlparser (olea)
html-xml-utils ()
htop (mjakubicek, mstevens, nonamedotc)
httpd-itk (hubbitus)
httperf (thm)
http-parser (patches, mrunge)
http_ping (maxamillion)
httptunnel (huzaifas)
hugin (bpostle, denisarnaud, cicku)
hunspell (caolanm, alexl, caillon, hadess, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, ssp, group::gnome-sig)
hunspell-af (caolanm)
hunspell-ak (caolanm)
hunspell-am (caolanm)
hunspell-ast (caolanm)
hunspell-az (caolanm)
hunspell-be (caolanm)
hunspell-bg (caolanm)
hunspell-br (caolanm)
hunspell-cop (caolanm)
hunspell-csb (caolanm)
hunspell-cv (caolanm)
hunspell-cy (caolanm)
hunspell-da (caolanm)
hunspell-de (mstahl)
hunspell-dsb (caolanm)
hunspell-el (caolanm)
hunspell-en (caolanm, alexl, caillon, hadess, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, ssp, group::gnome-sig)
hunspell-eo (caolanm)
hunspell-et (caolanm)
hunspell-fa (caolanm)
hunspell-fj (caolanm)
hunspell-fo (caolanm)
hunspell-fr (caolanm)
hunspell-fur (caolanm)
hunspell-fy (caolanm)
hunspell-ga (caolanm)
hunspell-gd (caolanm)
hunspell-gl (caolanm)
hunspell-grc (caolanm)
hunspell-gv (caolanm)
hunspell-haw (caolanm)
hunspell-hil (caolanm)
hunspell-hr (caolanm)
hunspell-ht (caolanm)
hunspell-hu (caolanm)
hunspell-ia (caolanm)
hunspell-id (caolanm)
hunspell-is (caolanm)
hunspell-it (caolanm)
hunspell-kk (caolanm)
hunspell-kn (ramkrsna, anishpatil)
hunspell-ko (caolanm)
hunspell-ku (caolanm)
hunspell-ky (caolanm)
hunspell-la (caolanm)
hunspell-lb (caolanm)
hunspell-ln (caolanm)
hunspell-lt (caolanm)
hunspell-mi (caolanm)
hunspell-mk (caolanm)
hunspell-mos (caolanm)
hunspell-ms (caolanm)
hunspell-mt (caolanm)
hunspell-nl (caolanm)
hunspell-no (caolanm)
hunspell-nr (caolanm)
hunspell-nso (caolanm)
hunspell-ny (caolanm)
hunspell-oc (caolanm)
hunspell-om (caolanm)
hunspell-pl (caolanm)
hunspell-pt (caolanm)
hunspell-qu (caolanm)
hunspell-quh (caolanm)
hunspell-ro (caolanm)
hunspell-ru (caolanm)
hunspell-sc (caolanm)
hunspell-se (caolanm)
hunspell-shs (caolanm)
hunspell-sk (caolanm)
hunspell-sl (caolanm)
hunspell-smj (caolanm)
hunspell-so (caolanm)
hunspell-sq (caolanm)
hunspell-sr (caolanm)
hunspell-ss (caolanm)
hunspell-st (caolanm)
hunspell-sv (caolanm)
hunspell-sw (caolanm)
hunspell-th (caolanm)
hunspell-ti (caolanm)
hunspell-tk (caolanm)
hunspell-tn (caolanm)
hunspell-tpi (caolanm)
hunspell-ts (caolanm)
hunspell-uk (caolanm)
hunspell-ur (caolanm)
hunspell-uz (caolanm)
hunspell-ve (caolanm)
hunspell-vi (caolanm)
hunspell-wa (caolanm)
hunspell-xh (caolanm)
hunspell-yi (caolanm)
hunspell-zu (caolanm)
hyperestraier (mtasaka)
hyphen (caolanm)
hyphen-bg (caolanm)
hyphen-ca (caolanm)
hyphen-cy (caolanm)
hyphen-da (caolanm)
hyphen-de (mstahl)
hyphen-el (caolanm)
hyphen-es (caolanm)
hyphen-eu (caolanm)
hyphen-fa (caolanm)
hyphen-fo (caolanm)
hyphen-fr (caolanm)
hyphen-ga (caolanm)
hyphen-gl (caolanm)
hyphen-grc (caolanm)
hyphen-hsb (caolanm)
hyphen-hu (caolanm)
hyphen-ia (caolanm)
hyphen-id (caolanm)
hyphen-is (caolanm)
hyphen-it (caolanm)
hyphen-ku (caolanm)
hyphen-lt (caolanm)
hyphen-mi (caolanm)
hyphen-mn (caolanm)
hyphen-nl (caolanm)
hyphen-pl (caolanm)
hyphen-pt (caolanm)
hyphen-ro (caolanm)
hyphen-ru (caolanm)
hyphen-sk (caolanm)
hyphen-sl (caolanm)
hyphen-sv (caolanm)
hyphen-tk (caolanm)
hyphen-uk (caolanm)
i3-ipc (cicku, mpreisle, lupinix, gchamoul)
i8kutils ()
iapetal (limb)
ibmonitor (adrian)
ibp (lucilanga)
IBSimu (stevetraylen)
ibus-chewing (dchen, phuang, fujiwara)
ibus-handwrite (pwu, fujiwara)
ibus-pinyin (pwu, phuang, fujiwara)
ibus-table (mfabian, phuang, kaio, jamesni, pwu, dchen)
ibus-table-cyrillic (dchen, kaio)
ibus-table-extraphrase (dchen, liangsuilong, kaio)
ibus-table-latin (dchen, kaio)
ibus-table-tv (dchen, kaio)
ibus-unikey (tuanta)
ibus-xkbc (pwu, phuang)
icedtea-web (dbhole, omajid, jvanek)
icfg (nhorman)
icu (erack, rstrode, alexl, caillon, hadess, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, ssp)
id3v2 (ndim)
idm-console-framework (rmeggins, nkinder, nhosoi, mreynolds)
ifm (cgrau)
ifstat (itamarjp)
ifstatus (maxamillion)
iftop (robert)
iipsrv (trasher)
ikarus (salimma)
ike (topdog, maci)
ike-scan (maxamillion)
iksemel (jcollie)
imageinfo (brendt)
imake (ajax, alexl, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, ssp)
imapsync (mmahut, nb)
imaptest (robert)
imap-upload (jfsaucier)
imlib (pghmcfc)
imlib2 (tsmetana, awjb)
immix (limb)
impressive (mjg)
imvirt (msuchy)
inchi (rathann, itamarjp)
incron (kevin, strobert, ralph)
indefero ()
inetvis (mildew)
inksmoto (limb)
inn (npajkovs, ovasik, s4504kr, rathann)
innotop (lbazan, echevemaster, fale)
inotify-tools (drago01)
input-pad (fujiwara)
international-time (twaugh)
Io-language (limb)
ioport (rjones)
iotop (drago01, mhlavink)
ipcalculator ()
ipe (rineau, nonamedotc)
iperf3 (balajig8, kevin, strobert, fcami, ssahani)
ipmiutil (arcress)
ipplan (topdog)
ipsec-tools (pwouters)
ip-sentinel (limb)
iptraf-ng (aeperezt, npajkovs)
iptstate (twoerner, stingray)
iptux (liangsuilong)
ipvsadm (thias, rohara)
ipw2100-firmware (thias, jwboyer, linville)
ipw2200-firmware (thias, linville, jwboyer)
ipxripd (buc)
irc-otr (konradm, pwouters)
irda-utils (buc)
irssi (mmahut, jskarvad, huzaifas)
irssi-xmpp (lbazan, npajkovs)
isdn4k-utils (than, karsten)
isight-firmware-tools (jmontleon)
isns-utils (cleech, grover)
iso8859-2-fonts (pnemade)
isomaster (szpak)
itzam-core (mnagy)
iverilog (chitlesh, sophiekovalevsky)
ivtv-firmware (athimm, jwboyer)
iw (drago01, linville)
iwhd (meyering, zaitcev, clalance)
jabberd (adrian, dmaphy)
jack_capture (verdurin)
jackctlmmc (bsjones)
jack-rack (kwizart, nando)
jam (spot)
jamin (bsjones, nando)
jaxodraw (moceap)
jbig2dec (landgraf)
jcommon-serializer (caolanm)
jconvolver (bsjones, nando)
jd (mtasaka)
jday (huzaifas, mmahut)
jemalloc (ingvar)
jemmy (omajid, galileo)
jeuclid (bashton)
jhead (adrian)
jigdo (ankursinha, jsteffan)
jing-trang (scop)
jmol (jussilehtola)
jmtpfs (robert)
jnettop (wolfy)
john (till)
josm (cquad)
jpanoramamaker (jvanek)
jpcap (dignan)
jpeginfo (dfateyev)
jpegoptim (dfateyev)
jrtplib (jcollie, itamarjp)
json_diff (mcepl)
jspeex (hicham)
jss (cfu, edewata, kwright, mharmsen)
jthread (jcollie)
Judy (pghmcfc)
jupp (robert)
jwhois (vcrhonek, robert)
k3guitune (dtimms)
kacst-fonts (pravins)
kanatest (robmv)
kanyremote (anyremote)
kaudiocreator (krege)
kaya (s4504kr)
kazehakase (mtasaka)
kbilliards (jwrdegoede)
kcbench-data (thl)
kcc (tagoh)
kcemirror (awjb, rdieter)
kcheckers (bruno)
kdeaddons (than, rdieter, ltinkl, jreznik)
kdeartwork-extras ()
kdebase3 (than, rdieter, kkofler, svahl, ltinkl, jreznik)
kde-colorscheme-plastik (nucleo)
kde-filesystem (rdieter, than, ltinkl, jreznik, group::kde-sig)
kdegames3 (kkofler, rdieter, than, ltinkl)
kde-i18n (than, rdieter, ltinkl, kkofler)
kdelibs3 (than, rdieter, kkofler, ltinkl)
kdepim3 (rdieter, rnovacek, ovasik, than)
kde-plasma-activitymanager (magnu5)
kde-plasma-ihatethecashew (jreznik)
kdesvn (orion, jreznik)
kdevelop-php (rdieter, rnovacek, than, ltinkl, jgrulich, dvratil)
kdewebdev (than, rdieter, kkofler, ltinkl, jreznik, group::kde-sig)
kdissert (rdieter)
kdnssd-avahi (rdieter)
keepalived (thias, rohara, athmane)
keurocalc (chitlesh, sophiekovalevsky)
keychecker (jstanley)
keyutils (dhowells)
kfilefactory (adimania)
kflickr (hpejakle)
kgrab (kkofler, than, rdieter, ltinkl)
khmeros-fonts (limb, pnemade)
kio-ftps (jreznik, rdieter, ltinkl, than, svahl)
kio_gopher (kkofler, jreznik, rdieter, ltinkl, than, svahl)
kismet (limb)
kita (mtasaka)
kitsune (bouska)
kitutuki (mtasaka)
klog (dp67)
kmenu-gnome (chitlesh, sophiekovalevsky)
kmess (tuxbrewr, rdieter)
kmid2 (kkofler, cheeselee)
kmldonkey (krege)
kmod (kmod-maint, kay, jcm, vpavlin)
knetstats ()
knights (limb)
kobo (dmach)
kodos (icon)
komparator (nbecker)
kpassgen (siddharths)
kphotobymail (kushal)
kpilot (kkofler, than, rdieter, ltinkl, jreznik)
kradio4 (roma)
krazy2 (rnovacek, kkofler)
krb5 (nalin, npmccallum, sbose, simo, abbra, rharwood)
krb5-appl (nalin, rharwood, abbra)
kreetingkard (mtasaka)
kreetingkard_templates (mtasaka)
krusader (rnovacek, kkofler)
ks3switch (has been retired?)
kscope (spot)
ksensors (kkofler)
ksh (mhlavink)
ksig (kkofler, than, rdieter, ltinkl)
ktikz (melmorabity)
ktoblzcheck (notting)
kup (icon)
kvkbd (jreznik, rnovacek)
kyotocabinet (robert)
labrea (huzaifas)
ladspa (thomasvs)
ladspa-amb-plugins (jwrdegoede, nando)
ladspa-autotalent-plugins (davidcornette)
ladspa-blop-plugins (jwrdegoede, nando)
ladspa-cmt-plugins (jwrdegoede, nando)
ladspa-fil-plugins (jwrdegoede, nando)
ladspa-mcp-plugins (jwrdegoede, nando)
ladspa-rev-plugins (jwrdegoede, nando)
ladspa-swh-plugins (ktdreyer)
ladspa-tap-plugins (jwrdegoede, nando)
ladspa-vco-plugins (jwrdegoede, nando)
ladvd (ixs, ttorcz)
laf-plugin (mycae)
lagan (c4chris)
lastfmlib (progdan)
latencytop (michich)
latex2html (jnovy, alexlan, itamarjp)
latex-mk (till)
laughlin-backgrounds (mso)
laughlin-kde-theme (jreznik, mbriza, rdieter, than, ltinkl)
launchy (lzap)
lazarus (joost)
lbd (lystor, fab, rebus)
lbzip2 (mizdebsk, msrb, msimacek)
lbzip2-utils (mizdebsk, msimacek, msrb)
lcgdm (rocha, aalvarez, adev, lfield, andreamanzi)
lcgdm-dav (rocha, aalvarez, adev, lfield)
lcg-infosites (lfield, stevetraylen)
lcm (dcallagh, mrunge, nmarques)
lcms2 (rhughes, twaugh)
ldapjdk (mharmsen, rmeggins, nkinder, kwright)
ldapvi (mcepl)
ldd-pdf (jcapik)
lde (hubbitus)
ldm (wtogami, enslaver)
ldtp (limb)
leafpad (cwickert)
lekhonee (kushal)
lekhonee-gnome (kushal)
leonidas-backgrounds (mso, rdieter)
leonidas-kde-theme (jreznik, rdieter, than, ltinkl, mbriza)
levmar (brouhaha)
lftp (jskala, thozza, luhliarik)
lib3ds (corsepiu, laxathom)
lib765 (lucilanga)
libaesgm (spot)
libAfterImage (awjb)
libapreq2 (bojan)
libarchive (praiskup)
libart_lgpl (s4504kr, alexl, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, ssp, group::gnome-sig)
libassuan (tmraz, isimluk, rdieter)
libast (terjeros)
libavc1394 (dajt, jwilson)
libbind (thozza)
libbsr (tbreeds)
libburn (fkluknav, cwickert, hhorak)
libcaca (thias)
libcap (karsten)
libcapifax (llagendijk)
libcap-ng (sgrubb)
libcdaudio (athimm, sergiomb)
libcdio (adrian, hhorak, fkluknav)
libcdio-paranoia (adrian, fkluknav)
libclastfm (cwickert)
libcli (jtaylor, limb)
libcommuni (jkaluza)
libconfuse (limb)
libcrystalhd (kwizart)
libcxgb3 (dledford, steved, jstanley, michich)
libdaemon (lennart)
libdb (jstanek, hhorak)
libdb4 (jstanek, hhorak)
libdc1394 (timn, moezroy, dajt)
libdeltacloud (clalance)
libdmtx (sharkcz)
libdmx (ssp, ajax, alexl, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, bentiss)
libdockapp (awjb)
libdstr (mtasaka)
libdvdnav (rathann, itamarjp, rdieter)
libdvdread (rathann, itamarjp, rdieter, fkluknav, hhorak)
libepc (hguemar)
libesmtp (pawsa)
libeXosip2 (nucleo)
libextractor (limb)
libfakekey (pbrobinson)
libfap (elwell)
libfishsound (salimma)
libfprint (hadess, pingou)
libFS (ssp, alexl, ajax, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, bentiss)
libgcrypt (tmraz, rdieter)
libgdither (kwizart)
libghemical (cicku)
libglade (pghmcfc)
libglade2 (alexl, caillon, caolanm, hadess, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, ssp, group::gnome-sig, pbrobinson)
libgle (ajax)
libgnome (rstrode, alexl, caillon, caolanm, hadess, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, ssp, group::gnome-sig)
libgnome-media-profiles (yaneti, hadess)
libgnomeui (rstrode, alexl, caillon, caolanm, hadess, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, ssp, group::gnome-sig)
libgtextutils (verdurin)
libgusb (rhughes)
libhocr (oron)
libHX (till, steve)
libibcm (dledford, jstanley, michich, steved)
libibverbs (deji, dledford)
libical-glib (mcrha)
libicns (musuruan)
libidn2 (robert)
libiec61883 (dajt, jwilson)
libinfinity (till, kevin)
libint (jussilehtola)
libint2 (jussilehtola)
libiodbc (rdieter)
libircclient (pcpa, verdurin, itamarjp)
libirman (ondrejj)
libisoburn (robert)
libisofs (robert, hhorak)
libitl (izhar)
libjingle (spot)
libkexif (rdieter)
libkni3 (timn)
libksba (tmraz, isimluk, rdieter)
liblayout (caolanm)
libldb (jhrozek, simo, asn, sgallagh)
liblinebreak (salimma)
liblogging (theinric)
liblouis (mgieseki)
liblqr-1 (slankes)
liblzf (stevetraylen)
libmatchbox (dwalsh, cwickert)
libmatheval (limb, eldermarco, fabiand)
libmcrypt (spot)
libmicrohttpd (timn, lnykryn)
libmimedir (awjb)
libmirage (jmoskovc)
libmkv (bjohnson)
libmlx4 (deji, dledford, michich, jstanley)
libmng (limb)
libmodelfile (limb)
libmodman (npmccallum)
libmodplug (scop)
libmpcdec (rdieter)
libmsn (john5342, tuxbrewr, rdieter, ltinkl)
libmthca (deji, dledford, jstanley)
libmtp (snirkel)
libmx (pbrobinson)
libnet (robert)
libnet10 (robert)
libnetfilter_conntrack (stingray, twoerner)
libnetfilter_log (stingray, twoerner)
libnetfilter_queue (stingray, twoerner)
libnfnetlink (stingray, twoerner)
libnfsidmap (steved)
libnids (robert)
libnih (sadmac)
libnl3 (dcbw, jirka, tgraf, thaller)
libnss-pgsql (madko)
libnxml (awjb)
liboauth (salimma)
libofa (rdieter, than)
liboglappth (cicku)
liboil (company, ajax, alexl, caillon, caolanm, hadess, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, ssp, thias, group::gnome-sig)
libopendaap (kwizart)
libopensync (awjb)
libopensync-plugin-evolution2 (awjb, mcrha)
libopensync-plugin-file (awjb)
libopensync-plugin-gnokii (cheese, awjb)
libopensync-plugin-gpe (awjb)
libopensync-plugin-moto (awjb)
libopensync-plugin-opie (awjb)
libopensync-plugin-palm (awjb)
libopensync-plugin-python (awjb)
libopensync-plugin-synce (awjb)
libopkele (kevin, puiterwijk)
libosip2 (nucleo)
libotr (pwouters)
libotr3 (pwouters)
libp11 (kalev, nmav, dwmw2)
libpagemap (pholasek)
libpano13 (bpostle)
libpar2 (drago01, maci)
libpcapnav (ixs)
libpciaccess (ajax, airlied)
libpri (jcollie, itamarjp)
libprojectM (imntreal)
libprojectM-qt (imntreal)
libproxy (cicku, npmccallum, danw)
libpst (carllibpst)
libpuzzle (topdog)
libpwquality (tmraz)
libqalculate (deji, nonamedotc, rdieter)
libqb (beekhof, jpokorny)
libQGLViewer (rineau)
libqxt (fale)
librapi (awjb)
LibRaw (limb, siddharths)
libraw1394 (dajt, jwilson)
librelp (theinric, fcami)
libreport (abrt-team, vda, mtoman, jfilak, mhabrnal)
libresample (jcollie)
librfid (kushal)
librra (awjb)
librsync (robert)
librtfcomp (awjb)
librx (spot)
libsamplerate (bsjones, nphilipp, lkundrak, jwrdegoede)
libscs (timn)
libselinux (dwalsh, mgrepl, plautrba)
libsexy (spot)
libsexymm (hguemar)
libshout (thomasvs)
libsieve (bjohnson)
libsigc++ (limb, jwrdegoede)
libsigsegv (rdieter)
libsilc (cicku, nosnilmot)
libSM (ssp, ajax, alexl, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, bentiss)
libsmbios (mebrown, gunnersrini, praveenp)
libsmi (spot)
libspectre (mkasik, rdieter, mhatina)
libsqlite3x (sailer)
libsrtp (spot, jcollie)
libss7 (jcollie, itamarjp)
libst2205 (jwrdegoede)
libstoragemgmt (cathay4t, tasleson, grover)
libsurl (fab)
libsynce (awjb)
libtalloc (simo, gd, sgallagh, jhrozek, asn)
libtasn1 (tmraz, nmav)
libtcd (mtasaka)
libtdb (simo, gd, sgallagh, asn, jhrozek)
libtelnet (elanthis, slaanesh)
libtevent (simo, sgallagh, jhrozek, asn)
libtiger (kwizart)
libtimidity (jwrdegoede)
libtirpc (steved)
libtopology (tbreeds)
libtorrent (konradm, ankursinha)
libtpms (stefanberger)
libtranslate (buc)
libtwin (dwmw2)
libucil (robert, kdudka, praiskup)
libunicap (robert, kdudka, praiskup)
libunicapgtk (robert, kdudka, praiskup)
libUnihan (dchen)
libuninameslist (kevin, pnemade)
libuninum (terjeros)
libunistring (pbrady, meyering)
libunwind (kyle, pmachata)
libupnp (ajax)
libvidcap (spot)
libvirt-designer (mprivozn, berrange)
libvirt-glib (berrange, teuf, zeenix)
libvirt-sandbox (berrange)
libvpd (emunson, fkocina, hegdevasant)
libvtemm (krnowak, hguemar)
libwiimote (ajax)
libwmf (caolanm, alexl, caillon, hadess, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, ssp)
libwvstreams (msekleta, jsynacek, thozza)
libX11 (ssp, ajax, alexl, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, whot, glisse)
libx86 (mjg59)
libXau (ssp, ajax, alexl, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, glisse, bentiss, bubeck)
libXaw (ssp, ajax, alexl, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, glisse, bentiss)
libXaw3dXft (roma)
libxc (jussilehtola)
libXcomposite (ssp, ajax, alexl, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, glisse, bentiss)
libXcursor (ssp, ajax, alexl, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, glisse, bentiss)
libXdamage (ssp, ajax, alexl, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, glisse, bentiss)
libxdg-basedir (limb)
libXdmcp (ssp, ajax, alexl, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, glisse, bentiss)
libXevie (ssp, ajax, alexl, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, glisse, bentiss)
libXext (ssp, ajax, alexl, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, whot, glisse, bentiss)
libxfce4ui (cwickert, kevin, nonamedotc)
libxfce4util (kevin, nonamedotc)
libXfixes (ssp, ajax, alexl, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, glisse, bentiss)
libXft (ssp, ajax, alexl, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, glisse, bentiss)
libXi (whot, ajax, alexl, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, ssp, glisse)
libXinerama (ssp, ajax, alexl, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, glisse, bentiss)
libxkbfile (ssp, ajax, alexl, caillon, caolanm, hadess, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, bentiss)
libxml (pghmcfc, glisse)
libXmu (ssp, ajax, alexl, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, glisse, bentiss)
libXp (ssp, ajax, alexl, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, glisse, bentiss)
libXpm (ssp, ajax, alexl, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, glisse, bentiss)
libXrandr (ssp, ajax, alexl, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, glisse, bentiss)
libXrender (ssp, ajax, alexl, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, glisse, bentiss)
libXres (ssp, ajax, alexl, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, glisse, bentiss)
libXScrnSaver (ssp, ajax, alexl, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, glisse, bentiss)
libxslt (veillard)
libXtst (ssp, ajax, alexl, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, glisse, bentiss)
libXv (ssp, ajax, alexl, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, glisse, bentiss)
libXvMC (ssp, ajax, alexl, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, glisse, bentiss)
libXxf86dga (ssp, ajax, alexl, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, glisse, bentiss)
libXxf86misc (ssp, ajax, alexl, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, glisse, bentiss)
libXxf86vm (ssp, ajax, alexl, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, glisse, bentiss)
libyaml (jeckersb)
libytnef (awjb)
libyubikey (wzzrd, nb)
libzeitgeist (renich, mtasaka)
lighttpd (limb)
lilyterm (cwickert)
limph (limb)
lingot (kvolny, ankursinha)
link-grammar (limb, devos, fabiand)
linpsk (jskarvad, dp67, bjensen)
linux-atm (dwmw2)
linuxdoc-tools (mmilata, ovasik)
linux-firmware (kyle, dwmw2, jwboyer, hicham, jforbes)
linux-libertine-fonts (tagoh)
linux_logo (thias)
liquidwar (limb)
litmus (rocha, jorton, aalvarez)
livecd-tools (bcl, katzj, huff, astokes, bruno)
liveusb-creator (lmacken, bcl, mbriza)
lockfile-progs (mrunge)
log4cpp (stevetraylen)
log4cxx ()
loggerhead (hno, kevin)
logserial (wolfy)
loook (lzap)
lorax (bcl, dcantrel, clumens, wwoods, mgracik, dmach)
lordsawar (bruno)
lorem-ipsum-generator (jfsaucier)
lostirc (cwickert)
lovelock-backgrounds (mso, rdieter, jreznik)
lovelock-kde-theme (jreznik, mbriza, rdieter, than)
lpairs (szpak)
lpsolve (caolanm)
lrmi (pwouters)
lsnipes (ndim)
lsvpd (emunson, fkocina, hegdevasant)
ltspfs (wtogami, enslaver)
luabind (spot)
lua-copas (timn)
lua-coxpcall (timn)
lua-cyrussasl (robert)
lua-dbi (jkaluza, robert)
luadoc (timn)
lua-expat (timn)
lua-filesystem (timn, salimma)
lua-logging (timn)
lua-loop (salimma)
lua-lpeg (timn, salimma)
lua-lunit (salimma)
lua-md5 (timn, kevin)
lua-sec (jkaluza, robert)
lua-socket (timn)
lua-sql (timn)
lua-wsapi (timn)
lua-xmlrpc (timn)
luckybackup (mjg)
luma (s4504kr)
lunatic-python (limb)
lure (lucilanga)
LuxRender (kwizart, besser82, fcami)
lv2-c++-tools (bsjones)
lv2dynparam (limb, bsjones)
lv2-EQ10Q-plugins (davidcornette, bsjones)
lv2-fil-plugins (bsjones)
lv2-invada-plugins (davidcornette, bsjones)
lv2-swh-plugins (bsjones)
lv2-vocoder-plugins (bsjones)
lv2-zynadd-plugins (limb, bsjones)
lvm2 (lvm-team, cfeist, kzak, mbroz, mornfall, pjones, agk, bmarzins, bmr, mauelsha, msnitzer, prajnoha, zkabelac)
lxappearance (cwickert)
lxappearance-obconf (cwickert, mlichvar)
lxde-common (cwickert)
lxde-icon-theme (cwickert)
lxinput (cwickert)
lxlauncher (cwickert)
lxmenu-data (cwickert)
lxrandr (cwickert)
lxsession (cwickert)
lxsession-edit (cwickert)
lxshortcut (cwickert)
lxsplit (oget)
lxtask (cwickert)
lzip (limb)
lziprecover (limb)
lzo (huzaifas, steve)
lzop (robert, kdudka)
maatkit (slankes)
macchanger (thoger)
mac-robber (kwizart)
mactel-boot (mjg59)
Maelstrom (notting)
magicor (jwrdegoede)
maildirproc (cwickert, tomspur)
maildrop (athimm, bcl, bruno)
mailgraph (bjohnson)
mairix (mlichvar)
makedepf90 (rathann)
malaga (vpv)
malaga-suomi-voikko (vpv)
maliit-plugins (pbrobinson)
maloc (timfenn)
manedit (pali)
maniadrive-data (jwrdegoede)
maniadrive-music (jwrdegoede)
man-pages-es (beckerde, dchen)
man-pages-it (kkofler, mfabian)
man-pages-zh-CN (dchen, pwu)
mantis (giallu)
mapnik (tomh, alexlan)
marave (rdieter)
mariadb-connector-c (mmuzila)
mash (ausil)
maxima (rdieter, jamatos)
mb2md (jussilehtola)
mcabber (till, mmahut, fale)
mcelog (prarit)
mcollective (maxamillion)
mcomix (mtasaka)
mcpp (kmatsui, mef)
mcrypt (spot)
mcstrans (dwalsh, mgrepl, txtoth)
md5deep (stingray, rebus)
mdadm (dledford, mbroz, agk, jsorensen)
mecab (mtasaka)
mecab-ipadic (mtasaka)
mecab-java (mtasaka)
mecab-jumandic (mtasaka)
mediatomb (limb)
mediawiki-HTTP302Found (puiterwijk)
mediawiki-intersection (puiterwijk)
mediawiki-LdapAccount (stahnma)
mediawiki-semantic (jlaska)
mediawiki-SpecialInterwiki (jstanley)
mediawiki-validator (jlaska)
mediawiki-wikicalendar (cdamian)
meego-panel-pasteboard (has been retired?)
meiga (rajeeshknambiar)
meld (dmaphy, cwickert)
memaker (ankursinha)
memcached (plindner, thias, jorton, mlichvar)
memkind (aquini)
memtest86+ (jskarvad)
memtester (lucilanga)
mencal (mmahut)
mercurial (nbecker, kiilerix, pstodulk)
merkaartor (slankes, till)
mesa-libGLw (ajax)
meshmagick (bruno)
messiggy (mnagy)
metacity (otaylor, alexl, caillon, caolanm, hadess, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, fmuellner, group::gnome-sig)
metamorphose2 (pingou)
mfiler3 (mtasaka)
mg (mmckinst)
mhash (spot, limb)
mhonarc (jamatos)
midisport-firmware (cra)
midori (kevin, phatina)
migemo (mtasaka)
migrationtools (jsafrane)
milkytracker (muep)
mimedefang (robert)
minicomputer (verdurin)
minion (alexises)
mipv6-daemon (tgraf)
mirage (mtasaka)
miredo (jens)
mirrormanager (mdomsch, jstanley, puiterwijk, pingou)
mISDN (dwmw2, itamarjp)
mkbootdisk (jskarvad)
mkdst (wtogami, enslaver)
mkelfimage (wtogami)
mk-files (lbazan, jmmv, robyduck)
mknbi (dyoung)
mksh (robert, mhlavink)
mktorrent (stevetraylen)
mlpack (rcurtin)
mm (ixs)
mmseq (verdurin)
mmv (shishz)
mobile-broadband-provider-info (dcbw, jklimes)
MochiKit (maxamillion)
mod_auth_cas (maxamillion, tremble)
mod_auth_ntlm_winbind (buc)
mod_bw (jkaluza)
mod_dnssd (lennart)
mod_evasive (ondrejj)
mod_fcgid (pghmcfc)
mod_flvx (robert)
mod_geoip (robert)
mod_gnutls (ekkis, jkastner, jorton)
mod_limitipconn (thias, athmane)
mod_log_post (robert)
mod_nss (mharmsen, kwright, rcritten)
mod_qos (cdamian, athmane)
mod_revocator (mharmsen, kwright)
mod_selinux (kaigai)
moe (limb)
moin (vpv, ivazquez)
monafont (mtasaka)
mongoose (aquini, florencia)
monit (firewing, salimma)
monitor-edid (remi)
monodevelop-debugger-gdb (chkr, elsupergomez)
mono-tools (chkr, laxathom, elsupergomez, tpokorra)
monsterz (limb)
moodbar (john5342)
moon-buggy (robert)
mot-adms (chitlesh, sophiekovalevsky)
mozilla-adblockplus (rathann, ixs, niveusluna)
mozilla-filesystem (gecko-maint)
mozilla-googlesharing (matriux)
mozilla-https-everywhere (niveusluna)
mozilla-noscript (ixs, rathann)
mozldap (rmeggins, kanarip, nhosoi)
mozvoikko (vpv)
mpdas (ankursinha)
mpfr (fkluknav, rdieter)
mppenc (mschwendt)
mrbs (xavierb)
mrxvt (mtasaka)
msp430-binutils (rspanton, swhiteho)
msp430-gcc (rspanton)
mspdebug (rspanton)
msynctool (awjb)
mtdev (whot)
mtd-utils (dwmw2)
mtr (msekleta)
mtx (sharkcz, dsommers)
multisync (awjb)
multitail (kashyapc, jstanley)
mupdf (landgraf)
musca (splinux)
mussh (kevin, athmane)
mxml (bsjones)
mybashburn (wilmer)
mydns (itamarjp)
mygui (bruno)
mypaint (cwickert)
MyPasswordSafe (ertzing)
mysql++ (rombobeorn, jwakely)
mysql-connector-python (hvad)
mysql-mmm (ruben, carlgeorge)
mysql-proxy (dmaphy)
mysqlreport (hubbitus, wolfy)
mysqltuner (mhayden, cheese)
mythes (caolanm)
mythes-bg (caolanm)
mythes-ca (caolanm)
mythes-cs (caolanm)
mythes-da (caolanm)
mythes-de (mstahl)
mythes-el (caolanm)
mythes-en (caolanm)
mythes-es (caolanm)
mythes-fr (caolanm)
mythes-ga (caolanm)
mythes-hu (caolanm)
mythes-it (caolanm)
mythes-mi (caolanm)
mythes-ne (caolanm)
mythes-nl (caolanm)
mythes-pl (caolanm)
mythes-pt (caolanm)
mythes-ro (caolanm)
mythes-ru (caolanm)
mythes-sk (caolanm)
mythes-sl (caolanm)
mythes-sv (caolanm)
mythes-uk (caolanm)
mytop (terjeros)
n2n (hushan)
nagios-plugins-bonding (trondham)
nagios-plugins-check-updates (jpo)
nagios-plugins-fts (simonm)
nagios-plugins-lcgdm (rocha, aalvarez, adev, lfield, andreamanzi)
nagios-plugins-openmanage (trondham)
nall (chkr)
naturette (limb)
nautilus-actions (deji)
nautilus-image-converter (bpepple)
nautilus-open-terminal ()
nautilus-pastebin (ankursinha)
nautilus-python (dignan)
nautilus-terminal (hicham)
nawk (mmckinst)
nazghul (tibbs)
nbc (rmattes)
nbtscan (maxamillion)
ncftp (thias, athmane)
ncmpcpp (dmaphy, ankursinha)
ncrack (smilner)
ndisc6 (sgros)
ndoutils (slaanesh)
nekobee-dssi (bsjones)
nekovm (rjones, andyli)
nemiver (dodji)
neon-backgrounds (mso)
nepomuktvnamer (dvratil)
nes_ntsc (dtimms)
neso (sharkcz)
nessus-core (awjb)
nessus-libraries (awjb)
nested (aeperezt, potty)
net6 (lmacken)
netbeans (moceap)
netbeans-resolver (moceap)
netgen (chitlesh, sophiekovalevsky)
nethack (lmacken)
nethack-vultures (bruno)
netmonitor (tuxbrewr)
netpanzer (limb, laxathom)
netsniff-ng (jskarvad, jtaylor)
netstat-nat (nucleo)
nettee (fab)
network-manager-applet (dcbw, jklimes, danw, thaller, lkundrak)
neverball (limb)
newsx (rathann, itamarjp)
nexcontrol (mmahut)
nfdump (dfateyev)
nfsometer (steved, dros)
nfs-utils (steved, bfields)
ngspice (chitlesh, mayorga)
nickle (salimma)
nikto (huzaifas, rebus)
nilfs-utils (sandeen)
nimbus (cwickert)
ninvaders (maxamillion)
nitrogen (jamesnz, puiterwijk)
nled (ctyler)
nmbscan (lystor, rebus, fab)
node (lucilanga)
nodejs-abbrev (patches, jamielinux, group::nodejs-sig)
nodejs-amdefine (patches)
nodejs-ansistyles (humaton, vjancik)
nodejs-asn1 (patches, jamielinux, group::nodejs-sig)
nodejs-assert-plus (patches, jamielinux, group::nodejs-sig)
nodejs-async (patches, jamielinux, piotrp, group::nodejs-sig)
nodejs-aws-sign (patches, jamielinux, group::nodejs-sig)
nodejs-block-stream (patches, jamielinux, group::nodejs-sig)
nodejs-buffer-equal (patches, jamielinux, group::nodejs-sig)
nodejs-bunker (patches, jamielinux, group::nodejs-sig)
nodejs-burrito (patches, jamielinux, group::nodejs-sig)
nodejs-callsite (patches, jamielinux, group::nodejs-sig)
nodejs-charm (patches, jamielinux, group::nodejs-sig)
nodejs-child-process-close (patches, jamielinux, group::nodejs-sig)
nodejs-chmodr (patches, jamielinux, group::nodejs-sig)
nodejs-cookie-jar (patches, jamielinux, group::nodejs-sig)
nodejs-couch-login (patches, jamielinux, group::nodejs-sig)
nodejs-ctype (patches, jamielinux, group::nodejs-sig)
nodejs-deep-equal (patches, jamielinux, tomh, group::nodejs-sig)
nodejs-difflet (tomh, patches, jamielinux, group::nodejs-sig)
nodejs-dryice (patches, jamielinux, group::nodejs-sig)
nodejs-form-data (patches, jamielinux, group::nodejs-sig)
nodejs-github-url-from-git (patches, jamielinux, group::nodejs-sig)
nodejs-hoek (patches, jamielinux, group::nodejs-sig)
nodejs-http-signature (patches, jamielinux, piotrp, group::nodejs-sig)
nodejs-inherits (patches, jamielinux, tomh, group::nodejs-sig)
nodejs-inherits1 (patches, jamielinux, group::nodejs-sig)
nodejs-lru-cache (patches, jamielinux, group::nodejs-sig)
nodejs-mime (patches, jamielinux, group::nodejs-sig)
nodejs-mute-stream (patches, jamielinux, group::nodejs-sig)
nodejs-normalize-package-data (patches, jamielinux, group::nodejs-sig)
nodejs-npmconf (patches, jamielinux, group::nodejs-sig)
nodejs-npmlog (patches, jamielinux, group::nodejs-sig)
nodejs-once (patches, jamielinux, jsmith, group::nodejs-sig)
nodejs-optimist (patches, jamielinux, mayorga, group::nodejs-sig)
nodejs-opts (patches, jamielinux, group::nodejs-sig)
nodejs-read-package-json (patches, jamielinux, group::nodejs-sig)
nodejs-repl (patches, jamielinux, group::nodejs-sig)
nodejs-ronn (patches, jamielinux, group::nodejs-sig)
nodejs-runforcover (patches, jamielinux, group::nodejs-sig)
nodejs-semver (patches, jamielinux, group::nodejs-sig)
nodejs-sigmund (patches, jamielinux, group::nodejs-sig)
nodejs-sorted-object (firnsy)
nodejs-source-map (patches, jamielinux, mayorga, group::nodejs-sig)
nodejs-tap (patches, jamielinux, tomh, group::nodejs-sig)
nodejs-wordwrap (patches, jamielinux, group::nodejs-sig)
nodejs-yamlish (patches, jamielinux, group::nodejs-sig)
nodoka-theme-gnome (mso)
nogravity-data (jwrdegoede)
noip (dmaphy)
nomarch (robert)
nordugrid-arc-doc (ellert, jonkni)
notification-daemon-engine-nodoka (mso)
notify-python (pfrields)
npush (jcapik)
nqc (rmattes)
nrg2iso (limb)
nsca (xavierb, jehane)
nss_updatedb (kashyapc)
numlockx (drago01)
nut (mhlavink)
nuxwdog (vakwetu, edewata, mharmsen, kwright)
nvi (hguemar)
nwchem (marcindulak)
nwipe (rebus)
nxt_python (martinlanghoff)
nxtrc (dwrobel)
nxtvepg (trausche)
nyquist (gemi)
o3read (deji, pravins)
obby (lmacken)
obexd (hadess, giallu)
obmenu (mlichvar)
ocaml-autoconf (rjones)
ocaml-camomile (rjones)
ocaml-p3l (rjones)
ocserv (nmav)
ocsinventory (remi, xavierb)
ocsinventory-agent (remi)
ocsinventory-ipdiscover (remi)
octave-audio (sailer)
oddjob (nalin)
odt2txt (salimma)
offlineimap (dodji, teuf, cicku)
oggconvert (ngompa)
oggvideotools (maxamillion)
ogmtools (giallu)
ois (bruno)
olpc-contents (dsd, cjb, pbrobinson)
olpc-netutils (pbrobinson, dsd)
olpc-os-builder (dsd, pbrobinson, cjb)
olpc-switch-desktop (dsd, pbrobinson, cjb)
olpc-update (dsd, pbrobinson, cjb, martinlanghoff)
olpc-utils (pbrobinson, johnp, martinlanghoff, dsd, cjb)
omping (honzaf)
ompl (rmattes)
onesixtyone (rebus, fab)
oniguruma (mtasaka)
ooo2txt (ppisar)
oorexx (gemi)
opal (pbrobinson, pfrields)
openbabel (rathann, jussilehtola, itamarjp)
openblas (jussilehtola)
openchange (mbarnes, mcrha, simo, asn, gd)
open-cobol (s4504kr)
openconnect (dwmw2, nmav)
opendchub (roshansingh)
openeuclide (sagarun)
OpenEXR_CTL (kwizart)
OpenEXR_Viewers (kwizart)
opengl-games-utils (limb)
openhpi-subagent (sharkcz, rdossant)
openjade (ovasik)
openmx (marcindulak)
openoffice-lv (caolanm)
opensaml (guidograzioli, bruno)
opensc (tmraz, kalev, mbroz, stefw, nmav)
openscap (pvrabec, theinric, mildew, plautrba, mpreisle, isimluk)
open-sendmail (robert)
openstack-gnocchi (apevec, pkilambi)
openstack-keystone ()
openstack-packstack (mmagr, ichavero, apevec, social, gchamoul, gdubreui, hguemar, jpena)
openstack-swift (apevec, jsteffan, zaitcev, ke4qqq, derekh)
openstack-swift-plugin-swift3 (zaitcev, apevec)
opentracker (lbazan, cicku)
openuniverse (mmahut)
openvas-cli (rebus, fab, huzaifas, sgros, xavierb, cheese)
openvas-libraries (huzaifas, sgros, rebus, xavierb, fab, cheese)
ophcrack (maxamillion)
optipng (till, scop)
opus (pbrobinson)
orafce (jfsaucier, jmlich, daveisfera)
orage (kevin, nonamedotc)
orange (awjb)
ORBit2 (alexl, caillon, caolanm, hadess, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, ssp, danw, group::gnome-sig, pbrobinson)
orbited (lmacken)
orthanc (sjodogne, mrceresa)
osc-source_validator (hguemar, msuchy)
osmo (cwickert)
osslsigncode (thias, elmarco)
ots (pbrobinson)
ovirt-engine-cli (oschreib, jhernand)
ovm (chitlesh, sophiekovalevsky)
oxygen-gtk2 (rdieter, nucleo, group::kde-sig)
p0f (kevin, athmane)
p0rn-comfort (ixs, baard, laxathom, kanarip, fab)
pachi (jwrdegoede)
packETH (lystor, fab)
packmol (jussilehtola)
pads (sgrubb)
pagekite (lzap)
pakiti (adev)
pam_afs_session (ktdreyer)
paman (lennart)
pam_krb5 (nalin, abbra, rharwood)
pam_mount (till, steve)
pam_ssh (buc, wolfy)
pamtester (robert)
pam_url (icon, herlo)
pam_yubico (ausil, wzzrd, nb, ohaessler)
Panini (ankursinha)
panoglview (bpostle)
paperbox (has been retired?)
papi (wcohen, lberk)
papyon (itamarjp)
parcellite (cwickert)
pards (masahase)
parole (cwickert, kevin, nonamedotc)
parprouted (roma)
parrot (gerd, steve)
parted (bcl)
partimage (roma)
passivetex (ovasik)
passwd (mitr, tmraz, fkluknav)
passwdqc (avesh)
pastebinit (alexises)
patch (twaugh)
patcher (misc, tomspur)
pavumeter (lennart)
pax (ovasik, praiskup)
pax-utils (rathann, itamarjp)
pcapdiff (limb)
pcapy (limb)
pcb (chitlesh, sophiekovalevsky)
pcc (jussilehtola)
pciutils (mhlavink)
pcllib (nmav)
pcmanfm (mtasaka)
pcs (cfeist, tojeline, idevat)
pcsc-tools (tmraz)
pdf2djvu (fcami)
pdfgrep (jaydg)
pdfmerge (dmaphy)
pdf-renderer (s4504kr)
pekwm (skytux, lbazan)
pem (kushal, pjp)
penguin-command (limb)
pengupop (limb, laxathom)
pentaho-reporting-flow-engine (caolanm)
peppy (limb)
PerceptualDiff (kwizart)
perl-accessors (berrange)
perl-Ace (alexlan)
perl-Acme-PlayCode (jplesnik, ppisar, psabata)
perl-Affix-Infix2Postfix (steve, psabata)
perl-Algorithm-CurveFit (jplesnik, psabata, ppisar)
perl-Algorithm-Dependency (corsepiu, laxathom)
perl-Algorithm-FastPermute (mjakubicek, eseyman)
perl-Algorithm-IncludeExclude (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Algorithm-Merge (iarnell, psabata)
perl-AnyData (spot)
perl-AnyEvent-AIO (cheeselee)
perl-AnyEvent-DBus (eseyman)
perl-Apache2-SOAP (remi)
perl-Apache-DBI (remi)
perl-Apache-Htpasswd (xavierb)
perl-Apache-Session-Wrapper (spot)
perl-App-Asciio (eseyman, mmaslano, psabata, ppisar, jplesnik)
perl-AppConfig (spot)
perl-App-SVN-Bisect (xavierb)
perl-Array-RefElem (ppisar, psabata, mmaslano, jplesnik)
perl-Audio-Beep (hpejakle)
perl-AuthCAS (xavierb)
perl-Authen-Credential (mpaladin, lcons)
perl-Authen-DigestMD5 (pghmcfc)
perl-Authen-Krb5 (sxw)
perl-Authen-PAM (steve, psabata)
perl-Authen-Simple-Passwd (corsepiu)
perl-AutoClass (alexlan)
perl-AutoXS-Header (jplesnik, psabata, ppisar)
Perlbal (lbazan)
perl-B-Hooks-OP-Check-StashChange (jplesnik, mmaslano, psabata, ppisar)
perl-B-Hooks-OP-PPAddr (jplesnik, ppisar, psabata)
perl-Boulder (orion)
perl-Cache-Simple-TimedExpiry (corsepiu, laxathom)
perl-Calendar-Simple (corsepiu)
perl-Callback (spot)
perl-capitalization (corsepiu, laxathom)
perl-Carp-Assert (spot)
perl-Carp-Clan (jplesnik, alexl, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, ssp, mmaslano, psabata, ppisar)
perl-Carp-Clan-Share (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Catalyst-Action-RenderView (iarnell, mmaslano, ppisar, psabata, jplesnik, eseyman)
perl-Catalyst-Component-InstancePerContext (iarnell, eseyman)
perl-Catalyst-Engine-Apache (iarnell, eseyman)
perl-Catalyst-Helper-FastCGI-ExternalServer (iarnell, ppisar, mmaslano, psabata, jplesnik, eseyman)
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-CGI-Untaint (iarnell, ppisar, mmaslano, psabata, jplesnik, eseyman)
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-PageCache (iarnell, eseyman)
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-State-Cookie (iarnell, psabata, mmaslano, ppisar, jplesnik, eseyman)
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-State-URI (iarnell, eseyman)
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-Cache (iarnell, eseyman)
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-File (iarnell, eseyman)
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Setenv (iarnell, eseyman)
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-StackTrace (sxw)
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Unicode (iarnell, eseyman)
perl-Catalyst-View-HTML-Template (iarnell, eseyman)
perl-CatalystX-LeakChecker (iarnell, ppisar, psabata, mmaslano, jplesnik, eseyman)
perl-ccom (robert)
perl-CDB_File (mmckinst)
perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-RequireSSL (eseyman)
perl-CGI-FastTemplate (jcollie, ktdreyer)
perl-CGI-Session-Driver-memcached (vanoudt)
perl-CGI-SpeedyCGI (robert)
perl-CGI-Untaint (spot)
perl-CGI-Untaint-email (spot)
perl-Check-ISA (jplesnik, psabata, ppisar, mmaslano)
perl-CLASS (cheeselee, ppisar, mmaslano, psabata, jplesnik)
perl-Class-Adapter (jplesnik, psabata, ppisar)
perl-Class-Autouse (corsepiu, laxathom)
perl-Class-C3-XS (pghmcfc, tremble, mmaslano, ppisar, psabata, jplesnik)
perl-Class-Can (jplesnik, ppisar)
perl-Class-Container (steve, psabata)
perl-Class-CSV (cheeselee)
perl-Class-Data-Accessor (jplesnik, ppisar, mmaslano, psabata)
perl-Class-DBI-Plugin-DeepAbstractSearch (iarnell, mmaslano, ppisar, psabata, jplesnik)
perl-Class-Exporter (jplesnik, ppisar)
perl-Class-Factory (ppisar, mmaslano, psabata, jplesnik)
perl-Class-Inner (xavierb)
perl-Class-Inspector (corsepiu, laxathom)
perl-Class-Observable (ixs)
perl-Class-Trigger (spot)
perl-Class-Whitehole (spot)
perl-Clipboard (iarnell, delete)
perl-Config-Augeas (apevec)
perl-Config-Generator (abeche, adev, lcons)
perl-Config-Grammar (terjeros)
perl-Config-JFDI (iarnell, eseyman)
perl-Config-Model-CursesUI (hvad)
perl-ConfigReader (ixs)
perl-Config-Record (jplesnik, ppisar, psabata)
perl-Config-Simple (psabata, eseyman)
perl-Config-Validator (mpaladin, abeche, lcons)
perl-Context-Preserve (iarnell, mmaslano, ppisar, psabata, jplesnik)
perl-Convert-ASCII-Armour (steve, psabata)
perl-Convert-Bencode (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Convert-Bencode_XS (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Convert-Color (corsepiu)
perl-Convert-UU (jplesnik, psabata, ppisar)
perl-Convert-UUlib (robert)
perl-CPANPLUS-Shell-Default-Plugins-Changes (jplesnik, mmaslano, psabata, ppisar)
perl-CPANPLUS-Shell-Default-Plugins-Diff (jplesnik, mmaslano, psabata, ppisar)
perl-CPANPLUS-Shell-Default-Plugins-RT (jplesnik, ppisar, mmaslano, psabata)
perl-criticism (ppisar, mmaslano, psabata, jplesnik)
perl-Crypt-CAST5_PP (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Crypt-Cracklib (redragon)
perl-Crypt-DES_EDE3 (steve, psabata)
perl-Crypt-GPG (robert)
perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-AES (hardaker)
perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Bignum (hardaker)
perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-DSA (hardaker)
perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Random (hardaker)
perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA (hardaker)
perl-Crypt-RC4 (fale)
perl-Crypt-RSA (pghmcfc)
perl-Crypt-SMIME (stevetraylen)
perl-Curses (stevetraylen)
perl-Data-Denter (iarnell, mmaslano, ppisar, psabata, jplesnik)
perl-Data-Dumper-Names (jplesnik, ppisar, psabata)
perl-Data-FormValidator-Constraints-DateTime (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Data-HexDump (ixs)
perl-Data-Report (sciurius)
perl-Data-Taxi (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Data-TreeDumper-Renderer-GTK (jplesnik, psabata, ppisar, mmaslano)
perl-Data-Uniqid (nb)
perl-Date-Holidays-DE (robert)
perl-Date-ICal (xavierb)
perl-Date-Leapyear (xavierb)
perl-Date-Simple (pghmcfc)
perl-DateTime-Calendar-Mayan (pghmcfc, psabata, mmaslano, ppisar, jplesnik)
perl-DateTime-Format-Excel (jplesnik, ppisar, psabata, mmaslano)
perl-DateTime-Format-ICal (steve, xavierb, psabata)
perl-DateTime-Format-SQLite (iarnell, ppisar, psabata, mmaslano, jplesnik)
perl-DateTime-Format-XSD (stevetraylen)
perl-DateTime-Precise (xavierb)
perl-DBD-SQLite2 (spot)
perl-DBD-XBase (adelton)
perl-DBI-Dumper (jplesnik, mmaslano, ppisar, psabata)
perl-DBIx-Class-TimeStamp (iarnell, psabata)
perl-DBIx-POS (jplesnik, ppisar, psabata, mmaslano)
perl-DBIx-Simple (jplesnik, ppisar, psabata)
perl-Declare-Constraints-Simple (pghmcfc, mmaslano, psabata, ppisar, jplesnik)
perl-Devel-Caller (steve, psabata)
perl-Devel-Dumpvar (jplesnik, ppisar, psabata)
perl-Devel-FastProf (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Devel-Refactor (jplesnik, psabata, ppisar)
perl-Devel-Refcount (cheeselee)
perl-Device-SerialPort (orion, jima)
perl-Digest-BubbleBabble (pghmcfc)
perl-Digest-SHA1 (jplesnik, alexl, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, ssp, mmaslano, ppisar, psabata)
perl-Directory-Queue (stevetraylen, mpaladin, lcons)
perl-Directory-Scratch-Structured (jplesnik, ppisar, psabata, mmaslano)
perl-Email-Date (spot)
perl-Email-Date-Format (spot)
perl-Email-Find (jplesnik)
perl-Email-MessageID (spot)
perl-Email-MIME (spot)
perl-Email-MIME-Attachment-Stripper (spot)
perl-Email-MIME-Creator ()
perl-Email-MIME-Modifier ()
perl-Email-Send (spot)
perl-Email-Simple (spot)
perl-Email-Valid (spot)
perl-Encode-Detect (ralston)
perl-Encode-EUCJPASCII (xavierb)
perl-Encode-HanExtra (xavierb)
perl-Encode-JIS2K (xavierb)
perl-eperl (steve, psabata)
perl-Event-Lib (kwizart)
perl-Expect-Simple (iarnell, mmaslano, ppisar, psabata, jplesnik)
perl-ExtUtils-H2PM (eseyman)
perl-ExtUtils-InferConfig (jplesnik, psabata, ppisar)
perl-ExtUtils-InstallPAR (jplesnik, psabata, ppisar)
perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker-Coverage (jplesnik, mmaslano, psabata, ppisar)
perl-ExtUtils-PkgConfig (spot)
perl-ExtUtils-XSBuilder (spot)
perl-Feed-Find (jplesnik, psabata, ppisar)
perl-File-ChangeNotify (psabata, ppisar, mmaslano, jplesnik)
perl-File-Comments (pghmcfc)
perl-File-ExtAttr (jplesnik, mmaslano, ppisar, psabata)
perl-File-FcntlLock (spot)
perl-File-Finder (rlandmann)
perl-File-Find-Rule-VCS (jplesnik, psabata, ppisar)
perl-File-Flat (corsepiu, laxathom)
perl-File-FnMatch (coec)
perl-FileHandle-Fmode (ixs)
perl-File-Inplace (rlandmann)
perl-File-NCopy (corsepiu, laxathom)
perl-File-Next (cheeselee)
perl-File-PathList (ppisar, mmaslano, psabata, jplesnik)
perl-File-Pid (iarnell, psabata)
perl-File-Read (iarnell, psabata)
perl-File-Slurp (corsepiu, laxathom)
perl-Filesys-Notify-Simple (cheeselee, mmaslano, ppisar, psabata, jplesnik)
perl-File-Tail (spot)
perl-File-Type (steve, psabata)
perl-File-Type-WebImages (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Font-AFM (corsepiu, laxathom)
perl-Font-TTFMetrics (xavierb)
perl-Format-Human-Bytes (jplesnik, psabata, ppisar)
perl-GD-SVG (alexlan)
perl-GDTextUtil (spot, corsepiu, pghmcfc)
perl-Gearman-Client-Async (ppisar)
perl-Geo-Constants (spot)
perl-Geo-Ellipsoids (spot)
perl-Geo-Forward (spot)
perl-Geo-Functions (spot)
perl-Geography-Countries (spot)
perl-Geo-Inverse (spot)
perl-Getopt-ArgvFile (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Getopt-GUI-Long (hardaker)
perl-Getopt-Usaginator (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Gnome2-Canvas (ppisar, mmaslano, psabata, jplesnik)
perl-Gnome2-GConf (ppisar, mmaslano, psabata, jplesnik)
perl-Gnome2-Wnck (liangsuilong)
perl-Goo-Canvas (liangsuilong)
perl-GPS (spot)
perl-GPS-OID (spot)
perl-Graph (alexlan)
perl-Graphics-ColorNames (steve, psabata)
perl-Gtk2-Ex-CalendarButton (ppisar, psabata, mmaslano, jplesnik)
perl-Gtk2-Ex-Carp (ppisar, mmaslano, psabata, jplesnik)
perl-Gtk2-Ex-Simple-List (jplesnik, mmaslano, psabata, ppisar)
perl-Gtk2-GladeXML (ppisar, psabata, mmaslano, jplesnik)
perl-Gtk2-ImageView (spot)
perl-Gtk2-Sexy (ppisar, psabata, mmaslano, jplesnik)
perl-Gtk2-TrayIcon (ppisar, mmaslano, psabata, jplesnik)
perl-Gtk2-WebKit (remi)
perl-Hardware-Vhdl-Lexer (chitlesh, jplesnik)
perl-Hardware-Vhdl-Tidy (chitlesh, jplesnik)
perl-Hash-Flatten (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Hash-Merge (spot)
perl-Hash-MultiValue (cheeselee, ppisar, mmaslano, psabata, jplesnik)
perl-Heap (jplesnik, ppisar, psabata)
perl-HTML-CalendarMonthSimple (xavierb, ixs)
perl-HTML-Defang (iarnell, eseyman)
perl-HTML-Encoding (gnat)
perl-HTML-GenToc (iarnell, eseyman)
perl-HTML-Mason-PSGIHandler (corsepiu)
perl-HTML-PrettyPrinter (xavierb)
perl-HTML-Prototype (sxw)
perl-HTML-Quoted (corsepiu)
perl-HTML-SimpleParse (iarnell, eseyman)
perl-HTML-StripScripts (xavierb)
perl-HTML-StripScripts-Parser (xavierb)
perl-HTML-Template-Expr (steve, psabata)
perl-HTML-Tiny (iarnell, eseyman)
perl-HTML-Toc (iarnell, eseyman)
perl-HTML-TokeParser-Simple (iarnell, eseyman)
perl-HTTP-Body (spot)
perl-HTTP-Daemon-SSL (stevetraylen)
perl-HTTP-Parser (ppisar, mmaslano, jplesnik)
perl-HTTP-Request-Params (spot)
perl-HTTP-Response-Encoding (corsepiu)
perl-HTTP-Server-Simple-Mason (corsepiu, laxathom)
perl-HTTP-Server-Simple-Static (spot)
perl-Ima-DBI (spot)
perl-Image-Base (spot)
perl-Image-Math-Constrain (steve, psabata)
perl-Image-Xbm (spot)
perl-Image-Xpm (spot)
perl-IO-Any (rlandmann)
perl-IO-Capture (spot)
perl-IO-CaptureOutput (spot)
perl-IO-Digest (cheeselee)
perl-IO-Handle-Util (corsepiu, psabata, ppisar, mmaslano, jplesnik)
perl-IO-InSitu (wfp)
perl-IO-LockedFile (pwouters)
perl-IO-Null (steve, psabata)
perl-IO-Stty (jplesnik, ppisar, psabata)
perl-IO-Tee (nb)
perl-IPC-DirQueue (stevetraylen)
perl-IPC-Run-SafeHandles (corsepiu)
perl-IPC-SharedCache (spot)
perl-IPC-ShareLite (steve, xavierb, psabata)
perl-IPC-Signal (mrunge, eseyman)
perl-IPTables-ChainMgr (mitr)
perl-IPTables-Parse (mitr, tremble)
perl-JSON-Path (eseyman)
perl-JSON-Util (rlandmann)
perl-Kwiki-Archive-Rcs (steve, psabata)
perl-Kwiki-Attachments (steve, psabata)
perl-Kwiki-Diff (steve, psabata)
perl-Kwiki-ModPerl (steve, psabata)
perl-Kwiki-NewPage (steve, psabata)
perl-Kwiki-Raw (steve, psabata)
perl-Kwiki-RecentChanges (steve, psabata)
perl-Kwiki-Revisions (steve, psabata)
perl-Kwiki-Search (steve, psabata)
perl-Kwiki-UserName (steve, psabata)
perl-Kwiki-UserPreferences (steve, psabata)
perl-Kwiki-Users-Remote (steve, psabata)
perl-latest (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Lingua-EN-Inflect (spot)
perl-Lingua-EN-Inflect-Number (spot)
perl-Lingua-EN-Numbers (churchyard)
perl-Lingua-Flags (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Lingua-PT-Stemmer (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Lingua-Stem (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Lingua-Stem-Fr (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Lingua-Stem-It (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Lingua-Stem-Ru (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Lingua-Stem-Snowball (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Lingua-Stem-Snowball-Da (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Lingua-StopWords (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Linux-Inotify2 (ppisar, mmaslano, psabata, jplesnik)
perl-Linux-Pid (xavierb)
perl-Locale-Maketext-Gettext (rlandmann)
perl-Locale-Msgfmt (jplesnik, psabata, ppisar)
perl-LockFile-Simple (ixs)
perl-Log-Any-Adapter-Dispatch (corsepiu)
perl-Log-Dispatch-FileRotate (spot)
perl-Log-Dispatch-Perl (corsepiu)
perl-Log-LogLite (xavierb)
perl-Log-Trace (iarnell, ppisar, mmaslano, psabata, jplesnik)
perl-LWP-Authen-Negotiate (stevetraylen)
perl-LWP-Authen-Wsse (jplesnik, ppisar, mmaslano, psabata)
perl-LWP-Protocol-http10 (corsepiu)
perl-Mail-Box (spot, strobert)
perl-Mail-DKIM (kylev, nb)
perl-Mail-IMAPClient (spot)
perl-Mail-RFC822-Address (ixs)
perl-Mail-Sendmail (spot)
perl-Mail-SPF (steve, psabata, nb)
perl-Mail-Transport-Dbx (spot)
perl-MARC-Record (spot, dscott)
perl-Math-Base85 (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Math-BaseCnv (xavierb)
perl-Math-Curve-Hilbert (ron)
perl-Math-Random-Secure (eseyman)
perl-Math-Vec (jplesnik, ppisar, psabata)
perl-MD5 (ixs)
perl-MDV-Packdrakeng (jplesnik, ppisar, psabata)
perl-mecab (mtasaka)
perl-Messaging-Message (mpaladin, lcons)
perl-MIME-Base32 (pwouters)
perl-mime-construct (mrunge, eseyman)
perl-MIME-Lite-HTML (xavierb)
perl-ModelSim-List (chitlesh, jplesnik)
perl-Module-Extract (jplesnik, ppisar, psabata)
perl-Module-Inspector (jplesnik, psabata, ppisar)
perl-Module-Mask (corsepiu)
perl-Module-Math-Depends (jplesnik, psabata, ppisar)
perl-Module-Pluggable-Ordered (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Module-Refresh (corsepiu, laxathom)
perl-Module-Starter-PBP (jplesnik, ppisar, mmaslano, psabata)
perl-Module-Versions-Report (corsepiu, psabata, mmaslano, ppisar, jplesnik)
perl-MooseX-Emulate-Class-Accessor-Fast (iarnell, ppisar, mmaslano, psabata, jplesnik, eseyman)
perl-MooseX-GlobRef (jplesnik, psabata, ppisar)
perl-MooseX-InsideOut (iarnell, eseyman)
perl-MooseX-Iterator (iarnell, mmaslano, ppisar, psabata, jplesnik, eseyman)
perl-MooseX-LazyLogDispatch (iarnell, psabata, ppisar, mmaslano, jplesnik, eseyman)
perl-MooseX-Meta-TypeConstraint-ForceCoercion (iarnell, eseyman)
perl-MooseX-MultiMethods (iarnell, eseyman)
perl-MooseX-Param (iarnell, mmaslano, ppisar, psabata, jplesnik, eseyman)
perl-MooseX-Role-Matcher (andriy)
perl-MooseX-Types-VariantTable (iarnell, eseyman)
perl-Mozilla-LDAP (rmeggins, nkinder)
perl-MP3-Info (psabata)
perl-Nagios-NSCA (stevetraylen)
perl-Nagios-Plugin-WWW-Mechanize (ktdreyer)
perl-Net-DBus-GLib (psabata, ppisar, mmaslano, jplesnik)
perl-Net-Domain-TLD (spot)
perl-Net-FTP-AutoReconnect (bjohnson)
perl-Net-FTP-RetrHandle (bjohnson)
perl-Net-Google-AuthSub (andriy)
perl-Net-GPSD (spot)
perl-Net-IMAP-Simple-SSL (kanarip)
perl-Net-IP-Match-Regexp (ktdreyer)
perl-Net-IPv4Addr (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Net-IRC (psabata)
perl-Net-NBName (remi)
perl-Net-OpenSSH (stevetraylen)
perl-NetPacket (jpo)
perl-NetPacket-LLC (hpejakle)
perl-NetPacket-SpanningTree (hpejakle)
perl-Net-Ping-External (mitr)
perl-Net-RawIP (mitr)
perl-Net-SCP (steve, psabata)
perl-Net-SFTP (steve, psabata)
perl-Net-SNMP (spot)
perl-Net-SNPP (jcollie)
perl-Net-SSH (steve, psabata, tremble)
perl-Net-SSLGlue (remi)
perl-Net-STOMP-Client (stevetraylen, mpaladin, lcons)
perl-Net-Telnet-Cisco (coec)
perl-Net-Whois (coec)
perl-No-Worries (mpaladin, lcons)
perl-NTLM (nb, ktdreyer)
perl-Number-Bytes-Human (lystor, rebus, fab)
perl-Number-Compare (corsepiu, laxathom)
perl-Object-Pluggable (jplesnik, psabata, ppisar)
perl-Object-Realize-Later (spot)
perl-OLE-Storage_Lite (spot)
perl-OpenFrame (steve, psabata)
perl-ORLite-Statistics (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Panotools-Script (bpostle)
perl-Parallel-ForkManager (tibbs, jehane)
perl-Params-Classify (iarnell, pghmcfc)
perl-Params-Coerce (pghmcfc, ppisar, psabata, mmaslano, jplesnik)
perl-Params-Util (corsepiu, laxathom)
perl-Parse-ExuberantCTags (jplesnik, psabata, ppisar)
perl-PatchReader (pfrields)
perl-PDF-Haru (cheeselee)
perl-Perlbal-XS-HTTPHeaders (ppisar, psabata)
perl-Perl-Critic-Compatibility (ppisar, mmaslano, psabata, jplesnik)
perl-Perl-Critic-Nits (ppisar, mmaslano, psabata, jplesnik)
perl-Perl-Critic-Storable (ppisar, mmaslano, psabata, jplesnik)
perl-Perl-Critic-Swift (ppisar, mmaslano, psabata, jplesnik)
perl-Perlilog (chitlesh, jplesnik)
perl-PerlIO-eol (ppisar)
perl-PerlIO-via-dynamic (cheeselee)
perl-pgsql_perl5 (itamarjp)
perl-PHP-Serialization (tibbs)
perl-pip (jplesnik, psabata, ppisar)
perl-Pipeline (steve, psabata)
perl-POD2-Base (ppisar, mmaslano, psabata, jplesnik)
perl-Pod-Abstract (jplesnik, ppisar, psabata)
perl-Pod-MinimumVersion (ppisar, mmaslano, psabata, jplesnik)
perl-Pod-PseudoPod (gerd)
perl-Pod-PseudoPod-LaTeX (gerd)
perl-Pod-Strip (psabata, mmaslano, ppisar, jplesnik)
perl-POE-Component-Client-SMTP (yaneti)
perl-POE-Component-DBIAgent (psabata, mmaslano, ppisar, jplesnik)
perl-POE-Component-Log4perl (yaneti)
perl-POE-Component-Server-Bayeux (yaneti)
perl-POE-Component-Server-XMLRPC (psabata, mmaslano, ppisar, jplesnik)
perl-POE-Filter-HTTP-Parser (ppisar, mmaslano, psabata, jplesnik)
perl-POE-Filter-Transparent-SMTP (yaneti)
perl-PostScript (alexlan)
perl-PPI-Tester (spot)
perl-prefork (corsepiu, laxathom)
perl-Proc-PID-File (jehane)
perl-Proc-Simple (hpejakle)
perl-Proc-WaitStat (mrunge, eseyman)
perl-qooxdoo-compat (terjeros)
perl-QWizard (hardaker)
perl-Regexp-IPv6 (corsepiu)
perl-Regexp-Shellish (jplesnik, ppisar)
perl-Return-Value (spot)
perl-Role-HasMessage (iarnell, eseyman)
perl-RPM-Specfile (jplesnik, alexl, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, ssp, mmaslano, psabata, ppisar)
perl-Sane (bjohnson)
perl-Sendmail-PMilter (pghmcfc)
perl-ServiceNow-API (mmahut)
perl-Set-Infinite (steve, psabata)
perl-Set-IntSpan (corsepiu)
perl-Set-Object (kraxel)
perl-SGMLSpm (ovasik)
perl-Snowball-Norwegian (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Snowball-Swedish (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Socket-Netlink (eseyman)
perl-Spoon (steve, psabata)
perl-Spreadsheet-WriteExcel (spot, oliver)
perl-String-Approx (orion)
perl-String-Escape (xavierb)
perl-String-ShellQuote (steve, psabata)
perl-String-Similarity (rlandmann)
perl-SVN-Simple (lbazan)
perl-Sys-Mmap (tibbs)
perl-Sys-Path (rlandmann)
perl-SystemPerl (chitlesh, jplesnik)
perl-TAP-Formatter-HTML (berrange)
perl-TAP-Harness-Multiple (gerd)
perl-Task-Weaken (sxw)
perl-Template-GD (spot)
perl-Template-Plugin-Class (spot)
perl-Template-Plugin-Cycle (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Template-Provider-Encoding (iarnell, ppisar, mmaslano, psabata, jplesnik)
perl-Template-Tiny (jplesnik, ppisar, psabata)
perl-Template-Toolkit (spot)
perl-Term-Prompt (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Term-ReadPassword (steve, psabata)
perl-Term-Shell (stevetraylen)
perl-Term-Size-Perl (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Test-Assertions (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Test-CheckManifest (corsepiu)
perl-Test-ClassAPI (corsepiu, laxathom)
perl-Test-Cmd (spot)
perl-Test-Harness-Straps (jplesnik, psabata, ppisar)
perl-Test-HexString (eseyman)
perl-Test-HTTP-Server-Simple (corsepiu)
perl-Test-HTTP-Server-Simple-StashWarnings (corsepiu)
perl-Test-Inline (corsepiu, laxathom)
perl-Test-JSON (iarnell, mmaslano, ppisar, psabata, jplesnik, eseyman)
perl-Test-Log-Dispatch (corsepiu)
perl-Test-Memory-Cycle (steve, psabata)
perl-Test-Object (spot)
perl-Test-Perl-Critic-Progressive (ppisar, mmaslano, psabata, jplesnik)
perl-Test-POE-Server-TCP (yaneti)
perl-Test-Unit-Runner-Xml (xavierb)
perl-Test-WWW-Mechanize-PSGI (corsepiu)
perl-Test-YAML-Valid (berrange, tremble)
perl-Text-CharWidth (athimm, eseyman, psabata)
perl-Text-CHM (psabata, ppisar, mmaslano, jplesnik)
perl-Text-Context (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Text-Context-EitherSide (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Text-Emoticon (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Text-Emoticon-MSN (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Text-German (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Text-Iconv (ixs)
perl-Text-Kakasi (tagoh)
perl-Text-LevenshteinXS (steve, psabata)
perl-Text-Markdown (jcollie)
perl-Text-Patch (psabata, ppisar, jplesnik)
perl-Text-Quoted (corsepiu, laxathom)
perl-Text-Reform (steve, psabata)
perl-Text-Shellwords (alexlan)
perl-Text-SimpleTable (psabata, mmaslano, ppisar, jplesnik)
perl-Text-Smart (apevec, berrange)
perl-Text-Smart-Plugin (apevec, berrange)
perl-Text-Template (spot)
perl-Text-Tree (psabata, mmaslano, ppisar, jplesnik)
perl-Text-WikiFormat (spot)
perl-Text-WrapI18N (athimm, psabata, eseyman)
perl-Tie-DBI (spot)
perl-Tie-IxHash (spot)
perl-Tie-ToObject (iarnell, ppisar, psabata, mmaslano, jplesnik, pghmcfc)
perl-Tk-DirSelect (hvad)
perl-Tk-ProgressBar-Mac (hvad)
perl-Tk-Stderr (hvad)
perl-Unicode-CheckUTF8 (pghmcfc)
perl-Unicode-LineBreak (xavierb)
perl-UNIVERSAL-exports (spot)
perl-UNIVERSAL-moniker (spot)
perl-User (xavierb)
perl-User-Identity (spot)
perl-V (sciurius)
perl-Verilog-CodeGen (chitlesh, jplesnik)
perl-VOMS-Lite (stevetraylen)
perl-WWW-Google-Contacts (aviram)
perl-Wx-Perl-ProcessStream (jplesnik, psabata, ppisar)
perl-X11-Protocol (cicku, jima, tremble)
perl-XML-DOM-XPath (alexlan)
perl-XML-DTDParser (wfp)
perl-XML-Dumper (jplesnik, alexl, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, ssp, mmaslano, psabata, ppisar)
perl-XML-Filter-BufferText (ixs)
perl-XML-Filter-XInclude (ixs)
perl-XML-Generator-DBI (xavierb)
perl-XML-Grove (jplesnik, alexl, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, ssp, mmaslano, ppisar, psabata)
perl-XML-Handler-YAWriter (xavierb)
perl-XML-Merge (xavierb)
perl-XML-NamespaceSupport (jplesnik, alexl, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, ssp, mmaslano, psabata, ppisar)
perl-XML-Parser-Lite-Tree-XPath (hpejakle)
perl-XML-RegExp (orion)
perl-XML-RSS (spot)
perl-XML-Rules (wfp)
perl-XML-Simple-DTDReader (xavierb)
perl-XML-Tidy (xavierb)
perl-XML-TreeBuilder (rlandmann)
perl-XML-TreePP (kanarip, jehane)
perl-XML-Validator-Schema (ixs)
perl-XML-XPathEngine (alexlan)
perl-XML-XQL (steve, psabata)
perl-YAML-Parser-Syck (steve, psabata)
perl-YAPE-Regex (iarnell, psabata)
perl-ZeroMQ (jpo)
PersonalCopy-Lite-soundfont (jwrdegoede)
pesign (pjones)
pesign-test-app (pjones)
pessulus (hguemar)
petit (red)
pgp-tools (s4504kr)
pguiman (has been retired?)
pharosc (chitlesh, sophiekovalevsky)
phat (bsjones)
photoml (brendt)
photoprint (jcapik)
php-Analog (trasher)
php-channel-deepend (cdamian, ignatenkobrain)
php-channel-digitalsandwich (cdamian, siwinski)
php-channel-ezc ()
php-channel-htmlpurifier (ke4qqq)
php-channel-pearplex (robert)
php-channel-phing (cdamian, remi)
php-channel-phpdoc (cdamian, siwinski)
php-channel-phpqatools (cdamian, siwinski)
php-channel-swift (cdamian, ignatenkobrain)
php-channel-symfony (cdamian, siwinski)
php-digitalsandwich-Phake (cdamian, siwinski)
php-domxml-php4-php5 (remi)
php-email-address-validation (topdog)
phpesp (ke4qqq)
php-ezc-Archive ()
php-ezc-Authentication ()
php-ezc-AuthenticationDatabaseTiein ()
php-ezc-Base ()
php-ezc-Cache ()
php-ezc-Configuration ()
php-ezc-ConsoleTools ()
php-ezc-Database ()
php-ezc-DatabaseSchema ()
php-ezc-EventLog ()
php-ezc-EventLogDatabaseTiein ()
php-ezc-Feed ()
php-ezc-File ()
php-ezc-Graph ()
php-ezc-Mail ()
php-ezc-PersistentObject ()
php-ezc-PersistentObjectDatabaseSchemaTiein ()
php-ezc-SystemInformation ()
php-ezc-Template ()
php-ezc-Webdav ()
php-feedcreator (xavierb)
phpFlickr (ke4qqq)
php-fpdf (ke4qqq)
php-geshi (xavierb, atkac)
php-horde-Horde-Role (remi)
php-horde-Horde-Xml-Wbxml (remi)
php-htmLawed (remi)
php-htmlpurifier-htmlpurifier (ke4qqq)
php-idn (robert)
php-IDNA_Convert (ke4qqq)
php-Kohana (limb)
php-layers-menu (topdog)
phpldapadmin (buc)
php-LightweightPicasaAPI (pfrields, ke4qqq, herlo)
phplogcon (pvrabec)
php-manual-en (timj)
php-markdown (remi)
phpMemcachedAdmin (trasher)
phpMyAdmin (robert)
php-nusoap (ke4qqq)
php-oauth (remi, fkooman)
php-password-compat (trasher)
php-pdb (richardfearn)
php-pear (jorton, remi)
php-pear-Auth (remi)
php-pear-Auth-OpenID (athimm, kurtseifried, puiterwijk)
php-pear-Auth-RADIUS (remi)
php-pear-Auth-SASL (remi)
php-pear-Benchmark ()
php-pear-Cache (remi)
php-pear-Cache-Lite (remi)
php-pear-CAS (remi)
php-pear-CodeGen (robert)
php-pear-CodeGen-PECL (robert)
php-pear-Console-Color ()
php-pear-console-color2 (remi)
php-pear-Console-Getargs (remi)
php-pear-Console-ProgressBar ()
php-pear-Console-Table (remi)
php-pear-Crypt-Blowfish (xavierb)
php-pear-Crypt-CHAP (remi)
php-pear-Date (remi)
php-pear-Date-Holidays (remi)
php-pear-Date-Holidays-USA (remi)
php-pear-DB (timj, remi)
php-pear-DB-DataObject (remi)
php-pear-DB-DataObject-FormBuilder ()
php-pear-DB-QueryTool ()
php-pear-Event-Dispatcher ()
php-pear-File (remi)
php-pear-File-CSV (remi)
php-pear-File-Find (remi)
php-pear-File-Fstab (remi)
php-pear-File-Passwd (remi)
php-pear-File-SMBPasswd (remi)
php-pear-File-Util (remi)
php-pear-HTML-Common (remi)
php-pear-HTML-QuickForm (remi)
php-pear-HTML-QuickForm-advmultiselect ()
php-pear-HTML-QuickForm-ElementGrid ()
php-pear-HTML-Table ()
php-pear-HTTP (remi)
php-pear-HTTP-Client (remi)
php-pear-HTTP-OAuth (remi)
php-pear-HTTP-Request (remi)
php-pear-HTTP-Request2 (remi)
php-pear-HTTP-Upload (remi)
php-pear-Image-Canvas ()
php-pear-Image-Color ()
php-pear-Image-Graph ()
php-pear-Image-GraphViz ()
php-pear-Log (remi)
php-pear-Mail (remi)
php-pear-Mail-Mime (remi)
php-pear-Mail-mimeDecode (remi, limb)
php-pear-Math-Stats ()
php-pear-MDB2 (remi)
php-pear-MDB2-Driver-mysql (remi)
php-pear-MDB2-Driver-mysqli (remi)
php-pear-MDB2-Driver-pgsql (remi)
php-pear-Net-Curl (remi)
php-pear-Net-DIME (remi)
php-pear-Net-DNS ()
php-pear-Net-FTP (remi)
php-pear-Net-IDNA2 (terjeros)
php-pear-Net-IMAP (remi)
php-pear-Net-IPv4 ()
php-pear-Net-Ping (remi)
php-pear-Net-POP3 (remi)
php-pear-Net-Sieve (remi)
php-pear-Net-SMTP (remi)
php-pear-Net-Socket (remi)
php-pear-Net-Traceroute ()
php-pear-Net-URL (remi)
php-pear-Net-URL2 (remi)
php-pear-Net-URL-Mapper (remi)
php-pear-Net-UserAgent-Detect ()
php-pear-Numbers-Roman ()
php-pear-Numbers-Words (remi)
php-pear-Pager (remi)
php-pear-Payment-Process ()
php-pear-PEAR-Command-Packaging (timj, remi)
php-pear-PHP-Compat ()
php-pear-PHP-CompatInfo ()
php-pear-PhpDocumentor (cdamian, trasher, siwinski)
php-pear-Services-Twitter ()
php-pear-Services-Weather (remi)
php-pear-SOAP (remi)
php-pear-Structures-DataGrid ()
php-pear-Structures-DataGrid-DataSource-Array ()
php-pear-Structures-DataGrid-DataSource-DataObject ()
php-pear-Structures-DataGrid-DataSource-MDB2 ()
php-pear-Structures-DataGrid-DataSource-RSS ()
php-pear-Structures-DataGrid-Renderer-Pager ()
php-pear-Structures-DataGrid-Renderer-Smarty ()
php-pear-Text-Diff (xavierb)
php-pear-Text-Figlet (remi)
php-pear-Text-Password (remi)
php-pear-Validate (remi)
php-pear-Validate-Finance-CreditCard ()
php-pear-Var-Dump ()
php-pear-XML-Beautifier (remi)
php-pear-XML-Parser (remi)
php-pear-XML-RPC ()
php-pear-XML-RPC2 ()
php-pear-XML-RSS (remi)
php-pear-XML-Serializer (remi)
php-pear-XML-SVG (remi)
php-pecl-apfd (remi)
php-pecl-geoip (topdog)
php-pecl-gmagick (hubbitus)
php-pecl-imagick (hubbitus)
php-pecl-json-post (remi)
php-pecl-lzf (topdog)
php-pecl-parsekit (hubbitus)
php-pecl-selinux (kaigai)
php-pecl-ssh2 (itamarjp, lbazan)
phpPgAdmin (devrim, hhorak, jmlich, praiskup)
php-php-gettext (robert)
php-phpseclib (fkooman, remi)
php-phpSmug (pfrields, ke4qqq)
php-pluf ()
php-sabre-dav (remi)
php-sabredav-Sabre_VObject (siwinski, remi)
php-simplepie (ke4qqq, nb)
php-Slim (trasher)
php-Smarty (limb, cdamian, trasher)
php-Smarty2 (limb)
php-swift-Swift (cdamian, ignatenkobrain, siwinski, remi)
php-symfony-YAML (remi)
php-voms-admin (ellert)
phpwapmail (buc)
php-xmlseclibs (fkooman, siwinski)
php-xmpphp (remi, itamarjp, limb)
php-zetacomponents-console-tools (remi)
php-zetacomponents-graph (remi)
php-zipstream (llaumgui)
pianobooster (chkr)
picocom (kevin)
picprog (musolinoa)
pidgin (jsynacek, nosnilmot, mcrha, jskarvad)
pidgin-latex ()
pidgin-logviewer (kumarpraveen)
pidgin-musictracker (hpejakle)
pidgin-privacy-please (llaumgui)
pidgin-sipe (stefanb)
pingus (limb)
pioneers (pfrields)
pipenightdreams (limb)
pipepanic (musuruan)
pipestat (smilner)
pitivi (limb, company, hicham, elad, wtaymans)
pkcs11-dump (kalev)
pki-console (mharmsen, edewata, vakwetu)
pki-core (mharmsen, edewata, vakwetu, kwright)
planet (limb)
planner (caolanm, alexl, caillon, hadess, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, ssp, mcrha, group::gnome-sig)
planner2html (caolanm)
player (timn, rmattes, kwizart)
plotdrop (sagarun)
plotmm (hguemar)
plotutils (msrb, branto, msimacek, mizdebsk)
plowshare (hubbitus, eldermarco)
plymouth-theme-hot-dog (wwoods)
pmars (limb)
pmpu (jreznik)
pngcrush (fcami)
pngnq (kraxel)
pnm2ppa (twaugh)
pnp4nagios (ondrejj, romal)
poco (udushlivy)
po-debconf (oron, sergiomb)
pokerth (rrix, itamarjp)
PolicyKit-olpc (dsd)
polipo (bjohnson, jcp)
polkit (mitr)
pondus (jussilehtola)
pony (kushal, group::nodejs-sig)
popfile (amatubu)
poppler (mkasik, alexl, caillon, caolanm, hadess, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, ssp, jnovy, rdieter, group::gnome-sig, mhatina, feborges)
popt (robert)
postal (ke4qqq)
postfix (jskarvad)
postgresql_autodoc (devrim)
postgresql-dbi-link (devrim)
postgresql-pgpoolAdmin (devrim, jmlich)
postgresql-plruby (devrim, hhorak, praiskup, jmlich)
potrace (jussilehtola)
poweradmin (slankes)
powerman (tuxbrewr)
powertop (jskarvad)
ppc64-diag (karsten, fkocina, hegdevasant)
pptp (jskarvad, msekleta)
pragha (cwickert)
preferences-menus (cwickert)
primer3 (pingou)
procinfo-ng (fab)
procServ (ralphlange)
professor-is-missing (limb)
proj (devrim)
projectM-jack (imntreal)
projectM-libvisual (imntreal)
projectM-pulseaudio (imntreal)
prosody (jkaluza, robert)
protobuf-c (jvcelak, nmav, konradm)
prover9 (tcolles)
proxyfuzz (psklenar)
proxytunnel (lystor, fab)
prozilla (kushal)
pscan (maxamillion)
psgml (alexlan)
pstreams-devel (hubbitus, jwakely)
pthsem (ixs)
ptrash (pjp)
publican (rlandmann, jfearn)
publican-fedora (rlandmann, zoglesby, immanetize)
pulsecaster (pfrields)
puppet (kanarip, tmz, skottler, stahnma, lzap, mmagr, gchamoul)
purple-msn-pecan (itamarjp)
purple-plugin_pack (ivazquez, nushio)
puzzle-master (venemo)
pwauth (philipp, rdieter)
pwsafe (ertzing, jsteffan)
pxz (jnovy)
pyaudio (chkr)
py-bcrypt (limb)
pybox2d (sdz, pbrobinson)
pychecker (vcrhonek)
pychess (bruno)
pycryptopp (moceap)
pydb (roma)
pydf (herlo)
pyephem (mmahut, elwell)
pyexiv2 (peter)
pygame (jkaluza, jskarvad, limb)
pygobject2 (walters, alexl, caillon, caolanm, hadess, johnp, rhughes, rstrode, ssp, group::gnome-sig)
pygoocanvas (bjohnson, hguemar)
pygpgme (ivazquez, mitr, till)
pygrace (jamatos)
PyGreSQL (praiskup, hhorak, jmlich, pkajaba)
pygtkglext (jwrdegoede)
pygtksourceview (mbarnes)
pyicq-t (stefansf)
pyicu (prabindatta)
pyifp (konradm)
pyip (npmccallum)
pyjamas (kevin)
PyKDE (rdieter, jamatos)
pykickstart (clumens, bcl, sbueno)
pylibacl (szpak)
pylint (bcl, mrunge)
pymol (timfenn)
pymssql (swilkerson)
pymunk (rspanton)
pynag (tommi)
pynetsnmp (npmccallum)
pyorbit (pbrobinson)
PyPAM (msuchy, tmraz)
pypar (deji, bstinson)
pyparted (dcantrel, clumens, bcl)
pyPdf (fschwarz, kylev)
PyPE (moceap)
pypop (alexlan)
PyQt (than, rdieter, ltinkl)
pyqtrailer (sochotni)
PyQuante (jussilehtola)
pyrasite (lmacken)
pyrenamer (limb)
Pyrex (mbarnes, alexl, caolanm, hadess, johnp, rhughes, rstrode, ssp)
pyroom (sundaram, slankes)
PyRTF (jamatos)
PySBIG (mmahut)
pysdm (hobbes1069)
pysvn (ravenoak, sgallagh)
python (bkabrda, jsteffan, ivazquez, mstuchli, dmalcolm, tomspur, rkuska)
python3 (bkabrda, tomspur, mstuchli, rkuska)
python-4Suite-XML (mitr)
python-achoo (ramkrsna)
python-alsa (limb, perex)
python-alsaaudio (kwizart)
python-amara (jamatos)
python-amqplib (fab)
python-application (peter, salimma)
python-ase (marcindulak, besser82)
python-astng (not in pkgdb?)
python-atfork (jlaska)
python-babel-BabelGladeExtractor (pfrields)
python-basemap-data (jspaleta, limb)
python-batchhttp (puiterwijk)
python-beaker (kylev, lmacken)
python-bitarray (ramkrsna, nb)
python-blist (salimma)
python-blivet (dlehman, bcl, vpodzime, sbueno, blivet-maint)
python-bunch (group::infra-sig)
python-cagraph (jorti)
PythonCard (mmahut)
python-carrot (bpepple)
python-catwalk (lmacken)
python-cdb (kushal)
python-CDDB (jcollie)
python-cement (derks)
python-cheetah (mikeb)
python-cherrypy (lmacken, konradm)
python-cherrypy2 (lmacken, fschwarz, mbacovsk, group::infra-sig)
python-cherrytemplate (lmacken)
python-chm (hubbitus, narasim)
python-cli (mmahut)
python-clientform (lmacken)
python-cloudfiles (nb)
python-Coherence ()
python-compositor (pnemade)
python-confparser (dougsland, aquini)
python-cssutils (thias, kevin)
python-ctags (kushal)
python-daap (jcollie)
python-debian (msuchy)
python-decorator (ralph)
python-decoratortools (lmacken)
python-dictclient (ricky)
python-dirq (stevetraylen, mpaladin, lcons)
python-django14 (mrunge)
python-django-flash (lbazan)
python-dns (jcollie, pwouters, louizatakk, pspacek)
python-dotconf ()
python-dtopt (ricky, ralph)
python-easygui (limb)
python-elements (sdz, pbrobinson)
python-elfdata (kushal)
python-elixir (smilner, lmacken, jdornak, dcallagh)
python-enchant (rnovacek)
python-enum (maxamillion)
python-epdb (jforbes, pjones)
python-fedora (lmacken, ricky, codeblock, group::infra-sig)
python-feedcache (lmacken)
python-feedparser (hguemar, lmacken, louizatakk, mcepl)
python-flatland (limb)
python-flickrapi (wzzrd)
python-flup (till, jdornak)
python-fontMath (pnemade)
python-formencode (lmacken, kylev, ralph)
python-fpconst (fcami)
python-gasp (lfaraone, sdz)
python-gdata (sundaram, bjohnson, smilner, roshansingh, mrunge)
python-GeoIP (mdomsch, group::infra-sig)
python-gitdb (ausil)
python-gnutls (peter, gnat)
python-googlevoice (jcollie)
python-gtkextra (mitr)
python-guppy (peter)
python-hcs_utils (helloworld1)
python-HTMLgen (jamatos)
python-httplib2 (awjb, dchen, kevin)
python-imdb (limb)
python-iniparse (timlau)
python-ipaddr (leon)
python-irclib (lmacken)
python-isodate (jlaska, jmatthews, dscott, dcallagh, jcline)
python-isprelink (jcollie)
python-kaa-base (kwizart)
python-kaa-display (kwizart)
python-kaa-imlib2 (kwizart)
python-kaa-metadata (kwizart)
python-kerberos (rcritten, simo)
python-kid (till, lmacken)
python-kitchen (ausil, group::infra-sig)
python-krbV (mikeb)
python-ldap (kanarip, alexl, caillon, caolanm, hadess, johnp, rhughes, rstrode, ssp, pspacek)
python-ldaphelper (jstanley)
python-Levenshtein (dwayne)
python-libasyncns (rishi)
python-libcloud (dbruno, terminalmage)
python-Lightbox (itamarjp)
python-lirc (thias, ondrejj)
python-lockfile (bkabrda)
python-logbook (limb, fab)
python-logilab-common (bcl, mrunge)
python-louie ()
python-lyricwiki (peter)
python-mako (kylev, lmacken, mcepl)
python-mecab (mtasaka)
python-mechanize (lmacken)
python-meh (clumens, vpodzime, m4rtink)
python-meld3 (nphilipp)
python-meliae (tadej, lmacken)
python-memcached (sgallagh, kevin, rnovacek)
python-mglob (tomspur, group::python-sig)
python-morbid (spot, lmacken)
python-mox (mrunge)
python-mpd (hguemar)
python-mpmath (jussilehtola, zbyszek)
python-mtTkinter (roma)
python-musicbrainz2 (jcollie, alexlan)
python-mutagen (rnovacek, moezroy, mbaldessari, cicku)
python-myghty (lmacken, kim27)
python-mygpoclient (slankes, vpv)
python-nevow ()
python-newt_syrup (mcpierce)
python-nose (lmacken, group::infra-sig)
python-nss (jdennis)
python-numeric (mbarnes, alexl, caillon, caolanm, hadess, johnp, rhughes, rstrode, ssp, alexlan)
python-oauth (sdz, comzeradd)
python-odict (sgallagh)
python-offtrac (ralph)
python-olpcgames (pbrobinson, fab, sdz)
python-openhpi (sharkcz)
python-openid (puiterwijk)
python-paida (jussilehtola)
python-paste (lmacken, kylev)
python-paste-deploy (lmacken, kylev, ralph)
python-paste-script (lmacken)
python-paver (lmacken)
python-peak-rules (lmacken, kylev)
python-peak-util-addons (lmacken, kylev)
python-peak-util-assembler (lmacken)
python-peak-util-extremes (lmacken)
python-peak-util-symbols (lmacken)
python-pep8 (ianweller, mrunge)
python-pgu (louizatakk)
python-phacter (radez)
python-pika (icheishvili)
python-pip (bkabrda, sundaram, mstuchli)
python-ply (spot)
python-pmw (timfenn)
python-polib (ivazquez, dchen, diegobz)
python-posix_ipc (ramkrsna)
python-postman (wakko666)
python-pp (smilner)
python-pretty (tomspur)
python-prioritized-methods (lmacken)
python-productmd (dmach, ausil)
python-progressbar (cdamian, tuanta)
python-protocols (group::infra-sig)
python-PSI (topdog)
python-py2pack (hguemar)
python-pyasn1 (rcritten, kanarip)
python-pyblock (pjones, clumens, jwrdegoede, dlehman)
python-pycha (potty, sharkcz)
python-pydns (pwouters, ralph)
python-pygments (smilner)
python-pymongo (amcnabb, rbarlow, jcline)
python-pymtp (vpv, snirkel)
python-PyPDF2 (mhayden)
python-pyro (hvad)
python-pysctp (nhorman)
python-pyspf (pwouters)
python-pyvmomi (errr)
python-qpid (irina)
python-recaptcha-client (sgallagh, nphilipp)
python-remoteobjects (bkabrda)
python-repoze-tm2 (lmacken)
python-repoze-what-plugins-sql (lmacken)
python-repoze-what-pylons (spot)
python-repoze-what-quickstart (spot)
python-repoze-who-friendlyform (spot, group::infra-sig)
python-repoze-who-plugins-sa (lmacken)
python-repoze-who-testutil (spot)
python-requests (sagarun, ralph)
python-retask (kushal, praiskup)
python-rhev (mmahut)
python-rhsm (dgoodwin, awood, bkearney)
python-rope (mcepl, nonamedotc)
python-routes (kylev)
python-rpmfluff (jhutar)
python-ruledispatch (lmacken)
python-Scriptaculous (itamarjp)
python-sexy (hguemar, rnovacek)
python-shout (laxathom)
python-shove (lmacken)
python-signalfd (jlaska)
python-simplejson (lmacken, fschwarz, kylev)
python-simpleparse (grover)
python-simpletal (thm)
python-simpy (sarantis)
python-slip (nphilipp, twoerner)
python-smbpasswd (s4504kr)
python-snpp (npmccallum)
python-soaplib (jomara)
python-SocksiPy (lystor)
python-socksipychain (lzap)
python-sqlalchemy (ivazquez, lmacken, mbacovsk, nphilipp, group::infra-sig)
python-sqlobject (lmacken)
python-squaremap (rkuska)
python-ssl (has been retired?)
python-storm (abompard)
python-suds (jortel)
python-sybase (yaneti)
python-taboot (tbielawa)
python-telepathy (bpepple)
python-tempita (ricky, kylev)
python-testtools (salimma, kumarpraveen)
python-tgcaptcha (lmacken)
python-tgcaptcha2 (pingou)
python-tgext-admin (lmacken)
python-tgext-crud (lmacken)
python-tgfastdata (lmacken)
python-tgmochikit (lmacken, group::infra-sig)
python-tidy (terjeros)
python-toscawidgets (lmacken, group::infra-sig)
python-tpg (maxamillion)
python-trollius (iwienand, mrunge)
python-turbocheetah (lmacken)
python-turboflot (lmacken)
python-turbojson (lmacken)
python-turbokid (lmacken)
python-TurboMail (lmacken, fschwarz)
python-tw-forms (lmacken, group::infra-sig)
python-twill ()
python-tw-jquery (lmacken)
python-txamqp (dcallagh)
python-typepad (lbazan)
python-ufo2fdk (pnemade)
python-unicodenazi (group::infra-sig)
python-urlgrabber (packaging-team, james, vmukhame)
python-urwid (dcantrel, lmacken, fabiand)
python-utmp (tuju)
python-virtkey (maxamillion)
python-visual (tomspur)
python-vobject (pingou, dgoodwin)
python-vorbis ()
python-walkdir (kushal)
python-weberror (lmacken, ricky)
python-webflash (lmacken)
python-webhelpers (kylev)
python-werkzeug (codeblock, hguemar, ianweller)
python-which (nbecker)
python-wikimarkup ()
python-wokkel (limb)
python-wsgiproxy (ricky)
python-wsgiref (lmacken)
python-xgoogle (peter)
python-xklavier (kushal, sdz)
python-xlrd (ondrejj, pingou)
python-xmltramp (dcallagh)
python-xmpp (jcollie, peter)
python-yenc (konradm)
python-yolk (hguemar)
python-yourls (tflink, mkrizek)
python-zc-buildout (ralph)
python-zope-component (ralph, tdabasin)
python-zope-exceptions (ralph)
python-zope-i18n (ralph)
python-zope-i18nmessageid (ralph)
python-zope-interface (ralph, fschwarz)
python-zope-proxy (ralph)
python-zope-schema (ralph)
python-zope-sequencesort (ralph)
python-zope-structuredtext (ralph)
python-zope-testing (ralph)
python-ZSI (timfenn, jbowes)
pytorctl (jorti)
pytrailer (sochotni)
pyttsx (prabindatta)
pyutil (anishpatil)
pyvnc2swf (dtimms)
pyxattr (szpak)
qalculate-gtk (deji, nonamedotc)
qascade (limb)
qbrew (rmattes)
qbzr ()
qca-cyrus-sasl (rdieter)
qca-pkcs11 ()
qct (jreznik)
qd (cicku)
qdbm (mtasaka)
qfaxreader (wolfy, rdieter)
qimageblitz (kkofler, than, rdieter)
qiv (awjb)
qle (lucilanga)
qmpdclient (jgold)
qmtest (stefan)
qof (limb)
qpid-cpp (nsantos, irina)
qpid-proton (irina)
qpid-tests (irina)
qroneko (kumarpraveen)
qrq (lucilanga)
qrupdate (jussilehtola)
qsf (mlichvar)
qstars (mtasaka)
qt (than, rdieter, kasal, kkofler, ltinkl, jreznik, dvratil)
qt3 (than, rdieter, kkofler)
qt-assistant-adp (kkofler, than, rdieter, ltinkl)
qtiocompressor (fale)
qtoctave (nucleo, kkofler, chitlesh)
qt-qsa (chitlesh, sophiekovalevsky)
qt-recordmydesktop (mbooth)
qtscriptgenerator (rdieter)
qtsoap (jreznik, rdieter, than)
qtweetlib (rdieter)
quantum-espresso (marcindulak)
quarry (salimma)
quassel (tuxbrewr, maxamillion, skottler, lupinix, rdieter)
quearcode (limb)
quesa (ajax)
queuegraph (bjohnson)
quicksynergy (drago01)
quodlibet (hannes)
R (spot)
RabbIT (hubbitus)
R-abind (spot)
R-acepack (spot)
RackTables (coec)
racoon2 (pavlix)
radeontool (airlied, pknirsch)
radial (mkasik)
radiotray (jfsaucier)
radiusclient-ng ()
radius-engine (spot)
R-affy (pingou)
R-affydata (pingou)
R-affyio (pingou)
rafkill (limb)
ragel (jjh)
raidem (laxathom, bruno)
raidem-music (laxathom)
rakarrack (dtimms)
rakudo-star (gerd)
R-ALL (pingou)
rancid (slankes, dmlb2000)
R-AnnotationDbi (pingou)
rapidsvn (timj)
rarian (mbarnes)
rasterview (twaugh)
ratbox-services (mmahut)
ratpoison (kevin)
ratproxy (athmane)
R-biglm (spot)
R-Biobase (pingou)
R-Biostrings (pingou)
R-bitops (cheese)
rblcheck (moceap)
R-BSgenome (pingou)
R-BSgenome.Celegans.UCSC.ce2 (pingou)
RBTools (sgallagh, puiterwijk)
R-BufferedMatrix (pingou)
R-BufferedMatrixMethods (pingou)
rc (robert)
R-caTools (pingou)
rcrpanel (jjmcd)
rcsslogplayer (hedayat)
rcssmonitor (hedayat)
R-DBI (spot)
rdma (dledford, steved, michich, jstanley)
R-DynDoc (pingou)
readline (lnykryn, jchaloup, jcapik, mlichvar)
rear (gdha)
redhat-menus (rstrode, alexl, caillon, caolanm, hadess, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, ssp, cwickert, group::gnome-sig)
redir (itamarjp)
redland (thomasvs, rdieter, than, jreznik, ltinkl)
redmode (mmahut)
redshift (kmilos)
regexxer (cwickert)
regionset (rathann, itamarjp)
reinteract (otaylor, salimma)
rekall (spot)
rekollect (rdieter)
relevation (thias)
remctl (sxw, ktdreyer)
ren (wolfy)
renameutils (mathstuf)
rendercheck (mcepl)
repoview (icon)
reptyr (scop)
rescene (konradm)
retrace-server (abrt-team, mtoman, jfilak)
revisor ()
R-fibroEset (pingou)
rfkill (linville)
R-GeneR (pingou)
R-GenomicFeatures (pingou)
R-GenomicRanges (pingou)
rhdb-utils (praiskup, tgl, hhorak, pkajaba)
R-hgu133acdf (pingou)
R-hgu95av2cdf (pingou)
R-hgu95av2probe (pingou)
rhino (akurtakov, ebaron)
rho (alikins, jmrodri, dgoodwin)
ripmime (itamarjp)
R-IRanges (pingou)
ris-linux (kanarip)
ristretto (cwickert)
rkhunter (kevin, nonamedotc)
rktime (matriux)
R-lmtest (jamatos)
rlwrap (salimma)
R-maanova (pingou)
rmanage (pnemade)
rmap (mmahut)
R-mAr (jamatos)
rmol (denisarnaud)
R-msm (denisarnaud)
R-multtest (pingou, alexlan)
R-mvtnorm (denisarnaud, jamatos)
R-nws (spot)
robotfindskitten (wwoods)
rootfiles (ovasik, karsten, pknirsch)
rootplot (stevetraylen)
root-tail (ppisar)
roundcubemail (limb, cwickert, remi)
rpl (timj)
rpld (stingray)
rply (mrceresa)
rpm (packaging-team, pmatilai, ffesti, jnovy, pknirsch, lkardos)
rpmdepsize (jussilehtola, rjones)
rpmrebuild (afsilva)
R-preprocessCore (pingou)
R-qcc (jjmcd)
R-qvalue (pingou)
rrdtool (jskarvad)
R-rlecuyer (pingou)
R-RM2 (denisarnaud)
R-ROC (pingou)
R-RODBC (spot)
R-Rsolid (verdurin)
R-RSQLite (spot)
R-RUnit (pingou)
R-sciplot (cheese)
rsh (msekleta, luhliarik)
rsnapshot (strobert)
rssdler (ankursinha)
R-statmod (pingou)
rstp (nhorman)
rsyslog (theinric, lkundrak, mdarade, jlieskov)
R-timeDate (pingou)
R-tkWidgets (pingou)
rtorrent (konradm, ankursinha)
rubberband (salimma)
ruby-activerecord (stahnma)
ruby-activesupport (stahnma)
ruby-augeas (lutter, skottler, domcleal)
ruby-aws (mtasaka)
ruby-bsearch (mtasaka)
rubygem-abstract (mmorsi)
rubygem-activeldap (mtasaka)
rubygem-allison (mtasaka)
rubygem-amazon-ec2 (mfojtik)
rubygem-archive-tar-minitar (mmorsi)
rubygem-arrayfields (kanarip, stahnma)
rubygem-atk (mtasaka)
rubygem-attributes (kanarip, stahnma)
rubygem-aws-sdk (goldmann, wakko666)
rubygem-configuration (stahnma)
rubygem-cri (mfojtik)
rubygem-cucumber (kanarip, mmorsi, mfojtik, clalance, jstribny)
rubygem-ditz (hpejakle)
rubygem-echoe (mfojtik)
rubygem-facon (stahnma, vondruch)
rubygem-factory_girl (mfojtik, clalance, mmorsi)
rubygem-fakeweb (stahnma, jstribny)
rubygem-flexmock (mtasaka)
rubygem-gdk_pixbuf2 (mtasaka)
rubygem-gemcutter (kanarip, stahnma)
rubygem-gettext (mtasaka, sseago)
rubygem-gio2 (mtasaka)
rubygem-git (kanarip, stahnma)
rubygem-glib2 (mtasaka)
rubygem-gobject-introspection (mtasaka)
rubygem-goocanvas (mtasaka)
rubygem-gruff (shreyankg)
rubygem-gstreamer (mtasaka)
rubygem-gtk2 (mtasaka)
rubygem-gtksourceview2 (mtasaka)
rubygem-hawler (kanarip)
rubygem-hoe (mtasaka, kanarip)
rubygem-hpricot (mtasaka, kanarip)
rubygem-http_connection (mfojtik, clalance)
rubygem-isolate (mtasaka)
rubygem-locale (mtasaka, mmorsi)
rubygem-lockfile (shreyankg)
rubygem-marc (mtasaka)
rubygem-markaby (kanarip)
rubygem-mechanize (mtasaka)
rubygem-mkrf (mtasaka)
rubygem-nokogiri (mtasaka, kanarip)
rubygem-pam (bkearney)
rubygem-pango (mtasaka)
rubygem-parseconfig (derks)
rubygem-pathname2 (wakko666)
rubygem-pervasives (kanarip)
rubygem-picnic (kanarip)
rubygem-pkg-config (mtasaka)
rubygem-poppler (mtasaka)
rubygem-rake (kanarip, mtasaka, vondruch)
rubygem-rake-compiler (mtasaka)
rubygem-restr (kanarip)
rubygem-reststop (kanarip)
rubygem-rhc (gomix, tdawson)
rubygem-right_aws (mfojtik)
rubygem-rmail (shreyankg)
rubygem-rsvg2 (mtasaka)
rubygem-ruby2ruby (mmorsi)
rubygem-rubyforge (mtasaka)
rubygem-RubyInline (mmorsi)
rubygem-rufus-scheduler (shreyankg)
rubygem-scruffy (mmorsi, vondruch)
rubygem-simple-rss (stahnma, kanarip)
rubygem-sqlite3-ruby (kanarip, mtasaka)
rubygem-state_machine (gomix)
rubygem-systemu (jdunn)
rubygem-test-spec (stahnma)
rubygem-test-unit (mtasaka)
rubygem-vte (mtasaka)
rubygem-webrat (clalance, mmorsi)
rubygem-whiskey_disk (stahnma)
rubygem-xmpp4r (tremble)
rubygem-xmpp4r-simple (tremble)
rubygem-zoom (mtasaka)
ruby-gnome2 (itamarjp, mtasaka)
ruby-icon-artist (mso)
ruby-mecab (mtasaka)
ruby-ncurses (isimluk)
ruby-romkan (mtasaka)
ruby-RRDtool (kanarip)
ruby-shadow (stahnma, tmz, skottler)
ruby-taglib (mtasaka)
rumor (limb)
RunSnakeRun (mstuchli)
rurple (roma)
R-waveslim (jamatos)
R-wavethresh (jamatos)
R-widgetTools (pingou)
R-XML (pingou)
R-xtable (pingou)
rxvt (awjb)
rzip (stingray)
R-zoo (jamatos)
s3cmd (mattdm)
SAASound (jwrdegoede)
safecopy (fab)
safekeep (jspaleta, frankcrawford)
sage (limb)
sakura (cwickert)
salt (herlo, terminalmage, dmurphy18)
salt-api (kaptk2, terminalmage, herlo)
salt-cloud (herlo)
samba (gd, jlayton, simo, asn, abbra, obnox, jarrpa)
samcoupe-rom (jwrdegoede)
samtools (ron, verdurin)
sanlock (teigland, cfeist, fsimonce)
sap (jcapik)
saphire (mtasaka)
sazanami-fonts (tagoh)
sblim-cmpi-devel (vcrhonek, praveenp)
sblim-cmpi-rpm (vcrhonek)
scala (geoff, willb)
scalpel (rebus)
schedtool (drago01)
schismtracker (jnovy)
schroedinger (jcollie, kwizart, fabiand)
schroedinger-cat-kde-theme (mbriza, jreznik)
scilab (davidcl)
scim (pwu)
scim-array (dchen)
scim-bridge (pwu, petersen)
scim-fcitx (pwu)
scim-pinyin (pwu, phuang)
scim-sayura (pravins)
scim-tables (dchen)
scim-thai (petersen)
scl-utils (jzeleny, bkabrda, lkardos)
scons (fab, moceap)
scout (ankursinha)
scponly (limb, dmlb2000)
scratch (mattdm)
screen (phracek, lnykryn)
scrot (mathstuf, psabata)
scummvm (lucilanga, chkr)
scythia (hguemar)
sdcv (landgraf)
sdlhack (hicham)
sdljava (jwrdegoede)
SDL_mixer (limb, jwrdegoede, s4504kr)
SDL_net (limb, jwrdegoede)
SDL_Pango (thias, limb)
SDL_sound (jwrdegoede)
seahorse-adventures (jwrdegoede)
seaview (c4chris)
sec (stefansf)
seed (salimma)
seeker (limb)
seekwatcher (sandeen)
selinux-policy (mgrepl, dwalsh, lvrabec, plautrba)
sendmail (jskarvad)
ser (ixs)
serdisplib (jwrdegoede)
sergueis-destiny (limb)
serpentine (has been retired?)
setools (pebenito, alexl, caillon, caolanm, hadess, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, ssp, dwalsh, mgrepl, plautrba)
setroubleshoot (dwalsh, mgrepl, plautrba)
setroubleshoot-plugins (dwalsh, mgrepl, plautrba)
setserial (twaugh)
setup (ovasik, karsten, pknirsch)
setuptool (mhlavink)
sevmgr (denisarnaud)
sfxr (jwrdegoede)
sgml-common (ovasik)
shared-color-targets (rhughes)
shared-desktop-ontologies (rdieter)
shcov (fab)
shed (maxamillion)
shedskin (tomspur)
sheepdog (ke4qqq)
shntool (heffer)
shunit2 (hushan)
SIBsim4 (c4chris)
sigul (mitr)
silkscreen-fonts (spot)
SILLY (jwrdegoede)
simcoupe (jwrdegoede)
simcrs (denisarnaud)
simdock (terjeros)
simfqt (denisarnaud)
simh (lucilanga)
since (slankes, till)
sing (robert)
sip-redirect (robert)
six (bruno)
sjasm (jwrdegoede)
sj-fonts (slankes)
sjinn (linville)
sk2py (chitlesh, sophiekovalevsky)
skanlite (slankes, svahl)
sketch (rhl)
skf (mtasaka)
ski (sharkcz)
skinlf (mycae)
skipfish (rebus, athmane)
skkdic (mtasaka)
skstream (bruno, mpreisle)
skyviewer (comzeradd)
sl (mcepl)
slapi-nis (nalin, abbra, mkosek)
slimdata (limb)
slingshot (limb)
smartmontools (mhlavink)
sms_ntsc (dtimms)
smstools (mmahut, pcfe)
snake (jlaska, wwoods)
snappy (mgieseki, npmccallum)
snes_ntsc (dtimms)
snmp++ ()
snmpcheck (rebus, lystor, fab)
snmptt (topdog)
snobol (s4504kr)
sobby (lmacken)
soci (denisarnaud)
sofia-sip (jcollie, itamarjp)
solar-backgrounds (mso)
solar-kde-theme (jreznik, than, ltinkl, rdieter, mbriza)
SolarModel (spot)
solarwolf (limb)
sombok (xavierb)
sonata ()
sonic-visualiser (salimma)
soundmodem (lucilanga)
soundtouch (jwrdegoede, dtimms)
spamassassin-FuzzyOcr (topdog)
spamassassin-iXhash2 (robert)
spampd (thias, bojan, cicku)
spandsp (jcollie, itamarjp)
sparcy (kushal)
sparse (jlayton)
spawn-fcgi (thias, swilkerson)
Spawning (kevin, smilner)
spe (limb)
specto (laxathom, antiaircraft)
speedcrunch (liquidat, rdieter)
sphinx-webtools (averi)
spicctrl (salimma)
spill (fab)
spindown (mcermak)
spin-kickstarts (kanarip, bruno, kevin, maxamillion, vpavlin)
splint (raphgro)
spor (aquini)
spring (gilboa, rmattes)
sqlgrey (steve, kevin)
sqlite2 (lbazan, alexlan, robert)
sqlite3-dbf (hubbitus)
sqlninja (sagarun, fab)
squashfs-tools (bruno, kyle)
squeak-image (jskarvad, tuxbrewr)
squeak-vm (jskarvad, tuxbrewr, cjb)
squeal (dmalcolm)
squid (jsteffan, hno, thozza, pavlix, luhliarik)
srcpd (dfateyev)
ssbd (lucilanga)
ssdeep (remi)
ssh-contact (bpepple)
sshmenu ()
ssldump (robert)
sslogger (ebrand)
sslscan (rebus, fab)
sslstrip (maxamillion)
ssmtp (wolfy)
sssd (jhrozek, abbra, nalin, sgallagh, simo, sbose, asn, lslebodn)
staden-io_lib (c4chris)
stage (rmattes)
stalonetray (mathstuf)
stardict-dic-cs_CZ (psklenar, pspacek)
stardict-dic-en (dchen, kaio)
stardict-dic-hi (pnemade)
stardict-dic-ja (dchen, kaio)
stardict-dic-ru (dchen, kaio)
stardict-dic-zh_CN (dchen, kaio)
stardict-dic-zh_TW (dchen, kaio)
stardict-xmllittre (fcami)
starplot-contrib (rishi, mmahut)
starplot-gliese3 (rishi, mmahut)
starplot-yale5 (rishi, mmahut)
startup-notification (rstrode, alexl, caillon, caolanm, hadess, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, ssp, group::gnome-sig)
stdair (denisarnaud)
steghide (s4504kr)
stellarium (s4504kr, mmahut)
stompclt (mpaladin, abeche, adev, lcons)
stomppy (stevetraylen)
stonevpn (leon)
stress (limb)
stripesnoop (spot)
stud (rohara)
stun (huzaifas, itamarjp)
stxxl (mycae)
sub2srt (mmahut)
subdownloader (hpejakle)
subscription-manager (dgoodwin, awood, jbowes)
subtitleeditor (mso, ankursinha)
subversion-api-docs (bojan)
sudo (mildew, kzak)
sugar-abacus (pbrobinson, callkalpa)
sugar-calculator (tuxbrewr, erikos)
sugar-countries (callkalpa)
sugar-jukebox (sdz, callkalpa, erikos)
sugar-logos (sdz, pbrobinson)
sugar-playgo (tuxbrewr)
sugar-presence-service (erikos, tomeu, sdz, pbrobinson)
sugar-settings-manager (sdz, pbrobinson)
sugar-visualmatch (sdz, callkalpa)
supervisor (nphilipp, arg)
supybot (ricky)
supybot-fedora (jstanley, ianweller, puiterwijk, ralph)
supybot-gribble (kevin, ricky)
supybot-koji (jstanley)
supybot-meetbot (kevin)
supybot-notify (ricky)
suricata (sgrubb)
svrcore (rmeggins, nkinder)
swaks (tibbs)
swatch (spot)
swift (jkaluza)
sx (plambri)
syck (oliver)
sylpheed (itamarjp, cwickert)
symlinks (twaugh)
synce-connector (awjb)
synce-gnome (awjb)
synce-gnomevfs (awjb)
synce-kpm (awjb)
synce-software-manager (awjb)
synce-sync-engine (awjb)
synce-trayicon (awjb)
synfig (limb, luya)
synfigstudio (limb, luya)
synopsis (stefan)
sys_basher (bjrosen)
sysprof (giallu)
system-config-audit (mitr)
system-config-bind (jreznik, rvokal)
system-config-date (nphilipp)
system-config-date-docs (nphilipp)
system-config-kdump (mmilata, lkundrak)
system-config-kickstart (clumens)
system-config-nfs (nphilipp)
system-config-nfs-docs (nphilipp)
system-config-samba (nphilipp)
system-config-samba-docs (nphilipp)
system-config-services (nphilipp)
system-config-services-docs (nphilipp)
system-config-users (nphilipp)
system-config-users-docs (nphilipp)
system-switch-mail (than, karsten)
t1lib (jamatos, jskarvad)
t1utils (jamatos)
t4k_common (limb)
taarich (danken)
tabled (jgarzik, zaitcev)
taggle (louizatakk)
taginfo (konradm)
tailor ()
taipeifonts (dchen, kaio)
tango-icon-theme (cwickert, mavit)
tango-icon-theme-extras (cwickert, mavit)
task (ultrafredde, lmacken, ralph, gbailey)
taskjuggler (rnovacek)
tayga (ingvar)
tboot (gwei3, dcantrel)
tcd-utils (mtasaka)
tcl (jskarvad)
tcl-html (jskarvad)
tcl-mysqltcl (renep)
tcl-snack (spot)
tcl-tclreadline (robert)
tcl-tclvfs (spot)
tcl-tileqt (spot)
tcl-tkpng (spot)
tcltls (tjikkun, jtaylor)
tcl-trf (spot)
tclx (jskarvad)
tcl-zlib (spot)
tcpreplay (bojan)
tcptrack (fab, puiterwijk, wolfy)
tcputils (limb, itamarjp)
tcp_wrappers (plautrba, jjelen)
tcpxtract (wolfy)
tcsh (praiskup, vvitek, rkollar, jchaloup, ovasik, fpokorny, dkaspar)
techtalk-pse (rjones)
teckit (jnovy)
teg (cheese)
telepathy-filesystem (bpepple)
telepathy-logger (bpepple, rishi)
tellico (jamatos, alexlan)
telnet (msekleta, luhliarik)
tempest (mtasaka)
tennix (limb)
tepache (hobbes1069)
tepsonic (dvratil)
termit (cwickert)
testdisk (grenier, kwizart)
testoob (dgoodwin)
tetex-dvipost (jamatos)
tetex-elsevier (mjg)
tetrinetx (louizatakk)
texi2html (jnovy, pknirsch)
texstudio (hannes)
tgif (mtasaka)
thai-arundina-fonts (ueno)
thebridge (lucilanga)
thibault-fonts (lyosnorezel)
thunar-archive-plugin (cwickert)
thunar-media-tags-plugin (cwickert)
thunar-vcs-plugin (cwickert, kevin, nonamedotc)
thunar-vfs (cwickert, kevin, nonamedotc)
thunar-volman (cwickert)
thunarx-python (balajig8, kevin)
thunderbird (gecko-maint, alexl, caolanm, johnp, kengert, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, ssp, stransky, xhorak)
tideEditor (mtasaka)
tidyp (pghmcfc)
tig (jbowes, tibbs, trasher)
tigervnc (twaugh, jgorig, jgrulich)
timeline (limb, rickardlindberg)
tinyproxy (jjh)
tinyxml (fcami, hobbes1069, ktdreyer, cottsay)
tiquit (limb)
tiresias-fonts (spot)
tk (jskarvad)
tkdnd (tjikkun)
tkgate (tnorth)
tktray (mjakubicek, krege)
tlock (pjp)
tmda (bjohnson)
tmispell-voikko (vpv)
tncfhh ()
tnef (dtimms)
tomcat (van, kdaniel, akurtakov, coolsvap)
tomcat-native (lorenzodalrio)
tomoe (pwu, petersen, dchen)
tomoe-gtk (dchen)
toothchart (ankursinha)
toped (chitlesh, tnorth, sophiekovalevsky)
tor-arm (jorti)
torque (hguemar, dmlb2000)
tortoisehg (kiilerix, nbecker)
totpcgi (herlo, icon, kevin)
towhee (deji)
tpm-tools (michich, ejratl, avesh)
tpp (jmrodri)
tqsllib (lucilanga)
trac-advancedticketworkflow-plugin (spot, cwickert)
trac-batchmodify-plugin (averi, kevin)
trac-bazaar-plugin (kevin)
trac-code-comments-plugin (codeblock)
trac-customfieldadmin-plugin (jstanley)
trac-git-plugin (kevin, puiterwijk)
trac-iniadmin-plugin (kevin, puiterwijk)
trackballs-music (jwrdegoede)
trac-mastertickets-plugin (pingou, kevin)
trac-mercurial-plugin (kevin, puiterwijk)
trac-monotone-plugin (thm)
trac-navadd-plugin (averi, kevin)
trac-peerreview-plugin ()
trac-privateticketsplugin (jstanley)
trac-sphinx-plugin (averi, kevin)
trac-sumfields-plugin (spot)
trac-themeengine-plugin (averi, kevin)
trac-ticketdelete-plugin (kevin, puiterwijk)
trac-tickettemplate-plugin (jstanley)
trac-tocmacro-plugin (averi, kevin)
trac-tracnav-plugin (thm)
trac-vatar-plugin (averi, kevin)
trac-watchlist-plugin (jstanley)
trac-workflowadmin-plugin (averi, kevin)
trademgen (denisarnaud)
trafficserver (janfrode)
transifex-client (lbazan, diegobz, echevemaster)
translation-filter (kushal)
travelccm (denisarnaud)
treecc (awjb)
trickle (hubbitus, wolfy)
tripwire (tuxbrewr)
trytond-account (sharkcz, heffer)
trytond-account-be (sharkcz, heffer)
trytond-account-de-skr03 (sharkcz, heffer)
trytond-account-invoice (sharkcz, heffer)
trytond-account-invoice-history (sharkcz, heffer)
trytond-account-invoice-line-standalone (sharkcz, heffer)
trytond-account-product (sharkcz, heffer)
trytond-account-statement (sharkcz, heffer)
trytond-analytic-account (sharkcz, heffer)
trytond-analytic-invoice (sharkcz, heffer)
trytond-analytic-purchase (sharkcz, heffer)
trytond-analytic-sale (sharkcz, heffer)
trytond-calendar (sharkcz, heffer)
trytond-calendar-classification (sharkcz, heffer)
trytond-calendar-scheduling (sharkcz, heffer)
trytond-calendar-todo (sharkcz, heffer)
trytond-company (sharkcz, heffer)
trytond-company-work-time (sharkcz, heffer)
trytond-country (sharkcz, heffer)
trytond-currency (sharkcz, heffer)
trytond-dashboard (sharkcz, heffer)
trytond-google-maps (sharkcz, heffer)
trytond-ldap-authentication (sharkcz, heffer)
trytond-ldap-connection (sharkcz, heffer)
trytond-party (sharkcz, heffer)
trytond-party-siret (sharkcz, heffer)
trytond-party-vcarddav (sharkcz, heffer)
trytond-product (sharkcz, heffer)
trytond-product-cost-fifo (sharkcz, heffer)
trytond-product-cost-history (sharkcz, heffer)
trytond-product-price-list (sharkcz, heffer)
trytond-project (sharkcz, heffer)
trytond-project-plan (sharkcz, heffer)
trytond-project-revenue (sharkcz, heffer)
trytond-purchase (sharkcz, heffer)
trytond-purchase-invoice-line-standalone (sharkcz, heffer)
trytond-sale (sharkcz, heffer)
trytond-sale-opportunity (sharkcz, heffer)
trytond-sale-price-list (sharkcz, heffer)
trytond-stock (sharkcz, heffer)
trytond-stock-forecast (sharkcz, heffer)
trytond-stock-inventory-location (sharkcz, heffer)
trytond-stock-location-sequence (sharkcz, heffer)
trytond-stock-product-location (sharkcz, heffer)
trytond-stock-supply (sharkcz, heffer)
trytond-stock-supply-day (sharkcz, heffer)
trytond-timesheet (sharkcz, heffer)
tse3 (davidcornette)
tslib (spot)
tsocks (jfsaucier)
ttcp (msekleta, jsynacek)
tucnak2 (lucilanga)
tudu (moezroy)
tumbler (cwickert, kevin, nonamedotc)
tuna (jkastner)
tuned (jskarvad, jvcelak, pknirsch)
TurboGears (lmacken, fschwarz, tremble, dcallagh)
TurboGears2 (lmacken, ralph)
tuxpaint (steve, limb)
tuxpaint-stamps (steve, limb)
tuxpuck (limb)
tvtime (tsmetana, karsten, mchehab)
twlog (dp67)
txt2man (maxamillion)
txt2regex (richardfearn)
txt2rss (moceap)
txt2tags (maxamillion)
tzclock (mtasaka)
ucarp (limb)
ucblogo (gemi)
ucl (limb)
uClibc (vda, nforro, jchaloup)
ucview (robert, praiskup)
udis86 (scottt)
udisks (amigadave)
udns (adrian)
ufiformat (cmadams)
ufraw (nphilipp)
uget (mtasaka)
uglify-js (patches, jamielinux, group::nodejs-sig)
uglify-js1 (patches, jamielinux, group::nodejs-sig)
uisp (lucilanga)
ularn (limb)
umit (lystor, fab)
uml_utilities (pwouters, chkr)
umph (filiperosset)
unclutter (till)
unetbootin (callkalpa)
un-extra-fonts (ueno)
unicornscan (robert)
unifdef (brouhaha)
unique3 (rhughes)
unison213 (rjones, gemi)
unpaper (bjohnson)
unshield (awjb)
unuran (nbecker)
unzix (muks)
unzoo (linville)
uperf (terjeros)
up-imapproxy (cmadams, wolfy)
upnp-inspector ()
uprof (drago01)
upslug2 (jwrdegoede)
uptimed (ttorcz)
upx (limb)
uqm (limb)
uread (limb)
urw-fonts (than)
usbguard (mildew)
usbmon (zaitcev)
ustr (james)
utrac (limb)
uucp (ovasik, nphilipp, praiskup)
uuid (steve, mhlavink, delete)
uw-imap (rdieter, jorton)
uwsgi (kad)
uzbl (mathstuf)
v8 (spot, tomspur, patches)
vacation (bubeck)
valkyrie (nathans)
vanessa_logger (hubbitus)
vanessa_socket (hubbitus)
varnish (ingvar)
vbindiff (limb)
vcftools (verdurin)
vcsh (dridi)
vdr-skinsoppalusikka (vpv)
vdr-tvonscreen (vpv)
vdsm (fsimonce, danken, dougsland, bronhaim)
vegastrike-music (jwrdegoede, bruno)
verne-backgrounds (mso)
verne-kde-theme (jreznik, mbriza, rdieter, than, ltinkl)
veusz (jsanders)
vfrnav (sailer)
vhostmd (rjones)
vidalia ()
viewmtn (thm)
viewnior (cwickert)
viewvc (bojan, bjohnson)
vifm (mathstuf)
vim-latex (marionline, till, suchakra)
vim-vimoutliner (plautrba)
virtaal (dwayne)
virt-viewer (berrange, teuf, crobinso, fidencio)
vldocking (olea)
vmpsd (coec)
vnc-ltsp-config (rdieter)
vnstat (adrian)
volpack (spot)
volumeicon (cwickert)
volume_key (mitr, huzaifas)
vsftpd (jskala, mnagy, jsynacek, mosvald)
vtun (somlo)
Vuurmuur (sgros)
w3c-libwww (awjb)
w3c-markup-validator (gnat)
wacomexpresskeys ()
wallpaperd (skytux)
wallpapoz (mtasaka)
wannier90 (jussilehtola)
wavextract (limb)
wb_builder (chitlesh, sophiekovalevsky)
wdfs (jfsaucier)
wdiff (kumarpraveen)
webacula (tim4dev, kanarip)
webattery (sagarun)
webcpp (nonamedotc)
websec (thl)
WebShell (ctyler)
websvn (xavierb)
wf (terjeros)
whaawmp (cwickert, kevin, tomspur)
whatmask (timj)
whatsup (dmlb2000)
whereami (pjp)
whowatch (richardfearn)
wicd (dcantrel)
wicd-kde (minh, ignotusp)
wifi-radar (robyduck)
wiggle (gospo, linville)
WindowMaker (awjb)
wine-docs (awjb)
wipe (shenson)
wireless-tools (dcbw, alexl, caolanm, hadess, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, ssp, danw, linville, lkundrak)
wise2 (alexlan)
wklej (rafalzaq)
wmacpi (awjb)
wmapmload (awjb)
wmCalClock (awjb)
wmweather+ (awjb)
woff (sandeeps, pnemade)
wol (fab)
wordgroupz (rtnpro)
wordpress (remi, limb)
wordpress-plugin-bad-behavior (nb)
wordpress-plugin-defaults (herlo, nb)
words (kzak)
worker (ndowens)
wput (itamarjp, lbazan)
writetype (prabindatta)
w_scan (heffer)
wsdlpull (denisarnaud)
wtop (kushal)
wuja (dgoodwin)
wvdial (msekleta, jsynacek, thozza)
wvs-data (mtasaka)
wxapt (dp67)
wxmacmolplt (rathann)
wyrd (till)
x11-ssh-askpass (dcantrel)
x11vnc (hubbitus)
x509watch (robert)
x86info (davej, prarit, jcapik)
xar (thias, cicku)
xastir (lucilanga)
xautolock (mathstuf)
xbacklight (salimma)
xbae (limb)
xbase (spot)
xblas (spot)
xblast-data (jwrdegoede)
xbsql (spot)
xcalc (stevetraylen)
xcalib (kwizart)
xcb-proto (ajax)
xcdroast (tsmetana)
xchat-ruby (konradm)
xchm (wolfy)
xclip (spot, jamielinux)
xcompmgr (deji, mpreisle)
xconvers (dp67)
xcowsay (limb, ndim)
xdms (limb)
xdotool (slankes, ohaessler)
xesam-tools (deji)
xfburn (cwickert, hhorak, fkluknav)
xfce4-battery-plugin (cwickert)
xfce4-cellmodem-plugin (cwickert)
xfce4-clipman-plugin (cwickert)
xfce4-cpufreq-plugin (hicham, nonamedotc)
xfce4-cpugraph-plugin (cwickert)
xfce4-datetime-plugin (cwickert)
xfce4-dev-tools (cwickert)
xfce4-dict (cwickert)
xfce4-diskperf-plugin (cwickert)
xfce4-embed-plugin (hannes)
xfce4-eyes-plugin (cwickert)
xfce4-fsguard-plugin (cwickert)
xfce4-genmon-plugin (cwickert)
xfce4-kbdleds-plugin (hannes)
xfce4-mailwatch-plugin (cwickert)
xfce4-mixer (kevin, nonamedotc)
xfce4-mount-plugin (cwickert)
xfce4-mpc-plugin (cwickert)
xfce4-netload-plugin (cwickert)
xfce4-notes-plugin (cwickert)
xfce4-notifyd (cwickert)
xfce4-places-plugin (cwickert)
xfce4-sensors-plugin (cwickert)
xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin (cwickert)
xfce4-systemload-plugin (cwickert)
xfce4-time-out-plugin (cwickert)
xfce4-timer-plugin (cwickert)
xfce4-verve-plugin (cwickert)
xfce4-volumed ()
xfce4-wavelan-plugin (cwickert)
xfce4-weather-plugin (cwickert)
xfce4-xkb-plugin (cwickert, fcami)
xfconf (kevin, nonamedotc)
xforms (rdieter)
xfwm4-theme-nodoka (cwickert)
xfwm4-themes (kevin, nonamedotc)
xgrep (brendt)
xgridfit (nim, frixxon)
xgridloc (dp67, hobbes1069)
xhtml1-dtds (veillard)
xls2csv (hubbitus, fale)
xmbdfed (spot)
xml2 (thm, salimma)
xmlada (landgraf, rombobeorn)
xmlfy (arthurguru, hpejakle)
xmlrpc-c (mizdebsk, msrb, msimacek)
xml-security-c (anttix)
xmlto (ovasik)
xmltooling (guidograzioli, bruno)
xmms (spot)
xmms2 (spot)
xmms-pulse (bruno)
xmms-scrobbler (ixs)
xmountains (mtasaka)
xneur (hubbitus)
xorg-x11-drivers (xgl-maint, alexl, ausil, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, ssp, airlied, ajax, whot, glisse)
xorg-x11-drv-dummy (xgl-maint, alexl, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, ssp, airlied, ajax, whot, glisse)
xorg-x11-drv-fbdev (xgl-maint, alexl, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, ssp, airlied, ajax, whot, glisse)
xorg-x11-drv-i810 (alexl, behdad, caillon, caolanm, davidz, hadess, johnp, mbarnes, mclasen, rhughes, rstrode, ssp, airlied, ajax, whot, glisse)
xorg-x11-drv-openchrome (xavierb, glisse)
xorg-x11-drv-sisusb (xgl-maint, caillon, alexl, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, ssp, airlied, ajax, whot, glisse)
xorg-x11-drv-v4l (xgl-maint, alexl, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, ssp, airlied, ajax, whot, glisse, mchehab)
xorg-x11-drv-vesa (xgl-maint, alexl, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, ssp, airlied, ajax, whot, glisse, bskeggs)
xorg-x11-drv-voodoo (xgl-maint, alexl, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, ssp, airlied, ajax, whot, glisse)
xorg-x11-drv-wacom (whot)
xorg-x11-filesystem (alexl, caillon, caolanm, davidz, hadess, johnp, mbarnes, mclasen, rhughes, rstrode, ssp, airlied, ajax, whot, glisse)
xorg-x11-util-macros (xgl-maint, alexl, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, ssp, airlied, ajax, whot, glisse, bubeck)
xorg-x11-xbitmaps (xgl-maint, ajax, alexl, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, airlied, ssp, whot, glisse)
xorg-x11-xdm (xgl-maint, ajax, alexl, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, airlied, ssp, whot, glisse)
xorg-x11-xfwp (xgl-maint, ajax, alexl, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, airlied, ssp, whot, glisse)
xorg-x11-xsm (xgl-maint, ajax, alexl, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, airlied, ssp, whot, glisse)
xpaint (roma)
xpsk31 (lucilanga, dp67)
xqc (mgieseki)
xrestop (ssp, ajax, alexl, caillon, caolanm, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, jwrdegoede)
xscope (yaneti)
xscorch (limb)
xscreensaver (mtasaka)
xsel (tradej, mizdebsk, msrb)
xsettingsd (till)
xskat (chkr)
xstar (mmahut)
xsupplicant (spot)
xtide (mtasaka)
xulrunner (gecko-maint, caillon, stransky, dwmw2, xhorak, pjasicek)
xwota (lucilanga)
xwxapt (dp67)
xxdiff (cattelan)
xylib (wojdyr)
yad (eldermarco, ohaessler)
yajl (berrange)
yash (mtasaka)
yaws (peter, lkundrak, filabrazilska)
ycssmin (patches, jamielinux, sgallagh, mrunge, group::nodejs-sig)
ykclient (ausil, nb)
ykpers (wzzrd, kevin)
yourls (mkrizek)
ytnef (itamarjp)
ytree (mintojoseph)
yubikey-ksm (ausil)
yubikey-val (ausil)
yum (packaging-team, jbowes, james, katzj, vmukhame)
yum-metadata-parser (packaging-team, jbowes, katzj, james, vmukhame)
zaf (caolanm)
zanata-python-client (dchen, jamesni, seanf, anishpatil, robyduck, pnemade)
zanata-util (dchen)
zapplet (ke4qqq)
zbar (dougsland, firemanxbr, mchehab)
zd1211-firmware (linville, kwizart)
zeroinstall-injector (salimma)
zeromq-ada (landgraf)
zfstream (sailer)
zhcon (dchen)
zhu3d (siddharths)
zidrav (rathann, itamarjp)
zinnia (liangsuilong, pwu)
zint (mgieseki)
zita-convolver (bsjones, nando)
zn_poly (tomspur)
zoneminder (cra)
zynjacku (bsjones)
Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek
2016-01-25 23:25:25 UTC
Post by Jason L Tibbitts III
A huge list of packages and owners follows. Please consider cleaning up
your packages if you can. (Yes, I have some on the list, which
I've fixed already.) Packagers with no owners listed might have been
orphaned or retired but are still showing up in the spec tarball.
I agree with what poeple said on IRC: involving all those maintainers
is mostly a waste of time. Better to just run a script to fix those overnight,
and than deal with any fallout.

Jason L Tibbitts III
2016-01-26 00:16:13 UTC
ZJ> Better to just run a script to fix those overnight, and than deal
ZJ> with any fallout.

Sure, I could, but I figured it's at least worth informing people.
Maybe there's some use case for this of which I'm not aware. Or perhaps
I've made a mistake and include some packages in my list which should
not be there.

- J<
Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek
2016-01-26 01:42:58 UTC
Post by Jason L Tibbitts III
ZJ> Better to just run a script to fix those overnight, and than deal
ZJ> with any fallout.
Sure, I could, but I figured it's at least worth informing people.
Maybe there's some use case for this of which I'm not aware. Or perhaps
I've made a mistake and include some packages in my list which should
not be there.
But you said "consider fixing those if you can", and not "drop me
a note to opt out" ;)

Petr Pisar
2016-01-26 07:35:57 UTC
Post by Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek
Post by Jason L Tibbitts III
A huge list of packages and owners follows. Please consider cleaning up
your packages if you can. (Yes, I have some on the list, which
I've fixed already.) Packagers with no owners listed might have been
orphaned or retired but are still showing up in the spec tarball.
I agree with what poeple said on IRC: involving all those maintainers
is mostly a waste of time. Better to just run a script to fix those overnight,
and than deal with any fallout.
This can bring bugs because, as noted in the orignal message, some
people use to change wrong permissions coming from %install section.

The real fix would to remove them locally, scratch-rebuild them, check
no file permissions changed against the latest build and only then push
the changes into dist-git.

-- Petr
Ville Skyttä
2016-01-26 08:48:28 UTC
Post by Petr Pisar
This can bring bugs because, as noted in the orignal message, some
people use to change wrong permissions coming from %install section.
Can you give a concrete example where doing this actually accomplishes
something with rpmbuild >= 4.4? I can't immediately think of one; I
don't see how "wrong permissions from %install" would end up in the
package as files with non-root user/group. AFAIU rpmbuild >= 4.4 sets
%defattr(-,root,root,-) by default and repeating immediately at start
of %files is a no-op.
Michael Schwendt
2016-01-26 09:12:08 UTC
Post by Ville Skyttä
Post by Petr Pisar
This can bring bugs because, as noted in the orignal message, some
people use to change wrong permissions coming from %install section.
Can you give a concrete example where doing this actually accomplishes
something with rpmbuild >= 4.4? I can't immediately think of one; I
don't see how "wrong permissions from %install" would end up in the
package as files with non-root user/group. AFAIU rpmbuild >= 4.4 sets
%defattr(-,root,root,-) by default and repeating immediately at start
of %files is a no-op.
It refers to this bit in the original post,

| or even to reset to the default after using different values,

which is the case where somebody sets a _non-default_ %defattr for
some lines before explicitly setting the %defattr defaults again for
the remaining lines. IOW, the packager uses a custom %defattr instead
of %attr or chmod in %install.
Ville Skyttä
2016-01-26 09:32:36 UTC
Post by Michael Schwendt
Post by Ville Skyttä
Post by Petr Pisar
This can bring bugs because, as noted in the orignal message, some
people use to change wrong permissions coming from %install section.
Can you give a concrete example where doing this actually accomplishes
something with rpmbuild >= 4.4? I can't immediately think of one; I
don't see how "wrong permissions from %install" would end up in the
package as files with non-root user/group. AFAIU rpmbuild >= 4.4 sets
%defattr(-,root,root,-) by default and repeating immediately at start
of %files is a no-op.
It refers to this bit in the original post,
| or even to reset to the default after using different values,
Sure, in *those* cases simply removing them would be wrong. But
whether by "This" above Petr refers to that particular case, or to
that removing a %defattr(-,root,root,-) _immediately after %files_
(which is not the case of resetting to defaults after using different
values) would cause bugs is not at all clear to me based on the
message parts he quoted. The original post's general case is the one
immediately after %files, that's what was grepped according to the
Jason L Tibbitts III
2016-01-26 19:38:15 UTC
VS> The original post's general case is the one immediately after
VS> %files, that's what was grepped according to the poster.

Yes, I limited the search to %defattr falling immediately after %files
and setting a default value. I'm sure that doesn't catch all of the
needless uses, but with over 4K hits it certainly catches enough for a
first pass. Later I can check things by hand.

Thanks to the folks who have done some cleanup. I'll continue to
revisit this issue, and report on other simple issues where some cleanup
would be useful. If anyone else wishes to participate in further
trivial cleanup efforts, please let me know.

- J<
Petr Pisar
2016-01-27 11:24:35 UTC
Post by Jason L Tibbitts III
VS> The original post's general case is the one immediately after
VS> %files, that's what was grepped according to the poster.
Yes, I limited the search to %defattr falling immediately after %files
and setting a default value. I'm sure that doesn't catch all of the
needless uses, but with over 4K hits it certainly catches enough for a
first pass. Later I can check things by hand.
Then it's fine. I was worried about blind removal of any defattr.

-- Petr
Susi Lehtola
2016-01-28 06:19:10 UTC
Post by Ville Skyttä
Post by Petr Pisar
This can bring bugs because, as noted in the orignal message, some
people use to change wrong permissions coming from %install section.
Can you give a concrete example where doing this actually accomplishes
something with rpmbuild >= 4.4? I can't immediately think of one; I
don't see how "wrong permissions from %install" would end up in the
package as files with non-root user/group. AFAIU rpmbuild >= 4.4 sets
%defattr(-,root,root,-) by default and repeating immediately at start
of %files is a no-op.
Ville is right: the move away from %defattr was done 5 years ago(!)
already. As speculated by Jason in the original post, %defattr *was*
necessary for EL4, but seems to be unnecessary in EL5 and newer.

In my case, the use of %defattr has just been a lapse - I thought it was
still necessary for EL5.

I'm all for a script based approach to remove the default %defattr
statements from spec files.
Susi Lehtola
Fedora Project Contributor
Nathanael D. Noblet
2016-01-26 06:58:41 UTC
Post by Jason L Tibbitts III
beanstalkd (jjh, gnat)
removed defattr.

Richard W.M. Jones
2016-01-26 10:48:58 UTC
Post by Jason L Tibbitts III
gtkglarea2 (rjones, rathann)
Done + a few other spec file cleanups.
Post by Jason L Tibbitts III
ioport (rjones)
Post by Jason L Tibbitts III
nekovm (rjones, andyli)
Post by Jason L Tibbitts III
ocaml-autoconf (rjones)
ocaml-camomile (rjones)
ocaml-p3l (rjones)
All done.
Post by Jason L Tibbitts III
rpmdepsize (jussilehtola, rjones)
This package is going to be orphaned soon so I didn't bother to
fix it.
Post by Jason L Tibbitts III
techtalk-pse (rjones)
Post by Jason L Tibbitts III
vhostmd (rjones)

Richard Jones, Virtualization Group, Red Hat http://people.redhat.com/~rjones
Read my programming and virtualization blog: http://rwmj.wordpress.com
virt-df lists disk usage of guests without needing to install any
software inside the virtual machine. Supports Linux and Windows.
Jonathan Wakely
2016-01-26 13:58:24 UTC
Post by Jason L Tibbitts III
boost (pmachata, denisarnaud, jwakely)
pstreams-devel (hubbitus, jwakely)
Fixed in rawhide, not rebuilt.
Ralf Corsepius
2016-01-27 08:28:44 UTC
Post by Jason L Tibbitts III
fakeroot (athimm, rathann, corsepiu, moceap)
Are you sure the owners list you used is current? I stepped down as
fakeroot maintainer and removed myself many months ago.

Also, I noticed a number of maintainers on your list, whose accounts
should have been closed down (AWOL) and their package ownership probably
be removed (athimm is one example of such case, chitlesh would be
another one). What's going on here?

Dominik 'Rathann' Mierzejewski
2016-01-27 10:32:04 UTC
Hi, Ralf.
Post by Ralf Corsepius
Post by Jason L Tibbitts III
fakeroot (athimm, rathann, corsepiu, moceap)
Are you sure the owners list you used is current? I stepped down as
fakeroot maintainer and removed myself many months ago.
While you're not listed as POC anymore, you're still listed as committer
for rawhide, F23 and F22 branches of fakeroot, so the list above is
Post by Ralf Corsepius
Also, I noticed a number of maintainers on your list, whose accounts
should have been closed down (AWOL) and their package ownership
probably be removed (athimm is one example of such case, chitlesh
would be another one). What's going on here?
The list is correct according to PackageDB. I don't rememeber if anyone
ever initiated the non-responsive packager process for athimm or

Fedora http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Rathann
RPMFusion http://rpmfusion.org | MPlayer http://mplayerhq.hu
"Faith manages."
-- Delenn to Lennier in Babylon 5:"Confessions and Lamentations"
Ralf Corsepius
2016-01-27 11:51:03 UTC
Post by Dominik 'Rathann' Mierzejewski
Hi, Ralf.
Post by Ralf Corsepius
Post by Jason L Tibbitts III
fakeroot (athimm, rathann, corsepiu, moceap)
Are you sure the owners list you used is current? I stepped down as
fakeroot maintainer and removed myself many months ago.
While you're not listed as POC anymore, you're still listed as committer
for rawhide, F23 and F22 branches of fakeroot, so the list above is
Crap, I wish fedora had a usable pkgdb UI ;)

While we're at it: Did you notice that this package is completely messed
up? I guess, I am going to BZ it.
Post by Dominik 'Rathann' Mierzejewski
Post by Ralf Corsepius
Also, I noticed a number of maintainers on your list, whose accounts
should have been closed down (AWOL) and their package ownership
probably be removed (athimm is one example of such case, chitlesh
would be another one). What's going on here?
The list is correct according to PackageDB. I don't rememeber if anyone
ever initiated the non-responsive packager process for athimm or
I don't know if somebody filed one against athimm (I had thought so),
but I am the one who filed one against chitlesh

Paul Howarth
2016-01-27 12:10:36 UTC
Post by Ralf Corsepius
Post by Dominik 'Rathann' Mierzejewski
The list is correct according to PackageDB. I don't rememeber if anyone
ever initiated the non-responsive packager process for athimm or
I don't know if somebody filed one against athimm (I had thought so),
but I am the one who filed one against chitlesh
orion filed one for athimm:

Pierre-Yves Chibon
2016-01-27 12:22:48 UTC
Post by Ralf Corsepius
Post by Dominik 'Rathann' Mierzejewski
Hi, Ralf.
Post by Ralf Corsepius
Post by Jason L Tibbitts III
fakeroot (athimm, rathann, corsepiu, moceap)
Are you sure the owners list you used is current? I stepped down as
fakeroot maintainer and removed myself many months ago.
While you're not listed as POC anymore, you're still listed as committer
for rawhide, F23 and F22 branches of fakeroot, so the list above is
Crap, I wish fedora had a usable pkgdb UI ;)
Upstream must have missed all the tickets you filled to improve things...

Ralf Corsepius
2016-01-28 04:32:50 UTC
Post by Pierre-Yves Chibon
Post by Ralf Corsepius
Post by Dominik 'Rathann' Mierzejewski
Hi, Ralf.
Post by Ralf Corsepius
Post by Jason L Tibbitts III
fakeroot (athimm, rathann, corsepiu, moceap)
Are you sure the owners list you used is current? I stepped down as
fakeroot maintainer and removed myself many months ago.
While you're not listed as POC anymore, you're still listed as committer
for rawhide, F23 and F22 branches of fakeroot, so the list above is
Crap, I wish fedora had a usable pkgdb UI ;)
Upstream must have missed all the tickets you filled to improve things...
Do you think this behavior of yours fair? I don't.
Pierre-Yves Chibon
2016-01-28 07:59:07 UTC
Post by Ralf Corsepius
Post by Pierre-Yves Chibon
Post by Ralf Corsepius
Post by Dominik 'Rathann' Mierzejewski
Hi, Ralf.
Post by Ralf Corsepius
Post by Jason L Tibbitts III
fakeroot (athimm, rathann, corsepiu, moceap)
Are you sure the owners list you used is current? I stepped down as
fakeroot maintainer and removed myself many months ago.
While you're not listed as POC anymore, you're still listed as committer
for rawhide, F23 and F22 branches of fakeroot, so the list above is
Crap, I wish fedora had a usable pkgdb UI ;)
Upstream must have missed all the tickets you filled to improve things...
Do you think this behavior of yours fair? I don't.
And yet you criticise someone's work on a public mailing list without having
ever open a ticket to try to make things better or even just discuss what you
think is wrong.

I can also say what you do is crap, that's easy, and like you I don't even have
to substantiate my comment with why I think so or what I would do different.

Do you think that's fair? I don't.

Josh Boyer
2016-01-28 12:31:13 UTC
Post by Pierre-Yves Chibon
Post by Ralf Corsepius
Post by Pierre-Yves Chibon
Post by Ralf Corsepius
Post by Dominik 'Rathann' Mierzejewski
Hi, Ralf.
Post by Ralf Corsepius
Post by Jason L Tibbitts III
fakeroot (athimm, rathann, corsepiu, moceap)
Are you sure the owners list you used is current? I stepped down as
fakeroot maintainer and removed myself many months ago.
While you're not listed as POC anymore, you're still listed as committer
for rawhide, F23 and F22 branches of fakeroot, so the list above is
Crap, I wish fedora had a usable pkgdb UI ;)
Upstream must have missed all the tickets you filled to improve things...
Do you think this behavior of yours fair? I don't.
And yet you criticise someone's work on a public mailing list without having
ever open a ticket to try to make things better or even just discuss what you
think is wrong.
I can also say what you do is crap, that's easy, and like you I don't even have
to substantiate my comment with why I think so or what I would do different.
Do you think that's fair? I don't.
Enough. Both of you. Sniping at eat other with passive aggressive
comments isn't going to be productive by any measure.

Dominik 'Rathann' Mierzejewski
2016-01-27 20:37:01 UTC
Post by Ralf Corsepius
Post by Dominik 'Rathann' Mierzejewski
Hi, Ralf.
Post by Ralf Corsepius
Post by Jason L Tibbitts III
fakeroot (athimm, rathann, corsepiu, moceap)
Are you sure the owners list you used is current? I stepped down as
fakeroot maintainer and removed myself many months ago.
While you're not listed as POC anymore, you're still listed as committer
for rawhide, F23 and F22 branches of fakeroot, so the list above is
Crap, I wish fedora had a usable pkgdb UI ;)
While we're at it: Did you notice that this package is completely messed up?
I guess, I am going to BZ it.
To be honest, I haven't. It works well enough for me. I only has two
open bugs, one of which is a missing upstream feature. By all means,
file a bug report if there is something else wrong with it.

Fedora http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Rathann
RPMFusion http://rpmfusion.org
"Faith manages."
-- Delenn to Lennier in Babylon 5:"Confessions and Lamentations"
Ralf Corsepius
2016-01-28 04:52:28 UTC
Post by Dominik 'Rathann' Mierzejewski
Post by Ralf Corsepius
Post by Dominik 'Rathann' Mierzejewski
Hi, Ralf.
Post by Ralf Corsepius
Post by Jason L Tibbitts III
fakeroot (athimm, rathann, corsepiu, moceap)
Are you sure the owners list you used is current? I stepped down as
fakeroot maintainer and removed myself many months ago.
While you're not listed as POC anymore, you're still listed as committer
for rawhide, F23 and F22 branches of fakeroot, so the list above is
Crap, I wish fedora had a usable pkgdb UI ;)
While we're at it: Did you notice that this package is completely messed up?
I guess, I am going to BZ it.
To be honest, I haven't. It works well enough for me. I only has two
open bugs, one of which is a missing upstream feature. By all means,
file a bug report if there is something else wrong with it.
For reasons I do not understand, the package contains 0-sized files,
files with permission 0 (non-exec, non-readable). Even rpmlint loudly
complains about them.

Bug filed: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1302526

Jason L Tibbitts III
2016-01-27 21:13:44 UTC
RC> Are you sure the owners list you used is current?

I pulled them directly from pkgdb at the time I generated the list.
There's no way that they could have been any more current when I sent
the mail.

- J<
Ralf Corsepius
2016-01-28 04:59:08 UTC
Post by Jason L Tibbitts III
RC> Are you sure the owners list you used is current?
I pulled them directly from pkgdb at the time I generated the list.
There's no way that they could have been any more current when I sent
the mail.
I realize, the pkgdb doesn't reflect reality. It seems to contain lots
of "zombie maintainers". At least, I see people listed of whom I know to
have left Fedora years ago, some of them even after a FESCO AWOL.

Looks seems to me as if Fedora doesn't have a proper "checkout from
Fedora" process, which is gradually turning pkgdb into a "zombie
maintainer" graveyard.

Petr Šabata
2016-01-29 11:36:24 UTC
On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 04:34:55PM -0600, Jason L Tibbitts III wrote:
perl-Affix-Infix2Postfix (steve, psabata)
perl-Algorithm-IncludeExclude (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Algorithm-Merge (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Authen-PAM (steve, psabata)
perl-Carp-Clan-Share (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Class-Container (steve, psabata)
perl-Class-DBI-Plugin-DeepAbstractSearch (iarnell, mmaslano, ppisar, psabata, jplesnik)
perl-Context-Preserve (iarnell, mmaslano, ppisar, psabata, jplesnik)
perl-Convert-ASCII-Armour (steve, psabata)
perl-Convert-Bencode (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Convert-Bencode_XS (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Crypt-CAST5_PP (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Crypt-DES_EDE3 (steve, psabata)
perl-Data-Denter (iarnell, mmaslano, ppisar, psabata, jplesnik)
perl-Data-FormValidator-Constraints-DateTime (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Data-Taxi (iarnell, psabata)
perl-DateTime-Format-ICal (steve, xavierb, psabata)
perl-DateTime-Format-SQLite (iarnell, ppisar, psabata, mmaslano, jplesnik)
perl-DBIx-Class-TimeStamp (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Devel-Caller (steve, psabata)
perl-Devel-FastProf (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Expect-Simple (iarnell, mmaslano, ppisar, psabata, jplesnik)
perl-File-ChangeNotify (psabata, ppisar, mmaslano, jplesnik)
perl-File-Pid (iarnell, psabata)
perl-File-Read (iarnell, psabata)
perl-File-Type (steve, psabata)
perl-File-Type-WebImages (iarnell, psabata)

Cleaned and modernized these. More next week.
Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek
2016-01-29 14:30:36 UTC
Post by Jason L Tibbitts III
perl-Affix-Infix2Postfix (steve, psabata)
perl-Algorithm-IncludeExclude (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Algorithm-Merge (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Authen-PAM (steve, psabata)
perl-Carp-Clan-Share (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Class-Container (steve, psabata)
perl-Class-DBI-Plugin-DeepAbstractSearch (iarnell, mmaslano, ppisar, psabata, jplesnik)
perl-Context-Preserve (iarnell, mmaslano, ppisar, psabata, jplesnik)
perl-Convert-ASCII-Armour (steve, psabata)
perl-Convert-Bencode (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Convert-Bencode_XS (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Crypt-CAST5_PP (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Crypt-DES_EDE3 (steve, psabata)
perl-Data-Denter (iarnell, mmaslano, ppisar, psabata, jplesnik)
perl-Data-FormValidator-Constraints-DateTime (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Data-Taxi (iarnell, psabata)
perl-DateTime-Format-ICal (steve, xavierb, psabata)
perl-DateTime-Format-SQLite (iarnell, ppisar, psabata, mmaslano, jplesnik)
perl-DBIx-Class-TimeStamp (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Devel-Caller (steve, psabata)
perl-Devel-FastProf (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Expect-Simple (iarnell, mmaslano, ppisar, psabata, jplesnik)
perl-File-ChangeNotify (psabata, ppisar, mmaslano, jplesnik)
perl-File-Pid (iarnell, psabata)
perl-File-Read (iarnell, psabata)
perl-File-Type (steve, psabata)
perl-File-Type-WebImages (iarnell, psabata)
Cleaned and modernized these. More next week.
Can you estimate how much time you spent on this?

Ralf Corsepius
2016-01-29 15:33:16 UTC
Post by Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek
Post by Jason L Tibbitts III
perl-Affix-Infix2Postfix (steve, psabata)
perl-Algorithm-IncludeExclude (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Algorithm-Merge (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Authen-PAM (steve, psabata)
perl-Carp-Clan-Share (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Class-Container (steve, psabata)
perl-Class-DBI-Plugin-DeepAbstractSearch (iarnell, mmaslano, ppisar, psabata, jplesnik)
perl-Context-Preserve (iarnell, mmaslano, ppisar, psabata, jplesnik)
perl-Convert-ASCII-Armour (steve, psabata)
perl-Convert-Bencode (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Convert-Bencode_XS (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Crypt-CAST5_PP (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Crypt-DES_EDE3 (steve, psabata)
perl-Data-Denter (iarnell, mmaslano, ppisar, psabata, jplesnik)
perl-Data-FormValidator-Constraints-DateTime (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Data-Taxi (iarnell, psabata)
perl-DateTime-Format-ICal (steve, xavierb, psabata)
perl-DateTime-Format-SQLite (iarnell, ppisar, psabata, mmaslano, jplesnik)
perl-DBIx-Class-TimeStamp (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Devel-Caller (steve, psabata)
perl-Devel-FastProf (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Expect-Simple (iarnell, mmaslano, ppisar, psabata, jplesnik)
perl-File-ChangeNotify (psabata, ppisar, mmaslano, jplesnik)
perl-File-Pid (iarnell, psabata)
perl-File-Read (iarnell, psabata)
perl-File-Type (steve, psabata)
perl-File-Type-WebImages (iarnell, psabata)
Cleaned and modernized these. More next week.
Can you estimate how much time you spent on this?
Though I am not Petr, I can tell how much time I spent to change this
for my perl-packages. Ca. 20-30 per day.

However this figure is misleading, because
- I used this occasion as an opportunity to clean up my specs an to get
rid of rpm-anachronisms (many of my perl package had not been touched
for years).
- I used this occasion as an opportunity to experiment with rpm.
- this was done as a side-job in parallel to other tasks.

Basically, wrt. perl-packages, I believe a more or less
mechanical/scripted remover of "%defattr" would be possible, if that's
what you're aiming at.

However, I do not see much reason in such kind of undertaking, because I
don't see any reason why %defattr needs to away in the next couple of years.

Petr Šabata
2016-02-01 11:39:15 UTC
Post by Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek
Post by Jason L Tibbitts III
perl-Affix-Infix2Postfix (steve, psabata)
perl-Algorithm-IncludeExclude (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Algorithm-Merge (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Authen-PAM (steve, psabata)
perl-Carp-Clan-Share (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Class-Container (steve, psabata)
perl-Class-DBI-Plugin-DeepAbstractSearch (iarnell, mmaslano, ppisar, psabata, jplesnik)
perl-Context-Preserve (iarnell, mmaslano, ppisar, psabata, jplesnik)
perl-Convert-ASCII-Armour (steve, psabata)
perl-Convert-Bencode (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Convert-Bencode_XS (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Crypt-CAST5_PP (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Crypt-DES_EDE3 (steve, psabata)
perl-Data-Denter (iarnell, mmaslano, ppisar, psabata, jplesnik)
perl-Data-FormValidator-Constraints-DateTime (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Data-Taxi (iarnell, psabata)
perl-DateTime-Format-ICal (steve, xavierb, psabata)
perl-DateTime-Format-SQLite (iarnell, ppisar, psabata, mmaslano, jplesnik)
perl-DBIx-Class-TimeStamp (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Devel-Caller (steve, psabata)
perl-Devel-FastProf (iarnell, psabata)
perl-Expect-Simple (iarnell, mmaslano, ppisar, psabata, jplesnik)
perl-File-ChangeNotify (psabata, ppisar, mmaslano, jplesnik)
perl-File-Pid (iarnell, psabata)
perl-File-Read (iarnell, psabata)
perl-File-Type (steve, psabata)
perl-File-Type-WebImages (iarnell, psabata)
Cleaned and modernized these. More next week.
Can you estimate how much time you spent on this?
My answer would be similar to Ralf's. I did a few every day; given
that all these were really ancient, it was basically a re-review and a
partial rewrite.
Remi Collet
2016-01-29 14:56:03 UTC
Post by Jason L Tibbitts III
The %defattr statement in the %files section of a spec is used to
specify the default mode and user/group for the files and directories
which follow.
I don't plan to change any of my spec files before March 2017, with
other EL-5 stuff.

Please, don't change any of my packages.


Kevin Fenzi
2016-01-29 23:51:18 UTC
On Fri, 29 Jan 2016 15:56:03 +0100
Post by Remi Collet
Post by Jason L Tibbitts III
The %defattr statement in the %files section of a spec is used to
specify the default mode and user/group for the files and
directories which follow.
I don't plan to change any of my spec files before March 2017, with
other EL-5 stuff.
Please, don't change any of my packages.
Why not?

Note that EL5 doesn't need %defattr either...

Jason L Tibbitts III
2016-02-02 01:27:17 UTC
RC> Please, don't change any of my packages.

Could you perhaps explain your definition of "my" in that sentence? I'm
kind of curious as to why someone might think that any package is the
distribution is "theirs" as opposed to "Fedora's".

- J<

Richard Shaw
2016-01-29 15:06:06 UTC
pysdm and gresistor fixed in master, no rebuild.
