(OT) Obituary: G. Gordon Liddy
(too old to reply)
2021-04-01 17:16:01 UTC
Now this is fantastic piece about the man behind the Watergate.

I did not realize the guy was later in Miami vice?

That he was an American patriot?

That he gave birth to entire genre of self-help psychology books?

The way Anglin is able to tell the full true story about the man behind the Watergate and present the entire narrative while including pop culture references is amazing.


It's a spectacular obituary.
----Android NewsGroup Reader----
guyan persad
2021-04-01 18:21:16 UTC
Post by *skriptis
Now this is fantastic piece about the man behind the Watergate.
I did not realize the guy was later in Miami vice?
That he was an American patriot?
That he gave birth to entire genre of self-help psychology books?
The way Anglin is able to tell the full true story about the man behind the Watergate and present the entire narrative while including pop culture references is amazing.
It's a spectacular obituary.
----Android NewsGroup Reader----
Man with huge balls?
