On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show
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2024-04-11 01:05:00 UTC
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, the liberal media is the propaganda
wing of the Democrat party, and the credibility of the mass media has
never been lower because the American public is on to them. There was a
shooting in Philadelphia during a Ramadan event and the media was ready
to use it to push their agenda until it turned out to be unrelated and
did not fit their narrative. Also, President Trump’s campaign is
picking up steam and so are the attacks from the Democrat media
mouthpieces. What has been done to Trump by the media, the law, and the
justice system has never been done to anyone before. Meanwhile,
President Biden is supported by the corporatists and billionaires who
make money from government regulations and will do or say anything to
get a vote. Our enemies like China, Iran, and Russia are rooting for
Biden to win because he is destroying America from within. Later, Cesar
Chavez was very anti-immigration and would be strongly opposed to
Biden’s open border, which is why it is ironic that Biden has a bust of
Chavez in the Oval Office. Today labor unions lobby for amnesty and
advocate for illegal immigrants because they have sold out the American

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811. 877-381-
3811. I hope you’re well. A couple of hours ago, there was headline
news. Mr. Producer, I believe it’s the last day of Ramadan. Eid, I
think it’s called, and it’s Islam’s holy month of fasting. And there
was a shooting that occurred in Philadelphia in the Parkside
neighborhood and IT event. Almost a thousand people were there. It’s a
lot of people. And there were gunfire. People got hit. It was a
terrible scene. As a matter of fact, in a park. And the media were all
geared up. They brought on f x FBI agents. ex-Police. And others. That
were if not suggesting, certainly implying. This was a shooting because
it was Ramadan, the last day of Ramadan, and a thousand Muslims were
gathered in this one place. Now, let me make something abundantly
clear. I have nothing for contempt for anybody. Who kills anybody.
Innocence, period. I have no problem whatsoever. With people who
practice their faith peacefully. Period. Period. And the funny thing
is. People talk to me. The person I work with at my bank. Is a
Pakistani Muslim. Per people that I know quite well, quite closely. And
all sorts of things that we do around this house and we do around our
studio Muslims. And they are disgusted. Many of them with the Islamists
because they threaten them to. But stereotypes are created by the
media. So when you criticize Islamists, notice I didn’t say Muslims.
When you criticize Islamists, terrorists who pushed terrorist ideology.
The media want you to say muzzle? Now the media were all geared up to
hit this morning, noon and night. It’s disappeared totally from the
headlines now. Why? Well, now we know more facts. Two factions reports
ABC News pulled our guns and started shooting at each other at the
outdoor gathering, according to Philadelphia Police Commissioner Kevin
Bethel. 30 shots were fired. A 22 year old was shot in the stomach
during the gunfire. Juvenile south transported to a hospital with a
gunshot wound to the hand. Both are in stable condition. An officer at
the event showed a 15 year old boy who was allegedly armed with a gun,
according to. The teen was shot in the shoulder and leg. The officer
recovered the firearm and transported the teen to a hospital. Child
also fractured their leg and they were hit by responding officers car.
Five people have been arrested in connection with the shooting. They
include the 15 year old who was shot by the officer, as well as four
suspects, three juveniles and an adult who fled the scene with guns.
Multiple guns. According to Barthel, five weapons were recovered. A
motive remains unknown. But they said two factions pulled out guns and
started shooting at each other. So the headlines disappear. Because the
media wanted it to be something else. They certainly thought it would
be something else. It’s not to say that can’t happen. There’s a lot of
very evil people, a lot of very evil people. It’s not the same can
happen, but it didn’t. The media, the American media. There’s a lot
being said today about a gentleman named Uri Berliner who’s very
courageous man. He’s a veteran reporter, employee of PBS. Of NPR,
rather. And an editor. And he’s worked very closely with people who
work there for a long time. And apparently, he wrote a piece in The
Free Press, which I want to get to momentarily. But here’s what amazes
me. He doesn’t tell us anything we didn’t know. The fact is that he’s
very brave and coming out and telling us, reinforcing what we already
know. So I would tell my colleagues in TV and radio, it wouldn’t hurt
you. It wouldn’t hurt you if you would actually educate and inform
yourselves more. Over half a million of you read a book called On
Freedom of the Press. You know what’s going on in the press
instinctively, it’s common sense. And you also know the history of it
and the extent of it because you read. They don’t. And freedom of the
press is about how those entrusted with news reporting the modern media
are destroying freedom of the press from within. Not governmental
prisoners suppression. Not President Donald Trump’s finger pointing.
This was written several years back, but present day newsrooms and
journalists indeed social activism, progressive groupthink, Democrat
Party part partisanship, opinion and propaganda passed off as news. The
staging of pseudo events, self-censorship, bias by omission, and
outright falsehoods are too often substituting for old fashioned
objective fact gathering and news reporting. A self-perpetuating and
reinforcing mindset has replaced independent and impartial thinking.
And the American people know it. That’s the credibility. The mass media
has never been lower. This book could easily have been ten times in its
current length, but that would make it unreadable for most.
Nonetheless, meaning it is currently unreadable for some, apparently.
Much ground is covered in research undertaken and many authors and
scholars consulted as the history, The American press and the evidence
of its decades long demise are carefully examined. The purpose of
freedom of the press is to jumpstart a long overdue and hopefully
productive dialogue among the American citizenry and how best to deal
with the complicated and complex issue of the media’s collapsing role
as a bulwark of liberty, the civil society and Republicanism, ranging
from the early newspapers and pamphlets. Promoting the principles set
forth in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution to the
subsequent party press and transparent allegiance to one party or the
other, to the progressive approach of so-called professional reporting
and now the ideologically driven advocacy press of today. So for those
of you who read this, but this is not new. What’s new is that gentlemen
had the courage to come forward, for which he should be thanked. Unlike
the early Patriot press, today’s newsrooms and journalists are mostly
hostile to America’s founding principles, traditions and institutions.
They do not promote free speech and press freedom despite their self-
serving and self-righteous claims. Indeed, they serve as societal
filters, attempting to enforce uniformity of thought and social and
political activism centered on the progressive, a.k.a. American Marxist
ideology and agenda issues, events, groups and individuals that do not
fit the narrative or dismissed or diminished those that do fit the
narrative or elevated and celebrated. Of course, this paradigm greatly
influences the culture, the government and the national psyche. It
defines a media created reality, whether or not it has a basis in true
reality around which individuals organize their thoughts, beliefs and
in some cases, their lives. Yet there is mystery and opacity. That’s
around all of it. And if one dares to question or criticize the motives
and work product of this enterprise or aspects of it, that is the
reporting by one or more newsrooms, the response is often knee jerk and
emotionally charged. Well, the Inquirer, our critic, portrayed as
hostile to press freedom and the collective media circling the wagons
around themselves. Bears remembering that the purpose of a free press,
like the purpose of free speech, is to nurture the mind, communicate
ideas, challenge ideologies, share notions, inspire creativity and
advocate and reinforce America’s founding principles. That is, to
contribute to a vigorous, productive, healthy and happy individual and
to a well-functioning civil society and republic. And the media are to
expose official actions aimed at squelching speech and communication.
But when the media function as a propaganda tool for a single political
party and ideology, they not only destroy their own purpose, but
threaten the existence of a free republic. It is surely not for the
government to control the press. And yet the press seems incapable of
policing itself. We must remember we are not merely observers. We are
the citizenry. We, the people for whom this nation was established and
for whom it exists. In order to form a more perfect union, establish
justice, insure domestic tranquility, and I quote, provide for the
common defence, promote the general welfare, and serve the blessings of
liberty to ourselves and our posterity. Hence, we must demand a media
worthy of our great Republic. And we begin the process by informing
ourselves about those institutions and individuals and their practices
and standards, who, by their own anointment proclaim the high minded
obligation of informing us. That’s the three page introduction on
freedom of the press. It only gets better after that. So it is
somewhat. Curious. That this book that was number one on the New York
Times bestseller list last month or two, maybe three, but sold over a
half a million copies, received virtually no notice on any conservative
newsroom other than on the Internet. Why would that be? I’m not saying
opinions. Opinion makers. I’m told that newsrooms. Now comes forward.
Uri Berliner, a veteran of the public radio institution. And he says
the network lost its way when it started telling listeners how to
think. And you already know this. What’s unique here is that somebody
has come forward, still works at NPR. So he comes forward at personal
potential personal attack against him. And that’s what they’ve started
to do. And he says in the Free press, and I will note that The New York
Times. The Opinion page or book review section never reviews my books.
Not when Barry Weiss was there in that sense. And that’s okay. They
would just trash him anyway. He said, You know, the stereotype of the
NPR listener and EV driving world playing tote bag carrying coastal
elite, It doesn’t precisely describe me, but it’s not far off. I’m
Sarah Lawrence. Educated was raised by a lesbian peace activist mother.
I drive a Subaru and Spotify says my listening habits are most similar
to people in Berkeley. I fit the NPR mold a copy of that. So when I got
a job here 25 years ago, I never looked back. As a senior editor on the
business desk, where news is always breaking, we’ve covered upheavals
in the workplace, supermarket prices, social media, air. It’s true.
NPR. NPR has always had a liberal bent. But during most of my tenure
here, an open minded, curious culture prevailed. We were nerdy, but not
a knee jerk activist or scolding. In recent years, however, that has
changed. Today, those who listen to NPR or read its coverage online
find something different. The distilled worldview of a very small
segment of the US population. If you’re conservative, you will read
this and say. It’s always been this way, but it hasn’t. Actually, it
has. Maybe not in NPR, but certainly in the last multiple decades. For
decades since its founding in 1970, a wide swath of America turn tuned
into NPR for reliable journalism. Gorgeous audio pieces with birds
singing in the Amazon. Millions came to us for conversations that
exposed listener voices around the country in the world radically
different from our own engaging precisely because they were unguarded
and unpredictable. No image generated more pride within NPR than the
farmer listening to Morning Edition from his or her tractor at sunrise
back in 2011. Although NPR’s audience tilted a bit to the left, it
still bore a resemblance to America. Large 26% of listeners described
themselves as conservative 23% middle of the road, 37% is liberal. By
2023, the picture was completely different. Only 11% described
themselves as very or somewhat conservative, 21% middle of the road,
67%. We’re very or somewhat liberal. We weren’t just losing
conservatives. We were also losing moderates and traditional liberals
and open minded spirit no longer existed within NPR. And now,
predictably, we don’t have an audience that reflects America. That
wouldn’t be a problem for an openly polemical news outlet serving a
niche audience. But for NPR, which purports to consider all things,
it’s devastating both rates journalism and its business model. There’s
a few more paragraphs I want to continue when we return, because it’s
reflective of the entire media, quite frankly. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
He says. Like many unfortunate things, the rise of advocacy, at least
in his surroundings, took off with Donald Trump at his many newsrooms.
His election in 2016 was greeted at NPR with a mixture of disbelief,
anger and despair. Just to note, I eagerly voted against Trump twice.
But folk were obliged to cover him fairly. But what began as a tough,
straightforward coverage of a belligerent truth and a president veered
toward efforts to damage or topple Trump’s presidency. Persistent
rumors that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia over the election
became the catnip that drove reporting at NPR, we hitched our wagon to
Trump’s most visible antagonist, Representative Adam Schiff. Chip, who
was the top Democrat on the House Intel Committee. He became NPR’s
guiding hand its ever present muse. By my count, our hosts interviewed
Schiff 25 times about Trump and Russia, And during many of those
conversations, he alluded to purported evidence of collusion. And yet
the Schiff talking points became the drumbeat of NPR News reports. When
the Miller report found no credible evidence of collusion, NPR’s
coverage was notably sparse. Russiagate quietly faded by in our
programming. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3
There’s a magazine out there. What’s it called? Talkers magazine. Most
of it is. Which is interesting because nobody ever talks about it. Most
of you never heard of it. It’s run by a fairly small group of
individuals, and it relies heavily on advertising. I don’t believe
Cumulus advertises in the magazine if it does. Not that much. Some
companies advertise more than others. It issues this list. These lists
are so repulsive, with about 14 different disclaimers of the heavy 100
broadcasters. The survey, audiences know they would cost too much and
there would be too accurate. They basically sit on their ass. Some of
them work from home, some live in an office, and they decide who the
heavy ones are. They decided that yours truly is number six. They
decided that Dan Bonjean was number 13. Where do they put? Our man
said, I don’t remember. Anyway, it’s. It’s a phony, phony list. Sid’s
15. It’s ridiculous. He’s number one in New York. It’s a phony list. By
every metric. It’s a phony list. If they like you and they know you,
and if you’re supportive of them, you move up the list. It’s not even
close with the second largest. Radio show in the United States. HANNITY
would tell you that he’s number one. One and two. There’s nobody close
to this show. That follows. That’s not to say there aren’t great shows.
There are. That’s not to say there aren’t great syndicated shows. There
are. One of them being my buddy Bongino. And same with well, I’m not
going to start naming them. Same with a lot of them. But it really is
repulsive. When they put together this list, they give it sort of a
glitzy headline. Then they tell you 14 different ways that the list is
not really an empirical decision. Mr. Producer, open your microphone.
How many guests do we have to turn down every week? A lot. Scores. How
many authors keep scratching at our door? Tons. For me to interview
them. Tons. How many movements, ladies and gentlemen, have you and I
led? From the Tea Party and other movements. The influence that you in
this audience, Not me, you in this audience. The influence you have is
enormous. It’s enormous. This is the smartest audience and the most
loyal audience. You you’re the most activist audience. That’s you. How
do we know? Because when we actually used to do research, which most
radio companies don’t do anymore, but when we did, that’s what they
found. We’re the most loyal. You’re the smartest. You’re the second
largest in the nation. Why? Because I’m on 6 to 9. That’s why people do
the things they do and nobody else can hold the slot like we do
nationally. It’s not possible. How do I know? Because they’ve tried.
You and I have a special relationship. You don’t want stupid on radio
and you don’t want a conga line of gas on radio. You want to know
things. You want to learn things. You want to. You want a viewpoint on
things. You want somebody who can defend them and not somebody who’s
going to in your homes and your cars and your businesses wherever you
are and your trucks, to reinforce your belief system, your pro-American
belief system. That’s all lost on Talkers magazine. They don’t care.
They don’t know who you are. They know the foggiest idea. None. It’s
because of you in the audience that we’re number one on Fox on the
weekends, primetime at night, because of you. It’s because of you in
the audience. They’re on the New York Times bestseller list. Ten books
in a row. Number one, seven books in a row. That’s you, not me. And I
could go on and on and on. I don’t have to prove a damn thing. But what
I want to point out is that when people come out with these phony
lists. They should be denounced. Michael Harrison and his Talkers
magazine denounced. For putting out what I would call propaganda. And
in some cases, I think, self-serving propaganda. There’s no way. Bon
Genos Number 13. There’s no way I’m six. But it doesn’t matter. Bongino
and I were texting earlier today. This is laughable. We laugh at these
people. And we plow ahead. I don’t know how much longer Talkers
magazine will be around when it spews out the stupid stuff. It’s not
the heavy 100. There’s nothing heavy. About the way they put their list
together. It’s purely opinion based on biases, not based on any metrics
that are measurable. None. Talkers magazine. It’s a fiction as far as
I’m concerned. Let me finish with what this gentleman was saying. I’m
not going to read the whole piece as it’s very, very long. Uri Berliner
at the Free Press. I would encourage Barry Weiss and the rest of the
free press who’ve come to freedom late in life, but at least they’ve
come to freedom. They understand the Democrat Party now. They
understand the ideology, the American Marxist. They understand all of
it. And they’ve been abused by these people and smeared by these
people. So welcome. Welcome. But it wouldn’t hurt if he read a little a
little bit beyond your little inner circle. That’s my view. Take it or
leave it. So he writes, These are perilous times for news
organizations. Last year, NPR laid off four but put out 10% of its
staff canceled for podcasts following a slump in advertising revenue.
Our radio audience is dwindling, and our podcast downloads are down
from 2020. The digital stories on our website rarely have national
impact. They are in conversation. Start as our competitive advantage in
audio, where for years NPR had no peer is vanishing. There are plenty
of informative and entertaining podcasts to choose from. Even with our
diminished audience, there’s evidence of trouble at the most basic
level. Trust. That’s right. Trust I. Talkers magazine. No Trust. In
February, our Audience Insights team sent an email proudly announcing
that we had a higher, trustworthy score than CNN and The New York
Times. Pretty low bar. But the research from Harris poll was hardly
reassuring. It found that three in ten audience members familiar with
NPR said they associate NPR with a characteristic of trustworthiness.
That’s 30% only in a world where media credibility has completely
imploded with a three in ten trustworthy score be something to boast
about. But declining ratings, sorry, levels of trust in an audience
that has become less diverse over time. The trajectory for NPR is not
promising to passim it is promising now not the trajectory, but NPR is
not going anywhere because you and I help fund it. It’s not a market
system. It’s donations and taxes. Donations and taxes. Big fat left
wing foundations prop it up. Big fat government props it up. We don’t
get any of that, by the way. He says, two paths seem clear. We can keep
doing what we’re doing, hoping it will all work out, or we can start
over with the basic building blocks of journalism. We could face up to
where where we’ve gone wrong. News organizations still go in for that
kind of reckoning. But there’s a good reason for MPR to be the first.
We’re the ones with the word public in our name. Despite our missteps
at NPR, defunding isn’t the answer as the country becomes more
fractured. There’s still a need for a public institution where stories
are told and viewpoints exchanged in good faith. Defunding as a rebuke
from Congress wouldn’t change the journalism at NPR that needs to come
from within. It says. A few weeks ago, NPR welcomed a new welcomed a
new CEO, Katherine Mayor, who’s been a leader in tech. She doesn’t have
a news background which could be an asset given where things stand.
I’ll be rooting for. It’s a tough job. Her first rule could be simple
enough. Don’t tell people how to think. It could even be the new North
Star. Yeah, right. Here. The problem is, NPR has propaganda. And so are
95% of the rest of the American media. Their propaganda and the
propaganda for one party. You can read about it in full with the
research, with a background in on freedom of the press in American
more. Sexism. It’s all laid out there, and it always has been and it
always has been. And I want to encourage our friends with the
conservative news platforms. You might want to check it out, too,
because none of this is a surprise. What’s important about your piece?
It’s from an insider. That’s why it’s important. But when you look at
CNN or MSNBC, these are organizations that are supported by multi-
billion dollar globalist corporations. They don’t even care about
ratings. They could care less about ratings. They could care less about
profitability. There are people on an elephant’s ass on these multi
corporate. Global businesses. And they keep them around to protect
themselves. CNN will never trash AT&T and their ilk. MSNBC will never
trash calm Comcast and their ilk. And the story goes on and on and on.
New York Times is owned 17% by the wealthiest man in Mexico. And, of
course, The Washington Post never has to worry. Bezos owns The
Washington Post. So these are entities that really do not respond to
market demands. These are entities that are in the propaganda business
for a one party monopoly that they’re seeking to build, along with the
Democrat Party. This is autocracy. Autocracy. It’s not freedom of the
press. When you look at what’s been done to Donald Trump in the press
by the law in the injustice system. It’s really quite obvious to
anybody who stands back and watches except these doctrinaire.
Doctrinaire zombie leftists. What’s taking place in this country? I’ll
be right back.

Segment 4
Hamas tells negotiators it doesn’t have 40 Israeli hostages anymore.
They said they’re unable to identify and track them down. They murdered
them. The Israelis said women and children first and the elderly. And
they told them the 40 they’d need to come out first. We don’t know
where they are. Says Hamas. There were that ten month old baby who was
taken hostage, Mr. Producer. I think their ten month old babies online.
Ten month old baby needs a lot of care loving attention. Milk, diapers.
You think that’s what they did for that ten month old baby? Joe Biden
did an interview on Israel the other day, trashing Netanyahu, trashing
Israel, trashing the IDF. Giving more aid and comfort to the
terrorists, giving actual money to the terrorists. Never mention the
hostages once. Doesn’t even mention the five American hostages. Where
are they? Hamas told Qatar and Egypt it does not have 40 living
hostages who match the criteria for release. They murdered them. If a
courageous senator from the great state of Missouri, Ted. But. He
proposes legislation, pushes it hard on the floor of the Senate today.
They were required. Qatar. Which is a loathsome terrorist organization
that buys its way into Washington, D.C., buys its way into the Democrat
and Republican Party, has put up $5 million for the Medal of Honor
Memorial. This is what they do, has golf tournaments and tennis
tournaments, the likes of which Christopher Murphy, the disgusting,
pathetic senator from Connecticut, attends. And he said that ties
should be cut with Qatar unless they meet certain. Obligations. You
know, we have these obligations for Israel now. We have obligations for
Qatar. And yet Christopher Murphy objected. Senator of Connecticut. Who
morally preens on MSNBC and CNN trashing Trump all the time, trashing
MAGA all the time. This guy is a punk. He is a punk. He represents
Hamas. In the United States Senate. I don’t want to hear the static. I
don’t want to hear the excuses in the footnotes. You either for good or
you’re for evil. That man’s for evil. Like his good friend Chris Van
Hollen in Maryland, another anti-Semite. That’s right. I said it so me.
I’ll be right back.
2024-04-12 11:12:31 UTC
Mark Levin is a nasty jew when has he ever told us the truth. Just like
Trump he lies for the love of money.

By the way, what is wrong with his eyes?
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, the liberal media is the propaganda
wing of the Democrat party, and the credibility of the mass media has
never been lower because the American public is on to them.