17 years ago
Turn flip 3d back on
I tried this
1) Click on the Windows logo at the lower left corne
2) Select Control Panel, and then select Personalizatio
3) Click on Window Color and Appearance
4) If you then see a row of 8 colors, you need to click on the las
link, Open classic appearance properties for more color options
5) In the Appearance Settings window, under Color Scheme, selec
Windows Aero
6) Click on OK
7) Windows will then update the display properties of, well
8 ) If youve got a Flip and Flip icon in the Quick Launch area o
the taskbar at the bottom of your screen, next to the Windows icon
click on it to see a neat sideways 3-D representation of all of you
open windows. OR, hold down the Start-Tab keys in order (where Star
is the key with the Windows logo) and then (still holding the Star
key), hit the Tab key to 3-Dly scroll through each of the open windows
But for some reason the the icon in the taskbar is only giving me th
option to "Show desktop" not flip and flip which I did have before
How do I get it back? I want to scroll through all my open window
without using 'start-tab' keys
I tried this
1) Click on the Windows logo at the lower left corne
2) Select Control Panel, and then select Personalizatio
3) Click on Window Color and Appearance
4) If you then see a row of 8 colors, you need to click on the las
link, Open classic appearance properties for more color options
5) In the Appearance Settings window, under Color Scheme, selec
Windows Aero
6) Click on OK
7) Windows will then update the display properties of, well
8 ) If youve got a Flip and Flip icon in the Quick Launch area o
the taskbar at the bottom of your screen, next to the Windows icon
click on it to see a neat sideways 3-D representation of all of you
open windows. OR, hold down the Start-Tab keys in order (where Star
is the key with the Windows logo) and then (still holding the Star
key), hit the Tab key to 3-Dly scroll through each of the open windows
But for some reason the the icon in the taskbar is only giving me th
option to "Show desktop" not flip and flip which I did have before
How do I get it back? I want to scroll through all my open window
without using 'start-tab' keys