Incompetent Trump Bumbles His Way Through Domestic Terrorism Aftermath
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Cornelius Crane
2019-08-07 23:46:40 UTC
Trump Bumbles His Way Through Domestic Terrorism Aftermath

David Boddiger

Photo: Ken Cedeno-Pool (Getty Images)
Donald Trump is now being forced to face the consequences of a mess he
created by spewing more than two years of hate speech and violent rhetoric.
That’s what happens when a wannabe-despot radicalizes his base, two of
which committed horrendous acts of domestic terrorism this week.

Trump doesn’t appear to be handling it very well.

First, he tried to call for national unity after one of his rabid
supporters, Cesar Sayoc Jr., was arrested for sending over a dozen pipe
bombs by mail to prominent Democrats, Trump critics, and intelligence

“Americans must unify,” Trump said after Sayoc’s arrest, adding “we must
show the world that we are united together in peace and love and harmony as
fellow American citizens…”

Moments later, he blew an anti-Semitic dog whistle by ranting about
“globalists” and George Soros, a target of one of the mail bombs. It was
the same type of garbage conspiracy theory that led accused domestic
terrorist Robert Bowers to commit the worst attack on the Jewish community
in U.S. history the very next day.

Following that attack at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Trump
blamed the synagogue for not having an armed guard—despite the fact that it
took an entire SWAT team to apprehend Bowers, who wounded four law
enforcement officers in the subsequent shootout, two of them critically.


Saturday was a whirlwind day for Trump. He began a speech at a National FFA
Organization event in Indianapolis, IN, condemning the “wicked act of mass
murder” in Pittsburgh as an act of “pure evil.”

“Our nation and the world are shocked and stunned by the grief. This was an
anti-Semitic act. You wouldn’t think this would be possible in this day and
age, but we just don’t seem to learn from the past,” he said, in a droning,
robotic voice, while reading from a teleprompter.

Then, he went on to praise his own administration’s policies.

There had been questions about whether Trump would cancel the event, along
with another campaign rally later in southern Illinois, in light of the
mass shooting. Of course, Trump had no intention of canceling either
speaking engagement. Instead, he made a joke about his hair.

“By the way, somebody just said, ‘Your hair looks different today.’ I said,
‘Well, I was standing under the wing of Air Force One, doing a news
conference…and the wind was blowing, and the rain, and I was soaking
wet…And I said, maybe I should cancel this arrangement because I have a bad
hair day.’”

Funny stuff, Mr. President.

Later, in Murphysboro, IL, Trump tried to justify going forward with the
political rally just hours after 11 people were murdered and six others
injured by comparing the aftermath to 9/11.

To demonstrate his own “resolve” in trudging ahead, Trump invented a bogus
story about the New York Stock Exchange. Everyone knew he was lying.

“And with what happened early today, that horrible, horrible attack in
Pittsburgh, I was saying maybe I should cancel both [the FFA event and the
IL rally],” Trump said. “And then I said to myself, I remembered Dick
Grasso, a friend of mine, great guy, he headed up the New York Stock
Exchange, and Sept. 11, and the New York Stock Exchange was open the
following day. He said, and what they had to do to open it you wouldn’t
believe. We won’t even talk to you about it.”

He’s right, we won’t believe it, because both the NYSE and Nasdaq exchanges
were closed until Sept. 17, 2001, the longest shutdown since 1933, as
Bloomberg noted.

But the most embarrassing part of Trump’s day happened earlier when the
world learned that the president of the United States doesn’t know how to
close an umbrella properly. Or maybe he just doesn’t care. Whatever it is,
we all are that umbrella.

The greatest truth is honesty
2019-08-08 11:40:39 UTC
Post by Cornelius Crane
Moments later, he blew an anti-Semitic dog whistle
Looking at the people in the democrat's party and its refusal to tell
these people that their racism is wrong, I feel safer with Trump.

PS He is very proud of his Jewish daughter and grandchild.
Michael Christ
2019-08-08 21:51:48 UTC
Post by The greatest truth is honesty
Post by Cornelius Crane
Moments later, he blew an anti-Semitic dog whistle
Looking at the people in the democrat's party and its refusal to tell
these people that their racism is wrong, I feel safer with Trump.
Then that is the level of your delusion.

No mere man can save you.

Michael Christ
Michael Christ
2019-08-08 21:52:11 UTC
Post by The greatest truth is honesty
Post by Cornelius Crane
Moments later, he blew an anti-Semitic dog whistle
Looking at the people in the democrat's party and its refusal to tell
these people that their racism is wrong, I feel safer with Trump.
...or change anything.
2019-08-09 10:52:53 UTC
Post by The greatest truth is honesty
Post by Cornelius Crane
Moments later, he blew an anti-Semitic dog whistle
Looking at the people in the democrat's party
This is the party of only a single Democrat? How the motherfuck does
that work?

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Gunner Asch
2019-08-09 11:15:21 UTC
Post by The greatest truth is honesty
Post by Cornelius Crane
Moments later, he blew an anti-Semitic dog whistle
Looking at the people in the democrat's party
This is the party of only a single Democrat?  How the motherfuck does
that work?
Why not? I manage a glory hole booth in Taft with only me and myself


"Poor widdle Wudy...mentally ill, lies constantly, doesnt know who he is, or even what gender "he" is.

No more pathetic creature has ever walked the earth. But...he is locked into a mental hospital for the safety of the public.

Which is a very good thing."

Asun rauhassa, valmistaudun sotaan.

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