Tristan in a nutshell
(too old to reply)
Bert Coules
2018-03-28 16:27:39 UTC
In this week's University Challenge TV quiz, the answer to one question was
Tristan and Isolde. Presenter Jeremy Paxman (who was notably amazed that
the students had recognised the audio clip) summed up the plot thusly:

"He says 'will you follow me into death?' and she says 'Yeah, all right'".

Intellectual television at its rarest.

2018-03-28 17:40:06 UTC
Post by Bert Coules
In this week's University Challenge TV quiz, the answer to one question was
Tristan and Isolde. Presenter Jeremy Paxman (who was notably amazed that
"He says 'will you follow me into death?' and she says 'Yeah, all right'".
Intellectual television at its rarest.
It'd never happen here (in the US). Opera is too much of an arcane subject, but you might get a correct answer to a question about Rodgers & Hammerstein.

2018-03-29 17:30:37 UTC
Post by REP
Post by Bert Coules
In this week's University Challenge TV quiz, the answer to one question was
Tristan and Isolde. Presenter Jeremy Paxman (who was notably amazed that
"He says 'will you follow me into death?' and she says 'Yeah, all right'".
Intellectual television at its rarest.
It'd never happen here (in the US). Opera is too much of an arcane subject, but you might get a correct answer to a question about Rodgers & Hammerstein.

2018-03-29 17:52:03 UTC
Post by g***@gmail.com
Post by REP
Post by Bert Coules
In this week's University Challenge TV quiz, the answer to one question was
Tristan and Isolde. Presenter Jeremy Paxman (who was notably amazed that
"He says 'will you follow me into death?' and she says 'Yeah, all right'".
Intellectual television at its rarest.
It'd never happen here (in the US). Opera is too much of an arcane subject, but you might get a correct answer to a question about Rodgers & Hammerstein.
"I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set I go into the other room and read a book." - Groucho Marx

Bert Coules
2018-03-29 18:15:53 UTC
It'd never happen here (in the US)...
To give you a little more of the flavour of the show, three more questions
from recent editions:

If the integers from one to 100 are written in Roman numerals and then
placed in alphabetical order, which comes last?

The start of which century saw the following on the thrones of their
respective polities: Magnus Barefoot of Norway; Baldwin the Second, Count of
Edessa; and the Byzantine emperor Alexius the First?


In fine art, the rubbing technique known as “frottage” is particularly
associated with which German-born artist, who used it extensively in his
1926 portfolio Histoire Naturelle?

2018-03-29 18:59:18 UTC
Post by Bert Coules
It'd never happen here (in the US)...
To give you a little more of the flavour of the show, three more questions
If the integers from one to 100 are written in Roman numerals and then
placed in alphabetical order, which comes last?
The start of which century saw the following on the thrones of their
respective polities: Magnus Barefoot of Norway; Baldwin the Second, Count of
Edessa; and the Byzantine emperor Alexius the First?
In fine art, the rubbing technique known as “frottage” is particularly
associated with which German-born artist, who used it extensively in his
1926 portfolio Histoire Naturelle?
Admittedly, I don't know the answer to any of these off the top of my head, but I can work out the answer to the first one in a few seconds (C (100)).

In the US, college is just a place where young people take on debt, get drunk, and become communists.

