LIGO's Gravitational Waves: Why the Sloppiness?
(trop ancien pour répondre)
Pentcho Valev
2016-02-23 08:44:07 UTC
LIGO calculated the maximum delay of the signal, 10 ms, by dividing the great-circle (!) distance between the two sites, 3002 km, by the speed of light. This is an incredible sloppiness, and not only LIGO but all triumphant professors are silent about that. It seems only Hilton Ratcliffe has the courage to publish something on the matter:

"On September 14, 2015, the LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory) observed a "chirp" lasting about a fifth of a second (GW150914). Analyses of the signal suggest that it was produced by the cataclysmic collision of two black holes a billion light years away. This was probably the verification of the most dramatic prediction of Albert Einstein's General Theory of Relativity. Accordingly, we ought to have a critical look at the relevant experiment before we finally incorporate this great achievement into the body of scientific knowledge. (...) There is also something which appears to be too fortuitous about GW150914, as noted by the distinguished Indian astrophysicist Dr. Abhas Mitra: Given that the radius of Earth is 6,370 km, we can calculate the linear distance between the LIGO detectors at Livingstone and Hanford at around 2,500 Km. Because this distance is absolutely negligible compared with the distance to the origin of GW150914 (1.3 billion light years), both detectors should see the event almost simultaneously. There should be a delay of a few microseconds at most if both detectors received the signal from the sky above. However, the actual delay of seven milliseconds was very much larger, and is possible only if the source was almost perfectly aligned with a straight line joining Livingstone and Hanford."

Perhaps Ratcliffe and Mitra are exaggerating, but then why isn't there any precise calculation coming from LIGO? From triumphant professors? A good explanation is this:

When the results are all fake, precise calculations should be avoided - they can only expose Achilles' heels. In such cases one should only be careful not to fabricate suspicious (unrealistic) data.

Pentcho Valev
Pentcho Valev
2016-02-23 18:08:42 UTC
"The LIGO researchers even worried that a member of their own team had faked it. "They decided it would have to be somebody who really understood the instrument well enough and the data well enough," Harrison said. "And they found all such people and interviewed them and determined that in fact nobody had any motivation to do this.""

Who "found all such people"? The rest of the team who didn't understand the instrument well enough and the data well enough? Or "all such people" just found themselves, interviewed themselves and "determined that in fact nobody had any motivation to do this"?

Pentcho Valev
Pentcho Valev
2016-02-23 23:42:39 UTC
"Around 1936, Einstein wrote to his close friend Max Born telling him that, together with Nathan Rosen, he had arrived at the interesting result that gravitational waves did not exist, though they had been assumed a certainty to the first approximation. He finally had found a mistake in his 1936 paper with Rosen and believed that gravitational waves do exist. However, in 1938, Einstein again obtained the result that there could be no gravitational waves!"

""There are no gravitational waves ... " ... "Plane gravitational waves, traveling along the positive X-axis, can therefore be found ... " ... " ... gravitational waves do not exist ... " ... "Do gravitational waves exist?" ... "It turns out that rigorous solutions exist ... " These are the words of Albert Einstein. For 20 years he equivocated about gravitational waves, unsure whether these undulations in the fabric of space and time were predicted or ruled out by his revolutionary 1915 theory of general relativity. For all the theory's conceptual elegance -- it revealed gravity to be the effect of curves in "space-time" -- its mathematics was enormously complex."

Did LIGO gloriously confirm Einstein's predictions? Of course. Triumphant professors all over the world say so. This is Einstein's schizophrenic world. We all live in it.

Pentcho Valev
Ahmed Ouahi, Architect
2016-02-24 10:31:12 UTC
As for the simple reason first something has had come from some man
Who removed all mysteries of turbulence and fluid dynamics that man
Was just an astronomer by name Michel Hénon of the Nice observatory

On the southern coast of France as then the three body problem is hard
And worse than hard as Poincaré discovered it is most often impossible
The orbits can be calculated a numerically for a while and with powerful

Computers they can be tracked for long while before uncertainties begin
To take over but an equations cannot be solved analytically which means
That long term questions about a three body system cannot be answered

Certainly appears that solar system is stable along a short term but even
Today no one knows for sure as some planetary orbits could not become
More and more eccentric until the planets fly off from the system forever

However as it would be a reasonable of individual stars winging their way
Through an average gravitational field with particular gravitational center
Two stars approach each other closely their interaction separately treated

Ahmed Ouahi, Architect
Best Regards!

"Pentcho Valev" kirjoitti

"The LIGO researchers even worried that a member of their own team had faked
it. "They decided it would have to be somebody who really understood the
instrument well enough and the data well enough," Harrison said. "And they
found all such people and interviewed them and determined that in fact
nobody had any motivation to do this.""

Who "found all such people"? The rest of the team who didn't understand the
instrument well enough and the data well enough? Or "all such people" just
found themselves, interviewed themselves and "determined that in fact nobody
had any motivation to do this"?

Pentcho Valev
Pentcho Valev
2016-02-24 12:46:32 UTC

Luboš Motl: " On September 9th, the LIGO folks were already convinced that they would discover the waves soon. Some of them were thinking what they would buy for the Nobel prize and all of them had to make an online vote about the journal where the discovery should be published. It has to be Physical Review Letters because PRL (published by the APS) is the best journal for the Nobel-prize-caliber papers, the LIGO members decided. Five days later, Advanced LIGO made the discovery. Four more days later, as you know, they officially started Advanced LIGO. ;-) "

Pentcho Valev

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