A Note To Nukleus
(too old to reply)
2003-10-21 20:00:14 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 21 Oct 2003 20:00:14 GMT
Article: 85
On Sun, 19 Oct 2003 00:09:10 GMT, Gregory Perry
What does my corporation have to do with freemasonry, Bob?
You posted a long diatribe on the evils of Freemasonry, the CIA,
and how your "office" was allegedly tossed by the government.
So, you made the association, not anyone here. However, my interest
is more in terms of your honesty. I would be interested in knowing
why your corporation is not listed by the FL Secretary of State. (?)
Are you as dumb as you look?
Because he is freemason.
He learned those very tricks from YOU, perverts.
He has a secret corporation
that automatically gets unregistered
once it is registered.
This way, everybody is happy.
Uncle same gets his dough
and he enjoys certain privilleges of privacy.
Secondly, how do you know he is not working for CIA?
Do you think they just list all their corporations
left and right for the dummies of your kind to check on?

You mean your cult can be secretive
and he can not?

That is not fair!
(Remove MY-HOODWINK to email
2003-10-21 20:00:19 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 21 Oct 2003 20:00:19 GMT
Article: 90
On Sat, 18 Oct 2003 22:42:37 GMT, Gregory Perry
Because the lodge will accept and adopt practically anyone into its ranks,
with the only requirement that the initiate must "believe in a higher
Absolutely false to fact.
There are many requirements to joining a Lodge.
Let us see what they are then.
You have to make application for membership willingly and not because
of coercion or mercenary motives.
You have to be of lawful age in your jurisdiction, of sound mind, and
legally entitled to apply.
You have to believe in a Supreme Being as Creator of the Universe.
You mean that Morning Star thing?
"Lucifer, light 'bearer'"?

But how come the lodge is pointed to the East
when you claim you accept other religions?
What if people want it to be pointed in other
directions, like Muslims for example?

Finally, prerequisite of believing in "supreme being"
makes you are religion and there is no ifs and buts
about it.
You have to be of good moral character.
Does not work. Because if you take a man with
"good moral character" and make him even "better",
then how come some of the most vicious criminals
happen to be the HIGHEST degree freemasons?

Either you take a perfectly "good" man
and screw him up,
or there is no way for you to know
his "moral character" as he enters your lodge.

Either way you cut it, it does not work.
You have to be willing to respect and protect the privacies of the
fraternity (our handshakes and passwords),
Oh, I see.
I though you were all saying here:

What secret handshakes?
What passwords?

We do not have any of that!

Turns out you do.
You wanna see zome cipher?

You were asked "but WHY do you need these secret

But you lied your teeth off as usual.

Interestingly enough, most of you don't even know
why and how it happened. Because you are clueless
even as far as your own cult goes.

Secondly, you are CLEARLY running a clandestine
cult of the most profound evil.

Those handshakes are used so that you could
recognize each other when you meet in congress
and in other places of significance
and know EXACTLY who to serve
and what kind of deal to make
once you feel that big, fat finger
pushing between certain fingers
of your "brother".

Those, surrounding you, do not even notice
that what are they dealing is a conspiracy
and do not suspect how is the power divided
when some deal and wheel is made.

But YOU already know how it will be divided
before everyone even sits at the table.
The deal is done before they even open
their mouths.

Nice trick, huh, you seekers of 'light'.

Is THAT what Light is all about?

Secrecy and conspiracy?

THAT is what you call 'supreme being'?

Exciting, I tellya.
of the Lodge (who is ill or
late with their dues), and of your Brethren (the fact that he HATES
spinach, but eats it anyway when his wife cooks it because he loves
HER must remain between the two of you),
So, you go even THAT far in your "investigations"
of potential "brothers"?

"Scuze me, mam, what does your husband likes to
eat fer breakfast? That is kinda important kwestion
for our "brotherhood".

And when he goes to take a dump in the bathroom,
do you recall which foot he steps into the door
first? Ever notice which hand he uses to open
the door knob? Which way does he turn that knob
usuall, clockwise or the other way?"

And even when you do this kind of "investigation",
you still end up accepting criminals?

Hows that?
so long as none of these
involve a crime such as Murder or Treason.
You have to be willing to respect the ceremonies of the fraternity and
not go changing them without permission of the governing body in your
Looks like a Navy Seals organization.
I think even in CIA or FBI it is easier
to adopt to "realities at the moment"
and change things as you go.

"Hello, sire, we have this dude here
and we'd like to take him out
cause he might have a gun with him.
But we don't know that
and our instruction book says:
do not take him out unless you have evidence
he presents a threat.
Could you please call Adolph Bush
to clear this matter?
- Sorry, dude, he is out of town,
mopping up some mess he created in Iraq.
You'd have to wait".

No wonder they can not identify who leaked
the head of the entire network in the CIA.

Must be all freemasons.
You have to be willing to regard the whole human species as one
family, Created by One Almighty Parent, and to treat others

Then how come you exclude others from your "family"?
If it is all one family, then how come you keep
secrets from other members of that very family?
You have to be willing to place your duty to G-d first and foremost,
But, for some strange reasons freemasons write God,
ommitting 'o' in the middle.

What is THAT supposed to mean?
ANY idea?
your duty to yourself and family next,
Can I decide for myself what is important
in MY life?
your duty to your neighbor
DUTY to your neighbor?
Interesting lunacy.
and your country next
Isn't that ALREADY covered by the laws of the land?
and that to the fraternity last among these.
Except your list is upside down.
You have to read it from the end
and proceed it to the beginning.
You have to be willing to help others in distress,
Yep, I know. Seen PLENTY of times around here.
I wonder what is a suicide rate among freemasons?
Seems like once you have a difficulty
and your own brothers simply ignore you
or even redicule and harass you,
no matter where you go
and do not even allow you to express your opinion
and refuse consider the evidence of the matter,

what would be the next logical thing for you to do?
so far as you can
without incurring harm to yourself or your family who depends on you.
ALL this stuff is already covered by the underlying religion
the "brothers" chose and trust me, it is MUCH more trustworthy
then your overruling "laws".

If some "brother" believes in Christian version
of "supreme being" and, in the christian scriptures
the priorities are different,
then which version do you adopt,
masonic or Christian?

Ima kinda curious.
You have to be willing to comport yourself with honor and dignity,
behaving as a gentleman should.
Is there a list of what "gentleman should"?

How bout this:

"You fucking son of a bitch. I saw what you wrote.
We're not going to forget this."
--- Adolph Bush to writer and editor Al Hunt, 1988,
in a restaurant, in front of Hunt's young son.

"I'm the commander. I do not need to explain why I say things.
That's the interesting thing about being the President.
Maybe somebody needs to explain to me why they say something,
but I don't feel like I owe anybody an explanation."
--- Adolph Bush, in a November 2002
interview conducted by Bob Woodward for The Washington Post, as
reported in USA TODAY (November 24, 2002).

"Fuck Saddam. We're taking him out."
--- Adolph Bush, speaking to Condoleezza Rice
and three U.S. senators in March 2002, as reported in
Time Magazine (March 23, 2003).

"I don't know where bin Laden is.
I have no idea and I really don't care.
It's not that important. It's not our priority."
--- Adolph Bush, March 13, 2002

What do you think?
Is Adolph Bush gentlemen enough?
Is THAT what he "should" do?

And even if your own president does these things,
how come YOU are not "allowed" to do the same
even though your significance and impact on your
country and society at large is billion times less?

So, this "gentlemen" goes even further:

"I know what I believe. I will continue to articulate what
I believe and what I believe -- I believe what I believe
is right."
--- Adolph Bush, Rome, July 22, 2001

So, is he lying, by ANY humble chance?
Are those things he said before "right" things?

Oh, tell me one more time
"it has nothing to do with freemasonry".

Yes it does. For one thing, your claim
[you should be "behaving as a gentleman should"
is either meaningless as some "brother"
may see this irreconsilable contradiction
between what even the top brass does and says.

So, it kinda creates a split within that brother
and shakes up his faith REAL good.

And, for other thing, this "gentlemen", Bush,
went to Yale.

Any ring to it?

His father is a KNOWN scull and bones "fraternity"
at Yale.

What do you think, is there a chance for
Adolph Bush not to be a bonesman
when his own father was?

Do you know how it works traditionally
in the "family"?

Btw, you claimed on this very forum that
scull and bones has "nothing to do with freemasonry
as it is not its symbol", right?

Well, then how come you have it on the apron?

You also claimed that the eye of Horus is not
a masonic symbol, right?

Then how come it is on the apron?

You want more?

How come ALL this symbology is printed on the
US one dollar bill?

ANY clue?

How come the Seal of Illuminati of Bavaria
is on the back of US one dollar bill?


Exciting things like that.
A part of this is that you have to be
willing to recognize that someone else's beliefs and opinions in
matters appertaining to religion, politics and economics are as true
for, and as precious to, them as yours are to you.
That means you can not provide the list of priorities
that contradict the religious confictions of your "brothers",
which, in turn, means you have to scrap ANYTHING
from your "laws" or "constitution" that MAY potentially
contradict with religious conviction of the "brothers".

See the difficulty here?
As you want them
to respect yours, you must be willing and able to respect theirs.
And THAT is what you DICTATE to ALREADY "good" men?
You mean they became "good" by doing something different?

Aren't these the MOST obvious things, even to retarded?
You have to be willing to obey the rules and regulations of the
fraternity in matters appertaining to the fraternity.
Yes, OBEY!

And if some christian "brother" says:
"Sorry, that is not what Bible says",
what then?

Where does it say in the scriptures

Obey to whom?

Are you senile?
Or is your intent is of the MOST profound evil?
Finally, you have to be elected to membership by the members of the
Lodge to which you are applying.
Btw, I like your signature below.
I wonder why are you spamming all the time?
Do you know that advertizing in your signature is spam?

Or you are dumb as a piece of wood,
not to insult a piece of wood,
to realize that you are continuously
advertizing the masonic propaganda and disinformation

Why don't you just email those urls to those who request it?

What are you doing here, "brother" Gene?

Are you paid for this?

==================== quote begin =========================
|O| Be well. Travel with a light heart.

Brother Gene .*.
past Master of two (2) Black Lodges
Blackmer #442 and Black Mountain #845

Egotistic but helpful leader and privileged part owner of alt.freemasonry
Often imitated, never duplicated!
Regular 1,765 degree Mason
Most Wonderful Grand High Exhaulted Imperial Omnipotent Mystic Regal Stomper,
and Wearer of the Official Purple Underwear
ICQ #503060
"Are you guys ready? Let's Roll!!"
Todd Beamer, Flight 93

And in case I don't see ya' - Good Afternoon, Good Evening and Good Night!
Version: 3.1
GCM/CC/TW/O d--(++) s:,s++ a+ C+(++++) U--- P! L-- E! W++ N+++ o-- K- w++++
O---- M--(+) V? PS+++ Y+ PGP-- t* 5 X- R* tv+++ b++ DI+++ D G e* h---- r+++
Remember: Your Masonry may be different from someone else's.
Internet newsgroup posting. Copyright 2003. All rights reserved.

Any Mason may use the contents for any valid Masonic purpose, permission may
be granted to others upon request.

Objects in this post are funnier than they appear

==================== quote end =========================
2003-10-21 20:00:25 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 21 Oct 2003 20:00:25 GMT
Article: 92
On Sun, 19 Oct 2003 14:35:12 +0930, David Simpson
Mr. Perry. You claim to be a Christian. When are you going to start
behaving like a Christian?
If he ever becomes one, I am sure he will.
How do you know?


What authority do you have to speak for others?

PROVE you have it, mr. masonic propaganda and disinformation
distributor carrying it as a spam with every single
sig of your post, entrapping clueless to believe
YOUR disinformation is the real thing.
|O| Be well. Travel with a light heart.
Brother Gene .*.
past Master of two (2) Black Lodges
Blackmer #442 and Black Mountain #845
2003-10-21 20:00:23 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 21 Oct 2003 20:00:23 GMT
Article: 91
On Sat, 18 Oct 2003 22:42:37 GMT, Gregory Perry
Because the lodge will accept and adopt practically anyone into its ranks,
with the only requirement that the initiate must "believe in a higher
Once a member, that individual, regardless of internal ethic or moral
delimiter, now has keys to the castle of a vast and all encompassing
network of individuals whom are all "on the network", and have only one
commonality between themselves - secrecy. Secret body language, a secret
system of grips to identify each other with, all the tools required for the
trade for freemasonry.
Funny how all of those "secrets" have been published many times.
Not "secrets", but SECRETS.

Read the previous post by your own "brother" Gene
as to requirements to be accepted as a "brother".

Brother Gene: "You have to be willing to respect and protect
the privacies of the fraternity (our handshakes and passwords)".

So, lying your teeth off again, as usual?
Which results in fragments of freemasonry, different camps of thought.
The used car salesman freemason klans. The mortgage broker freemason klans.
The organized crime freemason klans. The initial public offering freemason
klans. The local church freemason klans.
All they need to do is to drive to their "brother"
and shake his hand and the deal is done.
Not even a single word is necessary.

And you might be standing next to them,
trying to get this very deal,
and do not even realize the deal is already done.

Sure, they'll tellya: Please have a seat.
Heres the forms to fill out.
We'll call you when we process them.
But do not call us.

THAT is how it works in REALITY.
LOL. Did you get refused admission?
What kind of poisonous trick of redirection
and argument shit is this?

What does it have to do with ANYTHING?
Secrecy is the enemy of common sense, truth, open disclosure, and open
No question about.
That is the difference between a democratic society
and totalitarian one or a fascist dictatorship.
OK. Please post here your bank account details and numbers together
with any passwords used to access those accounts.
See how these posonous snakes pervert the very nature
of the arugment?

They think they can LITERALLY make black out of white
and vice versa.
Please post the
details and passwords relating to your internet account.
Well, but what are you substituting with what?

Did he ask you to do the same?

You see, his bank account numbers and his online passwords
do have some significance in the frame of things.

But did ANYBODY EVER asked you to provide such information
abour freemasonry?


Show me.

So, you are fabricating lies, POISONOUS lies
and deceiving everyone.

And that is "sin".

No Supreme Being of ANY kind, but the satan,
will forgive you this.

And you can lie, delude and fabricate ANYTHING
you wish till the end of times,
till your nose goes blue.

But it will not make a dent.

You can not superceede the Truth,
no matter WHAT you do,
how much you do it,
or who is conspiring with you to do the same
EVIL deeds.

Evil forever remains evil
and it can NEVER overturn that very
GOOD, you are deluding everyone to believe
you pursue.
Not going to? Why? Secrecy is the enemy of common sense, truth, open
disclosure, and open society. (sic)
I've seen more truth from Nucleus' posts than all of alt.freemasonry
Mr. Perry. You claim to be a Christian. When are you going to start
behaving like a Christian?
Are YOU some kind of a REFERENCE on what constitutes
Christian "behavior"?


Or are you a recognized AUTHORITY of freemasonry?


PROVE YOUR "jurisdiction" is any more valid than other
and, therefore, overrrules the others.

PROVE you are freemason on the first place!

How do I verify that?

Call your "lodge" and ask to tell me if you are?
But they'll ask: Gimme a secret sipher key,
gimme a secret password, gimme a letter from your
grand commander on a lodge stationery.
Once we receive your request,
we'll forward it to a "grand master" of another lodge,
and he, in turn, will forward it to "grand master of disaster".
When the next "sovereign commandoes" meet,
thich is next years,
and your request is considered,
they will send that paper down the same chain,
only in reverse direction.

That takes a few years if you are lucky.


Or you are merely playing a guilt and shame manipulation
trick as usual?

Or is there anything else up your sleave?
David Simpson (Remove "farook" to reply)
(Unattached MM)
Bad manners should not be a capital crime ...
for a first offence.
Robert Heinlein, "Time Enough For Love"
2003-10-21 20:00:26 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 21 Oct 2003 20:00:26 GMT
Article: 93
I've seen more truth from Nucleus' posts than all of alt.freemasonry
Sure you do, Mr. Perry, because you believe in some looney conspiracy
junk just like him.
PROVE your claim!
Why don't you name the "Masons" who killed your
business and identify their Lodges as proof they're Masons?
But how do you even verify that?
WHO is going to provide you the information about membership
of their "lodge"?

And you are from a different "juristiction" anyway, right?
So, that means what you say means shit to them.
So, that means they are not even going to laugh at you
when you make your stinky request to 'disclose'.

And their cipher is not your cipher.
So, there is no way in hell to know that you
are "real" freemason, unless you push zome
heavy duty paper around for few years.

Is THAT how this story goes by ANY humble chance?

So, what are you deluding all about here?
Go ahead.
Name their Lodges as proof because,
PROVE he needs to provide you this information!

PROVE you exist, you idiot!

How do I know your name is real?


Or should I take YOUR word for it
because you claim to be a "freemason"?

PROVE you are, pervert, lying your shark teeth off
every time you open your sucky input hole
on alt.freemasonry for years!
after all, anyone can post a list
of names and make spurious claims.
I'm been asking Nuke-boy to identify the Masons behind his claims
for two years.
But WHO is going to provide me with this list
in ANY masonic "lodge", "masonic awareness committee"
or ANY place I go?

PROVE it is possible for non mason
to obtain or compile such a list of ANY authoritative value!

Then WHY are you asking ME to provide this list,
knowing FULL well it is simply impossible to
even ENTER your stinky lodge or a library?

Whose agenda do you serve?
The Supreme Being?

The Morning Star?

Why your stinky lodges point to the East
when you accept just about ANY religion
and in Islam they are supposed to do rituals
facing a different direction?
He never does.
Because it is YOUR job, perverts and assorted slime
around here.

Because it is YOUR, who is a clandestine clan,
affecting BILLIONS of people worldwide.

And it is YOUR man, the mouth foaming ultra-right
wing nazi, violent monster and pathological liar,
Donald Rumsfeld whose hands are in blood, giving all these
orders for the most outrageous and horrendous
destruction the world has ever seen,
a puppet, serving Israel's agenda,
where the roots of your evil cult lie.

"Sometimes the truth is so precious
it must be accompanied by a bodyguard of lies."
--- Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld

Lies can NEVER "bodyguard" the Truth,
you devil worshipper.


And he is not the only one.
The house of delusion aka the house of the white mouse,
the Offense Department, the CIA, that extremist
zionist PNAC, the supreme court are FULL of freemasons
up to the brim.

Heard of Bohemian Grove, where freemasons,
bonesmen and Illuminati gather to discuss
the "opportunities" forthcoming and the way
the world will turn in not so distant future,
playing it like a toy.

The Bohemian Grove is a 2700 acre redwood forest,
located in Monte Rio, CA.
It contains accommodation for 2000 people to "camp"
in luxury. It is owned by the Bohemian Club.

July 11, 1997 Speaker: Ambassador James Woolsey
former CIA Director.
"Rogues, Terrorists and Two Weimars Redux:
National Security in the Next Century"

July 25, 1997 Speaker: Antonin Scalia, Justice
Supreme Court

July 26, 1997 Speaker: Donald Rumsfeld

Some talks in 1991, the time of NWO proclamation
by Bush:

Elliot Richardson, Nixon & Reagan Administrations
Subject: "Defining a New World Order"

John Lehman, Secretary of the Navy,
Reagan Administration
Subject: "Smart Weapons"

You see, ALL these things you see on the world scale
were discussed YEARS before all this scam was made
look like what it is right now.

Now, WHICH of these people are freemasons?
ANY clue?

You seem to be one of the most "authoritative" farts
around and one of the most poisonous snakes,
a mouth foaming deranged pervert,
lying his teeth off just about every single time
he opens his sucky input hole, just like about
everyone around here on alt.freemasonry.


You should know something worth more than a pile
of natural horseshit.

Now, PROVE it!

Otherwise, if you can not, then you are just
a piss against the wind and an idiot,
brainwashed to oblivion, whose CPU between
his ears runs at a clock frequencey of about
0.000000001 Hz, and at that clock rate,
its going to take light years before you
figure out how to go take a piss.

So, this "terrorism" thing was already being planned
back in at least 1997 in the Illuminati and Freemason
circles in their Bohemian Grove estate.

Freemasons and their derivatives, such as bonesman
and "Illuminati", are affecting the events worldwide
in such a profound magnitude at the moment,
that people simply HAVE to know who these people are.

Public disclosers were made in England
and in some countries, you are simply OUTLAWED.
Even you yourselves state and on these very threads
"it is a good idea not to carry a ring or a pin
when you visit those countries".


What is so special about a charitable club
as you claim you are?

What is so special about your stinky ring
with masonic symbology or that skull and bones
pin you have to stick into you balls when you
are taking a shower, just to make sure you NEVER
loose it, because it will be the END of you,
satanist worshipping symbology of the MOST
profound evil there ever was, is or even CAN be
in principle?
And he never will. The reason's pretty
obvious - his claims are nothing but hot air and delusions.
Jim Bennie
PM/DC, No. 44, Vancouver
2003-10-21 20:00:28 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 21 Oct 2003 20:00:28 GMT
Article: 94
Lemme ask YOU a kwestion also.
Why do YOU care?
It is a "free country" after all, right?
You do your thing
and I do mine.
Simple, ain't it?
Something seems to be bothering you?
My observation is this: I have been reading this news group on and off for a
while. Mostly because I enjoy some of the more
'learned' brethren discoursing on certain Masonic topics - which does happen
here from time to time.
You can not discuss here virtually ANYTHING of significance
because it is secret according to your own interpertations
and is not supposed to be opened to "govans",
the filth of inferior race as you consider anyone
who is not freemason.


I have no idea what is the use for this group
if you REALLY want to discuss the issues of freemasonry
in ANY depth.
Since this is alt.freemasonry then it is exactly
what I expect - and this is "my thing".
In fact - it is the place for "our thing".
Let me be more specific so you understand - "our thing" = "Masonry"
Are you a lunatic?
Are you deluded to the point of oblivion?
Do you realize what usenet is?

Show me, where it is in the entire history of usenet
that says that this group is "your thing"
on a group like this, you clueless fool.
Your delirious dribble is an offensive intrusion.
Foaming at the mouts as yet?
Whats the temperature of your blood stream
at the moment?
Near boiling?

Teeth are knocking good as hell?
Enough to break your jaw bones?
Well, see, I told you already,
get yourselves a set of industrial
strenght shock absorbers.
Who knows, the next time you read some post
and, instead of pushing the next button
if you don't like it as usenet law states,
you start reading someone elses 'business',
being the pervert you are.

Are you simply masochistic?

Any tingling sensation down your spine?
Hands are getting a lil wet?
Something seems to be wettening your pants
where that thing is?

Hows your chest?
Feel anything?

Any goose bumps, sporadically spreading out
on your boody?

Any steam is coming out of your elephant sized
ears as yet?

These are all good indictions.


So, you poisonous snake, when you claimed
"I asked you this qustion honestly",
lied your shark teeth off as usual, right?
You did not mean a single word of it.

Interestingly enough, you stripped ALL the
most interesting information from your reply.
You know why?
Because you are a PATHOLOGICAL liar
and a violent monster.

You did not mean a SINGLE dot a comma
of what you said. It was all a poisonous bait.
Buts, you suckers...

I told you, It'll bite you on your fat ass
and it will bite you on your poisonous tongue.

We'll just put it back and see what you made
out of what.

====================== quote begin ====================
what do you care?
I have my reasons. Trust me.
Why are you obsessed with people in a free country
FREE country?
Where do you leave?
Are you out of your mind?
that desire to be Freemasons?
You can be anything you wish.
Not a problem at all.
What is it your business what we
do, say, or believe in?
Depends on WHERE you do it,
who is affected,
what are you saying, where and to whom.

As far as your beliefs are,
not a problem at all.
No flames, just honest questions.
Fair enough.

Lemme ask YOU a kwestion also.

Why do YOU care?
It is a "free country" after all, right?


You do your thing
and I do mine.

Simple, ain't it?

Something seems to be bothering you?

Just today, for the first time,
I have noticed freemasons mentioned Truth.


If THAT is what you pursue,
should not be a problem at all
what do I say or ask, right?

Happy now?

=========================== quote end =======================

THAT is how it looked before you converted it
into something else.

"No flames, just honest questions."

To trust honesty of freemasons,
you must be UTTERLY out of your mind.

There is even an weekly oath
that you will not follow ANY obligation
you will take up during the next week.
ALL the stuff you promise, sign or enter into,
is NULL and VOID and you have no obligation
to follow on ANY of it.

Ever heard?
You should be posting on
alt.conspiracy or some other such newsgroup,
Zig heil!

Do you have an authority to make such a claim?

PROVE, you poisonous snake, lying his teeth off!
where a whole bunch of you can
meet and encourage each other with your tales of fantasy....
PROVE they are tales of fantacy!

There is much verified information, pictures of your
symbols, rituals, book citations and on and on and on,
that you must be UTTERLY deranged to make such claim.

Not only that, but even you yourselves admit enough
of it is valid.
somewhere where
your delusion will be appreciated.
YOUR delusions, pervert.
The fact that you persist here, vomitting your nonsense simply implies that
: "something seems to be actually bothering you !!"
So, you, pathological liar and fabricator of deceit,
paraphrase MY statement to you and put it in a quote
like I did it?


Not even funny.

Here is the original version:

"Simple, ain't it?
Something seems to be bothering you?"
: "something seems to be actually bothering you !!"
Not fair, I tellya, mr. seeker of light and Truth.
My advice - seek professional help.
Do you have an authority to give such advice?

PROVE, pervert!
PS: If anyone on here feels compelled to advise me the best way to deal with
these lunatics is to ignore them - I agree !!
Yes, you know it ALL TOO WELL by now.
But you are still doing it.
Are you a pervert?

I know, you are "better" now than you were before
you became freemason.

I wonder what you were before?

Serial killer?
I wont be replying to his

Still foaming at the mouth?

Good. I toldya, its not gonna be forever.

One day this shall too pass.

Ever heard?
or posting another such reply. This post just felt good :))

Have a nice day now.
Its been a pleasure
to meet such a cheerful chap like you.
2003-10-21 20:00:30 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 21 Oct 2003 20:00:30 GMT
Article: 95
Honestly, what do you care? Why are you obsessed with people in a free
country that desire to be Freemasons? What is it your business what we
do, say, or believe in? No flames, just honest questions.
-Russ, You miss nukes point.
Nuke does not care , but has learnt just what buttons to press to get a rise
out of us. And we respond very predictably - there is always someone who is
concerned that a casual visitor here will be miss-informed by Nukes
Nuke no longer believes anything she posts, she has matured a bit since her
breasts have developed and she has started noticing boys, but she still
posts the same tried and tested nonsense to be noticed by us. Its her way of
getting someone - anyone - to show interest in her.
Oh, another seeker of light and Truth.

You forgot to say "honestly, honestly".

Can you PROVE ANY of that?

Well, then you are lying yout teeth off as usual
and fabricating crap in attempt to delude the clueless.
Lion of the North Lodge
2003-10-21 20:00:39 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 21 Oct 2003 20:00:39 GMT
Article: 102
___Mr. Perry___
Secrecy is the enemy of common sense, truth, open disclosure, and open
Obvious to a five year old.
I agree. So, why don't you share with us your bank account number and
Interesting perversion trick here.

Were YOU asked for this info?
your mastercard number,
Were YOU asked for this info?
your birthdate
Were YOU asked for this info?
and social security numbers,
Were YOU asked for this info?
your mother's maiden name,
Were YOU asked for this info?
your computer access codes....
Were YOU asked for this info?

So, what are you perverting to look like what?

Were you asked for ANY of the info you are asking,
pretending that your secret cult protecting your
occult and Kabbalistic rituals, worshipping Lucifer
as the symbology on their very apron shows in no
uncertain terms, is no different
than protecting your personal information.

Nice "charity" organization shelling out millions
left and right as they claim, lying their teeth off
as usual, because there is simply no way to verify
ANY of their "charity" claims.

In fact, they themselves claim that "charity" information
is considered secret also.

PROVE that you give out charities, liars.

You are a SELF-ADMITTED pathological liar
and fabricator of bullshit and of the lowest grade at that.

Simple as that.
___Mr. Perry___
I've seen more truth from Nucleus' posts than all of alt.freemasonry
That's because you're another conspiracy nutbar
PROVE, mr. disinformation peddler.
who believes that the
Freemasons and the CIA/FBI deepsixed your life story and is preventing you
from obtaining gainful employment.
You have any evidence?
Acharya Vereen is a lunatic preoccupied with sucking sounds and the human
anus. You should ask her where she lives. While she is probably in the U.K.
there is probably a cell right next to her just for you if you plan in
Hurry, reserve a spot while you can.
Look at these "brothers" searching the light and Truth.

Impressive, I tellya.

If freemasonry made you so corrupt
on the way of making a "good" man "better"?

Wonder what were you like before you became "brother".
2003-10-21 20:00:40 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 21 Oct 2003 20:00:40 GMT
Article: 103
On Sun, 19 Oct 2003 16:26:00 GMT, Gregory Perry
What a harmless group of
fraternity brothers, where do I sign up?
Try it anywhere you like, but you would never be qualified.

How do you know?

What authority do you have to make such claim
before the "investigation" of "character" is
conducted as masonic "laws" state.

First of all, you are PAST master.
Anotherwords, you are history.
Worn out and outdated model of on-line
masonic disinformation peddler on alt.freemasonry.

That is ALL there is to it.
|O| Be well. Travel with a light heart.
Brother Gene .*.
past Master of two (2) Black Lodges
Blackmer #442 and Black Mountain #845
2003-10-21 20:00:41 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 21 Oct 2003 20:00:41 GMT
Article: 104
On Sun, 19 Oct 2003 00:09:10 GMT, Gregory Perry
What does my corporation have to do with freemasonry, Bob?
You mean your cult can be secretive and he can not?
That is not fair!
Yes, we're SO very secretive. The phone listings,
Anybody asked for this info?
the signs on the
outskirts of most towns announcing when and where we meet, the guys who
use their names posting here.... All SUCH a secret!
Well, well, well.

Nice try.

But, since all your meetings are posted on every nook and corner,
can "govans" aka the filth of inferior race as you classify
regular people, just come in?

Can they visit your library?

Can they make nice color copies of your symbology?
Zome exciting pictures?
Your rituals practiced deep at night for some strange reason
even though you clain you are the seekers of light,
and, since your "lodges" face the east to signify
that Morning Star, a symbol of Lucifer,
why don't you do all those rituals early in da morning
to signify your affection to that "light"?

PROVE you are Ed King, da freemason!
Ed, Da King Of Fart
http://www.masonicdisinfo.com -- Anti-Masonry: Points of View
Internet newsgroup posting. Copyright 2003. All rights reserved.
2003-10-21 20:00:44 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 21 Oct 2003 20:00:44 GMT
Article: 106
On Sat, 18 Oct 2003 22:42:37 GMT, Gregory Perry
I've seen more truth from Nucleus' posts than all of alt.freemasonry
Then apparently you need some help understanding truth vs. fiction.
If we're so powerful, how come we even let you anti's post ?
Because there is nothing you can do to prevent it.
It is simply technically impossible unless you destroy usenet,
mr. fabricator of crap.
But if we're so powerful, Ms. "Face of Disgrace", why haven't we done
just that?
Face of disgrace is you.
Are you confused?
Why don't we 'take out' the loonies like yourself in person even?
Because then you would become a criminal.
Is it because you're just SO clever that we can't find you? <ROFL> Yes,
that's it: that's how you're able to continue.
Oh, but then we wouldn't be as powerful as you claim....
What a conundrum, huh?
Sure, broken monkey logic it is called.

Are so insane as to even conceive of an idea
shooting people left and right?

For what?
Ed, Da King Of Fart
http://www.masonicdisinfo.com -- Anti-Masonry: Points of View
Internet newsgroup posting. Copyright 2003. All rights reserved.
2003-11-04 15:24:48 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 4 Nov 2003 15:24:48 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship
Article: 53

"We've adopted a new strategy for a new kind of war.
We will not wait for known enemies to strike us again.

We will strike them in their camps or caves or wherever
they hide, before they can hit more of our cities and
kill more of our citizens. No matter how long it takes,
we will bring to justice those who plot against America."

--- Adolph Bush, Skull and Bones initiate
In an August 7, 2000 Time magazine interview,
George W. Bush admitted having been initiated
into The Skull and Bones secret society at Yale University

"...these same secret societies are behind it all,"

my father said. Now, Dad had never spoken much about his work.

--- George W. Bush

If you have an interesting article or a quote on:
NWO, Freemasonry, Skull and Bones, Illuminati,
post them on alt.illuminati or alt.conspiracy.new-world-order
On Sat, 18 Oct 2003 22:42:37 GMT, Gregory Perry
I've seen more truth from Nucleus' posts than all of alt.freemasonry
Then apparently you need some help understanding truth vs. fiction.
If we're so powerful, how come we even let you anti's post ?
Because there is nothing you can do to prevent it.
It is simply technically impossible unless you destroy usenet,
mr. fabricator of crap.
Oh, when you get a minute, I'd be interested in hearing why your
corporation has a Florida address but does not appear in the FL
Secretary of State's on-line directory of corporations.
(Remove MY-HOODWINK to email
Masonic secrecy and threats of horific punishment
for 'disclosing' the truth about freemasonry.
From Entered Apprentice initiation ceremony:

"Furthermore: I do promise and swear that I will not write,
indite, print, paint, stamp, stain, hue, cut, carve, mark
or engrave the same upon anything movable or immovable,
whereby or whereon the least word, syllable, letter, or
character may become legible or intelligible to myself or
another, whereby the secrets of Freemasonry may be unlawfully
ob-tained through my unworthiness.

To all of which I do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear,
without any hesitation, mental reservation, or secret evasion
of mind in my whatsoever; binding myself under no less a penalty
than that

of having my throat cut across,

my tongue torn out,

and with my body buried in the sands of the sea at low-water mark,
where the tide ebbs and flows twice in twenty-four hours,

should I ever knowingly or willfully violate this,
my solemn Obligation of an Entered Apprentice.

So help me God and make me steadfast to keep and perform the same."
2003-11-04 15:24:37 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 4 Nov 2003 15:24:37 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship
Article: 52

PN: Do you know George W. [BUSH Jr.]? WB: Not as well as his father.
But he and the old man spent a weekend at the camp I happen to belong
to in the Bohemian Grove, and I saw him merely informally a couple of
times, I think, but with his father around, and Tom Foley and them
around, he didn?t talk all that much, although he doesn?t talk all that
much anyway, I gather. I just know him fleetingly.

WILLIAM F. BUCKLEY : Q&A by Russ Smith, John Strausbaugh &
Peggy Noonan

The Bohemian Grove is a 2700 acre redwood forest,
located in Monte Rio, CA.
It contains accommodation for 2000 people to "camp"
in luxury. It is owned by the Bohemian Club.

SEMINAR TOPICS Major issues on the world scene, "opportunities"
upcoming, presentations by the most influential members of
government, the presidents, the supreme court justices, the
congressmen, an other top brass worldwide, regarding the
newly developed strategies and world events to unfold in the
nearest future.

Basically, all major world events including the issues of Iraq,
the Middle East, "New World Order", "War on terrorism",
world energy supply, "revolution" in military technology,
and, basically, all the world events as they unfold right now,
were already presented YEARS ahead of events.

July 11, 1997 Speaker: Ambassador James Woolsey
former CIA Director.

"Rogues, Terrorists and Two Weimars Redux:
National Security in the Next Century"

July 25, 1997 Speaker: Antonin Scalia, Justice
Supreme Court

July 26, 1997 Speaker: Donald Rumsfeld

Some talks in 1991, the time of NWO proclamation
by Bush:

Elliot Richardson, Nixon & Reagan Administrations
Subject: "Defining a New World Order"

John Lehman, Secretary of the Navy,
Reagan Administration
Subject: "Smart Weapons"

So, this "terrorism" thing was already being planned
back in at least 1997 in the Illuminati and Freemason
circles in their Bohemian Grove estate.

"The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media."

--- Former CIA Director William Colby

If you have an interesting article or a quote on:
NWO, Freemasonry, Skull and Bones, Illuminati,
post them on alt.illuminati or alt.conspiracy.new-world-order
what do you care?
I have my reasons. Trust me.
Why are you obsessed with people in a free country
FREE country?
Where do you leave?
Are you out of your mind?
that desire to be Freemasons?
You can be anything you wish.
Not a problem at all.
What is it your business what we
do, say, or believe in?
Depends on WHERE you do it,
who is affected,
what are you saying, where and to whom.

As far as your beliefs are,
not a problem at all.
No flames, just honest questions.
Fair enough.

Lemme ask YOU a kwestion also.

Why do YOU care?
It is a "free country" after all, right?


You do your thing
and I do mine.

Simple, ain't it?

Something seems to be bothering you?

Just today, for the first time,
I have noticed freemasons mentioned Truth.


If THAT is what you pursue,
should not be a problem at all
what do I say or ask, right?

Happy now?
Mint Hill #742 AF&AM
AASR, Valley of Charlotte
Shriner, Oasis Temple
"The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a
financial element in the larger centers has owned the
Government every since the days of Andrew Jackson..."

--- President Franklin Roosevelt,
letter to Col. Edward Mandell House,
President Woodrow Wilson's close advisor
2003-11-04 15:25:40 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 4 Nov 2003 15:25:40 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship
Article: 57

Upper-class skinny-dips freely (Bohemian Grove; Kennedys,
Rockefellers, CCNS Supt. L. Hadley, G. Schultz,
Edwin Meese III et al),


The Bohemian Grove is a 2700 acre redwood forest,
located in Monte Rio, CA.
It contains accommodation for 2000 people to "camp"
in luxury. It is owned by the Bohemian Club.

SEMINAR TOPICS Major issues on the world scene, "opportunities"
upcoming, presentations by the most influential members of
government, the presidents, the supreme court justices, the
congressmen, an other top brass worldwide, regarding the
newly developed strategies and world events to unfold in the
nearest future.

Basically, all major world events including the issues of Iraq,
the Middle East, "New World Order", "War on terrorism",
world energy supply, "revolution" in military technology,
and, basically, all the world events as they unfold right now,
were already presented YEARS ahead of events.

July 11, 1997 Speaker: Ambassador James Woolsey
former CIA Director.

"Rogues, Terrorists and Two Weimars Redux:
National Security in the Next Century"

July 25, 1997 Speaker: Antonin Scalia, Justice
Supreme Court

July 26, 1997 Speaker: Donald Rumsfeld

Some talks in 1991, the time of NWO proclamation
by Bush:

Elliot Richardson, Nixon & Reagan Administrations
Subject: "Defining a New World Order"

John Lehman, Secretary of the Navy,
Reagan Administration
Subject: "Smart Weapons"

So, this "terrorism" thing was already being planned
back in at least 1997 in the Illuminati and Freemason
circles in their Bohemian Grove estate.

"The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media."

--- Former CIA Director William Colby

If you have an interesting article or a quote on:
NWO, Freemasonry, Skull and Bones, Illuminati,
post them on alt.illuminati or alt.conspiracy.new-world-order
On Sun, 19 Oct 2003 00:09:10 GMT, Gregory Perry
What does my corporation have to do with freemasonry, Bob?
You posted a long diatribe on the evils of Freemasonry, the CIA,
and how your "office" was allegedly tossed by the government.
So, you made the association, not anyone here. However, my interest
is more in terms of your honesty. I would be interested in knowing
why your corporation is not listed by the FL Secretary of State. (?)
Are you as dumb as you look?
Because he is freemason.
He learned those very tricks from YOU, perverts.
He has a secret corporation
that automatically gets unregistered
once it is registered.
This way, everybody is happy.
Uncle same gets his dough
and he enjoys certain privilleges of privacy.
Secondly, how do you know he is not working for CIA?
Do you think they just list all their corporations
left and right for the dummies of your kind to check on?

You mean your cult can be secretive
and he can not?

That is not fair!
(Remove MY-HOODWINK to email
"They said, 'You know, this issue doesn't seem to resignate
with the people.' And I said, you know something?
Whether it resignates or not doesn't matter to me,
because I stand for doing what's the right thing,
and what the right thing is hearing the voices of people
who work."

--- Adolph Bush, Skull and Bones initiate,
Portland, Ore., Oct. 31, 2000

In an August 7, 2000 Time magazine interview,
George W. Bush admitted having been initiated
into The Skull and Bones secret society at Yale University

"...these same secret societies are behind it all,"

my father said. Now, Dad had never spoken much about his work.

--- George W. Bush
2003-11-04 15:26:46 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 4 Nov 2003 15:26:46 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship
Article: 62

Intelligence Briefs
January - August 2001

It was Mossad who taught BOSS the more sophisticated means of
interrogation that had worked for the Israelis in Lebanon: sleep
deprivation, hooding, forcing a suspect to stand against a wall
for long periods, squeezing genitalia and a variety of mental
tortures including mock executions.

If you have an interesting article or a quote on:
NWO, Freemasonry, Skull and Bones, Illuminati,
post them on alt.illuminati or alt.conspiracy.new-world-order
On Sat, 18 Oct 2003 22:42:37 GMT, Gregory Perry
Because the lodge will accept and adopt practically anyone into its ranks,
with the only requirement that the initiate must "believe in a higher
Absolutely false to fact.
There are many requirements to joining a Lodge.
Let us see what they are then.
You have to make application for membership willingly and not because
of coercion or mercenary motives.
You have to be of lawful age in your jurisdiction, of sound mind, and
legally entitled to apply.
You have to believe in a Supreme Being as Creator of the Universe.
You mean that Morning Star thing?
"Lucifer, light 'bearer'"?

But how come the lodge is pointed to the East
when you claim you accept other religions?
What if people want it to be pointed in other
directions, like Muslims for example?

Finally, prerequisite of believing in "supreme being"
makes you are religion and there is no ifs and buts
about it.
You have to be of good moral character.
Does not work. Because if you take a man with
"good moral character" and make him even "better",
then how come some of the most vicious criminals
happen to be the HIGHEST degree freemasons?

Either you take a perfectly "good" man
and screw him up,
or there is no way for you to know
his "moral character" as he enters your lodge.

Either way you cut it, it does not work.
You have to be willing to respect and protect the privacies of the
fraternity (our handshakes and passwords),
Oh, I see.
I though you were all saying here:

What secret handshakes?
What passwords?

We do not have any of that!

Turns out you do.
You wanna see zome cipher?

You were asked "but WHY do you need these secret

But you lied your teeth off as usual.

Interestingly enough, most of you don't even know
why and how it happened. Because you are clueless
even as far as your own cult goes.

Secondly, you are CLEARLY running a clandestine
cult of the most profound evil.

Those handshakes are used so that you could
recognize each other when you meet in congress
and in other places of significance
and know EXACTLY who to serve
and what kind of deal to make
once you feel that big, fat finger
pushing between certain fingers
of your "brother".

Those, surrounding you, do not even notice
that what are they dealing is a conspiracy
and do not suspect how is the power divided
when some deal and wheel is made.

But YOU already know how it will be divided
before everyone even sits at the table.
The deal is done before they even open
their mouths.

Nice trick, huh, you seekers of 'light'.

Is THAT what Light is all about?

Secrecy and conspiracy?

THAT is what you call 'supreme being'?

Exciting, I tellya.
of the Lodge (who is ill or
late with their dues), and of your Brethren (the fact that he HATES
spinach, but eats it anyway when his wife cooks it because he loves
HER must remain between the two of you),
So, you go even THAT far in your "investigations"
of potential "brothers"?

"Scuze me, mam, what does your husband likes to
eat fer breakfast? That is kinda important kwestion
for our "brotherhood".

And when he goes to take a dump in the bathroom,
do you recall which foot he steps into the door
first? Ever notice which hand he uses to open
the door knob? Which way does he turn that knob
usuall, clockwise or the other way?"

And even when you do this kind of "investigation",
you still end up accepting criminals?

Hows that?
so long as none of these
involve a crime such as Murder or Treason.
You have to be willing to respect the ceremonies of the fraternity and
not go changing them without permission of the governing body in your
Looks like a Navy Seals organization.
I think even in CIA or FBI it is easier
to adopt to "realities at the moment"
and change things as you go.

"Hello, sire, we have this dude here
and we'd like to take him out
cause he might have a gun with him.
But we don't know that
and our instruction book says:
do not take him out unless you have evidence
he presents a threat.
Could you please call Adolph Bush
to clear this matter?
- Sorry, dude, he is out of town,
mopping up some mess he created in Iraq.
You'd have to wait".

No wonder they can not identify who leaked
the head of the entire network in the CIA.

Must be all freemasons.
You have to be willing to regard the whole human species as one
family, Created by One Almighty Parent, and to treat others

Then how come you exclude others from your "family"?
If it is all one family, then how come you keep
secrets from other members of that very family?
You have to be willing to place your duty to G-d first and foremost,
But, for some strange reasons freemasons write God,
ommitting 'o' in the middle.

What is THAT supposed to mean?
ANY idea?
your duty to yourself and family next,
Can I decide for myself what is important
in MY life?
your duty to your neighbor
DUTY to your neighbor?
Interesting lunacy.
and your country next
Isn't that ALREADY covered by the laws of the land?
and that to the fraternity last among these.
Except your list is upside down.
You have to read it from the end
and proceed it to the beginning.
You have to be willing to help others in distress,
Yep, I know. Seen PLENTY of times around here.
I wonder what is a suicide rate among freemasons?
Seems like once you have a difficulty
and your own brothers simply ignore you
or even redicule and harass you,
no matter where you go
and do not even allow you to express your opinion
and refuse consider the evidence of the matter,

what would be the next logical thing for you to do?
so far as you can
without incurring harm to yourself or your family who depends on you.
ALL this stuff is already covered by the underlying religion
the "brothers" chose and trust me, it is MUCH more trustworthy
then your overruling "laws".

If some "brother" believes in Christian version
of "supreme being" and, in the christian scriptures
the priorities are different,
then which version do you adopt,
masonic or Christian?

Ima kinda curious.
You have to be willing to comport yourself with honor and dignity,
behaving as a gentleman should.
Is there a list of what "gentleman should"?

How bout this:

"You fucking son of a bitch. I saw what you wrote.
We're not going to forget this."
--- Adolph Bush to writer and editor Al Hunt, 1988,
in a restaurant, in front of Hunt's young son.

"I'm the commander. I do not need to explain why I say things.
That's the interesting thing about being the President.
Maybe somebody needs to explain to me why they say something,
but I don't feel like I owe anybody an explanation."
--- Adolph Bush, in a November 2002
interview conducted by Bob Woodward for The Washington Post, as
reported in USA TODAY (November 24, 2002).

"Fuck Saddam. We're taking him out."
--- Adolph Bush, speaking to Condoleezza Rice
and three U.S. senators in March 2002, as reported in
Time Magazine (March 23, 2003).

"I don't know where bin Laden is.
I have no idea and I really don't care.
It's not that important. It's not our priority."
--- Adolph Bush, March 13, 2002

What do you think?
Is Adolph Bush gentlemen enough?
Is THAT what he "should" do?

And even if your own president does these things,
how come YOU are not "allowed" to do the same
even though your significance and impact on your
country and society at large is billion times less?

So, this "gentlemen" goes even further:

"I know what I believe. I will continue to articulate what
I believe and what I believe -- I believe what I believe
is right."
--- Adolph Bush, Rome, July 22, 2001

So, is he lying, by ANY humble chance?
Are those things he said before "right" things?

Oh, tell me one more time
"it has nothing to do with freemasonry".

Yes it does. For one thing, your claim
[you should be "behaving as a gentleman should"
is either meaningless as some "brother"
may see this irreconsilable contradiction
between what even the top brass does and says.

So, it kinda creates a split within that brother
and shakes up his faith REAL good.

And, for other thing, this "gentlemen", Bush,
went to Yale.

Any ring to it?

His father is a KNOWN scull and bones "fraternity"
at Yale.

What do you think, is there a chance for
Adolph Bush not to be a bonesman
when his own father was?

Do you know how it works traditionally
in the "family"?

Btw, you claimed on this very forum that
scull and bones has "nothing to do with freemasonry
as it is not its symbol", right?

Well, then how come you have it on the apron?

You also claimed that the eye of Horus is not
a masonic symbol, right?

Then how come it is on the apron?

You want more?

How come ALL this symbology is printed on the
US one dollar bill?

ANY clue?

How come the Seal of Illuminati of Bavaria
is on the back of US one dollar bill?


Exciting things like that.
A part of this is that you have to be
willing to recognize that someone else's beliefs and opinions in
matters appertaining to religion, politics and economics are as true
for, and as precious to, them as yours are to you.
That means you can not provide the list of priorities
that contradict the religious confictions of your "brothers",
which, in turn, means you have to scrap ANYTHING
from your "laws" or "constitution" that MAY potentially
contradict with religious conviction of the "brothers".

See the difficulty here?
As you want them
to respect yours, you must be willing and able to respect theirs.
And THAT is what you DICTATE to ALREADY "good" men?
You mean they became "good" by doing something different?

Aren't these the MOST obvious things, even to retarded?
You have to be willing to obey the rules and regulations of the
fraternity in matters appertaining to the fraternity.
Yes, OBEY!

And if some christian "brother" says:
"Sorry, that is not what Bible says",
what then?

Where does it say in the scriptures

Obey to whom?

Are you senile?
Or is your intent is of the MOST profound evil?
Finally, you have to be elected to membership by the members of the
Lodge to which you are applying.
Btw, I like your signature below.
I wonder why are you spamming all the time?
Do you know that advertizing in your signature is spam?

Or you are dumb as a piece of wood,
not to insult a piece of wood,
to realize that you are continuously
advertizing the masonic propaganda and disinformation

Why don't you just email those urls to those who request it?

What are you doing here, "brother" Gene?

Are you paid for this?

==================== quote begin =========================
|O| Be well. Travel with a light heart.

Brother Gene .*.
past Master of two (2) Black Lodges
Blackmer #442 and Black Mountain #845

Egotistic but helpful leader and privileged part owner of alt.freemasonry
Often imitated, never duplicated!
Regular 1,765 degree Mason
Most Wonderful Grand High Exhaulted Imperial Omnipotent Mystic Regal Stomper,
and Wearer of the Official Purple Underwear
ICQ #503060
"Are you guys ready? Let's Roll!!"
Todd Beamer, Flight 93

And in case I don't see ya' - Good Afternoon, Good Evening and Good Night!
Version: 3.1
GCM/CC/TW/O d--(++) s:,s++ a+ C+(++++) U--- P! L-- E! W++ N+++ o-- K- w++++
O---- M--(+) V? PS+++ Y+ PGP-- t* 5 X- R* tv+++ b++ DI+++ D G e* h---- r+++
Remember: Your Masonry may be different from someone else's.
Internet newsgroup posting. Copyright 2003. All rights reserved.

Any Mason may use the contents for any valid Masonic purpose, permission may
be granted to others upon request.

Objects in this post are funnier than they appear

==================== quote end =========================

"The goals for this country are peace in the world.
And the goals for this country are a compassionate
American for every single citizen.
That compassion is found in the hearts and souls of
the American citizens."

--- Adolph Bush, Skull and Bones initiate,
Washington, D.C., Dec. 19, 2002

In an August 7, 2000 Time magazine interview,
George W. Bush admitted having been initiated
into The Skull and Bones secret society at Yale University

"...these same secret societies are behind it all,"

my father said. Now, Dad had never spoken much about his work.

--- George W. Bush
2003-11-04 15:26:59 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 4 Nov 2003 15:26:59 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship
Article: 63

"I'm the commander. I do not need to explain why I say things.
That's the interesting thing about being the President.
Maybe somebody needs to explain to me why they say something,
but I don't feel like I owe anybody an explanation."

--- Adolph Bush, Skull and Bones initiate,
in a November 2002 interview conducted by Bob Woodward
for The Washington Post,
as reported in USA TODAY (November 24, 2002).

In an August 7, 2000 Time magazine interview,
George W. Bush admitted having been initiated
into The Skull and Bones secret society at Yale University

"...these same secret societies are behind it all,"
my father said. Now, Dad had never spoken much about his work.

--- George W. Bush

If you have an interesting article or a quote on:
NWO, Freemasonry, Skull and Bones, Illuminati,
post them on alt.illuminati or alt.conspiracy.new-world-order
On Sat, 18 Oct 2003 22:42:37 GMT, Gregory Perry
Because the lodge will accept and adopt practically anyone into its ranks,
with the only requirement that the initiate must "believe in a higher
Once a member, that individual, regardless of internal ethic or moral
delimiter, now has keys to the castle of a vast and all encompassing
network of individuals whom are all "on the network", and have only one
commonality between themselves - secrecy. Secret body language, a secret
system of grips to identify each other with, all the tools required for the
trade for freemasonry.
Funny how all of those "secrets" have been published many times.
Not "secrets", but SECRETS.

Read the previous post by your own "brother" Gene
as to requirements to be accepted as a "brother".

Brother Gene: "You have to be willing to respect and protect
the privacies of the fraternity (our handshakes and passwords)".

So, lying your teeth off again, as usual?
Which results in fragments of freemasonry, different camps of thought.
The used car salesman freemason klans. The mortgage broker freemason klans.
The organized crime freemason klans. The initial public offering freemason
klans. The local church freemason klans.
All they need to do is to drive to their "brother"
and shake his hand and the deal is done.
Not even a single word is necessary.

And you might be standing next to them,
trying to get this very deal,
and do not even realize the deal is already done.

Sure, they'll tellya: Please have a seat.
Heres the forms to fill out.
We'll call you when we process them.
But do not call us.

THAT is how it works in REALITY.
LOL. Did you get refused admission?
What kind of poisonous trick of redirection
and argument shit is this?

What does it have to do with ANYTHING?
Secrecy is the enemy of common sense, truth, open disclosure, and open
No question about.
That is the difference between a democratic society
and totalitarian one or a fascist dictatorship.
OK. Please post here your bank account details and numbers together
with any passwords used to access those accounts.
See how these posonous snakes pervert the very nature
of the arugment?

They think they can LITERALLY make black out of white
and vice versa.
Please post the
details and passwords relating to your internet account.
Well, but what are you substituting with what?

Did he ask you to do the same?

You see, his bank account numbers and his online passwords
do have some significance in the frame of things.

But did ANYBODY EVER asked you to provide such information
abour freemasonry?


Show me.

So, you are fabricating lies, POISONOUS lies
and deceiving everyone.

And that is "sin".

No Supreme Being of ANY kind, but the satan,
will forgive you this.

And you can lie, delude and fabricate ANYTHING
you wish till the end of times,
till your nose goes blue.

But it will not make a dent.

You can not superceede the Truth,
no matter WHAT you do,
how much you do it,
or who is conspiring with you to do the same
EVIL deeds.

Evil forever remains evil
and it can NEVER overturn that very
GOOD, you are deluding everyone to believe
you pursue.
Not going to? Why? Secrecy is the enemy of common sense, truth, open
disclosure, and open society. (sic)
I've seen more truth from Nucleus' posts than all of alt.freemasonry
Mr. Perry. You claim to be a Christian. When are you going to start
behaving like a Christian?
Are YOU some kind of a REFERENCE on what constitutes
Christian "behavior"?


Or are you a recognized AUTHORITY of freemasonry?


PROVE YOUR "jurisdiction" is any more valid than other
and, therefore, overrrules the others.

PROVE you are freemason on the first place!

How do I verify that?

Call your "lodge" and ask to tell me if you are?
But they'll ask: Gimme a secret sipher key,
gimme a secret password, gimme a letter from your
grand commander on a lodge stationery.
Once we receive your request,
we'll forward it to a "grand master" of another lodge,
and he, in turn, will forward it to "grand master of disaster".
When the next "sovereign commandoes" meet,
thich is next years,
and your request is considered,
they will send that paper down the same chain,
only in reverse direction.

That takes a few years if you are lucky.


Or you are merely playing a guilt and shame manipulation
trick as usual?

Or is there anything else up your sleave?
David Simpson (Remove "farook" to reply)
(Unattached MM)
Bad manners should not be a capital crime ...
for a first offence.
Robert Heinlein, "Time Enough For Love"
"I am a person who recognizes the fallacy of humans."

--- Adolph Bush, Skull and Bones initiate,
on Oprah, Sept. 19, 2000
2003-11-05 18:00:25 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 5 Nov 2003 18:00:25 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship
Article: 64

If you have an interesting article or a quote on:
NWO, Freemasonry, Skull and Bones, Illuminati,
post them on alt.illuminati or alt.conspiracy.new-world-order
On Sun, 19 Oct 2003 14:35:12 +0930, David Simpson
Mr. Perry. You claim to be a Christian. When are you going to start
behaving like a Christian?
If he ever becomes one, I am sure he will.
How do you know?


What authority do you have to speak for others?

PROVE you have it, mr. masonic propaganda and disinformation
distributor carrying it as a spam with every single
sig of your post, entrapping clueless to believe
YOUR disinformation is the real thing.
|O| Be well. Travel with a light heart.
Brother Gene .*.
past Master of two (2) Black Lodges
Blackmer #442 and Black Mountain #845
"Q: You have said that you are eager to find out whether somebody
in the White House leaked the identity of an undercover CIA agent.
Many experts in such investigations say you could find out if there
was a leaker in the White House within hours if you asked all staff
members to sign affidavits denying involvement.
Why not take that step?

Bush: Well, the best person to do that so that the -- or the best
group of people to do that so that you believe the answer is the
professionals at the Justice Department. And they're moving forward
with the investigation. It's a criminal investigation.
It is an important investigation."

--- Adolph Bush, Skull and Bones initiate
[Lying his teeth off about the CIA scanal
where entire CIA network was compromised]

"The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media."

--- Former CIA Director William Colby
2003-11-05 18:00:36 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 5 Nov 2003 18:00:36 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship
Article: 65

If you have an interesting article or a quote on:
NWO, Freemasonry, Skull and Bones, Illuminati,
post them on alt.illuminati or alt.conspiracy.new-world-order
I've seen more truth from Nucleus' posts than all of alt.freemasonry
Sure you do, Mr. Perry, because you believe in some looney conspiracy
junk just like him.
PROVE your claim!
Why don't you name the "Masons" who killed your
business and identify their Lodges as proof they're Masons?
But how do you even verify that?
WHO is going to provide you the information about membership
of their "lodge"?

And you are from a different "juristiction" anyway, right?
So, that means what you say means shit to them.
So, that means they are not even going to laugh at you
when you make your stinky request to 'disclose'.

And their cipher is not your cipher.
So, there is no way in hell to know that you
are "real" freemason, unless you push zome
heavy duty paper around for few years.

Is THAT how this story goes by ANY humble chance?

So, what are you deluding all about here?
Go ahead.
Name their Lodges as proof because,
PROVE he needs to provide you this information!

PROVE you exist, you idiot!

How do I know your name is real?


Or should I take YOUR word for it
because you claim to be a "freemason"?

PROVE you are, pervert, lying your shark teeth off
every time you open your sucky input hole
on alt.freemasonry for years!
after all, anyone can post a list
of names and make spurious claims.
I'm been asking Nuke-boy to identify the Masons behind his claims
for two years.
But WHO is going to provide me with this list
in ANY masonic "lodge", "masonic awareness committee"
or ANY place I go?

PROVE it is possible for non mason
to obtain or compile such a list of ANY authoritative value!

Then WHY are you asking ME to provide this list,
knowing FULL well it is simply impossible to
even ENTER your stinky lodge or a library?

Whose agenda do you serve?
The Supreme Being?

The Morning Star?

Why your stinky lodges point to the East
when you accept just about ANY religion
and in Islam they are supposed to do rituals
facing a different direction?
He never does.
Because it is YOUR job, perverts and assorted slime
around here.

Because it is YOUR, who is a clandestine clan,
affecting BILLIONS of people worldwide.

And it is YOUR man, the mouth foaming ultra-right
wing nazi, violent monster and pathological liar,
Donald Rumsfeld whose hands are in blood, giving all these
orders for the most outrageous and horrendous
destruction the world has ever seen,
a puppet, serving Israel's agenda,
where the roots of your evil cult lie.

"Sometimes the truth is so precious
it must be accompanied by a bodyguard of lies."
--- Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld

Lies can NEVER "bodyguard" the Truth,
you devil worshipper.


And he is not the only one.
The house of delusion aka the house of the white mouse,
the Offense Department, the CIA, that extremist
zionist PNAC, the supreme court are FULL of freemasons
up to the brim.

Heard of Bohemian Grove, where freemasons,
bonesmen and Illuminati gather to discuss
the "opportunities" forthcoming and the way
the world will turn in not so distant future,
playing it like a toy.

The Bohemian Grove is a 2700 acre redwood forest,
located in Monte Rio, CA.
It contains accommodation for 2000 people to "camp"
in luxury. It is owned by the Bohemian Club.

July 11, 1997 Speaker: Ambassador James Woolsey
former CIA Director.
"Rogues, Terrorists and Two Weimars Redux:
National Security in the Next Century"

July 25, 1997 Speaker: Antonin Scalia, Justice
Supreme Court

July 26, 1997 Speaker: Donald Rumsfeld

Some talks in 1991, the time of NWO proclamation
by Bush:

Elliot Richardson, Nixon & Reagan Administrations
Subject: "Defining a New World Order"

John Lehman, Secretary of the Navy,
Reagan Administration
Subject: "Smart Weapons"

You see, ALL these things you see on the world scale
were discussed YEARS before all this scam was made
look like what it is right now.

Now, WHICH of these people are freemasons?
ANY clue?

You seem to be one of the most "authoritative" farts
around and one of the most poisonous snakes,
a mouth foaming deranged pervert,
lying his teeth off just about every single time
he opens his sucky input hole, just like about
everyone around here on alt.freemasonry.


You should know something worth more than a pile
of natural horseshit.

Now, PROVE it!

Otherwise, if you can not, then you are just
a piss against the wind and an idiot,
brainwashed to oblivion, whose CPU between
his ears runs at a clock frequencey of about
0.000000001 Hz, and at that clock rate,
its going to take light years before you
figure out how to go take a piss.

So, this "terrorism" thing was already being planned
back in at least 1997 in the Illuminati and Freemason
circles in their Bohemian Grove estate.

Freemasons and their derivatives, such as bonesman
and "Illuminati", are affecting the events worldwide
in such a profound magnitude at the moment,
that people simply HAVE to know who these people are.

Public disclosers were made in England
and in some countries, you are simply OUTLAWED.
Even you yourselves state and on these very threads
"it is a good idea not to carry a ring or a pin
when you visit those countries".


What is so special about a charitable club
as you claim you are?

What is so special about your stinky ring
with masonic symbology or that skull and bones
pin you have to stick into you balls when you
are taking a shower, just to make sure you NEVER
loose it, because it will be the END of you,
satanist worshipping symbology of the MOST
profound evil there ever was, is or even CAN be
in principle?
And he never will. The reason's pretty
obvious - his claims are nothing but hot air and delusions.
Jim Bennie
PM/DC, No. 44, Vancouver
"We need an energy bill that encourages consumption."

--- Adolph Bush, Skull and Bones initiate,
Trenton, N.J., Sept. 23, 2002
2003-11-05 18:00:48 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 5 Nov 2003 18:00:48 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship
Article: 66

If you have an interesting article or a quote on:
NWO, Freemasonry, Skull and Bones, Illuminati,
post them on alt.illuminati or alt.conspiracy.new-world-order
Lemme ask YOU a kwestion also.
Why do YOU care?
It is a "free country" after all, right?
You do your thing
and I do mine.
Simple, ain't it?
Something seems to be bothering you?
My observation is this: I have been reading this news group on and off for a
while. Mostly because I enjoy some of the more
'learned' brethren discoursing on certain Masonic topics - which does happen
here from time to time.
You can not discuss here virtually ANYTHING of significance
because it is secret according to your own interpertations
and is not supposed to be opened to "cowans",
the filth of inferior race as you consider anyone
who is not freemason.


I have no idea what is the use for this group
if you REALLY want to discuss the issues of freemasonry
in ANY depth.
Since this is alt.freemasonry then it is exactly
what I expect - and this is "my thing".
In fact - it is the place for "our thing".
Let me be more specific so you understand - "our thing" = "Masonry"
Are you a lunatic?
Are you deluded to the point of oblivion?
Do you realize what usenet is?

Show me, where it is in the entire history of usenet
that says that this group is "your thing"
on a group like this, you clueless fool.
Your delirious dribble is an offensive intrusion.
Foaming at the mouts as yet?
Whats the temperature of your blood stream
at the moment?
Near boiling?

Teeth are knocking good as hell?
Enough to break your jaw bones?
Well, see, I told you already,
get yourselves a set of industrial
strenght shock absorbers.
Who knows, the next time you read some post
and, instead of pushing the next button
if you don't like it as usenet law states,
you start reading someone elses 'business',
being the pervert you are.

Are you simply masochistic?

Any tingling sensation down your spine?
Hands are getting a lil wet?
Something seems to be wettening your pants
where that thing is?

Hows your chest?
Feel anything?

Any goose bumps, sporadically spreading out
on your boody?

Any steam is coming out of your elephant sized
ears as yet?

These are all good indictions.


So, you poisonous snake, when you claimed
"I asked you this qustion honestly",
lied your shark teeth off as usual, right?
You did not mean a single word of it.

Interestingly enough, you stripped ALL the
most interesting information from your reply.
You know why?
Because you are a PATHOLOGICAL liar
and a violent monster.

You did not mean a SINGLE dot a comma
of what you said. It was all a poisonous bait.
Buts, you suckers...

I told you, It'll bite you on your fat ass
and it will bite you on your poisonous tongue.

We'll just put it back and see what you made
out of what.

====================== quote begin ====================
what do you care?
I have my reasons. Trust me.
Why are you obsessed with people in a free country
FREE country?
Where do you leave?
Are you out of your mind?
that desire to be Freemasons?
You can be anything you wish.
Not a problem at all.
What is it your business what we
do, say, or believe in?
Depends on WHERE you do it,
who is affected,
what are you saying, where and to whom.

As far as your beliefs are,
not a problem at all.
No flames, just honest questions.
Fair enough.

Lemme ask YOU a kwestion also.

Why do YOU care?
It is a "free country" after all, right?


You do your thing
and I do mine.

Simple, ain't it?

Something seems to be bothering you?

Just today, for the first time,
I have noticed freemasons mentioned Truth.


If THAT is what you pursue,
should not be a problem at all
what do I say or ask, right?

Happy now?

=========================== quote end =======================

THAT is how it looked before you converted it
into something else.

"No flames, just honest questions."

To trust honesty of freemasons,
you must be UTTERLY out of your mind.

There is even an weekly oath
that you will not follow ANY obligation
you will take up during the next week.
ALL the stuff you promise, sign or enter into,
is NULL and VOID and you have no obligation
to follow on ANY of it.

Ever heard?
You should be posting on
alt.conspiracy or some other such newsgroup,
Zig heil!

Do you have an authority to make such a claim?

PROVE, you poisonous snake, lying his teeth off!
where a whole bunch of you can
meet and encourage each other with your tales of fantasy....
PROVE they are tales of fantacy!

There is much verified information, pictures of your
symbols, rituals, book citations and on and on and on,
that you must be UTTERLY deranged to make such claim.

Not only that, but even you yourselves admit enough
of it is valid.
somewhere where
your delusion will be appreciated.
YOUR delusions, pervert.
The fact that you persist here, vomitting your nonsense simply implies that
: "something seems to be actually bothering you !!"
So, you, pathological liar and fabricator of deceit,
paraphrase MY statement to you and put it in a quote
like I did it?


Not even funny.

Here is the original version:

"Simple, ain't it?
Something seems to be bothering you?"
: "something seems to be actually bothering you !!"
Not fair, I tellya, mr. seeker of light and Truth.
My advice - seek professional help.
Do you have an authority to give such advice?

PROVE, pervert!
PS: If anyone on here feels compelled to advise me the best way to deal with
these lunatics is to ignore them - I agree !!
Yes, you know it ALL TOO WELL by now.
But you are still doing it.
Are you a pervert?

I know, you are "better" now than you were before
you became freemason.

I wonder what you were before?

Serial killer?
I wont be replying to his

Still foaming at the mouth?

Good. I toldya, its not gonna be forever.

One day this shall too pass.

Ever heard?
or posting another such reply. This post just felt good :))

Have a nice day now.
Its been a pleasure
to meet such a cheerful chap like you.

"The equation of Zionism with the Holocaust, though, is based
on a false presumption.

Far from being a haven for all Jews, Israel is founded by
Zionist Jews who helped the Nazis fill the gas chambers and stoke
the ovens of the death camps.

Israel would not be possible today if the World Zionist Congress
and other Zionist agencies hadn't formed common cause with
Hitler's exterminators to rid Europe of Jews.

In exchange for helping round up non-Zionist Jews, sabotage
Jewish resistance movements, and betray the trust of Jews,
Zionists secured for themselves safe passage to Palestine.

This arrangement was formalized in a number of emigration
agreements signed in 1938.

The most notorious case of Zionist collusion concerned
Dr. Rudolf Kastner Chairman of the Zionist Organization in
Hungary from 1943-45.

To secure the safe passage of 600 Zionists to Palestine,
he helped the Nazis send 800,000 Hungarian Jews to their deaths.
The Israeli Supreme Court virtually whitewashed Kastner's crimes
because to admit them would have denied Israel the moral right
to exist."

--- Greg Felton,
Israel: A monument to anti-Semitism
2003-11-05 18:00:59 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 5 Nov 2003 18:00:59 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship
Article: 67

If you have an interesting article or a quote on:
NWO, Freemasonry, Skull and Bones, Illuminati,
post them on alt.illuminati or alt.conspiracy.new-world-order
Honestly, what do you care? Why are you obsessed with people in a free
country that desire to be Freemasons? What is it your business what we
do, say, or believe in? No flames, just honest questions.
-Russ, You miss nukes point.
Nuke does not care , but has learnt just what buttons to press to get a rise
out of us. And we respond very predictably - there is always someone who is
concerned that a casual visitor here will be miss-informed by Nukes
Nuke no longer believes anything she posts, she has matured a bit since her
breasts have developed and she has started noticing boys, but she still
posts the same tried and tested nonsense to be noticed by us. Its her way of
getting someone - anyone - to show interest in her.
Oh, another seeker of light and Truth.

You forgot to say "honestly, honestly".

Can you PROVE ANY of that?

Well, then you are lying yout teeth off as usual
and fabricating crap in attempt to delude the clueless.
Lion of the North Lodge
"Tommy [Thompson, Health and Human Services secretary,]
is a good listener, and he's a pretty good actor, too."

--- Adolph Bush, Skull and Bones initiate
2003-11-05 18:00:15 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 5 Nov 2003 18:00:15 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship
Article: 74

If you have an interesting article or a quote on:
NWO, Freemasonry, Skull and Bones, Illuminati,
post them on alt.illuminati or alt.conspiracy.new-world-order
___Mr. Perry___
Secrecy is the enemy of common sense, truth, open disclosure, and open
Obvious to a five year old.
I agree. So, why don't you share with us your bank account number and
Interesting perversion trick here.

Were YOU asked for this info?
your mastercard number,
Were YOU asked for this info?
your birthdate
Were YOU asked for this info?
and social security numbers,
Were YOU asked for this info?
your mother's maiden name,
Were YOU asked for this info?
your computer access codes....
Were YOU asked for this info?

So, what are you perverting to look like what?

Were you asked for ANY of the info you are asking,
pretending that your secret cult protecting your
occult and Kabbalistic rituals, worshipping Lucifer
as the symbology on their very apron shows in no
uncertain terms, is no different
than protecting your personal information.

Nice "charity" organization shelling out millions
left and right as they claim, lying their teeth off
as usual, because there is simply no way to verify
ANY of their "charity" claims.

In fact, they themselves claim that "charity" information
is considered secret also.

PROVE that you give out charities, liars.

You are a SELF-ADMITTED pathological liar
and fabricator of bullshit and of the lowest grade at that.

Simple as that.
___Mr. Perry___
I've seen more truth from Nucleus' posts than all of alt.freemasonry
That's because you're another conspiracy nutbar
PROVE, mr. disinformation peddler.
who believes that the
Freemasons and the CIA/FBI deepsixed your life story and is preventing you
from obtaining gainful employment.
You have any evidence?
Acharya Vereen is a lunatic preoccupied with sucking sounds and the human
anus. You should ask her where she lives. While she is probably in the U.K.
there is probably a cell right next to her just for you if you plan in
Hurry, reserve a spot while you can.
Look at these "brothers" searching the light and Truth.

Impressive, I tellya.

If freemasonry made you so corrupt
on the way of making a "good" man "better"?

Wonder what were you like before you became "brother".
Does Freemasonry teach its own theology, as a religion does?
"For example, Masonry clearly teaches theology during the
Royal Arch degree (York Rite), when it tells each candidate
that the lost name for God will now be revealed to them.
The name that is given is Jahbulon.
This is a composite term joining Jehovah with two pagan gods -- the
evil Canaanite deity Baal (Jeremiah 19:5; Judges 3:7; 10:6),
and the Egyptian god Osiris

--- Coil's Masonic Encyclopedia, pg.516;
Malcom C. Duncan, Masonic Ritual and Monitor, pg. 226].

The Oxford American Dictionary defines theology as "a system of
religion." Webster defines theology as "the study of God and the
relation between God and the universe...A specific form or system...
as expounded by a particular religion or denomination".
2003-11-05 18:00:26 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 5 Nov 2003 18:00:26 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship
Article: 75

If you have an interesting article or a quote on:
NWO, Freemasonry, Skull and Bones, Illuminati,
post them on alt.illuminati or alt.conspiracy.new-world-order
On Sun, 19 Oct 2003 16:26:00 GMT, Gregory Perry
What a harmless group of
fraternity brothers, where do I sign up?
Try it anywhere you like, but you would never be qualified.

How do you know?

What authority do you have to make such claim
before the "investigation" of "character" is
conducted as masonic "laws" state.

First of all, you are PAST master.
In other words, you are history.
Worn out and outdated model of on-line
masonic disinformation peddler on alt.freemasonry.

That is ALL there is to it.
|O| Be well. Travel with a light heart.
Brother Gene .*.
past Master of two (2) Black Lodges
Blackmer #442 and Black Mountain #845
"The Masonic order is not a mere social organization,
but is composed of all those who have banded themselves together
to learn and apply the principles of mysticism and the occult

--- Manly P. Hall, a 33rd degree Mason
The Lost Keys of Freemasonry
2003-11-05 18:00:36 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 5 Nov 2003 18:00:36 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship
Article: 76

If you have an interesting article or a quote on:
NWO, Freemasonry, Skull and Bones, Illuminati,
post them on alt.illuminati or alt.conspiracy.new-world-order
On Sun, 19 Oct 2003 00:09:10 GMT, Gregory Perry
What does my corporation have to do with freemasonry, Bob?
You mean your cult can be secretive and he can not?
That is not fair!
Yes, we're SO very secretive. The phone listings,
Anybody asked for this info?
the signs on the
outskirts of most towns announcing when and where we meet, the guys who
use their names posting here.... All SUCH a secret!
Well, well, well.

Nice try.

But, since all your meetings are posted on every nook and corner,
can "cowans" aka the filth of inferior race as you classify
regular people, just come in?

Can they visit your library?

Can they make nice color copies of your symbology?
Zome exciting pictures?
Your rituals practiced deep at night for some strange reason
even though you clain you are the seekers of light,
and, since your "lodges" face the east to signify
that Morning Star, a symbol of Lucifer,
why don't you do all those rituals early in da morning
to signify your affection to that "light"?

PROVE you are Ed King, da freemason!
Ed, Da King Of Fart
http://www.masonicdisinfo.com -- Anti-Masonry: Points of View
Internet newsgroup posting. Copyright 2003. All rights reserved.
"Brzezinski, the mad dog, as adviser to President Jimmy Carter,
campaigned for the exclusive right of the U.S. to seize all
the raw materials of the world, especially oil and gas."
2003-11-05 18:00:03 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 5 Nov 2003 18:00:03 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship
Article: 78

If you have an interesting article or a quote on:
NWO, Freemasonry, Skull and Bones, Illuminati,
post them on alt.illuminati or alt.conspiracy.new-world-order
On Sat, 18 Oct 2003 22:42:37 GMT, Gregory Perry
I've seen more truth from Nucleus' posts than all of alt.freemasonry
Then apparently you need some help understanding truth vs. fiction.
If we're so powerful, how come we even let you anti's post ?
Because there is nothing you can do to prevent it.
It is simply technically impossible unless you destroy usenet,
mr. fabricator of crap.
But if we're so powerful, Ms. "Face of Disgrace", why haven't we done
just that?
Face of disgrace is you.
Are you confused?
Why don't we 'take out' the loonies like yourself in person even?
Because then you would become a criminal.
Is it because you're just SO clever that we can't find you? <ROFL> Yes,
that's it: that's how you're able to continue.
Oh, but then we wouldn't be as powerful as you claim....
What a conundrum, huh?
Sure, broken monkey logic it is called.

Are so insane as to even conceive of an idea
shooting people left and right?

For what?
Ed, Da King Of Fart
http://www.masonicdisinfo.com -- Anti-Masonry: Points of View
Internet newsgroup posting. Copyright 2003. All rights reserved.
"People say, how can I help on this war against terror?
How can I fight evil? You can do so by mentoring a child;
by going into a shut-in's house and say I love you."

--- Adolph Bush, Skull and Bones initiate,
Washington, D.C., Sept. 19, 2002

In an August 7, 2000 Time magazine interview,
George W. Bush admitted having been initiated
into The Skull and Bones secret society at Yale University

"...these same secret societies are behind it all,"

my father said. Now, Dad had never spoken much about his work.

--- George W. Bush
2003-11-06 17:17:09 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 6 Nov 2003 17:17:09 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship
Article: 83

"Families is where our nation finds hope,
where wings take dream."

--- Adolph Bush,
LaCrosse, Wis., Oct. 18, 2000

If you have an interesting article or a quote on:
NWO, Freemasonry, Skull and Bones, Illuminati,
post them on alt.illuminati or alt.conspiracy.new-world-order
Again, what about the destruction of your life by the Freemasons? (Or that
Bacon founded Freemasonry, for that matter?)
Don't worry, on my timeline - not yours. I'll print names, dates, and
contracts once it's ready.
But Mr. Perry, you've made a VERY serious charge here. Why are you unwilling
to support your claim?
And whatcha gonna do abouts its
even if he does, eh?
Why are you reluctant to give us even a hint of what super
block-buster you're keeping (dare I use the word?) SECRET?????
Why would you care, eh?

Are you a pervert, gorging on deceit, eh?
And what about your seemingly successful business which your website portrays?
And what does it have to do with anything, eh?
Is it in total shambles, ruined beyond repair?
Are you sick, eh?
If so, one would think you'd
want to take that website down, wouldn't one?
None of your business, eh?
And golly-gee: I know I keep asking odd questions but what about your
statements I questioned in the message preceding this. Let me ask them again
What is this a torturing procedure, eh?
I asked: <<So you think that Freemasonry is a "cult of personality"? Whose
personality is it, Mr. Perry?>>
Well, the idiots like you.
Sounds good enough, eh?
I asked: <<So you think that we're promoting something SECRETLY do you?
Just look at your own signature.
What are you promoting, eh?
What would that be - with buildings bearing easily recognizable emblems,
cars with those little decals and bumper stickers, and listings in
the phone book?
What "secrecy" are we promoting?>>
You are promoting idiocy.
You need proof, eh?

Look at your own posts, dummy.
See anything, eh?
You seem to have missed those in framing your answer. Perhaps you can do
better the next time, eh?
You suck like a blackhole, eh?
You know, Mr. Perry, it may be time for you to go off and hide once again.
May be it is time to commit suicide, eh?
It looks like you're run out of answers awfully early in the race.
Answering to who, eh?

And what would it produce as a result, eh?
And it was Dee, not Francis Bacon - that quote, as mentioned, came from
Hoffman's book on Judaism - purchase your own copy for the details.
I see. I recall a number of books who say that Jesus was an imposter, never
existed, wasn't the Son of God and all sorts of other things.
But what do YOU think, eh?
Since that's
been said in a book, can I assume that it's correct - as you've done with Dee?
(After all, we should be able to use similar standards, shouldn't we?)
This is called a total denial trick.

In order to prove ANYTHING to these perverts,
you'd have to produce someone alive,
say Adolph Bush, and, since it is not the easiest
thing in the werld to do, they kinda win by default,
forever demanding "proof".

Even books won't do to prove ANYTHING.

I wonder why do they even bother to post, eh?

The same trick applies to them.
Whatever they claim, just demand "proof".

Kinda dead end trip.

Hey, masonic disinformation peddlers and assorted
snakes, what are you doing here on alt.freemasonry?
Ed, Da King Of Farts
http://www.masonicdisinfo.com -- Anti-Masonry: Points of View
"We'll let our friends be the peacekeepers
and the great country called America will be the pacemakers."

--- Adolph Bush,
Houston, Texas, Sept. 6, 2000
2003-11-06 17:17:21 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 6 Nov 2003 17:17:21 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship
Article: 84

"The best way to relieve families from time is to let them
keep some of their own money."

--- Adolph Bush,
Westminster, Calif., Sept. 13, 2000

If you have an interesting article or a quote on:
NWO, Freemasonry, Skull and Bones, Illuminati,
post them on alt.illuminati or alt.conspiracy.new-world-order
It's pretty simple, Bro. Bob: Mr. Perry's internet "corporation" is a
Nothing more and nothing less. You can read his resume online and
find that he's got ZERO healthcare experience. Amusingly, however, he's
offering HIPAA (Healthcare Information Privacy and Accountability Act)
Isn't such advice legal in nature, Ed? I don't know if health care
experience, you know, like giving flu shots, would really mean much.
Sounds like a good masonic subject.
Trying to come up with some scheme to slime someone.

What a "brotherhood" [of death], I tellya.
Still, it's remarkable how Mr. Perry is suddenly reticent to discuss
his Mason-destroyed business.
Are you paranoid?
Perhaps some facts about it would be
a little embarrassing if they were brought into the cold light of day.
Oh, finally, the shame manipulation trick.
Anything else up your sleeve, eh?
Mr. Perry's integrity seems AWFULLY suspect for someone who
wants us all to appreciate his "Christian" motivations....
An unfortunately familiar story here.
You mean among all these perverts you are, eh?

What a "brootherhood", I tellya.
But we know Someone Else will
judge that.
Yep, the supreme being.
Ever heard, eh?
Jim Bennie
PM/DC, No. 44, Vancouver
"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the
populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety)
by an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."

--- H.L. Mencken
2003-11-06 17:17:42 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 6 Nov 2003 17:17:42 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship
Article: 86

From The Sydney Morning Herald, 10/30/03:

Cheney's hawks 'hijacking policy'

By Ritt Goldstein

A former Pentagon officer turned whistleblower says a group of hawks
in the Bush Administration, including the Vice-President, Dick Cheney,
is running a shadow foreign policy, contravening Washington's official

"What these people are doing now makes Iran-Contra [a Reagan
administration national security scandal] look like amateur hour. . .
it's worse than Iran-Contra, worse than what happened in Vietnam,"
said Karen Kwiatkowski, a former air force lieutenant-colonel.

"[President] George Bush isn't in control . . . the country's been
hijacked," she said, describing how "key [governmental] areas of
neoconservative concern were politically staffed".

Ms Kwiatkowski, who retired this year after 20 years service, was a
Middle East specialist in the office of the Undersecretary of Defence
for Policy, headed by Douglas Feith.

She described "a subversion of constitutional limits on executive
power and a co-optation through deceit of a large segment of the
Congress", adding that "in order to take that first step - Iraq - lies
had to be told to Congress to bring them on board".

Ms Kwiatkowski said the pursuit of national security decisions often
bypassed "civil service and active-duty military professionals", and
was handled instead by political appointees who shared common
ideological ties.

There was speculation earlier this year that such an ideologue group
had emerged, and that it was behind the US attack on an Iraqi convoy
in Syria in June.

The New York Times quoted Patrick Lang, a former senior Defence
Intelligence Agency (DIA) official, as saying that many in the
Government believed the incursion was an effort by ideologues to
disrupt co-operation between the US and Syria.

Ms Kwiatkowski said there was an extra-governmental network operating
outside normal structures and practices, "a network of political
appointees in key positions who felt they needed to take some action,
to make things happen in a foreign affairs, national security way".

She said Pentagon personnel and the DIA were pressured to favourably
alter assessments and reports.

In a separate interview, Chalmers Johnson, an authority on US policy,
said that the Administration's neo-conservatives had in effect seized
power from Mr Bush.

Dr Johnson said the neo-conservatives had pursued an agenda outlined
in the controversial 1992 Defence Planning Guidance.

That document, drawn up at the direction of Mr Cheney when he was
defence secretary, said the world's only superpower should not be
cautious about asserting its power.

If you have an interesting article or a quote on:
NWO, Freemasonry, Skull and Bones, Illuminati,
post them on alt.illuminati or alt.conspiracy.new-world-order
Like a very few others on this forum, SHE has been plonked, Mr. Perry.
Well, because you are just a liar.

You tried your draw-out trick
but when you were given the most generous offer
to have a "meaningful" discussion
with the the simpliest condition
that you can not lie,
you simply vanished.

And now you are simply trying to save your face
of a coward claiming this plonkatron idiocy.


You are a PATHOLOGICAL liar, and self-admitted one at that
and all your holier than thou blabber in this post
is just indication of your cowardness.
can sometimes engage in meaningful discourse with generally rational folks
who for some inexplicable reason cling to seriously irrational ideas.

There can be no meaningful discussion with paranid,
secretive idiots of your grade, that have admitted
on record that the most interesting things you can
not even talk about.

With all your stupid paranoid secrets,
there are no subjects left to discuss
of freemasonry beyond your masturbation rituals.
However, it is entirely a waste of time and patience to attempt a rational
About what?

What CAN you discuss, you paranoid idiot?

I give ya a subject you have bitten.
How bout 90+ Rolls Royces, eh?

You suck?

What else?
with an individual who ought to be occupying his or her own wing
at the Kooks Museum.
Meaningless sub-idiocy, mr. bookworm.
___Gregory Perry___
Lighten up JSW, your tar and feather approach to dissent on alt.freemasonry
makes you look like a grumpy old judge.
"Dissent" is not the issue. I "dissent" from lots of opinions held by my
fellows, as any Brother here can tell you.

Complete garbage.
You'd be out in not time if you did so.
What I do not and will not tolerate
You mean being a blood boiling idiot you are?

I give a flying dead chicken what you will
or will not "tolerate".
is bigotry and intolerance,
Talk to YOUR "brothers" here.

"Oh brother, I just breeth the same air as you do".

[Ed, Da King of Fart sniffing ass
of Joe Steve Swick III, the jackass]
robed in garments of poor polemic
What is this here?

A mental masturbation class, eh?

"Poor polemic", you brain dead idiot?

and gross misrepresentation -- or those who,
reading a few antiMasonic books
and pamphlets,
suddenly and arrogantly consider themselves authorities,
free to pontificate on what they presume to be the errors
of the Fraternity.
Your own opinions readily come to mind.
Sucking full time, eh?
Or doing overtime now, eh?
Joe Swick, PM
Verity Lodge No. 59 F&AM
Kent, Washington
"It's important for us to explain to our nation
that life is important.

It's not only life of babies,
but it's life of children living in, you know,
the dark dungeons of the Internet."

--- Adolph Bush,
Arlington Heights, Ill., Oct. 24, 2000
2003-11-06 17:18:06 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 6 Nov 2003 17:18:06 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship
Article: 88

"I think if you know what you believe,
it makes it a lot easier to answer questions.
I can't answer your question."

--- Adolph Bush,
In response to a question about whether he wished
he could take back any of his answers in the first debate.
Reynoldsburg, Ohio, Oct. 4, 2000
(Thanks to Peter Feld.)

If you have an interesting article or a quote on:
NWO, Freemasonry, Skull and Bones, Illuminati,
post them on alt.illuminati or alt.conspiracy.new-world-order
On Sun, 19 Oct 2003 16:26:00 GMT, Gregory Perry
You guys are pretty funny.
Post a few questions about your fraternity, and within days the
investigation and character assassination starts. What a harmless group of
fraternity brothers, where do I sign up?
Actually, as I mentioned, I am more concerned with examining the
veracity of what you have posted. You claim that your business office
was tossed by the CIA in conjunction with the Freemasons. It would be
reasonable to determine if that business actually exists in order to
establish the truthfulness of what you are saying.
For what?

What are you going to do about it even if it is true, eh?

Well, ask Ed, Da King Of Fart.
He'll tellya.
95% of companies incorporated in the U.S. have charters outside of their
home state of business, for tax liability, ease of corporate maintainance,
and a host of other reasons too numerous and off topic to mention here.
That might be true. However, A corporation is a legal entity. In order
for that entity to do business with a *Florida address*, you must
either be registered in Florida as a native corporation or registered
in another state and registered in Florida as a foreign corporation.
In addition, you must pay any and all annual foreign corporation
registration fees, annual report filing fees, and applicable taxes
to the state of Florida.
What is this crap?

Consulting him on how to run business, eh?
If you really are registered in another state and have not
registered in Florida as a foreign corporation, I suggest you contact
the Secretary of State's office promptly and check into your status
before they contact you. You are most likely violating Florida
Corporate Registration and Tax statutes. If, OTOH, you are not
registered as a corporation at all and the whole thing is a sham,
then you are violating state fraud laws by representing yourself as
a Corporation (a legal entity) when that entity does not legally
Which state did you say you are registered in ?
What are you trying to "help" him with?

Who are you, eh?

Fear and guilt manipulation master of alt.freemasonry?

Attorney degenerate of alt.freemasonry clan of masonic
disinformation peddlers?


What is this paranoid "investigation", eh?

I tellya what you, suckers, do here.
You do this very trick and try to collect as much
information about individual, as impossible.
Not that you are interested in helping anyone in
ANY way, shape of form.

Just the other way around.

You start sniffing their weaknesses,
visiting their web pages
and see if you can find something
that will help you to discredit them.

And if you ever do,
you post even private information in a public place
such as this dump of masonic disinformation,
alt.freemasonry, where all of you snakes reside
doing just about one thing, trying to destroy
any and all information, opinions or anything else
that exposes your satanic cult of freemasonry.

That is about ALL you do here, you see.

Because there is not much else to do
since your secret paranoya runs rampant
in your cult of Lucifer aka Satan worshippers.

And you, lil slime, are even willing to go as far
as to try to slime or diminish the significance
of your own figureheads, such as ILLUSTRIOUS
"Grand commander" Albert Pike.

Makes sense, eh?

Here is more stuff to digest:

Quotes by Madam Blavatsky 32°:

"Lucifer represents.. Life.. Thought.. Progress..
Civilization.. Liberty.. Independence..
Lucifer is the Logos.. the Serpent, the Savior."
pages 171, 225, 255 (Volume II)

"It is Satan who is the God of our planet and
the only God." pages 215, 216,
220, 245, 255, 533, (VI)

"The Celestial Virgin which thus becomes the
Mother of Gods and Devils at one and the same
time; for she is the ever-loving beneficent
Deity...but in antiquity and reality Lucifer
or Luciferius is the name. Lucifer is divine and
terrestial Light, 'the Holy Ghost' and 'Satan'
at one and the same time." page 539

'The Secret Doctrine'
by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky

Hymn to Lucifer
by Aleister Crowley 33°

"Ware, nor of good nor ill, what aim hath act?
Without its climax, death, what savour hath
Life? an impeccable machine, exact
He paces an inane and pointless path
To glut brute appetites, his sole content
How tedious were he fit to comprehend
Himself! More, this our noble element
Of fire in nature, love in spirit, unkenned
Life hath no spring, no axle, and no end."

"His body a blood-ruby radiant
With noble passion, sun-souled Lucifer
Swept through the dawn colossal, swift aslant
On Eden's imbecile perimeter.
He blessed nonentity with every curse
And spiced with sorrow the dull soul of sense,
Breath life into the sterile universe,
With Love and Knowledge drove out innocence
The Key of Joy is disobedience."

Heard of KKK?

"I took my obligations from white men,
not from negroes. When I have to accept
negroes as brothers or leave Masonry,
I shall leave it"

- Albert Pike 33rd*

Delmar D. Darrah
History and Evolution of Freemasonry 1954, page 329.
The Charles T Powner Co.

"General Albert Pike, who stood high in the
Masonic order, was the chief judicial officer
of the Klan."

As owner-publisher of the Memphis, Tennessee,
Daily Appeal, Albert Pike wrote in an editorial
on April 16, 1868:

"With negroes for witnesses and jurors, the
administration of justice becomes a blasphemous
We would unite every white man in the South,
who is opposed to negro suffrage, into one
great Order of Southern Brotherhood, with an
organization complete, active, vigorous,
in which a few should execute the concentrated
will of all, and whose very existence should be
concealed from all but its members."

Pike became a Convicted War Criminal in a
War Crimes Trial held after the Civil Wars end.
He had fled to British Territory in Canada.
Pike only returned to the U.S. after
his hand picked Scottish Rite Succsessor
James Richardon 33° got a pardon for him after,
making President Jackson a 33° Scottish Mason
in a ceremony held inside the White House itself!

"Lucifer, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious
name to give to the Spirit of Darkness!
Lucifer, the son of the morning! Is it he who bears
the Light, and with it's splendors intolerable blinds
feeble, sensual or selfish Souls? Doubt it not!

Morals and Dogma, page 321
Illustrious Albert Pike 33°
Sovereign Grand Commander Supreme Council 33°,
The Mother Supreme Council of the World

"We shall unleash the Nihilists and Atheists,
and we shall provoke a formidable
social cataclysm which in all its horror
will show clearly to the nations the
effects of absolute atheism, origin
of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil.
Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend
themselves against the world minority of
revolutionaries, will exterminate those
destroyers of civilization, and the multitude,
disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic
spirits will be from that moment without compass,
anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where
to render its adoration, will receive the pure
doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the
public view, a manifestation which will result
from the general reactionary movement which will
follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism,
both conquered and exterminated at the same time."

Illustrious Albert Pike 33°
Letter 15 August 1871
Addressed to Grand Master Guiseppie Mazzini 33°
Archives British Museum
London, England
"Suggestions that ... all we have to do is get up tomorrow
morning and find an Iraqi who is passing by and give him
the government and say, 'You're now in charge and
Ambassador Bremer and the American army are leaving',
that's not an acceptable solution."

--- Colin Powell.
2003-11-06 17:18:28 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 6 Nov 2003 17:18:28 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship
Article: 90

Masonic secrecy and threats of horific punishment
for 'disclosing' the truth about freemasonry.
From Entered Apprentice initiation ceremony:

"Furthermore: I do promise and swear that I will not write,
indite, print, paint, stamp, stain, hue, cut, carve, mark
or engrave the same upon anything movable or immovable,
whereby or whereon the least word, syllable, letter, or
character may become legible or intelligible to myself or
another, whereby the secrets of Freemasonry may be unlawfully
ob-tained through my unworthiness.

To all of which I do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear,
without any hesitation, mental reservation, or secret evasion
of mind in my whatsoever; binding myself under no less a penalty
than that

of having my throat cut across,

my tongue torn out,

and with my body buried in the sands of the sea at low-water mark,
where the tide ebbs and flows twice in twenty-four hours,

should I ever knowingly or willfully violate this,
my solemn Obligation of an Entered Apprentice.

So help me God and make me steadfast to keep and perform the same."

If you have an interesting article or a quote on:
NWO, Freemasonry, Skull and Bones, Illuminati,
post them on alt.illuminati or alt.conspiracy.new-world-order
___Gregory Perry___
My sincere apologies for posting questions to alt.freemasonry, I was unaware
that critical thought in your fraternity is a precursor to being labeled a
Mr. Perry, let us set the record straight, shall we?
Oh, the crooks setting the record "straight"?
Sounds exciting, eh?
You didn't come here posting questions about Freemasonry.
Rather, you came
1) of ruining your private business;
2) of worshipping Ba'al / Asherah;
3) of engaging in sorcery/witchcraft;
4) of being antithetical to Christianity;
5) of being a Zionist-leaning stepchild of Judaism, and
6) of being prejudiced against Arabs and Muslims.
I suspect that MY characterization of your behavior is much more accurate
than YOURS,
Zig heil!
that you were simply "posting questions to ALT.FREEMASONRY."
Now, it seems you wish to get all chummy with one of the NG's biggest
loonies. Why does this not surprise me?
Because you are braindead, eh?
Joe Swick
Verity Lodge No. 59 F&AM
Kent, Washington
Speak out against the Drug War (actually a civil war), and
the Anti-Terrorism, as well as the Crime Bill, passed in the
heat of the moment to chip away at the Bill of Rights.

Protest the Telecommunications bill which is designed to censor
the Internet.

Remember (Ed Talk - HW, Sept/Aug'95), the topic of discussion at the
Bohemian Grove elite retreat last summer was Telecommunications.

Now, the plans laid by those power-brokershave come to pass.
Stop them!

Also, be wary of laws passed in the name of the children. I'm a mom,
but I resent infringements on my personal freedomfor the ostensible
protection of other people's kids, who will only grow upto have
less freedom than I have.

Editor Talk
Hempworld magazine, #13 Summer 1996

The Bohemian Grove is a 2700 acre redwood forest,
located in Monte Rio, CA.
It contains accommodation for 2000 people to "camp"
in luxury. It is owned by the Bohemian Club.

SEMINAR TOPICS Major issues on the world scene, "opportunities"
upcoming, presentations by the most influential members of
government, the presidents, the supreme court justices, the
congressmen, an other top brass worldwide, regarding the
newly developed strategies and world events to unfold in the
nearest future.

Basically, all major world events including the issues of Iraq,
the Middle East, "New World Order", "War on terrorism",
world energy supply, "revolution" in military technology,
and, basically, all the world events as they unfold right now,
were already presented YEARS ahead of events.

July 11, 1997 Speaker: Ambassador James Woolsey
former CIA Director.

"Rogues, Terrorists and Two Weimars Redux:
National Security in the Next Century"

July 25, 1997 Speaker: Antonin Scalia, Justice
Supreme Court

July 26, 1997 Speaker: Donald Rumsfeld

Some talks in 1991, the time of NWO proclamation
by Bush:

Elliot Richardson, Nixon & Reagan Administrations
Subject: "Defining a New World Order"

John Lehman, Secretary of the Navy,
Reagan Administration
Subject: "Smart Weapons"

So, this "terrorism" thing was already being planned
back in at least 1997 in the Illuminati and Freemason
circles in their Bohemian Grove estate.

"The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media."

--- Former CIA Director William Colby
2003-11-06 17:18:55 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 6 Nov 2003 17:18:55 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship
Article: 92

In San Francisco, Rabbi Michael Lerner has endured death threats
and vicious harassment from right-wing Jews because he gives voice
to Palestinian views on his website and in the magazine Tikkun.

"An Israeli web site called 'self-hate' has identified me as one
of the five enemies of the Jewish people, and printed my home
address and driving instructions on how to get to my home,"
wrote Lerner in a May 13 e-mail.

"We reported this to the police, the Israeli consulate, and to the
Anti Defamation league. The ADL said it wasn't their concern because
this was not a 'hate crime."

Here's a typical letter that Lerner said Tikkun received: "You subhuman
leftist animals. You should all be exterminated. You are the lowest of
the low life" (David Raziel in Hebron).

If anyone other than a Jew had written this, you can be sure that
the ADL and any other Jewish lobby groups would have gone into full
attack mode.

In other words, when non-Jews slander and threaten Jews, it's
called "anti-Semitism" and "hate crime'; when Zionists slander
and threaten Jews, nobody is supposed to notice.

--- Greg Felton,
Israel: A monument to anti-Semitism

If you have an interesting article or a quote on:
NWO, Freemasonry, Skull and Bones, Illuminati,
post them on alt.illuminati or alt.conspiracy.new-world-order
You mean that Morning Star thing? "Lucifer, light 'bearer'"?
Interestingly, the NT gives JESUS the name "Morning Star."

Oh, this pervert, pathological liar, and disinformation agent
of evil, Joe Steve Swick III, who claimed just the other day
he killfiled me, all of a sudden follows on what I have said?

Looking at how these liars posing as freemasons behave
and how much damage they are doing to freemasonry,
looks like they are not freemasons at all,
but some clandestine gang doing all they can
to discredit freemasonry.

Because genuine freemasons do not behave like this.
They are seekers of light and Truth.

Can they PROVE they are freemasons and information
they provide about themselves on their post signatures
is true and correct, eh?
Rabbi Yaacov Perrin said,
"One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail."
(NY Daily News, Feb. 28, 1994, p.6)."
2003-11-06 23:00:47 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 6 Nov 2003 23:00:47 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship
Article: 101

Quotes by Madam Blavatsky 32° mason:

"It is Satan who is the God of our planet and
the only God." pages 215, 216,
220, 245, 255, 533, (VI)

"The Celestial Virgin which thus becomes the
Mother of Gods and Devils at one and the same
time; for she is the ever-loving beneficent
Deity...but in antiquity and reality Lucifer
or Luciferius is the name. Lucifer is divine and
terrestial Light, 'the Holy Ghost' and 'Satan'
at one and the same time."
page 539

'The Secret Doctrine'
by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky

If you have an interesting article or a quote on:
NWO, Freemasonry, Skull and Bones, Illuminati,
post them on alt.illuminati or alt.conspiracy.new-world-order
Honestly, what do you care? Why are you obsessed with people in a free
country that desire to be Freemasons? What is it your business what we
do, say, or believe in? No flames, just honest questions.
-Russ, You miss nukes point.
Nuke does not care , but has learnt just what buttons to press to get a rise
out of us. And we respond very predictably - there is always someone who is
concerned that a casual visitor here will be miss-informed by Nukes
Nuke no longer believes anything she posts, she has matured a bit since her
breasts have developed and she has started noticing boys, but she still
posts the same tried and tested nonsense to be noticed by us. Its her way of
getting someone - anyone - to show interest in her.
Oh, another seeker of light and Truth.

You forgot to say "honestly, honestly".

Can you PROVE ANY of that?

Well, then you are lying yout teeth off as usual
and fabricating crap in attempt to delude the clueless.
Lion of the North Lodge
"My answer is bring them on."
(On Iraqi militants attacking U.S. forces)

--- Adolph Bush,
Washington, D.C., July 3, 2003
2003-11-06 23:00:48 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 6 Nov 2003 23:00:48 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship
Article: 102

"What is at stake is more than one small country, it is a
big idea -- a new world order...to achieve the universal
aspirations of mankind...based on shared principles and
the rule of law...

The illumination of a thousand points of light...
The winds of change are with us now."

--- George HW Bush, Skull and Bones member, the illuminist
State of Union Message, 1991

[The idea of "illumination" comes from Illuminati
super-secret world government working on the idea
of NWO for hundreds of years now. It is a global
totalitarian state where people are reduced to the
level of functioning machines, bio-robots, whose
sole and exclusive function is to produce wealth
of unprecedented maginitude for these "illuminists"
aka the Aryan race of rulers "leading the sheep",
as they view the mankind, to "enlightenment".]

If you have an interesting article or a quote on:
NWO, Freemasonry, Skull and Bones, Illuminati,
post them on alt.illuminati or alt.conspiracy.new-world-order
Lemme ask YOU a kwestion also.
Why do YOU care?
It is a "free country" after all, right?
You do your thing
and I do mine.
Simple, ain't it?
Something seems to be bothering you?
My observation is this: I have been reading this news group on and off for a
while. Mostly because I enjoy some of the more
'learned' brethren discoursing on certain Masonic topics - which does happen
here from time to time.
You can not discuss here virtually ANYTHING of significance
because it is secret according to your own interpertations
and is not supposed to be opened to "cowans",
the filth of inferior race as you consider anyone
who is not freemason.


I have no idea what is the use for this group
if you REALLY want to discuss the issues of freemasonry
in ANY depth.
Since this is alt.freemasonry then it is exactly
what I expect - and this is "my thing".
In fact - it is the place for "our thing".
Let me be more specific so you understand - "our thing" = "Masonry"
Are you a lunatic?
Are you deluded to the point of oblivion?
Do you realize what usenet is?

Show me, where it is in the entire history of usenet
that says that this group is "your thing"
on a group like this, you clueless fool.
Your delirious dribble is an offensive intrusion.
Foaming at the mouts as yet?
Whats the temperature of your blood stream
at the moment?
Near boiling?

Teeth are knocking good as hell?
Enough to break your jaw bones?
Well, see, I told you already,
get yourselves a set of industrial
strenght shock absorbers.
Who knows, the next time you read some post
and, instead of pushing the next button
if you don't like it as usenet law states,
you start reading someone elses 'business',
being the pervert you are.

Are you simply masochistic?

Any tingling sensation down your spine?
Hands are getting a lil wet?
Something seems to be wettening your pants
where that thing is?

Hows your chest?
Feel anything?

Any goose bumps, sporadically spreading out
on your boody?

Any steam is coming out of your elephant sized
ears as yet?

These are all good indictions.


So, you poisonous snake, when you claimed
"I asked you this qustion honestly",
lied your shark teeth off as usual, right?
You did not mean a single word of it.

Interestingly enough, you stripped ALL the
most interesting information from your reply.
You know why?
Because you are a PATHOLOGICAL liar
and a violent monster.

You did not mean a SINGLE dot a comma
of what you said. It was all a poisonous bait.
Buts, you suckers...

I told you, It'll bite you on your fat ass
and it will bite you on your poisonous tongue.

We'll just put it back and see what you made
out of what.

====================== quote begin ====================
what do you care?
I have my reasons. Trust me.
Why are you obsessed with people in a free country
FREE country?
Where do you leave?
Are you out of your mind?
that desire to be Freemasons?
You can be anything you wish.
Not a problem at all.
What is it your business what we
do, say, or believe in?
Depends on WHERE you do it,
who is affected,
what are you saying, where and to whom.

As far as your beliefs are,
not a problem at all.
No flames, just honest questions.
Fair enough.

Lemme ask YOU a kwestion also.

Why do YOU care?
It is a "free country" after all, right?


You do your thing
and I do mine.

Simple, ain't it?

Something seems to be bothering you?

Just today, for the first time,
I have noticed freemasons mentioned Truth.


If THAT is what you pursue,
should not be a problem at all
what do I say or ask, right?

Happy now?

=========================== quote end =======================

THAT is how it looked before you converted it
into something else.

"No flames, just honest questions."

To trust honesty of freemasons,
you must be UTTERLY out of your mind.

There is even an weekly oath
that you will not follow ANY obligation
you will take up during the next week.
ALL the stuff you promise, sign or enter into,
is NULL and VOID and you have no obligation
to follow on ANY of it.

Ever heard?
You should be posting on
alt.conspiracy or some other such newsgroup,
Zig heil!

Do you have an authority to make such a claim?

PROVE, you poisonous snake, lying his teeth off!
where a whole bunch of you can
meet and encourage each other with your tales of fantasy....
PROVE they are tales of fantacy!

There is much verified information, pictures of your
symbols, rituals, book citations and on and on and on,
that you must be UTTERLY deranged to make such claim.

Not only that, but even you yourselves admit enough
of it is valid.
somewhere where
your delusion will be appreciated.
YOUR delusions, pervert.
The fact that you persist here, vomitting your nonsense simply implies that
: "something seems to be actually bothering you !!"
So, you, pathological liar and fabricator of deceit,
paraphrase MY statement to you and put it in a quote
like I did it?


Not even funny.

Here is the original version:

"Simple, ain't it?
Something seems to be bothering you?"
: "something seems to be actually bothering you !!"
Not fair, I tellya, mr. seeker of light and Truth.
My advice - seek professional help.
Do you have an authority to give such advice?

PROVE, pervert!
PS: If anyone on here feels compelled to advise me the best way to deal with
these lunatics is to ignore them - I agree !!
Yes, you know it ALL TOO WELL by now.
But you are still doing it.
Are you a pervert?

I know, you are "better" now than you were before
you became freemason.

I wonder what you were before?

Serial killer?
I wont be replying to his

Still foaming at the mouth?

Good. I toldya, its not gonna be forever.

One day this shall too pass.

Ever heard?
or posting another such reply. This post just felt good :))

Have a nice day now.
Its been a pleasure
to meet such a cheerful chap like you.

"The woman who knew that I had dyslexia --
I never interviewed her."

--- Adolph Bush,
Orange, Calif., Sept. 15, 2000
2003-11-06 23:00:51 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 6 Nov 2003 23:00:51 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship
Article: 103

American Prospect's Michael Tomasky wonders why the
American press has given so little play to the scoop
by London's Observer that the United States was
eavesdropping on Security Council members.

If you have an interesting article or a quote on:
NWO, Freemasonry, Skull and Bones, Illuminati,
post them on alt.illuminati or alt.conspiracy.new-world-order
I've seen more truth from Nucleus' posts than all of alt.freemasonry
Sure you do, Mr. Perry, because you believe in some looney conspiracy
junk just like him.
PROVE your claim!
Why don't you name the "Masons" who killed your
business and identify their Lodges as proof they're Masons?
But how do you even verify that?
WHO is going to provide you the information about membership
of their "lodge"?

And you are from a different "juristiction" anyway, right?
So, that means what you say means shit to them.
So, that means they are not even going to laugh at you
when you make your stinky request to 'disclose'.

And their cipher is not your cipher.
So, there is no way in hell to know that you
are "real" freemason, unless you push zome
heavy duty paper around for few years.

Is THAT how this story goes by ANY humble chance?

So, what are you deluding all about here?
Go ahead.
Name their Lodges as proof because,
PROVE he needs to provide you this information!

PROVE you exist, you idiot!

How do I know your name is real?


Or should I take YOUR word for it
because you claim to be a "freemason"?

PROVE you are, pervert, lying your shark teeth off
every time you open your sucky input hole
on alt.freemasonry for years!
after all, anyone can post a list
of names and make spurious claims.
I'm been asking Nuke-boy to identify the Masons behind his claims
for two years.
But WHO is going to provide me with this list
in ANY masonic "lodge", "masonic awareness committee"
or ANY place I go?

PROVE it is possible for non mason
to obtain or compile such a list of ANY authoritative value!

Then WHY are you asking ME to provide this list,
knowing FULL well it is simply impossible to
even ENTER your stinky lodge or a library?

Whose agenda do you serve?
The Supreme Being?

The Morning Star?

Why your stinky lodges point to the East
when you accept just about ANY religion
and in Islam they are supposed to do rituals
facing a different direction?
He never does.
Because it is YOUR job, perverts and assorted slime
around here.

Because it is YOUR, who is a clandestine clan,
affecting BILLIONS of people worldwide.

And it is YOUR man, the mouth foaming ultra-right
wing nazi, violent monster and pathological liar,
Donald Rumsfeld whose hands are in blood, giving all these
orders for the most outrageous and horrendous
destruction the world has ever seen,
a puppet, serving Israel's agenda,
where the roots of your evil cult lie.

"Sometimes the truth is so precious
it must be accompanied by a bodyguard of lies."
--- Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld

Lies can NEVER "bodyguard" the Truth,
you devil worshipper.


And he is not the only one.
The house of delusion aka the house of the white mouse,
the Offense Department, the CIA, that extremist
zionist PNAC, the supreme court are FULL of freemasons
up to the brim.

Heard of Bohemian Grove, where freemasons,
bonesmen and Illuminati gather to discuss
the "opportunities" forthcoming and the way
the world will turn in not so distant future,
playing it like a toy.

The Bohemian Grove is a 2700 acre redwood forest,
located in Monte Rio, CA.
It contains accommodation for 2000 people to "camp"
in luxury. It is owned by the Bohemian Club.

July 11, 1997 Speaker: Ambassador James Woolsey
former CIA Director.
"Rogues, Terrorists and Two Weimars Redux:
National Security in the Next Century"

July 25, 1997 Speaker: Antonin Scalia, Justice
Supreme Court

July 26, 1997 Speaker: Donald Rumsfeld

Some talks in 1991, the time of NWO proclamation
by Bush:

Elliot Richardson, Nixon & Reagan Administrations
Subject: "Defining a New World Order"

John Lehman, Secretary of the Navy,
Reagan Administration
Subject: "Smart Weapons"

You see, ALL these things you see on the world scale
were discussed YEARS before all this scam was made
look like what it is right now.

Now, WHICH of these people are freemasons?
ANY clue?

You seem to be one of the most "authoritative" farts
around and one of the most poisonous snakes,
a mouth foaming deranged pervert,
lying his teeth off just about every single time
he opens his sucky input hole, just like about
everyone around here on alt.freemasonry.


You should know something worth more than a pile
of natural horseshit.

Now, PROVE it!

Otherwise, if you can not, then you are just
a piss against the wind and an idiot,
brainwashed to oblivion, whose CPU between
his ears runs at a clock frequencey of about
0.000000001 Hz, and at that clock rate,
its going to take light years before you
figure out how to go take a piss.

So, this "terrorism" thing was already being planned
back in at least 1997 in the Illuminati and Freemason
circles in their Bohemian Grove estate.

Freemasons and their derivatives, such as bonesman
and "Illuminati", are affecting the events worldwide
in such a profound magnitude at the moment,
that people simply HAVE to know who these people are.

Public disclosers were made in England
and in some countries, you are simply OUTLAWED.
Even you yourselves state and on these very threads
"it is a good idea not to carry a ring or a pin
when you visit those countries".


What is so special about a charitable club
as you claim you are?

What is so special about your stinky ring
with masonic symbology or that skull and bones
pin you have to stick into you balls when you
are taking a shower, just to make sure you NEVER
loose it, because it will be the END of you,
satanist worshipping symbology of the MOST
profound evil there ever was, is or even CAN be
in principle?
And he never will. The reason's pretty
obvious - his claims are nothing but hot air and delusions.
Jim Bennie
PM/DC, No. 44, Vancouver
"Freemasonry has a religious service to commit the body of a deceased
brother to the dust whence it came, and to speed the liberated spirit
back to the Great Source of Light. Many Freemasons make this flight
with *no other guarantee of a safe landing than their belief in the
religion of Freemasonry*" [Coil's Masonic Encyclopedia, pg.512]
2003-11-06 23:00:53 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 6 Nov 2003 23:00:53 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship
Article: 104

Speak out against the Drug War (actually a civil war), and
the Anti-Terrorism, as well as the Crime Bill, passed in the
heat of the moment to chip away at the Bill of Rights.

Protest the Telecommunications bill which is designed to censor
the Internet.

Remember (Ed Talk - HW, Sept/Aug'95), the topic of discussion at the
Bohemian Grove elite retreat last summer was Telecommunications.

Now, the plans laid by those power-brokershave come to pass.
Stop them!

Also, be wary of laws passed in the name of the children. I'm a mom,
but I resent infringements on my personal freedomfor the ostensible
protection of other people's kids, who will only grow upto have
less freedom than I have.

Editor Talk
Hempworld magazine, #13 Summer 1996

The Bohemian Grove is a 2700 acre redwood forest,
located in Monte Rio, CA.
It contains accommodation for 2000 people to "camp"
in luxury. It is owned by the Bohemian Club.

SEMINAR TOPICS Major issues on the world scene, "opportunities"
upcoming, presentations by the most influential members of
government, the presidents, the supreme court justices, the
congressmen, an other top brass worldwide, regarding the
newly developed strategies and world events to unfold in the
nearest future.

Basically, all major world events including the issues of Iraq,
the Middle East, "New World Order", "War on terrorism",
world energy supply, "revolution" in military technology,
and, basically, all the world events as they unfold right now,
were already presented YEARS ahead of events.

July 11, 1997 Speaker: Ambassador James Woolsey
former CIA Director.

"Rogues, Terrorists and Two Weimars Redux:
National Security in the Next Century"

July 25, 1997 Speaker: Antonin Scalia, Justice
Supreme Court

July 26, 1997 Speaker: Donald Rumsfeld

Some talks in 1991, the time of NWO proclamation
by Bush:

Elliot Richardson, Nixon & Reagan Administrations
Subject: "Defining a New World Order"

John Lehman, Secretary of the Navy,
Reagan Administration
Subject: "Smart Weapons"

So, this "terrorism" thing was already being planned
back in at least 1997 in the Illuminati and Freemason
circles in their Bohemian Grove estate.

"The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media."

--- Former CIA Director William Colby

If you have an interesting article or a quote on:
NWO, Freemasonry, Skull and Bones, Illuminati,
post them on alt.illuminati or alt.conspiracy.new-world-order
On Sun, 19 Oct 2003 14:35:12 +0930, David Simpson
Mr. Perry. You claim to be a Christian. When are you going to start
behaving like a Christian?
If he ever becomes one, I am sure he will.
How do you know?


What authority do you have to speak for others?

PROVE you have it, mr. masonic propaganda and disinformation
distributor carrying it as a spam with every single
sig of your post, entrapping clueless to believe
YOUR disinformation is the real thing.
|O| Be well. Travel with a light heart.
Brother Gene .*.
past Master of two (2) Black Lodges
Blackmer #442 and Black Mountain #845
"I was proud the other day when both Republicans and
Democrats stood with me in the Rose Garden to announce
their support for a clear statement of purpose:
you disarm, or we will."
(Speaking about Saddam Hussein)

--- Adolph Bush,
Manchester, N.H., Oct. 5, 2002
(Thanks to George Dupper.)
2003-11-06 23:00:56 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 6 Nov 2003 23:00:56 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship
Article: 105


WHEN HELD The last 17 days of July.

FOUNDED The Grove Encampment began in 1878 as a farewell party in
Muir Woods, in Marin County, Calif., for an actor member of the
private, all-male, San Francisco-based Bohemian Club.

LOCATION 2,700 pristine acres in the redwood forest of Sonoma
County on the banks of the Russian River.

WHOM YOU'LL SEE Big-name politicians, business leaders,
entertainers and other professionals with an interest in the arts.

In 1992 former Presidents Reagan and Nixon attended, and virtually
every Republican President in recent history has been a member.
Other members (on a roster the club keeps secret) reportedly are
Charlton Heston, Walter Cronkite, Alexander Haig.

DRESS CASUAL, although an opening-night ritual allegedly has high
priests of the club wearing crimson robes.

RECREATION Boating, hiking, music and art, nature studies, skeet
shooting, campfires, sing-alongs, drinking (supposedly there is a
fabulous wine cellar stocked with 3,000 cases of the best wines)
and, reportedly, a tradition of outdoor urinating.
Also: no business allowed.

SEMINAR TOPICS Major issues on the world scene, "opportunities"
upcoming, presentations by the most influential members of
government, the presidents, the supreme court justices, the
congressmen, an other top brass worldwide, regarding the
newly developed strategies and world events to unfold in the
nearest future.

Basically, all major world events including the issues of Iraq,
the Middle East, "New World Order", "War on terrorism",
world energy supply, "revolution" in military technology,
and, basically, all the world events as they unfold right now,
were already presented YEARS ahead of events.

Also, some educational programs and more than 100 entertainment
events produced and performed by club members, including the
annual Grove Play, an original musical that takes two years to
prepare. The music may sometimes be forgettable; the reputed
occasional nudity is not.

HOW TO GET INVITED You have to be a man, a major political
world figure, such as president, a member of supreme court,
a congressman, senator, premier minister of a foreign country,
an oil taycoon of world caliber, a CEO of major multi-national
corporation and things like that.

Officially you have to be a member of the Bohemian Club or a
guest of one [they never bring anyone, who is not a major
player in the world events anyway].

Past members have included Mark Twain, Jack London, Oliver
Wendell Holmes, Herbert Hoover and Earl Warren.


July 11, 1997 Speaker: Ambassador James Woolsey
former CIA Director.

"Rogues, Terrorists and Two Weimars Redux:
National Security in the Next Century"

July 25, 1997 Speaker: Antonin Scalia, Justice
Supreme Court

July 26, 1997 Speaker: Donald Rumsfeld

Some talks in 1991, the time of NWO proclamation
by Bush:

Elliot Richardson, Nixon & Reagan Administrations
Subject: "Defining a New World Order"

John Lehman, Secretary of the Navy,
Reagan Administration
Subject: "Smart Weapons"

So, this "terrorism" thing was already being planned
back in at least 1997 in the Illuminati and Freemason
circles in their Bohemian Grove estate.

If you have an interesting article or a quote on:
NWO, Freemasonry, Skull and Bones, Illuminati,
post them on alt.illuminati or alt.conspiracy.new-world-order
On Sat, 18 Oct 2003 22:42:37 GMT, Gregory Perry
Because the lodge will accept and adopt practically anyone into its ranks,
with the only requirement that the initiate must "believe in a higher
Once a member, that individual, regardless of internal ethic or moral
delimiter, now has keys to the castle of a vast and all encompassing
network of individuals whom are all "on the network", and have only one
commonality between themselves - secrecy. Secret body language, a secret
system of grips to identify each other with, all the tools required for the
trade for freemasonry.
Funny how all of those "secrets" have been published many times.
Not "secrets", but SECRETS.

Read the previous post by your own "brother" Gene
as to requirements to be accepted as a "brother".

Brother Gene: "You have to be willing to respect and protect
the privacies of the fraternity (our handshakes and passwords)".

So, lying your teeth off again, as usual?
Which results in fragments of freemasonry, different camps of thought.
The used car salesman freemason klans. The mortgage broker freemason klans.
The organized crime freemason klans. The initial public offering freemason
klans. The local church freemason klans.
All they need to do is to drive to their "brother"
and shake his hand and the deal is done.
Not even a single word is necessary.

And you might be standing next to them,
trying to get this very deal,
and do not even realize the deal is already done.

Sure, they'll tellya: Please have a seat.
Heres the forms to fill out.
We'll call you when we process them.
But do not call us.

THAT is how it works in REALITY.
LOL. Did you get refused admission?
What kind of poisonous trick of redirection
and argument shit is this?

What does it have to do with ANYTHING?
Secrecy is the enemy of common sense, truth, open disclosure, and open
No question about.
That is the difference between a democratic society
and totalitarian one or a fascist dictatorship.
OK. Please post here your bank account details and numbers together
with any passwords used to access those accounts.
See how these posonous snakes pervert the very nature
of the arugment?

They think they can LITERALLY make black out of white
and vice versa.
Please post the
details and passwords relating to your internet account.
Well, but what are you substituting with what?

Did he ask you to do the same?

You see, his bank account numbers and his online passwords
do have some significance in the frame of things.

But did ANYBODY EVER asked you to provide such information
abour freemasonry?


Show me.

So, you are fabricating lies, POISONOUS lies
and deceiving everyone.

And that is "sin".

No Supreme Being of ANY kind, but the satan,
will forgive you this.

And you can lie, delude and fabricate ANYTHING
you wish till the end of times,
till your nose goes blue.

But it will not make a dent.

You can not superceede the Truth,
no matter WHAT you do,
how much you do it,
or who is conspiring with you to do the same
EVIL deeds.

Evil forever remains evil
and it can NEVER overturn that very
GOOD, you are deluding everyone to believe
you pursue.
Not going to? Why? Secrecy is the enemy of common sense, truth, open
disclosure, and open society. (sic)
I've seen more truth from Nucleus' posts than all of alt.freemasonry
Mr. Perry. You claim to be a Christian. When are you going to start
behaving like a Christian?
Are YOU some kind of a REFERENCE on what constitutes
Christian "behavior"?


Or are you a recognized AUTHORITY of freemasonry?


PROVE YOUR "jurisdiction" is any more valid than other
and, therefore, overrrules the others.

PROVE you are freemason on the first place!

How do I verify that?

Call your "lodge" and ask to tell me if you are?
But they'll ask: Gimme a secret sipher key,
gimme a secret password, gimme a letter from your
grand commander on a lodge stationery.
Once we receive your request,
we'll forward it to a "grand master" of another lodge,
and he, in turn, will forward it to "grand master of disaster".
When the next "sovereign commandoes" meet,
thich is next years,
and your request is considered,
they will send that paper down the same chain,
only in reverse direction.

That takes a few years if you are lucky.


Or you are merely playing a guilt and shame manipulation
trick as usual?

Or is there anything else up your sleave?
David Simpson (Remove "farook" to reply)
(Unattached MM)
Bad manners should not be a capital crime ...
for a first offence.
Robert Heinlein, "Time Enough For Love"
The Bohemian Grove is a 2700 acre redwood forest,
located in Monte Rio, CA.
It contains accommodation for 2000 people to "camp"
in luxury. It is owned by the Bohemian Club.

SEMINAR TOPICS Major issues on the world scene, "opportunities"
upcoming, presentations by the most influential members of
government, the presidents, the supreme court justices, the
congressmen, military top brass, and other major players
in world affairs, regarding the newly developed strategies
and world events to unfold in the nearest future.

Basically, all major world events including the issues of Iraq,
the Middle East, "New World Order", "War on terrorism",
world energy supply, "revolution" in military, and, basically,
all the world events as they unfold right now,
were already presented YEARS ahead of events.

July 11, 1997 Speaker: Ambassador James Woolsey
former CIA Director.

"Rogues, Terrorists and Two Weimars Redux:
National Security in the Next Century"

July 25, 1997 Speaker: Antonin Scalia, Justice
Supreme Court

July 26, 1997 Speaker: Donald Rumsfeld

Some talks in 1991, the time of NWO proclamation
by Bush:

Elliot Richardson, Nixon & Reagan Administrations
Subject: "Defining a New World Order"

John Lehman, Secretary of the Navy,
Reagan Administration
Subject: "Smart Weapons"

So, this "terrorism" thing was already being planned
back in at least 1997 in the Illuminati and Freemason
circles in their Bohemian Grove estate.

"The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media."

--- Former CIA Director William Colby
2003-11-06 23:00:03 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 6 Nov 2003 23:00:03 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship
Article: 106

"There's no doubt in my mind that we should allow the world
worst leaders to hold America hostage, to threaten our peace,
to threaten our friends and allies with the world's worst weapons."

--- Adolph Bush,
South Bend, Ind.,
Sept. 5, 2002

If you have an interesting article or a quote on:
NWO, Freemasonry, Skull and Bones, Illuminati,
post them on alt.illuminati or alt.conspiracy.new-world-order
On Sat, 18 Oct 2003 22:42:37 GMT, Gregory Perry
Because the lodge will accept and adopt practically anyone into its ranks,
with the only requirement that the initiate must "believe in a higher
Absolutely false to fact.
There are many requirements to joining a Lodge.
Let us see what they are then.
You have to make application for membership willingly and not because
of coercion or mercenary motives.
You have to be of lawful age in your jurisdiction, of sound mind, and
legally entitled to apply.
You have to believe in a Supreme Being as Creator of the Universe.
You mean that Morning Star thing?
"Lucifer, light 'bearer'"?

But how come the lodge is pointed to the East
when you claim you accept other religions?
What if people want it to be pointed in other
directions, like Muslims for example?

Finally, prerequisite of believing in "supreme being"
makes you are religion and there is no ifs and buts
about it.
You have to be of good moral character.
Does not work. Because if you take a man with
"good moral character" and make him even "better",
then how come some of the most vicious criminals
happen to be the HIGHEST degree freemasons?

Either you take a perfectly "good" man
and screw him up,
or there is no way for you to know
his "moral character" as he enters your lodge.

Either way you cut it, it does not work.
You have to be willing to respect and protect the privacies of the
fraternity (our handshakes and passwords),
Oh, I see.
I though you were all saying here:

What secret handshakes?
What passwords?

We do not have any of that!

Turns out you do.
You wanna see zome cipher?

You were asked "but WHY do you need these secret

But you lied your teeth off as usual.

Interestingly enough, most of you don't even know
why and how it happened. Because you are clueless
even as far as your own cult goes.

Secondly, you are CLEARLY running a clandestine
cult of the most profound evil.

Those handshakes are used so that you could
recognize each other when you meet in congress
and in other places of significance
and know EXACTLY who to serve
and what kind of deal to make
once you feel that big, fat finger
pushing between certain fingers
of your "brother".

Those, surrounding you, do not even notice
that what are they dealing is a conspiracy
and do not suspect how is the power divided
when some deal and wheel is made.

But YOU already know how it will be divided
before everyone even sits at the table.
The deal is done before they even open
their mouths.

Nice trick, huh, you seekers of 'light'.

Is THAT what Light is all about?

Secrecy and conspiracy?

THAT is what you call 'supreme being'?

Exciting, I tellya.
of the Lodge (who is ill or
late with their dues), and of your Brethren (the fact that he HATES
spinach, but eats it anyway when his wife cooks it because he loves
HER must remain between the two of you),
So, you go even THAT far in your "investigations"
of potential "brothers"?

"Scuze me, mam, what does your husband likes to
eat fer breakfast? That is kinda important kwestion
for our "brotherhood".

And when he goes to take a dump in the bathroom,
do you recall which foot he steps into the door
first? Ever notice which hand he uses to open
the door knob? Which way does he turn that knob
usuall, clockwise or the other way?"

And even when you do this kind of "investigation",
you still end up accepting criminals?

Hows that?
so long as none of these
involve a crime such as Murder or Treason.
You have to be willing to respect the ceremonies of the fraternity and
not go changing them without permission of the governing body in your
Looks like a Navy Seals organization.
I think even in CIA or FBI it is easier
to adopt to "realities at the moment"
and change things as you go.

"Hello, sire, we have this dude here
and we'd like to take him out
cause he might have a gun with him.
But we don't know that
and our instruction book says:
do not take him out unless you have evidence
he presents a threat.
Could you please call Adolph Bush
to clear this matter?
- Sorry, dude, he is out of town,
mopping up some mess he created in Iraq.
You'd have to wait".

No wonder they can not identify who leaked
the head of the entire network in the CIA.

Must be all freemasons.
You have to be willing to regard the whole human species as one
family, Created by One Almighty Parent, and to treat others

Then how come you exclude others from your "family"?
If it is all one family, then how come you keep
secrets from other members of that very family?
You have to be willing to place your duty to G-d first and foremost,
But, for some strange reasons freemasons write God,
ommitting 'o' in the middle.

What is THAT supposed to mean?
ANY idea?
your duty to yourself and family next,
Can I decide for myself what is important
in MY life?
your duty to your neighbor
DUTY to your neighbor?
Interesting lunacy.
and your country next
Isn't that ALREADY covered by the laws of the land?
and that to the fraternity last among these.
Except your list is upside down.
You have to read it from the end
and proceed it to the beginning.
You have to be willing to help others in distress,
Yep, I know. Seen PLENTY of times around here.
I wonder what is a suicide rate among freemasons?
Seems like once you have a difficulty
and your own brothers simply ignore you
or even redicule and harass you,
no matter where you go
and do not even allow you to express your opinion
and refuse consider the evidence of the matter,

what would be the next logical thing for you to do?
so far as you can
without incurring harm to yourself or your family who depends on you.
ALL this stuff is already covered by the underlying religion
the "brothers" chose and trust me, it is MUCH more trustworthy
then your overruling "laws".

If some "brother" believes in Christian version
of "supreme being" and, in the christian scriptures
the priorities are different,
then which version do you adopt,
masonic or Christian?

Ima kinda curious.
You have to be willing to comport yourself with honor and dignity,
behaving as a gentleman should.
Is there a list of what "gentleman should"?

How bout this:

"You fucking son of a bitch. I saw what you wrote.
We're not going to forget this."
--- Adolph Bush to writer and editor Al Hunt, 1988,
in a restaurant, in front of Hunt's young son.

"I'm the commander. I do not need to explain why I say things.
That's the interesting thing about being the President.
Maybe somebody needs to explain to me why they say something,
but I don't feel like I owe anybody an explanation."
--- Adolph Bush, in a November 2002
interview conducted by Bob Woodward for The Washington Post, as
reported in USA TODAY (November 24, 2002).

"Fuck Saddam. We're taking him out."
--- Adolph Bush, speaking to Condoleezza Rice
and three U.S. senators in March 2002, as reported in
Time Magazine (March 23, 2003).

"I don't know where bin Laden is.
I have no idea and I really don't care.
It's not that important. It's not our priority."
--- Adolph Bush, March 13, 2002

What do you think?
Is Adolph Bush gentlemen enough?
Is THAT what he "should" do?

And even if your own president does these things,
how come YOU are not "allowed" to do the same
even though your significance and impact on your
country and society at large is billion times less?

So, this "gentlemen" goes even further:

"I know what I believe. I will continue to articulate what
I believe and what I believe -- I believe what I believe
is right."
--- Adolph Bush, Rome, July 22, 2001

So, is he lying, by ANY humble chance?
Are those things he said before "right" things?

Oh, tell me one more time
"it has nothing to do with freemasonry".

Yes it does. For one thing, your claim
[you should be "behaving as a gentleman should"
is either meaningless as some "brother"
may see this irreconsilable contradiction
between what even the top brass does and says.

So, it kinda creates a split within that brother
and shakes up his faith REAL good.

And, for other thing, this "gentlemen", Bush,
went to Yale.

Any ring to it?

His father is a KNOWN scull and bones "fraternity"
at Yale.

What do you think, is there a chance for
Adolph Bush not to be a bonesman
when his own father was?

Do you know how it works traditionally
in the "family"?

Btw, you claimed on this very forum that
scull and bones has "nothing to do with freemasonry
as it is not its symbol", right?

Well, then how come you have it on the apron?

You also claimed that the eye of Horus is not
a masonic symbol, right?

Then how come it is on the apron?

You want more?

How come ALL this symbology is printed on the
US one dollar bill?

ANY clue?

How come the Seal of Illuminati of Bavaria
is on the back of US one dollar bill?


Exciting things like that.
A part of this is that you have to be
willing to recognize that someone else's beliefs and opinions in
matters appertaining to religion, politics and economics are as true
for, and as precious to, them as yours are to you.
That means you can not provide the list of priorities
that contradict the religious confictions of your "brothers",
which, in turn, means you have to scrap ANYTHING
from your "laws" or "constitution" that MAY potentially
contradict with religious conviction of the "brothers".

See the difficulty here?
As you want them
to respect yours, you must be willing and able to respect theirs.
And THAT is what you DICTATE to ALREADY "good" men?
You mean they became "good" by doing something different?

Aren't these the MOST obvious things, even to retarded?
You have to be willing to obey the rules and regulations of the
fraternity in matters appertaining to the fraternity.
Yes, OBEY!

And if some christian "brother" says:
"Sorry, that is not what Bible says",
what then?

Where does it say in the scriptures

Obey to whom?

Are you senile?
Or is your intent is of the MOST profound evil?
Finally, you have to be elected to membership by the members of the
Lodge to which you are applying.
Btw, I like your signature below.
I wonder why are you spamming all the time?
Do you know that advertizing in your signature is spam?

Or you are dumb as a piece of wood,
not to insult a piece of wood,
to realize that you are continuously
advertizing the masonic propaganda and disinformation

Why don't you just email those urls to those who request it?

What are you doing here, "brother" Gene?

Are you paid for this?

==================== quote begin =========================
|O| Be well. Travel with a light heart.

Brother Gene .*.
past Master of two (2) Black Lodges
Blackmer #442 and Black Mountain #845

Egotistic but helpful leader and privileged part owner of alt.freemasonry
Often imitated, never duplicated!
Regular 1,765 degree Mason
Most Wonderful Grand High Exhaulted Imperial Omnipotent Mystic Regal Stomper,
and Wearer of the Official Purple Underwear
ICQ #503060
"Are you guys ready? Let's Roll!!"
Todd Beamer, Flight 93

And in case I don't see ya' - Good Afternoon, Good Evening and Good Night!
Version: 3.1
GCM/CC/TW/O d--(++) s:,s++ a+ C+(++++) U--- P! L-- E! W++ N+++ o-- K- w++++
O---- M--(+) V? PS+++ Y+ PGP-- t* 5 X- R* tv+++ b++ DI+++ D G e* h---- r+++
Remember: Your Masonry may be different from someone else's.
Internet newsgroup posting. Copyright 2003. All rights reserved.

Any Mason may use the contents for any valid Masonic purpose, permission may
be granted to others upon request.

Objects in this post are funnier than they appear

==================== quote end =========================

"We must never forget the lessons of September the 11th. The terrorists
will strike and they will kill innocent life, not only in front of a
Red Cross headquarters, they will strike and kill in America, too.

We are at war.

I said right after September the 11th, this would be a different kind
of war. Sometimes you'd see action and sometimes you wouldn't. But
it's a different kind of war than what we're used to.

And Iraq is a front on the war on terror. And we will win this
particular battle in the war on terror.

--- Adolph Bush, Skull and Bones initiate
[Lying his teeth off about the resistance to US occupation in Iraq]

In an August 7, 2000 Time magazine interview,
George W. Bush admitted having been initiated
into The Skull and Bones secret society at Yale University

"...these same secret societies are behind it all,"
my father said. Now, Dad had never spoken much about his work.

--- George W. Bush
2003-11-06 23:00:46 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 6 Nov 2003 23:00:47 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship
Article: 111

"Everything in Masonry has reference to God, implies God, speaks
of God, points and leads to God. Not a degree, not a symbol,
not an obligation, not a lecture, not a charge but finds its meaning
and derives its beauty from God, the Great Architect, in whose temple
all Masons are workmen"

--- Joseph Fort Newton,
The Religion of Freemasonry, An Interpretation, pg. 58-59.

If you have an interesting article or a quote on:
NWO, Freemasonry, Skull and Bones, Illuminati,
post them on alt.illuminati or alt.conspiracy.new-world-order
On Sat, 18 Oct 2003 22:42:37 GMT, Gregory Perry
I've seen more truth from Nucleus' posts than all of alt.freemasonry
Then apparently you need some help understanding truth vs. fiction.
If we're so powerful, how come we even let you anti's post ?
Because there is nothing you can do to prevent it.
It is simply technically impossible unless you destroy usenet,
mr. fabricator of crap.
Oh, when you get a minute, I'd be interested in hearing why your
corporation has a Florida address but does not appear in the FL
Secretary of State's on-line directory of corporations.
(Remove MY-HOODWINK to email
"I'm hopeful. I know there is a lot of ambition in Washington,
obviously. But I hope the ambitious realize that they are more
likely to succeed with success as opposed to failure."

--- Adolph Bush,
Interview with the Associated Press, Jan. 18, 2001
(Thanks to M. Bateman.)
2003-11-08 17:13:54 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 8 Nov 2003 17:13:54 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship
Article: 148

"Zionism is nothing more, but also nothing less, than the
Jewish people's sense of origin and destination in the land
linked eternally with its name. It is also the instrument
whereby the Jewish nation seeks an authentic fulfillment of

--- Chaim Herzog

"...Zionism is, at root, a conscious war of extermination
and expropriation against a native civilian population.
In the modern vernacular, Zionism is the theory and practice
of "ethnic cleansing," which the UN has defined as a war crime."

"Now, the Zionist Jews who founded Israel are another matter.
For the most part, they are not Semites, and their language
(Yiddish) is not semitic. These Ashkenazi ("German") Jews --
as opposed to the Sephardic ("Spanish") Jews -- have no
connection whatever to any of the aforementioned ancient
peoples or languages.

They are mostly East European Slavs descended from the Khazars,
a nomadic Turko-Finnic people that migrated out of the Caucasus
in the second century and came to settle, broadly speaking, in
what is now Southern Russia and Ukraine."

In A.D. 740, the khagan (ruler) of Khazaria, decided that paganism
wasn't good enough for his people and decided to adopt one of the
"heavenly" religions: Judaism, Christianity or Islam.

After a process of elimination he chose Judaism, and from that
point the Khazars adopted Judaism as the official state religion.

The history of the Khazars and their conversion is a documented,
undisputed part of Jewish history, but it is never publicly

It is, as former U.S. State Department official Alfred M. Lilienthal
declared, "Israel's Achilles heel," for it proves that Zionists
have no claim to the land of the Biblical Hebrews."

--- Greg Felton,
Israel: A monument to anti-Semitism

If you have an interesting article or a quote on:
NWO, Freemasonry, Skull and Bones, Illuminati,
post them on alt.illuminati or alt.conspiracy.new-world-order
___Greg Perry___
95% of companies incorporated in the U.S. have charters outside of their
home state of business, for tax liability, ease of corporate maintainance,
and a host of other reasons too numerous and off topic to mention here.
That might be true. However, A corporation is a legal entity. In order for
that entity to do business with a *Florida address*, you must either be
registered in Florida as a native corporation or registered in another state
and registered in Florida as a foreign corporation. In addition, you must
pay any and all annual foreign corporation
registration fees, annual report filing fees, and applicable taxes to the
state of Florida.
If you really are registered in another state and have not registered in
Florida as a foreign corporation, I suggest you contact the Secretary of
State's office promptly and check into your status before they contact you.
You are most likely violating Florida Corporate Registration and Tax
statutes. If, OTOH, you are not registered as a corporation at all and the
whole thing is a sham, then you are violating state fraud laws by
representing yourself as a Corporation (a legal entity) when that entity
does not legally exist.
Which state did you say you are registered in ?
Who da funk do you think you are to repeatedly
demand an answer so that you could add it to your
file and, later on, in case there is anything you
can milk this thing for, brag about how "insightful"
you were sniffing your own brother's ass, eh?
HELLO ... HELLooo.... HELlllooooooooo...
HElllloooooooo..... Helllllooooo.........heeelllllooooooo......
What is this?
Does he OWE you something?
Why does he need to even bother to talk to someone,
who is trying to collect the information on him?

What are you doing with all this information?
Is it just me Bob, or has this thread suddenly become very quiet? :-)
It is YOU, slime.

Who else?

Can't you see it?

It is RIGHT on your own screen.
Haven't you noticed?
(Remove MYSPAMSTOPPER to email
"Degrees do not matter...one does not bargain about inches of evil."

--- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged
2003-11-08 17:14:38 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 8 Nov 2003 17:14:38 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship
Article: 153

"World progress is only possible through a search for
universal human consensus as we move forward to a
new world order."

--- Mikhail Gorbachev,
Address to the U.N., December 7, 1988

If you have an interesting article or a quote on:
NWO, Freemasonry, Skull and Bones, Illuminati,
post them on alt.illuminati or alt.conspiracy.new-world-order
___Greg Perry___
95% of companies incorporated in the U.S. have charters outside of their
home state of business, for tax liability, ease of corporate maintainance,
and a host of other reasons too numerous and off topic to mention here.
That might be true. However, A corporation is a legal entity. In order for
that entity to do business with a *Florida address*, you must either be
registered in Florida as a native corporation or registered in another state
and registered in Florida as a foreign corporation. In addition, you must
pay any and all annual foreign corporation
registration fees, annual report filing fees, and applicable taxes to the
state of Florida.
If you really are registered in another state and have not registered in
Florida as a foreign corporation, I suggest you contact the Secretary of
State's office promptly and check into your status before they contact you.
You are most likely violating Florida Corporate Registration and Tax
statutes. If, OTOH, you are not registered as a corporation at all and the
whole thing is a sham, then you are violating state fraud laws by
representing yourself as a Corporation (a legal entity) when that entity
does not legally exist.
Which state did you say you are registered in ?
Who da funk do you think you are to repeatedly
demand an answer so that you could add it to your
file and, later on, in case there is anything you
can milk this thing for, brag about how "insightful"
you were sniffing your own brother's ass, eh?
HELLO ... HELLooo.... HELlllooooooooo...
HElllloooooooo..... Helllllooooo.........heeelllllooooooo......
What is this?
Does he OWE you something?
Why does he need to even bother to talk to someone,
who is trying to collect the information on him?

What are you doing with all this information?
Is it just me Bob, or has this thread suddenly become very quiet? :-)
It is YOU, slime.

Who else?

Can't you see it?

It is RIGHT on your own screen.
Haven't you noticed?
(Remove MYSPAMSTOPPER to email
[Lucifer, satan, 666, Illuminati, Freemasons, NWO, Skull and Bones, Zionism]

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

Protocol Number 10 : Preparing For Power



3. We count upon attracting all nations
to the task of erecting the new fundamental structure,
the project for which has been drawn up by us.

This is why, before everything,
it is indispensable for us to arm ourselves
and to store up in ourselves
that absolutely reckless audacity
and irresistible might of the spirit
which in the person of our active workers
will break down all hindrances on our way.

4. When we have accoplished our coup d'etat,
we shall say then to the various peoples:
"Everything has gone terribly badly,
all have been worn out with suffering.
We are destroying the causes of your torment
- nationalities, frontiers, differences of coinages.

You are at liberty, of course,
to pronounce sentence upon us,
but can it possibly be a just one
if it is confirmed by you before you make any trial
of what we are offering you."

.. Then will the mob exalt us
and bear us up in their hands
in a unanimous triumph
of hopes and expectations.

Voting, which we have made the instrument
which will set us on the throne of the world
by teaching even the very smallest units
of members of the human race
to vote by means of meetings and agreements by groups,
will then have served its purposes
and will play its part
then for the last time by a unanimity of desire
to make close acquaintance with us
before condemning us.

5. To secure this,
we must have everybody vote without distinction
of classes and qualifications,
in order to establish an absolute majority,
which cannot be got from the educated propertied classes.

In this way, by inculcating in all a sense of self-importance,
we shall destroy among the goyim
the importance of the family
and its educational value
and remove the possibility of individual minds
splitting off, for the mob, handled by us,
will not let them come to the front
nor even give them a hearing;
it is accustomed to listen to us
only who pay it for obedience and attention.

In this way we shall create a blind, mighty force
which will never be in a position to move
in any direction without the guidance
of our agents
set at its head by us as leaders of the mob.

The people will submit to this regime
because it will know
that upon these leaders
will depend its earnings,
and the receipt of all kinds of benefits.

6. A scheme of government
should come ready made from one brain,
because it will never be clinched firmly
if it is allowed to be split
into fractional parts in the minds of many.

It is allowable, therefore,
for us to have cognizance of the scheme of action
but not to discuss it lest we disturb its artfulness,
the interdependence of its component parts,
the practical force of the secret meaning
of each clause.

To discuss and make alterations
in a labor of this kind
by means of numerous votings
is to impress upon it the stamp
of all ratiocinations and misunderstandings
which have failed to penetrate the depth and nexus
of its plottings.

We want our schemes to be forcible
and suitably concocted.

we ought not to fling the work of genius
of our guide to the fangs of the mob
or even of a select company.

7. These schemes will not turn existing institutions upside down
just yet.

They will only effect changes in their economy
and consequently
in the whole combined movement of their progress,
which will thus be directed
along the paths laid down in our schemes.
2003-11-08 17:15:59 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 8 Nov 2003 17:15:59 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship
Article: 160

Intelligence Briefs
January - August 2001

ISRAEL: "A succession of increasingly hard-line governments
will encourage Mossad to use 'fight fire with fire' tactics.
Mossad would pave the ground for Israel to launch a limited
nuclear war to survive if Mossad senses that Iraq or Iran are
about to launch a pre-emptive nuclear strike. The way the
Second Intifada shows no sign of stopping could lead to such
a situation well before the end of the current decade."

If you have an interesting article or a quote on:
NWO, Freemasonry, Skull and Bones, Illuminati,
post them on alt.illuminati or alt.conspiracy.new-world-order
Like a very few others on this forum, SHE has been plonked, Mr. Perry.
Well, because you are just a liar.

You tried your draw-out trick
but when you were given the most generous offer
to have a "meaningful" discussion
with the the simpliest condition
that you can not lie,
you simply vanished.

And now you are simply trying to save your face
of a coward claiming this plonkatron idiocy.


You are a PATHOLOGICAL liar, and self-admitted one at that
and all your holier than thou blabber in this post
is just indication of your cowardness.
can sometimes engage in meaningful discourse with generally rational folks
who for some inexplicable reason cling to seriously irrational ideas.

There can be no meaningful discussion with paranid,
secretive idiots of your grade, that have admitted
on record that the most interesting things you can
not even talk about.

With all your stupid paranoid secrets,
there are no subjects left to discuss
of freemasonry beyond your masturbation rituals.
However, it is entirely a waste of time and patience to attempt a rational
About what?

What CAN you discuss, you paranoid idiot?

I give ya a subject you have bitten.
How bout 90+ Rolls Royces, eh?

You suck?

What else?
with an individual who ought to be occupying his or her own wing
at the Kooks Museum.
Meaningless sub-idiocy, mr. bookworm.
___Gregory Perry___
Lighten up JSW, your tar and feather approach to dissent on alt.freemasonry
makes you look like a grumpy old judge.
"Dissent" is not the issue. I "dissent" from lots of opinions held by my
fellows, as any Brother here can tell you.

Complete garbage.
You'd be out in not time if you did so.
What I do not and will not tolerate
You mean being a blood boiling idiot you are?

I give a flying dead chicken what you will
or will not "tolerate".
is bigotry and intolerance,
Talk to YOUR "brothers" here.

"Oh brother, I just breeth the same air as you do".

[Ed, Da King of Fart sniffing ass
of Joe Steve Swick III, the jackass]
robed in garments of poor polemic
What is this here?

A mental masturbation class, eh?

"Poor polemic", you brain dead idiot?

and gross misrepresentation -- or those who,
reading a few antiMasonic books
and pamphlets,
suddenly and arrogantly consider themselves authorities,
free to pontificate on what they presume to be the errors
of the Fraternity.
Your own opinions readily come to mind.
Sucking full time, eh?
Or doing overtime now, eh?
Joe Swick, PM
Verity Lodge No. 59 F&AM
Kent, Washington
[Lucifer, satan, 666, Illuminati, Freemasons, NWO, Skull and Bones, Zionism]

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

Protocol Number 5 : Despotism And Modern Progress



7. Capital, if it is to co-operate untrammeled,
must be free to establish a monopoly of industry and trade:
this is already being put in execution
by an unseen hand in all quarters of the world.

This freedom will give political force to those
engaged in industry,
and that will help to oppress the people.

Nowadays it is more important to disarm the peoples
than to lead them into war:
more important to use for our advantage
the passions
which have burst into flames than to quench their fire:
more important to eradicate them.

The principle object of our directorate consists in this:
To debilitate the public mind by criticism;
to lead it away from serious reflections
calculated to arouse resistance;
to distract the forces of the mind
towards a sham fight of empy cloquence.

8. In all ages the people of the world,
equally with individuals,
have accepted words for deeds,
for they are content with a show
and rarely pause to note,
in the public arena,
whether promises are followed by performance.

Therefore we shall establish show institutions
which will give eloquent proof of their benefit to progress.

9. We shall assume to ourselves
the liberal physiognomy of all parties,
of all directions,
and we shall give that physiognomy a voice in orators
who will speak so much
that they will exhaust the patience of their hearers
and produce an abhorrence of oratory.

10. In order to put public opinion into our hands,
we must bring it into a state of bewilderment
by giving expression from all sides
to so many contradictory opinions
and for such length of time
as will suffice to make the "goyim" lose their heads in the labryinth
and come to see that the best thing is
to have no opinion of any kind
in matters political,
which it is not given to the public to understand,
because they are understood only by him
who guides the public.

This is the first secret.

11. The second secret requisite
for the success of our government
is comprised in the following:

To multiply to such an extent
national failings, habits, passions,
conditions of civil life,
that it will be impossible for anyone to know
where he is in the resulting chaos,
so that the people in consequence
will fail to understand one another.

This measure will also serve us in another way,
namely, to sow discord in all parties,
to dislocate all collective forces
which are still unwilling to submit to us,
and to discourage any kind of personal initiative
which might in any degree hinder our affair.

There is nothing more dangerous
than personal initiative:
if it has genius behind it,
such initiative can do more
than can be done by millions of people
among whom we have sown discord.

We must so direct the education of the goyim communities
that whenever they come upon a matter requiring initiative
they may drop their hands in despairing impotence.

The strain which results from freedom of actions
saps the forces
when it meets with the freedom of another.

From this collision arise grave moral shocks,
disenchantments, failures.

By all these means
we shall so wear down the "goyim"
that they will be compelled to offer us
international power
of a nature that by its position
will enable us without any violence
gradually to absorb all the state forces of the world
and to form a super-government.

In place of the rulers of to-day
we shall set up a bogey
which will be called the Super-Government Administration.

Its hands will reach out in all directions
like nippers
and its organization will be of such colossal dimensions
that it cannot fail to subdue
all the nations of the world.
2003-11-08 19:27:13 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 8 Nov 2003 19:27:13 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship
Article: 177

"Families is where our nation finds hope,
where wings take dream."

--- Adolph Bush,
LaCrosse, Wis., Oct. 18, 2000

If you have an interesting article or a quote on:
NWO, Freemasonry, Skull and Bones, Illuminati,
post them on alt.illuminati or alt.conspiracy.new-world-order
Because the lodge will accept and adopt practically anyone into its ranks,
with the only requirement that the initiate must "believe in a higher
There are other requirements in mainstream U.S Freemasonry: male, age
restricted, morally upright, sponsorship.
Once a member, that individual, regardless of internal ethic or moral
delimiter, now has keys to the castle of a vast and all encompassing
network of individuals whom are all "on the network", and have only one
commonality between themselves - secrecy. Secret body language, a secret
system of grips to identify each other with, all the tools required for
the trade for freemasonry.
If you would read Grand Lodge Proceedings, you would discover that a few
Masons are expelled for unmasonic/criminal conduct each year. It is a fact
that good men can go bad, or that the Lodge did not choose wisely.
Your very claim is that your "charitable organization"
takes "good" men and makes them "better".

Now, how do you make one "better"?
Based on what principles and criterias?

Well, morality. The very morality came from religiuos scriptures
as that is where some of the most tremendous insights about
"good" are found.

Morality IS a religious issue.

Interestingly enough belief in THE "supreme being" is a
PREREQUISITE to become a freemason. If you do not believe
in that supreme being, you can not become a freemason.

On the other hand, you use your standard trick from the
book of lies nearly all of freemasons on alt.freemasonry
use all the time, of saying: "so what, boyscouts also
believe in supreme being, and they are not considered
to be a religious organization".

For some strange reason you ONLY use the boyscouts excuse
and I do not recall any other comparison on this argument.
That is why I claim all your tricks come from some
"approved" standard book of lies and deception on
"how to deal with 'antis'" as you call anyone who is
questioning ANY of it.

To use boyscouts, a modern version of militaristic
nazi brown shirt organization, you must be utterly
senile or be truly perverted and believe in all that
nazi propaganda and brainwashing they young children
are exposed to in boyscouts organization and use of
religion in it is not coincidental, not coincedental
at ALL.

Because there is no better way to brainwash people
than religious morality. That is why, at this very
junction, there are debates in the government to
abolish the separation of church and state and
bring the christian extremist ideology into the
government. In fact, they are ALREADY doing it.

So, on one hand, you claim you are not a religion.
On the other hand you require religious believe
to become a freemason.

Not only that, but your "lodges" are designed
according to strick religious models, going back
to the beginning of time.

Not only that, but for some strange reason,
they all face the East, as THAT is where that
"light bearer" Lucifer is believed to be rising.

Not only that, but you have an ALTAR in your
ceremony hall.

Not only that, but there is a religious scripture
on that altar.

Not only that, but that is about the most sacred
place in that hall.

And we can go and on and on and on.

So, you claim you can make an already "good" man

Without God?


It is impossible as ALL ideas about "good" come
from religion.

Yes, you can brainwash your "brothers", whom you
insult every day on alt.freemasonry like they
were some "evil" agents and not your true brothers.

Yes, you can create all these rituals
and worship symbology of occult and Kabbalistic nature.

What is the ceremony of the initiation into the 3rd degree?
What is the MEANING of it, you dummies?

Well, the meaning of it is EXACTLY religious.
It signifies the burrial of the "old self"
and resurrection of the "new self", masonic self.

What kind of "charitable organization" would
follow these kind of rituals?

That whole ceremony is a religious ceremony.

What kind of "brotherhood" would conduct such ceremonies, eh?

Well, the "brootherhood of death", Skull and Bones fraternity
at Yale university that owns all the real estate at Yale
and controls every single word published at Yale to see the
day of light.

You claimed here MANY times over that freemasonry has nothing
to do with bonesmen.

But when you were asked why on your apron is Skull and Bones
symbol, I do not recall a SINGLY reply or explanation.

That is how you ALWAYS delude people.
The MOST significant issues, you simply cut out of your
follow ups, and instead, spew some poisonous lies
to diminish significance of things, such as comparing
freemasons to some deranged militaristic club of
nazi brown shirt, which is WAY beyond senile,
or fabricate something ENTIRELY opposite of true and
genuine meaning of things.

One more time:


What does it signify?
What is the meaning of it?

They are freemasons also.
In fact, their entire underlying system of belief
is EXACTLY freemasonry, occult and Kabbalah.

All your ceremonies are the STRICTEST possible arrangement
of manipulation of various religious symbols.

They are even to be followed to a SINGLE word, single
movement of your body and arrangements on the altar
with the skull upon the holy scripture in some cases.

You even claim that Scottish Rite is some kind of
"anxillary organization". It is kinda not freemasonry

Well, it is like claiming the government is an "anzillary

Because Scottish Rite ONLY accepts the highest degree
freemasons as THAT is where the REAL deal is done.
On the lower degrees, you fools, are simply prepaired
and properly brainwashed to be ABSOLUTELY obidient
and follow the strictest procedures to the dot and
comma to make sure you finally become a obidient puppet.

Only after you become that obidient puppet of this cult,
you will ever have a chance to get to 33 degree.

Yes, I know, you will be fabricating something entirely
different out of all this, but, as you have been all said,
and MANY times over:

The hell will sooner gets frozen
before you can suppress the Truth.

It will FOREVER percolate from under all
the bullshit you'll try to cover it.

It will burn from within.
Simply inevitable.
If Freemasonry were a conspiracy, why not keep the criminals in?
Yes, a standard deception trick.

What are you, a CRIMINAL consipracy of the murderers, terrorists,

Why would you even imagine keeping the criminals in your cult.

Now, interestingly enough, christianity and pretty much ALL
religions out there, do not discriminate and do not send the
criminals away.

Just the other way around, they forgive their sins
and help to purify their hearts and intents
so that those very criminals could one day realize
that all those crimes are but delusion, caused by blindness.

They can all be done with in a flash.

As soon, as you realize you have commited all the wrong
acts out of your confusion, your entire criminal mind
ceases to be.

About the ONLY thing needed is SUPPORT,
and not only a support of the priest,
but support in society.

Yes, it starts from the smaller circle of religion.
But broader support is ABSOLUTELY necessary.

What kinda "support" are we talking about here?

Well, the support of your being.
It is that, that converts your fearful mind,
full of ideas of "survival", into a mind not
controlled by fear.

It is that recognition that we are all on the same
boat and we do what we can to be helpful to one
another instead of abusing left and right,
lying since the dawn to dusk, and disregarding
the most significant aspects of life
and replacing them with the never ending chase
for paper god of money.

THAT is how you make a "better" man.
And not out of ALREADY "good" man,
that you can not determine with your stricts
intelligence type verification procedures,
that still fail to produce the result,
but ANY man, regarless of the color of his skin,
his enthnic origins, of the amount of dough he
has stashed in the sock he keeps under his pillow.

If Freemasonry were a conspiracy, why not keep the criminals in?
What kind of argument is this?

Do you think that even if you do not keep the criminals in,
that makes you non conspiracy?


According to what kind of monkey logic of oblivion,
broken on every conceivable level?

Are you still capable of independent thinking?
Or ALL you can "think of" is UTTER denial of ANYTHING
that is not written in your books of rituals?

Well then. Then I claim you take a "good" man
and make him MUCH worse.

You make him an obidient idiot and a pathological liar,
disregarding the Truth with nearly every single word he
pronounces, engaging in a pseudo religious cult of worshipping
the most profound evil and even having guts to make it look
he is worshipping some "good".

ALL lies.
Which results in fragments of freemasonry, different camps of thought.
The used car salesman freemason klans.
The mortgage broker freemason klans.
The organized crime freemason klans.
The initial public offering freemason klans.
The local church freemason klans.
Well, but they are ALL freemasons nevertheless.

Now, once you segment this cult as they did,
then you have a pretty much PERFECT excuse to deny
pretty much ANY charge.

You simply claim "sorry, it is not our 'jurisdictin'
and we do not recognize that other 'jurisdiction'".

So, what constitutes freemasonry as such and what
are the common traits and a common foundation then?

Is it this, by ANY humble chance?

When a Mason learns the key to the warrior on the
block is the proper application of the dynamo of
living power, he has learned the mystery of his
Craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his
hands and before he may step onward and upward,
he must prove his ability to properly apply energy."

Illustrious Manly P. Hall 33°
The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, page 48
Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Company, Inc.
Richmond, Virginia, 1976

"Warrior on the block"...
Looks like the right wing representatives in your
governments indeed. Their zeal and viciousness just
about fits this concept indeed.
Yes, people are drawn to others of similar interests, not only in
Freemasonry but in society. Freemasonry seems to be a microcosm of
society in general.
Freemasonry is nothing less than a MICROCOSM of society in GENERAL?


I like that definition of "charitable organization" indeed.

So, you claim the entire society is a "charitable organizatin"?

Or what IS it you are claimig here, eh?
Secrecy is the enemy of common sense, truth, open disclosure, and open
If that is your conviction, there are several questions you should not mind
answering. Do you work and where? Where do you live? Have you any criminal
convictions? When were you born? Are you married? Any children? Is your
income sufficient to sustain your intentions? Those are questions a Mason
must answer before admission.
Why do you need to even BOTHER about ANY of this,
unless you are a school of evil?
Why do you need to discriminate, and in such an extensive form?

Secondly, the statement you are replying to,
does not mention that we are talking about the
time of admission. It is a general statement.

And yet, you make something UTTERLY different out of it.
And you start fabricating garbage out of thin air,
hiding behind the notions of 'privacy', equating it
to UTTERLY different set of issues related to freemasonry.

Yes, you can justify just about anything.
It all depends on your underlying belief system.

Now, you are asking him some private information
that has nothing to do with anything.

Why do you need that information?

Oh, you and your "brothers" here are FOREVER compiling
the database of those who do not agree with your dogma
so that it could be referenced to one day for some
ugly destructive purpose?

Is THAT what this individual is talking about here?
Did he ask you these very questions you are asking
him to justify and cover up your lies and secrecy?

What are you make out of what here
and for what?

Now, the issue of secrecy in freemasonry is so well known
and admitted, and not to extend of information you are asking
this individual, equating black with white, but something
ENTIRELY different.

Just as you yourselves claim right here, on alt.freemasonry,
some countries outlawed freemasonry as such and it is not
a good idea to even carry your masonic symbols such as
rings and skull and bones pins, you stick to your body
when you go take a bath, when going abroad.

In England, it was quite a scandal several years ago
when it became known that the masonic influence on
a society AT LARGE was so perverse, that they were
affecting the whole country.

Numerous disclosers as to who is freemason holding
prominent positions in government were made.

Is THAT a secret?

But you are sitting here, justifying all this as
some innocent child's play at the kindergarden
or some equivalent of providing the information,
that is commonly considered private.

Again, did ANYONE ask you to provide your bank
account information, you income, your address,
your phone number?

Nope, it is ONLY YOU, and right on this very forum,
that are going as far as to harass even your own
"brothers", DEMANDING they provide this information
to you.


You are simply contradicting yourselves.
Just look at this masonic/mormonic satanist,
that bookworm, jack in the hole in the wall,
forever citing the ready made quotes out of
the scriptures.

========================== quote begin ==============================
Which state did you say you are registered in ?
[as a corporation]

Who da funk do you think you are to repeatedly
demand an answer so that you could add it to your
file and, later on, in case there is anything you
can milk this thing for, brag about how "insightful"
you were sniffing your own brother's ass, eh?
HELLO ... HELLooo.... HELlllooooooooo...
HElllloooooooo..... Helllllooooo.........heeelllllooooooo......
Is it just me Bob, or has this thread suddenly become very quiet? :-)
It is YOU, slime.

Who else?

Can't you see it?

It is RIGHT on your own screen.
Haven't you noticed?

========================== quote end ==============================


What is your "argument" here again?
Surely, your detestation of secrecy will allow you to answer the questions
that a "secret" Mason has answered. Not in a public forum, of course. Just
email me the answers.
Why is that?

How does this person know that you are not compiling a database
of dissidents, potentially "dangerous" to the agenda of your
cult, so that you could destroy them when time comes?

Were YOU asked to provide such an info?
I've seen more truth from Nucleus' posts than all of alt.freemasonry
Sorry that you have been disappointed. Perhaps you seek not the truth?
Wow! That blows, I tellya.

Is THAT how you seek the "truth"?

And I telly yet again:

The hell will sooner gets frozen
before you see the light of day,
the simpliest thing there is.
[Lucifer, satan, 666, Illuminati, Freemasons, NWO, Skull and Bones, Zionism]

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

Protocol Number 10 : Preparing For Power



17. By such measure
we shall obtain the power of destroying
little by little,
step by step,
all that at the outset
when we enter on our rights,
we are compelled to introduce into the constitutions of States
to prepare for the transition to an imperceptible abolition
of every kind of constitution,
and then the time is come to turn every form of government
into our despotism.

18. The recognition of our despot
may also come before the destruction of the constitution;
the moment for this recognition will come when the peoples,
utterly wearied by the irregularities and incompetence
- a matter which we shall arrange for
- of their rulers, will clamor:

"Away with them
and give us one king
over all the earth
who will unite us
and annihilate the causes of disorders
- frontiers,
State debts
- who will give us peace and quiet
which we cannot find
under our rulers and representatives."

19. But you yourselves perfectly well know
that to produce the possibility
of the expression of such wishes by all the nations,
it is indispensable to trouble in all countries
the people's relations with their governments
so as to utterly exhaust humanity with dissension,
and even by the use of torture,
by starvation,
by the inoculation of diseases,
by want,
so that the "goyim" see no other issue
than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty
in money and in all else.

20. But if we give the nations of the world a breathing space
the moment we long for is hardly likely ever to arrive.
2003-11-10 15:00:26 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 10 Nov 2003 15:00:26 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship
Article: 219

[NWO, Lucifer, Illuminati, Freemasons, nazi, fascism, conspiracy]

Zionist extremist Project for a New American Century (PNAC)
and its roots.

New York, You've Been Used
By William Rivers Pitt

Monday 15 September 2003


"To understand the final and complete and total influence the
Project for a New American Century (PNAC) has over the foreign policy,
and by default the domestic policy of this nation, look no further
than the ground-breaking and profoundly important White House document
entitled "The National Security Strategy of the United States of America."

"Trying to eliminate Saddam, extending the ground war into an
occupation of Iraq, would have violated our guideline about not
changing objectives in midstream, engaging in `mission creep,' and
would have incurred incalculable human and political costs.
Apprehending him was probably impossible. We would have been forced
to occupy Baghdad and, in effect, rule Iraq.

The coalition would instantly have collapsed, the Arabs deserting it
in anger and other allies pulling out as well. Under those
circumstances, there was no viable `exit strategy' we could see,
violating another of our principles.

Furthermore, we had been self-consciously trying to set a pattern for
handling aggression in the post-Cold War world.

Going in and occupying Iraq, thus unilaterally exceeding the United
Nations' mandate, would have destroyed the precedent of international
response to aggression that we hoped to establish. Had we gone the
invasion route, the United States could conceivably still be an
occupying power in a bitterly hostile land.

It would have been a dramatically different--and perhaps

--- George Herbert Walker Bush,
in a 1998 book entitled `A World Transformed.'

"Someone once said the apple never falls far from the tree. In the
matter of George Herbert Walker Bush and his son George W., and on the
matter of invading and occupying Iraq, it appears the apple fell, rolled,
got picked up, pocketed, carried, and then thrown into a sewage tank.
Something clearly got lost in the translation here. What happened? I'll
tell you what happened. The Project for a New American Century
happened.What is the Project for a New American Century? It is a
Washington-based right-wing think tank formed in 1997 by members of
another Washington-based think tank that is basically the godfather of
right-wing think tanks, called the American Enterprise Institute. The
Project for a New American Century, or PNAC (or `panic'), describes its
mission thusly on its web page, newamericancentury.org.

The Project for a New American Century was formed with a number of
specific purposes in mind. The first, and foremost, was to
fundamentally reorganize the foreign policy standards of the
United States, to change forever the way America deals with the world.

The first step in doing this, according to PNAC, was to attack, invade
and take over the nation of Iraq. This plan was codified in a scolding
letter sent to President Clinton in 1998 which chastised him for not
rolling tanks on Baghdad.

The next step in the process, according to PNAC, was to invade and take
out friendly and unfriendly regimes alike in the Middle East, thus
`Westernizing' the region through warfare and bringing our values to

Implicit within this plan is the PNAC idea that open warfare and
wholesale regime-change in the Middle East is all part of
"Defending Israel."

Unfortunately, the most common thing to see within the progressive
community today is two people who agree on 99% of the issues screaming
in fury at each other. 99% of the time, that screaming happens because
of the fundamental differences between supporters of Israel and supporters
of Palestine.

This is the rift within the progressive community, and it is a mile wide,
and PNAC falls right in the center of it. Now, there are 100
sides to these arguments and these issues. I am not here to stand and
espouse one side or the other, beyond this:

It is flat insanity to claim that theater-wide warfare and
destabilization in the Mideast will do anything but make Israel less safe,
and by proxy will cause further suffering and death within the
Palestinian community.

We cannot discuss the Bush administration without discussing PNAC.
We cannot discuss PNAC without discussing Israel and Palestine.
If we cannot discuss Israel and Palestine without shredding
each other, we will never be able to address this profound problem."


"The PNAC plan was codified in the passage by the Gingrich-controlled
Congress of the Iraqi Liberation Act in 1998, an act that made regime
change in Iraq a matter of American law. The letter sent to Clinton
in 1998, and the strident advocacy for the passage of the
Iraqi Liberation Act, both bore the same signatures and fingerprints
of the men and women who signed the PNAC Statement of Principles."

"The United States has for decades sought to play a more permanent role in
Gulf regional security. While the unresolved conflict with Iraq provides
the immediate justification, the need for a substantial American force
presence in the Gulf transcends the issue of the regime of Saddam

So let's tie all these threads together, and find out why some wacky
right-wing think tank is important. We'll start with the signatures
on that Statement of Principles. Among those who signed on with the
Project for a New American Century in 1997, who founded the Project,
who stand by its ideologies and who press those ideologies out into
an unwitting world, are:

Dick Cheney, Vice President, and former CEO of Halliburton Petroleum;
Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense;
Paul Wolfowitz, Assistant Secretary of Defense;
Elliot Abrams, senior member of the National Security Council,
who pled guilty to the charge of lying to Congress in the
Iran/Contra scandal;
Norman Podhoretz, a writer who described the PNAC mission and the
war on Iraq as, "A process of the reformation and modernization
of Islam;"
Bill Bennett, whom you've surely met if you've been to Vegas recently;
Lewis "Scooter" Libby, chief assistant to Dick Cheney.

The list goes on, and on, and on. Not listed on this page, but prominent
throughout PNAC, is Richard Perle, former chair of the powerful
Defense Policy Board, and perhaps the single most dangerous human being
alive on the planet today. In Washington, they call him "The Prince of
Darkness." I could spend this entire evening speaking of his influence
over American foreign policy, but as there are so may other issues to
discuss, I would compel you to research this man on your own.

Understand the ramifications here. The Project for a New American
Century was, in 1997, so far out there that nobody ever thought these
goofballs would come within 100 miles of power in government.

And yet here we stand today, with the chief men from the Project now
controlling every single nook and cranny of America's foreign policy,
defense strategy, military, and budget.

These guys I just listed, particularly Cheney and Rumsfeld and Perle
and Wolfowitz and Abrams, are quite literally the men running America.

The Project asked for the fighting of several major theater wars -
not the need to be prepared to fight these wars, but to actually fight
these wars - and we now have two: Iraq and Afghanistan.

The Project asked for the creation of a permanent military presence in
Iraq, and we have Kellog Brown & Root, a Halliburton subsidiary, right
there in the mix. Brown & Root's stock in trade is the building of
permanent military bases, and they are there in Iraq today, building.

The Project asked for American commitment to `constabulary duties' in
strategically important places, and that is what we now have in Iraq,
whether we like it or not.

The Project asked for 3.8 percent of gross domestic product to be
poured into the Defense budget, and that is exactly the number -
exactly - that this administration's last budget asked for and got
from this Congress.

The Project said, "The need for a substantial American force presence
in the Gulf transcends the issue of the regime of Saddam Hussein."
That transcendent need is all the explanation required for why this
administration lied with its bare face hanging out for months and months
about the threat posed by Iraq.

The lies were justified by the ideology, by the "transcendent need"
to make war on a nation that, while ruled by a tyrant, posed no threat
whatsoever to The United States or her citizens.

To understand the final and complete and total influence the
Project for a New American Century (PNAC) has over the foreign policy,
and by default the domestic policy of this nation, look no further
than the ground-breaking and profoundly important White House document
entitled "The National Security Strategy of the United States of America."

Released in September of 2002, one year ago almost to the day,
this report redefines America's mission in the world.

It states flatly that America will act unilaterally, and that the
mission of our government and our military has changed forever.

That document is a mirror-image, in ideology and design and in many
places text, of the Project for a New American Century's September
2000 `Rebuilding America's Defenses.'

If you need any further proof that the leading lights of one of the
most extremist right-wing think tanks ever formed in America are now
running this government, hold those two reports side by side in your
hands. Read them, one after the other. You will have all the answers
you need.

So let's recap, as I have just dropped a whole barnload of data on
you. In 1997, this think tank was formed. Their principal goals were
to radically change American foreign policy and the basic concept of
how and why we go to war.

By proxy, they wanted to take Iraq over and establish a permanent
military presence there.

From there, they wanted to take over, basically, the entire Middle East.

One broken election later, the prime and powerful advocates for these
clearly documented and clearly fringe concepts became

the Vice President (Cheney),
the Secretary of Defense (Rumsfeld),
the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Wolfowitz),
the chairman of the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board (Perle),
and the head of the National Security Council (Abrams).

In short, the prime movers of this group became the foreign policy,
military, and national security establishment of the United States


Kennedy understood that to win the Cold War, America did not simply
have to defeat the Soviet Union by force of arms, or threaten to be
able to do so. America had to give the rest of the world, especially
those regions where communism stood a good chance of taking hold,
the belief and understanding that we had a better way.

That is the final failure of this administration, and of these boys
from the Project for a New American Century. They believe we can
defeat terrorism by kicking ass and taking names, by being violent
and unilateral, by basically shoving the worst aspects of our country
and our system into the international community's face and demanding,
at gunpoint, that they be with us or against us.

Machiavelli said, long ago, that given such a choice, the attacked
would always choose to be against.

Kicking ass in Iraq, while being exposed as liars and bullies, has
proven to be the greatest recruiting poster al Qaeda could have ever
asked for.
.. We can cut off their funds and their ability to bring in people
who will die for the privilege of watching you die.

But when we do what we have been doing, when we follow the PNAC plan,
we create an unending tide of furious humanity that will, in the end,
bury us.

[On] Page 51 [of PNAC report], there is one simple sentence:

"The process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change,
is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event
- like a new Pearl Harbor."


William Rivers Pitt is the Managing Editor of truthout.org. He is a
New York Times and international best-selling author of three books
- "War On Iraq," available from Context Books, "The Greatest Sedition
is Silence," available from Pluto Press, and "Our Flag, Too: The
Paradox of Patriotism," available in August from Context Books.

If you have an interesting article or a quote on:
NWO, Freemasonry, Skull and Bones, Illuminati,
post them on alt.illuminati or alt.conspiracy.new-world-order
___Greg Perry___
95% of companies incorporated in the U.S. have charters outside of their
home state of business, for tax liability, ease of corporate maintainance,
and a host of other reasons too numerous and off topic to mention here.
That might be true. However, A corporation is a legal entity. In order for
that entity to do business with a *Florida address*, you must either be
registered in Florida as a native corporation or registered in another state
and registered in Florida as a foreign corporation. In addition, you must
pay any and all annual foreign corporation
registration fees, annual report filing fees, and applicable taxes to the
state of Florida.
If you really are registered in another state and have not registered in
Florida as a foreign corporation, I suggest you contact the Secretary of
State's office promptly and check into your status before they contact you.
You are most likely violating Florida Corporate Registration and Tax
statutes. If, OTOH, you are not registered as a corporation at all and the
whole thing is a sham, then you are violating state fraud laws by
representing yourself as a Corporation (a legal entity) when that entity
does not legally exist.
Which state did you say you are registered in ?
Who da funk do you think you are to repeatedly
demand an answer so that you could add it to your
file and, later on, in case there is anything you
can milk this thing for, brag about how "insightful"
you were sniffing your own brother's ass, eh?
HELLO ... HELLooo.... HELlllooooooooo...
HElllloooooooo..... Helllllooooo.........heeelllllooooooo......
What is this?
Does he OWE you something?
Why does he need to even bother to talk to someone,
who is trying to collect the information on him?

What are you doing with all this information?
Is it just me Bob, or has this thread suddenly become very quiet? :-)
It is YOU, slime.

Who else?

Can't you see it?

It is RIGHT on your own screen.
Haven't you noticed?
(Remove MYSPAMSTOPPER to email
"Anyway, after we go out and work our hearts out,
after you go out and help us turn out the vote,
after we've convinced the good Americans to vote,
and while they're at it, pull that old George W. lever,
if I'm the one, when I put my hand on the Bible,
when I put my hand on the Bible,
that day when they swear us in,
when I put my hand on the Bible,
I will swear to not -- to uphold the laws of the land."

--- Adolph Bush,
Toledo, Ohio, Oct. 27, 2000

--- George W. Bush
2003-11-10 15:00:27 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 10 Nov 2003 15:00:27 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship
Article: 224

[Lucifer, satan, 666, Illuminati, Freemasons, NWO, Skull and Bones, Zionism]

Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion

Protocol Number 10 : Preparing For Power



8. Under various names
there exists in all countries approximately
one and the same thing.

State Council,
Legislative and Executive Corps.

I need not explain to you
the mechanism of the relation of these institutions
to one another,
because you are aware of all that;
only take note of the fact
that each of the above-named institutions
corresponds to some important function of the State,
and I would beg you to remark
that the word "important"
I apply not to the institution
but to the function,
it is not the institutions
which are important but their functions.

These institutions have divided up among themselves
all the functions of government
- administrative,
wherefore they have come to operate
as do the organs in the human body.

If we injure one part in the machinery of State,
the State falls sick,
like a human body,
and ... will die.

9. When we introduced into the State organism
the poison of Liberalism
its whole political complexion underwent a change.

States have been seized with a mortal illness
- blood poisoning.

All that remains
is to await the end of their death agony.

10. Liberalism produced Constitutional States,
which took the place
of what was the only safeguard of the goyim,
namely, Despotism;
and a constitution, as you well know,
is nothing else but a school of discords,
fruitless party agitations,
party whims

- in a word, a school of everything
that serves to destroy the personality
of State activity.

The tribune of the "talkerics" has,
no less effectively than the press,
condemned the rulers to inactivity and impotence,
and thereby rendered them useless and superfluous,
for which reason indeed
they have been in many countries deposed.

Then it was that the era of republics
become possible of realization;
and then it was that we replaced the ruler
by a caricature of a government
- by a president,
taken from the mob,
from the midst of our puppet creatures,
or slaves.

This was the foundation of the mine
which we have laid under the goy people,
I should rather say,
under the goy peoples.


11. In the near future
we shall establish the responsibility of presidents.

12. By that time
we shall be in a position to disregard forms
in carrying through matters
for which our impersonal puppet
will be responsible.

What do we care
if the ranks of those striving for power
should be thinned,
if there should arise a deadlock
from the impossibility of finding presidents,
a deadlock which will finally disorganize the country? ...

13. In order that our scheme
may produce this result
we shall arrange elections
in favor of such presidents
as have in their past some dark,
undiscovered stain,
some "Panama" or other

- then they will be trustworthy agents
for the accomplishment of our plans
out of fear of revelations
and from the natural desire
of everyone who has attained power,
the retention of the privileges,
advantages and honor
connected with the office of president.

The chamber of deputies will provide cover for,
will protect,
will elect presidents,
but we shall take from it
the right to propose new,
or make changes in existing laws,
for this right will be given by us
to the responsible president,
a puppet in our hands.

the authority of the presidents
will then become a target
for every possible form of attack,
but we shall provide him
with a means of self-defense
in the right of an appeal to the people,
for the decision of the people
over the heads of their representatives,
that is to say,
an appeal to that some blind slave of ours
- the majority of the mob.

Independently of this
we shall invest the president
with the right of declaring a state of war.

We shall justify this last right
on the ground that the president as chief of the whole army
of the country
must have it at his disposal,
in case of need for the defense
of the new republican constitution,
the right to defend
which will belong to him
as the responsible representative
of this constitution.

14. It is easy to understand them
in these conditions
the key of the shrine will lie in our hands,
and no one outside ourselves
will any longer direct the force of legislation.

15. Besides this we shall,
with the introduction of the new republican constitution,
take from the Chamber
the right of interpolation on government measures,
on the pretext of preserving political secrecy,
and, further,
we shall by the new constitution
reduce the number of representatives to a minimum,
thereby proportionately reducing political passions
and the passion for politics.

If, however, they should,
which is hardly to be expected,
burst into flame,
even in this minimum,
we shall nullify them
by a stirring appeal and a reference to the majority
of the whole people ...

Upon the president will depend the appointment of presidents
and vice-presidents of the Chamber
and the Senate.

Instead of constant sessions of Parliaments
we shall reduce their sittings to a few months.
Moreover, the president,
as chief of the executive power,
will have the right
to summon and dissolve Parliament,
in the latter case,
to prolong the time for the appointment
of a new parliamentary assembly.

But in order that the consequences of all these acts
which in substance are illegal,
should not,
prematurely for our plans,
upon the responsibility established
by use of the president,
we shall instigate ministers and other officials
of the higher administration about the president
to evade his dispositions by taking measures of their own,
for doing which they will be made the scapegoats in his place ...

This part we especially recommend
to be given to be played by the Senate,
the Council of State,
or the Council of Ministers,
but not to an individual official.

16. The president will, at our discretion,
interpret the sense of such of the existing laws
as admit of various interpretation;
he will further annul them
when we indicate to him the necessity to do so,
besides this,
he will have the right
to propose temporary laws,
and even new departures
in the government constitutional working,
the pretext both for the one and the other
being the requirements
for the supreme welfare of the State.

If you have an interesting article or a quote on:
NWO, Freemasonry, Skull and Bones, Illuminati,
post them on alt.illuminati or alt.conspiracy.new-world-order
___Greg Perry___
95% of companies incorporated in the U.S. have charters outside of their
home state of business, for tax liability, ease of corporate maintainance,
and a host of other reasons too numerous and off topic to mention here.
That might be true. However, A corporation is a legal entity. In order for
that entity to do business with a *Florida address*, you must either be
registered in Florida as a native corporation or registered in another state
and registered in Florida as a foreign corporation. In addition, you must
pay any and all annual foreign corporation
registration fees, annual report filing fees, and applicable taxes to the
state of Florida.
If you really are registered in another state and have not registered in
Florida as a foreign corporation, I suggest you contact the Secretary of
State's office promptly and check into your status before they contact you.
You are most likely violating Florida Corporate Registration and Tax
statutes. If, OTOH, you are not registered as a corporation at all and the
whole thing is a sham, then you are violating state fraud laws by
representing yourself as a Corporation (a legal entity) when that entity
does not legally exist.
Which state did you say you are registered in ?
Who da funk do you think you are to repeatedly
demand an answer so that you could add it to your
file and, later on, in case there is anything you
can milk this thing for, brag about how "insightful"
you were sniffing your own brother's ass, eh?
HELLO ... HELLooo.... HELlllooooooooo...
HElllloooooooo..... Helllllooooo.........heeelllllooooooo......
What is this?
Does he OWE you something?
Why does he need to even bother to talk to someone,
who is trying to collect the information on him?

What are you doing with all this information?
Is it just me Bob, or has this thread suddenly become very quiet? :-)
It is YOU, slime.

Who else?

Can't you see it?

It is RIGHT on your own screen.
Haven't you noticed?
(Remove MYSPAMSTOPPER to email
[zionism, Israel, genocide, nazism, fascism]

Stauffer has taught at Harvard University and Georgetown University's
School of Foreign Service. Stauffer's findings were first presented at
an October 2002 conference sponsored by the U.S. Army College and the
University of Maine.

Stauffer's analysis is "an estimate of the total cost to the
U.S. alone of instability and conflict in the region - which emanates
from the core Israeli-Palestinian conflict."

"Total identifiable costs come to almost $3 trillion," Stauffer
says. "About 60 percent, well over half, of those costs - about $1.7
trillion - arose from the U.S. defense of Israel, where most of that
amount has been incurred since 1973."

"Support for Israel comes to $1.8 trillion, including special
trade advantages, preferential contracts, or aid buried in other
accounts. In addition to the financial outlay, U.S. aid to Israel costs
some 275,000 American jobs each year." The trade-aid imbalance alone
with Israel of between $6-10 billion costs about 125,000 American jobs
every year, Stauffer says.

The largest single element in the costs has been the series of
oil-supply crises that have accompanied the Israeli-Arab wars and the
construction of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. "To date these have
cost the U.S. $1.5 trillion (2002 dollars), excluding the additional
costs incurred since 2001", Stauffer wrote.

Loans made to Israel by the U.S. government, like the recently
awarded $9 billion, invariably wind up being paid by the American
taxpayer. A recent Congressional Research Service report indicates that
Israel has received $42 billion in waived loans.
"Therefore, it is reasonable to consider all government loans
to Israel the same as grants," McArthur says.
2003-11-11 17:14:03 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 11 Nov 2003 17:14:03 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship
Article: 232

[Lucifer, satan, 666, Illuminati, Freemasons, NWO, Skull and Bones, Zionism]

Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion

Protocol Number 21 : Loans And Credit


1. To what I reported to you at the last meeting I shall now
add a detailed explanation of internal loans. Of foreign
loans I shall say nothing more, because they have fed us
with national moneys of the goyim, but for our State there
will be no foreigners, that is, nothing external.

2. We have taken advantage of the venality of administrators
and slackness of rulers to get our moneys twice, thrice and
more times over, by lending to the goy governments moneys
which were not at all needed by the States. Could anyone do
the like in regard to us? .... Therefore, I shall only deal
with the details of internal loans.

3. States announce that such a loan is to be concluded and
open subscriptions for their own bills of exchange, that is,
for their interest-bearing paper. That they may be within
the reach of all the price is determined at from a hundred
to a thousand; and a discount is made for the earliest
subscribers. Next day by artificial means the price of them
goes up, the alleged reason being that everyone is rushing
to buy them. In a few days the treasury safes are as they
say overflowing and there's more money than they can do
with. The subscription, it is alleged, covers many times
over the issue total of the loan; in this lies the whole
stage effect - look you, they say, what confidence is shown
in the government's bills of exchange.

4. But when the comedy is played out there emerges the fact
that a debit and an exceedingly burdensome debit has been
created. For the payment of interest it becomes necessary to
have recourse to new loans, which do not swallow up but only
add to the capital debt. And when this credit is exhausted
it becomes necessary by new taxes to cover, not the loan,
but only the interest on it. These taxes are a debit
employed to cover a debit ....

5. Later comes the time for conversions, but they diminish
the payment of interest without covering the debt, and
besides they cannot be made without the consent of the
lenders; on announcing a conversion a proposal is made to
return the money to those who are not willing to convert
their paper. If everybody expressed his unwillingness and
demanded his money back, the government would be hooked on
their own files and would be found insolvent and unable to
pay the proposed sums. By good luck the subjects of the goy
governments, knowing nothing about financial affairs, have
always preferred losses on exchange and diminution of
interest to the risk of new investments of their moneys, and
have thereby many a time enabled these governments to throw
off their shoulders a debit of several millions.

6. Nowadays, with external loans, these tricks cannot be
played by the goyim for they know that we shall demand all
our moneys back.

7. In this way in acknowledged bankruptcy will best prove to
the various countries the absence of any means between the
interest of the peoples and of those who rule them.

8. I beg you to concentrate your particular attention upon
this point and upon the following: nowadays all internal
loans are consolidated by so-called flying loans, that is,
such as have terms of payment more or less near. These debts
consist of moneys paid into the savings banks and reserve
funds. If left for long at the disposition of a government
these funds evaporate in the payment of interest on foreign
loans, and are placed by the deposit of equivalent amount of

9. And these last it is which patch up all the leaks in the
State treasuries of the goyim.

10. When we ascend the throne of the world all these
financial and similar shifts, as being not in accord with
our interests, will be swept away so as not to leave a
trace, as also will be destroyed all money markets, since we
shall not allow the prestige of our power to be shaken by
fluctuations of prices set upon our values, which we shall
announce by law at the price which represents their full
worth without any possibility of lowering or raising.
(Raising gives the pretext for lowering, which indeed was
where we made a beginning in relation to the values of the

11. We shall replace the money markets by grandiose
government credit institutions, the object of which will be
to fix the price of industrial values in accordance with
government views. These institutions will be in a position
to fling upon the market five hundred millions of industrial
paper in one day, or to buy up for the same amount. In this
way all industrial undertakings will come into dependence
upon us. You may imagine for yourselves what immense power
we shall thereby secure for ourselves ....

If you have an interesting article or a quote on:
NWO, Freemasonry, Skull and Bones, Illuminati,
post them on alt.illuminati or alt.conspiracy.new-world-order
Like a very few others on this forum, SHE has been plonked, Mr. Perry.
Well, because you are just a liar.

You tried your draw-out trick
but when you were given the most generous offer
to have a "meaningful" discussion
with the the simpliest condition
that you can not lie,
you simply vanished.

And now you are simply trying to save your face
of a coward claiming this plonkatron idiocy.


You are a PATHOLOGICAL liar, and self-admitted one at that
and all your holier than thou blabber in this post
is just indication of your cowardness.
can sometimes engage in meaningful discourse with generally rational folks
who for some inexplicable reason cling to seriously irrational ideas.

There can be no meaningful discussion with paranid,
secretive idiots of your grade, that have admitted
on record that the most interesting things you can
not even talk about.

With all your stupid paranoid secrets,
there are no subjects left to discuss
of freemasonry beyond your masturbation rituals.
However, it is entirely a waste of time and patience to attempt a rational
About what?

What CAN you discuss, you paranoid idiot?

I give ya a subject you have bitten.
How bout 90+ Rolls Royces, eh?

You suck?

What else?
with an individual who ought to be occupying his or her own wing
at the Kooks Museum.
Meaningless sub-idiocy, mr. bookworm.
___Gregory Perry___
Lighten up JSW, your tar and feather approach to dissent on alt.freemasonry
makes you look like a grumpy old judge.
"Dissent" is not the issue. I "dissent" from lots of opinions held by my
fellows, as any Brother here can tell you.

Complete garbage.
You'd be out in not time if you did so.
What I do not and will not tolerate
You mean being a blood boiling idiot you are?

I give a flying dead chicken what you will
or will not "tolerate".
is bigotry and intolerance,
Talk to YOUR "brothers" here.

"Oh brother, I just breeth the same air as you do".

[Ed, Da King of Fart sniffing ass
of Joe Steve Swick III, the jackass]
robed in garments of poor polemic
What is this here?

A mental masturbation class, eh?

"Poor polemic", you brain dead idiot?

and gross misrepresentation -- or those who,
reading a few antiMasonic books
and pamphlets,
suddenly and arrogantly consider themselves authorities,
free to pontificate on what they presume to be the errors
of the Fraternity.
Your own opinions readily come to mind.
Sucking full time, eh?
Or doing overtime now, eh?
Joe Swick, PM
Verity Lodge No. 59 F&AM
Kent, Washington
[Lucifer, satan, 666, Illuminati, Freemasons, NWO, Skull and Bones, Zionism]

Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion

Protocol Number 10 : Preparing For Power



8. Under various names
there exists in all countries approximately
one and the same thing.

State Council,
Legislative and Executive Corps.

I need not explain to you
the mechanism of the relation of these institutions
to one another,
because you are aware of all that;
only take note of the fact
that each of the above-named institutions
corresponds to some important function of the State,
and I would beg you to remark
that the word "important"
I apply not to the institution
but to the function,
it is not the institutions
which are important but their functions.

These institutions have divided up among themselves
all the functions of government
- administrative,
wherefore they have come to operate
as do the organs in the human body.

If we injure one part in the machinery of State,
the State falls sick,
like a human body,
and ... will die.

9. When we introduced into the State organism
the poison of Liberalism
its whole political complexion underwent a change.

States have been seized with a mortal illness
- blood poisoning.

All that remains
is to await the end of their death agony.

10. Liberalism produced Constitutional States,
which took the place
of what was the only safeguard of the goyim,
namely, Despotism;
and a constitution, as you well know,
is nothing else but a school of discords,
fruitless party agitations,
party whims

- in a word, a school of everything
that serves to destroy the personality
of State activity.

The tribune of the "talkerics" has,
no less effectively than the press,
condemned the rulers to inactivity and impotence,
and thereby rendered them useless and superfluous,
for which reason indeed
they have been in many countries deposed.

Then it was that the era of republics
become possible of realization;
and then it was that we replaced the ruler
by a caricature of a government
- by a president,
taken from the mob,
from the midst of our puppet creatures,
or slaves.

This was the foundation of the mine
which we have laid under the goy people,
I should rather say,
under the goy peoples.


11. In the near future
we shall establish the responsibility of presidents.

12. By that time
we shall be in a position to disregard forms
in carrying through matters
for which our impersonal puppet
will be responsible.

What do we care
if the ranks of those striving for power
should be thinned,
if there should arise a deadlock
from the impossibility of finding presidents,
a deadlock which will finally disorganize the country? ...

13. In order that our scheme
may produce this result
we shall arrange elections
in favor of such presidents
as have in their past some dark,
undiscovered stain,
some "Panama" or other

- then they will be trustworthy agents
for the accomplishment of our plans
out of fear of revelations
and from the natural desire
of everyone who has attained power,
the retention of the privileges,
advantages and honor
connected with the office of president.

The chamber of deputies will provide cover for,
will protect,
will elect presidents,
but we shall take from it
the right to propose new,
or make changes in existing laws,
for this right will be given by us
to the responsible president,
a puppet in our hands.

the authority of the presidents
will then become a target
for every possible form of attack,
but we shall provide him
with a means of self-defense
in the right of an appeal to the people,
for the decision of the people
over the heads of their representatives,
that is to say,
an appeal to that some blind slave of ours
- the majority of the mob.

Independently of this
we shall invest the president
with the right of declaring a state of war.

We shall justify this last right
on the ground that the president as chief of the whole army
of the country
must have it at his disposal,
in case of need for the defense
of the new republican constitution,
the right to defend
which will belong to him
as the responsible representative
of this constitution.

14. It is easy to understand them
in these conditions
the key of the shrine will lie in our hands,
and no one outside ourselves
will any longer direct the force of legislation.

15. Besides this we shall,
with the introduction of the new republican constitution,
take from the Chamber
the right of interpolation on government measures,
on the pretext of preserving political secrecy,
and, further,
we shall by the new constitution
reduce the number of representatives to a minimum,
thereby proportionately reducing political passions
and the passion for politics.

If, however, they should,
which is hardly to be expected,
burst into flame,
even in this minimum,
we shall nullify them
by a stirring appeal and a reference to the majority
of the whole people ...

Upon the president will depend the appointment of presidents
and vice-presidents of the Chamber
and the Senate.

Instead of constant sessions of Parliaments
we shall reduce their sittings to a few months.
Moreover, the president,
as chief of the executive power,
will have the right
to summon and dissolve Parliament,
in the latter case,
to prolong the time for the appointment
of a new parliamentary assembly.

But in order that the consequences of all these acts
which in substance are illegal,
should not,
prematurely for our plans,
upon the responsibility established
by use of the president,
we shall instigate ministers and other officials
of the higher administration about the president
to evade his dispositions by taking measures of their own,
for doing which they will be made the scapegoats in his place ...

This part we especially recommend
to be given to be played by the Senate,
the Council of State,
or the Council of Ministers,
but not to an individual official.

16. The president will, at our discretion,
interpret the sense of such of the existing laws
as admit of various interpretation;
he will further annul them
when we indicate to him the necessity to do so,
besides this,
he will have the right
to propose temporary laws,
and even new departures
in the government constitutional working,
the pretext both for the one and the other
being the requirements
for the supreme welfare of the State.
2003-11-11 17:16:53 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 11 Nov 2003 17:16:53 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship
Article: 247

"It would be helpful if we opened up ANWR
(Arctic National Wildlife Refuge).
I think it's a mistake not to.
And I would urge you all to travel up there and take a look at it,
and you can make the determination
as to how beautiful that country is."

--- Adolph Bush,
Press conference, Washington, D.C., March 29, 2001

If you have an interesting article or a quote on:
NWO, Freemasonry, Skull and Bones, Illuminati,
post them on alt.illuminati or alt.conspiracy.new-world-order
Because the lodge will accept and adopt practically anyone into its ranks,
with the only requirement that the initiate must "believe in a higher
There are other requirements in mainstream U.S Freemasonry: male, age
restricted, morally upright, sponsorship.
Once a member, that individual, regardless of internal ethic or moral
delimiter, now has keys to the castle of a vast and all encompassing
network of individuals whom are all "on the network", and have only one
commonality between themselves - secrecy. Secret body language, a secret
system of grips to identify each other with, all the tools required for
the trade for freemasonry.
If you would read Grand Lodge Proceedings, you would discover that a few
Masons are expelled for unmasonic/criminal conduct each year. It is a fact
that good men can go bad, or that the Lodge did not choose wisely.
Your very claim is that your "charitable organization"
takes "good" men and makes them "better".

Now, how do you make one "better"?
Based on what principles and criterias?

Well, morality. The very morality came from religiuos scriptures
as that is where some of the most tremendous insights about
"good" are found.

Morality IS a religious issue.

Interestingly enough belief in THE "supreme being" is a
PREREQUISITE to become a freemason. If you do not believe
in that supreme being, you can not become a freemason.

On the other hand, you use your standard trick from the
book of lies nearly all of freemasons on alt.freemasonry
use all the time, of saying: "so what, boyscouts also
believe in supreme being, and they are not considered
to be a religious organization".

For some strange reason you ONLY use the boyscouts excuse
and I do not recall any other comparison on this argument.
That is why I claim all your tricks come from some
"approved" standard book of lies and deception on
"how to deal with 'antis'" as you call anyone who is
questioning ANY of it.

To use boyscouts, a modern version of militaristic
nazi brown shirt organization, you must be utterly
senile or be truly perverted and believe in all that
nazi propaganda and brainwashing they young children
are exposed to in boyscouts organization and use of
religion in it is not coincidental, not coincedental
at ALL.

Because there is no better way to brainwash people
than religious morality. That is why, at this very
junction, there are debates in the government to
abolish the separation of church and state and
bring the christian extremist ideology into the
government. In fact, they are ALREADY doing it.

So, on one hand, you claim you are not a religion.
On the other hand you require religious believe
to become a freemason.

Not only that, but your "lodges" are designed
according to strick religious models, going back
to the beginning of time.

Not only that, but for some strange reason,
they all face the East, as THAT is where that
"light bearer" Lucifer is believed to be rising.

Not only that, but you have an ALTAR in your
ceremony hall.

Not only that, but there is a religious scripture
on that altar.

Not only that, but that is about the most sacred
place in that hall.

And we can go and on and on and on.

So, you claim you can make an already "good" man

Without God?


It is impossible as ALL ideas about "good" come
from religion.

Yes, you can brainwash your "brothers", whom you
insult every day on alt.freemasonry like they
were some "evil" agents and not your true brothers.

Yes, you can create all these rituals
and worship symbology of occult and Kabbalistic nature.

What is the ceremony of the initiation into the 3rd degree?
What is the MEANING of it, you dummies?

Well, the meaning of it is EXACTLY religious.
It signifies the burrial of the "old self"
and resurrection of the "new self", masonic self.

What kind of "charitable organization" would
follow these kind of rituals?

That whole ceremony is a religious ceremony.

What kind of "brotherhood" would conduct such ceremonies, eh?

Well, the "brootherhood of death", Skull and Bones fraternity
at Yale university that owns all the real estate at Yale
and controls every single word published at Yale to see the
day of light.

You claimed here MANY times over that freemasonry has nothing
to do with bonesmen.

But when you were asked why on your apron is Skull and Bones
symbol, I do not recall a SINGLY reply or explanation.

That is how you ALWAYS delude people.
The MOST significant issues, you simply cut out of your
follow ups, and instead, spew some poisonous lies
to diminish significance of things, such as comparing
freemasons to some deranged militaristic club of
nazi brown shirt, which is WAY beyond senile,
or fabricate something ENTIRELY opposite of true and
genuine meaning of things.

One more time:


What does it signify?
What is the meaning of it?

They are freemasons also.
In fact, their entire underlying system of belief
is EXACTLY freemasonry, occult and Kabbalah.

All your ceremonies are the STRICTEST possible arrangement
of manipulation of various religious symbols.

They are even to be followed to a SINGLE word, single
movement of your body and arrangements on the altar
with the skull upon the holy scripture in some cases.

You even claim that Scottish Rite is some kind of
"anxillary organization". It is kinda not freemasonry

Well, it is like claiming the government is an "anzillary

Because Scottish Rite ONLY accepts the highest degree
freemasons as THAT is where the REAL deal is done.
On the lower degrees, you fools, are simply prepaired
and properly brainwashed to be ABSOLUTELY obidient
and follow the strictest procedures to the dot and
comma to make sure you finally become a obidient puppet.

Only after you become that obidient puppet of this cult,
you will ever have a chance to get to 33 degree.

Yes, I know, you will be fabricating something entirely
different out of all this, but, as you have been all said,
and MANY times over:

The hell will sooner gets frozen
before you can suppress the Truth.

It will FOREVER percolate from under all
the bullshit you'll try to cover it.

It will burn from within.
Simply inevitable.
If Freemasonry were a conspiracy, why not keep the criminals in?
Yes, a standard deception trick.

What are you, a CRIMINAL consipracy of the murderers, terrorists,

Why would you even imagine keeping the criminals in your cult.

Now, interestingly enough, christianity and pretty much ALL
religions out there, do not discriminate and do not send the
criminals away.

Just the other way around, they forgive their sins
and help to purify their hearts and intents
so that those very criminals could one day realize
that all those crimes are but delusion, caused by blindness.

They can all be done with in a flash.

As soon, as you realize you have commited all the wrong
acts out of your confusion, your entire criminal mind
ceases to be.

About the ONLY thing needed is SUPPORT,
and not only a support of the priest,
but support in society.

Yes, it starts from the smaller circle of religion.
But broader support is ABSOLUTELY necessary.

What kinda "support" are we talking about here?

Well, the support of your being.
It is that, that converts your fearful mind,
full of ideas of "survival", into a mind not
controlled by fear.

It is that recognition that we are all on the same
boat and we do what we can to be helpful to one
another instead of abusing left and right,
lying since the dawn to dusk, and disregarding
the most significant aspects of life
and replacing them with the never ending chase
for paper god of money.

THAT is how you make a "better" man.
And not out of ALREADY "good" man,
that you can not determine with your stricts
intelligence type verification procedures,
that still fail to produce the result,
but ANY man, regarless of the color of his skin,
his enthnic origins, of the amount of dough he
has stashed in the sock he keeps under his pillow.

If Freemasonry were a conspiracy, why not keep the criminals in?
What kind of argument is this?

Do you think that even if you do not keep the criminals in,
that makes you non conspiracy?


According to what kind of monkey logic of oblivion,
broken on every conceivable level?

Are you still capable of independent thinking?
Or ALL you can "think of" is UTTER denial of ANYTHING
that is not written in your books of rituals?

Well then. Then I claim you take a "good" man
and make him MUCH worse.

You make him an obidient idiot and a pathological liar,
disregarding the Truth with nearly every single word he
pronounces, engaging in a pseudo religious cult of worshipping
the most profound evil and even having guts to make it look
he is worshipping some "good".

ALL lies.
Which results in fragments of freemasonry, different camps of thought.
The used car salesman freemason klans.
The mortgage broker freemason klans.
The organized crime freemason klans.
The initial public offering freemason klans.
The local church freemason klans.
Well, but they are ALL freemasons nevertheless.

Now, once you segment this cult as they did,
then you have a pretty much PERFECT excuse to deny
pretty much ANY charge.

You simply claim "sorry, it is not our 'jurisdictin'
and we do not recognize that other 'jurisdiction'".

So, what constitutes freemasonry as such and what
are the common traits and a common foundation then?

Is it this, by ANY humble chance?

When a Mason learns the key to the warrior on the
block is the proper application of the dynamo of
living power, he has learned the mystery of his
Craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his
hands and before he may step onward and upward,
he must prove his ability to properly apply energy."

Illustrious Manly P. Hall 33°
The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, page 48
Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Company, Inc.
Richmond, Virginia, 1976

"Warrior on the block"...
Looks like the right wing representatives in your
governments indeed. Their zeal and viciousness just
about fits this concept indeed.
Yes, people are drawn to others of similar interests, not only in
Freemasonry but in society. Freemasonry seems to be a microcosm of
society in general.
Freemasonry is nothing less than a MICROCOSM of society in GENERAL?


I like that definition of "charitable organization" indeed.

So, you claim the entire society is a "charitable organizatin"?

Or what IS it you are claimig here, eh?
Secrecy is the enemy of common sense, truth, open disclosure, and open
If that is your conviction, there are several questions you should not mind
answering. Do you work and where? Where do you live? Have you any criminal
convictions? When were you born? Are you married? Any children? Is your
income sufficient to sustain your intentions? Those are questions a Mason
must answer before admission.
Why do you need to even BOTHER about ANY of this,
unless you are a school of evil?
Why do you need to discriminate, and in such an extensive form?

Secondly, the statement you are replying to,
does not mention that we are talking about the
time of admission. It is a general statement.

And yet, you make something UTTERLY different out of it.
And you start fabricating garbage out of thin air,
hiding behind the notions of 'privacy', equating it
to UTTERLY different set of issues related to freemasonry.

Yes, you can justify just about anything.
It all depends on your underlying belief system.

Now, you are asking him some private information
that has nothing to do with anything.

Why do you need that information?

Oh, you and your "brothers" here are FOREVER compiling
the database of those who do not agree with your dogma
so that it could be referenced to one day for some
ugly destructive purpose?

Is THAT what this individual is talking about here?
Did he ask you these very questions you are asking
him to justify and cover up your lies and secrecy?

What are you make out of what here
and for what?

Now, the issue of secrecy in freemasonry is so well known
and admitted, and not to extend of information you are asking
this individual, equating black with white, but something
ENTIRELY different.

Just as you yourselves claim right here, on alt.freemasonry,
some countries outlawed freemasonry as such and it is not
a good idea to even carry your masonic symbols such as
rings and skull and bones pins, you stick to your body
when you go take a bath, when going abroad.

In England, it was quite a scandal several years ago
when it became known that the masonic influence on
a society AT LARGE was so perverse, that they were
affecting the whole country.

Numerous disclosers as to who is freemason holding
prominent positions in government were made.

Is THAT a secret?

But you are sitting here, justifying all this as
some innocent child's play at the kindergarden
or some equivalent of providing the information,
that is commonly considered private.

Again, did ANYONE ask you to provide your bank
account information, you income, your address,
your phone number?

Nope, it is ONLY YOU, and right on this very forum,
that are going as far as to harass even your own
"brothers", DEMANDING they provide this information
to you.


You are simply contradicting yourselves.
Just look at this masonic/mormonic satanist,
that bookworm, jack in the hole in the wall,
forever citing the ready made quotes out of
the scriptures.

========================== quote begin ==============================
Which state did you say you are registered in ?
[as a corporation]

Who da funk do you think you are to repeatedly
demand an answer so that you could add it to your
file and, later on, in case there is anything you
can milk this thing for, brag about how "insightful"
you were sniffing your own brother's ass, eh?
HELLO ... HELLooo.... HELlllooooooooo...
HElllloooooooo..... Helllllooooo.........heeelllllooooooo......
Is it just me Bob, or has this thread suddenly become very quiet? :-)
It is YOU, slime.

Who else?

Can't you see it?

It is RIGHT on your own screen.
Haven't you noticed?

========================== quote end ==============================


What is your "argument" here again?
Surely, your detestation of secrecy will allow you to answer the questions
that a "secret" Mason has answered. Not in a public forum, of course. Just
email me the answers.
Why is that?

How does this person know that you are not compiling a database
of dissidents, potentially "dangerous" to the agenda of your
cult, so that you could destroy them when time comes?

Were YOU asked to provide such an info?
I've seen more truth from Nucleus' posts than all of alt.freemasonry
Sorry that you have been disappointed. Perhaps you seek not the truth?
Wow! That blows, I tellya.

Is THAT how you seek the "truth"?

And I telly yet again:

The hell will sooner gets frozen
before you see the light of day,
the simpliest thing there is.
[Freemasonry, secret society, Illuminati, NWO, Lucifer, satan, 666]

[From masonic initiation rituals]

"I swear that I would sooner have my skull struck off

than divulge any of the secrets of this degree unlawfully ...
and have my brain exposed to the scorching rays of the noonday sun...

I furthermore promise and swear, that I will assist a Companion
Royal Arch Mason when I see him engaged in any difficulty, and will
espouse his cause so far as to extricate him from the same,

whether he be right or wrong..."

"I do most solemnly and sincerely swear on the Holy Bible,
and in the presence of the Grand Architect of the Universe ...
Never to reveal [the secrets of freemasonry]"

In failure of this, my obligation,
I consent to have my belly cut open,
my bowels torn from thence and given to the hungry vultures."

"binding myself under no less penalty,
than to have my skull smote off,
and my brains exposed to the scorching rays of the Meridian sun,"

"my body to be exposed as food to the ferocity of the wild beats."

[This degree also teaches, 'You are now bound by your word of
honor, and you may still retire. But one step more, and you are
bound to us forever and at the peril of your life.'

The initiation discourse by the Grand Orator also states,
"to inflict vengeance on traitors and to punish perfidy and

"uner the penalty of not only being dishoneored,
but to consider my life as the immediate forfeiture,
and that to be taken from me with all the torture and pains
to be inflicted in manner as I have consented to in the preceeding

[During this ritual the All Puissant teaches, 'The skull is the image
of a brother who is excluded form a Lodge or Council. The cloth
stained with blood, that we should not hesitate to spill ours for
the good of Masonry.']"

" I do solemnly and sincerly promise and swear under
the penalty of all my former obligations which I have taken in the
preceding degrees,

never to reveal directly or indirectly,
the secrets or mystereis of [this degree],...
under the penalty of being forever deprived of the true word,
to be perpetually in darkness,

my blood continually running from my body,
to suffer without intermission the cruel remore of soul;
that the bitterest gall, mixed with vinegar,
be my constant drink;

the sharpest thorns for my pillow
and that the death of the cross my complete my punishment

should I ever infringe or violate in any manner or form the
laws and rules which have been, are now, or may be hereafter
made known or prescribed to me."

"I promise and swear, in the presence of the Great Architect
of the Universe ...

Never to reveal any of the secrets of the degree of the Knights of the
Sun.... And should I willfully violate this my obligation,

may my brethren seize me
and thrust my tongue through
with a red hot iron,

to pluck out my eyes
and deprive me of smelling and seeing,

to cut off my hands

and expose me in that condition in the field
to be devoured by the voracious animals"

"[During the taking of this oath the Grand Provost of Justice holds the
point of his sword to the heart of the candidate.]

I, ____, of my own free will and accord,
do hereby solemnly and sincerely promise and swear
to keep faithfully the secrets of the sublime degree of Knights Kadosh
and strictly to obey the statutes of the order....

All of which I promise to do,
under penalty of death. So help me God."

"When your rashness prompted you to enter this awful Sanctuary,
you were no doubt informed of the danger which threatend you,
and of the trials which still await you.

Swear therefore, upon you word of honor, never to reveal
what you have seen or heard hitherto....

Forget not that the slightest indiscression will cost you your life.
Are you still willing to proceed?"

Not until hell freezes REALLY good]
2003-11-28 16:10:47 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 28 Nov 2003 16:10:47 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship of NWO,
Degeneracy Propagation Department.
Article: 52

[NWO, degenerate, Zionism, fascism, genocide, war crime,
Illuminati, Lucifer, satan, 666]

KR Washington Bureau | 11/17/2003 | In Tikrit, U.S. destroys homes of
suspected guerrillas
Posted on Mon, Nov. 17, 2003

In Tikrit, U.S. destroys homes of suspected guerrillas
By Jeff Wilkinson
Knight Ridder Newspapers

TIKRIT, Iraq - In a tactic reminiscent of Israeli crackdowns
in the West Bank and Gaza, the U.S. military has begun destroying
the homes of suspected guerrilla fighters in Iraq's
Sunni Triangle, evacuating women and children, then leveling
their houses with heavy weaponry.

At least 15 homes have been destroyed in Tikrit as part of what
has been dubbed Operation Ivy Cyclone II, including four leveled
on Sunday by tanks and Apache helicopters that allegedly belonged
to suspects in the Nov. 7 downing of a Black Hawk helicopter that
killed six Americans.

Family members at one of the houses, in the village of al Haweda,
said they were given five minutes to evacuate before soldiers
opened fire.

The destruction of the homes is part of a sharp crackdown on
insurgents in the so-called Sunni Triangle where guerrillas have
downed at least two U.S. helicopters, one a Chinook in Fallujah
on Nov. 2, killing 16 U.S. soldiers, and the other the Nov. 7
downing of the Black Hawk. On Saturday, two more helicopters
crashed, after one of them may have been fired upon, killing 17.

U.S. forces struck dozens of targets on Monday, killing six
guerrillas and arresting 21 others, the military said.
The operation is expected to continue through Wednesday, said
Col. James Hickey, commander of the 1st Brigade of the
4th Infantry Division.

Hickey said the four homes were destroyed on Sunday because
enemy fighters lived and met there.

Leveling the homes will force the fighters to find other meeting
places, he said.

"Those four people used those houses as sanctuary, and we're
not allowing them to have sanctuary," Hickey said.

"We're going to turn the heat up and complicate their
battlefield," driving them into the desert, he said.

"There they will be exposed and we will have them."

It was unclear whether the decision to destroy the houses was
part of an overall strategy approved in Washington. White House
spokesman Scott McClellan declined to comment specifically,
referring questions about the razings to the Defense Department,
but he praised the military's efforts to get tough with Iraqi

"There are terrorists who are seeking to spread fear and chaos
in Iraq, and we are on the offensive and taking the fight to
the enemy," McClellan said.

"Our coalition forces are doing an outstanding job working with
Iraqis to bring these terrorists to justice."

Officials at the Department of Defense referred questions to
Central Command in Tampa, which oversees all military operations
in Iraq. Spokesmen there declined to comment.

On Monday, angry residents of al Haweda, where three of the
destroyed homes were, said the tactic will spawn more guerrilla
fighters and perhaps spark an Iraqi uprising similar to the
Palestinian intifada in the West Bank and Gaza.

"This is something Sharon would do," said 41-year-old farmer
Jamel Shahab, referring to the Israeli prime minister,
Ariel Sharon.

"What's happening in Iraq is just like Palestine."

Shahab stood amidst the rubble of the former home of 55-year-old
farmer Omar Khalil, who was arrested shortly before the home
was destroyed. The military said Khalil's son, who escaped,
is one of the suspects in the downing of the Black Hawk.

Khalil's wife, Kafey, sat wailing near her wrecked house.
"I have no son. I have no husband. I have no home. I will be a

Kafey Khalil said military officials first visited the house
two days ago, demanding that her husband turn in her son.
He refused.

Then at about 10 p.m. Sunday, the military returned, she said.
"They started shouting at us, `Get up! Get out!''' she said.
"They brought a big truck for us. It was so cold we felt like
we were dying. After five minutes they started shooting.

We didn't have time to get anything but blankets. They brought
in the tanks and the helicopters and started bombing."

After the shooting stopped, the women and children were released
and were left at the scene, they said. They were sifting through
the wreckage on Monday, attempting to salvage what few items

Two other homes nearby were also in shambles. What walls
remained were pierced by tank rounds. A small boy held up what
was left of the family's TV set.

In the backyard of one home, a cow lay dead, its stomach split
open by a large caliber round, its unborn calf half-exposed.
A dog limped nearby, a piece of shrapnel protruding from its body.

Tank tracks had churned up the sandy earth. Spent 5-inch-long
shell casings littered the ground. Boys collected them and
displayed handfuls to journalists.

The Israeli military's practice of demolishing the homes of
families of convicted or suspected terrorists has brought
widespread condemnation from human rights and other governments
- including the United States.

The State Department's 2002 human rights report, released in
March, said such policies "left hundreds of Palestinians not
involved in terror attacks homeless."

In September, department spokesman Richard Boucher criticized
Israel for destroying a seven-story apartment building in Gaza
during a raid on a suspected Hamas militant.

There was no official reaction in Washington.

A State Department official, speaking on condition of anonymity,
suggested Monday that the tactic was not sanctioned in Washington.
"I can't wait to see al-Jazeera's presentation of it,"
the official said, referring to a satellite TV network viewed
widely throughout the Middle East.

The military had promised a tough crackdown in response to the
recent surge in American military deaths and has launched two
operations, Operation Iron Hammer around Baghdad and
Ivy Cyclone in the heart of the Sunni Triangle.

Hickey said counterstrikes against fighters around Tikrit have
been continuous, but that Ivy Cyclone Two represents a higher
level of coordination using more advanced weapons.

For example, Sunday night's action included the launching of
a missile from Baghdad, 55 miles away, at the abandoned home
of former Saddam henchman Izzat Ibrahim al Duri, who is No. 6
on the coalition's most-wanted list.

A reporter and photographer from Knight Ridder were allowed
to witness the destruction, which was completed by laser-guided
artillery fire.

Hickey said al Duri's house was destroyed to deny guerrillas
a meeting place, though it was unclear that such high-tech
weaponry was needed to destroy the structure, which appeared
completely looted.

Hickey said soldiers had been instructed to make sure to
evacuate innocent civilians nearby. Near al Duri's house,
two men, four children and two babies were shivering in
near-freezing temperatures in the back of a truck, given
just a few minutes to flee their neighboring farm.

"We know exactly what we're shooting at and why we're
shooting it," Hickey said.

"Collateral damage won't be a problem."

Military officials said the targets around Tikrit and Kirkuk
also have included enemy mortar sites and a suspected insurgent
training camp.

The camp, on an island in the Little Zab River west of Kirkuk,
was hit Sunday morning by a satellite-guided missile with a
500-pound warhead fired 130 miles from a Baghdad launch site.

Hickey promised no letup in the campaign. He also promised to
deal harshly with weapons violations.

"If we see someone with a weapon," he said,
"he becomes a ballistics test," meaning the man is shot.
"You won't see guns in Tikrit," he said.

"Any time we've got any kind of inkling
that somebody is thinking about doing something
to an American and something to our homeland,
you've just got to know we're moving on it,
to protect the United Nations Constitution,
and at the same time, we're protecting you."

--- DISGUSTING degenerate Adolph Bush, Skull and Bones initiate,
Aberdeen, S.D., same day
(Thanks to George Dupper.)

In an August 7, 2000 Time magazine interview,
George W. Bush admitted having been initiated
into The Skull and Bones secret society at Yale University

"...these same secret societies are behind it all,"

my father said. Now, Dad had never spoken much about his work.

--- George W. Bush
2003-11-28 16:11:42 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 28 Nov 2003 16:11:42 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship of NWO,
Degeneracy Propagation Department.
Article: 56

"Let me tell you my thoughts about tax relief. When your
economy is kind of ooching along, it's important to let
people have more of their own money."

--- DISGUSTING degenerate Adolph Bush,
Boston, Oct. 4, 2002

[CIA, Freemasons, Illuminati, NWO, conspiracy, Illuminati, Lucifer]

Among the more curious of the Governor's [Governor Frank Keating-
Oklahoma] activities are, "Numerous meetings and functions with
Ed Meese (former Reagan Attorney General) including a June 1, 1996,
meeting at Bohemian Grove in California, where security was not
allowed to attend with the Governor.

These meetings are a traditional gatherings of the conservative
elements of the Republican party. It is from one of these meetings
that former CIA director William Casey made his famed trip to London
and then, according to several sources to the European continent to
meet with Iranian officials about keeping U.S. Embassy personnel
hostage until after the 1980 election.

excerpted from an article entitled:
Investigators claim Keating "sanitized" airplane usage
by Richard L. Fricker

The Bohemian Grove is a 2700 acre redwood forest,
located in Monte Rio, CA.
It contains accommodation for 2000 people to "camp"
in luxury. It is owned by the Bohemian Club.

SEMINAR TOPICS Major issues on the world scene, "opportunities"
upcoming, presentations by the most influential members of
government, the presidents, the supreme court justices, the
congressmen, an other top brass worldwide, regarding the
newly developed strategies and world events to unfold in the
nearest future.

Basically, all major world events including the issues of Iraq,
the Middle East, "New World Order", "War on terrorism",
world energy supply, "revolution" in military technology,
and, basically, all the world events as they unfold right now,
were already presented YEARS ahead of events.

July 11, 1997 Speaker: Ambassador James Woolsey
former CIA Director.

"Rogues, Terrorists and Two Weimars Redux:
National Security in the Next Century"

July 25, 1997 Speaker: Antonin Scalia, Justice
Supreme Court

July 26, 1997 Speaker: Donald Rumsfeld

Some talks in 1991, the time of NWO proclamation
by Bush:

Elliot Richardson, Nixon & Reagan Administrations
Subject: "Defining a New World Order"

John Lehman, Secretary of the Navy,
Reagan Administration
Subject: "Smart Weapons"

So, this "terrorism" thing was already being planned
back in at least 1997 in the Illuminati and Freemason
circles in their Bohemian Grove estate.

"The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media."

--- Former CIA Director William Colby

When asked in a 1976 interview whether the CIA had ever told its
media agents what to write, William Colby replied,
"Oh, sure, all the time."

[NWO: More recently, Admiral Borda and William Colby were also
killed because they were either unwilling to go along with
the conspiracy to destroy America, weren't cooperating in some
capacity, or were attempting to expose/ thwart the takeover
2003-11-28 16:12:42 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 28 Nov 2003 16:12:43 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship of NWO,
Degeneracy Propagation Department.
Article: 61

[Freemasons, Illuminati, NWO, conspiracy, Illuminati, Lucifer]

Upper-class skinny-dips freely (Bohemian Grove; Kennedys,
Rockefellers, CCNS Supt. L. Hadley, G. Schultz,
Edwin Meese III et al),


The Bohemian Grove is a 2700 acre redwood forest,
located in Monte Rio, CA.
It contains accommodation for 2000 people to "camp"
in luxury. It is owned by the Bohemian Club.

SEMINAR TOPICS Major issues on the world scene, "opportunities"
upcoming, presentations by the most influential members of
government, the presidents, the supreme court justices, the
congressmen, an other top brass worldwide, regarding the
newly developed strategies and world events to unfold in the
nearest future.

Basically, all major world events including the issues of Iraq,
the Middle East, "New World Order", "War on terrorism",
world energy supply, "revolution" in military technology,
and, basically, all the world events as they unfold right now,
were already presented YEARS ahead of events.

July 11, 1997 Speaker: Ambassador James Woolsey
former CIA Director.

"Rogues, Terrorists and Two Weimars Redux:
National Security in the Next Century"

July 25, 1997 Speaker: Antonin Scalia, Justice
Supreme Court

July 26, 1997 Speaker: Donald Rumsfeld

Some talks in 1991, the time of NWO proclamation
by Bush:

Elliot Richardson, Nixon & Reagan Administrations
Subject: "Defining a New World Order"

John Lehman, Secretary of the Navy,
Reagan Administration
Subject: "Smart Weapons"

So, this "terrorism" thing was already being planned
back in at least 1997 in the Illuminati and Freemason
circles in their Bohemian Grove estate.

"The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media."

--- Former CIA Director William Colby

When asked in a 1976 interview whether the CIA had ever told its
media agents what to write, William Colby replied,
"Oh, sure, all the time."

[NWO: More recently, Admiral Borda and William Colby were also
killed because they were either unwilling to go along with
the conspiracy to destroy America, weren't cooperating in some
capacity, or were attempting to expose/ thwart the takeover

[Lucifer, satanism, 666, Illuminati, mason]

NASA initiates nuclear explosion on jupiter to start -
the Light of Lucifer links at bottom of page leads to ...


Subj: Re: lucifer - our companion sun ...
your mention of alleged plans to ignite Jupiter quickly brought
Clarke's 2010 to mind -

at the end, the Monolith(s) cause Jupiter to become a second sun,
Lucifer - the light bearer - to be man's companion in what used
to be the dark night

from a review of 3001 :

"Halfway through the novel, Poole travels to the former planet
Jupiter, now the mini-sun Lucifer. There, he learns about the
development, sparked by a mysterious Monolith, of a civilization
on Europa, about the banning of humanity from that Jovian moon,
and about the occasional ghostly visitations of astronaut
Dave Bowman (introduced in 2001) to the Lucifer system.

Defying the ban, Poole lands on Europa and encounters both
Dave and HAL, now fused together into one semi-autonomous
program within the Europa monolith. From them, he learns that
the monolith's signal broadcast a millennium ago was a request
for further orders. He also learns that an answer is expected
momentarily and that humanity won't be pleased by the result"


"In Arthur C. Clarks 2010, Clark alludes to a Faustian future,
where scientists devise a satanic schematic, a plan which would
forever end darkness on Planet Earth.

Their plan was to ignite the Hydrogen Atmosphere of Jupiter,
thus creating a Second Sun and a Binary Star System.

For those of you who do not know, Jupiter is not a Planet,
but rather an unexploded Star. Clarke (in his book 2010)
praises the political piranhas who plan the creation of
Lucifer and heralds these Neo-Hitlerites who do the bidding
of the Faustian Fuhers as Heroes.

Whats of great interest and extremely significant is that in
the acknowledgements of Clarks 2010, he alludes to a
communication he got from NASAs Dr. Walter Jastrow
who openly admitted that his Lucifer Thesis was of great
interest to the Agency - with regards to the Galileo Mission
which was then a proposed exploration of Jupiter.

To be exact This brilliant concept has been taken seriously,
and may provide one of the best motives for the projected
Galileo Mission.

This was five years before NASA launched Galileo and sent
it off on the voyage to where it now orbits the Unexploded
Star with its Hydrogen Atmosphere.

The Galileo Craft has been in orbit for years and is scheduled
to be drawn into its explosive gaseous atmosphere around
Millennium 2000.

Oh, did I forget to mention Galileo has 49 + pounds of
Plutonium on board which most everybody with a sixth grade
education already knows is used to TRIGGER THE HYDROGEN BOMB.

49 + pounds of Plutonium would, if ignited in a
Hydrogen Atmosphere, ignite the Satanic Star and give Earth
- the Light of Lucifer ..."


This blew my mind:

Sun's hidden twin stalks planet Earth Jonathan Leake,
Science Editor

WHEN the end of the world comes, we'll know what to blame.
Scientists have found compelling evidence that the Sun has
a baby brother, a dark star whose eccentric orbit is
responsible for periodically showering the Earth with comets
and meteorites.

Also, wonder if we/they already attempted to solar-form Jupiter.
Shoemaker-Levy Comet was, well, too organized.

Perhaps Shoemaker discovered this and met an...early demise
..near Pine Gap.

"Astronomer Eugene Shoemaker, who co-discovered the comet that
slammed into Jupiter in 1994, was killed in a car accident
Friday in Australia during an annual trip to search for
asteroid craters. He was 69."

Loading Image...
2003-11-28 16:10:38 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 28 Nov 2003 16:10:38 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship of NWO,
Degeneracy Propagation Department.
Article: 51

[NWO, military, homosex, homophob]




News of the World - Sunday 9th November, page 15.

'Exclusive' by Marcello Mega.

Police are probing claims that boys were sexually abused at a
military school linked to Dunblane killer Thomas Hamilton.

The allegations concern Stirlingshire's Queen Victoria School
which boasts Prince Philip as its patron.

The allegations come from a former housemaster who says pupils
were regularly preyed on by a vice-ring of toffs.

The pervs - some of them major establishment names and close
pals with Hamilton - allegedly picked up their victims in flash
limos and dropped them off the next day, obviously distressed.

But, says Glenn Harrison, the military code of the Dunblane
school meant the kids kept quiet about their ordeal.

The full horror emerged when some of the victims broke down
and told them their sickening tales of sustained sexual abuse.
Glenn says one boy was so seriously assaulted in one overnight
orgy that he later tried to kill himself.

His claims, now being investigated by Central Scotland cops
could embarrass the original inquiry led by Lord Cullen.

Scotland's top Judge heard how 49-year old Hamilton killed
16 pupils and a teacher at Dunblane Primary in 1996.

Three witnesses told of the disgraced scoutmaster's links
with QVS, including organising camping trips for pupils.

But Glenn says he was never called to give his inside info
- even although he had approached the authorities several

In his written statement to the police, Glenn, who now lives
on the Shetland Isle of Unst, says "My allegations were never
investigated. They never interviewed me. I did not exist."

Campaigners say the original probe ignored the QVS links with
some of the biggest names in the Scottish judiciary.

Central's CID said last night "We will shortly decide what
action is required."

[propaganda, disinformation, brainwash, brain wash, lie, deceit]

"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes
a revolutionary act."

--- George Orwell
2003-11-29 17:00:58 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 29 Nov 2003 17:00:58 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship of NWO,
Degeneracy Propagation Department.
Article: 62

[NWO, Iraq, war, military, terrorism]

"Our exit strategy in Iraq is success.
It's that simple."

--- Offense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld

"We are making steadfast progress."

--- DISGUSTING degenerate Adolph Bush,
Washington, D.C., June 9, 2003
2003-11-29 17:00:08 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 29 Nov 2003 17:00:08 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship of NWO,
Degeneracy Propagation Department.
Article: 63

[Lucifer, satan, 666, Illuminati, Freemasons, NWO, Skull and Bones, Zionism]

Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion

Protocol Number 9 : Re-education


1. In applying our principles
let attention be paid to the character of the people
in whose country you live and act;
a general, identical application of them,
until such time
as the people shall have been re-educated to our pattern,
cannot have success.

But by approaching their application cautiously
you will see that not a decade will pass
before the most stubborn character will change
and we shall add a new people to the ranks of those
already subdued by us.

2. The words of the liberal,
which are in effect the words of our masonic watchword,
namely, "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity,"
will, when we come into our kingdom,
be changed by us into words no longer of a watchword,
but only an expression of idealism,
namely, into "The right of liberty, the duty of equality,
the ideal of brotherhood."

That is how we shall put it,
- and so we shall catch the bull by the horns
.. de facto we have already wiped out every kind of rule
except our own,
although de jure there still remain a good many of them.

if any States raise a protest against us
it is only pro forma at our discretion
and by our direction,
for their anti-Semitism is indispensable to us
for the management of our lesser brethren.

I will not enter into further explanations,
for this matter has formed the subject
of repeated discussions amongst us.


WHEN HELD Originally held at New Year's, now there are Thanksgiving,
Presidents' Day, Labor Day and spring weekends.

FOUNDED Seventeen years ago, Phil Lader (the current U.S.
ambassador to Britain) and his wife Linda were bored by the thought
of a quiet Dec. 31 so they invited 60 families to spend New Year's
discussing the big issues of the day.

LOCATION The New Year's weekend is always held at Hilton Head, S.C.
The others are around the country, in places like Santa Fe, N.M.,
and Kiawah Island, S.C.

WHOM YOU'LL SEE "Artists and scientists, astronauts and Olympic
athletes, Presidents and Pulitzer prizewinners, singers and
authors," says Linda Lader.

DRESS There is no dress code, but everyone, except heads of state,
must wear a name tag on which the first name appears in large print
and the last in small.

RECREATION Guests are expected to join fitness sessions, oyster
roasts and beach walks along the shores of Hilton Head.

SEMINAR TOPICS Everything from the arts to (predictably) politics.
One popular seminar: "Something's Been Bugging Me."

HOW TO GET INVITED If you're not a leader, a celebrity or a friend
of the Laders, get to know someone they know. Linda Lader, who
chooses the guests, says, "Some are friends, others are recommended.
Then there are people we know about who we think are interesting."

2003-11-29 17:00:20 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 29 Nov 2003 17:00:20 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship of NWO,
Degeneracy Propagation Department.
Article: 64

[NWO, degenerate, Zionism, terrorism, Illuminati, war, genocide,
human rights]


Former President Jimmy Carter said Tuesday that civil liberties
had eroded in the United States since Sept. 11, 2001, and that
this, in turn, has emboldened governments worldwide to abuse
human rights in the guise of fighting terrorism.

The Bush administration set a bad precedent by indefinitely
detaining 680 foreign nationals captured in Afghanistan at a
U.S. naval base in Cuba, Carter said. The Supreme Court agreed
this week to review the legality of the detentions.

Carter also said the United States sent a worrisome signal by
rounding up hundreds of Arabs and Muslims in this country for
breaking immigration law in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks.
Many were held without access to a lawyer.

"This is a violation of the basic character of my country, and
it's very disturbing to me," Carter said at an Atlanta human
rights conference.

Rumsfeld referred to France and Germany as "Old Europe":
"You're thinking of Europe as Germany and France.
I don't. I think that's old Europe."

If you have any interesting articles or quotes on:
NWO, Freemasonry, Illuminati, Skull and Bones, Zionism
please post them to alt.conspiracy.new-world-order
or alt.illuminati.
2003-11-29 17:00:31 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 29 Nov 2003 17:00:31 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship of NWO,
Degeneracy Propagation Department.
Article: 65

[NWO, propaganda, disinformation, mind control, brainwash, deceit,
leak, White House,Skull and Bones, Illuminati, mason]

Subject: 50 False News Stories By Bush Propaganda Machine


50 False News Stories By
Bush Propaganda Machine

A Strategy of Lies: How the White House Fed
the Public a Steady Diet of Falsehoods
Earth Island.net

Colonel Sam Gardiner (USAF, Ret.) has identified 50 false news
stories created and leaked by a secretive White House
propaganda apparatus.

Bush administration officials are probably having second
thoughts about their decision to play hardball with former
US Ambassador Joseph Wilson. Joe Wilson is a contender.
When you play hardball with Joe, you better be prepared
to deal with some serious rebound.

After Wilson wrote a critically timed New York Times essay
exposing as false George W. Bush's claim that Iraq had
purchased uranium from Niger, high officials in the
White House contacted several Washington reporters and
leaked the news that Wilson's wife was a CIA agent.

Wilson isn't waiting for George W. Bush to hand over the perp.
In mid-October, the former ambassador began passing copies
of an embarrassing internal report to reporters across the US.
The-Edge has received copies of this document.

The 56-page investigation was assembled by USAF Colonel (Ret.)
Sam Gardiner.

"Truth from These Podia: Summary of a Study of Strategic Influence,
Perception Management, Strategic Information Warfare and Strategic
Psychological Operations in Gulf II" identifies more than 50
stories about the Iraq war that were faked by government
propaganda artists in a covert campaign to "market" the military
invasion of Iraq.

Gardiner has credentials.
He has taught at the National War College,
the Air War College and
the Naval Warfare College and was a visiting scholar at the
Swedish Defense College.

According to Gardiner, "It was not bad intelligence" that lead
to the quagmire in Iraq, "It was an orchestrated effort [that]
began before the war" that was designed to mislead the public
and the world.

Gardiner's research lead him to conclude that the US and Britain
had conspired at the highest levels to plant "stories of
strategic influence" that were known to be false.

The Times of London described the $200-million-plus US operation
as a "meticulously planned strategy to persuade the public,
the Congress, and the allies of the need to confront the threat
from Saddam Hussein."

The multimillion-dollar propaganda campaign run out of the
White House and Defense Department was, in Gardiner's final
assessment "irresponsible in parts" and "might have been illegal."

"Washington and London did not trust the peoples of their
democracies to come to the right decisions," Gardiner explains.

Consequently, "Truth became a casualty. When truth is a casualty,
democracy receives collateral damage."

For the first time in US history, "we allowed strategic
psychological operations to become part of public affairs...
[W]hat has happened is that information warfare, strategic
influence, [and] strategic psychological operations pushed
their way into the important process of informing the peoples
of our two democracies."

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld announced plans to create
an Office of Strategic Influence early in 2002.

At the same time British Prime Minister Tony Blair's
Strategy Director Alastair Campbell was setting up an identical
operation in London.

As soon as Pvt. Jessica Lynch was airlifted from her hospital
bed, the first call from her "rescue team" went, not to military
officials but to Jim Wilkinson, the White House's top propaganda
official stationed in Iraq.

White House critics were quick to recognize that "strategic
influence" was a euphemism for disinformation.

Rumsfeld had proposed establishing the country's first
Ministry of Propaganda.

The criticism was so severe that the White House backed away
from the plan. But on November 18, several months after the
furor had died down, Rumsfeld arrogantly announced that he had
not been deterred.

"If you want to savage this thing, fine:
I'll give you the corpse. There's the name.
You can have the name,
but I'm gonna keep doing every single thing that needs to be
done -- and I have."

Gardiner's dogged research identified a long list of stories
that passed through Rumsfeld's propaganda mill. According to
Gardiner, "there were over 50 stories manufactured or at least
engineered that distorted the picture of Gulf II for the American
and British people." Those stories include:

The link between terrorism, Iraq and 9/11
Iraqi agents meeting with 9/11 hijacker Mohammed Atta
Iraq's possession of chemical and biological weapons.
Iraq's purchase of nuclear materials from Niger.
Saddam Hussein's development of nuclear weapons.
Aluminum tubes for nuclear weapons
The existence of Iraqi drones, WMD cluster bombs and Scud missiles.
Iraq's threat to target the US with cyber warfare attacks.
The rescue of Pvt. Jessica Lynch.
The surrender of a 5,000-man Iraqi brigade.
Iraq executing Coalition POWs.
Iraqi soldiers dressing in US and UK uniforms to commit atrocities.
The exact location of WMD facilities
WMDs moved to Syria.

Every one of these stories received extensive publicity and helped
form indelible public impressions of the "enemy" and the progress
of the invasion. Every one of these stories was false.

"I know what I am suggesting is serious. I did not come to these
conclusions lightly," Gardiner admits. "I'm not going to address
why they did it.

That's something I don't understand even after all the research."
But the fact remained that "very bright and even well-intentioned
officials found how to control the process of governance in ways
never before possible."

A Battle between Good and Evil Gardiner notes that cocked-up
stories about Saddam's WMDs "was only a very small part of the
strategic influence, information operations and marketing
campaign conducted on both sides of the Atlantic."

The "major thrust" of the campaign, Gardiner explains, was
"to make a conflict with Iraq seem part of a struggle between
good and evil. Terrorism is evil... we are the good guys.

"The second thrust is what propaganda theorists would call the
'big lie.'

The plan was to connect Iraq with the 9/11 attacks.
Make the American people believe that Saddam Hussein
was behind those attacks."

The means for pushing the message involved:
saturating the media with stories, 24/7; staying on message;
staying ahead of the news cycle;
managing expectations;
and finally, being prepared to
"use information to attack and punish critics."

Audition in Afghanistan

The techniques that proved so successful in
Operation Iraqi Freedom
were first tried out during the campaign to build public
support for the US attack on Afghanistan.

Rumsfeld hired Rendon Associates, a private PR firm that had
been deeply involved in the first Gulf War.

Founder John Rendon (who calls himself an "information warrior")
proudly boasts that he was the one responsible for providing
thousands of US flags for the Kuwaiti people to wave at TV
cameras after their "liberation" from Iraqi troops in 1991.

The White House Coalition Information Center was set up by
Karen Hughes in November 2001.
(In January 2003, the CIC was renamed the Office for Global
Communications.) The CIC hit on a cynical plan to curry favor
for its attack on Afghanistan by highlighting "the plight of
women in Afghanistan." CIC's Jim Wilkinson later called the
Afghan women campaign "the best thing we've done."

Gardiner is quick with a correction. The campaign "was not about
something they did. It was about a story they created...
It was not a program with specific steps or funding to improve
the conditions of women."

The coordination between the propaganda engines of Washington
and London even involved the respective First Wives.

On November 17, 2001, Laura Bush issued a shocking statement:
"Only the terrorists and the Taliban threaten to pull out women's
fingernails for wearing nail polish."

Three days later, a horrified Cherie Blaire told the London
media, "In Afghanistan, if you wear nail polish, you could have
your nails torn out."

Misleading via Innuendo
Time and again, US reporters accepted the CIC news leaks without
question. Among the many examples that Gardiner documented was
the use of the "anthrax scare" to promote the administration's
pre-existing plan to attack Iraq.

In both the US and the UK, "intelligence sources" provided a
steady diet of unsourced allegations to the media to suggest
that Iraq and Al Qaeda terrorists were behind the deadly
mailing of anthrax-laden letters.

It wasn't until December 18, that the White House confessed
that it was "increasingly looking like" the anthrax came
from a US military installation. The news was released as a
White House "paper" instead of as a more prominent White House

As a result, the idea that Iraq or Al Qaeda were behind the
anthrax plot continued to persist. Gardiner believes this was
an intentional part of the propaganda campaign. "If a story
supports policy, even if incorrect, let it stay around."

In a successful propaganda campaign, Gardiner wrote,
"We would have expected to see the creation [of] stories to
sell the policy;
we would have expected to see the same stories used on both
sides of the Atlantic. We saw both. The number of engineered
or false stories from US and UK stories is long."

The US and Britain: The Axis of Disinformation

Before the coalition invasion began on March 20, 2003, Washington
and London agreed to call their illegal pre-emptive military
aggression an "armed conflict" and to always reference the
Iraqi government as the "regime."

Strategic communications managers in both capitols issued lists
of "guidance" terms to be used in all official statements.
London's 15 Psychological Operations Group paralleled
Washington's Office of Global Communications.

In a departure from long military tradition, the perception
managers even took over the naming of the war.

Military code names were originally chosen for reasons of
security. In modern US warfare, however, military code names
have become "part of the marketing."

There was Operation Nobel Eagle,
Operation Valiant Strike,
Operation Provide Comfort,
Operation Enduring Freedom,
Operation Uphold Democracy and,
Operation Iraqi Freedom.

The "Rescue" of Jessica Lynch
The Pentagon's control over the news surrounding the capture and
rescue of Pfc. Jessica Lynch receives a good deal of attention
in Gardiner's report.

"From the very beginning it was called an 'ambush',"
Gardiner noted. But, he pointed out,
"If you drive a convoy into enemy lines, turn around and drive
back, it's not an ambush.
Military officers who are very careful about how they talk about
operations would normally not be sloppy about describing this
kind of event," Gardiner complained.

"This un-military kind of talk is one of the reasons I began
doing this research."

One of the things that struck Gardiner as revealing was the fact
that, as Newsweek reported:
"as soon as Lynch was in the air,
[the Joint Operations Center] phoned Jim Wilkinson,
the top civilian communications aide to CENTCOM Gen.
Tommy Franks."

It struck Gardiner as inexplicable that the first call after
Lynch's rescue would go to the Director of Strategic Communications,
the White House's top representative on the ground.

On the morning of April 3, the Pentagon began leaking information
on Lynch's rescue that sought to establish Lynch as
"America's new Rambo."

The Washington Post repeated the story it received from the
Pentagon: that Lynch "sustained multiple gunshot wounds"
and fought fiercely and shot several enemy soldier...
firing her weapon until she ran out of ammunition."

Lynch's family confused the issue by telling the press that their
daughter had not sustained any bullet wounds. Lynch's parents
subsequently refused to talk to the press, explaining that they
had been "told not to talk about it."
(Weeks later, the truth emerged. Lynch was neither stabbed nor shot.
She was apparently injured while falling from her vehicle.)

Rumsfeld and Gen. Myers let the story stand during an April 3
press conference although both had been fully briefed on Lynch's
true condition.

"Again, we see the pattern," Gardiner observed.
"When the story on the street supports the message,
it will be left there by a non-answer.

The message is more important than the truth.
Even Central Command kept the story alive by not giving
out details."

Gardiner saw another break with procedure.
The information on the rescue that was released to the Post
"would have been very highly classified" and should have been
closely guarded.

Instead, it was used as a tool to market the war.
"This was a major pattern from the beginning of the marketing
campaign throughout the war," Gardiner wrote.

"It was okay to release classified information if it supported
the message."


[NWO, degenerate, Zionism, fascism, Illuminati, Lucifer, satan, 666]

"The Palestinians" would be crushed like grasshoppers ...
heads smashed against the boulders and walls."

--- DISGUSTING degenerate Isreali Prime Minister
(at the time) in a speech to Jewish settlers
New York Times April 1, 1988
2003-11-29 17:00:47 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 29 Nov 2003 17:00:47 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship of NWO,
Degeneracy Propagation Department.
Article: 66

[Lucifer, satan, 666, Illuminati, Freemasons, NWO, Skull and Bones, Zionism]

Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion

Protocol Number 14 : Assault On Religion



2. At the same time
we shall not omit to emphasize
the historical mistakes of the goy governments
which have tormented humanity
for so many centuries
by their lack of understanding of everything
that constitutes the true good of humanity
in their chase after fantastic schemes of social blessings,
and have never noticed that these schemes
kept on producing a worse and never a better state
of the universal relations
which are the basis of human life ....

3. The whole force of our principles and methods
will lie in the fact that we shall present them
and expound them
as a splendid contrast
to the dead and decomposed old order of things
in social life.

4. Our philosophers
will discuss all the shortcomings
of the various beliefs of the "goyim,"
but no one will ever bring under discussion
our faith from its true point of view
since this will be fully learned
by none save ours
who will never dare to betray its secrets.

5. In countries known as progressive and enlightened
we have created a senseless,
abominable literature.

For some time after our entrance to power
we shall continue to encourage its existence
in order to provide a telling relief
by contrast to the speeches,
party program,
which will be distributed from exalted quarters of ours ....

Our wise men,
trained to become leaders of the goyim,
will compose speeches, projects, memoirs, articles,
which will be used by us
to influence the minds of the goyim,
directing them towards such understanding
and forms of knowledge
as have been determined by us.

[NWO, degenerate, Zionism, fascism, genocide, Illuminati, Freemasons,
Lucifer, Satan, 666, brainwashing, propaganda, mind control]

In 1992, Dr John Coleman published Conspirators Hierarchy:
The Story of the Committee of 300. With laudable scholarship
and meticulous research, Dr Coleman identifies the players and
carefully details the New World Order agenda of worldwide
domination and control.

On page 161 of the Conspirators Hierarchy, Dr Coleman accurately
summarizes the intent and purpose of the Committee of 300 as

"A One World Government and one-unit monetary system, under
permanent non-elected hereditary oligarchists who self-select
from among their numbers in the form of a feudal system as it
was in the Middle Ages.

In this One World entity, population will be limited by
restrictions on the number of children per family, diseases,
wars, famines, until 1 billion people who are useful to the
ruling class, in areas which will be strictly and clearly
defined, remain as the total world population.

There will be no middle class, only rulers and the servants.

All laws will be uniform under a legal system of world courts
practicing the same unified code of laws, backed up by a
One World Government police force and a One World unified
military to enforce laws in all former countries where no
national boundaries shall exist.

The system will be on the basis of a welfare state; those
who are obedient and subservient to the One World Government
will be rewarded with the means to live;

those who are rebellious will simply be starved to death or
be declared outlaws, thus a target for anyone who wishes to
kill them.

Privately owned firearms or weapons of any kind will be

Why the Conspiracy is Unknown

The sheer magnitude and complex web of deceit surrounding the
individuals and organizations involved in this conspiracy is
mind boggling, even for the most astute among us.

Most people react with disbelief and skepticism towards the
topic, unaware that they have been conditioned (brainwashed)
to react with skepticism by institutional and media influences.

Author and de-programmer Fritz Springmeier
(The Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines) says that most people have
built in "slides" that short circuit the mind's critical
examination process when it comes to certain sensitive topics.

"Slides", Springmeier reports, is a CIA term for a conditioned
type of response which dead ends a person's thinking and
terminates debate or examination of the topic at hand.

For example, the mention of the word "conspiracy" often
solicits a slide response with many people.

What most people believe to be "Public Opinion" is in reality
carefully crafted and scripted propaganda designed to elicit
a desired behavioral response from the public.

Public opinion polls are really taken with the intent of
gauging the public's acceptance of the New World Order's
planned programs.

A strong showing in the polls tells them that the programming
is "taking", while a poor showing tells the NWO manipulators
that they have to recast or "tweak" the programming until the
desired response is achieved.

The NWO Modus Operandi

The NWO global conspirators manifest their agenda through the
skilful manipulation of human emotions, especially fear.

In the past centuries, they have repeatedly utilized a
contrivance that NWO researcher and author David Icke
has characterized in his latest book, The Biggest Secret,
as Problem, Reaction, and Solution.

The technique is as follows:

NWO strategists create the Problem - by funding , assembling,
and training an "opposition" group to stimulate turmoil in an
established political power (sovereign country, region,
continent, etc.) that they wish to impinge upon and thus create
opposing factions in a conflict that the NWO themselves
maneuvered into existence.

In recent decades, so called opposition groups are usually
identified in the media as 'freedom fighters' or 'liberators'.

At the same time, the leader of the established political
power where the conflict is being orchestrated is demonized
and, on cue, referred to as 'another Hitler' (take your pick:
Saddam Hussein, Milosevic, Kadaffi, etc.).

The 'freedom fighters' are not infrequently assembled from a
local criminal element (i.e. KLA, drug traffickers).

In the spirit of true Machiavellian deceit, the same NWO
strategists are equally involved in covertly arming and
advising the leader of the established power as well
(the NWO always profits from any armed conflict by loaning
money, arming, and supplying all parties involved in a war).

The conflict is drawn to the world stage by the controlled
media outlets with a barrage of photos and video tape
reports of horrific and bloody atrocities suffered by innocent
civilians. The cry goes up "Something has to be done!"
And that is the desired Reaction.

The NWO puppeteers then provide the Solution by sending in UN
'Peace Keepers' (Bosnia) or a UN 'Coalition Force' (Gulf War)
or NATO Bombers and then ground troops (Kosovo), or the
military to 'search for Weapons of Mass Destruction',
which of course are never found.

Once installed, the 'peace keepers' never leave. The idea is to
have NWO controlled ground troops in all major countries or
strategic areas where significant resistance to the
New World Order takeover is likely to be encountered.

Who is the NWO?

The corporate portion of the NWO is dominated by international
bankers, oil barons and pharmaceutical cartels, as well as other
major multinational corporations.

The Royal Family of England, namely Queen Elizabeth II and the
House of Windsor, (who are, in fact, descendants of the
German arm of European Royalty - the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha family
-changed the name to Windsor in 1914), are high level players
in the oligarchy which controls the upper strata of the NWO.

The decision making nerve centers of this effort are in London
(especially the City of London), Basel Switzerland,
and Brussels (NATO headquarters).

The United Nations, along with all the agencies working under
the UN umbrella, such as the World Health Organization (WHO),
are full time players in this scheme. Similarly, NATO is a
military tool of the NWO.

The leaders of all major industrial countries like the
United States, England, Germany, Italy, Australia,
New Zealand, etc. (members of the "G7/G8" ) are active and
fully cooperative participants in this conspiracy.

In this century, the degree of control exerted by the NWO
has advanced to the point that only certain hand-picked
individuals, who are groomed and selected are even eligible
to become the prime minister or president of countries like
England, Germany, or The United States.

It didn't matter whether Bill Clinton or Bob Dole won the
Presidency in 1996, the results would have been the same.
Both men are playing on the same team for the same ball

Anyone who isn't a team player is taken out: i.e. President
Kennedy, Ali Bhutto (Pakistan) and Aldo Moro (Italy).

More recently, Admiral Borda and William Colby were also
killed because they were either unwilling to go along with
the conspiracy to destroy America, weren't cooperating in some
capacity, or were attempting to expose/ thwart the takeover

The NWO's Role in Shaping History

Most of the major wars, political upheavals, and economic
depression/recessions of the past 100 years (and earlier)
were carefully planned and instigated by the machinations
of these elites.

They include The Spanish-American War (1898),
World War I and World War II;
The Great Depression;
the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917;
the Rise of Nazi Germany;
the Korean War;
the Vietnam War;
the 1989-91 "fall" of Soviet Communism;
the 1991 Gulf War;
the War in Kosovo;
and the two Iraq wars.

Even the French Revolution was orchestrated into existence
by elements of the NWO.

The instigation of a trumped-up war as a cover for amassing
fortunes can be dated back to at least the 12th Century when
only a core group of nine members of the Knights Templar,
the military arm of a secret society known as the
Priory of Sion, kicked off the The Crusades that lasted for
over a century and a half.

A rift later developed between the Templars and the
Priory of Sion when Jerusalem was lost to Saracen Turks in

In 1307, the king of France, Philippe the Fair, coveted
the wealth and was jealous of the Templars' power.
The French king, being a puppet of the Priory of Sion,
set out to arrest all the Templars in France on October 13.

While many Templars were seized and tortured, including their
Grand Master, Jacques de Molay, many other Templars
(who had been tipped off) escaped. They eventually resurfaced
in Portugal, in Malta (as the Knights of Malta) and later in
Scotland as The Scottish Rites of Free Masonry.

The acquisition and consolidation of ever greater wealth,
natural resources, total political power, and control over
others are the motivating forces which drive the decisions
of the NWO leaders.

The toll in human suffering and the loss of innocent lives
are non issues for these individuals.
2003-11-29 17:00:09 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 29 Nov 2003 17:00:09 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship of NWO,
Degeneracy Propagation Department.
Article: 73

In an August 7, 2000 Time magazine interview,
George W. Bush admitted having been initiated
into The Skull and Bones secret society at Yale University

"...these same secret societies are behind it all,"
my father said. Now, Dad had never spoken much about his work.

--- George W. Bush

[Lucifer, satan, 666, Illuminati, Freemasons, NWO, Skull and Bones, Zionism]

Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion

Protocol Number 20 : Financial Programme


1. To-day we shall touch upon the financial program, which I
put off to the end of my report as being the most difficult,
the crowning and the decisive point of our plans. Before
entering upon it I will remind you that I have already
spoken before by way of a hint when I said that the sum
total of our actions is settled by the question of figures.

2. When we come into our kingdom our autocratic government
will avoid, from a principle of self-preservation, sensibly
burdening the masses of the people with taxes, remembering
that it plays the part of father and protector. But as State
organization cost dear it is necessary nevertheless to
obtain the funds required for it. It will, therefore,
elaborate with particular precaution the question of
equilibrium in this matter.

3. Our rule, in which the king will enjoy the legal fiction
that everything in his State belongs to him (which may
easily be translated into fact), will be enabled to resort
to the lawful confiscation of all sums of every kind for the
regulation of their circulation in the State. From this
follows that taxation will best be covered by a progressive
tax on property. In this manner the dues will be paid
without straitening or ruining anybody in the form of a
percentage of the amount of property. The rich must be aware
that it is their duty to place a part of their superfluities
at the disposal of the State since the State guarantees them
security of possession of the rest of their property and the
right of honest gains, I say honest, for the control over
property will do away with robbery on a legal basis.

4. This social reform must come from above, for the time is
ripe for it - it is indispensable as a pledge of peace.
2003-11-29 17:00:20 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 29 Nov 2003 17:00:20 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship of NWO,
Degeneracy Propagation Department.
Article: 74

[propaganda, disinformation, deceit, brainwashing, satanism, devil,
666, NWO, degenerare, pedo, Illuminati, mason, perversion]

Of course, either way, no amount of evidence will ever convince one
suffering from the chronic irrationality.

--- Joe Steve Swick III,
Masonic disinformation agent
on alt.freemasonry


Thats the quote I was waiting for.
In article <juZsb.10032$***@newsread2.news.pas.earthlink.net,
"Joe Steve Swick III" <***@mindspring.comwrote:

___Double Eagle___

Anybody that has taken a freshman course in logic

I did.

knows that you can't prove
a negative dumbass.

Can you prove that fallacy?

I'd like to see that.


Sure you can ("John F. Kennedy did NOT survive Dallas. His body.... etc").


Ha! Didn't he? DIDN'T HE? Ha!?! Prove it! It was all a conspiracy.


Of course, either way, no amount of evidence
will ever convince one
suffering from the chronic irrationality.

[Talking about BAD degenerates now.
Those, who are neither DISGUSTING nor GOOD degenerates.
Bad can not be controlled. Because they are discordians.

Their domain is domain of discord.
Anarchy, chaos, violence, brute force, endless parties,
never ending, where the biggest joy of all
is to engage in a homo-sadistic excersizes
even with 6 years old children.
And those, who brings ANY of it up,
will be murdered in cold blood.

Beware of it.]

[propaganda, disinformation, deceit, brainwashing, satanism, devil,
666, NWO, degenerare, pedo, Illuminati, mason, perversion]

Of course, either way, no amount of evidence will ever convince one
suffering from the chronic irrationality.

--- Joe Steve Swick III,
Masonic disinformation agent
on alt.freemasonry


Thats the quote I was waiting for.
Thanks, appreciated.

Strangely enough, some times, this particular individual
makes quite to the point statements,
even if they have to go against the DISGUSTING degenerates.

In those cases, he plays a role of a GOOD degenerate.

That is an amazing quality,
if only for a moment,
to be able to fly to where the GOOD degenerates reside.

Because that is kinda next to heaven.

GOOD degenerates produced 100% of your most outstandinig
art, literature and science.


Every single piece of ANYTHING,
was produced by GOOD degenerates,
be art, crafts, science, education, democratization of society,
making it more human, less vicious of a rat race.

And GOOD degenerates destroy the DISGUSTING degenerates.
Because that is their destiny.
They can do no other,
as there is nothing left to be done.

Hope that makes sense to some around here.

So, fine, Joe Steve Swick III,

you can play that game also.
No question about it.


Get that article by Klimov, posted on alt.freemasonry,
about degenerates. He is one of the foremost experts
in the world, with 50 years of experience,
and participated as a researcher
at Harvard Project.

And Harvard Project is where its all at.

It would probably be not such a bad idea
to get as much information on it and put it on usenet,
as possible. I suspect there is some very interesting
statistical data, and, especially, High Sociology work.

So, you can try to do a Goodle search on it.
I bet you can find pretty juicy web pages,
and add "High Sociology" string in the expert search options.

So, he knows what he is talking about.
Trust me.

And if you lost the ability to trust,
that is your final hour.


Leaves do not like when it is too hot.
May be, one day, I will tell you a story about it.

Because they simply wither away
and die.

It is a simple matter.

Anyway, that is THE problem of the day.

It is not even war, as that is simply inevitable now
as we entered the final stage of New World Order,
a doctrine sought by the Illuminati
since 600 years before Jesus Crist came around.

And this is the final our of this doctrine.


When you are born,
you are fresh as a dew drop.
You are UTTERLY innocent.
By the time you are 6 years old,
you are the freshest, juiciest leaf,
coming into life
and realizing all grandior of it,

You are not too strong yet,
but you are the freshest of them all.

As you go,
by the time you are about 25,
you attaing the most vigor,
coming with appreciation of life,

Your body will be at its peak,
your mind will be at its freshest,
and your health will be in the best shape,
it could EVER be.

At 50, you become a fully grown leaf.
You are big and strong,
you stand like a rock,
as you went thru life,
and learned all the tricks to learn.

But you don't like that hot sun any longer.

Every day of hot sun,
you wither away,
little by little,
in about one month,
you simply start withering away
and at significantly sufficient rate of decay.

From july thru september,
there are only 3 months.

Listen to this carefully,
Because it is the best there is.

Find me something better
and I will listen.

And so when the sun gets too hot,
the entire existence simply dissapears.

If it gets to about 45 degrees Celsium,
the life pretty much ends there.

We are approaching this zone.
Within no more than 16 years,
the environmental situation on the Earth
will be at a state of LITERAL disaster.

Many will die.
Die in utter misery and suffering.
It would be LONG and tenous death.
It would last for tens of years,
of suffering nearly every single day.

Those, who are still alive,
would be walking like zombies,
not even able to commit suicide,
as you won't have enough will power left
as after 10 years, it becomes so unbearable,
that you would have to die.


The Earth will be ruled by rats,
multiplying to degree
unseen since the dawn of civilization,
feeding on this massive global decay
as a result of constant floods
and devastatiing heat waves.

The degenerates, especially DISGUSTING ones,
hope that they can somehow hide in some hole,
turn in their air conditioning system,
and just stay there,
to the end of the world,

Somehow run away from it all.

What to do?

It is a final stage anyways.

Not so.
Yee shalt have no such pleasures provided.

Your death will be the MOST horrendous
amongst all, virtuous or sinners.

Those will suffer, but their suffering
will be short enough.
Plus their experience would be
just about the most valuable of all.

The problem is:

It is already too late to try to fix it.







So, do not waste your time
holding on to that worthless paper.
It doesn't even worth
one fiftieth (1/50) of what is written upon it.

No matter what anybody has,
that automatically transfers on all those posessions,
even though it might look that if you hold some
real estate, its value is not affected.
It IS indeed affected.
Just divide that value by 50,
as that is what anybody will have left
to give you as an offer.

Makes sense, eh?

These funds are all fake anyways.
The whole financial system is fake.
The whole "free market thing" is but fake.

"When value of the paper
exceed the amount of the goods
that paper covers,
by the factor of 50,
we have a global economic madness"

--- Former German Chancellor,

One of the most insigtful and honest politicians
available on the whole planet Earth.
He is retired now,
and has sufficient funds available to him,
so that he could speak the word of truth,
and not some lie, bought from DISGUSTING degenerates.

Every single word of him,
is worth in gold,
you all seek.

But you can not hide in it you see.
Even if you can build yourself a golden house,
you'll still burn down to the ground,
and there is nothing you can do about it.

For the FINAL trap,

shalt be layed for thee,

as all three rings already rang,

and you could not even produce a single token,
worth nothing to even discussed.

And so the process started.

Beware now.

Freemasons from alt.freemasonry land work as a pack of wolves
viciously attacking every single person that is quesioning
ANY of it (masonry, Illuminati, NWO, Skull and Bones,
which is a symbol placed on their aprons, secret power cults
that rule the world, the lists of their members holding
prominent positions in government, and MANY specific
requests were made on alt.freemasonry to provide such lists,
but it all ended in vain, just as designed by

DISGUSTING degenerates, the most destructive force
under the sun in the entire history of mankind).

If you ever make ANY statement,
the first thing these degenerate masonic disinformation
agents will demand you provide "proof".

Pretty much for ANY statement you make.

So, when you enter this land, you are at a disadvantage,
and you are not even consciously aware of it.

Your disadvangage magnifies the more statements you make.

Because on EVERY SINGLE ONE of them,
you will receive dozens and dozens of insulting
and attacking letters, first, demanding proof,
and if you can not provide it,
according to EXACT and specific requirements they demand,

you will be rediculed,


insulted in the most perverted way possible,

laughed at,

and, finally,

you will become their puppet.
They'll play you like a toy.

Because what you think is proof,
is a laughable matter to them.

They'll just flately deny ANY and ALL of it.

The first trap people fall into,
is providing the information from the Internet sources.
It is like comitting a mortal sin.

They will tell you:

Well, but the information you obtained
does not really mean anything
because you can not prove the statements in those articles
do actually correspond to reality.

But how you prove that?
How do you provide proof that whatever is written,
is actually "corresponds to reality",
a trap catch word,
and may will fall into it,

Well, that means EVERYTHING and ANYTHING
that is available on the internet,
is either some anti-masonic lies,
or some kind of lunacy.

So, they kinda live in the stone ages
of the Information World.

Once you dismiss ANY and ALL Internet information,
then how do you provide evidence for your statements?


Even if you produce a quote from a book,
the story does not change much,
except now they will be claiming in
on the basis of authority.

Prove that the statements you provided
are made by some "authority" recognized
by freemasons.

See the trap?

How do you do that?

Well, you'd have to go to that trap,
alt.freemasonry, where they entrap their victims,
absolute majority of whom they destroy eventaually,
and, in PLENTY of cases, the destruction is rapid,
concentrated and devastating.

In a few days, they will be finished with you.
No matter who you are.

Even if you bring Jesus Crist to them,
they will simply laught at him
and say he is nobody.
He is just a regular Jewish Rabbi,
nothing more than that.
And there were MANY Rabbies,
and some even wrote down the
Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion.

And THAT is their manuscript.

Not New Testament,
Not even OLD Testament,
as that is their main book
besides Tora.

But the Protocols.
THAT is what PRECISELY describes
the spread called degeneracy,
spreading it like a wildfire,
that engulf the whole world,
down to African continent
and ALL others.

It is a deadly virus,
unlike anything known to science.
Once it strikes,
there is no way back.
It can not be undone.

It can ONLY spread.

But it has to be contained.
Otherwise, we are at a doomsday,


Even if you quote a noble prize laureat,
they will still insist,
he is not an authority.

And they will send out the dogs,
of you statement so well,
that if there is a SLIGHTEST chance
of any impurity in the statements
they'll shread it down to pieces,
viciously, like a pack of wolves,
because that is their only joy,
destruction, domination, totalitarian dictate,

a single ruler world,
where the rule is a mouth foaming,
ultra Zionist extremist,
who rules by the sword and fire,
sumbitting all to his will,
willing and unwilling.

Those, who do not submit to his will,
are simply killed. Not even a court involvement required.
Just shot at the spot.
Then dropped into a black plastic bag,
and sent to bio-recycling facility,
where all that is useful in that body
could be extracted.

Otherwise, burn it in the fire.
That is ALL there is to it.

You will be told,
and all shalt hear,
their openly sadistic and destructive demands,
does not even have to stop with death.

And you shalt do EVERYTHING and ANYTHING
you are told.

And there shalt be no dissent
of ANY kind.

Everthing of such shalt be destroyed


As that is how it is recorded in their main book,
The Protocols Of The Learned Elders of Zion,
down to a single dot and comma,
every specific step that shalt be made,
because, by now, they hold such vast financial interests,
that they can impose ANY idea and achieve ANY results
they are interested in pursuing.

They can buy the entire governments,
and have ALREADY bought them all,
all energy supply


All banking system


Just as they say: We can produce such amount of gold,
the whole world will fall on its knees.

Their MAIN value is hidden in gold,
about the most stable thing there is
in the entire existence,
and no matter who comes and goes,
they can be bought with one billionth
of what they've got in the coffers.

Your "money" sits in their bank,
no matter who you are,
rich or filthy rich,
beggar or a thief,
killer or the biggest and baddest of them all.

They issue the price sticker to you
telling you what this money is worth today.
They can divide that worth by factors of magnitude
in a SINGLE day.

It is like super-nutron bomb.
The anihilation is instant.


They can buy any president
and they have bought them all.

In fact, they GROW these presidents
in their most prestigious schools,
such as Yale, Harvard, Stanford and others.

As soon, as they go to school,
they'd have to join one of fraternities
of Masonic origin, be it Skull and Bones,
or othe variations, that are still based on Masonry.

During their "education",
they get brainwashed
so clean,
that there is nothing left of you
once you graduate.

If you are a member of "fraternity",
they will pervert you so bad,
many of you will be willing,
and are actually doing it,
is to commit suicide.

By the time you graduate,
the chances are 90% that you will be
DISGUSTING degenerate,
a homophobic/lesbian sadistic pervert,
that needs a whip
in order to be sexually arosed.

It is all about perversions, drugs, alcohol
and madness. All this music they subject you to,
all these dances and all these "shows"
are consistent, non ending, ever penetrating,
acts of destruction of your humane-ness
so that you could be GUARANTEED
to be a DISGUSTING degenerate,
even if you entered as a normal human being.

As it is all work of Lucifer,
the fallen angel of light,
whose name is also satan,
and the beast, at the same time,
whose sign is 666,
just as written on every single bar code,
on every single product you purchase
and hold in your right hand.

As it has been demanded:

"On every forhead of each man,
or in his right hand,
there is to be my symbol,

And so it has been fulfilled.

He is also symbolized by the occult symbol
of phoenix, whose number is 13.

Phoenix is a symbol of bird,
cast in fire,
and getting reborn
[arising] from the ashes.

The meaning is this:

The evil was cast in flames.
But it did not simply dissapear.
It decided to take a revenge.

It did ALL it could,
throught the entire history of mankind,
to corrupt and pervert
every single human being on the Earth,
and in some countries, they succeeded
to corrupt upto 90% of its citizens.

In other countries, this corruption
is at about 50% of all people.

They are degenerates,
freshly baked, or not.

But what it means,
that at least 50% of all peoples
did survive, against all odds,
this most horrendous plage,
that EVER plagued the planet Earth.

Event the plague of AIDS,
and other plagues they are designing right now
with their biological weapons,
that can selectively wipe out
the entire races need be.

All this work has been going on
since the times of beginning of science.
In fact, the control the science
and ALL the books are written by their own degenerates
or slaves of all kinds,
who sell their souls for money,
and so they IMMIDIATELY become degenerate.

THAT is how existence works,
to make sure they are disabled.
If they continue this for at least 2-3 generations,
they are placed on a death list
and die by various means,
either by their own hand,
or by their own body,
as the final, 3rd bell rings
when they start getting defective births.

Their all attempts at genetic modifications,
trying to continue the rotten blood line,
shalt fail as attempts at futility.

That is why, no matter what they did,
they were able to spread this virus to 50%
population, even though, financially
they hold the world
on the palm of their hand.


So, no matter what kind of information you produce,
it would all be meaningless.

As these people do not recognize ANY authority,
but their own.

You would have to go ask them
whether what you found
is worth anything.

And the higher it goes,
the more perverted and vicious it gets.

Because most of the references you will produce
will likely be made by their own degenerate masters

or puppets,

bought stock, gun and barrel.

If you EVER get anywhere close to such professions
as literature, science, mass media,
the higher in "authority" you go,
the closer to the top of the heap you are,
the chances that these people

are degenerate homo-monstrous sadists

increases at an alarming late.

About 90% of all high "authority" people,
in the entire history of mankind,


This is a dangerous virus.
It spreads like a fire.
It is more dangerous than the biological warfare.

These people really mean it.
They do not take "no" for an answer.
They can simply kill you, need be,
if you go too far.

They are doing it this very moment.

Around the Globe.

ALL of it.

As degenerates "progress",
the more perverted they become,
because the higher you go,
the narrower the circle gets
of those, you will relate to.

You start mixing a limited genetic pool
of blood line, you start inter-marrying,
because you can not afford your sun
to mar y some outside person,
that person has also be of prestige,
influence and wealt.

But that genetic pool is very limited,
at the VERY best, you have 1% of global
population that pool represents.

And so the final bell rings,
as you get to see the results of your deeds
in the birth defects.
Those people usually last for a single generation,
and it is rarely produces a new birth
as all the degenerates of the 3rd class,
already have their brains affected,
when they became the 2nd class.

Pretty much all they can do
is little perversions,
like sex with animals,
which produces no birth,
or homosexual activities,
the same thing there.

So, that is how their blood line is terminated,
and they do it with their own hand,
nobody forces them to do so.

But it IS terminated
and so, with all this tremendous influence they have,
they still did not manage to pollute the ENTIRE population.

They hope to finish the whole life on Earth,
once the NWO thing is FULLY implemented,
which is any day now,
and a single government
and a single ruler
will dominate ALL.

At that time, they can simply FORCE you to become
degenerate. They will even develop new bilogical weapons,
that could produce this result by simple spraying.

The experiments have been going on for generations now.
It is all set to go.

The only thing, they need to develop a different kind
of virus. As they have seen, AIDS is too slow
to destroy all life.

By the time you are 50,
you are guaranteed to be either homophobic
or lesbian sadist, that can not get satisfied
with that, which life has to offer on this subject.

He nees more.

And he needs more.

And he needs more.

And desire only grows.

Once you are 50,
it grew to the point,
where the whole world will not satisfy you.

They are forever craving for that,
which bears title "Illustrious",
the HIGHEST place of authority,
exactly according to Luciferian doctrine.

Well, if they ask for light,
hit them between their eyes

with a lightning rod,

so hot,

they won't stand on their feet.

They fall on their sorry asses
and start crying and weeping
like those little fat boys,
they abused in their sadistic sexual outlets,
often visited by the Bush family members.

The entire Bush family blood line,
is a blood line of DISGUSTING degenerates.

DISTUSTING degenerates foreer crave for extremism.

That is why they support people like
Adolph Hitler, providing them with the seed money,
and managing the propaganda operations,
world wide.

Hitler, Lenin, Stalin
and others,

are their puppets,

made of their own creation,
and given the texts to study,
created by their own kind.

Yes, they were ALL abused,
and by their own "brothers".

Simply inevitable.

So, there is a nice set of excuses avalable
pretty much on any occasion you might find significant.

They'll cut you with the words,
like with the sword.

Because there are three category of degeneracy,
according to one of the MOST prominent experts,
Grigory Klimov.

These people are all DISGUSTING degenerates,
viciously, relentlessly destroying anything
and everything that threatens them
in ANY way, shape or form.

They will spread the fire of degeneracy so quick,

by the time 2 - 3 generations pass,

the entire pupulation, at least in the most critical areas,
such as science, art, literature,

will ALL be degenerates with 90% chance.

That is the scientific law
of the highest "authority" there is,
the science of High Sociology.

These people did this Harvard Project thing,
you see.

And in that project,
the found out EXACTLY where this virus hits,
and hits most in those areas or aspects.



Because that is their end.

They are finished.

Once you get to the stage of DISGUSTING degenerate,
your leaf on the branch of a life tree,
will no more produce their own blood.

Interestingly enough, in their occult
teachnings of Kabbalah, their entire system
is based on a notion of a Tree of Life.

The tree, thus, becames broken,
and in a geometrical progression.

It also spreads like an AIDS virus.
As soon as your first leaf dies,
the virus spreads on the other branches
of that tree VERY FAST.

DISGUSTING degenerates have about one generation
left for them once they become it.

THAT is why they are so vicious.

They KNOW it.

It is their death,
and they have been prepaired for it
throughout their entire lives,
with the help of those occult rituals
and THE doctrine of Lucifer
as expressed in Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion.

That is why ALL their movements, such as



Skull and Bones super secret society,

display a particular kind of symbology.

The symbol of Skull and Bones
is their highest symbol.
They know this for fact.
Because they know what death is,
as they did so much of it.

They were involved with death,
from their youngest years,
even when they were little, innocent boys,
of 5 years old.

Once you get to be about 6 years old,
you already become a part of the flock
of perverted sexual deviants,
who do not get satisfied with pretty much everything,
as they already have it all.

But then the first bell rings.

It says:

You are degenerate because of your perverted sexual tendencies.
All those, who exhibit this qualitis,
are degenerates,
by the right and power of law of science,
with 90% degree confidence.

That is pretty much the highest limit
of what is possible.

Things like that.

Beware of it.

Finally, get that article on degeneracy
by Grigory Petrovich Klimov.

Message-ID: <bp0u26$833$***@toster.Te.NeT.UA

Joe Swick, PM
Verity Lodge No. 59 F&AM
Kent, Washington

--- Joe Steve Swick III,

ideological demagoguery department,
brainwashing, propaganda,
instant delivery of any quote,
except as interpreted from strictly masonic standpoint,
Basically a quote attacker man
and a master demagogue,
fully aware of Luciferian doctrine,
and occult teachings of Kabbalah,
as one of his favorite "heroes"
is Albert Pike, the "sovereign commander",
and a "pontiff" who was obscessed with Kabbalah,
and dedicated a significant amount of his work studying it.

"So on behalf of a well-oiled unit of people
who came together to serve something greater than themselves,

--- DISGUSTING degenerate Adolph Bush,
Remarks to the University of Nebraska women's
volleyball team, the 2001 national champions,
Washington, D.C., May 31, 2001

["Well-oiled unit of people" is a slip of the tongue.
Bush family regular visits the perverted sexual orgies
conducted at special sado-masochistic sex orgy clubs.

At those orgies "well-oiled" literally means something.

As of to "unit of people", it is known that at the
higest levels of government, business, media, etc.,
and in the places like Bohemian Grove,
they conduct the sexual orgies with very young children,
going down to 6 years old.

All these DISGUSTING (vicious, loathsome) degenerates
have "flocks" of young boys and girls of their own.
Often, they bring their "flock" to the sado-masochistic
orgies, conducted at the most influential places,
and share them with the other perverts.

They they assault these children
in the ways of simply mind boggling.

The same story is at the military and police academies.
Top level DISGUSTING degenerate generals,
pick up a few students
and take them to the sado-masochistic parties,
where these students are assulted by the
MOST perverted sadists, engaged in a sex orgy.

Recendly, there have been a story of this.
Check it out on the Internet.
You won't find it in major media,
as many witnesses were simply murdered in cold blood.

[NWO, Iraq, Zionism, Israel, terrorism]

From The Toronto Star, 11/2/03:

Pentagon keeps dead out of sight

Bush team doesn't want people to see human cost of war

Even body bags are now sanitized as `transfer tubes'



Charles H. Buehring came home last week.

He arrived at the air force base in Dover, Del., in the middle of the
night, in an aluminum shipping case draped in an American flag.

When the military truck drove his remains across the tarmac, workers
paused and removed their hats.

He was met by a six-member honour guard acting as pallbearers, to
allow a "dignified transfer" to the Charles C. Carson mortuary, where
he became one of an estimated 60,000 American casualties of war that
have been processed there over almost five decades.

"It reminds us we are at war," says Lt.-Col. Jon Anderson, who
describes business at the Dover mortuary as "steady."

But America never saw Lt.-Col. Buehring's arrival, days after a rocket
from a homemade launcher ended his life at age 40 in Baghdad's heavily
fortified Rasheed Hotel last Monday.

Americans have never seen any of the other 359 bodies returning from

Nor do they see the wounded cramming the Walter Reed Army Medical
Centre in Washington or soldiers who say they are being treated
inhumanely awaiting medical treatment at Fort Stewart, Ga.

In order to continue to sell an increasingly unpopular Iraqi invasion
to the American people, President George W. Bush's administration
sweeps the messy parts of war -- the grieving families, the
flag-draped coffins, the soldiers who have lost limbs -- into a far
corner of the nation's attic.

No television cameras are allowed at Dover.

Bush does not attend the funerals of soldiers who gave their lives in
his war on terrorism.

Buehring of Winter Springs, Fla., described as "a great American" by
his commanding officer, had two sons, 12 and 9, was active in the Boy
Scouts and his church and had served his country for 18 years.

No government official has said a word publicly about him.

If stories of wounded soldiers are told, they are told by hometown
papers, but there is no national attention given to the recuperating
veterans here in the nation's capital.

More than 1,700 Americans have been wounded in Iraq since the March

"You can call it news control or information control or flat-out
propaganda," says Christopher Simpson, a communications professor at
Washington's American University.

"Whatever you call it, this is the most extensive effort at spinning a
war that the department of defence has ever undertaken in this

Simpson notes that photos of the dead returning to American soil have
historically been part of the ceremony, part of the picture of
conflict and part of the public closure for families -- until now.

"This White House is the greatest user of propaganda in American
history and if they had a shred of honesty, they would admit it. But
they can't."

Lynn Cutler, a Democratic strategist and former official in Bill
Clinton's White House, says this is the first time in history that
bodies have been brought home under cover of secrecy.

"It feels like Vietnam when Lyndon Johnson was accused of hiding the
body bags ....

"This is a big government and a big Pentagon and they could have
someone there to meet these bodies as they come back to the country."

But today's military doesn't even use the words "body bags" -- a term
in common usage during the Vietnam War, when 58,000 Americans died.

During the 1991 Persian Gulf War, the Pentagon began calling them
"human remains pouches" and it now refers to them as "transfer tubes."

One term that has crept into the U.S. military lexicon, however, is
the "Dover test," shorthand for the American public's tolerance for
wartime fatalities.

The policy of banning cameras at Dover dates back to the 1991 Gulf
War, under Bush's father, Pentagon officials say.

But it has been unevenly applied:

You can see photos of soldiers' bodies returning in coffins from
Afghanistan at Ramstein airbase in Germany.

Clinton met returning coffins from Kosovo and, in an elaborate
ceremony, was on hand for the arrival of the bodies of his former
commerce secretary Ronald Brown 32 others killed in a 1996 plane

Pictures were allowed of incoming caskets after the terrorist attack
on the USS Cole in 2000 and President George H.W. Bush helped eulogize
Americans killed in Panama and Lebanon.

But last March, a directive came down reaffirming the banning of
cameras, likely in anticipation of the sheer volume of casualties
being repatriated.

At Dover, Lt.-Col. Anderson says the policy is strictly in place to
respect the privacy of the families, although he is well aware that
there are those who think it was a political decision.

"The administration has clearly made an attempt to limit the attention
that would build up if they were showing Dover every day," says Joseph
Dawson, a military historian at Texas A & M University.

The White House policy works -- to a point.

If there are no pictures of caskets being delivered to U.S. airbases,
citizens don't think of them, analysts say.

Dawson says television pictures of the wounded at Walter Reed would be
a jolt to Americans as they head out to dinner or are thinking of the
week's NFL matchups.

Right now, he says, they likely equate war casualties with highway

They know both kill and don't need to see graphic photos.

"The administration may have to come to grips with this in the months
to come. This strategy depends on how long this war goes on. I have to
wonder whether it might be a good idea to have a monthly remembrance
to reflect on how this campaign is going."

The need for reflection in America is important, Dawson says, because
the country seems to have lapsed back into a state of complacency.

"The country should be asking whether these men and women are putting
their lives on the line for a justifiable purpose."

The Bush strategy, he says, is to divert focus from the dead and the
wounded until -- or if -- his administration's policy can be judged a
winner, then laud the men and women who gave their lives for freedom.

But it is really rooted in the perception in some quarters that the
media cost the U.S. the Vietnam War.

There are parallels between Vietnam and Iraq in the words used by the
president and in media coverage, even if there is so far no comparison
in duration or casualties.

Whereas Lyndon Johnson and his top general, William Westmoreland,
spoke of "steady and encouraging success" in Vietnam when they knew
differently, Bush last week said the car bombing of the Red Cross
showed the "progress" of the American campaign because insurgents were
becoming more desperate.

Johnson called U.S. bombing missions "limited in scale" or
"commensurate with need" and groused about news coverage.

Bush also says the national media are not telling the truth and keeps
implying the war in Iraq is needed to prevent another attack on U.S.

Also like the Vietnam era, more attention is being given to U.S.
victims the longer the conflict drags on.

The Associated Press last week ran the names and hometowns of all
victims since the Iraq invasion began.

In 1969, Life magazine published a famous, black-covered edition
consisting entirely of portraits of 250 young Americans who died in
Vietnam in one routine week.

Dawson remembers, because his parents cancelled their subscription.

Television images of American soldiers in combat interrupted
Americans' dinners nightly during the Vietnam War.

Clinton took his troops out of Somalia after a photo by the Toronto
Star's Paul Watson, showing crowds cheering as a dead American soldier
was dragged through the streets of Mogadishu, was beamed around the
world on news wires.

Increasing casualties in Iraq have had no such dramatic effect on
Bush, but that could change if more attention is paid to the wounded
coming home and the way they are being treated.

Walter Reed officials did not return calls seeking comment, but the
crush of casualties in late summer was such that outpatients had to be
referred to hotels in nearby Silver Spring, Md., because the hospital
was full.

The Washington Times said the hospital had treated about 1,700
patients from Operation Iraqi Freedom.

"Rarely have we seen so many young patients at one time," a
spokesperson said.

Montana soldier Adam McLain, recovering from injuries when a military
Humvee drove over his leg and head in Baghdad, told the newspaper from
his hospital bed:

"I didn't realize how many people were without limbs or without eyes.
It's just depressing. I feel lucky. I have all my limbs."

The situation at Walter Reed and the administration's perceived
indifference were highlighted last week by Cher, who visited troops
there, then called an open-line show on C-SPAN, the U.S. network that
broadcasts congressional debates and other political events.

She did not initially identify herself.

"Why are Cheney, Wolfowitz, Bremer, the president -- why aren't they
taking pictures with these guys?" she demanded, referring to
Vice-President Dick Cheney, Deputy Defence Secretary Paul Wolfowitz
and the civilian administrator in Iraq, L. Paul Bremer.

"I don't understand why these guys are so hidden, why there are no
pictures of them."

Cher also criticized the media for ignoring the "devastatedly

"Don't hide them," she said.

"Let's have some news coverage where people are sitting and talking to
these guys and seeing their spirit."

For every Jessica Lynch, the wounded soldier who returned to a hero's
welcome and a book and movie deal, there is a Shoshana Johnson.

Johnson, shot through both legs and held prisoner in Iraq for 22 days,
will receive 30 per cent disability benefits, about $700 per month
less than her colleague Lynch.

Johnson is black, Lynch is white and the Johnson family says that is
the difference.

There is also an ongoing investigation into the condition of patients
awaiting treatment at Fort Stewart, Ga., where hundreds of sick and
wounded soldiers say they are languishing in dirty barracks waiting
months for needed medical treatment.

They say they must hobble across sand to the use the bathroom, are
housed 60 to a barracks and must pay for their own toilet paper.

Only recently did the Senate successfully demand the White House stop
charging wounded soldiers $8.10 per day for their hospital meals.

Congress also had to step in to increase danger pay and separation pay
for soldiers, as it appeared the Bush administration was set to let
them expire on Sept. 30.

When Congress formally approved funding for military operations and
reconstruction in Iraq, it carved Bush's request for $87 billion by
about $2 billion.

Much of that money will instead be spent -- over White House
objections -- on improved health-care benefits for those in the
military reserve and National Guard who are serving in Iraq.

If you have any interesting articles or quotes on:
NWO, Freemasonry, Illuminati, Skull and Bones, Zionism
please post them to alt.conspiracy.new-world-order
or alt.illuminati.
2003-11-29 17:00:49 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 29 Nov 2003 17:00:49 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship of NWO,
Degeneracy Propagation Department.
Article: 75

Power Camps: ALLEN & CO.

WHEN HELD Early July each year.

FOUNDED New York investment banker Herb Allen, who specializes in
media deals, organized the conference in 1983.

LOCATION The Sun Valley Lodge in the lush mountains of Sun Valley,
Idaho, a winter ski resort about 6,000 ft. above sea level and
accessible most easily by gas-guzzling private jet.

WHOM YOU'LL SEE About 300 of Wall Street's and Hollywood's most
powerful and famous (and about 100 of their glittery offspring).

This year: Rupert Murdoch, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Andy Grove,
Barry Diller, Michael Eisner, Diane Sawyer (a longtime friend of
Allen's), John Malone, Geraldine Laybourne, Diane von Furstenberg
and Jerry Levin.

DRESS Very casual. "Jeans are the dress of the day," says a
spokesman. And an Armani T shirt perhaps.

RECREATION Hiking, fly-fishing, an annual raft trip, golf, tennis
and hanging out are all popular, but the most pressing activity
is dealmaking (and posing for the annual Annie Leibovitz photo).

The Disney/ABC merger originated after Eisner and Buffett met on
a Sun Valley golf course. Any new deals at this year's conference?
Stay tuned for the next few months.

SEMINAR TOPICS Mornings are for presentations on different
companies and panel discussions. This year's presentations are on
Nokia, America Online, Loral Space & Communications, Comcast and
Disney, NBC, Coca-Cola and Microsoft.

HOW TO GET INVITED Be a company president, chairman or CEO at a
multinational media concern. And plan to do lots of expensive
deals in the near future.


Herman Goering, president of the Reichstag,
Nazi Party, and Luftwaffe Commander in Chief:

"Naturally the common people don't want war:
Neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany.
That is understood.

But, after all, it is the leaders of the country
who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter
to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy,
or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament,
or a communist dictatorship.

Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to
the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have
to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce
the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the
country to danger. It works the same in any country."

--- Herman Goering (second in command to Adolf Hitler)
at the Nuremberg Trials
2003-11-29 17:00:10 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 29 Nov 2003 17:00:10 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship of NWO,
Degeneracy Propagation Department.
Article: 77

[NWO, fabrication, Lucifer, propaganda, disinformation, deception,
mind control, Illuminati, Freemasons, nazi, fascism, genocide]

"The United States exhausted every legitimate and credible
opportunity to resolve this peacefully with Iraq ...
Saddam Hussein had ample opportunity to comply,"

White House spokesman Scott McClellan told reporters.

ABC News reported on Wednesday that a middle man between Iraqi
President Saddam Hussein's intelligence chief and Pentagon advisors
said he laid out a possible peace deal but the offer was spurned
by Washington.

Imad Hage, a prominent Lebanese-American businessman, told ABC that
in February and March of this year he helped convey an Iraqi offer
to open negotiations.

The United States launched war to oust the Iraqi president on
March 20, Iraqi time, after the expiration of a 48-hour deadline
for Saddam to go into exile.

Bush had accused Saddam of failing to meet U.N. disarmament demands,
but Hage was quoted by The New York Times on Thursday as saying
Saddam's former chief of intelligence, Gen. Tahir Habbush, had
insisted Iraq had no unconventional weapons and was willing to
"open everything" to U.S. inspectors.

Hage also met with Richard Perle, former chairman of the
Defense Policy Advisory Board and an influential advisor
to top Pentagon officials.

Perle was quoted as saying he was prepared to meet with Iraqi
officials to discuss their offer, but was told by the CIA not
to do so.

[NWO, degenerate, Zionism, fascism, genocide, Illuminati, Freemasons,
Lucifer, Satan, 666, brainwashing, propaganda, mind control]

In 1992, Dr John Coleman published Conspirators Hierarchy:
The Story of the Committee of 300. With laudable scholarship
and meticulous research, Dr Coleman identifies the players and
carefully details the New World Order agenda of worldwide
domination and control.

On page 161 of the Conspirators Hierarchy, Dr Coleman accurately
summarizes the intent and purpose of the Committee of 300 as

"A One World Government and one-unit monetary system, under
permanent non-elected hereditary oligarchists who self-select
from among their numbers in the form of a feudal system as it
was in the Middle Ages.

In this One World entity, population will be limited by
restrictions on the number of children per family, diseases,
wars, famines, until 1 billion people who are useful to the
ruling class, in areas which will be strictly and clearly
defined, remain as the total world population.

There will be no middle class, only rulers and the servants.

All laws will be uniform under a legal system of world courts
practicing the same unified code of laws, backed up by a
One World Government police force and a One World unified
military to enforce laws in all former countries where no
national boundaries shall exist.

The system will be on the basis of a welfare state; those
who are obedient and subservient to the One World Government
will be rewarded with the means to live;

those who are rebellious will simply be starved to death or
be declared outlaws, thus a target for anyone who wishes to
kill them.

Privately owned firearms or weapons of any kind will be

Why the Conspiracy is Unknown

The sheer magnitude and complex web of deceit surrounding the
individuals and organizations involved in this conspiracy is
mind boggling, even for the most astute among us.

Most people react with disbelief and skepticism towards the
topic, unaware that they have been conditioned (brainwashed)
to react with skepticism by institutional and media influences.

Author and de-programmer Fritz Springmeier
(The Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines) says that most people have
built in "slides" that short circuit the mind's critical
examination process when it comes to certain sensitive topics.

"Slides", Springmeier reports, is a CIA term for a conditioned
type of response which dead ends a person's thinking and
terminates debate or examination of the topic at hand.

For example, the mention of the word "conspiracy" often
solicits a slide response with many people.

What most people believe to be "Public Opinion" is in reality
carefully crafted and scripted propaganda designed to elicit
a desired behavioral response from the public.

Public opinion polls are really taken with the intent of
gauging the public's acceptance of the New World Order's
planned programs.

A strong showing in the polls tells them that the programming
is "taking", while a poor showing tells the NWO manipulators
that they have to recast or "tweak" the programming until the
desired response is achieved.

The NWO Modus Operandi

The NWO global conspirators manifest their agenda through the
skilful manipulation of human emotions, especially fear.

In the past centuries, they have repeatedly utilized a
contrivance that NWO researcher and author David Icke
has characterized in his latest book, The Biggest Secret,
as Problem, Reaction, and Solution.

The technique is as follows:

NWO strategists create the Problem - by funding , assembling,
and training an "opposition" group to stimulate turmoil in an
established political power (sovereign country, region,
continent, etc.) that they wish to impinge upon and thus create
opposing factions in a conflict that the NWO themselves
maneuvered into existence.

In recent decades, so called opposition groups are usually
identified in the media as 'freedom fighters' or 'liberators'.

At the same time, the leader of the established political
power where the conflict is being orchestrated is demonized
and, on cue, referred to as 'another Hitler' (take your pick:
Saddam Hussein, Milosevic, Kadaffi, etc.).

The 'freedom fighters' are not infrequently assembled from a
local criminal element (i.e. KLA, drug traffickers).

In the spirit of true Machiavellian deceit, the same NWO
strategists are equally involved in covertly arming and
advising the leader of the established power as well
(the NWO always profits from any armed conflict by loaning
money, arming, and supplying all parties involved in a war).

The conflict is drawn to the world stage by the controlled
media outlets with a barrage of photos and video tape
reports of horrific and bloody atrocities suffered by innocent
civilians. The cry goes up "Something has to be done!"
And that is the desired Reaction.

The NWO puppeteers then provide the Solution by sending in UN
'Peace Keepers' (Bosnia) or a UN 'Coalition Force' (Gulf War)
or NATO Bombers and then ground troops (Kosovo), or the
military to 'search for Weapons of Mass Destruction',
which of course are never found.

Once installed, the 'peace keepers' never leave. The idea is to
have NWO controlled ground troops in all major countries or
strategic areas where significant resistance to the
New World Order takeover is likely to be encountered.

Who is the NWO?

The corporate portion of the NWO is dominated by international
bankers, oil barons and pharmaceutical cartels, as well as other
major multinational corporations.

The Royal Family of England, namely Queen Elizabeth II and the
House of Windsor, (who are, in fact, descendants of the
German arm of European Royalty - the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha family
-changed the name to Windsor in 1914), are high level players
in the oligarchy which controls the upper strata of the NWO.

The decision making nerve centers of this effort are in London
(especially the City of London), Basel Switzerland,
and Brussels (NATO headquarters).

The United Nations, along with all the agencies working under
the UN umbrella, such as the World Health Organization (WHO),
are full time players in this scheme. Similarly, NATO is a
military tool of the NWO.

The leaders of all major industrial countries like the
United States, England, Germany, Italy, Australia,
New Zealand, etc. (members of the "G7/G8" ) are active and
fully cooperative participants in this conspiracy.

In this century, the degree of control exerted by the NWO
has advanced to the point that only certain hand-picked
individuals, who are groomed and selected are even eligible
to become the prime minister or president of countries like
England, Germany, or The United States.

It didn't matter whether Bill Clinton or Bob Dole won the
Presidency in 1996, the results would have been the same.
Both men are playing on the same team for the same ball

Anyone who isn't a team player is taken out: i.e. President
Kennedy, Ali Bhutto (Pakistan) and Aldo Moro (Italy).

More recently, Admiral Borda and William Colby were also
killed because they were either unwilling to go along with
the conspiracy to destroy America, weren't cooperating in some
capacity, or were attempting to expose/ thwart the takeover

The NWO's Role in Shaping History

Most of the major wars, political upheavals, and economic
depression/recessions of the past 100 years (and earlier)
were carefully planned and instigated by the machinations
of these elites.

They include The Spanish-American War (1898),
World War I and World War II;
The Great Depression;
the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917;
the Rise of Nazi Germany;
the Korean War;
the Vietnam War;
the 1989-91 "fall" of Soviet Communism;
the 1991 Gulf War;
the War in Kosovo;
and the two Iraq wars.

Even the French Revolution was orchestrated into existence
by elements of the NWO.

The instigation of a trumped-up war as a cover for amassing
fortunes can be dated back to at least the 12th Century when
only a core group of nine members of the Knights Templar,
the military arm of a secret society known as the
Priory of Sion, kicked off the The Crusades that lasted for
over a century and a half.

A rift later developed between the Templars and the
Priory of Sion when Jerusalem was lost to Saracen Turks in

In 1307, the king of France, Philippe the Fair, coveted
the wealth and was jealous of the Templars' power.
The French king, being a puppet of the Priory of Sion,
set out to arrest all the Templars in France on October 13.

While many Templars were seized and tortured, including their
Grand Master, Jacques de Molay, many other Templars
(who had been tipped off) escaped. They eventually resurfaced
in Portugal, in Malta (as the Knights of Malta) and later in
Scotland as The Scottish Rites of Free Masonry.

The acquisition and consolidation of ever greater wealth,
natural resources, total political power, and control over
others are the motivating forces which drive the decisions
of the NWO leaders.

The toll in human suffering and the loss of innocent lives
are non issues for these individuals.
2003-11-30 09:00:11 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 30 Nov 2003 09:00:11 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship of NWO,
Degeneracy Propagation Department.
Article: 82

[Zionism, terrorism, NWO, brainwashing, propaganda, mind control]

Intelligence Briefs
January - August 2001

Israeli scientists trained at the United States super-secret
Intelligence and Security Command in Northern Virginia
have perfected the technique of morphing, among others,
the images of Yasser Arafat and Saddam Hussein onto
television screens.

Using specially doctored voice tapes of the actual Arafat
and Saddam speaking, these have been re-spliced and
perfectly lip-synced so that either leader appears to be
making totally outlandish statements against their own
people - which could lead to them being toppled.

These close-circuit test transmissions have been carried
out deep inside the Kirya, Israeli Defence Force
headquarters in Tel Aviv.

The transmissions could be relayed to both PLO and Iraqi
television stations. They would then replace real-time
programmes and cause panic, anger and havoc.
Again, what about the destruction of your life by the Freemasons? (Or that
Bacon founded Freemasonry, for that matter?)
Don't worry, on my timeline - not yours. I'll print names, dates, and
contracts once it's ready.
But Mr. Perry, you've made a VERY serious charge here. Why are you unwilling
to support your claim?
And whatcha gonna do abouts its
even if he does, eh?
Why are you reluctant to give us even a hint of what super
block-buster you're keeping (dare I use the word?) SECRET?????
Why would you care, eh?

Are you a pervert, gorging on deceit, eh?
And what about your seemingly successful business which your website portrays?
And what does it have to do with anything, eh?
Is it in total shambles, ruined beyond repair?
Are you sick, eh?
If so, one would think you'd
want to take that website down, wouldn't one?
None of your business, eh?
And golly-gee: I know I keep asking odd questions but what about your
statements I questioned in the message preceding this. Let me ask them again
What is this a torturing procedure, eh?
I asked: <<So you think that Freemasonry is a "cult of personality"? Whose
personality is it, Mr. Perry?>>
Well, the idiots like you.
Sounds good enough, eh?
I asked: <<So you think that we're promoting something SECRETLY do you?
Just look at your own signature.
What are you promoting, eh?
What would that be - with buildings bearing easily recognizable emblems,
cars with those little decals and bumper stickers, and listings in
the phone book?
What "secrecy" are we promoting?>>
You are promoting idiocy.
You need proof, eh?

Look at your own posts, dummy.
See anything, eh?
You seem to have missed those in framing your answer. Perhaps you can do
better the next time, eh?
You suck like a blackhole, eh?
You know, Mr. Perry, it may be time for you to go off and hide once again.
May be it is time to commit suicide, eh?
It looks like you're run out of answers awfully early in the race.
Answering to who, eh?

And what would it produce as a result, eh?
And it was Dee, not Francis Bacon - that quote, as mentioned, came from
Hoffman's book on Judaism - purchase your own copy for the details.
I see. I recall a number of books who say that Jesus was an imposter, never
existed, wasn't the Son of God and all sorts of other things.
But what do YOU think, eh?
Since that's
been said in a book, can I assume that it's correct - as you've done with Dee?
(After all, we should be able to use similar standards, shouldn't we?)
This is called a total denial trick.

In order to prove ANYTHING to these perverts,
you'd have to produce someone alive,
say Adolph Bush, and, since it is not the easiest
thing in the werld to do, they kinda win by default,
forever demanding "proof".

Even books won't do to prove ANYTHING.

I wonder why do they even bother to post, eh?

The same trick applies to them.
Whatever they claim, just demand "proof".

Kinda dead end trip.

Hey, masonic disinformation peddlers and assorted
snakes, what are you doing here on alt.freemasonry?
Ed, Da King Of Farts
http://www.masonicdisinfo.com -- Anti-Masonry: Points of View
"I've got a reason for running.
I talk about a larger goal, which is to call upon the best of America.
It's part of the renewal. It's reform and renewal.

Part of the renewal is a set of high standards
and to remind people that the greatness of America really does depend
on neighbors helping neighbors and children finding mentors.

I worry. I'm very worried about, you know,
the kid who just wonders whether America is meant for him.
I really worry about that.

And uh, so, I'm running for a reason.
I'm answering this question here and the answer is,
you cannot lead America to a positive tomorrow with revenge on one's mind.

Revenge is so incredibly negative.
And so to answer your question,
I'm going to win because people sense my heart,
know my sense of optimism and know where I want to lead the country.

And I tease people by saying,
'A leader, you can't say, follow me the world is going to be worse.'
I'm an optimistic person. I'm an inherently content person.

I've got a great sense of where I want to lead
and I'm comfortable with why I'm running.

And, you know, the call on that speech was, beware.
This is going to be a tough campaign."

--- DISGUSTING degenerate Adolph Bush,
Interview with the Washington Post, March 23, 200
2003-11-30 09:00:13 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 30 Nov 2003 09:00:13 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship of NWO,
Degeneracy Propagation Department.
Article: 83

"There's no such thing as legacies.
At least, there is a legacy, but I'll never see it."

--- DISGUSTING degenerate Adolph Bush,
To Catholic leaders at the White House, Jan. 31, 2001
It's pretty simple, Bro. Bob: Mr. Perry's internet "corporation" is a
Nothing more and nothing less. You can read his resume online and
find that he's got ZERO healthcare experience. Amusingly, however, he's
offering HIPAA (Healthcare Information Privacy and Accountability Act)
Isn't such advice legal in nature, Ed? I don't know if health care
experience, you know, like giving flu shots, would really mean much.
Sounds like a good masonic subject.
Trying to come up with some scheme to slime someone.

What a "brotherhood" [of death], I tellya.
Still, it's remarkable how Mr. Perry is suddenly reticent to discuss
his Mason-destroyed business.
Are you paranoid?
Perhaps some facts about it would be
a little embarrassing if they were brought into the cold light of day.
Oh, finally, the shame manipulation trick.
Anything else up your sleeve, eh?
Mr. Perry's integrity seems AWFULLY suspect for someone who
wants us all to appreciate his "Christian" motivations....
An unfortunately familiar story here.
You mean among all these perverts you are, eh?

What a "brootherhood", I tellya.
But we know Someone Else will
judge that.
Yep, the supreme being.
Ever heard, eh?
Jim Bennie
PM/DC, No. 44, Vancouver
[NWO, degenerate, Zionism, fascism, Illuminati, Lucifer, satan, 666]

"The Palestinians are like crocodiles,
the more you give them meat,
they want more"....

--- DISGUSTING degenerate Ehud Barak, Prime Minister of Israel
at the time - August 28, 2000.
Reported in the Jerusalem Post August 30, 2000
2003-11-30 09:00:16 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 30 Nov 2003 09:00:16 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship of NWO,
Degeneracy Propagation Department.
Article: 85

[NWO, fabrication, Lucifer, propaganda, disinformation, deception,
mind control, Illuminati, Freemasons, nazi, fascism, genocide]

DUBAI (Reuters) - President George Bush's calls for democracy rang
hollow in the Middle East, where many said on Friday they were
appalled Washington was preaching liberty for Arabs while occupying

The war on Iraq and Washington's support for Israel in its bloody
conflict with the Palestinians have antagonized many Arabs and Muslims
who were already seething at the United States' war on terror, seen by
many as a battle against Islam.

"Bush's speech is like a boring, broken record that nobody believes,"
said Gulf-based political analyst Moghazy al-Badrawy.

"He wants democracy and the U.S. is occupying Iraq and its ally Israel
is killing Palestinians? Arabs just don't buy it."
Like a very few others on this forum, SHE has been plonked, Mr. Perry.
Well, because you are just a liar.

You tried your draw-out trick
but when you were given the most generous offer
to have a "meaningful" discussion
with the the simpliest condition
that you can not lie,
you simply vanished.

And now you are simply trying to save your face
of a coward claiming this plonkatron idiocy.


You are a PATHOLOGICAL liar, and self-admitted one at that
and all your holier than thou blabber in this post
is just indication of your cowardness.
can sometimes engage in meaningful discourse with generally rational folks
who for some inexplicable reason cling to seriously irrational ideas.

There can be no meaningful discussion with paranid,
secretive idiots of your grade, that have admitted
on record that the most interesting things you can
not even talk about.

With all your stupid paranoid secrets,
there are no subjects left to discuss
of freemasonry beyond your masturbation rituals.
However, it is entirely a waste of time and patience to attempt a rational
About what?

What CAN you discuss, you paranoid idiot?

I give ya a subject you have bitten.
How bout 90+ Rolls Royces, eh?

You suck?

What else?
with an individual who ought to be occupying his or her own wing
at the Kooks Museum.
Meaningless sub-idiocy, mr. bookworm.
___Gregory Perry___
Lighten up JSW, your tar and feather approach to dissent on alt.freemasonry
makes you look like a grumpy old judge.
"Dissent" is not the issue. I "dissent" from lots of opinions held by my
fellows, as any Brother here can tell you.

Complete garbage.
You'd be out in not time if you did so.
What I do not and will not tolerate
You mean being a blood boiling idiot you are?

I give a flying dead chicken what you will
or will not "tolerate".
is bigotry and intolerance,
Talk to YOUR "brothers" here.

"Oh brother, I just breeth the same air as you do".

[Ed, Da King of Fart sniffing ass
of Joe Steve Swick III, the jackass]
robed in garments of poor polemic
What is this here?

A mental masturbation class, eh?

"Poor polemic", you brain dead idiot?

and gross misrepresentation -- or those who,
reading a few antiMasonic books
and pamphlets,
suddenly and arrogantly consider themselves authorities,
free to pontificate on what they presume to be the errors
of the Fraternity.
Your own opinions readily come to mind.
Sucking full time, eh?
Or doing overtime now, eh?
Joe Swick, PM
Verity Lodge No. 59 F&AM
Kent, Washington
[NWO, degenerate, Zionism, propaganda, disinformation, deceit,
mind control, terrorism, Illuminati, war, genocide, CIA]

According to a recent CIA report, the threat of terrorism
against the USA has increased dramatically

BECAUSE of the inept actions of Bush.

The Bushie neoconartists have taken advantage of and perpetuated
the American people's anger and fear by providing these
simplistic and FALSE movie script solutions to the 'terrorism'
of Osama and Al-Queda and transferred this fear and anger to
(who had NOTHING to do with Osama or 9/11 - though they
successfully linked them via their relentless PR machine).

They are doing this as

they are looting the US Treasury,

ignoring the US infrastructure,

destroying US environmental protections and global
environmental agreements,

gutting the Bill of Rights,

and paying off their corporate campaign contributors with
massive tax cuts

and the elimination of corporate regulations.

It's all as very neatly orchestrated as was the photo-op
landing on the aircraft carrier by little AWOL George in
his wannabe pilot costume.

(He doesn't even have a license to fly.
He lost it by failing to take the required medical exam
that included a drug test when he was in the Air
National Guard.

He was accompanied on that landing by another qualified
pilot who actually flew and landed the jet.)

If you have any interesting articles or quotes on:
NWO, Freemasonry, Illuminati, Skull and Bones, Zionism
please post them to alt.conspiracy.new-world-order
or alt.illuminati.
2003-11-30 09:00:21 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 30 Nov 2003 09:00:21 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship of NWO,
Degeneracy Propagation Department.
Article: 87

[Lucifer, satan, 666, Illuminati, Freemasons, NWO, Skull and Bones, Zionism]

Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion

Protocol Number 9 : Re-education


1. In applying our principles
let attention be paid to the character of the people
in whose country you live and act;
a general, identical application of them,
until such time
as the people shall have been re-educated to our pattern,
cannot have success.

But by approaching their application cautiously
you will see that not a decade will pass
before the most stubborn character will change
and we shall add a new people to the ranks of those
already subdued by us.

2. The words of the liberal,
which are in effect the words of our masonic watchword,
namely, "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity,"
will, when we come into our kingdom,
be changed by us into words no longer of a watchword,
but only an expression of idealism,
namely, into "The right of liberty, the duty of equality,
the ideal of brotherhood."

That is how we shall put it,
- and so we shall catch the bull by the horns
.. de facto we have already wiped out every kind of rule
except our own,
although de jure there still remain a good many of them.

if any States raise a protest against us
it is only pro forma at our discretion
and by our direction,
for their anti-Semitism is indispensable to us
for the management of our lesser brethren.

I will not enter into further explanations,
for this matter has formed the subject
of repeated discussions amongst us.
On Sun, 19 Oct 2003 16:26:00 GMT, Gregory Perry
You guys are pretty funny.
Post a few questions about your fraternity, and within days the
investigation and character assassination starts. What a harmless group of
fraternity brothers, where do I sign up?
Actually, as I mentioned, I am more concerned with examining the
veracity of what you have posted. You claim that your business office
was tossed by the CIA in conjunction with the Freemasons. It would be
reasonable to determine if that business actually exists in order to
establish the truthfulness of what you are saying.
For what?

What are you going to do about it even if it is true, eh?

Well, ask Ed, Da King Of Fart.
He'll tellya.
95% of companies incorporated in the U.S. have charters outside of their
home state of business, for tax liability, ease of corporate maintainance,
and a host of other reasons too numerous and off topic to mention here.
That might be true. However, A corporation is a legal entity. In order
for that entity to do business with a *Florida address*, you must
either be registered in Florida as a native corporation or registered
in another state and registered in Florida as a foreign corporation.
In addition, you must pay any and all annual foreign corporation
registration fees, annual report filing fees, and applicable taxes
to the state of Florida.
What is this crap?

Consulting him on how to run business, eh?
If you really are registered in another state and have not
registered in Florida as a foreign corporation, I suggest you contact
the Secretary of State's office promptly and check into your status
before they contact you. You are most likely violating Florida
Corporate Registration and Tax statutes. If, OTOH, you are not
registered as a corporation at all and the whole thing is a sham,
then you are violating state fraud laws by representing yourself as
a Corporation (a legal entity) when that entity does not legally
Which state did you say you are registered in ?
What are you trying to "help" him with?

Who are you, eh?

Fear and guilt manipulation master of alt.freemasonry?

Attorney degenerate of alt.freemasonry clan of masonic
disinformation peddlers?


What is this paranoid "investigation", eh?

I tellya what you, suckers, do here.
You do this very trick and try to collect as much
information about individual, as impossible.
Not that you are interested in helping anyone in
ANY way, shape of form.

Just the other way around.

You start sniffing their weaknesses,
visiting their web pages
and see if you can find something
that will help you to discredit them.

And if you ever do,
you post even private information in a public place
such as this dump of masonic disinformation,
alt.freemasonry, where all of you snakes reside
doing just about one thing, trying to destroy
any and all information, opinions or anything else
that exposes your satanic cult of freemasonry.

That is about ALL you do here, you see.

Because there is not much else to do
since your secret paranoya runs rampant
in your cult of Lucifer aka Satan worshippers.

And you, lil slime, are even willing to go as far
as to try to slime or diminish the significance
of your own figureheads, such as ILLUSTRIOUS
"Grand commander" Albert Pike.

Makes sense, eh?

Here is more stuff to digest:

Quotes by Madam Blavatsky 32°:

"Lucifer represents.. Life.. Thought.. Progress..
Civilization.. Liberty.. Independence..
Lucifer is the Logos.. the Serpent, the Savior."
pages 171, 225, 255 (Volume II)

"It is Satan who is the God of our planet and
the only God." pages 215, 216,
220, 245, 255, 533, (VI)

"The Celestial Virgin which thus becomes the
Mother of Gods and Devils at one and the same
time; for she is the ever-loving beneficent
Deity...but in antiquity and reality Lucifer
or Luciferius is the name. Lucifer is divine and
terrestial Light, 'the Holy Ghost' and 'Satan'
at one and the same time." page 539

'The Secret Doctrine'
by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky

Hymn to Lucifer
by Aleister Crowley 33°

"Ware, nor of good nor ill, what aim hath act?
Without its climax, death, what savour hath
Life? an impeccable machine, exact
He paces an inane and pointless path
To glut brute appetites, his sole content
How tedious were he fit to comprehend
Himself! More, this our noble element
Of fire in nature, love in spirit, unkenned
Life hath no spring, no axle, and no end."

"His body a blood-ruby radiant
With noble passion, sun-souled Lucifer
Swept through the dawn colossal, swift aslant
On Eden's imbecile perimeter.
He blessed nonentity with every curse
And spiced with sorrow the dull soul of sense,
Breath life into the sterile universe,
With Love and Knowledge drove out innocence
The Key of Joy is disobedience."

Heard of KKK?

"I took my obligations from white men,
not from negroes. When I have to accept
negroes as brothers or leave Masonry,
I shall leave it"

- Albert Pike 33rd*

Delmar D. Darrah
History and Evolution of Freemasonry 1954, page 329.
The Charles T Powner Co.

"General Albert Pike, who stood high in the
Masonic order, was the chief judicial officer
of the Klan."

As owner-publisher of the Memphis, Tennessee,
Daily Appeal, Albert Pike wrote in an editorial
on April 16, 1868:

"With negroes for witnesses and jurors, the
administration of justice becomes a blasphemous
We would unite every white man in the South,
who is opposed to negro suffrage, into one
great Order of Southern Brotherhood, with an
organization complete, active, vigorous,
in which a few should execute the concentrated
will of all, and whose very existence should be
concealed from all but its members."

Pike became a Convicted War Criminal in a
War Crimes Trial held after the Civil Wars end.
He had fled to British Territory in Canada.
Pike only returned to the U.S. after
his hand picked Scottish Rite Succsessor
James Richardon 33° got a pardon for him after,
making President Jackson a 33° Scottish Mason
in a ceremony held inside the White House itself!

"Lucifer, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious
name to give to the Spirit of Darkness!
Lucifer, the son of the morning! Is it he who bears
the Light, and with it's splendors intolerable blinds
feeble, sensual or selfish Souls? Doubt it not!

Morals and Dogma, page 321
Illustrious Albert Pike 33°
Sovereign Grand Commander Supreme Council 33°,
The Mother Supreme Council of the World

"We shall unleash the Nihilists and Atheists,
and we shall provoke a formidable
social cataclysm which in all its horror
will show clearly to the nations the
effects of absolute atheism, origin
of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil.
Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend
themselves against the world minority of
revolutionaries, will exterminate those
destroyers of civilization, and the multitude,
disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic
spirits will be from that moment without compass,
anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where
to render its adoration, will receive the pure
doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the
public view, a manifestation which will result
from the general reactionary movement which will
follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism,
both conquered and exterminated at the same time."

Illustrious Albert Pike 33°
Letter 15 August 1871
Addressed to Grand Master Guiseppie Mazzini 33°
Archives British Museum
London, England
[NWO, Skull and Bones, propaganda, brainwash, mind control,
fanatic, deranged, idiot, lunatic, retarded,
senile, puppet, american values, right thing, belief,
religion, God, President, dictator, totalitarianism, extremism]

"They said, 'You know, this issue doesn't seem to resignate
with the people.' And I said, you know something?
Whether it resignates or not doesn't matter to me,
because I stand for doing what's the right thing,
and what the right thing is hearing the voices of people
who work."

--- DISGUSTING degenerate Adolph Bush,
Portland, Ore., Oct. 31, 2000

[According to one of the foremost experts in the world
in Supreme Sociology, Gregory Klimov,
there are three phases of degeneracy:

1. Sexual perversions (homosexuality, lesbianism, sado-masochism]
2. Mental deseases
3. Birth defects [withered-away-hand (Stalin), horse foot
(Goebbels), the rabbit lip, wolve's mouth, cross-eyeness,
and so on and so forth.

Read a mind boggling article on degeneracy:
Message-ID: <bp0u26$833$***@toster.Te.NeT.UA>
2003-11-30 09:00:26 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 30 Nov 2003 09:00:26 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship of NWO,
Degeneracy Propagation Department.
Article: 89

[Lucifer, satan, 666, Illuminati, Freemasons, NWO, Skull and Bones, Zionism]

Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion


Protocol Number 1 : The Basic Doctrine

1. ....Putting aside fine phrases
we shall speak of the significance of each thought:
by comparisons and deductions
we shall throw light upon surrounding facts.

2. What I am about to set forth, then,
is our system from the two points of view,
that of ourselves
and that of the goyim [i.e., non- Jews].

3. It must be noted
that men with bad instincts
are more in number than the good,
and therefore
the best results in governing them
are attained by violence and terrorisation,
and not by academic discussions.

Every man aims at power,
everyone would like to become a dictator
if only he could,
and rare indeed are the men
who would not be willing to sacrifice the welfare of all
for the sake of securing their own welfare.

4. What has restrained the beasts of prey
who are called men?

What has served for their guidance hitherto?

5. In the beginnings of the structure of society,
they were subjected to brutal and blind force;
after words - to Law,
which is the same force,
only disguised.

I draw the conclusion
that by the law of nature right lies in force.

6. Political freedom is an idea but not a fact.

This idea one must know how to apply
whenever it appears necessary with this bait of an idea
to attract the masses of the people to one's party
for the purpose of crushing another who is in authority.

This task is rendered easier of the opponent
has himself been infected with the idea of freedom,
so-called liberalism,
for the sake of an idea,
is willing to yield some of his power.

It is precisely here that the triumph of our theory appears;
the slackened reins of government are immediately,
by the law of life,
caught up and gathered together
by a new hand,

because the blind might of the nation
cannot for one single day exist
without guidance,
and the new authority merely fits into the place
of the old already weakened by liberalism.
___Gregory Perry___
My sincere apologies for posting questions to alt.freemasonry, I was unaware
that critical thought in your fraternity is a precursor to being labeled a
Mr. Perry, let us set the record straight, shall we?
Oh, the crooks setting the record "straight"?
Sounds exciting, eh?
You didn't come here posting questions about Freemasonry.
Rather, you came
1) of ruining your private business;
2) of worshipping Ba'al / Asherah;
3) of engaging in sorcery/witchcraft;
4) of being antithetical to Christianity;
5) of being a Zionist-leaning stepchild of Judaism, and
6) of being prejudiced against Arabs and Muslims.
I suspect that MY characterization of your behavior is much more accurate
than YOURS,
Zig heil!
that you were simply "posting questions to ALT.FREEMASONRY."
Now, it seems you wish to get all chummy with one of the NG's biggest
loonies. Why does this not surprise me?
Because you are braindead, eh?
Joe Swick
Verity Lodge No. 59 F&AM
Kent, Washington
[Lucifer, satan, 666, Illuminati, Freemasons, NWO, Skull and Bones, Zionism]

Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion

Protocol Number 10 : Preparing For Power



8. Under various names
there exists in all countries approximately
one and the same thing.

State Council,
Legislative and Executive Corps.

I need not explain to you
the mechanism of the relation of these institutions
to one another,
because you are aware of all that;
only take note of the fact
that each of the above-named institutions
corresponds to some important function of the State,
and I would beg you to remark
that the word "important"
I apply not to the institution
but to the function,
it is not the institutions
which are important but their functions.

These institutions have divided up among themselves
all the functions of government
- administrative,
wherefore they have come to operate
as do the organs in the human body.

If we injure one part in the machinery of State,
the State falls sick,
like a human body,
and ... will die.

9. When we introduced into the State organism
the poison of Liberalism
its whole political complexion underwent a change.

States have been seized with a mortal illness
- blood poisoning.

All that remains
is to await the end of their death agony.

10. Liberalism produced Constitutional States,
which took the place
of what was the only safeguard of the goyim,
namely, Despotism;
and a constitution, as you well know,
is nothing else but a school of discords,
fruitless party agitations,
party whims

- in a word, a school of everything
that serves to destroy the personality
of State activity.

The tribune of the "talkerics" has,
no less effectively than the press,
condemned the rulers to inactivity and impotence,
and thereby rendered them useless and superfluous,
for which reason indeed
they have been in many countries deposed.

Then it was that the era of republics
become possible of realization;
and then it was that we replaced the ruler
by a caricature of a government
- by a president,
taken from the mob,
from the midst of our puppet creatures,
or slaves.

This was the foundation of the mine
which we have laid under the goy people,
I should rather say,
under the goy peoples.


11. In the near future
we shall establish the responsibility of presidents.

12. By that time
we shall be in a position to disregard forms
in carrying through matters
for which our impersonal puppet
will be responsible.

What do we care
if the ranks of those striving for power
should be thinned,
if there should arise a deadlock
from the impossibility of finding presidents,
a deadlock which will finally disorganize the country? ...

13. In order that our scheme
may produce this result
we shall arrange elections
in favor of such presidents
as have in their past some dark,
undiscovered stain,
some "Panama" or other

- then they will be trustworthy agents
for the accomplishment of our plans
out of fear of revelations
and from the natural desire
of everyone who has attained power,
the retention of the privileges,
advantages and honor
connected with the office of president.

The chamber of deputies will provide cover for,
will protect,
will elect presidents,
but we shall take from it
the right to propose new,
or make changes in existing laws,
for this right will be given by us
to the responsible president,
a puppet in our hands.

the authority of the presidents
will then become a target
for every possible form of attack,
but we shall provide him
with a means of self-defense
in the right of an appeal to the people,
for the decision of the people
over the heads of their representatives,
that is to say,
an appeal to that some blind slave of ours
- the majority of the mob.

Independently of this
we shall invest the president
with the right of declaring a state of war.

We shall justify this last right
on the ground that the president as chief of the whole army
of the country
must have it at his disposal,
in case of need for the defense
of the new republican constitution,
the right to defend
which will belong to him
as the responsible representative
of this constitution.

14. It is easy to understand them
in these conditions
the key of the shrine will lie in our hands,
and no one outside ourselves
will any longer direct the force of legislation.

15. Besides this we shall,
with the introduction of the new republican constitution,
take from the Chamber
the right of interpolation on government measures,
on the pretext of preserving political secrecy,
and, further,
we shall by the new constitution
reduce the number of representatives to a minimum,
thereby proportionately reducing political passions
and the passion for politics.

If, however, they should,
which is hardly to be expected,
burst into flame,
even in this minimum,
we shall nullify them
by a stirring appeal and a reference to the majority
of the whole people ...

Upon the president will depend the appointment of presidents
and vice-presidents of the Chamber
and the Senate.

Instead of constant sessions of Parliaments
we shall reduce their sittings to a few months.
Moreover, the president,
as chief of the executive power,
will have the right
to summon and dissolve Parliament,
in the latter case,
to prolong the time for the appointment
of a new parliamentary assembly.

But in order that the consequences of all these acts
which in substance are illegal,
should not,
prematurely for our plans,
upon the responsibility established
by use of the president,
we shall instigate ministers and other officials
of the higher administration about the president
to evade his dispositions by taking measures of their own,
for doing which they will be made the scapegoats in his place ...

This part we especially recommend
to be given to be played by the Senate,
the Council of State,
or the Council of Ministers,
but not to an individual official.

16. The president will, at our discretion,
interpret the sense of such of the existing laws
as admit of various interpretation;
he will further annul them
when we indicate to him the necessity to do so,
besides this,
he will have the right
to propose temporary laws,
and even new departures
in the government constitutional working,
the pretext both for the one and the other
being the requirements
for the supreme welfare of the State.
2003-11-30 09:00:50 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 30 Nov 2003 09:00:50 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship of NWO,
Degeneracy Propagation Department.
Article: 91

[NWO, degenerate, Illuminati, Freemason, Skull and Bones, propaganda,
brainwash, mind control, fanatic, deranged, idiot, lunatic,
retarded, senile, puppet, american values, doing the right thing]

"The administration I'll bring is a group of men and women
who are focused on what's best for America, honest men and women,
decent men and women, women who will see service to our country
as a great privilege and who will not stain the house."

--- DISGUSTING degenerate Adolph Bush,
Des Moines Register debate,
Iowa, Jan. 15, 2000

[According to one of the foremost experts in the world
in Supreme Sociology, Gregory Klimov,
there are three phases of degeneracy:

1. Sexual perversions (homosexuality, lesbianism, sado-masochism]
2. Mental deseases
3. Birth defects [withered-away-hand (Stalin), horse foot
(Goebbels), the rabbit lip, wolve's mouth, cross-eyeness,
and so on and so forth.

Read a mind boggling article on degeneracy:
Message-ID: <bp0u26$833$***@toster.Te.NeT.UA>
You mean that Morning Star thing? "Lucifer, light 'bearer'"?
Interestingly, the NT gives JESUS the name "Morning Star."

Oh, this pervert, pathological liar, and disinformation agent
of evil, Joe Steve Swick III, who claimed just the other day
he killfiled me, all of a sudden follows on what I have said?

Looking at how these liars posing as freemasons behave
and how much damage they are doing to freemasonry,
looks like they are not freemasons at all,
but some clandestine gang doing all they can
to discredit freemasonry.

Because genuine freemasons do not behave like this.
They are seekers of light and Truth.

Can they PROVE they are freemasons and information
they provide about themselves on their post signatures
is true and correct, eh?
[NWO, war, military, terror, Iraq]

"We should not march into Baghdad. To occupy Iraq would
instantly shatter our coalition, turning the whole Arab
world against us and make a broken tyrant into a latter-day
Arab hero.

Assigning young soldiers to a fruitless hunt for a securely
entrenched dictator and condemning them to fight in what
would be an unwinable urban guerilla war, it could only
plunge that part of the world into ever greater instability."

--- DISGUSTING degenerate George H. W. Bush,
Skull and Bones super-secret society initiate
in his 1998 book "A World Transformed",

[According to one of the foremost experts in the world
in Supreme Sociology, Gregory Klimov,
there are three phases of degeneracy:

1. Sexual perversions (homosexuality, lesbianism, sado-masochism]
2. Mental deseases
3. Birth defects [withered-away-hand (Stalin), horse foot
(Goebbels), the rabbit lip, wolve's mouth, cross-eyeness,
and so on and so forth.

Read a mind boggling article on degeneracy:
Message-ID: <bp0u26$833$***@toster.Te.NeT.UA>
2003-12-01 15:00:45 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 1 Dec 2003 15:00:45 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship of NWO,
Degeneracy Propagation Department.
Article: 82

[Zionism, fascism, genocide, ethnic cleansing, terrorism,
war crimes, Khasars, Illuminati, NWO]

"There is no other way than to transfer the Arabs from here
to the neighboring countries, to transfer all of them;
not one village, not one tribe, should be left."

--- Disgusting Degenerate Joseph Weitz,
the Jewish National Fund administrator
for Zionist colonization (1967),
from My Diary and Letters to the Children, Chapter III, p. 293.

"...Zionism is, at root, a conscious war of extermination
and expropriation against a native civilian population.
In the modern vernacular, Zionism is the theory and practice
of "ethnic cleansing," which the UN has defined as a war crime."

"Now, the Zionist Jews who founded Israel are another matter.
For the most part, they are not Semites, and their language
(Yiddish) is not semitic. These Ashkenazi ("German") Jews --
as opposed to the Sephardic ("Spanish") Jews -- have no
connection whatever to any of the aforementioned ancient
peoples or languages.

They are mostly East European Slavs descended from the Khazars,
a nomadic Turko-Finnic people that migrated out of the Caucasus
in the second century and came to settle, broadly speaking, in
what is now Southern Russia and Ukraine."

In A.D. 740, the khagan (ruler) of Khazaria, decided that paganism
wasn't good enough for his people and decided to adopt one of the
"heavenly" religions: Judaism, Christianity or Islam.

After a process of elimination he chose Judaism, and from that
point the Khazars adopted Judaism as the official state religion.

The history of the Khazars and their conversion is a documented,
undisputed part of Jewish history, but it is never publicly

It is, as former U.S. State Department official Alfred M. Lilienthal
declared, "Israel's Achilles heel," for it proves that Zionists
have no claim to the land of the Biblical Hebrews."

--- Greg Felton,
Israel: A monument to anti-Semitism
Again, what about the destruction of your life by the Freemasons? (Or that
Bacon founded Freemasonry, for that matter?)
Don't worry, on my timeline - not yours. I'll print names, dates, and
contracts once it's ready.
But Mr. Perry, you've made a VERY serious charge here. Why are you unwilling
to support your claim?
And whatcha gonna do abouts its
even if he does, eh?
Why are you reluctant to give us even a hint of what super
block-buster you're keeping (dare I use the word?) SECRET?????
Why would you care, eh?

Are you a pervert, gorging on deceit, eh?
And what about your seemingly successful business which your website portrays?
And what does it have to do with anything, eh?
Is it in total shambles, ruined beyond repair?
Are you sick, eh?
If so, one would think you'd
want to take that website down, wouldn't one?
None of your business, eh?
And golly-gee: I know I keep asking odd questions but what about your
statements I questioned in the message preceding this. Let me ask them again
What is this a torturing procedure, eh?
I asked: <<So you think that Freemasonry is a "cult of personality"? Whose
personality is it, Mr. Perry?>>
Well, the idiots like you.
Sounds good enough, eh?
I asked: <<So you think that we're promoting something SECRETLY do you?
Just look at your own signature.
What are you promoting, eh?
What would that be - with buildings bearing easily recognizable emblems,
cars with those little decals and bumper stickers, and listings in
the phone book?
What "secrecy" are we promoting?>>
You are promoting idiocy.
You need proof, eh?

Look at your own posts, dummy.
See anything, eh?
You seem to have missed those in framing your answer. Perhaps you can do
better the next time, eh?
You suck like a blackhole, eh?
You know, Mr. Perry, it may be time for you to go off and hide once again.
May be it is time to commit suicide, eh?
It looks like you're run out of answers awfully early in the race.
Answering to who, eh?

And what would it produce as a result, eh?
And it was Dee, not Francis Bacon - that quote, as mentioned, came from
Hoffman's book on Judaism - purchase your own copy for the details.
I see. I recall a number of books who say that Jesus was an imposter, never
existed, wasn't the Son of God and all sorts of other things.
But what do YOU think, eh?
Since that's
been said in a book, can I assume that it's correct - as you've done with Dee?
(After all, we should be able to use similar standards, shouldn't we?)
This is called a total denial trick.

In order to prove ANYTHING to these perverts,
you'd have to produce someone alive,
say Adolph Bush, and, since it is not the easiest
thing in the werld to do, they kinda win by default,
forever demanding "proof".

Even books won't do to prove ANYTHING.

I wonder why do they even bother to post, eh?

The same trick applies to them.
Whatever they claim, just demand "proof".

Kinda dead end trip.

Hey, masonic disinformation peddlers and assorted
snakes, what are you doing here on alt.freemasonry?
Ed, Da King Of Farts
http://www.masonicdisinfo.com -- Anti-Masonry: Points of View
[Lucifer, satan, 666, Illuminati, Freemasons, NWO, Skull and Bones, Zionism]

Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion

Protocol Number 20 : Financial Programme



5. The tax upon the poor man is a seed of revolution and
works to the detriment of the State which is hunting after
the trifling is missing the big. Quite apart from this, a
tax on capitalists diminishes the growth of wealth in
private hands in which we have in these days concentrated it
as a counterpoise to the government strength of the goyim -
their State finances.

6. A tax increasing in a percentage ratio to capital will
give much larger revenue than the present individual or
property tax, which is useful to us now for the sole reason
that it excites trouble and discontent among the goyim. (Now
we know the purpose of the 16th Amendment!!).

7. The force upon which our king will rest consists in the
equilibrium and the guarantee of peace, for the sake of
which things it is indispensable that the capitalists should
yield up a portion of their incomes for the sake of the
secure working of the machinery of the State. State needs
must be paid by those who will not feel the burden and have
enough to take from.

8. Such a measure will destroy the hatred of the poor man
for the rich, in whom he will see a necessary financial
support for the State, will see in him the organizer of
peace and well-being since he will see that it is the rich
man who is paying the necessary means to attain these

9. In order that payers of the educated classes should not
too much distress themselves over the new payments they will
have full accounts given them of the destination of those
payments, with the exception of such sums as will be
appropriated for the needs of the throne and the
administrative institutions.

10. He who reigns will not have any properties of his own
once all in the State represented his patrimony, or else the
one would be in contradiction to the other; the fact of
holding private means would destroy the right of property in
the common possessions of all.

11. Relatives of him who reigns, his heirs excepted, who
will be maintained by the resources of the State, must enter
the ranks of servants of the State or must work to obtain
the right to property; the privilege of royal blood must not
serve for the spoiling of the treasury.

12. Purchase, receipt of money or inheritance will be
subject to the payment of a stamp progressive tax. Any
transfer of property, whether money or other, without
evidence of payment of this tax which will be strictly
registered by names, will render the former holder liable to
pay interest on the tax from the moment of transfer of these
sums up to the discovery of his evasion of declaration of
the transfer. Transfer documents must be presented weekly at
the local treasury office with notifications of the name,
surname and permanent place of residence of the former and
the new holder of the property. This transfer with register
of names must begin from a definite sum which exceeds the
ordinary expenses of buying and selling necessaries, and
these will be subject to payment only by a stamp impost of a
definite percentage of the unit.

13. Just strike an estimate of how many times such taxes as
these will cover the revenue of the goyim States.
2003-12-01 15:00:56 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 1 Dec 2003 15:00:56 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship of NWO,
Degeneracy Propagation Department.
Article: 83

[Freemasonry, Illuminati, Zionism, deception]

'At the 13th Degree, Masons take the oath to conceal all crimes,
including Murder and Treason. Listen to Dr. C. Burns, quoting Masonic
author, Edmond Ronayne. "You must conceal all the crimes of your
[DISGUSTING degenerate] Brother Masons. and should you be summoned
as a witness against a Brother Mason, be always sure to shield him.

It may be perjury to do this, it is true, but you're keeping
your obligations."

[Dr. C. Burns, Masonic and Occult Symbols, Illustrated, p. 224]'
It's pretty simple, Bro. Bob: Mr. Perry's internet "corporation" is a
Nothing more and nothing less. You can read his resume online and
find that he's got ZERO healthcare experience. Amusingly, however, he's
offering HIPAA (Healthcare Information Privacy and Accountability Act)
Isn't such advice legal in nature, Ed? I don't know if health care
experience, you know, like giving flu shots, would really mean much.
Sounds like a good masonic subject.
Trying to come up with some scheme to slime someone.

What a "brotherhood" [of death], I tellya.
Still, it's remarkable how Mr. Perry is suddenly reticent to discuss
his Mason-destroyed business.
Are you paranoid?
Perhaps some facts about it would be
a little embarrassing if they were brought into the cold light of day.
Oh, finally, the shame manipulation trick.
Anything else up your sleeve, eh?
Mr. Perry's integrity seems AWFULLY suspect for someone who
wants us all to appreciate his "Christian" motivations....
An unfortunately familiar story here.
You mean among all these perverts you are, eh?

What a "brootherhood", I tellya.
But we know Someone Else will
judge that.
Yep, the supreme being.
Ever heard, eh?
Jim Bennie
PM/DC, No. 44, Vancouver
[NWO, Zionism, extremism, Israel, terrorism, genocide, war crimes]

What we are witnessing is the culmination of a strategy
clearly outlined in a 1996 paper prepared for the
Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies,
entitled A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm."

This was a collaborative effort by Richard Perle, James Colbert,
Charles Fairbanks, Jr.,Douglas Feith, Robert Loewenberg,
David Wurmser, and Meyrav Wurmser a good number of whom are now
ensconced in high positions in this administration.

The paper outlined for then Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
a new Israeli strategic vision that would not only rid the
Israelis of their Palestinian problem, but give them
"breathing space" and revitalize the Zionist dream of a
Greater Israel:

"Israel can shape its strategic environment, in cooperation
with Turkey and Jordan, by weakening, containing, and even
rolling back Syria.

This effort can focus on removing Saddam Hussein from power
in Iraq (an important Israeli strategic objective in its own right)
as a means of foiling Syria's regional ambitions.

Jordan has challenged Syria's regional ambitions recently by
suggesting the restoration of the Hashemites in Iraq."

Rolling back Syrian influence in Lebanon, and even calling
for strikes within Syria itself, the authors of "A Clean Break"
laid out a road map for making the Middle East safe for Israel
(one that had nothing to do with creating a Palestinian state.
Syria was seen as the main enemy, but, in their view, the
road to Damascus had to start in Baghdad) as it has.

Using the U.S. as a blunt instrument, Israel has shaped its
strategic environment. While the Coalition Provisional Authority
hasn't restored the Hashemites quite yet, Bolton's testimony
signals that the second phase of Operation Clean Break is underway.
2003-12-01 15:00:20 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 1 Dec 2003 15:00:20 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship of NWO,
Degeneracy Propagation Department.
Article: 87

[NWO, Skull and Bones, propaganda, brainwash, mind control,
fanatic, deranged, idiot, lunatic, retarded,
senile, puppet, american values, right thing, belief,
President, war, terror, dictator, totalitarianism, extremism]

"I was proud the other day when both Republicans and
Democrats stood with me in the Rose Garden to announce
their support for a clear statement of purpose:
you disarm, or we will."
(Speaking about Saddam Hussein)

--- DISGUSTING degenerate Adolph Bush,
Manchester, N.H., Oct. 5, 2002
(Thanks to George Dupper.)
On Sun, 19 Oct 2003 16:26:00 GMT, Gregory Perry
You guys are pretty funny.
Post a few questions about your fraternity, and within days the
investigation and character assassination starts. What a harmless group of
fraternity brothers, where do I sign up?
Actually, as I mentioned, I am more concerned with examining the
veracity of what you have posted. You claim that your business office
was tossed by the CIA in conjunction with the Freemasons. It would be
reasonable to determine if that business actually exists in order to
establish the truthfulness of what you are saying.
For what?

What are you going to do about it even if it is true, eh?

Well, ask Ed, Da King Of Fart.
He'll tellya.
95% of companies incorporated in the U.S. have charters outside of their
home state of business, for tax liability, ease of corporate maintainance,
and a host of other reasons too numerous and off topic to mention here.
That might be true. However, A corporation is a legal entity. In order
for that entity to do business with a *Florida address*, you must
either be registered in Florida as a native corporation or registered
in another state and registered in Florida as a foreign corporation.
In addition, you must pay any and all annual foreign corporation
registration fees, annual report filing fees, and applicable taxes
to the state of Florida.
What is this crap?

Consulting him on how to run business, eh?
If you really are registered in another state and have not
registered in Florida as a foreign corporation, I suggest you contact
the Secretary of State's office promptly and check into your status
before they contact you. You are most likely violating Florida
Corporate Registration and Tax statutes. If, OTOH, you are not
registered as a corporation at all and the whole thing is a sham,
then you are violating state fraud laws by representing yourself as
a Corporation (a legal entity) when that entity does not legally
Which state did you say you are registered in ?
What are you trying to "help" him with?

Who are you, eh?

Fear and guilt manipulation master of alt.freemasonry?

Attorney degenerate of alt.freemasonry clan of masonic
disinformation peddlers?


What is this paranoid "investigation", eh?

I tellya what you, suckers, do here.
You do this very trick and try to collect as much
information about individual, as impossible.
Not that you are interested in helping anyone in
ANY way, shape of form.

Just the other way around.

You start sniffing their weaknesses,
visiting their web pages
and see if you can find something
that will help you to discredit them.

And if you ever do,
you post even private information in a public place
such as this dump of masonic disinformation,
alt.freemasonry, where all of you snakes reside
doing just about one thing, trying to destroy
any and all information, opinions or anything else
that exposes your satanic cult of freemasonry.

That is about ALL you do here, you see.

Because there is not much else to do
since your secret paranoya runs rampant
in your cult of Lucifer aka Satan worshippers.

And you, lil slime, are even willing to go as far
as to try to slime or diminish the significance
of your own figureheads, such as ILLUSTRIOUS
"Grand commander" Albert Pike.

Makes sense, eh?

Here is more stuff to digest:

Quotes by Madam Blavatsky 32°:

"Lucifer represents.. Life.. Thought.. Progress..
Civilization.. Liberty.. Independence..
Lucifer is the Logos.. the Serpent, the Savior."
pages 171, 225, 255 (Volume II)

"It is Satan who is the God of our planet and
the only God." pages 215, 216,
220, 245, 255, 533, (VI)

"The Celestial Virgin which thus becomes the
Mother of Gods and Devils at one and the same
time; for she is the ever-loving beneficent
Deity...but in antiquity and reality Lucifer
or Luciferius is the name. Lucifer is divine and
terrestial Light, 'the Holy Ghost' and 'Satan'
at one and the same time." page 539

'The Secret Doctrine'
by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky

Hymn to Lucifer
by Aleister Crowley 33°

"Ware, nor of good nor ill, what aim hath act?
Without its climax, death, what savour hath
Life? an impeccable machine, exact
He paces an inane and pointless path
To glut brute appetites, his sole content
How tedious were he fit to comprehend
Himself! More, this our noble element
Of fire in nature, love in spirit, unkenned
Life hath no spring, no axle, and no end."

"His body a blood-ruby radiant
With noble passion, sun-souled Lucifer
Swept through the dawn colossal, swift aslant
On Eden's imbecile perimeter.
He blessed nonentity with every curse
And spiced with sorrow the dull soul of sense,
Breath life into the sterile universe,
With Love and Knowledge drove out innocence
The Key of Joy is disobedience."

Heard of KKK?

"I took my obligations from white men,
not from negroes. When I have to accept
negroes as brothers or leave Masonry,
I shall leave it"

- Albert Pike 33rd*

Delmar D. Darrah
History and Evolution of Freemasonry 1954, page 329.
The Charles T Powner Co.

"General Albert Pike, who stood high in the
Masonic order, was the chief judicial officer
of the Klan."

As owner-publisher of the Memphis, Tennessee,
Daily Appeal, Albert Pike wrote in an editorial
on April 16, 1868:

"With negroes for witnesses and jurors, the
administration of justice becomes a blasphemous
We would unite every white man in the South,
who is opposed to negro suffrage, into one
great Order of Southern Brotherhood, with an
organization complete, active, vigorous,
in which a few should execute the concentrated
will of all, and whose very existence should be
concealed from all but its members."

Pike became a Convicted War Criminal in a
War Crimes Trial held after the Civil Wars end.
He had fled to British Territory in Canada.
Pike only returned to the U.S. after
his hand picked Scottish Rite Succsessor
James Richardon 33° got a pardon for him after,
making President Jackson a 33° Scottish Mason
in a ceremony held inside the White House itself!

"Lucifer, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious
name to give to the Spirit of Darkness!
Lucifer, the son of the morning! Is it he who bears
the Light, and with it's splendors intolerable blinds
feeble, sensual or selfish Souls? Doubt it not!

Morals and Dogma, page 321
Illustrious Albert Pike 33°
Sovereign Grand Commander Supreme Council 33°,
The Mother Supreme Council of the World

"We shall unleash the Nihilists and Atheists,
and we shall provoke a formidable
social cataclysm which in all its horror
will show clearly to the nations the
effects of absolute atheism, origin
of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil.
Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend
themselves against the world minority of
revolutionaries, will exterminate those
destroyers of civilization, and the multitude,
disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic
spirits will be from that moment without compass,
anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where
to render its adoration, will receive the pure
doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the
public view, a manifestation which will result
from the general reactionary movement which will
follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism,
both conquered and exterminated at the same time."

Illustrious Albert Pike 33°
Letter 15 August 1871
Addressed to Grand Master Guiseppie Mazzini 33°
Archives British Museum
London, England
"It's going to require numerous IRA agents."

--- DISGUSTING degenerate Adolph Bush,
On Gore's tax plan, Greensboro, N.C., Oct. 10, 2000
2003-12-01 15:00:29 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 1 Dec 2003 15:00:29 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship of NWO,
Degeneracy Propagation Department.
Article: 89

"We need an energy bill that encourages consumption."

--- DISGUSTING degenerate Adolph Bush,
Trenton, N.J., Sept. 23, 2002
___Gregory Perry___
My sincere apologies for posting questions to alt.freemasonry, I was unaware
that critical thought in your fraternity is a precursor to being labeled a
Mr. Perry, let us set the record straight, shall we?
Oh, the crooks setting the record "straight"?
Sounds exciting, eh?
You didn't come here posting questions about Freemasonry.
Rather, you came
1) of ruining your private business;
2) of worshipping Ba'al / Asherah;
3) of engaging in sorcery/witchcraft;
4) of being antithetical to Christianity;
5) of being a Zionist-leaning stepchild of Judaism, and
6) of being prejudiced against Arabs and Muslims.
I suspect that MY characterization of your behavior is much more accurate
than YOURS,
Zig heil!
that you were simply "posting questions to ALT.FREEMASONRY."
Now, it seems you wish to get all chummy with one of the NG's biggest
loonies. Why does this not surprise me?
Because you are braindead, eh?
Joe Swick
Verity Lodge No. 59 F&AM
Kent, Washington
[Freemasonry, occult, Kabbalah, Lucifer, satan, 666, Illuminati, NWO]

"Every Masonic Lodge is a temple of religion; and its teachings
are instruction in religion.

Masonry, like all religions, all the Mysteries,
Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all
except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect,
and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of
its symbols to mislead...to conceal the Truth, which it
calls Light, from them, and to draw them away from it...

The truth must be kept secret, and the masses need a teaching
proportioned to their imperfect reason every man's conception
of God must be proportioned to his mental cultivation, and
intellectual powers, and moral excellence.

God is, as man conceives him, the reflected image of man

--- Albert Pike,
Grand Commander, Sovereign Pontiff of
Universal Freemasonry,
Morals and Dogma

If you have any interesting articles or quotes on:
NWO, Freemasonry, Illuminati, Skull and Bones, Zionism
please post them to alt.conspiracy.new-world-order
or alt.illuminati.
2003-12-01 15:00:33 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 1 Dec 2003 15:00:33 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship of NWO,
Degeneracy Propagation Department.
Article: 91

[Freemasonry, secret society, Illuminati, NWO, Lucifer, satan, 666]

[From masonic initiation rituals]

Fourteenth Degree (Perfect Elu)

"I do most solemnly and sincerely swear on the Holy Bible,
and in the presence of the Grand Architect of the Universe ...
Never to reveal ... the mysteries of this our Sacred and High Degree...

In failure of this, my obligation,

I consent to have my belly cut open,

my bowels torn from thence and given to the hungry vultures.

[The initiation discourse by the Grand Orator also states,
"to inflict vengeance on traitors and to punish perfidy and
You mean that Morning Star thing? "Lucifer, light 'bearer'"?
Interestingly, the NT gives JESUS the name "Morning Star."

Oh, this pervert, pathological liar, and disinformation agent
of evil, Joe Steve Swick III, who claimed just the other day
he killfiled me, all of a sudden follows on what I have said?

Looking at how these liars posing as freemasons behave
and how much damage they are doing to freemasonry,
looks like they are not freemasons at all,
but some clandestine gang doing all they can
to discredit freemasonry.

Because genuine freemasons do not behave like this.
They are seekers of light and Truth.

Can they PROVE they are freemasons and information
they provide about themselves on their post signatures
is true and correct, eh?
Herman Goering, president of the Reichstag,
Nazi Party, and Luftwaffe Commander in Chief:

"Naturally the common people don't want war:
Neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany.
That is understood.

But, after all, it is the leaders of the country
who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter
to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy,
or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament,
or a communist dictatorship.

Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to
the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have
to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce
the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the
country to danger. It works the same in any country."

--- Herman Goering (second in command to Adolf Hitler)
at the Nuremberg Trials
2003-12-01 15:00:20 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 1 Dec 2003 15:00:20 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship of NWO,
Degeneracy Propagation Department.
Article: 85

[NWO, Skull and Bones, propaganda, brainwash, mind control,
fanatic, deranged, idiot, lunatic, retarded,
senile, puppet, american values, right thing, belief,
President, war, terror, dictator, totalitarianism, extremism]

"We've adopted a new strategy for a new kind of war.
We will not wait for known enemies to strike us again.

We will strike them in their camps or caves or wherever
they hide, before they can hit more of our cities and
kill more of our citizens. No matter how long it takes,
we will bring to justice those who plot against America."

--- DISGUSTING degenerate Adolph Bush, Skull and Bones initiate
In an August 7, 2000 Time magazine interview,
George W. Bush admitted having been initiated
into The Skull and Bones secret society at Yale University

"...these same secret societies are behind it all,"

my father said. Now, Dad had never spoken much about his work.

--- George W. Bush
Like a very few others on this forum, SHE has been plonked, Mr. Perry.
Well, because you are just a liar.

You tried your draw-out trick
but when you were given the most generous offer
to have a "meaningful" discussion
with the the simpliest condition
that you can not lie,
you simply vanished.

And now you are simply trying to save your face
of a coward claiming this plonkatron idiocy.


You are a PATHOLOGICAL liar, and self-admitted one at that
and all your holier than thou blabber in this post
is just indication of your cowardness.
can sometimes engage in meaningful discourse with generally rational folks
who for some inexplicable reason cling to seriously irrational ideas.

There can be no meaningful discussion with paranid,
secretive idiots of your grade, that have admitted
on record that the most interesting things you can
not even talk about.

With all your stupid paranoid secrets,
there are no subjects left to discuss
of freemasonry beyond your masturbation rituals.
However, it is entirely a waste of time and patience to attempt a rational
About what?

What CAN you discuss, you paranoid idiot?

I give ya a subject you have bitten.
How bout 90+ Rolls Royces, eh?

You suck?

What else?
with an individual who ought to be occupying his or her own wing
at the Kooks Museum.
Meaningless sub-idiocy, mr. bookworm.
___Gregory Perry___
Lighten up JSW, your tar and feather approach to dissent on alt.freemasonry
makes you look like a grumpy old judge.
"Dissent" is not the issue. I "dissent" from lots of opinions held by my
fellows, as any Brother here can tell you.

Complete garbage.
You'd be out in not time if you did so.
What I do not and will not tolerate
You mean being a blood boiling idiot you are?

I give a flying dead chicken what you will
or will not "tolerate".
is bigotry and intolerance,
Talk to YOUR "brothers" here.

"Oh brother, I just breeth the same air as you do".

[Ed, Da King of Fart sniffing ass
of Joe Steve Swick III, the jackass]
robed in garments of poor polemic
What is this here?

A mental masturbation class, eh?

"Poor polemic", you brain dead idiot?

and gross misrepresentation -- or those who,
reading a few antiMasonic books
and pamphlets,
suddenly and arrogantly consider themselves authorities,
free to pontificate on what they presume to be the errors
of the Fraternity.
Your own opinions readily come to mind.
Sucking full time, eh?
Or doing overtime now, eh?
Joe Swick, PM
Verity Lodge No. 59 F&AM
Kent, Washington

A Vietnam-era Air Force veteran (although his own Web site omits that
fact), DeFazio rose to contest the happy-face rhetoric of his
Republican colleagues in anticipation of Veterans Day next Wednesday.

DeFazio's remarks about the real record of the self-styled
super-patriots in the GOP deserve to be quoted at length:

"Here are some real facts, unlike what we heard earlier today:

150,000 veterans are waiting six months or longer for appointments;

14,000 veterans have been waiting 15 months or longer for their
"expedited" disability claims;

560,000 disabled veterans are subject to the disabled veterans tax,
something we have tried to rectify.
2003-12-03 16:28:27 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 3 Dec 2003 16:28:27 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship of NWO,
Degeneracy Propagation Department.
Article: 100

[Zionism, NWO]

Intelligence Briefs
January - August 2001

Fugitive Jewish financier Marc Rich, pardoned by President
Bill Clinton on his last day in office, is a Mossad agent
- rated by the Israeli intelligence agency as highly as
they once did Robert Maxwell, the newspaper tycoon.

Now the FBI want to know how much Bill Clinton knew of Rich's
secret work for Israel. This included organising Israeli
passports for members of the Russian Mafiya. So far thirty
known members of various Mafiya groups are currently
travelling on Israeli passports.

The FBI are also investigating Rich's connections to various
money-laundering operations involving mid-European banks and
those in Canada and the United States.

Rich's prime use for Mossad is not as a mere field agent but
as someone who moves in the highest financial circles in
Europe, the Middle East and South America.
Honestly, what do you care? Why are you obsessed with people in a free
country that desire to be Freemasons? What is it your business what we
do, say, or believe in? No flames, just honest questions.
-Russ, You miss nukes point.
Nuke does not care , but has learnt just what buttons to press to get a rise
out of us. And we respond very predictably - there is always someone who is
concerned that a casual visitor here will be miss-informed by Nukes
Nuke no longer believes anything she posts, she has matured a bit since her
breasts have developed and she has started noticing boys, but she still
posts the same tried and tested nonsense to be noticed by us. Its her way of
getting someone - anyone - to show interest in her.
Oh, another seeker of light and Truth.

You forgot to say "honestly, honestly".

Can you PROVE ANY of that?

Well, then you are lying yout teeth off as usual
and fabricating crap in attempt to delude the clueless.
Lion of the North Lodge
[NWO, degenerate, Skull and Bones, propaganda, brainwash,
mind control, fanatic, deranged, idiot, lunatic, retarded,
senile, puppet, american values, doing the right thing, belief,
religion, God, President]

"I'm a patient man. And when I say I'm a patient man,
I mean I'm a patient man."

--- DISGUSTING degenerate Adolph Bush

[According to one of the foremost experts in the world
in Supreme Sociology, Gregory Klimov,
there are three phases of degeneracy:

1. Sexual perversions (homosexuality, lesbianism, sado-masochism]
2. Mental deseases
3. Birth defects [withered-away-hand (Stalin), horse foot
(Goebbels), the rabbit lip, wolve's mouth, cross-eyeness,
and so on and so forth.

Read a mind boggling article on degeneracy:
Message-ID: <bp0u26$833$***@toster.Te.NeT.UA>

If you have any interesting articles or quotes on:
NWO, Freemasonry, Illuminati, Skull and Bones, Zionism
please post them to alt.conspiracy.new-world-order
or alt.illuminati.
2003-12-03 16:28:37 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 3 Dec 2003 16:28:37 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship of NWO,
Degeneracy Propagation Department.
Article: 101

"I'm hopeful. I know there is a lot of ambition in Washington,
obviously. But I hope the ambitious realize that they are more
likely to succeed with success as opposed to failure."

--- DISGUSTING degenerate Adolph Bush,
Interview with the Associated Press, Jan. 18, 2001
(Thanks to M. Bateman.)

[According to one of the foremost experts in the world
in Supreme Sociology, Gregory Klimov,
there are three phases of degeneracy:

1. Sexual perversions (homosexuality, lesbianism, sado-masochism]
2. Mental deseases
3. Birth defects [withered-away-hand (Stalin), horse foot
(Goebbels), the rabbit lip, wolve's mouth, cross-eyeness,
and so on and so forth.

Read a mind boggling article on degeneracy:
Message-ID: <bp0u26$833$***@toster.Te.NeT.UA>
Lemme ask YOU a kwestion also.
Why do YOU care?
It is a "free country" after all, right?
You do your thing
and I do mine.
Simple, ain't it?
Something seems to be bothering you?
My observation is this: I have been reading this news group on and off for a
while. Mostly because I enjoy some of the more
'learned' brethren discoursing on certain Masonic topics - which does happen
here from time to time.
You can not discuss here virtually ANYTHING of significance
because it is secret according to your own interpertations
and is not supposed to be opened to "cowans",
the filth of inferior race as you consider anyone
who is not freemason.


I have no idea what is the use for this group
if you REALLY want to discuss the issues of freemasonry
in ANY depth.
Since this is alt.freemasonry then it is exactly
what I expect - and this is "my thing".
In fact - it is the place for "our thing".
Let me be more specific so you understand - "our thing" = "Masonry"
Are you a lunatic?
Are you deluded to the point of oblivion?
Do you realize what usenet is?

Show me, where it is in the entire history of usenet
that says that this group is "your thing"
on a group like this, you clueless fool.
Your delirious dribble is an offensive intrusion.
Foaming at the mouts as yet?
Whats the temperature of your blood stream
at the moment?
Near boiling?

Teeth are knocking good as hell?
Enough to break your jaw bones?
Well, see, I told you already,
get yourselves a set of industrial
strenght shock absorbers.
Who knows, the next time you read some post
and, instead of pushing the next button
if you don't like it as usenet law states,
you start reading someone elses 'business',
being the pervert you are.

Are you simply masochistic?

Any tingling sensation down your spine?
Hands are getting a lil wet?
Something seems to be wettening your pants
where that thing is?

Hows your chest?
Feel anything?

Any goose bumps, sporadically spreading out
on your boody?

Any steam is coming out of your elephant sized
ears as yet?

These are all good indictions.


So, you poisonous snake, when you claimed
"I asked you this qustion honestly",
lied your shark teeth off as usual, right?
You did not mean a single word of it.

Interestingly enough, you stripped ALL the
most interesting information from your reply.
You know why?
Because you are a PATHOLOGICAL liar
and a violent monster.

You did not mean a SINGLE dot a comma
of what you said. It was all a poisonous bait.
Buts, you suckers...

I told you, It'll bite you on your fat ass
and it will bite you on your poisonous tongue.

We'll just put it back and see what you made
out of what.

====================== quote begin ====================
what do you care?
I have my reasons. Trust me.
Why are you obsessed with people in a free country
FREE country?
Where do you leave?
Are you out of your mind?
that desire to be Freemasons?
You can be anything you wish.
Not a problem at all.
What is it your business what we
do, say, or believe in?
Depends on WHERE you do it,
who is affected,
what are you saying, where and to whom.

As far as your beliefs are,
not a problem at all.
No flames, just honest questions.
Fair enough.

Lemme ask YOU a kwestion also.

Why do YOU care?
It is a "free country" after all, right?


You do your thing
and I do mine.

Simple, ain't it?

Something seems to be bothering you?

Just today, for the first time,
I have noticed freemasons mentioned Truth.


If THAT is what you pursue,
should not be a problem at all
what do I say or ask, right?

Happy now?

=========================== quote end =======================

THAT is how it looked before you converted it
into something else.

"No flames, just honest questions."

To trust honesty of freemasons,
you must be UTTERLY out of your mind.

There is even an weekly oath
that you will not follow ANY obligation
you will take up during the next week.
ALL the stuff you promise, sign or enter into,
is NULL and VOID and you have no obligation
to follow on ANY of it.

Ever heard?
You should be posting on
alt.conspiracy or some other such newsgroup,
Zig heil!

Do you have an authority to make such a claim?

PROVE, you poisonous snake, lying his teeth off!
where a whole bunch of you can
meet and encourage each other with your tales of fantasy....
PROVE they are tales of fantacy!

There is much verified information, pictures of your
symbols, rituals, book citations and on and on and on,
that you must be UTTERLY deranged to make such claim.

Not only that, but even you yourselves admit enough
of it is valid.
somewhere where
your delusion will be appreciated.
YOUR delusions, pervert.
The fact that you persist here, vomitting your nonsense simply implies that
: "something seems to be actually bothering you !!"
So, you, pathological liar and fabricator of deceit,
paraphrase MY statement to you and put it in a quote
like I did it?


Not even funny.

Here is the original version:

"Simple, ain't it?
Something seems to be bothering you?"
: "something seems to be actually bothering you !!"
Not fair, I tellya, mr. seeker of light and Truth.
My advice - seek professional help.
Do you have an authority to give such advice?

PROVE, pervert!
PS: If anyone on here feels compelled to advise me the best way to deal with
these lunatics is to ignore them - I agree !!
Yes, you know it ALL TOO WELL by now.
But you are still doing it.
Are you a pervert?

I know, you are "better" now than you were before
you became freemason.

I wonder what you were before?

Serial killer?
I wont be replying to his

Still foaming at the mouth?

Good. I toldya, its not gonna be forever.

One day this shall too pass.

Ever heard?
or posting another such reply. This post just felt good :))

Have a nice day now.
Its been a pleasure
to meet such a cheerful chap like you.

"They also serve who only stand and wait."

--- Winston Churchill
2003-12-03 16:29:02 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 3 Dec 2003 16:29:02 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship of NWO,
Degeneracy Propagation Department.
Article: 102

[NWO, degenerate, Zionism, torture, genocide, fascism]

Jerusalem jailers are inhumane, report says
By Jonathan Lis

Police in the Russian Compound holding cells in
Jerusalem routinely use the internationally
outlawed "banana" method - handcuffing prisoners'
hands behind their backs and to their feet - to
hold prisoners and detainees in the cells, says a
report by Physicians for Human Rights received by

The NPO's director-general, Tomer Pfeffer, said
Wednesday that during a tour of the facilities by
officers from the Israeli branch of the Nobel
Peace Prize-winning organization, Yosef Ben Zikri,
who runs the holding cells, described the method,
and explained that detainees are sometimes held
for hours that way, lying on their sides, on the

The Jerusalem District Police confirmed the use
of the practice, saying it was only used in
extreme cases, and only after other ways of
shackling prisoners, including handcuffing them
to policemen, didn't work and the prisoners
continued to be a danger to their surroundings
or to themselves.

The police said their instructions are that the
method not be used more than three hours at a
time. But the practice is applied for much
longer periods at the Russian Compound holding

The NPO's report says the practice is outlawed
by the UN convention against torture, and other
cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment or
punishment. The first article of the treaty
states, "Torture means any act by which severe
pain or suffering, whether physical or mental,
is intentionally inflicted on a person for such
purposes ... punishing him for an act he or a
third person has committed."

The authors of the NPO's report note that the
High Court has already prohibited painful
handcuffing. The report states, "In general, it
is unacceptable for a person or authority to
inflict physical or mental pain on another
person, and certainly not for the purposes of
punishment. The `banana' method causes pain and
humiliation to the prisoner and therefore is

Pfeffer says the NPO officials heard from
detainees who described being held in the
banana pose, and the report includes testimony
by D., a prisoner held in isolation, who
complained that he was held for hours in that
position on six or seven occasions. Pfeffer
said detention center staffers who accompanied
the tour, heard the accusations and did not
refute them.

The report also raises concerns that the medical
examinations conducted in the infirmary for
security prisoners is meant to pave the way for
interrogators to use violent methods during

The report says, "We were told by the detention
center doctor [Dr. Alexander Romov], that the
Shin Bet requires every security prisoner
arriving at the center to be examined to
determine whether they are fit to be held
there. Romov refused our requests to see a
blank form, but presumably it was one of the
same forms that have long been in use and some
have reached us in the past.

"By virtue of conducting the medical
examination," the report goes on, "the doctor
is giving direct or indirect medical approval
for the application of violent approaches on
those jailed. The doctor's participation, even
if indirect, in physical or mental injury to a
person under his care is forbidden by the
Hippocratic oath, the Tokyo convention and
other international treaties."

Jerusalem police denied this Wednesday and said,
"The examinations are routine for every
prisoner who arrives, to make sure they are fit
enough to be held. It's no different a form
[for security prisoners] than the one used for
regular prisoners."

But the police added that the Shin Bet holds
security prisoners, not the police. "Every Shin
Bet prisoner is examined like any other
prisoner. The doctor does not know and should
not know what each of the suspects detained and
brought to him for examination is supposed to
have done."

The report is also critical of overcrowding in
the detention center. Jerusalem police are
aware of the problem resulting from the fact
that nearly half those held there are in the
Russian Compound lockup because the Prison
Service does not have room for them elsewhere
in the system.

Out of 314 detainees, 171 are Prison Service
prisoners, who are supposed to be in prisons
elsewhere in the system.
I've seen more truth from Nucleus' posts than all of alt.freemasonry
Sure you do, Mr. Perry, because you believe in some looney conspiracy
junk just like him.
PROVE your claim!
Why don't you name the "Masons" who killed your
business and identify their Lodges as proof they're Masons?
But how do you even verify that?
WHO is going to provide you the information about membership
of their "lodge"?

And you are from a different "juristiction" anyway, right?
So, that means what you say means shit to them.
So, that means they are not even going to laugh at you
when you make your stinky request to 'disclose'.

And their cipher is not your cipher.
So, there is no way in hell to know that you
are "real" freemason, unless you push zome
heavy duty paper around for few years.

Is THAT how this story goes by ANY humble chance?

So, what are you deluding all about here?
Go ahead.
Name their Lodges as proof because,
PROVE he needs to provide you this information!

PROVE you exist, you idiot!

How do I know your name is real?


Or should I take YOUR word for it
because you claim to be a "freemason"?

PROVE you are, pervert, lying your shark teeth off
every time you open your sucky input hole
on alt.freemasonry for years!
after all, anyone can post a list
of names and make spurious claims.
I'm been asking Nuke-boy to identify the Masons behind his claims
for two years.
But WHO is going to provide me with this list
in ANY masonic "lodge", "masonic awareness committee"
or ANY place I go?

PROVE it is possible for non mason
to obtain or compile such a list of ANY authoritative value!

Then WHY are you asking ME to provide this list,
knowing FULL well it is simply impossible to
even ENTER your stinky lodge or a library?

Whose agenda do you serve?
The Supreme Being?

The Morning Star?

Why your stinky lodges point to the East
when you accept just about ANY religion
and in Islam they are supposed to do rituals
facing a different direction?
He never does.
Because it is YOUR job, perverts and assorted slime
around here.

Because it is YOUR, who is a clandestine clan,
affecting BILLIONS of people worldwide.

And it is YOUR man, the mouth foaming ultra-right
wing nazi, violent monster and pathological liar,
Donald Rumsfeld whose hands are in blood, giving all these
orders for the most outrageous and horrendous
destruction the world has ever seen,
a puppet, serving Israel's agenda,
where the roots of your evil cult lie.

"Sometimes the truth is so precious
it must be accompanied by a bodyguard of lies."
--- Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld

Lies can NEVER "bodyguard" the Truth,
you devil worshipper.


And he is not the only one.
The house of delusion aka the house of the white mouse,
the Offense Department, the CIA, that extremist
zionist PNAC, the supreme court are FULL of freemasons
up to the brim.

Heard of Bohemian Grove, where freemasons,
bonesmen and Illuminati gather to discuss
the "opportunities" forthcoming and the way
the world will turn in not so distant future,
playing it like a toy.

The Bohemian Grove is a 2700 acre redwood forest,
located in Monte Rio, CA.
It contains accommodation for 2000 people to "camp"
in luxury. It is owned by the Bohemian Club.

July 11, 1997 Speaker: Ambassador James Woolsey
former CIA Director.
"Rogues, Terrorists and Two Weimars Redux:
National Security in the Next Century"

July 25, 1997 Speaker: Antonin Scalia, Justice
Supreme Court

July 26, 1997 Speaker: Donald Rumsfeld

Some talks in 1991, the time of NWO proclamation
by Bush:

Elliot Richardson, Nixon & Reagan Administrations
Subject: "Defining a New World Order"

John Lehman, Secretary of the Navy,
Reagan Administration
Subject: "Smart Weapons"

You see, ALL these things you see on the world scale
were discussed YEARS before all this scam was made
look like what it is right now.

Now, WHICH of these people are freemasons?
ANY clue?

You seem to be one of the most "authoritative" farts
around and one of the most poisonous snakes,
a mouth foaming deranged pervert,
lying his teeth off just about every single time
he opens his sucky input hole, just like about
everyone around here on alt.freemasonry.


You should know something worth more than a pile
of natural horseshit.

Now, PROVE it!

Otherwise, if you can not, then you are just
a piss against the wind and an idiot,
brainwashed to oblivion, whose CPU between
his ears runs at a clock frequencey of about
0.000000001 Hz, and at that clock rate,
its going to take light years before you
figure out how to go take a piss.

So, this "terrorism" thing was already being planned
back in at least 1997 in the Illuminati and Freemason
circles in their Bohemian Grove estate.

Freemasons and their derivatives, such as bonesman
and "Illuminati", are affecting the events worldwide
in such a profound magnitude at the moment,
that people simply HAVE to know who these people are.

Public disclosers were made in England
and in some countries, you are simply OUTLAWED.
Even you yourselves state and on these very threads
"it is a good idea not to carry a ring or a pin
when you visit those countries".


What is so special about a charitable club
as you claim you are?

What is so special about your stinky ring
with masonic symbology or that skull and bones
pin you have to stick into you balls when you
are taking a shower, just to make sure you NEVER
loose it, because it will be the END of you,
satanist worshipping symbology of the MOST
profound evil there ever was, is or even CAN be
in principle?
And he never will. The reason's pretty
obvious - his claims are nothing but hot air and delusions.
Jim Bennie
PM/DC, No. 44, Vancouver
[NWO, Zionism, degenerate, Lucifer, satan, 666]

Israel honors it founding terrorists on its postage stamps,
like 1978's stamp honoring Abraham Stern
[Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue #692],

and 1991's stamps honoring Lehi (also called "The Stern Gang",
led at one time by future Prime Minister Begin)

and Etzel (also called "The Irgun", led at one time by future
Prime Minister Shamir) [Scott #1099, 1100].
2003-12-03 16:29:14 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 3 Dec 2003 16:29:14 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship of NWO,
Degeneracy Propagation Department.
Article: 103

[NWO, degenerate, Zionism, war, brainwashing, propaganda, mind control]

From The Washington Post, 11/19/03:

By Salim Lone

Wednesday, November 19, 2003; Page A27

F-16s are bombing civilian neighborhoods in pro-resistance cities.
U.S. military commanders in Iraq are threatening mayors, tribal chiefs
and farmers with stern measures unless they curb the militants
attacking coalition troops.

And from across the Atlantic, British Prime Minister Tony Blair labels
all those fighting occupation forces as "fanatics."

Even as the new and potentially laudable strategy of giving primacy to
quick Iraqi sovereignty is being embraced, U.S. administrator L. Paul
Bremer reassures the world that the interim Iraqi constitution will
embody "American values."

So a temporary occupation, which was the most that even pro-U.S.
Iraqis were prepared to tolerate, has been turned to war again, as if
widespread use of force is the only way to better protect coalition
On Sun, 19 Oct 2003 14:35:12 +0930, David Simpson
Mr. Perry. You claim to be a Christian. When are you going to start
behaving like a Christian?
If he ever becomes one, I am sure he will.
How do you know?


What authority do you have to speak for others?

PROVE you have it, mr. masonic propaganda and disinformation
distributor carrying it as a spam with every single
sig of your post, entrapping clueless to believe
YOUR disinformation is the real thing.
|O| Be well. Travel with a light heart.
Brother Gene .*.
past Master of two (2) Black Lodges
Blackmer #442 and Black Mountain #845
[NWO, degenerate, Zionism, fascism, genocide, Illuminati, Freemasons,
Lucifer, Satan, 666]

Listen to the Jewish banker, Paul Warburg:

"We will have a world government whether you like it or not.
The only question is whether that government will be achieved
by conquest or consent."

(February 17, 1950, as he testified before the US Senate).
2003-12-03 16:29:25 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 3 Dec 2003 16:29:25 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship of NWO,
Degeneracy Propagation Department.
Article: 104

[NWO, degenerate, totalitarian, fascism]

U.S. government: no charges needed to jail citizens - July 8, 2002
July 8, 2002 repost from http://www.themilitant.com


The Justice Department has declared it has the right to jail U.S.
citizens without charges and deny anyone it deems an "enemy
combatant" the right to legal representation.
On Sat, 18 Oct 2003 22:42:37 GMT, Gregory Perry
Because the lodge will accept and adopt practically anyone into its ranks,
with the only requirement that the initiate must "believe in a higher
Once a member, that individual, regardless of internal ethic or moral
delimiter, now has keys to the castle of a vast and all encompassing
network of individuals whom are all "on the network", and have only one
commonality between themselves - secrecy. Secret body language, a secret
system of grips to identify each other with, all the tools required for the
trade for freemasonry.
Funny how all of those "secrets" have been published many times.
Not "secrets", but SECRETS.

Read the previous post by your own "brother" Gene
as to requirements to be accepted as a "brother".

Brother Gene: "You have to be willing to respect and protect
the privacies of the fraternity (our handshakes and passwords)".

So, lying your teeth off again, as usual?
Which results in fragments of freemasonry, different camps of thought.
The used car salesman freemason klans. The mortgage broker freemason klans.
The organized crime freemason klans. The initial public offering freemason
klans. The local church freemason klans.
All they need to do is to drive to their "brother"
and shake his hand and the deal is done.
Not even a single word is necessary.

And you might be standing next to them,
trying to get this very deal,
and do not even realize the deal is already done.

Sure, they'll tellya: Please have a seat.
Heres the forms to fill out.
We'll call you when we process them.
But do not call us.

THAT is how it works in REALITY.
LOL. Did you get refused admission?
What kind of poisonous trick of redirection
and argument shit is this?

What does it have to do with ANYTHING?
Secrecy is the enemy of common sense, truth, open disclosure, and open
No question about.
That is the difference between a democratic society
and totalitarian one or a fascist dictatorship.
OK. Please post here your bank account details and numbers together
with any passwords used to access those accounts.
See how these posonous snakes pervert the very nature
of the arugment?

They think they can LITERALLY make black out of white
and vice versa.
Please post the
details and passwords relating to your internet account.
Well, but what are you substituting with what?

Did he ask you to do the same?

You see, his bank account numbers and his online passwords
do have some significance in the frame of things.

But did ANYBODY EVER asked you to provide such information
abour freemasonry?


Show me.

So, you are fabricating lies, POISONOUS lies
and deceiving everyone.

And that is "sin".

No Supreme Being of ANY kind, but the satan,
will forgive you this.

And you can lie, delude and fabricate ANYTHING
you wish till the end of times,
till your nose goes blue.

But it will not make a dent.

You can not superceede the Truth,
no matter WHAT you do,
how much you do it,
or who is conspiring with you to do the same
EVIL deeds.

Evil forever remains evil
and it can NEVER overturn that very
GOOD, you are deluding everyone to believe
you pursue.
Not going to? Why? Secrecy is the enemy of common sense, truth, open
disclosure, and open society. (sic)
I've seen more truth from Nucleus' posts than all of alt.freemasonry
Mr. Perry. You claim to be a Christian. When are you going to start
behaving like a Christian?
Are YOU some kind of a REFERENCE on what constitutes
Christian "behavior"?


Or are you a recognized AUTHORITY of freemasonry?


PROVE YOUR "jurisdiction" is any more valid than other
and, therefore, overrrules the others.

PROVE you are freemason on the first place!

How do I verify that?

Call your "lodge" and ask to tell me if you are?
But they'll ask: Gimme a secret sipher key,
gimme a secret password, gimme a letter from your
grand commander on a lodge stationery.
Once we receive your request,
we'll forward it to a "grand master" of another lodge,
and he, in turn, will forward it to "grand master of disaster".
When the next "sovereign commandoes" meet,
thich is next years,
and your request is considered,
they will send that paper down the same chain,
only in reverse direction.

That takes a few years if you are lucky.


Or you are merely playing a guilt and shame manipulation
trick as usual?

Or is there anything else up your sleave?
David Simpson (Remove "farook" to reply)
(Unattached MM)
Bad manners should not be a capital crime ...
for a first offence.
Robert Heinlein, "Time Enough For Love"
"It would be helpful if we opened up ANWR
(Arctic National Wildlife Refuge).
I think it's a mistake not to.
And I would urge you all to travel up there and take a look at it,
and you can make the determination
as to how beautiful that country is."

--- DISGUSTING degenerate Adolph Bush,
Press conference, Washington, D.C., March 29, 2001
2003-12-03 16:29:36 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 3 Dec 2003 16:29:36 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship of NWO,
Degeneracy Propagation Department.
Article: 105


Israeli Army Engaged in Fight Over Its Soul
Doubts, Criticism of Tactics Increasingly Coming From Within

By Molly Moore
Washington Post Foreign Service
Tuesday, November 18, 2003; Page A01

JERUSALEM -- The hunt for suspected militants sent Sgt. Lirom Hakkak
bashing his way through a wall into a Palestinian family's
threadbare living room, his slender frame sweating under nearly
35 pounds of body armor and combat gear, his M-16 rifle ready.

He noticed the grandmother first, her creased face so blanched
with terror that she appeared on the verge of collapse. A
middle-aged couple huddled close by, trembling.

"They could be my parents," Hakkak, the 22-year-old son of an
Israeli poet, recalled thinking. In that split second of
recognition, he said, "you really feel disgusting.
You see these people and you know the majority of them are
innocent and you're taking away their rights.
You also know you must do it."

With the Israel Defense Forces in the fourth year of battle
with the Palestinians, the most dominant institution in Israeli
society is also embroiled in a struggle over its own character,
according to dozens of interviews with soldiers, officers,
reservists and some of the nation's preeminent military analysts.

Officers and soldiers have begun publicly criticizing specific
tactics that they consider dehumanizing to both their own troops
and Palestinians. And while they do not question the need to
prevent terrorist acts against Israelis, military officials and
soldiers are speaking out with increasing frequency against a
strategy that they say has forsaken negotiation and relied
almost exclusively on military force to address the conflict.

Nearly 600 members of the armed forces have signed statements
refusing to serve in the Palestinian territories. Active-duty
and reserve personnel are criticizing the military in public.
Parents of soldiers are speaking out as well, complaining that
the protection of Jewish settlements in the West Bank
and Gaza Strip is not worth the loss of their sons and daughters.

Such issues are being debated at the highest levels of Israel's
political and military leadership. At the end of last month, the
military chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Moshe Yaalon, told columnists
from Israel's three leading newspapers that the road closures,
curfews and roadblocks imposed on the Palestinian civilians were
creating explosive levels of "hatred and terrorism" among the
populace. Last week four former heads of the Shin Bet domestic
security service said the government's actions and policies during
the Palestinian uprising had gravely damaged Israel and its people.

While such public comments have infuriated Prime Minister
Ariel Sharon, a former general who favors stringent measures
against the Palestinians, they reflect the anxieties of many
active-duty soldiers and reservists over whether the military
is provoking more terrorist attacks than it is preventing.

In addition, members of the armed forces said they feared that
some of the harsher tactics -- especially assassinations of
suspected Palestinian militants, which often also cause civilian
deaths -- are corrupting Israeli soldiers, and by extension,
Israeli society.

"What's happening is terrible," said retired Brig. Gen.
Nehemia Dagan, former chief of education for the armed services.

"The ethics and morals of Israeli society are more important
than killing the heads of Hamas or Islamic Jihad."

"It's a difficult type of war. It's harder to uphold ethics,"
said Asa Kasher, a professor of military studies at
Tel Aviv University who is rewriting the armed forces' code of
ethics, which he first wrote nine years ago.
"There are no books on moral regulations for fighting terror."

While Kasher said he does not believe the core values of the
Israeli military have changed, this conflict has "put people
into utterly new situations -- whether it's a private at a
checkpoint or the chief of staff."

"Even my friends who are Jewish think what the army is doing
is wrong," said a 20-year-old first sergeant, Noam, who is a
sniper in the 202nd Paratrooper Battalion.

Israeli military officials requested that the full names of
active-duty soldiers not be printed for fear that they could
be subject to prosecution for war crimes in countries that
oppose Israel's actions in the Palestinian territories.

Noam said he has told his friends: "I'm not killing anyone
for no reason. I'm doing this because I have to do it."

At the same time, many other soldiers assert they are proud of
what they have done. For much of this year, Dor, a shy
19-year-old medical officer, was based with the paratroops near
the West Bank city of Nablus. He was only 27 miles from his home
in Netanya, an Israeli seaside city that has been the target of
six suicide bombings since the Palestinian uprising began in
September 2000.

"You think of your girlfriend sitting in a cafe, and it makes
things here more personal, more relevant," Dor said.
"When you stop a bomber, you feel good about yourself."

Dissent against military action is not new to Israel:
Military historians note that public discontent with Israel's
two-decade occupation of southern Lebanon and its slowly mounting
casualty toll helped pressure the government to withdraw its
forces in May 2000 -- over the objection of the military

Opinion polls continue to rate the Israel Defense Forces as
the country's most respected institution, though public confidence
levels have eroded slightly since the military's incursion into
West Bank cities in the spring of 2002.

The Israeli news media, including the military's official weekly
newspaper, have become more willing to scrutinize an institution
once considered sacrosanct.

Many analysts say they see a growing willingness among today's
soldiers and officers to not only speak out against the tactics
employed in the Palestinian territories, but also to refuse to

That, the analysts say, signals an unprecedented challenge to
the armed forces and the government.

Israel maintains mandatory military conscription and reserve duty
in which eligible men, and some unmarried women, serve about one
month each year, usually until age 41, though requirements vary
substantially depending on the individual's military specialty.

The military is what Michael Oren, a military historian, calls a
"neighborhood army," which most Israeli boys and girls grew up
knowing they would join. Active-duty and reserve soldiers maintain
a fierce dedication to the military, and believe they have an
obligation to protect their homeland, as well as the lives of
families and friends.

But in dusty camps, at blistering desert roadblocks and, perhaps
most frequently, when soldiers go home and take off thei
uniforms, introspection often blurs the clear outlines of duty.

"You're in a situation where you need to be blind," said Hakkak,
the Israeli sergeant, tugging nervously at unruly strands of his
brown hair as he discussed his role in the conflict.

"You do things as a machine, it doesn't matter if it's right or
wrong. The things you've done affect you in a very serious way."

Nearly 900 Israelis have been killed during the conflict -- more
than 250 of them soldiers. Almost 2,500 Palestinians have been

It is difficult to determine how many of those casualties were
civilians, with estimates by Palestinian human rights groups and
Israeli research groups ranging as high as 85 percent and as low
as 48 percent. No verifiable independent count exists, and the
Israeli military provides no statistics on Palestinian civilian

Nearly a year after leaving active duty, Hakkak, who like many
soldiers later found work as a security guard, said he was still
haunted by his West Bank tour.

"In my dreams I see myself killing people I didn't kill,"
he said.

An Army's Mystique

Cpl. Mati Milstein was sweaty and bored -- extremely bored, as
he recalled.

He was halfway through an eight-hour shift at a Gaza Strip
checkpoint near a Jewish settlement when he spotted a car
approaching. A Palestinian man and his young son were inside.

Milstein, his coffee-colored eyes set in a face that seemed all
sharp angles, trained his M-16 rifle on the father and ordered
him out of the car. He remembered that the "young son watched
in horror."

The soldier peered inside the trunk. The father and his boy
were probably returning from the beach and were no security
threat, Milstein told himself.

"But I wasn't finished," Milstein later wrote in a Jewish
newsletter. "At gunpoint, I ordered the father to open the hood
and show me the engine, open the glove compartment, lift up the
front seats, crawl into the back and show me whatever was stuck
between the rear seats, open his shopping bags, empty his

Then, with the man's identity card in his pocket, Milstein
ambled over to his shaded and fortified checkpost and gossiped
with a colleague, keeping his M-16 trained on the father and
son, who remained standing under the wilting sun.

"I held them for 20 minutes -- because I could," he recalled.
"Then I let them go because I got bored with the game."

Milstein, an American who moved to Israel and joined the army
four years ago, said he discussed the incident with no one --
not with fellow soldiers, nor with his parents back in
Santa Fe, N.M.

"We tend to keep those experiences within us," he explained,
echoing the feelings of almost every soldier interviewed.
"It's very personal. We might prefer to forget what happened.

"I didn't think about the implications until afterward,"
said Milstein, whose father is a psychiatrist and mother is a

"I didn't feel good about what I did -- that I couldn't keep
myself from sinking to this."

Last year Milstein decided to tell his story in the newsletter
of the Jewish Federation of Greater Albuquerque. Sitting in a
Tel Aviv coffee bar with an army buddy on a recent afternoon,
he tried to dissect his reasons for taking his personal feelings

"There's a mystique about the army -- that we are the most moral
army in the world, we only do good things," Milstein said.

"But this is what's happening. I think it's important for people
to know."

He thought it particularly important to tell other Jews because,
he said, "they don't really know what's going on."

Today, as a 28-year-old reservist who works for an Israeli Web
site, Milstein continues to serve -- reluctantly -- in the
Palestinian territories when he receives call-ups.

"There are terrorists stopped and terrorist attacks prevented,"
he said. "In that respect, there is a very clear purpose and
reason for being there. But I don't think we should be there.

All the incidents that happen at checkpoints make the Palestinian
population hate us more. It counteracts the useful work of
tracking suicide bombers. It strengthens the hand of the armed
Palestinian groups. It makes it easier for Hamas to justify its
attacks on Israelis."

Disobeying Orders

Brig. Gen. Yiftah Spector is one of the most decorated pilots in
Israeli history, a triple ace credited with downing 15 enemy
planes in wars spanning three decades. In recent years, Spector
became a revered flight instructor for the air force. This year
alone he spent 47 days on reserve duty and flew 110 times, mostly
training cadets and their instructors.

Last month scores of Palestinians were killed or wounded when
pilots attempting to kill militant leaders dropped bombs or fired
missiles into crowded urban neighborhoods in the Gaza Strip.

Spector and 26 other current and former Israeli air force pilots
signed a letter stating their opposition to executing "illegal
and immoral orders to attack." They refused "to take part in air
force strikes in civilian population centers" and "to continue
to hurt innocent civilians."

The letter angered many of their commanders, rattled the
political establishment and astounded a society that has long
considered military pilots to be among the elite. The air force
commander, Maj. Gen. Dan Halutz, grounded all the pilots and
fired the nine instructors, including Spector, his longtime
friend and colleague.

Spector, 63, was undeterred. In an interview a few days after
personally surrendering his wings to Halutz, he said:
"I am the public. I can speak my heart."

"If we continue, there are going to be greater and great dilemmas
and there will be more and more mistakes," said Spector, a sculptor
and painter who invented a computerized aircraft flight control
system. The government, he said, is "deaf, blind and stupid"
for relying exclusively on military force to resolve the conflict.

In addition to the pilots, 567 reserve army officers and soldiers
have declared publicly that they will no longer serve in the
Palestinian territories, and hundreds of others have quietly asked
their commanders for reassignment, according to military lawyers
and Israeli military experts.

Many government officials have dismissed the numbers as
inconsequential in a military of about 186,000 active-duty
and 445,000 reserve troops. Some military analysts disagree.

"This is very significant," said Yagil Levy, author of a recently
published book on changing trends in the Israeli military.
"For the first time in Israeli history, you're talking about
hundreds of officers. They are very prominent officers who served
in the IDF in very prominent jobs."

Fear of the Unknown

"My biggest fear is that we get numb," Nadav, a 26-year-old captain,
said recently at a shabby Israeli base just outside of Nablus,
about 28 miles north of Jerusalem. He sat at a dusty,
plastic-covered table in his office, chain-smoking Marlboro Lights
and contemplating the impact of this war on his army.
Like all officers in the Israeli military, he began service as an
enlisted soldier.

Nadav, a compactly built man who took a break to travel the world
after his mandatory service and returned to active duty last year,
described a trip to Ethiopia. On the first day, he was overwhelmed
by the poverty. After a few days, he said, "I didn't see it as much,"
adding, "I'm afraid that will happen to us. We will start doing
things, like taking over a house, and blowing up a door will look
natural -- that we'll do stuff and not think about the person,
even if he's killed."

Nadav commands a company of about 105 soldiers in the 202nd
Paratrooper Battalion. His troops are native Israelis as well
as immigrants from across the globe -- 20 from Russia and other
former Soviet republics, 10 from Ethiopia, others from Argentina,
Britain and, until recently, two from the United States. The unit's
members call themselves "the Rattlesnakes."

He refers to them as "my children." He worries about the strain
the conflict has put on the unit and his men. Before last year's
West Bank incursions, troops usually spent four months in the
field and four months training at a rear base. This year, Nadav's
men were allotted one month of training and reorganization after
11 months of combat operations.

One night this year at the beginning of a shift, the Rattlesnakes
collected in front of an elaborately detailed, computer-projected
aerial photograph of Nablus, an ancient city known to most of the
men in the room by its Hebrew name of Shechem and revered by Jews
as the spot where Abraham received the promise of a land of Israel.

The night's mission was a raid intended to nab a suspecte
Palestinian militant.

"We know very little," cautioned the deputy commander who gave
the briefing.

"Name, what he looks like. . . . We don't know where he is.
These are the suspected places" -- three houses where
intelligence reports indicated the suspect could be spending
the night.

Each squad was to leave its armored jeeps or truck at a specific
location; each man had a precise rooftop, tree line or alley at
which to position himself; each was responsible for knowing the
location of his colleagues to reduce the chances of casualties
caused by friendly fire.

Soldiers say few operations prey on their psyches more than
searches for suspected militants. Sometimes the troops blast
through doors with explosives, fearful of the potential danger
of armed fighters on the other side. All too frequently, they
find Palestinian families cowering in their own houses.

"One time we went into a house . . . really, really aggressively,"
said a 22-year-old first sergeant, Gabriel, whose copper-colored
hair sprouted from beneath a maroon skullcap emblazoned with the
emblem of the paratroops.

"The people were really scared. The people were shaking. Not
just the women -- the father, all of them were shaking."
It was the wrong house.

"I really, really, really felt bad," said Gabriel, who said he
watched Walt Disney movies to relax on his weekends at home.
"If it's a terrorist, you don't feel as bad. I really felt bad.
I couldn't stop apologizing. There was nothing I could do.
I'm a simple soldier."

Noam, the 20-year-old first sergeant, spent his youth in Israel,
moved to England with his family and returned nearly three years
ago to serve in the armed forces. In those three years, he said,
he has lost count of how many Palestinian homes he has raided.

"You feel sorry for the family," said the lanky soldier with
short black hair. "They have done nothing wrong. . . . You think
of what it would be like if someone came to your family."

"A person not in the army might think you should get out of the
occupied territories," said Noam, watching two Rattlesnakes play
a heated game of table tennis as they waited for the night's
mission to begin. "But by being here, you know you stopped a
potential murderer. That's the only satisfaction."

His soft voice drifted off: "Even that's not too much
satisfaction. It's a war. No one likes this."

© 2003 The Washington Post Company
On Sat, 18 Oct 2003 22:42:37 GMT, Gregory Perry
Because the lodge will accept and adopt practically anyone into its ranks,
with the only requirement that the initiate must "believe in a higher
Absolutely false to fact.
There are many requirements to joining a Lodge.
Let us see what they are then.
You have to make application for membership willingly and not because
of coercion or mercenary motives.
You have to be of lawful age in your jurisdiction, of sound mind, and
legally entitled to apply.
You have to believe in a Supreme Being as Creator of the Universe.
You mean that Morning Star thing?
"Lucifer, light 'bearer'"?

But how come the lodge is pointed to the East
when you claim you accept other religions?
What if people want it to be pointed in other
directions, like Muslims for example?

Finally, prerequisite of believing in "supreme being"
makes you are religion and there is no ifs and buts
about it.
You have to be of good moral character.
Does not work. Because if you take a man with
"good moral character" and make him even "better",
then how come some of the most vicious criminals
happen to be the HIGHEST degree freemasons?

Either you take a perfectly "good" man
and screw him up,
or there is no way for you to know
his "moral character" as he enters your lodge.

Either way you cut it, it does not work.
You have to be willing to respect and protect the privacies of the
fraternity (our handshakes and passwords),
Oh, I see.
I though you were all saying here:

What secret handshakes?
What passwords?

We do not have any of that!

Turns out you do.
You wanna see zome cipher?

You were asked "but WHY do you need these secret

But you lied your teeth off as usual.

Interestingly enough, most of you don't even know
why and how it happened. Because you are clueless
even as far as your own cult goes.

Secondly, you are CLEARLY running a clandestine
cult of the most profound evil.

Those handshakes are used so that you could
recognize each other when you meet in congress
and in other places of significance
and know EXACTLY who to serve
and what kind of deal to make
once you feel that big, fat finger
pushing between certain fingers
of your "brother".

Those, surrounding you, do not even notice
that what are they dealing is a conspiracy
and do not suspect how is the power divided
when some deal and wheel is made.

But YOU already know how it will be divided
before everyone even sits at the table.
The deal is done before they even open
their mouths.

Nice trick, huh, you seekers of 'light'.

Is THAT what Light is all about?

Secrecy and conspiracy?

THAT is what you call 'supreme being'?

Exciting, I tellya.
of the Lodge (who is ill or
late with their dues), and of your Brethren (the fact that he HATES
spinach, but eats it anyway when his wife cooks it because he loves
HER must remain between the two of you),
So, you go even THAT far in your "investigations"
of potential "brothers"?

"Scuze me, mam, what does your husband likes to
eat fer breakfast? That is kinda important kwestion
for our "brotherhood".

And when he goes to take a dump in the bathroom,
do you recall which foot he steps into the door
first? Ever notice which hand he uses to open
the door knob? Which way does he turn that knob
usuall, clockwise or the other way?"

And even when you do this kind of "investigation",
you still end up accepting criminals?

Hows that?
so long as none of these
involve a crime such as Murder or Treason.
You have to be willing to respect the ceremonies of the fraternity and
not go changing them without permission of the governing body in your
Looks like a Navy Seals organization.
I think even in CIA or FBI it is easier
to adopt to "realities at the moment"
and change things as you go.

"Hello, sire, we have this dude here
and we'd like to take him out
cause he might have a gun with him.
But we don't know that
and our instruction book says:
do not take him out unless you have evidence
he presents a threat.
Could you please call Adolph Bush
to clear this matter?
- Sorry, dude, he is out of town,
mopping up some mess he created in Iraq.
You'd have to wait".

No wonder they can not identify who leaked
the head of the entire network in the CIA.

Must be all freemasons.
You have to be willing to regard the whole human species as one
family, Created by One Almighty Parent, and to treat others

Then how come you exclude others from your "family"?
If it is all one family, then how come you keep
secrets from other members of that very family?
You have to be willing to place your duty to G-d first and foremost,
But, for some strange reasons freemasons write God,
ommitting 'o' in the middle.

What is THAT supposed to mean?
ANY idea?
your duty to yourself and family next,
Can I decide for myself what is important
in MY life?
your duty to your neighbor
DUTY to your neighbor?
Interesting lunacy.
and your country next
Isn't that ALREADY covered by the laws of the land?
and that to the fraternity last among these.
Except your list is upside down.
You have to read it from the end
and proceed it to the beginning.
You have to be willing to help others in distress,
Yep, I know. Seen PLENTY of times around here.
I wonder what is a suicide rate among freemasons?
Seems like once you have a difficulty
and your own brothers simply ignore you
or even redicule and harass you,
no matter where you go
and do not even allow you to express your opinion
and refuse consider the evidence of the matter,

what would be the next logical thing for you to do?
so far as you can
without incurring harm to yourself or your family who depends on you.
ALL this stuff is already covered by the underlying religion
the "brothers" chose and trust me, it is MUCH more trustworthy
then your overruling "laws".

If some "brother" believes in Christian version
of "supreme being" and, in the christian scriptures
the priorities are different,
then which version do you adopt,
masonic or Christian?

Ima kinda curious.
You have to be willing to comport yourself with honor and dignity,
behaving as a gentleman should.
Is there a list of what "gentleman should"?

How bout this:

"You fucking son of a bitch. I saw what you wrote.
We're not going to forget this."
--- Adolph Bush to writer and editor Al Hunt, 1988,
in a restaurant, in front of Hunt's young son.

"I'm the commander. I do not need to explain why I say things.
That's the interesting thing about being the President.
Maybe somebody needs to explain to me why they say something,
but I don't feel like I owe anybody an explanation."
--- Adolph Bush, in a November 2002
interview conducted by Bob Woodward for The Washington Post, as
reported in USA TODAY (November 24, 2002).

"Fuck Saddam. We're taking him out."
--- Adolph Bush, speaking to Condoleezza Rice
and three U.S. senators in March 2002, as reported in
Time Magazine (March 23, 2003).

"I don't know where bin Laden is.
I have no idea and I really don't care.
It's not that important. It's not our priority."
--- Adolph Bush, March 13, 2002

What do you think?
Is Adolph Bush gentlemen enough?
Is THAT what he "should" do?

And even if your own president does these things,
how come YOU are not "allowed" to do the same
even though your significance and impact on your
country and society at large is billion times less?

So, this "gentlemen" goes even further:

"I know what I believe. I will continue to articulate what
I believe and what I believe -- I believe what I believe
is right."
--- Adolph Bush, Rome, July 22, 2001

So, is he lying, by ANY humble chance?
Are those things he said before "right" things?

Oh, tell me one more time
"it has nothing to do with freemasonry".

Yes it does. For one thing, your claim
[you should be "behaving as a gentleman should"
is either meaningless as some "brother"
may see this irreconsilable contradiction
between what even the top brass does and says.

So, it kinda creates a split within that brother
and shakes up his faith REAL good.

And, for other thing, this "gentlemen", Bush,
went to Yale.

Any ring to it?

His father is a KNOWN scull and bones "fraternity"
at Yale.

What do you think, is there a chance for
Adolph Bush not to be a bonesman
when his own father was?

Do you know how it works traditionally
in the "family"?

Btw, you claimed on this very forum that
scull and bones has "nothing to do with freemasonry
as it is not its symbol", right?

Well, then how come you have it on the apron?

You also claimed that the eye of Horus is not
a masonic symbol, right?

Then how come it is on the apron?

You want more?

How come ALL this symbology is printed on the
US one dollar bill?

ANY clue?

How come the Seal of Illuminati of Bavaria
is on the back of US one dollar bill?


Exciting things like that.
A part of this is that you have to be
willing to recognize that someone else's beliefs and opinions in
matters appertaining to religion, politics and economics are as true
for, and as precious to, them as yours are to you.
That means you can not provide the list of priorities
that contradict the religious confictions of your "brothers",
which, in turn, means you have to scrap ANYTHING
from your "laws" or "constitution" that MAY potentially
contradict with religious conviction of the "brothers".

See the difficulty here?
As you want them
to respect yours, you must be willing and able to respect theirs.
And THAT is what you DICTATE to ALREADY "good" men?
You mean they became "good" by doing something different?

Aren't these the MOST obvious things, even to retarded?
You have to be willing to obey the rules and regulations of the
fraternity in matters appertaining to the fraternity.
Yes, OBEY!

And if some christian "brother" says:
"Sorry, that is not what Bible says",
what then?

Where does it say in the scriptures

Obey to whom?

Are you senile?
Or is your intent is of the MOST profound evil?
Finally, you have to be elected to membership by the members of the
Lodge to which you are applying.
Btw, I like your signature below.
I wonder why are you spamming all the time?
Do you know that advertizing in your signature is spam?

Or you are dumb as a piece of wood,
not to insult a piece of wood,
to realize that you are continuously
advertizing the masonic propaganda and disinformation

Why don't you just email those urls to those who request it?

What are you doing here, "brother" Gene?

Are you paid for this?

==================== quote begin =========================
|O| Be well. Travel with a light heart.

Brother Gene .*.
past Master of two (2) Black Lodges
Blackmer #442 and Black Mountain #845

Egotistic but helpful leader and privileged part owner of alt.freemasonry
Often imitated, never duplicated!
Regular 1,765 degree Mason
Most Wonderful Grand High Exhaulted Imperial Omnipotent Mystic Regal Stomper,
and Wearer of the Official Purple Underwear
ICQ #503060
"Are you guys ready? Let's Roll!!"
Todd Beamer, Flight 93

And in case I don't see ya' - Good Afternoon, Good Evening and Good Night!
Version: 3.1
GCM/CC/TW/O d--(++) s:,s++ a+ C+(++++) U--- P! L-- E! W++ N+++ o-- K- w++++
O---- M--(+) V? PS+++ Y+ PGP-- t* 5 X- R* tv+++ b++ DI+++ D G e* h---- r+++
Remember: Your Masonry may be different from someone else's.
Internet newsgroup posting. Copyright 2003. All rights reserved.

Any Mason may use the contents for any valid Masonic purpose, permission may
be granted to others upon request.

Objects in this post are funnier than they appear

==================== quote end =========================

"The most important job is not to be governor,
or first lady in my case."

--- DISGUSTING degenerate Adolph Bush,
Pella, Iowa,
as quoted by the San Antonio Express-News, Jan. 30, 2000

[According to one of the foremost experts in the world
in Supreme Sociology, Gregory Klimov,
there are three phases of degeneracy:

1. Sexual perversions (homosexuality, lesbianism, sado-masochism]
2. Mental deseases
3. Birth defects [withered-away-hand (Stalin), horse foot
(Goebbels), the rabbit lip, wolve's mouth, cross-eyeness,
and so on and so forth.

Read a mind boggling article on degeneracy:
Message-ID: <bp0u26$833$***@toster.Te.NeT.UA>

If you have any interesting articles or quotes on:
NWO, Freemasonry, Illuminati, Skull and Bones, Zionism
please post them to alt.conspiracy.new-world-order
or alt.illuminati.
2003-12-03 16:30:48 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 3 Dec 2003 16:30:48 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship of NWO,
Degeneracy Propagation Department.
Article: 110

[NWO, degenerate, nazi, war, crime, Skull and Bones, Illuminati]

"Bush - Nazi Dealings Continued Until 1951" - Federal Documents

By John Buchanan and Stacey Michael
from The New Hampshire Gazette Vol. 248, No. 3, November 7, 2003

After the seizures in late 1942 of five U.S. enterprises he
managed on behalf of Nazi industrialist Fritz Thyssen,
Prescott Bush, the grandfather of President George W. Bush,
failed to divest himself of more than a dozen "enemy national"
relationships that continued until as late as 1951,
newly-discovered U.S. government documents reveal.

Furthermore, the records show that Bush and his colleagues
routinely attempted to conceal their activities from
government investigators.

Bush's partners in the secret web of Thyssen-controlled ventures
included former New York Governor W. Averell Harriman and his
younger brother, E. Roland Harriman. Their quarter-century of
Nazi financial transactions, from 1924-1951, were conducted by
the New York private banking firm, Brown Brothers Harriman.

The White House did not return phone calls seeking comment.

Although the additional seizures under the Trading with the
Enemy Act did not take place until after the war, documents
from The National Archives and Library of Congress confirm
that Bush and his partners continued their Nazi dealings unabated.
These activities included a financial relationship with the
German city of Hanover and several industrial concerns. They went
undetected by investigators until after World War Two.

At the same time Bush and the Harrimans were profiting from their
Nazi partnerships, W. Averell Harriman was serving as
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's personal emissary to the
United Kingdom during the toughest years of the war.

On October 28, 1942, the same day two key Bush-Harriman-run
businesses were being seized by the U.S. government, Harriman
was meeting in London with Field Marshall Smuts to discuss the
war effort.

Denial and Deceit

While Harriman was concealing his Nazi relationships from his
government colleagues, Cornelius Livense, the top executive of
the interlocking German concerns held under the corporate
umbrella of Union Banking Corporation (UBC), repeatedly tried
to mislead investigators, and was sometimes supported in his
subterfuge by Brown Brothers Harriman.

All of the assets of UBC and its related businesses belonged to
Thyssen-controlled enterprises, including his Bank voor Handel
en Scheepvaart in Rotterdam, the documents state.

Nevertheless, Livense, president of UBC, claimed to have no
knowledge of such a relationship. "Strangely enough, (Livense)
claims he does not know the actual ownership of the company,"
states a government report.

H.D Pennington, manager of Brown Brothers Harriman and a director
of UBC "for many years," also lied to investigators about the
secret and well-concealed relationship with Thyssen's Dutch bank,
according to the documents.

Investigators later reported that the company was "wholly owned"
by Thyssen's Dutch bank.

Despite such ongoing subterfuge, U.S. investigators were able to
show that "a careful examination of UBC's general ledger, cash
books and journals from 1919 until the present date clearly
establish that the principal and practically only source of
funds has been Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart."

In yet another attempt to mislead investigators, Livense said
that $240,000 in banknotes in a safe deposit box at
Underwriters Trust Co. in New York had been given to him by
another UBC-Thyssen associate, H.J. Kouwenhoven, managing
director of Thyssen's Dutch bank and a director of the August
Thyssen Bank in Berlin. August Thyssen was Fritz's father.

The government report shows that Livense first neglected to report
the $240,000, then claimed that it had been given to him as a gift
by Kouwenhoven. However, by the time Livense filed a financial
disclosure with U.S. officials, he changed his story again and
reported the sum as a debt rather than a cash holding.

In yet another attempt to deceive the governments of both the
U.S. and Canada, Livense and his partners misreported the facts
about the sale of a Canadian Nazi front enterprise,
La Cooperative Catholique des Consommateurs de Combustible,
which imported German coal into Canada via the web of
Thyssen-controlled U.S. businesses.

"The Canadian authorities, however, were not taken in by this
maneuver," a U.S. government report states. The coal company was
later seized by Canadian authorities.

After the war, a total of 18 additional Brown Brothers Harriman
and UBC-related client assets were seized under The Trading with
the Enemy Act, including several that showed the continuation
of a relationship with the Thyssen family after the initial
1942 seizures.

The records also show that Bush and the Harrimans conducted
business after the war with related concerns doing business in
or moving assets into Switzerland, Panama, Argentina and Brazil
- all critical outposts for the flight of Nazi capital after
Germany's surrender in 1945. Fritz Thyssen died in Argentina
in 1951.

One of the final seizures, in October 1950, concerned the U.S.
assets of a Nazi baroness named
Theresia Maria Ida Beneditka Huberta Stanislava Martina
von Schwarzenberg, who also used two shorter aliases.
Brown Brothers Harriman, where Prescott Bush and the Harrimans
were partners, attempted to convince government investigators
that the baroness had been a victim of Nazi persecution and
therefore should be allowed to maintain her assets.

"It appears, rather, that the subject was a member of the
Nazi party," government investigators concluded.

At the same time the last Brown Brothers Harriman client assets
were seized, Prescott Bush announced his Senate campaign that
led to his election in 1952.

Investigation Investigated?

In 1943, six months after the seizure of UBC and its related
companies, a government investigator noted in a
Treasury Department memo dated April 8, 1943 that the FBI
had inquired about the status of any investigation into Bush
and the Harrimans.

"I gave 'a memorandum' which did not say anything about the
American officers of subject," the investigator wrote."
(Another investigator) wanted to know whether any specific
action had been taken by us with respect to them."

No further action beyond the initial seizures was ever taken,
and the newly-confirmed records went unseen by the American
people for six decades.

What Does It All Mean?

So why are the documents relevant today?

"The story of Prescott Bush and Brown Brothers Harriman is an
introduction to the real history of our country," says L.A. art
book publisher and historian Edward Boswell. "It exposes the
money-making motives behind our foreign policies, dating back
a full century. The ability of Prescott Bush and the Harrimans
to bury their checkered pasts also reveals a collusion
between Wall Street and the media that exists to this day."

Sheldon Drobny, a Chicago entrepreneur and philanthropist who
will soon launch a liberal talk radio network, says the importance
of the new documents is that they prove a long pattern of Bush
family war profiteering that continues today via George H.W. Bush's
intimate relationship with the Saudi royal family and the bin Ladens,
conducted via the super-secret Carlyle Group, whose senior advisers
include former U.S. Secretary of State James A. Baker III.

In the post-9/11 world, Drobny finds the Bush-Saudi connection
deeply troubling. "Trading with the enemy is trading with the
enemy," he says. "That's the relevance of the documents and what
they show."

Lawrence Lader, an abortion rights activist and the author of
more than 40 books, says "the relevance lies with the fact that
the sitting President of the United States would lead the nation
to war based on lies and against the wishes of the rest of the
world." Lader and others draw comparisons between President Bush's
invasion of Iraq and Hitler's occupation of Poland in 1939 -
the event that sparked World War Two.

However, others see an even larger significance.

"The discovery of the Bush-Nazi documents raises new questions
about the role of Prescott Bush and his influential business
partners in the secret emigration of Nazi war criminals, which
allowed them to escape justice in Germany," says Bob Fertik,
co-founder of Democrats.com and an amateur 'Nazi hunter.'
"It also raises questions about the importance of Nazi recruits
to the CIA in its early years, in what was called
Operation Paperclip, and Prescott Bush's role in that dark

Fertik and others, including former Justice Department Nazi war
crimes prosecutor John Loftus, a Constitutional attorney in
Miami, and a former Veterans Administration official, believe
Prescott Bush and the Harrimans should have been tried for

What Next?

Now, say Fertik and Loftus, there should be a Congressional
investigation into the Bush family's Nazi past and its concealment
from the American people for 60 years.

"The American people have a right to know, in detail, about this
hidden chapter of our history," says Loftus, author of
The Secret War Against the Jews. "That's the only way we can
understand it and deal with it."

For his part, Fertik is pessimistic that even a Congressional
investigation can thwart the war profiteering of the present
Bush White House. "It's impossible to stop it," he says,
"when the worst war profiteers are George W. Bush and
Dick Cheney, who operate in secrecy behind the vast powers of
the White House."


John Buchanan is a journalist and magazine writer based in Miami Beach. He
can be reached by e-mail at ***@bellsouth.net.

Stacey Michael is a New Orleans-based journalist and the author of Religious
Conceit. His most recent book is Weapons of Mass Dysfunction: The Art of
"Faith-Based" Politics, due in early 2004. He can be reached by email at


Reports by the US Senate's committee on banking, housing and urban
affairs -- which oversees American exports policy -- reveal that the US,
under the successive administrations of Ronald Reagan and George Bush Sr,
sold materials including anthrax, VX nerve gas, West Nile fever germs and
botulism to Iraq right up until March 1992, as well as germs similar to
tuberculosis and pneumonia. Other bacteria sold included brucella
melitensis, which damages major organs, and clostridium perfringens, which
causes gas gangrene.

On Sat, 18 Oct 2003 22:42:37 GMT, Gregory Perry
I've seen more truth from Nucleus' posts than all of alt.freemasonry
Then apparently you need some help understanding truth vs. fiction.
If we're so powerful, how come we even let you anti's post ?
Because there is nothing you can do to prevent it.
It is simply technically impossible unless you destroy usenet,
mr. fabricator of crap.
Oh, when you get a minute, I'd be interested in hearing why your
corporation has a Florida address but does not appear in the FL
Secretary of State's on-line directory of corporations.
(Remove MY-HOODWINK to email
[NWO, degenerate, Zionism, fascism, Illuminati, Lucifer, satan, 666]

"How can we return the occupied territories?
There is nobody to return them to."

--- DISGUSTING degenerate Golda Meir,
March 8, 1969.

If you have any interesting articles or quotes on:
NWO, Freemasonry, Illuminati, Skull and Bones, Zionism
please post them to alt.conspiracy.new-world-order
or alt.illuminati.
2003-12-04 16:00:13 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 4 Dec 2003 16:00:13 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship of NWO,
Degeneracy Propagation Department.
Article: 148

[propaganda, brainwash, mind control, disinformation, robot,
freedom, democracy]

"We need a program of psychosurgery and
political control of our society. The purpose is
physical control of the mind. Everyone who
deviates from the given norm can be surgically

The individual may think that the most important
reality is his own existence, but this is only his
personal point of view. This lacks historical perspective.

Man does not have the right to develop his own
mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great
appeal. We must electrically control the brain.
Some day armies and generals will be controlled
by electrical stimulation of the brain."

--- Dr. Jose Delgado (MKULTRA experimenter who
demonstrated a radio-controlled bull on CNN in 1985)
Director of Neuropsychiatry, Yale University
Medical School.
Congressional Record No. 26, Vol. 118, February 24, 1974
___Greg Perry___
95% of companies incorporated in the U.S. have charters outside of their
home state of business, for tax liability, ease of corporate maintainance,
and a host of other reasons too numerous and off topic to mention here.
That might be true. However, A corporation is a legal entity. In order for
that entity to do business with a *Florida address*, you must either be
registered in Florida as a native corporation or registered in another state
and registered in Florida as a foreign corporation. In addition, you must
pay any and all annual foreign corporation
registration fees, annual report filing fees, and applicable taxes to the
state of Florida.
If you really are registered in another state and have not registered in
Florida as a foreign corporation, I suggest you contact the Secretary of
State's office promptly and check into your status before they contact you.
You are most likely violating Florida Corporate Registration and Tax
statutes. If, OTOH, you are not registered as a corporation at all and the
whole thing is a sham, then you are violating state fraud laws by
representing yourself as a Corporation (a legal entity) when that entity
does not legally exist.
Which state did you say you are registered in ?
Who da funk do you think you are to repeatedly
demand an answer so that you could add it to your
file and, later on, in case there is anything you
can milk this thing for, brag about how "insightful"
you were sniffing your own brother's ass, eh?
HELLO ... HELLooo.... HELlllooooooooo...
HElllloooooooo..... Helllllooooo.........heeelllllooooooo......
What is this?
Does he OWE you something?
Why does he need to even bother to talk to someone,
who is trying to collect the information on him?

What are you doing with all this information?
Is it just me Bob, or has this thread suddenly become very quiet? :-)
It is YOU, slime.

Who else?

Can't you see it?

It is RIGHT on your own screen.
Haven't you noticed?
(Remove MYSPAMSTOPPER to email
"Each Jewish victim is worth in the sight of God a thousand goyim".

--- The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,
The master plan of Illuminati NWO
2003-12-07 17:09:19 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 7 Dec 2003 17:09:19 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship of NWO,
Degeneracy Propagation Department.
Article: 153

[NWO, democracy, terrorism, war]

Gen. Franks Doubts Constitution Will Survive WMD Attack

John O. Edwards

Friday, Nov. 21, 2003: (NewsMax) Gen. Tommy Franks says that if the
United States is hit with a weapon of mass destruction that inflicts
large casualties, the Constitution will likely be discarded in favor
of a military form of government.

Franks, who successfully led the U.S. military operation to liberate
Iraq, expressed his worries in an extensive interview he gave to the
men's lifestyle magazine Cigar Aficionado.

In the magazine's December edition, the former commander of the
military's Central Command warned that if terrorists succeeded in
using a weapon of mass destruction (WMD) against the U.S. or one of
our allies, it would likely have catastrophic consequences for our
cherished republican form of government.

___Greg Perry___
95% of companies incorporated in the U.S. have charters outside of their
home state of business, for tax liability, ease of corporate maintainance,
and a host of other reasons too numerous and off topic to mention here.
That might be true. However, A corporation is a legal entity. In order for
that entity to do business with a *Florida address*, you must either be
registered in Florida as a native corporation or registered in another state
and registered in Florida as a foreign corporation. In addition, you must
pay any and all annual foreign corporation
registration fees, annual report filing fees, and applicable taxes to the
state of Florida.
If you really are registered in another state and have not registered in
Florida as a foreign corporation, I suggest you contact the Secretary of
State's office promptly and check into your status before they contact you.
You are most likely violating Florida Corporate Registration and Tax
statutes. If, OTOH, you are not registered as a corporation at all and the
whole thing is a sham, then you are violating state fraud laws by
representing yourself as a Corporation (a legal entity) when that entity
does not legally exist.
Which state did you say you are registered in ?
Who da funk do you think you are to repeatedly
demand an answer so that you could add it to your
file and, later on, in case there is anything you
can milk this thing for, brag about how "insightful"
you were sniffing your own brother's ass, eh?
HELLO ... HELLooo.... HELlllooooooooo...
HElllloooooooo..... Helllllooooo.........heeelllllooooooo......
What is this?
Does he OWE you something?
Why does he need to even bother to talk to someone,
who is trying to collect the information on him?

What are you doing with all this information?
Is it just me Bob, or has this thread suddenly become very quiet? :-)
It is YOU, slime.

Who else?

Can't you see it?

It is RIGHT on your own screen.
Haven't you noticed?
(Remove MYSPAMSTOPPER to email
"There's not going to be enough people in the system
to take advantage of people like me."

--- DISGUSTING degenerate Adolph Bush,
On the coming Social Security crisis;
Wilton, Conn.; June 9, 2000 (Thanks to Andy Mais.)
2003-12-07 17:10:46 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 7 Dec 2003 17:10:46 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship of NWO,
Degeneracy Propagation Department.
Article: 160

[Lucifer, Zionism, Illuminati, Freemasons, nazi, fascism, genocide]

"Zionism, in its efforts to realize its aims, is inherently
a process of struggle against the Diaspora, against nature,
and against political obstacles. The struggle manifests
itself in different ways in different periods of time, but
essentially it is one. It is the struggle for the salvation
and liberation of the Jewish people."

--- Yisrael Galili

"...Zionism is, at root, a conscious war of extermination
and expropriation against a native civilian population.
In the modern vernacular, Zionism is the theory and practice
of "ethnic cleansing," which the UN has defined as a war crime."

"Now, the Zionist Jews who founded Israel are another matter.
For the most part, they are not Semites, and their language
(Yiddish) is not semitic. These Ashkenazi ("German") Jews --
as opposed to the Sephardic ("Spanish") Jews -- have no
connection whatever to any of the aforementioned ancient
peoples or languages.

They are mostly East European Slavs descended from the Khazars,
a nomadic Turko-Finnic people that migrated out of the Caucasus
in the second century and came to settle, broadly speaking, in
what is now Southern Russia and Ukraine."

In A.D. 740, the khagan (ruler) of Khazaria, decided that paganism
wasn't good enough for his people and decided to adopt one of the
"heavenly" religions: Judaism, Christianity or Islam.

After a process of elimination he chose Judaism, and from that
point the Khazars adopted Judaism as the official state religion.

The history of the Khazars and their conversion is a documented,
undisputed part of Jewish history, but it is never publicly

It is, as former U.S. State Department official Alfred M. Lilienthal
declared, "Israel's Achilles heel," for it proves that Zionists
have no claim to the land of the Biblical Hebrews."

--- Greg Felton,
Israel: A monument to anti-Semitism
Like a very few others on this forum, SHE has been plonked, Mr. Perry.
Well, because you are just a liar.

You tried your draw-out trick
but when you were given the most generous offer
to have a "meaningful" discussion
with the the simpliest condition
that you can not lie,
you simply vanished.

And now you are simply trying to save your face
of a coward claiming this plonkatron idiocy.


You are a PATHOLOGICAL liar, and self-admitted one at that
and all your holier than thou blabber in this post
is just indication of your cowardness.
can sometimes engage in meaningful discourse with generally rational folks
who for some inexplicable reason cling to seriously irrational ideas.

There can be no meaningful discussion with paranid,
secretive idiots of your grade, that have admitted
on record that the most interesting things you can
not even talk about.

With all your stupid paranoid secrets,
there are no subjects left to discuss
of freemasonry beyond your masturbation rituals.
However, it is entirely a waste of time and patience to attempt a rational
About what?

What CAN you discuss, you paranoid idiot?

I give ya a subject you have bitten.
How bout 90+ Rolls Royces, eh?

You suck?

What else?
with an individual who ought to be occupying his or her own wing
at the Kooks Museum.
Meaningless sub-idiocy, mr. bookworm.
___Gregory Perry___
Lighten up JSW, your tar and feather approach to dissent on alt.freemasonry
makes you look like a grumpy old judge.
"Dissent" is not the issue. I "dissent" from lots of opinions held by my
fellows, as any Brother here can tell you.

Complete garbage.
You'd be out in not time if you did so.
What I do not and will not tolerate
You mean being a blood boiling idiot you are?

I give a flying dead chicken what you will
or will not "tolerate".
is bigotry and intolerance,
Talk to YOUR "brothers" here.

"Oh brother, I just breeth the same air as you do".

[Ed, Da King of Fart sniffing ass
of Joe Steve Swick III, the jackass]
robed in garments of poor polemic
What is this here?

A mental masturbation class, eh?

"Poor polemic", you brain dead idiot?

and gross misrepresentation -- or those who,
reading a few antiMasonic books
and pamphlets,
suddenly and arrogantly consider themselves authorities,
free to pontificate on what they presume to be the errors
of the Fraternity.
Your own opinions readily come to mind.
Sucking full time, eh?
Or doing overtime now, eh?
Joe Swick, PM
Verity Lodge No. 59 F&AM
Kent, Washington
[NWO, Iraq, terrorism, disinformation, propaganda, totalitarianism]


Bush is a liar
November 6, 2003

The first thing is to resist the logic of the self-fulfilling prophecy:
Bush claimed Iraq was a centre of international terrorism - it wasn't
- and now says that because terrorists are coming over Iraqi borders
to take pot shots at Americans, the US needs to stay and fight them.

"We won't run," Bush said, cavalierly dismissing the lives of the
young soldiers mired in his folly. This amounts to using America's
young men and women as bait and assumes there are a finite number
of fanatics who can be dispensed with once and for all.

In fact, the US occupation of the historic centre of the Arab world
has provided al-Qaeda and other like-minded groups with their most
effective recruiting poster yet, and America is fighting them on
their terms and on their turf.

Only last week, Israel's army chief of staff issued a warning on the
limits of an occupying power to achieve its goals through military

"It increases hatred for Israel and strengthens the terror
organisations," said Lieutenant-General Moshe Yaalon, adding:

"In our tactical interests, we are operating contrary to our
strategic interests."

Unless America is willing to trade the lives of US troops and
Iraqis for the obsessions of empire, America must end the
occupation now.

If you have any interesting articles or quotes on:
NWO, Freemasonry, Illuminati, Skull and Bones, Zionism
please post them to alt.conspiracy.new-world-order
or alt.illuminati.
2003-12-09 15:00:19 UTC
Selected Usenet Article
Date: 9 Dec 2003 15:00:19 GMT
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship of NWO,
Degeneracy Propagation Department.
Article: 177

"I think we're making progress.
We understand where the power of this country lay.
It lays in the hearts and souls of Americans.

It must lay in our pocketbooks.

It lays in the willingness for people to work hard.

But as importantly, it lays in the fact that we've got citizens
from all walks of life, all political parties, that are willing
to say, I want to love my neighbor.

I want to make somebody's life just a little bit better."

--- DISGUSTING degenerate Adolph Bush,
Concord Middle School, Concord, N.C., April 11, 2001
Because the lodge will accept and adopt practically anyone into its ranks,
with the only requirement that the initiate must "believe in a higher
There are other requirements in mainstream U.S Freemasonry: male, age
restricted, morally upright, sponsorship.
Once a member, that individual, regardless of internal ethic or moral
delimiter, now has keys to the castle of a vast and all encompassing
network of individuals whom are all "on the network", and have only one
commonality between themselves - secrecy. Secret body language, a secret
system of grips to identify each other with, all the tools required for
the trade for freemasonry.
If you would read Grand Lodge Proceedings, you would discover that a few
Masons are expelled for unmasonic/criminal conduct each year. It is a fact
that good men can go bad, or that the Lodge did not choose wisely.
Your very claim is that your "charitable organization"
takes "good" men and makes them "better".

Now, how do you make one "better"?
Based on what principles and criterias?

Well, morality. The very morality came from religiuos scriptures
as that is where some of the most tremendous insights about
"good" are found.

Morality IS a religious issue.

Interestingly enough belief in THE "supreme being" is a
PREREQUISITE to become a freemason. If you do not believe
in that supreme being, you can not become a freemason.

On the other hand, you use your standard trick from the
book of lies nearly all of freemasons on alt.freemasonry
use all the time, of saying: "so what, boyscouts also
believe in supreme being, and they are not considered
to be a religious organization".

For some strange reason you ONLY use the boyscouts excuse
and I do not recall any other comparison on this argument.
That is why I claim all your tricks come from some
"approved" standard book of lies and deception on
"how to deal with 'antis'" as you call anyone who is
questioning ANY of it.

To use boyscouts, a modern version of militaristic
nazi brown shirt organization, you must be utterly
senile or be truly perverted and believe in all that
nazi propaganda and brainwashing they young children
are exposed to in boyscouts organization and use of
religion in it is not coincidental, not coincedental
at ALL.

Because there is no better way to brainwash people
than religious morality. That is why, at this very
junction, there are debates in the government to
abolish the separation of church and state and
bring the christian extremist ideology into the
government. In fact, they are ALREADY doing it.

So, on one hand, you claim you are not a religion.
On the other hand you require religious believe
to become a freemason.

Not only that, but your "lodges" are designed
according to strick religious models, going back
to the beginning of time.

Not only that, but for some strange reason,
they all face the East, as THAT is where that
"light bearer" Lucifer is believed to be rising.

Not only that, but you have an ALTAR in your
ceremony hall.

Not only that, but there is a religious scripture
on that altar.

Not only that, but that is about the most sacred
place in that hall.

And we can go and on and on and on.

So, you claim you can make an already "good" man

Without God?


It is impossible as ALL ideas about "good" come
from religion.

Yes, you can brainwash your "brothers", whom you
insult every day on alt.freemasonry like they
were some "evil" agents and not your true brothers.

Yes, you can create all these rituals
and worship symbology of occult and Kabbalistic nature.

What is the ceremony of the initiation into the 3rd degree?
What is the MEANING of it, you dummies?

Well, the meaning of it is EXACTLY religious.
It signifies the burrial of the "old self"
and resurrection of the "new self", masonic self.

What kind of "charitable organization" would
follow these kind of rituals?

That whole ceremony is a religious ceremony.

What kind of "brotherhood" would conduct such ceremonies, eh?

Well, the "brootherhood of death", Skull and Bones fraternity
at Yale university that owns all the real estate at Yale
and controls every single word published at Yale to see the
day of light.

You claimed here MANY times over that freemasonry has nothing
to do with bonesmen.

But when you were asked why on your apron is Skull and Bones
symbol, I do not recall a SINGLY reply or explanation.

That is how you ALWAYS delude people.
The MOST significant issues, you simply cut out of your
follow ups, and instead, spew some poisonous lies
to diminish significance of things, such as comparing
freemasons to some deranged militaristic club of
nazi brown shirt, which is WAY beyond senile,
or fabricate something ENTIRELY opposite of true and
genuine meaning of things.

One more time:


What does it signify?
What is the meaning of it?

They are freemasons also.
In fact, their entire underlying system of belief
is EXACTLY freemasonry, occult and Kabbalah.

All your ceremonies are the STRICTEST possible arrangement
of manipulation of various religious symbols.

They are even to be followed to a SINGLE word, single
movement of your body and arrangements on the altar
with the skull upon the holy scripture in some cases.

You even claim that Scottish Rite is some kind of
"anxillary organization". It is kinda not freemasonry

Well, it is like claiming the government is an "anzillary

Because Scottish Rite ONLY accepts the highest degree
freemasons as THAT is where the REAL deal is done.
On the lower degrees, you fools, are simply prepaired
and properly brainwashed to be ABSOLUTELY obidient
and follow the strictest procedures to the dot and
comma to make sure you finally become a obidient puppet.

Only after you become that obidient puppet of this cult,
you will ever have a chance to get to 33 degree.

Yes, I know, you will be fabricating something entirely
different out of all this, but, as you have been all said,
and MANY times over:

The hell will sooner gets frozen
before you can suppress the Truth.

It will FOREVER percolate from under all
the bullshit you'll try to cover it.

It will burn from within.
Simply inevitable.
If Freemasonry were a conspiracy, why not keep the criminals in?
Yes, a standard deception trick.

What are you, a CRIMINAL consipracy of the murderers, terrorists,

Why would you even imagine keeping the criminals in your cult.

Now, interestingly enough, christianity and pretty much ALL
religions out there, do not discriminate and do not send the
criminals away.

Just the other way around, they forgive their sins
and help to purify their hearts and intents
so that those very criminals could one day realize
that all those crimes are but delusion, caused by blindness.

They can all be done with in a flash.

As soon, as you realize you have commited all the wrong
acts out of your confusion, your entire criminal mind
ceases to be.

About the ONLY thing needed is SUPPORT,
and not only a support of the priest,
but support in society.

Yes, it starts from the smaller circle of religion.
But broader support is ABSOLUTELY necessary.

What kinda "support" are we talking about here?

Well, the support of your being.
It is that, that converts your fearful mind,
full of ideas of "survival", into a mind not
controlled by fear.

It is that r cognition that we are all on the same
boat and we do what we can to be helpful to one
another instead of abusing left and right,
lying since the dawn to dusk, and disregarding
the most significant aspects of life
and replacing them with the never ending chase
for paper god of money.

THAT is how you make a "better" man.
And not out of ALREADY "good" man,
that you can not determine with your stricts
intelligence type verification procedures,
that still fail to produce the result,
but ANY man, regarless of the color of his skin,
his enthnic origins, of the amount of dough he
has stashed in the sock he keeps under his pillow.

If Freemasonry were a conspiracy, why not keep the criminals in?
What kind of argument is this?

Do you think that even if you do not keep the criminals in,
that makes you non conspiracy?


According to what kind of monkey logic of oblivion,
broken on every conceivable level?

Are you still capable of independent thinking?
Or ALL you can "think of" is UTTER denial of ANYTHING
that is not written in your books of rituals?

Well then. Then I claim you take a "good" man
and make him MUCH worse.

You make him an obidient idiot and a pathological liar,
disregarding the Truth with nearly every single word he
pronounces, engaging in a pseudo religious cult of worshipping
the most profound evil and even having guts to make it look
he is worshipping some "good".

ALL lies.
Which results in fragments of freemasonry, different camps of thought.
The used car salesman freemason klans.
The mortgage broker freemason klans.
The organized crime freemason klans.
The initial public offering freemason klans.
The local church freemason klans.
Well, but they are ALL freemasons nevertheless.

Now, once you segment this cult as they did,
then you have a pretty much PERFECT excuse to deny
pretty much ANY charge.

You simply claim "sorry, it is not our 'jurisdictin'
and we do not recognize that other 'jurisdiction'".

So, what constitutes freemasonry as such and what
are the common traits and a common foundation then?

Is it this, by ANY humble chance?

When a Mason learns the key to the warrior on the
block is the proper application of the dynamo of
living power, he has learned the mystery of his
Craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his
hands and before he may step onward and upward,
he must prove his ability to properly apply energy."

Illustrious Manly P. Hall 33°
The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, page 48
Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Company, Inc.
Richmond, Virginia, 1976

"Warrior on the block"...
Looks like the right wing representatives in your
governments indeed. Their zeal and viciousness just
about fits this concept indeed.
Yes, people are drawn to others of similar interests, not only in
Freemasonry but in society. Freemasonry seems to be a microcosm of
society in general.
Freemasonry is nothing less than a MICROCOSM of society in GENERAL?


I like that definition of "charitable organization" indeed.

So, you claim the entire society is a "charitable organizatin"?

Or what IS it you are claimig here, eh?
Secrecy is the enemy of common sense, truth, open disclosure, and open
If that is your conviction, there are several questions you should not mind
answering. Do you work and where? Where do you live? Have you any criminal
convictions? When were you born? Are you married? Any children? Is your
income sufficient to sustain your intentions? Those are questions a Mason
must answer before admission.
Why do you need to even BOTHER about ANY of this,
unless you are a school of evil?
Why do you need to discriminate, and in such an extensive form?

Secondly, the statement you are replying to,
does not mention that we are talking about the
time of admission. It is a general statement.

And yet, you make something UTTERLY different out of it.
And you start fabricating garbage out of thin air,
hiding behind the notions of 'privacy', equating it
to UTTERLY different set of issues related to freemasonry.

Yes, you can justify just about anything.
It all depends on your underlying belief system.

Now, you are asking him some private information
that has nothing to do with anything.

Why do you need that information?

Oh, you and your "brothers" here are FOREVER compiling
the database of those who do not agree with your dogma
so that it could be referenced to one day for some
ugly destructive purpose?

Is THAT what this individual is talking about here?
Did he ask you these very questions you are asking
him to justify and cover up your lies and secrecy?

What are you make out of what here
and for what?

Now, the issue of secrecy in freemasonry is so well known
and admitted, and not to extend of information you are asking
this individual, equating black with white, but something
ENTIRELY different.

Just as you yourselves claim right here, on alt.freemasonry,
some countries outlawed freemasonry as such and it is not
a good idea to even carry your masonic symbols such as
rings and skull and bones pins, you stick to your body
when you go take a bath, when going abroad.

In England, it was quite a scandal several years ago
when it became known that the masonic influence on
a society AT LARGE was so perverse, that they were
affecting the whole country.

Numerous disclosers as to who is freemason holding
prominent positions in government were made.

Is THAT a secret?

But you are sitting here, justifying all this as
some innocent child's play at the kindergarden
or some equivalent of providing the information,
that is commonly considered private.

Again, did ANYONE ask you to provide your bank
account information, you income, your address,
your phone number?

Nope, it is ONLY YOU, and right on this very forum,
that are going as far as to harass even your own
"brothers", DEMANDING they provide this information
to you.


You are simply contradicting yourselves.
Just look at this masonic/mormonic satanist,
that bookworm, jack in the hole in the wall,
forever citing the ready made quotes out of
the scriptures.

========================== quote begin ==============================
Which state did you say you are registered in ?
[as a corporation]

Who da funk do you think you are to repeatedly
demand an answer so that you could add it to your
file and, later on, in case there is anything you
can milk this thing for, brag about how "insightful"
you were sniffing your own brother's ass, eh?
HELLO ... HELLooo.... HELlllooooooooo...
HElllloooooooo..... Helllllooooo.........heeelllllooooooo......
Is it just me Bob, or has this thread suddenly become very quiet? :-)
It is YOU, slime.

Who else?

Can't you see it?

It is RIGHT on your own screen.
Haven't you noticed?

========================== quote end ==============================


What is your "argument" here again?
Surely, your detestation of secrecy will allow you to answer the questions
that a "secret" Mason has answered. Not in a public forum, of course. Just
email me the answers.
Why is that?

How does this person know that you are not compiling a database
of dissidents, potentially "dangerous" to the agenda of your
cult, so that you could destroy them when time comes?

Were YOU asked to provide such an info?
I've seen more truth from Nucleus' posts than all of alt.freemasonry
Sorry that you have been disappointed. Perhaps you seek not the truth?
Wow! That blows, I tellya.

Is THAT how you seek the "truth"?

And I telly yet again:

The hell will sooner gets frozen
before you see the light of day,
the simpliest thing there is.
"I do remain confident in Linda.
She'll make a fine labor secretary.

From what I've read in the press accounts,
she's perfectly qualified."

--- DISGUSTING degenerate Adolph Bush,
Austin, Texas, Jan. 8, 2001

If you have any interesting articles or quotes on:
NWO, Freemasonry, Illuminati, Skull and Bones, Zionism
please post them to alt.conspiracy.new-world-order
or alt.illuminati.
2004-09-22 15:19:41 UTC
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship of NWO.

[Freemasonry, occult, Kabbalah, Lucifer, satan, 666, deception,
Illuminati, NWO]

"Masonry conceals its secrets from all except Adepts and Sages,
or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations
of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled;
to conceal the Truth, which it calls Light, from them, and to draw
them away from it.

Truth is not for those who are unworthy or unable to receive it,
or would pervert it. So Masonry jealously conceals its secrets,
and intentionally leads conceited interpreters astray."

--- Albert Pike, Grand Commander, Sovereign Pontiff
of Universal Freemasonry,
Morals and Dogma
On Sat, 18 Oct 2003 22:42:37 GMT, Gregory Perry
I've seen more truth from Nucleus' posts than all of alt.freemasonry
Then apparently you need some help understanding truth vs. fiction.
If we're so powerful, how come we even let you anti's post ?
Because there is nothing you can do to prevent it.
It is simply technically impossible unless you destroy usenet,
mr. fabricator of crap.
Oh, when you get a minute, I'd be interested in hearing why your
corporation has a Florida address but does not appear in the FL
Secretary of State's on-line directory of corporations.
(Remove MY-HOODWINK to email
[extremism, nazi, satanism, christian fanatic, God, religion]

Lt. Gen. William G. "Jerry" Boykin, the new deputy undersecretary
of Offense for intelligence, is a much-decorated and twice-wounded
veteran of covert military operations.

Discussing the battle against a Muslim warlord in Somalia, Boykin told
another audience, "I knew my God was bigger than his. I knew that my
God was a real God and his was an idol."

"We in the army of God, in the house of God, kingdom of God have been
raised for such a time as this," Boykin said last year.

On at least one occasion, in Sandy, Ore., in June, Boykin said of
President Bush:

"He's in the White House because God put him there."
2004-09-22 15:20:29 UTC
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship of NWO.

[Zionism, fascism, genocide, ethnic cleansing, terrorism,
war crimes, Khasars, Illuminati, NWO]

That the Jews knew they were committing a criminal act is shown
by a eulogy Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan delivered for a Jew
killed by Arabs on the Gaza border in 1956:

"Let us not heap accusations on the murderers," he said.
"How can we complain about their deep hatred for us?
For eight years they have been sitting in the Gaza refugee camps,
and before their very eyes, we are possessing the land and the
villages where they and their ancestors have lived.

We are the generation of colonizers, and without the steel
helmet and the gun barrel we cannot plant a tree and build a home."

In April 1969, Dayan told the Jewish newspaper Ha'aretz:
"There is not one single place built in this country that
did not have a former Arab population."

"Clearly, the equation of Zionism with racism is founded on solid
historical evidence, and the charge of anti-Semitism is absurd."

--- Greg Felton,
Israel: A monument to anti-Semitism
On Sun, 19 Oct 2003 00:09:10 GMT, Gregory Perry
What does my corporation have to do with freemasonry, Bob?
You posted a long diatribe on the evils of Freemasonry, the CIA,
and how your "office" was allegedly tossed by the government.
So, you made the association, not anyone here. However, my interest
is more in terms of your honesty. I would be interested in knowing
why your corporation is not listed by the FL Secretary of State. (?)
Are you as dumb as you look?
Because he is freemason.
He learned those very tricks from YOU, perverts.
He has a secret corporation
that automatically gets unregistered
once it is registered.
This way, everybody is happy.
Uncle Sam gets his dough
and he enjoys certain privilleges of privacy.
Secondly, how do you know he is not working for CIA?
Do you think they just list all their corporations
left and right for the dummies of your kind and grade to check on?

You mean your cult can be secretive
and he can not?

That is not fair!
(Remove MY-HOODWINK to email
[Freemasonry, occult, Kabbalah, Lucifer, satan, 666]

Quotes by Madam Blavatsky 32° mason:

"It is Satan who is the God of our planet and
the only God." pages 215, 216,
220, 245, 255, 533, (VI)

"The Celestial Virgin which thus becomes the
Mother of Gods and Devils at one and the same
time; for she is the ever-loving beneficent
Deity...but in antiquity and reality Lucifer
or Luciferius is the name. Lucifer is divine and
terrestial Light, 'the Holy Ghost' and 'Satan'
at one and the same time."
page 539

'The Secret Doctrine'
by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
2004-09-22 15:19:31 UTC
Category: Censored by Totalitarian Dictatorship of NWO.

[Zionism, Jew, nazi, extremism, fascism, illuminati, NWO, government]

What are the facts about the Jews? (I call them Jews to you,
because they are known as "Jews". I don't call them Jews
myself. I refer to them as "so-called Jews", because I know
what they are). The eastern European Jews, who form 92 per
cent of the world's population of those people who call
themselves "Jews", were originally Khazars. They were a
warlike tribe who lived deep in the heart of Asia. And they
were so warlike that even the Asiatics drove them out of Asia
into eastern Europe. They set up a large Khazar kingdom of
800,000 square miles. At the time, Russia did not exist, nor
did many other European countries. The Khazar kingdom
was the biggest country in all Europe -- so big and so
powerful that when the other monarchs wanted to go to war,
the Khazars would lend them 40,000 soldiers. That's how big
and powerful they were.

They were phallic worshippers, which is filthy and I do not
want to go into the details of that now. But that was their
religion, as it was also the religion of many other pagans and
barbarians elsewhere in the world. The Khazar king became
so disgusted with the degeneracy of his kingdom that he
decided to adopt a so-called monotheistic faith -- either
Christianity, Islam, or what is known today as Judaism,
which is really Talmudism. By spinning a top, and calling out
"eeny, meeny, miney, moe," he picked out so-called Judaism.
And that became the state religion. He sent down to the
Talmudic schools of Pumbedita and Sura and brought up
thousands of rabbis, and opened up synagogues and
schools, and his people became what we call "Jews".

There wasn't one of them who had an ancestor who ever put
a toe in the Holy Land. Not only in Old Testament history, but
back to the beginning of time. Not one of them! And yet they
come to the Christians and ask us to support their armed
insurrections in Palestine by saying, "You want to help
repatriate God's Chosen People to their Promised Land, their
ancestral home, don't you? It's your Christian duty. We gave
you one of our boys as your Lord and Savior. You now go to
church on Sunday, and you kneel and you worship a Jew,
and we're Jews."

But they are pagan Khazars who were converted just the
same as the Irish were converted. It is as ridiculous to call
them "people of the Holy Land," as it would be to call the 54
million Chinese Moslems "Arabs." Mohammed only died in
620 A.D., and since then 54 million Chinese have accepted
Islam as their religious belief. Now imagine, in China, 2,000
miles away from Arabia, from Mecca and Mohammed's
birthplace. Imagine if the 54 million Chinese decided to call
themselves "Arabs." You would say they were lunatics.
Anyone who believes that those 54 million Chinese are Arabs
must be crazy. All they did was adopt as a religious faith a
belief that had its origin in Mecca, in Arabia. The same as the
Irish. When the Irish became Christians, nobody dumped
them in the ocean and imported to the Holy Land a new crop
of inhabitants. They hadn't become a different people. They
were the same people, but they had accepted Christianity as
a religious faith.

These Khazars, these pagans, these Asiatics, these
Turko-Finns, were a Mongoloid race who were forced out of
Asia into eastern Europe. Because their king took the
Talmudic faith, they had no choice in the matter. Just the
same as in Spain: If the king was Catholic, everybody had to
be a Catholic. If not, you had to get out of Spain. So the
Khazars became what we call today "Jews".

--- Benjamin H. Freedman

[Benjamin H. Freedman was one of the most intriguing and amazing
individuals of the 20th century. Born in 1890, he was a successful
Jewish businessman of New York City at one time principal owner
of the Woodbury Soap Company. He broke with organized Jewry
after the Judeo-Communist victory of 1945, and spent the
remainder of his life and the great preponderance of his
considerable fortune, at least 2.5 million dollars, exposing the
Jewish tyranny which has enveloped the United States.]
what do you care?
I have my reasons. Trust me.
Why are you obsessed with people in a free country
FREE country?
Where do you leave?
Are you out of your mind?
that desire to be Freemasons?
You can be anything you wish.
Not a problem at all.
What is it your business what we
do, say, or believe in?
Depends on WHERE you do it,
who is affected,
what are you saying, where and to whom.

As far as your beliefs are,
not a problem at all.
No flames, just honest questions.
Fair enough.

Lemme ask YOU a kwestion also.

Why do YOU care?
It is a "free country" after all, right?


You do your thing
and I do mine.

Simple, ain't it?

Something seems to be bothering you?

Just today, for the first time,
I have noticed freemasons mentioned Truth.


If THAT is what you pursue,
should not be a problem at all
what do I say or ask, right?

Happy now?
Mint Hill #742 AF&AM
AASR, Valley of Charlotte
Shriner, Oasis Temple
"We're concerned about AIDS inside our White House ...
make no mistake about it."

--- Disgusting degenerate Adolph Bush,
Washington, D.C., Feb. 7, 2001
