2006-05-02 23:33:37 UTC
The plagiarism just doesn't stop - now she's accused of ripping off a third
book - canceled her book deal too, hope she hasn't spent the money yet.....
she certainly worked very hard doing all that copying.


The Harvard Crimson, alerted by reader e-mails, reported Tuesday on its Web
site that "Opal Mehta" contained passages similar to Meg Cabot's 2000 novel,
"The Princess Diaries." The New York Times also reported comparable material
in Viswanathan's novel and Sophie Kinsella's "Can You Keep a Secret?"

In Cabot's "The Princess Diaries," published by HarperCollins, the following
passage appears on page 12: "There isn't a single inch of me that hasn't
been pinched, cut, filed, painted, sloughed, blown dry, or moisturized. ...
Because I don't look a thing like Mia Thermopolis. Mia Thermopolis never had
fingernails. Mia Thermopolis never had blond highlights."

In Viswanathan's book, page 59 reads: "Every inch of me had been cut, filed,
steamed, exfoliated, polished, painted, or moisturized. I didn't look a
thing like Opal Mehta. Opal Mehta didn't own five pairs of shoes so
expensive they could have been traded in for a small sailboat."
Mr K. Mean
2006-05-12 19:06:26 UTC
Post by Heidi
The plagiarism just doesn't stop - now she's accused of ripping off a third
book - canceled her book deal too, hope she hasn't spent the money yet.....
she certainly worked very hard doing all that copying.
Cracks me up, plagiarizing chick lit. Most of those seem to be written
by a computer program anyways. I mean how could you really tell?

So, my chick lit book is going to go, girl and boy are in love, boy
meets another girl and leaves, girl is shocked and surprised, girl falls
apart, girl goes out drinking a lot with the girls (in trendy places
like Camden), girl is a total mess, girl decides to do something rash
(moving to the Third World to take care of orphans/mountain
climbing/move in with parents) where she doesn't have access to all her
normal beauty things (insert brand names here), girl has a hard time but
starts to adjust and finds an inner strength, girl doesn't really need a

Meanwhile, boy starts to learn that the grass isn't so green on the
other side of the fence and starts to have regrets. Girl meets the nice
new guy and while still holding out hope for the old guy, starts falling
for the new one. Things become nice. Old guy comes crawling back, girl
wavers momentarily, almost takes him back, but then goes back to the new
nice guy and resists rubbing it into old guy's face. Girl and new boy
live happily ever after.

The end.

Can I have my billion dollar advance now?
2006-05-12 20:21:45 UTC
Post by Mr K. Mean
Can I have my billion dollar advance now?
It's not quite worth a billion dollars, you didn't even work 'brazilian waxing' once
into the whole treatment...back to the drawing board for you.
2006-05-15 14:09:58 UTC
Post by Spamvireslayer
Post by Mr K. Mean
Can I have my billion dollar advance now?
It's not quite worth a billion dollars, you didn't even work
'brazilian waxing' once into the whole treatment...back to the
drawing board for you.
He left out "heaving bosoms" too.....
2006-05-15 14:29:56 UTC
Post by indigo
He left out "heaving bosoms" too.....
Women don't write about that stuff.........that's a man thing.
2006-05-15 16:17:29 UTC
Post by Heidi
Post by indigo
He left out "heaving bosoms" too.....
Women don't write about that stuff.........that's a man thing.
Oh right.....how about "swelling manhood" then?

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