Security, Other Risks When Unsupported (Was: z14 and z/OS 2.3 Blog Post)
(too old to reply)
Timothy Sipples
2017-08-02 07:51:40 UTC
Yes. And hopefully the ones whose job this is are doing that.
I'm a z/OS sysprog....
It is your job, too. You just write (yes write) something like:

- - - -

August 2, 2017

Dear (My Manager):

I would like to make you aware that we are no longer receiving
security-related and other patches for the following software products and
release levels that are in productive use, as of the dates indicated:

z/OS Version 1.12 2014-09-30
CICS Transaction Server Version 3.2 2015-12-31
DB2 for z/OS Version 9.1 2014-06-27

Without security patches, and without an ongoing preventive maintenance
program to apply them, there is a growing risk of breaches. We are also
running software products that will receive security updates only for the
next 12 months or less. I can provide those details upon request.

If you have any questions, please let me know. Thanks.

(My Signature)

- - - -

That's it. You've provided the factual information, in writing (which could
be electronic), and your manager decides what to do or not to do. If you've
already done that, great. If there's a material update to provide, to keep
management reasonably well informed, please do.

Just apply a "reasonable care" standard and tell your manager, that's all.
If you're a secretary at an electric company, walking along the park one
sunny afternoon, and you see a couple people trying to steal a utility
pole, "not my job" doesn't wash. You call the police, and you tell your
boss. Likewise, if somebody has left the door open to the utility pole
depot, you ring up your company's security desk and tell them. Whether they
do anything or not is indeed *their* job, but you can observe and notify,

Timothy Sipples
IT Architect Executive, Industry Solutions, IBM z Systems, AP/GCG/MEA
E-Mail: ***@sg.ibm.com

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2017-08-02 08:04:11 UTC
Post by Timothy Sipples
Yes. And hopefully the ones whose job this is are doing that.
I'm a z/OS sysprog....
- - - -
August 2, 2017
I would like to make you aware that we are no longer receiving
security-related and other patches for the following software products and
z/OS Version 1.12 2014-09-30
CICS Transaction Server Version 3.2 2015-12-31
DB2 for z/OS Version 9.1 2014-06-27
Without security patches, and without an ongoing preventive maintenance
program to apply them, there is a growing risk of breaches. We are also
running software products that will receive security updates only for the
next 12 months or less. I can provide those details upon request.
If you have any questions, please let me know. Thanks.
(My Signature)
- - - -
That's it. You've provided the factual information, in writing (which could
be electronic), and your manager decides what to do or not to do. If you've
already done that, great. If there's a material update to provide, to keep
management reasonably well informed, please do.
Just apply a "reasonable care" standard and tell your manager, that's all.
If you're a secretary at an electric company, walking along the park one
sunny afternoon, and you see a couple people trying to steal a utility
pole, "not my job" doesn't wash. You call the police, and you tell your
boss. Likewise, if somebody has left the door open to the utility pole
depot, you ring up your company's security desk and tell them. Whether they
do anything or not is indeed *their* job, but you can observe and notify,
Possible reaction:
(no paper, just shout): GET OUT, YOU'RE FIRED.

BTW: I would take care to inform my manager less officially (and keep
the notification in my archive). From personal experience I'm aware how
pointless is this ;-)
Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland


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Elardus Engelbrecht
2017-08-02 08:38:57 UTC
BTW: I would take care to inform my manager less officially (and keep the notification in my archive). From personal experience I'm aware how pointless is this ;-)
Or wait for next audit or weird abend / hacking attempt, then tell manglers, supervisors and auditors.

Wait first for fireworks/drama, then wait for your retirement or dismissal letter... ;-)

Groete / Greetings
Elardus Engelbrecht

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Vernooij, Kees - KLM , ITOPT1
2017-08-02 08:43:46 UTC
-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Elardus Engelbrecht
Sent: 02 August, 2017 10:40
Subject: Re: Security, Other Risks When Unsupported (Was: z14 and z/OS
2.3 Blog Post)
Post by R.S.
BTW: I would take care to inform my manager less officially (and keep
the notification in my archive). From personal experience I'm aware how
pointless is this ;-)
Or wait for next audit or weird abend / hacking attempt, then tell
manglers, supervisors and auditors.
Wait first for fireworks/drama, then wait for your retirement or dismissal letter... ;-)
Saying: if you knew this, why didn't you tell us?

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Elardus Engelbrecht
2017-08-02 09:04:11 UTC
Post by Vernooij, Kees - KLM , ITOPT1
Post by Elardus Engelbrecht
BTW: I would take care to inform my manager less officially (and keep the notification in my archive). From personal experience I'm aware how pointless is this ;-)
Or wait for next audit or weird abend / hacking attempt, then tell manglers, supervisors and auditors.
Wait first for fireworks/drama, then wait for your retirement or dismissal letter... ;-)
Saying: if you knew this, why didn't you tell us?
Yup. Good question. If someone ask me your question, I'll be in serious trouble...

In fact I have seen all variants of this:

- Tell top brass directly by mouth, e-mail, formal letter.
- Tell via supervisor/auditor using above methods.
- Delegate the trouble to someone else. (really!)
- Don't tell anyone.
- Resign. Retire. Move to other dept.

It really helps that we (from top brass to lowest ranks) have a regurlar review of all software used and their levels and PTFS/APARS/patches/license fees/etc.

IBM 'n+2' version support helps us a lot.

But what about software which are already marked as 'sunset' software, but you are still hanging on them...?

Groete / Greetings
Elardus Engelbrecht

'sunset' - dead vendor or vendor not bothering to update/support it.

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Timothy Sipples
2017-08-02 11:33:49 UTC
In IBM's big bag of tricks I'd take a look at Tivoli Application Dependency
Discovery Manager ("TADDM"):


and perhaps add a dash of Tivoli NetView for z/OS, a tool that (among other
things) has specific SNA-related expertise.

Timothy Sipples
IT Architect Executive, Industry Solutions, IBM z Systems, AP/GCG/MEA
E-Mail: ***@sg.ibm.com

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John McKown
2017-08-02 12:41:26 UTC
Yes. And hopefully the ones whose job this is are doing that.
I'm a z/OS sysprog....
​Hum, around here when I "poke my nose in where it doesn't belong", it
tends to get whacked. My immediate manager is well aware of what is going
on. I am sure that he has let his manager know. It has most likely been
"risk assessed and accepted"​.

Veni, Vidi, VISA: I came, I saw, I did a little shopping.

Maranatha! <><
John McKown

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Mark Jacobs - Listserv
2017-08-02 13:00:53 UTC
Been there too. Got the t-shirt and everything myself several times over
a 38 year career.

Mark Jacobs
August 2, 2017 at 8:42 AM
​Hum, around here when I "poke my nose in where it doesn't belong", it
tends to get whacked. My immediate manager is well aware of what is going
on. I am sure that he has let his manager know. It has most likely been
"risk assessed and accepted"​.
Veni, Vidi, VISA: I came, I saw, I did a little shopping.
Maranatha! <><
John McKown
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August 2, 2017 at 3:52 AM
- - - -
August 2, 2017
I would like to make you aware that we are no longer receiving
security-related and other patches for the following software products and
z/OS Version 1.12 2014-09-30
CICS Transaction Server Version 3.2 2015-12-31
DB2 for z/OS Version 9.1 2014-06-27
Without security patches, and without an ongoing preventive maintenance
program to apply them, there is a growing risk of breaches. We are also
running software products that will receive security updates only for the
next 12 months or less. I can provide those details upon request.
If you have any questions, please let me know. Thanks.
(My Signature)
- - - -
That's it. You've provided the factual information, in writing (which could
be electronic), and your manager decides what to do or not to do. If you've
already done that, great. If there's a material update to provide, to keep
management reasonably well informed, please do.
Just apply a "reasonable care" standard and tell your manager, that's all.
If you're a secretary at an electric company, walking along the park one
sunny afternoon, and you see a couple people trying to steal a utility
pole, "not my job" doesn't wash. You call the police, and you tell your
boss. Likewise, if somebody has left the door open to the utility pole
depot, you ring up your company's security desk and tell them. Whether they
do anything or not is indeed *their* job, but you can observe and notify,
Timothy Sipples
IT Architect Executive, Industry Solutions, IBM z Systems, AP/GCG/MEA
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Please be alert for any emails that may ask you for login information
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phish or aren't sure whether this message is trustworthy, please send
Mark Jacobs
Time Customer Service
Global Technology Services

The standard you walk past is the standard you accept.
Lt. Gen. David Morrison

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Elardus Engelbrecht
2017-08-03 06:23:43 UTC
The following Christmas party I got brave and went over to the CEO and got into a conversation about the issue.
Wow! You're that brave!
... The VP said that is all we don’t have to upgrade our machine? ... I said one caveat, and I saw everyone look at me, and I said this issue would need to be implemented by program redesign. I said the programming area would have to be involved. I thought I heard someone get out a gun but it was something like a sigh. I got the COBOL upgrade, and we pushed the end of the day back about an hour. A few months later we were told we were going to get a major hardware upgrade and software as well.
Great! You deserve a medal!

I have seen that scenario a few times in my career. Something breaks or is causing high CPU, excessive memory usage and swapping or slow transaction response time. Result - everyone screamed for a major upgrade (hardware or software)

Sometimes a simple redesign of a program resolved most of the problems. One example - I have handled a bad program problem scenario. It repeately opened a VSAM dsn, do its thing and close. Repeat - wash, rinse, repeat all of this.

Result - slow program, slow transaction times and lots of RACF SMF records (access attempt) and SYSLOG messages.

I told the programmers after looking at their programs, just please move the OPEN outside the loop and the CLOSE after the loop. Voila, all were happy.

... no, I did NOT get a T-shirt ... ;-)

Groete / Greetings
Elardus Engelbrecht

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Charles Mills
2017-08-03 13:57:40 UTC
Post by Elardus Engelbrecht
The following Christmas party I got brave and went over to the CEO and got into a conversation about the issue.
Wow! You're that brave!
Liquid courage


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Edward Gould
2017-08-04 02:01:51 UTC
Post by Charles Mills
Post by Elardus Engelbrecht
The following Christmas party I got brave and went over to the CEO and got into a conversation about the issue.
Wow! You're that brave!
Liquid courage
Actually, no. I haven’t had a drink in over 30 years.
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Charles Mills
2017-08-04 13:23:57 UTC
No offense was intended.


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-***@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf Of Edward Gould
Sent: Thursday, August 3, 2017 6:53 PM
Subject: Re: Security, Other Risks When Unsupported (Was: z14 and z/OS 2.3 Blog Post)
Post by Charles Mills
Post by Elardus Engelbrecht
The following Christmas party I got brave and went over to the CEO and got into a conversation about the issue.
Wow! You're that brave!
Liquid courage
Actually, no. I haven’t had a drink in over 30 years.

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Edward Gould
2017-08-04 02:10:32 UTC
I have seen that scenario a few times in my career. Something breaks or is causing high CPU, excessive memory usage and swapping or slow transaction response time. Result - everyone screamed for a major upgrade (hardware or software)
Sometimes a simple redesign of a program resolved most of the problems. One example - I have handled a bad program problem scenario. It repeately opened a VSAM dsn, do its thing and close. Repeat - wash, rinse, repeat all of this.
Result - slow program, slow transaction times and lots of RACF SMF records (access attempt) and SYSLOG messages.
I told the programmers after looking at their programs, just please move the OPEN outside the loop and the CLOSE after the loop. Voila, all were happy.
I had a similar but slightly different issue with a programmer.
They were accessing a VSAM file and each time they closed it and reopened it. I didn’t catch it till I saw a message on the console that the SMF buffer was full. I got a dump of the SMF address space and looked at it and sure enough there were thousands of VSAM open/close records. I talked to the programmers supervisor and it got changed but it took a couple of weeks. I guess I should have caught it before, but my plate was pretty full and I just didn’t have the time to look for stuff like that. I did add on a step to the dual SMF processing to catch stuff like that. Once in a while I spotted a possibility but a call to the programmer fixed the issue before it got into production.

... no, I did NOT get a T-shirt ... ;-)
Groete / Greetings
Elardus Engelbrecht
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