Hardly Surprising They Are All Dead: The Entire Species Are Morons
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Bret Cahill
2018-08-05 00:25:06 UTC
"It’s easy to forget that we’re a single species within the genus Homo because everyone else is dead. Currently, it looks like Homo — a group of hominins that includes ancient beings like Homo erectus and Homo neanderthalensis — is a family of seven, though that number is debatable. Regardless, Homo sapiens are the only humans alive, and the reason why is still a mystery."

A mystery to idiots.

Kym Horsell
2018-08-05 02:42:49 UTC
Post by Bret Cahill
"It’s easy to forget that we’re a single species within the genus Homo because everyone else is dead. Currently, it looks like Homo — a group of hominins that includes ancient beings like Homo erectus and Homo neanderthalensis — is a family of seven, though that number is debatable. Regardless, Homo sapiens are the only humans alive, and the reason why is still a mystery."
A mystery to idiots.
Any anthro that comes up with a complimentary explanation for why humans
are as they are is surely suspect.

No secret that humans are omnivorous, have a vicious streak, and are
unable to control their own numbers given they can breed anytime of the year.

If species X lasted longer than species Y it likely had more of one or other
of those kinds of qualities.

That, an a tollerance for shitting where it eats and sleeps.
2018-08-05 04:40:51 UTC
Post by Kym Horsell
Post by Bret Cahill
"It’s easy to forget that we’re a single species within the genus Homo because everyone else is dead. Currently, it looks like Homo — a group of hominins that includes ancient beings like Homo erectus and Homo neanderthalensis — is a family of seven, though that number is debatable. Regardless, Homo sapiens are the only humans alive, and the reason why is still a mystery."
A mystery to idiots.
Any anthro that comes up with a complimentary explanation for why humans
are as they are is surely suspect.
No secret that humans are omnivorous, have a vicious streak, and are
unable to control their own numbers given they can breed anytime of the year.
If species X lasted longer than species Y it likely had more of one or other
of those kinds of qualities.
That, an a tollerance for shitting where it eats and sleeps.
Self-hatred and hatred of the species is a liberal trade-mark. Anthropologist science has been so corrupted by political-correctness that it makes global warming science seem almost legitimate.
Kym Horsell
2018-08-05 05:17:58 UTC
Post by $27 TRILLION to PAY for KYOTO
Post by Kym Horsell
Post by Bret Cahill
"It’s easy to forget that we’re a single species within the genus Homo because everyone else is dead. Currently, it looks like Homo — a group of hominins that includes ancient beings like Homo erectus and Homo neanderthalensis — is a family of seven, though that number is debatable. Regardless, Homo sapiens are the only humans alive, and the reason why is still a mystery."
A mystery to idiots.
Any anthro that comes up with a complimentary explanation for why humans
are as they are is surely suspect.
No secret that humans are omnivorous, have a vicious streak, and are
unable to control their own numbers given they can breed anytime of the year.
If species X lasted longer than species Y it likely had more of one or other
of those kinds of qualities.
That, an a tollerance for shitting where it eats and sleeps.
Self-hatred and hatred of the species is a liberal trade-mark. Anthropologist science has been so corrupted by political-correctness that it makes global warming science seem almost legitimate.
Like projection is a hillbilly trademark?
2018-08-05 17:13:21 UTC
Post by Bret Cahill
"It’s easy to forget that we’re a single species within the genus Homo
because everyone else is dead. Currently, it looks like Homo — a group of
hominins that includes ancient beings like Homo erectus and Homo
neanderthalensis — is a family of seven, though that number is debatable.
Regardless, Homo sapiens are the only humans alive, and the reason why is
still a mystery."
A mystery to idiots.
Is it really racist to think that blacks resemble gorillas?

They haven't changed much in the last million years:
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As a put-down, “Neanderthal” is exclusively used to demean Whites. In
fairness, pale skin, blue eyes, and red hair were all Neanderthal traits.
But although being Neanderthal is a White thing, it is not exclusively so. A
landmark 2010 study suggested that not only did ancient Neanderthals breed
with modern humans, all modern groups except for sub-Saharan Africans
possess a small percentage of Neanderthal DNA. Sub-Saharan Africans have no
Neanderthal DNA, which modern blacks boast about so much. That’s all very
cute, except for the fact that the places where people are “100 percent
human” tend to fall far behind the cavemen’s ancestral homelands when it
comes to trifles such as civilization, agriculture, longevity, technology,
written languages, and living standards. And what did the 100-percenters
have to show for all thoses eons of being Neanderthal-free? The termite
stick, although it's possible that the bonobo chimps beat them to that
