AGA S11E13 Onslaught of the Cybermen
(too old to reply)
2016-08-01 23:28:29 UTC
The Doctor and his companions try to take cover from the rebel fighters
but the attack cannot be stopped. They are able to deflect a few early
blows but soon they will be totally surrounded.

The UNIT officers with him tell the Doctor that their only chance it to
surrender and hope the rebels ask them to join their side.

They surrender.

The members of the special forces refuse to join the rebels and are
taken to be executed. The Doctor, Lara and UNIT agree to join the rebels.

Around the capital more and more troops begin to amass laying siege to
the city and forcing back the defenders whenever they come out in the open.

The army with Rani is now being trained to fight on skyships. The idea
is for the ships to ram each other and the fighters to jump onto the
enemy ship and kill the enemy fighters and commandeer their ship while
300 meters up in their air. Force fields prevent missile attacks. The
rebels only have two ships but they intend to make them more by
capturing those of the main city.

Mike tells Rani that's it's effectively a suicide mission. Both armies
will die as the real goal is to take out the enemy's ability to control
the skies. Other fighters who were gamers that transported to the planet
agree with Mike. They did not expect such brutality from the native
fighters who behave as if their feelings had all been taken away.

The rebels that captured the Doctor, Lara and the UNIT troops arrive
with them at the huge camp that is starting to surround the city. Rani
looks out to see what's going on and recognizes the Doctor and Lara and
runs to greet them. They all embrace.

They make plans to escape by getting posted to one of the skyships,
hijacking it and flying it through one of the sub space portals to Ogis

The main city decides to take on the rebels in the air. It sends out all
of this skyships for once last battle.

The ships from both sides speed towards each other and engage.

The ships ram each other and fighters jump or run on planks from one
ship to another fighting the enemy with their swords and spears.

The ship carrying the UNIT soldiers, the Doctor, Rani, Lara, Mike,
Stefan and the other mutineers heads for one of the enemy ships first
chasing it and then letting it chase them leading each other round in
circles, but with a purpose since it is leading both ships in the
direction of a sub space portal. The mutineer ship eventually rams the
other ship from behind and starts pushing it over the city towards the
subspace portal. Enemy fighters jump on board the mutineer ship and
fighting ensues. The UNIT soldiers try to protect Mike who is piloting
as he forces both ships towards a sub space portal which leads to Ogis.

Both ships tear into the sub space portal and emerge at the other side.

UNIT forces by now have defeated the enemy fighters on their ship and
storm the other ship and defeat it's occupants who are disorganized and
lack discipline.

A new threat emerges as enemy fighter craft from Ogis take to the air
and head in their direction. The weapons are more sophisticated and able
to penetrate the force fields easily. The Doctor takes the controls and
sets up the auto pilot to take the original ship in the direction of the
fighters, getting the remaining crew to transfer over on to the new ship
and join UNIT. Once on board the other ship he activates the auto pilot
on the first ship using his sonic screwdriver and pilots the new ship
rapidly to the ground so it is under the Ogis radar making it look like
it is crashing. Parts of it are already burning so the illusion looks

The fighter craft blow up the rebel ship heading for them with several
missiles and then return to base thinking the other ship has crashed
after being critically damaged by the rebels.

The Doctor now lands his ship close to a massive plant which he believes
to be the transmat beam generator which is being used to transport
gamers from other planets to Kyr to join the rebel armies.

While UNIT guards the ship and the gamers put out the fires and make
repairs the Doctor and his companions go to investigate the transmat
machinery. The compound is guarded by robed Cybermen and it is
impossible to get inside. Ogis is in league with them. They return to
the ship.

The Doctor collects all the fighters together and tells them that they
are going to raid the transmat site. It's not guarded by that many
soldiers but once the attack begins reinforcements will be sent
immediately. During that interval the Doctor hopes he can sabotage the

They set out for the transmat site and wait until nightfall before they
attack, using their huds to guide them. Bullets fly but are absorbed by
the guards' forcefields. The UNIT commandos using forcefields charge and
over power the guards and enter the building. The Doctor finds the
transmat controls and sets it to overload, frying the controls with his
sonic screwdriver. He says that's the best that he can do without
explosives. The full overload will take several days to occur and will
probably be disabled when the reinforcements arrive but it will take
much longer for them to repair the controls, meaning no more recruits
will be transported to Kyr or any other part of the Cyber Realm of from
the Cyber Realm to anywhere else.

They quickly return to the ship and take off before the reinforcements
can catch up with them.

The ship heads for the nearest city where they think they will be safe
and they sell it as scrap and spare parts in return for passage to
Selles since the ship being open topped obviously was not designed for
space flight.

They cross by the refugee route into Selles on a condemned space ship
deemed unfit for travel. Along the way the ship begins to collapse and
the Doctor has to make repairs to the bulkheads and structural integrity
field. Just as the ship is about to fall to pieces they reach Selles
space and are rescued by the Sellenic Navy.

Everyone is arrested and the Doctor tries to explain he is a friend of
Eleni their prime minister and he must see her at once. They're not
buying it so the Doctor demands his free phone call. He calls Eleni and
tells her where he is, asking her to send the relevant release papers
for him, his companions, the UNIT commandos and the escaped gamers.

Meanwhile in the Federation of Hathiken, terrorist attacks have been
mounting up. In Tuiscon one terrorist wielding an axe attacks hundreds
of passengers on a skytrain. Another terrorist who is mentally disturbed
goes on a shooting spree killing hundreds at a fast food restaurant. Yet
another stabs a pregnant woman to death and in Samoth one murders a
doctor at his hospital slashing his throat and stomach with a knife. All
of these terrorists claimed to be refugees and some were in the process
of being deported when they carried out their attacks.

At the same time thousands of cyber clinics have been opening on every
planet in Hathiken offering bionic upgrades and implants to make people
smarter, stronger, faster and better and the terrorists have been seen
attending these clinics.

Eleni has been debating weather or not to shut these clinics down. Some
on her planet and many in others claim they they are the cause of the
terrorism. With every upgrade people lose more and more of their
emotions including fear and compassion. Hathiken has more advanced
organic bio-medical technology and doesn't require backward Cyber
technology. Other people say people have the freedom of choice which
must be respected.

The Doctor arrives and explains what has happened. Kyr has been taken
over by Cybermen along with every other star system in the vicinity to
create a Cyber Realm. The Cybermen intend to export their uncontrolled
warlike beliefs and way of life to Hathiken through setting up more and
more Cyber clinics and entering as fake refugees brining their war games
with them.

The Doctor, Eleni, Rani, Lara, Mike and Stefan travel to Tuiscon to meet
Remlek who is now President of Hathiken, along with other specially
invited leaders from the new Federation.

Remlek greets the Doctor and says that she is glad to finally meet him
in person.

The Doctor explains to them that soon the entire galaxy will be taken
over, with the Cybermen transporting gamers to the planets under their
control, indoctrinating them and then sending them back to their home
planets to set up new Cyber clinics. When their numbers grow in strength
they will then carry out attacks and begin revolutions to impose their
beliefs and way of life on everyone.

Mike explains how the gamers are radicalised by addiction to multiplayer
role play games at home and then asked to attend conventions and
transported to play the games for real before being sent back home. Some
people, mostly alts, have made the round trip several times.

The other leaders explain that the same thing has been happening in
Hathiken but how can they stop it. People have the right to free choice,
thought and expression. They can't close down all the Cyber clinics if
people want to upgrade themselves.

The Doctor says that the word cybernetics originally comes from Greek
word kybernetes meaning "steersman" and the French cybernétique, "the
art of governing." Constant change and revolution is what the Cybermen
stand for. This is how they evolve and they won't stop until they alone
are in control. They want to stamp out all other authority but that of
their individual selves, they can't even work collectively together as
they can never agree and must be stopped or there will be complete
anarchy and chaos.

At this moment Stefan springs up and starts attacking all the leaders in
the room with kicks and punches, he grabs objects from the table and
picks up chairs to use as weapons. Mike gets up to try and restrain him
but Stefan is too strong. Security guards come in and start shooting.

Eventually Stefan is killed after seriously wounding many leaders
including Remlek. On close inspection he is discovered to be Cyber
enhanced. The Doctor surmises that Stefan was planted by the Cybermen
and other Cyber enhanced people will try to get to other planets in
order to carry out similar or more brutal attacks on anyone questioning
their beliefs and way of life.

Chaster, the leader of Osterrik, who has been badly wounded demands that
all Cyber enhanced individuals must be sought out and brought to
normality. Cyber enhancement has turned them into wild animals, taking
away their morality and feelings of compassion and empathy for humanity.
Others despite their injuries dispute this and protest.

Remlek now decides that enough is enough. The Cybermen have to be
stopped and the Cyber Realm destroyed.

Eleni suggests directing a gravity wave at Kyr and the rest of the Cyber
Realm. Remlek laughs, the proximity is too far and there are no planets
under their control to focus it.

The Doctor interjects. They have the twelve star formation of Hathiken
which can be used the same way as a lens to focus the gravity wave.
Remlek points out it will not be enough to get through the transduction
barriers that have been imposed around the Cyber Realm by Vespusa and
Draconia both of which along with Priyati have been interfering in the
affairs of these planets for centuries and were responsible for bringing
about the civil war that engulfed the entire system in the first place
as well as selling their favoured sides various forms of Cyber
technology. The Doctor finally reminds everyone that even if the wave
could get through it would kill everyone on every planet.

The Doctor thinks of another idea. With a modified system they can send
out a focused Electromagnetic Pulse to every planet instead of a gravity
wave, which the transduction barriers will have no effect on and which
will only damage electrical circuitry.

Remlek gives the go-ahead for the modifications and the EMP is focused
on Ogis and every planet in the Cyber Realm one by one. On Kyr the
enhanced fighters stop in their tracks and fall down along with their
vehicles. In the capital city the household robots stop operating and
fall down too.

Standing in his office president Simha of Kyr looks at what is happening
on the screen in front of him and then seems to stumble and fall down
into his chair, then recovers.

It's all over.

The Doctor Eleni, Rani, Lara and Mike return to Selles.

Remlek arranges for the gamers from Earth to be de-cyberised and along
with the the UNIT soldiers transported back home to Earth at the point
in time at which they left.

The Hathiken Federation also agrees to de-cyberise all the refugees and
close down all the Cyber clinics.

The Doctor Rani and Lara hope that everything will now by well in
Hathiken, say their goodbyes to Eleni and enter the TARDIS.

Inside the TARDIS Rani is sad that Stefan had to die. The Doctor tells
her that he thinks Stefan sacrificed himself so as to convince the
leaders to destroy the Cyber Realm for the sake of civilisation.

The TARDIS dematerializes and flies off into the distance leaving
Hathiken behind. The ring of twelve starts making up the Hathiken
constelation recedes into the distance and is covered in the blue glow
of a nebula emerging in front of it. To the left can be seen the fifty
stars making up Vespusa surrounded by blue nebulosity and alternate red
and white stripes. To the right is the white, blue and red nebula making
up the Draconian system and below is the predominately green nebula of
the Cyber Realm.

Meanwhile back on Earth social media has been inundated with adverts for
clinics offering to heal any medial condition and give you the perfect
body and quickest mind using newly developed bio-medically enhanced
organs and implants. You can make your body look however you like and
never have to learn anything again as it will be written directly into
your mind. The streets are filled with those people who can afford it
flocking to these clinics in their droves. Soon everyone will be able to
afford it and take part in the revolution they claim.

<<<THE END>>>
2016-08-02 02:29:44 UTC
On Monday, August 1, 2016 at 4:28:32 PM UTC-7, Agamemnon wrote:

Munch of battles on Kyr, dramatic escape to Ogis.
Post by Agamemnon
The Doctor explains to them that soon the entire galaxy will be taken
over, with the Cybermen transporting gamers to the planets under their
control, indoctrinating them and then sending them back to their home
planets to set up new Cyber clinics. When their numbers grow in strength
they will then carry out attacks and begin revolutions to impose their
beliefs and way of life on everyone.
Mike explains how the gamers are radicalised by addiction to multiplayer
role play games at home and then asked to attend conventions and
transported to play the games for real before being sent back home. Some
people, mostly alts, have made the round trip several times.
The other leaders explain that the same thing has been happening in
Hathiken but how can they stop it. People have the right to free choice,
thought and expression. They can't close down all the Cyber clinics if
people want to upgrade themselves.
The Doctor says that the word cybernetics originally comes from Greek
word kybernetes meaning "steersman" and the French cybernétique, "the
art of governing." Constant change and revolution is what the Cybermen
stand for. This is how they evolve and they won't stop until they alone
are in control. They want to stamp out all other authority but that of
their individual selves, they can't even work collectively together as
they can never agree and must be stopped or there will be complete
anarchy and chaos.
In previous Cyberman episodes, I had gotten the impression that the Cybermen were all part of a collective ruled by a Cyberleader. For example, the Cybermen created by Missy at the end of Season 8 had a collective consciousness, which Danny Pink had to hack into by turning on his emotional inhibitor. Danny Pink then took over the collective and ordered all the Cybermen to fly up to destroy the Cyberspore.
Post by Agamemnon
At this moment Stefan springs up and starts attacking all the leaders in
the room with kicks and punches, he grabs objects from the table and
picks up chairs to use as weapons. Mike gets up to try and restrain him
but Stefan is too strong. Security guards come in and start shooting.
Eventually Stefan is killed after seriously wounding many leaders
including Remlek. On close inspection he is discovered to be Cyber
enhanced. The Doctor surmises that Stefan was planted by the Cybermen
and other Cyber enhanced people will try to get to other planets in
order to carry out similar or more brutal attacks on anyone questioning
their beliefs and way of life.
Chaster, the leader of Osterrik, who has been badly wounded demands that
all Cyber enhanced individuals must be sought out and brought to
normality. Cyber enhancement has turned them into wild animals, taking
away their morality and feelings of compassion and empathy for humanity.
Others despite their injuries dispute this and protest.
Remlek now decides that enough is enough. The Cybermen have to be
stopped and the Cyber Realm destroyed.
Eleni suggests directing a gravity wave at Kyr and the rest of the Cyber
Realm. Remlek laughs, the proximity is too far and there are no planets
under their control to focus it.
The Doctor interjects. They have the twelve star formation of Hathiken
which can be used the same way as a lens to focus the gravity wave.
Remlek points out it will not be enough to get through the transduction
barriers that have been imposed around the Cyber Realm by Vespusa and
Draconia both of which along with Priyati have been interfering in the
affairs of these planets for centuries and were responsible for bringing
about the civil war that engulfed the entire system in the first place
as well as selling their favoured sides various forms of Cyber
technology. The Doctor finally reminds everyone that even if the wave
could get through it would kill everyone on every planet.
The Doctor thinks of another idea. With a modified system they can send
out a focused Electromagnetic Pulse to every planet instead of a gravity
wave, which the transduction barriers will have no effect on and which
will only damage electrical circuitry.
Remlek gives the go-ahead for the modifications and the EMP is focused
on Ogis and every planet in the Cyber Realm one by one. On Kyr the
enhanced fighters stop in their tracks and fall down along with their
vehicles. In the capital city the household robots stop operating and
fall down too.
Standing in his office president Simha of Kyr looks at what is happening
on the screen in front of him and then seems to stumble and fall down
into his chair, then recovers.
Is he partially cyberized too?
Post by Agamemnon
The Doctor Eleni, Rani, Lara and Mike return to Selles.
Remlek arranges for the gamers from Earth to be de-cyberised and along
with the the UNIT soldiers transported back home to Earth at the point
in time at which they left.
I hope that the UNIT soldiers were able to sneak some force field generators home with them! Or even obtain permission to take home force field generators as their reward for stopping the Cybermen attack!

There's still the matter of Remlek's attempt to wipe out the Draconians in Episodes 9-10! Might he make more trouble in the Christmas special or in Season 12?

So Remlek has access to time travel technology. Might he use time travel technology to say ensure the success of his anti-Draconian plot?
Post by Agamemnon
The Hathiken Federation also agrees to de-cyberise all the refugees and
close down all the Cyber clinics.
Why can't the HF instead modify the cyber tech so that the HF will be in control?
Post by Agamemnon
The Doctor Rani and Lara hope that everything will now by well in
Hathiken, say their goodbyes to Eleni and enter the TARDIS.
Inside the TARDIS Rani is sad that Stefan had to die. The Doctor tells
her that he thinks Stefan sacrificed himself so as to convince the
leaders to destroy the Cyber Realm for the sake of civilisation.
The TARDIS dematerializes and flies off into the distance leaving
Hathiken behind. The ring of twelve starts making up the Hathiken
constelation recedes into the distance and is covered in the blue glow
of a nebula emerging in front of it. To the left can be seen the fifty
stars making up Vespusa surrounded by blue nebulosity and alternate red
and white stripes. To the right is the white, blue and red nebula making
up the Draconian system and below is the predominately green nebula of
the Cyber Realm.
Is there a mostly red nebula anywhere (China)?
Post by Agamemnon
Meanwhile back on Earth social media has been inundated with adverts for
clinics offering to heal any medial condition and give you the perfect
body and quickest mind using newly developed bio-medically enhanced
organs and implants. You can make your body look however you like and
never have to learn anything again as it will be written directly into
your mind. The streets are filled with those people who can afford it
flocking to these clinics in their droves. Soon everyone will be able to
afford it and take part in the revolution they claim.
Won't people remember the Cyberman army Missy created out of Earth's dead in late 2014? Wouldn't that incident discourage people from being cyberized?
2016-08-02 02:48:13 UTC
Post by TB
Munch of battles on Kyr, dramatic escape to Ogis.
Post by Agamemnon
The Doctor explains to them that soon the entire galaxy will be
taken over, with the Cybermen transporting gamers to the planets
under their control, indoctrinating them and then sending them back
to their home planets to set up new Cyber clinics. When their
numbers grow in strength they will then carry out attacks and begin
revolutions to impose their beliefs and way of life on everyone.
Mike explains how the gamers are radicalised by addiction to
multiplayer role play games at home and then asked to attend
conventions and transported to play the games for real before being
sent back home. Some people, mostly alts, have made the round trip
several times.
The other leaders explain that the same thing has been happening in
Hathiken but how can they stop it. People have the right to free
choice, thought and expression. They can't close down all the Cyber
clinics if people want to upgrade themselves.
The Doctor says that the word cybernetics originally comes from
Greek word kybernetes meaning "steersman" and the French
cybernétique, "the art of governing." Constant change and
revolution is what the Cybermen stand for. This is how they evolve
and they won't stop until they alone are in control. They want to
stamp out all other authority but that of their individual selves,
they can't even work collectively together as they can never agree
and must be stopped or there will be complete anarchy and chaos.
In previous Cyberman episodes, I had gotten the impression that the
Cybermen were all part of a collective ruled by a Cyberleader. For
That was all stuff the new series copied from the Borg from Star Trek:
The Next Generation. The original Cybermen were electromechanically
augmented humans that had body parts replaced as and when they failed.
The only thing they wanted was a new planet to inhabit as their own
planet was doomed.
Post by TB
example, the Cybermen created by Missy at the end of Season 8 had a
collective consciousness, which Danny Pink had to hack into by
Copied from ST: TNG
Post by TB
turning on his emotional inhibitor. Danny Pink then took over the
collective and ordered all the Cybermen to fly up to destroy the
Which effectively turned the Cybermen into a copy of the Daleks. That's
what ruined the Cybermen in the original series and the news series too
and made it almost impossible for people to related to them. I've gone
back to the original convent. No forced Cyberisation. You have to agree
to it willingly. No collective. Cybermen are individuals. No obedience
or respect for commanders. Cybermen all want to be in command and think
the upgrades they have had fitted make their individual selves makes
better than any of the others. All of these upgrades have removed their
human feelings and made them think only for their own survival and rise
to power and glory, and they don't all like like metal robots. They look
mostly human.
Post by TB
Post by Agamemnon
At this moment Stefan springs up and starts attacking all the
leaders in the room with kicks and punches, he grabs objects from
the table and picks up chairs to use as weapons. Mike gets up to
try and restrain him but Stefan is too strong. Security guards come
in and start shooting.
Eventually Stefan is killed after seriously wounding many leaders
including Remlek. On close inspection he is discovered to be Cyber
enhanced. The Doctor surmises that Stefan was planted by the
Cybermen and other Cyber enhanced people will try to get to other
planets in order to carry out similar or more brutal attacks on
anyone questioning their beliefs and way of life.
Chaster, the leader of Osterrik, who has been badly wounded demands
that all Cyber enhanced individuals must be sought out and brought
to normality. Cyber enhancement has turned them into wild animals,
taking away their morality and feelings of compassion and empathy
for humanity. Others despite their injuries dispute this and
Remlek now decides that enough is enough. The Cybermen have to be
stopped and the Cyber Realm destroyed.
Eleni suggests directing a gravity wave at Kyr and the rest of the
Cyber Realm. Remlek laughs, the proximity is too far and there are
no planets under their control to focus it.
The Doctor interjects. They have the twelve star formation of
Hathiken which can be used the same way as a lens to focus the
gravity wave. Remlek points out it will not be enough to get
through the transduction barriers that have been imposed around the
Cyber Realm by Vespusa and Draconia both of which along with
Priyati have been interfering in the affairs of these planets for
centuries and were responsible for bringing about the civil war
that engulfed the entire system in the first place as well as
selling their favoured sides various forms of Cyber technology. The
Doctor finally reminds everyone that even if the wave could get
through it would kill everyone on every planet.
The Doctor thinks of another idea. With a modified system they can
send out a focused Electromagnetic Pulse to every planet instead of
a gravity wave, which the transduction barriers will have no effect
on and which will only damage electrical circuitry.
Remlek gives the go-ahead for the modifications and the EMP is
focused on Ogis and every planet in the Cyber Realm one by one. On
Kyr the enhanced fighters stop in their tracks and fall down along
with their vehicles. In the capital city the household robots stop
operating and fall down too.
Standing in his office president Simha of Kyr looks at what is
happening on the screen in front of him and then seems to stumble
and fall down into his chair, then recovers.
Is he partially cyberized too?
Yes, they all are. Simha and the people in the city are using a more
advanced form of cyber technology.
Post by TB
Post by Agamemnon
The Doctor Eleni, Rani, Lara and Mike return to Selles.
Remlek arranges for the gamers from Earth to be de-cyberised and
along with the the UNIT soldiers transported back home to Earth at
the point in time at which they left.
I hope that the UNIT soldiers were able to sneak some force field
generators home with them! Or even obtain permission to take home
force field generators as their reward for stopping the Cybermen
Yer, right.
Post by TB
There's still the matter of Remlek's attempt to wipe out the
Draconians in Episodes 9-10! Might he make more trouble in the
Christmas special or in Season 12?
Remlek is a she!!!!!

I'm still working on a plot for the Christmas Special.
Post by TB
So Remlek has access to time travel technology. Might he use time
Remlek is FEMALE!!!!!
Post by TB
travel technology to say ensure the success of his anti-Draconian
No. It's happened in the past and the past can't be changed.
Post by TB
Post by Agamemnon
The Hathiken Federation also agrees to de-cyberise all the refugees
and close down all the Cyber clinics.
Why can't the HF instead modify the cyber tech so that the HF will be in control?
Right, so they plan on sending ground troops to capture and put
inhibitors in all the Cybermen? The cyber tech does not control the
Cybermen the Cybermen have willingly adopted the tech to do their own
Post by TB
Post by Agamemnon
The Doctor Rani and Lara hope that everything will now by well in
Hathiken, say their goodbyes to Eleni and enter the TARDIS.
Inside the TARDIS Rani is sad that Stefan had to die. The Doctor
tells her that he thinks Stefan sacrificed himself so as to
convince the leaders to destroy the Cyber Realm for the sake of
The TARDIS dematerializes and flies off into the distance leaving
Hathiken behind. The ring of twelve starts making up the Hathiken
constelation recedes into the distance and is covered in the blue
glow of a nebula emerging in front of it. To the left can be seen
the fifty stars making up Vespusa surrounded by blue nebulosity and
alternate red and white stripes. To the right is the white, blue
and red nebula making up the Draconian system and below is the
predominately green nebula of the Cyber Realm.
Is there a mostly red nebula anywhere (China)?
There might be, and it would have 5 stars behind it, one large one and 4
smaller ones bracketing it on the right
Post by TB
Post by Agamemnon
Meanwhile back on Earth social media has been inundated with
adverts for clinics offering to heal any medial condition and give
you the perfect body and quickest mind using newly developed
bio-medically enhanced organs and implants. You can make your body
look however you like and never have to learn anything again as it
will be written directly into your mind. The streets are filled
with those people who can afford it flocking to these clinics in
their droves. Soon everyone will be able to afford it and take part
in the revolution they claim.
Won't people remember the Cyberman army Missy created out of Earth's
dead in late 2014? Wouldn't that incident discourage people from
being cyberized?
No. Missy created a load Daleks with metal arms and legs. RTD, Moffat
and co. all lost the plot as to what the Cybermen really were. Read The
Tenth Planet.
2016-08-02 03:07:10 UTC
Post by Agamemnon
Post by TB
Post by Agamemnon
Standing in his office president Simha of Kyr looks at what is
happening on the screen in front of him and then seems to stumble
and fall down into his chair, then recovers.
Is he partially cyberized too?
Yes, they all are. Simha and the people in the city are using a more
advanced form of cyber technology.
Yet Simha and the people in the city don't appear to have run amok like the cyber rebels did! This would seem to indicate that cyber enhancements of humans CAN be done safely!
Post by Agamemnon
Post by TB
Post by Agamemnon
The Doctor Eleni, Rani, Lara and Mike return to Selles.
Remlek arranges for the gamers from Earth to be de-cyberised and
along with the the UNIT soldiers transported back home to Earth at
the point in time at which they left.
I hope that the UNIT soldiers were able to sneak some force field
generators home with them! Or even obtain permission to take home
force field generators as their reward for stopping the Cybermen
Yer, right.
UNIT troops would have a strong reason to try to obtain the force fields. The force fields would protect UNIT troops from terrorist bombs and bullets!
Post by Agamemnon
Post by TB
Post by Agamemnon
The Hathiken Federation also agrees to de-cyberise all the refugees
and close down all the Cyber clinics.
Why can't the HF instead modify the cyber tech so that the HF will be in control?
Right, so they plan on sending ground troops to capture and put
inhibitors in all the Cybermen? The cyber tech does not control the
Cybermen the Cybermen have willingly adopted the tech to do their own
The HF would have lots of samples of the cyber technology from the shut down clinics. I have confidence in their scientists!
2016-08-02 03:20:30 UTC
Post by TB
Post by Agamemnon
Post by TB
Post by Agamemnon
Standing in his office president Simha of Kyr looks at what is
happening on the screen in front of him and then seems to
stumble and fall down into his chair, then recovers.
Is he partially cyberized too?
Yes, they all are. Simha and the people in the city are using a
more advanced form of cyber technology.
Yet Simha and the people in the city don't appear to have run amok
like the cyber rebels did! This would seem to indicate that cyber
enhancements of humans CAN be done safely!
So you would think. Look at what their special forces did to the rebel
fighters that were captured. They're just as bad as any other Cyberman
only not as radicalised.
Post by TB
Post by Agamemnon
Post by TB
Post by Agamemnon
The Doctor Eleni, Rani, Lara and Mike return to Selles.
Remlek arranges for the gamers from Earth to be de-cyberised
and along with the the UNIT soldiers transported back home to
Earth at the point in time at which they left.
I hope that the UNIT soldiers were able to sneak some force
field generators home with them! Or even obtain permission to
take home force field generators as their reward for stopping the
Cybermen attack!
Yer, right.
UNIT troops would have a strong reason to try to obtain the force
fields. The force fields would protect UNIT troops from terrorist
bombs and bullets!
What happens when the force fields break down or run out of power? What
are UNIT going to do then?
Post by TB
Post by Agamemnon
Post by TB
Post by Agamemnon
The Hathiken Federation also agrees to de-cyberise all the
refugees and close down all the Cyber clinics.
Why can't the HF instead modify the cyber tech so that the HF will be in control?
Right, so they plan on sending ground troops to capture and put
inhibitors in all the Cybermen? The cyber tech does not control the
Cybermen the Cybermen have willingly adopted the tech to do their
own bidding.
The HF would have lots of samples of the cyber technology from the
shut down clinics. I have confidence in their scientists!
Their scientists have more advanced organic technology.
2016-08-02 03:24:30 UTC
Post by Agamemnon
Post by TB
Post by Agamemnon
Post by TB
Post by Agamemnon
Standing in his office president Simha of Kyr looks at what is
happening on the screen in front of him and then seems to
stumble and fall down into his chair, then recovers.
Is he partially cyberized too?
Yes, they all are. Simha and the people in the city are using a
more advanced form of cyber technology.
Yet Simha and the people in the city don't appear to have run amok
like the cyber rebels did! This would seem to indicate that cyber
enhancements of humans CAN be done safely!
So you would think. Look at what their special forces did to the rebel
fighters that were captured. They're just as bad as any other Cyberman
only not as radicalised.
Post by TB
Post by Agamemnon
Post by TB
Post by Agamemnon
The Doctor Eleni, Rani, Lara and Mike return to Selles.
Remlek arranges for the gamers from Earth to be de-cyberised
and along with the the UNIT soldiers transported back home to
Earth at the point in time at which they left.
I hope that the UNIT soldiers were able to sneak some force
field generators home with them! Or even obtain permission to
take home force field generators as their reward for stopping the
Cybermen attack!
Yer, right.
UNIT troops would have a strong reason to try to obtain the force
fields. The force fields would protect UNIT troops from terrorist
bombs and bullets!
What happens when the force fields break down or run out of power? What
are UNIT going to do then?
Post by TB
Post by Agamemnon
Post by TB
Post by Agamemnon
The Hathiken Federation also agrees to de-cyberise all the
refugees and close down all the Cyber clinics.
Why can't the HF instead modify the cyber tech so that the HF will be in control?
Right, so they plan on sending ground troops to capture and put
inhibitors in all the Cybermen? The cyber tech does not control the
Cybermen the Cybermen have willingly adopted the tech to do their
own bidding.
The HF would have lots of samples of the cyber technology from the
shut down clinics. I have confidence in their scientists!
Their scientists have more advanced organic technology.
Could their organic tech be used to make super soldiers?
2016-08-02 03:26:21 UTC
Post by TB
Post by Agamemnon
Post by TB
Post by Agamemnon
Post by TB
Post by Agamemnon
Standing in his office president Simha of Kyr looks at what is
happening on the screen in front of him and then seems to
stumble and fall down into his chair, then recovers.
Is he partially cyberized too?
Yes, they all are. Simha and the people in the city are using a
more advanced form of cyber technology.
Yet Simha and the people in the city don't appear to have run amok
like the cyber rebels did! This would seem to indicate that cyber
enhancements of humans CAN be done safely!
So you would think. Look at what their special forces did to the rebel
fighters that were captured. They're just as bad as any other Cyberman
only not as radicalised.
Post by TB
Post by Agamemnon
Post by TB
Post by Agamemnon
The Doctor Eleni, Rani, Lara and Mike return to Selles.
Remlek arranges for the gamers from Earth to be de-cyberised
and along with the the UNIT soldiers transported back home to
Earth at the point in time at which they left.
I hope that the UNIT soldiers were able to sneak some force
field generators home with them! Or even obtain permission to
take home force field generators as their reward for stopping the
Cybermen attack!
Yer, right.
UNIT troops would have a strong reason to try to obtain the force
fields. The force fields would protect UNIT troops from terrorist
bombs and bullets!
What happens when the force fields break down or run out of power? What
are UNIT going to do then?
Post by TB
Post by Agamemnon
Post by TB
Post by Agamemnon
The Hathiken Federation also agrees to de-cyberise all the
refugees and close down all the Cyber clinics.
Why can't the HF instead modify the cyber tech so that the HF will be in control?
Right, so they plan on sending ground troops to capture and put
inhibitors in all the Cybermen? The cyber tech does not control the
Cybermen the Cybermen have willingly adopted the tech to do their
own bidding.
The HF would have lots of samples of the cyber technology from the
shut down clinics. I have confidence in their scientists!
Their scientists have more advanced organic technology.
Could their organic tech be used to make super soldiers?
No. It doesn't create supermen. Olympic athletes will not be able to use
it to gain advantage over their competitors either.
Tim Bruening
2016-12-11 22:25:32 UTC
Post by Agamemnon
Post by TB
Munch of battles on Kyr, dramatic escape to Ogis.
Post by Agamemnon
The Doctor explains to them that soon the entire galaxy will be
taken over, with the Cybermen transporting gamers to the planets
under their control, indoctrinating them and then sending them back
to their home planets to set up new Cyber clinics. When their
numbers grow in strength they will then carry out attacks and begin
revolutions to impose their beliefs and way of life on everyone.
Mike explains how the gamers are radicalised by addiction to
multiplayer role play games at home and then asked to attend
conventions and transported to play the games for real before being
sent back home. Some people, mostly alts, have made the round trip
several times.
The other leaders explain that the same thing has been happening in
Hathiken but how can they stop it. People have the right to free
choice, thought and expression. They can't close down all the Cyber
clinics if people want to upgrade themselves.
The Doctor says that the word cybernetics originally comes from
Greek word kybernetes meaning "steersman" and the French
cybernétique, "the art of governing." Constant change and
revolution is what the Cybermen stand for. This is how they evolve
and they won't stop until they alone are in control. They want to
stamp out all other authority but that of their individual selves,
they can't even work collectively together as they can never agree
and must be stopped or there will be complete anarchy and chaos.
In previous Cyberman episodes, I had gotten the impression that the
Cybermen were all part of a collective ruled by a Cyberleader. For
The Next Generation. The original Cybermen were electromechanically
augmented humans that had body parts replaced as and when they failed.
The only thing they wanted was a new planet to inhabit as their own
planet was doomed.
Post by TB
example, the Cybermen created by Missy at the end of Season 8 had a
collective consciousness, which Danny Pink had to hack into by
Copied from ST: TNG
Post by TB
turning on his emotional inhibitor. Danny Pink then took over the
collective and ordered all the Cybermen to fly up to destroy the
Which effectively turned the Cybermen into a copy of the Daleks. That's
what ruined the Cybermen in the original series and the news series too
and made it almost impossible for people to related to them. I've gone
back to the original convent. No forced Cyberisation. You have to agree
to it willingly. No collective. Cybermen are individuals. No obedience
or respect for commanders. Cybermen all want to be in command and think
the upgrades they have had fitted make their individual selves makes
better than any of the others. All of these upgrades have removed their
human feelings and made them think only for their own survival and rise
to power and glory, and they don't all like like metal robots. They look
mostly human.
Why do the Cyber upgrades remove human emotions?
2016-12-11 22:51:41 UTC
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by TB
Munch of battles on Kyr, dramatic escape to Ogis.
Post by Agamemnon
The Doctor explains to them that soon the entire galaxy will be
taken over, with the Cybermen transporting gamers to the planets
under their control, indoctrinating them and then sending them back
to their home planets to set up new Cyber clinics. When their
numbers grow in strength they will then carry out attacks and begin
revolutions to impose their beliefs and way of life on everyone.
Mike explains how the gamers are radicalised by addiction to
multiplayer role play games at home and then asked to attend
conventions and transported to play the games for real before being
sent back home. Some people, mostly alts, have made the round trip
several times.
The other leaders explain that the same thing has been happening in
Hathiken but how can they stop it. People have the right to free
choice, thought and expression. They can't close down all the Cyber
clinics if people want to upgrade themselves.
The Doctor says that the word cybernetics originally comes from
Greek word kybernetes meaning "steersman" and the French
cybernétique, "the art of governing." Constant change and
revolution is what the Cybermen stand for. This is how they evolve
and they won't stop until they alone are in control. They want to
stamp out all other authority but that of their individual selves,
they can't even work collectively together as they can never agree
and must be stopped or there will be complete anarchy and chaos.
In previous Cyberman episodes, I had gotten the impression that the
Cybermen were all part of a collective ruled by a Cyberleader. For
The Next Generation. The original Cybermen were electromechanically
augmented humans that had body parts replaced as and when they failed.
The only thing they wanted was a new planet to inhabit as their own
planet was doomed.
Post by TB
example, the Cybermen created by Missy at the end of Season 8 had a
collective consciousness, which Danny Pink had to hack into by
Copied from ST: TNG
Post by TB
turning on his emotional inhibitor. Danny Pink then took over the
collective and ordered all the Cybermen to fly up to destroy the
Which effectively turned the Cybermen into a copy of the Daleks. That's
what ruined the Cybermen in the original series and the news series too
and made it almost impossible for people to related to them. I've gone
back to the original convent. No forced Cyberisation. You have to agree
to it willingly. No collective. Cybermen are individuals. No obedience
or respect for commanders. Cybermen all want to be in command and think
the upgrades they have had fitted make their individual selves makes
better than any of the others. All of these upgrades have removed their
human feelings and made them think only for their own survival and rise
to power and glory, and they don't all like like metal robots. They look
mostly human.
Why do the Cyber upgrades remove human emotions?
They're doing the same as computer gamers that want to cheat their way
to winning by using macros instead of their own skills and building
faster and faster computers and more extravagant cooling solutions so
that the computer rather than them is playing most of the game and they
just sit their gloating over their kills and record scores.
Tim Bruening
2016-12-12 01:35:48 UTC
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by TB
Munch of battles on Kyr, dramatic escape to Ogis.
Post by Agamemnon
The Doctor explains to them that soon the entire galaxy will be
taken over, with the Cybermen transporting gamers to the planets
under their control, indoctrinating them and then sending them back
to their home planets to set up new Cyber clinics. When their
numbers grow in strength they will then carry out attacks and begin
revolutions to impose their beliefs and way of life on everyone.
Mike explains how the gamers are radicalised by addiction to
multiplayer role play games at home and then asked to attend
conventions and transported to play the games for real before being
sent back home. Some people, mostly alts, have made the round trip
several times.
The other leaders explain that the same thing has been happening in
Hathiken but how can they stop it. People have the right to free
choice, thought and expression. They can't close down all the Cyber
clinics if people want to upgrade themselves.
The Doctor says that the word cybernetics originally comes from
Greek word kybernetes meaning "steersman" and the French
cybernétique, "the art of governing." Constant change and
revolution is what the Cybermen stand for. This is how they evolve
and they won't stop until they alone are in control. They want to
stamp out all other authority but that of their individual selves,
they can't even work collectively together as they can never agree
and must be stopped or there will be complete anarchy and chaos.
In previous Cyberman episodes, I had gotten the impression that the
Cybermen were all part of a collective ruled by a Cyberleader. For
The Next Generation. The original Cybermen were electromechanically
augmented humans that had body parts replaced as and when they failed.
The only thing they wanted was a new planet to inhabit as their own
planet was doomed.
Post by TB
example, the Cybermen created by Missy at the end of Season 8 had a
collective consciousness, which Danny Pink had to hack into by
Copied from ST: TNG
Post by TB
turning on his emotional inhibitor. Danny Pink then took over the
collective and ordered all the Cybermen to fly up to destroy the
Which effectively turned the Cybermen into a copy of the Daleks. That's
what ruined the Cybermen in the original series and the news series too
and made it almost impossible for people to related to them. I've gone
back to the original convent. No forced Cyberisation. You have to agree
to it willingly. No collective. Cybermen are individuals. No obedience
or respect for commanders. Cybermen all want to be in command and think
the upgrades they have had fitted make their individual selves makes
better than any of the others. All of these upgrades have removed their
human feelings and made them think only for their own survival and rise
to power and glory, and they don't all like like metal robots. They look
mostly human.
Why do the Cyber upgrades remove human emotions?
They're doing the same as computer gamers that want to cheat their way
to winning by using macros instead of their own skills and building
faster and faster computers and more extravagant cooling solutions so
that the computer rather than them is playing most of the game and they
just sit their gloating over their kills and record scores.
But how and why do the upgrades eliminate emotions?
2016-12-12 02:39:08 UTC
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by TB
Munch of battles on Kyr, dramatic escape to Ogis.
Post by Agamemnon
The Doctor explains to them that soon the entire galaxy will be
taken over, with the Cybermen transporting gamers to the planets
under their control, indoctrinating them and then sending them back
to their home planets to set up new Cyber clinics. When their
numbers grow in strength they will then carry out attacks and begin
revolutions to impose their beliefs and way of life on everyone.
Mike explains how the gamers are radicalised by addiction to
multiplayer role play games at home and then asked to attend
conventions and transported to play the games for real before being
sent back home. Some people, mostly alts, have made the round trip
several times.
The other leaders explain that the same thing has been happening in
Hathiken but how can they stop it. People have the right to free
choice, thought and expression. They can't close down all the Cyber
clinics if people want to upgrade themselves.
The Doctor says that the word cybernetics originally comes from
Greek word kybernetes meaning "steersman" and the French
cybernétique, "the art of governing." Constant change and
revolution is what the Cybermen stand for. This is how they evolve
and they won't stop until they alone are in control. They want to
stamp out all other authority but that of their individual selves,
they can't even work collectively together as they can never agree
and must be stopped or there will be complete anarchy and chaos.
In previous Cyberman episodes, I had gotten the impression that the
Cybermen were all part of a collective ruled by a Cyberleader. For
The Next Generation. The original Cybermen were electromechanically
augmented humans that had body parts replaced as and when they failed.
The only thing they wanted was a new planet to inhabit as their own
planet was doomed.
Post by TB
example, the Cybermen created by Missy at the end of Season 8 had a
collective consciousness, which Danny Pink had to hack into by
Copied from ST: TNG
Post by TB
turning on his emotional inhibitor. Danny Pink then took over the
collective and ordered all the Cybermen to fly up to destroy the
Which effectively turned the Cybermen into a copy of the Daleks. That's
what ruined the Cybermen in the original series and the news series too
and made it almost impossible for people to related to them. I've gone
back to the original convent. No forced Cyberisation. You have to agree
to it willingly. No collective. Cybermen are individuals. No obedience
or respect for commanders. Cybermen all want to be in command and think
the upgrades they have had fitted make their individual selves makes
better than any of the others. All of these upgrades have removed their
human feelings and made them think only for their own survival and rise
to power and glory, and they don't all like like metal robots. They look
mostly human.
Why do the Cyber upgrades remove human emotions?
They're doing the same as computer gamers that want to cheat their way
to winning by using macros instead of their own skills and building
faster and faster computers and more extravagant cooling solutions so
that the computer rather than them is playing most of the game and they
just sit their gloating over their kills and record scores.
But how and why do the upgrades eliminate emotions?
Have you ever cared about anyone you killed after killing hundreds of
people playing a video game?
Tim Bruening
2016-12-11 22:32:15 UTC
Post by Agamemnon
Post by TB
Post by Agamemnon
Meanwhile back on Earth social media has been inundated with
adverts for clinics offering to heal any medial condition and give
you the perfect body and quickest mind using newly developed
bio-medically enhanced organs and implants. You can make your body
look however you like and never have to learn anything again as it
will be written directly into your mind. The streets are filled
with those people who can afford it flocking to these clinics in
their droves. Soon everyone will be able to afford it and take part
in the revolution they claim.
Won't people remember the Cyberman army Missy created out of Earth's
dead in late 2014? Wouldn't that incident discourage people from
being cyberized?
No. Missy created a load Daleks with metal arms and legs. RTD, Moffat
and co. all lost the plot as to what the Cybermen really were. Read The
Tenth Planet.
The people on Earth would probably not have read that book, so won't know the difference between New Who Cybermen and the original Cyberman concept. They would therefore associate the Cyber clinics with Missy's Cybermen and be revolted.

Will the divorce courts soon be flooded with divorces caused by the partners losing their emotions and therefore their love for each other? Also, what do the upgrades do to one's sex organs?
2016-12-11 22:58:59 UTC
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by TB
Post by Agamemnon
Meanwhile back on Earth social media has been inundated with
adverts for clinics offering to heal any medial condition and
give you the perfect body and quickest mind using newly
developed bio-medically enhanced organs and implants. You can
make your body look however you like and never have to learn
anything again as it will be written directly into your mind.
The streets are filled with those people who can afford it
flocking to these clinics in their droves. Soon everyone will
be able to afford it and take part in the revolution they
Won't people remember the Cyberman army Missy created out of
Earth's dead in late 2014? Wouldn't that incident discourage
people from being cyberized?
No. Missy created a load Daleks with metal arms and legs. RTD,
Moffat and co. all lost the plot as to what the Cybermen really
were. Read The Tenth Planet.
The people on Earth would probably not have read that book, so won't
know the difference between New Who Cybermen and the original
Cyberman concept. They would therefore associate the Cyber clinics
with Missy's Cybermen and be revolted.
No they wouldn't. The description of the Cybermen's origins is present
at the start of almost every original Cyberman novelization.
Post by Tim Bruening
Will the divorce courts soon be flooded with divorces caused by the
partners losing their emotions and therefore their love for each
Their partners would have been upgraded too.
Post by Tim Bruening
other? Also, what do the upgrades do to one's sex organs?
They would have been upgraded as well.
Tim Bruening
2016-12-12 01:34:34 UTC
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by TB
Won't people remember the Cyberman army Missy created out of
Earth's dead in late 2014? Wouldn't that incident discourage
people from being cyberized?
No. Missy created a load Daleks with metal arms and legs. RTD,
Moffat and co. all lost the plot as to what the Cybermen really
were. Read The Tenth Planet.
The people on Earth would probably not have read that book, so won't
know the difference between New Who Cybermen and the original
Cyberman concept. They would therefore associate the Cyber clinics
with Missy's Cybermen and be revolted.
No they wouldn't. The description of the Cybermen's origins is present
at the start of almost every original Cyberman novelization.
Would such books be available in bookstores in the Doctor Who universe?
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
Will the divorce courts soon be flooded with divorces caused by the
partners losing their emotions and therefore their love for each
Their partners would have been upgraded too.
If both husband and wife have lost their emotions due to the upgrades, they would no longer be in love, so why remain married?
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
other? Also, what do the upgrades do to one's sex organs?
They would have been upgraded as well.
Are you saying that the original Cybermen kept their sex organs, and that said organs were enhanced? Were their sex drives enhanced too?
2016-12-12 02:40:11 UTC
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by TB
Won't people remember the Cyberman army Missy created out of
Earth's dead in late 2014? Wouldn't that incident discourage
people from being cyberized?
No. Missy created a load Daleks with metal arms and legs. RTD,
Moffat and co. all lost the plot as to what the Cybermen really
were. Read The Tenth Planet.
The people on Earth would probably not have read that book, so won't
know the difference between New Who Cybermen and the original
Cyberman concept. They would therefore associate the Cyber clinics
with Missy's Cybermen and be revolted.
No they wouldn't. The description of the Cybermen's origins is present
at the start of almost every original Cyberman novelization.
Would such books be available in bookstores in the Doctor Who universe?
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
Will the divorce courts soon be flooded with divorces caused by the
partners losing their emotions and therefore their love for each
Their partners would have been upgraded too.
If both husband and wife have lost their emotions due to the upgrades, they would no longer be in love, so why remain married?
Why would the waste their time filing for divorce when they could be out
conquering the universe?
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
other? Also, what do the upgrades do to one's sex organs?
They would have been upgraded as well.
Are you saying that the original Cybermen kept their sex organs, and that said organs were enhanced? Were their sex drives enhanced too?
Tim Bruening
2016-12-12 03:55:41 UTC
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
If both husband and wife have lost their emotions due to the upgrades, they would no longer be in love, so why remain married?
Why would the waste their time filing for divorce when they could be out
conquering the universe?
Try this: Only ONE of the partners gets upgraded, while the other remains normal. With the upgraded partner losing his/her emotions and possibly looking metallic, wouldn't this situation create enough tension to ruin the marriage?
2016-12-18 00:03:13 UTC
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
If both husband and wife have lost their emotions due to the
upgrades, they would no longer be in love, so why remain
Why would the waste their time filing for divorce when they could
be out conquering the universe?
Try this: Only ONE of the partners gets upgraded, while the other
remains normal. With the upgraded partner losing his/her emotions
and possibly looking metallic, wouldn't this situation create enough
tension to ruin the marriage?
They don't have to look metallic. Making them metallic is one of a
failures of the current design. They should look organic and the skin
taring away to reveal the metal and plastic and electronic parts as they
get beaten around in combat. They should also be dressed in military

And why would the upgraded partner care about filing for divorce if they
had lost their emotions? They'd be going around causing chaos.
Tim Bruening
2016-12-18 04:12:11 UTC
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
If both husband and wife have lost their emotions due to the
upgrades, they would no longer be in love, so why remain
Why would the waste their time filing for divorce when they could
be out conquering the universe?
Try this: Only ONE of the partners gets upgraded, while the other
remains normal. With the upgraded partner losing his/her emotions
and possibly looking metallic, wouldn't this situation create enough
tension to ruin the marriage?
They don't have to look metallic. Making them metallic is one of a
failures of the current design. They should look organic and the skin
taring away to reveal the metal and plastic and electronic parts as they
get beaten around in combat. They should also be dressed in military
And why would the upgraded partner care about filing for divorce if they
had lost their emotions? They'd be going around causing chaos.
I figure that the non-upgraded partner might file for divorce on the grounds that his/her partner has become emotionally distant, and do so to protect his/her financial future.
2016-12-18 04:17:29 UTC
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
If both husband and wife have lost their emotions due to the
upgrades, they would no longer be in love, so why remain
Why would the waste their time filing for divorce when they could
be out conquering the universe?
Try this: Only ONE of the partners gets upgraded, while the other
remains normal. With the upgraded partner losing his/her emotions
and possibly looking metallic, wouldn't this situation create enough
tension to ruin the marriage?
They don't have to look metallic. Making them metallic is one of a
failures of the current design. They should look organic and the skin
taring away to reveal the metal and plastic and electronic parts as they
get beaten around in combat. They should also be dressed in military
And why would the upgraded partner care about filing for divorce if they
had lost their emotions? They'd be going around causing chaos.
I figure that the non-upgraded partner might file for divorce on the grounds that his/her partner has become emotionally distant, and do so to protect his/her financial future.
Then there would be revolution.
Tim Bruening
2016-12-18 04:30:05 UTC
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
If both husband and wife have lost their emotions due to the
upgrades, they would no longer be in love, so why remain
Why would the waste their time filing for divorce when they could
be out conquering the universe?
Try this: Only ONE of the partners gets upgraded, while the other
remains normal. With the upgraded partner losing his/her emotions
and possibly looking metallic, wouldn't this situation create enough
tension to ruin the marriage?
They don't have to look metallic. Making them metallic is one of a
failures of the current design. They should look organic and the skin
taring away to reveal the metal and plastic and electronic parts as they
get beaten around in combat. They should also be dressed in military
And why would the upgraded partner care about filing for divorce if they
had lost their emotions? They'd be going around causing chaos.
I figure that the non-upgraded partner might file for divorce on the grounds that his/her partner has become emotionally distant, and do so to protect his/her financial future.
Then there would be revolution.
Why would a divorce petition result in a revolution?
2016-12-18 04:34:50 UTC
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
If both husband and wife have lost their emotions due to the
upgrades, they would no longer be in love, so why remain
Why would the waste their time filing for divorce when they could
be out conquering the universe?
Try this: Only ONE of the partners gets upgraded, while the other
remains normal. With the upgraded partner losing his/her emotions
and possibly looking metallic, wouldn't this situation create enough
tension to ruin the marriage?
They don't have to look metallic. Making them metallic is one of a
failures of the current design. They should look organic and the skin
taring away to reveal the metal and plastic and electronic parts as they
get beaten around in combat. They should also be dressed in military
And why would the upgraded partner care about filing for divorce if they
had lost their emotions? They'd be going around causing chaos.
I figure that the non-upgraded partner might file for divorce on the grounds that his/her partner has become emotionally distant, and do so to protect his/her financial future.
Then there would be revolution.
Why would a divorce petition result in a revolution?
There would be so many of them society would break down.
Tim Bruening
2016-12-18 04:39:15 UTC
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
If both husband and wife have lost their emotions due to the
upgrades, they would no longer be in love, so why remain
Why would the waste their time filing for divorce when they could
be out conquering the universe?
Try this: Only ONE of the partners gets upgraded, while the other
remains normal. With the upgraded partner losing his/her emotions
and possibly looking metallic, wouldn't this situation create enough
tension to ruin the marriage?
They don't have to look metallic. Making them metallic is one of a
failures of the current design. They should look organic and the skin
taring away to reveal the metal and plastic and electronic parts as they
get beaten around in combat. They should also be dressed in military
And why would the upgraded partner care about filing for divorce if they
had lost their emotions? They'd be going around causing chaos.
I figure that the non-upgraded partner might file for divorce on the grounds that his/her partner has become emotionally distant, and do so to protect his/her financial future.
Then there would be revolution.
Why would a divorce petition result in a revolution?
There would be so many of them society would break down.
So the Cybermen would pass a law outlawing divorce?
2016-12-18 04:40:54 UTC
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
If both husband and wife have lost their emotions due to the
upgrades, they would no longer be in love, so why remain
Why would the waste their time filing for divorce when they could
be out conquering the universe?
Try this: Only ONE of the partners gets upgraded, while the other
remains normal. With the upgraded partner losing his/her emotions
and possibly looking metallic, wouldn't this situation create enough
tension to ruin the marriage?
They don't have to look metallic. Making them metallic is one of a
failures of the current design. They should look organic and the skin
taring away to reveal the metal and plastic and electronic parts as they
get beaten around in combat. They should also be dressed in military
And why would the upgraded partner care about filing for divorce if they
had lost their emotions? They'd be going around causing chaos.
I figure that the non-upgraded partner might file for divorce on the grounds that his/her partner has become emotionally distant, and do so to protect his/her financial future.
Then there would be revolution.
Why would a divorce petition result in a revolution?
There would be so many of them society would break down.
So the Cybermen would pass a law outlawing divorce?
They would outlaw marriage and thus there would be no divorce.
Settlements would go to the party that was the stronger.
Tim Bruening
2016-12-18 04:30:50 UTC
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
If both husband and wife have lost their emotions due to the
upgrades, they would no longer be in love, so why remain
Why would the waste their time filing for divorce when they could
be out conquering the universe?
Try this: Only ONE of the partners gets upgraded, while the other
remains normal. With the upgraded partner losing his/her emotions
and possibly looking metallic, wouldn't this situation create enough
tension to ruin the marriage?
They don't have to look metallic. Making them metallic is one of a
failures of the current design. They should look organic and the skin
taring away to reveal the metal and plastic and electronic parts as they
get beaten around in combat. They should also be dressed in military
And why would the upgraded partner care about filing for divorce if they
had lost their emotions? They'd be going around causing chaos.
I figure that the non-upgraded partner might file for divorce on the grounds that his/her partner has become emotionally distant, and do so to protect his/her financial future.
Then there would be revolution.
How would you react if your SO got upgraded and you didn't?
2016-12-18 04:35:26 UTC
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
If both husband and wife have lost their emotions due to the
upgrades, they would no longer be in love, so why remain
Why would the waste their time filing for divorce when they could
be out conquering the universe?
Try this: Only ONE of the partners gets upgraded, while the other
remains normal. With the upgraded partner losing his/her emotions
and possibly looking metallic, wouldn't this situation create enough
tension to ruin the marriage?
They don't have to look metallic. Making them metallic is one of a
failures of the current design. They should look organic and the skin
taring away to reveal the metal and plastic and electronic parts as they
get beaten around in combat. They should also be dressed in military
And why would the upgraded partner care about filing for divorce if they
had lost their emotions? They'd be going around causing chaos.
I figure that the non-upgraded partner might file for divorce on the grounds that his/her partner has become emotionally distant, and do so to protect his/her financial future.
Then there would be revolution.
How would you react if your SO got upgraded and you didn't?
SO? Superior Officer?
Tim Bruening
2016-12-18 04:40:10 UTC
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
If both husband and wife have lost their emotions due to the
upgrades, they would no longer be in love, so why remain
Why would the waste their time filing for divorce when they could
be out conquering the universe?
Try this: Only ONE of the partners gets upgraded, while the other
remains normal. With the upgraded partner losing his/her emotions
and possibly looking metallic, wouldn't this situation create enough
tension to ruin the marriage?
They don't have to look metallic. Making them metallic is one of a
failures of the current design. They should look organic and the skin
taring away to reveal the metal and plastic and electronic parts as they
get beaten around in combat. They should also be dressed in military
And why would the upgraded partner care about filing for divorce if they
had lost their emotions? They'd be going around causing chaos.
I figure that the non-upgraded partner might file for divorce on the grounds that his/her partner has become emotionally distant, and do so to protect his/her financial future.
Then there would be revolution.
How would you react if your SO got upgraded and you didn't?
SO? Superior Officer?
Significant Other, which could be a spouse or a fiance or a mere boyfriend/girlfriend.
2016-12-18 04:43:11 UTC
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
If both husband and wife have lost their emotions due to the
upgrades, they would no longer be in love, so why remain
Why would the waste their time filing for divorce when they could
be out conquering the universe?
Try this: Only ONE of the partners gets upgraded, while the other
remains normal. With the upgraded partner losing his/her emotions
and possibly looking metallic, wouldn't this situation create enough
tension to ruin the marriage?
They don't have to look metallic. Making them metallic is one of a
failures of the current design. They should look organic and the skin
taring away to reveal the metal and plastic and electronic parts as they
get beaten around in combat. They should also be dressed in military
And why would the upgraded partner care about filing for divorce if they
had lost their emotions? They'd be going around causing chaos.
I figure that the non-upgraded partner might file for divorce on the grounds that his/her partner has become emotionally distant, and do so to protect his/her financial future.
Then there would be revolution.
How would you react if your SO got upgraded and you didn't?
SO? Superior Officer?
Significant Other, which could be a spouse or a fiance or a mere boyfriend/girlfriend.
That would depend on why she got upgraded. I wouldn't want to have
breast implants just because she did. But then again I wouldn't want her
to have breast implants unless she needed them.
Timothy Bruening
2018-02-05 03:39:23 UTC
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
If both husband and wife have lost their emotions due to the
upgrades, they would no longer be in love, so why remain
Why would the waste their time filing for divorce when they could
be out conquering the universe?
Try this: Only ONE of the partners gets upgraded, while the other
remains normal. With the upgraded partner losing his/her emotions
and possibly looking metallic, wouldn't this situation create enough
tension to ruin the marriage?
They don't have to look metallic. Making them metallic is one of a
failures of the current design. They should look organic and the skin
taring away to reveal the metal and plastic and electronic parts as they
get beaten around in combat.
I saw that in Terminator!
The Doctor
2018-02-05 13:44:28 UTC
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
If both husband and wife have lost their emotions due to the
upgrades, they would no longer be in love, so why remain
Why would the waste their time filing for divorce when they could
be out conquering the universe?
Try this: Only ONE of the partners gets upgraded, while the other
remains normal. With the upgraded partner losing his/her emotions
and possibly looking metallic, wouldn't this situation create enough
tension to ruin the marriage?
They don't have to look metallic. Making them metallic is one of a
failures of the current design. They should look organic and the skin
taring away to reveal the metal and plastic and electronic parts as they
get beaten around in combat.
I saw that in Terminator!
Well cybermen only have an organic brain.
Member - Liberal International This is doctor@@nl2k.ab.ca Ici doctor@@nl2k.ab.ca
Yahweh, Queen & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
https://www.empire.kred/ROOTNK?t=94a1f39b Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism
You never find yourself until you face the truth. -Pearl Bailey
2018-02-06 10:25:34 UTC
Post by The Doctor
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
If both husband and wife have lost their emotions due to the
upgrades, they would no longer be in love, so why remain
Why would the waste their time filing for divorce when they could
be out conquering the universe?
Try this: Only ONE of the partners gets upgraded, while the other
remains normal. With the upgraded partner losing his/her emotions
and possibly looking metallic, wouldn't this situation create enough
tension to ruin the marriage?
They don't have to look metallic. Making them metallic is one of a
failures of the current design. They should look organic and the skin
taring away to reveal the metal and plastic and electronic parts as they
get beaten around in combat.
I saw that in Terminator!
Well cybermen only have an organic brain.
What do you mean by that, idiot?? Do not Dalek creatures have brains??
Soltarians?? Etc??
The Doctor
2018-02-06 13:46:01 UTC
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
If both husband and wife have lost their emotions due to the
upgrades, they would no longer be in love, so why remain
Why would the waste their time filing for divorce when they could
be out conquering the universe?
Try this: Only ONE of the partners gets upgraded, while the other
remains normal. With the upgraded partner losing his/her emotions
and possibly looking metallic, wouldn't this situation create enough
tension to ruin the marriage?
They don't have to look metallic. Making them metallic is one of a
failures of the current design. They should look organic and the skin
taring away to reveal the metal and plastic and electronic parts as they
get beaten around in combat.
I saw that in Terminator!
Well cybermen only have an organic brain.
What do you mean by that, idiot?? Do not Dalek creatures have brains??
Soltarians?? Etc??
Dlaeks are kaled mutants.
Member - Liberal International This is doctor@@nl2k.ab.ca Ici doctor@@nl2k.ab.ca
Yahweh, Queen & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
https://www.empire.kred/ROOTNK?t=94a1f39b Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism
You never find yourself until you face the truth. -Pearl Bailey
2018-02-07 12:51:30 UTC
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
If both husband and wife have lost their emotions due to the
upgrades, they would no longer be in love, so why remain
Why would the waste their time filing for divorce when they could
be out conquering the universe?
Try this: Only ONE of the partners gets upgraded, while the other
remains normal. With the upgraded partner losing his/her emotions
and possibly looking metallic, wouldn't this situation create enough
tension to ruin the marriage?
They don't have to look metallic. Making them metallic is one of a
failures of the current design. They should look organic and the skin
taring away to reveal the metal and plastic and electronic parts as they
get beaten around in combat.
I saw that in Terminator!
Well cybermen only have an organic brain.
What do you mean by that, idiot?? Do not Dalek creatures have brains??
Soltarians?? Etc??
Dlaeks are kaled mutants.
Yes, and ........?? Didn't the Kaled mutants have organic brains,
idiot?? If so, were those organic brains removed when the Kaleds were
put into the Dalek shells??
The Doctor
2018-02-07 14:00:37 UTC
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
If both husband and wife have lost their emotions due to the
upgrades, they would no longer be in love, so why remain
Why would the waste their time filing for divorce when they could
be out conquering the universe?
Try this: Only ONE of the partners gets upgraded, while the other
remains normal. With the upgraded partner losing his/her emotions
and possibly looking metallic, wouldn't this situation create enough
tension to ruin the marriage?
They don't have to look metallic. Making them metallic is one of a
failures of the current design. They should look organic and the skin
taring away to reveal the metal and plastic and electronic parts as they
get beaten around in combat.
I saw that in Terminator!
Well cybermen only have an organic brain.
What do you mean by that, idiot?? Do not Dalek creatures have brains??
Soltarians?? Etc??
Dlaeks are kaled mutants.
Yes, and ........?? Didn't the Kaled mutants have organic brains,
idiot?? If so, were those organic brains removed when the Kaleds were
put into the Dalek shells??
Not from what I can see.

As for cybermen, only brains are the organic part that survives.
Member - Liberal International This is doctor@@nl2k.ab.ca Ici doctor@@nl2k.ab.ca
Yahweh, Queen & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
https://www.empire.kred/ROOTNK?t=94a1f39b Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism
Practice, The Master of all Things. - Augustus Octavius
2018-02-08 13:10:59 UTC
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
If both husband and wife have lost their emotions due to the
upgrades, they would no longer be in love, so why remain
Why would the waste their time filing for divorce when they could
be out conquering the universe?
Try this: Only ONE of the partners gets upgraded, while the other
remains normal. With the upgraded partner losing his/her emotions
and possibly looking metallic, wouldn't this situation create enough
tension to ruin the marriage?
They don't have to look metallic. Making them metallic is one of a
failures of the current design. They should look organic and the skin
taring away to reveal the metal and plastic and electronic parts as they
get beaten around in combat.
I saw that in Terminator!
Well cybermen only have an organic brain.
What do you mean by that, idiot?? Do not Dalek creatures have brains??
Soltarians?? Etc??
Dlaeks are kaled mutants.
Yes, and ........?? Didn't the Kaled mutants have organic brains,
idiot?? If so, were those organic brains removed when the Kaleds were
put into the Dalek shells??
Not from what I can see.
As for cybermen, only brains are the organic part that survives.
But, hang on, idiot, up-thread *you* posted "Well cybermen only have an
organic brain." and now you are agreeing that the Daleks *do* have
organic brains ... so your statemen "Well cybermen only have an organic
brain." is incorrect, now, isn't it, idiot??
The Doctor
2018-02-08 13:55:20 UTC
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
If both husband and wife have lost their emotions due to the
upgrades, they would no longer be in love, so why remain
Why would the waste their time filing for divorce when they could
be out conquering the universe?
Try this: Only ONE of the partners gets upgraded, while the other
remains normal. With the upgraded partner losing his/her emotions
and possibly looking metallic, wouldn't this situation create enough
tension to ruin the marriage?
They don't have to look metallic. Making them metallic is one of a
failures of the current design. They should look organic and the skin
taring away to reveal the metal and plastic and electronic parts as they
get beaten around in combat.
I saw that in Terminator!
Well cybermen only have an organic brain.
What do you mean by that, idiot?? Do not Dalek creatures have brains??
Soltarians?? Etc??
Dlaeks are kaled mutants.
Yes, and ........?? Didn't the Kaled mutants have organic brains,
idiot?? If so, were those organic brains removed when the Kaleds were
put into the Dalek shells??
Not from what I can see.
As for cybermen, only brains are the organic part that survives.
But, hang on, idiot, up-thread *you* posted "Well cybermen only have an
organic brain." and now you are agreeing that the Daleks *do* have
organic brains ... so your statemen "Well cybermen only have an organic
brain." is incorrect, now, isn't it, idiot??
Member - Liberal International This is doctor@@nl2k.ab.ca Ici doctor@@nl2k.ab.ca
Yahweh, Queen & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
https://www.empire.kred/ROOTNK?t=94a1f39b Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism
Justice is truth in action. -Benjamin Disraeli
2018-02-08 14:16:05 UTC
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
If both husband and wife have lost their emotions due to the
upgrades, they would no longer be in love, so why remain
Why would the waste their time filing for divorce when they could
be out conquering the universe?
Try this: Only ONE of the partners gets upgraded, while the other
remains normal. With the upgraded partner losing his/her emotions
and possibly looking metallic, wouldn't this situation create enough
tension to ruin the marriage?
They don't have to look metallic. Making them metallic is one of a
failures of the current design. They should look organic and the skin
taring away to reveal the metal and plastic and electronic parts as they
get beaten around in combat.
I saw that in Terminator!
Well cybermen only have an organic brain.
What do you mean by that, idiot?? Do not Dalek creatures have brains??
Soltarians?? Etc??
Dlaeks are kaled mutants.
Yes, and ........?? Didn't the Kaled mutants have organic brains,
idiot?? If so, were those organic brains removed when the Kaleds were
put into the Dalek shells??
Not from what I can see.
As for cybermen, only brains are the organic part that survives.
But, hang on, idiot, up-thread *you* posted "Well cybermen only have an
organic brain." and now you are agreeing that the Daleks *do* have
organic brains ... so your statemen "Well cybermen only have an organic
brain." is incorrect, now, isn't it, idiot??
because *YOU* admitted that Daleks *also* have brains, idiot!!
The Doctor
2018-02-08 14:26:35 UTC
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
If both husband and wife have lost their emotions due to the
upgrades, they would no longer be in love, so why remain
Why would the waste their time filing for divorce when they could
be out conquering the universe?
Try this: Only ONE of the partners gets upgraded, while the other
remains normal. With the upgraded partner losing his/her emotions
and possibly looking metallic, wouldn't this situation create enough
tension to ruin the marriage?
They don't have to look metallic. Making them metallic is one of a
failures of the current design. They should look organic and the skin
taring away to reveal the metal and plastic and electronic
parts as they
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
get beaten around in combat.
I saw that in Terminator!
Well cybermen only have an organic brain.
What do you mean by that, idiot?? Do not Dalek creatures have brains??
Soltarians?? Etc??
Dlaeks are kaled mutants.
Yes, and ........?? Didn't the Kaled mutants have organic brains,
idiot?? If so, were those organic brains removed when the Kaleds were
put into the Dalek shells??
Not from what I can see.
As for cybermen, only brains are the organic part that survives.
But, hang on, idiot, up-thread *you* posted "Well cybermen only have an
organic brain." and now you are agreeing that the Daleks *do* have
organic brains ... so your statemen "Well cybermen only have an organic
brain." is incorrect, now, isn't it, idiot??
because *YOU* admitted that Daleks *also* have brains, idiot!!
Ever seen a Dalek without one?
Member - Liberal International This is doctor@@nl2k.ab.ca Ici doctor@@nl2k.ab.ca
Yahweh, Queen & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
https://www.empire.kred/ROOTNK?t=94a1f39b Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism
Justice is truth in action. -Benjamin Disraeli
2018-02-09 05:58:58 UTC
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
If both husband and wife have lost their emotions due to the
upgrades, they would no longer be in love, so why remain
Why would the waste their time filing for divorce when they could
be out conquering the universe?
Try this: Only ONE of the partners gets upgraded, while the other
remains normal. With the upgraded partner losing his/her emotions
and possibly looking metallic, wouldn't this situation create enough
tension to ruin the marriage?
They don't have to look metallic. Making them metallic is one of a
failures of the current design. They should look organic and the skin
taring away to reveal the metal and plastic and electronic
parts as they get beaten around in combat.
I saw that in Terminator!
Well cybermen only have an organic brain.
What do you mean by that, idiot?? Do not Dalek creatures have brains??
Soltarians?? Etc??
Dlaeks are kaled mutants.
Yes, and ........?? Didn't the Kaled mutants have organic brains,
idiot?? If so, were those organic brains removed when the Kaleds were
put into the Dalek shells??
Not from what I can see.
As for cybermen, only brains are the organic part that survives.
But, hang on, idiot, up-thread *you* posted "Well cybermen only have an
organic brain." and now you are agreeing that the Daleks *do* have
organic brains ... so your statemen "Well cybermen only have an organic
brain." is incorrect, now, isn't it, idiot??
because *YOU* admitted that Daleks *also* have brains, idiot!!
Ever seen a Dalek without one?
No, idiot, but, apparently you have, 'cause you typed "Well cybermen
only have an organic brain"

If *only* cybermen have *organic brains* , what do the Dalek creatures
Timothy Bruening
2018-02-09 06:22:52 UTC
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
As for cybermen, only brains are the organic part that survives.
But, hang on, idiot, up-thread *you* posted "Well cybermen only have an
organic brain." and now you are agreeing that the Daleks *do* have
organic brains ... so your statemen "Well cybermen only have an organic
brain." is incorrect, now, isn't it, idiot??
because *YOU* admitted that Daleks *also* have brains, idiot!!
Ever seen a Dalek without one?
No, idiot, but, apparently you have, 'cause you typed "Well cybermen
only have an organic brain"
If *only* cybermen have *organic brains* , what do the Dalek creatures
Cybermen only have organic brains, with the rest being mechanical.
2018-02-13 10:52:03 UTC
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
As for cybermen, only brains are the organic part that survives.
But, hang on, idiot, up-thread *you* posted "Well cybermen only have an
organic brain." and now you are agreeing that the Daleks *do* have
organic brains ... so your statemen "Well cybermen only have an organic
brain." is incorrect, now, isn't it, idiot??
because *YOU* admitted that Daleks *also* have brains, idiot!!
Ever seen a Dalek without one?
No, idiot, but, apparently you have, 'cause you typed "Well cybermen
only have an organic brain"
If *only* cybermen have *organic brains* , what do the Dalek creatures
Cybermen only have organic brains, with the rest being mechanical.
Ah!! Well done, Tim, I can understand and agree with what you typed,
although I don't agree that "the rest being mechanical". The body casing
is metal, for sure, but they could be bone and muscle and blood, etc.,
underneath. We just don't know for sure!!
Timothy Bruening
2018-02-13 15:40:12 UTC
Post by Daniel60
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
As for cybermen, only brains are the organic part that survives.
But, hang on, idiot, up-thread *you* posted "Well cybermen only have an
organic brain." and now you are agreeing that the Daleks *do* have
organic brains ... so your statemen "Well cybermen only have an organic
brain." is incorrect, now, isn't it, idiot??
because *YOU* admitted that Daleks *also* have brains, idiot!!
Ever seen a Dalek without one?
No, idiot, but, apparently you have, 'cause you typed "Well cybermen
only have an organic brain"
If *only* cybermen have *organic brains* , what do the Dalek creatures
Cybermen only have organic brains, with the rest being mechanical.
Ah!! Well done, Tim, I can understand and agree with what you typed,
although I don't agree that "the rest being mechanical". The body casing
is metal, for sure, but they could be bone and muscle and blood, etc.,
underneath. We just don't know for sure!!
You say that Yads is wrong about only the brains being organic?
2018-02-14 12:38:12 UTC
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
As for cybermen, only brains are the organic part that survives.
But, hang on, idiot, up-thread *you* posted "Well cybermen only have an
organic brain." and now you are agreeing that the Daleks *do* have
organic brains ... so your statemen "Well cybermen only have an organic
brain." is incorrect, now, isn't it, idiot??
because *YOU* admitted that Daleks *also* have brains, idiot!!
Ever seen a Dalek without one?
No, idiot, but, apparently you have, 'cause you typed "Well cybermen
only have an organic brain"
If *only* cybermen have *organic brains* , what do the Dalek creatures
Cybermen only have organic brains, with the rest being mechanical.
Ah!! Well done, Tim, I can understand and agree with what you typed,
although I don't agree that "the rest being mechanical". The body casing
is metal, for sure, but they could be bone and muscle and blood, etc.,
underneath. We just don't know for sure!!
You say that Yads is wrong about only the brains being organic?
Yes, I do, Tim, because we just don't know, yet the idiot presents it as
*FACT* that all the underneath stuff is metallic!!
Timothy Bruening
2018-02-14 12:51:06 UTC
Post by Daniel60
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
As for cybermen, only brains are the organic part that survives.
But, hang on, idiot, up-thread *you* posted "Well cybermen only have an
organic brain." and now you are agreeing that the Daleks *do* have
organic brains ... so your statemen "Well cybermen only have an organic
brain." is incorrect, now, isn't it, idiot??
because *YOU* admitted that Daleks *also* have brains, idiot!!
Ever seen a Dalek without one?
No, idiot, but, apparently you have, 'cause you typed "Well cybermen
only have an organic brain"
If *only* cybermen have *organic brains* , what do the Dalek creatures
Cybermen only have organic brains, with the rest being mechanical.
Ah!! Well done, Tim, I can understand and agree with what you typed,
although I don't agree that "the rest being mechanical". The body casing
is metal, for sure, but they could be bone and muscle and blood, etc.,
underneath. We just don't know for sure!!
You say that Yads is wrong about only the brains being organic?
Yes, I do, Tim, because we just don't know, yet the idiot presents it as
*FACT* that all the underneath stuff is metallic!!
Danny Pink still had a lot of organic components.
The Doctor
2018-02-14 15:54:47 UTC
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
As for cybermen, only brains are the organic part that survives.
But, hang on, idiot, up-thread *you* posted "Well cybermen
only have an
Post by Daniel60
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by Daniel60
organic brain." and now you are agreeing that the Daleks *do* have
organic brains ... so your statemen "Well cybermen only have
an organic
Post by Daniel60
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by Daniel60
brain." is incorrect, now, isn't it, idiot??
because *YOU* admitted that Daleks *also* have brains, idiot!!
Ever seen a Dalek without one?
No, idiot, but, apparently you have, 'cause you typed "Well cybermen
only have an organic brain"
If *only* cybermen have *organic brains* , what do the Dalek creatures
Cybermen only have organic brains, with the rest being mechanical.
Ah!! Well done, Tim, I can understand and agree with what you typed,
although I don't agree that "the rest being mechanical". The body casing
is metal, for sure, but they could be bone and muscle and blood, etc.,
underneath. We just don't know for sure!!
You say that Yads is wrong about only the brains being organic?
Yes, I do, Tim, because we just don't know, yet the idiot presents it as
*FACT* that all the underneath stuff is metallic!!
Danny Pink still had a lot of organic components.
These are the Dead earth version.
Member - Liberal International This is doctor@@nl2k.ab.ca Ici doctor@@nl2k.ab.ca
Yahweh, Queen & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
https://www.empire.kred/ROOTNK?t=94a1f39b Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism
I must lose myself in action, lest I wither in despair. -Lord Tennyson
2018-02-15 09:55:54 UTC
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
As for cybermen, only brains are the organic part that survives.
But, hang on, idiot, up-thread *you* posted "Well cybermen only have an
organic brain." and now you are agreeing that the Daleks *do* have
organic brains ... so your statemen "Well cybermen only have an organic
brain." is incorrect, now, isn't it, idiot??
because *YOU* admitted that Daleks *also* have brains, idiot!!
Ever seen a Dalek without one?
No, idiot, but, apparently you have, 'cause you typed "Well cybermen
only have an organic brain"
If *only* cybermen have *organic brains* , what do the Dalek creatures
Cybermen only have organic brains, with the rest being mechanical.
Ah!! Well done, Tim, I can understand and agree with what you typed,
although I don't agree that "the rest being mechanical". The body casing
is metal, for sure, but they could be bone and muscle and blood, etc.,
underneath. We just don't know for sure!!
You say that Yads is wrong about only the brains being organic?
Yes, I do, Tim, because we just don't know, yet the idiot presents it as
*FACT* that all the underneath stuff is metallic!!
Danny Pink still had a lot of organic components.
It is my contention, Tim, that *every* Cyberman has a lot of organic

I don't *know* , but I *think* they do!!
The Doctor
2018-02-15 13:45:07 UTC
Post by The Doctor
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
As for cybermen, only brains are the organic part that survives.
But, hang on, idiot, up-thread *you* posted "Well cybermen
only have an
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by Daniel60
organic brain." and now you are agreeing that the Daleks *do* have
organic brains ... so your statemen "Well cybermen only have
an organic
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by Daniel60
brain." is incorrect, now, isn't it, idiot??
because *YOU* admitted that Daleks *also* have brains, idiot!!
Ever seen a Dalek without one?
No, idiot, but, apparently you have, 'cause you typed "Well cybermen
only have an organic brain"
If *only* cybermen have *organic brains* , what do the Dalek creatures
Cybermen only have organic brains, with the rest being mechanical.
Ah!! Well done, Tim, I can understand and agree with what you typed,
although I don't agree that "the rest being mechanical". The body casing
is metal, for sure, but they could be bone and muscle and blood, etc.,
underneath. We just don't know for sure!!
You say that Yads is wrong about only the brains being organic?
Yes, I do, Tim, because we just don't know, yet the idiot presents it as
*FACT* that all the underneath stuff is metallic!!
Danny Pink still had a lot of organic components.
It is my contention, Tim, that *every* Cyberman has a lot of organic
I don't *know* , but I *think* they do!!
Just their human brain.
Member - Liberal International This is doctor@@nl2k.ab.ca Ici doctor@@nl2k.ab.ca
Yahweh, Queen & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
https://www.empire.kred/ROOTNK?t=94a1f39b Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism
I must lose myself in action, lest I wither in despair. -Lord Tennyson
The Other Doctor
2018-02-15 19:05:34 UTC
Post by The Doctor
Post by The Doctor
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
As for cybermen, only brains are the organic part that survives.
But, hang on, idiot, up-thread *you* posted "Well cybermen
only have an
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by Daniel60
organic brain." and now you are agreeing that the Daleks *do* have
organic brains ... so your statemen "Well cybermen only have
an organic
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by Daniel60
brain." is incorrect, now, isn't it, idiot??
because *YOU* admitted that Daleks *also* have brains, idiot!!
Ever seen a Dalek without one?
No, idiot, but, apparently you have, 'cause you typed "Well cybermen
only have an organic brain"
If *only* cybermen have *organic brains* , what do the Dalek creatures
Cybermen only have organic brains, with the rest being mechanical.
Ah!! Well done, Tim, I can understand and agree with what you typed,
although I don't agree that "the rest being mechanical". The body casing
is metal, for sure, but they could be bone and muscle and blood, etc.,
underneath. We just don't know for sure!!
You say that Yads is wrong about only the brains being organic?
Yes, I do, Tim, because we just don't know, yet the idiot presents it as
*FACT* that all the underneath stuff is metallic!!
Danny Pink still had a lot of organic components.
It is my contention, Tim, that *every* Cyberman has a lot of organic
I don't *know* , but I *think* they do!!
Just their human brain.
Which explains why you can see biological hands on the Mondasian Cybermen.
2018-02-15 23:49:39 UTC
On Tue, 13 Feb 2018 21:52:03 +1100, Daniel60
Post by Daniel60
Post by Timothy Bruening
Cybermen only have organic brains, with the rest being mechanical.
Ah!! Well done, Tim, I can understand and agree with what you typed,
although I don't agree that "the rest being mechanical". The body casing
is metal, for sure, but they could be bone and muscle and blood, etc.,
underneath. We just don't know for sure!!
Dark Water, next to last episode in Series 8. The Cybermen are
immersed in "water" that conceals their metal shell & reveals the
organic skeletons within.

That suggests their circulatory systems are artificial, because
otherwise you'd see the blood vessels.
solar penguin
2018-02-16 10:05:15 UTC
Post by Pudentame
On Tue, 13 Feb 2018 21:52:03 +1100, Daniel60
Post by Daniel60
Post by Timothy Bruening
Cybermen only have organic brains, with the rest being mechanical.
Ah!! Well done, Tim, I can understand and agree with what you typed,
although I don't agree that "the rest being mechanical". The body casing
is metal, for sure, but they could be bone and muscle and blood, etc.,
underneath. We just don't know for sure!!
Dark Water, next to last episode in Series 8. The Cybermen are
immersed in "water" that conceals their metal shell & reveals the
organic skeletons within.
That suggests their circulatory systems are artificial, because
otherwise you'd see the blood vessels.
Those were Missy's own design of Cybermen. It doesn't necessarily apply
to other types of Cybermen.
The Doctor
2018-02-16 14:04:21 UTC
Post by solar penguin
Post by Pudentame
On Tue, 13 Feb 2018 21:52:03 +1100, Daniel60
Post by Daniel60
Post by Timothy Bruening
Cybermen only have organic brains, with the rest being mechanical.
Ah!! Well done, Tim, I can understand and agree with what you typed,
although I don't agree that "the rest being mechanical". The body casing
is metal, for sure, but they could be bone and muscle and blood, etc.,
underneath. We just don't know for sure!!
Dark Water, next to last episode in Series 8. The Cybermen are
immersed in "water" that conceals their metal shell & reveals the
organic skeletons within.
That suggests their circulatory systems are artificial, because
otherwise you'd see the blood vessels.
Those were Missy's own design of Cybermen. It doesn't necessarily apply
to other types of Cybermen.
Like Cybusmen nor Mondasians!
Member - Liberal International This is doctor@@nl2k.ab.ca Ici doctor@@nl2k.ab.ca
Yahweh, Queen & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
https://www.empire.kred/ROOTNK?t=94a1f39b Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism
I must lose myself in action, lest I wither in despair. -Lord Tennyson
Timothy Bruening
2018-02-16 14:26:54 UTC
Post by The Doctor
Post by solar penguin
Post by Pudentame
On Tue, 13 Feb 2018 21:52:03 +1100, Daniel60
Post by Daniel60
Post by Timothy Bruening
Cybermen only have organic brains, with the rest being mechanical.
Ah!! Well done, Tim, I can understand and agree with what you typed,
although I don't agree that "the rest being mechanical". The body casing
is metal, for sure, but they could be bone and muscle and blood, etc.,
underneath. We just don't know for sure!!
Dark Water, next to last episode in Series 8. The Cybermen are
immersed in "water" that conceals their metal shell & reveals the
organic skeletons within.
That suggests their circulatory systems are artificial, because
otherwise you'd see the blood vessels.
Those were Missy's own design of Cybermen. It doesn't necessarily apply
to other types of Cybermen.
Like Cybusmen nor Mondasians!
She used Cyberspore, which she would she would have gotten from real Cybermen.
The Doctor
2018-02-16 23:01:38 UTC
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by The Doctor
Post by solar penguin
Post by Pudentame
On Tue, 13 Feb 2018 21:52:03 +1100, Daniel60
Post by Daniel60
Post by Timothy Bruening
Cybermen only have organic brains, with the rest being mechanical.
Ah!! Well done, Tim, I can understand and agree with what you typed,
although I don't agree that "the rest being mechanical". The body casing
is metal, for sure, but they could be bone and muscle and blood, etc.,
underneath. We just don't know for sure!!
Dark Water, next to last episode in Series 8. The Cybermen are
immersed in "water" that conceals their metal shell & reveals the
organic skeletons within.
That suggests their circulatory systems are artificial, because
otherwise you'd see the blood vessels.
Those were Missy's own design of Cybermen. It doesn't necessarily apply
to other types of Cybermen.
Like Cybusmen nor Mondasians!
She used Cyberspore, which she would she would have gotten from real Cybermen.
Harvested as such?
Member - Liberal International This is doctor@@nl2k.ab.ca Ici doctor@@nl2k.ab.ca
Yahweh, Queen & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
https://www.empire.kred/ROOTNK?t=94a1f39b Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism
I must lose myself in action, lest I wither in despair. -Lord Tennyson
The Doctor
2018-02-09 15:13:53 UTC
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
If both husband and wife have lost their emotions due to the
upgrades, they would no longer be in love, so why remain
Why would the waste their time filing for divorce when they could
be out conquering the universe?
Try this: Only ONE of the partners gets upgraded, while the other
remains normal. With the upgraded partner losing his/her emotions
and possibly looking metallic, wouldn't this situation
create enough
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
tension to ruin the marriage?
They don't have to look metallic. Making them metallic is one of a
failures of the current design. They should look organic and
the skin
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
taring away to reveal the metal and plastic and electronic
parts as they get beaten around in combat.
I saw that in Terminator!
Well cybermen only have an organic brain.
What do you mean by that, idiot?? Do not Dalek creatures have brains??
Soltarians?? Etc??
Dlaeks are kaled mutants.
Yes, and ........?? Didn't the Kaled mutants have organic brains,
idiot?? If so, were those organic brains removed when the Kaleds were
put into the Dalek shells??
Not from what I can see.
As for cybermen, only brains are the organic part that survives.
But, hang on, idiot, up-thread *you* posted "Well cybermen only have an
organic brain." and now you are agreeing that the Daleks *do* have
organic brains ... so your statemen "Well cybermen only have an organic
brain." is incorrect, now, isn't it, idiot??
because *YOU* admitted that Daleks *also* have brains, idiot!!
Ever seen a Dalek without one?
No, idiot, but, apparently you have, 'cause you typed "Well cybermen
only have an organic brain"
If *only* cybermen have *organic brains* , what do the Dalek creatures
Daleks are kaled mutants.
Member - Liberal International This is doctor@@nl2k.ab.ca Ici doctor@@nl2k.ab.ca
Yahweh, Queen & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
https://www.empire.kred/ROOTNK?t=94a1f39b Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism
I am certain there is too much certainty in the world. -Michael Crichton
2018-02-13 10:48:46 UTC
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Well cybermen only have an organic brain.
What do you mean by that, idiot?? Do not Dalek creatures have brains??
Soltarians?? Etc??
Dlaeks are kaled mutants.
Yes, and ........?? Didn't the Kaled mutants have organic brains,
idiot?? If so, were those organic brains removed when the Kaleds were
put into the Dalek shells??
Not from what I can see.
As for cybermen, only brains are the organic part that survives.
But, hang on, idiot, up-thread *you* posted "Well cybermen only have an
organic brain." and now you are agreeing that the Daleks *do* have
organic brains ... so your statemen "Well cybermen only have an organic
brain." is incorrect, now, isn't it, idiot??
because *YOU* admitted that Daleks *also* have brains, idiot!!
Ever seen a Dalek without one?
No, idiot, but, apparently you have, 'cause you typed "Well cybermen
only have an organic brain"
If *only* cybermen have *organic brains* , what do the Dalek creatures
Daleks are kaled mutants.
O.K! So what sort of Brain do "kaled mutants" have, idiot??
The Doctor
2018-02-13 16:13:06 UTC
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Well cybermen only have an organic brain.
What do you mean by that, idiot?? Do not Dalek creatures have
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Soltarians?? Etc??
Dlaeks are kaled mutants.
Yes, and ........?? Didn't the Kaled mutants have organic brains,
idiot?? If so, were those organic brains removed when the Kaleds were
put into the Dalek shells??
Not from what I can see.
As for cybermen, only brains are the organic part that survives.
But, hang on, idiot, up-thread *you* posted "Well cybermen only have an
organic brain." and now you are agreeing that the Daleks *do* have
organic brains ... so your statemen "Well cybermen only have an organic
brain." is incorrect, now, isn't it, idiot??
because *YOU* admitted that Daleks *also* have brains, idiot!!
Ever seen a Dalek without one?
No, idiot, but, apparently you have, 'cause you typed "Well cybermen
only have an organic brain"
If *only* cybermen have *organic brains* , what do the Dalek creatures
Daleks are kaled mutants.
O.K! So what sort of Brain do "kaled mutants" have, idiot??
Kaled brains.
Member - Liberal International This is doctor@@nl2k.ab.ca Ici doctor@@nl2k.ab.ca
Yahweh, Queen & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
https://www.empire.kred/ROOTNK?t=94a1f39b Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism
I must lose myself in action, lest I wither in despair. -Lord Tennyson
2018-02-14 12:39:25 UTC
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Well cybermen only have an organic brain.
What do you mean by that, idiot?? Do not Dalek creatures have
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Soltarians?? Etc??
Dlaeks are kaled mutants.
Yes, and ........?? Didn't the Kaled mutants have organic brains,
idiot?? If so, were those organic brains removed when the Kaleds were
put into the Dalek shells??
Not from what I can see.
As for cybermen, only brains are the organic part that survives.
But, hang on, idiot, up-thread *you* posted "Well cybermen only have an
organic brain." and now you are agreeing that the Daleks *do* have
organic brains ... so your statemen "Well cybermen only have an organic
brain." is incorrect, now, isn't it, idiot??
because *YOU* admitted that Daleks *also* have brains, idiot!!
Ever seen a Dalek without one?
No, idiot, but, apparently you have, 'cause you typed "Well cybermen
only have an organic brain"
If *only* cybermen have *organic brains* , what do the Dalek creatures
Daleks are kaled mutants.
O.K! So what sort of Brain do "kaled mutants" have, idiot??
Kaled brains.
Gee, you really are an idiot, aren't you, idiot!!
Timothy Bruening
2018-02-08 19:04:33 UTC
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Well cybermen only have an organic brain.
What do you mean by that, idiot?? Do not Dalek creatures have brains??
Soltarians?? Etc??
Dlaeks are kaled mutants.
Yes, and ........?? Didn't the Kaled mutants have organic brains,
idiot?? If so, were those organic brains removed when the Kaleds were
put into the Dalek shells??
Not from what I can see.
As for cybermen, only brains are the organic part that survives.
But, hang on, idiot, up-thread *you* posted "Well cybermen only have an
organic brain." and now you are agreeing that the Daleks *do* have
organic brains ... so your statemen "Well cybermen only have an organic
brain." is incorrect, now, isn't it, idiot??
I took "Well cybermen only have an organic brain." to mean "Brains are the only organic components Cybermen have!
The Doctor
2018-02-08 21:21:42 UTC
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Well cybermen only have an organic brain.
What do you mean by that, idiot?? Do not Dalek creatures have brains??
Soltarians?? Etc??
Dlaeks are kaled mutants.
Yes, and ........?? Didn't the Kaled mutants have organic brains,
idiot?? If so, were those organic brains removed when the Kaleds were
put into the Dalek shells??
Not from what I can see.
As for cybermen, only brains are the organic part that survives.
But, hang on, idiot, up-thread *you* posted "Well cybermen only have an
organic brain." and now you are agreeing that the Daleks *do* have
organic brains ... so your statemen "Well cybermen only have an organic
brain." is incorrect, now, isn't it, idiot??
I took "Well cybermen only have an organic brain." to mean "Brains are
the only organic components Cybermen have!
10/10 Tim!!
Member - Liberal International This is doctor@@nl2k.ab.ca Ici doctor@@nl2k.ab.ca
Yahweh, Queen & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
https://www.empire.kred/ROOTNK?t=94a1f39b Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism
Justice is truth in action. -Benjamin Disraeli
2018-02-09 06:01:56 UTC
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Well cybermen only have an organic brain.
What do you mean by that, idiot?? Do not Dalek creatures have brains??
Soltarians?? Etc??
Dlaeks are kaled mutants.
Yes, and ........?? Didn't the Kaled mutants have organic brains,
idiot?? If so, were those organic brains removed when the Kaleds were
put into the Dalek shells??
Not from what I can see.
As for cybermen, only brains are the organic part that survives.
But, hang on, idiot, up-thread *you* posted "Well cybermen only have an
organic brain." and now you are agreeing that the Daleks *do* have
organic brains ... so your statemen "Well cybermen only have an organic
brain." is incorrect, now, isn't it, idiot??
I took "Well cybermen only have an organic brain." to mean "Brains are the only organic components Cybermen have!
So Cybermen don't have Eyes, Arms, Legs (to stomp about on) or muscles,
Timothy Bruening
2018-02-09 06:33:05 UTC
Post by Daniel60
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Well cybermen only have an organic brain.
What do you mean by that, idiot?? Do not Dalek creatures have brains??
Soltarians?? Etc??
Dlaeks are kaled mutants.
Yes, and ........?? Didn't the Kaled mutants have organic brains,
idiot?? If so, were those organic brains removed when the Kaleds were
put into the Dalek shells??
Not from what I can see.
As for cybermen, only brains are the organic part that survives.
But, hang on, idiot, up-thread *you* posted "Well cybermen only have an
organic brain." and now you are agreeing that the Daleks *do* have
organic brains ... so your statemen "Well cybermen only have an organic
brain." is incorrect, now, isn't it, idiot??
I took "Well cybermen only have an organic brain." to mean "Brains are the only organic components Cybermen have!
So Cybermen don't have Eyes, Arms, Legs (to stomp about on) or muscles,
Every part of the Cyberman EXCEPT the brain is mechanical/cybernetic.
The Doctor
2018-02-09 15:18:49 UTC
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Well cybermen only have an organic brain.
What do you mean by that, idiot?? Do not Dalek creatures have brains??
Soltarians?? Etc??
Dlaeks are kaled mutants.
Yes, and ........?? Didn't the Kaled mutants have organic brains,
idiot?? If so, were those organic brains removed when the Kaleds were
put into the Dalek shells??
Not from what I can see.
As for cybermen, only brains are the organic part that survives.
But, hang on, idiot, up-thread *you* posted "Well cybermen only have an
organic brain." and now you are agreeing that the Daleks *do* have
organic brains ... so your statemen "Well cybermen only have an organic
brain." is incorrect, now, isn't it, idiot??
I took "Well cybermen only have an organic brain." to mean "Brains
are the only organic components Cybermen have!
Post by Daniel60
So Cybermen don't have Eyes, Arms, Legs (to stomp about on) or muscles,
Every part of the Cyberman EXCEPT the brain is mechanical/cybernetic.
10/10 Tim. cybernetic not electronic.
Member - Liberal International This is doctor@@nl2k.ab.ca Ici doctor@@nl2k.ab.ca
Yahweh, Queen & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
https://www.empire.kred/ROOTNK?t=94a1f39b Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism
I am certain there is too much certainty in the world. -Michael Crichton
2018-02-13 10:54:43 UTC
Post by The Doctor
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Well cybermen only have an organic brain.
What do you mean by that, idiot?? Do not Dalek creatures have brains??
Soltarians?? Etc??
Dlaeks are kaled mutants.
Yes, and ........?? Didn't the Kaled mutants have organic brains,
idiot?? If so, were those organic brains removed when the Kaleds were
put into the Dalek shells??
Not from what I can see.
As for cybermen, only brains are the organic part that survives.
But, hang on, idiot, up-thread *you* posted "Well cybermen only have an
organic brain." and now you are agreeing that the Daleks *do* have
organic brains ... so your statemen "Well cybermen only have an organic
brain." is incorrect, now, isn't it, idiot??
I took "Well cybermen only have an organic brain." to mean "Brains
are the only organic components Cybermen have!
Post by Daniel60
So Cybermen don't have Eyes, Arms, Legs (to stomp about on) or muscles,
Every part of the Cyberman EXCEPT the brain is mechanical/cybernetic.
10/10 Tim. cybernetic not electronic.
Just reading this, it struck me that doesn't the very word "Cyber" mean
part-flesh/part-machine?? Like in the Star Trek Cyborgs??
The Doctor
2018-02-13 16:14:37 UTC
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Well cybermen only have an organic brain.
What do you mean by that, idiot?? Do not Dalek creatures have brains??
Soltarians?? Etc??
Dlaeks are kaled mutants.
Yes, and ........?? Didn't the Kaled mutants have organic brains,
idiot?? If so, were those organic brains removed when the Kaleds were
put into the Dalek shells??
Not from what I can see.
As for cybermen, only brains are the organic part that survives.
But, hang on, idiot, up-thread *you* posted "Well cybermen only have an
organic brain." and now you are agreeing that the Daleks *do* have
organic brains ... so your statemen "Well cybermen only have an organic
brain." is incorrect, now, isn't it, idiot??
I took "Well cybermen only have an organic brain." to mean "Brains
are the only organic components Cybermen have!
Post by Daniel60
So Cybermen don't have Eyes, Arms, Legs (to stomp about on) or muscles,
Every part of the Cyberman EXCEPT the brain is mechanical/cybernetic.
10/10 Tim. cybernetic not electronic.
Just reading this, it struck me that doesn't the very word "Cyber" mean
part-flesh/part-machine?? Like in the Star Trek Cyborgs??
Cyborgs are human with computer implants.
Post by Daniel60
Member - Liberal International This is doctor@@nl2k.ab.ca Ici doctor@@nl2k.ab.ca
Yahweh, Queen & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
https://www.empire.kred/ROOTNK?t=94a1f39b Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism
I must lose myself in action, lest I wither in despair. -Lord Tennyson
2018-02-14 12:44:21 UTC
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Well cybermen only have an organic brain.
What do you mean by that, idiot?? Do not Dalek creatures have brains??
Soltarians?? Etc??
Dlaeks are kaled mutants.
Yes, and ........?? Didn't the Kaled mutants have organic brains,
idiot?? If so, were those organic brains removed when the Kaleds were
put into the Dalek shells??
Not from what I can see.
As for cybermen, only brains are the organic part that survives.
But, hang on, idiot, up-thread *you* posted "Well cybermen only have an
organic brain." and now you are agreeing that the Daleks *do* have
organic brains ... so your statemen "Well cybermen only have an organic
brain." is incorrect, now, isn't it, idiot??
I took "Well cybermen only have an organic brain." to mean "Brains
are the only organic components Cybermen have!
Post by Daniel60
So Cybermen don't have Eyes, Arms, Legs (to stomp about on) or muscles,
Every part of the Cyberman EXCEPT the brain is mechanical/cybernetic.
10/10 Tim. cybernetic not electronic.
Just reading this, it struck me that doesn't the very word "Cyber" mean
part-flesh/part-machine?? Like in the Star Trek Cyborgs??
Cyborgs are human with computer implants.
Cyborgs are not "human with computer implants", idiot, they are whatever
Race the Cyborgs have been able to overpower and then convert into

So they are part-organic/part-electronic, just like a Dalek has a Kaled
mutant at it's centre with a metallic body.
The Doctor
2018-02-14 15:53:52 UTC
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Well cybermen only have an organic brain.
What do you mean by that, idiot?? Do not Dalek creatures
have brains??
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Soltarians?? Etc??
Dlaeks are kaled mutants.
Yes, and ........?? Didn't the Kaled mutants have organic brains,
idiot?? If so, were those organic brains removed when the Kaleds were
put into the Dalek shells??
Not from what I can see.
As for cybermen, only brains are the organic part that survives.
But, hang on, idiot, up-thread *you* posted "Well cybermen only have an
organic brain." and now you are agreeing that the Daleks *do* have
organic brains ... so your statemen "Well cybermen only have an organic
brain." is incorrect, now, isn't it, idiot??
I took "Well cybermen only have an organic brain." to mean "Brains
are the only organic components Cybermen have!
Post by Daniel60
So Cybermen don't have Eyes, Arms, Legs (to stomp about on) or muscles,
Every part of the Cyberman EXCEPT the brain is mechanical/cybernetic.
10/10 Tim. cybernetic not electronic.
Just reading this, it struck me that doesn't the very word "Cyber" mean
part-flesh/part-machine?? Like in the Star Trek Cyborgs??
Cyborgs are human with computer implants.
Cyborgs are not "human with computer implants", idiot, they are whatever
Race the Cyborgs have been able to overpower and then convert into
So they are part-organic/part-electronic, just like a Dalek has a Kaled
mutant at it's centre with a metallic body.
The difference is that a Dalek is a kaled using a machine to move.
Member - Liberal International This is doctor@@nl2k.ab.ca Ici doctor@@nl2k.ab.ca
Yahweh, Queen & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
https://www.empire.kred/ROOTNK?t=94a1f39b Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism
I must lose myself in action, lest I wither in despair. -Lord Tennyson
2018-02-15 10:01:18 UTC
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Well cybermen only have an organic brain.
What do you mean by that, idiot?? Do not Dalek creatures
have brains??
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Soltarians?? Etc??
Dlaeks are kaled mutants.
Yes, and ........?? Didn't the Kaled mutants have organic brains,
idiot?? If so, were those organic brains removed when the Kaleds were
put into the Dalek shells??
Not from what I can see.
As for cybermen, only brains are the organic part that survives.
But, hang on, idiot, up-thread *you* posted "Well cybermen only have an
organic brain." and now you are agreeing that the Daleks *do* have
organic brains ... so your statemen "Well cybermen only have an organic
brain." is incorrect, now, isn't it, idiot??
I took "Well cybermen only have an organic brain." to mean "Brains
are the only organic components Cybermen have!
Post by Daniel60
So Cybermen don't have Eyes, Arms, Legs (to stomp about on) or muscles,
Every part of the Cyberman EXCEPT the brain is mechanical/cybernetic.
10/10 Tim. cybernetic not electronic.
Just reading this, it struck me that doesn't the very word "Cyber" mean
part-flesh/part-machine?? Like in the Star Trek Cyborgs??
Cyborgs are human with computer implants.
Cyborgs are not "human with computer implants", idiot, they are whatever
Race the Cyborgs have been able to overpower and then convert into
So they are part-organic/part-electronic, just like a Dalek has a Kaled
mutant at it's centre with a metallic body.
The difference is that a Dalek is a kaled using a machine to move.
Yes, so what?? They are not just a metallic body wrapped around an
organic brain, there is an entire organic body in there!!

Similarly, Cybermen *COULD* be part-organic (not just the brain) and
The Doctor
2018-02-15 13:46:37 UTC
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Well cybermen only have an organic brain.
What do you mean by that, idiot?? Do not Dalek creatures
have brains??
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Soltarians?? Etc??
Dlaeks are kaled mutants.
Yes, and ........?? Didn't the Kaled mutants have organic brains,
idiot?? If so, were those organic brains removed when the
Kaleds were
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
put into the Dalek shells??
Not from what I can see.
As for cybermen, only brains are the organic part that survives.
But, hang on, idiot, up-thread *you* posted "Well cybermen
only have an
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
organic brain." and now you are agreeing that the Daleks *do* have
organic brains ... so your statemen "Well cybermen only have
an organic
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
brain." is incorrect, now, isn't it, idiot??
I took "Well cybermen only have an organic brain." to mean "Brains
are the only organic components Cybermen have!
Post by Daniel60
So Cybermen don't have Eyes, Arms, Legs (to stomp about on) or muscles,
Every part of the Cyberman EXCEPT the brain is mechanical/cybernetic.
10/10 Tim. cybernetic not electronic.
Just reading this, it struck me that doesn't the very word "Cyber" mean
part-flesh/part-machine?? Like in the Star Trek Cyborgs??
Cyborgs are human with computer implants.
Cyborgs are not "human with computer implants", idiot, they are whatever
Race the Cyborgs have been able to overpower and then convert into
So they are part-organic/part-electronic, just like a Dalek has a Kaled
mutant at it's centre with a metallic body.
The difference is that a Dalek is a kaled using a machine to move.
Yes, so what?? They are not just a metallic body wrapped around an
organic brain, there is an entire organic body in there!!
Similarly, Cybermen *COULD* be part-organic (not just the brain) and
Please check all references to Mondas.
Member - Liberal International This is doctor@@nl2k.ab.ca Ici doctor@@nl2k.ab.ca
Yahweh, Queen & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
https://www.empire.kred/ROOTNK?t=94a1f39b Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism
I must lose myself in action, lest I wither in despair. -Lord Tennyson
2018-02-18 09:02:13 UTC
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Timothy Bruening
Every part of the Cyberman EXCEPT the brain is mechanical/cybernetic.
10/10 Tim. cybernetic not electronic.
Just reading this, it struck me that doesn't the very word "Cyber" mean
part-flesh/part-machine?? Like in the Star Trek Cyborgs??
Cyborgs are human with computer implants.
Cyborgs are not "human with computer implants", idiot, they are whatever
Race the Cyborgs have been able to overpower and then convert into
So they are part-organic/part-electronic, just like a Dalek has a Kaled
mutant at it's centre with a metallic body.
The difference is that a Dalek is a kaled using a machine to move.
Yes, so what?? They are not just a metallic body wrapped around an
organic brain, there is an entire organic body in there!!
Similarly, Cybermen *COULD* be part-organic (not just the brain) and
Please check all references to Mondas.
After you, idiot!!
The Doctor
2018-02-18 13:33:53 UTC
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Timothy Bruening
Every part of the Cyberman EXCEPT the brain is mechanical/cybernetic.
10/10 Tim. cybernetic not electronic.
Just reading this, it struck me that doesn't the very word "Cyber" mean
part-flesh/part-machine?? Like in the Star Trek Cyborgs??
Cyborgs are human with computer implants.
Cyborgs are not "human with computer implants", idiot, they are whatever
Race the Cyborgs have been able to overpower and then convert into
So they are part-organic/part-electronic, just like a Dalek has a Kaled
mutant at it's centre with a metallic body.
The difference is that a Dalek is a kaled using a machine to move.
Yes, so what?? They are not just a metallic body wrapped around an
organic brain, there is an entire organic body in there!!
Similarly, Cybermen *COULD* be part-organic (not just the brain) and
Please check all references to Mondas.
After you, idiot!!
Those cybermen only have their brains intact. The rest is all metal!
Member - Liberal International This is doctor@@nl2k.ab.ca Ici doctor@@nl2k.ab.ca
Yahweh, Queen & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
https://www.empire.kred/ROOTNK?t=94a1f39b Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism
Not by age but by capacity is wisdom acquired. -Titus Maccius Plautus
The Other Doctor
2018-02-18 13:42:56 UTC
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Timothy Bruening
Every part of the Cyberman EXCEPT the brain is mechanical/cybernetic.
10/10 Tim. cybernetic not electronic.
Just reading this, it struck me that doesn't the very word "Cyber" mean
part-flesh/part-machine?? Like in the Star Trek Cyborgs??
Cyborgs are human with computer implants.
Cyborgs are not "human with computer implants", idiot, they are whatever
Race the Cyborgs have been able to overpower and then convert into
So they are part-organic/part-electronic, just like a Dalek has a Kaled
mutant at it's centre with a metallic body.
The difference is that a Dalek is a kaled using a machine to move.
Yes, so what?? They are not just a metallic body wrapped around an
organic brain, there is an entire organic body in there!!
Similarly, Cybermen *COULD* be part-organic (not just the brain) and
Please check all references to Mondas.
After you, idiot!!
Those cybermen only have their brains intact. The rest is all metal!
Yads lies again. It can clearly be seen that Mondasian Cybermen have
organic hands.
The Doctor
2018-02-18 14:19:04 UTC
Post by The Other Doctor
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Timothy Bruening
Every part of the Cyberman EXCEPT the brain is mechanical/cybernetic.
10/10 Tim. cybernetic not electronic.
Just reading this, it struck me that doesn't the very word "Cyber" mean
part-flesh/part-machine?? Like in the Star Trek Cyborgs??
Cyborgs are human with computer implants.
Cyborgs are not "human with computer implants", idiot, they are whatever
Race the Cyborgs have been able to overpower and then convert into
So they are part-organic/part-electronic, just like a Dalek has a Kaled
mutant at it's centre with a metallic body.
The difference is that a Dalek is a kaled using a machine to move.
Yes, so what?? They are not just a metallic body wrapped around an
organic brain, there is an entire organic body in there!!
Similarly, Cybermen *COULD* be part-organic (not just the brain) and
Please check all references to Mondas.
After you, idiot!!
Those cybermen only have their brains intact. The rest is all metal!
Yads lies again. It can clearly be seen that Mondasian Cybermen have
organic hands.
Care to take their gloves off?
Member - Liberal International This is doctor@@nl2k.ab.ca Ici doctor@@nl2k.ab.ca
Yahweh, Queen & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
https://www.empire.kred/ROOTNK?t=94a1f39b Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism
Not by age but by capacity is wisdom acquired. -Titus Maccius Plautus
The Doctor
2018-02-09 15:14:52 UTC
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Post by Daniel60
Post by The Doctor
Well cybermen only have an organic brain.
What do you mean by that, idiot?? Do not Dalek creatures have brains??
Soltarians?? Etc??
Dlaeks are kaled mutants.
Yes, and ........?? Didn't the Kaled mutants have organic brains,
idiot?? If so, were those organic brains removed when the Kaleds were
put into the Dalek shells??
Not from what I can see.
As for cybermen, only brains are the organic part that survives.
But, hang on, idiot, up-thread *you* posted "Well cybermen only have an
organic brain." and now you are agreeing that the Daleks *do* have
organic brains ... so your statemen "Well cybermen only have an organic
brain." is incorrect, now, isn't it, idiot??
I took "Well cybermen only have an organic brain." to mean "Brains are
the only organic components Cybermen have!
So Cybermen don't have Eyes, Arms, Legs (to stomp about on) or muscles,
All electronically and mechanically replaced.
Member - Liberal International This is doctor@@nl2k.ab.ca Ici doctor@@nl2k.ab.ca
Yahweh, Queen & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
https://www.empire.kred/ROOTNK?t=94a1f39b Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism
I am certain there is too much certainty in the world. -Michael Crichton
Timothy Bruening
2018-02-05 03:35:48 UTC
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by TB
Post by Agamemnon
Meanwhile back on Earth social media has been inundated with
adverts for clinics offering to heal any medial condition and
give you the perfect body and quickest mind using newly
developed bio-medically enhanced organs and implants. You can
make your body look however you like and never have to learn
anything again as it will be written directly into your mind.
The streets are filled with those people who can afford it
flocking to these clinics in their droves. Soon everyone will
be able to afford it and take part in the revolution they
Won't people remember the Cyberman army Missy created out of
Earth's dead in late 2014? Wouldn't that incident discourage
people from being cyberized?
No. Missy created a load Daleks with metal arms and legs. RTD,
Moffat and co. all lost the plot as to what the Cybermen really
were. Read The Tenth Planet.
The people on Earth would probably not have read that book, so won't
know the difference between New Who Cybermen and the original
Cyberman concept. They would therefore associate the Cyber clinics
with Missy's Cybermen and be revolted.
No they wouldn't. The description of the Cybermen's origins is present
at the start of almost every original Cyberman novelization.
Post by Tim Bruening
Will the divorce courts soon be flooded with divorces caused by the
partners losing their emotions and therefore their love for each
Their partners would have been upgraded too.
Post by Tim Bruening
other? Also, what do the upgrades do to one's sex organs?
They would have been upgraded as well.
The Doctor
2018-02-05 13:43:51 UTC
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by TB
Post by Agamemnon
Meanwhile back on Earth social media has been inundated with
adverts for clinics offering to heal any medial condition and
give you the perfect body and quickest mind using newly
developed bio-medically enhanced organs and implants. You can
make your body look however you like and never have to learn
anything again as it will be written directly into your mind.
The streets are filled with those people who can afford it
flocking to these clinics in their droves. Soon everyone will
be able to afford it and take part in the revolution they
Won't people remember the Cyberman army Missy created out of
Earth's dead in late 2014? Wouldn't that incident discourage
people from being cyberized?
No. Missy created a load Daleks with metal arms and legs. RTD,
Moffat and co. all lost the plot as to what the Cybermen really
were. Read The Tenth Planet.
The people on Earth would probably not have read that book, so won't
know the difference between New Who Cybermen and the original
Cyberman concept. They would therefore associate the Cyber clinics
with Missy's Cybermen and be revolted.
No they wouldn't. The description of the Cybermen's origins is present
at the start of almost every original Cyberman novelization.
Post by Tim Bruening
Will the divorce courts soon be flooded with divorces caused by the
partners losing their emotions and therefore their love for each
Their partners would have been upgraded too.
Post by Tim Bruening
other? Also, what do the upgrades do to one's sex organs?
They would have been upgraded as well.
And added to the neural network.
Member - Liberal International This is doctor@@nl2k.ab.ca Ici doctor@@nl2k.ab.ca
Yahweh, Queen & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
https://www.empire.kred/ROOTNK?t=94a1f39b Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism
You never find yourself until you face the truth. -Pearl Bailey
The Doctor
2016-12-12 00:32:24 UTC
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
Post by TB
Post by Agamemnon
Meanwhile back on Earth social media has been inundated with
adverts for clinics offering to heal any medial condition and give
you the perfect body and quickest mind using newly developed
bio-medically enhanced organs and implants. You can make your body
look however you like and never have to learn anything again as it
will be written directly into your mind. The streets are filled
with those people who can afford it flocking to these clinics in
their droves. Soon everyone will be able to afford it and take part
in the revolution they claim.
Won't people remember the Cyberman army Missy created out of Earth's
dead in late 2014? Wouldn't that incident discourage people from
being cyberized?
No. Missy created a load Daleks with metal arms and legs. RTD, Moffat
and co. all lost the plot as to what the Cybermen really were. Read The
Tenth Planet.
The people on Earth would probably not have read that book, so won't
know the difference between New Who Cybermen and the original Cyberman
concept. They would therefore associate the Cyber clinics with Missy's
Cybermen and be revolted.
Will the divorce courts soon be flooded with divorces caused by the
partners losing their emotions and therefore their love for each other?
Also, what do the upgrades do to one's sex organs?
Member - Liberal International This is doctor@@nl2k.ab.ca Ici doctor@@nl2k.ab.ca
God,Queen and country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
http://www.fullyfollow.me/rootnl2k Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism
Merry Christmas 2016 and Happy New Year 2017
2016-08-02 03:15:20 UTC
Post by Agamemnon
At the same time thousands of cyber clinics have been opening on every
planet in Hathiken offering bionic upgrades and implants to make people
smarter, stronger, faster and better and the terrorists have been seen
attending these clinics.
Eleni has been debating weather or not to shut these clinics down. Some
on her planet and many in others claim they they are the cause of the
terrorism. With every upgrade people lose more and more of their
emotions including fear and compassion. Hathiken has more advanced
organic bio-medical technology and doesn't require backward Cyber
technology. Other people say people have the freedom of choice which
must be respected.
Am I right in assuming that the Hathiken organic bio-medical technology doesn't cause its users to run amok like the cyber rebels and terrorists? If so, perhaps THAT technology could be shared with Earth.
Post by Agamemnon
Meanwhile back on Earth social media has been inundated with adverts for
clinics offering to heal any medial condition and give you the perfect
body and quickest mind using newly developed bio-medically enhanced
organs and implants. You can make your body look however you like and
never have to learn anything again as it will be written directly into
your mind. The streets are filled with those people who can afford it
flocking to these clinics in their droves. Soon everyone will be able to
afford it and take part in the revolution they claim.
The Bernie Sanders political revolution? The Donald Trump revolution?
2016-08-02 03:24:39 UTC
Post by TB
Post by Agamemnon
At the same time thousands of cyber clinics have been opening on
every planet in Hathiken offering bionic upgrades and implants to
make people smarter, stronger, faster and better and the terrorists
have been seen attending these clinics.
Eleni has been debating weather or not to shut these clinics down.
Some on her planet and many in others claim they they are the cause
of the terrorism. With every upgrade people lose more and more of
their emotions including fear and compassion. Hathiken has more
advanced organic bio-medical technology and doesn't require
backward Cyber technology. Other people say people have the freedom
of choice which must be respected.
Am I right in assuming that the Hathiken organic bio-medical
technology doesn't cause its users to run amok like the cyber rebels
and terrorists?
Post by TB
If so, perhaps THAT technology could be shared with
Earth is in another timezone. Remlek isn't sharing anything.
Post by TB
Post by Agamemnon
Meanwhile back on Earth social media has been inundated with
adverts for clinics offering to heal any medial condition and give
you the perfect body and quickest mind using newly developed
bio-medically enhanced organs and implants. You can make your body
look however you like and never have to learn anything again as it
will be written directly into your mind. The streets are filled
with those people who can afford it flocking to these clinics in
their droves. Soon everyone will be able to afford it and take part
in the revolution they claim.
The Bernie Sanders political revolution? The Donald Trump
No. Each man for himself trying to impose his own laws on everyone else.
2016-08-02 03:30:16 UTC
Post by Agamemnon
The TARDIS dematerializes and flies off into the distance leaving
Hathiken behind. The ring of twelve starts making up the Hathiken
constelation recedes into the distance and is covered in the blue glow
of a nebula emerging in front of it. To the left can be seen the fifty
stars making up Vespusa surrounded by blue nebulosity and alternate red
and white stripes. To the right is the white, blue and red nebula making
up the Draconian system and below is the predominately green nebula of
the Cyber Realm.
Plot bunny: Several members of Vespusa decide to secede, perhaps inspired by the recent Priyati Exit.
2016-08-02 13:27:54 UTC
Post by Agamemnon
Meanwhile back on Earth social media has been inundated with adverts for
clinics offering to heal any medial condition and give you the perfect
body and quickest mind using newly developed bio-medically enhanced
organs and implants. You can make your body look however you like and
never have to learn anything again as it will be written directly into
your mind. The streets are filled with those people who can afford it
flocking to these clinics in their droves. Soon everyone will be able to
afford it and take part in the revolution they claim.
I speculate that sometime in Season 12, the Doctor and UNIT will be investigating allegations that major league athletes are being upgraded! Such allegations have become front page news in the sports sections of newspapers all over the world!
Tim Bruening
2016-09-25 18:27:19 UTC
Post by Agamemnon
At the same time thousands of cyber clinics have been opening on every
planet in Hathiken offering bionic upgrades and implants to make people
smarter, stronger, faster and better and the terrorists have been seen
attending these clinics.
Why don't the cops and soldiers also attending these clinics so that they can be upgraded and thus be better able to fight the terrorists?
Post by Agamemnon
Eleni has been debating weather or not to shut these clinics down. Some
on her planet and many in others claim they they are the cause of the
terrorism. With every upgrade people lose more and more of their
emotions including fear and compassion. Hathiken has more advanced
organic bio-medical technology and doesn't require backward Cyber
technology. Other people say people have the freedom of choice which
must be respected.
On the other hand, is the organic bio-medical tech used to make the soldiers and cops better fighters against terrorists?
Tim Bruening
2016-12-11 17:40:07 UTC
Will you post your Christmas episode ON Christmas?
Tim Bruening
2016-12-11 17:45:27 UTC
Post by Agamemnon
Meanwhile back on Earth social media has been inundated with adverts for
clinics offering to heal any medial condition and give you the perfect
body and quickest mind using newly developed bio-medically enhanced
organs and implants. You can make your body look however you like and
never have to learn anything again as it will be written directly into
your mind. The streets are filled with those people who can afford it
flocking to these clinics in their droves. Soon everyone will be able to
afford it and take part in the revolution they claim.
<<<THE END>>>
I expect that US soldiers would be upgraded, and then sent into the Middle East to teat ISIS to shreds!

Another possibility: Enhanced Mexicans jumping right over Donald Trump's Wall!
Timothy Bruening
2018-02-05 03:50:17 UTC
Post by Agamemnon
The TARDIS dematerializes and flies off into the distance leaving
Hathiken behind. The ring of twelve starts making up the Hathiken
constelation recedes into the distance and is covered in the blue glow
of a nebula emerging in front of it. To the left can be seen the fifty
stars making up Vespusa surrounded by blue nebulosity and alternate red
and white stripes. To the right is the white, blue and red nebula making
up the Draconian system and below is the predominately green nebula of
the Cyber Realm.
Do the Draconians use fake social media posts to influence politics in Vespusa and Hathiken?
The Doctor
2018-02-05 13:44:58 UTC
Post by Timothy Bruening
Post by Agamemnon
The TARDIS dematerializes and flies off into the distance leaving
Hathiken behind. The ring of twelve starts making up the Hathiken
constelation recedes into the distance and is covered in the blue glow
of a nebula emerging in front of it. To the left can be seen the fifty
stars making up Vespusa surrounded by blue nebulosity and alternate red
and white stripes. To the right is the white, blue and red nebula making
up the Draconian system and below is the predominately green nebula of
the Cyber Realm.
Do the Draconians use fake social media posts to influence politics in Vespusa and Hathiken?
Depends how they are set up.
Member - Liberal International This is doctor@@nl2k.ab.ca Ici doctor@@nl2k.ab.ca
Yahweh, Queen & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
https://www.empire.kred/ROOTNK?t=94a1f39b Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism
You never find yourself until you face the truth. -Pearl Bailey