Lug txaj hab Kwv txhiaj
(too old to reply)
2008-10-12 15:09:15 UTC
Lu lug Moob Leeg has tas LUG TXAJ, lu lug Moob Dlawb has tas KWV

Lu lug nuav means le caag tag tag ne. Mej ib tsoom phoojywg mej sim
define rua peb noog saib yog le cag tag-g.


2008-10-13 15:06:40 UTC
Post by m***@gmail.com
Lu lug Moob Leeg has tas LUG TXAJ, lu lug Moob Dlawb has tas KWV
peb cov hmoob dawb mas lo lus "kwv txhiaj" no mas tiag tiag yog "khwv
txhiaj" no. "khwv" = khwv tswv yim. "txhiaj" = txhiaj txhais. thaum
2 tug hais khwv txhiaj ua nkauj ua nraug los yog sib luv, yog 2 tug
khwv tswv yim hais txiaj txhais. tab sis hmoob leeg mas lawv ho hu
ua, 'lus txaj" no. kuv tsis yog hmoob leeg, tab sis raws li kuv xav,
there are two possibilties. (1) lus txaj no los ntawm khwv txhaaj los
xwb or (2) "lus txaj" = txaj muag. rau qhov khwv txiaj mas feem ntau
yeej yog hais cov lus qab qab zib thiab sib daj sib dee xwb ces yeej
txaj txaj muag hais kawg li. yog li hmoob leeg thiaj hu ua "lus txaj"
2008-10-13 15:45:32 UTC
From what cov laus qhia kuv.....

these two terms are totally different in meanings...in its original
"form", nyiag muaj nyiag meaning...as well as the intended purpose of
its use.

Lug txaj = cov lug kws muaj nqi...temsis muab hais seev ua
suab....similar to "words of money (lug nyaj lug kub)". orginally,
cov lug txaj nuav is intended for "learning purposes"...that is why it
is called "lug txaj"...

kwvtxhiaj = i have neverheard of this term before until kuv tuaj txog
meskas tebchaws. in moospheeb, peb hu ua Khawv txhiaj. cov hmoob
dawb los hu ua khawv txhiaj xwb. temsis tuaj txog memkuj tebchaw, ua
cas luas lwm pab hmoob dawb ho hu ua "kwv txhiaj" thiab "khwv
txhiaj"....keep mind that "txhiaj" has to do with "riddles"...such as
"kuv txhiaj koj txhais"..
the word khawv = mouth (chinese i think) and txhiaj is "riddle"...or
maybe "riddles of the mouth"....this is why khawv txhiaj cuab suab hu
ua "ni ye".....this is also chinese, meaning something like "hey

keep in mind, all cultures/traditions evolve....lug txaj is not lug
txaj anymore..and khawv txhiaj is not khawv txhiaj anymore. even the
words changed. "cab hauv" used to be "caag es in the xeev region
(caag ev with a high pitch). it wasn't until moob leeg los txog
moospheeb es lawd thiab muab hloov ua "cab hauv" lawm xwb. even the
word "nij ye" has many different version such as "niab ye" or "niam
es"...or "nij yai"

example of "true" lug txaj:

cab ev...xyoo nuav moob txig vaj laug yuav muab txig vajlaug yauv muab
tus ncej ntxheb txho ntua tuaj nram roob, ua cas peb poj koob yawm
txiv, poj txij, txij yawg ncej ntxheb ncej ntxhoo yuav ntaug leev rov
los poob.." tej zaj zoo li no, yog "lus txiaj" tiag vim tias it is
worth "money" for people to learn that "ncej ntxheb" yog poj txig
thiab txij yawg" nkawd txawm los. it is nothing more than a story.

example of "true" kwv txhiaj: nij ye, ib tsoom kwv tij hmoob neej
tsa, leej qas twg muab ncej ntxheb txho tuaj nram npoo... es ncej
ntxheb li los kav peb hmoob lub npe zoo...leejtwg muab ncej ntxhoo
txog nram roob, thiaj li los kav peb lub npe hmoob...niam leej
ntxhais, koj paub koj sim teb luag tuaj li ntxhi, koj pom koj sim
txhais luag tuaj li ntxhub...es seb puas txhais tau niam leej ntxhais
los tau txiv leejtub....

nco ntsoov tias the intended purpose of "khawv txhiaj" yog hais los
rau ib tus teb...ces tus uas teb mam li los teb seb puas raug...ces
tus uas teb ntawd thiaj los xaus tias "txhais yog tuaj tsi yog...los
tso plhuav nram tiaj nram tus los ciaj ntsog...teb zoo tuaj tsi zoo,
los tso plhuav nram tiaj nram tus los ciaj ntoo..."...

raws li kuv paub tej laus hais ces yog li no xwb...tom qab no
ces...lug txaj thiab khawv txhiaj los tibneeg muab hais tias "daj dee
kho siab ua luaj no" lawm...vim the intended purpose of these two
things are not for such thing. there are many other "names" that are
intended for other type of "feeling" songs...temsis as for khawv
txhiaj and lug txaj, they have their purposes, which changed over
time...ces nws los nws qhov meaning lawm xwb.

2008-10-13 15:51:10 UTC
Kwv aws,

Ua li cas koj txhais tau txawv ua luaj li.

Lo lus Hmoob Dawb "kwv txhiaj" no tiag tsis yog "khwv" nawb. Yog
"kws" os. "Kws txhiaj" no mas yog ib tug "expert interpreter" los yog
"poet" nawb. Kws = expert; txhiaj = interpret (from txhiaj txhais,
which means "one person says something (txhiaj), and other interprets
it (txhais)).

Lug Moob leeg: tsis yog "lug txaj" tawmsis yog "lug txhaj". Peb Moob
ces thau muab has tes has sig lawm xwb tes txhaj le tawm tau lub suab
"txaj" no lawm xwb. Lu lug "lug" nua tes yog cov lug (ntsab lug) kws
tug tuab neeg has hov. Lu lug "txhaj" nua yog lug ntawm "txhaj
txhais" tuab yam.

Hmoob suav hais tias "tham txuj" no. "Tham" no mas yog piav. "Txuj"
mas yog los ntawm "txuj ci". "Tham txuj" no yog piav txog tej txuj ci.
2008-10-13 16:36:12 UTC


yes, kwv txhiaj ces yeej yog li koj hais..."kwv" is from
"kws"...meaning an "expert" le koj has..temsis what i'm saying is...in
moospheeb, peb yeej hu ua "khawv txhiaj (zoo li khawv koob)" xwb...tsi
tau hnov "kwv txhiaj" or "khwv txhiaj" dua li...temsis ua cas tuaj
txog usa no, cov hmoob dawb nyob moospheeb los cia li hu ua
"kwvtxhiaj" lawm thiab (confusing heev)....temsis koj nco ntsoov, the
"khawv txhiaj" meaning uas kuv hais earlier mas tsi yog moog leeg qha
kuv nawb..yog moob dlawb qha kuv...vim nws muaj sis law...sis lwv..ib
leeg hais ib leeg teb...peb thiaj hu ua "khawv txhiaj"...similar li
cov tshoob...yog peb hais ncaj ncaj swb ces peb hais tias "chiv yig
tuaj"...temsis yog peb sis cuab ces pebhais tias "chiv txhiaj"

as for Lug txaj...never have i heard of "lug txhaj" before, cov laus
los yeej tsi paub xyov lug txhiaj or lugtxhaj is either. zoo dua li
uas koj xob hais tias hmoob leeg hu ua "lug txhaj"...tsaam luas tej
luag koj brother.....

tu siab tias, peb ib leeg los ib qho los, tsi muaj leejtwg paub qhov
tseeb tias "ncau thaum twg" and who created what and what their
intended purpose is...yus tsuas yog hnov cov laus hais xwb.

2008-10-13 16:53:53 UTC
Post by t***@hotmail.com
yes, kwv txhiaj ces yeej yog li koj hais..."kwv" is from
"kws"...meaning an "expert" le koj has..temsis what i'm saying is...in
moospheeb, peb yeej hu ua "khawv txhiaj (zoo li khawv koob)" xwb...tsi
tau hnov "kwv txhiaj" or "khwv txhiaj" dua li...temsis ua cas tuaj
txog usa no, cov hmoob dawb nyob moospheeb los cia li hu ua
"kwvtxhiaj" lawm thiab (confusing heev)....temsis koj nco ntsoov, the
"khawv txhiaj" meaning uas kuv hais earlier mas tsi yog moog leeg qha
kuv nawb..yog moob dlawb qha kuv...vim nws muaj sis law...sis lwv..ib
leeg hais ib leeg teb...peb thiaj hu ua "khawv txhiaj"...similar li
cov tshoob...yog peb hais ncaj ncaj swb ces peb hais tias "chiv yig
tuaj"...temsis yog peb sis cuab ces pebhais tias "chiv txhiaj"
as for Lug txaj...never have i heard of "lug txhaj" before, cov laus
los yeej tsi paub xyov lug txhiaj or lugtxhaj is either.  zoo dua li
uas koj xob hais tias hmoob leeg hu ua "lug txhaj"...tsaam luas tej
luag koj brother.....
tu siab tias, peb ib leeg los ib qho los, tsi muaj leejtwg paub qhov
tseeb tias "ncau thaum twg" and who created what and what their
intended purpose is...yus tsuas yog hnov cov laus hais xwb.
Tsuj hab ib tsoom phoojywg,

Le ntawd es kuv txhaj muab coj lug rua peb tuav xaam saib yog le caag
tag-g vim lu lug Moob has tas" ib nkawm=ib nkawg" qhov twg yog qhov
tseeb. Vim tej thaum peb muab sau has hai-i lawm. However, I think we
should have a form, it doesn't matter you read or I read they should
be written the same alphabet.

Thanks for everyone comment.

2008-10-13 16:43:41 UTC
Post by vimhlub
Kwv aws,
Ua li cas koj txhais tau txawv ua luaj li.
Lo lus Hmoob Dawb "kwv txhiaj" no tiag tsis yog "khwv" nawb.  Yog
"kws" os.  "Kws txhiaj" no mas yog ib tug "expert interpreter" los yog
"poet" nawb.  Kws = expert; txhiaj = interpret (from txhiaj txhais,
which means "one person says something (txhiaj), and other interprets
it (txhais)).
Lug Moob leeg:  tsis yog "lug txaj" tawmsis yog "lug txhaj".  Peb Moob
ces thau muab has tes has sig lawm xwb tes txhaj le tawm tau lub suab
"txaj" no lawm xwb.  Lu lug "lug" nua tes yog cov lug (ntsab lug) kws
tug tuab neeg has hov.  Lu lug "txhaj" nua yog lug ntawm "txhaj
txhais" tuab yam.
Hmoob suav hais tias "tham txuj" no.  "Tham" no mas yog piav.  "Txuj"
mas yog los ntawm "txuj ci".  "Tham txuj" no yog piav txog tej txuj ci.
Ib tsoom phoojywg,

Kuv mas yeej confuse kawg hab vim ib roojteb has tsaavluv tabsi the
meaning is the same. Yeej yog le mej tau teev lug lawm nawb, yuav yog
txhaj txhais or riddle le yawm Tsuj has. Tej lug nuav peb tsi zoo has
ncaaj nraim vim nwg tsiv-v noog rua lwm tug nov hab paub. Ce muab ua
lub suab seev lug txhaj hab lug txhais has xwb. Yog yuav nuab ua zoo
xaav txug Moob tej lug TXHAJ & TXHAIS mas Moob txawm has lug ROMABTIC
kawg hab yom. Thaum ib lee has rua ib leeg taag nrog yog lug txaj "
PLEEG" ces lub ntsej muag nim hluag quas txhi. Yog muaj ib tug hluas
nkauj has ib zaaj nyam yug lawm nuav yug yeej zoo sab kawg hab thaum
yug tseem hluas-s.

Mej puas xaav le ntawd, has kom xob mob-b hlwb xwb vim twb noj nyaj
SSI lawm os.
2008-10-13 17:15:00 UTC
vimhlub & others-- kuv xav tias peb 2-3 tug twb made ib leeg ib qho
suggestion lawm, tab sis tseem tsis tau muaj qhov conclusion hais tias
lo lus twg thiaj yog lo tseeb. for me, i have to disagree with lo lus
"kws" no unless you can provide us with a logical explanation. it is
true that "kws" = expert, tab sis peb hmoob siv lo lus "kws" no rau
tus tib neeg xwb. example, kws hlau, kws qeej. kws hlau = tus neeg
txawm ntaus hlau. kws qeej = tus neeg txawj txua qeej. hmoob yeej
tsis hais tias, tshuab kws qeej, ntaus kws hlaus, hais kws nkauj,
etc.. raws li kuv xav lo lus "khwv" no yuav yog qhov tseeb dua vim rau
qhov khwv is referred to zaj haiv while kws referred to only a person.
2008-10-13 17:36:00 UTC
Post by k***@aol.com
vimhlub & others-- kuv xav tias peb 2-3 tug twb made ib leeg ib qho
suggestion lawm, tab sis tseem tsis tau muaj qhov conclusion hais tias
lo lus twg thiaj yog lo tseeb. for me, i have to disagree with lo lus
"kws" no unless you can provide us with a logical explanation. it is
true that "kws" = expert, tab sis peb hmoob siv lo lus "kws" no rau
tus tib neeg xwb. example, kws hlau, kws qeej. kws hlau = tus neeg
txawm ntaus hlau. kws qeej = tus neeg txawj txua qeej. hmoob yeej
tsis hais tias, tshuab kws qeej, ntaus kws hlaus, hais kws nkauj,
etc.. raws li kuv xav lo lus "khwv" no yuav yog qhov tseeb dua vim rau
qhov khwv is referred to zaj haiv while kws referred to only a person.
Sawvdaws hais kuj yog lawm. Tiamsis kuv pom hais tias Ya hais yeej yog
ntau lawm. Nyob li ntawm Hmoobdawb sab mas kuv kuj hnov dua los lus
KHWV TXHIAJ lawm thiab. Tab sis feem ntau, Hmoobdawb yeej hais tias

KWV TXHIAJ thiab LUG TXAJ yeej yog tib yam.

Lus Hmooblees yog TXAJ. Lus Hmoobdawb yog TXIAJ.
Txiaj yog nyiaj thiab nuj.

Lus Hmoobdawb TXHIAJ. Lus Hmooblees yog TXHAJ.
Txhiaj yog nyiaj thiab nuj.

Kwvtxhiaj thiab lugtxaj puavleej yog lus tsim txiaj muaj nuj nqis xwb.

Qhov kuv tsis paub yog KWV yog dabtsi?

2008-10-13 18:31:51 UTC
yog muab nej cov lus no coj los mloog tag ces mhoob kuj zoo ib yam li
tsi muaj dabtsi tseemceeb li, vim peb tsi hais lus meej, peb lam tau
lam hais ces ib phaum dhau ib phaum ces tsua yog sib qog hais kom yog
lus suab lus lawm xwb. ib yam li peb kawm khawvkoob ned, yeej tsi
paub meej yov tej laus ntawd hais dabtsi, lawv los yeej tsi paub li
lawm--lam ua lub niag suab kom sib phim lawm xwb....

zoo li mhoob zaj taw kev thiab... Dausxib dauspus --snow...nrawm
kabntsim nrawm kabno...snow loj los ces txia txia ces no no, yuav tau
rau khaus Boot xwb (khaus maj khaus ntuag) thiaj li tsuj tau mus kev
no...ces mhoob tsi paub zoo ces lam qog qog tej lus kom sibphim ces
cias li hais tau tus niag zoo li no lawm xwb...nrawm kabntsig nraug
kabno no lawm....

qhov yuav kom zoo mas, peb yuav tau them nyiaj rau ib cov neeg li
Vimhlub lawv cov no, rov los taug peb haivneeg cov lus noj kom meejpem
tshaj no nawb, peb lub neej yav pegsuab thiaj li tsi yuav kev ntxiv li
no lawm nawb.

2008-10-13 20:03:55 UTC
Post by Born2beHmong
yog muab nej cov lus no coj los mloog tag ces mhoob kuj zoo ib yam li
tsi muaj dabtsi tseemceeb li, vim peb tsi hais lus meej, peb lam tau
lam hais ces ib phaum dhau ib phaum ces tsua yog sib qog hais kom yog
lus suab lus lawm xwb.  ib yam li peb kawm khawvkoob ned, yeej tsi
paub meej yov tej laus ntawd hais dabtsi, lawv los yeej tsi paub li
lawm--lam ua lub niag suab kom sib phim lawm xwb....
zoo li mhoob zaj taw kev thiab... Dausxib dauspus --snow...nrawm
kabntsim nrawm kabno...snow loj los ces txia txia ces no no, yuav tau
rau khaus Boot xwb (khaus maj khaus ntuag) thiaj li tsuj tau mus kev
no...ces mhoob tsi paub zoo ces lam qog qog tej lus kom sibphim ces
cias li hais tau tus niag zoo li no lawm xwb...nrawm kabntsig nraug
kabno no lawm....
qhov yuav kom zoo mas, peb yuav tau them nyiaj rau ib cov neeg li
Vimhlub lawv cov no, rov los taug peb haivneeg cov lus noj kom meejpem
tshaj no nawb, peb lub neej yav pegsuab thiaj li tsi yuav kev ntxiv li
no lawm nawb.
I agree with B2BH idea because we need to have one form of writing.
The speaking sound will be a different. Ex: Lao language in different
province, where do you go? chao pai xaij? chao pai xeu?, chao pai keu
leu?. But when they write should be one form only.

Kuv xaav tas mej cov kawm txuj rua phaab kev qhas ntawv, teaching,
yuav tau pib tej yaam le nuav kom peb Moob siv ib lu lug xwb, tsi le
ntawd Moob nyam has lu lug tas " IB PHAAB NTUJ MUAJ IB TSAAG TXUJ".

2008-10-13 18:53:33 UTC
Cov phoojywg,
Kuv ho xav hais tias nej muab xav mus deb dhau heev lawm. Lo lus
kwvtxhiaj/lugtxaj yog ib lo compound word. Yog hais ib - ib lo xwb
(kwv/lug lossis txhiaj/txaj) ces nws muaj nws ntsiab txawv lawm,
tabsis yog thaum hais ob los ua kev (kwvtxhiaj/lugtxaj), no ces nws
thiaj muaj lub ntsiab li qov peb tham txog no.

Kuv has lug na. = I speak.
Kuv has txaj na. = I talk about coin.
Kuv hais lugtxaj na. = I sing traditional song.

Kuv hais kwv na = I talk abour younger brother.
Kuv hais Txhiaj na = I talk abour Chia (a name).
Kuv hais kwvtxhiaj na = I sing traditional song.

Yog li ntawd, kwv tsis yog los ntawm los lus kws or khwv li nej hais.

PY Kwvtij,
Khwv li khwv noj khwv haus thiaj yog lus Hmoob, khwv li khwv tswv yim
yog qog lus Nplog xwb.

2008-10-13 19:07:24 UTC
PY yaweh,
Kuv ho tsis tau hnov los lus khawv txhiaj thiab. Tej zaum yog muaj tus
puav thiaj hais li ntawd xwb, feem coob uas kuv hnov los, tsis hais
cov Hmoob nyob Xaisnyabnpuslis, Luamphabnpas, Xeevkhuam lossis
Xasniam, puav leej hais "kwvtxhiaj/lugtxaj" no xwb.

2008-10-13 22:20:12 UTC
kaab ntsaab cov nam dlaab xis, dlaab laug.
Post by t***@msn.com
Qhov kuv tsis paub yog KWV yog dabtsi?
txhiaj = nyiaj
txiaj = nyiaj
txaj = nyiaj

piv txwv, txhiaj meej,
txhiaj = nyiaj
meej = qhov rooj

piv txwv, txhawb txiaj meej = tsa tub dab qhov rooj

lus suav,
qian = nyiaj
men = qhov rooj = meej

lug txaj = lus nyiaj
kwv txhiaj = (something) nyiaj

raws li yag tsuj hais, kwv = qhov ncauj

piv txwv, lus suav,
kou = qhov ncauj

kwv = kou
txhiaj = qian

kou qian = kwv txhiaj
literal, mouth money

nej nqa mus xav kom txaus txaus nej.

txhob xyaum dag. dag mas dag kom txij ntuj tiag tiag li nej ib co
naj... dag li niag qhov quav ntaug 3mr. muab puas tau vaj pov puas ua
vaaj puv?
2008-10-13 20:22:42 UTC

Kuv xav peb hmoob dawb los lus Kwv txhiaj no yog lo lus. Kuv
txhiaj..... koj txhais. Hais tsis tag thiab tsis meej xwb cia li hais
tias KWV THXIAJ lawm xwb........vim thaum kuv hais kwv txhiaj tag ces
koj yuav tsum teb los yog txhais cov lus ntawd rov rau kuv.

Hmoob leeg hais tsis meej ces cia li hais tias LUG TXAJ......tiag-g
ces yog LUG TXHAJ.
2008-10-13 22:29:54 UTC
Post by phwvnyawm
Kuv xav peb hmoob dawb los lus Kwv txhiaj no yog lo lus. Kuv
txhiaj..... koj txhais. Hais tsis tag thiab tsis meej xwb cia li hais
tias KWV THXIAJ lawm xwb........vim thaum kuv hais kwv txhiaj tag ces
koj yuav tsum teb los yog txhais cov lus ntawd rov rau kuv.
good explanation. never thought of it like that.
Post by phwvnyawm
Hmoob leeg hais tsis meej ces cia li hais tias LUG TXAJ......tiag-g
ces yog LUG TXHAJ.
txhob hais hais li kov maj.... ib pliag mong power tib teg txawb quav
pleev koj thiab ov.... tam sim no kuv hais "thank you" los txhaum..
kuv hais "sorry" los txhaum.. hehehehehe.. yog koj noj fawm tseem qab
qab ces txhob thab thab moob veins ib pliag veins dhiab paj paws nce
hlwb koj mag ib "tsoob" riag os...

still waiting on cov paub paub hmoob tej dab neeg tuaj piav raws li
hmoob tej dab neeg tso.. mam li ntxiv + txiav txim siab... lights on
all possibilities....
2008-10-14 13:47:19 UTC
miv ntxhais Hzen aws,

tej nuav miv miv xwb os yog yuav muab translate nad....LOL!

peb mhoob qog lus xwb es hais lus tsi meejpem lawm xwb, los lus no tsi
yog Kwvtxhiaj los yog KwsTxhiaj nawb, yog li lawv coob tus hais os yog
Khwvtxhiaj no nawb...smile! yog le hov, caag kuv muab kuv le Opinion

khwv--txais tias (Tswv8, ntau tswv8, muab tswv8), Txhiaj no yog txais
tias (short for Txhiaj Txhais)...

vim li no, Khwv no thiaj li yog ntau Tswv8 hais lus ua Txhiajtxhais
rau tus quaspuj le koj seb koj hos puas txhiajtxhais tau raug kuv cov
lug nuav xwb tag....hiv hiv hivvvvvvvvv ***@Zhen. vim le hod, tsi hais
leej twg le, tus tuab neeg twg los hab le paub hais
nivvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee no nawb.

los miv lug ua haas tag Lugtxaj nuav....kuv tsi paub zoo nawb, tab cia
kuv muab kuv li opinion hab input rua hab...LOL!

Lug...moob leeg hab moob ntsuab los "Lug" nuav txhais tau ntau yam
dhlau hwv lawm...yog le hov, ntshe yuav yog le yawm Tsuj haas lawm
hab, ntshe yuav yog cov Lug los yog cov Zaj, hos Txaj (Txhaj) nuav
ces ntshe yuav yog ib yam le los lug mhoob dawb Txhiaj no hab xwb...
vim lawv haas tsi meej ces noog tsi tseeb lawm xwb, yeej yog
Txhiaj=Txaj=Txhaj xwb. es hos noog rau yawm sib hab Tsuj lawv niv,
lawv hos haas le caag, yog lawv hais tag koj Txhiaj kuv Txhais no
los...los yog lawv haas tag koj Txhaj=txaj kuv Txhais nuav

2008-10-14 17:42:11 UTC
Post by Born2beHmong
leej twg le, tus tuab neeg twg los hab le paub hais
nivvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee no nawb.
yeah, dat true.. i agwee wid yew.. hmoob zaj dab neeg kuj say like dat
Post by Born2beHmong
Lug...moob leeg hab moob ntsuab los "Lug" nuav txhais tau ntau yam
dhlau hwv lawm...yog le hov, ntshe yuav yog le yawm Tsuj haas lawm
hab, ntshe yuav yog cov Lug los yog cov Zaj, hos Txaj (Txhaj) nuav
ces ntshe yuav yog ib yam le los lug mhoob dawb Txhiaj no hab xwb...
vim lawv haas tsi meej ces noog tsi tseeb lawm xwb, yeej yog
Txhiaj=Txaj=Txhaj xwb. es hos noog rau yawm sib hab Tsuj lawv niv,
lawv hos haas le caag, yog lawv hais tag koj Txhiaj kuv Txhais no
los...los yog lawv haas tag koj Txhaj=txaj kuv Txhais nuav
jor tor, i'm on the fringes of separatist patience... dare ye dare
thou to ask?
2008-10-15 02:34:28 UTC

Yog koj tsi tau tshev/tsawm peb cov Moob Leeg mob ti txhaa le yaav
taag lug mas kuv ntseeg has tas yeej muaj tug txawj teb koj tej lug
kawg. Raws le kuv soj saib mas koj laam ua txuj sim saib peb yuav
react le caag rua koj nkaus xwb. Tsi txhob moog chim los npau tas
"Mong/Mung power" le ub le nua. Yug tub nphlog rag luas nyuv tawm taag
lawm es yuav ua caag luas txhaj yuav tig lug ua txumyim txais yug maj?
Yog koj muaj kev ntshaw kuas Hmoob muaj ib haiv hab humxeeb ces tsi
txhob tuax twm rua peb caab le koj ntxiv lawm.

2008-10-15 22:13:03 UTC
Post by Moobsib
Yog koj tsi tau tshev/tsawm peb cov Moob Leeg mob ti txhaa le yaav
taag lug mas kuv ntseeg has tas yeej muaj tug txawj teb koj tej lug
kawg. Raws le kuv soj saib mas koj laam ua txuj sim saib peb yuav
react le caag rua koj nkaus xwb. Tsi txhob moog chim los npau tas
"Mong/Mung power" le ub le nua. Yug tub nphlog rag luas nyuv tawm taag
lawm es yuav ua caag luas txhaj yuav tig lug ua txumyim txais yug maj?
Yog koj muaj kev ntshaw kuas Hmoob muaj ib haiv hab humxeeb ces tsi
txhob tuax twm rua peb caab le koj ntxiv lawm.
stop being so blind. you know you hate hmong people. you yourself are
a member of the mong discussion group who would wage gorilla tactics..
puas yog? it's funny how mong power think they are so righteous...
yet.. they log onto 20 computers at a time just to smear and wage
negative campaign against me for correcting their ignorant ways and
shedding lights on their separatist leaders.
2008-10-15 21:32:18 UTC
Post by phwvnyawm
Kuv xav peb hmoob dawb los lus Kwv txhiaj no yog lo lus. Kuv> >
txhiaj..... koj txhais. Hais tsis tag thiab tsis meej xwb cia li hais>
Post by phwvnyawm
tias KWV THXIAJ lawm xwb........vim thaum kuv hais kwv txhiaj tag
ces> > koj yuav tsum teb los yog txhais cov lus ntawd rov rau kuv.> >
good explanation. never thought of it like that.> > > Hmoob leeg hais
tsis meej ces cia li hais tias LUG TXAJ......tiag-g> > ces yog LUG
TXHAJ.> > txhob hais hais li kov maj.... ib pliag mong power tib teg
txawb quav> pleev koj thiab ov.... tam sim no kuv hais "thank you" los
txhaum..> kuv hais "sorry" los txhaum.. hehehehehe.. yog koj noj fawm
tseem qab> qab ces txhob thab thab moob veins ib pliag veins dhiab paj
paws nce> hlwb koj mag ib "tsoob" riag os...> > still waiting on cov
paub paub hmoob tej dab neeg tuaj piav raws li> hmoob tej dab neeg
tso.. mam li ntxiv + txiav txim siab... lights on> all
possibilities....zhen,Kuv saib koj mas tshai peb cov nam Moob Leeg
kawg lawm sub. Peb yuav tsi phem baum koj has hab xaav tabsi yog koj
laam tau laam has lug phem rua peb without reason peb yuav tau defense
peb qhov right hab. Tabsi lu lug Phwvnyawm has ntawd xwb peb yuav tsi
phem baum koj has mog. Vim ntau yaam nuav yog ib cov lug peb suav
dlawg tseem taab tom coj lug xaav es kawm xwb. But if you talk and
write to the level of getting into our nerve with no reason we will
stand to defend and reserve our right too.MT
2008-10-15 22:09:19 UTC
zhen,Kuv saib koj mas tshai peb cov nam Moob Leeg
Post by m***@gmail.com
kawg lawm sub. Peb yuav tsi phem baum koj has hab xaav tabsi yog koj
laam tau laam has lug phem rua peb without reason peb yuav tau defense
peb qhov right hab. Tabsi lu lug Phwvnyawm has ntawd xwb peb yuav tsi
phem baum koj has mog. Vim ntau yaam nuav yog ib cov lug peb suav
dlawg tseem taab tom coj lug xaav es kawm xwb. But if you talk and
write to the level of getting into our nerve with no reason we will
stand to defend and reserve our right too.MT
ua li cas kuv hais mong power xwb koj cia li yuav tuag yuav tuag li
naj? tej nuav miv miv xwb... luag kag 3 miv suab xwb tes zoo sab hlo
lawm hog.. kuv tshai tshai vim tas muab vaaj puv ua tsis tau vaj pov.

phwvnyawm lauj, koj moog muab koj dlaim 'insult mong power for free'
card tom table mountain lov? vim le caag koj hais puab tsis mob sab,
kuv tuab nyuag quj xwb puab ca le yuav tuaj tawm tsaam kuv....
2008-10-14 14:18:01 UTC
Post by phwvnyawm
Kuv xav peb hmoob dawb los lus Kwv txhiaj no yog lo lus. Kuv
txhiaj..... koj txhais.
phwvnyawm-- i disagree with vimhlub's suggestion, "kws txhiaj" and i
have to disagree with yours "kuv txhiaj" too. "kuv txhiaj" no yuav
tsis yog lawm thiab unless you can provide us with a logical
explanation that makes sense. qhov koj suggested no nws tsis muaj
logic lawm ne. why... koj sim hais li no seb puas make sense mas,
"kuv hais kuv txhiaj or kuv yuav hais ib zag kuv txhiaj". no, nws
tsis make sense lawm laiv puas yog.

zehn-- koj hais tias "txhiaj = nyiaj". it could be true, tab sis kom
nej nco hais tias ib lo lus no txhais tau ntau ntau yam. so nyob rau
"khwv txhiaj" no lo lus "txhiaj" yuav tsis yog txhais tias "nyiaj" no
lawm vim khwv txhiaj yog hais txog kev sib hlub sib nco, sib daj sib
dee lawm xwb tsis hais txog nyiaj txiag lawm. in this case it is
obvious that txhiaj = txhiaj txhais.
2008-10-14 17:25:03 UTC
Post by k***@aol.com
zehn-- koj hais tias "txhiaj = nyiaj". it could be true, tab sis kom
nej nco hais tias ib lo lus no txhais tau ntau ntau yam. so nyob rau
"khwv txhiaj" no lo lus "txhiaj" yuav tsis yog txhais tias "nyiaj" no
lawm vim khwv txhiaj yog hais txog kev sib hlub sib nco, sib daj sib
dee lawm xwb tsis hais txog nyiaj txiag lawm. in this case it is
obvious that txhiaj = txhiaj txhais.
txhiaj = nyiaj
txiaj = nyiaj
txiag = nyiaj

the hmoob ntsuab version

txhaj = nyiaj
txaj = nyiaj
txag = nyiaj

no matter how you slice and dice it, there's more than one way to say
'nyiaj'.. but txhiaj, txiaj, txiag are all PROBABLY and LIKELY related
to suav lo lus, "qian"....

if kwv = kou = qhov ncauj, and txhiaj = txhiaj txhais = riddle, then
kwv txhiaj = mouth riddle.. and damn.. that makes more sense than
'mouth money.' why? vim tias peb cov hluas no twb tsis muaj dhau 1 - 2
tug paub xyov lawv hu lawv txog dab tsi.

remember, kwv can be kwv yees as well. according hmoob dab neeg, kwv
txhiaj yog ib yam txuj ci that is not "taught" and/or "learned" and
anyone can "kwv yees" hais.... think about that...

the combinations are numerous and each has support linguistically and
culturally... i go with the cultural support any day over linguistic
evidences or etymology.

so far,
1. khwv
2. kwv yees
3. kws
4. kou, qhov ncauj

1. nyiaj
2. riddle, txhiaj txhais

that's at least 8 unique combinations of words... doesn't matter.. the
best meaning is the meaning we all know it to be right now, which is
not such a big mystery.. it's just singing with an unusual level of
metaphors and symbols....
2008-10-14 19:39:25 UTC

Qhov kuv hais tias KUV TXHIAJ no mas piv li 2 tug sib lwv kwv txhiaj

Tus tub hais rau tus ntxhais: Kuv txhiaj ces koj mam txhais.Yog li
thaum tus tub hais zaj kwv txhiaj xaus nkaus.......Tus ntxhais nws
yeej paub tias tus tub hais dab tsis lawm....txhais li cas
lawm.....nws thiaj teb nkaus......tiag-g mas nkawv 2 leeg yeej tsis
txhais li nawb.........2 leeg puav leej txhiaj xwb......nkawv tsuas
txhais hauv siab xwb.......yog li yog muaj ib tug txawj-j hos ib tsis
txawj ces nkawv thiaj tsis kam sib lwv.......vim tsam tus tsis txawj
ntawd txhais tsis tau tus txawj cov lus TXHIAJ. Yog li yawg Born hais
lawm lo lus no yeej yog los ntawm TXHIAJ TXHAIS los.
2008-10-14 20:03:32 UTC
phwvnyawm-- yog koj agree li born ces koj agree rau kuv qhov
suggestion lawm los mas. born only repeated what i said xwb. kuv twb
hais tias tiag tiag ces yog "khwv txhiaj" tsis yog kwv txhiaj no ne.
khwv = khwv tswv yim. txhiaj = txhiaj txhais no ne. go back to ready
my first post at the top. btw.. 2-3 hnub no puas tseem mus haus beer
tom tsev txias lawm thiab mas ua cas tsis pom tuaj hauv no kiag li
lawm thiab mas koj nas.
2008-10-14 21:30:07 UTC
Kwvtij laid,

Yawg Born hais tias kwstxhiaj nws hais li tej kws ntau hlau,kws ntau
phom......hos koj hais mas khwv-v no laid.

Haub yaub ham tsis haus Bias ib lim piam nkaus los mas.......lub
weekend tag los no ces peb muaj ib tug poj niam hmoob Yaj tuag ces ham
tsis mus nrog lawv sab laj thov tej tub qa,tub num puag hnub saturday
tag los......thov-v txog kiag hnub Thursday twb yuav luag tsis
tiav.....friday ces twb qhib church los pam lawm ned.......twb tsis
yog haus beer xwb tseem hau.......tej kua taub dag,twg,taum mog thiab
vim khwv-v ces txog-g siav li os.......tsis tag li tseem mus nrog xyom
cuab tua nyuj thiab mas sav dua tas li lawm os.
2008-10-14 21:38:12 UTC
py Phwv,

koj nyeem yuav kem lawm xwb,

Born tsi yog hais kws nawb thiab tsi yog kwv no nawb.... yog Khwv---
Khwvtswv8 es wb mus tham hluankauj, Khwvtswv8 es wb mus uasi,
Khwvtswv8 es mus hais Txhiajtxhais, Khwvtswv8 es wb yuav mus tua cov
Maum Moslwj nram Mexico tebchaw...khwvtswv8 seb koj puas dimtes es koj
coj kuv mus saib cov haib tshaj nplaws tim Thaibteb thiab Nplog
teb....vim lino, thiaj li muab los lus no los ua short

2008-10-14 22:26:01 UTC
On Oct 14, 5:38 pm, Born2beHmong <***@yahoo.com> wrote:>
py Phwv,> > koj nyeem yuav kem lawm xwb,> > Born tsi yog hais kws nawb
thiab tsi yog kwv no nawb.... yog Khwv---> Khwvtswv8 es wb mus tham
hluankauj, Khwvtswv8 es wb mus uasi,> Khwvtswv8 es mus hais
Txhiajtxhais, Khwvtswv8 es wb yuav mus tua cov> Maum Moslwj nram
Mexico tebchaw...khwvtswv8 seb koj puas dimtes es koj> coj kuv mus
saib cov haib tshaj nplaws tim Thaibteb thiab Nplog> teb....vim lino,
thiaj li muab los lus no los ua short>
***@MT> > BornIb tsoom phoojywg hab B2BH,Lu
lug khwv nuas tsi yog lug Moob sub na. Khwv or khiv nua mas yog lug
Lostsuas. Ua caag Moob ho has 1 lu lug Lostsuas rua huv hab mas.Ua le
yawm Tsuj has mas muaj ib cov Moob Dlawb mas puab has tas:  khaw
txhiaj ib cov mas has tas kwv txhiaj, Moob Leeg nua ce ho has tas LUG
TXAJ. Lu lug Moob Leeg mas yuav yog le Phwvnyawm has tas LUG TXHAJ nua
txhaj yog.  If LUG TXHAJ is mean txhaj txhai.MT
2008-10-15 14:51:58 UTC
Post by m***@gmail.com
py Phwv,> > koj nyeem yuav kem lawm xwb,> > Born tsi yog hais kws nawb
thiab tsi yog kwv no nawb.... yog Khwv---> Khwvtswv8 es wb mus tham
hluankauj, Khwvtswv8 es wb mus uasi,> Khwvtswv8 es mus hais
Txhiajtxhais, Khwvtswv8 es wb yuav mus tua cov> Maum Moslwj nram
Mexico tebchaw...khwvtswv8 seb koj puas dimtes es koj> coj kuv mus
saib cov haib tshaj nplaws tim Thaibteb thiab Nplog> teb....vim lino,
thiaj li muab los lus no los ua short>
lug khwv nuas tsi yog lug Moob sub na. Khwv or khiv nua mas yog lug
Lostsuas. Ua caag Moob ho has 1 lu lug Lostsuas rua huv hab mas.Ua le
yawm Tsuj has mas muaj ib cov Moob Dlawb mas puab has tas:  khaw
txhiaj ib cov mas has tas kwv txhiaj, Moob Leeg nua ce ho has tas LUG
TXAJ. Lu lug Moob Leeg mas yuav yog le Phwvnyawm has tas LUG TXHAJ nua
txhaj yog.  If LUG TXHAJ is mean txhaj txhai.MT

ua tsaug rau koj cov lus teb nawb, vim tias peb nyias los lawm nyias
ib sab ntuj los--tej los lus koj tsi nhov dua xwb nawb. peb cov mhoob
dlawb mhoob xeevkhuam mas los lus no yeej yog lus mhoob tseem tseem

miv tub thiab me nyab aws, neb yuav tsum tau 6 6 siab khwv mog, es yus
thiaj li nrog luag muaj noj muaj haus, thiaj li nrog lus muaj nyiaj
muaj txiaj nawb.

Khwv tswv8= thinking in a process
6 6 siab khwv= work hard
khwv ciaj khwv tuag--work hardest that i can

Phwvnyawm koj khwvtswv8 los yog ntau tswv8 seb, wb yuav ntxias li cas
thiaj li txhom tau Zhen thiab Nhubkaj nkawv ob lub me npe tiag tiag.
(yog tsi li ces koj puas muab tau tswv8 los khwvtswv8 tshiab es coj
kuv nrog koj wb mus tua cov maum moslwj kub zuag zuag nram Mevteb
xwb).. MT (zaum no, kuv muab los siv rau hauv mhoob cov kev hais lug
lawm, nyaj koj yuav nkagsiab zoo tias los lus Khwv no yog mhoob li
ntiag tug tiag tiag lawm pob)....smile!

2008-10-15 16:30:53 UTC
Phoojywg B2BH,
Lo lus "khwv" no lus Hmoob los muaj, lus Nplog los muaj lo thooj
(khwvd). Nyias muaj nyias ntsiab lus, tabsis Hmoob ho qog Nplog lo los
siv thiab thiab hais tsis meej ces txawm zoo li yog lus Hmoob tibsi
lawm xwb. Tabsis, tamsis no ces yeej rais los ua lus Hmoob lawm. Tib
yam li sob us no: 'Niag poj laib ntawd yuav pais taj laj no kaud". Yog
koj nug cov me nyuam tim US no ces lawv yeej xav hais tias yog lus
Hmoob 100% no tiag. Tabsis yog:
Lus Nplog: laib, pais, taj laj, kaud
Lus Hmoob: niag, poj, ntawd, no

Khwv tswv8= thinking in a process
Sob lus no, "khwv" yog lus Nplog.
Khwvd = xav, think

6 6 siab khwv= work hard
khwv ciaj khwv tuag--work hardest that i can
Ob sob lus no, lo "khwv" yog lus Hmoob.
khwv = work, work hard, earn, busy

2008-10-15 21:19:12 UTC
Post by Born2beHmong
Post by m***@gmail.com
py Phwv,> > koj nyeem yuav kem lawm xwb,> > Born tsi yog hais kws nawb
thiab tsi yog kwv no nawb.... yog Khwv---> Khwvtswv8 es wb mus tham
hluankauj, Khwvtswv8 es wb mus uasi,> Khwvtswv8 es mus hais
Txhiajtxhais, Khwvtswv8 es wb yuav mus tua cov> Maum Moslwj nram
Mexico tebchaw...khwvtswv8 seb koj puas dimtes es koj> coj kuv mus
saib cov haib tshaj nplaws tim Thaibteb thiab Nplog> teb....vim lino,
thiaj li muab los lus no los ua short>
lug khwv nuas tsi yog lug Moob sub na. Khwv or khiv nua mas yog lug
Lostsuas. Ua caag Moob ho has 1 lu lug Lostsuas rua huv hab mas.Ua le
yawm Tsuj has mas muaj ib cov Moob Dlawb mas puab has tas:  khaw
txhiaj ib cov mas has tas kwv txhiaj, Moob Leeg nua ce ho has tas LUG
TXAJ. Lu lug Moob Leeg mas yuav yog le Phwvnyawm has tas LUG TXHAJ nua
txhaj yog.  If LUG TXHAJ is mean txhaj txhai.MT
ua tsaug rau koj cov lus teb nawb, vim tias peb nyias los lawm nyias
ib sab ntuj los--tej los lus koj tsi nhov dua xwb nawb.  peb cov mhoob
dlawb mhoob xeevkhuam mas los lus no yeej yog lus mhoob tseem tseem
miv tub thiab me nyab aws, neb yuav tsum tau 6 6 siab khwv mog, es yus
thiaj li nrog luag muaj noj muaj haus, thiaj li nrog lus muaj nyiaj
muaj txiaj nawb.
Khwv tswv8= thinking in a process
6 6 siab khwv= work hard
khwv ciaj khwv tuag--work hardest that i can
Phwvnyawm koj khwvtswv8 los yog ntau tswv8 seb, wb yuav ntxias li cas
thiaj li txhom tau Zhen thiab Nhubkaj nkawv ob lub me npe tiag tiag.
(yog tsi li ces koj puas muab tau tswv8 los khwvtswv8 tshiab es coj
kuv nrog koj wb mus tua cov maum moslwj kub zuag zuag nram Mevteb
xwb).. MT (zaum no, kuv muab los siv rau hauv mhoob cov kev hais lug
lawm, nyaj koj yuav nkagsiab zoo tias los lus Khwv no yog mhoob li
ntiag tug tiag tiag lawm pob)....smile!

Hmong-Lao twb teb rua koj taag lawm has txug lu lug " KHWV ". Kuv yuav
tsi teb ntxiv lawm.

Kuv has lug ruag rua peb noog" Thaum xyoo 1973 kuv kawm ntawv nyob
Vientiane, 3 ib paab phoojywg moog ua sim tom night club.Muaj ib tug
ntxhais tog qhuas Lostsuas txawm lug has rua peb tas moog txheev cev 1
zag yog 1000 Kips xwb. Peb muaj ib tug phoojywg kws nrug peb moog
ntawd txawm teb has tas KHWV XI TAI AU MA XIB BAV DIA. Kuv txawm teb
Thaub has tas koj has le kos nuav koj mean le caag mas?. vim koj lu
lug KHWV nuas mas yog lug Moob lawm hab mean has tas " KHWV KHWV HEEV=
work every hard". Tabsi yog lug Lostsuas nuas ces mean txawv lawm. Kuv
has rua Thaub has tas tshe tug ntxhias Nplog ntawd yuav xaav tas Moob
XAAV xwb tau nyaj lawm.

2018-02-12 01:47:16 UTC
Post by m***@gmail.com
Lu lug Moob Leeg has tas LUG TXAJ, lu lug Moob Dlawb has tas KWV
Lu lug nuav means le caag tag tag ne. Mej ib tsoom phoojywg mej sim
define rua peb noog saib yog le cag tag-g.