BTA Awards Ceremony 2018 - Highly Commended
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Jenny M Benson
2018-04-01 19:50:41 UTC
We have two worthy winners in this section. In no particular order,
firstly there is an Award for Mike McToodles, Nominated by Penny for
following a reference to the possibility of Pip following Greg Turner's
example with "Oi, barman! Should there be bits of pips in this gin?"

Secondly, there were joint Nominations by Laura and VK of joint BT
utterances by Brritters and Mike McT. A little complex this one so i
shall just repeat the relevant lines:

"Higgs, any (what happened to him?)"
"Buried along with Captain?"
"Surely as a boson he'd have been buried at sea."
"Along with Ian Brady off Hindley Point."
"No moor please."

Congrats all concernedrats.

<Awaits thunderous applause>
Jenny M Benson
2018-04-02 07:01:53 UTC
We have two worthy winners in this section.  In no particular order,
firstly there is an Award for Mike McToodles, Nominated by Penny for
following a reference to the possibility of Pip following Greg Turner's
example with "Oi, barman! Should there be bits of pips in this gin?"
Secondly, there were joint Nominations by Laura and VK of joint BT
utterances by Brritters and Mike McT.  A little complex this one so i
"Higgs, any (what happened to him?)"
"Buried along with Captain?"
"Surely as a boson he'd have been buried at sea."
"Along with Ian Brady off Hindley Point."
"No moor please."
Congrats all concernedrats.
<Awaits thunderous applause>
Does that mean I've won ? Gosh...
