2016-05-08 03:48:46 UTC
view on stackexchange narkive permalink

我正在尋找將在Windows 7和10上運行的照片管理應用程序。以前,我使用Google的Picasa應用程序。這很有用。然後生活發生了,我落後了,顯然這個應用程序不復存在了。


  • 面部識別是半準確的,可以自動提供建議
  • 照片的元數據不是修改
  • 可以搜索照片中的人
  • 可以在我的本地環境上運行,不需要連接到第三方就可以提出面孔建議
  • 可以處理數十個數以千計的照片
  • 可以導出每個標籤的照片列表
  • “輕鬆”方式,選擇與搜索結果匹配的所有照片,將它們複製到一個位置進行第三次操作派對工具(例如創建馬賽克等)。


  • 支持非面部標記(例如位置,日期,事件等),如果支持的話,搜索也可以包含這些標籤

出於成本考慮,我真的很喜歡Picasa的“免費”功能,但我願意花一點錢。但是,如果產品免費,則產品中可能沒有 廣告。


一 回答:
2016-05-08 08:34:38 UTC
view on stackexchange narkive permalink

Windows Essential Photo Gallery can do most of what you ask:

  • Accurate facial recognition. It finds similar faces, you give them names. Over time you confirm/deny enough faces, and it will get them right all the time. The only issue I've found is with family (since my photos span decades) the accuracy starts to diminish.
  • Search is powerful. Filtering options make it very easy.
  • There is a specific geotag option, then you can add any other tags you like (I tag by event, for instance).
  • Doesn't need an internet connection (but does let you post directly to facebook and others, if you want that)
  • I have over 20,000 photos in my collection, so you should be good there.
  • Doesn't change file metadata. I just tagged a photo and the file size (down to the byte) was not affected.
  • It's free.

Things it can't do:

  • No exporting of photo lists (at least not anyway I could find just clicking around for a bit)

Other things it does:

  • Basic but useful re-touching.
  • Stores original photo so you can undo edits at any time.

EDIT: According to @vclaw, it seems that metadata will be changed.

Microsoft Photo Gallery(甚至是最新的2012版)的“主要”問題是它要求SQL Compact Edition 2005(現在已停產並且不再接收安全更新)。根據Secunia的說法,SQL CE 2005的威脅等級很高,他們將其描述為“黑客當前正在Internet上利用此漏洞來完全控制PC”。微軟如何繼續要求自己的軟件的EOL版本運行其自己的另一個軟件包令人難以置信。來自各個Microsoft論壇中的用戶的帖子,要求解決方案或升級路徑,幾個月以來一直沒有得到答复。

該問答將自動從英語翻譯而來。原始內容可在stackexchange上找到,我們感謝它分發的cc by-sa 3.0許可。