Maurice Papon est mort
(too old to reply)
Earl Evleth
2007-02-17 22:57:32 UTC
En complément
Pour Arno Klarsfeld, la mort de Papon est "anecdotique" Les dates-
clés de sa vie Les grandes dates de l'affaire Papon Les Français
poursuivis pour crime contre l'humanité
Les autres titres
Maurice Papon est mort Les hauts magistrats formés au management
Les lefebvristes fêtent le trentième anniversaire de la « prise » de
Saint-Nicolas-du-Chardonnet Un film pour décourager les clandestins
chinois Le téléphone portable, l'arme fatale des ados Affaire
Julien : le domicile de la mère passé au peigne fin Patience avant
la neige Mairie de Paris : les ex-conseillers de Chirac mis en
examen Encore de la prison ferme pour Samy Naceri Retour | Rubrique
FranceQuatre ans après sa libération, le seul haut fonctionnaire
français condamné pour complicité de crime contre l'humanité pour son
rôle dans la déportation de Juifs de Bordeaux sous l'Occupation, est
mort samedi à 96 ans.

"Maurice Papon est mort samedi 17 février 2007 à 16 heures", a précisé
l'avocat de Maurice Papon, en soulignant que "l'ancien ministre n'a
jamais accepté sa condamnation du 2 avril 1998 par la cour d'assises
de Bordeaux". Il est décédé pendant son sommeil, a-t-il précisé sur
LCI, dans une clinique à Pontault-Combault, en Seine-et-Marne, selon
une source policière.

Maurice Papon, domicilié à Gretz-Armainvilliers, en Seine-et-Marne,
avait été hospitalisé le 8 février pour une "insuffisance cardiaque".
Me Vuillemin, qui avait participé à sa défense au moment du procès,
avait indiqué que l'intervention s'était très bien passée.

Condamné en 1998 à 10 ans de réclusion, en fuite en 1999, il a été
incarcéré pendant près de trois ans avant d'être remis en liberté le
18 septembre 2002 en raison de son état de santé.

Une longue carrière dans les plus hauts rouages de l'Etat

Avant d'être rattrapé par son passé de fonctionnaire sous le régime de
Vichy, Maurice Papon a connu une longue carrière dans les plus hauts
rouages de l'Etat, traversant tous les régimes de la IIIe à la Ve

Il a notamment occupé les postes exposés de préfet de Constantine
(1956-58) pendant la guerre d'Algérie, et de préfet de police de Paris
(1958-67) lors de la répression sanglante de la manifestation
algérienne du 17 octobre 1961, sous le général de Gaulle.

En 1968, il est élu député UDR (le parti gaulliste de l'époque) du
Cher, en 1971 maire de Saint-Amand-Montrond (Cher) -il le restera 12
ans- et est nommé ministre du Budget dans le troisième gouvernement
Barre (1978-81).

C'est en 1981, juste avant la présidentielle, que le journal satirique
Le Canard enchaîné publie des documents datés de 1943 et 44 signés de
la main de Maurice Papon, l'impliquant dans la déportation de juifs

"Ses droits à pension de retraite rétablis"

Après 17 ans de bataille juridique, l'ancien fonctionnaire est renvoyé
devant les assises de la Gironde en octobre 1997 pour un procès qui
durera six mois, en raison notamment d'interruptions pour
hospitalisation. Après l'épuisement des recours qui induit le
caractère définitif de sa condamnation, Maurice Papon a toujours clamé
son innocence.

Son avocat a fait valoir que "le Conseil d'État a rétabli l'ancien
préfet de police du général de Gaulle dans ses droits à pension de
retraite le 4 juillet 2003, avec effet rétroactif". "Maurice Papon
s'est battu jusqu'au bout et il est mort en homme libre alors qu'il
s'apprêtait à livrer son dernier combat: l'action en réhabilitation",
a-t-il conclu
Earl Evleth
2007-02-18 08:47:33 UTC
On 17/02/07 23:57, in article
***@a75g2000cwd.googlegroups.com, "Earl Evleth"
<***@yahoo.com> wrote:

The posting was a forgery in my name posted by Stephen Bach, a renegade
American living in France

As for the Papon case, my wife was on this a long time ago. From the
BAS database http://ram1.huji.ac.il:83/ALEPH/eng/SAS/BAS/BAS/SCAN
(The Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism)

Author: Evleth, Donna

published an article "The Papon Case: Anti-Semitism in the Resistance?"
in 1984, in the review "The Nation" (238, 14 (14 Apr 1984) 443-445


Maurice Papon is accused of having aided in the deportation of 1,690 Jews
from Bordeaux between 1942-44. Papon, a former member of the Resistance and
Minister of the Budget under Pres. Giscard d'Estaing, served World War II as
secretary-general of the prefecture of Bordeaux under the Vichy government.
He has been indicted to stand trial for "crimes against humanity."


Justice took too long a time catching up with him and he was a pathetic
old man by the time it did.

(and for Stephen: yes, she was also paid for this article)
(and for PV--no comment!)
2007-02-18 09:14:50 UTC
Evleth has been trying to bring us to buy his wife's stuff
No fear, no one buys that, even less try even to read it.
Stop the evleth spam !!!
Post by Earl Evleth
On 17/02/07 23:57, in article
The posting was a forgery in my name posted by Stephen Bach, a renegade
American living in France
As for the Papon case, my wife was on this a long time ago. From the
BAS database http://ram1.huji.ac.il:83/ALEPH/eng/SAS/BAS/BAS/SCAN
(The Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism)
Author: Evleth, Donna
published an article "The Papon Case: Anti-Semitism in the Resistance?"
in 1984, in the review "The Nation" (238, 14 (14 Apr 1984) 443-445
Maurice Papon is accused of having aided in the deportation of 1,690 Jews
from Bordeaux between 1942-44. Papon, a former member of the Resistance and
Minister of the Budget under Pres. Giscard d'Estaing, served World War II as
secretary-general of the prefecture of Bordeaux under the Vichy government.
He has been indicted to stand trial for "crimes against humanity."
Justice took too long a time catching up with him and he was a pathetic
old man by the time it did.
(and for Stephen: yes, she was also paid for this article)
(and for PV--no comment!)
Go Fig
2007-02-18 18:09:24 UTC
Post by Earl Evleth
On 17/02/07 23:57, in article
The posting was a forgery in my name posted by Stephen Bach, a renegade
American living in France
As for the Papon case, my wife was on this a long time ago. From the
BAS database http://ram1.huji.ac.il:83/ALEPH/eng/SAS/BAS/BAS/SCAN
(The Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism)
Author: Evleth, Donna
published an article "The Papon Case: Anti-Semitism in the Resistance?"
in 1984, in the review "The Nation" (238, 14 (14 Apr 1984) 443-445
Maurice Papon is accused of having aided in the deportation of 1,690 Jews
from Bordeaux between 1942-44. Papon, a former member of the Resistance and
Minister of the Budget under Pres. Giscard d'Estaing, served World War II as
secretary-general of the prefecture of Bordeaux under the Vichy government.
He has been indicted to stand trial for "crimes against humanity."
Justice took too long a time catching up with him
That is what happens when you have sympathetic and powerful friends.
Post by Earl Evleth
and he was a pathetic
old man by the time it did.
He should have NEVER been allowed to die a free man.

Sun Feb 18, 2007
Post by Earl Evleth
(and for Stephen: yes, she was also paid for this article)
(and for PV--no comment!)
Earl Evleth
2007-02-18 18:31:41 UTC
Post by Go Fig
That is what happens when you have sympathetic and powerful friends.
Particularly an affliction of the political right! A leftie
Papon was not.
Post by Go Fig
Post by Earl Evleth
and he was a pathetic
old man by the time it did.
He should have NEVER been allowed to die a free man.
That happens often in France. People are freed so they do not
die in prison. One of the basic principles of humanitarism is
that we do not compromise our own moral values in the treatment
of others. Therefore, things like the death penalty or other
forms of cruel and unusual treatment are morally insupportable.
This includes life sentences. People are kept in prison if they
are a danger to others, however, but not out of meanness.

With regard to Action Directe who killed a number of people when
they were active


Fin de perpétuité pour les prisonniers d¹Action directe

février 2005

Depuis samedi 26 février 2005, les quatre militants d¹Action Directe
emprisonnés sont potentiellement libérables.

La prison à vie n¹a pas de sens.

Condamnés à la prison à vie, ils sont en prison depuis février 1987. Samedi,
prend fin la période de sûreté de dix-huit ans qui assortit la peine
perpétuelle des prisonniers d¹Action directe. Ils étaient quatre : Joëlle
Aubron, Nathalie Ménigon, Jean-Marc Rouillan et Georges Cipriani, en 1985 et
1986, qui, au nom de la lutte anti-impérialiste, assassinèrent le général
Audran et le PDG de Renault, Georges Besse. Samedi, devant les prisons où
ils vivent (Lannemezan, Bapaume, Ensisheim), des proches, des militants et
le collectif Ne laissons pas faire, manifesteront pour leur libération. Dans
les jours qui suivront, tous (à l¹exception de Joëlle Aubron, libérée en
juin pour soigner un cancer du cerveau) déposeront une demande de libération
conditionnelle, aujourd¹hui possible.

Chacun a un projet de vie, mais aucun n¹est indemne après toutes ces années
à l¹ombre. A 48 ans, Nathalie Ménigon est malade, suite à plusieurs
accidents vasculaires cérébraux. A sa sortie, elle serait hébergée en
Lozère, avec un travail à temps partiel de paysagiste. Alain Pojolat du
collectif Ne laissons pas faire, la voit régulièrement. « Elle a récupéré
beaucoup de sa mémoire perdue, elle lit à nouveau beaucoup. Elle aime Harry
Potter, le Seigneur des anneaux et la science-fiction. Physiquement, ce
n¹est pas terrible... Mais pour la première fois, depuis si longtemps, elle
parle de dehors. » Déjà, à deux reprises, la suspension de peine pour raison
médicale lui a été refusée.

Voyage dans la folie. Georges Cipriani, 54 ans, lui, va mieux. Revenu de la
folie dans laquelle il avait sombré. « Je l¹ai vu il y a quinze jours, nous
allons demander sa libération conditionnelle le 13 mars, explique son avocat
Jean-Louis Chalanset. Il veut aller vivre en Allemagne, auprès de sa
fille. » Jean-Marc Rouillan, 52 ans, qui est devenu écrivain en détention,
continue d¹écrire, mais son cas médical pose de nombreuses questions sur la
médecine en prison. En décembre 2003, les médecins de la centrale de Moulins
lui apprennent qu¹il souffre d¹un cancer du poumon. Quelques mois plus tard,
transféré à Lyon pour des examens complémentaires, on lui annonce qu¹il n¹a
finalement rien, mais ce diagnostic est contesté à Moulins. Il est alors
transféré à l¹hôpital pénitentiaire de Fresnes. Là, pas de cancer non plus.
Enfin, envoyé à la centrale de Lannemezan, il vient d¹apprendre le
« retour » de son cancer. « C¹est un médecin, à la voix désolée qui le lui a
annoncé par vidéoconférence, raconte Hellyette Bess, une ancienne et
historique d¹Action directe qui le visite chaque semaine. Il aurait, à
nouveau, un cancer du poumon avec atteinte de chaîne ganglionnaire. Et, en
plus son dossier médical s¹est perdu pour la seconde fois ! » En sortant,
Rouillan pourrait devenir lecteur chez Agone, sa maison d¹édition.

Fusillade. Le cinquième, Régis Schleicher, est en prison depuis vingt et un
ans, sa période de sûreté était de quinze ans. Il n¹est pour rien dans les
meurtres de René Audran et Georges Besse : il a été au coeur d¹une fusillade
à Paris, où un policier a été tué. Cette semaine, sa libération
conditionnelle lui a été refusée pour la seconde fois. Même si les juges ont
reconnu que son projet de sortie était, comme sa volonté de réinsertion,

Avec un appartement à Avignon loué par sa mère et un travail de correcteur
dans deux maisons d¹édition. Schleicher doit, en effet, être prochainement
jugé pour avoir tenté de s¹évader de l¹ultrasécuritaire prison de Moulins et
les juges ont estimé qu¹une possible réincarcération ruinerait ses efforts.

Parmi le personnel politique, bien peu osent réclamer la libération de ceux
d¹Action directe, même au nom du temps passé. Seul courageux, le PCF,
résolument engagé dans la lutte contre la condition carcérale, les Verts, la
LCR et Lutte ouvrière. En fait, et malgré tout, ils espèrent. Derrière les
discours, tel celui de Ménigon (« Il est essentiel de lutter encore plus
pour nos vies et pour l¹émancipation des opprimés et des exploités. A bas le
capitalisme mondial, à bas les prisons impérialistes ! »), derrière le refus
de reconnaître les dérives sanglantes, il y a sans doute aussi une lassitude
infinie de ces jours, ces mois, ces années d¹incarcération.

Dominique Simonnot [Libération, samedi 26 février 2005]
Capitalist Pig
2007-02-18 18:40:51 UTC
so let the murderer our of prison, because we don't want to be a part
of a society that supports capital punishment. How do you explain all
this feel good shit to the family of his next victim? HANG THE SON OF
A BITCH and let his corpse rot on the gibbet! then they can do no
more evil.
Earl Evleth
2007-02-18 18:51:41 UTC
On 18/02/07 19:40, in article
Hang a 90+ yr old man???

Generally, those on death row are not executed beyond a certain age.
Mid-70s seem to be about the "moral limit in the USA, and of course
we Europeans (your are not a European Piggy) do not do any
executions. It makes bad press to execute the old even in the

Here is something I posted on Feb 10 2005. LeRoy Nash is still with us
and from inside information we have found out that his "to be executed
dossier" keeps being push to the bottom of the pile. The Arizona
authorities don't want to deal with this one.


Death row population is graying

Like the other 107 convicted killers on Arizona's death row, LeRoy Nash is
allowed to leave solitary confinement for an hour each day to exercise in
a secure room.

At 89, LeRoy Nash is the oldest inmate currently on death row in the U.S.

But Nash, 89, seldom does. Hobbled by arthritis, deafness and heart
disease, the oldest person under a death sentence in the USA usually just
sits in his cell. He reads and writes letters in block print, and
sometimes he strains to hear the conversations of other death row inmates
through a 1-foot-square glass window and the concrete walls.

"I can't send or receive e-mail, nor make any collect telephone calls,"
Nash said in a recent letter to a USA TODAY reporter. "Unfortunately, this
is one of the tightest death rows in America."

Nash may be held in "solitary," but in another sense he has plenty of

A record 110 prisoners aged 60 and older were on death rows across the
nation as of Dec. 31, 2003, the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics says.
That's nearly triple the 39 death row seniors that the bureau counted nine
years earlier. During the same period, the total number of convicts under
death sentences rose 18.3%, to 3,374.

The rising number of death row seniors is a little-noted phenomenon that
is raising new questions for courts, and public relations issues for
prison officials.

Nash and another elderly killer have asked federal judges to rule on the
constitutionality of executing inmates with dementia, Alzheimer's or other
age-related maladies.

And executing a lame, deaf and infirm senior - even one who has committed
aggravated murder - is a prospect that few prison wardens relish,
according to legal scholars such as Jonathan Turley, a law professor at
George Washington University who has worked with older prisoners.

"'Dead man walking' is one thing," Turley says. "'Dead man being pushed
along to the execution chamber in a wheelchair' has a different feel."

'Having it both ways'

Death row's elderly population has grown for several reasons.

A few seniors are on death row because they committed aggravated murder at
an unusually old age. Nash fatally shot a Phoenix coin store clerk in a
holdup in 1982, when he was 67. (Nash insists that it was "a strictly
self-defense, live-or-die matter.") Blanche Moore, at 71 the oldest of 4
elderly women on death row, was convicted of killing a boyfriend with an
arsenic-laden milkshake in North Carolina in 1990, when she was 57.

Many others are there because death penalty appeals can stretch for
decades. The last senior citizen to be executed, Donald Beardslee of
California, was put to death in January at age 61, after 21 years of
appeals. North Carolina convict Jerry Cummings began appealing his murder
conviction in 1966, when he was 27. It has been set aside and reinstated
twice; he's now 65.

Death penalty supporters say it is disingenuous for seniors to prolong
their appeals for years and to then argue that they are too old to be

"That's having it both ways," says Ken Wallis, legal adviser to Alabama
Gov. Bob Riley.

But Nash's attorney, Thomas Phalen, says that foot-dragging by courts
often causes appeals to languish. Nash, for example, has had an appeal
before the U.S. District Court in Phoenix for more than 4 years without a
ruling. If Nash were to lose, subsequent appeals likely would last for at
least four more years - meaning that he likely would not be scheduled for
execution until his mid-90s.

"The judges can read the files; they know when they're dealing with an old
prisoner," Phalen says. "It's hard not to conclude that they're hoping
that natural causes will take an uncomfortable decision out of their

Executing seniors can be an unpopular proposition, even in a prison that
houses hardened convicts.

Alabama officials saw an example of that last August, when James Hubbard,
74, was executed. Willie Minor, the old man's neighbor on the state's
death row in Donaldson, Ala., filed a petition asking Riley to grant
clemency to "this elderly and sick man" as a "matter of justice, mercy and

Executing Hubbard, who suffered from prostate and colon cancer and alleged
that he had dementia, was "offensive to every civilized Alabamian,"
Minor's petition said.

The request was denied.

Curbing costs

Convicts older than 50 represent the fastest-growing group in the general
populations of state and federal prisons.

From 1992 to 2001, the number of state and federal prisoners aged 50 and
older jumped from 41,586 to 113,358 - or about 170%, according to the
Bureau of Justice Statistics. During the same period, the total U.S.
prison population increased by 6%, to 2,100,146.

Some states have begun innovations aimed at curbing the rising costs of
dealing with older prisoners.

In 35 states, elderly prisoners are housed in geriatric facilities within
prisons. Alabama's is across the street from a hospital, saving time and
expense when prisoners need critical care. In Ohio, older prisoners are
housed in areas that have few stairs.

At least 29 states have begun hospice or other "end of life" programs
within prisons, says Ronald Aday, a professor at Middle Tennessee State
University in Murfreesboro.

But none of the innovations help the death row elderly. Because of their
condemned status, they are segregated from other prisoners and held in
special facilities - often in individual cells, as is the case for Nash in

Nash is among the death row seniors whose appeals are raising new legal

In 1999, Phalen argued that Nash, then 83, suffered from dementia and thus
should not be executed. The attorney cited a 1976 U.S. Supreme Court
ruling that forbids executing prisoners who have become mentally
incompetent. A federal judge said the appeal was premature because Nash
did not have an execution date.

In Alabama last year, attorney Alan Rose Sr. raised the same argument to
try to keep Hubbard from being executed. Two of three federal appeals
court judges essentially ruled that Hubbard was too late with his appeal.

But U.S. Court of Appeals Judge Rosemary Barkett dissented, noting that
Hubbard "could not have brought the claim earlier" because dementia
typically begins in old age.

Hubbard was executed. But Phalen says he and other attorneys for death row
seniors likely will try to base future arguments on Barkett's reasoning.

Meanwhile, Nash says he has no interest in stretching out his appeal. He
first entered prison in 1930, when he was 15, and he has spent nearly half
of his 89 years behind bars for robbery, two murders and other crimes. He
says he wants his appeal to conclude quickly, so that if he wins he could
be resentenced to life in prison and return to the prison's general

Keeping old men like him on death row is "idiotic," Nash says. Growing old
in prison is "brutish" enough, he says, without being locked up in
Mr Q. Z. Diablo
2007-02-19 10:07:54 UTC
Post by Earl Evleth
On 18/02/07 19:40, in article
Hang a 90+ yr old man???
Why are you trying to reason with the criminal Stephen Bach, Earl? All
that needs to be done with him is the issuing of an occasional reminder
that he is not welcome in the USA and shall shortly no longer be welcome
in France.
Mr Q. Z. D.
Remove luncheonmeat (truncheon) to reply.
" Everyone's always in favour of saving Hitler's brain.
But when you put it in the body of a great white shark,
ooohh! Suddenly you've gone too far!"
Earl Evleth
2007-02-19 10:44:05 UTC
On 19/02/07 11:07, in article
Post by Mr Q. Z. Diablo
Post by Earl Evleth
On 18/02/07 19:40, in article
Hang a 90+ yr old man???
Why are you trying to reason with the criminal Stephen Bach, Earl?
No, not at all, I used the comment as an opportunity to repost
and ald posting on the subject of the execution of the aged.
Donna has also brought up Leroy Nash in the past. And to be accurate
nobody has been hung in France is a very long time, either shooting
the bastards was employed right after the war (Laval was shot) or
regular criminal executions until the late 70s were by "blade".
But Papon was not subject to the DP. My complaint is the delay of
justice and it is ludicrous to send very old people to prison. House
arrest and removal of civil rights were sufficient in his case. As it
was the authorities cancelled his Legion of Honor but apparently did
not collect the medal from him, now his lawyer and family want him
to be buried with it. In the past there was a major battle at the
death of Petain, many wanted him buried with his troops at Verdun
rather than on the Isle d'Yeu off the Atlantic coast. He died under
detention on that island in a old fort, especially configurated
hold him. His wife visited him daily and he was treated with respect
by the guards. But his detention caused a lot of comment. I think it
would have been best to use house arrest, with no contract with
journalists or supporters. Papon was forced to stay at Fresnes,
a prison we know fairly well having visited it perhaps 50 times.
Generally the cells are not heated and overcrowded, prisoners
locked up 22-23 hours a day. Papon and other well known personalities
usually get VIP treatment (individual cells) but the medical care is
poor and the food inedible.
Post by Mr Q. Z. Diablo
All that needs to be done with him is the issuing of an occasional reminder
that he is not welcome in the USA and shall shortly no longer be welcome
in France.
I have underlined his last great sin in previous posting, his
trying to get us in trouble with the "authorities" using a forged posting
in my name indicating we would like to be part of a plot to assassinate Bush
and Cheney, among others. Among the authorities I contacted include the FBI.
I posted an FBI file number on another group, exposing him to his sleaze
buddies on soc.retirement. Note, filing a complaint using the
http://www.ic3.gov/ FBI web site requires giving full information on ones
self, address phone number and e-mail. They e-mail back a file number and
password for getting a pdf file and filing updates on the complaint. Since
they already have a file on him they might be interested in his recidivist
behavior. Is so, Piggy will probably not hear first from the police but
from the French equivalent of the FBI, the DST, La Direction de la
Surveillance du Territoire. Piggy's posting also comes close to being in
the terrorist class, which get the French authorities excited.

The Paris Embassy FBI office recommended filling with the IC3 service.

Piggy's is already in a hole and he constantly keeps digging it deeper.
Capitalist Pig
2007-02-19 18:32:42 UTC
Post by Earl Evleth
On 19/02/07 11:07, in article
Post by Mr Q. Z. Diablo
Post by Earl Evleth
On 18/02/07 19:40, in article
Hang a 90+ yr old man???
Why are you trying to reason with the criminal Stephen Bach, Earl?
No, not at all, I used the comment as an opportunity to repost
and ald posting on the subject of the execution of the aged.
Donna has also brought up Leroy Nash in the past. And to be accurate
nobody has been hung in France is a very long time, either shooting
the bastards was employed right after the war (Laval was shot) or
regular criminal executions until the late 70s were by "blade".
But Papon was not subject to the DP. My complaint is the delay of
justice and it is ludicrous to send very old people to prison. House
arrest and removal of civil rights were sufficient in his case. As it
was the authorities cancelled his Legion of Honor but apparently did
not collect the medal from him, now his lawyer and family want him
to be buried with it. In the past there was a major battle at the
death of Petain, many wanted him buried with his troops at Verdun
rather than on the Isle d'Yeu off the Atlantic coast. He died under
detention on that island in a old fort, especially configurated
hold him. His wife visited him daily and he was treated with respect
by the guards. But his detention caused a lot of comment. I think it
would have been best to use house arrest, with no contract with
journalists or supporters. Papon was forced to stay at Fresnes,
a prison we know fairly well having visited it perhaps 50 times.
Generally the cells are not heated and overcrowded, prisoners
locked up 22-23 hours a day. Papon and other well known personalities
usually get VIP treatment (individual cells) but the medical care is
poor and the food inedible.
Post by Mr Q. Z. Diablo
All that needs to be done with him is the issuing of an occasional reminder
that he is not welcome in the USA and shall shortly no longer be welcome
in France.
I have underlined his last great sin in previous posting, his
trying to get us in trouble with the "authorities" using a forged posting
in my name indicating we would like to be part of a plot to assassinate Bush
and Cheney, among others. Among the authorities I contacted include the FBI.
I posted an FBI file number on another group, exposing him to his sleaze
buddies on soc.retirement. Note, filing a complaint using thehttp://www.ic3.gov/ FBI web site requires giving full information on ones
self, address phone number and e-mail. They e-mail back a file number and
password for getting a pdf file and filing updates on the complaint. Since
they already have a file on him they might be interested in his recidivist
behavior. Is so, Piggy will probably not hear first from the police but
from the French equivalent of the FBI, the DST, La Direction de la
Surveillance du Territoire. Piggy's posting also comes close to being in
the terrorist class, which get the French authorities excited.
The Paris Embassy FBI office recommended filling with the IC3 service.
Piggy's is already in a hole and he constantly keeps digging it deeper.
Earl Evleth
2007-02-19 18:40:59 UTC
On 19/02/07 19:32, in article
Post by Earl Evleth
Piggy's is already in a hole and he constantly keeps digging it deeper.
Capitalist Pig
2007-02-20 08:40:00 UTC
http://www.ic3.gov/ ? Hey cool. Thanks pops.
Earl Evleth
2007-02-20 15:55:33 UTC
On 20/02/07 9:40, in article
Post by Capitalist Pig
http://www.ic3.gov/ ? Hey cool. Thanks pops.
Send them a letter, they are looking for you,
you are already on the files from years ago.
Cochon Capitaliste
2007-02-20 16:27:29 UTC
You sound concerned pops, should you be?
Gregory Morrow
2007-02-20 21:42:12 UTC
Post by Cochon Capitaliste
You sound concerned pops, should you be?
Tis' not Earl that should be "concerned", Piggosh...
Planet Visitor II
2007-02-20 00:22:05 UTC
Post by Mr Q. Z. Diablo
Post by Earl Evleth
On 18/02/07 19:40, in article
Hang a 90+ yr old man???
Why are you trying to reason with the criminal Stephen Bach, Earl? All
that needs to be done with him is the issuing of an occasional reminder
that he is not welcome in the USA and shall shortly no longer be welcome
in France.
While Papon's welcome in France never wore off. I understand he died
from overexertion of his teeny-weeny testicle sex glands from scoping
out too many bikinies while working on his tan on the French Riviera.

But what can one say about a country that names its streets after
murderers on death row? I wonder how France would like it if
the U.S. named a street after Pierre Laval.

Planet Visitor II
Official publisher of AADP Official dictionary
Post by Mr Q. Z. Diablo
Mr Q. Z. D.
Remove luncheonmeat (truncheon) to reply.
" Everyone's always in favour of saving Hitler's brain.
But when you put it in the body of a great white shark,
ooohh! Suddenly you've gone too far!"
Mr Q. Z. Diablo
2007-02-20 22:43:45 UTC
Post by Planet Visitor II
Post by Mr Q. Z. Diablo
Post by Earl Evleth
On 18/02/07 19:40, in article
Hang a 90+ yr old man???
Why are you trying to reason with the criminal Stephen Bach, Earl? All
that needs to be done with him is the issuing of an occasional reminder
that he is not welcome in the USA and shall shortly no longer be welcome
in France.
While Papon's welcome in France never wore off.
I notice that your welcome mat is out for the criminal Stephen Bach.
What unpleasant company you have chosen to keep.
Mr Q. Z. D.
Remove luncheonmeat (truncheon) to reply.
" Everyone's always in favour of saving Hitler's brain.
But when you put it in the body of a great white shark,
ooohh! Suddenly you've gone too far!"
John Rennie
2007-02-20 22:49:21 UTC
Post by Mr Q. Z. Diablo
Post by Planet Visitor II
Post by Mr Q. Z. Diablo
Post by Earl Evleth
On 18/02/07 19:40, in article
Hang a 90+ yr old man???
Why are you trying to reason with the criminal Stephen Bach, Earl? All
that needs to be done with him is the issuing of an occasional reminder
that he is not welcome in the USA and shall shortly no longer be welcome
in France.
While Papon's welcome in France never wore off.
I notice that your welcome mat is out for the criminal Stephen Bach.
What unpleasant company you have chosen to keep.
Mr Q. Z. D.
What other choices has he got?
Planet Visitor II
2007-02-22 02:30:50 UTC
Post by Mr Q. Z. Diablo
Post by Planet Visitor II
Post by Mr Q. Z. Diablo
Post by Earl Evleth
On 18/02/07 19:40, in article
Hang a 90+ yr old man???
Why are you trying to reason with the criminal Stephen Bach, Earl? All
that needs to be done with him is the issuing of an occasional reminder
that he is not welcome in the USA and shall shortly no longer be welcome
in France.
While Papon's welcome in France never wore off.
I notice that your welcome mat is out for the criminal Stephen Bach.
What unpleasant company you have chosen to keep.

At least I haven't broken bread with him. Nor have I seen Stephen
Bach claim that "Auschwitz wouldn't execute a 72-year-old man..."
Or that the Jews could be classed as "legally inhuman." Just imagine...
you actually enjoyed a pleasant evening with the closest thing to
Amon Goeth in AADP.

I had my real name used in a handle created by euroscum of
James\"I admit I am a Nazi"\Noles
James Noles denier of the Holocaust

Your friend has used my name in various handles he created such as --
Noles' Nemesis
Nazi Noles's Chief Persecutor
Yitzhak Goldstein the Destroyer of Nazi Swine Noles

Why did they do this? Why does your friend continue to do this?
When my arguments have all been pro-Jewish, and anti-Nazi?
What motivates them to claim I'm a Nazi, unless they are trying
to hide some aspect of their own beliefs?

And guess what? Not a peep from you in registering any disgust
with either of them. While your friend has created a few dozen
different handles to both try to embellish his lie that you and I are
both aware of... his claim of being Jewish... and to avoid various

I've called Stephen Bach worse things than a fool. His conduct
with Earl is despicable, even while I have no use at all for the
mindless idiot who is the real Earl Evleth, as he generally asks
for what he gets. I'm not aware of other reasons for these
claims that SB is a criminal of sorts.

Obviously just on the face of almost all his comments SB is an
unsavory sort, but being unsavory is not an unknown quality in
Usenet. So unless someone is a Holocaust denier, or a
registered member of the neo-Nazi party as your friend is,
you'll not find me disagree with anyone who feels that Papon
was more deserved of the death penalty than any French
Nazi collaborator in WW II. He was not just complicit
in the murder of Jews, but shamed the entire French nation
in contributing to the Holocaust from a presumed position
of representing France.

Planet Visitor II
Official publisher of AADP Official dictionary
Post by Mr Q. Z. Diablo
Mr Q. Z. D.
Remove luncheonmeat (truncheon) to reply.
" Everyone's always in favour of saving Hitler's brain.
But when you put it in the body of a great white shark,
ooohh! Suddenly you've gone too far!"
Mr Q. Z. Diablo
2007-02-23 00:23:56 UTC
Post by Planet Visitor II
Post by Mr Q. Z. Diablo
Post by Planet Visitor II
Post by Mr Q. Z. Diablo
Post by Earl Evleth
On 18/02/07 19:40, in article
Hang a 90+ yr old man???
Why are you trying to reason with the criminal Stephen Bach, Earl? All
that needs to be done with him is the issuing of an occasional reminder
that he is not welcome in the USA and shall shortly no longer be welcome
in France.
While Papon's welcome in France never wore off.
I notice that your welcome mat is out for the criminal Stephen Bach.
What unpleasant company you have chosen to keep.
At least I haven't broken bread with him.
You break bread with him regularly on this newsgroup, Jim. Perhaps it
is his racism that you admire, given that you hate Arabs so very, very
much. That you will cosy up to anyone who torments those whom you hate
so fervently speaks volumes of what a small man you are in every single
respect. So small, in fact, that you gladly consort with known
criminals such as Stephen Bach.

I have skimmed your posts of late, noting that your feud has re-emerged
onto the group at large and I'm afraid that I'm going to have to give
you a rest. One day, you might just grow up and become human again but
I'm not holding my breath.
Mr Q. Z. D.
Remove luncheonmeat (truncheon) to reply.
" Everyone's always in favour of saving Hitler's brain.
But when you put it in the body of a great white shark,
ooohh! Suddenly you've gone too far!"
Planet Visitor II
2007-02-23 07:02:30 UTC
Post by Mr Q. Z. Diablo
Post by Planet Visitor II
Post by Mr Q. Z. Diablo
Post by Planet Visitor II
Post by Mr Q. Z. Diablo
Post by Earl Evleth
On 18/02/07 19:40, in article
Hang a 90+ yr old man???
Why are you trying to reason with the criminal Stephen Bach, Earl? All
that needs to be done with him is the issuing of an occasional reminder
that he is not welcome in the USA and shall shortly no longer be welcome
in France.
While Papon's welcome in France never wore off.
I notice that your welcome mat is out for the criminal Stephen Bach.
What unpleasant company you have chosen to keep.
At least I haven't broken bread with him.
You break bread with him regularly on this newsgroup, Jim.
Rubbish... I've never laid eyes on the fool, much less cozied up
to him for a weekend on the town. You know exactly what I
mean, but you want to ignore THAT issue. I've generally
insulted him as a matter of course, while the worst you've
said about your friend is that he uses "hyperbole," Jon. Yet
your friend is a first class admitted cyber-stalker, having even
called my home which is about the most intrusive REAL threat
a poster could have in AADP. I suspect SB is about to
find out what an even greater threat is when Andrew visits
him, unannounced.
Post by Mr Q. Z. Diablo
Perhaps it
is his racism that you admire,
Perhaps it is the racism of your friend that you admire. Your
friend, who took the opportunity of Rosa Parks dying, to
make a joke of it to advance his own agenda. Or perhaps
it is the racism of your friend who insisted TWICE that if
he were robbed it would only be by a Black man, that
your admire. Or perhaps it is the racism of your friend
who insulted Martin Luther King, and then whined to
AADP that everyone should back his racist attack to
gain some "backbone" and "redeem" themselves or
else leave AADP, that you admire. So many choices.
Take your pick, Jon.
Post by Mr Q. Z. Diablo
given that you hate Arabs so very, very
LOL... You're still on that kick. Given that you love the
Nazis so much that you insist you do not find the Holocaust
was "evil," and thus you cannot find it was "morally bad, or
wrong." See --
Keep in mind that I don't make the rules in the English language,
and neither do you, chum. Of course, you did insist
that because a toothache was "unpleasant," and not
"evil," that meant the Holocaust could be "unpleasant"
and not "evil." Jon... Jon... Jon... how COULD YOU?
How could you DARE to even try to compare a
toothache with the Holocaust to justify the word
"unpleasant" not being "evil" to you? What were you
thinking? What could possibly have motivated a
thinking process in discussing the Holocaust to
interject a "toothache" as being "unpleasant"?
Post by Mr Q. Z. Diablo
That you will cosy up to anyone who torments those whom you hate
so fervently speaks volumes of what a small man you are in every single
respect. So small, in fact, that you gladly consort with known
criminals such as Stephen Bach.
I don't "consort" with SB, but I say what I have to say
when it comes to condemning Papon. I see that you favor
supporting Papon. Which goes a long way toward
understanding why you insist you do not feel the Holocaust
was evil.

While you may not believe this, nor do I care if you do, I
paid absolutely no attention to the name of the poster
you had responded to. When I saw the red flag of the
name "Papon," it triggered me. I was responding to
YOU... and your apparent support for Papon. Otherwise,
why would you have even bothered, when there are so
many other lunatic raving from SB available for you to
vent your hate? Be frank and honest now... you DO
support the decision of France to have freed Papon
from ANY punishment for the rest of his life, don't you?
Post by Mr Q. Z. Diablo
I have skimmed your posts of late, noting that your feud has re-emerged
onto the group at large and I'm afraid that I'm going to have to give
you a rest. One day, you might just grow up and become human again but
I'm not holding my breath.
I predicted you would, as soon as the issue of your subjective
view that the Holocaust was not evil became a subject between
us again.

Keep in mind I don't deny you the right to have a subjective
view that the Holocaust was not evil, but please, do not
insult the intelligence of readers in AADP to claim you have
a "moral code." Since having a "moral code" requires finding
the word "evil" is relevant and applicable in the English language,
if an act is subjectively "morally wrong" to you. That's simply
the English language.. not diablo-double-speak.

Like your double-speak in calling me a "racist," for mentioning
that there are Arabs who teach their children to martyr
themselves and murder innocent Jews, while you cozy
up to Earl, who insists the Jewish victims of the Holocaust
are "infected with the sociopathic evil of Nazism," plus
claiming ALL Jews are "fascists."

It is blindingly obvious that the use of the word "martyr"
is a clear reference to Islam. Nor could my comment
possibly be construed to be a reflection upon all Arabs,
given my continued expressions of distaste for Islam and
all it stands for, and my various other comments in which
I clearly separate the religion Islam from any ethnic
connection to ALL Arabs. Just as I have always separated
the Judaic religion from an ethnic connection to ALL
Jews. If you equate Islam with Arabs, that's YOUR
problem, not mine. And just as clearly, subjectively
finding the Holocaust was not "evil" to you, is exactly the
subjective view of the Nazis. Thus equating YOUR
subjective view regarding the word "evil" with the subjective
view of Nazi doctrine shows agreement.

Your attack upon me, with the use of the word "racist,"
was obviously "revenge" for my continued unveiling of
your hypocrisy in claiming you have a "moral code,"
claiming that "moral code" finds the Holocaust was
"morally wrong," yet you cannot bring yourself to accept
the English language and find it was subjectively "evil"
to you.

I remember quite well how you argued that because
Israel was ONLY 81% Jewish, that criticizing Israel
was quite reasonable, but claim if I criticize the small
number of Arab (no more than 0.0001% of all Arabs)
who teach their children to martyr themselves and murder
Jews - it is "racism." In fact, criticizing Israel is criticizing
more than 40% of ALL JEWS IN THE WORLD.
Certainly doing so is far more close to racism than
criticizing that small number of Arabs (not even 1
in one million of the 280 million Arabs in the world)
who teach their children to murder Jews. So it appears
that YOU are the "racist." Nor have I ever seen you
mention your friend having called the "Jews" INHUMAN.
What if you said that "Israel commits butchery"? You
wouldn't find that racist, yet that accuses more than
40% of ALL JEWS IN THE WORLD of committing
"butchery." Do try to connect the dots, Jon. Set
aside that bias in favor of your friend and all those
who are Islamophiles.

Planet Visitor II
Official publisher of AADP Official dictionary
Post by Mr Q. Z. Diablo
Mr Q. Z. D.
Remove luncheonmeat (truncheon) to reply.
" Everyone's always in favour of saving Hitler's brain.
But when you put it in the body of a great white shark,
ooohh! Suddenly you've gone too far!"
Planet Visitor II
2007-03-14 04:09:19 UTC
Post by Mr Q. Z. Diablo
Post by Planet Visitor II
Post by Mr Q. Z. Diablo
Post by Planet Visitor II
Post by Mr Q. Z. Diablo
Post by Earl Evleth
On 18/02/07 19:40, in article
Hang a 90+ yr old man???
Why are you trying to reason with the criminal Stephen Bach, Earl? All
that needs to be done with him is the issuing of an occasional reminder
that he is not welcome in the USA and shall shortly no longer be welcome
in France.
While Papon's welcome in France never wore off.
I notice that your welcome mat is out for the criminal Stephen Bach.
What unpleasant company you have chosen to keep.
At least I haven't broken bread with him.
You break bread with him regularly on this newsgroup, Jim. Perhaps it
is his racism that you admire, given that you hate Arabs so very, very
much. That you will cosy up to anyone who torments those whom you hate
so fervently speaks volumes of what a small man you are in every single
respect. So small, in fact, that you gladly consort with known
criminals such as Stephen Bach.
I have skimmed your posts of late, noting that your feud has re-emerged
onto the group at large and I'm afraid that I'm going to have to give
you a rest. One day, you might just grow up and become human again but
I'm not holding my breath.
<fx: punches air>
# # ####### ##### ###
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# # # # ###
# ##### ##### #
# # #
# # # # ###
# ####### ##### ###
Hee hee... hey, did you promise to buy him breakfast in the morning,
Nazi Coughlan? Think about it a moment... it's probably much too
deeply sarcastic for you to understand.

Planet Visitor II
Official publisher of AADP Official dictionary
Yitzhak Isaac Goldstein
AADP's 'left-wing Jewish intellectual'
Yitzhak was a victim of the Holocaust, Nazi Coughlan.
Just because you stole his "yellow star" so you could
whine that you are a victim of the Holocaust, you can't
legally use his name. Tell everyone again how I made
you wear it, when I don't accept that you are Jewish,
much less deserving to wear a "yellow star" from one
of your own victims.

You're not Jewish. See John Rennie spank you about
your claim that you are --

But best of all... tell them how you feel that killing
six million innocent Jews is NOT EVIL, but killing
one single guilty murderer IS EVIL.

Look at them again, gentle reader... look at how he finds the
extermination of six million Jews to NOT BE EVIL, but
finds the execution of a single murderer (ANY MURDERER)
to be EVIL --

1) Killing six million Jews is not evil to you -- Your words --
"I do not find the Shoah 'evil'... " See --

Killing even one proven murderer is evil to you -- Your
words --
"... well the death penalty is evil." See --

Nothing could more precisely have defined your views in
your own words.

Why would I need to call you a Nazi, when you so readily
offer your own words as proof of you being a Nazi? I
don't need to claim that "no one believes you," Nazi
Coughlan. I only ask that they DO believe you. I WANT
THEM to believe your words represent your Nazi Holy
Grail of how you feel about the Jewish victims of the Holocaust,
and ONE SINGLE MURDERER!!! With you feeling that
killing six million innocent Jews in the Shoah was not evil,
but killing any murderer is evil. That should put paid
to proving you're a Nazi to any rational human being.
Those who are not rational are not my concern. The
irrational are the ones you depend upon for support.
Planet Visitor II
2007-02-20 03:11:19 UTC
Post by Earl Evleth
On 18/02/07 19:40, in article
Hang a 90+ yr old man???
Generally, those on death row are not executed beyond a certain age.
Mid-70s seem to be about the "moral limit in the USA, and of course
we Europeans (your are not a European Piggy) do not do any
executions. It makes bad press to execute the old even in the
Here is something I posted on Feb 10 2005. LeRoy Nash is still with us
and from inside information we have found out that his "to be executed
dossier" keeps being push to the bottom of the pile. The Arizona
authorities don't want to deal with this one.
Hey, Earl... I really appreciated you mentioning this. Since when I
went to research more about Viva Nash I saw a reference to Dwight
Eaglin. And I can now add him to my list of double-murderers. It
seems that good ol' Dwight was sentenced to life in prison for a murder
he committed, and while in prison tried to escape and in the process
murdered a female corrections officer, and another inmate. See --

So much for a "life sentence" being as sure of preventing recidivism
as an execution, wouldn't you say?

<clip whining for Viva Nash... an old fuck costing more to keep alive
than to execute>

Planet Visitor II
Official publisher of AADP Official dictionary
Gregory Morrw
2007-02-18 21:10:02 UTC
Post by Capitalist Pig
so let the murderer our of prison, because we don't want to be a part
of a society that supports capital punishment. How do you explain all
this feel good shit to the family of his next victim? HANG THE SON OF
A BITCH and let his corpse rot on the gibbet! then they can do no
more evil.
Thinking of your OWN eventual fate there, Piggosh...???
2007-02-18 22:35:03 UTC
Morrow enjoys hanging people from other races
Post by Gregory Morrw
Post by Capitalist Pig
so let the murderer our of prison, because we don't want to be a part
of a society that supports capital punishment. How do you explain all
this feel good shit to the family of his next victim? HANG THE SON OF
A BITCH and let his corpse rot on the gibbet! then they can do no
more evil.
Thinking of your OWN eventual fate there, Piggosh...???
Go Fig
2007-02-18 19:29:24 UTC
Post by Earl Evleth
Post by Go Fig
That is what happens when you have sympathetic and powerful friends.
Particularly an affliction of the political right! A leftie
Papon was not.
Post by Go Fig
Post by Earl Evleth
and he was a pathetic
old man by the time it did.
He should have NEVER been allowed to die a free man.
That happens often in France. People are freed so they do not
die in prison. One of the basic principles of humanitarism is
that we do not compromise our own moral values in the treatment
of others.
Exactly what moral principle is compromised when someone who sent 1,600
to death dies in prison ?

Where is your moral outrage for the victims w/out justice ?
Post by Earl Evleth
Therefore, things like the death penalty or other
forms of cruel and unusual treatment are morally insupportable.
This includes life sentences. People are kept in prison if they
are a danger to others,
Yes, you don't believe in punishment... very telling and irresponsible.

Sun Feb 18, 2007
Post by Earl Evleth
however, but not out of meanness.
With regard to Action Directe who killed a number of people when
they were active
Fin de perpétuité pour les prisonniers d¹Action directe
février 2005
Depuis samedi 26 février 2005, les quatre militants d¹Action Directe
emprisonnés sont potentiellement libérables.
La prison à vie n¹a pas de sens.
Condamnés à la prison à vie, ils sont en prison depuis février 1987. Samedi,
prend fin la période de sûreté de dix-huit ans qui assortit la peine
perpétuelle des prisonniers d¹Action directe. Ils étaient quatre : Joëlle
Aubron, Nathalie Ménigon, Jean-Marc Rouillan et Georges Cipriani, en 1985 et
1986, qui, au nom de la lutte anti-impérialiste, assassinèrent le général
Audran et le PDG de Renault, Georges Besse. Samedi, devant les prisons où
ils vivent (Lannemezan, Bapaume, Ensisheim), des proches, des militants et
le collectif Ne laissons pas faire, manifesteront pour leur libération. Dans
les jours qui suivront, tous (à l¹exception de Joëlle Aubron, libérée en
juin pour soigner un cancer du cerveau) déposeront une demande de libération
conditionnelle, aujourd¹hui possible.
Chacun a un projet de vie, mais aucun n¹est indemne après toutes ces années
à l¹ombre. A 48 ans, Nathalie Ménigon est malade, suite à plusieurs
accidents vasculaires cérébraux. A sa sortie, elle serait hébergée en
Lozère, avec un travail à temps partiel de paysagiste. Alain Pojolat du
collectif Ne laissons pas faire, la voit régulièrement. « Elle a récupéré
beaucoup de sa mémoire perdue, elle lit à nouveau beaucoup. Elle aime Harry
Potter, le Seigneur des anneaux et la science-fiction. Physiquement, ce
n¹est pas terrible... Mais pour la première fois, depuis si longtemps, elle
parle de dehors. » Déjà, à deux reprises, la suspension de peine pour raison
médicale lui a été refusée.
Voyage dans la folie. Georges Cipriani, 54 ans, lui, va mieux. Revenu de la
folie dans laquelle il avait sombré. « Je l¹ai vu il y a quinze jours, nous
allons demander sa libération conditionnelle le 13 mars, explique son avocat
Jean-Louis Chalanset. Il veut aller vivre en Allemagne, auprès de sa
fille. » Jean-Marc Rouillan, 52 ans, qui est devenu écrivain en détention,
continue d¹écrire, mais son cas médical pose de nombreuses questions sur la
médecine en prison. En décembre 2003, les médecins de la centrale de Moulins
lui apprennent qu¹il souffre d¹un cancer du poumon. Quelques mois plus tard,
transféré à Lyon pour des examens complémentaires, on lui annonce qu¹il n¹a
finalement rien, mais ce diagnostic est contesté à Moulins. Il est alors
transféré à l¹hôpital pénitentiaire de Fresnes. Là, pas de cancer non plus.
Enfin, envoyé à la centrale de Lannemezan, il vient d¹apprendre le
« retour » de son cancer. « C¹est un médecin, à la voix désolée qui le lui a
annoncé par vidéoconférence, raconte Hellyette Bess, une ancienne et
historique d¹Action directe qui le visite chaque semaine. Il aurait, à
nouveau, un cancer du poumon avec atteinte de chaîne ganglionnaire. Et, en
plus son dossier médical s¹est perdu pour la seconde fois ! » En sortant,
Rouillan pourrait devenir lecteur chez Agone, sa maison d¹édition.
Fusillade. Le cinquième, Régis Schleicher, est en prison depuis vingt et un
ans, sa période de sûreté était de quinze ans. Il n¹est pour rien dans les
meurtres de René Audran et Georges Besse : il a été au coeur d¹une fusillade
à Paris, où un policier a été tué. Cette semaine, sa libération
conditionnelle lui a été refusée pour la seconde fois. Même si les juges ont
reconnu que son projet de sortie était, comme sa volonté de réinsertion,
Avec un appartement à Avignon loué par sa mère et un travail de correcteur
dans deux maisons d¹édition. Schleicher doit, en effet, être prochainement
jugé pour avoir tenté de s¹évader de l¹ultrasécuritaire prison de Moulins et
les juges ont estimé qu¹une possible réincarcération ruinerait ses efforts.
Parmi le personnel politique, bien peu osent réclamer la libération de ceux
d¹Action directe, même au nom du temps passé. Seul courageux, le PCF,
résolument engagé dans la lutte contre la condition carcérale, les Verts, la
LCR et Lutte ouvrière. En fait, et malgré tout, ils espèrent. Derrière les
discours, tel celui de Ménigon (« Il est essentiel de lutter encore plus
pour nos vies et pour l¹émancipation des opprimés et des exploités. A bas le
capitalisme mondial, à bas les prisons impérialistes ! »), derrière le refus
de reconnaître les dérives sanglantes, il y a sans doute aussi une lassitude
infinie de ces jours, ces mois, ces années d¹incarcération.
Dominique Simonnot [Libération, samedi 26 février 2005]
Deeply Filled Mortician
2007-02-18 21:01:45 UTC
Let is be knownst that on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 11:29:24 -0800, Go Fig
Post by Go Fig
Post by Earl Evleth
Post by Go Fig
That is what happens when you have sympathetic and powerful friends.
Particularly an affliction of the political right! A leftie
Papon was not.
Post by Go Fig
Post by Earl Evleth
and he was a pathetic
old man by the time it did.
He should have NEVER been allowed to die a free man.
That happens often in France. People are freed so they do not
die in prison. One of the basic principles of humanitarism is
that we do not compromise our own moral values in the treatment
of others.
Exactly what moral principle is compromised when someone who sent 1,600
to death dies in prison ?
Where is your moral outrage for the victims w/out justice ?
You've got some serious balls for saying that whilst voting
DFM - http://www.deepfriedmars.com
2007-02-18 22:35:35 UTC
Why do you have to answer any OT post by evleth ??
Post by Go Fig
Post by Earl Evleth
Post by Go Fig
That is what happens when you have sympathetic and powerful friends.
Particularly an affliction of the political right! A leftie
Papon was not.
Post by Go Fig
Post by Earl Evleth
and he was a pathetic
old man by the time it did.
He should have NEVER been allowed to die a free man.
That happens often in France. People are freed so they do not
die in prison. One of the basic principles of humanitarism is
that we do not compromise our own moral values in the treatment
of others.
Exactly what moral principle is compromised when someone who sent 1,600
to death dies in prison ?
Where is your moral outrage for the victims w/out justice ?
Post by Earl Evleth
Therefore, things like the death penalty or other
forms of cruel and unusual treatment are morally insupportable.
This includes life sentences. People are kept in prison if they
are a danger to others,
Yes, you don't believe in punishment... very telling and irresponsible.
Sun Feb 18, 2007
Post by Earl Evleth
however, but not out of meanness.
With regard to Action Directe who killed a number of people when
they were active
Fin de perpétuité pour les prisonniers d¹Action directe
février 2005
Depuis samedi 26 février 2005, les quatre militants d¹Action Directe
emprisonnés sont potentiellement libérables.
La prison à vie n¹a pas de sens.
Condamnés à la prison à vie, ils sont en prison depuis février 1987. Samedi,
prend fin la période de sûreté de dix-huit ans qui assortit la peine
perpétuelle des prisonniers d¹Action directe. Ils étaient quatre : Joëlle
Aubron, Nathalie Ménigon, Jean-Marc Rouillan et Georges Cipriani, en 1985 et
1986, qui, au nom de la lutte anti-impérialiste, assassinèrent le général
Audran et le PDG de Renault, Georges Besse. Samedi, devant les prisons où
ils vivent (Lannemezan, Bapaume, Ensisheim), des proches, des militants et
le collectif Ne laissons pas faire, manifesteront pour leur libération. Dans
les jours qui suivront, tous (à l¹exception de Joëlle Aubron, libérée en
juin pour soigner un cancer du cerveau) déposeront une demande de libération
conditionnelle, aujourd¹hui possible.
Chacun a un projet de vie, mais aucun n¹est indemne après toutes ces années
à l¹ombre. A 48 ans, Nathalie Ménigon est malade, suite à plusieurs
accidents vasculaires cérébraux. A sa sortie, elle serait hébergée en
Lozère, avec un travail à temps partiel de paysagiste. Alain Pojolat du
collectif Ne laissons pas faire, la voit régulièrement. « Elle a récupéré
beaucoup de sa mémoire perdue, elle lit à nouveau beaucoup. Elle aime Harry
Potter, le Seigneur des anneaux et la science-fiction. Physiquement, ce
n¹est pas terrible... Mais pour la première fois, depuis si longtemps, elle
parle de dehors. » Déjà, à deux reprises, la suspension de peine pour
médicale lui a été refusée.
Voyage dans la folie. Georges Cipriani, 54 ans, lui, va mieux. Revenu de la
folie dans laquelle il avait sombré. « Je l¹ai vu il y a quinze jours,
allons demander sa libération conditionnelle le 13 mars, explique son avocat
Jean-Louis Chalanset. Il veut aller vivre en Allemagne, auprès de sa
fille. » Jean-Marc Rouillan, 52 ans, qui est devenu écrivain en
continue d¹écrire, mais son cas médical pose de nombreuses questions sur la
médecine en prison. En décembre 2003, les médecins de la centrale de Moulins
lui apprennent qu¹il souffre d¹un cancer du poumon. Quelques mois plus tard,
transféré à Lyon pour des examens complémentaires, on lui annonce qu¹il n¹a
finalement rien, mais ce diagnostic est contesté à Moulins. Il est alors
transféré à l¹hôpital pénitentiaire de Fresnes. Là, pas de cancer non plus.
Enfin, envoyé à la centrale de Lannemezan, il vient d¹apprendre le
« retour » de son cancer. « C¹est un médecin, à la voix désolée qui le
lui a
annoncé par vidéoconférence, raconte Hellyette Bess, une ancienne et
historique d¹Action directe qui le visite chaque semaine. Il aurait, à
nouveau, un cancer du poumon avec atteinte de chaîne ganglionnaire. Et, en
plus son dossier médical s¹est perdu pour la seconde fois ! » En sortant,
Rouillan pourrait devenir lecteur chez Agone, sa maison d¹édition.
Fusillade. Le cinquième, Régis Schleicher, est en prison depuis vingt et un
ans, sa période de sûreté était de quinze ans. Il n¹est pour rien dans les
meurtres de René Audran et Georges Besse : il a été au coeur d¹une
à Paris, où un policier a été tué. Cette semaine, sa libération
conditionnelle lui a été refusée pour la seconde fois. Même si les juges ont
reconnu que son projet de sortie était, comme sa volonté de réinsertion,
Avec un appartement à Avignon loué par sa mère et un travail de correcteur
dans deux maisons d¹édition. Schleicher doit, en effet, être prochainement
jugé pour avoir tenté de s¹évader de l¹ultrasécuritaire prison de Moulins et
les juges ont estimé qu¹une possible réincarcération ruinerait ses efforts.
Parmi le personnel politique, bien peu osent réclamer la libération de ceux
d¹Action directe, même au nom du temps passé. Seul courageux, le PCF,
résolument engagé dans la lutte contre la condition carcérale, les Verts, la
LCR et Lutte ouvrière. En fait, et malgré tout, ils espèrent. Derrière les
discours, tel celui de Ménigon (« Il est essentiel de lutter encore plus
pour nos vies et pour l¹émancipation des opprimés et des exploités. A bas le
capitalisme mondial, à bas les prisons impérialistes ! »), derrière le
de reconnaître les dérives sanglantes, il y a sans doute aussi une lassitude
infinie de ces jours, ces mois, ces années d¹incarcération.
Dominique Simonnot [Libération, samedi 26 février 2005]
Gregory Morrow
2007-02-19 18:22:04 UTC
Post by Runge
Why do you have to answer any OT post by evleth ??
He is following your illustrious example, scRunge...why would you be so
silly to even ask...???
Post by Runge
Post by Go Fig
Post by Earl Evleth
Post by Go Fig
That is what happens when you have sympathetic and powerful friends.
Particularly an affliction of the political right! A leftie
Papon was not.
Post by Go Fig
Post by Earl Evleth
and he was a pathetic
old man by the time it did.
He should have NEVER been allowed to die a free man.
That happens often in France. People are freed so they do not
die in prison. One of the basic principles of humanitarism is
that we do not compromise our own moral values in the treatment
of others.
Exactly what moral principle is compromised when someone who sent 1,600
to death dies in prison ?
Where is your moral outrage for the victims w/out justice ?
Post by Earl Evleth
Therefore, things like the death penalty or other
forms of cruel and unusual treatment are morally insupportable.
This includes life sentences. People are kept in prison if they
are a danger to others,
Yes, you don't believe in punishment... very telling and irresponsible.
Sun Feb 18, 2007
Post by Earl Evleth
however, but not out of meanness.
With regard to Action Directe who killed a number of people when
they were active
Fin de perpétuité pour les prisonniers d¹Action directe
février 2005
Depuis samedi 26 février 2005, les quatre militants d¹Action Directe
emprisonnés sont potentiellement libérables.
La prison à vie n¹a pas de sens.
Condamnés à la prison à vie, ils sont en prison depuis février 1987. Samedi,
prend fin la période de sûreté de dix-huit ans qui assortit la peine
perpétuelle des prisonniers d¹Action directe. Ils étaient quatre : Joëlle
Aubron, Nathalie Ménigon, Jean-Marc Rouillan et Georges Cipriani, en
Post by Runge
Post by Go Fig
Post by Earl Evleth
1986, qui, au nom de la lutte anti-impérialiste, assassinèrent le général
Audran et le PDG de Renault, Georges Besse. Samedi, devant les prisons où
ils vivent (Lannemezan, Bapaume, Ensisheim), des proches, des militants et
le collectif Ne laissons pas faire, manifesteront pour leur libération. Dans
les jours qui suivront, tous (à l¹exception de Joëlle Aubron, libérée en
juin pour soigner un cancer du cerveau) déposeront une demande de libération
conditionnelle, aujourd¹hui possible.
Chacun a un projet de vie, mais aucun n¹est indemne après toutes ces années
à l¹ombre. A 48 ans, Nathalie Ménigon est malade, suite à plusieurs
accidents vasculaires cérébraux. A sa sortie, elle serait hébergée en
Lozère, avec un travail à temps partiel de paysagiste. Alain Pojolat du
collectif Ne laissons pas faire, la voit régulièrement. « Elle a récupéré
beaucoup de sa mémoire perdue, elle lit à nouveau beaucoup. Elle aime Harry
Potter, le Seigneur des anneaux et la science-fiction. Physiquement, ce
n¹est pas terrible... Mais pour la première fois, depuis si longtemps, elle
parle de dehors. » Déjà, à deux reprises, la suspension de peine pour
médicale lui a été refusée.
Voyage dans la folie. Georges Cipriani, 54 ans, lui, va mieux. Revenu
Post by Runge
Post by Go Fig
Post by Earl Evleth
folie dans laquelle il avait sombré. « Je l¹ai vu il y a quinze jours,
allons demander sa libération conditionnelle le 13 mars, explique son avocat
Jean-Louis Chalanset. Il veut aller vivre en Allemagne, auprès de sa
fille. » Jean-Marc Rouillan, 52 ans, qui est devenu écrivain en
continue d¹écrire, mais son cas médical pose de nombreuses questions
Post by Runge
Post by Go Fig
Post by Earl Evleth
médecine en prison. En décembre 2003, les médecins de la centrale de Moulins
lui apprennent qu¹il souffre d¹un cancer du poumon. Quelques mois plus tard,
transféré à Lyon pour des examens complémentaires, on lui annonce qu¹il n¹a
finalement rien, mais ce diagnostic est contesté à Moulins. Il est alors
transféré à l¹hôpital pénitentiaire de Fresnes. Là, pas de cancer non plus.
Enfin, envoyé à la centrale de Lannemezan, il vient d¹apprendre le
« retour » de son cancer. « C¹est un médecin, à la voix désolée qui le
lui a
annoncé par vidéoconférence, raconte Hellyette Bess, une ancienne et
historique d¹Action directe qui le visite chaque semaine. Il aurait, à
nouveau, un cancer du poumon avec atteinte de chaîne ganglionnaire. Et, en
plus son dossier médical s¹est perdu pour la seconde fois ! » En sortant,
Rouillan pourrait devenir lecteur chez Agone, sa maison d¹édition.
Fusillade. Le cinquième, Régis Schleicher, est en prison depuis vingt
Post by Runge
Post by Go Fig
Post by Earl Evleth
ans, sa période de sûreté était de quinze ans. Il n¹est pour rien dans les
meurtres de René Audran et Georges Besse : il a été au coeur d¹une
à Paris, où un policier a été tué. Cette semaine, sa libération
conditionnelle lui a été refusée pour la seconde fois. Même si les
Post by Runge
Post by Go Fig
Post by Earl Evleth
reconnu que son projet de sortie était, comme sa volonté de réinsertion,
Avec un appartement à Avignon loué par sa mère et un travail de correcteur
dans deux maisons d¹édition. Schleicher doit, en effet, être prochainement
jugé pour avoir tenté de s¹évader de l¹ultrasécuritaire prison de
Post by Runge
Post by Go Fig
Post by Earl Evleth
les juges ont estimé qu¹une possible réincarcération ruinerait ses efforts.
Parmi le personnel politique, bien peu osent réclamer la libération de ceux
d¹Action directe, même au nom du temps passé. Seul courageux, le PCF,
résolument engagé dans la lutte contre la condition carcérale, les
Post by Runge
Post by Go Fig
Post by Earl Evleth
LCR et Lutte ouvrière. En fait, et malgré tout, ils espèrent. Derrière les
discours, tel celui de Ménigon (« Il est essentiel de lutter encore plus
pour nos vies et pour l¹émancipation des opprimés et des exploités. A
Post by Runge
Post by Go Fig
Post by Earl Evleth
capitalisme mondial, à bas les prisons impérialistes ! »), derrière le
de reconnaître les dérives sanglantes, il y a sans doute aussi une lassitude
infinie de ces jours, ces mois, ces années d¹incarcération.
Dominique Simonnot [Libération, samedi 26 février 2005]
Earl Evleth
2007-02-19 07:56:31 UTC
Post by Go Fig
Exactly what moral principle is compromised when someone who sent 1,600
to death dies in prison ?
Where is your moral outrage for the victims w/out justice ?
My outrage is continuous. The French had their orgy of kangaroo court
justice at the end of the war, including the shaving of the heads of
women who were "collaborators". It is a history we know well in our

The trial of Petain was an absurdity. The final vote, by a jury
of resistance members, was something like 13 to 12, guilty and
he was sentenced to death with the knowledge that DeGaulle would
commute the sentence to life. The issue of the treatment of
the Jews never arose in his trial, yet the Vichy Gouvernment
had a definite policy of sacrificing, first, the foreign born
Jews to the Nazi death machine. No, Petain trial got hung
up on issues like the legality of his taking power and general
collaborationist policy. So the old man was sentence to a
military fort and died in dementia.

Moreover there was a general amnesty for most of the guilty let
off in the early 1950s, less than 10 years after the war.

Many escaped justice for years. Paul Touvier was hidden by the ultra
rights in the Catholic Church for most of his life. In 1971, French
President Georges Pompidou granted him the pardon but the public
remained angry and the hunt went on. Finally in 1994 he was convicted
and died in the Fresnes prison hospital in 1996 of prostrate cancer.

Some of the obviously guilty like René Bousquet never had to face justice.
He was prefet of police in the Paris region during the occupation and played
a major administrative role in deporting 60,000 Jews to their deaths.
He was also a friend of Mitterand and finaly met popular justice
by being shot 5 times by a "fou" in his Parisian apartment. But he had
been charged and not yet tried at the end of his life!

Louis Darquier de Pellepoix (a phony title since he was a member of
the nobility) died of old age in Spain, a more disputable character
in French history is hard to find.

My anger is directed towards the fact of the delays in justice
or justice never rendered. The worse we can do to old men
approaching death is to dishonor them, and make sure their
place in history is tarnished. Taking Papon's Legion d'Honneur
away from him was appropriate and keeping him under house
arrest would have been sufficient. But most of all making
sure that historical truth shines through is the greatest
punishment possible.

Bush will meet that fate in spite of the tens of thousands
of deaths on his head.
Go Fig
2007-02-19 16:00:43 UTC
Post by Earl Evleth
My anger is directed towards the fact of the delays in justice
or justice never rendered. The worse we can do to old men
approaching death is to dishonor them, and make sure their
place in history is tarnished. Taking Papon's Legion d'Honneur
away from him was appropriate and keeping him under house
arrest would have been sufficient. But most of all making
sure that historical truth shines through is the greatest
punishment possible.
But yet the only comment you find across all media from his lawyer is:
"he died a free man" ... nothing about medals.

He should of died in prison... alone.

Mon Feb 19, 2007
Mr Q. Z. Diablo
2007-02-19 19:32:09 UTC
Post by Go Fig
Post by Earl Evleth
My anger is directed towards the fact of the delays in justice
or justice never rendered. The worse we can do to old men
approaching death is to dishonor them, and make sure their
place in history is tarnished. Taking Papon's Legion d'Honneur
away from him was appropriate and keeping him under house
arrest would have been sufficient. But most of all making
sure that historical truth shines through is the greatest
punishment possible.
"he died a free man" ... nothing about medals.
He should of died in prison... alone.
It's hard to say which causes me more pain; your uninformed opinions or
your manifest illiteracy.

Mr Q. Z. D.
Remove luncheonmeat (truncheon) to reply.
" Everyone's always in favour of saving Hitler's brain.
But when you put it in the body of a great white shark,
ooohh! Suddenly you've gone too far!"
Cochon Capitaliste
2007-02-19 19:37:10 UTC
We haven't heard from you in a while QZ Babblo, put you in solitary
for a while did they?
Gregory Morrow
2007-02-19 19:42:36 UTC
Post by Cochon Capitaliste
We haven't heard from you in a while QZ Babblo, put you in solitary
for a while did they?
"Imagining" your "future", Piggosh...???
Mr Q. Z. Diablo
2007-02-19 19:44:26 UTC
Post by Cochon Capitaliste
We haven't heard from you in a while QZ Babblo, put you in solitary
for a while did they?
Are you mentioning solitary because it is your likely destination should
you attempt to return to the USA, Stephen Bach?
Mr Q. Z. D.
Remove luncheonmeat (truncheon) to reply.
" Everyone's always in favour of saving Hitler's brain.
But when you put it in the body of a great white shark,
ooohh! Suddenly you've gone too far!"
Earl Evleth
2007-02-20 07:34:39 UTC
On 19/02/07 20:32, in article
Post by Mr Q. Z. Diablo
Post by Go Fig
He should of died in prison... alone.
It's hard to say which causes me more pain; your uninformed opinions or
your manifest illiteracy.
Go Fig is like that. He always has an opinion, but cites nothing and his
opinion is uniformly uninformed.
Planet Visitor II
2007-02-20 06:41:29 UTC
Post by Go Fig
Post by Earl Evleth
My anger is directed towards the fact of the delays in justice
or justice never rendered. The worse we can do to old men
approaching death is to dishonor them, and make sure their
place in history is tarnished. Taking Papon's Legion d'Honneur
away from him was appropriate and keeping him under house
arrest would have been sufficient. But most of all making
sure that historical truth shines through is the greatest
punishment possible.
"he died a free man" ... nothing about medals.
He should of died in prison... alone.
Nah... France should have permitted a few members of Mossad to
share a cell with him for a month or two, and given a gentle wink
to any loud noises.

Planet Visitor II
Official publisher of AADP Official dictionary
Post by Go Fig
Mon Feb 19, 2007
Planet Visitor II
2007-02-20 23:26:12 UTC
Post by Go Fig
Post by Earl Evleth
My anger is directed towards the fact of the delays in justice
or justice never rendered. The worse we can do to old men
approaching death is to dishonor them, and make sure their
place in history is tarnished. Taking Papon's Legion d'Honneur
away from him was appropriate and keeping him under house
arrest would have been sufficient. But most of all making
sure that historical truth shines through is the greatest
punishment possible.
"he died a free man" ... nothing about medals.
He should of died in prison... alone.
As a Jew,
You're not a Jew, Nazi Coughlan.

<clip rest of Nazi Coughlan insults poured upon more insults to the
Jewish victims of the Holocaust, now claiming his Nazi collaborator
relatives were Jewish victims of the Holocaust. Just after NC
claimed HE was a victim of the Holocaust and wore the "yellow

Nazi Coughlan's core beliefs --

1) His words -- "I do not find the Shoah 'evil'... " See --

[2] His words -- "... well the death penalty is evil." see --

Awkkkkk... PV's got ol' Nazi Coughlan by the balls again, in
proving he loves proven murderers, but hates innocent Jews.
<squeeze... squeeze... squeeze...>.

Notice that his latest effort insists he believes the extermination
of his family would not be "evil" unless they were proven
murderers, because he finds that executing proven murderers
is "evil," but exterminating innocent Jews is NOT "evil."

It just gets better and better.

Planet Visitor II
Official publisher of AADP Official dictionary
Yitzhak Isaac Goldstein
AADP's 'left-wing Jewish intellectual'
Yitzhak was a victim of the Holocaust, Nazi Coughlan.
Just because you stole his "yellow star" so you could
whine that you are a victim of the Holocaust, you can't
legally use his name. Tell everyone again how I made
you wear it, when I don't accept that you are Jewish,
much less deserving to wear a "yellow star" from one
of your own victims.

You're not Jewish. See John Rennie spank you about
your claim that you are --

Poor Nazi Coughlan would like to take even the Hebrew language
from the Jews, after supporting taking away their lives in the
fiery crucible of the Holocaust. Hebrew in written in Hebrew. The
word Nazi Coughlan claims is Hebrew is a French word. See --

Poor Nazi Coughlan still can't accept that his claim to being Jewish
is being laughed at by everyone in AADP except the racist "death
to Blacks" and Gr�ber. You really do have a unique following
Nazi Coughlan. Have you been trolling for help in White Power
groups? You remember how I caught you doing that last time.

Imagine... Nazi Coughlan insists that he know more than the
Oxford English Dictionary, as he pronounces in his raving claim
of his infallibility that "if" is not a "conditional clause," when the
Oxford English Dictionary states precisely that it is. See --
Damn... it's just so sweet to have the OED on my side, and
a claim that Nazism is superior from Mad Dog Coughlan.
Planet Visitor II
2007-03-16 00:12:08 UTC
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAH.... Oh... my poor gut! Apparently
you're trying to kill me with laughter, you pathetic little Nazi weasel.

Tell the group again how you find the Nazi state extrajudicial killing of
six million innocent Jews to not be "morally wrong," or "evil," but
insist the judicial killing of a legally tried and convicted murderer by
any other state is "evil."

Desmond "Nazi cocksucker" Coughlan wrote -
"I do not find the Shoah 'evil'... "
along with --
"... well the death penalty is evil."

Expressing your view that it is okay to exterminate six million Jews,
but keep your hands away from harming one hair on the head of the
murderers you so love.
Post by Planet Visitor II
As a Jew,
You're not a Jew, Nazi Coughlan.
So you keep saying, Nazi Noles,
As long as you keep saying you are, and cannot prove it, of course
you are presumed to not be Jewish, NC. That's logic 101, dipshit.
and curiously enough, cite the fact that
one or two people have in the past (none of them is in doubt now that I am
Jewish) agreed with you, as 'proof' of this [1].
Hehehehehe... and they told you this in a personal e-mail to you,
right??? Pull my other finger, you lying moron. As I recall Cerberus
claimed that your favorite melody is - "Throw the Jew down the well."
Do you think he now believes you are Jewish? He's making fun of
your claim.

Historically, we have only Gr�ber and Stephen Bach standing beside
you, in believing you are Jewish. Shit, you even THREATENED a
Jewish poster, who was always civil to you, with your words -- "Don't
get in my way, or you will regret it." What did you plan to do? Run
Andy Katz over with your cycle? Turn him over to your friend, Papon?
Yet on the other hand,
when it is pointed out to you that 100% of news:alt.activism.death-penalty
considers you to be a senile, lying, racist old Southern arsewipe, you post
a URL to a fallacies page.
Cite someone other than one of your fanatic abolitionists who
use insults as substitutes for reasoned argument, and then shut
their eyes when they can't handle reasoned arguments. Hell...
I've been in your killfile THREE times, and like a bad penny
you keep coming back calling yourself a winner... you laughable
Nazi loser.
Can you see where this is leading ?
Yes I can.... more of your lies. But let me mention the feeling of a
few of your fellow abolitionists about you.

In respect to you using the death of Rosa Parks for your own
personal agenda --
1) Susan wrote ---"you tastelessly use the occasion to jab at your
perrenial opponent, I think your lamenting for Rosa to be far
more phony than that of the just-mentioned reptile's."

2) John Rennie wrote -- "Desmond's grotesque insult to Jim which
mirrored his reaction to Jim's rather splendid tribute to Martin
Luther King of yesteryear."

3) Donna wrote -- "I find Desmond's post despicable."

4) Cerberus wrote in respect to your using Rosa Park's death for
your personal agenda. "Well......that one went down like a lead fart Des."

In other cases --

John Rennie wrote -- "I will break my own vow of silence about
commenting on Desmond's posts when I say that his attack on
PV's tribute to King was amongst his worst."

John Rennie wrote -- "The fact is, as you well know, that I find
Desmond's views, on _all_ issues, to be objectionable and ludicrous."

St. George wrote -- "Desmond, this statement is, quite literally, the
most idiotic I have EVER read on this or indeed any other newsgroup.
Congratulations. In one sentence you have surpassed the wildest
dreams of ridiculousness of 'Don' and his cronies."

QZD wrote -- " For fuck's sake, Desmond, I always thought better
of you. We are, after all, on the side of _good_. By publishing
this information, you are reducing yourself to the level of cunts
like billynomates and Dick/Davey."

Donna Evleth wrote -- "...having stopped reading Desmond
altogether, I did not read his comment which I certainly agree
is obscene, now that you point it out to me."

Dave Proctor wrote -- "Yet another reason why Desmond is
regarded as an insane abolitionist."

When you posted that Auschwitz wouldn't execute a 72-year-old
man, Donna Evleth wrote -- "Desmond, this statement is patently
ridiculous. Auschwitz had utterly no respect of any kind for age.
They gassed everyone indiscriminately. You make yourself look
like a fool when you say things like this."

Looking like a fool has always been one of your objectives in
AADP, right, Nazi Coughlan?
In short, you want to make up the rules as you go along. One 'law' for
you, and another for the rest of news:alt.activism.death-penalty.
You're the one claiming that only abolitionists can make the rules,
and you decide for them what the rules are. Between the two of
us it has been crystal clear, beginning with your vile attacks on my
wife, my father, and my family that there are no rules between us, and I
continually manage to outdo you, having questioned how you came
about to marry an Albanian pole-dancer. BTW -- Have you taught
#1 how to use something other than the daily newspaper when wiping
after a #2? Ho ho ho.
In addition, you have been calling me (and everyone else who rips you a new
one) a 'racist' for the past five years or so, and no one on the group has
_ever_ agreed with your accusations.
It's the eye of the beholder, dipshit. I have proof in your words. You
have no proof that I have ever used the *N* word, you have no proof
that I have ever said I am afraid of being robbed by a Black man.
There is proof in Google of you using that word as a matter of course,
and twice expressing fear of being robbed by a Black man. There is
proof of you DEFENDING a White racist murderer of a Black
man, calling his conviction and sentence "Another miscarriage of justice
in Texas."

I've not seen you do anything but insult MLK... insult Rosa Parks...
and insult Mamie Till Mobley. These are a matter of RECORD in
AADP -- See --

I would expect European abolitionists to rally round the flag in
defending you in respect to your racism. But you called
an abolitionist and a retentionist both "racists" in the very same
sentence. St. George and Richard. You're a sick fuck simply
trying to defend against what others commonly know about you
being a sick fuck.
Yet whilst you believe that no one
believing that I am Jewish would mean that I wouldn't be ... you think that
no one believing that I am a racist, _isn't_ apparently important.
Could we have that in English please?
Like I said: one rule for you and another for the rest of AADP.
There are no rules between us, "sport." You're the one who made
that very clear, after years of my abiding by normal rules, while watching
your insane rants.
Sorry, 'sport' (sic): it doesn't work that way. I'm an Abolitionist, and
you're a deathie scum-cunt.
You mean you're a murderer-lover, and I'm not. Glad we've had this
little talk.
So the Doctrine named after the latter, means
that you have to prove that I'm not Jewish, and not the other way
You're not Jewish. You can't prove you are... thus it is given
that your claim of being Jewish is as unbelievable as if you claimed
the earth was flat. I would not need to prove it is not flat, to prove
you are performing a feat previously unknown to any contortionist...
having your foot in your mouth and your head in your ass at the
same time.
You lose another one.
Heh... Always end with a claim of victory, even while the ashes
of defeat are still tasting bitter to you.

Planet Visitor II
Official publisher of AADP Official dictionary
[1] let's leave aside your moronic claim that you can 'prove a negative'...
Just the opposite, sport... You can't prove a negative, thus
positive statements are presumed false unless proven, since
it is impossible to disprove such statements. For example --
If say "I'm the Sun God," aside from you actually believing
that in your psychotic psychological make-up, you have
the responsible to prove it. No one would have to prove
you are NOT the fucking Sun-God, you moron. Of course
I claim you're a moron, and have proven it with this

When I claim you are a racist I provide links to your previous
words that led me to that conclusion.

When I claim you are a Nazi sympathizer I provide links to
your previous words that led me to that conclusion.

You have nothing to substantiate any such claims against
me. Unless you insist that criticizing 1 out of every million
Arabs, who teach their children to martyr themselves and
murder innocent Jews is racism, while accusing 40% of the
Jews in the world of committing "butchery," and
accusing those same 40% of killing children to ensure
survival, is not racism.
Yitzhak Isaac Goldstein
AADP's 'left-wing Jewish intellectual'
Yitzhak was a victim of the Holocaust, Nazi Coughlan.
Just because you stole his "yellow star" so you could
whine that you are a victim of the Holocaust, you can't
legally use his name. Tell everyone again how I made
you wear it, when I don't accept that you are Jewish,
much less deserving to wear a "yellow star" from one
of your own victims.

You're not Jewish. See John Rennie spank you about
your claim that you are --

Poor Nazi Coughlan would like to take even the Hebrew language
from the Jews, after supporting taking away their lives in the
fiery crucible of the Holocaust. Hebrew in written in Hebrew. The
word Nazi Coughlan claims is Hebrew is a French word. See --

Poor Nazi Coughlan still can't accept that his claim to being Jewish
is being laughed at by everyone in AADP except the racist "death
to Blacks" and Gr�ber. You really do have a unique following
Nazi Coughlan. Have you been trolling for help in White Power
groups? You remember how I caught you doing that last time.

Imagine... Nazi Coughlan insists that he know more than the
Oxford English Dictionary, as he pronounces in his raving claim
of his infallibility that "if" is not a "conditional clause," when the
Oxford English Dictionary states precisely that it is. See --
Damn... it's just so sweet to have the OED on my side, and
a claim that Nazism is superior from Mad Dog Coughlan.
Planet Visitor II
2007-02-20 03:46:57 UTC
Post by Go Fig
Post by Earl Evleth
Post by Go Fig
That is what happens when you have sympathetic and powerful friends.
Particularly an affliction of the political right! A leftie
Papon was not.
Post by Go Fig
Post by Earl Evleth
and he was a pathetic
old man by the time it did.
He should have NEVER been allowed to die a free man.
That happens often in France. People are freed so they do not
die in prison. One of the basic principles of humanitarism is
that we do not compromise our own moral values in the treatment
of others.
Exactly what moral principle is compromised when someone who sent 1,600
to death dies in prison ?
Where is your moral outrage for the victims w/out justice ?
He needs to conserve it all in praying for murderers. Victims simply
do not enter into Earl's "moral" equation. Especially if they happen
to have been Jewish victims. After all, he has insisted that those
very victims are "infected with the sociopathic evil of Nazism." [1]
Post by Go Fig
Post by Earl Evleth
Therefore, things like the death penalty or other
forms of cruel and unusual treatment are morally insupportable.
This includes life sentences. People are kept in prison if they
are a danger to others,
Yes, you don't believe in punishment... very telling and irresponsible.
You're too kind to him. Earl's emotional abilities do not extend
to him being self-reflective of just how irresponsible his views are.

[1] Earl's words about the Jewish victims of the Holocaust -- "The
sociopathic evil of Nazism lives on having infected its victims." See --

That's how he feels about "victims." Could any comment of his be
more clear?

Planet Visitor II
Official publisher of AADP Official dictionary
Post by Go Fig
Sun Feb 18, 2007
<clip whining for murderers>
Planet Visitor II
2007-02-20 01:20:21 UTC
Post by Earl Evleth
Post by Go Fig
That is what happens when you have sympathetic and powerful friends.
Particularly an affliction of the political right! A leftie
Papon was not.
Post by Go Fig
Post by Earl Evleth
and he was a pathetic
old man by the time it did.
He should have NEVER been allowed to die a free man.
That happens often in France. People are freed so they do not
die in prison. One of the basic principles of humanitarism is
that we do not compromise our own moral values in the treatment
of others. Therefore, things like the death penalty or other
forms of cruel and unusual treatment are morally insupportable.
This includes life sentences. People are kept in prison if they
are a danger to others, however, but not out of meanness.
So if a prisoner is sentenced to six months in gaol for petty
theft, and there is a belief from some <person in authority>
that he is a danger to others, French law provides keeping
him in prison until some <person in authority> determines that
he is not a danger to others?

Or conversely, if a prisoner who has committed multiple violent
rapes is sentenced to 20 years in prison, and there is a belief
from some <person in authority> that he is not a danger to
others after spending six months in gaol, French law provides
that some <person in authority> can release him from prison?

Well shit, Earl... if your only purpose in punishment for crimes
is to ensure they are not a danger to others, why aren't you in
favor of a full frontal lobotomy for every criminal? Think how
you wouldn't even need any prisons. You could just leave
them in front of Metro stations, where they can sit in their
urine, and your friend, Nazi Coughlan, can register his
disgust at seeing them, as he did with that old woman he
wrote about.

Need I point out that the victims of crimes are the ones who
have much more to say about whether French criminal
statutes determine if punishment is appropriate or not,
and you in your safe ivory-tower should have nothing to say
about it. Anyone who thinks that the criminal justice system
does not have anything to do with punishment, which is a
method used to register society's anger and disapproval of
the act committed, is a damn fool.

<clip lengthy rubbish raving in support of French collaborators>

Planet Visitor II
Official publisher of AADP Official dictionary
Deeply Filled Mortician
2007-02-18 18:52:39 UTC
Let is be knownst that on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 10:09:24 -0800, Go Fig
Post by Go Fig
Post by Earl Evleth
and he was a pathetic
old man by the time it did.
He should have NEVER been allowed to die a free man.
Wasn't he just a civil worker?.
DFM - http://www.deepfriedmars.com
Earl Evleth
2007-02-18 18:56:13 UTC
Post by Deeply Filled Mortician
Wasn't he just a civil worker?.
Civil servant. He was also responsible for the police riot
killing hundreds of Algerians in Paris in 1961.



The government said a couple of the Algerian demonstrators were
killed BUT

S'il n'est pas possible de déterminer exactement combien d'Algériens furent
tués le 17 octobre 1961 et les jours qui suivirent, il reste que le chiffre
de plusieurs centaines de morts, avancé par J-L. Einaudi dans son livre La
Bataille de Paris à partir de l'étude de registres de cimetières, de
témoignages et de documents internes du F.L.N., est le plus vraisemblable.
2007-02-18 19:17:27 UTC
Post by Earl Evleth
Post by Deeply Filled Mortician
Wasn't he just a civil worker?.
Civil servant. He was also responsible for the police riot
killing hundreds of Algerians in Paris in 1961.
His responsibility for the 1961 events has not been established in
court. Was HE responsible ? Or the minister ?
Or some of his subordinates ?
No prosecution possible for anything done in Indochinese or Algerian
On either side.
Papon was cleared for his action during the war in 1945/50. His direct
boss was not convicted ,
neither was the general secretary for police Bousquet (a friend of
Mitterrand, somebody shot him before judgment)
His later conviction concern only Jewish victims.
No prosecution possible for sending Non-Jews in Concentration camp.
Catholics, Protestants, Muslims, Atheists,all equal before French law.
Jews are a little more equal than others.
Earl Evleth
2007-02-19 08:19:39 UTC
On 18/02/07 20:17, in article
Post by kodok
Post by Earl Evleth
Post by Deeply Filled Mortician
Wasn't he just a civil worker?.
Civil servant. He was also responsible for the police riot
killing hundreds of Algerians in Paris in 1961.
His responsibility for the 1961 events has not been established in
Certainly not. DeGaulle blocked that. Even in investigation by a special
commission. The situation with the Algerians at that time was much
like that of Blacks in the old south, and demonstration by Blacks was
severely repressed, sometimes by popular reaction of southern Whites.

Take the Tulsa race riot in 1921, with 10,000 left homeless. The official
death toll was 39 but the actual number is estimated at 300 dead (Blacks)
Post by kodok
Was HE responsible ? Or the minister ?
Prefet of police. The story is that he issued a carte blanche to the
police to "knock heads" and that on repercussions would come for
any excess use of force.
Post by kodok
No prosecution possible for anything done in Indochinese or Algerian
Right. During some stages of the Vietnam war demonstrations, those
arrested were harshly treated. The Alameda Sheriff's department
went bonkers, people were shot, imprisoned, released. Members of the Ohio
National Guard on Monday, May 4, 1970 shot and killed 4 students were killed
9 others wounded.

A President's Commission concluded that "the indiscriminate firing of rifles
into a crowd of students and the deaths that followed were unnecessary,
unwarranted, and inexcusable."

Although 8 guardsmen were indicted by a Grand Jury, charges were eventually

However, in this case, children of the bourgeoisie were shot and the
shootings had political repercussions. When members of the "repressed
classes" (Blacks, Algerians or Palestinians, whoever, where ever, whenever)
are killed the system reacts to cover them up.
Post by kodok
Papon was cleared for his action during the war in 1945/50. His direct
boss was not convicted ,
neither was the general secretary for police Bousquet (a friend of
Mitterrand, somebody shot him before judgment)
His later conviction concern only Jewish victims.
No prosecution possible for sending Non-Jews in Concentration camp.
Catholics, Protestants, Muslims, Atheists,all equal before French law.
Jews are a little more equal than others.
2007-02-18 19:32:25 UTC
Stop the evleth propaganda !!
Post by Earl Evleth
Post by Deeply Filled Mortician
Wasn't he just a civil worker?.
Civil servant. He was also responsible for the police riot
killing hundreds of Algerians in Paris in 1961.
The government said a couple of the Algerian demonstrators were
killed BUT
S'il n'est pas possible de déterminer exactement combien d'Algériens furent
tués le 17 octobre 1961 et les jours qui suivirent, il reste que le chiffre
de plusieurs centaines de morts, avancé par J-L. Einaudi dans son livre
Bataille de Paris à partir de l'étude de registres de cimetières, de
témoignages et de documents internes du F.L.N., est le plus vraisemblable.
2007-02-18 19:31:26 UTC
as soon as evleth spams, you're out, eh ?
Otherwise, nuttin' to say about the real topic
Post by Go Fig
Post by Earl Evleth
On 17/02/07 23:57, in article
The posting was a forgery in my name posted by Stephen Bach, a renegade
American living in France
As for the Papon case, my wife was on this a long time ago. From the
BAS database http://ram1.huji.ac.il:83/ALEPH/eng/SAS/BAS/BAS/SCAN
(The Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism)
Author: Evleth, Donna
published an article "The Papon Case: Anti-Semitism in the Resistance?"
in 1984, in the review "The Nation" (238, 14 (14 Apr 1984) 443-445
Maurice Papon is accused of having aided in the deportation of 1,690 Jews
from Bordeaux between 1942-44. Papon, a former member of the Resistance and
Minister of the Budget under Pres. Giscard d'Estaing, served World War II as
secretary-general of the prefecture of Bordeaux under the Vichy government.
He has been indicted to stand trial for "crimes against humanity."
Justice took too long a time catching up with him
That is what happens when you have sympathetic and powerful friends.
Post by Earl Evleth
and he was a pathetic
old man by the time it did.
He should have NEVER been allowed to die a free man.
Sun Feb 18, 2007
Post by Earl Evleth
(and for Stephen: yes, she was also paid for this article)
(and for PV--no comment!)
Planet Visitor II
2007-02-20 01:00:10 UTC
Post by Earl Evleth
On 17/02/07 23:57, in article
The posting was a forgery in my name posted by Stephen Bach, a renegade
American living in France
As for the Papon case, my wife was on this a long time ago.
So was your Nazi friend, Coughlan, who insisted that Papon should be
permitted his last days working on his tan on the French Riviera. Your
Nazi friend's words -- "Isn't there room for mercy ? For the sure
knowledge that this 91-year-old man, isn't in a position to harm anyone."

Sure why not trade the lives of 1,600 innocent Jews to ensure that
Papon, who never exhibited any mercy of his own, now be given
a life of luxury in his last years? Which lasted for more than five
years. You supporters of French collaborators with the Nazis
make me sick to my stomach.

<clip Earl's pitiful attempts to exploit his wife's achievements implying
they are his, because she is his wife >

Planet Visitor II
Official publisher of AADP Official dictionary
2007-02-18 09:17:45 UTC
Or else be condemned to zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
and they have already much too many $$$$$$ !!!

"Earl Evleth" <***@yahoo.com> a écrit dans le message de news:

En complément
Pour Arno Klarsfeld, la mort de Papon est "anecdotique" Les dates-
clés de sa vie Les grandes dates de l'affaire Papon Les Français
poursuivis pour crime contre l'humanité
Les autres titres
Maurice Papon est mort Les hauts magistrats formés au management
Les lefebvristes fêtent le trentième anniversaire de la « prise » de
Saint-Nicolas-du-Chardonnet Un film pour décourager les clandestins
chinois Le téléphone portable, l'arme fatale des ados Affaire
Julien : le domicile de la mère passé au peigne fin Patience avant
la neige Mairie de Paris : les ex-conseillers de Chirac mis en
examen Encore de la prison ferme pour Samy Naceri Retour | Rubrique
FranceQuatre ans après sa libération, le seul haut fonctionnaire
français condamné pour complicité de crime contre l'humanité pour son
rôle dans la déportation de Juifs de Bordeaux sous l'Occupation, est
mort samedi à 96 ans.

"Maurice Papon est mort samedi 17 février 2007 à 16 heures", a précisé
l'avocat de Maurice Papon, en soulignant que "l'ancien ministre n'a
jamais accepté sa condamnation du 2 avril 1998 par la cour d'assises
de Bordeaux". Il est décédé pendant son sommeil, a-t-il précisé sur
LCI, dans une clinique à Pontault-Combault, en Seine-et-Marne, selon
une source policière.

Maurice Papon, domicilié à Gretz-Armainvilliers, en Seine-et-Marne,
avait été hospitalisé le 8 février pour une "insuffisance cardiaque".
Me Vuillemin, qui avait participé à sa défense au moment du procès,
avait indiqué que l'intervention s'était très bien passée.

Condamné en 1998 à 10 ans de réclusion, en fuite en 1999, il a été
incarcéré pendant près de trois ans avant d'être remis en liberté le
18 septembre 2002 en raison de son état de santé.

Une longue carrière dans les plus hauts rouages de l'Etat

Avant d'être rattrapé par son passé de fonctionnaire sous le régime de
Vichy, Maurice Papon a connu une longue carrière dans les plus hauts
rouages de l'Etat, traversant tous les régimes de la IIIe à la Ve

Il a notamment occupé les postes exposés de préfet de Constantine
(1956-58) pendant la guerre d'Algérie, et de préfet de police de Paris
(1958-67) lors de la répression sanglante de la manifestation
algérienne du 17 octobre 1961, sous le général de Gaulle.

En 1968, il est élu député UDR (le parti gaulliste de l'époque) du
Cher, en 1971 maire de Saint-Amand-Montrond (Cher) -il le restera 12
ans- et est nommé ministre du Budget dans le troisième gouvernement
Barre (1978-81).

C'est en 1981, juste avant la présidentielle, que le journal satirique
Le Canard enchaîné publie des documents datés de 1943 et 44 signés de
la main de Maurice Papon, l'impliquant dans la déportation de juifs

"Ses droits à pension de retraite rétablis"

Après 17 ans de bataille juridique, l'ancien fonctionnaire est renvoyé
devant les assises de la Gironde en octobre 1997 pour un procès qui
durera six mois, en raison notamment d'interruptions pour
hospitalisation. Après l'épuisement des recours qui induit le
caractère définitif de sa condamnation, Maurice Papon a toujours clamé
son innocence.

Son avocat a fait valoir que "le Conseil d'État a rétabli l'ancien
préfet de police du général de Gaulle dans ses droits à pension de
retraite le 4 juillet 2003, avec effet rétroactif". "Maurice Papon
s'est battu jusqu'au bout et il est mort en homme libre alors qu'il
s'apprêtait à livrer son dernier combat: l'action en réhabilitation",
a-t-il conclu
Earl Evleth
2007-02-19 16:13:56 UTC
Post by Go Fig
"he died a free man"
No, you have been reading something wrong. Do you read French??

For instance

article deals with the controversy over his being buried with his
Legion of Honneur

"Maurice Papon inhumé mercredi ou jeudi avec sa légion d'honneur"

His lawyer says he will be buried with it and

par la cour d'assises de la Gironde en avril 1998.
"Maurice Papon avait donc cessé définitivement d'être membre de la Légion
d'honneur", poursuit la Grande chancellerie---

Papon est mort vieux et libre mais sans honneur. Ne tombons pas dans sa
dernière provocation posthume", a estimé pour sa part Me Alain Lévy, avocat
de la Fédération nationale des déportés internés résistants et patriotes
(FNDIRP), partie civile au procès de Bordeaux.

Other internet sites say

Décès de Maurice Papon : Un criminel s¹en va dans l¹impunité

Décès de Maurice Papon, ancien préfet de Paris Un criminel s¹en va ...
Go Fig
2007-02-19 16:40:54 UTC
Post by Earl Evleth
Post by Go Fig
"he died a free man"
No, you have been reading something wrong. Do you read French??
Generally not.

Did your accounts mention prominently 'he died a free man", yes or no ?

Mon Feb 19, 2007
Post by Earl Evleth
For instance
article deals with the controversy over his being buried with his
Legion of Honneur
"Maurice Papon inhumé mercredi ou jeudi avec sa légion d'honneur"
His lawyer says he will be buried with it and
par la cour d'assises de la Gironde en avril 1998.
"Maurice Papon avait donc cessé définitivement d'être membre de la Légion
d'honneur", poursuit la Grande chancellerie---
Papon est mort vieux et libre mais sans honneur. Ne tombons pas dans sa
dernière provocation posthume", a estimé pour sa part Me Alain Lévy, avocat
de la Fédération nationale des déportés internés résistants et patriotes
(FNDIRP), partie civile au procès de Bordeaux.
Other internet sites say
Décès de Maurice Papon : Un criminel s¹en va dans l¹impunité
Décès de Maurice Papon, ancien préfet de Paris Un criminel s¹en va ...
Earl Evleth
2007-02-19 18:09:11 UTC
Post by Go Fig
Did your accounts mention prominently 'he died a free man", yes or no ?
Go Fig
2007-02-19 18:15:21 UTC
Post by Earl Evleth
Post by Go Fig
Did your accounts mention prominently 'he died a free man", yes or no ?
Is was a very simple question, sorry you struggle with it.

BTW, is looking at the URL you suggested, his lawyer was not mentioned
as talking about his medals... so I read fine... how bout you ?

Mon Feb 19, 2007
Planet Visitor II
2007-02-20 04:45:14 UTC
Post by Earl Evleth
Post by Go Fig
Did your accounts mention prominently 'he died a free man", yes or no ?
If you call sitting in the sun on the French Riviera and scoping out this
picture... "a burden." See --

Let's be frank, Earl... given Papon's behavior throughout his entire
life, the idea of him worrying about not being freed of his conviction
but being free, and knowing nothing would be done to him given his
_advanced age_, and pitiful whining from those such as you, is about
as likely as Nazi Coughlan rejecting Hitler's doctrine.

Planet Visitor II
Official publisher of AADP Official dictionary
Capitalist Pig
2007-02-19 18:24:18 UTC
Obviously YOU don't read French Earl you moron. His lawyer is quoted
as saying "Papon died old but free."
Gregory Morrow
2007-02-19 18:30:07 UTC
Post by Capitalist Pig
Obviously YOU don't read French Earl you moron. His lawyer is quoted
as saying "Papon died old but free."
Pity they won't be saying the same about you when *you* cack, Piggosh...
Earl Evleth
2007-02-19 18:37:05 UTC
On 19/02/07 19:30, in article
Post by Gregory Morrow
Post by Capitalist Pig
Obviously YOU don't read French Earl you moron. His lawyer is quoted
as saying "Papon died old but free."
Pity they won't be saying the same about you when *you* cack, Piggosh...
Piggy has never gotten paid for his poor translations, the best statement
was not by his lawyer but

"Papon est mort vieux et libre mais sans honneur. Ne tombons pas dans sa
dernière provocation posthume", a estimé pour sa part Me Alain Lévy

Dying without honor in France is a big thing since you are not really
free. You have been condemned by history.

Both Nixon and Agnew essentially died in a similar fashion, they
lost their honor en route towards the future. Honor, once lost is
never regained.
Gregory Morrow
2007-02-19 18:56:23 UTC
Post by Earl Evleth
On 19/02/07 19:30, in article
Post by Gregory Morrow
Post by Capitalist Pig
Obviously YOU don't read French Earl you moron. His lawyer is quoted
as saying "Papon died old but free."
Pity they won't be saying the same about you when *you* cack, Piggosh...
Piggy has never gotten paid for his poor translations, the best statement
was not by his lawyer but
"Papon est mort vieux et libre mais sans honneur. Ne tombons pas dans sa
dernière provocation posthume", a estimé pour sa part Me Alain Lévy
Dying without honor in France is a big thing since you are not really
free. You have been condemned by history.
I was listening to an interesting discussion about Lincoln on the US
National Public Radio programme "Fresh Air" earlier today (you can
hear it, it's online at www.npr.org ). The guest was the historian
Doris Kearns Goodwin, who wrote a book about him in 2005. Apparently
Lincoln's greatest fear would be that he would die and be forgotten,
that he would be remembered for nothing and he would end up a pile of
dust. Pondering this caused him very deep depressions and
"melancholia", so much so that his friends sometimes removed razors,
knives, etc. from his presence as they feared suicide...

Apparently only with his Emancipation Proclamation in 1863
did this veil of fear lift from him, he finally thought history might
remember him a bit and so perhaps "honor" him...
Post by Earl Evleth
Both Nixon and Agnew essentially died in a similar fashion, they
lost their honor en route towards the future. Honor, once lost is
never regained.
Puir lil' Piggy never had it to start with...


Planet Visitor II
2007-02-20 06:44:54 UTC
Post by Earl Evleth
On 19/02/07 19:30, in article
Post by Gregory Morrow
Post by Capitalist Pig
Obviously YOU don't read French Earl you moron. His lawyer is quoted
as saying "Papon died old but free."
Pity they won't be saying the same about you when *you* cack, Piggosh...
Piggy has never gotten paid for his poor translations, the best statement
was not by his lawyer but
"Papon est mort vieux et libre mais sans honneur. Ne tombons pas dans sa
dernière provocation posthume", a estimé pour sa part Me Alain Lévy
Dying without honor in France is a big thing since you are not really
free. You have been condemned by history.
Greg writes --
I was listening to an interesting discussion about Lincoln on the US
National Public Radio programme "Fresh Air" earlier today (you can
hear it, it's online at www.npr.org ). The guest was the historian
Doris Kearns Goodwin, who wrote a book about him in 2005. Apparently
Lincoln's greatest fear would be that he would die and be forgotten,
that he would be remembered for nothing and he would end up a pile of
dust. Pondering this caused him very deep depressions and
"melancholia", so much so that his friends sometimes removed razors,
knives, etc. from his presence as they feared suicide...

Apparently only with his Emancipation Proclamation in 1863
did this veil of fear lift from him, he finally thought history might
remember him a bit and so perhaps "honor" him...

PV writes --
I listened to the same program, and I was struck by his methods
of reconciliation which extended not just toward Emancipation of
Black Americans, but reconciliation within his own party with
those who considered themselves better suited to gain the
presidential nomination (Stanton, Chase, Bates and Stewart,
for example), and then reconciliation with the South before his
life was suddenly cut short. It seems his whole life was one of
moderation in bringing those forces that are so much opposed
to each other, closer to a reconciliation of viewpoints.

How desperately we need a Lincoln today.
Post by Earl Evleth
Both Nixon and Agnew essentially died in a similar fashion, they
lost their honor en route towards the future. Honor, once lost is
never regained.
I don't think it bothered Papon one bit, given his age and the fact
that he knew he would not spend another day not being free.

Planet Visitor II
Official publisher of AADP Official dictionary

Earl Evleth
2007-02-20 07:27:05 UTC
On 19/02/07 19:56, in article
Post by Gregory Morrow
Post by Earl Evleth
Both Nixon and Agnew essentially died in a similar fashion, they
lost their honor en route towards the future. Honor, once lost is
never regained.
Puir lil' Piggy never had it to start with...
Piggy is a sociopath and the concept of honor is not
part of his morality, since sociopaths have no morality,
being totally egocentric. What does get to sociopaths
is the issue of respect, or more exactly fear of them
which they try to instill.

One sociopathic murderer we met during out prison visits
was big on being "dissed". One Islamic radical criticized
him for his use of bad language and the Islamic has his
face rearranged. The Islamic afterwards requested
the prison administration to put him into "isolation",
which at this prison meant staying on one's cell. Since
the cells were normally open during part of the day
that meant he put himself into lockdown so nobody
could just wander in. We ourselves were careful not
to diss this murderer. He had a unusual background is
having spent 3 years in south LA
learning the drug trade and it was his shooting and
killing one of his competition that he got into
trouble in France.

I can't say I liked the sociopath but I really disliked
the Islamic, who wore his religion on his sleeve and was
in prison for attempted murder of an Algerian female singer
who was doing "regliously incorrect" things in public,
like singing.

Piggy ranks with the Islamic.
Earl Evleth
2007-02-19 18:39:26 UTC
On 19/02/07 19:24, in article
Post by Capitalist Pig
Obviously YOU don't read French Earl you moron.
I read it, I speak it and I am French!

You are a newbie in this country, son. You have much to learn.
Go Fig
2007-02-19 18:48:58 UTC
Post by Earl Evleth
On 19/02/07 19:24, in article
Post by Capitalist Pig
Obviously YOU don't read French Earl you moron.
I read it, I speak it and I am French!
And yet, you were wrong....

BTW, the French will never see you as a Frenchmen.

Mon Feb 19, 2007
Post by Earl Evleth
You are a newbie in this country, son. You have much to learn.
2007-02-19 19:12:13 UTC
On Mon, 19 Feb 2007 10:48:58 -0800, in rec.travel.europe, Go Fig <***@mac.com> arranged
some electrons, so they looked like this:

... In article <C1FFAD6E.D1938%***@wanadoo.fr>, Earl Evleth
... <***@wanadoo.fr> wrote:
... > On 19/02/07 19:24, in article
... > ***@m58g2000cwm.googlegroups.com, "Capitalist Pig"
... > <cochon-***@hotmail.com> wrote:
... >
... > > Obviously YOU don't read French Earl you moron.
... >
... > I read it, I speak it and I am French!
... And yet, you were wrong....
... BTW, the French will never see you as a Frenchmen.

Here, Earl, have a hankie. ;)
Gregory Morrow
2007-02-19 20:00:17 UTC
Post by Magda
... > On 19/02/07 19:24, in article
... >
... > > Obviously YOU don't read French Earl you moron.
... >
... > I read it, I speak it and I am French!
... And yet, you were wrong....
... BTW, the French will never see you as a Frenchmen.
Here, Earl, have a hankie. ;)
Give your hankie to Piggy, Magda, he's the one that will need it...

Just don't ask for it back as blood - stained items are a bit of a
drag to launder...


Earl Evleth
2007-02-20 07:32:35 UTC
Post by Magda
... BTW, the French will never see you as a Frenchmen.
Here, Earl, have a hankie. ;)
The Pig says he now has French citizenship but there is no proof and he
is a self-proven liar to boot. He never paid into the French social
security health system but brags about getting health care here via
his wife who is French (or so he claims). Whatever, his kind give us
immigrants a bad name.

However the French view us, the election of my wife as President of
the Conseil Syndical of our building confirms acceptance! One
French reporter even told us "you are really integrated!"
Capitalist Pig
2007-02-20 08:36:03 UTC
Your wife is the "guardien" Evleth? my. impressive. (snicker)
Mr Q. Z. Diablo
2007-02-19 19:20:20 UTC
Post by Go Fig
Post by Earl Evleth
On 19/02/07 19:24, in article
Post by Capitalist Pig
Obviously YOU don't read French Earl you moron.
I read it, I speak it and I am French!
And yet, you were wrong....
BTW, the French will never see you as a Frenchmen.
Just as we will never see you as a clever people.

Mr Q. Z. D.
Remove luncheonmeat (truncheon) to reply.
" Everyone's always in favour of saving Hitler's brain.
But when you put it in the body of a great white shark,
ooohh! Suddenly you've gone too far!"
Go Fig
2007-02-19 20:25:47 UTC
Post by Mr Q. Z. Diablo
Post by Go Fig
Post by Earl Evleth
On 19/02/07 19:24, in article
Post by Capitalist Pig
Obviously YOU don't read French Earl you moron.
I read it, I speak it and I am French!
And yet, you were wrong....
BTW, the French will never see you as a Frenchmen.
Just as we will never see you as a clever people.
The anointed 'we'... but thank you for agreeing w/ my point.

Mon Feb 19, 2007
Post by Mr Q. Z. Diablo
Planet Visitor II
2007-02-20 04:54:22 UTC
Post by Go Fig
Post by Earl Evleth
On 19/02/07 19:24, in article
Post by Capitalist Pig
Obviously YOU don't read French Earl you moron.
I read it, I speak it and I am French!
And yet, you were wrong....
BTW, the French will never see you as a Frenchmen.
Better that, than anyone sees Earl as American.

Planet Visitor II
Official publisher of AADP Official dictionary
Post by Go Fig
Mon Feb 19, 2007
Post by Earl Evleth
You are a newbie in this country, son. You have much to learn.
Capitalist Pig
2007-02-19 19:03:27 UTC
I've seen the one or two French phrases you have attempted to scrawl.
Your knowledge of the French language is inferior even to the
collection of crétins and criminals with whom you associate. I almost
feel sorry for your idiot wife for the embarassment she will have to
endure because of your antics. You really are a fool pops. Now what
was that concluding line by Donne about a bell?
Planet Visitor II
2007-02-20 06:29:07 UTC
Post by Earl Evleth
On 19/02/07 19:24, in article
Post by Capitalist Pig
Obviously YOU don't read French Earl you moron.
I read it, I speak it and I am French!
ROTFLMAO. Even if that were true it would not make you
bilingual, Earl.
Post by Earl Evleth
You are a newbie in this country, son. You have much to learn.
You are an "Axis Sally." It is impossible to teach you.

Planet Visitor II
Official publisher of AADP Official dictionary
Planet Visitor II
2007-02-20 04:48:39 UTC
Post by Capitalist Pig
Obviously YOU don't read French Earl you moron. His lawyer is quoted
as saying "Papon died old but free."
And Earl and Coughlan exclaimed in unison -- "God Bless Papon on his
way to heaven. May he enjoy 72 young virgins."

Why else would this thread have consumed so much of their time, in
defending poor ol' Papon?

Planet Visitor II
Official publisher of AADP Official dictionary
Earl Evleth
2007-02-19 17:42:12 UTC
Monsieur Papon will now have to answer to his crimes in front of a court
far higher and more noble than any that we can concoct.
G-d is great.
His name is Allah
Earl Evleth
2007-02-19 18:30:11 UTC
Post by Earl Evleth
His name is Allah
Google for 'tetragramme', Earl. I shall neither speak nor write that word,
but you won't be bound by the 'interdits' of my relgion.
According to the tradition of Islam there are 99 Names of God

Whatever, I thought that the semitic origina was Ilah for Arabe
thus Al-Ilah become Allah and Elah in Hebrew. No big difference.
Same God.

The one issue is whether the God name has a masculine or feminine
character. The Christian God tends to be viewed as a old guy with
a white beard, definitely male. But I have been told that God
in Arabic has no sexual connection, and that it can be male or female
or neither depending on which of the 99 terms are used.

here is the list


1. Allah Allah, He who has the Godhood which is the power to create the
2. Ar-Rahmaan The Compassionate, The Beneficent, The One who has plenty of
mercy for the believers and the blasphemers in this world and especially for
the believers in the hereafter.
3. Ar-Raheem The Merciful, The One who has plenty of mercy for the
4. Al-Malik The King, The Sovereign Lord, The One with the complete
Dominion, the One Whose Dominion is clear from imperfection.
James Silverton
2007-02-19 19:40:46 UTC
Earl wrote on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 19:30:11 +0100:

??>>> His name is Allah
EE> The one issue is whether the God name has a masculine or
EE> feminine character. The Christian God tends to be viewed
EE> as a old guy with a white beard, definitely male.

Technically, tho' masculine terminology and depiction is often
used, there is no real question of theological gender in
mainstream Christianity. Thus even many religious people enjoy
shaking the conservatives by using feminine pronouns when
referring to the deity.

Isn't it a bit like the story about the Southern gentleman who
arrived in heaven and was sent back by God when it was found to
be a mistake. Telling his friends later he said, "First of all,
she's black".

James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland

E-mail, with obvious alterations:
Earl Evleth
2007-02-20 07:39:13 UTC
Post by James Silverton
Technically, tho' masculine terminology and depiction is often
used, there is no real question of theological gender in
mainstream Christianity. Thus even many religious people enjoy
shaking the conservatives by using feminine pronouns when
referring to the deity.
Isn't it a bit like the story about the Southern gentleman who
arrived in heaven and was sent back by God when it was found to
be a mistake. Telling his friends later he said, "First of all,
she's black".
I have been through these stories but I am impressed as the
depiction of God in paintings from the middle ages, always
with a beard. In more modern times, the comic strip
"non-sequitur" usually pictures judgemental type as old
males with beards.

The exception is one strip in which a Dog tells a new arrival
in heaven that he got the spelling of his name backword.
Planet Visitor II
2007-02-20 06:34:44 UTC
<clip religious fanatic phony Torah-thumping by Nazi Coughlan still
trying to embellish his lie that he is Jewish>

Hey, Nazi Coughlan... Remember your words praying for providing
the "quality of life" factor to Maurice Papon? Your words about him --
"Isn't there room for mercy ? For the sure knowledge that this 91-year-
old man, isn't in a position to harm anyone."
The fact that the fuckhead Nazi Papon was permitted to breath the
air on this planet for as long as he did, was emotionally harming
me. But to Nazis like you, it was your desire that he live a long
and pleasant existence.

When will you ever stop begging for the lives of murderers, and stop
insulting their victims?

Planet Visitor II
Official publisher of AADP Official dictionary
<clip some more crap>
Yitzhak Isaac Goldstein
AADP's 'left-wing Jewish intellectual'
Yitzhak was a victim of the Holocaust, Nazi Coughlan.
Just because you stole his "yellow star" so you could
whine that you are a victim of the Holocaust, you can't
legally use his name. Tell everyone again how I made
you wear it, when I don't accept that you are Jewish,
much less deserving to wear a "yellow star" from one
of your own victims.

You're not Jewish. See John Rennie spank you about
your claim that you are --

Poor Nazi Coughlan would like to take even the Hebrew language
from the Jews, after supporting taking away their lives in the
fiery crucible of the Holocaust. Hebrew in written in Hebrew. The
word Nazi Coughlan claims is Hebrew is a French word. See --

Poor Nazi Coughlan still can't accept that his claim to being Jewish
is being laughed at by everyone in AADP except the racist "death
to Blacks" and Grüber. You really do have a unique following
Nazi Coughlan. Have you been trolling for help in White Power
groups? You remember how I caught you doing that last time.

Imagine... Nazi Coughlan insists that he know more than the
Oxford English Dictionary, as he pronounces in his raving claim
of his infallibility that "if" is not a "conditional clause," when the
Oxford English Dictionary states precisely that it is. See --
Damn... it's just so sweet to have the OED on my side, and
a claim that Nazism is superior from Mad Dog Coughlan.
Earl Evleth
2007-02-20 07:47:59 UTC
G-d has no 'sex', no 'genitals',
It is his beard which tells the story


The Picture 4: God creates man: The Creation of Man (Michelangelo)
shows God not only with a beard but a musculature which indicates
he has been working out and has a high level of testosterone.

Jesus is usually depicted less malesh, often with a beard.

At http://jackmansystems.com/jesusartorg/ one sees Him as
looking like a Hollywood actor and not middle eastern
looking at all.
Planet Visitor II
2007-02-21 07:14:18 UTC
Post by Earl Evleth
G-d has no 'sex', no 'genitals',
It is his beard which tells the story
The Picture 4: God creates man: The Creation of Man (Michelangelo)
shows God not only with a beard but a musculature which indicates
he has been working out and has a high level of testosterone.
Jesus is usually depicted less malesh, often with a beard.
At http://jackmansystems.com/jesusartorg/ one sees Him as
looking like a Hollywood actor and not middle eastern
looking at all.
I repeat: Christianity is considered idolatrous. G-d has no 'gender'.
ROTFLMAO... See --
"God created the human being in His own image... male and female
He created them. -- Genesis 1:2-28.

From the Jewish Theological Seminary --
"sin may lead to his being cast away from the presence of God, and
to the loss of His Holy spirit; and of the sudden exaltation and
gladness he experienced in anticipating the time when a broken heart
and a contrite spirit would bring back to him the lost joy of salvation
and restore the interrupted communion between the repentant son
and his Father in heaven.'

"Twenty-six centuries ago, the Lord scattered our ancestors
from the Land of Israel because of our rebellion against Him."

"It represents the fulfillment of God�s promise that He would
send the Holy Spirit to indwell and empower His people."

The Breath of God, His Holy Spirit, "...hovered over the waters"

My word, but you must be suffering from hydrocephalus ex-vacuo.

Planet Visitor II
Official publisher of AADP Official dictionary
Yitzhak Isaac Goldstein
AADP's 'left-wing Jewish intellectual'
Yitzhak was a victim of the Holocaust, Nazi Coughlan.
Just because you stole his "yellow star" so you could
whine that you are a victim of the Holocaust, you can't
legally use his name. Tell everyone again how I made
you wear it, when I don't accept that you are Jewish,
much less deserving to wear a "yellow star" from one
of your own victims.

You're not Jewish. See John Rennie spank you about
your claim that you are --

Poor Nazi Coughlan would like to take even the Hebrew language
from the Jews, after supporting taking away their lives in the
fiery crucible of the Holocaust. Hebrew in written in Hebrew. The
word Nazi Coughlan claims is Hebrew is a French word. See --

Poor Nazi Coughlan still can't accept that his claim to being Jewish
is being laughed at by everyone in AADP except the racist "death
to Blacks" and Gr�ber. You really do have a unique following
Nazi Coughlan. Have you been trolling for help in White Power
groups? You remember how I caught you doing that last time.

Imagine... Nazi Coughlan insists that he know more than the
Oxford English Dictionary, as he pronounces in his raving claim
of his infallibility that "if" is not a "conditional clause," when the
Oxford English Dictionary states precisely that it is. See --
Damn... it's just so sweet to have the OED on my side, and
a claim that Nazism is superior from Mad Dog Coughlan.
Planet Visitor II
2007-02-20 04:37:34 UTC
Post by Earl Evleth
Monsieur Papon will now have to answer to his crimes in front of a court
far higher and more noble than any that we can concoct.
G-d is great.
His name is Allah
LOL... Nazi Coughlan insisted that in respect to the Jewish
victims of the Holocaust --
"Auschwitz wouldn't execute a 72-year-old man"

Earl insisted that in respect to the Jewish victims of the
Holocaust --
"The sociopathic evil of Nazism lives on having infected
its victims."

One thing is for sure, just by looking at their previous
comments, no matter which Koran they go thumping
upon, neither of them have any affection for the Jewish
victims of the Holocaust.

Planet Visitor II
Official publisher of AADP Official dictionary
Planet Visitor II
2007-02-22 04:27:30 UTC
The gentle reader will have to excuse Mad Dog yitzy. He claims
that everyone who is pro-Jewish is a "Nazi Bastard." After all,
he agrees with his friend that the Jewish victims of the Holocaust
are "infected with the sociopathic evil of Nazism." He hates me,
and calls me a "Nazi Bastard," because I feel the Holocaust was
"evil," and he feel it was not "evil," and not "morally bad, or wrong."
Post by Planet Visitor II
Post by Earl Evleth
Monsieur Papon will now have to answer to his crimes in front of a court
far higher and more noble than any that we can concoct.
G-d is great.
His name is Allah
LOL... Nazi Coughlan insisted that in respect to the Jewish
victims of the Holocaust --
"Even Texas wouldn't execute a 72-year-old man"
What does Texas have to do with the "Jewish victims of
the Holocaust," Nazi Coughlan?

Okay, gentle reader... who believes that Donna would lie, and
Nazi Coughlan would not? Pay attention. Nazi Coughlan
posted the word "Auschwitz" instead of "Texas>" He has
altered his own words which I keep pounding him with in
his Holocaust revision. Donna is a witness to his real words,
which were -- "Even Auschwitz wouldn't execute a 72-year-old
man..." See --
That's why Nazi Coughlan needs to also remove the URL

But you see, gentle reader... as Donna noted, Coughlan is
a fruitcake. And more than that, a Holocaust revisionist
fruitcake, who now enjoys playing with the victims of
Auschwitz... again making fun of them in his pitiful denials
of his own words... feeling Auschwitz is just a "great game,"
to him, as he considers it _no big deal_ to defend Auschwitz.
He feels it is only something to use to MOCK the victims of
Auschwitz. As he MOCKS the Jews by claiming he is Jewish.
John Rennie was right on the money in exposing Nazi
Coughlan... See --
With John stating clearly that Desmond felt it was a "great
joke" he was playing on AADP to claim he is Jewish.
Nazi Coughlan, as proven above, continues to play a
"great joke" on the Jewish victims of Auschwitz.
Oh dear ... the happy pills run out, have they ..?
They certainly have not run out with you, Nazi Coughlan.
You must take a dozen each time you change your use of
Auschwitz to Texas... believing in feral Nazi rage that you
are making a fool of me, as you try to make a fool of the
victims of Auschwitz, and make a Holocaust revisionist
out of yourself. Notice you have never apologized for
your REAL WORDS. You cannot do that... because
it would accept not only that you posted a comment of
real Holocaust revision, but it would admit that you've
been lying in changing your words constantly, which would
put paid to your lie of claiming you are Jewish. The
dominos would fall ever more than they have already
There are those happy pills of yours at work.

Planet Visitor II
Official publisher of AADP Official dictionary
Planet Visitor II
2007-03-16 00:57:13 UTC
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAH.... Oh... my poor gut! Apparently
you're trying to kill me with laughter, you pathetic little Nazi weasel.

Tell the group again how you find the Nazi state extrajudicial killing of
six million innocent Jews to not be "morally wrong," or "evil," but
insist the judicial killing of a legally tried and convicted murderer by
any other state is "evil."

Desmond "Nazi cocksucker" Coughlan wrote -
"I do not find the Shoah 'evil'... "
along with --
"... well the death penalty is evil."

Expressing your view that it is okay to exterminate six million Jews,
but keep your hands away from harming one hair on the head of the
murderers you so love.
Post by Planet Visitor II
LOL... Nazi Coughlan insisted that in respect to the Jewish
victims of the Holocaust --
"Even Texas wouldn't execute a 72-year-old man"
What does Auschwitz have to do with the "Jewish victims of
the Holocaust,"
I'm glad that you finally admit it, NN: none.
Heh heh heh... And you cry like a baby when I use quotes, while
you modify my comments whenever you feel like it. So you
feel Auschwitz has nothing to with the Holocaust.

You're scum, Nazi Coughlan... accept what Donna said about
your comment that "Even Auschwitz wouldn't execute a 72-year-old
man..." She said -- "Desmond, this statement is patently ridiculous.
Auschwitz had utterly no respect of any kind for age. They gassed
everyone indiscriminately. You make yourself look like a fool
when you say things like this." See --
<fx: Nazi Noles screams, 'eh no, that's not what I meant, stop!!!'>
Poor Nazi Coughlan slams his fist on his desk so hard his monitor
falls to the floor with a crash, and his beer flies across the room.
Go on, Nazi Coughlan... tell us how you claim Donna is lying in
her post, or change HER words. You unspeakable vile piece
of human garbage.
Har, har, har ...
{ snip unread }
TRANSLATION: "That fucking PV did it to me AGAIN!!!!"

Planet Visitor II
Official publisher of AADP Official dictionary
Yitzhak Isaac Goldstein
AADP's 'left-wing Jewish intellectual'
Yitzhak was a victim of the Holocaust, Nazi Coughlan.
Just because you stole his "yellow star" so you could
whine that you are a victim of the Holocaust, you can't
legally use his name. Tell everyone again how I made
you wear it, when I don't accept that you are Jewish,
much less deserving to wear a "yellow star" from one
of your own victims.

You're not Jewish. See John Rennie spank you about
your claim that you are --

Poor Nazi Coughlan would like to take even the Hebrew language
from the Jews, after supporting taking away their lives in the
fiery crucible of the Holocaust. Hebrew in written in Hebrew. The
word Nazi Coughlan claims is Hebrew is a French word. See --

Poor Nazi Coughlan still can't accept that his claim to being Jewish
is being laughed at by everyone in AADP except the racist "death
to Blacks" and Gr�ber. You really do have a unique following
Nazi Coughlan. Have you been trolling for help in White Power
groups? You remember how I caught you doing that last time.

Imagine... Nazi Coughlan insists that he know more than the
Oxford English Dictionary, as he pronounces in his raving claim
of his infallibility that "if" is not a "conditional clause," when the
Oxford English Dictionary states precisely that it is. See --
Damn... it's just so sweet to have the OED on my side, and
a claim that Nazism is superior from Mad Dog Coughlan.

Planet Visitor II
2007-02-20 23:18:39 UTC
Post by Earl Evleth
Décès de Maurice Papon : Un criminel s¹en va dans l¹impunité
Décès de Maurice Papon, ancien préfet de Paris Un criminel s¹en va ...
Monsieur Papon will now have to answer to his crimes in front of a court
far higher and more noble than any that we can concoct.
G-d is great.
And Nazi Coughlan exclaims -- "God Bless Papon on his
way to heaven. May he enjoy 72 young virgins," as he
gleefully finds Papon escaped human justice. But then
Nazi Coughlan has insisted that the dead cannot be harmed,
so how is his silly pretend-God supposed to accomplish what
NC insisted could not be done?

Hey, Nazi Coughlan... Remember your words praying for
providing the "quality of life" factor to Maurice Papon?
Your words about him -- "Isn't there room for mercy ?
For the sure knowledge that this 91-year-old man, isn't
in a position to harm anyone."

Why is it you think that we should show "mercy" but you
expect your silly pretend-God to not show any "mercy" on Papon?
Apparently your pretend-God is a very vengeful pretend-God.

After all, your pretend-God did insist that he would apply the death
penalty to anyone insulting their mother or father.

Rather than you having decided to get a pretend-God to play
with in hoping it will improve your chances with your lies, it
would have better for you to get a Michelin-doll to play with.

Planet Visitor II
Official publisher of AADP Official dictionary
Yitzhak Isaac Goldstein
AADP's 'left-wing Jewish intellectual'
Yitzhak was a victim of the Holocaust, Nazi Coughlan.
Just because you stole his "yellow star" so you could
whine that you are a victim of the Holocaust, you can't
legally use his name. Tell everyone again how I made
you wear it, when I don't accept that you are Jewish,
much less deserving to wear a "yellow star" from one
of your own victims.

You're not Jewish. See John Rennie spank you about
your claim that you are --

Poor Nazi Coughlan would like to take even the Hebrew language
from the Jews, after supporting taking away their lives in the
fiery crucible of the Holocaust. Hebrew in written in Hebrew. The
word Nazi Coughlan claims is Hebrew is a French word. See --

Poor Nazi Coughlan still can't accept that his claim to being Jewish
is being laughed at by everyone in AADP except the racist "death
to Blacks" and Grüber. You really do have a unique following
Nazi Coughlan. Have you been trolling for help in White Power
groups? You remember how I caught you doing that last time.

Imagine... Nazi Coughlan insists that he know more than the
Oxford English Dictionary, as he pronounces in his raving claim
of his infallibility that "if" is not a "conditional clause," when the
Oxford English Dictionary states precisely that it is. See --
Damn... it's just so sweet to have the OED on my side, and
a claim that Nazism is superior from Mad Dog Coughlan.
Planet Visitor II
2007-03-14 04:13:35 UTC
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAH.... Oh... my poor gut! Apparently
you're trying to kill me with laughter, you pathetic little Nazi weasel.

Tell the group again how you find the Nazi State extrajudicial killing of
six million innocent Jews to not be "morally wrong," or "evil," but
insist the judicial killing of a legally tried and convicted murderer by
any other State is "evil."

Desmond "Nazi cocksucker" Coughlan wrote -
"I do not find the Shoah 'evil'... "
along with --
"... well the death penalty is evil."

Expressing his view that it is okay to exterminate six million Jews,
but keep your hands away from harming one hair on the head of the
murderers he so loves.
Post by Planet Visitor II
Post by Earl Evleth
Décès de Maurice Papon : Un criminel s¹en va dans l¹impunité
Décès de Maurice Papon, ancien préfet de Paris Un criminel s¹en va ...
Monsieur Papon will now have to answer to his crimes in front of a court
far higher and more noble than any that we can concoct.
G-d is great.
And Nazi Coughlan exclaims -- "God Bless Papon on his
way to heaven. May he enjoy 72 young virgins,"
Did I, Nazi Noles ..?
No I didn't. Another lie exposed, and it took me fifteen seconds, half a
dozen keystrokes, and one click with the mouse.
Poor crybaby... still whining that bad ol' PV has put the wood
to your rump yet again. You're the one who created the
situation of "no rules" between us, Nazi Coughlan. You're the
one who takes my comments and modifies them to cover up
your support for Auschwitz. You're the one who constantly
changes the words I posted about what you have written,
because you are ASHAMED of it, as it comes back to
haunt you. You're the one who makes these type comments
and then denies them. So let me make this clear... there are
NO RULES between us, you Nazi cocksucker. Others
might have a complaint, you have no moral or legal standing
to complain. Unless I list a Google reference to your exact
words you can take one of two actions when you see
quotation marks which I use to express your fundamental
viewpoint (which was an expression of mercy for Papon, to
allow him to spend the rest of his life on the Riviera):

1) As you did above, you can bawl your eyes out like a
6-year-old spoiled brat, thinking this group is your mother,
and you are being bothered by the big bad man.

2) You can ask #1 to fetch a broomstick, then drop your
drawers, turn your butt to her, spread your cheeks, and tell
her to shove that broomstick up your butt until it tickles your

In both cases... I don't give a fuck. Although a picture of 2)
when fully inserted would be appreciated.
{ snip insane ranting }
Of course, you consider any arguments that the Holocaust
was evil are only "insane ranting." How you must love the

Planet Visitor II
Official publisher of AADP Official dictionary
Yitzhak Isaac Goldstein
AADP's 'left-wing Jewish intellectual'
Yitzhak was a victim of the Holocaust, Nazi Coughlan.
Just because you stole his "yellow star" so you could
whine that you are a victim of the Holocaust, you can't
legally use his name. Tell everyone again how I made
you wear it, when I don't accept that you are Jewish,
much less deserving to wear a "yellow star" from one
of your own victims.

You're not Jewish. See John Rennie spank you about
your claim that you are --

But best of all... tell them how you feel that killing
six million innocent Jews is NOT EVIL, but killing
one single guilty murderer IS EVIL.

Look at them again, gentle reader... look at how he finds the
extermination of six million Jews to NOT BE EVIL, but
finds the execution of a single murderer (ANY MURDERER)
to be EVIL --

1) Killing six million Jews is not evil to you -- Your words --
"I do not find the Shoah 'evil'... " See --

Killing even one proven murderer is evil to you -- Your
words --
"... well the death penalty is evil." See --

Nothing could more precisely have defined your views in
your own words.

Why would I need to call you a Nazi, when you so readily
offer your own words as proof of you being a Nazi? I
don't need to claim that "no one believes you," Nazi
Coughlan. I only ask that they DO believe you. I WANT
THEM to believe your words represent your Nazi Holy
Grail of how you feel about the Jewish victims of the Holocaust,
and ONE SINGLE MURDERER!!! With you feeling that
killing six million innocent Jews in the Shoah was not evil,
but killing any murderer is evil. That should put paid
to proving you're a Nazi to any rational human being.
Those who are not rational are not my concern. The
irrational are the ones you depend upon for support.