The stolen election of 2004: welcome back to hell
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2004-11-08 18:23:45 UTC
The stolen election of 2004: welcome back to hell

Larry Chin
Online Journal Associate Editor

November 5, 2004-Using a variety of criminal methods that they have
perfected over the past four years, the George W. Bush-Dick Cheney-Karl Rove
syndicate stole another election, and extended their illegal occupation of
the White House. Experienced, informed and unblinking observers were not
fooled by any aspect of this utterly predictable goose-step towards full

But to those who are "shocked" as they watched the election night numbers
mysteriously slip away amidst controversy; those who are struggling to
understand "what happened", let this cold realization serve as bracing

Welcome to hell. Welcome to the horrifying reality that whistleblowers have
suffered and fought through every day, over lifetimes. No more illusions.
This is reality.

It Is a Rigged Game

The US political and economic system, exemplified by Bush-Cheney, is deeply
criminalized. It is designed to profit by killing things. It thrives on war
and oppression. It is sustained by collusion, fraud, lies, cover-up, and the
indoctrination and manipulation of minds. It does not, and never has,
represented its people. Its operatives heed no laws. They "make" law. These
facts must be burned into the consciousness of every decent human being.

As Mike Ruppert writes in Crossing The Rubicon: "That profits of crime and
war, which are destructive of human life, of labor, of happy, healthy
neighborhoods (whether in the US or in Afghanistan, Africa and Iraq) are in
effect a keystone of the global economy and a determinant of the success in
a ruthless competition, is a compass needle for human civilization. One
cannot expect to follow the recipe for roadkill stew and produce a crème

Criminals do not obey laws. Criminals do not believe in "democracy".

Criminals do not "permit" elections.

It is foolish, then, to expend one's energies in "clean" election
activities, and expect good results. To quote one of George W. Bush many
recent Freudian non-slips, "we make elections." The 2004 presidential
election was just one more "manufacture".

How John Kerry Unwon the Presidency

How Bush-Cheney stole the 2000 election was a matter of obvious historical
fact, confirmed by post-facto mainstream media reports of a Gore win, and
detailed by numerous investigators such as Greg Palast in his book The Best
Democracy Money Can Buy. Voters complained about old machines and paper

Then came the "black box voting" machines. (For detailed analysis of black
box voting, read the work of Bev Harris.)

In the 2002 mid-term elections, the Republicans "shocked" Democrats by
solidifying their power in Congress, using the same fraudulent methods,
along with new and improved black box technology.

"The technology had a trial run in the 2002 mid-term elections. In Georgia,
serviced by new Diebold systems, a popular Democratic governor and senator
were both unseated in what the media called 'amazing' upsets, with results
showing vote swings of up to 16 percent from the last pre-ballot polls. In
computerized Minnesota, former Vice President Walter Mondale-a replacement
for popular incumbent Paul Wellstone, who died in a plane crash days before
the vote-was also defeated in a large last-second vote swing. Convenient
'glitches' in Florida saw an untold number of votes intended for the
Democratic candidate registering instead for Governor Jeb "L'il Brother"
Bush. A Florida Democrat who lost a similarly 'glitched' local election went
to court to have the computers examined-but the case was thrown out by a
judge who ruled that the innards of America's voting machines are the 'trade
secrets' of the private companies who make them."

In 2003, black box voting also helped oust Governor Gray Davis and installed
Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger in the Democratic stronghold of California.

The probability of a fix was obvious throughout the 2004 presidential
campaign. Corporate media polls continued to predominantly favor Bush, never
dipping his rating below 48 percent, despite his trouncing in three straight
debates with Kerry, and despite mushrooming war scandals. This was in stark
contrast to independent surveys that showed Kerry with commanding leads.
Kerry momentum, and massive Kerry/anti-Bush voter turnout, was evident on
election day, and confirmed by exit polls with dominant Kerry numbers.

Then what?

Greg Palast reveals in exhaustive detail that John Kerry won the 2004
election and had it stolen through such methods as "spoilage", intimidation,
polling place chicanery, ethnic cleansing of polls. (See Kerry Won. And

Once again, criminals do not "permit" elections. They make them. This time,
the Bush forces had years of unencumbered time to orchestrate it, from Ohio
(where its notorious secretary of state is the head of the Bush re-election
campaign), and, of course, Jeb Bush's Florida.

The Triumph of the Bush Machines

But there is one overriding fact that has been left out most of the
ridiculous post-election punditry that renders all other analyses completely
irrelevant. It is also the reason why the smiles on the faces of Bush crime
family members are so bright, as they watched the returns on election night.

Air America Radio's Mike Malloy gave the most succinct and passionate
explanation in his Wednesday, November 3, 2004, program [my links

"The American vote count is controlled by three major corporate players,
Diebold, ESS, Sequoia, and a fourth, SAIC, Science Applications
International. All four are hard-wired into the Bush power structure, the
Bush crime family.

"They have been given millions of dollars by the Bush regime to complete a
sweeping computerization of voting machines that were just used in the 2004
election. The technology involved had a trial run during the 2002 mid-term
elections. Georgia had Diebold machines in every precinct. As a result, a
popular Democratic governor and senator were both unseated in what the media
called an "amazing" 16 percent swing.

"Diebold's Walden O'Dell, a top Bush fundraiser, publicly committed himself
to delivering his home state Ohio's votes to Bush. At Diebold, the election
division is run by Bob Urosevich. Bob's brother, Todd, is a top executive at
"rival" ES&S. The brothers were originally staked by Howard Ahmanson, a
member of the Council For National Policy, a right-wing steering group
stacked with Bush true believers. Ahmanson is also one of the bagmen behind
the extremist Christian Reconstruction Movement, which advocates the
theocratic takeover of American democracy.

"The four companies are interconnected; they are not four "competitors".
Ahmanson has large stakes in ES&S, whose former CEO was Republican Senator
Chuck Hagel of Nebraska. When Hagel ran for office, his own company counted
the votes, and his victory was considered "an amazing upset". Hagel still
has a million dollar stake in ES&S.

"Sequoia is the corporate parent of a private equity firm, Madison Dearborn,
which is partner in the Carlyle Group. (Also see here.)

"Meanwhile, SAIC is referred to a "shadowy defense contractor". They have
gotten into the vote count game both directly and through spinoffs by its
top brass, including Admiral Bill Owens, former military aide to Dick
Cheney, and Carlyle Group honcho Frank Carlucci and ex-CIA chief Robert
Gates. SAIC's history of fraud charges and security "lapses" haven't
prevented it from becoming one of the largest Pentagon and CIA contractors,
and will doubtless encounter few obstacles in its entrance into the vote
counting business.

"The mad rush to install these unverifiable computers is driven by the Help
America Vote Act, signed by .Bush! The chief lobbying group pushing for the
act (while we dumb asses sat out here and thought, 'That sounds like a good
idea!') was a consortium of arms dealers including Northrup Grumman and
Lockheed Martin.

"When you hear people saying, 'take a deep breath, we will pull through
this', 'we need to work harder', 'we need to organize'-no. We will not. It's

"Unless electronic vote tabulation is history, and these companies are
driven out of business, it's their country. Not ours.

"Nobody knows, and no one will ever know, what the actual vote count was.

"There are no checks and balances left. The US Senate now has 55 of these
Republicans. When they hit 60, which is what will happen in 2006 mid-term
elections-trust me-that means that no matter what Bush and the crime family
want to do, they can do it. The House (of Representatives) is gone for the
next two to five generations. It's gone.

"The last thing rational people in this country need right now is this
whistling-past-the-graveyard horse hockey. Nothing is going to happen; it's
going to get worse. There will never again be a legitimate election in this

"Until we get rid of the machines.

The people who put the software together-do you think that they are in this
business to promote democracy? To promote representative government? Then
you are a fool, and you don't deserve anything other than the lash.

Kerry did not lose the election. The vote was stolen. Get that through your

The Bush syndicate owns and runs the machines that make the votes. They
control all branches of the federal government.

There is nothing more painful than witnessing the Kerry voters, liberals and
progressives as they agonize over "what went wrong," second guessing their
Herculean efforts, grasping for solutions in outdated ideas, and vowing how
"next time, we'll work harder, and we'll really get out the vote!", and that
"we'll nominate even better candidates!"

Still others are asking reasonable questions. Why aren't Walden O'Dell, Jeb
Bush, and J. Kenneth Blackwell under arrest, or in jail? Exactly how did
Associated Press pull it off on election night? Will any of the Bush
administration criminals ever be punished for their war crimes? Then one
must ask, who is going to prosecute? Who is going to hear the cases? The
Bush Justice Department? The Bush FBI? The Supreme Court?

When you play fair in a rigged game, it doesn't matter how hard you work, or
even what you do. Insanity is repeating the same mistake, expecting a
different result.

Kerry Welcomes Fascism with Open Arms

John Kerry's pitiful and immediate capitulation, surrendering with even less
of a fight than Al Gore in 2000, despite clear, overt and gross vote fraud
across the country, including Ohio-Diebold's home state-was sickening.

Bush's Skull & Bones fraternity brother then spoke of "healing" and uniting
behind Bush, a speech grotesquely reminiscent of Al Gore's sickening 2000
declaration that Bush was "mah president."

Twice now, with Gore and Kerry, Democrats have won the White House, and then
refused to speak the truth about the crime, and fight for the people who
bled for them. Twice, America has been sold out.

Could it be that this time, Kerry played the American people in just another
game of bait-and-switch?

Will those who supported Kerry actually heed his command, and obediently
march in step, "without anger or rancor," and follow George W. Bush, the
strutting tyrant, and the most dangerous and irrational collection of
mass-murdering war criminals in modern history?

In a cynical view, and one that is likely accurate, the election of 2004 may
have been nothing more than an elaborate trial balloon, a "good cop-bad cop"
theater that is mandated every few years to uphold the appearance of
legitimacy. Our candidates lie, all the while gauging the effectiveness of
long-term manipulation programs. They think, are the people still gullible
and uninformed? What slogans and illusions can we fool them with? Is the
"war on terrorism" mindset still unwavering? How far can we push them? Will
they accept the baseball bat in the face, or the velvet glove to the nose?

How many beatings will this republic take, before its people wake up? When
will the people realize what is really happening, and "chase us down the
street and lynch us" (as George H.W. Bush said to reporter Sarah McClendon)?

To hell with Bush. To hell with Kerry. Wait, We're All Already Here.

As sadistic Bush slurred in his "acceptance" speech, "a new term is a new
opportunity". Then the most chilling words yet: "I earned political capital.
I intend to spend it." If the last four years brought the world to its
knees, imagine what is to come as Bush-Cheney giddily pry open a new set of
larger Pandora's Boxes.

Webster Tarpley, author of the Unauthorized Biography of George Bush writes:
"If Bush retains control of the White House, we can expect a neocon fascist
dictatorship or martial law emergency regime in 2005 or 2006, possibly as
the result of synthetic terrorism. The neocons are in a desperate flight
forward mentality which seeks to avoid the penal consequences of what they
have already done with Valerie Plame, the Niger yellowcake forgeries, the
Israeli mole scandal, and the Chalabi betrayal of state secrets. The neocon
preference is for early war with Iran. War with Russia and China cannot be
excluded somewhat further down the road."

Add to that the relentless horror that will be inflicted when the effects of
Peak Oil (also see From The Wilderness and Richard Heinberg) crash home in
earnest, the body bags pile higher with new wars, and the lives of Americans
(including Bush drones) and people all over the world continue to be

Some members of the current Bush crime organization may leave or retire, and
the possibilities include Donald Rumsfeld, and John Ashcroft (possibly
replaced with Marc Racicot, a long-time friend of George W. Bush, and W's
first choice for attorney general in 2000). Expect their replacements to be
less well known criminals who, if anything, may be more toxic.

Robert Lederman wrote of Racicot: "Numerous members of the Bush family,
including his father and brothers and at least one of GW's prospective
cabinet appointees-potential GW Bush Attorney General Marc Racicot-have a
history of alleged involvement in drug running at the highest levels. We're
not talking about buying drugs for personal use here but massive
importations of heroin and cocaine with the full involvement of foreign
dictators like George Bush pal Manuel Noriega and the Mafia." (See Murder
and Drug Running in Montana)

In Robert Payne's biography The Life and Death of Adolf Hitler, he writes of
Hitler (whose Third Reich was, in fact, financed by the Bush family): "For
all the foreseeable future, he will remain to haunt us, more alive than ever
although he is dead. He hides in shadowy places and at the pinnacle of
power, always urging men to commit the ultimate crime, the perfect atrocity,
the most ferocious massacres. Into the ears of generals and politicians he
whispers: "Be merciless. It is very easy now because I have lived. I have
reduced the value of man to a fraction of what it was before. You will find,
if you continue along the path I have opened for you, the value of man will
decline still further. Remember, mankind is always valueless and its only
use is to serve our interests. We alone are transmitters of civilization,
and the people are nothing but cattle. Napalm is good for them."

Hitler himself wrote: "The victor will not be asked, later on, whether he
told the truth or not. In starting and waging a war, it is not right that
matters, but victory. Have no pity."

Hitler had nothing on the George W. Bush administration.

What, if any, silver lining can be found in the wake of this new goose-step
in the abyss? Perhaps only that the same bellicose, predictable and clumsy
villains remain right where they have been for the last four years: right in
front of us. Better that than a crafty and likeable neoliberal John Kerry
administration that lulls the world to sleep before poison is administered.

We cannot be fooled.

Larry Chin is a freelance journalist and an Online Journal Associate Editor.
2004-11-08 18:30:11 UTC
Post by Oo
The stolen election of 2004: welcome back to hell
if i could be bothered i'd put you back in my killfile....
where for some months you resided all alone....
web site at www.abelard.org - news and comment service, logic,
energy, education, politics, etc >958,884 document calls in a year
all that is necessary for [] walk quietly and carry
the triumph of evil is that [] a big stick.
good people do nothing [] trust actions not words
only when it's funny -- roger rabbit
2004-11-08 18:33:54 UTC
Post by abelard
Post by Oo
The stolen election of 2004: welcome back to hell
if i could be bothered i'd put you back in my killfile....
where for some months you resided all alone....
I wish someone would address the issues in Banana's post though.
2004-11-08 18:50:41 UTC
Post by Maria
Post by abelard
Post by Oo
The stolen election of 2004: welcome back to hell
if i could be bothered i'd put you back in my killfile....
where for some months you resided all alone....
I wish someone would address the issues in Banana's post though.
reference the piost....and i'll have a peek

web site at www.abelard.org - news and comment service, logic,
energy, education, politics, etc >958,884 document calls in a year
all that is necessary for [] walk quietly and carry
the triumph of evil is that [] a big stick.
good people do nothing [] trust actions not words
only when it's funny -- roger rabbit
Bobby Fischler
2004-11-08 23:04:28 UTC
Post by Maria
Post by abelard
Post by Oo
The stolen election of 2004: welcome back to hell
if i could be bothered i'd put you back in my killfile....
where for some months you resided all alone....
I wish someone would address the issues in Banana's post though.
Well if you really want to know. The Republicans in 2004 were in
"crawl over glass" mode to vote. This means that people were lined up
at 7 am to vote. they could have shown up at 8 am or 9 am when the
lines were shorter but they were lining up before the doors opened.

We probably had the highest voter turnout in the last 30 years. In
competitive states where Bush or Gore could have won, the Democrats
had 60-65% of the vote turning up which is a very high. Republicans
may have hit close to 80%.

In Florida it was staggering. People came out of the woodwork to
volunteer for Bush. It wasd a amazing. The Republicans were unpaid
volunteers and they totally overwhelmed the Democrat paid thugs and
stooges. The Democrats got "shock & awe."

Still - I am sure the Guardian, BBC, Mirror and other will tell you
the vote was stolen.
2004-11-09 00:05:59 UTC
Post by Bobby Fischler
Post by Maria
Post by abelard
Post by Oo
The stolen election of 2004: welcome back to hell
if i could be bothered i'd put you back in my killfile....
where for some months you resided all alone....
I wish someone would address the issues in Banana's post though.
Well if you really want to know. The Republicans in 2004 were in
"crawl over glass" mode to vote. This means that people were lined up
at 7 am to vote. they could have shown up at 8 am or 9 am when the
lines were shorter but they were lining up before the doors opened.
We probably had the highest voter turnout in the last 30 years. In
competitive states where Bush or Gore could have won, the Democrats
had 60-65% of the vote turning up which is a very high. Republicans
may have hit close to 80%.
In Florida it was staggering. People came out of the woodwork to
volunteer for Bush. It wasd a amazing. The Republicans were unpaid
volunteers and they totally overwhelmed the Democrat paid thugs and
stooges. The Democrats got "shock & awe."
Still - I am sure the Guardian, BBC, Mirror and other will tell you
the vote was stolen.
It Was:

The stolen election of 2004: welcome back to hell

Larry Chin
Online Journal Associate Editor

November 5, 2004-Using a variety of criminal methods that they have
perfected over the past four years, the George W. Bush-Dick Cheney-Karl Rove
syndicate stole another election, and extended their illegal occupation of
the White House. Experienced, informed and unblinking observers were not
fooled by any aspect of this utterly predictable goose-step towards full

But to those who are "shocked" as they watched the election night numbers
mysteriously slip away amidst controversy; those who are struggling to
understand "what happened", let this cold realization serve as bracing

Welcome to hell. Welcome to the horrifying reality that whistleblowers have
suffered and fought through every day, over lifetimes. No more illusions.
This is reality.

It Is a Rigged Game

The US political and economic system, exemplified by Bush-Cheney, is deeply
criminalized. It is designed to profit by killing things. It thrives on war
and oppression. It is sustained by collusion, fraud, lies, cover-up, and the
indoctrination and manipulation of minds. It does not, and never has,
represented its people. Its operatives heed no laws. They "make" law. These
facts must be burned into the consciousness of every decent human being.

As Mike Ruppert writes in Crossing The Rubicon: "That profits of crime and
war, which are destructive of human life, of labor, of happy, healthy
neighborhoods (whether in the US or in Afghanistan, Africa and Iraq) are in
effect a keystone of the global economy and a determinant of the success in
a ruthless competition, is a compass needle for human civilization. One
cannot expect to follow the recipe for roadkill stew and produce a crème

Criminals do not obey laws. Criminals do not believe in "democracy".

Criminals do not "permit" elections.

It is foolish, then, to expend one's energies in "clean" election
activities, and expect good results. To quote one of George W. Bush many
recent Freudian non-slips, "we make elections." The 2004 presidential
election was just one more "manufacture".

How John Kerry Unwon the Presidency

How Bush-Cheney stole the 2000 election was a matter of obvious historical
fact, confirmed by post-facto mainstream media reports of a Gore win, and
detailed by numerous investigators such as Greg Palast in his book The Best
Democracy Money Can Buy. Voters complained about old machines and paper

Then came the "black box voting" machines. (For detailed analysis of black
box voting, read the work of Bev Harris.)

In the 2002 mid-term elections, the Republicans "shocked" Democrats by
solidifying their power in Congress, using the same fraudulent methods,
along with new and improved black box technology.

"The technology had a trial run in the 2002 mid-term elections. In Georgia,
serviced by new Diebold systems, a popular Democratic governor and senator
were both unseated in what the media called 'amazing' upsets, with results
showing vote swings of up to 16 percent from the last pre-ballot polls. In
computerized Minnesota, former Vice President Walter Mondale-a replacement
for popular incumbent Paul Wellstone, who died in a plane crash days before
the vote-was also defeated in a large last-second vote swing. Convenient
'glitches' in Florida saw an untold number of votes intended for the
Democratic candidate registering instead for Governor Jeb "L'il Brother"
Bush. A Florida Democrat who lost a similarly 'glitched' local election went
to court to have the computers examined-but the case was thrown out by a
judge who ruled that the innards of America's voting machines are the 'trade
secrets' of the private companies who make them."

In 2003, black box voting also helped oust Governor Gray Davis and installed
Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger in the Democratic stronghold of California.

The probability of a fix was obvious throughout the 2004 presidential
campaign. Corporate media polls continued to predominantly favor Bush, never
dipping his rating below 48 percent, despite his trouncing in three straight
debates with Kerry, and despite mushrooming war scandals. This was in stark
contrast to independent surveys that showed Kerry with commanding leads.
Kerry momentum, and massive Kerry/anti-Bush voter turnout, was evident on
election day, and confirmed by exit polls with dominant Kerry numbers.

Then what?

Greg Palast reveals in exhaustive detail that John Kerry won the 2004
election and had it stolen through such methods as "spoilage", intimidation,
polling place chicanery, ethnic cleansing of polls. (See Kerry Won. And

Once again, criminals do not "permit" elections. They make them. This time,
the Bush forces had years of unencumbered time to orchestrate it, from Ohio
(where its notorious secretary of state is the head of the Bush re-election
campaign), and, of course, Jeb Bush's Florida.

The Triumph of the Bush Machines

But there is one overriding fact that has been left out most of the
ridiculous post-election punditry that renders all other analyses completely
irrelevant. It is also the reason why the smiles on the faces of Bush crime
family members are so bright, as they watched the returns on election night.

Air America Radio's Mike Malloy gave the most succinct and passionate
explanation in his Wednesday, November 3, 2004, program [my links

"The American vote count is controlled by three major corporate players,
Diebold, ESS, Sequoia, and a fourth, SAIC, Science Applications
International. All four are hard-wired into the Bush power structure, the
Bush crime family.

"They have been given millions of dollars by the Bush regime to complete a
sweeping computerization of voting machines that were just used in the 2004
election. The technology involved had a trial run during the 2002 mid-term
elections. Georgia had Diebold machines in every precinct. As a result, a
popular Democratic governor and senator were both unseated in what the media
called an "amazing" 16 percent swing.

"Diebold's Walden O'Dell, a top Bush fundraiser, publicly committed himself
to delivering his home state Ohio's votes to Bush. At Diebold, the election
division is run by Bob Urosevich. Bob's brother, Todd, is a top executive at
"rival" ES&S. The brothers were originally staked by Howard Ahmanson, a
member of the Council For National Policy, a right-wing steering group
stacked with Bush true believers. Ahmanson is also one of the bagmen behind
the extremist Christian Reconstruction Movement, which advocates the
theocratic takeover of American democracy.

"The four companies are interconnected; they are not four "competitors".
Ahmanson has large stakes in ES&S, whose former CEO was Republican Senator
Chuck Hagel of Nebraska. When Hagel ran for office, his own company counted
the votes, and his victory was considered "an amazing upset". Hagel still
has a million dollar stake in ES&S.

"Sequoia is the corporate parent of a private equity firm, Madison Dearborn,
which is partner in the Carlyle Group. (Also see here.)

"Meanwhile, SAIC is referred to a "shadowy defense contractor". They have
gotten into the vote count game both directly and through spinoffs by its
top brass, including Admiral Bill Owens, former military aide to Dick
Cheney, and Carlyle Group honcho Frank Carlucci and ex-CIA chief Robert
Gates. SAIC's history of fraud charges and security "lapses" haven't
prevented it from becoming one of the largest Pentagon and CIA contractors,
and will doubtless encounter few obstacles in its entrance into the vote
counting business.

"The mad rush to install these unverifiable computers is driven by the Help
America Vote Act, signed by .Bush! The chief lobbying group pushing for the
act (while we dumb asses sat out here and thought, 'That sounds like a good
idea!') was a consortium of arms dealers including Northrup Grumman and
Lockheed Martin.

"When you hear people saying, 'take a deep breath, we will pull through
this', 'we need to work harder', 'we need to organize'-no. We will not. It's

"Unless electronic vote tabulation is history, and these companies are
driven out of business, it's their country. Not ours.

"Nobody knows, and no one will ever know, what the actual vote count was.

"There are no checks and balances left. The US Senate now has 55 of these
Republicans. When they hit 60, which is what will happen in 2006 mid-term
elections-trust me-that means that no matter what Bush and the crime family
want to do, they can do it. The House (of Representatives) is gone for the
next two to five generations. It's gone.

"The last thing rational people in this country need right now is this
whistling-past-the-graveyard horse hockey. Nothing is going to happen; it's
going to get worse. There will never again be a legitimate election in this

"Until we get rid of the machines.

The people who put the software together-do you think that they are in this
business to promote democracy? To promote representative government? Then
you are a fool, and you don't deserve anything other than the lash.

Kerry did not lose the election. The vote was stolen. Get that through your

The Bush syndicate owns and runs the machines that make the votes. They
control all branches of the federal government.

There is nothing more painful than witnessing the Kerry voters, liberals and
progressives as they agonize over "what went wrong," second guessing their
Herculean efforts, grasping for solutions in outdated ideas, and vowing how
"next time, we'll work harder, and we'll really get out the vote!", and that
"we'll nominate even better candidates!"

Still others are asking reasonable questions. Why aren't Walden O'Dell, Jeb
Bush, and J. Kenneth Blackwell under arrest, or in jail? Exactly how did
Associated Press pull it off on election night? Will any of the Bush
administration criminals ever be punished for their war crimes? Then one
must ask, who is going to prosecute? Who is going to hear the cases? The
Bush Justice Department? The Bush FBI? The Supreme Court?

When you play fair in a rigged game, it doesn't matter how hard you work, or
even what you do. Insanity is repeating the same mistake, expecting a
different result.

Kerry Welcomes Fascism with Open Arms

John Kerry's pitiful and immediate capitulation, surrendering with even less
of a fight than Al Gore in 2000, despite clear, overt and gross vote fraud
across the country, including Ohio-Diebold's home state-was sickening.

Bush's Skull & Bones fraternity brother then spoke of "healing" and uniting
behind Bush, a speech grotesquely reminiscent of Al Gore's sickening 2000
declaration that Bush was "mah president."

Twice now, with Gore and Kerry, Democrats have won the White House, and then
refused to speak the truth about the crime, and fight for the people who
bled for them. Twice, America has been sold out.

Could it be that this time, Kerry played the American people in just another
game of bait-and-switch?

Will those who supported Kerry actually heed his command, and obediently
march in step, "without anger or rancor," and follow George W. Bush, the
strutting tyrant, and the most dangerous and irrational collection of
mass-murdering war criminals in modern history?

In a cynical view, and one that is likely accurate, the election of 2004 may
have been nothing more than an elaborate trial balloon, a "good cop-bad cop"
theater that is mandated every few years to uphold the appearance of
legitimacy. Our candidates lie, all the while gauging the effectiveness of
long-term manipulation programs. They think, are the people still gullible
and uninformed? What slogans and illusions can we fool them with? Is the
"war on terrorism" mindset still unwavering? How far can we push them? Will
they accept the baseball bat in the face, or the velvet glove to the nose?

How many beatings will this republic take, before its people wake up? When
will the people realize what is really happening, and "chase us down the
street and lynch us" (as George H.W. Bush said to reporter Sarah McClendon)?

To hell with Bush. To hell with Kerry. Wait, We're All Already Here.

As sadistic Bush slurred in his "acceptance" speech, "a new term is a new
opportunity". Then the most chilling words yet: "I earned political capital.
I intend to spend it." If the last four years brought the world to its
knees, imagine what is to come as Bush-Cheney giddily pry open a new set of
larger Pandora's Boxes.

Webster Tarpley, author of the Unauthorized Biography of George Bush writes:
"If Bush retains control of the White House, we can expect a neocon fascist
dictatorship or martial law emergency regime in 2005 or 2006, possibly as
the result of synthetic terrorism. The neocons are in a desperate flight
forward mentality which seeks to avoid the penal consequences of what they
have already done with Valerie Plame, the Niger yellowcake forgeries, the
Israeli mole scandal, and the Chalabi betrayal of state secrets. The neocon
preference is for early war with Iran. War with Russia and China cannot be
excluded somewhat further down the road."

Add to that the relentless horror that will be inflicted when the effects of
Peak Oil (also see From The Wilderness and Richard Heinberg) crash home in
earnest, the body bags pile higher with new wars, and the lives of Americans
(including Bush drones) and people all over the world continue to be

Some members of the current Bush crime organization may leave or retire, and
the possibilities include Donald Rumsfeld, and John Ashcroft (possibly
replaced with Marc Racicot, a long-time friend of George W. Bush, and W's
first choice for attorney general in 2000). Expect their replacements to be
less well known criminals who, if anything, may be more toxic.

Robert Lederman wrote of Racicot: "Numerous members of the Bush family,
including his father and brothers and at least one of GW's prospective
cabinet appointees-potential GW Bush Attorney General Marc Racicot-have a
history of alleged involvement in drug running at the highest levels. We're
not talking about buying drugs for personal use here but massive
importations of heroin and cocaine with the full involvement of foreign
dictators like George Bush pal Manuel Noriega and the Mafia." (See Murder
and Drug Running in Montana)

In Robert Payne's biography The Life and Death of Adolf Hitler, he writes of
Hitler (whose Third Reich was, in fact, financed by the Bush family): "For
all the foreseeable future, he will remain to haunt us, more alive than ever
although he is dead. He hides in shadowy places and at the pinnacle of
power, always urging men to commit the ultimate crime, the perfect atrocity,
the most ferocious massacres. Into the ears of generals and politicians he
whispers: "Be merciless. It is very easy now because I have lived. I have
reduced the value of man to a fraction of what it was before. You will find,
if you continue along the path I have opened for you, the value of man will
decline still further. Remember, mankind is always valueless and its only
use is to serve our interests. We alone are transmitters of civilization,
and the people are nothing but cattle. Napalm is good for them."

Hitler himself wrote: "The victor will not be asked, later on, whether he
told the truth or not. In starting and waging a war, it is not right that
matters, but victory. Have no pity."

Hitler had nothing on the George W. Bush administration.

What, if any, silver lining can be found in the wake of this new goose-step
in the abyss? Perhaps only that the same bellicose, predictable and clumsy
villains remain right where they have been for the last four years: right in
front of us. Better that than a crafty and likeable neoliberal John Kerry
administration that lulls the world to sleep before poison is administered.

We cannot be fooled.

Larry Chin is a freelance journalist and an Online Journal Associate Editor.
King Cheetah
2004-11-09 01:08:25 UTC
Post by Oo
The stolen election of 2004: welcome back to hell
Larry Chin
Online Journal Associate Editor
Too bad the DNC, John Kerry, and the UN poll watchers
don't read this.

They all seem to feel the election was legit... ^__^
2004-11-09 02:07:10 UTC
Post by King Cheetah
Post by Oo
The stolen election of 2004: welcome back to hell
Larry Chin
Online Journal Associate Editor
Too bad the DNC, John Kerry, and the UN poll watchers
don't read this.
They all seem to feel the election was legit... ^__^
Did they get to examine the e-voting machines? I don't think so, nobody did.
Besides Kerry was a stooge. The whole thing is a sham, a steaming pile of
shit and it stinks.
King Cheetah
2004-11-09 02:40:56 UTC
Post by Oo
Post by King Cheetah
Post by Oo
The stolen election of 2004: welcome back to hell
Larry Chin
Online Journal Associate Editor
Too bad the DNC, John Kerry, and the UN poll watchers
don't read this.
They all seem to feel the election was legit... ^__^
Did they get to examine the e-voting machines? I don't think so, nobody did.
Besides Kerry was a stooge. The whole thing is a sham, a steaming pile of
shit and it stinks.

So... the entire Democratic Leadership is... in on it? Would it be impolite
to point out that that doesn't make a lick of sense?
2004-11-09 12:55:16 UTC
Post by King Cheetah
Post by Oo
Post by King Cheetah
Post by Oo
The stolen election of 2004: welcome back to hell
Larry Chin
Online Journal Associate Editor
Too bad the DNC, John Kerry, and the UN poll watchers
don't read this.
They all seem to feel the election was legit... ^__^
Did they get to examine the e-voting machines? I don't think so, nobody did.
Besides Kerry was a stooge. The whole thing is a sham, a steaming pile of
shit and it stinks.
So... the entire Democratic Leadership is... in on it? Would it be impolite
to point out that that doesn't make a lick of sense?
It makes perfect sense.

What is really for morons is the idea that the 'people' choose their

Some advice: you should start thinking some more, rather than wrapping
expressions of what you think you know with unimpressive lead-ins such
as 'would it be impolite to point out'.
banana "The thing I hate about you, Rowntree, is the way you
give Coca-Cola to your scum, and your best teddy-bear to
Oxfam, and expect us to lick your frigid fingers for the
rest of your frigid life." (Mick Travis, 'If...', 1968)
King Cheetah
2004-11-09 13:13:32 UTC
Post by banana
Post by King Cheetah
So... the entire Democratic Leadership is... in on it? Would it be impolite
to point out that that doesn't make a lick of sense?
It makes perfect sense.
What is really for morons is the idea that the 'people' choose their
Oh yeah, well... well, um... Bush runs your crummy little island too, so
2004-11-09 19:29:09 UTC
Post by King Cheetah
Post by Oo
Post by King Cheetah
Post by Oo
The stolen election of 2004: welcome back to hell
Larry Chin
Online Journal Associate Editor
Too bad the DNC, John Kerry, and the UN poll watchers
don't read this.
They all seem to feel the election was legit... ^__^
Did they get to examine the e-voting machines? I don't think so, nobody did.
Besides Kerry was a stooge. The whole thing is a sham, a steaming pile of
shit and it stinks.
So... the entire Democratic Leadership is... in on it? Would it be impolite
to point out that that doesn't make a lick of sense?
In on what, the corruption?
2004-11-09 12:32:31 UTC
Post by Oo
Post by King Cheetah
Post by Oo
The stolen election of 2004: welcome back to hell
Larry Chin
Online Journal Associate Editor
Too bad the DNC, John Kerry, and the UN poll watchers
don't read this.
They all seem to feel the election was legit... ^__^
Did they get to examine the e-voting machines? I don't think so, nobody did.
Besides Kerry was a stooge. The whole thing is a sham, a steaming pile of
shit and it stinks.
Well put. The thing is, King Cheetah would probably see this if it
happened in the Philippines, Zimbabwe, or some country he'd never heard
of until it was announced in a US news broadcast that an election in
that country had been fixed by backers of the president who controlled
the companies that counted the vote, and a US fleet was on its way to
'restore democracy'. But when it happens in his beloved US, and there's
no Big Daddy figure giving him permission to think it, he just 'can't'
believe it.

As for the US, the Sicilian mafia has always backed both main
candidates. Even Claire Sterling admits this. The election stinks, the
regime stinks, and always has done, right back to the time those
slave-owning freemasons wrote the conshittution and before.

What is happening now, and this is happening in the UK too, is that the
schizoid nature of the culture is getting ever more schizoid, it is
breaking into new territory. Things happen right in front of people's
faces and they are led to believe by authority figures that the opposite
is happening, or that nothing is happening at all. This has happened
since the beginning of the mass media [1] but it is accelerating now.
Slavery is Freedom! War is Peace! Ignorance is Strength! When I say
accelerating now, it is akin to a capitalist technological revolution,
or is part and parcel of one. I can't see how it won't go along with the
drive to impose more material means of control. Making a population
softer than it already was, is profitable... How long before getting
chipped will be 'freedom' too?

banana (off to re-read Reich's 'mass psychology of fascism')

(1) As part of this throughout the 20th century, there was the idea that
social democracy, Stalinism, and other forms - even nationalist forms -
of permitted and encouraged representation of the working class within
capitalism, had anything to do with 'socialism'.
banana "The thing I hate about you, Rowntree, is the way you
give Coca-Cola to your scum, and your best teddy-bear to
Oxfam, and expect us to lick your frigid fingers for the
rest of your frigid life." (Mick Travis, 'If...', 1968)
2004-11-09 12:12:17 UTC
Post by King Cheetah
Post by Oo
The stolen election of 2004: welcome back to hell
Larry Chin
Online Journal Associate Editor
Too bad the DNC, John Kerry, and the UN poll watchers
don't read this.
They all seem to feel the election was legit... ^__^
As for the DNC and John Kerry, how likely is it that a 'genuine' person
would allow his 'opponent's' business partners and backers to count the
vote? Do you think a 'genuine' candidate in even a student union
election would say that was OK?

And before you object...it's a matter of record, which companies
manufactured the machines, and that they 'supported' Bush.

As for UN officials, who provides them with their cocaine, prostitutes,
etc.? Would they want to destabilise the US regime or not? Who do you
think owns the UN? Or do you think it's owned by a sing-song of people
from all over the world, as if they were in a Coca-Cola advertisement?

This is so obvious... Some people would call it a 'no-brainer'.

Here is the lesson you should learn: don't get your 'opinions' from
either Tweedledum or Tweedledee - form your own. Don't be scared. People
who *do* form their own, *don't* get them from either Tweedledum or
Tweedledee. Tweedledum and Tweedledee are both on the same side.
banana "The thing I hate about you, Rowntree, is the way you
give Coca-Cola to your scum, and your best teddy-bear to
Oxfam, and expect us to lick your frigid fingers for the
rest of your frigid life." (Mick Travis, 'If...', 1968)
2004-11-09 20:02:00 UTC
Post by banana
Post by King Cheetah
Post by Oo
The stolen election of 2004: welcome back to hell
Larry Chin
Online Journal Associate Editor
Too bad the DNC, John Kerry, and the UN poll watchers
don't read this.
They all seem to feel the election was legit... ^__^
As for the DNC and John Kerry, how likely is it that a 'genuine' person
would allow his 'opponent's' business partners and backers to count the
vote? Do you think a 'genuine' candidate in even a student union
election would say that was OK?
And before you object...it's a matter of record, which companies
manufactured the machines, and that they 'supported' Bush.
As for UN officials, who provides them with their cocaine, prostitutes,
etc.? Would they want to destabilise the US regime or not? Who do you
think owns the UN? Or do you think it's owned by a sing-song of people
from all over the world, as if they were in a Coca-Cola advertisement?
This is so obvious... Some people would call it a 'no-brainer'.
Here is the lesson you should learn: don't get your 'opinions' from
either Tweedledum or Tweedledee - form your own. Don't be scared. People
who *do* form their own, *don't* get them from either Tweedledum or
Tweedledee. Tweedledum and Tweedledee are both on the same side.
Those who don't get receive their 'opinions' from Tweedledum/Tweedledee risk
being squeezed out of the loop, not being 'successful' in financial terms,
made to look like 'nutters', eliminated or all of the above. Thus we have a
situation where there are those who actually know it is all a pile of shit
yet choose to ignore it. Ignorance is bliss? These people are the worst -
going along with it - knowing it is wrong. Authoritarian structures work to
control the public mind and crush independent thinking and turn human beings
into nothing more than passive consumers. Independent thinkers are weeded
out as radicals or rejected because there's something 'odd' with them. It
doesn't have to work fully, in fact, it's even better for the system if
there are a few exceptions to give the illusion of debate or freedom.
2004-11-09 19:28:16 UTC
Post by King Cheetah
Post by Oo
The stolen election of 2004: welcome back to hell
Larry Chin
Online Journal Associate Editor
Too bad the DNC, John Kerry, and the UN poll watchers
don't read this.
They all seem to feel the election was legit... ^__^
Do they? What parts below should they specifically review, in your opinion?

Larry Chin
Online Journal Associate Editor

November 5, 2004-Using a variety of criminal methods that they have
perfected over the past four years, the George W. Bush-Dick Cheney-Karl Rove
syndicate stole another election, and extended their illegal occupation of
the White House. Experienced, informed and unblinking observers were not
fooled by any aspect of this utterly predictable goose-step towards full

But to those who are "shocked" as they watched the election night numbers
mysteriously slip away amidst controversy; those who are struggling to
understand "what happened", let this cold realization serve as bracing

Welcome to hell. Welcome to the horrifying reality that whistleblowers have
suffered and fought through every day, over lifetimes. No more illusions.
This is reality.

It Is a Rigged Game

The US political and economic system, exemplified by Bush-Cheney, is deeply
criminalized. It is designed to profit by killing things. It thrives on war
and oppression. It is sustained by collusion, fraud, lies, cover-up, and the
indoctrination and manipulation of minds. It does not, and never has,
represented its people. Its operatives heed no laws. They "make" law. These
facts must be burned into the consciousness of every decent human being.

As Mike Ruppert writes in Crossing The Rubicon: "That profits of crime and
war, which are destructive of human life, of labor, of happy, healthy
neighborhoods (whether in the US or in Afghanistan, Africa and Iraq) are in
effect a keystone of the global economy and a determinant of the success in
a ruthless competition, is a compass needle for human civilization. One
cannot expect to follow the recipe for roadkill stew and produce a crème

Criminals do not obey laws. Criminals do not believe in "democracy".

Criminals do not "permit" elections.

It is foolish, then, to expend one's energies in "clean" election
activities, and expect good results. To quote one of George W. Bush many
recent Freudian non-slips, "we make elections." The 2004 presidential
election was just one more "manufacture".

How John Kerry Unwon the Presidency

How Bush-Cheney stole the 2000 election was a matter of obvious historical
fact, confirmed by post-facto mainstream media reports of a Gore win, and
detailed by numerous investigators such as Greg Palast in his book The Best
Democracy Money Can Buy. Voters complained about old machines and paper

Then came the "black box voting" machines. (For detailed analysis of black
box voting, read the work of Bev Harris.)

In the 2002 mid-term elections, the Republicans "shocked" Democrats by
solidifying their power in Congress, using the same fraudulent methods,
along with new and improved black box technology.

"The technology had a trial run in the 2002 mid-term elections. In Georgia,
serviced by new Diebold systems, a popular Democratic governor and senator
were both unseated in what the media called 'amazing' upsets, with results
showing vote swings of up to 16 percent from the last pre-ballot polls. In
computerized Minnesota, former Vice President Walter Mondale-a replacement
for popular incumbent Paul Wellstone, who died in a plane crash days before
the vote-was also defeated in a large last-second vote swing. Convenient
'glitches' in Florida saw an untold number of votes intended for the
Democratic candidate registering instead for Governor Jeb "L'il Brother"
Bush. A Florida Democrat who lost a similarly 'glitched' local election went
to court to have the computers examined-but the case was thrown out by a
judge who ruled that the innards of America's voting machines are the 'trade
secrets' of the private companies who make them."

In 2003, black box voting also helped oust Governor Gray Davis and installed
Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger in the Democratic stronghold of California.

The probability of a fix was obvious throughout the 2004 presidential
campaign. Corporate media polls continued to predominantly favor Bush, never
dipping his rating below 48 percent, despite his trouncing in three straight
debates with Kerry, and despite mushrooming war scandals. This was in stark
contrast to independent surveys that showed Kerry with commanding leads.
Kerry momentum, and massive Kerry/anti-Bush voter turnout, was evident on
election day, and confirmed by exit polls with dominant Kerry numbers.

Then what?

Greg Palast reveals in exhaustive detail that John Kerry won the 2004
election and had it stolen through such methods as "spoilage", intimidation,
polling place chicanery, ethnic cleansing of polls. (See Kerry Won. And

Once again, criminals do not "permit" elections. They make them. This time,
the Bush forces had years of unencumbered time to orchestrate it, from Ohio
(where its notorious secretary of state is the head of the Bush re-election
campaign), and, of course, Jeb Bush's Florida.

The Triumph of the Bush Machines

But there is one overriding fact that has been left out most of the
ridiculous post-election punditry that renders all other analyses completely
irrelevant. It is also the reason why the smiles on the faces of Bush crime
family members are so bright, as they watched the returns on election night.

Air America Radio's Mike Malloy gave the most succinct and passionate
explanation in his Wednesday, November 3, 2004, program [my links

"The American vote count is controlled by three major corporate players,
Diebold, ESS, Sequoia, and a fourth, SAIC, Science Applications
International. All four are hard-wired into the Bush power structure, the
Bush crime family.

"They have been given millions of dollars by the Bush regime to complete a
sweeping computerization of voting machines that were just used in the 2004
election. The technology involved had a trial run during the 2002 mid-term
elections. Georgia had Diebold machines in every precinct. As a result, a
popular Democratic governor and senator were both unseated in what the media
called an "amazing" 16 percent swing.

"Diebold's Walden O'Dell, a top Bush fundraiser, publicly committed himself
to delivering his home state Ohio's votes to Bush. At Diebold, the election
division is run by Bob Urosevich. Bob's brother, Todd, is a top executive at
"rival" ES&S. The brothers were originally staked by Howard Ahmanson, a
member of the Council For National Policy, a right-wing steering group
stacked with Bush true believers. Ahmanson is also one of the bagmen behind
the extremist Christian Reconstruction Movement, which advocates the
theocratic takeover of American democracy.

"The four companies are interconnected; they are not four "competitors".
Ahmanson has large stakes in ES&S, whose former CEO was Republican Senator
Chuck Hagel of Nebraska. When Hagel ran for office, his own company counted
the votes, and his victory was considered "an amazing upset". Hagel still
has a million dollar stake in ES&S.

"Sequoia is the corporate parent of a private equity firm, Madison Dearborn,
which is partner in the Carlyle Group. (Also see here.)

"Meanwhile, SAIC is referred to a "shadowy defense contractor". They have
gotten into the vote count game both directly and through spinoffs by its
top brass, including Admiral Bill Owens, former military aide to Dick
Cheney, and Carlyle Group honcho Frank Carlucci and ex-CIA chief Robert
Gates. SAIC's history of fraud charges and security "lapses" haven't
prevented it from becoming one of the largest Pentagon and CIA contractors,
and will doubtless encounter few obstacles in its entrance into the vote
counting business.

"The mad rush to install these unverifiable computers is driven by the Help
America Vote Act, signed by .Bush! The chief lobbying group pushing for the
act (while we dumb asses sat out here and thought, 'That sounds like a good
idea!') was a consortium of arms dealers including Northrup Grumman and
Lockheed Martin.

"When you hear people saying, 'take a deep breath, we will pull through
this', 'we need to work harder', 'we need to organize'-no. We will not. It's

"Unless electronic vote tabulation is history, and these companies are
driven out of business, it's their country. Not ours.

"Nobody knows, and no one will ever know, what the actual vote count was.

"There are no checks and balances left. The US Senate now has 55 of these
Republicans. When they hit 60, which is what will happen in 2006 mid-term
elections-trust me-that means that no matter what Bush and the crime family
want to do, they can do it. The House (of Representatives) is gone for the
next two to five generations. It's gone.

"The last thing rational people in this country need right now is this
whistling-past-the-graveyard horse hockey. Nothing is going to happen; it's
going to get worse. There will never again be a legitimate election in this

"Until we get rid of the machines.

The people who put the software together-do you think that they are in this
business to promote democracy? To promote representative government? Then
you are a fool, and you don't deserve anything other than the lash.

Kerry did not lose the election. The vote was stolen. Get that through your

The Bush syndicate owns and runs the machines that make the votes. They
control all branches of the federal government.

There is nothing more painful than witnessing the Kerry voters, liberals and
progressives as they agonize over "what went wrong," second guessing their
Herculean efforts, grasping for solutions in outdated ideas, and vowing how
"next time, we'll work harder, and we'll really get out the vote!", and that
"we'll nominate even better candidates!"

Still others are asking reasonable questions. Why aren't Walden O'Dell, Jeb
Bush, and J. Kenneth Blackwell under arrest, or in jail? Exactly how did
Associated Press pull it off on election night? Will any of the Bush
administration criminals ever be punished for their war crimes? Then one
must ask, who is going to prosecute? Who is going to hear the cases? The
Bush Justice Department? The Bush FBI? The Supreme Court?

When you play fair in a rigged game, it doesn't matter how hard you work, or
even what you do. Insanity is repeating the same mistake, expecting a
different result.

Kerry Welcomes Fascism with Open Arms

John Kerry's pitiful and immediate capitulation, surrendering with even less
of a fight than Al Gore in 2000, despite clear, overt and gross vote fraud
across the country, including Ohio-Diebold's home state-was sickening.

Bush's Skull & Bones fraternity brother then spoke of "healing" and uniting
behind Bush, a speech grotesquely reminiscent of Al Gore's sickening 2000
declaration that Bush was "mah president."

Twice now, with Gore and Kerry, Democrats have won the White House, and then
refused to speak the truth about the crime, and fight for the people who
bled for them. Twice, America has been sold out.

Could it be that this time, Kerry played the American people in just another
game of bait-and-switch?

Will those who supported Kerry actually heed his command, and obediently
march in step, "without anger or rancor," and follow George W. Bush, the
strutting tyrant, and the most dangerous and irrational collection of
mass-murdering war criminals in modern history?

In a cynical view, and one that is likely accurate, the election of 2004 may
have been nothing more than an elaborate trial balloon, a "good cop-bad cop"
theater that is mandated every few years to uphold the appearance of
legitimacy. Our candidates lie, all the while gauging the effectiveness of
long-term manipulation programs. They think, are the people still gullible
and uninformed? What slogans and illusions can we fool them with? Is the
"war on terrorism" mindset still unwavering? How far can we push them? Will
they accept the baseball bat in the face, or the velvet glove to the nose?

How many beatings will this republic take, before its people wake up? When
will the people realize what is really happening, and "chase us down the
street and lynch us" (as George H.W. Bush said to reporter Sarah McClendon)?

To hell with Bush. To hell with Kerry. Wait, We're All Already Here.

As sadistic Bush slurred in his "acceptance" speech, "a new term is a new
opportunity". Then the most chilling words yet: "I earned political capital.
I intend to spend it." If the last four years brought the world to its
knees, imagine what is to come as Bush-Cheney giddily pry open a new set of
larger Pandora's Boxes.

Webster Tarpley, author of the Unauthorized Biography of George Bush writes:
"If Bush retains control of the White House, we can expect a neocon fascist
dictatorship or martial law emergency regime in 2005 or 2006, possibly as
the result of synthetic terrorism. The neocons are in a desperate flight
forward mentality which seeks to avoid the penal consequences of what they
have already done with Valerie Plame, the Niger yellowcake forgeries, the
Israeli mole scandal, and the Chalabi betrayal of state secrets. The neocon
preference is for early war with Iran. War with Russia and China cannot be
excluded somewhat further down the road."

Add to that the relentless horror that will be inflicted when the effects of
Peak Oil (also see From The Wilderness and Richard Heinberg) crash home in
earnest, the body bags pile higher with new wars, and the lives of Americans
(including Bush drones) and people all over the world continue to be

Some members of the current Bush crime organization may leave or retire, and
the possibilities include Donald Rumsfeld, and John Ashcroft (possibly
replaced with Marc Racicot, a long-time friend of George W. Bush, and W's
first choice for attorney general in 2000). Expect their replacements to be
less well known criminals who, if anything, may be more toxic.

Robert Lederman wrote of Racicot: "Numerous members of the Bush family,
including his father and brothers and at least one of GW's prospective
cabinet appointees-potential GW Bush Attorney General Marc Racicot-have a
history of alleged involvement in drug running at the highest levels. We're
not talking about buying drugs for personal use here but massive
importations of heroin and cocaine with the full involvement of foreign
dictators like George Bush pal Manuel Noriega and the Mafia." (See Murder
and Drug Running in Montana)

In Robert Payne's biography The Life and Death of Adolf Hitler, he writes of
Hitler (whose Third Reich was, in fact, financed by the Bush family): "For
all the foreseeable future, he will remain to haunt us, more alive than ever
although he is dead. He hides in shadowy places and at the pinnacle of
power, always urging men to commit the ultimate crime, the perfect atrocity,
the most ferocious massacres. Into the ears of generals and politicians he
whispers: "Be merciless. It is very easy now because I have lived. I have
reduced the value of man to a fraction of what it was before. You will find,
if you continue along the path I have opened for you, the value of man will
decline still further. Remember, mankind is always valueless and its only
use is to serve our interests. We alone are transmitters of civilization,
and the people are nothing but cattle. Napalm is good for them."

Hitler himself wrote: "The victor will not be asked, later on, whether he
told the truth or not. In starting and waging a war, it is not right that
matters, but victory. Have no pity."

Hitler had nothing on the George W. Bush administration.

What, if any, silver lining can be found in the wake of this new goose-step
in the abyss? Perhaps only that the same bellicose, predictable and clumsy
villains remain right where they have been for the last four years: right in
front of us. Better that than a crafty and likeable neoliberal John Kerry
administration that lulls the world to sleep before poison is administered.

We cannot be fooled.

Larry Chin is a freelance journalist and an Online Journal Associate Editor.
2004-11-09 00:20:24 UTC
Post by Maria
Post by abelard
Post by Oo
The stolen election of 2004: welcome back to hell
if i could be bothered i'd put you back in my killfile....
where for some months you resided all alone....
I wish someone would address the issues in Banana's post though.
Well if you really want to know. The Republicans in 2004 were in
"crawl over glass" mode to vote. This means that people were lined up
at 7 am to vote. they could have shown up at 8 am or 9 am when the
lines were shorter but they were lining up before the doors opened.
We probably had the highest voter turnout in the last 30 years. In
competitive states where Bush or Gore could have won, the Democrats
had 60-65% of the vote turning up which is a very high. Republicans
may have hit close to 80%.
Where do you get these estimates from? (Working them out from the
reported results wouldn't count).
In Florida it was staggering. People came out of the woodwork to
volunteer for Bush. It wasd a amazing. The Republicans were unpaid
volunteers and they totally overwhelmed the Democrat paid thugs and
Anti-Bush parliamentarists were in 'crawl over glass' mode too. We are
talking about literally millions of people involved in the Kerry
The Democrats got "shock & awe."
Which doesn't mean anything to do with thuggery, it's just a metaphor as
amiable and pleasant as a summer's day, right?
Still - I am sure the Guardian, BBC, Mirror and other will tell you
the vote was stolen.
I doubt it. What are the newspapers you read telling you, and how do you
relate to it?
banana "The thing I hate about you, Rowntree, is the way you
give Coca-Cola to your scum, and your best teddy-bear to
Oxfam, and expect us to lick your frigid fingers for the
rest of your frigid life." (Mick Travis, 'If...', 1968)
2004-11-08 21:55:02 UTC
Post by abelard
Post by Oo
The stolen election of 2004: welcome back to hell
if i could be bothered i'd put you back in my killfile....
where for some months you resided all alone....
Hmm are those lost votes also in there?
2004-11-08 21:58:15 UTC
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 22:55:02 +0100, "D.E." <ask4myemail>
Post by D.E.
Post by abelard
Post by Oo
The stolen election of 2004: welcome back to hell
if i could be bothered i'd put you back in my killfile....
where for some months you resided all alone....
Hmm are those lost votes also in there?
the ones the left lost in australia or america?
web site at www.abelard.org - news and comment service, logic,
energy, education, politics, etc >958,884 document calls in a year
all that is necessary for [] walk quietly and carry
the triumph of evil is that [] a big stick.
good people do nothing [] trust actions not words
only when it's funny -- roger rabbit
2004-11-09 00:14:09 UTC
Post by abelard
Post by Oo
The stolen election of 2004: welcome back to hell
if i could be bothered i'd put you back in my killfile....
where for some months you resided all alone....
It's a good article, ab.
banana "The thing I hate about you, Rowntree, is the way you
give Coca-Cola to your scum, and your best teddy-bear to
Oxfam, and expect us to lick your frigid fingers for the
rest of your frigid life." (Mick Travis, 'If...', 1968)
2004-11-09 01:09:28 UTC
On Tue, 9 Nov 2004 00:14:09 +0000, banana
Post by banana
Post by abelard
Post by Oo
The stolen election of 2004: welcome back to hell
if i could be bothered i'd put you back in my killfile....
where for some months you resided all alone....
It's a good article, ab.
blast you....
no it isn't....it is emotionalism....
read the originating story and then we'll talk!

web site at www.abelard.org - news and comment service, logic,
energy, education, politics, etc >958,884 document calls in a year
all that is necessary for [] walk quietly and carry
the triumph of evil is that [] a big stick.
good people do nothing [] trust actions not words
only when it's funny -- roger rabbit
the auroran sunset
2004-11-09 14:58:59 UTC
Post by abelard
On Tue, 9 Nov 2004 00:14:09 +0000, banana
Post by banana
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 18:23:45 -0000, "Oo"
Post by Oo
The stolen election of 2004: welcome back to hell
if i could be bothered i'd put you back in my killfile....
where for some months you resided all alone....
It's a good article, ab.
blast you....
no it isn't....it is emotionalism....
read the originating story and then we'll talk!
incredible. satire is dead, or something like that.

1. one can't help but wonder how he keeps jumping from "not
counted" to "overwhelming democratic".

'race' (%age of tot.) bush kerry
White (77%) 58% 41%
African-American (11%) 11% 88%
Latino (8%) 44% 53%
Asian (2%) 44% 56%
Other (2%) 40% 54%

in florida
White (70%) 57% 42%
African-American (12%) 13% 86%
Latino (15%) 56% 44%

quite apart from the 'registration drives' which resulted in
150% registered counties. obviously all the challenges were
down to those racist republicans.

2. one can't help wonder on what evidence he bases his absurd
assertion that exit polls are accurate.

"the drudge report at one point ran with some exit polls
showing kerry winning heavily. he is blamed for the late heavy dip on
the stock market. those poll "just happened to be" heavily spun to kerry
via shady 'scientific' method: women swing heavily to kerry, men to bush.
the exit polls had something like a 57-43 ratio of women to men! oh i do
trust those poll."

exit polls are *almost never* accurate in close elections, even without
fossil media gaming. the aggregate error is usually anything up to 8%. his
assertion is a bad joke.
"it's alright in practice, but does it work in theory?" comes to mind.

3. one can't help but wonder why he cares about the votes of people too
stupid or too ignorant to vote properly. time for franchise by examination.

and that's just three glaring weirdnesses that come to mind from a cursory
scan.. democracy has fallen! DOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMM!!!!!!!

to infinity and beyond.
the auroran sunset
personal website: http://www.aoiko.net/
diary: http://www.aoiko.net/mind/diary.php
Greg Hennessy
2004-11-09 17:05:25 UTC
Post by the auroran sunset
1. one can't help but wonder how he keeps jumping from "not
counted" to "overwhelming democratic".
Because he's a clueless idiot perhaps ?

This post


in this article


does an excellent county by county statisical breakdown of swing patterns
in Ohio, comparing 2000 & 2004.

I would recommend it to the f*ckwits at commondreams et al, however
introducing facts into the debate at this stage would be sooo unfair.

The conch signal!
To the invisible boatmobile, away!
2004-11-09 20:42:14 UTC
Post by the auroran sunset
Post by abelard
On Tue, 9 Nov 2004 00:14:09 +0000, banana
Post by banana
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 18:23:45 -0000, "Oo"
Post by Oo
The stolen election of 2004: welcome back to hell
if i could be bothered i'd put you back in my killfile....
where for some months you resided all alone....
It's a good article, ab.
blast you....
no it isn't....it is emotionalism....
read the originating story and then we'll talk!
incredible. satire is dead, or something like that.
1. one can't help but wonder how he keeps jumping from "not
counted" to "overwhelming democratic".
'race' (%age of tot.) bush kerry
White (77%) 58% 41%
African-American (11%) 11% 88%
Latino (8%) 44% 53%
Asian (2%) 44% 56%
Other (2%) 40% 54%
in florida
White (70%) 57% 42%
African-American (12%) 13% 86%
Latino (15%) 56% 44%
quite apart from the 'registration drives' which resulted in
150% registered counties. obviously all the challenges were
down to those racist republicans.
2. one can't help wonder on what evidence he bases his absurd
assertion that exit polls are accurate.
palast imv tends to be sloppy....but he can be interesting on
corporate shenanigans....
it is essential to always keep in mind that the idea of a numerate
socialist is about as likely as a flying elefant....

in case you misconstrued....my intention was first to bring the
conversation down to a more 'mundane' level than the latest
worst flights of fancy of the 'kerry won' idiocy.....

palast is not actually flying like the original item...merely kite flying.
Post by the auroran sunset
"the drudge report at one point ran with some exit polls
showing kerry winning heavily. he is blamed for the late heavy dip on
the stock market. those poll "just happened to be" heavily spun to kerry
via shady 'scientific' method: women swing heavily to kerry, men to bush.
the exit polls had something like a 57-43 ratio of women to men! oh i do
trust those poll."
now now....don't tell the sheep they can't trust the fossil media....
where on earth would they be with their romantic myths then....

you know what %age of 'reporters' are democrat party voters?
these people live in a dream world they insist on calling 'reality'....
they do not like their sleep disturbed.....

like those in the asylum who insist they are napoleon.....they insist
that anyone who questions their bollox is 'mad'....
if you see a person in the asylum insisting they are napoleon.....
you tend to feel sympathy for their plight....

when you see a socialist going on this way you tend to think they are
'arrogant'....they are not....they are just other poor sods with
delusions that in this case are pandered to by the fossil media....
just as in the middle ages questioning belief in witches was a dangerous
hobby...so now, questioning belief in a major delusions like socialism
can have its dangers.....

it is not the bible belt that has proved the main danger to life and limb
this last hundred years...it has been socialism.....
at last the religion is on the wane thank the good fairy....
but they remain the modern puritans who wish to smash the place
up for god.....sorry....for marx....
Post by the auroran sunset
exit polls are *almost never* accurate in close elections, even without
fossil media gaming. the aggregate error is usually anything up to 8%. his
assertion is a bad joke.
"it's alright in practice, but does it work in theory?" comes to mind.
Post by the auroran sunset
3. one can't help but wonder why he cares about the votes of people too
stupid or too ignorant to vote properly. time for franchise by examination.
Post by the auroran sunset
and that's just three glaring weirdnesses that come to mind from a cursory
scan.. democracy has fallen! DOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMM!!!!!!!
wsj is absolutely hilarious yesterday...

web site at www.abelard.org - news and comment service, logic,
energy, education, politics, etc >958,884 document calls in a year
all that is necessary for [] walk quietly and carry
the triumph of evil is that [] a big stick.
good people do nothing [] trust actions not words
only when it's funny -- roger rabbit
2004-11-09 23:55:07 UTC
Post by abelard
Post by abelard
On Tue, 9 Nov 2004 00:14:09 +0000, banana
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 18:23:45 -0000, "Oo"
Post by abelard
palast imv tends to be sloppy....
He's a journalist... He just couldn't get the use of the Currie-Major
revelation - just said something coarse and superficial, that was it.
Post by abelard
but he can be interesting on
corporate shenanigans....
Big business interests *rule*. Rule by big business interests is part
and parcel of the nature of this society.

Post by abelard
it is not the bible belt that has proved the main danger to life and limb
We are *supposed* to be interpreting this 'last minute surge' that won
the election for Bush in terms of the 'bible belt'. You appear to be
underestimating the sophistication of propaganda/PR.
Post by abelard
this last hundred years...it has been socialism.....
Which State is it, BTW, that has a military presence in 130 countries?

Recently I have been feeling like doing a map to show the territories in
which the US State has its military now, but didn't 15 years ago. The
picture in Eurasia is very clear.
Post by abelard
wsj is absolutely hilarious yesterday...
I doubt there's much thigh-slapping in Fallujah.
banana "The thing I hate about you, Rowntree, is the way you
give Coca-Cola to your scum, and your best teddy-bear to
Oxfam, and expect us to lick your frigid fingers for the
rest of your frigid life." (Mick Travis, 'If...', 1968)
MANFRED the heat seeking OBOE
2004-11-10 00:31:40 UTC
In article banana wrote:
Post by banana
We are *supposed* to be interpreting this 'last minute surge' that won

Our Hero JOHN KERRY's last minute surge
Loading Image...
depicted graphically for the rationally challenged.

PREY to Clinton for Peace.
Loading Image...

Thank YOU!
BILL CLINTON once again
for BEING THERE to Defeat Our Hero JOHN KERRY.
2004-11-10 15:32:20 UTC
On Tue, 9 Nov 2004 23:55:07 +0000, banana
Post by banana
Post by abelard
Post by abelard
On Tue, 9 Nov 2004 00:14:09 +0000, banana
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 18:23:45 -0000, "Oo"
Post by abelard
palast imv tends to be sloppy....
He's a journalist... He just couldn't get the use of the Currie-Major
revelation - just said something coarse and superficial, that was it.
Post by abelard
but he can be interesting on
corporate shenanigans....
Big business interests *rule*. Rule by big business interests is part
and parcel of the nature of this society.
somewhat of an exaggeration.....
you may push the boat out further if you wish...
but first read here
and take it to a higher level than this to make some sort of case
or definition of your claim....
Post by banana
Post by abelard
it is not the bible belt that has proved the main danger to life and limb
We are *supposed* to be interpreting this 'last minute surge' that won
the election for Bush in terms of the 'bible belt'. You appear to be
underestimating the sophistication of propaganda/PR.
Post by abelard
this last hundred years...it has been socialism.....
Which State is it, BTW, that has a military presence in 130 countries?
Recently I have been feeling like doing a map to show the territories in
which the US State has its military now, but didn't 15 years ago. The
picture in Eurasia is very clear.
i am glad you are aware.....but you needs must offer a meaningful
remedy if you should believe one is needed.....
you have various of the commons issues growing...that absolutely
*requires* ownership of the commons....

i am content you have decided not to defend the article/s....
Post by banana
Post by abelard
wsj is absolutely hilarious yesterday...
I doubt there's much thigh-slapping in Fallujah.
that is the human condition and ever was so.....
america has been an immense force for good and is spreading
liberal democracy... .you may think of it as the new religion if you

web site at www.abelard.org - news and comment service, logic,
energy, education, politics, etc >958,884 document calls in a year
all that is necessary for [] walk quietly and carry
the triumph of evil is that [] a big stick.
good people do nothing [] trust actions not words
only when it's funny -- roger rabbit
the auroran sunset
2004-11-10 08:42:38 UTC
On 9 Nov 2004 14:58:59 GMT, the auroran sunset
Post by the auroran sunset
Post by abelard
On Tue, 9 Nov 2004 00:14:09 +0000, banana
Post by banana
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 18:23:45 -0000, "Oo"
Post by Oo
The stolen election of 2004: welcome back to hell
if i could be bothered i'd put you back in my
killfile.... where for some months you resided all
It's a good article, ab.
blast you....
no it isn't....it is emotionalism....
read the originating story and then we'll talk!
incredible. satire is dead, or something like that.
1. one can't help but wonder how he keeps jumping from "not
counted" to "overwhelming democratic".
'race' (%age of tot.) bush kerry
White (77%) 58% 41%
African-American (11%) 11% 88%
Latino (8%) 44% 53%
Asian (2%) 44% 56%
Other (2%) 40% 54%
00 /epolls.0.html]
in florida
White (70%) 57% 42%
African-American (12%) 13% 86%
Latino (15%) 56% 44%
00 /epolls.0.html]
quite apart from the 'registration drives' which resulted
in 150% registered counties. obviously all the challenges
were down to those racist republicans.
2. one can't help wonder on what evidence he bases his
absurd assertion that exit polls are accurate.
palast imv tends to be sloppy....but he can be interesting
corporate shenanigans....
don't think i've seen him before.
it is essential to always keep in mind that the idea of a
socialist is about as likely as a flying elefant....
in case you misconstrued....my intention was first to bring
conversation down to a more 'mundane' level than the
latest worst flights of fancy of the 'kerry won'
you mean there's worse!! (of course there is, this is moonbats
were talking about).

to infinity and beyond.
the auroran sunset
personal website: http://www.aoiko.net/
diary: http://www.aoiko.net/mind/diary.php
2004-11-10 15:24:30 UTC
Post by the auroran sunset
Post by abelard
in case you misconstrued....my intention was first to bring
conversation down to a more 'mundane' level than the
latest worst flights of fancy of the 'kerry won'
you mean there's worse!! (of course there is, this is moonbats
were talking about).
i don't think you want to know...i'd link it but you'd only waste your
time reading it!
by request if you must....

you must have seen the crap...it's all over the moonbat sites....
flying saucers and mind control comes into some of it.....

the one in this fred just hacked palast, which was sober by comparison,
and exaggerated, including stuff on 'them ornery computers...can't
trust this new-fangled technology you know....bush's mates own
them all and are controlling them from zion centre'
or similar enlightenments....

web site at www.abelard.org - news and comment service, logic,
energy, education, politics, etc >958,884 document calls in a year
all that is necessary for [] walk quietly and carry
the triumph of evil is that [] a big stick.
good people do nothing [] trust actions not words
only when it's funny -- roger rabbit
the auroran sunset
2004-11-10 22:34:43 UTC
Post by abelard
Post by the auroran sunset
Post by abelard
in case you misconstrued....my intention was first to
bring the
conversation down to a more 'mundane' level than the
latest worst flights of fancy of the 'kerry won'
you mean there's worse!! (of course there is, this is
moonbats were talking about).
you must have seen the crap...it's all over the moonbat
sites.... flying saucers and mind control comes into some
of it.....
that one was funny!
Post by abelard
the one in this fred just hacked palast, which was sober by
and exaggerated, including stuff on 'them ornery
computers...can't trust this new-fangled technology you
know....bush's mates own them all and are controlling
them from zion centre'
or similar enlightenments....
ah, the one that some plonk spammer has sent to my upm address
three times so far.

to infinity and beyond.
the auroran sunset
personal website: http://www.aoiko.net/
diary: http://www.aoiko.net/mind/diary.php
2004-11-11 04:31:40 UTC
Post by the auroran sunset
Post by abelard
Post by the auroran sunset
Post by abelard
in case you misconstrued....my intention was first to
bring the
conversation down to a more 'mundane' level than the
latest worst flights of fancy of the 'kerry won'
you mean there's worse!! (of course there is, this is
moonbats were talking about).
you must have seen the crap...it's all over the moonbat
sites.... flying saucers and mind control comes into some
of it.....
that one was funny!
if you have an appropriate pov!
Post by the auroran sunset
Post by abelard
the one in this fred just hacked palast, which was sober by
and exaggerated, including stuff on 'them ornery
computers...can't trust this new-fangled technology you
know....bush's mates own them all and are controlling
them from zion centre'
or similar enlightenments....
ah, the one that some plonk spammer has sent to my upm address
three times so far.
you lucky thing...

ps....you've clipped the circulation again!
web site at www.abelard.org - news and comment service, logic,
energy, education, politics, etc >958,884 document calls in a year
all that is necessary for [] walk quietly and carry
the triumph of evil is that [] a big stick.
good people do nothing [] trust actions not words
only when it's funny -- roger rabbit
2004-11-09 00:14:00 UTC
Post by Oo
The stolen election of 2004: welcome back to hell
Larry Chin
Online Journal Associate Editor
November 5, 2004-Using a variety of criminal methods that they have
perfected over the past four years, the George W. Bush-Dick Cheney-Karl Rove
syndicate stole another election, and extended their illegal occupation of
the White House. Experienced, informed and unblinking observers were not
fooled by any aspect of this utterly predictable goose-step towards full
But to those who are "shocked" as they watched the election night numbers
mysteriously slip away amidst controversy; those who are struggling to
understand "what happened", let this cold realization serve as bracing
Welcome to hell. Welcome to the horrifying reality that whistleblowers have
suffered and fought through every day, over lifetimes. No more illusions.
This is reality.
It Is a Rigged Game
The US political and economic system, exemplified by Bush-Cheney, is deeply
criminalized. It is designed to profit by killing things. It thrives on war
and oppression. It is sustained by collusion, fraud, lies, cover-up, and the
indoctrination and manipulation of minds. It does not, and never has,
represented its people. Its operatives heed no laws. They "make" law. These
facts must be burned into the consciousness of every decent human being.
As Mike Ruppert writes in Crossing The Rubicon: "That profits of crime and
war, which are destructive of human life, of labor, of happy, healthy
neighborhoods (whether in the US or in Afghanistan, Africa and Iraq) are in
effect a keystone of the global economy and a determinant of the success in
a ruthless competition, is a compass needle for human civilization. One
cannot expect to follow the recipe for roadkill stew and produce a crème
Criminals do not obey laws. Criminals do not believe in "democracy".
Criminals do not "permit" elections.
It is foolish, then, to expend one's energies in "clean" election
activities, and expect good results. To quote one of George W. Bush many
recent Freudian non-slips, "we make elections." The 2004 presidential
election was just one more "manufacture".
How John Kerry Unwon the Presidency
How Bush-Cheney stole the 2000 election was a matter of obvious historical
fact, confirmed by post-facto mainstream media reports of a Gore win, and
detailed by numerous investigators such as Greg Palast in his book The Best
Democracy Money Can Buy. Voters complained about old machines and paper
Then came the "black box voting" machines. (For detailed analysis of black
box voting, read the work of Bev Harris.)
In the 2002 mid-term elections, the Republicans "shocked" Democrats by
solidifying their power in Congress, using the same fraudulent methods,
along with new and improved black box technology.
"The technology had a trial run in the 2002 mid-term elections. In Georgia,
serviced by new Diebold systems, a popular Democratic governor and senator
were both unseated in what the media called 'amazing' upsets, with results
showing vote swings of up to 16 percent from the last pre-ballot polls. In
computerized Minnesota, former Vice President Walter Mondale-a replacement
for popular incumbent Paul Wellstone, who died in a plane crash days before
the vote-was also defeated in a large last-second vote swing.
Was Wellstone going to spill some beans about the black box voting
stitch-up? Kerry very probably won't. I wonder if Nader will. But...the
judiciary is under control too, and surely the entire 'audit' won't be
handed over under FOIA. One thing that shouldn't be lost sight of is
that literally millions of people worked for the Kerry campaign -
probably (I will stand corrected if wrong) the largest number of people
ever to work for a presidential candidate's campaign.

I would draw attention to two parallels with the 1992 general election
in the UK, in which there was also a lot of fraud (and there has been a
lot more since). First, millions of people were just amazed by the
result (as was obvious to anyone out on the street on election night).
This may not register on psephologists' computers, but it is an
important reality. Were they being completely irrational? I don't think
so. Second, the media controllers are coming out with a ridiculous
'explanation' of the result. In the UK in 1992 it was the so-called
'north-south divide'. This was a load of rubbish but it was the standard
'view' of 'pundits', regurgitated across the board. I haven't studied
what the US media are saying in 2004 about the election result in the
US, but the UK media (much of which is US-owned) are coming out with the
ridiculous line that the Bush victory was all about the inward-looking
'Christian' vote, from people supposedly living in a different world
from all those 'Yankee liberals'. This strikes me as very glib and
trite...an 'opinion' dreamt up by propagandists. The matter of 'who
counted the vote' strikes me as much, much more relevant. (Noting in
passing the involvement of vote tech guy Howard Ahmanson in far-right
splittism within Anglicanism ['Chalcedon']).
Post by Oo
'glitches' in Florida saw an untold number of votes intended for the
Democratic candidate registering instead for Governor Jeb "L'il Brother"
Bush. A Florida Democrat who lost a similarly 'glitched' local election went
to court to have the computers examined-but the case was thrown out by a
judge who ruled that the innards of America's voting machines are the 'trade
secrets' of the private companies who make them."
Wonderful! Where can I buy one to reverse-engineeer? Or does everyone
who comes into contact with one of the machines have to promise not to
unscrew the little screws with red paint on them?
Post by Oo
In 2003, black box voting also helped oust Governor Gray Davis and installed
Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger in the Democratic stronghold of California.
The probability of a fix was obvious throughout the 2004 presidential
campaign. Corporate media polls continued to predominantly favor Bush, never
dipping his rating below 48 percent, despite his trouncing in three straight
debates with Kerry, and despite mushrooming war scandals. This was in stark
contrast to independent surveys that showed Kerry with commanding leads.
Kerry momentum, and massive Kerry/anti-Bush voter turnout, was evident on
election day, and confirmed by exit polls with dominant Kerry numbers.
Then what?
Greg Palast reveals in exhaustive detail that John Kerry won the 2004
election and had it stolen through such methods as "spoilage", intimidation,
polling place chicanery, ethnic cleansing of polls. (See Kerry Won. And
Post by Oo
"The American vote count is controlled by three major corporate players,
Diebold, ESS, Sequoia, and a fourth, SAIC, Science Applications
International. All four are hard-wired into the Bush power structure, the
Bush crime family.
"They have been given millions of dollars by the Bush regime to complete a
sweeping computerization of voting machines that were just used in the 2004
election. The technology involved had a trial run during the 2002 mid-term
elections. Georgia had Diebold machines in every precinct. As a result, a
popular Democratic governor and senator were both unseated in what the media
called an "amazing" 16 percent swing.
"Diebold's Walden O'Dell, a top Bush fundraiser, publicly committed himself
to delivering his home state Ohio's votes to Bush. At Diebold, the election
division is run by Bob Urosevich. Bob's brother, Todd, is a top executive at
"rival" ES&S.
ROFL! Sounds like those Warburgs in senior positions in the US and
Germany during WW1!!


Bev Harris's book sounds a good read.

Sequoia BTW is UK-based. 85% owned by De La Rue, also UK-based, which
prints over 100 national currencies as well as owning 20% of gambling
syndicate (er, sorry, people-serving national lottery operator) Camelot.

Lynn Landes has done some excellent work, on her website at:

Post by Oo
The brothers were originally staked by Howard Ahmanson, a
member of the Council For National Policy, a right-wing steering group
stacked with Bush true believers. Ahmanson is also one of the bagmen behind
the extremist Christian Reconstruction Movement, which advocates the
theocratic takeover of American democracy.
"The four companies are interconnected; they are not four "competitors".
Ahmanson has large stakes in ES&S, whose former CEO was Republican Senator
Chuck Hagel of Nebraska. When Hagel ran for office, his own company counted
the votes, and his victory was considered "an amazing upset".
A pattern rapidly becoming familiar.
Post by Oo
Hagel still
has a million dollar stake in ES&S.
"Sequoia is the corporate parent of a private equity firm, Madison Dearborn,
which is partner in the Carlyle Group. (Also see here.)
Larry has misread Lynn here. Madison Dearborn is the corporate parent of

Post by Oo
Still others are asking reasonable questions. Why aren't Walden O'Dell, Jeb
Bush, and J. Kenneth Blackwell under arrest, or in jail? Exactly how did
Associated Press pull it off on election night? Will any of the Bush
administration criminals ever be punished for their war crimes? Then one
must ask, who is going to prosecute? Who is going to hear the cases? The
Bush Justice Department? The Bush FBI? The Supreme Court?
When you play fair in a rigged game, it doesn't matter how hard you work, or
even what you do. Insanity is repeating the same mistake, expecting a
different result.
Kerry Welcomes Fascism with Open Arms
John Kerry's pitiful and immediate capitulation, surrendering with even less
of a fight than Al Gore in 2000, despite clear, overt and gross vote fraud
across the country, including Ohio-Diebold's home state-was sickening.
Bush's Skull & Bones fraternity brother then spoke of "healing" and uniting
behind Bush, a speech grotesquely reminiscent of Al Gore's sickening 2000
declaration that Bush was "mah president."
Twice now, with Gore and Kerry, Democrats have won the White House, and then
refused to speak the truth about the crime, and fight for the people who
bled for them.
This is telling it just how it is.
Post by Oo
Could it be that this time, Kerry played the American people in just another
game of bait-and-switch?
Will those who supported Kerry actually heed his command, and obediently
march in step, "without anger or rancor," and follow George W. Bush, the
strutting tyrant, and the most dangerous and irrational collection of
mass-murdering war criminals in modern history?
Fewer will be likely to if we spread information about the obvious vote
fraud as best we can, *without* reinforcing or spreading the illusions
that the rulers 'shouldn't' behave this way (as if their interests were
our interests), and that what is really needed is 'proper democracy'.
What is needed is the overthrow of the rulers, and this can only happen
on a world scale. To hell with the 'rights of property'...
Post by Oo
In a cynical view, and one that is likely accurate, the election of 2004 may
have been nothing more than an elaborate trial balloon, a "good cop-bad cop"
theater that is mandated every few years to uphold the appearance of
legitimacy. Our candidates lie, all the while gauging the effectiveness of
long-term manipulation programs. They think, are the people still gullible
and uninformed? What slogans and illusions can we fool them with? Is the
"war on terrorism" mindset still unwavering? How far can we push them? Will
they accept the baseball bat in the face, or the velvet glove to the nose?
Post by Oo
How many beatings will this republic take, before its people wake up? When
will the people realize what is really happening, and "chase us down the
street and lynch us" (as George H.W. Bush said to reporter Sarah McClendon)?
To hell with Bush. To hell with Kerry. Wait, We're All Already Here.
As sadistic Bush slurred in his "acceptance" speech, "a new term is a new
opportunity". Then the most chilling words yet: "I earned political capital.
I intend to spend it." If the last four years brought the world to its
knees, imagine what is to come as Bush-Cheney giddily pry open a new set of
larger Pandora's Boxes.
"If Bush retains control of the White House, we can expect a neocon fascist
dictatorship or martial law emergency regime in 2005 or 2006, possibly as
the result of synthetic terrorism. The neocons are in a desperate flight
forward mentality which seeks to avoid the penal consequences of what they
have already done with Valerie Plame, the Niger yellowcake forgeries, the
Israeli mole scandal, and the Chalabi betrayal of state secrets. The neocon
preference is for early war with Iran. War with Russia and China cannot be
excluded somewhat further down the road.
I agree. Or who knows, perhaps even before Iran.

With regard to Russia, I mean what is the point of the US military
'alliance' with Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria,
Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, and the Czech Republic, not to mention US
military presence in Serbia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and
USSR - data which speak for themselves but you'll rarely find stated
properly in the western media).

What was the point when German forces crossed the Rhine and reoccupied
the Rhineland in 1936?
banana "The thing I hate about you, Rowntree, is the way you
give Coca-Cola to your scum, and your best teddy-bear to
Oxfam, and expect us to lick your frigid fingers for the
rest of your frigid life." (Mick Travis, 'If...', 1968)
2004-11-09 01:20:33 UTC
On Tue, 9 Nov 2004 00:14:00 +0000, banana


cut the dribble banana....
kerry was a shit candidate....

why? (please keep the bananas for the monkeys and give me
a reality based response!)

web site at www.abelard.org - news and comment service, logic,
energy, education, politics, etc >958,884 document calls in a year
all that is necessary for [] walk quietly and carry
the triumph of evil is that [] a big stick.
good people do nothing [] trust actions not words
only when it's funny -- roger rabbit
roy andrew crabtree
2004-11-23 22:09:25 UTC
Hello, banana. Go back to Electile Dysfunction 2000;
look currently in news://alt.callahans.

See if the 13 point list I Put up is visible there now;

and after EY(not Ernst&Young)2K, look at the
newsgroups for my name spoofed as a teen stalker.

Because I suggested having blind ballots serial numbered
and publicly made available for individual recount.

(Privacy completely assured).

Nothing new.

BTW, my disenfranchisement stacks to 27+ of NO job.

PS: Do not be surprised if you get trash,, razz, and static
on any comm line you use with me. About 40% of it is that.

Post by banana
Post by Oo
The stolen election of 2004: welcome back to hell
Larry Chin
Online Journal Associate Editor
November 5, 2004-Using a variety of criminal methods that they have
perfected over the past four years, the George W. Bush-Dick Cheney-Karl Rove
syndicate stole another election, and extended their illegal occupation of
the White House. Experienced, informed and unblinking observers were not
fooled by any aspect of this utterly predictable goose-step towards full
But to those who are "shocked" as they watched the election night numbers
mysteriously slip away amidst controversy; those who are struggling to
understand "what happened", let this cold realization serve as bracing
Welcome to hell. Welcome to the horrifying reality that whistleblowers have
suffered and fought through every day, over lifetimes. No more illusions.
This is reality.
It Is a Rigged Game
The US political and economic system, exemplified by Bush-Cheney, is deeply
criminalized. It is designed to profit by killing things. It thrives on war
and oppression. It is sustained by collusion, fraud, lies, cover-up, and the
indoctrination and manipulation of minds. It does not, and never has,
represented its people. Its operatives heed no laws. They "make" law. These
facts must be burned into the consciousness of every decent human being.
As Mike Ruppert writes in Crossing The Rubicon: "That profits of crime and
war, which are destructive of human life, of labor, of happy, healthy
neighborhoods (whether in the US or in Afghanistan, Africa and Iraq) are in
effect a keystone of the global economy and a determinant of the success in
a ruthless competition, is a compass needle for human civilization. One
cannot expect to follow the recipe for roadkill stew and produce a crème
Criminals do not obey laws. Criminals do not believe in "democracy".
Criminals do not "permit" elections.
It is foolish, then, to expend one's energies in "clean" election
activities, and expect good results. To quote one of George W. Bush many
recent Freudian non-slips, "we make elections." The 2004 presidential
election was just one more "manufacture".
How John Kerry Unwon the Presidency
How Bush-Cheney stole the 2000 election was a matter of obvious historical
fact, confirmed by post-facto mainstream media reports of a Gore win, and
detailed by numerous investigators such as Greg Palast in his book The Best
Democracy Money Can Buy. Voters complained about old machines and paper
Then came the "black box voting" machines. (For detailed analysis of black
box voting, read the work of Bev Harris.)
In the 2002 mid-term elections, the Republicans "shocked" Democrats by
solidifying their power in Congress, using the same fraudulent methods,
along with new and improved black box technology.
"The technology had a trial run in the 2002 mid-term elections. In Georgia,
serviced by new Diebold systems, a popular Democratic governor and senator
were both unseated in what the media called 'amazing' upsets, with results
showing vote swings of up to 16 percent from the last pre-ballot polls. In
computerized Minnesota, former Vice President Walter Mondale-a replacement
for popular incumbent Paul Wellstone, who died in a plane crash days before
the vote-was also defeated in a large last-second vote swing.
Was Wellstone going to spill some beans about the black box voting
stitch-up? Kerry very probably won't. I wonder if Nader will. But...the
judiciary is under control too, and surely the entire 'audit' won't be
handed over under FOIA. One thing that shouldn't be lost sight of is
that literally millions of people worked for the Kerry campaign -
probably (I will stand corrected if wrong) the largest number of people
ever to work for a presidential candidate's campaign.
I would draw attention to two parallels with the 1992 general election
in the UK, in which there was also a lot of fraud (and there has been a
lot more since). First, millions of people were just amazed by the
result (as was obvious to anyone out on the street on election night).
This may not register on psephologists' computers, but it is an
important reality. Were they being completely irrational? I don't think
so. Second, the media controllers are coming out with a ridiculous
'explanation' of the result. In the UK in 1992 it was the so-called
'north-south divide'. This was a load of rubbish but it was the standard
'view' of 'pundits', regurgitated across the board. I haven't studied
what the US media are saying in 2004 about the election result in the
US, but the UK media (much of which is US-owned) are coming out with the
ridiculous line that the Bush victory was all about the inward-looking
'Christian' vote, from people supposedly living in a different world
from all those 'Yankee liberals'. This strikes me as very glib and
trite...an 'opinion' dreamt up by propagandists. The matter of 'who
counted the vote' strikes me as much, much more relevant. (Noting in
passing the involvement of vote tech guy Howard Ahmanson in far-right
splittism within Anglicanism ['Chalcedon']).
Post by Oo
'glitches' in Florida saw an untold number of votes intended for the
Democratic candidate registering instead for Governor Jeb "L'il Brother"
Bush. A Florida Democrat who lost a similarly 'glitched' local election went
to court to have the computers examined-but the case was thrown out by a
judge who ruled that the innards of America's voting machines are the 'trade
secrets' of the private companies who make them."
Wonderful! Where can I buy one to reverse-engineeer? Or does everyone
who comes into contact with one of the machines have to promise not to
unscrew the little screws with red paint on them?
Post by Oo
In 2003, black box voting also helped oust Governor Gray Davis and installed
Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger in the Democratic stronghold of California.
The probability of a fix was obvious throughout the 2004 presidential
campaign. Corporate media polls continued to predominantly favor Bush, never
dipping his rating below 48 percent, despite his trouncing in three straight
debates with Kerry, and despite mushrooming war scandals. This was in stark
contrast to independent surveys that showed Kerry with commanding leads.
Kerry momentum, and massive Kerry/anti-Bush voter turnout, was evident on
election day, and confirmed by exit polls with dominant Kerry numbers.
Then what?
Greg Palast reveals in exhaustive detail that John Kerry won the 2004
election and had it stolen through such methods as "spoilage", intimidation,
polling place chicanery, ethnic cleansing of polls. (See Kerry Won. And
Post by Oo
"The American vote count is controlled by three major corporate players,
Diebold, ESS, Sequoia, and a fourth, SAIC, Science Applications
International. All four are hard-wired into the Bush power structure, the
Bush crime family.
"They have been given millions of dollars by the Bush regime to complete a
sweeping computerization of voting machines that were just used in the 2004
election. The technology involved had a trial run during the 2002 mid-term
elections. Georgia had Diebold machines in every precinct. As a result, a
popular Democratic governor and senator were both unseated in what the media
called an "amazing" 16 percent swing.
"Diebold's Walden O'Dell, a top Bush fundraiser, publicly committed himself
to delivering his home state Ohio's votes to Bush. At Diebold, the election
division is run by Bob Urosevich. Bob's brother, Todd, is a top executive at
"rival" ES&S.
ROFL! Sounds like those Warburgs in senior positions in the US and
Germany during WW1!!
Bev Harris's book sounds a good read.
Sequoia BTW is UK-based. 85% owned by De La Rue, also UK-based, which
prints over 100 national currencies as well as owning 20% of gambling
syndicate (er, sorry, people-serving national lottery operator) Camelot.
Post by Oo
The brothers were originally staked by Howard Ahmanson, a
member of the Council For National Policy, a right-wing steering group
stacked with Bush true believers. Ahmanson is also one of the bagmen behind
the extremist Christian Reconstruction Movement, which advocates the
theocratic takeover of American democracy.
"The four companies are interconnected; they are not four "competitors".
Ahmanson has large stakes in ES&S, whose former CEO was Republican Senator
Chuck Hagel of Nebraska. When Hagel ran for office, his own company counted
the votes, and his victory was considered "an amazing upset".
A pattern rapidly becoming familiar.
Post by Oo
Hagel still
has a million dollar stake in ES&S.
"Sequoia is the corporate parent of a private equity firm, Madison Dearborn,
which is partner in the Carlyle Group. (Also see here.)
Larry has misread Lynn here. Madison Dearborn is the corporate parent of
Post by Oo
Still others are asking reasonable questions. Why aren't Walden O'Dell, Jeb
Bush, and J. Kenneth Blackwell under arrest, or in jail? Exactly how did
Associated Press pull it off on election night? Will any of the Bush
administration criminals ever be punished for their war crimes? Then one
must ask, who is going to prosecute? Who is going to hear the cases? The
Bush Justice Department? The Bush FBI? The Supreme Court?
When you play fair in a rigged game, it doesn't matter how hard you work, or
even what you do. Insanity is repeating the same mistake, expecting a
different result.
Kerry Welcomes Fascism with Open Arms
John Kerry's pitiful and immediate capitulation, surrendering with even less
of a fight than Al Gore in 2000, despite clear, overt and gross vote fraud
across the country, including Ohio-Diebold's home state-was sickening.
Bush's Skull & Bones fraternity brother then spoke of "healing" and uniting
behind Bush, a speech grotesquely reminiscent of Al Gore's sickening 2000
declaration that Bush was "mah president."
Twice now, with Gore and Kerry, Democrats have won the White House, and then
refused to speak the truth about the crime, and fight for the people who
bled for them.
This is telling it just how it is.
Post by Oo
Could it be that this time, Kerry played the American people in just another
game of bait-and-switch?
Will those who supported Kerry actually heed his command, and obediently
march in step, "without anger or rancor," and follow George W. Bush, the
strutting tyrant, and the most dangerous and irrational collection of
mass-murdering war criminals in modern history?
Fewer will be likely to if we spread information about the obvious vote
fraud as best we can, *without* reinforcing or spreading the illusions
that the rulers 'shouldn't' behave this way (as if their interests were
our interests), and that what is really needed is 'proper democracy'.
What is needed is the overthrow of the rulers, and this can only happen
on a world scale. To hell with the 'rights of property'...
Post by Oo
In a cynical view, and one that is likely accurate, the election of 2004 may
have been nothing more than an elaborate trial balloon, a "good cop-bad cop"
theater that is mandated every few years to uphold the appearance of
legitimacy. Our candidates lie, all the while gauging the effectiveness of
long-term manipulation programs. They think, are the people still gullible
and uninformed? What slogans and illusions can we fool them with? Is the
"war on terrorism" mindset still unwavering? How far can we push them? Will
they accept the baseball bat in the face, or the velvet glove to the nose?
Post by Oo
How many beatings will this republic take, before its people wake up? When
will the people realize what is really happening, and "chase us down the
street and lynch us" (as George H.W. Bush said to reporter Sarah McClendon)?
To hell with Bush. To hell with Kerry. Wait, We're All Already Here.
As sadistic Bush slurred in his "acceptance" speech, "a new term is a new
opportunity". Then the most chilling words yet: "I earned political capital.
I intend to spend it." If the last four years brought the world to its
knees, imagine what is to come as Bush-Cheney giddily pry open a new set of
larger Pandora's Boxes.
"If Bush retains control of the White House, we can expect a neocon fascist
dictatorship or martial law emergency regime in 2005 or 2006, possibly as
the result of synthetic terrorism. The neocons are in a desperate flight
forward mentality which seeks to avoid the penal consequences of what they
have already done with Valerie Plame, the Niger yellowcake forgeries, the
Israeli mole scandal, and the Chalabi betrayal of state secrets. The neocon
preference is for early war with Iran. War with Russia and China cannot be
excluded somewhat further down the road.
I agree. Or who knows, perhaps even before Iran.
With regard to Russia, I mean what is the point of the US military
'alliance' with Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria,
Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, and the Czech Republic, not to mention US
military presence in Serbia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and
USSR - data which speak for themselves but you'll rarely find stated
properly in the western media).
What was the point when German forces crossed the Rhine and reoccupied
the Rhineland in 1936?
(Copyright) Roy Andrew Crabtree/In Perpetuity
All Rights/Reserved Explicitly
Public Reuse Only
Profits Always Safe Traded
Roy A. Crabtree
UNC '76 gaa.lifer#11086
3012 Mornstar Place (domicile, residence,legal,mail/current)
Greensboro, NC 27406-6220

USPS POB 9001 (mail/permanent)
Chapel Hill, NC 27515-9001

2004-11-27 09:32:16 UTC
. . . Whatever you have to tell yourselves to get to sleep at night,
boyo hehehehehe. You want to believe these farcical conspiracies,
fine by me, if it eases the pain. And like my lawyer once told me
when I got into an accident with a jerk, "You cannot reason with a
nut, so why even try." Now THAT'S "telling it like it is."
Post by banana
Post by Oo
Twice now, with Gore and Kerry, Democrats have won the White House, and then
refused to speak the truth about the crime, and fight for the people who
bled for them.
This is telling it just how it is.
Chris Malcolm
2004-11-27 12:48:59 UTC
Post by banana
Post by Oo
'glitches' in Florida saw an untold number of votes intended for the
Democratic candidate registering instead for Governor Jeb "L'il Brother"
Bush. A Florida Democrat who lost a similarly 'glitched' local election went
to court to have the computers examined-but the case was thrown out by a
judge who ruled that the innards of America's voting machines are the 'trade
secrets' of the private companies who make them."
Wonderful! Where can I buy one to reverse-engineeer? Or does everyone
who comes into contact with one of the machines have to promise not to
unscrew the little screws with red paint on them?
You don't need to. First of all the complete source code was leaked
from a Diebold internal web server that accidentally (?) briefly went
public. Secondly the central database counters of the individual
machine tally counts use standard Micros**t software using standard
Micors**t database files in standard locations using standard
names. So it's not difficult for a hacker to get in and adjust
things. And if anyone were to do that, for the above reasons it would
obviously have nothing to do with Diebold, it would be a Bad Guy, an
Evildoer, wot done it. Either some foreign terrorist or a bored

Chris Malcolm ***@infirmatics.ed.ac.uk +44 (0)131 651 3445 DoD #205
IPAB, Informatics, JCMB, King's Buildings, Edinburgh, EH9 3JZ, UK

Marcus Welch
2004-11-10 09:59:02 UTC
Post by Oo
The stolen election of 2004: welcome back to hell
Larry Chin
Online Journal Associate Editor
November 5, 2004-Using a variety of criminal methods that they
have perfected over the past four years, the George W. Bush-Dick
Cheney-Karl Rove syndicate stole another election, and extended
their illegal occupation of the White House. Experienced, informed
and unblinking observers were not fooled by any aspect of this
utterly predictable goose-step towards full dictatorship.
It's time move on, people. Kerry conceded the election. MoveOn.
2004-11-10 11:01:11 UTC
Post by Marcus Welch
Post by Oo
The stolen election of 2004: welcome back to hell
Larry Chin
Online Journal Associate Editor
November 5, 2004-Using a variety of criminal methods that they
have perfected over the past four years, the George W. Bush-Dick
Cheney-Karl Rove syndicate stole another election, and extended
their illegal occupation of the White House. Experienced, informed
and unblinking observers were not fooled by any aspect of this
utterly predictable goose-step towards full dictatorship.
It's time move on, people. Kerry conceded the election. MoveOn.
What, like live in the superficial perpetual present, just as modern
spectator morons are supposed to? Soaking up the totalitarian propaganda
and its schizoid diet of pseudo-choice, getting drunk or drugged at the
weekend to help one forget last week and survive next week?

No, matey. The flow of history - or rather, prehistory - exists. 'Moving
on' should mean reflecting, understanding, learning lessons about errors
that one tries to avoid next time - the opposite of submission. As
Bertholt Brecht put it, 'The stupid call it stupid. And the squalid call
it squalid.'
banana "The thing I hate about you, Rowntree, is the way you
give Coca-Cola to your scum, and your best teddy-bear to
Oxfam, and expect us to lick your frigid fingers for the
rest of your frigid life." (Mick Travis, 'If...', 1968)
2004-11-10 11:44:04 UTC
In article <***@borve.demon.co.uk>, banana <***@REMOVE_T
HIS.borve.demon.co.uk> writes
Post by banana
Post by Marcus Welch
Post by Oo
The stolen election of 2004: welcome back to hell
Larry Chin
Online Journal Associate Editor
November 5, 2004-Using a variety of criminal methods that they
have perfected over the past four years, the George W. Bush-Dick
Cheney-Karl Rove syndicate stole another election, and extended
their illegal occupation of the White House. Experienced, informed
and unblinking observers were not fooled by any aspect of this
utterly predictable goose-step towards full dictatorship.
It's time move on, people. Kerry conceded the election. MoveOn.
What, like live in the superficial perpetual present, just as modern
spectator morons are supposed to? Soaking up the totalitarian propaganda
and its schizoid diet of pseudo-choice, getting drunk or drugged at the
weekend to help one forget last week and survive next week?
If you want some food for thought, I'd encourage you to read the
'parable of the balls', told by Berthold Brecht, repeated by Raoul

It is so good, I've given it its own thread.
banana "The thing I hate about you, Rowntree, is the way you
give Coca-Cola to your scum, and your best teddy-bear to
Oxfam, and expect us to lick your frigid fingers for the
rest of your frigid life." (Mick Travis, 'If...', 1968)
Greg Hennessy
2004-11-10 15:13:06 UTC
On Wed, 10 Nov 2004 11:44:04 +0000, banana
Post by banana
If you want some food for thought, I'd encourage you to read the
'parable of the balls', told by Berthold Brecht,
Why am I not surprised that you like the amoral court playwright to a
regime which imprisoned its population to prevent them leaving.

A cynical apologist for mass murder

"The demonstrations of 17th June showed the discontent of a considerable
section of Berlin's workforce with a series of failed economic measures.
Organised fascist elements tried to misuse this discontent for their own
bloody means. For many hours Berlin stood on the verge of a third world
Only the quick and definite intervention of the Soviet troops is to be
thanked for thwarting the attempts. It was obvious that the intervention
of Soviet troops was in no way against the demonstrations of the
workers. It was most
apparently exclusively aimed against the attempts to spark off a new
global fire. ÁIt is now up to each one to help the government to weed
out the mistakes which caused the discontent and without doubt,
endangered our great social achievements.
On the morning of 17th June, as it became clear that the demonstrations
of the workers will be misused for war-like aims, I expressed my
solidarity with the Socialist Unity Party of Germany. I hope now that
the provocateurs have been isolated and their network destroyed, I hope
that the workers who demonstrated their genuine discontent are not
placed on the same level as the provocateurs and the much required
expression of mistakes committed in every direction is not disturbed."

A hypocrite who regularly proclaimed his solidarity with the working
classes while living comfortably in his own mansion with a chauffeur driven

There's fighting on the left and marching on the right
Don't look up in the sky, you're gonna die of fright
Here comes the razors edge
2004-11-10 18:03:43 UTC
Post by Greg Hennessy
On Wed, 10 Nov 2004 11:44:04 +0000, banana
Post by banana
If you want some food for thought, I'd encourage you to read the
'parable of the balls', told by Berthold Brecht,
Why am I not surprised that you like the amoral court playwright to a
regime which imprisoned its population to prevent them leaving.
*You* may have heroes whose every action you would applaud or support,
but *I* don't. Personally, I do not condone Brecht's support for the
GDR, nor of course anyone's support either for the GDR or the FRG, the
managers of both of which were equally guilty of mass murder.

I would have been on the side of the east German workers' movement of
1953. I would recommend Cajo Brendel's work as a good source:
<http://geocities.com/cordobakaf/brendel_germany.html> Some council
communists BTW remained in prison throughout the Weimar republic, the
Nazi regime, and the pro-'Soviet' regime of the GDR, only being released
in the 1980s if they were still alive.

You, pro-west that you are, are a hypocrite to start praising, even
implicitly, the movement of 17 June 1953. Let me guess, Solidarnosc
good, miners' strike in the UK bad - am I on the right lines? One
wonders what knots you would tie yourself into if you thought about the
fact that some western bankers wanted 'Soviet' forces to invade Poland
in 1981.

However, it is good that you posted the quote from Brecht. His attitude
was totally wrong with regard to that movement. But for context with
regard to the views of this particular individual, realise that he felt
ashamed (as he certainly should have) and changed his expressed view to
some extent, later. The following is from:



It’s well known that when the steelworkers rose up in East Berlin in
1953 and went to Brecht’s theatre to ask for help in supporting them he
refused. What’s not well known is what my dad told me about him: he felt
so guilty and ashamed after the steelworkers were crushed by the tanks
of the Stalinist leader, Ulbricht, that his health suffered, and it led
to his death in 1956, at the age of 58. If nothing else, this shows how
a culture of proletarian subversion usually has nothing to do with its
practice, and that those who consider ideas as something separate from
real life risk are at best useless when it comes to any genuine struggle
against this world. Fear had nothing to do with his failure to support
the steelworkers: Brecht’s international reputation put him in the
unique position of having nothing much to worry about. His only response
to the uprising was to write a brief poem after it was all over -The
Solution - which, though written in verse form, I reproduce here as a
statement, because the verse form adds nothing to it: 'After the
uprising of the 17th June, the Secretary of the Writers Union had
leaflets distributed in the Stalinallee stating that the people had
forfeited the confidence of the government and could win it back only by
redoubled efforts. Would it not be easier in that case for the
government to dissolve the people and elect another?'. Neatly put, but
too little too late, and no use in stemming that dreadful feeling of
self-betrayal, betrayal of everything he’d apparently held dear to him,
that must have torn and worn away at him until death.


Brecht provided entertainment and I don't like that, any more than I
like his support in 1953 for the Stalinist regime in eastern Germany,
but nonetheless the parable of the balls, maybe better called the
parable of the stones or pebbles, is very good for those who really want
to get to a better world.
banana "The thing I hate about you, Rowntree, is the way you
give Coca-Cola to your scum, and your best teddy-bear to
Oxfam, and expect us to lick your frigid fingers for the
rest of your frigid life." (Mick Travis, 'If...', 1968)
Greg Hennessy
2004-11-10 19:26:57 UTC
On Wed, 10 Nov 2004 18:03:43 +0000, banana
Post by banana
I would have been on the side of the east German workers' movement of

Would you bollocks. You're a fully paid up member of the nomenklatura.

You would have been hiding away in some comfortable sinecure panicking
about the fate of the regime which put you there.
Post by banana
You, pro-west that you are, are a hypocrite to start praising, even
implicitly, the movement of 17 June 1953.
Why ? Since when does supporting the right of all peoples to be free of
socialist oppression make one a 'hypocrite' ?
Post by banana
Let me guess, Solidarnosc
good, miners' strike in the UK bad - am I on the right lines?
Ohhh, banana constructs another irrelevant straw man.

Only the terminally stupid would attempt to draw any equivalence between
the two.
Post by banana
One wonders what knots you would tie yourself into if you thought about the
fact that some western bankers wanted 'Soviet' forces to invade Poland
in 1981.
Yet more banana conspiracy diversion without any basis in fact.
There's fighting on the left and marching on the right
Don't look up in the sky, you're gonna die of fright
Here comes the razors edge
2004-11-10 13:45:05 UTC
Post by banana
What, like live in the superficial perpetual present, just as modern
spectator morons are supposed to? Soaking up the totalitarian propaganda
and its schizoid diet of pseudo-choice, getting drunk or drugged at the
weekend to help one forget last week and survive next week?

LOL! Talk about head-wanking ...
Marcus Welch
2004-11-10 22:12:58 UTC
Post by banana
Post by Marcus Welch
Post by Oo
The stolen election of 2004: welcome back to hell
Larry Chin
Online Journal Associate Editor
November 5, 2004-Using a variety of criminal methods that they
have perfected over the past four years, the George W. Bush-Dick
Cheney-Karl Rove syndicate stole another election, and extended
their illegal occupation of the White House. Experienced, informed
and unblinking observers were not fooled by any aspect of this
utterly predictable goose-step towards full dictatorship.
It's time move on, people. Kerry conceded the election. MoveOn.
What, like live in the superficial perpetual present, just as modern
spectator morons are supposed to? Soaking up the totalitarian
propaganda and its schizoid diet of pseudo-choice, getting drunk or
drugged at the weekend to help one forget last week and survive next
Kerry had over 10,000 legal vultures at his disposal circling the
election. If he had a leg to stand on, he would have sued The Bastard.

Kerry conceded the election. He dumped ya, mate. Get over it. There
are plenty of other billionaire, blue-blood fish in Boston Harbor.
Post by banana
No, matey. The flow of history - or rather, prehistory - exists.
'Moving on' should mean reflecting, understanding, learning lessons
about errors that one tries to avoid next time - the opposite of
submission. As Bertholt Brecht put it, 'The stupid call it stupid.
And the squalid call it squalid.'
Brecht also said "The more innocent they are, the more they deserve to
be shot".

I'm not sure if he said that before or after he received the Stalin
Peace Prize.
MANFRED the heat seeking OBOE
2004-11-11 00:23:59 UTC
In article (Marcus Welch) wrote:
Post by Marcus Welch
Kerry had over 10,000 legal vultures at his disposal circling the
election. If he had a leg to stand on, he would have sued The Bastard.
Kerry conceded the election. He dumped ya, mate. Get over it. There
are plenty of other billionaire, blue-blood fish in Boston Harbor.
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The Irony is
with the 'sudden'
demise of Terrorist Arafat,
the Pointy Headed Liberals are
'torn' between making a public display
of weeping and wailing about Kerry, or for
the Greater Evil, Arafat. How surely their colors show.

The MYTH of liberal representative and how pointy they really be:

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Who really *IS* King of the Hill?

PREY to Clinton for Peace.
2004-11-11 01:51:40 UTC
Post by Marcus Welch
Post by banana
Post by Marcus Welch
Post by Oo
The stolen election of 2004: welcome back to hell
Larry Chin
Online Journal Associate Editor
November 5, 2004-Using a variety of criminal methods that they
have perfected over the past four years, the George W. Bush-Dick
Cheney-Karl Rove syndicate stole another election, and extended
their illegal occupation of the White House. Experienced, informed
and unblinking observers were not fooled by any aspect of this
utterly predictable goose-step towards full dictatorship.
It's time move on, people. Kerry conceded the election. MoveOn.
What, like live in the superficial perpetual present, just as modern
spectator morons are supposed to? Soaking up the totalitarian
propaganda and its schizoid diet of pseudo-choice, getting drunk or
drugged at the weekend to help one forget last week and survive next
Kerry had over 10,000 legal vultures at his disposal circling the
election. If he had a leg to stand on, he would have sued The Bastard.
Is the statement in the first sentence supposed to be some sort of
support for the proposition in the second?
banana "The thing I hate about you, Rowntree, is the way you
give Coca-Cola to your scum, and your best teddy-bear to
Oxfam, and expect us to lick your frigid fingers for the
rest of your frigid life." (Mick Travis, 'If...', 1968)
Marcus Welch
2004-11-11 08:16:19 UTC
Post by banana
Post by Marcus Welch
Kerry had over 10,000 legal vultures at his disposal circling the
election. If he had a leg to stand on, he would have sued The Bastard.
Is the statement in the first sentence supposed to be some sort of
support for the proposition in the second?
If you think that The Evil One stole the election, then give us the name
of one voter who was disenfranchised.
roy andrew crabtree
2004-11-23 22:23:15 UTC
Post by Marcus Welch
Post by banana
Post by Marcus Welch
Kerry had over 10,000 legal vultures at his disposal circling the
election. If he had a leg to stand on, he would have sued The Bastard.
Is the statement in the first sentence supposed to be some sort of
support for the proposition in the second?
If you think that The Evil One stole the election, then give us the name
of one voter who was disenfranchised.
This election or the last?

Recall that 4000 votes WERE found as missing. Ih Ohio, this time.

Oh, and counted AFTER proven as missing.

Show an audit trail that there were no more.

If a bank treated dollars like the US treats ballots,
the bank officers would be in prison.

Wups. Used to be that way.. After Worldcom and ENron, and Parmalat

"The Black Hole" is swallowing a lot of dollars.

And votes.
And voters.

The TV Guide said it best:

"Just In Polling": JIP. Literally.

Nothing new; just the mechanisms have changed.

Who was disenfranchised?

I was. By denouement of the disenfranchising going on out of public mind.

I was. By EY2K spillover into EY2K4.

I was. By my voice being hsut down by corruption of the web comm lines.

Thus denying equitable reose and opportunity for my voice to be heard
before the election reached critical points.

I was, by means of a falsified accusation
in divorce and striking of ALL my pleadings,
coupled by a 16 year blacklist and
financial destruction, loss of my daughter,
and associated loss of freedoms that entails,
so I did NOT have the methods to participate
as I would have chosen, and as such
loss of the chance to inform others or
potentially change their ideas and attitudes freely.

Anyone who has ever been bashed because they are black,
pilloried because they are female and not qualified to vote,
destroyed or tortured because they were gay, or
shut out because they did not fit someones social,
ethical, financial, sexual, gender, or political norms,

has been partly to wholly to un-holy-ly disenfranchised.

ALL Iraqis have been disenfranchised from the US vote.

... And most of their children are at risk of being
PERMANENTLY disenfranchised:

With liberty, and justice, for all.

I wish it WAS just The Evil ONe or Bush or Kerry or whatever.

It is much, much worse than that.
And the blowback has not hit yet.

See news://alt.callahans for reflections on this already posted.

(I will not be surprised if folks cannot find them.)

How many others? Count them. Or don't.
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Roy A. Crabtree
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