"The truth is more complex."
(too old to reply)
Arthur Neuendorffer
2018-02-19 17:24:53 UTC
<< [To] what order [do I belong], Art?>>
The Rumpelstiltskins?
Lea wrote: <<KAOS is a fictitious entity, Art.>>
Michael Dunn is a very real Oxfordian.

<<But Art -- if Oxfordians were to get smart,
then they could no longer be Oxfordians!>>
If Oxfordians were to get smart, then they would be Groupists!
<<If they were *truly* smart, they could neVER have been
duped by anti-Stratfordian rubbish in the first place!>>
If they were *truly* smart, they would have rejected the
Stratman back when they rejected the tooth fairy & Easter Bunny.
Lea wrote:

<<Don't dismiss the Easter Bunny or the tooth fairy out of hand, Art >>

Legend held that monks domesticated rabbits for food. The truth is more complex.

The Washington Post by Ben Guarino February 14

<<The story of how rabbits became domesticated animals is a *STRANGE* one. Around the year 600, the tale goes, Pope Gregory the Great issued a papal edict declaring that fetal rabbits were not meat. Because fluid-filled amniotic sacs surrounded rabbit fetuses, they counted as fish. Eaten this way the rabbits were a delicacy — a snack called laurices (always plural because, like potato chips, you wouldn't eat just one). French Catholic monks, who abstained from meat while observing Lent, pounced on the opportunity. Monks began to breed the animals like, well, rabbits. Skittish wild animals went into the monastery. After a few generations, out came tame and fluffy pets.

This just-so story was plausible enough that the scientific community swallowed it.

The location made sense: Wild European rabbits from the Iberian peninsula and France are the closest genetic relatives to pet rabbits. Greger Larson, a biologist at the University of Oxford who studies domestication, recalled hearing about Pope Gregory at a conference a few years ago. The rabbit genome had just been sequenced. The problem, as Larson and his colleagues discovered, is the story isn't true. “It turned out that the whole thing was a house of cards,” he said.

Larson did not set out to debunk a legend. In fact, his initial goal was to find proof of the date. Researchers like Larson use rates of mutation, in a method called a molecular clock, to estimate the age of domesticated species. But this method comes with baked-in ambiguities. If rabbits had a known domestication date, Larson could use the timeline to improve these molecular methods, like setting a watch to an atomic clock. He asked archaeologist and computer scientist Evan Irving-Pease, then working on a master's thesis, to hunt down a copy of the papal document or any supporting information.

Irving-Pease began to unwind knotty citations and references until he reached the end of the thread: Pope Gregory never issued such an edict. Laurices didn't appear to be popular during Lent. Instead, Irving-Pease, Larson and their colleagues mapped out a much more complex picture of rabbit domestication, which the journal Trends in Ecology & Evolution published on Wednesday.

Archaeological evidence from about 20,000 years ago in southwest Europe indicates that the first interaction between humans and rabbits was that of hunter and food. “If there's a protein source, you’ll go and exploit it,” Larson said. “Lots of people were eating rabbit.”

An analysis of wild rabbit fossils indicates a genetic divergence 15,000 years ago, the study authors said. In Larson's view, this represents a split in wild populations, as Ice Age glaciers moved, and does not show effects of domestication.

Larson says that past knowledge of animal husbandry does not easily translate to domesticating new ones. Even the most recent cases have been accidents, he said: The first hamsters housed in captivity, a very recent addition to the pet pantheon, were not meant to be pets — they were captured from Syria in the 1930s to be medical subjects.

So when exactly over the last 20,000 years were the rabbits domesticated? Ultimately, rabbit domestication was not a moment in time but a continuum, Larson has concluded. At the very least, it's safe to say that hungry monks were not responsible.>>
I turn LXXII on Mercurii.
<<Is it really your birthday tomorrow, Art? If so, how do you plan to
celebrate? A friendly colloquy with George Mason's sculptural
What is St. Carolyn giving you for the occasion, Art? John Michell's
_The new view over Atlantis_? Erich Von Däniken's _Chariots of the
perhaps? Steven Thomas's _The moon landing hoax: The eagle that never
landed_? John Mack's _Abduction: Human encounters with aliens_?
Something by Graham Hancock or Francis Carr? You must be a VERy easy
guy to shop for, Art.>>
If you are going to make fun of me by the company I keep
<<You actually *keep company* with the above assorted nut jobs, Art?!
Among friends, does Francis Carr go by Frank? Or Crank?
I have not conversed with Francis Carr (but I'm a fan).
Lea wrote: <<No doubt you're a fan of Carr >>

No doubt!

"If a man will begin with certainties, he will end in doubts;
but if he will be content to begin with doubts,
he will end in certainties."--Sir Francis Bacon


<<When [Francis Carr] was editing Past & Future or working with the recitals, [he] was also busy with his passion for solving the mystery of the authorship of the Shakespeare plays. He published articles in his magazine about it, founded The Shakespeare Authorship Information Centre, and for over thirty years, right up until he died, edited a digest of press comment about the question, that he entitled ‘The Stratford Tragi-Comedy’. He favoured the theory that Francis Bacon wrote the plays, and was a member of the Francis Bacon Society, travelling to Canonbury Tower in Islington and London University for their meetings right up until earlier this year. He also believed that Bacon wrote Don Quixote, normally attributed to Cervantes, and in 2004 his book ‘Who Wrote Don Quixote?’ was published, that laid out his theory in detail. Such was his fascination for the Shakespeare authorship question that Jane was pleased to be able to read out to him, just before he died, an article in the Sunday Telegraph that announced new developments in the authorship puzzle.

Ronald Hutton, who is the Professor of History at Bristol University, and a newly appointed Commissioner of English Heritage, on hearing of Francis’ death, wrote to me saying that he was a ‘remarkable personality’ and ‘a significant player on the English cultural scene of his time, and although his literary causes were unorthodox, I think that posterity will be interested in them.’>>
But at least two of the
above nutcases presumably exhibit as much indifference to your society as
George Mason does, Art -- indeed, John Mack has been dead since 2004,
Michell has been dead since 2009.>>
1) right wing nutjobs,
2) promoting crazy non-authorship ideas,
3) Putin puppets,
<<There you go, Art -- that's all the *more* reason that you should
be burnishing your resumé and angling for a top job in the Trump
administration! You possess not only the requirements for the job --
among those are illiteracy and unshakable imperviousness to established
fact -- but if you're in contact with Putin puppets, then you also have
the right connections!>>
I no longer converse with Mickey Leaks/Peter Nockolds (and I'm not a fan).
Lea wrote: <<Why not, Art?!>>

Nockolds has betrayed his own country and attacked mine
(apparently all in exchange for a Putin provided Moscow mistress).
4) Stratfordian math professors specifically assigned to me.
<<How many mathematics professors from Stratford do you know, Art?>>
How many Oxfordians from Oxford do you know, Dave?
Lea wrote:

<<Oxford University is an elite institution whose faculty and students have
both relevant disciplinary training and the ability to weigh evidence rationally...>>

Oxford students like Edward de Vere?
It's a pretty SAD group overall.
<<But Art -- "overall" is an anagram of "A Ver?! LOL!"
INPNC = 3/7
Lea wrote: <<That's better than most of your "anagrams", Art.>>

Alan correctly points out that the Sonnets title page includes a hidden
circle with Pythagorean triangles (ideas later stolen and expanded upon
by Alexander Waugh). However, not knowing when to stop,
<<...a VERy common trait among anti-Stratfordian cranks...
Alan blunders on to state that also hidden in the Sonnets titlepage [sic]
1) e = 2.718281
<<Is he (or are you) unaware that e is irrational
(in fact, transcendental), Art?>>
Alan can be irrational (if not transcendental).
Lea wrote: <<Evidently.>>
2) Bruns [sic] constant &
3) Euler's constant.
<<I assume that you mean the Euler-Mascheroni constant, jocularly
characterized as the sum of the harmonic series minus the log of
infinity, rather than e, which is also (somewhat inaccurately)
called Euler's constant by some.>>
Lea wrote:

<<There is no uniVERsal consensus on the terminology, Art;
some call e the Euler number in honor of Euler's celebrated
formula e^{iπ}=-1, which is not unreasonable.>>

<<Roger Cotes FRS (10 July 1682 – 5 June 1716) was an English mathematician, known for working closely with Isaac Newton by proofreading the second edition of his famous book, the Principia, before publication. He also invented the quadrature formulas known as Newton–Cotes formulas and first introduced what is known today as Euler's formula [e^{iπ}+1=0]. In correspondence with Isaac Newton, Cotes designed a heliostat telescope with a mirror revolving by clockwork. He recomputed the solar and planetary tables of Giovanni Domenico Cassini and John Flamsteed, and he intended to create tables of the moon's motion, based on Newtonian principles. Cotes was born in Burbage, Leicestershire. His parents were Robert, the rector of Burbage, and his wife Grace née Farmer. Cotes died from a violent fever in Cambridge in 1716 at the early age of 33. Isaac Newton remarked, "If he had lived we would have known something."

<<It has been claimed that Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler's identity [e^{iπ}+1=0] appears in his monumental work of mathematical analysis published in 1748, Introductio in analysin infinitorum. However, it is questionable whether this particular concept can be attributed to Euler himself, as he may never have expressed it. (Moreover, while Euler did write in the Introductio about what we today call Euler's formula, which relates e with cosine and sine terms in the field of complex numbers, the English mathematician Roger Cotes (who died in 1716, when Euler was only 9 years old) also knew of this formula and Euler may have acquired the knowledge through his Swiss compatriot Johann Bernoulli.>>
Lea wrote:

<<I didn't say that the attribution of the discoVERy to Euler was *correct*, Art,
merely that honoring Euler in this way is not unreasonable.>>

If it ain't *correct* then it ain't reasonable!

Lea wrote:

<<The Arnol'd Principle:
If a notion bears a personal name, then this name is not the name of the discoverer.

The Berry Principle: The Arnold Principle is applicable to itself.>>
The Neufer Principle:

If an Elizabethan play bears a personal name,
then this name is probably not the name of the author.
<<The number e is a mathematical constant, approximately equal to 2.71828,
which appears in many different settings throughout mathematics. It was
discovered (in 1683
by the Swiss mathematician Jacob Bernoulli (6 January 1655 – 16 August 1705)
while studying compound interest.>>
"Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias
they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced
Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland
they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace,
and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."
Lea wrote:

<<There are plenty of Swiss scientific and cultural contributions, Art;>>

And Euler's identity [e^{iπ}+1=0] apparently isn't one of them.

Lea wrote:

<<Besides, a variant of the Arnol'd Principle is applicable here: clockmakers in the Black Forest were producing cuckoo clocks before the Swiss, and an Augsburg clockmaker made one even before that>>

<<Markus Fidelis Jäck, in a passage extracted from his report "Darstellungen aus der Industrie und des VER(k)E(hrs.) aus dem Schwarzwald" (1810) said as follows: "The cuckoo clock was invented (in 1730) by a clock-master [Franz Anton Ketterer] from Schönwald. This craftsman adorned a clock with a moving bird that announced the hour with the cuckoo-call. The clock-master got the idea of how to make the cuckoo-call from the bellows of a church organ". R. Dorer pointed out, in 1948, that Franz Anton Ketterer (1734–1806) could not have been the inventor of the cuckoo clock in 1730 because he had not yet been born. This statement was corroborated by Gerd Bender [who] wrote that the cuckoo clock was not native to the Black Forest and also stated that: "There are no traces of the first production line of cuckoo clocks made by Ketterer".

The legend that the cuckoo clock was invented by a clever Black Forest mechanic in 1730 (Franz Anton Ketterer) keeps being told over and over again. But all of this is not true. This type of clock is much older than clockmaking in the Black Forest. As early as 1650 the bird with the distinctive call was part of the reference book knowledge recorded in handbooks. It took nearly a century for the cuckoo clock to find its way to the Black Forest, where for many decades it remained a tiny niche product.>>
<No, Art. If that's true, then you are confirmed as a demented belieVER
that...the title page to Shakespeare's sonnets encodes the Euler number e
The odd-indexed Euler numbers are all zero.
<<Those are the Euler numbers (plural), Art.
There are also the Euler class, the Euler characteristic, etc. --
lots of things are named for Euler, and for good reason.>>
And yet, the Houston Eulers are now the Tennessee Titians!
Lea wrote: <<You're confusing _Titian_ with _Titan_, Art.>>
Note the resemblance of Titian's "Venere" & "(L)V(C)R{E|C)E":


Titian used the same model...as did Edward de VEER:
. L{V}C{R|E}C{E}
. {V}
. C{E}C(i)L
. {E}
. {R}
Lea wrote:

<<Huh?! What "resemblance"? The face in _Venere e Adone_ cannot be seen clearly (the female figure has her back to the viewer, while the view in _Tarquin and Lucretia_ is mostly from the front), so any "resemblance" is merely that of virtually *any* two nearly nude female bodies of moderate proportions.>>

So... you're an expert on such matters?
<<The Euler constant first appeared in a 1734 paper by the Swiss
mathematician Leonhard Euler, titled De Progressionibus harmonicis
observationes (Eneström Index 43). Euler used the notations C and O for
the constant. In 1790, Italian mathematician Lorenzo Mascheroni used the
notations A and a for the constant.>>
So Lorenzo Mascheroni comes along 56 years
after Euler and he gets *equal credit*
Lea wrote:

<<In the case of the Mohr–Mascheroni theorem, Mohr published
a proof of the theorem 125 years before Mascheroni.>>

Serves Mohr right for being born on April Fool's Day:

Nevertheless: The Danish Mathematics competition is named
in honour of Jørgen Mohr (1 April 1640 – 26 January 1697).

<<Napoleon's problem is a famous compass construction problem. In it, a circle and its center are given. The challenge is to divide the circle into four equal arcs using only a compass. Napoleon was known to be an amateur mathematician, but it is not known if he either created or solved the problem. Napoleon's friend the Italian mathematician Lorenzo Mascheroni introduced the limitation of using only a compass (no straight edge) into geometric constructions. But actually, the challenge above is easier than the real Napoleon's problem, consisting in finding the center of a given circle with compass alone. The following sections will describe solutions to both problems and proofs that they work. Georg Mohr's 1672 book "Euclides Danicus" anticipated Mascheroni's idea, though the book was only rediscovered in 1928.>>
They stuck a feather in his cap & called it Mascheroni's.
...but when Lawrence Crone & Arthur Neuendorffer are 104 years late...
"Functional Powers near a Fixed Point"
by Lawrence J. Crone and Arthur C. Neuendorffer,
_Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications_,
Vol.132, No.2 June 1988.
"The authors discuss the problem of defining functional powers of
nonintegral order for an analytic mapping $z\rightarrow F(z)$ in the
neighbourhood of a fixed point $c$ at which $F(c)=c$, $|F'(c)|>1$. The
solution which they obtain is equivalent to that of, e.g., \n G.
Koenigs\en \ref[Ann. Sci. École Norm. Sup. (3) Suppl. 1884 , 1--41;
Jbuch 16 , 376]. See also a paper by \n G. Szekeres\en \ref[Acta Math.
100 (1958), 203--258; MR 21 #5744 ]. Examples discussed include
$F(z)=e^z$ with $c=0.318132+1.33724i$."
Only 104 years too late. :-)
Lea wrote:

<<Too bad, Art. Is that why you began "researching" Shakespeare authorship
and producing results that nobody else would be caught dead in a ditch with,>>
June 13 1483, Richard of Gloucester (Richard III)
accused Margaret Beaufort,("yonder sorcers, my brother's wife") &
Jane Shore of bewitching him. Jane Shore was punished and reduced
to beggary because of the accusation. A ballad in the Pepys'
collection has ShoreDITCH as the place Jane Shore died in a DITCH.

“I could not get one bit of bread
Whereby my hunger might be fed. ...
So, weary of my life, at length
I yielded up my vital strength
Within a DITCH ... which since that day
Is ShoreDITCH called, as writers say.”
<<At the funeral [of Galois' father] serious disorder broke out.
Stones were hurled by enraged citizens;


Galois saw his father's coffin lowered into the grave in the midst
of an unseemly riot. . . [Galois, himself, was to be] buried in
the common DITCH of the South Cemetery, so that today there remains
no trace of the grave of Evariste Galois. [And yet Galois' mother
Adelaide-Marie Demante didn't die until 40 years later at the age
of eighty four?] Galois' enduring Monument is his collected works.
They fill sixty pages.>> - _Men of Mathematics_ E.T. Bell
. Antony and Cleopatra > Act V, scene II
CLEOPATRA: Rather a *DITCH* in Egypt
. Be gentle grave unto me! rather on *NILUS' MUD*
. Lay me *STAR(k) NAKED* , and let the water-flies
. Blow me into abhorring! rather make
. My country's high pyramides my gibbet,
CLEOPATRA: Hast thou the pretty *WORM of NILUS* there,
. That kills and pains not?
_____ per anagramma
. [I]ure quidem poteras hanc fundere ab ore querelam,
. [S]ors tibi dum ficto crimine dura fuit:
."[N]IL reus en Theseus censura sortis iniquae
. [H]ic ruo, livoris traditus arbitrio."
. [A]t nunc mutanda ob mutata pericla querela est.
. [I]nclite, an innocuo pectore teste rues?
. [N]on sane. Hac haeres vacuo dat *VIVERE* cura,
. [C]ollati imperii sub Iove sceptra gerens.
. *ISNHAINC* {anagram} *IN CHAINS*
*Victorious though IN CHAINS* ) "In Vinculus Invictus"
Motto in Tower Painting: http://www.gorki.net/Art/fa12.html
. HENRY WRIOTHESLEY by an anagram
Justly you were able to pour *FORTH* this complaint from
your mouth, your lot was harsh while a false accusation
prevailed. *L.O. , Theseus is guilty of NOTHING, HERE*
I fall by an unfair lot's *CENSURE*, betrayed by *ENVY's* whim.'
But now the complaint is to be altered, because of
altered perils. Great man, do you take a fall
with an innocent heart bearing witness? Not at all.
The HEIR, wielding the scepter of rule conferred
under Jove's auspices, grants you to live free of this
<<PUBLIUS VERGILIUS MARO' mother dreamt that she gave birth to a
laurel-branch, which on touching the earth took root and grew at once
to the size of a full-grown tree; on the following day, when she was
on the way to a neighbouring part of the country with her husband, she
turned aside and gave birth to her child in a DITCH beside the road.
There's an interesting relationship between:

Publius Vergilius MARO &
MARLO's Piers Gaveston

The former was born in a DITCH
while the latter died in one.
St. G(er)VASE Day
June 19 1312, Piers GAVES(ton), the favorite and probably lover
of King Edward II, was killed in battle in a DITCH
by rebellious nobles, who would eventually kill
the deposed King at Gloucester Castle.

June 19 1566, King James I born to Mary Queen of Scots and her husband
Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley. Soon after his birth, his mother had
his father killed by having her minions put gunpowder around the
little house he was living in near Holyrood Castle in Edinburgh.

<<St. Saturninus had to pass before the capitol where there was a
temple, and according to the Acts, the pagan priests ascribed to his
frequent passings the silence of their oracles. One day they seized him
and on his unshakeable refusal to sacrifice to the idols they condemned
him be tied by the feet to a bull which dragged him about the town until
the rope broke. Two Christian women gathered up the remains and buried
them in a deep DITCH, that they might not be profaned by the pagans.
November 29, 257 St. Saturninus dragged by bull
& buried in DITCH

November 29, 1489 Birth of Margaret Tudor
(mother of Mary Queen of Scots)

November 29, 1530 Death of Cardinal Wolsey.
Like Euler, I can walk & chew gum at the same time.
David Roper has been generous with acknowledging
my authorship ideas in two of his published books.
Lea wrote: <<Of course he has, Art --
your ideas make his look positively sane by comparison!>>
And Alan Green is angry with Alexander Waugh for "stealing my ideas"
in his decipherment of the Sonnet's Dedication.
Lea wrote: <<Of course he is, Art -->>
I'm always happy when some generously give me credit for my past work: (e.g., Tim's Topics)
but sharing credit for things like my own "(mazel?)TOVS:TOAST ozone maps"
also insures that they persist to this day: https://tinyurl.com/y8a7edx3
Nevertheless, at age 72, it is much easier to compete in the authorship field
than it ever was to to compete in science or math (with or without credit).
Lea wrote:

<<*Of course* it is, Art -- the "authorship field" is populated by what
Martin Gardner used to call ignorant and thoroughly self-deluded cranks.

That's like saying that it's easier to compete with circle-squarers, alien abduction enthusiasts, and inventors of perpetual motion machines than it is to compete with real scientists and mathematicians -- the former are not bound by any standards of evidence and hence are free to invent whateVER outlandish fantasy they please, while the latter are bound by the constraints of objective reality, a domain with which circle squarers and anti-Stratfordians have little, if any, contact.>>
I provide (relatively unbiased) reasonable cipher evidence that can evaluated objectively.

Stratfordians provide 'evidence' for biased unreasonable claims
that canNOT be evaluated objectively.
<<Thanks for posting this, Art -- it's hilarious!>>
Neufer wrote: It's SAD!
This on top of Stritmatter's cold fusion conspiracy
<<Is Dr. antiStratnutter *still* going on about his cold fusion
I don't know any "Dr. antiStratnutter."
<<Oh, come off it, Art. Next you'll be telling me that you
don't know who "Dr." Faker is -- or who Noonedafter is!>>
I know who Dweeb is.
Lea wrote: <<Do you really, Art? I VERy much doubt it.>>
Blount: I purpose to be blunt with you, and out of my dullness to encounter you
with a Dedication in the memory of that pure elemental wit, Chris Marlow; whose
ghost or Genius is to be seen walk the Churchyard in (at the least) three or
four sheets. Me thinks you should presently look wild now, and grow humorously
frantic upon the taste of it. Well, lest you should, let me tell you...

<<EUGENE LESLIE WEBB JR, 86, of Maryville, Blount County, Tennessee, died Saturday, Nov. 28, 1998. Survivors include... son, Dr. David Lea Webb of Hanover. Masonic service will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday. A private Masonic interment service will be held at 10 a.m. Wednesday at Magnolia Cemetery. Les, as his many friends knew him, was also known for his work in New Providence Presbyterian Church[; someone better tell Elizabeth!]. His father, E. L. Webb Sr., for many years operated a photographic studio until after World War II days. Unique in New Providence Lodge No. 128 history was the fact that the elder Webb and his three sons on special occasions occupied the *four chairs of the lodge at the same time* while conferring degree work.

For 42 years [Les] was librarian of the Tennessee Valley Authority. A veteran of World War II, he served in the 813th Tank Destroyer Battalion in England, Africa, and Europe. He had the privilege of being raised (inducted) in New Providence Lodge by his father in 1934 and served as *Worshipful Master* in 1940.

[Les] was named the outstanding Scottish Rite Mason in East Tennessee, was coroneted a 33rd Degree Honorary at Washington, D. C., in 1957, served as President of the Masonic Veterans Association of Tennessee, was the first to have an Allied Masonic Degree named after him and was the *first recipient of the Andrew Jackson Medal* presented by the Grand Lodge of Tennessee and in 1989 he was awarded the General Grand Chapter Distinguished Service Medal.>>
Lea wrote:

<<That doesn't explain who I *really* am, Art.
(The details of the Bloodline not in the public domain.)>>

It's far more information about yourself than you've ever volunteered here.
<<He of the cold fusion conspiracy, Art -- not to mention the misbegotten
monograph on Shakespeare's Bible (about which the less said, the better).>>
Is he *still* going on about his cold fusion conspiracy?!>>

<<Cold fusion research continues today in a few specific venues, but the wider scientific community has generally marginalized the research being done and researchers have had difficulty publishing in mainstream journals. The remaining researchers often term their field Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR), Chemically Assisted Nuclear Reactions (CANR), Lattice Assisted Nuclear Reactions (LANR), Condensed Matter Nuclear Science (CMNS) or Lattice Enabled Nuclear Reactions; one of the reasons being to avoid the negative connotations associated with "cold fusion". The new names avoid making bold implications, like implying that fusion is actually occurring.

The researchers who continue acknowledge that the flaws in the original announcement are the main cause of the subject's marginalization, and they complain of a chronic lack of funding and no possibilities of getting their work published in the highest impact journals. University researchers are often unwilling to investigate cold fusion because they would be ridiculed by their colleagues and their professional careers would be at risk. In 1994, David Goodstein, a professor of physics at Caltech, advocated for increased attention from mainstream researchers and described cold fusion as: "A pariah field, cast out by the scientific establishment. Between cold fusion and respectable science there is virtually no communication at all. Cold fusion papers are almost never published in refereed scientific journals, with the result that those works don't receive the normal critical scrutiny that science requires. On the other hand, because the Cold-Fusioners see themselves as a community under siege, there is little internal criticism. Experiments and theories tend to be accepted at face value, for fear of providing even more fuel for external critics, if anyone outside the group was bothering to listen. In these circumstances, crackpots flourish, making matters worse for those who believe that there is serious science going on here."
Sound familiar????

Lea wrote:

<<Indeed, it has much in common with anti-Stratfordian delusions: "...there is little internal criticism. Experiments and theories tend to be accepted at face value, for fear of providing even more fuel for external critics, if anyone outside the group was bothering to listen. In these circumstances, crackpots flourish...">>

"...making matters worse for those who believe that there is serious science going on here."
<<For some reason, many anti-Stratfordian crackpots are also right-wing
political crackpots. Most conspicuous, perhaps, are Enoch Powell and
Joseph Sobran, not to mention h.l.a.s.'s own Mr. Streitz.>>
I gave up on Dyerite Jones Harris (in part) for his right wing views.
Lea wrote: <<I haven't heard of him.>>
<<Thanks, Art -- this, too, is hilarious!
I'll tell the Grand Master about it;
maybe he'll assign someone to Harris.
That all sounds rather Dyer!
<<Not really, Art - I suspect that the agent assigned to him
will demolish his "argument" in VERy short order.>>
Jones's "politics" are terrible but [NED DYER] is clearly there:

[no doubt, one of the many contributions of his good friend
Fulke Greville: Recorder of Stratford (1606-1628)]
*TELLESTICKS* found by Jones Harris & John Rollett
The Names of the *26* Principall Actors in all these Playes.

[William Shakespeare]
Richard B(ū)rba(D)ge.
John Hemmings.
Augusti(ñ)e Phillip [S].
William Kemp [T].
Thom(ā)s Poop (e).
George Brya (N).
Henry C(O)n[D]el [L].
W(I)l(L)iam S(L) (Y|E).
{R}ichard Cowl [Y].
John Low(I)ne.
Samuell Crosse.
A(L|E]xander Co(O)k{E}.
*STONE*, n. [OE. ston, *STAN*; akin to OS. & OFries. *STEN*,
D. *STEEN*, G. stein, Sw. *STEN*, Dan. *STEEN*, Gr. a pebble.]
Prob. of 'St(e)nley' or 'St(a)nley' ~ 1 in 2,500,000
Prob. (at least) 6 of the 7[ST(e)NLEY] guys were Lord *STRANGE's*
Men while only (at most) 3 of the other 19 PA's were ~ 1 in 450
Samuel Gilburn{E}.
[R]obert Armi(N).
Will(I)am Ostl(E)r.
(N)athan Field.
John Underwoo [D].
{N}icholas T(O)ole {Y}.
William Eccl[E]ston {E}.
Joseph Taylo {R}.
Robert Be[N]fiel {D}.
Robe(R)t Gough {E}.
Richar{D} Robinso {N}.
John Shancke.
John Rice.
. <= *26* =>
. [W i l l i a m S h a k e s p e a r e] R i c h a r d B
. (U) r b a(D)g e.J o h n H e m m i n g s.A u g u s t i
. (N) e P h i l l i p[S]W i l l i a m K e m p [T] T h o m
. (A) s P o o p(e)G e o r g e B r y a(N) H e n r y C o n
. [D] e l l.W i l(L)i a m S l(Y|E|R}i c h a r d C o w l
. [Y] J o h n L o w(I)n e.S a m u e l l C r o s s e.A l
. [E] x a n d e r C o(O)k{E}S a m u e l G i l b u r n E
. [R] o b e r t A r m i(N)W i l l i a m O s t l E r N a
. t h a n F i e l d.J o h n U n d e r w o o [D] N i c h
. o l a s T o o l e{Y}W i l l i a m E c c l [E] s t o n
. e. J o s e p h T a y l o r.R o b e r t B e [N] f i e l
. d.
(UNA) 26 : *SPENSER* _FQ_ personification of "Truth"
[DYER] 26
[NED] -26
*26* is the gematric number, being the sum of the Hebrew characters
(Hebrew: יהוה‎) being the name of the god of Israel – YHWH (Yehweh).
Sir Philippe [SIDNEI] died of gangrene *26* days later
<<[Sir PHILIP SIDNEI (30 November 1554 - 17 October 1586)] joined Sir John Norris in the Battle of Zutphen, fighting for the Protestant cause against the Spanish. During the battle, he was shot in the thigh and died of gangrene *26* days later. According to the story, while lying wounded he gave his water to another wounded soldier, saying, "Thy necessity is yet greater than mine". As he lay dying, Sidney composed a song to be sung by his deathbed..>>
. The Original 1590 quarto edition!
The Covntesse of Pembrokes Arcadia,
. written by Sir Philippe [SIDNEI].
London, Printed {For} William Ponsonbie, Anno Domini, 1590.
*125* is the gematric number, being the sum of the English
characters for PHILIP SIDNEI = [(15+8+9+11+9+15)+(18+9+4+13+5+9)]

The "intentionally concealed message" in Sonnet 125 is
that Fulke Greville: Recorder of Stratford (1606-1628)
And [NED] [DYER] (b. October 1543 – d. May 1607)
*both* "bore the canopy" {For}[SIDNEI]:

{Ned}[DYER] then "bore the canopy" for PHILIP SIDNEI
Sonnet *125*

. WEr't ought to me I "bore the canopy",
. With my extern the outward honoring,
. Or layd great bases {For} eternity,
. Which proues more [S]hort then wast or ruining?
. Haue [I] not seene dwellers on forme an[D] fauor
. Lose all,and more by payi[N]g too much rent
. For compound sw[E]et;Forgoing simple sauor,
. Pitt[I]full thriuors in their gazing spent.
. Noe,let me be obsequious in thy heart,
. And take thou my oblacion,poore but free,
. Which is not mixt with seconds,knows no art,
. But mutuall render onely me for thee.
. Hence,thou subbornd Informer, a trew soule
. When most impeacht,stands least in thy controule.
. <= *26* =>
. {F o r} e t e r n i t y,W h i c h p r o u e s m o r e
. [S] h o r t t h e n w a s t o r r u i n i n g?H a u e
. [I] n o t s e e n e d w e l l e r s o n f o r m e a n
. [D] f a u o r L o s e a l l,a n d m o r e b y p a y i
. [N] g t o o m u c h r e n t F o r c o m p o u n d s w
. [E] e t;F o r g o i n g s i m p l e s a u o r,P i t t
. [I] f u l l t h r i u o r s i n t h e i r g a z i n g
{For}[SIDNEI] *26* [starting in the middle of the 3rd line]
Four years later:

The Covntesse of Pembrokes Arcadia,
. written by Sir Philippe SIDNEI.
London, Printed For William Ponsonbie,
. Anno Domini, 1590.
{For}[SIDNEI] can also be found coincidentally as Bible Code
in the KJV bible...but only with a very large ELS skip:
My "CodeFinder Bible Code Software"

Shows me that the shortest ELS skip in _Moby Dick_
for {For}[SIDNEI] or {For}[SIDNEY] = 2818 skip

And the shortest ELS skip in (a modern) KJV
for {For}[SIDNEI] or {For}[SIDNEY] = 869 skip:
. Exodus
21:36 he shall surely pay ox {For} ox.......
22:8 the master of the house [S]hall be brought unto the judges...
22:15 it came for h[I]s hire.......
22:27 an[D] it shall come to pass.......
23:6 Thou shalt not wrest the judgment of thy poor i[N] his cause..
23:15 Thou shalt keep the feast of unleaven[E]d bread.......
23:23 For m[I]ne Angel shall go before thee,.......
Now, in spite of all this, one might still consider the Sonnet 125
{For}[SIDNEI] Equidistant Letter Sequence a random fluke...
... except for the fact that it occurs again in Sonnet 47:
. Sonnet 47 (= 125 - 3 x 26)

. BEtwixt mine eye and heart a league is tooke,
. And each doth good turnes now vnto the other,
. When that mine eye is famisht {For} a looke,
. Or heart in loue with [S]ighes himselfe doth smother;
. W[I]th my loues picture then my eye [D]oth feast,
. And to the painted ba[N]quet bids my heart:
. An other tim[E] mine eye is my hearts guest,
. And [I]n his thoughts of loue doth share a part.
. So either by thy picture or my loue,
. Thy seife away,are present still with me,
. For thou nor farther then my thoughts canst moue,
. And I am still with them,and they with thee.
. Or if they sleepe, thy picture in my sight
. Awakes my heart,to hearts and eyes delight.
. <= *26* =>
. {F o r} a l o o k e,O r h e a r t i n l o u e w i t h
. [S] i g h e s h i m s e l f e d o t h s m o t h e r;W
. [I] t h m y l o u e s p i c t u r e t h e n m y e y e
. [D] o t h f e a s t,A n d t o t h e p a i n t e d b a
. [N] q u e t b i d s m y h e a r t:A n o t h e r t i m
. [E] m i n e e y e i s m y h e a r t s g u e s t,A n d
. [I] n h i s t h o u g h t s
{For}[SIDNEI] *26* [starting in the middle of the 3rd line]
I calculate the probability of yet another Sonnet
skip *26* ELS {For}[SIDNEI] at around 1 chance in 150,000
Note that Thomas Lant's: http://tinyurl.com/ptpxsdu
_The Procession at the Obsequies of Sir Philip Sidney_
features exactly 344 engraved figures (mostly in pairs).
. 344 = 2 x [(Sonnet *125* + Sonnet 47)]

1) {For}[SIDNEI] *26* in Sonnet *125* provides an excellent story
that Fulke Greville: Recorder of Stratford (1606-1628)
probably honored his deceased good friends:
Ned Dyer & Philip Sidnei in the Sonnets

2) {For}[SIDNEI] *26* in Sonnet 47 verifies that story mathematically.
The ghost of Richard the Third. A poem, printed in 1614, and founded
upon Shakespeare's historical play. Reprinted from the only known
copy in the Bodleian library by Brooke, Christopher, d. 1628

The Ghost of Richard the Third

*STANLEY* with Richmond joines his regiment
Some fled, some stood at gaze, the rest were seene
With idle action to maintaine the field :
Powre faintly answer’d argues will to yeeld.

"To him that *IMPT my FAME* with Clio's quill
Whose magick rais'd me from oblivion's den,
That writ my storie on the Muses' hill,
And with my actions dignifi'd his pen;
He that from Helicon sends many a rill,
Whose nectared veines are drunke by thirstie men;
Crown'd be his stile with fame, his head with bayes,
And none detract, but gratulate his praise.

Yet if his scaenes have not engrost all grace
The much fam'd action could extend on stage;
If time or memory have left a place
For me to fill, t' enforme this ignorant age,
To that intent I shew my horrid face,
Imprest with feare, and characters of rage:
Nor wits, nor chronicles, could ere containe
The hell-deepe [R]each[E]s of m[Y] soun[D]l{E}s{S}[E] brai[N]e."
. <= 5 =>
. [R] e a c h
. [E] s o f m
. [Y] s o u n
. [D] l {E} s {S}
. [E] b r a i
. [N] e.
[NEDYER] -5 : Prob. at start ~ 1 in 5000
{SED} -2
Now Englands Chaos was reduc't to order
By God-like Richmond; whose successive Stems,
The hand of Time hath Branch't in curiou(S) [B]order,
Unto the mem'rie o{F} thrice {R}oyall (I)[A]mes:
An A{N}gels Trumpe be his *TRUE FAMES* Re[C]order,
And (M)ay that Britt(A)ine Phoebus f(R)[O]m his Beame{S}
(I)n Glories lig(H)t h{I}s influe[N]ce exten{D},
His Off-spring, cou{N}tles; Peace, nor Dat{E}, nor End.
. <= 17 =>
. w h o s e s u c c e s s i v e S t
. e m s T h e h a n d o f T i m e h
. a t h B r a n c h t i n c u r i o
. u (S)[B] o r d e r U n t o t h e m e
. m r i e o{F}t h r i c e{R}o y a l
. l (I)[A] m e s A n A{N}g e l s T r u
. m p e b e h i s t r u e F a m e s
. R e [C] o r d e r A n d(M)a y t h a
. t B r i t t(A)i n e P h o e b u s
. f (R)[O] m h i s B e a m e{S|I)n G l
. o r i e s l i g(H)t h{I}s i n f l
. u (E)[N] c e e x t e n{D}H i s O f f
. s p r i n g c o u{N}t l e s P e a
. c e n o r D a t{E}n o r E n d
{FRAN.} 7
[BACON] 34 : Prob. at end ~ 1 in 387
(MARI.H.) 12 : Prob. at end ~ 1 in 328
{SIDNE.} 16 : Prob. at end ~ 1 in 120
____ Richard III Q1 (1597)
The Tragedy of King Richard the third. Containing, His
treacherous Plots against his brother Clarence : the pittiefull
murthe(R) of his innocent nephewes : his tyrannicall vsurpation
: with the whole cours(E) of his de{TEST}ed life,
and most deserued death. As it hath beene
lately Acted b[Y] the Right honourabl[E]
the Lord Chamberlai[N]e his seruants.
At Lon[D]on, Print(eD) by Valent[I]ne Sims,
for Andrew Wi[S]e, dwelling in Paules
{CHURCH-YARD}, at (the sig(N)e of the Angell). 1597.
. <= 63 =>
murth e(R) ofhisinn o centneph e weshisty r annicall v surpatio n withthew h ol
ecour s(E) ofhisdeT E STedlife a ndmostde s erueddea t hAsithat h beenelat e ly
Acted b[Y] theRight h onourabL[E]THELordC h amberlai[N]ehisseru a ntsAtLon[D]on
Print (eD) byValent[I]neSimSfo r AndrewWi{SED}welLin g inPaules{C}HURCHYAR D}at
thesi g(N) eoftheAn g ell

(N/e/DYER) -63
. <= 18 =>
. m u r t h e (R) o f h i s i n n o c e
. n t n e p h e w e s:h i s t y r a n
. n i c a l l v s u r p a t i o n:w i
. t h t h e w h o l e c o u r s(E)o f
. h i s d e{T E S T}e d l i f e,a n d
. m o s t d e s e r u e d d e a t h.A
. s i t h a t h b e e n e l a t e l y
. A c t e d b [Y] t h e R i g h t h o n
. o u r a b L [E] T H E L o r d C h a m
. b e r l a i [N] e h i s s e r u a n t
. s A t L o n [D] o n P r i n t e(D)b y
. V a l e n t [I] n e S i m S f o r A n
. d r e w W i {S E D} w e l L i n g i n
. P a u l e s {C} H U R C H Y A R D}a t
. (t h e s i g N e o f t h e A n g e l l)
{SED} 1
[{C}SIDNEY] -18: Prob. of [SIDNEY] ~ 1 in 2150

{C}ountesse of pembrooke: mary [SIDNEY]
. As You Like It : Act II, scene VII
Duke Senior: If that you were the good (SIR) [R]owlands son,
. As you hav[E] whisper'd faithfully [Y]ou were,
. And as mine eye [D]oth his effigies witn[E]sse,
. Most truly limn'd, a[N]d living in your face,
. Be truly welcome hither: I am the Duke
. That lov'd your Father, the residue of your fortune,
. Go to my Cave, and tell mee.
. <= 15 =>
. I f t h a t y o u w e r e t h e g o o
. d (S I R)[R] o w l a n d s s o n,A s y o
. u h a v [E] w h i s p e r'd f a i t h f
. u l l y [Y] o u w e r e,A n d a s m i n
. e e y e [D] o t h h i s e f f i g i e s
. w i t n [E] s s e,M o s t t r u l y l i
. m n'd,a [N] d l i v i n g i n y o u r f
. a c e,
(SIR)[NEDYER] -15 : Prob. in Shakespeare ~ 1 in 50
(SIR) EDward DYER (October 1543 – May 1607)
. Act III, scene vii
ROSALIND: Good my complection, dost thou think though
. I am caparison'd like a man, I have a doublet and hose in
. my disposition? One inch of delay more, is a South-sea
. of discoverie. I pre'thee tell me, who is it quickely, and
. speake apace: I would thou couldst stammer, that thou
. might'st powre this conceal'd man out of thy mouth, as
. Wine comes out of a narrow-mouth'd bottle: either too
. much at once, or none at all. I pre'thee take the Corke
. o[UT] of thy {M}o[UT]h, th{A}t I may d{R}inke th{Y} tyding{S}.
. <= 7 =>
. t h e C o r k
. e o [U T]o f t
. h y {M}o[U T]h,
. t h {A}t I m a
. y d {R}i n k e
. t h {Y}t y d i
. n g {S}.

[UT]{MARY S.} 7
{T}homas {NASHE}’s preface to Robert Greene’s (1589) _Menaphon:
It is a common practise now a daies amongst a sort of shifting companions,
that runne through EVERy arte and thrive by none, to leave the trade of
Noverint, whereto they were borne, and busie themselves with the in(D)evors
of Art, that could sca[R]c(E)lie lati{N}ize their (N)ecke-v[E]r(S)e if they
(S)h{O}uld hav(E) neede; [Y]et English S(E|N)e{C}a rea(D) by ca(N|D]le
light yeel(D|E)s m{A}nie good s[E]ntences, as Blou(D) is a {B}egger, a[N|D)
so foorth; and, if you intreate him faire in a frostie morning, {he will
affoord you whole HAMLETS}, I should say handfulls of tragical speaches.
____ <= *26* =>
. b u s i e t h e m s e l v e s w i t h t h e i n(D)e
. v o r s o f A r t,t h a t c o u l d s c a[R]c(E)l i
. e l a t i{N}i z e t h e i r(N)e c k e-v[E]r(S)e i f
. t h e y(S)h{O}u l d h a v(E)n e e d e[Y]e t E n g l
. i s h S(E|N)e{C}a r e a(D)b y c a(N|D]l e l i g h t
. y e e l(D|E)s m{A}n i e g o o d s[E]n t e n c e s,a
. s B l o u(D)i s a{B}e g g e r,a[N|D)s o f o o r t h;
. a n d,i f y o u i n\t\r e a t/e/h i m f a i r e i n
. a f r o s t i e m o r\n\i n/g{h e w i l l a f f o o
. r d y o u w h o l e H A M L E T S}I s h o u l d s a
. y h a n d f u l l s o f t r a g i c a l s p e a c h e s
{BACON} -27 : Prob. in 'whole Hamlets' sentence ~ 1 in 787
[NEDYER] -25 : Prob. in 'whole Hamlets' sentence ~ 1 in 660
(NED) 25,26,26
(S.E.D.) -25,26 : Prob. of 5 NED/SED's in array ~ 1 in 150
Sir [ED]ward [DYER] (Oct. 1543 – May 1607) in 1589 was sent to Denmark.
. LONDON: Printed by Thomas Creede, 1598
HENRY 5: I prethee [NED], mend thy *MANNERS*,
. and be more mo{DES}ter in thy tearm{E}s,
. Fo[R] my unfei[NE{D}] gre{E}f[E] i{S} not to be ruled b[Y] thy flattering
. An[D] dissembling talk[E], thou saist I am cha[N]ged,
. So I am i[N]d[E]e[D], and so must thou be, and that quickly,
. Or else I must cause thee to be chaunged.
. <= 16 =>
. I p r e t h e e [N E D]m e n d t
. h y *M A N N E R S*a n d b e m o
. r e m o{D E S}t e r i n t h y t
. e a r m{E}s,F o [R]m y u n f e i
. [N E {D}]g r e{E}f [E]i{S}n o t t o
. b e r u l e d b [Y]t h y f l a t
. t e r i n g A n [D]d i s s e m b
. l i n g t a l k [E]t h o u s a i
. s t I a m c h a [N]g e d,S o I a
. m i [N] d[E]e[D]a n d s o m u s t
. t h o u b e,a n d t h a t q u i
. c k l y,O r e l s e I m u s t c
. a u s e t h e e t o b e c h a u
. n g e d.
[NEDYER] -16
{SED} -1,-4,-14

Silius: Have I for this so oft engaged myself?
. Stood in the heat and fervour of a fight,
. When Phoebus soo[N]er hath forsook th[E] day
. Than I the fiel[D], against the blue-{E|Y]ed Gauls,
. And cri{S}p[E]d Germans? when our [R]oman eagles
. Have fann'd the fire, with their labouring wings,
. And no blow dealt, that left not death behind it?
. <= 16 =>
. W h e n P h o e b u s s o o[N] e
. r h a t h f o r s o o k t h[E] d
. a y T h a n I t h e f i e l[D],a
. g a i n s t t h e b l u e{E|Y] e
. d G a u l s,A n d c r i{S}p[E] d
. G e r m a n s?w h e n o u r[R] o
. m a n e a g l e s
{SED} -15
. Hamlet (Quarto 2) Act I, scene III
OPHELIA: I shall the effect of this goo{D} l{E}s{S}on keepe
. As watchma[N] to my hart, but good my brother
. Do[E] not as some ungracious pastors [D]oe,
. Showe me the steepe and thorn[Y] way to heaven
. Whiles a puft, and r[E]ckles libertine
. Him{S}elfe the p[R]imrose path of dalienc{E} treads.
. And reakes not his owne ree{D}.
. <= 28 =>
. t h e e f f e c t o f t h i s g o o{D}l{E}s{S}o n k e e
. p e A s w a t c h m a[N]t o m y h a r t,b u t g o o d m
. y b r o t h e r D o[E]n o t a s s o m e u n g r a c i o
. u s p a s t o r s[D]o e,S h o w e m e t h e s t e e p e
. a n d t h o r n[Y]w a y t o h e a v e n W h i l e s a p
. u f t,a n d r[E]c k l e s l i b e r t i n e H i m{S}e l
. f e t h e p[R]i m r o s e p a t h o f d a l i e n c{E}t
. r e a d s.A n d r e a k e s n o t h i s o w n e r e e{D}.
{SED} -2,29
. Hamlet (Quarto 2) Act I, scene III
. Enter the Players (MAISTER MASONS).
Hamlet: You are welcome *MAISTERS* , welcome all, I am glad to see
. thee well, welcome good friends, oh old friend, why thy face is
. valanct since I saw thee last, com'st thou to beard me in Denmark?
. what my young Lady and mistris, by lady your Ladishippe is
. nerer to heauen, then when I saw you last by the altitude of a
. chopine, pray God your voyce like a peece of vncurrant *GOLD* ,
. BEE NOT CRACKT WITHIN THE RING: *MAISTERS* you are all welcome...
. Sonnet 53
WHat is your substance, whereof are you made,
That millions of *STRA[N]GE SHADDOW[E]S* on you ten[D]?
Since *EVER[Y] one*, hath *EV[ER]y one*, one shade,
An{D} you but on{E}, can *EVERy {S}HADDOW* lend:
. <= 10 =>
. T h a t m i l l (I)o
. n s o f*S T R A [N]G
. E S H A D D O W [E]S*
. o n y o u t e n [D]S
. i n c e*E V E R [Y]o
. n e*h a t h*E V [E R]
. y o n e*o n e s h a
. d e,A n{D}y o u b u
. t o n{E}c a n*E V E
. R y{S}H A D D O W*l
. e n d:

[(I)NEDYE/R] 10
{SED} -9
. Sonnet 76 (1609)

WHy is my verse so barren of new pride?
So far from variation or quicke change?
Why with the time do I not glance aside
To new found methods, and to compounds *STRANGE* ?

Why write I still all one, [EVER] the same,
And keepe inuention in a *NOT[(E)D W(E)ED]*,
That *[EVER]y WOR<D>* [D]oth almo{S|T} fel {M[Y] NAME},
Shewing th[E]ir birth, and whe[R]e they did proce[E]d?

O know sweet lo[V]e I alwaies writ[E] of you,
And you an[D] love are still (Y) argument:
So all (M)y best is dressing old words new,
Spending againe what is already spent:
____ <= 14 =>
. A *N O T[(E) D W (E) E D] T h {A}{T}
. E V E R y w o r <D>[D] O t h a
. l m o {S}{T} F E L m [Y] N a m {E}
. S h e w i n g t {H}[E]<I> r b i
. r t h a n d w h e [R] e t h {E}
. y (D) i d p r o c e [E] d O <K> n
. o w s w e {E} t l o [V] e I a l
. w a i e s w r i t [E] o f y o
. u A n d y o u a n [D] l (O) v (E)
. a r e s t i l l m (Y) a r g u
. m e n t: S o a l l (M) y b e s
. t i s d r e s s i n g o l d
. w o r d s n e w,
[DYER] 14 {Found by A.W.Burgstahler}
[(MY) DE VERE] -14 {Found by James Ferris}
[DYEREVED] 14 Prob. in any sonnet ~ 1 in 9375
Edward de Vere & Edward Dyer:
1) Only two Shakespeare authorship candidates
. named Edward: http://tinyurl.com/6yqvqwz
2) Only two Shakespeare authorship candidates
. sharing yet another authorship controversy:
- [King Richard the Third (Quarto 1, 1597) 3.1]
Buckingham: [A HA] my Lord this prince is *NOT AN EDWARD* :
. He is not lulling on a lewd day bed,
. But on his knees at meditation:
Art Neuendorffer
2018-02-22 16:48:08 UTC
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
<< [To] what order [do I belong], Art?>>
The Rumpelstiltskins?
Lea wrote: <<KAOS is a fictitious entity, Art.>>
Michael Dunn is a very real Oxfordian.
<<But Art -- if Oxfordians were to get smart,
then they could no longer be Oxfordians!>>
If Oxfordians were to get smart, then they would be Groupists!
<<If they were *truly* smart, they could neVER have been
duped by anti-Stratfordian rubbish in the first place!>>
If they were *truly* smart, they would have rejected the
Stratman back when they rejected the tooth fairy & Easter Bunny.
<<Don't dismiss the Easter Bunny or the tooth fairy out of hand, Art >>
[Lunatic logorrhea snipped]

This has nothing whateVER to do with either the Tooth Fairy or the Easter Bunny, Art; do at least *try* to follow what's being discussed.
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
I turn LXXII on Mercurii.
<<Is it really your birthday tomorrow, Art? If so, how do you plan to
celebrate? A friendly colloquy with George Mason's sculptural
What is St. Carolyn giving you for the occasion, Art? John Michell's
_The new view over Atlantis_? Erich Von Däniken's _Chariots of the
perhaps? Steven Thomas's _The moon landing hoax: The eagle that never
landed_? John Mack's _Abduction: Human encounters with aliens_?
Something by Graham Hancock or Francis Carr? You must be a VERy easy
guy to shop for, Art.>>
If you are going to make fun of me by the company I keep
<<You actually *keep company* with the above assorted nut jobs, Art?!
Among friends, does Francis Carr go by Frank? Or Crank?
I have not conversed with Francis Carr (but I'm a fan).
Lea wrote: <<No doubt you're a fan of Carr >>
You snipped what I wrote without indicating the omission, Art. The entire quotation read "No doubt you're a fan of Carr -- just as you are of John Mack, Steven Thomas, Erich von Däniken, and especially Eric Dubay:

Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
No doubt!
I take it, then, that you are also a fan of John Mack, Steven Thomas, Erich von Däniken, and especially Eric Dubay, Art -- although I suspected as much, your "No doubt!" provides confirmation.

[Lunatic logorrhea snipped]
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
<<When [Francis Carr] was editing Past & Future or working with the
recitals, [he] was also busy with his passion for solving the mystery of
the authorship of the Shakespeare plays.
...when he wasn't engaged in his many alternative crackpot pursuits...

[Lunatic logorrhea snipped]
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
Ronald Hutton, who is the Professor of History at Bristol University, and
a newly appointed Commissioner of English Heritage, on hearing of Francis’
death, wrote to me saying that he was a ‘remarkable personality’
Indeed -- so are John Mack, Steven Thomas, Erich von Däniken, and Eric Dubay, and for the same reason.
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
and ‘a significant player on the English cultural scene of his time, and
although his literary causes were unorthodox, I think that posterity will
be interested in them.’>>
Absolutely -- posterity is generally interested in abnormal psychology.
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
But at least two of the
above nutcases presumably exhibit as much indifference to your society as
George Mason does, Art -- indeed, John Mack has been dead since 2004,
Michell has been dead since 2009.>>
1) right wing nutjobs,
2) promoting crazy non-authorship ideas,
3) Putin puppets,
<<There you go, Art -- that's all the *more* reason that you should
be burnishing your resumé and angling for a top job in the Trump
administration! You possess not only the requirements for the job --
among those are illiteracy and unshakable imperviousness to established
fact -- but if you're in contact with Putin puppets, then you also have
the right connections!>>
I no longer converse with Mickey Leaks/Peter Nockolds (and I'm not a fan).
Lea wrote: <<Why not, Art?!>>
Nockolds has betrayed his own country and attacked mine
(apparently all in exchange for a Putin provided Moscow mistress).
Huh?! What on earth are you talking about, Art?!
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
4) Stratfordian math professors specifically assigned to me.
<<How many mathematics professors from Stratford do you know, Art?>>
How many Oxfordians from Oxford do you know, Dave?
<<Oxford University is an elite institution whose faculty and students
have both relevant disciplinary training and the ability to weigh
evidence rationally...>>
Oxford students like Edward de Vere?
Oxford's uniVERsity degrees were purely honorary, Art. As credentials, they are on a par with "Dr." Faker's nonexistent Ph.D.
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
It's a pretty SAD group overall.
<<But Art -- "overall" is an anagram of "A Ver?! LOL!"
INPNC = 3/7
Lea wrote: <<That's better than most of your "anagrams", Art.>>
There are many, Art. One of the most idiotic is "INCHAINS", which boasts as INIPNC score of zero.
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
Alan correctly points out that the Sonnets title page includes a hidden
circle with Pythagorean triangles (ideas later stolen and expanded upon
by Alexander Waugh). However, not knowing when to stop,
<<...a VERy common trait among anti-Stratfordian cranks...
Alan blunders on to state that also hidden in the Sonnets titlepage [sic]
1) e = 2.718281
<<Is he (or are you) unaware that e is irrational
(in fact, transcendental), Art?>>
Alan can be irrational (if not transcendental).
Lea wrote: <<Evidently.>>
2) Bruns [sic] constant &
3) Euler's constant.
<<I assume that you mean the Euler-Mascheroni constant, jocularly
characterized as the sum of the harmonic series minus the log of
infinity, rather than e, which is also (somewhat inaccurately)
called Euler's constant by some.>>
<<There is no uniVERsal consensus on the terminology, Art;
some call e the Euler number in honor of Euler's celebrated
formula e^{iπ}=-1, which is not unreasonable.>>
<<Roger Cotes FRS (10 July 1682 – 5 June 1716) was an English
mathematician, known for working closely with Isaac Newton by proofreading
the second edition of his famous book, the Principia, before publication.
He also invented the quadrature formulas known as Newton–Cotes formulas and
first introduced what is known today as Euler's formula [e^{iπ}+1=0]. In
correspondence with Isaac Newton, Cotes designed a heliostat telescope with
a mirror revolving by clockwork. He recomputed the solar and planetary
tables of Giovanni Domenico Cassini and John Flamsteed, and he intended to
create tables of the moon's motion, based on Newtonian principles. Cotes
was born in Burbage, Leicestershire. His parents were Robert, the rector
of Burbage, and his wife Grace née Farmer. Cotes died from a violent fever
in Cambridge in 1716 at the early age of 33. Isaac Newton remarked, "If he
had lived we would have known something."
<<It has been claimed that Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler's identity
[e^{iπ}+1=0] appears in his monumental work of mathematical analysis
published in 1748, Introductio in analysin infinitorum. However, it is
questionable whether this particular concept can be attributed to Euler
himself, as he may never have expressed it. (Moreover, while Euler did
write in the Introductio about what we today call Euler's formula, which
relates e with cosine and sine terms in the field of complex numbers,
the English mathematician Roger Cotes (who died in 1716, when Euler was
only 9 years old) also knew of this formula and Euler may have acquired
the knowledge through his Swiss compatriot Johann Bernoulli.>>
<<I didn't say that the attribution of the discoVERy to Euler was *correct*,
Art, merely that honoring Euler in this way is not unreasonable.>>
If it ain't *correct* then it ain't reasonable!
In that case, nothing you write is eVER reasonable, Art!
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
If a notion bears a personal name, then this name is not the name of the discoverer.
The Berry Principle: The Arnold Principle is applicable to itself.>>
If an Elizabethan play bears a personal name,
then this name is probably not the name of the author.
Unlike Arnol'd's principle, for which there are some confirming instances, there is no credible evidence for the Noonedafter Principle, Art.
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
<<The number e is a mathematical constant, approximately equal to 2.71828,
which appears in many different settings throughout mathematics. It was
discovered (in 1683
by the Swiss mathematician Jacob Bernoulli (6 January 1655 – 16 August 1705)
while studying compound interest.>>
"Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias
they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced
Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland
they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace,
and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."
<<There are plenty of Swiss scientific and cultural contributions, Art;>>
And Euler's identity [e^{iπ}+1=0] apparently isn't one of them.
Euler's contributions to mathematics and science were both prolific and deep, Art.

Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
<No, Art. If that's true, then you are confirmed as a demented belieVER
that...the title page to Shakespeare's sonnets encodes the Euler number e
The odd-indexed Euler numbers are all zero.
<<Those are the Euler numbers (plural), Art.
There are also the Euler class, the Euler characteristic, etc. --
lots of things are named for Euler, and for good reason.>>
And yet, the Houston Eulers are now the Tennessee Titians!
Lea wrote: <<You're confusing _Titian_ with _Titan_, Art.>>
[Lunatic logorrhea snipped]
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
<<Huh?! What "resemblance"? The face in _Venere e Adone_ cannot be seen
clearly (the female figure has her back to the viewer, while the view in
_Tarquin and Lucretia_ is mostly from the front), so any "resemblance" is
merely that of virtually *any* two nearly nude female bodies of moderate
So... you're an expert on such matters?
I am expert enough to detect the folly (although "idiocy" is perhaps the _mot juste_) in claiming that a face that cannot be seen is the same that one that is partly visible, Art.

Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
...but when Lawrence Crone & Arthur Neuendorffer are 104 years late...
"Functional Powers near a Fixed Point"
by Lawrence J. Crone and Arthur C. Neuendorffer,
_Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications_,
Vol.132, No.2 June 1988.
"The authors discuss the problem of defining functional powers of
nonintegral order for an analytic mapping $z\rightarrow F(z)$ in the
neighbourhood of a fixed point $c$ at which $F(c)=c$, $|F'(c)|>1$. The
solution which they obtain is equivalent to that of, e.g., \n G.
Koenigs\en \ref[Ann. Sci. École Norm. Sup. (3) Suppl. 1884 , 1--41;
Jbuch 16 , 376]. See also a paper by \n G. Szekeres\en \ref[Acta Math.
100 (1958), 203--258; MR 21 #5744 ]. Examples discussed include
$F(z)=e^z$ with $c=0.318132+1.33724i$."
Only 104 years too late. :-)
<<Too bad, Art. Is that why you began "researching" Shakespeare authorship
and producing results that nobody else would be caught dead in a ditch with,>>
June 13 1483, Richard of Gloucester (Richard III)
accused Margaret Beaufort,("yonder sorcers, my brother's wife") &
Jane Shore of bewitching him. Jane Shore was punished and reduced
to beggary because of the accusation. A ballad in the Pepys'
collection has ShoreDITCH as the place Jane Shore died in a DITCH.
“I could not get one bit of bread
Whereby my hunger might be fed. ...
So, weary of my life, at length
I yielded up my vital strength
Within a DITCH ... which since that day
Is ShoreDITCH called, as writers say.”
Your fascination at having encountered a word new to you (in a language unknown to you) is understandable, Art. HoweVER, the word is commonplace and unremarkable, and its appearance here has nothing whateVER to do with my use of it in a paraphrase of Wodehouse.

[Lunatic logorrhea snipped]
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
_____ per anagramma
. [I]ure quidem poteras hanc fundere ab ore querelam,
."[N]IL reus en Theseus censura sortis iniquae
. [H]ic ruo, livoris traditus arbitrio."
. [A]t nunc mutanda ob mutata pericla querela est.
. [I]nclite, an innocuo pectore teste rues?
. [N]on sane. Hac haeres vacuo dat *VIVERE* cura,
. [C]ollati imperii sub Iove sceptra gerens.
. *ISNHAINC* {anagram} *IN CHAINS*
INIPNC score zero, Art.

[Crackpot cryptography snipped]
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
Like Euler, I can walk & chew gum at the same time.
You simultaneously masticate and do what, Art?
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
David Roper has been generous with acknowledging
my authorship ideas in two of his published books.
Lea wrote: <<Of course he has, Art --
your ideas make his look positively sane by comparison!>>
And Alan Green is angry with Alexander Waugh for "stealing my ideas"
in his decipherment of the Sonnet's Dedication.
Lea wrote: <<Of course he is, Art -->>
...his anger is doubtless prompted by what in Spanish is known as _vergüenza ajena_, Art: he doesn't want Green to make an ass of himself publicly.
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
(e.g., Tim's Topics)
but sharing credit for things like my own "(mazel?)TOVS:TOAST ozone maps"
also insures that they persist to this day: https://tinyurl.com/y8a7edx3
Nevertheless, at age 72, it is much easier to compete in the authorship field
That's because the authorship "field" is littered with crackpot cowpats which are eagerly scoop up and display for our delectation, Art.
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
than it ever was to to compete in science or math (with or without credit).
<<*Of course* it is, Art -- the "authorship field" is populated by what
Martin Gardner used to call ignorant and thoroughly self-deluded cranks.
That's like saying that it's easier to compete with circle-squarers, alien
abduction enthusiasts, and inventors of perpetual motion machines than it
is to compete with real scientists and mathematicians -- the former are not
bound by any standards of evidence and hence are free to invent whateVER
outlandish fantasy they please, while the latter are bound by the
constraints of objective reality, a domain with which circle squarers and
anti-Stratfordians have little, if any, contact.>>
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
I provide (relatively unbiased) reasonable cipher evidence that can evaluated objectively.
...and the objective evaluation is that is crackpot cryptography.
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
Stratfordians provide 'evidence' for biased unreasonable claims
that canNOT be evaluated objectively.
You are manifestly ignorant of the sort of evidence used by historians, Art.
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
<<Thanks for posting this, Art -- it's hilarious!>>
Neufer (aka Noonedafter) wrote: It's SAD!
This on top of Stritmatter's cold fusion conspiracy
<<Is Dr. antiStratnutter *still* going on about his cold fusion
I don't know any "Dr. antiStratnutter."
<<Oh, come off it, Art. Next you'll be telling me that you
don't know who "Dr." Faker is -- or who Noonedafter is!>>
I know who Dweeb is.
Lea wrote: <<Do you really, Art? I VERy much doubt it.>>

As I've noted before, Art, your obsession with my family is more than a little creepy.
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
<<That doesn't explain who I *really* am, Art.
(The details of the Bloodline not in the public domain.)>>
It's far more information about yourself than you've ever volunteered here.
Huh? Why on earth should I do that, Art? The topic of this newsgroup is supposed to be *Shakespeare* -- not Rex Deus.
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
<<He of the cold fusion conspiracy, Art -- not to mention the misbegotten
monograph on Shakespeare's Bible (about which the less said, the better).>>
Is he *still* going on about his cold fusion conspiracy?!>>
<<Cold fusion research continues today in a few specific venues, but the
wider scientific community has generally marginalized the research being
done and researchers have had difficulty publishing in mainstream journals.
The remaining researchers often term their field Low Energy Nuclear
Reactions (LENR), Chemically Assisted Nuclear Reactions (CANR), Lattice
Assisted Nuclear Reactions (LANR), Condensed Matter Nuclear Science (CMNS)
or Lattice Enabled Nuclear Reactions; one of the reasons being to avoid
the negative connotations associated with "cold fusion". The new names
avoid making bold implications, like implying that fusion is actually
The researchers who continue acknowledge that the flaws in the original
announcement are the main cause of the subject's marginalization, and they
complain of a chronic lack of funding and no possibilities of getting their
work published in the highest impact journals. University researchers are
often unwilling to investigate cold fusion because they would be ridiculed
by their colleagues and their professional careers would be at risk.
This imputation of motives is specious. Many more of them simply do not want to waster time and resources on a direction that has few prospects of success.
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
In 1994, David Goodstein, a professor of physics at Caltech, advocated for
increased attention from mainstream researchers and described cold fusion
as: "A pariah field, cast out by the scientific establishment. Between cold
fusion and respectable science there is virtually no communication at all.
Cold fusion papers are almost never published in refereed scientific
...perhaps because the work is fatally flawed, and the referee reports accordingly do not recommend publication.

It sounds as though you are about ready to join Dr. antiStratnutter as a cold fusion advocate, Art!
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
with the result that those works don't receive the normal critical scrutiny
that science requires. On the other hand, because the Cold-Fusioners see
themselves as a community under siege, there is little internal criticism.
Experiments and theories tend to be accepted at face value, for fear of
providing even more fuel for external critics, if anyone outside the group
was bothering to listen. In these circumstances, crackpots flourish, making
matters worse for those who believe that there is serious science going on
Sound familiar????
<<Indeed, it has much in common with anti-Stratfordian delusions: "...there
is little internal criticism. Experiments and theories tend to be accepted
at face value,
...e.g., Virgil as predecessor of Herodotus, _vier_ as Spanish for "four", etc.
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
for fear of providing even more fuel for external critics, if anyone
outside the group was bothering to listen. In these circumstances,
crackpots flourish...">>
"...making matters worse for those who believe that there is serious
science going on here."
In the case of anti-Stratfordian fantasy, those who believe that "...there is serious science going on here" are farcically deluded, Art.
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
<<For some reason, many anti-Stratfordian crackpots are also right-wing
political crackpots. Most conspicuous, perhaps, are Enoch Powell and
Joseph Sobran, not to mention h.l.a.s.'s own Mr. Streitz.>>
I gave up on Dyerite Jones Harris (in part) for his right wing views.
Lea wrote: <<I haven't heard of him.>>
<<Thanks, Art -- this, too, is hilarious!
I'll tell the Grand Master about it;
maybe he'll assign someone to Harris.
That all sounds rather Dyer!
<<Not really, Art - I suspect that the agent assigned to him
will demolish his "argument" in VERy short order.>>
[Reams of repetitive crackpot cryptography and nutcase numerology snipped]
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
. <= *26* =>
. {F o r} e t e r n i t y,W h i c h p r o u e s m o r e
. [S] h o r t t h e n w a s t o r r u i n i n g?H a u e
. [I] n o t s e e n e d w e l l e r s o n f o r m e a n
. [D] f a u o r L o s e a l l,a n d m o r e b y p a y i
. [N] g t o o m u c h r e n t F o r c o m p o u n d s w
. [E] e t;F o r g o i n g s i m p l e s a u o r,P i t t
. [I] f u l l t h r i u o r s i n t h e i r g a z i n g
{For}[SIDNEI] *26*
The string "FORSIDNEI" does not appear as an equidistant letter sequence of skip 26 -- or indeed of *any* skip -- in the above text, Art. This has been pointed out to you scores (if not hundreds) of times, but you are a VERy slow learner.

[Crackpot cryptography snipped]
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
. <= *26* =>
. {F o r} a l o o k e,O r h e a r t i n l o u e w i t h
. [S] i g h e s h i m s e l f e d o t h s m o t h e r;W
. [I] t h m y l o u e s p i c t u r e t h e n m y e y e
. [D] o t h f e a s t,A n d t o t h e p a i n t e d b a
. [N] q u e t b i d s m y h e a r t:A n o t h e r t i m
. [E] m i n e e y e i s m y h e a r t s g u e s t,A n d
. [I] n h i s t h o u g h t s
{For}[SIDNEI] *26*
The string "FORSIDNEI" does not appear as an equidistant letter sequence of skip 26 -- or indeed of *any* skip -- in the above text, Art. This has been pointed out to you scores (if not hundreds) of times, but you are a VERy slow learner.

[Lunatic logorrhea snipped]
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
1) {For}[SIDNEI] *26* in Sonnet *125* provides an excellent story
that Fulke Greville: Recorder of Stratford (1606-1628)
Ned Dyer & Philip Sidnei in the Sonnets
2) {For}[SIDNEI] *26* in Sonnet 47 verifies that story mathematically.
You manifestly have *NO IDEA* what constitutes a mathematical VERification, Art.

[Lunatic logorrhea snipped]
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
. <= 5 =>
. [R] e a c h
. [E] s o f m
. [Y] s o u n
. [D] l {E} s {S}
. [E] b r a i
. [N] e.
[NEDYER] -5 : Prob. at start ~ 1 in 5000
"NEDYER [sic]" is moronic nonsense, Art. "DYER" is a VERy short string consisting of commonly occurring letters, so its appearance is utterly unremarkable.
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
{SED} -2
Huh? What do you think (usual disclaimer) that "SED" means here, Art? Spanish for thirst?

[Lunatic logorrhea snipped]
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
. <= 17 =>
. w h o s e s u c c e s s i v e S t
. e m s T h e h a n d o f T i m e h
. a t h B r a n c h t i n c u r i o
. u (S)[B] o r d e r U n t o t h e m e
. m r i e o{F}t h r i c e{R}o y a l
. l (I)[A] m e s A n A{N}g e l s T r u
. m p e b e h i s t r u e F a m e s
. R e [C] o r d e r A n d(M)a y t h a
. t B r i t t(A)i n e P h o e b u s
. f (R)[O] m h i s B e a m e{S|I)n G l
. o r i e s l i g(H)t h{I}s i n f l
. u (E)[N] c e e x t e n{D}H i s O f f
. s p r i n g c o u{N}t l e s P e a
. c e n o r D a t{E}n o r E n d
{FRAN.} 7
[BACON] 34 : Prob. at end ~ 1 in 387
"MARIH [sic]" is moronic nonsense, Art.

[Lunatic logorrhea snipped]
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
. <= 15 =>
. I f t h a t y o u w e r e t h e g o o
. d (S I R)[R] o w l a n d s s o n,A s y o
. u h a v [E] w h i s p e r'd f a i t h f
. u l l y [Y] o u w e r e,A n d a s m i n
. e e y e [D] o t h h i s e f f i g i e s
. w i t n [E] s s e,M o s t t r u l y l i
. m n'd,a [N] d l i v i n g i n y o u r f
. a c e,
The string "SIRNEDYER [sic]" does not appear as an equidistant letter sequence of skip -15 -- or indeed, of *any* skip -- in the text above, Art. In any case, it is moronic nonsense. Even the shorter string "NEDYER [sic]", which does appear, is moronic nonsense. "DYER" is a VERy short string consisting of commonly occurring letters, so its appearance is utterly unremarkable.

[Lunatic logorrhea snipped]
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
____ <= *26* =>
. b u s i e t h e m s e l v e s w i t h t h e i n(D)e
. v o r s o f A r t,t h a t c o u l d s c a[R]c(E)l i
. e l a t i{N}i z e t h e i r(N)e c k e-v[E]r(S)e i f
. t h e y(S)h{O}u l d h a v(E)n e e d e[Y]e t E n g l
. i s h S(E|N)e{C}a r e a(D)b y c a(N|D]l e l i g h t
. y e e l(D|E)s m{A}n i e g o o d s[E]n t e n c e s,a
. s B l o u(D)i s a{B}e g g e r,a[N|D)s o f o o r t h;
. a n d,i f y o u i n\t\r e a t/e/h i m f a i r e i n
. a f r o s t i e m o r\n\i n/g{h e w i l l a f f o o
. r d y o u w h o l e H A M L E T S}I s h o u l d s a
. y h a n d f u l l s o f t r a g i c a l s p e a c h e s
{BACON} -27 : Prob. in 'whole Hamlets' sentence ~ 1 in 787
[NEDYER] -25 : Prob. in 'whole Hamlets' sentence ~ 1 in 660
"NEDYER [sic]" is moronic nonsense, Art.

[Lunatic logorrhea snipped]
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
. <= 16 =>
. I p r e t h e e [N E D]m e n d t
. h y *M A N N E R S*a n d b e m o
. r e m o{D E S}t e r i n t h y t
. e a r m{E}s,F o [R]m y u n f e i
. [N E {D}]g r e{E}f [E]i{S}n o t t o
. b e r u l e d b [Y]t h y f l a t
. t e r i n g A n [D]d i s s e m b
. l i n g t a l k [E]t h o u s a i
. s t I a m c h a [N]g e d,S o I a
. m i [N] d[E]e[D]a n d s o m u s t
. t h o u b e,a n d t h a t q u i
. c k l y,O r e l s e I m u s t c
. a u s e t h e e t o b e c h a u
. n g e d.
[NEDYER] -16
"NEDYER [sic]" is moronic nonsense, Art. "DYER" is a VERy short string consisting of commonly occurring letters, so its appearance is utterly unremarkable.

[Lunatic logorrhea snipped]
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
. <= 16 =>
. W h e n P h o e b u s s o o[N] e
. r h a t h f o r s o o k t h[E] d
. a y T h a n I t h e f i e l[D],a
. g a i n s t t h e b l u e{E|Y] e
. d G a u l s,A n d c r i{S}p[E] d
. G e r m a n s?w h e n o u r[R] o
. m a n e a g l e s
"NEDYER [sic]" is moronic nonsense, Art. "DYER" is a VERy short string consisting of commonly occurring letters, so its appearance is utterly unremarkable.

[Lunatic logorrhea snipped]
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
. <= 28 =>
. t h e e f f e c t o f t h i s g o o{D}l{E}s{S}o n k e e
. p e A s w a t c h m a[N]t o m y h a r t,b u t g o o d m
. y b r o t h e r D o[E]n o t a s s o m e u n g r a c i o
. u s p a s t o r s[D]o e,S h o w e m e t h e s t e e p e
. a n d t h o r n[Y]w a y t o h e a v e n W h i l e s a p
. u f t,a n d r[E]c k l e s l i b e r t i n e H i m{S}e l
. f e t h e p[R]i m r o s e p a t h o f d a l i e n c{E}t
. r e a d s.A n d r e a k e s n o t h i s o w n e r e e{D}.
"NEDYER [sic]" is moronic nonsense, Art. "DYER" is a VERy short string consisting of commonly occurring letters, so its appearance is utterly unremarkable.

[Lunatic logorrhea snipped]
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
. <= 10 =>
. T h a t m i l l (I)o
. n s o f*S T R A [N]G
. E S H A D D O W [E]S*
. o n y o u t e n [D]S
. i n c e*E V E R [Y]o
. n e*h a t h*E V [E R]
. y o n e*o n e s h a
. d e,A n{D}y o u b u
. t o n{E}c a n*E V E
. R y{S}H A D D O W*l
[(I)NEDYE/R] 10
The string "INEDYER [sic]" does not appear as an equidistant letter sequence of skip 10 -- or indeed, of *any* skip -- in the above text, Art. MoreoVER, the string is moronic nonsense in any case.

[Crackpot cryptography snipped]
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
Art Neuendorffer (aka Noonedafter)