What is the Truth of Life?
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2016-08-16 01:29:28 UTC

Have a look at my art -

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- Planet Plant
- Nature
- Sudder street
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2016-08-16 03:10:31 UTC
Post by Jahnu
Have a look at my art -

Warlord Steve
2016-08-16 05:10:49 UTC
drool, dribble, pant
Hungry world 'must eat less meat'
By Alex Kirby
BBC News Online environment correspondent

Livestock needs a lot of water

World water supplies will not be enough for our descendants to enjoy
the sort of diet the West eats now, experts say.

The World Water Week in Stockholm will be told the growth in demand
for meat and dairy products is unsustainable.

Animals need much more water than grain to produce the same amount of
food, and ending malnutrition and feeding even more mouths will take
still more water.

Scientists say the world will have to change its consumption patterns
to have any realistic hope of feeding itself.
Losing the race

The World Water Week conference is held annually in the Swedish
capital, and is organised by the Stockholm International Water
Institute, Siwi. This year's runs from 15 to 21 August.

It's going to be almost impossible to feed future generations the
kind of diet we have now in western Europe and North America

Anders Berntell, Stockholm International Water Institute
Siwi says: "With about 840 million people undernourished or lacking a
secure food supply today, and another two billion or more people... by
2025, feeding the world's growing population - and finding the water
to grow the food - continues to be a basic and sizeable challenge."
A paper to be delivered during the conference, entitled Water: More
Nutrition Per Drop, says: "For several decades, the increase in food
production has outpaced population growth. Now much of the world is
simply running out of water for more production... "

The World Health Organisation calls malnutrition "the silent
emergency", and says it is a factor in at least half the 10.4 million
child deaths which occur every year.

Grain goes far to feed the world

Anders Berntell, Siwi's executive director, told BBC News Online: "The
basic problem is that food is the main global consumer of water, with
irrigation taking 70% or more of all the water we use, apart from huge
volumes of rainwater.

"The bottom line is that we've got to do something to reduce the
amount of water we devote to growing food today.
Upturn in demand

"Animals fed on grain, and also those which rely on grazing, need far
more water than grain crops.


A kilogram of grain-fed beef needs at least 15 cubic metres of water
A kilo of lamb from a sheep fed on grass needs 10 cubic metres
A kilo of cereals needs from 0.4 to 3 cubic metres
"But in the developed world, and in parts of some developing
countries, consumers are demanding more meat.
"Of course people should have healthier diets and a higher intake of
nutrients: we don't want to stop that.

Slow to dawn

"But it's going to be almost impossible to feed future generations the
kind of diet we have now in western Europe and North America.

Meat is a treat for the rich

"Most of us don't appreciate, either politically or personally, the
challenge of finding enough water to grow enough food, though in some
countries it's a problem of everyday living.

"I think the world's future water supply is a problem that's an entire
order of magnitude greater than we've begun to realise."
Mr Berntell said the rich would be able to buy their way out of
trouble by importing "virtual water" - the water needed to grow the
food they bought from abroad.

He said: "The transport of virtual water is huge. Australians were
astonished to find that although their country is short of water,
they're net exporters of water in the form of meat."

Have a look at my art -

http://youtu.be/uWw9o4DMHMo - God the Supreme Designer
http://youtu.be/y4F6tkoYZok - Planet Plant
http://youtu.be/e_ejv98XyL8 - Nature
http://youtu.be/2uRbsf9Vzg8 - Sudder street
http://youtu.be/YHcWgSevItk - Poster Boy
http://youtu.be/5_Q4HgqOVK4 - Microbes

2016-08-17 03:12:55 UTC
Post by Jahnu
Hungry world 'must eat less meat'
Did you even read what you write?

Maybe you should go back to the mother ship and check in to the
wacko ward.

Warlord Steve
2016-08-17 07:47:15 UTC
blah blah
Vegetarian - It’s Healthier

Vegetarians are healthier than people who eat meat. It’s a fact.
Scientific studies show that vegetarians suffer much less from
illnesses like cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure and
other common health problems. A major study reported in the British
Medical Journal in 1994 found that, of 5000 meat-eaters and 6000
non-meat eaters, vegetarians had 40% less risk of cancer
and 30% less risk of heart disease than the meat-eaters and were 20%
less likely to die of any cause (Oxford Vegetarian Study).

A US study of 50,000 vegetarians showed a very low rate of cancer
(Seventh Day Adventist Study, Massachussets). It has been estimated
that by following a low-fat vegetarian diet, the risk of
food poisoning is decreased by 80%. More evidence of the benefits of a
vegetarian diet is being found each year.

From TIME magazine (July 2002) - A balanced vegetarian diet is better
for humans than one that includes meat:


Vegetarian - It’s Humane

Billions of animals are killed in slaughterhouses around the world. In
the US, some half a million are killed each hour, while in the UK over
600 million are killed each year. A proportional
number are killed in Australia. It is nothing more than an undercover
massacre. Animals suffer enormously in the process. Quite apart from
the terror of being killed, they undergo pain and
fear through routine stock mutilations and during transportation to
saleyards and abattoirs.

Most animals eaten in New Zealand, Australia, UK, USA and similar
countries today are intensively raised in dark, sunless sheds where
they are fed a diet of processed foods. In most cases
antibiotics, growth-promotants and hormones are routinely
administered. As biological entities, these animals are treated as
little more than meat machines. We would be horrified if our pet
cat or dog was treated in this way, so why should we subject other
animals to such cruelty? The fact that the killing is done by someone
else makes it easy to eat meat but, by eating it, we
are really condemning the next animal in line.

Have you ever really stopped to think about the cruelty we
systematically inflict on other species simply by eating them?


Vegetarian - It’s Economical

Meat is expensive, both economically and agriculturally. With so many
starving people in the world today it is a criminal waste of food to
produce it. Meat-animals are fed perfectly good plant food which could
have been fed directly to starving people. For istance, it takes 17
kilos of corn, beans, grain, etc, to produce one kilo of beef in
feedlot cattle. This is like investing $17.00 in a bank term deposit
and withdrawing $1.00 at maturity! It rquires massive reserves of land
to grow the crops which are used as animal feed. About 70% of crops
grown in the US are fed to animals and not to humans. Meanwhile, a
child dies of starvation somewhere in the world every two seconds. As
the world human population grows, so too does the need for the
reserves of arable land on which to grow crops to feed it.

See more fact about the cost of meat in different ways HERE:


Vegetarian - It’s Environmentally Friendly

In Central America, entire forests are felled or burnt to provide land
for grazing cattle. Most of these cattle end up as second-quality
hamburger meat for the North American junk food market.
Being hard-hooved, cattle erode the vulnerable topsoil, while each
animal produces over 300 litres of methane (a “greenhouse” gas) per

Also, the trees which are felled to clear land for cattle ranching are
left to rot. The termites which then feed on them produce even more
methane than the cattle.

Weight for weight, cattle alone outweigh the entire human population
of our planet. A recent Greenpeace report told how the dairy industry
of California uses enough water to supply a city of
22 million people. The effluent produced from intensive piggeries,
cattle feedlots and broiler units is polluting our river systems. A
NSW government newsletter pointed out that the late Homebush abattoirs
was the single greatest industrial polluter of Sydney’s coastal


Vegetarian - Exploding Some Myths

Understandably, people are a bit apprehensive about changing their
diet. Everyone seems to know “someone” who looks as pale as a bleached
potato since giving up meat! The truth is that a
well-balanced vegetarian diet provides all the protein and nutrients
needed for a vigorous and healthy life (American Dietary Association
Study). What is seldom pointed out are the millions of conventional
eaters who suffer from constipation, malnutrition, gout and a host of
other problems and diseases brought on by a lack
of fresh fruit and vegetables in their diet, combined with the adverse
effects of meat.

A study carried out the by University of Surrey in Britain found that
vegetarians were better nourished than meat eaters, and much closer to
the “ideal” diet recommended by the government’s own health advisers.

More information on our Vegetarianism and Beyond site

Hard Facts www.hknet.org.nz/Cost-of-meat-page.htm

Links to hundreds of Vegetarianism related sites

Vegetarian - Aren't We Designed To Eat Meat?

Not at all. Many people say that we are meat-eaters because we have
sharp teeth. This is like judging a book by its cover. Look inside and
you will find out what is really going on.

Our digestive system resembles that of the herbivores and the
frugivores (fruit-eaters). It consists of a very long intestine
allowing slow digestion of nutrients. By contrast, carnivores
have a short digestive tract designed so that meat can quickly pass
through the body before it putrefies and becomes toxic. To compensate
for this rapid transition, carnivores have a stomach
acid concentration 10 times greater than that of vegetarian mammals
(including humans) to enable them to quickly digest the meat. When
humans eat meat it begins to putrefy before leaving the
body, often resulting in disorders as diverse as constipation and
bowel cancer if eaten persistently over a period of time. Sure, the
more fibre eaten with meat, the quicker it passes through the
intestines, but why eat meat at all?

Only vegetable matter contains fibre and a good vegetarian diet
provides all the fibre the body needs without having to add

If you are serious about lowering your cholesterol intake, a
vegetarian diet is the best way to go since only animal products
contain cholesterol.

Health Fact Sheet www.hknet.org.nz/VegeGo.html
Speaking out - www.hknet.org.nz/veg-stubborn-page.htm

Vegetarianism and the Bible - You mean it says that in the Bible


Religion and Vegetarianism -


Random Christian Quotes supporting Vegetarianism


Vegetarian - What do I eat then?

Most people imagine vegetarian eating to be meat and two “veg” minus
the meat. To a conventional meat-eater this sounds like someone being
sold a car with the engine missing! Nothing could be
further from the truth. Vegetarian eating is about eating a wide
variety offoods prepared in an abundance of different ways.

Being a good vegetarian means being adventurous and open-minded about
food. It is not simply about eating a predictable menu day-in,

Many vegetarian staples had their origin in different countries
hundreds of years ago . pasta from China (and later Italy), tofu from
China, and tempeh from Indonesia. Tofu is bean curd made
from soya beans. Tempeh is a sort of nut-flavoured cheese made from
fermented soy beans. It is rich in enzymes and easily digested.

Both can be bought at health food stores and larger supermarkets.
These are not merely substitutes for meat, but nutritious food in
themselves which have proved to be an excellent source of protein for

Stupid things that vegetarians hear all the time from meat-eaters:


Vegetarian - Where Do I Get My Protein?

Protein is naturally very plentiful. It occurs in every living thing,
plant and animal. Apart from fruit and vegetables, good sources of
protein include pasta, lentils, rice, potatoes, soy
beans, chick peas, nuts, seeds and grains, with or without moderate
use of eggs and dairy products.

The amount you need depends on different personal attributes (weight,
height, etc) and the daily requirement varies considerably from 20 to
90 grams per day. By eating a variety of foods each day you should
easily meet your individual requirements. In fact, the nutritional
attitude to protein has changed dramatically in recent years. The
old-fashioned notion that “you can never get too much protein” has now
been proved
wrong. Excess protein not used by the body has to be broken down and
excreted as waste. In fact, a major culprit in many human degenerative
diseases is a protein overdose. For example, calcium loss in
osteoporosis has been linked largely to an excess of high-protein

This site lists everything that anyone would need to have a balanced
healthy life-style as a vegetarian; vitamins and minerals sources, the
food triangle, check it out:


Vegetarian - What about Minerals like Iron and Calcium?

A sound vegetarian diet should provide all needed nutrients. The
presence of vitamin C with iron in the diet will help iron absorption
by up to 30%.

It is a myth that you have to eat meat to get sufficient iron. It is
readily available in breakfast cereals, whole grain products, soy
products, legumes and leafy green vegetables.
Tiredness is not necessarily caused by iron deficiency. It may also be
caused by lack of sleep, depression, stress and poor eating habits
(usually junk food).

Calcium is found in all unprocessed vegetable foods in amounts that
are sufficient to meet the needs of both adults and growing children.

Whatever the calcium intake, the intestine absorbs sufficient calcium
to meet the body’s needs. Good sources of calcium are sesame seeds,
tofu, almonds, soy beans, parsley, green vegetables and fortified soy
milk. A recent dietary study on 6,500 Chinese found that even those
who ate no animal products actually
consumed twice the amount of iron as the average North American. In
spite of the fact that dairy products were not eaten, osteoporosis was
almost unknown.

It's all here www.hknet.org.nz/Vege-VitaminSources.html

Vegetarian - The change - How Do I Start?

The best place to start going vegetarian is in the kitchen! Buy a
cookbook and start preparing. You will soon get used to the types of
food that are used and how they are prepared. Also, your taste for
vegetarian food will adapt. If you are doubtful about your abilities
as a cook you can enrol in cooking classes. Information about these is
often available in health food shops and some
courses are run at TAFE colleges(in Australia).

See HERE www.hknet.org.nz/vege-links1.htm for some we know of.....
otherwise the Vegetarian Society(ies)

www.hknet.org.nz/vege-links2.htm often has a list of recommended

Giving up meat might seem strange at first, but so does giving up
tobacco to the cigarette addict! If you feel that you can’t drop meat
straight away, try cutting it down bit by bit. Just increase your use
of foods like beans, grains, nuts, seeds, tofu, tempeh, gluten and
some of the many low cholesterol convenience foods (like burgers and
sausages) now available at health food stores and supermarkets.

Some Recommended On-line and Hard-copy Cook books Higher Taste
Cookbook - available from Hare Krishna temples and centres view it

http://www.webcom.com/ara/col/books/VEG/ht/ or
at http://www.webcom.com/ara/col/books/VEG/

Great Vegetarian Dishes by Kurma dasa


Cooking With Kurma


The Hare Krishna Book of vegetarian cooking



Vegetarian and lowfat food recipes (WinHelp)

(FREE Download) http://www.winsite.com/bin/Info?500000010774

Vegetarian - Why Do So Many People Eat Meat?

Meat-eating in the quantity our society eats today really began with
the industrial revolution. Better machines led to more efficient
agriculture. When a surplus of crops was produced, this was fed to
animals and the animals eaten by those who could afford meat. Thus
meat became something of a status symbol. Unfortunately the status
symbol developed into a habit so that most of us in the wealthier
countries think that it is a normal part of our diet. As we approach a
new century, it is high time we turned back to the healthier, less
wasteful diet of our forebears.

Today the meat and dairy industries promote the myth of their products
being necessary through heavy advertising (you only have to count the
times they appear on television to see that!).

Close behind them are the pharmaceutical companies which provide the
hormones, antibiotics and growth promotants to the animal producers.

Altogether there are many vested interests in keeping us eating animal
products! Unfortunately the only interests that are lost in this
expensive advertising jungle are yours.

Individual health and a healthy environment begins with good eating
habits, and a vegetarian lifestyle is the simplest and most effective
way to achieve them.

Living in Harmony with Vegetarians


Taking a graphic look at Animal slaughter and meat eating:


Download books, musik and video VCd that reveal the truth about the
big business behind keeping you addicted to eating meat with no
consideration for man nor beast:


Vegetarian - 101 Reasons Why I'm a Vegetarian:


Vegetarian - Making the Change

To make any change is not easy, particularly when it involves
explanations to friends and family. However, making a change that you
know will take an enormous burden off the environmental stresses of
the planet, that will improve your health and
ultimately save millions of animals from cruelty makes it easy.

Already in the US and Britain there is a massive change towards a
meat-free diet. Some half a million people are adopting a vegetarian
lifestyle each year in the US while the number of
British vegetarians is now 4 million. The trend is catching in
Australia and New Zealand where many, mainly young people, are
realising that they want a healthy and humane future.

Whether you go vegetarian overnight or over a period of time does not
matter. The important thing is to get on the track. Even cutting down
on meat consumption will make an enormous difference.

TIME magazine ran an 8 page article asking "Should we all be
Vegetarians?" their conclusion was that a healthy balanced vegetarian
diet is better than one that includes meat


Health and a Meatless Diet


A Beginners Guide to Vegetarianism:

How Mary and Frank and Friends Eat - very nice Vegetarian pages:


The new millenium is the time to make the change. Let’s make it a goal
for the whole planet. Remember . You’re in good company!

Vegetarian - Famous Vegetarians

Pythagoras, Plutarch, Leonardo Da Vinci, Tolstoy, Shelley, George
Bernard Shaw, Gandhi, Thoreau, Bob Dylan, Joanna Lumley, George
Harrison, Paul and Linda McCartney, Michael Jackson, Madona, Martina
Navratilova, Hayley Mills, William Shatner, Sir Mark Oliphant, Cliff
Young, Peter Singer, Bob Barker, Spike Milligan,
Nigel Hawthorne, Annie Besant, Anthony Robbins, Peter Sumner, Chrissie
Hynde, Tim McCartney-Snape, Peter Brock, Lynda Stoner,
Johnny Weissmuller (the first Tarzan), Julie Christie, Morissey (The
Smiths), Marty Feldman, Murray Rose, Paavo Nurmi (9 Olympic medals),
Andreas Cahling (body building champion), Dave Scott (6-time Ironman
Triathlon winner), k.d.lang, Belinda Carlisle, Edwin Moses, Sean
Hughes, Bryan Adams, Dennis Weaver, Woody Harrelson, Killer Kowalski
(champion wrestler), Alicia Silverstone, Annalise Braakensiek, Vanessa
Amorosi, Greg Chappell, Jerry Seinfeld, Uri
Geller, Kim Basinger, Alec Baldwin, James Cromwell, Radha Mitchell,
Daniel Johns (silverchair), Susie Porter, Joaquin Phoenix, Josef
Brown, Daniel Jones (Savage Garden).

To see hundreds more visit our page


For all this and more see our page at Vegetarianism and Beyond

www.hknet.org.nz/Veges-Beyond5page.htm or http://turn.to/Vegetarianism

This page is also available on-line
www.hknet.org.nz/VegeFacts-links.html and as a
printable Fact-sheet without html links at

Have a look at my art -

http://youtu.be/uWw9o4DMHMo - God the Supreme Designer
http://youtu.be/y4F6tkoYZok - Planet Plant
http://youtu.be/e_ejv98XyL8 - Nature
http://youtu.be/2uRbsf9Vzg8 - Sudder street
http://youtu.be/YHcWgSevItk - Poster Boy
http://youtu.be/5_Q4HgqOVK4 - Microbes

2016-08-19 03:31:06 UTC
blah blah
Healthiest Way to Cook Lean Pork

MayoClinic.com states that lean or extra-lean cuts of red meat, such
as pork, can be a part of a healthy diet. The leanest cut of pork is
tenderloin; in 3 ounces of pork tenderloin, you consume just 3 grams
of fat and 120 calories. The fat content classifies this healthful
pork as extra-lean. While they are slightly fattier, lean cuts of pork
include boneless loin roast, boneless loin chops and boneless ham.
Cook lean pork with minimal oils to prevent adding unnecessary
calories and fat.


I'm making meat loaf this weekend. Two pounds of hamburger, half
pound of lean ground pork. Two eggs, onions and seasoning. Mix well
and roll flat on wax paper. Add cheese to the top. Carefully lift the
wax paper and roll into a loaf. Place meatloaf pan on top and
carefully flip over. Bake at 375 degrees until it 160 degrees. Keep in
mind it will keep cooking after you remove it from the oven.

Warlord Steve
2016-08-19 08:48:49 UTC
Post by s.knight
Healthiest Way to Cook Lean Pork
Yummy yummy, dead pig in the tummy :)

Weekend Sun:

Vegetarian Nobel Laureates and Scientists:

In order to help preserve our planet's natural resources, many of the
world's greatest thinkers and scientists throughout history have
observed a vegetarian diet and affirmed its necessity from the
standpoints of both morality and logic. The following is a brief list
of these noble individuals:

Nobel Laureates

Rabindranath Tagore, 1913 Literature
Albert Einstein, 1921, Physics
George Bernard Shaw, 1925, Literature
Sir C. V. Raman, 1930, Physics
Albert Schweitzer, 1952, Peace
Linus Pauling, 1954, Chemistry, and 1962, Peace
George Wald, 1967, Medicine
Isaac Bashevis Singer, 1978, Literature
Chandrashekar Subrahmanyam, 1983, Physics
Elie Wiesel 1986, Peace
The 14th Dalai Lama, 1989, Peace
Aung San Suu Kyi, 1991, Peace
V.S. Naipaul, 2001, Literature
JM Coetzee, 2003, Literature

Eminent Scientists and Inventors

Sir Issac Newton, father of Physics
John Ray, father of English Natural History
Leonardo Da Vinci, Architect, Inventor and Artist
Benjamin Franklin, Author, Journalist, Scientist, Inventor and
Thomas Edison, Inventor
Nikloa Tesla, Inventor, Physicist and Engineer
Srinivasa Ramanujan, Mathematician
Edward Witten, Physicist and String Theorist
Jane Goodall, Primatologist
Vijay Raj Singh, Medical Physicist
Kalpana Chawla, NASA Astronaut
Steve Jobs, founder and CEO of Apple Computer
Nathaniel Borenstein, creator of MIME (email) language

Have a look at my art -

http://youtu.be/uWw9o4DMHMo - God the Supreme Designer
http://youtu.be/y4F6tkoYZok - Planet Plant
http://youtu.be/e_ejv98XyL8 - Nature
http://youtu.be/2uRbsf9Vzg8 - Sudder street
http://youtu.be/YHcWgSevItk - Poster Boy
http://youtu.be/5_Q4HgqOVK4 - Microbes

Cloud Hobbit
2016-09-15 01:52:42 UTC
Post by Jahnu
Post by s.knight
Healthiest Way to Cook Lean Pork
Yummy yummy, dead pig in the tummy :)
In order to help preserve our planet's natural resources, many of the
world's greatest thinkers and scientists throughout history have
observed a vegetarian diet and affirmed its necessity from the
standpoints of both morality and logic. The following is a brief list
Nobel Laureates
Rabindranath Tagore, 1913 Literature
Albert Einstein, 1921, Physics
George Bernard Shaw, 1925, Literature
Sir C. V. Raman, 1930, Physics
Albert Schweitzer, 1952, Peace
Linus Pauling, 1954, Chemistry, and 1962, Peace
George Wald, 1967, Medicine
Isaac Bashevis Singer, 1978, Literature
Chandrashekar Subrahmanyam, 1983, Physics
Elie Wiesel 1986, Peace
The 14th Dalai Lama, 1989, Peace
Aung San Suu Kyi, 1991, Peace
V.S. Naipaul, 2001, Literature
JM Coetzee, 2003, Literature
Eminent Scientists and Inventors
Sir Issac Newton, father of Physics
John Ray, father of English Natural History
Leonardo Da Vinci, Architect, Inventor and Artist
Benjamin Franklin, Author, Journalist, Scientist, Inventor and
Thomas Edison, Inventor
Nikloa Tesla, Inventor, Physicist and Engineer
Srinivasa Ramanujan, Mathematician
Edward Witten, Physicist and String Theorist
Jane Goodall, Primatologist
Vijay Raj Singh, Medical Physicist
Kalpana Chawla, NASA Astronaut
Steve Jobs, founder and CEO of Apple Computer
Nathaniel Borenstein, creator of MIME (email) language
Listing famous people who think the same way you do, is not evidence of vegetarianism being good for you, it's just a list of famous people who eat he same way you do.

I would wager that for most people the problem is less about their diet and more about a lack of exercise. Try as they might, there is nothing else that tastes like a big 2 inch thick porterhouse.
Don Martin
2016-08-19 22:19:27 UTC
Post by s.knight
blah blah
Healthiest Way to Cook Lean Pork
MayoClinic.com states that lean or extra-lean cuts of red meat, such
as pork, can be a part of a healthy diet. The leanest cut of pork is
tenderloin; in 3 ounces of pork tenderloin, you consume just 3 grams
of fat and 120 calories. The fat content classifies this healthful
pork as extra-lean. While they are slightly fattier, lean cuts of pork
include boneless loin roast, boneless loin chops and boneless ham.
Cook lean pork with minimal oils to prevent adding unnecessary
calories and fat.
I'm making meat loaf this weekend. Two pounds of hamburger, half
pound of lean ground pork. Two eggs, onions and seasoning. Mix well
and roll flat on wax paper. Add cheese to the top. Carefully lift the
wax paper and roll into a loaf. Place meatloaf pan on top and
carefully flip over. Bake at 375 degrees until it 160 degrees. Keep in
mind it will keep cooking after you remove it from the oven.
You might enjoy my latest idea (wonderful or horrible? who knows?)
which is to use the device my GF got for boring the flesh from a
pineapple. This leaves you with a lovely spiral of fruit (on which a
plash of Grand Marnier does wonders) and an intact fleshy pineapple
skin. My idea is to get a pork loin roast, cut the strings, and put
one of the halves into that skin with herbs, bacon, whatever, and slow
roast it until done. (the other half of loin roast can be cut into
boneless pork chops---or get two pineapples).

I shall be trying this next month, after we are back from Cuba. More
to follow.
aa #2278 Never mind "proof." Where is your evidence?
BAAWA Chief Assistant to the Assistant Chief Heckler
Fidei defensor (Hon. Antipodean)
Je pense, donc je suis Charlie.
2016-08-19 22:04:26 UTC
On Tue, 16 Aug 2016 06:59:28 +0530, Jahnu <***@gmail.com> wrote:

42, dumbass.
2016-08-20 04:17:39 UTC
bitch moan whine
Krishna says:

I am seated in everyone’s heart, and from Me come remembrance,
knowledge and forgetfulness. By all the Vedas, I am to be known.
Indeed, I am the compiler of Vedanta, and I am the knower of the
Vedas. - Bg 15.15

Have a look at my art -

http://youtu.be/uWw9o4DMHMo - God the Supreme Designer
http://youtu.be/y4F6tkoYZok - Planet Plant
http://youtu.be/e_ejv98XyL8 - Nature
http://youtu.be/2uRbsf9Vzg8 - Sudder street
http://youtu.be/YHcWgSevItk - Poster Boy
http://youtu.be/5_Q4HgqOVK4 - Microbes

Les Hellawell
2016-08-20 06:39:11 UTC
bitch moan whine
I am seated in everyone’s heart...
Hpw many of these fucking gods are sat in 'our heart'? We have
the Christian god sat there and now a far eastern god.

What else?

I think we should be told.

It is hardly any wonder people have heart attacks if they are
full of gods sucking our blood

Is there any kind of god spray or medicine we can get to rid ourselves
of these pesky bloodsuckers?

Les Hellawell
Greeting from
YORKSHIRE - The White Rose County

Martin Luther wrote:
"Faith must trample underfoot all sense, reason and understanding

Which means that if Luther practised what he preached
nothing he ever said made any sense
2016-08-20 15:06:00 UTC
bitch moan whine
I am seated in everyone’s heart...
Hpw many of these fucking gods are sat in 'our heart'? We have the
Christian god sat there and now a far eastern god.
What else?
I think we should be told.
It is hardly any wonder people have heart attacks if they are full of
gods sucking our blood
Is there any kind of god spray or medicine we can get to rid ourselves
of these pesky bloodsuckers?
Try Godbegone.
Smiler, The godless one.
aa #2279
Gods are all tailored to order. They are made
to exactly fit the prejudices of the believer.
2016-08-20 15:27:20 UTC
bitch moan whine
I am seated in everyone’s heart...
Hpw many of these fucking gods are sat in 'our heart'? We have the
Christian god sat there and now a far eastern god.
What else?
I think we should be told.
It is hardly any wonder people have heart attacks if they are full of
gods sucking our blood
Is there any kind of god spray or medicine we can get to rid ourselves
of these pesky bloodsuckers?
Meat tip, especially for grilling: marinate in the fridge
before cooking. It allows you to get the most out of cheaper cuts,


When meat is flame cooked at high temperature, cancer-causing agents
called Heterocyclic Amines (HCAs) can be produced. You may have seen
it in the news at different times over the last few years. The use of
marinades may actually discourage the formation of HCAs on char-grilled

Of course you still have to be careful and follow some basic food
safety practices when using marinade recipes, too. Clean surfaces
thoroughly and avoid excess contamination. Throw out any leftover
marinade that has come into contact with raw meat. And always
marinate in the refrigerator.



So, healthier, too. Works for fish, also. Last night I
grilled a swordfish steak, marinated in lemon juice, soy sauce
and olive oil. Had it with sweet potato fries and steamed sweet
corn from a local farmstand. Delicious. The fish was on sale, so
an inexpensive repast.

Evangelical vegitarians who push their lifestyle because they
think it healthier are one thing. The ones who declare it a moral
obligation are no better than religious nuts. And some, inspired
by some bronze age mumbo-jumbo demanding we eschew meat, ARE
religious nuts.

I hope everyone is enjoying the USA's National Bacon Lover's today!


Kevin R

Kevin R
2016-08-20 15:07:57 UTC
Post by Les Hellawell
bitch moan whine
I am seated in everyone’s heart...
Hpw many of these fucking gods are sat in 'our heart'? We have
the Christian god sat there and now a far eastern god.
What else?
I think we should be told.
It is hardly any wonder people have heart attacks if they are
full of gods sucking our blood
Is there any kind of god spray or medicine we can get to rid ourselves
of these pesky bloodsuckers?
The Acme Corporation sells a wide variety of Bullshit Detectors that
are very effective in diagnosing god-infestations, after which the
Reason vaccine can be successfully administered. Unless, as with
Jahnu, the patient's brain has already dissolved.
2016-08-20 22:01:43 UTC
Post by Les Hellawell
I am seated in everyone's heart...
Hpw many of these fucking gods are sat in 'our heart'? We have
the Christian god sat there and now a far eastern god.
What else?
I think we should be told.
"And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new
spirit in you. I will take out your stony, stubborn heart
and give you a tender, responsive heart. And I will put
my Spirit in you so that you will follow my decrees and
be careful to do them." ~ The True and Living God

Ezekiel 36:26,27
2016-08-21 00:40:51 UTC
Post by Andrew
"And I will give you a new heart,
I draw the line at organ meats. Now, if it makes its way into
sausage, just don't tell me, and i'll probably enjoy it.

Kevin R
Alex W.
2016-08-21 03:32:14 UTC
Post by Kevrob
Post by Andrew
"And I will give you a new heart,
I draw the line at organ meats. Now, if it makes its way into
sausage, just don't tell me, and i'll probably enjoy it.
Liver, kidneys, spleen, brains, thymus, stomach .... all hugely tasty
and nutritious!

More than that, it's a form of respect. If we are going to be killing
animals for our eating pleasure, surely they deserve to be eaten whole.
To kill a cow or a pig and to only use the choicest cuts and toss the
rest out to be fed to our pets is a serious waste....
2016-09-10 15:35:28 UTC
Post by Kevrob
Post by Andrew
"And I will give you a new heart,
I draw the line at organ meats. Now, if it makes its way into
sausage, just don't tell me, and i'll probably enjoy it.
Liver, kidneys, spleen...
If you like them, eat them. I don't even mind if, unbeknownst to
me, they wind up in my sausage. It's like the nursery rhyme about
Jack Sprat and his wife. Liverwurst has made me gag since I was a
kid, though.
Nah. Prions, leading to encephalopathy, such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob?*
No, thanks.
thymus, stomach .... all hugely tasty
Stomach? I'd accept a plate of haggis.
and nutritious!
More than that, it's a form of respect. If we are going to be killing
animals for our eating pleasure, surely they deserve to be eaten whole.
To kill a cow or a pig and to only use the choicest cuts and toss the
rest out to be fed to our pets is a serious waste....
We have to feed the pets something. If I went deer hunting,
I wouldn't eat its heart, raw at the scene of the kill, to gain
its power, anyway. I'd learn how to field dress it and take it
to a butcher who would turn it into steaks, chops and sausage,
then have the hide tanned, and get something nice to wear made
from that.

I don't hunt, but have nothing against harvesting the deer herd.
And venison is delicious.

Kevin R

* http://www.nytimes.com/1997/08/29/us/kentucky-doctors-warn-against-a-regional-dish-squirrels-brains.html
Jeanne Douglas
2016-09-11 01:59:55 UTC
Post by Kevrob
Post by Kevrob
Post by Andrew
"And I will give you a new heart,
I draw the line at organ meats. Now, if it makes its way into
sausage, just don't tell me, and i'll probably enjoy it.
Liver, kidneys, spleen...
If you like them, eat them. I don't even mind if, unbeknownst to
me, they wind up in my sausage. It's like the nursery rhyme about
Jack Sprat and his wife. Liverwurst has made me gag since I was a
kid, though.
Liverwurst is absolutely disgusting.

I agree totally with you about organ meats.

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
2016-08-20 15:04:13 UTC
bitch moan whine
Krishna says: Oh, look, my dumbass devotee Jesper is spouting
scripture at atheists again. When will he ever learn?
Fixed it for you, dumbass.
2016-08-23 03:59:10 UTC
bitch moan whine
"The soul is atomic in size and can be perceived by perfect
intelligence. This atomic soul is floating in the five kinds of air
[prana, apana, vyana, samana and udana]. The soul is situated within
the heart, and it spreads its influence all over the body of the
embodied living entities. When the soul is purified from the
contamination of the five kinds of material air, its spiritual
influence is exhibited."

-- Mundaka Upanishad, 3.1.9

Have a look at my art -

http://youtu.be/uWw9o4DMHMo - God the Supreme Designer
http://youtu.be/y4F6tkoYZok - Planet Plant
http://youtu.be/e_ejv98XyL8 - Nature
http://youtu.be/2uRbsf9Vzg8 - Sudder street
http://youtu.be/YHcWgSevItk - Poster Boy
http://youtu.be/5_Q4HgqOVK4 - Microbes

2016-08-23 11:27:16 UTC
Post by Jahnu
bitch moan whine
"The soul is atomic in size and can be perceived by perfect
intelligence. This atomic soul is floating in the five kinds of air
[prana, apana, vyana, samana and udana]. The soul is situated within
the heart, and it spreads its influence all over the body of the
embodied living entities. When the soul is purified from the
contamination of the five kinds of material air, its spiritual
influence is exhibited."
Wow, that's a whole lot of woo there, Jesper! They *told* you not to
take the brown acid!
2016-08-28 03:31:50 UTC
Post by raven1
Wow, that's a whole lot of woo there, Jesper! They *told* you not to
take the brown acid!
In Bengali they have a saying - atmavan manyate jagat - you see others
(the world) as you are.

The fact is that chating Hare Krisna makes you real happy, so happy,
in fact, you don't need intoxication.

This a Harinam Sankirtan party in Stockholm, Sweden.

They are mainly Russian devotees.


Have a look at my art -

http://youtu.be/uWw9o4DMHMo - God the Supreme Designer
http://youtu.be/y4F6tkoYZok - Planet Plant
http://youtu.be/e_ejv98XyL8 - Nature
http://youtu.be/2uRbsf9Vzg8 - Sudder street
http://youtu.be/YHcWgSevItk - Poster Boy
http://youtu.be/5_Q4HgqOVK4 - Microbes

2016-08-28 13:43:35 UTC
Post by Jahnu
Post by raven1
Wow, that's a whole lot of woo there, Jesper! They *told* you not to
take the brown acid!
In Bengali they have a saying - atmavan manyate jagat - you see others
(the world) as you are.
So *that's* why you have such contempt for it! Makes perfect sense,
Post by Jahnu
The fact is that chating Hare Krisna makes you real happy, so happy,
in fact, you don't need intoxication.
ROTFLMFAO! Jesper, absolutely no one reading your posts would come
away saying "wow, this guy seems happy", although "intoxicated" is a
distinct possibility. Idiot!
2016-08-29 03:29:55 UTC
Post by raven1
ROTFLMFAO! Jesper, absolutely no one reading your posts would come
away saying "wow, this guy seems happy", although "intoxicated" is a
distinct possibility. Idiot!
But you seem like a happy person? hahaha :)

Always bitchig and moaning non stop...

The fact is that chating Hare Krisna makes you real happy, so happy,
in fact, you don't need intoxication.

This a Harinam Sankirtan party in Stockholm, Sweden.

They are mainly Russian devotees.


Have a look at my art -

http://youtu.be/uWw9o4DMHMo - God the Supreme Designer
http://youtu.be/y4F6tkoYZok - Planet Plant
http://youtu.be/e_ejv98XyL8 - Nature
http://youtu.be/2uRbsf9Vzg8 - Sudder street
http://youtu.be/YHcWgSevItk - Poster Boy
http://youtu.be/5_Q4HgqOVK4 - Microbes

2016-08-29 15:28:40 UTC
Post by Jahnu
Post by raven1
ROTFLMFAO! Jesper, absolutely no one reading your posts would come
away saying "wow, this guy seems happy", although "intoxicated" is a
distinct possibility. Idiot!
But you seem like a happy person? hahaha :)
Absolutely. Reading your posts always makes me laugh loud enough that
you should be able to hear me in India, dumbass.
2016-09-07 02:30:28 UTC
Post by raven1
Absolutely. Reading your posts always makes me laugh loud enough that
you should be able to hear me in India, dumbass.
hahaha :) Lying little shit. You are a totally miserable person,
that's so obvious. Who else but a total loser would spend his days on
usenet pissing and moaning against God and religion non-stop?

Have a look at my art -

http://youtu.be/uWw9o4DMHMo - God the Supreme Designer
http://youtu.be/y4F6tkoYZok - Planet Plant
http://youtu.be/e_ejv98XyL8 - Nature
http://youtu.be/2uRbsf9Vzg8 - Sudder street
http://youtu.be/YHcWgSevItk - Poster Boy
http://youtu.be/5_Q4HgqOVK4 - Microbes

2016-09-07 12:24:34 UTC
Post by Jahnu
Post by raven1
Absolutely. Reading your posts always makes me laugh loud enough that
you should be able to hear me in India, dumbass.
hahaha :) Lying little shit. You are a totally miserable person,
that's so obvious. Who else but a total loser would spend his days on
usenet pissing and moaning against God and religion non-stop?
I wouldn't know: I'm here to heckle and mock *you*, dumbass.
Jeanne Douglas
2016-09-07 13:31:32 UTC
Post by raven1
Post by Jahnu
Post by raven1
Absolutely. Reading your posts always makes me laugh loud enough that
you should be able to hear me in India, dumbass.
hahaha :) Lying little shit. You are a totally miserable person,
that's so obvious. Who else but a total loser would spend his days on
usenet pissing and moaning against God and religion non-stop?
I wouldn't know: I'm here to heckle and mock *you*, dumbass.
I see Jesper hasn't changed one iota while I was gone.

The projection in his "accusation" is astounding.

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
2016-09-07 14:58:48 UTC
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by raven1
Post by Jahnu
Post by raven1
Absolutely. Reading your posts always makes me laugh loud enough that
you should be able to hear me in India, dumbass.
hahaha :) Lying little shit. You are a totally miserable person,
that's so obvious. Who else but a total loser would spend his days on
usenet pissing and moaning against God and religion non-stop?
I wouldn't know: I'm here to heckle and mock *you*, dumbass.
I see Jesper hasn't changed one iota while I was gone.
The projection in his "accusation" is astounding.
Irony meters across the Interwebs disintegrated en mass.
Smiler, The godless one.
aa #2279
Gods are all tailored to order. They are made
to exactly fit the prejudices of the believer.
2016-09-09 01:55:51 UTC
Post by raven1
I wouldn't know: I'm here to heckle and mock *you*, dumbass.
hahaha :) You must have me confused with someone who gives a shit why
you are here, Birdbrain.

Besides, to be mocked by a die hard atheist like you I wear it like a
badge of honor :)

In your heart of hearts you know I'm right, you just can't stop

Krishna says:

The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart, O Arjuna, and is
directing the wanderings of all living entities, who are seated as on
a machine, made of the material energy. (Bg. 18.61)

O scion of Bharata, surrender unto Him utterly. By His grace you will
attain transcendental peace and the supreme and eternal abode.
(Bg. 18.62)

Thus I have explained to you knowledge still more confidential.
Deliberate on this fully, and then do what you wish to do. (Bg. 18.63)

Because you are My very dear friend, I am speaking to you My supreme
instruction, the most confidential knowledge of all. Hear this from
Me, for it is for your benefit. (Bg. 18.64)

Always think of Me, become My devotee, worship Me and offer your
homage unto Me. Thus you will come to Me without fail. I promise you
this because you are My very dear friend. (Bg. 18.65)

Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall
deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear. (Bg. 18.66)

This confidential knowledge may never be explained to those who are
not austere, or devoted, or engaged in devotional service, nor to one
who is envious of Me. (Bg. 18.67)

Have a look at my art -

http://youtu.be/uWw9o4DMHMo - God the Supreme Designer
http://youtu.be/y4F6tkoYZok - Planet Plant
http://youtu.be/e_ejv98XyL8 - Nature
http://youtu.be/2uRbsf9Vzg8 - Sudder street
http://youtu.be/YHcWgSevItk - Poster Boy
http://youtu.be/5_Q4HgqOVK4 - Microbes

2016-09-09 12:37:31 UTC
Post by Jahnu
Post by raven1
I wouldn't know: I'm here to heckle and mock *you*, dumbass.
hahaha :) You must have me confused with someone who gives a shit why
you are here, Birdbrain.
Jesper, your obsession with me is charming, but really, you ought to
find another interest.
Post by Jahnu
Besides, to be mocked by a die hard atheist like you I wear it like a
badge of honor :)
Yes, the same way you wear sewage from the Ganges. Pretty fucking
stupid of you.
2016-09-10 03:26:54 UTC
bitch moan whine
"So far as I am able to judge, nothing has been left undone, either by
man or nature, to make India the most extraordinary country that the
sun visits on his rounds. Nothing seems to have been forgotten,
nothing overlooked.

"Land of religions, cradle of human race, birthplace of human speech,
grandmother of legend, great grandmother of tradition. The land that
all men desire to see and having seen once even by a glimpse, would
not give that glimpse for the shows of the rest of the globe
combined." --Mark Twain

Have a look at my art -

http://youtu.be/uWw9o4DMHMo - God the Supreme Designer
http://youtu.be/y4F6tkoYZok - Planet Plant
http://youtu.be/e_ejv98XyL8 - Nature
http://youtu.be/2uRbsf9Vzg8 - Sudder street
http://youtu.be/YHcWgSevItk - Poster Boy
http://youtu.be/5_Q4HgqOVK4 - Microbes

2016-09-10 15:09:36 UTC
bitch moan whine
"So far as I am able to judge, Brave Sir Jesper is bravely running
away again!"
Fixed it for you, dumbass.
2016-09-11 10:16:30 UTC
On Sat, 10 Sep 2016 11:09:36 -0400, raven1 went
bitch moan whine
Bharata Muni is an ancient sage who laid down the first general
theories of poetry , dance, drama, music, and aesthetics in his
treatise in Sanskrit on dramatic art known as Natya sastra,this
treatise is of an encyclopedic character,probably compiled from far
more ancient works.Most classical and dance forms of India are
influenced by the guidelines set down in this treatise.

Chess (Shataranja or AshtaPada) was invented in India.

Sushruta a physician of Ancient India is the father of surgery.

The place value system,the decimal system was developed in India in
100 BC.

Aryabhatta was the scientist who invented the digit zero.

The worlds first university was established in Takshila in 700 BC

Christopher Columbus wa attracted by India's wealth and was looking
for a route to India when he discovered America by mistake.

The art of Navigation and Navigating was born in the river Sindh over
6000 years ago.

Bhaskaracharya rightly calculated the time taken by the earth to orbit
the sun hundreds of years before the astronomer Smart.

The value of "pi" was first calculated by Indian Mathamatician
Budhayana ,he explained the concept of what is known as the
Pythagorean Theorem.

Algebra,Trigonometry and calculus originated in India.

Quadric equations were used by Sridharacharya in the 11th century.

Until 1896,India was the only source for diamonds in the world.

The Himalayas are the highest range of mountains in the world.

The practice of yoga existed in India since time immemorial.Yoga and
meditation are practices used to attain enlightenment.

The Sumerians were the first Western Traders in India.Merchants bought
Indian spices because the value of many spices was higher in wieght
than that of the gold.

India never invaded any country in her last 10,000 years of history.

Grammar constitutes one of the India's greatest contributions to the

Panini, the Sanskrit grammarian,who lived between 750 and 500 BC was
the first to compose formal grammar through his Astadhyai.

Sanskrit is considered the mother of all higher languages.

Ayurveda is the earliest school of medicine known to the humans.
Charaka,the father of medicine consolidated Ayurveda 2500 years ago.

USA based IEEE has proved that the pioneer of wireless communication
was Prof.Jagdish Bose and not Marconi.

Peppers and mangoes were first grown in India.

Jayadeva was an Indian mathematician who knew the cyclic method
chakravala the finest thing achieved in the theory of numbers before

Gopala was an Indian mathematician who studied the Fibonacci
numbers,more than half century before Fibonacci popularized these
numbers in Europe

Have a look at my art -

http://youtu.be/uWw9o4DMHMo - God the Supreme Designer
http://youtu.be/y4F6tkoYZok - Planet Plant
http://youtu.be/e_ejv98XyL8 - Nature
http://youtu.be/2uRbsf9Vzg8 - Sudder street
http://youtu.be/YHcWgSevItk - Poster Boy
http://youtu.be/5_Q4HgqOVK4 - Microbes

2016-09-11 23:16:30 UTC
Post by Jahnu
On Sat, 10 Sep 2016 11:09:36 -0400, raven1 went
bitch moan whine
Bharata Muni is an ancient sage who laid down the first general theories
of poetry , dance, drama, music, and aesthetics in his treatise in
Sanskrit on dramatic art known as Natya sastra,this treatise is of an
encyclopedic character,probably compiled from far more ancient
works.Most classical and dance forms of India are influenced by the
guidelines set down in this treatise.
Chess (Shataranja or AshtaPada) was invented in India.
Sushruta a physician of Ancient India is the father of surgery.
The place value system,the decimal system was developed in India in 100
Aryabhatta was the scientist who invented the digit zero.
The worlds first university was established in Takshila in 700 BC
Christopher Columbus wa attracted by India's wealth and was looking for
a route to India when he discovered America by mistake.
The art of Navigation and Navigating was born in the river Sindh over
6000 years ago.
Bhaskaracharya rightly calculated the time taken by the earth to orbit
the sun hundreds of years before the astronomer Smart.
The value of "pi" was first calculated by Indian Mathamatician Budhayana
,he explained the concept of what is known as the Pythagorean Theorem.
Algebra,Trigonometry and calculus originated in India.
Quadric equations were used by Sridharacharya in the 11th century.
Until 1896,India was the only source for diamonds in the world.
The Himalayas are the highest range of mountains in the world.
The practice of yoga existed in India since time immemorial.Yoga and
meditation are practices used to attain enlightenment.
The Sumerians were the first Western Traders in India.Merchants bought
Indian spices because the value of many spices was higher in wieght than
that of the gold.
India never invaded any country in her last 10,000 years of history.
Grammar constitutes one of the India's greatest contributions to the
Panini, the Sanskrit grammarian,who lived between 750 and 500 BC was the
first to compose formal grammar through his Astadhyai.
Sanskrit is considered the mother of all higher languages.
Ayurveda is the earliest school of medicine known to the humans.
Charaka,the father of medicine consolidated Ayurveda 2500 years ago.
USA based IEEE has proved that the pioneer of wireless communication was
Prof.Jagdish Bose and not Marconi.
Peppers and mangoes were first grown in India.
Jayadeva was an Indian mathematician who knew the cyclic method
chakravala the finest thing achieved in the theory of numbers before
Gopala was an Indian mathematician who studied the Fibonacci
numbers,more than half century before Fibonacci popularized these
numbers in Europe
None of which is evidence for any god(s).
Smiler, The godless one.
aa #2279
Gods are all tailored to order. They are made
to exactly fit the prejudices of the believer.
2016-09-14 04:13:42 UTC
Post by Smiler
None of which is evidence for any god(s).
You? hahaha :) You wouldn't recognize evidence of God if it fell on
your little pointy head...

Krishna says:

Now hear, O son of Prtha, how by practicing yoga in full consciousness
of Me, with mind attached to Me, you can know Me in full, free from

I shall now declare unto you in full this knowledge, both phenomenal
and numinous. This being known, nothing further shall remain for you
to know.

Out of many thousands among men, one may endeavor for perfection, and
of those who have achieved perfection, hardly one knows Me in truth.

Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence and false ego --
all together these eight constitute My separated material energies.

Besides these, O mighty-armed Arjuna, there is another, superior
energy of Mine, which comprises the living entities who are exploiting
the resources of this material, inferior nature.

All created beings have their source in these two natures. Of all that
is material and all that is spiritual in this world, know for certain
that I am both the origin and the dissolution.

O conqueror of wealth, there is no truth superior to Me. Everything
rests upon Me, as pearls are strung on a thread.

--Bhagavad Gita 7.1-7

Have a look at my art -

http://youtu.be/uWw9o4DMHMo - God the Supreme Designer
http://youtu.be/y4F6tkoYZok - Planet Plant
http://youtu.be/e_ejv98XyL8 - Nature
http://youtu.be/2uRbsf9Vzg8 - Sudder street
http://youtu.be/YHcWgSevItk - Poster Boy
http://youtu.be/5_Q4HgqOVK4 - Microbes

2016-09-14 12:46:50 UTC
Post by Jahnu
Post by Smiler
None of which is evidence for any god(s).
You? hahaha :) You wouldn't recognize evidence of God if it fell on
your little pointy head...
So why don't you post some? Indians being good at math and science is
not evidence for anything other than Indians being good at math and
science. You're an idiot.
2016-09-14 19:46:01 UTC
Post by Smiler
None of which is evidence for any god(s).
You? hahaha :) You wouldn't recognize evidence of God if it fell on your
little pointy head...
That's because there is none.
Smiler, The godless one.
aa #2279
Gods are all tailored to order. They are made
to exactly fit the prejudices of the believer.
2016-09-15 05:30:15 UTC
Post by Smiler
That's because there is none.
As I said, you're totally clueless.

"From my earliest training as a scientist I was very strongly
brainwashed to believe that science cannot be consistent with any kind
of deliberate creation. That notion has had to be painfully shed. I am
quite uncomfortable in this situation, the state of mind I now find
myself in. But there is no logical way out of it. I now find myself
driven to this position by logic. There is no other way in which we
can understand the precise ordering of the chemicals of life except to
invoke the creations on a cosmic scale. . . We were hoping as
scientists that there would be a way round our conclusion, but there

--Sir Frederick Hoyle and Chandra Wickramsinghe, There Must Be A God,
Daily Express, Aug. 14, 1981. & Hoyle On Evolution. Nature, Nov. 12,
1981, 105

Have a look at my art -

http://youtu.be/uWw9o4DMHMo - God the Supreme Designer
http://youtu.be/y4F6tkoYZok - Planet Plant
http://youtu.be/e_ejv98XyL8 - Nature
http://youtu.be/2uRbsf9Vzg8 - Sudder street
http://youtu.be/YHcWgSevItk - Poster Boy
http://youtu.be/5_Q4HgqOVK4 - Microbes

2016-09-16 11:35:51 UTC
Post by Jahnu
Post by Smiler
That's because there is none.
As I said, you're totally clueless.
Ad homs don't win any arguments.
Providing your evidence for a god or gods might.
But we both know that you have no evidence.
Smiler, The godless one.
aa #2279
Gods are all tailored to order. They are made
to exactly fit the prejudices of the believer.
2016-09-16 11:47:55 UTC
Post by Smiler
Ad homs don't win any arguments.
Argument? Is that what you think we are having?

hahaha :) I'm just telling you how it is... that you are arguing about
it is not my problem.
Post by Smiler
Providing your evidence for a god or gods might.
But we both know that you have no evidence.
In this modern day and age of relativism and liberalism, it is more or
less a no-no to know the Absolute Truth. You are allowed to know with
certainty such things as science and technology, but if you claim that
you have ascertained the original, genuine knowledge of religion from
God Himself, if you profess to know God and the real meaning of life,
you are immediately dismissed as a deranged fanatic.

All religions claim the same thing, comes the invariable response.

Lets examine this typical response of modern man. You see, it is
actually quite foolish. First it is asserted, that everyone says so.
Then the fact that everyone says so, is used to negate what is being

If everyone says the same thing, the logical thing to assume is that
there must be something to it. Not that everyone says the same thing,
so therefore it must be false. How does that make sense? Where is the
logic? In fact, you would expect all religions to say basically the
same things, because all religions are different cultural expressions
of the same Absolute Truth. Surely, the details may vary, but if all
religions are differently conditioned expressions of the same truth,
you'd expect they would mention the same basic principles.

And that's what the Vedic version teaches us - that all religions are
derived from the original religion from God Himself. If this is indeed
so, it stands to reason that it can be investigated and verified. If
it is a fact, it must be discernable. Otherwise it is just some
belief, some speculation. And that is how religion is generally judged
in modern society - some fanciful speculations and beliefs.

Then again, if there is a supreme entity - that which is known as God
- it is a perfectly logical to assume that He has given a process by
which He can be known. But in the climate of the contemporary culture
that at present rules the world, it is very unpopular to claim to know
the original explanation from the Supreme Himself. How can you make
such an outrageous claim, comes the response... nobody knows the
Absolute Truth. It cannot be known.

So where does this strange idea come from that the Truth cannot be
known? It comes from people, of course. It is something the majority
of the population is brought up to believe in. But it makes no sense.
If there is an Absolute Truth, if there is a God, if there is an
ultimate purpose to life, of course it can be known for certain. Why?
Because God, being the almighty, omnipresent, all-knowing Supreme,
surely He can verify Himself beyond doubt.

And if there is no God, if everything is indeed relative and material,
then it cannot be verified. By definition, you can't prove a negative.
That's the funny thing about life - if God exists, it can be known for
sure, but if God does not exist, it is not possible to know for
certain. Note, this is not my opinion, I'm merely stating a an
indisputable fact - if God exists, it can be known, because then God
can verify His own existence. And if He does not exist, then it cannot
be known. It's as simple as that.

Note how the propaganda-machine tells us the exact opposite. It calls
religious people believers, and atheists are called unbelievers. How
misleading is that? As an atheist you believe in something that cannot
be verified. But as a theist you believe in something that, at least
theoretically, has a chance of being verified.

Thus it can be concluded that it is a an intellectually superior
position to believe in God, rather than the opposite. The first
assumption, that there is a God, has a chance of verification, whereas
the second position, that there is no God, cannot be verified.

But if you dare point out these things - even though they are
indisputable facts - you are met with a wall of resistance - no, no,
nobody knows the truth. God is merely a fairy tale. To believe in God
is no more different than believing in tooth-fairies and Santa Claus.
That's what we are told.

What we can learn from this, is that society is not ruled by
benevolent forces. What kind of society will educate it's population
in something so obviously false? So if you know the truth and you want
to inform people about it, you are up against a massive wall of

Krishna says:

Now hear, O son of Prtha, how by practicing yoga in full consciousness
of Me, with mind attached to Me, you can know Me in full, free from
doubt. (Bg 7.1)

I shall now declare unto you in full this knowledge, both phenomenal
and numinous. This being known, nothing further shall remain for you
to know. (Bg. 7.2)

Have a look at my art -

http://youtu.be/uWw9o4DMHMo - God the Supreme Designer
http://youtu.be/y4F6tkoYZok - Planet Plant
http://youtu.be/e_ejv98XyL8 - Nature
http://youtu.be/2uRbsf9Vzg8 - Sudder street
http://youtu.be/YHcWgSevItk - Poster Boy
http://youtu.be/5_Q4HgqOVK4 - Microbes

2016-09-16 12:16:11 UTC
Post by Jahnu
In this modern day and age of relativism and liberalism, it is more or
less a no-no to know the Absolute Truth. You are allowed to know with
certainty such things as science and technology, but if you claim that
you have ascertained the original, genuine knowledge of religion from
God Himself, if you profess to know God and the real meaning of life,
you are immediately dismissed as a deranged fanatic.
You're too modest, Jesper. There are so many, many reasons to dismiss
you as a deranged fanatic.
2016-09-16 20:51:47 UTC
Post by Jahnu
Post by Smiler
Ad homs don't win any arguments.
Argument? Is that what you think we are having?
hahaha :) I'm just telling you how it is... that you are arguing about
it is not my problem.
Post by Smiler
Providing your evidence for a god or gods might.
But we both know that you have no evidence.
<snip nonsense>

Thanks for the admission that you have no evidence.
Smiler, The godless one.
aa #2279
Gods are all tailored to order. They are made
to exactly fit the prejudices of the believer.
2016-09-18 00:05:30 UTC
Post by Smiler
Thanks for the admission that you have no evidence.
You? hahaha :) You wouldn't recognize a piece of evidence if it fell
on your head, dumbass.

Krishna says:

My dear Arjuna, because you are never envious of Me, I shall impart to
you this most confidential knowledge and realization, knowing which
you shall be relieved of the miseries of material existence. (Bg. 9.1)

This knowledge is the king of education, the most secret of all
secrets. It is the purest knowledge, and because it gives direct
perception of the self by realization, it is the perfection of
religion. It is everlasting, and it is joyfully performed. (Bg. 9.2)

Have a look at my art -

http://youtu.be/uWw9o4DMHMo - God the Supreme Designer
http://youtu.be/y4F6tkoYZok - Planet Plant
http://youtu.be/e_ejv98XyL8 - Nature
http://youtu.be/2uRbsf9Vzg8 - Sudder street
http://youtu.be/YHcWgSevItk - Poster Boy
http://youtu.be/5_Q4HgqOVK4 - Microbes

2016-09-18 00:17:45 UTC
Post by Jahnu
Post by Smiler
Thanks for the admission that you have no evidence.
You? hahaha :) You wouldn't recognize a piece of evidence if it fell
on your head, dumbass.
LOL. True, he isn't like you guys. For example, it was very evident to me
that the gods I watched being fed at the Hare Krishna temple were real
gods. They didn't do everything that any other real gods don't do.
2016-09-18 01:07:56 UTC
Post by Ted&Alice
On Fri, 16 Sep 2016 20:51:47 +0000 (UTC), Smiler
Post by Smiler
Thanks for the admission that you have no evidence.
You? hahaha :) You wouldn't recognize a piece of evidence
if it fell
on your head, dumbass.
LOL. True, he isn't like you guys. For example, it was
very evident
to me that the gods I watched being fed at the Hare
Krishna temple
were real gods. They didn't do everything that any other
real gods
don't do.
i'm a real god , well , i demand to be treated as one
2016-09-18 01:17:43 UTC
Post by %
Post by Smiler
Thanks for the admission that you have no evidence.
You? hahaha :) You wouldn't recognize a piece of evidence >> if it fell
on your head, dumbass.
LOL. True, he isn't like you guys. For example, it was > very evident
to me that the gods I watched being fed at the Hare > Krishna temple
were real gods. They didn't do everything that any other > real gods
don't do.
i'm a real god , well , i demand to be treated as one
That's only fair.
2016-09-18 01:28:57 UTC
Post by Ted&Alice
Post by %
Post by Ted&Alice
On Fri, 16 Sep 2016 20:51:47 +0000 (UTC), Smiler >>
Post by Smiler
Thanks for the admission that you have no evidence.
You? hahaha :) You wouldn't recognize a piece of
evidence >> if it
fell on your head, dumbass.
LOL. True, he isn't like you guys. For example, it was
evident to me that the gods I watched being fed at the
Hare >
Krishna temple were real gods. They didn't do everything
that any
other > real gods don't do.
i'm a real god , well , i demand to be treated as one
That's only fair.
yes , it stands to reason doesn't it
2016-09-18 03:35:09 UTC
Post by %
Post by Ted&Alice
Post by %
On Fri, 16 Sep 2016 20:51:47 +0000 (UTC), Smiler >>
Post by Smiler
Thanks for the admission that you have no evidence.
You? hahaha :) You wouldn't recognize a piece of >>>> evidence >> if it
fell on your head, dumbass.
LOL. True, he isn't like you guys. For example, it was >>> > very
evident to me that the gods I watched being fed at the >>> Hare >
Krishna temple were real gods. They didn't do everything >>> that any
other > real gods don't do.
i'm a real god , well , i demand to be treated as one
That's only fair.
yes , it stands to reason doesn't it
Of course. And if they don't obey, smite them.
Christopher A. Lee
2016-09-18 20:20:13 UTC
Post by Ted&Alice
Post by Jahnu
Post by Smiler
Thanks for the admission that you have no evidence.
You? hahaha :) You wouldn't recognize a piece of evidence if it fell
on your head, dumbass.
LOL. True, he isn't like you guys. For example, it was very evident to me
that the gods I watched being fed at the Hare Krishna temple were real
gods. They didn't do everything that any other real gods don't do.
2016-09-18 22:04:21 UTC
Post by Ted&Alice
Post by Jahnu
Post by Smiler
Thanks for the admission that you have no evidence.
You? hahaha :) You wouldn't recognize a piece of evidence if it fell
on your head, dumbass.
LOL. True, he isn't like you guys. For example, it was very evident to me
that the gods I watched being fed at the Hare Krishna temple were real
gods. They didn't do everything that any other real gods don't do.
No, they were statues, and there were several. I happened to be there when
they were being fed. A plate of real food is placed before each god and
then removed after the god has had sufficient time to eat it. (I'm not
being facetious at all.) Jahnu should be able to explain it better than I
2016-09-18 22:42:08 UTC
Post by Ted&Alice
On Sun, 18 Sep 2016 00:17:45 GMT, Ted&Alice
Post by Ted&Alice
On Fri, 16 Sep 2016 20:51:47 +0000 (UTC), Smiler
Post by Smiler
Thanks for the admission that you have no evidence.
You? hahaha :) You wouldn't recognize a piece of
evidence if it
fell on your head, dumbass.
LOL. True, he isn't like you guys. For example, it was
evident to me that the gods I watched being fed at the
Hare Krishna
temple were real gods. They didn't do everything that
any other
real gods don't do.
No, they were statues, and there were several. I happened
to be there
when they were being fed. A plate of real food is placed
before each
god and then removed after the god has had sufficient time
to eat it.
(I'm not being facetious at all.) Jahnu should be able to
explain it
better than I can.
that's how they treat us the chiseled men gods to women
2016-09-19 00:09:44 UTC
Post by %
Post by Smiler
Thanks for the admission that you have no evidence.
You? hahaha :) You wouldn't recognize a piece of >>>> evidence if it
fell on your head, dumbass.
LOL. True, he isn't like you guys. For example, it was >>> very
evident to me that the gods I watched being fed at the >>> Hare Krishna
temple were real gods. They didn't do everything that >>> any other
real gods don't do.
No, they were statues, and there were several. I happened > to be there
when they were being fed. A plate of real food is placed > before each
god and then removed after the god has had sufficient time > to eat it.
(I'm not being facetious at all.) Jahnu should be able to > explain it
better than I can.
that's how they treat us the chiseled men gods to women
Yep. Guys like you and me.
2016-09-19 00:28:03 UTC
Post by Ted&Alice
Post by %
Post by Ted&Alice
On Sun, 18 Sep 2016 00:17:45 GMT, Ted&Alice >>
Post by Ted&Alice
On Fri, 16 Sep 2016 20:51:47 +0000 (UTC), Smiler >>>>
Post by Smiler
Thanks for the admission that you have no evidence.
You? hahaha :) You wouldn't recognize a piece of >>>>
if it fell on your head, dumbass.
LOL. True, he isn't like you guys. For example, it
was >>> very
evident to me that the gods I watched being fed at the
Post by Smiler
Krishna temple were real gods. They didn't do
everything that >>>
any other real gods don't do.
No, they were statues, and there were several. I
happened > to be
there when they were being fed. A plate of real food is
placed >
before each god and then removed after the god has had
time > to eat it. (I'm not being facetious at all.)
Jahnu should be
able to > explain it better than I can.
that's how they treat us the chiseled men gods to women
Yep. Guys like you and me.
Christopher A. Lee
2016-09-19 00:18:24 UTC
Post by Ted&Alice
Post by Ted&Alice
Post by Jahnu
Post by Smiler
Thanks for the admission that you have no evidence.
You? hahaha :) You wouldn't recognize a piece of evidence if it fell
on your head, dumbass.
LOL. True, he isn't like you guys. For example, it was very evident to me
that the gods I watched being fed at the Hare Krishna temple were real
gods. They didn't do everything that any other real gods don't do.
No, they were statues, and there were several. I happened to be there when
they were being fed. A plate of real food is placed before each god and
then removed after the god has had sufficient time to eat it. (I'm not
being facetious at all.) Jahnu should be able to explain it better than I
Jesper is to Hindus, what the Moonies are to Christians.
2016-09-19 07:58:05 UTC
Post by Christopher A. Lee
Post by Ted&Alice
Post by Ted&Alice
Post by Jahnu
Post by Smiler
Thanks for the admission that you have no evidence.
You? hahaha :) You wouldn't recognize a piece of evidence if it fell
on your head, dumbass.
LOL. True, he isn't like you guys. For example, it was very evident to me
that the gods I watched being fed at the Hare Krishna temple were real
gods. They didn't do everything that any other real gods don't do.
No, they were statues, and there were several. I happened to be there when
they were being fed. A plate of real food is placed before each god and
then removed after the god has had sufficient time to eat it. (I'm not
being facetious at all.) Jahnu should be able to explain it better than I
Jesper is to Hindus, what the Moonies are to Christians.
That is my understanding about Hare Krishna too.
2016-09-18 00:51:21 UTC
Post by Jahnu
Post by Smiler
Thanks for the admission that you have no evidence.
You? hahaha :) You wouldn't recognize a piece of evidence if it fell
on your head, dumbass.
Provide it here, dumbass:

Use as much space as you'd like.
2016-09-19 03:49:11 UTC
Why would I waste my time with that, Birdy?

Here is what has to say about your silly beliefs.

"From my earliest training as a scientist I was very strongly
brainwashed to believe that science cannot be consistent with any kind
of deliberate creation. That notion has had to be painfully shed. I am
quite uncomfortable in this situation, the state of mind I now find
myself in. But there is no logical way out of it. I now find myself
driven to this position by logic. There is no other way in which we
can understand the precise ordering of the chemicals of life except to
invoke the creations on a cosmic scale. . . We were hoping as
scientists that there would be a way round our conclusion, but there

--Sir Frederick Hoyle and Chandra Wickramsinghe, There Must Be A God,
Daily Express, Aug. 14, 1981. & Hoyle On Evolution. Nature, Nov. 12,
1981, 105

Have a look at my art -

http://youtu.be/uWw9o4DMHMo - God the Supreme Designer
http://youtu.be/y4F6tkoYZok - Planet Plant
http://youtu.be/e_ejv98XyL8 - Nature
http://youtu.be/2uRbsf9Vzg8 - Sudder street
http://youtu.be/YHcWgSevItk - Poster Boy
http://youtu.be/5_Q4HgqOVK4 - Microbes

2016-09-19 12:35:23 UTC
Post by Jahnu
Why would I waste my time with that, Birdy?
In other words, you have no evidence to present. What a surprise,
2016-09-21 02:49:29 UTC
Post by raven1
In other words, you have no evidence to present. What a surprise,
----but, but, but there is no magic involved in creating life. It's
all a natural process. If you ask me what exactly is that natural
process, I have no idea, I just call it a natural process to make it
sound like it's science, to fool creationists into thinking, that I
know what I'm talking about.

These poor religious fanatics, they need some magical, invisible pixie
sitting in the sky, to explain nature, but me? Forget it, I don't need
magic to explain nature, because it's all a naturall process.

You see, first there was a point... I call the point a singularity to
make it sound less ridiculous, I fabulate it's a point of all mass,
space, and time, so no need to worry about what was outside the point,
because there was nothing outside the point - no space, no time, no
mass, no condencity, no nothing, you understand? There was only the
point, and from that point a universe came out, just like that, for no
apparent reason, it just happened, see? No magic involved... it's all
a natural process, and as we all know natural processes are very

I won't get into what happened with the natural processes after the
universe popped into existence - how life evolved out of chemicals and
then transmuted from an amoeba into a talking human being. Don't worry
yourself about all these annoying details, all you have to understand
is that it's completely natural and scientific.... and that it
happened over long, long time. That's all you have to know.

Also, don't worry yourself that noone with a brain actually believes
the world created itself out of a bunch of chemicals, don't worry that
the most prominent and brainy scientists on the planet support the
idea of ID - Intelligent Design, simply because it makes more sense.

That's totally inconsequential. All you have to know, is that it's all
completely natural. It doesn't matter you have no clue what it means
or entails. You simply have to repeat it like a mantra, just try it -
natural process, natural process, natural natural process process, no
magic, no magic, magic magic no no... see how good it makes you feel?

"A common sense interpretation of the facts suggests that a
superintellect has monkeyed with physics, as well as with chemistry
and biology, and that there are no blind forces worth speaking about
in nature. The numbers one calculates from the facts seem to me so
overwhelming as to put this conclusion almost beyond question." - Fred
Hoyle, astrophysicist

Have a look at my art -

http://youtu.be/uWw9o4DMHMo - God the Supreme Designer
http://youtu.be/y4F6tkoYZok - Planet Plant
http://youtu.be/e_ejv98XyL8 - Nature
http://youtu.be/2uRbsf9Vzg8 - Sudder street
http://youtu.be/YHcWgSevItk - Poster Boy
http://youtu.be/5_Q4HgqOVK4 - Microbes

2016-09-21 12:47:54 UTC
Post by Jahnu
Post by raven1
In other words, you have no evidence to present. What a surprise,
----but, but,
Nope, that's not evidence for anything other than you being stuck on a
four-year old's view of how the world works. Magic isn't real. What
the fuck is wrong with you?
2016-09-21 13:29:14 UTC
Post by raven1
Post by Jahnu
Post by raven1
In other words, you have no evidence to present. What a surprise,
----but, but,
Nope, that's not evidence for anything other than you being stuck on a
four-year old's view of how the world works. Magic isn't real. What the
fuck is wrong with you?
Smiler, The godless one.
aa #2279
Gods are all tailored to order. They are made
to exactly fit the prejudices of the believer.
2016-09-23 04:21:43 UTC
bitch moan whine
Why didn't Shiva or Vishnu save India or Hindus from Muslim rule and
British rule?

We live in a world of duality based on bodily identification, but
Shiva and Visnu don’t. They live in an Absolute reality.

Lord Visnu does not see different nationalities and different bodies.
He sees living entities bound by different combinations of the modes
of nature with different desires performing different activities.

Watching only one episode from a mega-season tv series like Game of
Thrones will be confusing. We would have no idea what is going on nor
why. But the writers know exactly what is happening and why, and what
the end result is going to be… because they are writing it.

Someone may be born as a Muslim in one birth and a Hindu in the next,
and a Christian in the one after that. They may be born an Indian in
one life and as British in the next, and then travel to India and
oppress the Indians who were their countrymen in their previous life.
Maybe the Hindus were Mughals in their previous lives, or Romans, or
part of Genghis Khan’s mogul hoard that swept into Europe. How can we
know? Karma acts over many life-times. Even in one life we see former
criminals who have sorted out their lives and ‘gone straight’ getting
caught and punished for previous crimes. There is a 90+ year old
former SS officer currently on trial. I’m sure he hasn’t been breaking
laws against humanity for the last 60 years, but his past has caught
up with him now.

The world works on cause and effect. So much suffering you create, and
so much happiness you give - in one life - and then you receive the
results of those actions in your next lives. The complexities of the
laws of karma are unfathomable for ordinary humans.

There is no Hindu soul. Muslim soul, or Christian soul. We are all
living entities and we take birth in a particular situation and then
think this is who I am. But Visnu doesn’t think that is who we are. He
doesn’t think that Modi is Indian, and Obama is American and Cameron
is British, Putin is Russian. He just sees living entities bewildered
by maya trying to enjoy the material energy and incurring reactions.

After a blood-thirsty hoard has gone on a rampage, (it may be called
conquering a country), it is logged by Visnu, (everything is logged by
Visnu), and at some future point when another blood-thirsty hoard
wants to go rampaging, they are allowed to do it against some previous
rampagers who are going to see what it’s like to get the pointy end of
the stick for a while. It doesn’t matter if they have lived this life
peacefully disturbing no one. Previously they did. There are no
nationalities from the Absolute perspective; there are just people
with desires and people due reactions, and the whole planet on which
to assemble the pieces.

There is always some killing going on somewhere. When there is a great
accumulation of sinful activities then material nature arranges
wholesale killing. Those due to suffer are assembled in the right
place and the right families. None of them know why they are there,
what they have done in the past to deserve it, except Visnu and a few
other great personalities. They could be assembled from thousands of
different countries and cultures, but they all identify with their
latest birth. I am Hindu, I am Jewish, I am Syrian etc; and then the
killing begins; a holocaust, a world war, an earthquake, a famine, a
plague. If you are destined to die at a certain age, there is no
country in the world where you can hide. Visnu will only step in when
His pure devotees ask Him to, but since His pure devotees are going to
return to Him after leaving their body, why would they ask to prolong
the separation?

Since we have no idea what reactions are due to us, nor when they are
going to fall due, Lord Krishna’s offer is very generous.

Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall
deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear. Bg 18.66

What idiot would ignore that and think “Nah, I’ll take my chances, I’m
pretty sure I’ve got it together and the bad things are only going to
happen to others.”

Have a look at my art -

http://youtu.be/uWw9o4DMHMo - God the Supreme Designer
http://youtu.be/y4F6tkoYZok - Planet Plant
http://youtu.be/e_ejv98XyL8 - Nature
http://youtu.be/2uRbsf9Vzg8 - Sudder street
http://youtu.be/YHcWgSevItk - Poster Boy
http://youtu.be/5_Q4HgqOVK4 - Microbes

2016-09-23 12:00:06 UTC
Post by Jahnu
bitch moan whine
Why didn't Shiva or Vishnu save India or Hindus from Muslim rule and
British rule?
Because they don't fucking exist. Next stupid question, Jesper?
2016-09-24 09:50:36 UTC
bitch moan whine
I was watching Breaking Bad, and he was saying how important to him it
is to be remembered well by his family when he is gone - that they
should miss him.

From a spiritual point that makes so little sense. Who cares if you
are missed, when you are not there to experience it? YOU certainly
don't. Why care how you are remembered, if you are dead? And if you
are in a new body why would you care? Or if you are in heaven or hell,
why should you give a hoot? Or if you're extinct, as atheists believe
- even less reason to care about how you were remembered by people who
will also soon die.

See, that's the whole point - what to remember. To remember Krishna,
now, that makes sense, and it makes one blissful. But to remember who
did what, who said what, and do they like me? - I mean, if you are
dead, who cares? ... it leads to lamentation anyway you look at it.
And from the point of view of reality, i.e. from an eternal point of
view - it's all going on in a few seconds, nay, not even that.

And these short fleeting moments, that's what the whole world revolves
around - the news, politics, sports, movies, series, literature,
magazines etc. - that, what most people consider real, is but a
fleeting moment in eternity. Therefore Krishna says:

Those who are seers of the truth have concluded that of the
nonexistent [the material body] there is no endurance and of the
eternal [the soul] there is no change. This they have concluded by
studying the nature of both. (Bg 2.16)

The reality portrayed by Hollywood is totally ridiculous. The way they
speak and interact, how they cannot just tell someone about their
problems, how they don't get hurt and get right back up to fight even
after being flung 10 m through air and crashed into a wall. Add to
that some romance, gambling, sex, drugs rockn'roll, and you have
yourself a bona-fide Hollywood dream. Clearly they want to be God.
Don't worry everything's going to be alright, he promises in a deep
voice. Hahaha :) Nothing is ever going to be alright in this world,
for it invariably ends in old age, disease and death. Only God can
promise you, that everything is going to be ok, because only God knows
the future.

Take for example Jason Bourne. Now, that was superb action, but the
dialogues and story-line were absolutely ridiculous. - Oh, who AM I,
I don't know who I am, he laments desperately. I mean, who does that?
A normal person would ponder the situation: I'm a martial arts expert.
I just downed 2 police officers in 10 seconds using aikido, which is
the hardest martial art to learn, but Jason is all confused and
bewildered. To possess those skills, you are obviously a trained
operative - a secret agent of some sort. Could it be that since you
are an American you must be trained by CIA, NSA, Secret Service, FBI,
or any other government agency of the US? Instead the hero wails - I
don't know who I am - with tears in his eyes he bangs his head against
the wall (exaggeration enhances the understanding, as they say in
Denmark :).

Or the scary-movie… there's a deep dark hole in the ground, and
gurgling, snarling, hissing sounds can be heard from inside. Gee,
says the girl (it's always a girl) let me stick my head in there and
check it out - I wonder what's making that gurgling sound… I mean, can
it get any more foolish?

Or the dominant, aggressive, pushy woman. No woman, by nature, is like
that. The female nature is to be passive and non-aggressive. The
aggressive, go-get-it woman who hits on men - clearly a dream of
Hollywood producers, who are all lusty men. A woman's nature is to be
passive. Instead we are fed endless streams of ass-kicking,
aggressive, dominant women. In the end women begin to think that this
is how they should be.

The question of theodisé - how evil entered the world in the face of
an almighty, all-good God, has baffled church-fathers for ages. Even
after 2000 years the Church has not managed to come up with a good
answer. That's Satan, is all they say. But why would a benevolent,
almighty God allow Satan to perform his nefarious activities? Only the
Vaishnava religion has a coherent, consistent and philosophically
sound answer to that question.

In former ages atheists and demons tried to kill Krishna with weapons,
today they try to kill God by propounding brain-dead philosophy to the
masses. And the population laps it up like pudding, because it is what
they want to hear, because we all came here to the material world to
get away from Krishna. Real Evil is the soul's desire to be away from
Krishna, to forget Krishna.

It's a fact - all living entities seek love. It's what everyone wants
- to love someone and to be loved and appreciated in return. We seek
this love in spouse, family, off-spring, friends, society, nation and
so on.

It is also a fact that the love we develop in a body, without
exception, ends in lamentation. Either she dies, or I die, or she goes
away and stops loving me, or I stop loving her. In any case, love
always ends. Yet we yearn for eternal love. - I will love you forever,
the hero says, and I will always love you in return, she answers.

But in the 'real' world love forever never happens. That is life in a
material body - temporary and full of suffering. As a solution to this
hopeless existence Krishna comes again and again and offers us the
chance to come back and enjoy with Him on the eternal plane.

Krishna says:

O learned Uddhava, those who fix their consciousness on Me, giving up
all material desires, share with Me a happiness that cannot possibly
be experienced by those engaged in sense gratification.

--Srimad Bhagavatam 11.14.12

Have a look at my art -

http://youtu.be/uWw9o4DMHMo - God the Supreme Designer
http://youtu.be/y4F6tkoYZok - Planet Plant
http://youtu.be/e_ejv98XyL8 - Nature
http://youtu.be/2uRbsf9Vzg8 - Sudder street
http://youtu.be/YHcWgSevItk - Poster Boy
http://youtu.be/5_Q4HgqOVK4 - Microbes

2016-09-24 14:14:40 UTC
Post by Jahnu
bitch moan whine
I was watching Breaking Bad
Which would explain why your posts sound like you're on drugs.
2016-09-25 05:02:13 UTC
Post by raven1
Which would explain why your posts sound like you're on drugs.
You don't have much to contribute, eh, Birdbrain?... except bitching
and moaning about anything I say :)

The experience of what is tangible and real in the world, is different
from person to person. For me, God is totally tangible and real,
whereas for others He is intangible and no more real than Santa Claus
or the Toothfairy.

But the joy that is experienced by adding Krishna to one's life is
completely real and tangible.. to one who does it, that is.

To add Krishna to one's life, to make Him a tangible reality, doesn't
require one to follow a lot of rules, shave one's head, dress in
sheets, and move into the temple. One doesn't have to think about
that, at all. All one has to think about, is to add Krishna to
whatever one is doing. But that is a difficult task for many. Very few
people want to spend even 10 minutes a day chanting the Hare Krishna

So let it come to a test - a test anyone can do.

Just think of Krishna 3 times a day - morning, noon, and evening. Just
think of the name KRISH-NA. Pronounce it in your mind - KRISH-NA -
just remember this word three times a day, and see where it takes you.
I can guarantee that it will improve your life-performance.

My spiritual master used to tell us that material life (ie. life in a
material body) is like a string of zeros. No matter how many zeros you
add to it, it is still zero, it still comes out to nothing. But by
adding the ONE of Krishna, all the zeros suddenly increse their value.

So why not try it? Remember Krishna's name three times a day, and see
where it takes you. What have you got to lose? There is everything to
gain and nothing to lose.

Krishna says:

In this endeavor there is no loss or diminution, and a little
advancement on this path can protect one from the most dangerous type
of fear. (Bg 2.40)

Have a look at my art -

http://youtu.be/uWw9o4DMHMo - God the Supreme Designer
http://youtu.be/y4F6tkoYZok - Planet Plant
http://youtu.be/e_ejv98XyL8 - Nature
http://youtu.be/2uRbsf9Vzg8 - Sudder street
http://youtu.be/YHcWgSevItk - Poster Boy
http://youtu.be/5_Q4HgqOVK4 - Microbes

2016-09-25 13:30:41 UTC
Post by Jahnu
Post by raven1
Which would explain why your posts sound like you're on drugs.
You don't have much to contribute, eh, Birdbrain?... except bitching
and moaning about anything I say :)
That's no way to speak to someone who has tirelessly corrected your
endless mistakes, Jesper. Hey, remember when you thought that Bill
Gates and Steve Jobs invented the computer? What a boner that was! Or
how about when you confused the age of the Earth with the age of the
universe, and got it wrong either way? That was pretty impressive.
Shall I go on, dumbass?
2016-09-26 05:00:58 UTC
....blah blah how about when you confused the age of the Earth with
the age of the universe, and got it wrong either way? That was pretty
impressive. Shall I go on, dumbass?
Listen, retard, do I really need to remind you that you know
absolutely jack squat about how old the universe is.

---but, but this nice man in a white coat and a real ugly tie told me
so himself, I saw it on TV, so it must be true...

Some idiot in a white coat speculates something about the universe and
immediately Birdbrain accepts is a gospel truth... hahaha :) talk
about dumbass.

You don't have one single independent thought in that tiny, pointy
head of yours, Birdbrain. Everything you think you know you have
learned in a slaughter-house culture that produces sub-human, mindless
trash like you, and you eat it raw.

In the modern consumer culture children are raised with a false
conception of life. From the time they are old enough to hold up their
heads by themselves, they are placed in front of the TV and
indoctrinated into a mechanistic world view.

Is it, for instance, a positive thing to raise children with the
fundamental lie, that everything in the world ends well? It is
probably one of the most clichéd phrases in Hollywood movies -
"everything is going to be OK, baby, I promise, everything is going to
be alright."

The truth of the world, however, is that nothing ends well. Everything
always goes to shit, because everything ends in disease, old age, and
death. And in the mean-time, while waiting for the inevitable,
something always goes wrong - to one's nearest and dearest, to society
and to the rest of the world. So when children are told throughout
their upbringing, that everything is going to be OK and end on a happy
note, it is one big lie.

Today people are covered by a different paradigm. Before, people were
kept in awe and reverence by magic tricks and wonders , nowadays
people are kept in awe by technology and unconsciousness-philosophy.
By unconsciousness-philosophy I refer to the weird phenomenon that the
vast majority of the world population believe in - that by absorbing
oneself in a culture of external mechanical matters, one can obtain
peace and happiness. In fact, everyone is being told that the present
Western culture is the pinnacle of all human knowledge and progress.
From the earliest age children are being told that now a days we know,
we have discovered the real world, and everything in the past people
thought they knew, is just superstition and myths.

How is it anything but dogmatic to assume, that only what we have
learned about the world after the industrial revolution is factual
knowledge? Today people are told that what's in the peer-reviewed
scientific journals is true, or it is true because a person in a white
coat and ugly tie says so on a screen, and it is being backed by
complicated mathematic equations and a jargon that nobody comprehends.
They talk about atoms and molecules as if it had anything to do with
real life. The fact is, that no one experiences atoms and molecules,
nobody, in fact, gives a shit about atoms and molecules.

Who cares about tiny little particles of matter rotating around in
his brain, if everything is going to hell, or I can't get my desires
fulfilled? If I am in pain and suffering, what do I care what happens
on the micro-level? If I'm in the middle of a divorce, is that what I
first think of - molecules in my brain? Or if my child is sick, or
I've been diagnosed with terminal cancer, am I going to sit and
analyze what happens on the atomic level? Is it at all relevant for my
mental well-being whether I know what happens on the micro-level? I
mean, who gives a shit? Still we live in a culture that tells us this
is the highest reality.

Wouldn't it be better to have a program that can teach me about the
psychic aspects of life? It is on the mental level we experience
happiness and distress, and that is how it is possible to control
one's happiness and distress by controlling the mind through the Vedic

Krishna says:

One must deliver himself with the help of his mind, and not degrade
himself. The mind is the friend of the conditioned soul, and his enemy
as well. (Bg. 6.5)

For him who has conquered the mind, the mind is the best of friends;
but for one who has failed to do so, his mind will remain the greatest
enemy. (Bg. 6.6)

Maybe I can't get my desires fulfilled, maybe my life is chaos and I
don't have any money, and the last thing that kept me going, my
girlfriend, just left me. How does that feel? Then I probably think
that if I could just fulfill my desires, then I would be happy.

But the fact of the matter is, that there are tons of people in the
world who have all their desires fulfilled - the rich, the famous and
the beautiful. They've got just the partner they always wanted,
they've got their desired job, the house they always dreamt about,
just the right car, the one in the commercials, and wonderful,
well-behaved kids, etc. etc. But they are also frustrated. They also
use drugs and commit suicide - they are also alcoholics. And instead
of worrying about the 300 bucks they don't have for the rent, they
worry about the 3 million they don't have for a mansion. The worry and
anxiety is exactly the same. The pain and loss is the same. The
disease is the same. And death is the same for all living entities, no
matter their situation or the body they inhabit.

It is the unavoidable experience of becoming sick, growing old and
dying, we have to learn how to process in our minds. That is not being
taught in the modern culture. On the contrary, we are being told -
Don't think so much about these existential matters, nobody knows,
anyway. Better forget about the whole thing. Why waste time thinking
about the inevitable, right?

But it is only by knowledge of one's real center, one's true self,
that one can obtain real success in life, and by success I don't mean
economical success and social prestige. Real success is to remain
satisfied in life regardless of one's social position or bodily
features and constitution.

Modern science deals with external, physical forms, but not with
internal, psychic forms, and it is this lack of a meaningful inner
life, science cannot help us with, and that makes modern people

The modern paradigm has been made into one world-wide ideology, and it
has only managed to become world-wide due to TV and information
technology. The global culture it is called. But the only thing global
about it, is that Coca-cola, MacDonald's, and Levis have made the
whole world into their all-pervading market-place. In remote villages
in India you can't get pure drinking-water, but you can get Coca-cola,
and you can keep it in 40 degrees Celsius for weeks without a fridge.
Before, it used to be the Communists who were the enemy of the
enlightened world. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, that enemy has
been replaced by Arab, Muslim terrorists.

Existential problems are ever escalating in such a society. For
example, the sales of anti-depressant drugs have shot through the roof
in later years, but don't you worry, for everything will be taken care
of by technology and economy. We are fed an endless stream of
Hollywood-movies where science and technology solve all problems. We
are being fed lies from sun-up to sun-down.

There is no better description in the world of how the physical and
mental planes function, than the one we find in the Bhagavad-gita. In
Bhagavad-gita, Krishna describes nature in relation to the conscious,
psychic and physical aspects of nature - the self, the mind and the
body - and how they work and interrelate according to the three modes
of material nature - goodness, passion, and ignorance. From the
science of self-realization, described by Krishna in Bhagavad-gita,
one can get a correct reading on nature, the body, and the thoughts
and feelings in the mind.

Anyone who so desires, can take help from the Bhagavad Gita to learn
how to live a wholesome and satisfying existence. Regardless of one's
beliefs, the process works. All one has to do is to apply the program
in one's life. Then enlightenment and satisfaction happens

Krishna says:

Now hear, O son of Pritha, how by practicing yoga in full
consciousness of Me, with mind attached to Me, you can know Me in
full, free from doubt. (Bg. 7.1)

This knowledge is the king of education, the most secret of all
secrets. It is the purest knowledge, and because it gives direct
perception of the self by realization, it is the perfection of
religion. It is everlasting, and it is joyfully performed. (Bg. 9.2)

One who is not connected with the Supreme [in Krishna consciousness]
can have neither transcendental intelligence nor a steady mind,
without which there is no possibility of peace. And how can there be
any happiness without peace? (Bg. 2.66)

O learned Uddhava, those who fix their consciousness on Me, giving up
all material desires, share with Me a happiness that cannot possibly
be experienced by those engaged in sense gratification.
--Srimad Bhagavatam 11.14.12

Have a look at my art -

http://youtu.be/uWw9o4DMHMo - God the Supreme Designer
http://youtu.be/y4F6tkoYZok - Planet Plant
http://youtu.be/e_ejv98XyL8 - Nature
http://youtu.be/2uRbsf9Vzg8 - Sudder street
http://youtu.be/YHcWgSevItk - Poster Boy
http://youtu.be/5_Q4HgqOVK4 - Microbes

2016-09-26 13:20:42 UTC
Post by Jahnu
....blah blah how about when you confused the age of the Earth with
the age of the universe, and got it wrong either way? That was pretty
impressive. Shall I go on, dumbass?
Listen, retard, do I really need to remind you that you know
absolutely jack squat about how old the universe is.
Actually, I do. Cosmology is a field I follow fairly closely. And you?
Well, let's just say "Planetary Constellations" and leave it at that,
2016-09-26 21:01:09 UTC
Post by raven1
Post by Jahnu
....blah blah how about when you confused the age of the Earth with
the age of the universe, and got it wrong either way? That was pretty
impressive. Shall I go on, dumbass?
Listen, retard, do I really need to remind you that you know
absolutely jack squat about how old the universe is.
Actually, I do. Cosmology is a field I follow fairly closely. And you?
Well, let's just say "Planetary Constellations" and leave it at that,
It's 13.8 billion years old as the crow flies.

the dukester, American-American

"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
Jeanne Douglas
2016-09-26 23:21:47 UTC
Post by raven1
Post by Jahnu
....blah blah how about when you confused the age of the Earth with
the age of the universe, and got it wrong either way? That was pretty
impressive. Shall I go on, dumbass?
Listen, retard, do I really need to remind you that you know
absolutely jack squat about how old the universe is.
Actually, I do. Cosmology is a field I follow fairly closely. And you?
Well, let's just say "Planetary Constellations" and leave it at that,
Still my favorite.

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
2016-09-27 00:19:25 UTC
Post by raven1
Actually, I do. Cosmology is a field I follow fairly closely. And you?
Well, let's just say "Planetary Constellations" and leave it at that,
Thanks for confirming what I just told you, Birdbrain, that your
socalled knowledge of cosmology is what you read in colorful magazines
or what some dumbo in a white coat tells you on a TV screen.

You say you follow cosmology and you don't even know there are such
things as constellations of planets? hahaha :) What do you think
constellations consist of, dumbass?


Have a look at my art -

http://youtu.be/uWw9o4DMHMo - God the Supreme Designer
http://youtu.be/y4F6tkoYZok - Planet Plant
http://youtu.be/e_ejv98XyL8 - Nature
http://youtu.be/2uRbsf9Vzg8 - Sudder street
http://youtu.be/YHcWgSevItk - Poster Boy
http://youtu.be/5_Q4HgqOVK4 - Microbes

2016-09-27 13:21:26 UTC
Post by Jahnu
Post by raven1
Actually, I do. Cosmology is a field I follow fairly closely. And you?
Well, let's just say "Planetary Constellations" and leave it at that,
Thanks for confirming what I just told you, Birdbrain, that your
socalled knowledge of cosmology is what you read in colorful magazines
or what some dumbo in a white coat tells you on a TV screen.
You say you follow cosmology and you don't even know there are such
things as constellations of planets?
Name one.
Post by Jahnu
hahaha :) What do you think
constellations consist of, dumbass?
Stars, you fucking idiot. "Stella" *means* "star" in Latin, which is
where the word comes from.
2016-09-27 13:45:49 UTC
bitch moan whine

Have a look at my art -

http://youtu.be/uWw9o4DMHMo - God the Supreme Designer
http://youtu.be/y4F6tkoYZok - Planet Plant
http://youtu.be/e_ejv98XyL8 - Nature
http://youtu.be/2uRbsf9Vzg8 - Sudder street
http://youtu.be/YHcWgSevItk - Poster Boy
http://youtu.be/5_Q4HgqOVK4 - Microbes

2016-09-27 14:50:33 UTC
bitch moan whine
Nope. Nice try, Jesper. You claim that "Planetary Constellations" are
a thing. Then name one.
Christopher A. Lee
2016-09-28 00:04:01 UTC
On Tue, 27 Sep 2016 10:50:33 -0400, raven1
Post by raven1
bitch moan whine
Nope. Nice try, Jesper. You claim that "Planetary Constellations" are
a thing. Then name one.
We're in the Ford Galaxy.

Or is it the Lockheed Constellation?
2016-09-28 06:14:35 UTC
Post by raven1
Nope. Nice try, Jesper. You claim that "Planetary Constellations" are
a thing. Then name one.
Hehe, the fool doesn't even know there is such a thing as
constellations of planets...

--bt, but they are stars, not planets.

hahaha :) Seriously, Birdbrain, do you now understand how stupd
atheism has made you?

Krishna and Mahabharata : Historical reality

By Desh (Aug. 31, 2009)

Dr Manish Pandit, a nuclear medicine physician from UK is making a
movie on Krishna as a historic figure. Pandit has based his movie on
dates and timelines coming out of scientific based research by
credible evidence based on Archeology, Astronomy and Linguistics,
apart from Oral evidence from Indian radition. Mahabharat War started
on November 22, 3067 BC. This comes out of astronomical evidence. And
the astronomical juxtapositions are not arbitrary or those that could
happen in any decade or such... but some of them have not happened

They are THAT rare a phenomenon. Saturn at Rohini and Mars at Jyestha
with two eclipses - a Lunar eclipse at Kartik and Solar eclipse at
Jyesth. (these are from Udyoga and Bhisma Parvan).

(1)Amavasya occurs in Jyestha in 19 years
(2) (1) PLUS Solar Eclipse in Jyesth occurs in 340 years.
(3) (2) PLUS Saturn at Rohini occurs ONCE in 7000 years.

So, that constellation in astronomy has NOT occured since Mahabharat.
The date - exact one - when that would have happened is Nov 22, 3067
BC. Update: i found an article which is very well written, which I am
afraid may go away from that site. I have reproduced it at the bottom.
Not only that, but the latter events like destructiion of Dwarka
(based on the astronomical events mentioned around that) occur at
EXACTLY as the text says
36 years later.

Pandit has based his research on work of Dr Narhari Achar (a professor
of physics at the University of Memphis, Tennessee, in the US).
According to Achar, Krishna was born in 3112 BC. However, another
person has used dates and astronomical events to zero in on the dates
of that time, Arun K Bansal. According to him, Krishna was born on
July 21, 3228 BC anddied at 2 pm on February 18, 3102 BC. That is when
Kali Yuga
is supposed to have started and Dwapar Yug came to an end. So,
Bansal's dates are a few decades prior to Achar's dates. However,
there are more people who side with Dr. Achar (refer to the article
reproduced below). Here are a few dates that can be identified with
respect to the dates by Dr. Achar: § Lord Krishna, on His final peace
mission, set out for Hastinapur on 26th September, 3067 B.C. when the
moon was at the asterism Revati.

§ Lord Krishna arrived Hastinapur on 28th September, 3067 B.C., when
the moon was at the asterism Bharani.
§ The full moon and lunar eclipse at Krittika occurred on 29th
September, 3067 B.C.
§ The solar eclipse at Jyestha occurred on 14th October, 3067 B.C.
§ Lord Balarama set out for pilgrimage on 1st November, 3067 B.C.
§ The War began on 22nd November, 3067 B.C.
§ Lord Balarama concluded His pilgrimage on 12th December, 3067 B.C.
§ The winter solstice occurred on 13th January, 3066 B.C.
§ Bhishma died on 17th January, 3066 B.C.
§ The comet Mahaghora appeared at the asterism Pushya in October,
3066 B.C.

Mahabharat dates and Historical Events

Interestingly, the decades when Dwapar Yuga is supposed to have ended
and Kali Yug supposed to have started as per these dates.. were also
the years of some MAJOR climatic shift on earth - due most probably to
major shifts in Solar Activity! Some of the MAJOR things that

§ Sahara region changed from a habitable land to a barren desert!
§ Glaciers Expanded covering plants.
§ Atmospheric temperatures fell drastically.

This was also the time, when Harrapan Civilization or Sindhu-Saraswati
Civilization is supposed to have began.

Some people believe that Mahabharat was a Nuclear War. Why? Because of
some explanations that defy contemporary knowledge of weapons that
people of THAT time could conceivably have created. Weapons with such
impact could not have been conjured up just out of nowhere..
REPEATEDLY.. in various parts of the text. See below for one such
description of its effects. It is not surprising that even in the
modern world, Robert Oppenheimer, Nuclear Scientist jumped up after
seeing the Atomic blast and cited a similar verse from Gita (part of

Now, if you see the extreme climactic changes - creation of desert out
of habitable land in Sahara and drastic fall in atmospheric
temperature as if Solar Activity had changed - it may not be entirely
unlikely, that those
climatic shifts may have mimicked a Nuclear Winter. Mahabharat is a
fantastic epic and one which would have required MORE than just
imagination to write. No writer has ever written something so
completely OUT
of whack with his times, mores and thinking... as a Mahabharat within
the context of History as taught in our school texts suggests. It
seems so fantastic that even the idea seems absurd! That alone - the
imagination of a writer 5000 years ago to write something that (if
linera historical progress is taken to be true) ONLY people of today
could have seen/heard/experienced/imagined! Its not just wishful
imagination - as parting of seas et al - but very exact descriptions
of things that happen today and could happen tomorrow. The philosophy
of Gita is hitherto unparalleled in the spiritual realm. No Saint,
prophet, Master, or mystic has covered so many topologies - Knowledge,
Devotion, Action, - with so much mastery. What I am trying to say is
that you cannot get something out of nowhere. You can only conjure up
stuff that is there in your immediate consciousness.
Fantasies and miracles in knowledge dont make sense to me! An
incandescent column of smoke and flame, as bright as ten thousand
suns, rose with all its splendour. It was an unknown weapon, an iron
a gigantic messenger of death, which reduced to ashes the entire race
of the Vrishnis and the Andhakas. The corpses were so burned as to be
unrecognizable. Hair and nails fell out; Pottery broke without
apparent cause,
and the birds turned white. .After a few hours all foodstuffs were
infected. .to escape from this fire the soldiers threw themselves in
streams to wash themselves and their equipment.”

Reference Links:
1. 'Lord Krishna existed. School texts are wrong'
2. Krishna (b. July 21, 3228 BC)
3. 33rd century BC
4. Pre-historic Nuclear War and ancient Flying Aircraft uncovered

Historicity of Mahabharat

In January 2001, Indian History Congress was holding its Annual
Conference at the Alipur Campus of the University of Calcutta and at
the concluding session of the said Conference the Nobel Laureate
economist Dr. Amartya Sen, while addressing the delegates, said that
Ramayana and Mahabharata do not have any historical value. These two
epics are simply mythology and nothing but poets’ fancy. He also said
that neither Rama nor Krishna was a historical personality and both of
them were simply mythical.

Gandhiji wrote two commentaries on Shrimadbhagavadgita, Anasaktiyoga
and Gitabodha, and in the introduction of the former work, he wrote,
“Generally Mahabharata is taken to be a historical work. But in my
opinion, it is not so. I cannot say that Ramayana and Mahabharata are
historical works. They are simply religious works. If you are still
inclined to treat them as historical works, then I should say that
they are nothing but the history of the Self (Atma). They do not
contain what happened thousands of years ago. On the contrary, they
are the reflections of what is happening today in every soul”.

About Lord Krishna, he wrote, ”Krishna of Gita is the embodiment of
pure and divine knowledge, but without having any physical existence.
By this the Avatar Krishna is not denied at all, but only it is said
that He is mythical”. It is not difficult to understand that all such
utterances of Sen, Gandhi and many other like minded Indians derive
inspiration from the Western interpretation of Indian history. Most of
the Western scholars firmly believe that our ancestors grossly
neglected writing history and what we claim to be our history is
nothing but mythology. So M. Winternitz in his History of Indian
Literature writes, “History is one weak spot in Indian literature.

It is, in fact, non-existent. The total lack of historical sense is so
characteristic that the whole course of Sanskrit literature is
darkened by the defect”. The renowned German scholar Max Muller, in
his History of Ancient Sanskrit Literature, writes, “No wonder that a
nation like India cared so little for history”. “With regard to
history, the Hindus have done really nothing but romances from which
some truth may occasionally be extracted”, says another Western
scholar Major Wilford.

These scholars refuse to accept Ramayana, Mahabharata and the Puranas
as historical works as there are no mention of year and dates of the
events described therein. But people of this country firmly believe
that Ramayana, Mahabharata and the Puranas are their history and not
simply epics or poets’ fancy. So Dr. S. Kalyanaraman, the director of
the Chennai based Saraswati River Research Centre, says that the
historicity of the events described in Ramayana and Mahabharata is
validated by two evidences: one is based on tradition and the other is
based on jyotisha, or planetary configurations and other celestial
events narrated along with mundane events described in those epics,
which may be called sky epigraphs.

So far tradition is concerned, people of this nation believe that Lord
Rama was born on the day of Ramanavami and Lord Krishna was born on
the day of Janmastami and so on. In fact, there is a long list of such
traditional beliefs such as: Bhishma died on the Bhishmastami day, on
the day of Vijaya Dashami, Lord Rama celebrated the day, with His
army, as the day of victory after killing Ravana and defeating his
army just on the previous day, on the day of Deepavali, Lord Rama
returned to Ayodhya after 14 years of exile and the people of Ayodhya
celebrated the day and decorated their houses by lighting lamps and
the tradition is still being continued; the War of Kurukshetra began
on the day of Gita Jayanti and so on and so forth. It is really
strange that the people of Western Garhwal, now in the state of
Uttaranchal, observe every year the Duryodhana Festival.

There also exists a temple dedicated to Duryodhana where people offer
their puja and many believe that the city of Varanavat, where
Duryodhana tried to burn the Pandavas alive, was situated in that
locality. It is also really striking that people of this country offer
water in memory of Bhishma during shraddha ceremony. The point to be
highlighted here is that, had all these been poets’ fancy and
mythical, the traditions could not have been continued for such a long
time. The aspect of celestial epigraph, or planetary positions
described in these epics, particularly in Mahabharata, undoubtedly
shows that the said epics do mention the dates of events described
therein, which the Western scholars failed miserably to understand. In
Mahabharata alone there are 150 instances where worldly events are
mentioned along with the planetary positions in the sky. And, in
addition to that, other astronomical events such as occurrence of an
eclipse, or appearance of a comet, or rare events like shower of
meteorites have been mentioned.

A few of such examples may be mentioned below The Udyoga Parva of
Mahabharata narrates that, just before the War, Lord Krishna, in His
final peace mission, went to Hastinapur in the month of Kartika. He
set out on the day when moon was at the asterism Revati. On His way to
Hastinapur, Krishna took rest for a day at a place called Brikasthala,
and on that day the moon was at the asterism Bharani.

The day on which Duryodhana turned down each and every effort of Lord
Krishna to make peace and made the war inevitable, the moon was
resting at the asterism Pushya. And the Lord left Hastinapura with
Karna, on the day when the moon was yet to reach the asterism Uttara
Phalguni. As mentioned above, Karna accompanied Him to some distance
to see Him off and he then described to the Lord the positions of
planets in the sky and expressed his apprehension that such a
planetary configuration stood for very bad omen: such as large scale
loss of life and drenching of blood. Vyasadeva narrated all these
planetary positions in as many as sixteen verses as if someone was
describing it after visualizing them in the sky. It is also well known
that during the War, Lord Balarama went on a pilgrimage to holy places
along the banks of the River Saraswati and Mahabharata describes the
position of the moon during the entire course of pilgrimage. For
example, He set out on the day when the moon was at the asterism
Pushya and returned on the day when the moon was at the asterism
Shravana. The Mahabharata also mentions the occurrence of a solar
eclipse at the asterism Jyestha and a lunar eclipse at the asterism
Krittika, just before the beginning of the War.

It also mentions the appearance of a comet at the asterism Pushya, on
the 8th day of the bright half of the month of Magha, when Bhishma
died. On that day the moon was at the asterism Rohini and it was the
day of Winter Solstice. The day on which Ghatotkacha, son of Bhima,
died, the moon appeared at the horizon at 2.00 a.m. The epic also
mentions the occurrence of a very rare astronomical event that took
place prior to the War: three eclipses, two lunar and a solar, within
a lunar month of 27 days. There is also another continuing tradition
in this country that says that the beginning of the present Kali Yuga,
Kurukshetra War, death of Lord Krishna and coronation of Emperor
Yudhishthira were contemporary events. Famous astronomer Aryabhatta in
his celebrated work Aryabhatiyam had accepted the said tradition and
used the word “Bharatapurvam” in the said work very often and scholars
agree that he used the word to refer to such events that occurred
before the Mahabharata War. In 1991, Dr. D. Abhayankar and Dr. Ballabh
of the Osmania University calculated that the present Kali Yuga began
on 7th February, 3104 B.C. But it is now well accepted by the both
Eastern and the Western scholars that the present Kali Yuga began on
the midnight of 17th and 18th February, 3102 B.C. And hence it can
roughly be said that the Mahabharata War took place nearly 5000 years
ago from now.

Today, man has created a machine called computer which, though most
idiotic, can do mathematical calculations at an incredible speed.
According to a popular ad of a computer company, the calculations
which Johannes Kepler took ten years to complete, can be done today
within minutes, using a computer. It has therefore been possible for
the scientists, with the help of this fantastic machine, to determine
the dates of ancient events with unthinkable accuracy, using the
planetary configurations given in the Mahabharata , as inputs. They
have developed so many software for this purpose and to name a few
are: (1) Planetarium, (2) Ecliptic, (3) Lode star and the(4) Panchang
Software. In 2003, a two day seminar was held on 5th and 6th January,
in Bangalore, on “The Date of Mahabharata War: Based on Astronomical
Data Using Planetarium Software”, and a few of the eminent researchers
who submitted papers were (1) Dr. S. Balakrishna of NASA, USA; (2) Dr.
B. N. Narahari Achar, Department of Physics, Memphis University, USA;
(3) Dr. R. N. Iyengar, Department of Civil
Engineering, IISc, Bangalore; (4) Dr. S. Kalyanaraman, Saraswati River
Research Centre, Chennai and so on.

These scientists agree that there does not exist any contradiction
between any two descriptions of planetary configurations given in the
Mahabharata. Dr. S. Balakrishna has studied the eclipses, both solar
and lunar, described in the Mahabharata and tried to find out the
dates of those eclipses using the Lode Star Software. Generally 240
solar and 150 lunar eclipses occur in a century and during the period
from 3300 B.C. to 700 B.C. nearly 6000 solar and 4000 lunar eclipses
took place, though not all of them were visible from India, or to be
more precise, from Kurukshetra. Out of them, 672 were eclipse pairs,
or both solar and lunar eclipses within a lunar month. Dr. Balakrishna
studied the eclipses those have been mentioned in the text of
Mahabharata. In fact, there are mentions of solar eclipses at 8 places
in Mahabharata, out of which three of them are very important.
Firstly, the solar eclipse that is mentioned in the Sabha Parva. The
second solar eclipse which is mentioned in the Udyoga Parva to which
Karna tried to draw the attention of Lord Krishna when He was
returning from Hastinapur.

The third important solar eclipse has been mentioned in the Shalya
Parva, that occurred along with two lunar eclipses within a month.
Many believe that there was a total solar eclipse occurred on the 13th
day of the War, which has been allegorically mentioned as covering the
sun by Lord Krishna with is His Sudarshan Chakra. The epic Mahabharata
has so many other aspects which common people do not know. Firstly,
the epic as we see it today containing 100,000 verses was not the
creation of Vedavyasa. He composed what was then known as the Jai,
containing only 8,800 verses. Later on Rishi Vaishampayana enlarged it
to contain 24,000 verses which was then known as the Bharata. Finally
Sauti, the son of the suta (the chariot driver) Lomaharshana, gave it
present form as we see now, containing 100,000 verses.

It has been mentioned earlier that just prior to the Mahabharata War,
a very rare event of three eclipses occurring within a lunar month
took place: a lunar eclipse followed by a solar one and then another
lunar eclipse. According to the text of Mahabharata, the solar eclipse
occurred just 13 days after the first lunar eclipse. Dr. S.
Balakrishna of NASA, USA, has searched all eclipse pairs, a lunar
eclipse followed by a solar eclipse after 13 days, that took place
from 3300 B.C. to 700 B.C., using the Lodestar pro-software. He found
that nearly 672 eclipse pairs have occurred within the said period,
out of which 27 pairs have been found to have less than 14 days time
gap. And according to Dr. Balakrishna, the eclipse pair of 2559 is the
best match with the description given in the text of Mahabharata. But
according to Dr. Kalyanaraman, the eclipses occurred in 3067 B.C.- the
lunar eclipse on 29th September at the asterism Krittika and the solar
eclipse on 14th October at the asterism Jyestha. Researcher Dr. P. V.
Holay examined 6 planetary configurations given in the Mahabharata and
concluded that the War began on 13th November, 3143 B.C.

But Dr. K. S. Raghavan and his coworker Dr. G. S. Sampath Iyengar,
using the Planetarium software came to the conclusion that the
Kurukshetra War began on 22nd day of November, 3067 B.C. (according to
the present Gregorian calendar). Professor Dr. Narahari Achar of the
University of Memphis, USA, also arrived at the same conclusion using
the said Planetarium software. Dr. S. Kalyanaraman of the Saraswati
River Research Centre, Chennai, found the estimates of Dr. K. S.
Raghavan and Dr. Narahari Achar correct and, on that basis, calculated
the dates of some other important events of Mahabharata. For example:
Lord Krishna, on His final peace mission, set out for Hastinapur on
26th September, 3067 B.C. when the moon was at the asterism Revati.
Lord Krishna arrived Hastinapur on 28th September, 3067 B.C., when the
moon was at the asterism Bharani. The full moon and lunar eclipse at
Krittika occurred on 29th September, 3067 B.C. The solar eclipse at
Jyestha occurred on 14th October, 3067 B.C. Lord Balarama set out for
pilgrimage on 1st November, 3067 B.C. The War began on 22nd November,
3067 B.C. Lord Balarama concluded His pilgrimage on 12th December,
3067 B.C. The winter solstice occurred on 13th January, 3066 B.C.
Bhishma died on 17th January, 3066 B.C. The comet Mahaghora appeared
at the asterism Pushya in October, 3066 B.C. inally, it should be
mentioned that the said seminar officially accepted that the
Mahabharata War began, as mentioned above, on 22nd November, 3067 B.C.

So it appears that the Mahabharata War took place, not in Dwapara Yuga
but, in the 35th year of the present Kali Yuga. It is not unlikely
because according to the text of Mahabharata, the War took place at
the juncture of Dwapara and Kali Yuga. Last year, (2005 A.D.),
astrologer Arun Kumar Bansal, using computer software, calculated date
of birth of Lord Krishna and it was 21st July, 3228 B.C. So it appears
that during the Mahabharata War, age of Lord Krishna was 161 years.
At the first sight, it may appear to be absurd. But it should be
mentioned here that, according to Hindu scriptures, the normal life
span of human beings is 400 years in Krita (or Satya), 300 years in
Treta, 200 years in Dwapara and 100 years in Kali Yuga. In fact,
during the Kurukshetra War, most of the military top brass of both
Kauravas and Pandavas were more than 100 years old.
To conclude, it should be mentioned here that the discovery of the
ruins of the city of Dwaraka by the renowned archaeologist Dr. S. R.
Rao, under the Arabian Sea, provides another strong evidence that Lord
Krishna and the story of Mahabharata were a reality and not simply
poet’s fancy.

Have a look at my art -

http://youtu.be/uWw9o4DMHMo - God the Supreme Designer
http://youtu.be/y4F6tkoYZok - Planet Plant
http://youtu.be/e_ejv98XyL8 - Nature
http://youtu.be/2uRbsf9Vzg8 - Sudder street
http://youtu.be/YHcWgSevItk - Poster Boy
http://youtu.be/5_Q4HgqOVK4 - Microbes

2016-09-28 12:53:47 UTC
Post by Jahnu
Post by raven1
Nope. Nice try, Jesper. You claim that "Planetary Constellations" are
a thing. Then name one.
Hehe, the fool doesn't even know there is such a thing as
constellations of planets...
Yet you can't name one. And frankly, even you can't be this stupid,
you're just being contrary for the sake of it, because you're an
Post by Jahnu
--bt, but they are stars, not planets.
Stars aren't planets, Einstein.
Mike Duffy
2016-09-29 02:48:45 UTC
Post by raven1
Yet you can't name one.
Inferior & superior conjunction, opposition, occultation & transit.

These are names for specific configurations of apparent planetary
positions. I cannot think of anything more closely related to the usage
of the term 'constellation' applied to planets instead of stars.

The examples given usually apply only to one or two planets
simultaneously, with the Earth itself implicit.
2016-09-29 08:11:58 UTC
On Wed, 28 Sep 2016 08:53:47 -0400, raven1
Post by raven1
Stars aren't planets, Einstein.
Says who?

--but, but I saw it on TV.

Do I need to remind you, dumbass, that the only thing you know about
stars and planets is what some idiot in a white coat told you on TV.

--but, but I follow cosmology.

hahaha :) The only thing you follow, Birdbrain, apart from the culture
that produces sub-human garbage like you, is your deranged mind that
tells you eat corpses in the name of food.


Have a look at my art -

http://youtu.be/uWw9o4DMHMo - God the Supreme Designer
http://youtu.be/y4F6tkoYZok - Planet Plant
http://youtu.be/e_ejv98XyL8 - Nature
http://youtu.be/2uRbsf9Vzg8 - Sudder street
http://youtu.be/YHcWgSevItk - Poster Boy
http://youtu.be/5_Q4HgqOVK4 - Microbes

2016-09-29 12:33:37 UTC
Post by Jahnu
On Wed, 28 Sep 2016 08:53:47 -0400, raven1
Post by raven1
Stars aren't planets, Einstein.
Says who?
That's as stupid a question as "who says cats aren't vegetables?",
Jesper. Every scientist, and every dictionary in the English
language, for a start. Seriously, even you can't be this stupid;
you've got to be putting us on.
2016-10-01 02:54:04 UTC
Post by raven1
That's as stupid a question as "who says cats aren't vegetables?",
Jesper. Every scientist, and every dictionary in the English
language, for a start. Seriously, even you can't be this stupid;
you've got to be putting us on.
Says who?

--but, but I saw it on CNN

hahaha :)


Have a look at my art -

http://youtu.be/uWw9o4DMHMo - God the Supreme Designer
http://youtu.be/y4F6tkoYZok - Planet Plant
http://youtu.be/e_ejv98XyL8 - Nature
http://youtu.be/2uRbsf9Vzg8 - Sudder street
http://youtu.be/YHcWgSevItk - Poster Boy
http://youtu.be/5_Q4HgqOVK4 - Microbes

2016-10-01 17:11:56 UTC
Post by Jahnu
Post by raven1
That's as stupid a question as "who says cats aren't vegetables?",
Jesper. Every scientist, and every dictionary in the English
language, for a start. Seriously, even you can't be this stupid;
you've got to be putting us on.
Says who?
Me, but perhaps I'm wrong, and you really are that stupid.
2016-10-02 12:53:52 UTC
Post by raven1
Me, but perhaps I'm wrong, and you really are that stupid.
So because you say so? hahaha :)

--but, but stars are not planet

--but, but I follow cosmology. Ah seen it on TV

Good grief, talk about stupid.

Hey look, retard. God talks about you in the Bhagavad Gita :)

Krishna says:

Those miscreants who are grossly foolish, who are lowest among
mankind, whose knowledge is stolen by illusion, and who partake of the
atheistic nature of demons do not surrender unto Me. (Bg 7.15 )

Have a look at my art -

http://youtu.be/uWw9o4DMHMo - God the Supreme Designer
http://youtu.be/y4F6tkoYZok - Planet Plant
http://youtu.be/e_ejv98XyL8 - Nature
http://youtu.be/2uRbsf9Vzg8 - Sudder street
http://youtu.be/YHcWgSevItk - Poster Boy
http://youtu.be/5_Q4HgqOVK4 - Microbes

2016-10-02 22:00:31 UTC
Post by Jahnu
Post by raven1
Me, but perhaps I'm wrong, and you really are that stupid.
So because you say so? hahaha :)
--but, but stars are not planet
No, they aren't, by definition. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Again, even you can't be this stupid.
2016-10-03 02:08:23 UTC
Post by raven1
No, they aren't, by definition.
Whose definition would that be, Birdbrain?

--but, but I saw it in TV. I follow cosmology...
Post by raven1
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Again, even you can't be this stupid.
What did you think stars were, if not planets, retard?

--but, but stars are not planets, wah wah...

Funny, I keep reminding you that the only thing you know about stars
and planets is what some dumbo in a white coat told you on TV, still
you persist with this ridiculous, mindless notion that the vaues and
definition you grew up with in the Micky Mouse civilization are
unassailable and absolute.

You are a total fanatic, Birdbrain. Not only are you are total
fanatic, you are a total mindless, unthinking, ignorant fool.

One attains the human form of life after transmigrating through
8,400,000 species by the process of gradual evolution. That human life
is spoiled for those conceited fools who do not take shelter of the
lotus feet of Govinda.

--Brahma-vaivarta Purana

Have a look at my art -

http://youtu.be/uWw9o4DMHMo - God the Supreme Designer
http://youtu.be/y4F6tkoYZok - Planet Plant
http://youtu.be/e_ejv98XyL8 - Nature
http://youtu.be/2uRbsf9Vzg8 - Sudder street
http://youtu.be/YHcWgSevItk - Poster Boy
http://youtu.be/5_Q4HgqOVK4 - Microbes

2016-10-03 12:31:33 UTC
Post by Jahnu
Post by raven1
No, they aren't, by definition.
Whose definition would that be, Birdbrain?
Literally everyone but you, you fucking idiot.
Post by Jahnu
--but, but I saw it in TV. I follow cosmology...
Post by raven1
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Again, even you can't be this stupid.
What did you think stars were, if not planets, retard?
Main sequence stars are luminous spheres of plasma, held together by
their own gravity, that convert hydrogen to helium through nuclear
fusion. Planets are objects that orbit stars, that are a) massive
enough to be rounded by their own gravity, b) not massive enough to
undergo fusion, and c) have cleared their orbit of other objects.

We get the word "planet" from Ancient Greece, by the way, from
"planetae" ('wanderers"), a title that they gave them to distinguish
them from stars. You are an idiot.

Jeanne Douglas
2016-09-27 23:41:06 UTC
Post by raven1
Post by Jahnu
Post by raven1
Actually, I do. Cosmology is a field I follow fairly closely. And you?
Well, let's just say "Planetary Constellations" and leave it at that,
Thanks for confirming what I just told you, Birdbrain, that your
socalled knowledge of cosmology is what you read in colorful magazines
or what some dumbo in a white coat tells you on a TV screen.
You say you follow cosmology and you don't even know there are such
things as constellations of planets?
Seriously??? He's actually doubling down on his most hilarious mistake
Post by raven1
Name one.
Post by Jahnu
hahaha :) What do you think
constellations consist of, dumbass?
And tripling down.
Post by raven1
Stars, you fucking idiot. "Stella" *means* "star" in Latin, which is
where the word comes from.

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
2016-09-24 03:02:38 UTC
Post by Jahnu
Why didn't Shiva or Vishnu save India or Hindus from Muslim rule and
British rule?
We live in a world of duality based on bodily identification, but
Shiva and Visnu don’t. They live in an Absolute reality.
Just as relevant to atheists....

Change Shiva to Bugs Bunny and Vishnu to Daffy Duck. It's the same
thing for an atheist. Your shit stinks on ice.

Just wondering.... how many atheists have you converted to your
cult in the last TWENTY YEARS you've been here?

Warlord Steve
2016-09-24 16:07:52 UTC
Post by s.knight
Post by Jahnu
Why didn't Shiva or Vishnu save India or Hindus from Muslim rule and
British rule?
We live in a world of duality based on bodily identification, but Shiva
and Visnu don’t. They live in an Absolute reality.
Just as relevant to atheists....
Change Shiva to Bugs Bunny and Vishnu to Daffy Duck. It's the same
thing for an atheist. Your shit stinks on ice.
Just wondering.... how many atheists have you converted to your
cult in the last TWENTY YEARS you've been here?
Warlord Steve BAAWA
That would be a negative number.
Smiler, The godless one.
aa #2279
Gods are all tailored to order. They are made
to exactly fit the prejudices of the believer.
2016-09-18 14:30:15 UTC
Post by Smiler
Thanks for the admission that you have no evidence.
You? hahaha :) You wouldn't recognize a piece of evidence if it fell on
your head, dumbass.
I'm not dumb enough to believe in unevidenced super-beings like you do.
I'm also not dumb enough to believe that the Ganges is anything but a
disease riddled open sewer.
I'm also not dumb enough to believe that there are such things as
planetary constellations.
Smiler, The godless one.
aa #2279
Gods are all tailored to order. They are made
to exactly fit the prejudices of the believer.
Deng Qi Feng
2016-09-16 18:43:52 UTC
Truth of life is respect all living things don't worship dead things and give them value (Mammon money root of all evil) and remember you need water to live not good or diamonds
Cloud Hobbit
2016-09-16 17:59:21 UTC
One more delusional theist does not mean you are correct.

There are no gods.
Prove otherwise.
2016-09-12 12:50:27 UTC
Post by Jahnu
On Sat, 10 Sep 2016 11:09:36 -0400, raven1 went
bitch moan whine
Bharata Muni is an ancient sage
*Yawn*. Did he write about Planetary Constellations, dumbass?
Christopher A. Lee
2016-09-12 14:03:24 UTC
On Mon, 12 Sep 2016 08:50:27 -0400, raven1
Post by raven1
Post by Jahnu
On Sat, 10 Sep 2016 11:09:36 -0400, raven1 went
bitch moan whine
Bharata Muni is an ancient sage
*Yawn*. Did he write about Planetary Constellations, dumbass?
Mmmm... Pork and sage sausages, chicken with sage and onion stuffing,
2016-09-07 02:37:26 UTC
The Truth of Life is that there is no Truth of Life.
2016-09-17 00:25:28 UTC
Post by Jahnu
Have a look at my art -
http://youtu.be/uWw9o4DMHMo - God the Supreme Designer
http://youtu.be/y4F6tkoYZok - Planet Plant
http://youtu.be/e_ejv98XyL8 - Nature
http://youtu.be/2uRbsf9Vzg8 - Sudder street
http://youtu.be/YHcWgSevItk - Poster Boy
http://youtu.be/5_Q4HgqOVK4 - Microbes