"Harvard Study Reveals Huge Extent of Anti-Trump Media Bias"
(too old to reply)
andy memory
2017-05-21 03:39:24 UTC
Melania doesn't seem to miss anything staying in New York.
Does the meth make you itchy?
mr. natural
2017-05-21 14:43:53 UTC
On Sat, 20 May 2017 17:09:20 +0000 (UTC), Ted
Re: "Harvard Study Reveals Huge Extent of Anti-Trump Media Bias"
"28 Sexist Donald Trump Quotes About Women - 28 Times Donald Trump
Insulted Women" - Cosmopolitan Magazine
Trump generates negative coverage because he wants it.
Good call. Why does he want it?
I feel sorry for this puppet sometimes, Rudy. You really make him look
You really are just another leftarded running dog.


Trump press coverage 'sets new standard' for negativity: Study

A Harvard study found that 80 percent of Trump coverage was
negative during his first 100 days in office.

The study looked at Trump's first 100 days and examined coverage in the
print editions of The New York Times, Wall Street Journal and The
Washington Post, as well as broadcast outlets CNN, CBS, Fox News and
CNBC parent NBC, and European news outlets the Financial Times, BBC and
ARD in Germany.

Of the total news stories examined, 41 percent focused on Trump, which
was triple the coverage for previous presidents for the same period

And of that group, the tone was resoundingly negative — 80 percent of
all stories, to be exact. That would be just shy of double the first 100
days of Barack Obama and significantly more than George H.W. Bush and
Bill Clinton.

Trump frequently has criticized his coverage, stating this week that "no
politician in history" has been treated worse.
Poor dumb Curt
2017-05-23 01:05:22 UTC
You're not any tougher than he is, you stupid tampon.
Why are you posting as:

Bil Flett
Brett Cahill
Gunner Asch
Preston Hamblin
Jeffrey Van Rensselaer
Frank Tomasczewski

etc. etc. etc....

Here's some data on YOU little man Ball:

11 years ago, while posting under this current nym, Rudy Canoza, we had a
discussion about a revised marketing claim concerning grass-fed beef from
USDA. You claimed that you had written to and received a reply from
William T.
Sessions, Associate Deputy Administrator, Livestock and Seed Program. Here
below is the post you wrote using the nym Rudy Canoza containing your
correspondence with William Sessions.

[start- Jon to me]
Eat shit and bark at the moon, Dreck - the proposed
standard has NOT been adopted. I wrote to William
Sessions, the associate deputy administrator (how's
that for a title) at the Livestock and Seed Program at
USDA that is in charge of writing the standard for the
"meat marketing claims"; his name, title and e-mail
address are at a web page whose URL I gave yesterday,

Here's his reply:

From: "Sessions, William" <***@usda.gov>
To: <jonball@[...]>
Mr. Ball: Thanks for your message. The marketing claim
standards are still under review by USDA. Accordingly, the
standards have not been published in a final form for use. I
hope this information is helpful.
Please let me know if further information is needed.
William T. Sessions
Associate Deputy Administrator
Livestock and Seed Program

-----Original Message-----
From: jonball@[...]
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2005 11:38 AM
To: Sessions, William
Subject: 2003 proposed standards for meat marketing claims

I have read about the proposed standards, and I've seen
many of the public comments sent to USDA. I cannot find
anything to indicate if the standards were adopted.
Were the standards as proposed in 2003 adopted?

Thanks in advance.
Jonathan Ball
Pasadena, CA
Jonathan Ball aka Rudy Canoza 08 Sep 2005 http://bit.ly/2cYknsh

Jonathan Ball. Pasadena, CA. Priceless! That email, posted from Jonathan
you, and the return email sent to Jonathan Ball proves beyond all doubt that
you are Jonathan Ball. Of course, you don't live in Pasadena since moving to
5327 Shepard Ave Sacramento, CA 95819-1731

Here's the proof Jonathan D Ball http://bit.ly/1LFy9t8
and I won't die soon.
Yeah you will. You're an old man who hasn't looked after himself. I wouldn't
go around goading people if I was as small and as puny as you are, liar Jon.
You ought to be very careful.
You certainly have no means to hasten my death.
Are you really serious, weed? you're just over 5 feet tall and 64 years old.
You'll be 65 on December 2nd. You've got to stop threatening people and
goading them to come after you. You're pathetic.
Poor dumb Curt
2017-05-23 01:06:20 UTC
They're all pussies.
Why are you posting as:

Bil Flett
Brett Cahill
Gunner Asch
Preston Hamblin
Jeffrey Van Rensselaer
Frank Tomasczewski

etc. etc. etc....

Here's some data on YOU little man Ball:

11 years ago, while posting under this current nym, Rudy Canoza, we had a
discussion about a revised marketing claim concerning grass-fed beef from
USDA. You claimed that you had written to and received a reply from
William T.
Sessions, Associate Deputy Administrator, Livestock and Seed Program. Here
below is the post you wrote using the nym Rudy Canoza containing your
correspondence with William Sessions.

[start- Jon to me]
Eat shit and bark at the moon, Dreck - the proposed
standard has NOT been adopted. I wrote to William
Sessions, the associate deputy administrator (how's
that for a title) at the Livestock and Seed Program at
USDA that is in charge of writing the standard for the
"meat marketing claims"; his name, title and e-mail
address are at a web page whose URL I gave yesterday,

Here's his reply:

From: "Sessions, William" <***@usda.gov>
To: <jonball@[...]>
Mr. Ball: Thanks for your message. The marketing claim
standards are still under review by USDA. Accordingly, the
standards have not been published in a final form for use. I
hope this information is helpful.
Please let me know if further information is needed.
William T. Sessions
Associate Deputy Administrator
Livestock and Seed Program

-----Original Message-----
From: jonball@[...]
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2005 11:38 AM
To: Sessions, William
Subject: 2003 proposed standards for meat marketing claims

I have read about the proposed standards, and I've seen
many of the public comments sent to USDA. I cannot find
anything to indicate if the standards were adopted.
Were the standards as proposed in 2003 adopted?

Thanks in advance.
Jonathan Ball
Pasadena, CA
Jonathan Ball aka Rudy Canoza 08 Sep 2005 http://bit.ly/2cYknsh

Jonathan Ball. Pasadena, CA. Priceless! That email, posted from Jonathan
you, and the return email sent to Jonathan Ball proves beyond all doubt that
you are Jonathan Ball. Of course, you don't live in Pasadena since moving to
5327 Shepard Ave Sacramento, CA 95819-1731

Here's the proof Jonathan D Ball http://bit.ly/1LFy9t8
and I won't die soon.
Yeah you will. You're an old man who hasn't looked after himself. I wouldn't
go around goading people if I was as small and as puny as you are, liar Jon.
You ought to be very careful.
You certainly have no means to hasten my death.
Are you really serious, weed? you're just over 5 feet tall and 64 years old.
You'll be 65 on December 2nd. You've got to stop threatening people and
goading them to come after you. You're pathetic.
andy memory
2017-05-23 13:44:49 UTC
Re: "Harvard Study Reveals Huge Extent of Anti-Trump Media Bias"
"28 Sexist Donald Trump Quotes About Women - 28 Times Donald Trump
Insulted Women" - Cosmopolitan Magazine
Trump generates negative coverage because he wants it.
Good call. Why does he want it?
He is a populist.
Populism absolutely requires enemies. It defines itself by the
conflict between Us and Them, between The People and The Elites ...
the "elites" always being defined as whoever happens to disagree with
the populist politician's policies and pronouncements.
Trump without enemies would be impotent Trump.
Impotent? If he were impotent...he wouldnt have so many Democrats
trying to fuck him over.
You toads on the Left are running scared. And you should be. 40 yrs
of ever increasing Socialism..just hit a brick wall in January..and
now the demolition crews are bringing in their sledge hammers to start
the tear down.
You poor bastards...you had it good..but you didnt know when to draw
the line. Now its been made clear to you..that the People have had
more than enough of your shit. And its coming home to roost.
Let the killings/imprisonings of the Left.... begin!!
Not going to happen, you leaking sack of shit. No "cull", no "list",
"hanging from lampposts" - none of that, you nutless dickless
squat-to-piss little troll.
Whatever helps you sleep cupcake. I would pay to see you talk like that
his face.
He keeps saying he's going to take me out. Come watch him try.
Then I'd help him dispose of the corpse.
Get a friend to help you carry it - gummer weighs about 220 lb.
You're not any tougher than he is, you stupid tampon.
You lefties are so cute when you have a tantrum.
That one is little man Jonathan Ball a failed home appraiser from
Suckramento, Caliphonya.
Rudy Canoza
2017-05-23 17:44:35 UTC
Post by andy memory
Re: "Harvard Study Reveals Huge Extent of Anti-Trump Media Bias"
"28 Sexist Donald Trump Quotes About Women - 28 Times Donald Trump
Insulted Women" - Cosmopolitan Magazine
Trump generates negative coverage because he wants it.
Good call. Why does he want it?
He is a populist.
Populism absolutely requires enemies. It defines itself by the
conflict between Us and Them, between The People and The Elites ...
the "elites" always being defined as whoever happens to disagree with
the populist politician's policies and pronouncements.
Trump without enemies would be impotent Trump.
Impotent? If he were impotent...he wouldnt have so many Democrats
trying to fuck him over.
You toads on the Left are running scared. And you should be. 40 yrs
of ever increasing Socialism..just hit a brick wall in January..and
now the demolition crews are bringing in their sledge hammers to start
the tear down.
You poor bastards...you had it good..but you didnt know when to draw
the line. Now its been made clear to you..that the People have had
more than enough of your shit. And its coming home to roost.
Let the killings/imprisonings of the Left.... begin!!
Not going to happen, you leaking sack of shit. No "cull", no "list",
"hanging from lampposts" - none of that, you nutless dickless
squat-to-piss little troll.
Whatever helps you sleep cupcake. I would pay to see you talk like that
his face.
He keeps saying he's going to take me out. Come watch him try.
Then I'd help him dispose of the corpse.
Get a friend to help you carry it - gummer weighs about 220 lb.
You're not any tougher than he is, you stupid tampon.
You lefties are so cute when you have a tantrum.
That one
Fuck off, spammy, you illiterate impotent squat-to-piss HIV+ homo. I'm
going to kick your flabby doughy pimply ass at the Jolly Kone *again*.
andy memory
2017-05-23 23:07:44 UTC
Post by Rudy Canoza
Fuck off
Byte me.
Rudy Canoza
2017-05-23 23:40:54 UTC
Post by Rudy Canoza
Fuck off
Fuck off, spammy, you illiterate impotent squat-to-piss HIV+ homo. I'm
going to kick your flabby doughy pimply ass at the Jolly Kone *again*.
andy memory
2017-05-23 13:49:50 UTC
Re: "Harvard Study Reveals Huge Extent of Anti-Trump Media
"28 Sexist Donald Trump Quotes About Women - 28 Times Donald
Trump Insulted Women" - Cosmopolitan Magazine
ult s-women/
Trump generates negative coverage because he wants it.
Good call. Why does he want it?
He is a populist.
Populism absolutely requires enemies. It defines itself by the
conflict between Us and Them, between The People and The Elites ...
the "elites" always being defined as whoever happens to disagree
with the populist politician's policies and pronouncements.
Trump without enemies would be impotent Trump.
Impotent? If he were impotent...he wouldnt have so many Democrats
trying to fuck him over.
You toads on the Left are running scared. And you should be. 40
yrs of ever increasing Socialism..just hit a brick wall in
January..and now the demolition crews are bringing in their sledge
hammers to start the tear down.
You poor bastards...you had it good..but you didnt know when to draw
the line. Now its been made clear to you..that the People have had
more than enough of your shit. And its coming home to roost.
Let the killings/imprisonings of the Left.... begin!!
Not going to happen, you leaking sack of shit. No "cull", no "list",
no "hanging from lampposts" - none of that, you nutless dickless
squat-to-piss little troll.
Whatever helps you sleep cupcake. I would pay to see you talk like
that to his face. Then I'd help him dispose of the corpse.
I'd pay to watch Hopalong laugh his ass of when he reads what you just
Yeah, I did get quite a chuckle out of it. They're all pussies.
Hey Hopalong, where do you live? We can settle this anytime you'd like.
Here, have a gander:

11 years ago, while posting under this current nym, Rudy Canoza, we had a
discussion about a revised marketing claim concerning grass-fed beef from
USDA. You claimed that you had written to and received a reply from
William T.
Sessions, Associate Deputy Administrator, Livestock and Seed Program. Here
below is the post you wrote using the nym Rudy Canoza containing your
correspondence with William Sessions.

[start- Jon to me]
Eat shit and bark at the moon, Dreck - the proposed
standard has NOT been adopted. I wrote to William
Sessions, the associate deputy administrator (how's
that for a title) at the Livestock and Seed Program at
USDA that is in charge of writing the standard for the
"meat marketing claims"; his name, title and e-mail
address are at a web page whose URL I gave yesterday,

Here's his reply:

From: "Sessions, William" <***@usda.gov>
To: <jonball@[...]>
Mr. Ball: Thanks for your message. The marketing claim
standards are still under review by USDA. Accordingly, the
standards have not been published in a final form for use. I
hope this information is helpful.
Please let me know if further information is needed.
William T. Sessions
Associate Deputy Administrator
Livestock and Seed Program

-----Original Message-----
From: jonball@[...]
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2005 11:38 AM
To: Sessions, William
Subject: 2003 proposed standards for meat marketing claims

I have read about the proposed standards, and I've seen
many of the public comments sent to USDA. I cannot find
anything to indicate if the standards were adopted.
Were the standards as proposed in 2003 adopted?

Thanks in advance.
Jonathan Ball
Pasadena, CA
Jonathan Ball aka Rudy Canoza 08 Sep 2005 http://bit.ly/2cYknsh

Jonathan Ball. Pasadena, CA. Priceless! That email, posted from Jonathan
you, and the return email sent to Jonathan Ball proves beyond all doubt that
you are Jonathan Ball. Of course, you don't live in Pasadena since moving to
5327 Shepard Ave Sacramento, CA 95819-1731

Here's the proof Jonathan D Ball http://bit.ly/1LFy9t8
and I won't die soon.
Yeah you will. You're an old man who hasn't looked after himself. I wouldn't
go around goading people if I was as small and as puny as you are, liar Jon.
You ought to be very careful.
You certainly have no means to hasten my death.
Are you really serious, weed? you're just over 5 feet tall and 64 years old.
You'll be 65 on December 2nd. You've got to stop threatening people and
goading them to come after you. You're pathetic.
Rudy Canoza
2017-05-23 17:46:14 UTC
Re: "Harvard Study Reveals Huge Extent of Anti-Trump Media
"28 Sexist Donald Trump Quotes About Women - 28 Times Donald
Trump Insulted Women" - Cosmopolitan Magazine
ult s-women/
Trump generates negative coverage because he wants it.
Good call. Why does he want it?
He is a populist.
Populism absolutely requires enemies. It defines itself by the
conflict between Us and Them, between The People and The Elites ...
the "elites" always being defined as whoever happens to disagree
with the populist politician's policies and pronouncements.
Trump without enemies would be impotent Trump.
Impotent? If he were impotent...he wouldnt have so many Democrats
trying to fuck him over.
You toads on the Left are running scared. And you should be. 40
yrs of ever increasing Socialism..just hit a brick wall in
January..and now the demolition crews are bringing in their sledge
hammers to start the tear down.
You poor bastards...you had it good..but you didnt know when to draw
the line. Now its been made clear to you..that the People have had
more than enough of your shit. And its coming home to roost.
Let the killings/imprisonings of the Left.... begin!!
Not going to happen, you leaking sack of shit. No "cull", no "list",
no "hanging from lampposts" - none of that, you nutless dickless
squat-to-piss little troll.
Whatever helps you sleep cupcake. I would pay to see you talk like
that to his face. Then I'd help him dispose of the corpse.
I'd pay to watch Hopalong laugh his ass of when he reads what you just
Yeah, I did get quite a chuckle out of it. They're all pussies.
Hey Hopalong, where do you live? We can settle this anytime you'd like.
Fuck off, spammy, you illiterate impotent squat-to-piss HIV+ homo. I'm
going to kick your flabby doughy pimply ass at the Jolly Kone *again*.
andy memory
2017-05-23 23:08:02 UTC
Post by Rudy Canoza
Fuck off,
Byte me.
Rudy Canoza
2017-05-23 23:40:54 UTC
Post by Rudy Canoza
Fuck off,
I eat shit.
Fuck off, spammy, you illiterate impotent squat-to-piss HIV+ homo. I'm
going to kick your flabby doughy pimply ass at the Jolly Kone *again*.
andy memory
2017-05-23 23:16:12 UTC
Hey Hopalong, where do you live? We can settle this anytime you'd like.
Hey, little faggot bitch: do you *YOU* want to end up in prison like
gummer, or maybe even worse? Keep it up.
Why are you posting as:

Bil Flett
Brett Cahill
Gunner Asch
Preston Hamblin
Jeffrey Van Rensselaer
Frank Tomasczewski

etc. etc. etc....

Here's some data on YOU little man Ball:

11 years ago, while posting under this current nym, Rudy Canoza, we had a
discussion about a revised marketing claim concerning grass-fed beef from
USDA. You claimed that you had written to and received a reply from
William T.
Sessions, Associate Deputy Administrator, Livestock and Seed Program. Here
below is the post you wrote using the nym Rudy Canoza containing your
correspondence with William Sessions.

[start- Jon to me]
Eat shit and bark at the moon, Dreck - the proposed
standard has NOT been adopted. I wrote to William
Sessions, the associate deputy administrator (how's
that for a title) at the Livestock and Seed Program at
USDA that is in charge of writing the standard for the
"meat marketing claims"; his name, title and e-mail
address are at a web page whose URL I gave yesterday,

Here's his reply:

From: "Sessions, William" <***@usda.gov>
To: <jonball@[...]>
Mr. Ball: Thanks for your message. The marketing claim
standards are still under review by USDA. Accordingly, the
standards have not been published in a final form for use. I
hope this information is helpful.
Please let me know if further information is needed.
William T. Sessions
Associate Deputy Administrator
Livestock and Seed Program

-----Original Message-----
From: jonball@[...]
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2005 11:38 AM
To: Sessions, William
Subject: 2003 proposed standards for meat marketing claims

I have read about the proposed standards, and I've seen
many of the public comments sent to USDA. I cannot find
anything to indicate if the standards were adopted.
Were the standards as proposed in 2003 adopted?

Thanks in advance.
Jonathan Ball
Pasadena, CA
Jonathan Ball aka Rudy Canoza 08 Sep 2005 http://bit.ly/2cYknsh

Jonathan Ball. Pasadena, CA. Priceless! That email, posted from Jonathan
you, and the return email sent to Jonathan Ball proves beyond all doubt that
you are Jonathan Ball. Of course, you don't live in Pasadena since moving to
5327 Shepard Ave Sacramento, CA 95819-1731

Here's the proof Jonathan D Ball http://bit.ly/1LFy9t8
and I won't die soon.
Yeah you will. You're an old man who hasn't looked after himself. I wouldn't
go around goading people if I was as small and as puny as you are, liar Jon.
You ought to be very careful.
You certainly have no means to hasten my death.
Are you really serious, weed? you're just over 5 feet tall and 64 years old.
You'll be 65 on December 2nd. You've got to stop threatening people and
goading them to come after you. You're pathetic.
Rudy Canoza
2017-05-23 23:40:53 UTC
Hey Hopalong, where do you live? We can settle this anytime you'd like.
Hey, little faggot bitch: do you *YOU* want to end up in prison like
gummer, or maybe even worse? Keep it up.
Why I eat shit.
Fuck off, spammy, you illiterate impotent squat-to-piss HIV+ homo. I'm
going to kick your flabby doughy pimply ass at the Jolly Kone *again*.
andy memory
2017-05-23 23:17:09 UTC
You're not tough, and neither is gummer. gummer is not going to try
anything. Bet on that.
Why are you posting as:

Bil Flett
Brett Cahill
Gunner Asch
Preston Hamblin
Jeffrey Van Rensselaer
Frank Tomasczewski

etc. etc. etc....

Here's some data on YOU little man Ball:

11 years ago, while posting under this current nym, Rudy Canoza, we had a
discussion about a revised marketing claim concerning grass-fed beef from
USDA. You claimed that you had written to and received a reply from
William T.
Sessions, Associate Deputy Administrator, Livestock and Seed Program. Here
below is the post you wrote using the nym Rudy Canoza containing your
correspondence with William Sessions.

[start- Jon to me]
Eat shit and bark at the moon, Dreck - the proposed
standard has NOT been adopted. I wrote to William
Sessions, the associate deputy administrator (how's
that for a title) at the Livestock and Seed Program at
USDA that is in charge of writing the standard for the
"meat marketing claims"; his name, title and e-mail
address are at a web page whose URL I gave yesterday,

Here's his reply:

From: "Sessions, William" <***@usda.gov>
To: <jonball@[...]>
Mr. Ball: Thanks for your message. The marketing claim
standards are still under review by USDA. Accordingly, the
standards have not been published in a final form for use. I
hope this information is helpful.
Please let me know if further information is needed.
William T. Sessions
Associate Deputy Administrator
Livestock and Seed Program

-----Original Message-----
From: jonball@[...]
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2005 11:38 AM
To: Sessions, William
Subject: 2003 proposed standards for meat marketing claims

I have read about the proposed standards, and I've seen
many of the public comments sent to USDA. I cannot find
anything to indicate if the standards were adopted.
Were the standards as proposed in 2003 adopted?

Thanks in advance.
Jonathan Ball
Pasadena, CA
Jonathan Ball aka Rudy Canoza 08 Sep 2005 http://bit.ly/2cYknsh

Jonathan Ball. Pasadena, CA. Priceless! That email, posted from Jonathan
you, and the return email sent to Jonathan Ball proves beyond all doubt that
you are Jonathan Ball. Of course, you don't live in Pasadena since moving to
5327 Shepard Ave Sacramento, CA 95819-1731

Here's the proof Jonathan D Ball http://bit.ly/1LFy9t8
and I won't die soon.
Yeah you will. You're an old man who hasn't looked after himself. I wouldn't
go around goading people if I was as small and as puny as you are, liar Jon.
You ought to be very careful.
You certainly have no means to hasten my death.
Are you really serious, weed? you're just over 5 feet tall and 64 years old.
You'll be 65 on December 2nd. You've got to stop threatening people and
goading them to come after you. You're pathetic.
Rudy Canoza
2017-05-23 23:40:53 UTC
You're not tough, and neither is gummer. gummer is not going to try
anything. Bet on that.
Why do I eat shit.
Fuck off, spammy, you illiterate impotent squat-to-piss HIV+ homo. I'm
going to kick your flabby doughy pimply ass at the Jolly Kone *again*.
andy memory
2017-05-24 00:32:09 UTC
More impotent woofing from a do-nothing squat-to-piss fairy.
Why are you posting as:

Bil Flett
Brett Cahill
Gunner Asch
Preston Hamblin
Jeffrey Van Rensselaer
Frank Tomasczewski

etc. etc. etc....

Here's some data on YOU little man Ball:

11 years ago, while posting under this current nym, Rudy Canoza, we had a
discussion about a revised marketing claim concerning grass-fed beef from
USDA. You claimed that you had written to and received a reply from
William T.
Sessions, Associate Deputy Administrator, Livestock and Seed Program. Here
below is the post you wrote using the nym Rudy Canoza containing your
correspondence with William Sessions.

[start- Jon to me]
Eat shit and bark at the moon, Dreck - the proposed
standard has NOT been adopted. I wrote to William
Sessions, the associate deputy administrator (how's
that for a title) at the Livestock and Seed Program at
USDA that is in charge of writing the standard for the
"meat marketing claims"; his name, title and e-mail
address are at a web page whose URL I gave yesterday,

Here's his reply:

From: "Sessions, William" <***@usda.gov>
To: <jonball@[...]>
Mr. Ball: Thanks for your message. The marketing claim
standards are still under review by USDA. Accordingly, the
standards have not been published in a final form for use. I
hope this information is helpful.
Please let me know if further information is needed.
William T. Sessions
Associate Deputy Administrator
Livestock and Seed Program

-----Original Message-----
From: jonball@[...]
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2005 11:38 AM
To: Sessions, William
Subject: 2003 proposed standards for meat marketing claims

I have read about the proposed standards, and I've seen
many of the public comments sent to USDA. I cannot find
anything to indicate if the standards were adopted.
Were the standards as proposed in 2003 adopted?

Thanks in advance.
Jonathan Ball
Pasadena, CA
Jonathan Ball aka Rudy Canoza 08 Sep 2005 http://bit.ly/2cYknsh

Jonathan Ball. Pasadena, CA. Priceless! That email, posted from Jonathan
you, and the return email sent to Jonathan Ball proves beyond all doubt that
you are Jonathan Ball. Of course, you don't live in Pasadena since moving to
5327 Shepard Ave Sacramento, CA 95819-1731

Here's the proof Jonathan D Ball http://bit.ly/1LFy9t8
and I won't die soon.
Yeah you will. You're an old man who hasn't looked after himself. I wouldn't
go around goading people if I was as small and as puny as you are, liar Jon.
You ought to be very careful.
You certainly have no means to hasten my death.
Are you really serious, weed? you're just over 5 feet tall and 64 years old.
You'll be 65 on December 2nd. You've got to stop threatening people and
goading them to come after you. You're pathetic.
Rudy Canoza
2017-05-24 01:04:10 UTC
More impotent woofing from a do-nothing squat-to-piss fairy.
Why am I such a worthless pile of shit?
Fuck off, spammy, you illiterate impotent squat-to-piss HIV+ homo. I'm
going to kick your flabby doughy pimply ass at the Jolly Kone *again*.
Poor dumb Curt
2017-05-24 14:27:35 UTC
Post by Rudy Canoza
Fuck off
Grow some balls, you deep state SHILL!
Corba Mite
2017-05-24 14:25:02 UTC
A journalistic medium produces what is known as "expository prose".
One property of this type of writing is that it expresses bias; they
*all* do and always have... always will. They're not even objective
about the weather. If you listen, you hear that "the weather tomorrow
will be beautiful" or a "it will be a nice day" which are subjective
Face it: over 60% of the people don't much like Donald.
Face this, you fucked up old burnout - the lamestream media LIES, they
are an unabashed activist mouth organ.

What they produce is NOT news.

When they decided NOT to cover the Manchester bombing for well over an
hour to focus on "Russia" they told us who and what they are.


CNN and MSNBC largely ignored breaking news of a terror attack Monday
night in England for nearly an hour to rehash news about President Trump
and accusations his campaign colluded with Russia during the election.

Initial reports of explosions at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester
came in around 6 p.m. EST, and Fox News began extensive coverage of the
attack around 6:50 p.m. By then at least 20 were reported dead and
hundreds wounded in what was quickly becoming a clear instance of a
major terror attack.

CNN’s Erin Burnett and MSNBC’s Chris Matthews were obviously eager to
dive into the Washington Post report at the top of the 7:00 hour, and
their segments were literally torn between that news and news of people
getting blown up at the concert. WaPo reported that Trump asked two top
U.S. intelligence officials to publicly deny the existence of any
evidence his campaign colluded with Russia.

CNN and MSNBC briefly cut to news of the attacks before 7 p.m., but both
networks opted to devote the bulk of the following hour to a discussion
of news regarding the report on Trump and Russian collusion accusations.
MSNBC devoted just 26 minutes of that hour to news of the massive terror
attack. And CNN covered the attacks for just under 20 minutes.

And YOU are a total piece of shit.

Now fuck off and eat some lead.
mr. natural
2017-05-24 14:34:19 UTC
You're not tough, and neither is gummer. gummer is not going to try
anything. Bet on that.
Cupcake, if you ain't man enough to accept the challenge you'll never know
will you.
It's easy to talk tough and then run away when challenged.
You have to remember, little man Ball is a _really little man_ as we all

Anyone over 5'9" is a GIANT to him, LOL!
mr. natural
2017-05-24 14:36:43 UTC
Hey Hopalong, where do you live? We can settle this anytime you'd like.
Hey, little faggot bitch: do you*YOU* want to end up in prison like
gummer, or maybe even worse? Keep it up.
Hey, you're a pest species, no license, no bag limit.
You sure talk tough and then run away. Go ahead report me, ya douchebag.
Then I'll find out who you are. A man has a right to know who his accuser
Cuz I sure would like to meet up with you sometime and teach you some
Remember when Rudey was all over Sheila Jackson and threatening to apply
a shovel to her head?

He's tough...when it's a woman on the receiving end...

The gutless little man.
mr. natural
2017-05-24 14:37:32 UTC
More impotent woofing from a do-nothing squat-to-piss fairy.
Not so much impotent, you just won't tell me where to come to administer
the beating you so richly deserve you clueless clot.
Room for an audience perhaps?
andy memory
2017-05-24 18:43:08 UTC
Ha ha ha ha ha!
Why are you posting as:

Bil Flett
Brett Cahill
Gunner Asch
Preston Hamblin
Jeffrey Van Rensselaer
Frank Tomasczewski

etc. etc. etc....

Here's some data on YOU little man Ball:

11 years ago, while posting under this current nym, Rudy Canoza, we had a
discussion about a revised marketing claim concerning grass-fed beef from
USDA. You claimed that you had written to and received a reply from
William T.
Sessions, Associate Deputy Administrator, Livestock and Seed Program. Here
below is the post you wrote using the nym Rudy Canoza containing your
correspondence with William Sessions.

[start- Jon to me]
Eat shit and bark at the moon, Dreck - the proposed
standard has NOT been adopted. I wrote to William
Sessions, the associate deputy administrator (how's
that for a title) at the Livestock and Seed Program at
USDA that is in charge of writing the standard for the
"meat marketing claims"; his name, title and e-mail
address are at a web page whose URL I gave yesterday,

Here's his reply:

From: "Sessions, William" <***@usda.gov>
To: <jonball@[...]>
Mr. Ball: Thanks for your message. The marketing claim
standards are still under review by USDA. Accordingly, the
standards have not been published in a final form for use. I
hope this information is helpful.
Please let me know if further information is needed.
William T. Sessions
Associate Deputy Administrator
Livestock and Seed Program

-----Original Message-----
From: jonball@[...]
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2005 11:38 AM
To: Sessions, William
Subject: 2003 proposed standards for meat marketing claims

I have read about the proposed standards, and I've seen
many of the public comments sent to USDA. I cannot find
anything to indicate if the standards were adopted.
Were the standards as proposed in 2003 adopted?

Thanks in advance.
Jonathan Ball
Pasadena, CA
Jonathan Ball aka Rudy Canoza 08 Sep 2005 http://bit.ly/2cYknsh

Jonathan Ball. Pasadena, CA. Priceless! That email, posted from Jonathan
you, and the return email sent to Jonathan Ball proves beyond all doubt that
you are Jonathan Ball. Of course, you don't live in Pasadena since moving to
5327 Shepard Ave Sacramento, CA 95819-1731

Here's the proof Jonathan D Ball http://bit.ly/1LFy9t8
and I won't die soon.
Yeah you will. You're an old man who hasn't looked after himself. I wouldn't
go around goading people if I was as small and as puny as you are, liar Jon.
You ought to be very careful.
You certainly have no means to hasten my death.
Are you really serious, weed? you're just over 5 feet tall and 64 years old.
You'll be 65 on December 2nd. You've got to stop threatening people and
goading them to come after you. You're pathetic.
andy memory
2017-05-24 18:44:00 UTC
Cuz I sure would like to meet up with you sometime and teach you some
Keep it up, "cupcake". You *are* going to end up in prison
Why are you posting as:

Bil Flett
Brett Cahill
Gunner Asch
Preston Hamblin
Jeffrey Van Rensselaer
Frank Tomasczewski

etc. etc. etc....

Here's some data on YOU little man Ball:

11 years ago, while posting under this current nym, Rudy Canoza, we had a
discussion about a revised marketing claim concerning grass-fed beef from
USDA. You claimed that you had written to and received a reply from
William T.
Sessions, Associate Deputy Administrator, Livestock and Seed Program. Here
below is the post you wrote using the nym Rudy Canoza containing your
correspondence with William Sessions.

[start- Jon to me]
Eat shit and bark at the moon, Dreck - the proposed
standard has NOT been adopted. I wrote to William
Sessions, the associate deputy administrator (how's
that for a title) at the Livestock and Seed Program at
USDA that is in charge of writing the standard for the
"meat marketing claims"; his name, title and e-mail
address are at a web page whose URL I gave yesterday,

Here's his reply:

From: "Sessions, William" <***@usda.gov>
To: <jonball@[...]>
Mr. Ball: Thanks for your message. The marketing claim
standards are still under review by USDA. Accordingly, the
standards have not been published in a final form for use. I
hope this information is helpful.
Please let me know if further information is needed.
William T. Sessions
Associate Deputy Administrator
Livestock and Seed Program

-----Original Message-----
From: jonball@[...]
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2005 11:38 AM
To: Sessions, William
Subject: 2003 proposed standards for meat marketing claims

I have read about the proposed standards, and I've seen
many of the public comments sent to USDA. I cannot find
anything to indicate if the standards were adopted.
Were the standards as proposed in 2003 adopted?

Thanks in advance.
Jonathan Ball
Pasadena, CA
Jonathan Ball aka Rudy Canoza 08 Sep 2005 http://bit.ly/2cYknsh

Jonathan Ball. Pasadena, CA. Priceless! That email, posted from Jonathan
you, and the return email sent to Jonathan Ball proves beyond all doubt that
you are Jonathan Ball. Of course, you don't live in Pasadena since moving to
5327 Shepard Ave Sacramento, CA 95819-1731

Here's the proof Jonathan D Ball http://bit.ly/1LFy9t8
and I won't die soon.
Yeah you will. You're an old man who hasn't looked after himself. I wouldn't
go around goading people if I was as small and as puny as you are, liar Jon.
You ought to be very careful.
You certainly have no means to hasten my death.
Are you really serious, weed? you're just over 5 feet tall and 64 years old.
You'll be 65 on December 2nd. You've got to stop threatening people and
goading them to come after you. You're pathetic.
andy memory
2017-05-24 18:44:47 UTC
You wouldn't do anything even if you got an engraved invitation.
Why are you posting as:

Bil Flett
Brett Cahill
Gunner Asch
Preston Hamblin
Jeffrey Van Rensselaer
Frank Tomasczewski

etc. etc. etc....

Here's some data on YOU little man Ball:

11 years ago, while posting under this current nym, Rudy Canoza, we had a
discussion about a revised marketing claim concerning grass-fed beef from
USDA. You claimed that you had written to and received a reply from
William T.
Sessions, Associate Deputy Administrator, Livestock and Seed Program. Here
below is the post you wrote using the nym Rudy Canoza containing your
correspondence with William Sessions.

[start- Jon to me]
Eat shit and bark at the moon, Dreck - the proposed
standard has NOT been adopted. I wrote to William
Sessions, the associate deputy administrator (how's
that for a title) at the Livestock and Seed Program at
USDA that is in charge of writing the standard for the
"meat marketing claims"; his name, title and e-mail
address are at a web page whose URL I gave yesterday,

Here's his reply:

From: "Sessions, William" <***@usda.gov>
To: <jonball@[...]>
Mr. Ball: Thanks for your message. The marketing claim
standards are still under review by USDA. Accordingly, the
standards have not been published in a final form for use. I
hope this information is helpful.
Please let me know if further information is needed.
William T. Sessions
Associate Deputy Administrator
Livestock and Seed Program

-----Original Message-----
From: jonball@[...]
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2005 11:38 AM
To: Sessions, William
Subject: 2003 proposed standards for meat marketing claims

I have read about the proposed standards, and I've seen
many of the public comments sent to USDA. I cannot find
anything to indicate if the standards were adopted.
Were the standards as proposed in 2003 adopted?

Thanks in advance.
Jonathan Ball
Pasadena, CA
Jonathan Ball aka Rudy Canoza 08 Sep 2005 http://bit.ly/2cYknsh

Jonathan Ball. Pasadena, CA. Priceless! That email, posted from Jonathan
you, and the return email sent to Jonathan Ball proves beyond all doubt that
you are Jonathan Ball. Of course, you don't live in Pasadena since moving to
5327 Shepard Ave Sacramento, CA 95819-1731

Here's the proof Jonathan D Ball http://bit.ly/1LFy9t8
and I won't die soon.
Yeah you will. You're an old man who hasn't looked after himself. I wouldn't
go around goading people if I was as small and as puny as you are, liar Jon.
You ought to be very careful.
You certainly have no means to hasten my death.
Are you really serious, weed? you're just over 5 feet tall and 64 years old.
You'll be 65 on December 2nd. You've got to stop threatening people and
goading them to come after you. You're pathetic.
andy memory
2017-05-24 18:47:19 UTC
they arrest and prosecute you, you won't know who reported you.
Is that what happened when you made all those threats to hit Sheila
Jackson in the head with a shovel, little man Ball?
Rudy Canoza
2017-05-24 18:51:33 UTC
they arrest and prosecute you, you won't know who reported you.
Is that what happened when you made all those threats to hit Sheila Jackson
<chuckle> Who?

Fuck off, spammy, you impotent squat-to-piss fairy.
andy memory
2017-05-24 20:06:13 UTC
Post by Rudy Canoza
they arrest and prosecute you, you won't know who reported you.
Is that what happened when you made all those threats to hit Sheila Jackson
<chuckle> Who?
Ya really want an instant replay on that, Jonathan?
Corba Mite
2017-05-25 14:54:42 UTC
Ha ha ha ha ha! You impotent squat-to-piss fairy.
At least I'm not a prog, name calling piece of shit that isn't man enough to
accept the challenge.
It's easy to talk tough and then run away when challenged.
Little man Ball can't respond, he's a yapping chihuahua.
Corba Mite
2017-05-25 14:55:46 UTC
Cuz I sure would like to meet up with you sometime and teach you some
Keep it up, "cupcake". You*are* going to end up in prison like that
shitbag Wieber...or maybe even worse off.
You impotent squat-to-piss fairy.
Go ahead, report me. I would love to put a bullet in your forehead while
you cry and beg for your life.
You ridiculous, name calling, digital douchebag.
May I watch...PLEASE!!!!
Corba Mite
2017-05-25 14:56:44 UTC
Not so much impotent,
Yeah, you're impotent, little fairy. You wouldn't do anything even if
you got an engraved invitation. Now fuck off, fairy.
Godness me. Want to find out or are you to scared?
Invite him over to the Jolly Kone, heh...he fears that!
Corba Mite
2017-05-25 14:59:23 UTC
I suggest you wise up and stop.
Go ahead shit bag, report me. Otherwose ypu rotting corpse will be next to
I've been threathened by much nore beleiveable humans and nothing has come of
Nothing I've posted comes anywhere near an actionable threat. Especially
since you yellow cowards won't man up and meet my challenge. All you do is
demonstrate what progressive vermin you are trying to censor someone you
disagree with.
Some day soon we will rid our nation of vermin like you.
Any time now, PLEASE!
Corba Mite
2017-05-25 15:00:10 UTC
Toodles fuckstick.
Corba Mite
2017-05-25 15:03:11 UTC
Ha ha ha ha ha! You impotent squat-to-piss fairy.
At least I'm not a prog
I'm not a progressive.
You're NOTHING of any consequence, little man Ball.
It's easy to talk tough and then run away when challenged.
There has been no challenge.
Meet me at the Jolly Kone, you absurd flabby queer.

I'll rearrange your fugly face, big time.

You game, yapper?
Corba Mite
2017-05-25 15:05:14 UTC
You impotent squat-to-piss fairy.
Go ahead, report me. I would love to put a bullet in your forehead while
you cry and beg for your life.
Not going to happen. It's not going to happen because you don't have
what it takes, pussy.
A bullet?

Oh I wager he has more than one.

Remember how you threatened ot hit Sheila Jackson in the head with a shovel?

All I'd use on you is my bare fists, you impotent flabby queer.
Corba Mite
2017-05-25 15:06:22 UTC
Yeah, you're impotent, little fairy. You wouldn't do anything even if
you got an engraved invitation. Now fuck off, fairy.
Godness me. Want to find out or are you to scared?
Not scared. I know you.
I know you too little man Ball, your time is nigh.
Corba Mite
2017-05-25 15:07:11 UTC
I suggest you wise up and stop.
Go ahead shit bag, report me. Otherwose ypu rotting corpse will be
next to
Corba Mite
2017-05-25 15:08:17 UTC
Keep it up, "cupcake". You *are* going to end up in prison like that
shitbag Wieber...or maybe even worse off.
You impotent squat-to-piss fairy.
Toodles fuckstick.
Okay, fairy. Take care, little flea dick.
You need to have your face mashed in, little man Ball.

Met me at the Jolly Kone, you gutless flabby queer!
Poor dumb Curt
2017-05-26 04:11:29 UTC
On Sun, 21 May 2017 12:33:02 +1000, "Alex W."
Re: "Harvard Study Reveals Huge Extent of Anti-Trump
"28 Sexist Donald Trump Quotes About Women - 28 Times
Trump Insulted Women" - Cosmopolitan Magazine
ult s-women/
Trump generates negative coverage because he wants it.
Good call. Why does he want it?
He is a populist.
Populism absolutely requires enemies. It defines itself by
conflict between Us and Them, between The People and The
the "elites" always being defined as whoever happens to
with the populist politician's policies and pronouncements.
Trump without enemies would be impotent Trump.
Impotent? If he were impotent...he wouldnt have so many
trying to fuck him over.
You toads on the Left are running scared. And you should be.
yrs of ever increasing Socialism..just hit a brick wall in
January..and now the demolition crews are bringing in their
hammers to start the tear down.
You poor bastards...you had it good..but you didnt know
when to
the line. Now its been made clear to you..that the People
more than enough of your shit. And its coming home to roost.
Let the killings/imprisonings of the Left.... begin!!
Not going to happen, you leaking sack of shit. No "cull", no
no "hanging from lampposts" - none of that, you nutless
squat-to-piss little troll.
Whatever helps you sleep cupcake. I would pay to see you talk
that to his face. Then I'd help him dispose of the corpse.
I'd pay to watch Hopalong laugh his ass of when he reads what you
Yeah, I did get quite a chuckle out of it. They're all pussies.
Hey Hopalong, where do you live? We can settle this anytime you'd
Hey, little faggot bitch: do you *YOU* want to end up in prison
gummer, or maybe even worse? Keep it up.
Hey, you're a pest species, no license, no bag limit.
You sure talk tough and then run away. Go ahead report me, ya
Then I'll find out who you are. A man has a right to know who his
Cuz I sure would like to meet up with you sometime and teach you some
Keep it up, "cupcake". You *are* going to end up in prison like that
shitbag Wieber...or maybe even worse off.
You impotent squat-to-piss fairy.
Go ahead, report me. I would love to put a bullet in your forehead
you cry and beg for your life.
Not going to happen. It's not going to happen because you don't have
what it takes, pussy.
I again offer you a chance to find out. I live in Northern Virginia. Are
you within easy driving distance?
Yes, but no deal. I can't be bothered, pussy.
Liar, you are in Suckramento, CAa.

11 years ago, while posting under this current nym, Rudy Canoza, we had a
discussion about a revised marketing claim concerning grass-fed beef from
USDA. You claimed that you had written to and received a reply from
William T.
Sessions, Associate Deputy Administrator, Livestock and Seed Program. Here
below is the post you wrote using the nym Rudy Canoza containing your
correspondence with William Sessions.

[start- Jon to me]
Eat shit and bark at the moon, Dreck - the proposed
standard has NOT been adopted. I wrote to William
Sessions, the associate deputy administrator (how's
that for a title) at the Livestock and Seed Program at
USDA that is in charge of writing the standard for the
"meat marketing claims"; his name, title and e-mail
address are at a web page whose URL I gave yesterday,

Here's his reply:

From: "Sessions, William" <***@usda.gov>
To: <jonball@[...]>
Mr. Ball: Thanks for your message. The marketing claim
standards are still under review by USDA. Accordingly, the
standards have not been published in a final form for use. I
hope this information is helpful.
Please let me know if further information is needed.
William T. Sessions
Associate Deputy Administrator
Livestock and Seed Program

-----Original Message-----
From: jonball@[...]
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2005 11:38 AM
To: Sessions, William
Subject: 2003 proposed standards for meat marketing claims

I have read about the proposed standards, and I've seen
many of the public comments sent to USDA. I cannot find
anything to indicate if the standards were adopted.
Were the standards as proposed in 2003 adopted?

Thanks in advance.
Jonathan Ball
Pasadena, CA
Jonathan Ball aka Rudy Canoza 08 Sep 2005 http://bit.ly/2cYknsh

Jonathan Ball. Pasadena, CA. Priceless! That email, posted from Jonathan
you, and the return email sent to Jonathan Ball proves beyond all doubt that
you are Jonathan Ball. Of course, you don't live in Pasadena since moving to
5327 Shepard Ave Sacramento, CA 95819-1731

Here's the proof Jonathan D Ball http://bit.ly/1LFy9t8
and I won't die soon.
Yeah you will. You're an old man who hasn't looked after himself. I wouldn't
go around goading people if I was as small and as puny as you are, liar Jon.
You ought to be very careful.
You certainly have no means to hasten my death.
Are you really serious, weed? you're just over 5 feet tall and 64 years old.
You'll be 65 on December 2nd. You've got to stop threatening people and
goading them to come after you. You're pathetic.
Poor dumb Curt
2017-05-26 04:14:20 UTC
The conceit of the prog.
Not a progressive, pussy. I know you.
Liar, you live in Suckramento, Ca:

11 years ago, while posting under this current nym, Rudy Canoza, we had a
discussion about a revised marketing claim concerning grass-fed beef from
USDA. You claimed that you had written to and received a reply from
William T.
Sessions, Associate Deputy Administrator, Livestock and Seed Program. Here
below is the post you wrote using the nym Rudy Canoza containing your
correspondence with William Sessions.

[start- Jon to me]
Eat shit and bark at the moon, Dreck - the proposed
standard has NOT been adopted. I wrote to William
Sessions, the associate deputy administrator (how's
that for a title) at the Livestock and Seed Program at
USDA that is in charge of writing the standard for the
"meat marketing claims"; his name, title and e-mail
address are at a web page whose URL I gave yesterday,

Here's his reply:

From: "Sessions, William" <***@usda.gov>
To: <jonball@[...]>
Mr. Ball: Thanks for your message. The marketing claim
standards are still under review by USDA. Accordingly, the
standards have not been published in a final form for use. I
hope this information is helpful.
Please let me know if further information is needed.
William T. Sessions
Associate Deputy Administrator
Livestock and Seed Program

-----Original Message-----
From: jonball@[...]
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2005 11:38 AM
To: Sessions, William
Subject: 2003 proposed standards for meat marketing claims

I have read about the proposed standards, and I've seen
many of the public comments sent to USDA. I cannot find
anything to indicate if the standards were adopted.
Were the standards as proposed in 2003 adopted?

Thanks in advance.
Jonathan Ball
Pasadena, CA
Jonathan Ball aka Rudy Canoza 08 Sep 2005 http://bit.ly/2cYknsh

Jonathan Ball. Pasadena, CA. Priceless! That email, posted from Jonathan
you, and the return email sent to Jonathan Ball proves beyond all doubt that
you are Jonathan Ball. Of course, you don't live in Pasadena since moving to
5327 Shepard Ave Sacramento, CA 95819-1731

Here's the proof Jonathan D Ball http://bit.ly/1LFy9t8
and I won't die soon.
Yeah you will. You're an old man who hasn't looked after himself. I wouldn't
go around goading people if I was as small and as puny as you are, liar Jon.
You ought to be very careful.
You certainly have no means to hasten my death.
Are you really serious, weed? you're just over 5 feet tall and 64 years old.
You'll be 65 on December 2nd. You've got to stop threatening people and
goading them to come after you. You're pathetic.
Poor dumb Curt
2017-05-26 15:35:34 UTC
I again offer you a chance to find out. I live in Northern Virginia.
you within easy driving distance?
Yes, but no deal. I can't be bothered, pussy.
Really? Cuz from where I'm sitting you're a loud mouthed coward.
<yawn> That's nice. From where I'm sitting,

From: Rudy Canoza <***@ph.con>

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.8)

X-Accept-Language: en-us, en

MIME-Version: 1.0

Newsgroups: alt.animals.ethics.vegetarian

Subject: Dreck's stupid and untenable lie about grass-fed beef

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Lines: 48

Message-ID: <nMYTe.8821$***@newsread2.news.atl.earthlink.net>

Date: Thu, 08 Sep 2005 15:28:19 GMT


X-Complaints-To: ***@earthlink.net

X-Trace: newsread2.news.atl.earthlink.net 1126193299 (Thu,
08 Sep 2005 08:28:19 PDT)

NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 08 Sep 2005 08:28:19 PDT

Organization: EarthLink Inc. -- http://www.EarthLink.net

Xref: g2news1.google.com alt.animals.ethics.vegetarian:13929

Eat shit and bark at the moon, Dreck - the proposed
standard has NOT been adopted. I wrote to William
Sessions, the associate deputy administrator (how's
that for a title) at the Livestock and Seed Program at
USDA that is in charge of writing the standard for the
"meat marketing claims"; his name, title and e-mail
address are at a web page whose URL I gave yesterday,

Here's his reply:

From: "Sessions, William" <***@usda.gov>
To: <jonball@[...]>

Mr. Ball: Thanks for your message. The marketing claim
standards are
still under review by USDA. Accordingly, the standards
have not been
published in a final form for use. I hope this
information is helpful.
Please let me know if further information is needed.

William T. Sessions
Associate Deputy Administrator
Livestock and Seed Program

-----Original Message-----
From: jonball@[...]
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2005 11:38 AM
To: Sessions, William
Subject: 2003 proposed standards for meat marketing claims

I have read about the proposed standards, and I've seen
many of the
public comments sent to USDA. I cannot find anything
to indicate if the
standards were adopted.

Were the standards as proposed in 2003 adopted?

Thanks in advance.

Jonathan Ball
Pasadena, CA
Poor dumb Curt
2017-05-26 16:01:12 UTC
a progressive pussy


From: Rudy Canoza <***@ph.con>

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.8)

X-Accept-Language: en-us, en

MIME-Version: 1.0

Newsgroups: alt.animals.ethics.vegetarian

Subject: Dreck's stupid and untenable lie about grass-fed beef

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Lines: 48

Message-ID: <nMYTe.8821$***@newsread2.news.atl.earthlink.net>

Date: Thu, 08 Sep 2005 15:28:19 GMT


X-Complaints-To: ***@earthlink.net

X-Trace: newsread2.news.atl.earthlink.net 1126193299 (Thu,
08 Sep 2005 08:28:19 PDT)

NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 08 Sep 2005 08:28:19 PDT

Organization: EarthLink Inc. -- http://www.EarthLink.net

Xref: g2news1.google.com alt.animals.ethics.vegetarian:13929

Eat shit and bark at the moon, Dreck - the proposed
standard has NOT been adopted. I wrote to William
Sessions, the associate deputy administrator (how's
that for a title) at the Livestock and Seed Program at
USDA that is in charge of writing the standard for the
"meat marketing claims"; his name, title and e-mail
address are at a web page whose URL I gave yesterday,

Here's his reply:

From: "Sessions, William" <***@usda.gov>
To: <jonball@[...]>

Mr. Ball: Thanks for your message. The marketing claim
standards are
still under review by USDA. Accordingly, the standards
have not been
published in a final form for use. I hope this
information is helpful.
Please let me know if further information is needed.

William T. Sessions
Associate Deputy Administrator
Livestock and Seed Program

-----Original Message-----
From: jonball@[...]
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2005 11:38 AM
To: Sessions, William
Subject: 2003 proposed standards for meat marketing claims

I have read about the proposed standards, and I've seen
many of the
public comments sent to USDA. I cannot find anything
to indicate if the
standards were adopted.

Were the standards as proposed in 2003 adopted?

Thanks in advance.

Jonathan Ball
Pasadena, CA
