the Pythagorean & Leibnizian Illuminati
(too old to reply)
Hermes Trismegistus
2012-09-13 01:59:07 UTC
The Illuminati are writing articles about Illumination, one of which I
will paraphrase below, at the following sites.

http://armageddonconspiracy.co.uk/ (the title is the name of a fiction
book, but the site is philosophical)

Due to plagiarism, further articles are published as ebooks at the
following sites.

http://www.smashwords.com/books/search?query=%22mike+hockney%22 (DRM-free)

The Illuminati is an ancient secret society that seeks to bring about a
New World Order based on the principle that everyone has it within them
to literally become God.

The ten most influential Grand Masters of the Illuminati are: King
Solomon the Apostate, Pythagoras, Heraclitus, Empedocles, Simon Magus,
Hypatia, Leibniz, Weishaupt, Goethe and Hegel. If these figures are not
of interest to you then it would be pointless for you to venture any
further into this post.

The aim, as it has always been, is to overthrow the network of elite,
dynastic families of wealth and privilege that we refer to as the "Old
World Order" who have run this world since the dawn of civilization, to
their maximum advantage and to the extreme detriment of the people.

The Illuminati is a radical and indeed revolutionary organization that
seeks nothing less than to assist the ordinary men and women of the
human race to ascend to the next stage of humanity's divine evolution.
The Illuminati describe this higher level as the "Community of Gods" or
the "Society of the Divine."

It's time to end the reign of the false prophets, the fake gods and the
tawdry idols that we call "celebrities". We're sick of the bankers and
traders, the lawyers and accountants, the politicians and their "special
advisers", the lobbyists and spin doctors, the agents and gatekeepers,
the CEOs and chairmen, the advertisers and marketing men. We're sick of
all the same faces of the "top" people and their relentless tricks and
tactics to keep enriching themselves at the people's expense. We're sick
of the government's "Freedumb and Dumbocracy" that cons people into
voting for the rich and the apologists for the rich, and we're sick of
the Abrahamic religions that keep billions of people on their knees as
slaves to a tyrant masquerading as God.

You know that humanity is capable of so much more. Isn't it time to
bring about real change? Isn't it time to seize your divine inheritance?

The Illuminati are the messengers of the True God.
Our sacred mission is to bring humanity into full union with the True
God so that there is no longer any distinction between the human race
and the divine essence.
The Order is able to show how this can be achieved using Einstein's
theories of special and general relativity, and quantum mechanics. It's
time for humanity to open its eyes and see the divine light for the
first time.
Our religion is called Illumination.
They have emerged from the shadows to cast the light of Abraxas, the
True God, on this benighted world; to bring Illumination - enlightenment
- to everyone.

They welcome radical atheists, skeptics, agnostics, gnostics and
freethinkers. They do not welcome Abrahamists, Karmists, bland liberals,
crazy anarcho-capitalist libertarians, right wingers, Randroids
(followers of Ayn Rand) and any negative, sniping armchair critics and
pontificating, puffed up "know-it-alls" (in their own grand estimation
of themselves).

They are not a debating society. They are seeking those who wish to
advance a radical, meritocratic agenda based on a new Enlightenment, not
those who wish to debate our stance. The first Enlightenment failed for
the vast majority of people. Had it succeeded, the world would now be
free of all monarchs, aristocrats, super rich dynastic families and the
catastrophic and backward slave religions of Judaism, Christianity and
Islam. The second Enlightenment must establish the rule of reason over
this benighted world of ours. The Illuminati are more than happy to make
common cause with all atheists, agnostics and skeptics. All rational
people on this Earth must put aside their differences and unite to
defeat the common enemy of ignorance, superstition, greed and
selfishness, exemplified most especially in the Abrahamic religions. The
Illuminati repudiate all hysterical, fabricated conspiracy theories by
professional conspiracy gurus who make a living out of duping and
frightening gullible people with the uttermost nonsense. The New World
Order must be an enlightened, rational meritocracy where the world's
most intelligent and talented people are leading the world forward to
new, clear horizons. They particularly welcome all of the following
Myers-Briggs personality types: INTJ, INTP, ISTP, INFP, and their
extravert counterparts - assuming these extraverts are on the side of
reason and merit and opposed to irrationality and privilege. (The Old
World Order is primarily an extravert phenomenon.)

======================================= MODERATOR'S COMMENT:
Caveat emptor. -Baird
Dirk Bruere at NeoPax
2012-09-14 23:29:31 UTC
Post by Hermes Trismegistus
The Illuminati are writing articles about Illumination, one of which I
will paraphrase below, at the following sites.
http://armageddonconspiracy.co.uk/ (the title is the name of a fiction
book, but the site is philosophical)
Due to plagiarism, further articles are published as ebooks at the
following sites.
http://www.smashwords.com/books/search?query=%22mike+hockney%22 (DRM-free)
The Illuminati is an ancient secret society that seeks to bring about a
New World Order based on the principle that everyone has it within them
to literally become God.
The ten most influential Grand Masters of the Illuminati are: King
Solomon the Apostate, Pythagoras, Heraclitus, Empedocles, Simon Magus,
Hypatia, Leibniz, Weishaupt, Goethe and Hegel. If these figures are not
of interest to you then it would be pointless for you to venture any
further into this post.
The aim, as it has always been, is to overthrow the network of elite,
dynastic families of wealth and privilege that we refer to as the "Old
World Order" who have run this world since the dawn of civilization, to
their maximum advantage and to the extreme detriment of the people.
The Illuminati is a radical and indeed revolutionary organization that
seeks nothing less than to assist the ordinary men and women of the
human race to ascend to the next stage of humanity's divine evolution.
The Illuminati describe this higher level as the "Community of Gods" or
the "Society of the Divine."
It's time to end the reign of the false prophets, the fake gods and the
tawdry idols that we call "celebrities". We're sick of the bankers and
traders, the lawyers and accountants, the politicians and their "special
advisers", the lobbyists and spin doctors, the agents and gatekeepers,
the CEOs and chairmen, the advertisers and marketing men. We're sick of
all the same faces of the "top" people and their relentless tricks and
tactics to keep enriching themselves at the people's expense. We're sick
of the government's "Freedumb and Dumbocracy" that cons people into
voting for the rich and the apologists for the rich, and we're sick of
the Abrahamic religions that keep billions of people on their knees as
slaves to a tyrant masquerading as God.
You know that humanity is capable of so much more. Isn't it time to
bring about real change? Isn't it time to seize your divine inheritance?
The Illuminati are the messengers of the True God.
Our sacred mission is to bring humanity into full union with the True
God so that there is no longer any distinction between the human race
and the divine essence.
The Order is able to show how this can be achieved using Einstein's
theories of special and general relativity, and quantum mechanics. It's
time for humanity to open its eyes and see the divine light for the
first time.
Our religion is called Illumination.
They have emerged from the shadows to cast the light of Abraxas, the
True God, on this benighted world; to bring Illumination - enlightenment
- to everyone.
They welcome radical atheists, skeptics, agnostics, gnostics and
freethinkers. They do not welcome Abrahamists, Karmists, bland liberals,
crazy anarcho-capitalist libertarians, right wingers, Randroids
(followers of Ayn Rand) and any negative, sniping armchair critics and
pontificating, puffed up "know-it-alls" (in their own grand estimation
of themselves).
They are not a debating society. They are seeking those who wish to
advance a radical, meritocratic agenda based on a new Enlightenment, not
those who wish to debate our stance. The first Enlightenment failed for
the vast majority of people. Had it succeeded, the world would now be
free of all monarchs, aristocrats, super rich dynastic families and the
catastrophic and backward slave religions of Judaism, Christianity and
Islam. The second Enlightenment must establish the rule of reason over
this benighted world of ours. The Illuminati are more than happy to make
common cause with all atheists, agnostics and skeptics. All rational
people on this Earth must put aside their differences and unite to
defeat the common enemy of ignorance, superstition, greed and
selfishness, exemplified most especially in the Abrahamic religions. The
Illuminati repudiate all hysterical, fabricated conspiracy theories by
professional conspiracy gurus who make a living out of duping and
frightening gullible people with the uttermost nonsense. The New World
Order must be an enlightened, rational meritocracy where the world's
most intelligent and talented people are leading the world forward to
new, clear horizons. They particularly welcome all of the following
Myers-Briggs personality types: INTJ, INTP, ISTP, INFP, and their
extravert counterparts - assuming these extraverts are on the side of
reason and merit and opposed to irrationality and privilege. (The Old
World Order is primarily an extravert phenomenon.)
Caveat emptor. -Baird
It's now called Zero State:


Full Spectrum Praxis : ZERO STATE : http://zerostate.net
2012-10-04 01:34:21 UTC
Post by Hermes Trismegistus
The Illuminati are writing articles about Illumination, one of which I
will paraphrase below, at the following sites.
http://armageddonconspiracy.co.uk/ (the title is the name of a fiction
book, but the site is philosophical)
[rest snipped]

Referring to the armageddonconspiracy.co.uk website:
I don't think that this Robbespierre character is a good role model for
the future mankind. Why should anybody believe that atheists are better
people than theists? You should better believe in some meaningful values
to strengthen your soul otherwise you easily become prey to all sorts of
pernicious influences that corrupt your ego. Most people don't
believe in an inner world and their extroverted mind becomes
easily corrupted. The only value they see in this world is amassing
riches and enlarging their worldly power. All these people don't
have a noble soul and are weak creatures. Above all they are liars.
Presently we all live in a world that is the end result of a very uncaring
and ignorant ego. That is why this world is not a place worth living for and
why many people dream of a better world.

Hermes Trismegistus
2012-10-05 03:59:17 UTC
Post by D.Schlenk
I don't think that this Robbespierre character is a good role model for
the future mankind. Why should anybody believe that atheists are better
people than theists? You should better believe in some meaningful values
to strengthen your soul otherwise you easily become prey to all sorts of
pernicious influences that corrupt your ego. Most people don't
believe in an inner world and their extroverted mind becomes
easily corrupted. The only value they see in this world is amassing
riches and enlarging their worldly power. All these people don't
have a noble soul and are weak creatures. Above all they are liars.
Presently we all live in a world that is the end result of a very uncaring
and ignorant ego. That is why this world is not a place worth living for and
why many people dream of a better world.
The Illuminati do not believe in a creator, but we are theists in a
different way and think there is an 'inner world.' We do not claim to be
perfect or that none of us makes mistakes. No one should believe
anything, but it is ok, and arguably good, to 'believe in' something,
i.e. to have values. The Illuminati have values, such as equal
opportunity, positive liberty, and we seek knowldege and enlightenment,
not riches and power. If someone is knowledgeable, they should be able
to be rich enough, but it is harmful to be excessively rich, and
illumination/enlightenment is all about self-empowerment, not worldly
power. Enlightenment involves developing self-control and knowledge to
the extent that you become 'divine:' our theism is about attaining
'autotheism.' We are not against a moderate amount of religion/mythology
as long as it does not contradict rationalism; we are against religions
based on superstition and ideas such as converting/ruling/killing
everyone else. Illumination involves a small amount of mythology of the
former type--even what is usually called 'Paganism/Heathenism' in the
West, including Gnosticism, etc.--as an alternative, and possibly for
ideas in social science such as psychology, and for fun, but
mythos/mythology takes a second place to logos/reason.

The Illuminati often discuss things like the mind/soul, virtue,
introversion, improving the world for everyone. Why not read the rest of
the front page of The Armageddon Conspiracy (AC), or the spiritual
articles there, or
, or http://www.facebook.com/Path.Of.Illumination/info?ref=ts , or some
of 'The God Series' ebooks to see if there is something else there that
might interest you? These writers have written over 2000000, almost
3000000 words.

It is the selfish, corrupt super-rich and their worldly power that is
one of the main problems facing humanity. Their control is 'the old
world order,' and interestingly, as you say certain extroverts easily
become corrupted, etc., and the old world order is largely extroverted,
clearly not of noble souls, and full of people who lie to sustain
corruption, and is sustaining a world with an uncaring social order. The
world is a place worth living for--though for over 2/3 of people (the
amount in poverty) it is largely not--but it is important to dream of a
better world--we need change; I mean, change will not happen with
pessimism and inactivity, and people should strive to be the best they
can and to improve the world. We must make a world in which society
takes the circumstances/personality/needs, ability/talent/ideas of
everyone into account for the full benefit and opportunity of everyone.

People have different ideas on how to do this, and I am not arguing for
socialism/Communism, but moderate/centrist economics of 'social
capitalism' in which the state still helps anyone to the greatest extent
reasonable. This has been described as a Platonic-type republic, which
Plato actually called 'aristocracy' before the term became warped and is
now called 'true republic' or 'meritocracy,' and now would also involve
ideas from Rousseau and whoever implements a true republic. The
Meritocratic Manifesto at AC explains details, but I will say a bit. It
would first of all, give the everyone the opportunity for as much free
education as they need, and encourage that they get at least 10000 hours
(equivalent to 12 to 13 years and then either a long vocational or
bachelors degree, or longer vocational-related one or masters or maybe
even PhD; I would have to do the math again.) It would also have 100%
inheritance tax in order to support that and other essential government
programs and those supporting positive liberty, but because of the
education, people who became educated, particularly in difficult fields,
and people with other talent and creative thinking, and basically
everyone educated, would have the opportunity to excel and make a
reasonable amount of money, regardless of what their parents have/had.
The poor would have the same opportunity as the rich to learn and
achieve, and there would be no dynastic rich who contribute nothing to,
and in fact inhibit, civilization. It is not a merit to be rich--it is a
merit to learn, work, and improve civilization. Everyone would have the
potential to start at the same point but would not be restricted to
remain there.

The AC writers have taken ideas out of most different political end
economic systems. The writers of the site I mentioned have described the
synthesis mostly as 'social capitalism' and (republic-based)
'meritocracy,' so I would call it social capitalist meritocratic
republicanism, but lately the AC writers call it meritocratic democracy
after a commentor's suggestion. We do not require people agree on
everything; dialectic is important. Personally, I prefer Platonic
republicanism; Plato explained the problems with democracy. In any
meritocracy, only people educated in a subject area would be able to
vote on anything involving that. The Illuminati are against anarchic
free-market capitalism, and classist & racist fascism/Nazism, and
socialism, Communism, which are also classist, but the Illuminati are
leftist radicals--socially, but moderate economically, I take. it seems.
They are for egalitarian 'social capitalism' and have given examples of
how people could live in commune or collective type ways not forced by
the state, but supported by it. I think they want a state that is
socially, scientifically, philosophically, even militarily strong, with
a strong central government, but not one that wants to oppress people,
or start wars for no reason. AC even said it should be sort of like a
new version of national socialism without the racism and classism. I was
skeptical, but it seems that this is actually what some people call
'third positionism,' i,e. moderate economics, and I think AC is right
that you can have this without all the negative aspects in earlier
versions of it. It is actually anarchic capitalists that want the
private 'market' to control everything who are the insane right-wing
extremists. The 'social classes' in a Platonic republic are only for
division of labour and are not meant to be economic classes, which are
meant to be restricted from becoming extreme.

You seemed to have political objections, so I wrote three paragraphs on
political Illumination, but I am only new to this to the extent that I
do not officially speak for the Illuminati. Do not take what I say
seriously, but if any of my explanation sounded good, or if you are
interested that they also write philosophical & spiritual articles with
pagan ideas, it might be worth reading. They also write a lot of
science, social science, mathematics. Maths is the core of our 'religion.'

I will reply to one more of your political comments and that will be all
for now. You say Robespierre was not a good role model, but without him,
the French revolution would not have succeeded, and France would still
be under a monarchy/autocracy like the UK and perhaps some other places
basically are. Most French people today are glad that they had a
revolution against that and now have a republic. Change does not always
happen perfectly or in a way that everyone likes, because some people
resist, but it is important to improve the world for everyone. If the
old world order wants the resources and labour of the majority of the
world to be under their control, they must be stopped.
D. Schlenk
2012-10-06 01:39:01 UTC
Post by Hermes Trismegistus
Post by D.Schlenk
I don't think that this Robbespierre character is a good role model for
the future mankind. Why should anybody believe that atheists are better
people than theists? You should better believe in some meaningful values
to strengthen your soul otherwise you easily become prey to all sorts of
pernicious influences that corrupt your ego. Most people don't
believe in an inner world and their extroverted mind becomes
easily corrupted. The only value they see in this world is amassing
riches and enlarging their worldly power. All these people don't
have a noble soul and are weak creatures. Above all they are liars.
Presently we all live in a world that is the end result of a very uncaring
and ignorant ego. That is why this world is not a place worth living for and
why many people dream of a better world.
The Illuminati do not believe in a creator, but we are theists in a
different way and think there is an 'inner world.' We do not claim to be
perfect or that none of us makes mistakes. No one should believe
anything, but it is ok, and arguably good, to 'believe in' something,
i.e. to have values. The Illuminati have values, such as equal
opportunity, positive liberty, and we seek knowldege and enlightenment,
not riches and power. If someone is knowledgeable, they should be able
to be rich enough, but it is harmful to be excessively rich, and
illumination/enlightenment is all about self-empowerment, not worldly
power. Enlightenment involves developing self-control and knowledge to
the extent that you become 'divine:' our theism is about attaining
'autotheism.' We are not against a moderate amount of religion/mythology
as long as it does not contradict rationalism; we are against religions
based on superstition and ideas such as converting/ruling/killing
everyone else. Illumination involves a small amount of mythology of the
former type--even what is usually called 'Paganism/Heathenism' in the
West, including Gnosticism, etc.--as an alternative, and possibly for
ideas in social science such as psychology, and for fun, but
mythos/mythology takes a second place to logos/reason.
The Illuminati often discuss things like the mind/soul, virtue,
introversion, improving the world for everyone. Why not read the rest of
the front page of The Armageddon Conspiracy (AC), or the spiritual
articles there, or
, or http://www.facebook.com/Path.Of.Illumination/info?ref=ts , or some
of 'The God Series' ebooks to see if there is something else there that
might interest you? These writers have written over 2000000, almost
3000000 words.
It is the selfish, corrupt super-rich and their worldly power that is
one of the main problems facing humanity. Their control is 'the old
world order,' and interestingly, as you say certain extroverts easily
become corrupted, etc., and the old world order is largely extroverted,
clearly not of noble souls, and full of people who lie to sustain
corruption, and is sustaining a world with an uncaring social order. The
world is a place worth living for--though for over 2/3 of people (the
amount in poverty) it is largely not--but it is important to dream of a
better world--we need change; I mean, change will not happen with
pessimism and inactivity, and people should strive to be the best they
can and to improve the world. We must make a world in which society
takes the circumstances/personality/needs, ability/talent/ideas of
everyone into account for the full benefit and opportunity of everyone.
The world is a place worth living for, but only for those that are not
enslaved. In the Middle Ages people were enslaved by the feudal
system, today the slaveholders are the intellectual elite, the technocrats,
the global corporations in close cooperation with the global banking
system. Those people don't want to share what they have gained
in power, in influence. They do not even want to intermarry because
they believe their blood and their genes are superior.

These people already think they are illuminated, but as we all know
they are not.

They will be the ones that don't see any reason to change. But they
are on top of the social pyramid. They control the mass media, the
educational system, the political system - their agenda is to destroy
the Christian religion and nationalism. There is almost nothing that
they are not in control of. They want to play god, but they don't
want the rest of the world to have such power. In order to
prevent the people from self-actualization, they keep them busy
with lots of problems that have to do with survival.
Post by Hermes Trismegistus
People have different ideas on how to do this, and I am not arguing for
socialism/Communism, but moderate/centrist economics of 'social
capitalism' in which the state still helps anyone to the greatest extent
reasonable. This has been described as a Platonic-type republic, which
Plato actually called 'aristocracy' before the term became warped and is
now called 'true republic' or 'meritocracy,' and now would also involve
ideas from Rousseau and whoever implements a true republic. The
Meritocratic Manifesto at AC explains details, but I will say a bit. It
would first of all, give the everyone the opportunity for as much free
education as they need, and encourage that they get at least 10000 hours
(equivalent to 12 to 13 years and then either a long vocational or
bachelors degree, or longer vocational-related one or masters or maybe
even PhD; I would have to do the math again.) It would also have 100%
inheritance tax in order to support that and other essential government
programs and those supporting positive liberty, but because of the
education, people who became educated, particularly in difficult fields,
and people with other talent and creative thinking, and basically
everyone educated, would have the opportunity to excel and make a
reasonable amount of money, regardless of what their parents have/had.
The poor would have the same opportunity as the rich to learn and
achieve, and there would be no dynastic rich who contribute nothing to,
and in fact inhibit, civilization. It is not a merit to be rich--it is a
merit to learn, work, and improve civilization. Everyone would have the
potential to start at the same point but would not be restricted to
remain there.
Well in order to achieve all the above, there must be a lot of good will
from both sides - from those that have all the knowledge and all the
money and from those that have to work for a living. The above
change could best be effected in countries where not only the wealthy
ones have a say in politics. You need a government that is not corrupt.
The politicians should not live in an ivory tower as is the case in many
western democracies. Politicians should be more effective and there
should be less red tape. I am not in favor of monstrosities like the
European Union (also called EudSSR) because the European
nations don't speak the same language und because they have very
different mentalities. Although there have been many wars between
some economically strong nations in Europe I don't like the idea
of egalitarianism, because people are different, but on the material
side all people should at least have an income worthy of a human
Post by Hermes Trismegistus
The AC writers have taken ideas out of most different political end
economic systems. The writers of the site I mentioned have described the
synthesis mostly as 'social capitalism' and (republic-based)
'meritocracy,' so I would call it social capitalist meritocratic
republicanism, but lately the AC writers call it meritocratic democracy
after a commentor's suggestion. We do not require people agree on
everything; dialectic is important. Personally, I prefer Platonic
republicanism; Plato explained the problems with democracy. In any
meritocracy, only people educated in a subject area would be able to
vote on anything involving that. The Illuminati are against anarchic
free-market capitalism, and classist & racist fascism/Nazism, and
socialism, Communism, which are also classist, but the Illuminati are
leftist radicals--socially, but moderate economically, I take. it seems.
They are for egalitarian 'social capitalism' and have given examples of
how people could live in commune or collective type ways not forced by
the state, but supported by it. I think they want a state that is
socially, scientifically, philosophically, even militarily strong, with
a strong central government, but not one that wants to oppress people,
or start wars for no reason. AC even said it should be sort of like a
new version of national socialism without the racism and classism. I was
skeptical, but it seems that this is actually what some people call
'third positionism,' i,e. moderate economics, and I think AC is right
that you can have this without all the negative aspects in earlier
versions of it. It is actually anarchic capitalists that want the
private 'market' to control everything who are the insane right-wing
extremists. The 'social classes' in a Platonic republic are only for
division of labour and are not meant to be economic classes, which are
meant to be restricted from becoming extreme.
This all sounds very good to the human ear, and in order to achieve
all this many obstacles have to be overcome. Changes that lead to
more and more poverty of the masses as can be seen in the USA
and in Europe are certainly the wrong approach.
Post by Hermes Trismegistus
You seemed to have political objections, so I wrote three paragraphs on
political Illumination, but I am only new to this to the extent that I
do not officially speak for the Illuminati. Do not take what I say
seriously, but if any of my explanation sounded good, or if you are
interested that they also write philosophical & spiritual articles with
pagan ideas, it might be worth reading. They also write a lot of
science, social science, mathematics. Maths is the core of our 'religion.'
It's definitely worth reading. You should always have a picture in
mind of how things could be better. Changes like for example better
insulation in housing that the EU have in mind, are certainly justified,
but they should also keep in mind that not all people have the
necessary funds available and that quite a number of them have to
incur debts.
Post by Hermes Trismegistus
I will reply to one more of your political comments and that will be all
for now. You say Robespierre was not a good role model, but without him,
the French revolution would not have succeeded, and France would still
be under a monarchy/autocracy like the UK and perhaps some other places
basically are. Most French people today are glad that they had a
revolution against that and now have a republic. Change does not always
happen perfectly or in a way that everyone likes, because some people
resist, but it is important to improve the world for everyone. If the
old world order wants the resources and labour of the majority of the
world to be under their control, they must be stopped.
Yes, if there are to be improvements, then all people should profit.
I'm not in favor of elitism, because all people are brothers. There
should be more good will and less racism between the different
ethnicities. The USA should better stop waging the wars the
Zionists have in mind. As long as the Zionists regard the
rest of the world as their personal enemy and as long as the
Illuminati support regimes that are dominated by the Zionists,
I don't see any chance of humankind evolving toward higher
consciousness. Those higher-ups must first evolve toward
more charity, and this must come from their heart. Then and
only then those at the bottom of the social pyramid will follow


--- news://freenews.netfront.net/ - complaints: ***@netfront.net ---
Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
2012-10-16 17:12:07 UTC
Post by D.Schlenk
I don't think that this Robbespierre character is a good role model for
the future mankind. Why should anybody believe that atheists are better
people than theists?
Good Question, why is it OK, for Atheists to attack People of Faith?
They scream about Christian's, while they are the ones "Starting the Fights!
Their Jesus, is a Replacement for GOD, their Idea was done before!
This is the 6th Age of Man!
The Donn, gave Man to the World!
Hyperion led a War for Man!
Why is Atheism Protect from Assault Charges, which Are No Different than any
Junya Harpo
2015-06-22 16:42:23 UTC
Post by Hermes Trismegistus
The Illuminati are writing articles about Illumination, one of which I
will paraphrase below, at the following sites.
http://armageddonconspiracy.co.uk/ (the title is the name of a fiction
book, but the site is philosophical)
Due to plagiarism, further articles are published as ebooks at the
following sites.
http://www.smashwords.com/books/search?query=%22mike+hockney%22 (DRM-free)
The Illuminati is an ancient secret society that seeks to bring about a
New World Order based on the principle that everyone has it within them
to literally become God.
The ten most influential Grand Masters of the Illuminati are: King
Solomon the Apostate, Pythagoras, Heraclitus, Empedocles, Simon Magus,
Hypatia, Leibniz, Weishaupt, Goethe and Hegel. If these figures are not
of interest to you then it would be pointless for you to venture any
further into this post.
The aim, as it has always been, is to overthrow the network of elite,
dynastic families of wealth and privilege that we refer to as the "Old
World Order" who have run this world since the dawn of civilization, to
their maximum advantage and to the extreme detriment of the people.
The Illuminati is a radical and indeed revolutionary organization that
seeks nothing less than to assist the ordinary men and women of the
human race to ascend to the next stage of humanity's divine evolution.
The Illuminati describe this higher level as the "Community of Gods" or
the "Society of the Divine."
It's time to end the reign of the false prophets, the fake gods and the
tawdry idols that we call "celebrities". We're sick of the bankers and
traders, the lawyers and accountants, the politicians and their "special
advisers", the lobbyists and spin doctors, the agents and gatekeepers,
the CEOs and chairmen, the advertisers and marketing men. We're sick of
all the same faces of the "top" people and their relentless tricks and
tactics to keep enriching themselves at the people's expense. We're sick
of the government's "Freedumb and Dumbocracy" that cons people into
voting for the rich and the apologists for the rich, and we're sick of
the Abrahamic religions that keep billions of people on their knees as
slaves to a tyrant masquerading as God.
You know that humanity is capable of so much more. Isn't it time to
bring about real change? Isn't it time to seize your divine inheritance?
The Illuminati are the messengers of the True God.
Our sacred mission is to bring humanity into full union with the True
God so that there is no longer any distinction between the human race
and the divine essence.
The Order is able to show how this can be achieved using Einstein's
theories of special and general relativity, and quantum mechanics. It's
time for humanity to open its eyes and see the divine light for the
first time.
Our religion is called Illumination.
They have emerged from the shadows to cast the light of Abraxas, the
True God, on this benighted world; to bring Illumination - enlightenment
- to everyone.
They welcome radical atheists, skeptics, agnostics, gnostics and
freethinkers. They do not welcome Abrahamists, Karmists, bland liberals,
crazy anarcho-capitalist libertarians, right wingers, Randroids
(followers of Ayn Rand) and any negative, sniping armchair critics and
pontificating, puffed up "know-it-alls" (in their own grand estimation
of themselves).
They are not a debating society. They are seeking those who wish to
advance a radical, meritocratic agenda based on a new Enlightenment, not
those who wish to debate our stance. The first Enlightenment failed for
the vast majority of people. Had it succeeded, the world would now be
free of all monarchs, aristocrats, super rich dynastic families and the
catastrophic and backward slave religions of Judaism, Christianity and
Islam. The second Enlightenment must establish the rule of reason over
this benighted world of ours. The Illuminati are more than happy to make
common cause with all atheists, agnostics and skeptics. All rational
people on this Earth must put aside their differences and unite to
defeat the common enemy of ignorance, superstition, greed and
selfishness, exemplified most especially in the Abrahamic religions. The
Illuminati repudiate all hysterical, fabricated conspiracy theories by
professional conspiracy gurus who make a living out of duping and
frightening gullible people with the uttermost nonsense. The New World
Order must be an enlightened, rational meritocracy where the world's
most intelligent and talented people are leading the world forward to
new, clear horizons. They particularly welcome all of the following
Myers-Briggs personality types: INTJ, INTP, ISTP, INFP, and their
extravert counterparts - assuming these extraverts are on the side of
reason and merit and opposed to irrationality and privilege. (The Old
World Order is primarily an extravert phenomenon.)
Caveat emptor. -Baird
More than 47 years ago I became aware of events that seemed to flow through the reactions of my emotions. As I wondered why, my only reasoning was that I had acknowledged the existence of other possible communicating dimensions
Hermes Trismegistus
2015-06-28 00:03:21 UTC
I added a few links and removed one, to update, and then am replying to
Junya's question below.
Post by Junya Harpo
Post by Hermes Trismegistus
The Illuminati are writing articles about Illumination, one of which I
will paraphrase below, at the following site.
http://armageddonconspiracy.co.uk/ (the title is the name of a fiction
book, but the site is philosophical)
Due to plagiarism, further articles are published as ebooks at the
following sites.
http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/diogenes01 (DRM-free)
http://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/catalinus01 (DRM-free)
http://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/pythagoras01 (DRM-free)
http://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/tetraktys36 (DRM-free)
http://www.amazon.com/Mike-Hockney/e/B004KHR7DC (advanced 'God Series')
The Illuminati is an ancient secret society that seeks to bring about a
New World Order based on the principle that everyone has it within them
to literally become God.
<continued text removed for shortness, but can be discussed later>
More than 47 years ago I became aware of events that seemed to flow
through the reactions of my emotions. As I wondered why, my only
reasoning was that I had acknowledged the existence of other possible
communicating dimensions
That is not what an Illuminatus (singular--'Illuminati' is plural) is
except with maybe one exception (below). Illumination is focused on
human thinking/reasoning/logic/mathematics, not so much emotions and
certainly not getting information from unknown spiritual sources. Even
a child good at math likely knows more than some source speaking through
mediumship/channelling that we have no idea whom they really are--may be
partly imagined, or an entity taking advantage of the situation to
deceive people... I even know of people claiming to 'channel' deceased
relatives whom they then think have superior knowledge than any
incarnate genius, just for being in spiritual existence, when 99% or so
of these discarnate (same with incarnate) people are not as educated as
a philosophical/spiritual mathematician, and may be ignorant about many
other things, and are likely in a dreamlike state... so, channelling is
considered unreliable and usuaully even worthless/misleading.

That being said, Illumination considers intuition as important as (but
secondary to) thinking, and the idea of 'channelling your higher self'
is similar to the idea of using intuition--as long as it actually is
your higher self, and that you know what you are doing instead of going
into an unconscious state to just 'channel' what you think is your
'higher self' but may not be... i.e. one has to have gnosis of higher
self, not just say one will 'channel' it then tune in to just anything.
Intuition can still be rather difficult/imperfect/unreliable.

In the site articles, and 'God Series', if I recall, intuition is
described as a right-brain hemisphere thing, which in the days when
people were 'bicameral' (similar to insanity/psychosis), they would
listen to thoughts from their right-brain, and it was as if they were
listening to 'gods'/etc... but indeed, using intuition in a similar
but more conscious/rational way can be a way to access or 'think'
(the articles/ebooks call intuition 'super-reasoning') about advanced
