(too old to reply)
2010-05-18 06:11:33 UTC
Black and white are social, political constructs only. This is why the
egocentrics can't define 'black' or 'white' in scientific terms. Many also
conflate geography with skin color and then equate 'African' as synonymous
with 'black' but hypocritically don't realize the genetic diversity of the
They don't understand convergent evolution, genotype, phenotype or even
natural selection, drift and neutral theory. Similar Phenotypes don't
necessarily mean similar genotypes. For example, many Somalis, Eritreans,
Ethiopians cluster genetically with North Africans and Eurasians more so
than to most West/Southern Africans. This is why they hate the genetic
studies and do everything in their power to discredit them so they can
further their political agenda. Sorry, but science is not politically
2010-08-25 02:11:23 UTC
Post by PtahHotep
Black and white are social, political constructs only. This is why the
egocentrics can't define 'black' or 'white' in scientific terms. Many also
conflate geography with skin color and then equate 'African' as synonymous
with 'black' but hypocritically don't realize the genetic diversity of the
They don't understand convergent evolution, genotype, phenotype or even
natural selection, drift and neutral theory. Similar Phenotypes don't
necessarily mean similar genotypes. For example, many Somalis, Eritreans,
Ethiopians cluster genetically with North Africans and Eurasians more so
than to most West/Southern Africans. This is why they hate the genetic
studies and do everything in their power to discredit them so they can
further their political agenda. Sorry, but science is not politically
Aren't they Hamitic people, different from Negro?
Barry Gray
2010-08-25 07:17:27 UTC
Post by PtahHotep
Black and white are social, political constructs only. This is why the
egocentrics can't define 'black' or 'white' in scientific terms.
I opened this by mistake because I do not normally open anything from
people who shout.

In the 1960s Brent Council (in London England) did try to define black
(but in politically correct rather than scientific terms).
Unfortunately after they had done so they (or rather other people)
realised their definition of black included Irish people and Jews.

I apologise if I have snipped badly or made wrong attributions but I
came in part-way through this thread.
Barry Gray
A child is a fire to be lit not a vessel to be filled
2010-08-26 12:54:35 UTC
Post by Geopelia
Aren't they Hamitic people, different from Negro?
Hamitic the son of Noah, means swarthy or burnt
as if to designate black genetics before the Flood.
However, his sons are not all swarthy nor burnt
nor negro nor black. Canaan his son is not, and
Cush his son is. The city of Kish was founded in
2270 BC which is 100 years after the global Flood.

[a fall of a global 40-foot water vapor canopy from
50 miles up when asteroid impact dust brought it down
on all the earth, and the impact caused the Moho
(Mohorovicic Discontinuity) to fracture to a depth of 1 mile
creating a magma tsunami out to under ocean plates
and returning back under the land] ,

Eber lived in the city of Kish where both Kish (Cush)
and he had their sons Narmer (Nimrod) and Mesanipada
(Peleg). Narmer too was black; blacker than his father Kish.
At 30 on the 360-day calendar new year of Nov 18 in 2240 BC
upon the rise of Damuzi (Mars) he founded Babel just 5km
west of the city Kish.
Argument insued with Peleg Mesanipada over the orbit
of the sun as a day or a year so that Peleg founded Ur
in the distant south the next year 2239 BC.
The Greeks are wrong, this is not 180 leap days
of 720 years after the Flood 2958 BC.
The 180 days are the year 2233 BC which at age 36 in a 360-day
calendar lack 180 epagum days in Noah's year 739. so that Noah's year
740 in 2232 BC lack 185 epagum days in 37 years and thus not 185 leap
days mistaken as Peleg's death in year 740 after Flood
(Greek 2958-2218 BC;
NeoBabylon 2947-2207 BC
Roman-Chinese 2953-2213 BC).
Rome uses the 2233 BC as year 720 egyptian years.
When NeoBabylon uses 2207 BC as 740 they are using the
kingship of Reu Aanipada 1460 years before 747 BC as Peleg's death,
but 2207 BC is Serug's birth to Reu when Reu Aanipada became king.
Kingship lasted 177 years until Peleg Mesanipada's death, and Reu's
supposed kingship is his longevity beyond that to the 9th year of
UrNammu in 2000 BC. His actual kingship ended in 2127 BC as a 243-year
Julian cycle of Venus return since 2370 BC.

Thus we find that Kish or CUSH continues down around the coast of
Saudi Arabia and also across
into Ethiopia bringing to question whether Cush traveled up the Nile
to Ethiopia or across the strait. The point is Cush is not just
Ethiopia, it is Arabia, and spred from Kish outside the city Babylon
having been founded 30 years before Babel.

This should answer how Negro the Cushites are.
In fact do not forget that the Israelites foudn fault with Moses that
he had to flee Egypt (No Israelite woman nor Jew wanted to marry his
situation in the government), and he married the daughter of Jethro a
Cushite. They found fault she was not fo Israel, and worse she was a
Cushite. And this is why they said look Jehovah was with all of us
thru the Red Sea, not just this Moses. Jehovah saved us, Moses didnt.
And this meant they knew Jehovah more than Moses did. But Moses
gathered them on a cracked valley plaqin below the erupting mountain
and asked how many are against Jehovah having chosen Moses. The more
the better, the weight would collapse these stupid defiants unaware of
the ground they stand on. Keep coming, how many more are against me as
the one who knows Jehovah. Keep coming because Jehovah will answer
you, he will reply to this. We don't have enough against me yet, so
keep gathering on this valley plain.
Was Moses incorrect predicting they would die from this atitude? They
werfe all buried.
On this day i tell you that jehovah has given me all history back to
Noah and Adam that evolution has never accounted for. All the kings
who are not in the Bible he has given me, and no church has bothered
to seek Jehovah in this way. So now as Elijah I condemn you all, and I
tell you I have been chosen to unveil the bride of Christ. WHO WILL
I am Moses gathering on the valley plain because you all defy
jehovah's choice in this matter.
2010-10-03 12:14:29 UTC
Post by Elijahovah
Post by Geopelia
Aren't they Hamitic people, different from Negro?
Hamitic the son of Noah, means swarthy or burnt
The Bible is not facts, but mythology. Ancient
Egyptians spans from northen Sudan in the South
to North Africans in the west and middle easterns
in the east. So they are a mix of the three.
